nigmos · 4 months
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i still know how to sim
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medleymisty · 6 days
25 and 23 for ask game!
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
Errr, neither, I guess? Since the spousal person and I got so much into Korean TV shows I have picked up a few face washes and masks on our trips to the Asian grocery store, but I haven't started using any whole body things as of yet.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
I miss it. It's a vague memory of actually deep snow when I was a kid, deep enough to make a big mound of it that I would then slide down on my skates. It's seeing the long sleeves shirts in my closet that I haven't worn in years and knowing I'll probably never wear them again. It's the two coats that have been on the back of my computer chair for years, and maybe only taken off the chair and put on a couple of times.
It's beautiful and good and I love it and I miss it so much, but it's never coming back.
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meliesims · 7 months
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It's Willow and Weston's birthday again, and it's even more chaotic than last time, as now they have guests.
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thebramblewood · 5 months
🎄: Which one of your OC’s is the most likely to go over the top decorating for the holidays?
Yay, I love this one! 🥰
From my story, it would definitely be Helena's mom Rose. She's one of those type A PTA moms who would absolutely be in unspoken competition with all the other moms in Copperdale for who's got the most over-the-top decorations. From my legacy, I think it would be Rav because she's very crafty. She would conscript her kids into whipping up homemade decorations while she knits ugly Christmas sweaters for the entire family.
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cantseemtohide · 6 months
wishing you happy holidays!! i hope you have a great rest of the year and next year!!
Thank you so much and happy holidays to you too!
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simleech · 12 hours
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Cléia aime sa femme, les cactus, les voitures mais surtout, sa tranquillité ! Il savait bien que la vie serait bercée de petits tracas par ci, par là... Mais sa belle-sœur est un sacré nid à problèmes!
Et Guillemette ne voyant pas de bébé arrivé, passe son temps à s'occuper de la vie de sa sœur, Olivia. Et y a de quoi faire, avec son probable troisième mariage? Tous les décès autour d'elles depuis leur enfance travaillent Guillemette... Beaucoup pense qu'Olivia est maudite, mais elle, elle a eu le droit d'avoir un enfant... Ne serait-ce pas finalement Guillemette qui porte malheur à ses proches? Devrait-elle abandonner ses projets de bébés et plutôt se concentrer sur une grande carrière ?
Est ce que je loupe un jeu de mot en fr avec leur nom de famille? Cléia - Guillemette - Ophélie Dainottan... Daigne autant? jsp 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
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citylighten · 8 months
11 and 12!
11. A genre you just can’t stand
Okay so I really had to think about my answer to 11! I feel like I'm pretty much okay with every (common) genre, but how I feel about a movie depends on how it's directed. Like recently, I tried to watch the movie Shame thinking maybe I could get some good Pietro inspiration from it. The film's got 79% on rotten tomatoes, Steve McQueen is the director and I liked Widows and 12 Years A Slave. But I found that the movie was way too quiet and too introspective. That, complete with this nearly 5 minute scene...
Had me like, "yeah I can't complete this. I just cant." Great visuals though.
12. Subtitles or no subtitles? I ALWAYS use subtitles! I feel like I can't hear without them lmao
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nanamail · 3 months
your screenshots are so soft and pretty!!
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thank you so much lovely, i love seeing ur sims on my tl too!!! they r so gorg
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bastardtrait · 10 months
u are not a piece of shit! u are a lovely beacon of love and kindness!!!
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This is how this got me bc u didn’t even allow me a SECOND to kick myself ❤️ this is why you are the best ❤️ thank u 😭😔
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bug-farm · 11 months
love your screenshots and blog so much!!
that makes me so happy!! thank you <3
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lilamausmaus · 4 months
love your sims 2 recreations !!! 💗
thank you so much!!! 💜 love your username (:
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minty-plumbob · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🕊️🤍
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@idyllicephemera @nigmos @leafbatraccoon
AAA thank you!! I love your blogs so much!!! — ☆ I hope you all have a wonderful day! 💕💕💕
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medleymisty · 6 months
happy birthday!! i hope you have the most wonderful day today!! you’re a great person and i’m happy that we met!! 💗💗💗💗🎂🎉🎉🎉
Oh my gosh thank you!!! Same back to you, awesome human! :)
It's been a good birthday weekend! :) Friday night I had a fancy dinner with the spousal person, yesterday my mother and brother came and we spent the day with them and we saw the Christmas lights at the local speedway and had apple cider doughnuts, and today is just chilling and then cookies for dessert later.
I hope you're having a good day too!
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meliesims · 7 months
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Johnny gets a promotion and a car from work.
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angelgnome · 6 months
wishing you a happy holidays!! i hope you have a great new year:)
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 1 year
just wanna say you’re one of the sweetest people on here and you have an angelic heart 🥹 i really appreciate your kindness towards me and seeing your beautiful sims everyday! this fandom is better with you in it! glad you’re here! 🌺
this literally made my entire evening and i'm on the brink of tears as sick as i am rn literally thank you so much for being an absolute heavenly being and making this hellsite shine 90000x brighter than it would without you. i typically view myself as a cynical, negative individual with a lot of awful things to say so to hear such beautiful things coming from a beautiful person like you makes me float fr. glad to be here in the same space as you!!!!
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