buck-nialled · 4 years
I would just like to say I read your imagines every morning and find it so relaxing. Could you write something soft with quarantine cuddling and lazy sex if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable otherwise just adjust it 😊
NOTE: kind of made this similar to my blurb titled “Pecky”. When you’re in the mood, Niall gets hungry. When he turns needy, you turn to National Geographic documentaries. 
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Babies - N. Horan Blurb
Niall’s arms were enveloped around your figure as you rested between his legs on the bed. Neither of you had become tired of the other during your isolation together, a stunning realization you had made only moments ago in your head. If anything, Niall has become noticeably needy along with yourself. But you figured once things finally turn back around and you will not have him all to yourself, you would regret not making the most of your time together. Therefore, the two of you became nearly one being upon the start of your lockdown and were never out of arm’s reach. Literally. Your fingers would always be entwined, never-ending cuddles were both given and received, and, of course, the kisses were incessant.
An intimate moment had just concluded and both of you were now basking in each other’s heat and the duvet shielding your nude bodies. You were scrolling through each of the channels the television provided, but nothing was piquing your interest. Not that you could read the descriptions of any with Niall laying kiss after kiss over the weak spots lining your neck and shoulder blades. Every few seconds he would find new spots to test them out and judge your reaction or revert to the ones he knew would make you whimper.
His delicate lips, still swollen from your activities only minutes prior connected with your bare skin and left smooching noises to fill the air. Your breathing was becoming more difficult by the second to control as you kept trying to concentrate on the television. As Niall’s lips collided with a tender spot located between your neck and jaw, you surrendered to the National Geographic special on the listings as Niall’s lips resumed their taunting with an added layer of his heavy breaths now filling your senses. You recognized the slight movement of his hips and knew it would not take long for the boy to rebuild his stamina.
“What do you say we—“ a sharp gasp leaves you before Niall could finish his proposal, and he draws his eyes up to the screen.
“Oh my God, look at it!” You squeal at the furry creature being exhibited on the screen while the narrator discusses facts about it. Your hands roam beneath the blankets to subconsciously find Niall’s hands and intertwine your fingers with him, now totally entranced with the animal before you.
“Yeah, it’s…adorable. Now, how about yo—“ Niall is interrupted yet again with a squeeze to his hands.
“Look!” You point a finger to the television, so displaying the animal curling into itself “it’s using its tail to stay warm.” You coo, lips forming a pout subconsciously. Niall let’s put a small huff, trying to fight the urge to roll his eyes. His hands leave yours and travel down to your hips once more to begin rubbing light circles in them in hopes to send his message across. That motion usually got you going whenever you and Niall were behind closed doors, but your attention had already been captured by the small, fuzzy animal being talked about on the television.
Niall pinched your hips lightly, which followed with an elated squeal coming from you. He feels victorious, but only for a few moments until he cast his eyes up yet again to find your gawking face illuminated in the dark room. “Look at the babies!” Niall grumbled and simply returned to kissing your neck, still keeping up the light massage on your sides.
“We should make some.” He mumbled. You only ignored him and resituated yourself in between Niall’s legs. It was as if you could not feel his friend about to sheath your back from how stiff it was, but Niall could feel it. And he was not letting you be sucked into some random documentary until something was done about it.
“Petal…” He had now resorted to whining, which you always found yourself caving into. “Please…let’s have one more round.” He suggests. You hum as if considering his idea but gave no further input.
You shriek in surprise as your body is lifted and twisted to be lying on your back. Niall was now hovering above you, breathing heavy and eyes darker than before. “Pay attention to me.”
Never before had you seen Niall so needy and so vicious because he was so needy. You hated to admit how it made your lust grow. His hands were now gripping your waist tightly, bound to leave fingerprints the following morning and who knows how many hickies by your next two words.
“Make me.” 
you can read more of my things HERE! 
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
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Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan story - Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/wIlInDiEJT Charlotte is independent, bold and sarcastic. Disastrous dates are plentiful, but when she meets her best friend Willie's cousin things change.
Almost 1k reads!
This is one of my favourites!
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busstop · 6 years
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FIC REC: Show Me Your Heart [A Niall Horan Story] (on Wattpad) By @stylishmuser
“Niall, in every sense of the word, is blocked. He’s got the ideas and the tunes to put them to, but he just can’t get the words out. Sonam is a writing connoisseur. Whether that’s a short press release or a 1200 word article. She’s just got a knack for words. Put together rather abruptly, the two realize they have more in common than they thought…” 🖊🎶💕
Bonus: features Original Canine Character! 🐶 PLUS Special Guest, Willie Devine!
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onedirectionrants · 8 years
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Feel The Sensation
Feel The Sensation
Niall just got back from tour walks into his flat to see his whore girlfriend get annihilated by the asshole next door, he stands in the doorway just waiting for his anger to build up to shout at her, kicks the guy's ass, or even just utter a word but the anger never come, Is it because she not anger? You know what they say you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife there’s no sense of trying. In his state of though he didn’t even see his now ex get up and beg for his forgiveness but Niall has been down this road before he has caught her before maybe that’s why he wasn’t mad he was used to her skanking around and fucking the whole building but that ended today he’s tired of being loyal why should he? So he can come home and she his girlfriend of 2 years getting her back blown out it wasn’t worth it the sex wasn’t even that good, she was  as skinny as a stick, and she so wild she could fit 4 men in there at once, It was sad and pathetic for him to stay with her and he was done she could get a way bet girl then her and everyone knew it.
                                          that’s where you come in
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Oo oo oo! Would you write a Niall imagine where he's on live and the reader goes up to him and just kisses him and he forgets he's on live and kisses her back but suddenly remembers and she gets really embarrassed? But he's not embarrassed and is glad he can show off his girlfriend so teases her? If not that's fine! Tysm :)
lol i’ve made so many live stream imagines i might just make a separate category on my masterlist for them...anyways, i hope you like this one anon!
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Tangent - N. Horan Blurb
As you walked out of the kitchen, a cup of tea occupying both of your hands, you found Niall talking nonchalantly to his camera yet again. It was a sit that never failed to make you smile. Especially now that he had branched on his path in the music industry, the interaction with fans had grown tremendously within the past few years. You noticed after each live stream you witnessed from afar how elated they made Niall afterward to talk with the people who support him unconditionally day in and day out. Each time you had somehow missed one, due to being out of the house for other affairs or attending your job, Niall always filled you in on what you missed during his chats, which usually took up anywhere from thirty minutes to more than a couple of hours.
His smile was prominent when describing how the live stream played out. He would talk about specific fans who had the honor of joining him on screen, to the occasional comment he would have to hold back laughter for, but silently applauded. And he always made sure to watch out for comments addressing your name, whether it be asking where you were that day or a simple compliment that he knows would make you smile just as wide as it made him.
Creeping up beside him, as not to disturb the flow of a tangent he had gotten on, you set down the cup of tea atop the coaster lying on the piano. You kept your cup secure in your grip and decided there would be no harm in sitting beside him while he spoke. A few sentences later, he turned to face you with an appreciative smile. Instinctively, his arm crept around your waist, to pull you closer to him and more in the camera’s frame. Your legs were touching by this point, and you weren’t afraid to say how it still made your heart flutter and give you feel similar to first-date jitters.
“Thank you, petal.” Niall murmurs, as he takes the steaming drink into his hands and takes a sip. “Takin’ such good care of me.” You flush and lean up to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Always.” You both pull away, the smiles on your lips unfading while people worldwide gushed at the scene before you. Turning back, your eyes study Niall’s phone becoming inundated with hearts and messages of love. You cleared your throat and resituated your seating position, as a cue for Niall to return to his stream. All he did, though, was let an unbridled laugh out, before pulling you close to him once again.
“This girl right here is amazing. I had the worst cold last week and she never left my side through it once…” You rolled your eyes as he began overflowing in adoration for you in front of thousands of people. But it was another tangent that you knew would leave you smiling, so you stayed red through the whole thing.
more fluffy livestream niall can be found HERE!
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
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Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan story - Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/vHUxrN0kdU Charlotte is independent, bold and sarcastic. Disastrous dates are plentiful, but when she meets her best friend Willie's cousin things change.
The excitement at this standing at 1.1k reads. Slow and steady wins the race! 😂😂😂😂
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ridingnial · 10 years
Welcome Home (R)
*Do not read if you're under age* • Coming home from work, I put my work bag down on the floor as I set my cold bottle of water down on the cherry wood table and crank the AC. It's 104 degrees out there and I'm sweating to death. I sit there staring at the water as I let out a tired sigh, thinking about how people call cats, kitty cats, and how they call bunny's, bunny rabbits... And how it's the same thing as calling humans, person people or people human. I havn't seen Niall for about 6 months because of his tour. I need him, but most of all I want him. And as you can clearly see i'm losing my mind thinking about meaningless stuff like that. I look at an article in the newspaper, "Ebola Gone Wrong" read the caption. 'Great...' All of a sudden the door opens then closes. It's just in my head, it isn't Niall. Just to boost my self confidence to 2% I look at the door just in case and there he is, standing there, duffle bag in hand. He's wearing a snapback... I love it when he wears snapbacks. I imediatley stand up so I'm in his pathway. Niall flashes me a smile as I send a bigger one back. "Only for a week." He says and my eyes go wide. "Oh my god" I drop the paper that's in my hand and launch myself towards him. I wrap my arms around him as his face is buried in my neck... I miss his hugs. He cradles my face in his hands as I kiss him hard, our tongues combine, making everything better. He drops his bag and places his hands on the arch of my back. They run down my ass as he gives it a tight squeeze. Electricity scorches through my body making me more excited than I should be. I try to tell myself that it's just a dream but it's not... It's real. Not releasing contact, he guides me towards the couch as he sits down with me straddling his lap. His warm hands run themselves up and down my bare thighs, setting my skin on fire. Niall slowly pushes up my skirt so it rests on top of my hips with every heated stroke. His soft fingers make me feel warm inside, like I just want to curl up in a ball and hide in his chest. He unbuttons my light blue blouse as he kisses the corner of my mouth, my jaw, then finds his way to my neck, leaving love bites as my blouse runs down my arms, tickling me as I let out a small shiver. His hands grab onto my breasts massaging them as I let out a moan. I eagerly reach down and grab the hem of his shirt taking it off and letting it drop to the floor. I run my hands over his muscle toned chest as his face is burried in my clevage. His hands strongly carress my thighs, sort of lifting me up with every pull. Niall sits back and watches me as I strip from my bra. His eyes turn a bright blue and he stares at me in awe. I love doing it for him. He gulps letting me know that he wants more as I begin to grind myself against him, making him moan as he grabs onto my breasts. He rubs over the sensitive area with his thumbs, making them harden under his touch. I forgot that it felt so, good. He lays me down on the couch as he simply kisses me on the chest and makes his way down my ribcage and abdomen, sending chills down my spine. My mind draws a blank as he leaves small lovebites all over my inner thighs. A movement forms below me as Niall begins to remove my underwear. I straighten my legs as the red laced fabric detangles from my feet. Niall seperates my bent legs as the air hits me, sending my back to arch more. My skin burns in pleasure and my heart flips as he dips his head down and drags his tongue up my core once before making a flicking motion over my clit. "Fuck." I moan. I look at him as my hips buck off the couch. His arms wrap around my hips as he pries me back down and continues to hold me down. I let out a loud moan. "Niall..." I say, wanting to repeat his name over and over. With his other hand he inserts his finger and pumps faster than ever before. The fingering and sucking combination is mind blowing. I begin to feel a burn in the pit of my stomach as he goes with two fingers deep, pumping faster. I moan as I grab the edge of the couch, not knowing what to do with myself. "You're so tight babe." Niall says. His words alone will send me overboard. I tangle my fingers in his hair and slightly push him down as his tongue presses down on me, moving slightly over my clit. I bite my lip almost drawing blood as my back jerks in an orgasm. I let out a small whimper from the results. He plants kisses on my stomach and chest as he kisses me again. Not wanting him to leave. I reach down and rest my hand on his growing bulge, running my hand up and down. A small moan escapes his mouth and I smile. He rests back on the couch as I kneel down and flirtasiously un-buckle his belt. He helps me take off his pants as I slowly remove the gray fabric, teasing him. I grab his cock and start to pump my hand as he sharply breaths in. He loves this. I take him in as he bites his lip. "You missed me havn't you?" I say, running my tongue up his shaft then taking him in my mouth again, this time using my hand as well. "Yes... I have." He replies between moans as he collects my hair into a ponytail so I can have easier access. "Shit." He hisses. I look up as his stomach tenses, which glistens with a thin layer of sweat. I don't stop. "What do you want to do to me?" I ask, wanting him more than anything as I swirl my tongue around his tip. He drounds in mental moans. "I want to fuck you, so hard." His thick Irish accent a little raspy. God that turns me on even more. I tug at him one last time then stand up and run my hand through my hair as he grabs me by the hips and forcefully drags me on top of him. I lean forward and he places himself at my entrance as he impatienly slides in, not taking his eyes off of me as I wince in pain that imediatley turns into pleasure. After I adjust to him he lifts me up and shoves himself into me, hard. "Fuck!" I almost scream as my breath gets caught in my throat and my body drounds itself in heat. I feel a burning sensation that spreads across my ass as he spanks me repeatedly. I rock my body back and forth grinding him as my breaths get heavier and the pleasure gets better. I begin to move myself up and down feeling him tense up. I bite my lip as Niall concentrates harder. He presses his hands into my ass with every thrust. My thighs tighten up again as he speeds up even more. "Ah, Niall, fuck... I'm gonna cum." As my thighs begin to tighten. All of a sudden he lifts me up and smothers his hand over my clit making me twitch as I reach my high. I moan into his neck as I fall into him. "Hands and knees." He says as I obey his orders. I whip my hair out of my face and arch my back. Without hesitation Niall slides in, sending small vibrations up and down my legs. He drags his hands down my back, tracing my curves. He speeds up the pace as his grip tightens on my waist and he pushes me into him harder. Moans are the only sound that comes out of our mouths. Each thrust is hard, sending it all overboard. He slams himself into me one last time and he bends down, holds my hips and kisses my back. Breathing heavily, we exchange spots as I lay down on top of him and he closes his eyes, running his hand up and down my arm comforting me. I kiss his chest. "Welcome home baby."
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onedirectionrants · 9 years
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  Niall comes home from a long day cranky, irritated and not in the mood for any bullshit he walks in your bed room and sees you in his snapback  gray sweater and sneakers you look very adorable but Niall’s so tired he can’t see it “Princess please take off my stuff ” he asks very nicely but irritated “No!” you say In a playful voice to bad he’s not in the mood to play he picks you up and puts you over his shoulder sets you on the table “YOU NEED TO STOP PLAYING WITH ME Y/N” he sticks his finger in your face so you nibble on it he gets a wooden spoon a hits you right in your tiny ass you turn around with tears in your eyes put he does not care.
“Niall, thought you’d think it was cute, I’m sorry” “I’m gonna make you sorry” he puts over his shoulder again he sits down on the couch and he unzips his zipper, puts your face down and he makes you suck his cock to relive stress “No, Niall I don’t want to” you cry but he makes you suck it anyway after 5 minutes of sucking he plugs up your nose, you can’t breathe, you yank on his strong and muscular arm, he lets go.
You still have tears in your eyes, he lifts you up and puts you on his lap he pulls off your thong and put the head of his cock in your entrance bouncing you up and down you hold onto his shoulders to keep balance after almost  an hour of bouncing up and down up and down then he stops he sits there with a straight face you there with tears still your eyes with his 15 inch cock in your vigina  than there’s pain in you “Niall” you put your head on his shoulder your fingers in his hair you bit his shoulder to get his attention “Niall!” now the pain grew twice as much “Niall!!!!” you start to cry you could not take the pain his hot liquids settled the pain a little but it was not enough “Okay you came go now”  he says calmly you jump up and run to the bathroom and cry your eyes out cause of the pain. You sit in the shower letting the hot water hit your face you cried so much you cried yourself to sleep, on the bathroom floor, naked, and wet. 
Niall stuffed his cock in his cock in his pants picks up the phone and calls Greg, his big brother, “Hey Niall” “Hey Greg guess what, I just taught my wife  lesson” “like role playing?” “No, like I forced her to do some stuff for me if you know what I mean.” “So you raped her” “what, no!” “Did she say she didn’t want to” “yeah but-” “was she crying “ “Yeah.” “You raped her.” “ Oh my god I have to talk to her, I call you back later Greg.”  “Later man”
“Babe!” Niall shouted from the outside of the door “Come on baby open up” the door unlocks and  out you come in a black lace bra with a matching thong “Hi princess” “Hi Niall” you say calmly you kiss him but was a weak one and you both knew “I love you” he says “I love you too” you say it in a very dull and weak ton “Princess I am so sorry I went too far I didn’t mean to rape I was just tired and I wasn’t-” you shut him up with a kiss, a nice long a meaningful kiss “Please don’t  leave me I love you” “I would never leave, my home is where your heart is” and with those words that lead to unpainful sex.
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Ok my inbox is now open. send in your 1D smut request.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Hi love. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind writing a Niall imagine where he‘s live on IG and playing a song on the piano and you sit on his lap to cuddle, oblivious that he’s on live (like the tik toks of girlfriends sitting on their boyfriends laps while they play video games). Could you do like the fans reactions and have the fans love them and the cute content? Thank you so much x
i actually had a similar concept in my mind a couple of days ago so THANK YOU ANON bc you read my mind
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My Lovely - N. Horan Blurb
Your boyfriend sat behind the piano, twiddling the ivory keys and mumblings random strings of melodies in front of his phone. You could not help the smile that graced your lips to see him purely in his element, the sight of him candidly humming and chuckling to himself as filled your insides with euphoria like no other thing. It did not come across your mind that your figure had wandered into the frame. Niall’s eyes failed to peek up from his hands idly pressing keys to the comments acknowledging your presence in capital letters and exclamation points. A sudden urge to just be near him surged through your being and before he could catch your figure running up behind him on his phone screen, you were sat down in his lap with your arms wrapped loosely around his neck. A startles gasp left his lips, and the breeze your body sent with your surprising him make goosebumps raise up on his arms.
But after realizing what just occurred, a small laugh left his lips and his eyes saw even more comments flooding in. “Can I help you with something, princess?” Niall asks, letting one of his warm, gently roughed up hands leave the keys to come to rub up and down on your back. “Just bored, want to cuddle you.” After mumbling out your lame excuse for Niall’s affection, a small laugh left his lips and he turned his attention back to the tens of thousands who were watching your snuggle fest live.
“You guys should know who this is, my lovely.” Niall introduced you, though it was not needed. Four years’ worth of photos featuring the two of you as strangers, to friends, to the couple, was already online for any eyes to pry. But he accentuates the nickname with a hearty kiss on your cheek, just in case. More hearts come in, heart eyes and the occasional “aww” joining them.
Your eyes widened and you turned to face the phone, cheeks flushing a scarlet so deep the phone could not help but focus on your shocked face. “I didn’t know you were live…I’m sorry.” Your voice quiets to a whisper, and you felt so flustered that at that moment, all you could do was hide your face in the crook between his shoulder and neck.
“You’re okay, love. Look, think they missed you more than me.” Reluctantly turning towards his phone, once again, you see just how many people got excited from your appearance. Deep down, it made your stomach flutter at how proud he was to show you off to the world, even if you were still scared to reveal who you were with to friends outside of social media and celebrity news. The number of viewers at the top of the screen grew as well, and a few verified accounts joined the absolute party going down with fans in the comments.
dualipau guys are the cutest
“Damn we should go live together more often,” Niall comments, as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “They love you more than me!” He laughs to himself, seeing how much love and support you were being given. He brings his hand down from your upper back and lets it pause on your hip to give it a gentle squeeze. Your eyes glint at the silver ring that was on his left hand and your smile only grows as you reach your own hand down to rest on his. You connect eyes with him and mouth a small “I love you”. And despite the audience not being able to see or hear it, they know you said it when Niall mouthed back without hesitation “I love you too” before bringing your hand up and planting a kiss on it.
thank you again to the person who requested this! i’m always up for exploring my writing ability, so if you’d like to leave a request in my inbox go for it! 
on the look for more imagines about your favorite irishman? click HERE!
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could write a niall imagine about how the fans adore you and him together and one day you guys are out and about and show off some light pda and a fan captures the sweet moment and posts it all over Twitter and instagram and fans are going crazy about how cute you guys are? A lot of cutesy and fluff ☺️💕
hello, anon! super cute idea! this might be my favorite request yet :)
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Public Display of Erection - N. Horan Imagine
You and Niall both concluded that self-isolation was truly a test of patience. Claustrophobia was Niall’s number one fear, and he did not willingly wedge himself in tight spaces often. But as the days passed on, his two-floor condo felt like it was shrinking by the minute. And with your job now placing you at home, your feet patting on the hardwood day and night was a tell that being locked inside was driving you to the edge. Even your dog, who you and Niall decided now needed a limit on walks, was whining to sniff the grass as if he had not seen the outside his entire life. In reality, his last stroll was only a few days ago. But you admit that on the inside, you were fighting the urge to break out just as much.
You reach down to scratch Leo behind his ear, temporarily distracting him from his want to leave the house. You turn to see Niall, watching the two of you with a small smile. His attention the golf match on the television was slowly waning at the view of the clear skies through his window. “You want to go for a quick walk?” You propose, Leo’s ears perking up at the last word.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Niall heaves himself up off the couch and walks to over to his tennis shoes, which were haphazardly lying near the door. Leo began spinning as you went to go retrieve his leash, and it made you let out a few giggles. He needed to get out just as much as you and Niall did.
As you two were walking around your neighborhood, you held onto the leashes handle, while your other hand was occupied with Niall’s, his fingers laced through yours. While you admired the greenery along with Leo (who needed to stop and sniff every inch of certain plants that caught his eye) Niall brought the back of your hand up to lay a kiss upon it. You turned to him and smiled lovingly, his piercing blue eyes distracting you from a flash in the distance.
“Can’t wait til’ the stores open back up. I can finally put a ring on this finger.” He announces proudly, making you flush red.
“Is that a promise?” You ask with a raise of your brows.
“I’ll give you the damn vows right now, petal. Might as well have a ceremony right here. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck together.” He remarks, letting your hand fall from his so his arm could pull you closer to his side. This elicits a small laugh from you.
“I’ve been stuck with you four years now, Horan. I think you can last another few months.” While you continue your stride, it comes to a halt seconds later when Niall spins you to face him. His hand takes ahold of yours, the leash still wrapped around it, and he is grateful Leo is mesmerized by another type of flower so he can’t tug you away.
“I’d wait a million years to see you walking down that aisle to me, princess.” Your faces were so close that Niall’s warm breath came in contact with your skin and made shivers light up your body. He leans in and gives you a kiss that you do not hesitate to return, and neither of you could wipe the smile off of your faces from that point. Niall clears his throat afterward and makes it a goal to stay behind you for a few moments.
“What are you doing?” You wonder aloud, as Niall stays as close behind you as possible.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” His behavior was unusual, but you decided to listen and not comment on it further. That was, until he got closer to your back, and wrapped his arms around your waist. Soon then, it was very clear as to what he was shielding.
“Oh my god. Do you have a–”
“Don’t say it.” Niall cuts you off, voice straining. You laugh a little louder than Niall wanted you to, so loud that one of your hands had to come up and muffle it.
“I can’t believe it! All I did was kiss you.” Bewildered, you continued moving down the sidewalk while Niall tried his absolute hardest (no pun intended) to get his friend down.
“It wasn’t that. I was thinking of how you’d look in your dress, hair all done up. And then what would happen after…” He admits the last part as a whisper in your ear. And although the thought was endearing, it also made you feel as bothersome as Niall was moments ago. It was easy to agree then that you both had walked enough for the day.
Throughout the rest of your ten-minute meander, you would turn to place a light peck on his shoulder, and lean into him further. Despite being outside in the midst of a worldwide panic, you two felt like you were still in your own little bubble. So much so, that the cameras in the distance were never seen by either of you once.
Later on, neither of you could hold back your scoffs of disbelief a few when the pictures were posted online and brought to your attention by twitter.
“I get that the fact that they love you and all, but does anyone really care about us kissing? I mean there’s a worldwide pandemic going on, last time I checked.” You comment with a shake of your head, scrolling through even more pictures. You thanked every deity that you at least looked decent during the walk.
“Apparently they do,” Niall replies as he brings his phone up in front of your eyes for you to peruse all of the responses to the light display of affection. Many hearts overtook the screen, as well as questions to when you both were finally going to get married. You two were not the only ones thinking about it. The responses that were solely strings of random letters made you laugh a little bit to yourself, like usual. In curiosity, you switched over to Instagram to find many fan accounts already reposting the photos with even more hearts and hashtags of how “goals” you two were. Some even went as far as to call you their “parents”, which slightly concerned you. But then you stumbled upon an array of photos where Niall failed to hide his growing affection for you, specifically in his jeans. And the whole scenario just sent you into another laughing fit, while Niall could only shake his head.
“At least they’re okay that it’s for me. I remember at the beginning being terrified that I’d be ripped to shreds for even talking to you,” Your words did not do well to console Niall and his red cheeks, though.
“Yeah, but then they realized how cute we are together,” Niall replies, sliding your body closer to his.
“You think we’re as cute as they say we are?” You lean your head down to rest on Niall’s shoulder, as he sets his phone aside, placing his now free hand back in yours.
“Absolutely! But that might also be because Leo was with us. You know nobody can resist his lil’ face.” Niall muses while Leo’s head perks up from his dog bed at the sound of his name.
“He should be the ring bearer. I’ve seen some videos of dogs doing that.” You suggest, Niall delivering your hand a squeeze.
“Already planning,” Niall murmurs, placing a kiss to your hair, “haven’t even popped the question yet, love.” He sounds shocked by how eager you are, but his smile against your temple is something you did not ignore.
“So? It can’t hurt to plan early, can it?” You ask, slouching down further until your head was resting comfortably in his lap. Both of you knew anyway that there was no way in hell Leo could be trained to do such a thing. If you tried, he would probably eat the rings before even making it down the aisle.
“I guess not.” Niall approves, bringing his hand to your tendrils splayed about on his sweatpants to fiddle with. “What would our song be?” He poses, making you tilt your head in contemplation. You hum to yourself for a moment, and as your lips opened to reply, Niall cut you off before a word was even said.
“Don’t say ‘Black and White’.” And when you close your mouth to huff, he can only laugh at you. “I love the song as much as you do, petal but when I said it was a tune for a wedding I didn’t mean ours.”
“Alright, what do you have in mind?” You fire back, crossing your arms over your chest, and giving Niall a smug look. For a moment, he stares off, flipping through the imaginary jukebox in his head. As soon as he sucks in a breath, your quick to make him bite his tongue.
“And nothing by The Eagles.” You point, which made Niall simply roll his eyes.
“I was gonna say, why don’t we get back to the song another day. Let’s move on to something else instead.” He suggests, as his hand travels down your side. You pay little attention to the small hug his hand gives your hip, and the obvious darkening of his eyes. You were too busy questioning him, “oh? Like what?”
At this, he moves his hand horizontally, to the inside of your thigh, a small smirk overcoming his face. While your eyes now take notice of his wandering hands, his gaze remains trained on your expression. His other hand, not currently occupied comes up to bump your chin and direct it to focus back on him.
“Oh,” you mutter in recognition, as he plants a soft, meaningful kiss to your lips. You slowly sit back up and situate yourself on his lap, bringing your arms up to link around his neck. You felt a lump forming below you, knowing his friend was returning. “Yeah, I like this much better.” You stagger out through shared kisses. The talking stops as Niall’s lips travel downward to your neck, and then even lower.
Who said you two couldn’t practice parts of the wedding either?
woah what a turn that took huh? if only there was a MASTERLIST with more stories like this….sigh
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Listening Party - N. Horan Imagine
ayyyeee guess who finally got up off her ass and wrote? 
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“Finally, petal what took ya so long?” Niall asks while you situate yourself on your shared bed beside him, leaning back against your headboard. It was the afternoon before his listening party, and being the “light of his life and all, it was only fair that you would be one of the first to hear it.” His words, not yours. But you did not let a single complaint go into your head you were ecstatic that he thought that. There were most likely other reasons for him doing this, like how he would be tugged back and forth between people all night like a vicious game of tug-of-war and you would probably be one of the last people he gets to upon entering the door with his arm looped through your own.
“I’m glad you asked…” You begin with a small smile. “First of all, I had to show support somehow, so I threw this little get-up on.” You twirled around in a small circle as Niall’s eyes adorned your figure, drowned in the largest “Heartbreak Weather” hoodie you could dig out of a box in the closet.
“Snacks.” You continue, revealing a small, white box containing the leftover takeaway both of you ordered the previous night. “Soft, of course, because I need to listen to the songs but you never know when cravings strike.” You point out. Niall could not help but chuckle to himself at how you had certainly thought of everything.
“Fair ‘nuff.” Niall murmurs, lowering his body to place his bearded chin atop your shoulder. He caught a whiff of your shampoo and let out a soft exhale, which elicited goosebumps atop your arms and had the hairs on your neck standing at attention. You simply ignored it and carried on with your explanation of why it took so long to prepare.
“Oh, I also had to pee because I know we’re going to be here awhile from how many times I ask you to replay all the songs.” You lean your head slightly to rest upon his.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted the full experience, huh?” Niall laughed.
“Nope! Oh, that reminds me…” you pause and turn to pull open your bedside drawer, retrieving a CD you had snuck from one of the many boxes shipped to the doorstep months ago. “Will you sign this for me?” You ask with a giddy smile, waving the cased disc in front of his face. He snatched it from your grasp and let out a scoff of disbelief.
“Babe, I swear you’re more obsessed than my fans sometimes,” he shakes his head and gets up to find a Sharpie sitting on top of the dresser against the wall. He comes back to lay beside you and takes the end of the marker between his teeth to take the cap off. A small squeal leaves you as he strokes the marker against your bare leg, leaving a black streak. “What was that for?” You demand, a small pout coming up to your lips as your hand attempts to rub away the permanent marker. However, your plan was fruitless.
“Had to make sure it wasn’t dried out.” He smirks smugly, the cap still stuck in his mouth as his hand effortlessly scribbles his signature down onto the cover of the CD case. He also adds a small heart and adds a few words you could not quite depict with his hand covering a large portion of them. After capping the marker back, he hands you the disc back, and you can feel your heart grow even larger for the man beside you as your eyes studied the words written out:
to the light of my life
“Anything else ya need?”
“Yes. I was wondering if I could get a picture?” This earns an irritated roll of Niall’s eyes that makes you laugh.
“Kidding.” You say. “I already have plenty of those.” You lean towards his lips to plant a kiss upon them. After, you snuggle closer to him, taking an earbud his pinched fingers offered you, and placed it in your ear, while he took the other one and slid it comfortably into his own. “Alright, here we go.” He announces, playing the title track.
Throughout the first three songs, your head maneuvered from being beside his to resting on his chest, his hand coming up to soothingly stroke through your hair. Dear Patience concluded, you almost shifted from the feeling of Niall stiffening. You denied the thought and assured yourself it was nothing as the new beat played in your ears.
“What’s this one called?” You wonder aloud.
“Small Talk,” Niall replied. For some unknown reason, his answer came out with a heavy breath, as if he’d just finish a run or intense workout. But he’d not spoken for a few minutes until you had asked the question.
“You okay?” You look up into his eyes, now a darker shade than a few moments before. He nods, giving you enough reason to return to your previous position until your eyes catch obvious tinting in his sweatpants. Your eyes concentrate on this song, particularly the lyrics filling your ears. For some reason, the title seemed like the song which would hold a slower, somber pace. But no, it was quite the opposite.
With Niall’s hand still in your hair, and his cologne suddenly filling your nostrils, you could no longer deny the arousal now flooding your body. Through the pulsating beat, you could heart Niall’s heartbeat quicken in his chest. You bite your lip as a devious thought comes into your mind, and you decide to act on it without further hesitation. Your hand slides down from Niall’s warm chest and to the ever-growing mountain, slightly shielded by his sweatpants but still very noticeable. “Y/N, what are you…”
“Shhh…small talk only gets in the way, Niall.” You whisper in a sultry tone, your hand lightly rubbing over the crotch area of his sweatpants. If his constant panting was not any proof of how horny he was at the moment, the needy groan that followed surely did.
“I thought you wanted to…” His sentence is halted by a sharp breath as your hand traveled to explore beneath his boxers. “thought you wanted to listen to the album…finish it.” He moans.
“Well, I have all night to do that.” You say, removing the earbuds from both of your ears and unplug them from the phone entirely, letting the song continue as it reverberates amongst your bedroom walls. “I just want to take my time with this one.” You sit on his lap, earning another satisfied groan from Niall.
“You did want the full experience, huh love?” He quips, hands flying to rest upon your thighs. You lean down to lay a passionate kiss onto his lips and smile lightly while doing so.
“I mean, I did get the VIP package.” You joke, bringing your hand back down to his sweats.
binge-reading niall imagines? i’ve been there...but have you been to my masterlist?
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Please make a dad niall fic when you 2 find out you are pregnant pls
hey anon, changed up the initial prompt a bit. essentially Y/N fakes her pregnancy at first for a joke, which turns a little angsty, but overall the ending is super sweet. i promise! hope you like it!
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Team Girl - N. Horan Imagine
You bit your lip to keep the evil grin contained. It almost hurt not to smile down at the plastic stick, unused and showing two pink lines. With April Fool’s day past, you were praying Niall would not see through your little lie and know that it’s a joke. You two always used protection and were precautious in every intimate moment when there was none around. Logically, unless a condom ripped (which in this case, it did) there is no way you are carrying Niall’s child. You took a few deep breaths in the bathroom, trying to let out a few last-minute giggles and compose yourself for your performance.
You open the door to the restroom and slowly walk into the kitchen. Niall was seated at the small table, staring down at the paper for today, with his glasses adorning his face and a mug of coffee in his hand. You almost let a laugh slip at the thought of how much he embodied that of a father without having offspring of his own. Luckily, you covered it with the clearing of your throat and gained Niall’s attention while doing so.
“Hey, petal.” He pulls out the chair beside him for you to sit at. “How’d ya sleep?” His eyes glance back down to the paper’s article, while you sat yourself down and scooted in until your knees were touching his.
“Fine.” You replied. Niall looked up at you with concern, while you just averted his gaze altogether. Suspicion built within Niall, it was obvious in his expression, and judging by the slow-building tension in the silence you knew it could not be long until—
“Are you okay?” You gave him a small side-eye without realizing it, which made you look even more guilty than intended. Finally, you turn to meet his inquiring gaze and brush your hair back with your hand.
“Yeah, I um…sorry, I’m just nervous…I don’t-I don’t know how to—” It was impossible for you to even voice a coherent sentence. Niall knew then that something was greatly troubling you, and he sent one of his hands on your thigh in comfort.
“Hey, whatever it is you can tell me.” His hand rubs smooth, circular motions on the top of your leg, yet it does nothing but makes your heart pick up at the thought of catching him off guard in less than a minute.
“Okay, um—yeah,” you pause and scratch the top of your head as you reach beneath your leg Niall’s hand was not resting on and clutch the fake test in your grip, “honestly it might be better to just—it might be better if I show you…” you make your hand tremble as it sets the small, white stick on the table and let your empty palm retreat into your lap. Niall’s hand that was on your thigh came up to scoot the test closer to him and peer at the two lines, brows coming to a drastic rise. It took a moment of dumbfounded silence between you and Niall until his eyes finally looked up into yours. You tried pulling a worrisome expression but did not know how well it was working for you, as Niall’s current emotions had become indecipherable.
That was until his arms encased your body and swung it around wildly in the middle of your kitchen. A gasp left you hearing his exuberant shouts. All through your shock, he was laughing in pure joy that (in his mind) a tiny human was dwelling inside of you, and he had created it.
“This is great! I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad! And our little girl—or guy—personally I’m team girl but—”
“Wait, Niall…” He paused, setting your feet down onto the kitchen floor. Your hands came up to his arms and rubbed them up and down as you stared into his eyes, the brightest you had ever seen them. “This-this doesn’t worry you at all? I mean we’ve barely discussed this…and we always use protection…” You were having a difficult time trying to tell him that this was all a joke. In all fairness, he had never brought the idea of children up and you made sure not to do the same in fear of crossing a line way beyond where your relationship lied. However, he seemed to be taking this better than you would have, had it been real.
“Yeah, I guess it was a little unexpected. I mean, it caught me off guard when I saw the test but then I thought about it. Condoms aren’t always one hundred percent effective, so it’d make sense if one had torn and we’d not noticed. But, love,” his warm hands reach out to blanket your own, “we’ve babysat Theo and your little cousins plenty of times. I have seen the way you are with kids and…I just know we’re going be great parents together.” His eyes remain gazing at your downtrodden expression, which was unmoving. You never wanted to picture yourself breaking Niall’s heart the way you were about to, but it was happening.
“What…unless the kid isn’t mine?” Niall scoffs jokingly in an attempt to get a smile from you. Your features remain unchanging, and his mouth falls open. “It is mine, isn’t it?”
Another silence falls between the two of you, but it was much denser than before. Before, when you thought this whole thing would end in lifted spirits and a couple of light-hearted laughs. Maybe even a relieved sigh. But the thick air, which was now borderline suffocating you, proved the result would be far what you had envisioned. The picture in Niall’s head, you guess, was not the same either.
“It’s…nobody’s.” You choke out. Niall’s hands were still gripping onto yours, but much tighter than a few seconds ago. “It’s not real, Niall. The-the test was fake…I’m sorry.” One of your hands disappears from Niall’s hold to muffle the sobs threatening to leave you. Tears welled in your eyes at the sight of your boyfriend’s face falling.
“I—I need a minute.” Then, it was Niall’s hand leaving yours and his presence leaving the room.
An hour or so had passed, and the doorknob to your bedroom was taunting you to no end. You stood in front of the door for a good fifteen minutes, contemplating if approaching him now was too soon. You had composed most of your thoughts and went through all of the hypothetical ‘what ifs’ which could happen during the upcoming conversation. But one question remained unanswered, and you were determined to change that now.
As your finger grazed the handle to the bedroom door, it turned before your eyes and the door was opened from the other side. Niall had the same idea in his mind.
“Ready?” His hand reached out for you, and your head lifted to meet his eyes, red and bloodshot. You nodded and shadowed him to the bed, sitting down beside him.
“So…it was just a joke? All of it?” You let the shaking of your head do most of the talking for you. “Even the part where you were nervous to tell me? Or the upset?” You thought for a moment but could not come to a definitive answer in your mind. “It just kind of hurt to see how sad you were at the thought of having a kid with me.” He admits. Now, your head was shaking furiously back and forth, and your fingers lurched to interlock with his own.
“No. That’s not what it was at all. I thought for sure you just wouldn’t be so…excited to find out I was pregnant—”
“But why? I’d be overjoyed. I was bouncing up and down when you told me.”
“We’d never brought it up before. No one has ever pinned the “kid question” on us…it was never discussed. You always wear condoms…I just figured you’d be a little more caught off guard. Not swinging me around our kitchen and shouting…” Niall only nods, understanding how that could look from your eyes. And you could see his side of it, too.
“I never knew you wanted them so badly until I told you this morning.”
“To be honest, I didn’t either.” Niall shrugs with a small chuckle. “But when you handed me the test and saw it was positive…I don’t know. All I could picture was a little me or you running around, and it made me so happy to think about. At that moment, all I could think was how great these next nine months were going to be with you, and then the years after that.”
“Yeah…that sounds nice.” Your head leaned to rest on Niall’s shoulder, eyes closing to envision it yourself. A few moments passed and Niall nudged your side, having you peek up at him.
“So how would you have reacted…if you were pregnant?” He prompts. You ponder the question for a moment.
“Had we not been sitting here talking about it, I would still be a bit nervous I think. But…” your lips turn upward as you gaze at the man before you, “no matter how the conversation turned out, I would still be happy knowing it was yours.” Niall mirrors your smile as one of his hands come up to cradle your cheek. “You’d be a great dad, too.”
“That’s a lot of talk about someone who’s never had a kid. Want to see if you’re right?”
It was an average Sunday morning. The smell of brewed coffee led a trail for your nostrils to follow and meet Niall in the kitchen. He greeted you with a kiss and a warm cup of your favorite roast. You never realized what difficulty giving up caffeine for nine months would give you. Six years and nearly nine months have passed since the Tuesday morning that Niall had handed you a mug of the same roast but was shocked by your refuting it seconds later.
The conversation replays in your mind like a movie you could never get over.
“Why aren’t you drinking your coffee, love?”
“It’s not good for the little one.”
His reaction held the same if not more exuberance than the faux pregnancy announcement you had presented less than a month prior. To ensure him it was not a joke, you had brought your first ultrasound photos as evidence, which earned a quip from Niall about how “they make prank ultrasounds now”. Needless to say, his comment ended in a slap to his chest, which you were held tight against by his strong arms.
The familiar creaking of a bedroom door drew Niall away from his final blueberry pancake, and you from your thoughts. The two of you locked eyes and silently counted down from three together, before a small body barreled into the kitchen, nearly knocking you down by your legs.
“Mommy! Daddy! It’s my birthday!” The small girl cheered in your arms, pumping her fists into the air. You brought her into a tight squeeze and kissed her head.
“You’re right, it is! Happy birthday, sweetie.”
“What’d you make for breakfast, daddy? It smells good.” The child squirmed in your arms to be set down and raced to her father at the feeling of her feet hitting the floor.
“It’s a surprise, little one. Go sit at the table with mommy and I’ll bring it to ya, okay.” He bent down, cueing your daughter to stand on the tips of her toes for Niall’s lips to press against her hair. “Now go!” He shooed the two of you away as he finished plating the three dishes. Your daughter was bouncing in her chair and nearly screeched when the stack of pancakes was set before her eyes. Two dots and a curved line of whipped cream sat atop of the stack, along with a few stripes of syrup and blueberries on the side. You had received a similar looking plate, except your whipped cream formed the shape of a heart.
You glanced up to find him sending you a small smile, and the familiar hand placing itself on your thigh beneath the table. The cold steel of his wedding band sent the best types of chills down your body, and you could not help but smile back at him.
“Thank you, daddy!” The child seated beside you murmurs out with her mouth full of food. You and Niall turn to grin at her. Not even a minute into eating and she had already gotten syrup smeared around her mouth and a prominent milk mustache. You excused yourself from the table to fetch some paper towels with Niall’s voice singing “Happy Birthday” repetitively echoing throughout the walls of the house. 
need more niall reads? my materlist has plenty!
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buck-nialled · 4 years
Could you please write an imagine where the reader is dairy sensitive, but one day she eats a lot of dairy and decides to sleep in the guest room to not bother Niall while she’s gassy, but neither of them can really sleep bc they miss the other and then it’s just super fluffy the next morning? You don’t have to if you don’t want, I’ve been enjoying your writing!
here we go again!
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Tradition - N. Horan Imagine
As you splayed your aching body down atop the guest bed, you could net help but ponder all of your past relationships and compare them to where you were now. At this moment in time, no partner you once knew came close to Niall and how he understood you. One of your first serious relationships had the tradition of questioning your self-diagnosis of lactose intolerance. It was inquired so often he almost sang it like a song after each shopping trip, every dessert, and all of the pills you carried with you just in case. The relationship that followed consisted of one major issue: listening. Particularly, the lack of it when you had mentioned your dairy allergy to the man. It was safe to say the affair between the both of you was short-lived.
But Niall, he was a gold star when it came to your issues. Even before you two took the big step of sharing a home, he always made sure to have your favorite dairy-free foods and snacks on-hand at his place. No questions about your diagnosis were asked whenever it was mentioned. And the day you called him asking for what you deemed to be the “biggest favor”, he barely saw picking up Lactaid as going out of his way.
He was especially understanding when cravings would strike for various things like iced coffee or a milkshake. Today was one of those days when the two of you shared an early dinner at a New York-inspired restaurant, whose cheesecake just looked too delectable on their menu. Neither you nor Niall had remembered for you to take your pill beforehand, which was a rare case. Normally, it was at the front of your mind at times like these, but you were desperately craving the velvety smooth dish, and your hand longed to stay in Niall’s all night, you were certain your subconscious had pushed the routine manner away.
Your mistake hit you like an epiphany two minutes into the ten-minute drive to the house. It came in a form of your stomach painfully contacting and a small whimper as your hand squeezed Niall’s free one on the compartment between the two of you. The meek sounds that kept leaving your lips in between pants caused Niall’s eyes to flick over to you in worry, and he was already predicting the cause.
“You alright, petal?” His hand sent an assuring squeeze back as he sped up the car. You kept your lips pressed tightly together, and bit down so hard on your teeth you had prepared for them to shatter from the pressure.
“I forgot…” you began, struggling to speak as another painful churn within you came to its peak. “I forgot…” you try again, only to let a strangled cry leave you a few seconds after. Niall squeezed your hand once more, taking a turn down a road that he knew would lead the two to their house faster.
“It’s alright, love. I understand, just breath.” If this was anything like labor, you could safely say you were adopting.
The drive that Niall managed to cut down to nearly six minutes felt like twenty to your body, scrunched up in the passenger seat in your attempt to find a comfortable position midway through the drive. Upon parking, you did not wait for Niall to even take the key from the ignition before you were bustling to your front door and digging through your bag for your pair of keys. You jiggled the key furiously into the doorknob before a familiar click sounded. You completely abandoned the open door, key still hanging in the lock as you raced to the guest bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment at the situation you had stupidly put yourself in the middle of. Even though it has been years that you and Niall have been together, he had only caught you in this scenario once, at the very start of you dating, where you politely requested Niall to leave your apartment when the sickness had overcome you. The next morning, he had come by with your favorite flowers and candy (obviously, dairy-free) with a wide smile. Though he took it all well and without qualms, you think it was because he was not there to witness your malaise in its prime, unlike now.
Around ten minutes had passed with your figure sat on the toilet in a less-than-comfortable endeavor, when a knock on the other side of the door sounded. You almost disregarded it over the various whimpers and moans you let float around freely in all of your pain. Had it been anybody but Niall, you would have gladly ignored it. But instead, you let out a stifled “yes?”
“Hey, petal. I left some comfier clothes and water on the bed for you, whenever you’re ready to come out.” Above your suffering abdomen, you could feel your heart flutter for the man stood just outside the door. He truly cared too much for you, sometimes. But you would never let a complaint come from it.
“Thank you, Niall. Would you mind if I…if I stayed in the guest room tonight?”
“Not at all, love. Just as long as you’ll be here in the morning.” Niall jests, earning a small scoff from you.
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.”
True to your word, you had only made the small distance that was the guest bathroom into the connected bedroom. And true to Niall’s word, sat atop the comforter was a pair of his boxers and a tee-shirt of his, along with a pair of your favorite fuzzy socks. Near the pile of clothes sat a bottle, filled to the brim with chilled water that was practically orgasmic as you let it trickle down your throat. During your small change out of your jeans and dressy shirt, your eyes took the sight of the lingerie that sadly, would not be of use tonight. But soon, your frown curled upwards to a devious smirk when you grabbed your phone and snapped a couple of photos of yourself adorned in the blue lace.
After changing fully into Niall’s clothes and the socks, you curled beneath the comforter as the milder cramps rolled through. You and Niall had been particularly frustrated lately that neither of you could find an acceptable time to be intimate. Both of your schedules for work were practically inverted, making the time to see one another incredibly limited for both of you. The two of you had to request this date off from work three weeks prior to its happening, and both of you were eager in the days leading up to it. It goes without saying, but the flame within you burnt out the moment Niall was pulling away from the restaurant tonight, but something within you clued that the heat within Niall was still alive and growing.
You looked to find your purse on the bedside table, and fished your phone out of it, pulling up your messages with Niall.
Y/N: sorry the night ended differently than planned :,(
Ni <3: don’t be sorry love, it was neither of our faults. We were both too caught up with dinner to remember
Y/N: that cheesecake was really good
Ni <3: worth getting sick over?
Y/N: totally, but I know we were both anticipating something different. and I don’t want the night to end without pleasing you in someway
Ni <3: what are you getting at love?
Rather than answering his question, you sent him the string of photos taken only a few minutes earlier. As soon as the small “Delivered” appeared on your end, you hear Niall bellow from the other end of the house. “HOLY SHIT, I LOVE YOU!” All you could do was giggle and tap furiously at your phone’s keyboard as a reply.
Y/N: love you too, babe. Have fun ;)
By the next morning, you were exhausted. You figured after purging all of the diary from your system possible the night before, that sleep would come easy. But it was quite the opposite, and the fact was that there was no comforter and memory foam mattress combination that could lull you to sleep like Niall’s strong embrace could. A few hours of tossing and turning in your sleep resulted in a complete awakening in the early hours of the morning, before another forty-five minutes of sleep swept you in its arms once again. You woke up once more after the sound of your front door opening and glanced at your phone sat on the bedside table. The clock read nine in the morning, and you figured Niall had returned from an early morning run due to a lack of sleep also.
You sat up and stretched your arms out, feeling a strange feeling of fatigued refreshment from last night. Slowly, you stumbled down the hall in a tired, needy stupor into the kitchen. Niall had just finished setting the clear vase down in the middle of the kitchen island. It held tap water and a bunch of your favorite flowers. Beside it, a mountain of snacks and candy. But your eyes weren’t lingering on them for long and rather, moved to Niall’s blue eyes crowded with joy at your figure drowned in his clothes. It felt like your body could not be pressed against his tight enough when your arms locked around one another, and his nose rested against the top of your head, taking in the familiar scent of your shampoo.
“What’s all this for?” You lift your head to meet his gaze once more but remain tight in his hold. He simply shrugs and gives a small smirk.
“Gotta keep up the tradition.”
check out my masterlist for more!
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