#nightbringer lesson 17
Lesson 17 quick thoughts (spoilers obv)
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First off, THIS. THIS WAS SO FKING CUTE HOW CAN ONE DEMON BE SO ADORABLE. Satan is in my top 3 and this whole interaction had me giggling twirling hair the works. I would HAPPILY hold hands with Satan as long as he wanted.
But then... but THEN
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"Did you get the feeling Satan was sort of mad at me?" NAAHH you only ruined a very tender moment by stumbling into it drunk and then calling him out on behavior he isn't accustomed to. Pfffttt. Ngl, I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that ruining of that moment was intentional. He 100% knew what he was doing. Sussy sorcerer.
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This happens almost immediately after and it only makes me more suspicious that Solomon is jealous. I've seen theories that suggest he altered the timeliness knowing you couldn't return to the original one so he could have you to himself. I'm not saying that's what happened I'm just saying Wise King Solomon is looking like Wise King SUS
And finally...
What is this bullshit
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Our boys are offered a pardon and can go home??? LIKE THAT ISN'T SUS AF??? Not to mention that this doesn't include Satan. They'd have to completely abandon him to do it. And they're making it so it's half impossible for them to say no??? (We already know they don't/won't but still). I feel like this is connected to the warning we got about the Celestial Realm not putting up with us for long. Maybe they're trying to limit/eliminate factors or just keep the brothers away from Nightbringer??
Either way that cliffhanger is cruel and Lesson 18 BETTER COME OUT RFQ
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 7 months
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How can I have a favorite character in this game when they keep making them so interesting X'DD I used to hate Solomon, now look at me. Absolutely obsessed with this stupid magic man
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After finally seeing the way Solomon's pact with Asmo was made, I'm thinking this man is SO lucky to be immortal. Because with how protective the brothers are over each other ( especially Lucifer ), I can perfectly imagine them getting together to go straight up murder him after Asmo tells them what happened.
It's no wonder Lucifer despises this man, his first introduction to Solomon ( in the og timeline ) was probably Asmo telling him and the brothers that he had gotten a pact with him while completely drunk and out of his mind. Or in other words, he had been manipulated into giving someone complete control over him while not even being in a state where he could give proper consent.
And going back to what Lucifer told us when Solomon first made an appearance in omswd, you can see his clear resentment towards him:
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What he's basically saying is that Solomon is the type who'll do ANYTHING to get into a pact with a demon if he has the opportunity to do so.
And remember, this is one of the dialogues you get when you give Lucifer a certain item in the PRESENT ( sure, he says "before" and we don't know how long ago it was, but it was for sure after the whole thing with Asmo ).
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( the credits to this image go to @boozye, by the way )
And that combined with his behavior when telling this story of how he met Asmo on two separate occasions, you can see he feels no remorse at all, to the point where he's laughing at Asmo's reaction to waking up and finding out he had basically signed away his freedom to a random stranger.
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And when we show disapproval over this, he basically brushes it off as: "that's the way you're usually supposed to treat demons"?? Like... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, SOLOMON???
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And the way he says this feels so icky, he's talking about demons like they're nothing but toys, something he can use and do whatever he wants with it.
And maybe I'm reaching by bringing this up, but this is literally how the devs chose to describe the way Solomon views the brothers:
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( credits to the image: @enbyobeyme )
And going back to the Lucifer thing, I wonder how he feels about Solomon being the only one who was able to follow MC into the past. Because as much as he has grown more tolerating of Solomon over the course of the game, I sure as hell wouldn't consider them friends.
This isn't a Solomon hate post by the way, I love his character and how complex he is, I've just been holding off till we got the full story from him to post this.
Also, I made a follow-up post to this, if y'all wanna check it.
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inhuman-obey-me · 11 months
Diavolo & The Loyalty Thing
Alrighty everyone, we're going to be blunt here -- if there is one character misunderstanding in this fandom that has always pissed us off (jk there are many actually), it is how people interpret Diavolo's deal with Lucifer after the war.
We know a lot of y'all don't like him because of that agreement. We know a lot of you think that Lucifer is magically bound to Diavolo's will because of it, as with a pact, and is unable to defy him. We know that many of you dislike Diavolo because you think he was taking advantage of Lucifer in that scene.
Well, the devs have made it plain time and time again and even more so in Nightbringer: that is not the case.
You are wrong, and here's why. (Or, to put it more nicely, please let us convince you otherwise.)
(spoilers including Nightbringer Lesson 17 below the cut)
Let's start by reviewing the situation from Lucifer's side:
Lucifer, a guest to the Devildom many times before in a diplomatic coordination context, has just led, and subsequently lost, a civil war in the Celestial Realm. The catalyst that pushed him to start this war was the impending punishment declared against his sister, Lilith. Seeing that sister get fatally wounded in said war, he flies down after her falling body, where both of them land in the Devildom.
Diavolo then shows up with Barbatos, presumably because they, you know, saw two war-wounded angels falling from the sky into his domain. Lucifer turns to Diavolo and starts shouting that he knows the prince has the power to save his sister -- and pleads with him to do exactly that.
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Diavolo makes a point of telling Lucifer that it may not be in the way he expects or wants, but he agrees to do it on the condition that Lucifer swears loyalty to him. Barbatos attempts to interject against the idea, to which Diavolo responds that he's aware already that this is a big risk for him. Lucifer, upon realizing that he is becoming a demon himself as a consequence of the war, agrees to Diavolo's terms.
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(OG Scene on left, Nightbringer scene on right)
Diavolo then takes Lilith before she dies and reincarnates her as a human. This then remains a secret between the three of them from that moment all the way until the events of OG Lesson 15, when Lucifer finally confesses the whole thing to his brothers in the first timeline, and then OG Lesson 16, when MC reveals it (in the second timeline).
So to recap: Lucifer started a war with Lilith's punishment as the catalyst, lost, showed up in the Devildom, and then demanded the prince of that realm save his sister from essentially the same punishment he was fighting against in the first place.
To be clear about Diavolo and Lucifer's relationship at this point, they had been communicating about diplomatic affairs, as a governmental head and a top representative respectively. They are friendly, but not close friends yet. They are not allies in this war. Diavolo is not involved at all in the Great Celestial War or the situation with Lilith. And with this rebellion, Lucifer no longer holds that diplomatic status -- in fact, as mentioned in Nightbringer Lesson 8, the brothers were essentially war criminals in the eyes of the Celestial Realm, with Lucifer as the leader.
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Moreover, Diavolo's goal as prince is that he wants to establish peace and cooperation between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm. These two realms were enemies for the vast majority of history, and although there is a nonaggression agreement between them currently, it's a tense sort of truce, not true peace.
Helping Lucifer defy the Celestial Realm is in direct opposition to that goal. Taking in the brothers at all is pretty risky in terms of that goal, as Barbatos makes clear above, but there's at least a sort of implication that it is the Demon Prince's business what to do with new demons. Interfering in the Celestial Realm's punishment of one of its angels though? Well, Asmodeus and Leviathan understand right away when they learned the truth from Lucifer back in OG Lesson 15.
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There was a very real risk of pissing off the Celestial Realm that he had to calculate against here, and it's a risk that threatens not only him but everything that matters to him most -- his realm, which is a responsibility he takes very seriously, and his goals, for peace between the realms.
And then there's Diavolo's own precarious political situation.
Though Nightbringer retcons this a bit with Diavolo's father falling into a slumber and leaving the realm to Diavolo more suddenly, the original OM actually established that Diavolo was in charge before the fall, with the Demon King going off to sleep shortly after giving the brothers' their titles. And Nightbringer has shown that his position as the de facto leader of the realm is very much in question.
The nobles of the House of Lords are very blatantly unhappy about Diavolo and his goals, especially in regards to the now-fallen angels. Really, the whole realm doesn't really approve of angels -- they've made a clear point of it in NB, and even well into OG's main story, approval ratings for the exchange program are mentioned as being better but still pretty low, with various references to demons threatening to eat the angels.
But more to the point, the House of Lords has power over Diavolo. Though he is the rightful heir to the throne in terms of birth, they are able to challenge that right, and they even choose when he will be allowed to ascend to the throne -- something which, even in the distant future of OG, they still have apparently never allowed him to do, seeing as he's still not the king even after all this time. And just between his goals for peace and his taking in the fallen angels, they already maneuvered to punish him with suddenly demanding he go through the Kingsblood Crucible to potentially prevent him from ever becoming king. And as Diavolo says, even if he passes, they could still decide against appointing him king.
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Now imagine if they found out that he risked the safety of the entire realm to help save a dying angel. If they knew that, they probably wouldn't stop at just challenging his fitness to rule.
So, to be clear, when Lucifer showed up with Lilith, yelling at Diavolo to save her? Diavolo was NOT free to just do whatever he pleases. When he said he's taking a big risk by helping Lilith, he really was. There were so many reasons why he shouldn't, and no real reason why he should -- but Lucifer was begging him to do it anyway. So, he needed something in return. Some kind of reassurance, some kind of protection in the potential consequences.
And there certainly are consequences for helping Lucifer. Even with the Lilith deal being a secret, there are consequences. We saw that already with the House of Lords' increased animosity -- as said above, he was nearly removed from power over it. And as for the Celestial Realm?
Well, that brings us to the end of Nightbringer Lesson 17, where Raphael comes bearing a message from the Celestial Realm -- or, more aptly, a threat.
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(We could go into a whole thing about why the Celestial Realm is threatening this but that's for another time)
So, here we are, at the very dangerous crossroads that Diavolo finds himself at now in Nightbringer -- the Celestial Realm coming into his domain with blatant threats of war, while the nobles of his own realm just tried to remove him from power. Threats that are being made against him over helping Lucifer and the brothers. And that's without any of them knowing about Lilith, which would only make all sides even angrier.
You know what he could really use, amidst all those threats? An ally. Someone he could depend on to have his back. Someone he could rely on to be unequivocally on his side, in that very precarious balance of powers.
So that's what he asked for -- loyalty. For all that he was putting on the line for Lucifer's request, he asked for Lucifer to stand by him in turn. What he asked was simply this: "Don't stab me in the back. Don't leave me to deal with the consequences alone. If I'm going to help you, promise me you will be there for me too."
P.S. Lucifer himself has said he agrees with Diavolo's goals. Talking with Diavolo about the peace and cooperation plan was a huge part of why he started having doubts about the Celestial Realm! He was not being asked to do anything he disagreed with; Diavolo knew Lucifer feels the same about his goals as he does. Lucifer takes the loyalty thing too far in OG Season 1, but it was never the only reason for him supporting Diavolo!
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Honesty and Mutual Feelings | Solomon X Reader | Obey Me! Nightbringer
! Trigger Warnings ! : mentions of alcohol intoxication and hangovers, spoilers to Lesson 17
Author’s Note : After reading/playing through Lesson 17, I felt the overwhelming urge to show Solomon some much deserved love which resulted in me writing this fanfic (which will be under the cut ↓↓↓).
I did use some dialogue from Lesson 17, so please keep that in mind. Also, Reader will be written as MC. Anyway.... I hope you all enjoy! •◡•
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A bar is probably the last place a person who is already under the influence should visit.
However, that’s exactly where you found yourself.
Despite your vain attempts to prevent it from happening, Solomon had insisted that he was “not drunk” and “still had it together”, successfully pulling you inside of the establishment.
Seated next to your inebriated teacher, you both were engaged in conversation as you sipped a beverage of your choosing that he had kindly ordered for you.
Solomon was surprisingly talkative, moreso than ever, which you actually found quite pleasant.
A bit of small talk regarding a few different topics eventually lead to Solomon going into detail about his very first encounter with Asmo and how he had managed to enter into a pact with the Avatar of Lust.
Unfortunately, the mood changed shortly after that. Solomon became somewhat despondent, a gloomy expression replacing his once cheerful visage.
“You keep growing closer and closer to the brothers. And with every step you take towards them, I feel you getting farther away from me…”
“Aww Solomon, have you been lonely without me?” You teased, a smile tugging at your lips which the sorcerer immediately noticed.
“What’s that smirk for, MC? Are you amused that I seem like a jealous child?” He asked glumly.
“No, not really. But you do realize I was only gone for a day, right?”
Your lighthearted answer clearly wasn’t appreciated, as a sudden wave of irritation washed over your teacher.
“Right, sure! You were gone for a day… and then you said you wouldn’t be coming home at all, because you wanted to stay and game with everyone, that’s all!”
“No, it’s not like that. I had every intention on coming back.” You quickly retorted.
“That’s not what you said when I talked to you. Though I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, right? It’s not like you prefer spending time with me instead of those brothers.” The sharpness in his voice made you unsure how to respond, not wanting to argue with the drunken man in front of you.
“I was literally on my way back to Cocytus Hall when we ran into each other before.” You tried to explain calmly but to no avail.
“And yet you were with Satan.”
“He was just making sure I got back safely.” You added which only seemed to make Solomon scowl even more.
“Oh? So I guess that requires him to hold your hand?” He spat back, catching you even more off-guard.
“Solomon… you don’t have to feel this way.”
“I don’t?” A bitter chuckle escaped from the sorcerer’s mouth. “How can I not feel this way when you’re always choosing them over me?!”
Those words caused your heart to break. Of course you cared deeply for the brothers, but Solomon was extremely important to you as well. So knowing that you had unintentionally made him feel even the tiniest bit unwanted and this upset really hit you like a ton of bricks.
“Let me ask you something. If I had to pick between them and you, who do you think I would choose?”
The tipsy sorcerer stared at you for a moment before sighing deeply, his gaze shifting downward. “You’re really asking me that now? At this point, you’re just trying to rub salt in the wound…”
“I wouldn’t choose.”
Solomon perked up a little upon hearing this, surprised by your answer.
“Or rather, I couldn’t choose. Yes, I enjoy spending time with Lucifer and his brothers. They’ve become the family I always wanted yet never had, and I will cherish them for the rest of my life. But Solomon…”
Gently placing your hand on top of his, you looked him in the eyes. “I cherish you, too. There honestly aren’t enough words to describe just how much you truly mean to me. You have helped me through countless obstacles, protected me on numerous occasions, taught me so many valuable lessons. I will never be able to repay you for everything that you have done and continue to do for me. And I am so sorry if it ever seemed like I was pushing you aside, because I never meant to make you feel that way. I would never do that to you. I love spending time with you and plan on staying by your side for as long as you’ll allow me to. So please… please know that you are irreplaceable to me and that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I promise.”
Silence filled the air between you two as the white haired man seemed to mull over your words, sighing once again after a few minutes had passed.
“Sorry, don’t get the wrong idea, MC…. I’ve just gotten so used to having you around lately, so when I find myself alone for a bit I get a little caught up in my own head… So let’s just forget tonight ever happened, okay? You’ll do that for me, right? You’ll forget about tonight?” He asked, giving you a hopeful look.
“It’s getting late. Let’s take our time on the way home… go slow.” Your chosen response caused yet another shift in Solomon’s demeanor.
“Oh no, don’t try to change the subject. I’m not going to drop this until I hear you say you’ll forget. Actually, I have half a mind to demand that you promise it in writing right now.” He proclaimed with an intense gaze.
Raising an eyebrow at the sorcerer, you struggled to keep yourself from scoffing. “Demand?”
“Maybe I should even consider having you swear an unbreakable magic oath?” He continued, brushing off your comment.
Deciding it was best to just ignore your intoxicated teacher, you slid off the barstool and headed towards the exit.
“Whoa, wait up! MC! Come on, say you’ll forget!”
On the way back home, Solomon continued pestering you with a mixture of pleas and demands, all of which earned him zero response.
Even when the fog of alcohol got the better of him and you had to help the man walk, it didn’t stop him from insisting that you “forget all about tonight” as his arm hung loosely around your shoulders and his head rested against your own.
“I think you were right… I drank too much.”
Solomon’s admission as you laid him down in his bed caused the corners of your lips to turn upwards.
“Really? You could have fooled me.” You replied sarcastically, not wasting the opportunity to tease your teacher.
“Is that any way to speak to your master?” Solomon pouted, making you laugh slightly.
“No, I guess not. Sorry. Just get some rest, okay?”
As you turned to leave, a pair of strong arms unexpectedly wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards.
“Solomon!” You squeaked in surprise as you landed beside him, your back pressed against his body while he held you in place.
That simple word was enough to make your cheeks heat up instantaneously.
“W-What?” You asked, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“I said stay. Stay here with me… you promised you would, right?”
Turning over to face your favorite sorcerer, you snaked your arms around his lower torso and nuzzled your face against his chest.
“Good morning!~”
Your cheerful greeting was met with an agonized groan.
“MC, please…. Not so loud.” Solomon whined, massaging his temples in a futile attempt to alleviate the throbbing in his head.
“Here’s some medicine. And some freshly brewed tea.”
There was no hesitation as the sorcerer popped the two pain relievers into his mouth and sipped the hot liquid.
“Oh, by the way. You need to wear your RAD uniform.”
Your statement caused the man to shoot you a questioning glance. “Okay. But why?”
“I forgot to tell you last night. Raphael is arriving today.”
After officially welcoming Raphael to the Devildom, Lord Diavolo granted everyone permission to go about their day as they pleased.
Before you were able to depart, a familiar voice called out to you.
“Hey, MC! Where ya goin’? Come on, we still gotta finish where we left off yesterday!” Mammon chimed, waving you over to where he and Leviathan were standing.
“We have to play at least a few dozen rounds of Devil Kart. They just installed new maps with so many more obstacles and terrains!” Levi added excitedly.
“MC is coming over? I’ll make sure to buy lots of snacks.” Beel smiled as he appeared beside his brothers.
In the midst of their one-sided conversation, you noticed Solomon exit the room.
“Actually... I have a few things I need to take care of today. But I’d love to spend time with all of you tomorrow.” You responded sheepishly.
“Tch. What’s so damn important that you can’t hang out with The Great Mammon today, huh?”
Instead of giving the Avatar of Greed an explanation, you hurried towards the door. “Sorry guys, see you tomorrow!”
“Oi!” was the only thing you heard as you ran out.
It didn’t take long for you to catch up with the surprised looking sorcerer.
“MC? Did something happen? I thought you’d want to spend time with the brothers.” Solomon inquired.
“Nope, everything’s fine. I told Mammon and the others that I’d hang out with them tomorrow instead.” You answered simply as you walked beside the white haired man.
“Oh? Any particular reason why?” He pressed, genuinely curious.
“Because I want to spend today with you. After all…” you trailed off for a moment before flashing a sly grin “I don’t want my hungover teacher to get lonely without me~”
Another pain-filled groan left Solomon.
“And here I thought you would let that go…” He grumbled, more to himself than anyone.
“Think again~” you replied with a giggle.
“Seriously, MC. Just forget about last night.” Solomon demanded, giving you a stern look.
“But I don’t want to.”
“Why not?” He snapped, not in the mood to deal with your playful jabs. Understandably so.
You quickly stepped in front of your teacher, forcing him to stop walking.
“Because it makes me happy knowing that I’m important to you and that you need me. And for the record... you’re extremely important to me and I need you, too.” You stated, a serious tone lacing your honest words in hopes of leaving zero room for doubt.
A look of shock was evident on the sorcerer's face as he stared at you, seemingly frozen in place for a minute.
“Well… I’m glad to hear that I can make you happy.” Solomon finally replied, shifting his gaze away from you as a crimson blush spread across his features.
You both continued on your way after you returned back to his side.
“Plus…” taking his hand in your own, you smiled at him. “I think it’s cute when you get all jealous and possessive.”
Before he could react to your comment, you leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
After a few moments, he spoke once again.
“I believe you owe me many more kisses. You know, to make up for all the teasing I’ve had to endure since last night.” Solomon smiled, earning a laugh from you.
“Well then, let’s hurry home so I can start paying off my debt.”
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Thank you for reading 💙
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messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
[Spoilers for Nightbringer]
Even as he found himself slowly falling in love with the MC, Solomon always knew to not get his hopes up. You had spent all of your time in the Devildom hanging out, bonding, and healing past trauma with the brothers. There was never a moment in public when there wasn't a demon brother or two joint at your hip.
You had to be in love with at least one of them, right? More often than not, Solomon would walk in on you holding hands with Mammon, napping with Belphegor, or standing a tad closer to Lucifer than necessary. You and the brothers had become such a tight-knit family, that he knew that it was lost cause to try and confess. He already knew what your answer would be.
At least, Solomon thought he knew until you, in the brief moment you were alone with him, reciprocated his feelings. Perhaps it was desperation or the nagging urge to feel another human's connection, but Solomon took that one act and ran with it. He obsessed over the way you had gazed at him with adoration that night.
Solomon had a chance. It was possible that you could find room in your heart to house him. Slowly, Solomon became bolder and more open about his feelings. He would invite you on dates and other outings, which you always jumped at the chance to. That made his heart flutter: something he hadn't felt in a while.
Of course, Solomon knew that he would never be able to measure up to the brothers. At the end of the day, you'd always choose them. There were a few more times than he'd like where you would cancel your dates with him, explaining that you had completely forgot you had already promised to go to a café with Leviatan or that Beelzebub had caught a cold and you needed to take care of him.
You'd always be apologetic and make it up afterward, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't sting a little. Despite that, Solomon understood that you and the brothers were a package deal, and he didn't want to get in between your happiness. But that didn't mean he couldn't try to woo you and fantasize of a day where you would truly return his feelings.
That was, until you were suddenly transported to the past, and Solomon's life turned upside down. You missed your version of the brothers terribly, often spending long nights rambling on about how Satan no longer smiled at you like he once did or how Asmodeus hadn't hugged you a single time during your morning at the House of Lamentation. It hurt Solomon to see the way you would drift off into space, silently reminiscing on the way things used to be.
But, damn, it was such a selfish thought to admit, but Solomon adored how domestic his life was with you at Cocytus Hall. He cherished the little moments where he'd call you to ask which flavor of ice cream to buy and if you needed anything else from the store. He also loved the way you would come into his study whenever he worked late at night, hand him a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and hug him from behind. Was this what it was like living with the brothers? Did they get to see you like this everyday?
Now that Solomon has had the taste of what it would be like to live with you and be by your side day and night, it had been getting harder and harder to let you go. Every time you'd shoot him a text that you'll be spending yet another night at the House of Lamentation, a dagger would pierce through his chest. Solomon knew that he should have been expecting this. You loved the brothers and would jump at any chance to spend time with them, even if they weren't the demons you knew, but the rooms in Cocytus Hall were quiet, lonely, and dark. He couldn't stand sleeping there without you to keep him company.
Solomon wanted you so, so badly, but he had to be complacent in being the side character in your life, no matter how much it hurt.
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impish-ivy · 11 months
Lucifer’s biggest fear, above losing his family, is one day when he’ll die and wake up back in the celestial realm. It’s his biggest fear. And we know he’s being honest because Mammon chastises him for being too serious.
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And in NB that’s so close to happening. He and his family are literally being threaten with war and violence if they don’t come back. To the place that they were unhappy, the place that killed their sister for the crime of being in love with a human.
Lucifer’s worst fear is so close to coming to fruition.
He’s being forced to choose to retruamtize his family by forcing them back into fighting in a war or forcing them back to a place that killed their sister, threw them out and would separate them from their newest family members.
This fear is also brought up as specifically being afraid of Father in Lesson 58(?) here
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hallowxiu · 1 year
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stressing out solomon for no reason is my favorite past time
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onion-salt · 1 year
tough times for us solomon and raphael fans rn
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rashomonss · 1 year
sir you’re making it harder for me to want to go back to my present satan ( ;´ - `;)
also nightbringer lesson 17 spoilers
i was absolutely flabbergasted after what Raphael said like…damn Σ(°△° ꪱꪱꪱ)
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acaribeau · 1 year
I just love this two...
[Spoilers for Extra lesson 17]
The loyalty all of them have towards Lucifer... It's astonishing...
Beel went to tell Luci about the banshee but
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Mammon, being the second responsable for them, the closest to Lucifer, did it first. Probably even before they begun to clean the office.
And when Lucifer saw Beel in this state of constant guilt and sadness and fear...
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He just broke the record and distracted him with an old memory.
And later, he petted him and consoled him like a little puppy, repeating him over and over again that that wasn't his fault
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Beel is so devoted to Lucifer in heart and soul, and Lucifer cares for him so much💕
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"I'm not crying, you are...!" *starts incoherently sobbing in the corner*
Spoilers for lesson 17-A!!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay I finally have something to say about Lesson 17. Not because I didn't initially but man my thoughts were all over the place.
Spoilers below as always.
First: Solomon because what!
Let me begin by saying that I am not here to discuss whether or not anything that either Asmo or Solomon have done in regards to each other is "right" or not. They're fictional characters, as far as I know they've both always been morally grey, and there is more than enough discussion about this elsewhere. If someone wants to know my opinion, feel free to ask, but if that's what you're looking for, it isn't going to be in this post.
That being said!
Why is Solomon telling us this story about his pact with Asmo again? I mean, he already told us about it several lessons ago. Not only that, but he tells it differently. The first time he says he met Asmo in his hometown, but this time he says it was just some town after a festival. The stories aren't the same. So either he's just too drunk this time around and he's misremembering things or he lied to us the first time.
Either way, the fact that they have made him bring it up so much means it has to be relevant to the story in general. I mean, that's Storytelling 101. If you keep bringing something up in your story, you have to do something with it. That's Chekhov's gun, you know?
If the purpose is for us to notice that his story has changed, then maybe my theory about past!Solomon is more true than I thought? It might even just be a completely different Solomon from a different branch of time.
Because I noticed something else - Solomon is the only character whose outfit changes regularly throughout the story. (Aside from the latest one where everybody wears their RAD uniforms.)
He starts out in what they call his casual outfit - it's the sorcerer one with the cape. But then he switches to what they used to call his human world outfit - the one with the trench coat and fancy necklaces. He stays that way for several lessons, then switches back again. He switches back and forth between them one more time throughout the lessons we have. And he's wearing the human world outfit the first time he tells us about Asmo and the casual sorcerer outfit the second time when he's drunk.
This might not mean anything at all, but it just seems like we may be dealing with rotating Solomons.
ANYWAY. Every time a new lesson comes out I say I'm not going to analyze it too much because my theories always get out of control. And yet here I am doing the very thing I say I won't do!
Pfff. I can't help it, this game has taken over my brain.
It also seems a little out of character for Solomon to straight up get drunk because MC was gone for one day. Like this is the guy who spent most of his life alone and all that? Hmmm. It was pretty funny when he was hungover the next day though.
They want the brothers to go BACK?!
Listen here, I am not okay with this development. I hope they're not gearing up for a season 2 about a war in the past. I want to go back to the present already. I want to know the truth about who Nightbringer is. I want to know what the HELL is going on! I wanted all this story line to wrap up in one season! But we're already on lesson 17, I feel like we're no closer to knowing who Nightbringer is and NOW the Celestial Realm has basically declared war on the Devildom?
I mean, there's no way the bros would actually go back. Not after everything they've been through. Though I could see Lucifer trying to take on the responsibility all by himself somehow. All I know is that MC better pull out their OP abilities and fix this before the end of lesson 20, thanks.
Okay, that's all I had to say, I'm gonna get back to writing some fluffy fics now lol.
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 17 Spoilers
Drunk!Solomon who doesn't hold back :
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I honestly wanted to give him a hug right here and assure him that I'll always be in his life but unfortunately that wasn't an option TnT
But! Turns out Drunk!Solomon can dish out the teasing, yet can't take even a little bit himself lol
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Gotta admit, I like when Solomon gets all serious and demanding~ ¬‿¬
I was also curious what his reaction would be to the other option, and wow....
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Our teacher is angry with us?! o_o"
Nah, it's (mostly) just the alcohol talking lol But I can understand how/why he feels that way. Again... I want to give him a hug, pet his hair, and tell him how much I appreciate him.
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tortibomb · 1 year
I just cannot with that cliffhanger.
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