#ng the exact same shirt
mamanbou · 3 months
the thing of it is if we all just individually liked or disliked taylor swift, it would be normal, but as it stands there are people who are obsessively reverent (and defensive) over everything about her and those people are insane and insufferable and wrong. and there are people who hate her vehemently and refuse to entertain the idea of any value (or even acknowledge talent) in anything she makes and those people are generally not insane but they're also kind of insufferable and observably wrong. everybody needs to stop talking about this woman online until we can figure out whats going on
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newtonsheffield · 8 months
I remember NGS neddy being all around there in BFR in his little car, a exact copy of the one of his daddy, with the earpods hearing his mama and i melt
Baby Neddy standing in front of Anthony’s car doing the same pose Anthony always does when he wins, tugging at people’s shirts as they head towards the podiums.
“That’s my Daddy! My Daddy just won!”
Kate lifted him up and settled him on her hip as Edmund pushed through the crowd ahead of them, making space for them.
“Daddy!” Neddy called out to Anthony who had his fists raised, standing on top of his car. “Daddy! Mummy and I are here!”
Anthony leapt off the car, pulling his helmet off as he rushed forward catching Kate around the waist and pulling her against his chest, pressing his lips against hers before he turned to their son.
“Did you look after Mummy for me Boyo?”
“Yeah! And you won!”
“Yeah, we won buddy.”
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twopoppies · 27 days
*Big big big eyeroll*
That receipt is faker than holivia...
I don't expect you to post this Gina, i just really need to rant about it bc this anon is so ridiculous!
Starting off with: that uncertainty about when they saw Harry was so fabricated so that their story would seem legible that it hurts. 'It was very hot so definitely late summer' ?? Firstly, that it was very hot doesn't tell you if it was late summer or not, summer is hot from june to august... Secondly, they literally say they were visiting London from late july to early august, so why do they have to speculate whether it was late summer if they know it was!! Sigh.
Anyways, the rest of the receipt is literally taken from the 'larry proof' when H was with NG and he shared a picture of him on his story in the SAME EXACT OUTFIT the anon described, and then tweeted about couples holding hands in this hot weather (so this is where the mention of hot weather comes in, anon!). And later we got a picture of L with a fan (again, wearing what the outfit anon described), and a picture of NG with the same fan wearing the same outfit they wore in the pic with L (and it has to be said again, N wore the outfit the anon described with the "blue shirt (I think)" in that picture. So the anon basically combined this 'larry proof' with the receipt that's been circulating recently about the background dancer going up to harry in a club and L telling her to "back off, he's mine" and thought no-one would notice? Or did they expect us to believe this receipt bc it aligned with the 'larry proof'? Honestly so pathetic.
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I know. That’s exactly what I was saying in my response to that anon. And the super frustrating thing is that so many people do believe it because they weren’t here when this event happened, so they don’t know that it was all over the fandom then. I instantly knew what day they were talking about. 🙄🙄🙄
In reference to this and this
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 11 months
FACTS OF SPY x FAMILY! (7): Twilight/ Loid Forger (Part 2)
Previous post: FACTS OF SPY x FAMILY (6)
Spoiler for this post: Suits~
And now, we will continue the topic about: Things we might know/ don't know about Twilight/ Loid Forger
Spoilers ahead!
Source: Youtube (Vietnamese)
The video: VẺ BỀ NGOÀI QUAN TRỌNG THẾ SAO?? | TRANG PHỤC THANH LỊCH CỦA TWILIGHT 『SPY x FAMILY』(How important is the appearance?? | Twilight's elegant outfits 『SPY x FAMILY』)(but it's shortened a bit)
Super long post, removed some unnecessary details!
Truly sorry my English NG, and it has been a while since I paused posting anything ;-;
This time, we are gonna talk about clothes that Twilight wears throughout the series~
Fashion has always been the clearest proof in every historical period. From kimonos, haoris (kimono and haori are Japanese traditional clothes) from Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) (The Swordsmith Village Arc is out btw), to the modern outfits from Jujutsu no Kaisen (I haven't watched it), SPY x FAMILY with historical background of the cold war period also brings very fashionista and classic European fashion to viewers. Perhaps the most outstanding of all is suites which are seen a lot throughout the series, especially when this outfit is worn on a spy like Twilight.
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So what meaning does this outfit even have? Why do all famous spies usually wear them? LET'S FIND OUT!
In popular cultures like movies, literatures or animes specifically, gentleman characters such as spies are usually described in elegant suites to elevate the elegance and beauty, and power. Particular characters representing for this figure are mentioned such as James Bond, so famous this character has a good impression in the public, or the super spies from The Kingsman which has been famous recently, bearing codename of the noble knights of the round table known as Arthur, Galahad/Harry Hart, Lancelot, or even Merlin the Witch.
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So here's the question: "Why do all spy characters always wear suites?" Before answering, let's go over the history of the development of this outfit. (seriously, after watching the whole video, the words i can describe are "exhaustion", "long for freaking 10 mins", "old history" because I have to translate to ya)
Ever since its appearance, suites are known as the production of the ultimate perfection, the "Power suit" for gentlemen, especially businessmen. Suites are measured with high accuracy, and delicate from the shirt designs, leaf collars to wrists, which symbolize the liveliness of luxury and elegance. With a brief history and development over centuries, suites still hold the top-notch position in men's fashion.
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Suites (or the compel-veston in Vietnam) is a suit including a frock coat, trousers, a waistcoat or shirt, and they all are made with the same fabric material and color. These gentlemen's clothing are the result of over 400 years of development, along with the improvements of tailoring, materials, and accessories -> the inheritance and selection to become a formal outfit that enhances elegance, yet, show the comfort -> suitable for the operating conditions of the periods.
For example, in Episode 4, when Twilight attended the interview with the Eden's administrators, he had prepared the finest suites for any and every cases happening, and instantly changed to keep the elegance of a fine gentleman. Or in intense combats (like the fight with the mafias/robbers in Episode 1), the suit still brought the absolute comfort because of exact tailoring of the wearer.
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Suites first appeared in around the 17th century, the period of King Charles II - the UK. The standards of tailoring suites were made by King Charles II, based on the dressing of the king Louis XIV's court in France for gentlemen working in English courtroom: a frock coat, a waistcoat, a white tie around the neck, a wig, pants (~trousers), socks, leather shoes and a hat.
However, the modern and official suit first noticed in the beginning of the 19th century thanks to Beau Brummell, a noble and a person of fame of that time. He marked the changes not by eloquence or military power, but by the new changes in men's fashion. Beau Brummell was not the one to invent the elements of fashion in the beginning, but he gathered many inspirations all together and make a coherent whole. Due to being unable to compete accessories and decorations against other nobles, he focused on adjusting in making clothes. His outfits were handmade, sewed with a flat pose, which marked the milestone of the end of long trousers and vests.
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The linen cravats which were tied competently were the precursor of the modern ties, and the shirts which had his favorite structure has the same cutting style as the modern vest. As a result, suites become innovated and well-known all over Europe and the globe. It has formed a new line of thoughts of men's fashion style from now on.
Beau Brummell also approved the new changes of personal hygiene movement(?) at that time. For people born in the same era, showering usually meant by washing their face, arms and hands, and sweating meant removing the poison from your body. He had replaced the dependence on perfume and hair powder (what is even hair powder?) into the definition of bathing and showering every day, even though it did not have anything revolutionary. In short, the former English were very dirty, especially men. The definitions of personal hygiene of that era were still simple, leading to high rate of disease relating to basic hygiene.
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Coming back to fashion~
Around the 19th century, suites become more and more well-known for the royal with less formal design in order to become suitable for use every day. At the end of the 19th century, suites with modern designs like nowadays were officially out. Casual suites' designs are usually changed for the usage of intimate events without any ceremonious needs, like sports, picnic, family gatherings, friends.
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Parallel to the birth of casual clothes, we also have the appearance of new-style party suites used for small parties. The origin of suites with this new party coat took place from the regulation of outfits with white tie, or known as dress code white tie, used for big and fancy parties. However, these new types of outfits are getting detached to a separated dress code known as black tie. This dress code's custom is gradually introduced to America, and it continuously transferred into a tuxedo.
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According to the old custom standards, black tie was only used in small meeting parties, whereas white tie was for big luxurious parties held majestically. However, black tie started to gain popularity more and more, especially the wealthy world because of the modernity, new pace, and replacement for white tie. After many years of development, suit has become men's outfit being populous over decades, but that does not mean suites always hold the leading position in all of historical stages.
Note: In the video, the word "men" I translated was the word "phái mạnh" in Vietnamese, meaning "the strong being". In a nutshell, men are the strong beings (phái mạnh), and women are the weak ones (phái yếu). That was true, because little do you know, in most Asian countries such as Vietnam and Japan, our ancestors, the ancients, believed that men are the ones taking care of the family's business, the breadwinners, while women handle house works like taking care of the kids, cleaning and cooking duties. This is mostly true in Japanese notion.
However, this concept has been outdated, because men are not the only ones that can be breadwinners, nor women are the ones handle house chores. We are living in the modern society where women and men can be equal. Women can work as hard as men to earn money, as well as men can do house works the same as women. Gender does not matter, just because men are strong doesn't mean women are weak. That is the gender equality!
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World War I period used to usurp suites, and there came the developing period of the "Rock & Hippy" trend, which took over suites for a while. There was a time when suit was not being appreciated, the Americans brought new fashion styles which were jeans and T-shirts, represented for the free and liberal culture, opposite to fancy and royal suites.
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Until 1970, suites were returned thanks to its reappearance, and one more time, suites are emphasized more and being recognized as the symbol, the wise choice of the elegance, and standard of men. Because suites are the elegant look of gentlemen, the perfect face of the primordial rank (?), so in whichever period, suites also need designing and tailoring carefully with the exact number of each wearer. Moreover, we should not forget the details bringing the suit to its perfection: cravat (tie), buttons and socks.
Being the symbol of perfection and elegance, any combinations of suites is a work of art, along with its own combination rules. There are 2 types of suites: the one with 2 pieces, and with 3. The layer of clothing inside is called a vest/gile. So in reality, vest's definition to most Vietnamese is wrong, because it's just a part of the outfit. In conclusion, when it comes to being a gentlemen, it's suites.
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*Back to the question in the first place~
With the important elements of a suit, you may understand it partially why most famous spy characters in the public always wear a suit, right?
Suites have a strong impact on the audiences about a charming spy gentlemen being elegant and luxurious, yet exudes power of taking over control. This is also a perfect outfit helping spies easily get on with any environment in any historical periods. Even in the most dangerous combat environment, it was still neat, and tidy of a gentlemen when doing the missions. In terms of reality, in Twilight's case, his mission is to infiltrate the elite, and help his daughter, Anya, enroll in the Eden Academy, which makes the suit a wise choice.
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With strict standards of elegance, not only the academy but the parents also, suites bring valuable advantages. Suit becomes a standard uniform for spy gentlemen in the public with the convenience, and effective benefits. Not only Twilight, but even spies like James Bond, or the Kingsman, also find suit an inseparable weapon in their mission or in diplomatic environment. Agent Galahad of Kingsman has said: "Suit is the armor of a modern gentlemen, and Kingsman are the knights of the new era".
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Not only agents in Kingsman, but other agents can also be known as the knights fighting silently for the security and peace of the country. Having been the knights, they cannot forget their shinning armor in the fight, and for the knights of the modern era, suit is that armor. However, the price of a cool suit being tailored in centimeters in the present is not cheap at all, and not everyone can afford it.
If your parents/you are rich enough, you should try a day becoming a gentleman wearing a suit, because not everyone has a chance to do so. Or the economy is average to good, you can rent or borrow one to "live virtually" on social media, being cool~cool~ Or ya can wait until ya have a wife, then automatically ya can wear it! :))
That is all, thank you for reading it! Follow the original creator of the video: Anime Rewind (Vietnamese)
Their Discord server: https://discord.gg/kzhrAspDk9
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/animerewindd/
See the main post for my full posting and updates: click this!
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honeysidesarchived · 2 years
don’t know if we’re allowed to request but if we are ❛ if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up. ❜ for euphie/santi 👁
ugh kat the way you are feeding me. the way you spoil me. ily.
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❛ if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up. ❜ + santphie, warnings include nsfw/nsft/explicit content, including but not limited to euphemia being both a brat AND a brat tamer. wretched wretched things. set pre nt/ng so everything is fine : ' ) combining this with a prompt from @luxurybeskar for the spotify wrapped prompts, which ended up being closer by nine inch nails. lmao. thank you both sm!!
"do you miss me, euphie?"
it's the same song and dance every time that santino is out of town for longer than a few days. even, sometimes, when it's only a few days. euphemia tries not to think very hard about how much it sends her heart fluttering when she sees his name call up on her phone screen, when she knows that he's been thinking of her and is calling her, now, unprompted. every person she's been with before him has been the exact opposite, and perhaps that is part of santino's charm: he's not afraid to be seen wanting. prefers it, even.
"don't be stupid," euphie murmurs, balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder as she settles herself into the bed. santino's bed. it smells like him, the gentle click of the air conditioner whirring on, and it feels more like home than her own flat does. "it's only been two days.
he'd said she was welcome to stay whenever she liked, but she tried not to, very often. it was just different when he wasn't around. without santino to take up all of her attention, suddenly, she is forced to recognize how integral to her day-to-day he's become, like she's some pathetic, love-sick schoolgirl with nothing better to do than entertain the whims of her infatuation.
she hears santino exhale into the phone, the thud of what she assumes is him hitting his own pillows in the hotel room echoing dully in the background. "you are cruel to me, little fox."
"barely," she replies. carefully, she sifts under the blankets stretching out and enjoying the cold sheets, sighing. "and besides..."
"you are going to say i like it, hm?"
"well, don't you?"
"a little," he admits. she can hear the smile curling in his voice. "and you do miss me."
"a little," she returns, absently sinking further against the pillows. she's fashioned one of his lounge shirts as her pajamas for the evening--yet another thing that smells like him--and there's some comfort in knowing that he's no grounds to tease her for it. "how is rome?"
"oh." santino sighs, clicking his tongue. "i don't want to talk about business."
"then what do you want to talk about? it is so late." euphemia thinks she knows--there is a hungry little lick nestling in the timbre of his voice, one she is familiar with--but she insists on playing dumb anyway, because the sound of him laughing lowly into the phone makes her skin prickle with anticipation.
he says, "what are you wearing?"
"i miss you, euphie," he rumbles into the phone, his voice pitching lower now, different than the way he'd said it before. "everything about you. touching you, the way you sound, the way you taste--"
"if you called just to get off on my voice," she cuts in over him, keeping herself cool and even despite the way his tone makes her want to melt, "i'm hanging up."
"i did not call just to get off," he defends indignantly, and she can hear him shifting on the bed. "i also called to get you off, bella."
"per carità!" euphemia shifts, sitting up in bed. "you will be back tomorrow."
"and it is suffering," santino agrees, "every second, without you in my bed."
she presses her mouth into a thin line. she wants to make him wait. she wants him to hungry for her, always. but there is a part of her itching for it, for him, and even now she finds it almost impossible to tell him no--to tell him to mind himself, that it'll be all the sweeter when he's back in town.
"actually, i am in your bed," she says after a minute, nonchalantly. she tugs at the hem of his lounge shirt she's wearing, kicking the blankets down to the foot of the bed absently.
santino makes an intrigued sound. "in the loft?"
"yes," euphemia murmurs.
"i thought you didn't like it there."
"yes, but--" she pauses again, working the words around in her mouth. "it smells like you."
santino's breath slows a little, like he's pacing himself. "is that so?"
euphie skims her fingers up the inside of her thigh and then back down. "and i put on one of your shirts--"
he makes a low noise. "and?"
"what do you mean, 'and'?" she replies sweetly. "i put on one of your shirts and nothing else."
there is a different kind of noise, now, something that she thinks he might be trying to strangle before it comes out too loud, and she wishes he'd stop withholding it from her. she loves the way he sounds when he's losing those delicate threads of control, when he stops being perfectly composed.
"do you touch yourself and think of me?" santino purrs, his voice close but not close enough through the phone. euphie squirms, refusing to answer even as her fingers glide higher up beneath the lounge shirt, and he says: "touch yourself and think of me."
a command, this time. not a question.
euphemia feels the quick, hot drag of want blooming in the pit of her stomach, molten as she does as he bids--but only because she does miss him, only because he is still a nine hour flight away, and even though he will be back tomorrow, maybe if she closes her eyes and listens to his voice it will be just like he is--
her breath hitches, and she whimpers, gliding her fingers against the neediest part of herself. santino makes a broken sound.
"bet you look so good right now," santino growls. "you always look so fucking good when you--f-fuck, when you're--"
yes; if she closes her eyes, listening to the way his voice hitches and breaks into a moan on the phone just there in her ear, euphie can think he's there--that he would be dipping his fingers into her softness, beckoning them against her until she's moaning his name (and he loves that, the sound immediately followed by his broken, "oh, euphie, euphie, so fucking pretty when you say my name like that,") it's almost like he's there. his hands, his mouth; she can feel his lips on hers and the way his breath hitches the second he finally sinks home, if she tries enough, can think of the way he says her name very specifically in that moment, like she is so fucking holy he just can't stand it.
he's close, too. he's close, and he says, "i want my mouth on you, tesora," and he says, "come on, come on, i want to hear my girl," and he says, "fuck, when i get home i'm going to ruin you," and she drags her thumb against herself and almost, almost sees stars.
but she stops herself just before the plunging edge, and she manages out, her voice breathless, "don't, santi."
"what?" he's breathless, too. a laborious noise grinds out on the other end of the line. "euphie--"
"don't. come," she elaborates, sharper this time. santino groans, a heady mixture of despairing and agonized; he says something, but she's a little too intoxicated knowing that he's abiding by her, that he's despairing because he wants to finish so fucking bad and he can't.
"tesora." he is trying his best to sound composed, saccharine. "my beautiful euphie, you would deprive me of--"
"yes," euphemia tells him, "yes, i would deprive you. you want to fuck me, don't you?"
the line is silent for a moment. santino exhales sharply. "si, you know that i do."
"you want to come home," she continues, "and you want to fuck me on the kitchen island, or maybe our bed--"
"yes, euphie, you know--"
"and hear me say, oh, santi, santi, please, you feel so good inside of me--"
"yes," santino grinds out, bridging on a moan. "yes, f-fucking--brat."
"then," she murmurs silkily, all but come off her own high and onto another one, "don't. come."
something infuriated comes out of his mouth, bitten out between his teeth. a swear, probably; but he's shifting on the bed, trying to get comfortable, and she can almost hear the grimace, taking the place of that insidious little smirk he gets on his face when he feels particularly in charge.
good, she thinks. it's what he deserves.
"okay, okay," santino acquiesces, hoarse. "whatever you say, my euphie. if that's what you want--to deny me this."
she finds herself smiling, despite the twingeing little wrench in her own stomach from the denial. she has been with plenty of men; dangerous men, rich men, handsome men. santino is, of course, different than all of them, but one thing that doesn't change is how good it feels when they tell her, whatever you say.
"goodnight, santi," euphemia purrs. "i'll see you tomorrow. and so you know, i will be able to tell if you've broken the rules."
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stellar-smth · 2 years
Snippet from 13 Lovesongs. Enjoy 😏
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Insecurely you stood in front of him and nervously bit on your lower lip. The sight remembered Levi of the first evening when you had done the exact same thing entangled in his arms. He had wished to be the one to bite it in your stead. The view now made him lose the last straw of control. Everything he had just put together in his mind was forgotten as he snapped. Fuck it. He could not hold back any longer.  
He approached you in the blink of an eye and pressed his lips greedily on yours. You immediately let go of your lower lip and returned the deep kiss with pure desire. He wrapped his hands around your waist to pull you close to his chest as he slowly pushed you backwards. Your back reached the wall and he pinned you with his body. Eagerly your hands wandered over his torso, his back, his shoulder blades up his neck and finally dug into his raven black hair. You wanted to feel as much of him as possible, even though there was still the thin fabric of his shirt in between.
You moaned into your intense kiss as your heart raced with sheer greed and lust in your chest. In this moment you did not care anymore what Levi’s reasons had been to leave you and not what he had tried to explain. All that counted was that he was here now, firmly entangled with your tongue and your body. A growl left Levi's throat as he broke the kiss, his lips gleamed wetly with both of your saliva. You gasped for breath. He kissed from the corner of your mouth down your cheek to your nape.
Sparks from his soft touches jolted through your body and filled it once more with excitement. You let your head fall back into your neck, craving for more. With Levi’s head still in your grip, you pressed his initially gentle kisses harder against your skin. You wanted to feel him. More. Levi understood the request and began to suck lustfully at the bare skin on your neck. He worked his way up and down inch by inch, only to find the spots that made your entire body twitch with arousal. He sucked harder, pleased with your uncontrolled reactions.
Levi grabbed you by the back of your thighs and lifted you up as he turned his attention back to your gasping mouth. Immediately you wrapped your legs around his lower body with the intention of never letting go. Your mouths met wildly. Levi moaned into your opening and slowly started to move with you on his hips. He released one hand from your tight and carefully scanned the wall. As he found what he had searched for, he opened the door to the stage area a crack to slide inside with you. The heavy door fell shut again and he continued to pin you against the wall with relish.
In the empty, dimly light room you heard the smacking and irregular breaths from your kiss, filled with sexual tension. A lustful singsong of Levi’s and your moans and gasps now played the music in here. Ahh, he tastes so incredibly good. And he feels so good - you thought to yourself. Greedily you thrusted your tongue deeper and sucked everything of him in. You wanted more and craved for his touch.
"Ngh...Levi...please. Touch me" you whimpered in a daze.
At the sound of your erotic voice saying his name and the desire that resonated with it, Levi pressed you even closer to his body. His penis throbbed hard against the inside of his pants and twitched at your words. He pulled away from the wall and carried you across the room. His lips still continued to seal with yours as he briefly let one eye roam the room to make sure you were truly undisturbed. He sat you down on the platform of the stage while his lips wandered down your neck. You groaned as he found the spot that was already a little sore from before and sucked on it.
“Mhh” he exhaled a steam of hot breath against your wet skin that made you respond with a low growl. He kissed your collarbone and fully absorbed your heavenly scent. One hand slowly wandered to your crotch and gently circled the fabric of your pants over your clitoris. Immediately your moans and gasps became more intense, your vagina burned with desire deep inside your pants. His fingers searched for the button and the zipper while his mouth never left your neck. Skilfully he opened your trousers to slowly guide his hand to the source of your arousal. He teasingly stroked your pubic mound while his fingertips left a tingling trail on your naked skin. Shit, that feels way better than all I could have imagined. His hand ran over your clitoris and labia which pulsated with desire for him and were wet from your leaking juices.
Full fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31697729/chapters/78450296
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kelevi · 2 years
✮ . ˚ knock, knock . you received a gift !ㅤtype ⨾ written plot هدية صغيرة , long post
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) liam's interview with ate milan .
the raven haired boy enters the room wearing his usual clothing— just an oversized shirt on top of his pair of shorts. he greets his oldest sister with a warm smile, hand giving her a small wave. he looks around his living room, still amazed by the fact that it appeared so beautiful in his eyes. "did you just get here?" he asks milan, feet directly taking him to his sister's figure. "oo, a few minutes ago nga lang. sinalubong ako nila mist sa pinto kanina." milan chuckles after telling liam, hand grabbing her camera bag. "i brought my camera, para naman mayroon mapaggamitan 'to. tagal nang naka-stock sa kwarto ko." the girl then lightly taps on the bag beside her. "we can start now, right?" liam asks his sister, sitting down on the couch across from her. milan quietly hums before standing up, speaking afterwards. "hold on, set up ko lang yung camera natin." the girl then takes her camera out of the bag, turning it on before fixing the stand she's going to use. "ready ka na?"
liam breathes deeply before nodding, fixing his posture while sitting on the couch. "okay, the camera's going to roll in 3.. 2.. 1.." milan states as she grabbed the piece of paper that was laying on the couch. the boy smiles at the camera brightly, heart feeling a little nervous because this was the first time when he made a video greeting for his special someone. "hello, mahal ko.." he starts, fingers already fidgeting with one another. "if you're wondering what this video is for, this is one of my gifts for you. makakarating yung video na 'to sa'yo kapag pumatak na yung valentine's day. i had a hard time brainstorming about what to give you. i just wanted this day to become special for the both of us kaya i'll give you the best gifts i could think of. first, eto yung video na ginawa ko kasama si ate milan." his sister gives him a small smile before speaking as well. "liam asked me to help. interview ko raw siya ng questions about sa inyo and he's going to answer. i made some of the questions here, while for the others, we got help from his friend, light."
"this is a video i made for you to know those unsaid words i had in mind habang kasama kita. i may have always told you that i love you, but there are a lot of things na gusto ko pang ipaalam sa'yo." he continues to speak to the camera, lips forming into a cheeky smile while doing so. the simple thought of kazeiver reading his gift made him feel butterflies in his stomach. his heart felt warm when zeiv appeared in his mind. "let's head to the first question." milan speaks, eyes scanning the piece of paper in her hands.
1. where and when did you meet him?
to be honest, i don't know the exact date when i met zeiv. but, i got to to know more things about him through my friend, xyder. they were in this same group.. nung nalaman ni xyder na i had my eyes on him, he started teasing me sa group chat namin and told me small details about him. i just laugh it off kapag inaasar ako ni xyder because i thought na hanggang doon lang naman ako. yung tipong hanggang simpleng gusto lang at kuntento na sa malayo habang nakikita siya. 'potential crush' pa nga lang dapat kasi, but i didn't expect na aabot kami sa puntong mamahalin na namin yung isa't isa. i got to talk to him one night kasi tinulak kami ni xyder sa isa't isa. until now, i still feel thankful na ginawa niya yun.
2. how did it go when he entered your life?
it's almost a month na since i met kazeiver. next week na agad yung first month naming magkasama, i feel like that day's going to be special. mahilig pa naman ako balikan favorite memories ko. paano ko ba sisimulan 'to? una sa lahat, i actually felt comfort nung nagkausap kami for the first time. he just felt.. different. kumbaga parang iba talaga sa mga nakilala ko noon. he's actually aware of this fact. my life has been great nung dumating si zeiv. tuwing nalulungkot ako o kaya naman masama loob, he's there to calm me down. bibigyan niya ako ng yakap at halik para kumalma ako— and that works everytime. he's like my anchor, magulo yung buhay pero he keeps me in place. dati iniisip ko kung magmamahal pa ba ako, o kung makakaramdam pa ba ako ng pagmamahal. kazeiver never made me feel unloved, masaya talaga ako kapag siya yung kasama ko.
3. how was your experience with him?
what i experienced with zeiv was a lot more special than what i experienced in the past. ibang-iba talaga eh. alam niyo, i always look forward to talking to him everyday. sa umaga kapag medyo nahimasmasan na ako, siya agad yung pumapasok sa isip ko. alam niyo ba yung pakiramdam na nasasanay ka na sa presence ng isang tao? tapos pagkatapos nung lagi mo nang hinahanap-hanap? ako ganyan na ganyan nararamdaman ko kay zeiv ngayon eh. isa siya sa mga rason kung bakit ako gumigising sa umaga at kung bakit ako nagkakarason para gumising pa. we would go on movie dates din every week, tapos magkukulitan lang kami habang nanonood.
4. was it love at first sight? how much do you love him?
actually, no. it wasn't love at first sight for me, pero he immediately caught my attention when my eyes first landed on him. it took some time for us para sabihin naming mahal namin yung isa't isa, and we got to experience some things together bago pa man mangyari yun. i remember una kami nagsabihan ng i love you's namin when i sent him my first gift. one week na kasi kami that time, pero grabe, it felt like months na. ngayon naman, we openly say kung gaano namin kamahal yung isa't isa. as the days go by, parang nahuhulog lang ako lalo sa kaniya. nagiging vocal nga rin si kazeiver sa akin about doon. how much do i love zeiv..? it's more than any person can imagine. hindi lang puro kilig ramdam ko sa kaniya, but i feel happy about everything kapag about sa kaniya. i feel comfort, security.. kazeiver has become my safe haven. siya na yung tahanan at pahinga ko ngayon.
5. do you see your future with him?
roleplay and in real life wise, oo. hindi lang naman dahil sa mahal ko si zeiv, pero matagal kong gustong makasama yung tao. we still have a lot of time para magkakilala, we still have a lot of things to face and experience in the future. alam niyo, i feel soft inside kapag nagpaplano kami ng future namin together dito— lalo na when we're talking about our plots sa rp. akala mo totoong-totoo eh. maguusap kami about sa ipapagawa naming bahay, about our kids, kung ano jobs namin. everytime we cuddle, lagi ko naiisip kung gaano na gaya magiging deep bond namin in the future.
milan gives liam a soft smile, heart feeling endeared as she knew how happy her brother felt at the moment. she folded the piece of paper in her hands and put it aside. "what's your last message for kazeiver?" she asks liam, about to let out a soft laugh when she sees her brother wipe his tears away. "i just want to let zeiv know that i love him very much. every second feels so special kapag siya yung kasama ko. i'll continue to love him for a long time and give him the appreciation he deserves."
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✮ . ˚ knock, knock . you received a gift !ㅤtype ⨾ written blog هدية صغيرة , long post
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) preparing zeiv zeiv's gifts .
hi, guys! do you know what tomorrow is? it's finally valentine's day! it is a celebration wherein candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of saint valentine. this year, i wanted to make valentine's day special for my zeiv zeiv. i actually had a hard time thinking about gifts because i wanted to become unique for once with my presents. meron akong digital and physical gifts for my baby, sana magustuhan niya. nag-usap nga kami ng friends ko, sabi nila gawan ko raw siya ng playlists and blogs para mawili siya sa pagbabasa. ako naman para may ma-content at may mabigay pang gift para kay zeiv, i tried to make some pastries and dessert for him. also! i wanted to put my fashion skills into use kaya i made some clothes for him. simple lang naman at hindi gaano kabongga para hindi siya masyadong time-consuming sa paghahanda ko sa valentine's day.
una, i woke up early today para magawa ko yung cake for zeiv. hindi ako sure kung anong flavor gagawin— indecisive pa naman ako when it comes to making decisions. so nung pumunta sa unit ko mga anak ni light, i asked them kung ano pwedeng flavor ng cake for valentine's day. sabi nila taehee, strawberry-flavored daw gawin ko para naman match sa theme ng araw. i secretly bought the ingredients for the cake last week para hindi makita ni zeiv. i looked for some designs sa pinterest and this one cake caught my eye. pagkagising ko kanina, agad na akong kumilos para umpisahan yung cake. zeiv and i slept late last night kaya hanggang ngayon mahimbing parin yung tulog niya. i really tried to not make any noise. mamaya pa susunduin yung mga bata kaya natutulog parin sila, pero sa kabilang kwarto nga lang.
after i put the cake in the oven, hinayaan ko na muna siyang mag-bake para malagay ko na yung frosting mamaya. i sat on the living room para magpahinga saglit kasi uumpisahan ko nang gawin yung mga brownies mamaya. i plan on giving my friends some brownies din for valentine's day, para hindi lang sa jowa ko mapupunta kasweet'an ko. kumalong muna sa'kin saglit si mist, gusto ata magpa-cuddle. as i was looking at the view outside the window, napaisip ako kung ano kaya pinaplano ni zeiv for valentine's day. i just want to spend the whole day with him tomorrow and give him cuddles. we're going to have our alone time na tomorrow kasi uuwi na yung mga bata. mamayang gabi, i have a little something for my zeiv zeiv. alam ko naman na may idea na siya eh hehe. anyway, idedesign ko na yung cake since tapos na ata siya ma-bake. i'll wrap my presents na rin hehe.
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unrhymed-poetry · 4 years
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Wow, I'm finally doing this. Almost 4 months since I've watched Reply 1988. Pero ngayon lang ako sinipag actually mag-type. I have to type this, because this drama is consuming my little brain hahaha. It keeps on playing kasi sa isip ko. Lalo na pag may na-recruit na naman akong kaibigan na manuod tapos pagkwekwentuhan namin ung fave scenes namin. So, opo, ganun po ako kinain ng R88, na sa almost 4 months di pa ako nakaka-move on. Normally after ko manuod ng KDrama, move on agad ako bes.
I watched Reply Series because my student recommended it. So, nagstart ako sa R97 then R94 which is super ganda. Then the last series which is R88. At first episode hinuntuan ko siya because parang hindi ako nagagandahan or mainly naiinis ako kay Bora. Tapos naisip ko, sabi nila maganda, so the other day I continue watching. So ayun na, bakit tinuloy ko? Dahil sa middle child syndrome (I want to write something about this separately)! Noong umiiyak na si Duk Seon, naiiyak na ako dahil sobrang nakakarelate.
In this post, I'll write my fave scenes, ung iniyakan ko, kinainisan (yes, meron po), tinawanan ko. Bilang nagra-ramble yung mga scenes sa isip ko alam kong magiging magulo to (but yes i have to let it go, let it go)
🐐 Bukod sa middle child syndrome, super relate ako kay DukSeon nung umiiyak na siya sa papa niya na bakit wala siyang pangarap while her friends have dreams na ipupursue nila sa college. Ouch, it hit a spot.
🐐 R88, as we all know focuses on strong ties of family. Naaalala ko yung scene na, when Taekki flew from China to compete. May news na may nag-crash na airplane. Kaya sobrang panic ang tatay niya. His father is not showy actually(even Dukseon's) pero grabe that time maiisip mo yung pagmamahal ng mga tatay sa anak, though hindi sila showy (just like my father) pero guys, lagi nila tayong naiisip and gusto lang nila yung ikakabuti natin.
🐐 Funniest scene : etong scene na to maisip ko pa lang nangyari sobrang natatawa ko. Yung audition ni Dong Ryong and Mama Cheetah! Hahahaha. While watching, inaanticipate ko sya bilang alam ko naman na nagkapalit yung audition tape at tape nung nagbebenta ng itlog, so feel ko hindi na ako matatawa. Pero, when the tape plays and Mama Cheetah makes an impromptu. Wala na, finish na!
🐐 Nakakainis na scene : Well, JungHwan here's your trophy! While he is 'confessing' nasa isip ko, "Eto na, moment na nila!" Kinikilig nako. Tapos nung ngumiti siya sa dulo and joke lang pala, girl natulala ako dun!! So after R88 naisip ko na kahit mag-confess siya, gusto na that time ni DukSeon si Taekki, because Taekki treated her well. While JungHwan is 'silently' treating her well. Kasi naman kuya sana sinabi mo na yung suot ni JungBong na shirt eh hindi yung binigay sa'yo ni DukSeon. *Sigh* anyway we nagwagi naman tayo in real life because they are dating for real hahaha.
🐐 Nakakaiyak na scene: Too many to mention! But I'll just pick the wedding of Bora and SunWoo. Bora bought her father a shoes before her wedding without knowing that it is oversized (the past episode naman, she bought her father a shirt na undersized). But her father wear them (same with the shirt). Her father kept on telling her that it's ok. Wala na finish na, insert pa natin yung letter ng papa niya. So realization, kahit ano pa ibigay natin sa mga magulang natin. It's either mahal or mura. Exact sizes o sobra o kulang yung size. Guys, they will treasure it! Magiging masaya sila kahit ano pa yan basta galing sa anak nila.
🐐 One scene na na-touch ako sa gesture ni JungHwan. When Mama Cheetah don't know how to spell her name in English ang JungHwan wrote the spelling in her passport my heart is fluttering.
🐐 Naalala ko bigla yung surprise pa-wedding nila JungHwan sa parents nila then yung plaque of recongnition nila DukSeon sa papa niya.
🐐 Who else thought that SunWoo is the perfect kuya?
🐐 Let us not forget DongRyong, our boy bawang na nagpapatunay may clown tayo isang barkadahan.
🐐 Well, shoutout naman kay JungBong na kapag gusto niya ang isang bagay, sobrang effort at dedication ang ibinubuhos niya. From 1000 pieces na origami at chain mails na sinulat niya hahahah! So happy pa rin naman because nagtagumpay siya sa dulo.
🐐 Thumbs up talaga ako sa writer ng Reply series (same writer ng Prison Playbook and Hospital Playlist, which belongs to my top5 KDramas), Shin PD 정말 감사드립니다!!
🐐 Unlike the 2 reply series, the present scene nila ay reunion nilang lahat while R88's present scene is the adult DukSeon, Taekki, Bora and NoEul. Well, honestly nalungkot ako dun because I expected na makikita ko adult version ng ibang casts. But I came to a relization na we all have this childhood memories na itetreasure natin for the rest of our lives. Sometimes people will remain others will leave but it's the reality. All of us will have separate lives when we grow up, magkikita kita na lang ulit tayo sa reunion, kasal, binyag or even funeral (which is masakit) but I know the hindi mapuputol ung tali na nagdudugtong sa atin.
So after R88, masyado na akong napamahal sa cast until naging #1 oppa ko na si BoGum (보검아 보고싶어). I'm glad na pinanuod ko to. Like hello girl this is a 2016 drama! Bakit hindi ko to nabalitaan?!
P.S. my little brain has 500MB released memory! Honestly I want to rewatch R88 but it will consume my night and this past few days I'm trying to form a habit to sleep at 9 or 10. It takes 21 days to form a habit but 1 day to break it. Kaya nagrereminisce na lang through writing hahaha.
20년 10월 01일
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lunawings · 4 years
Love Live Nijigasaki School Idol Club 3
Had somewhat more to say about this one ‘cause I typed while watching. 
Every time Karin sings her line in the OP my entire body is just goosebumps. I STILL can’t believe Miyutan is in Love Live. I don’t know if I’ll ever see Nijigaku in person, but at least I know I’ve seen Miyutan two... no three? Times live before, albeit as other characters. And that’s pretty neat. It’s like hearing an old friend.
And while I’m speaking of it, this one character performance per episode format is REALLY reminding me of Pretty Series. So when Karin finally performs her insert song it’s gonna blow my MIND.
Now that I think about it, Yu being super excitable does make sense. She did begin as an analogue for the audience after all. When she just LOCKED ON to Setsuna Nana, immediately losing it over the small possibility that she may have found someone who likes the same thing she does... the vicarious cringe I had over how I would do... the sa...m.....e.... thi....ng....... (I wear my Love Live shirts out in public every so often hoping for this exact same kind of encounter.)
When Ayumu walks in on what she realizes was a private moment between Nana and Yu................ 
“Outsider lady” PFFFFFFFT okay so I finally went straight and got around to subscribing to Funimation so I’m watching this with subs for the first time. I don’t always read them but I caught that and had a good chuckle. Gold star, Funimation. 
HANPENNN. Yup. We have our Nijigaku mascot.
Kasumin’s shady bread dealings. 
I’m kinda surprised nobody has mentioned μ's or Aqours yet, unless I missed it? Is this so far in the future that they’re no longer relevant? It would have been nice if Nijigaku was inspired by Aqours, but... I do remember being annoyed in the first season of Sunshine at how much μ's was mentioned. I was like... just let them be their own group, geez. So maybe it’s for the best.    
Wait... WAIT do we have a Love Live show about not going for Love Live? But... B-But the name of the show is--
Ayumu is A SAINT for having no reaction at all to Yu being ALL UP in Setsuna’s busiNESS the end good lord. 
Who’s gonna be the next to join I wonder... I’m not sure but I’d bet Rina is last?
I should mention that I don’t really remember what happened in the app story at all ahah. 
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callmeyce · 5 years
read my previous post muna before reading this hehe so once we went back inside, umupo na kami sa sofa. then he started playing "Closer" through the speakers tas napatingin ako sakanya. alam kong aayain niya ako sumayaw pero shocked talaga ako. then nilapitan na niya ako tas inabot yung kamay ko :((( inulit niya yung ginawa niya sakin before sa dark room ko bago pa maging kami. :((((((((( i kept on blabbing nung nakatayo na kami tas naka-wrap na arms niya sa bewang ko then yung arms ko naman sa leeg niya. salita ako ng saita cos di ko alam gagawin ko, di ko alam naffeel ko. halo-halo; kinakabahan, kinikilig, nababaliw... and then he said... "alam mo kung kinikilig ka sabihin mo lang." tapos ayun na. i buried my head into his chest and we danced. same exact position nung prom namin. i didn't why, but i cried. hindi yung patak lang pero full blown iyak habang naka-bury yung mukha ko sa chest niya so basang-basa na shirt niya hahahaha. nung sumayaw kami, parang sumabog puso ko. as i said, halo-halong emotions kaya bigla talaga ako napaiyak. alam niyo yung sa movies? it happened to me. nagflashback lahat ng nangyari samin ni Earl. i couldn't stop crying habang sumayaw legit. mind you, kaming dalawa parin ang naiwan sa bahay nun tas sumayaw kami sa gitna ng sala nila :((( saktong January 1, 2019. it was better than a new year's eve kiss. it was the best.
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newgameplaybyplay · 2 years
Spirit Hunter: NG
Also wondering how Yuki (?) died with a grudge in order to become a spirit. The official story is she died in a random car crash, but...I think I saw blood on her shirt, so maybe she was murdered and running her over with a car was just a cover up.
Also I love how Seiji has the exact same snarl as Mashita when inconvenienced.
Seiji is Mashita and Yashiki's adopted son. Mashita got fired in the last game and the spirit detective business with Yashiki didn't pan out, so he decided to lead the mafia. Somebody's written that fic, right? Right?
Oh right, someone was murdered at Yamato Shrine. I suppose we'll find out about that soon enough.
Oh also, when you report Ami missing and go back to your room, the flute music is playing quietly in the background, which I thought was a nice touch.
Oh look, a mother and child ghost. Well, credit where credit is due, at least it's different from Death Mark, which I'd criticized for having "violence at the hands of men" and "insane lust" as the only possible reasons for women becoming ghosts. Yes, mother and child is still cliché, but it's more unique and less sexualized. I hope. I shouldn't say anything before I've heard the rumour, but I'm imagining it'll be similar to La Llorona.
I'd been thinking they were going to say her corpse was somehow pregnant, but thankfully I'm just weird and it was swarming with turtles. Judging from what I've seen, I'm hoping this game will lean into the violence more, and avoid the pointless and frankly dehumanizing sexualization. When Ami disappeared, I was thinking "I swear to god if we look up and her naked body is hanging from the ceiling..." because that scene with Moe is something I'm still pissed about.
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dedalvs · 6 years
Bodzvokhan: The Orcish Language from Bright
The Orcs in Bright lived most of their existence in the Pripet Marshes. They spoke their own language, but as the Russian Empire grew, many learned to speak Russian, as well. When Russia began a campaign to exterminate the Orcs, they emigrated to many places, including the United States. The Orcish language had an old, ancient script (Vukht) which was replaced by a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet. After the emigration, the Orcs reclaimed their old writing system and began using it once again (with some modified Cyrillic letters used for sounds not present in the language when the Vukht was originally in use).
The language itself is SVO and somewhat agglutinative with minimal case marking. Phonologically, it’s highly permissive of consonant clusters, and has low-high vowel harmony. The Cyrillic writing system is, of course, alphabetic, and the Vukht is abjadic. This is a rundown of the phonemes and how they’re spelled:
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These are the original six vowels of Bodzvokhan. They come in pairs like this, so every affix that takes -i with high vowels will take -e with low vowels, and vice versa. These are high and low with respect to one another, not in terms of their exact IPA definitions.
A couple of important notes here on the Vukth (ignore Cyrillic for the moment). The abjad works by placing the two lines you see in the low column below a consonant to indicate that there is an [a] vowel there. Without that, it’s assumed that there is either no vowel or [ǝ]. The original semi-vowels *j and *w are used for the vowels [i] and [u], respectively, and the low mark is used below them to indicate [ɛ] and [ɔ]. Because consonants indicate the vowel that occurs before them, the symbols for [a] and [ǝ] are never really used, and don’t differ from one another (this is also due to the fact that [ǝ] is never written at the end of a word, so usually you only see that glyph if it’s [a] at the end of a word and not obvious).
Here’s an illustrative example:
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These are two different words that are nevertheless written with the same characters. The main characters are, in order, <vʀbwʣ>. In the first word, though, <v>, <b>, and <w> have the low diacritic beneath them, meaning that the vowel before them is [a]. When it occurs before <w>, the interpretation is that they combine to form [ɔ]. Thus the first word is pronounced [a.vʁaˈbɔdz], which means “I plant it”, and the second is pronounced [ǝ.vʁ(ǝ).ˈbudz], which means “I yank it”. Each of these can also take a final -a or -ǝ, respectively, but it’s usually left off (more on that later).
The Cyrillic should be uncontroversial, save using <э> rather than <е>. This is done because <е> is used elsewhere. The vowel <ы> was used basically for the “other” vowel in Orcish, and is used in Russian borrowings for the original <ы> vowel. For that reason, it can be pronounced [ɨ], but that’s usually done only by those fluent in Russian, and only in Russian borrowings. Otherwise, it’s just the symbol used for [ǝ]. Also, unlike in the Vukht, the vowels are always written.
Otherwise, the romanization is straightforwardly i, e, ǝ, a, u, o. In the scripts, I didn’t differentiate between [a] and [ǝ] at all (they were both spelled a), since (a) Final Draft doesn’t support <ǝ>, and (b) I was going to be on set to make sure it was always pronounced right. Plus, unless the word has all [a] or [ǝ], it’s obvious which it should be.
Now here are the consonants:
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All of these were romanized as you can probably guess (so: ch [tʃ], j [dʒ], sh [ʃ], zh [ʒ], kh [x~χ], h [ħ]. ng [ŋ], y [j], and r [ʀ]). There are just a couple of notes to make.
There are some sounds present in the chart which have spellings in both systems that are no longer present in the language. At this stage, the phonemes and letters associated with the proto sounds *[ɢ], *[ʁ], *[ɣ], and *[ʀ] are all pronounced [ɣ~ʁ], and are all romanized as r. It’s only in the two orthographies that those sounds are still differentiated, leading to some complex spellings one has to remember.
Aside from the glyph for y [j], the entire palatal column has been borrowed from Russian, and from Cyrillic. This entire series is not native to Bodzvokhan, and is not spelled with native Vukht characters.
Those familiar with Cyrillic will doubtless have some questions about the characters chosen for the sounds not present in Russian. I went with systematicity over adhering to any specific Cyrillicization scheme, figuring that the orthography would have been created by a missionary some time in the late 1700s/early 1800s. I think it works very well as a system, but hope it works historically.
Some, but not all, of the native Vukht consonants have a special geminate form used only when the consonants appear as true geminates (so you’d use them for a theoretical word ǝnni but not inǝn). This is a list of them:
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Those should be fairly self-explanatory. In addition, there are a number of Cyrillic extensions that are used for Bodzvokhan. I’ll discuss them after I show them:
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Russian has an entire palatal series that’s written by having two sets of vowels. Each of these made its way to both the Cyrillic writing system and the Vukht. The sequences [jɛ] and [jɔ] actually do occur in native Bodzvokhan words, so the character are sometimes used for that, rather than the traditional sequence of the character for <j> followed by the modified character for <j> or <w>. Old *[jɔ], though, eventually developed into modern [œ], and so now the new character <ё> is used for that vowel. In parallel, the character <ю> is also used for new [y]. (So now Bodzvokhan has an eight vowel system.) Other characters are used variously in borrowings, with the old Cyrillic character <я> used now in English borrowings where [æ] is wanted.
The old Cyrillic soft sign <ь> was only used in the Cyrillic writing system for Bodzvokhan, and only in borrowings—and even then, inconsistently. The hard sign <ъ>, though, developed a life of its own. Old sequences of stops followed by *[ʀ] have evolved to become hard consonants—probably velarized. Or something like that. As a way of marking these, the hard sign is used following stop consonants. There are no longer any sequences spelled with a stop glyph followed by the glyph for r in either the Cyrillic version or the Vukht. (In addition, velars became uvulars before r.)
Anyway, that’s more or less the phonology. Stress is on the second-to-last syllable of the root.
I see this is way longer than expected. lol I’ll show you some minimal grammar stuff, then.
Nouns distinguish singular and plural, as well as nominative and genitive. Here are some examples:
NOM. SG.: dri “stone”; qǝs “summit”; dǝzhn “language”
NOM. PL.: drif “stones”; qǝsif “summits”; dǝzhnivǝ “languages”
GEN. SG.: drin “stone’s”; qǝsǝn “summit’s”; dǝzhnǝn “language’s”
GEN. PL.: drim “stones’”; qǝsim “summits’”; dǝzhnivin “languages’”
If you take those same three types of words (ends in a vowel; ends in a consonant; ends in a consonant cluster) and switch out the vowels with low vowels, then you get low vowel suffixes. Thus, with örq “orc”, you get örqeva, örqan, and örqeven.
Verbs agree with their subjects, direct objects, and indirect objects, and also mark aspects, polarity, and a few voices. I’m actually going to be super lazy and put up table images, because why not this is huge anyway. lol
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These are all things that come before the root. So if nǝd is “give”, ǝmvrǝnǝd is “I give it to [him/her]”, kvǝvrunǝd is “You gave it to me” (can’t have a geminate [v] like that, so the [ǝ] breaks it up), khngrbǝzninǝd is “They always give them to you”, and khngrbǝznunǝd “They always used to give them to you”, etc. The nominalization can be used to make regular verbal nouns, but also complex infinitives, like ǝngvrhunǝd “for me to have given it to you”.
There are two types of suffixes that can come after the verb root:
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The position 4 suffixes are optional (used only when needed), and the affirmative polarity suffixes are generally not use save for emphasis at this stage (which is why many verbs end with the verb root, in practical use).
The third person agreement prefixes are also used to form agentive nouns. Thus, the verb form pegazdasa, which means “s/he works regularly”, is also the noun to mean “worker”. (In fact, as a noun, the final -a will always be on there, whereas for the verb most of the time it will not be.) These nouns, then, don’t have the usual case frame, as their “plurals” are actually just plural verb forms. Thus:
NOM. SG.: pegazdasa “worker”
NOM. PL.: khegazdasa “workers”
GEN. SG.: pegazdasan “worker’s”
GEN. PL.: khegazdasan “workers’”
That gives you some of the major points of the Bodzvokhan language. There are adjectives, they come before the noun, and they agree in case and number. There are lots of borrowings from Russian, and some from English. Here’s probably my favorite sign that the art department came up with:
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Öl Ruf. Öl El. “Dark Times. Dark Ale.” lol The ale is called Omarzo Gǝrrul “Ugly Gargoyle”. And that word mark for the word omarzo, “ugly”... Just brilliant. You know, I first came up with the Cyrillic script for Orcish, because, based on my understanding of what I discussed with David Ayer, that was the only one that was going to be used. But then he said he wanted another script—more angular and crude-looking—so I came up with the idea of the old script that was reclaimed. I didn’t like the look of it at first, but when I saw what they did with that word mark, I was like, “All right. This works. This is good.” Those art department folk are wizards. There was a guy there that had an Ugly Gargoyle ale shirt with that on it, and I’ve never coveted anything so bad...
Anyway, that’s an intro to the Orcish language, Bodzvokhan. Hope you like it! Up next is Elvish!
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                                       “YOU HAVE TO STAY WELL”
                   My heart is beating fast. It kept beating fast as I ran outside to get some fresh air. The weather looks nice today that I decided to buy some flowers. It’s a very special day for me. It’s been three weeks since I last spent time with my girlfriend, Jasmine. Today marks our 300th day together. Ever since I met her, I knew she was the one for me. I’m not the type to act or talk so cheesy but, with her, it’s different. I keep thinking about her long, brown hair, her beautiful brown skin and her very bright smile. Man, there are so many things about her that I love that really takes my breath away. Once I arrived at the flower shop, I took out my mask and bucket hat, immediately disguising myself. However, some people still recognized me because of my hat .I guess I shouldn’t have worn this hat too much but, what’s done is done. Anyway, since I was in a rush to meet her, I took the best bouquet of white roses since those are her favorite, paid for them and immediately left. Once I got back to my dorm, I looked at the perfect bouquet of white roses for her and took in a long sniff.. they smelled so good.. like her. As I took off my clothes and proceeded to shower, I suddenly wanted to reminisce the time that I met her.
               Jasmine and I met through Mark when we were in LA. She was Mark’s neighbor and friend but it felt really awkward at first because she didn’t know who GOT7 was and I don’t think she was interested in KPOP as well. To be honest, I found her to be really cute since she was kind of short but it also made her adorable. We didn’t really have anything to say to each other so after we said our hellos, everything went silent. The kids even thought it was funny. One of the funniest and most awkward encounter I had with her was we were in a mall eating with the other members when Yugyeom said something funny while she was drinking so when she laughed, she accidentally spat the juice in her mouth at Jinyoung. He actually didn’t know what to say but he was side eyeing her the whole time after that. Haha. Since we spent a few more days in LA, we got to hung out with her, exchange social media info although I don’t even have that. During the time I was there, I got to hang out with her too. I felt find of shy since it’s been a long time since I showed any interest in a girl. I didn’t even realize that I liked her too much that I made a secret line account just to get to communicate with her. She barely spoke Korean but, I’ll try my best to impress her. When it was time for me to go back to Korea, we still both kept in contact through SNS. She’s actually a fun person and has a good sense of humor. She told me that she started to check out our music although what she has been sending me were NG shots which were pretty funny.
                 Fast forward as to how we became a couple, it was because Jasmine went to Korea for vacation. Since she and I became close through SNS, I was the one who gave her a quick tour around the city. I was honestly busy but since she’s the girl that I like, I want to be with her while I can still see her. She’s really amazing. We walked around Han River and enjoyed each other’s company since it was already nightfall. As we were sitting down on a bench, relaxing our feet, I actually didn’t know what went through my mind when I suddenly took my mask off and leaned toward kiss her. I guess I couldn’t help myself since I missed her a lot and I don’t want her to leave without knowing what was in my heart. After our lips parted ways, she looked at me; I can see that she was surprised. I was expecting to be slapped or her to be angry at me but she giggled. Yes. Giggle. I was quite taken aback but to see her brighten up in front of me made me really happy. I then started to confess. “Jasmine-ssi, I don’t know how to say this but, I like you. I like you to the point where I want to date you. Will you give me a chance? “. When I said those words, I prepared myself to be rejected but no, she hugged me and said “Yes. You’re not going to jump off a building like in haji hajima, right?”… aigoo. I don’t even know what to say. On our first date, we went to Seoul Forest in Subway Bundang Line. I can still remember the outfit she wore. She’s a casual person so I like that she doesn’t try to stand out in the crowd although in my eyes, she stands out the most. We had a picnic there and talked about a lot of things. After eating, we relaxed in under the trees before I took her to the dorm to introduce her to my cats, especially Nora. They were shy at first but they slowly warmed up to her. It was honestly so cute that I took some photos of that encounter but I’m not gonna show you. Hehe. I noticed that she doesn’t like showing too much affection in public but when I took her home, she willingly kissed me on the cheek. Hehe. That made me really happy. We went to a couple of more dates before she went back to LA. I suddenly remembered those photos of mine talking to someone on the phone were uploaded on the internet, I was actually talking to Jasmine then. I love how she always makes time for me. Despite the slight language barrier, the long distance and opposite time differences, we both stayed strong. That’s why when she decided to move here in Korea, I was very happy. She moved in to a place near my dorm so it’s easier for us to see each other when we’re both not busy. I felt like I was the luckiest man on earth.
                  So back to the present, I wore the blue, branded shirt she gave me and jeans. I really wanted to look handsome for her on our special day. We agreed to meet at the place where I confessed my feelings for her. I started to rush to my car since I kept thinking that I didn’t want to be late. Driving towards that place, I felt so much happiness. When I arrived, I parked the car and took the bouquet of white roses into my hands. When I went to the exact same spot where I confessed, I saw her standing here, her hair being gently blown by the cool breeze. I approach her and hug her from behind. I asked her if she waited for a long time. She said no which made me feel relieved. I then give her the white roses she loves. But, I suddenly notice something’s off. I look into her eyes and caress her cheek, asking her if there’s something wrong. She said it was nothing so I showed her some aegyo to make her smile a little but all I heard was…
“Jae Beom, let’s break up.”
….I… Did…Did I hear correct? The love of my life wants to break up with me? I shook my head and breathed in deep. I asked her if what I heard is correct and that she’s breaking up with me and she said it was. I couldn’t believe it. A lot of thoughts were running through my mind such as “why? What happened? Did I make a mistake? Did I not do well as a boyfriend?”. I then asked her if it’s because she loves someone else. She said “No. But, I just don’t think this relationship can work anymore.” I told her that her reason was bullshit. We both love each other, how can our relationship not work?! I suddenly felt my heart beat faster. I don’t even know what to feel or what to say. All I can feel is the pain in my chest. I was too shocked that I didn’t realize that tears were streaming down my face. I’m a guy, I shouldn’t cry. But I just can’t accept that the person I love wants to leave me.
“Jae Beom, to be honest, the reason why I want to break-up is because I think your career will soar higher if the thing they called dating rumors would just die. Nothing you say or do can make change my mind. I have been thinking about this for the past month. I just don’t have the heart to tell you. You’re a nice guy, Jae Beom. But, I don’t think I love you enough to sacrifice everything I have for you unlike who I was before.“
                 When she said those words, I quickly took her hands and kissed them. “Jasmine, don’t do this, please. I love you so much. We can still talk about this! Why did you decide without confronting me at first?! You’re unfair, you know that!” I didn’t mean to shout at her but all I heard was nothing. Just pure silence from her. I then take a few steps backwards. I then watch her put the roses on top of the bench, and then she turned around to walk away from me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I just don’t get it. Where did I lack? I mean yeah, I know I’m an idol. I go home late, I sometimes may reply late, in short, I mostly do things late because of my schedule. But never did I once made her feel like she was last. After that, I still kept texting her as if nothing happened. But I never got any reply nor an answer when I called. When I went to her apartment, I knocked for how many times but she’s never home. If only Jasmine knew how much pain I’m feeling right now. I’d give anything for her to come back to me.
                  A month passed by and still, I haven’t heard anything from her, I haven’t been sleeping nor eating. The members are quite concerned already but I’m just in too much pain to eat. Whenever I close my eyes, I can’t help but remember the times we held each other’s hands, hugged each other, and kissed each other. Every memory is now painful than ever. I was about to head outside to buy something to drink when Mark called me, I looked at him and he gently hands me his phone.
“It’s Jasmine.”
         Upon hearing her name, I immediately took the call.
“Annyeong Jae Beom. How are you? I know that was such a foolish question to ask.”
          I quickly asked her where she was and why hasn’t she responded to my messages.
“I’m sorry, Jae Beom. I am now back in LA. I didn’t tell you because I know you’d try to stop me. Listen, I’m sorry we had to end our relationship, I did love you and I didn’t want to be in your way anymore—“
           I cut her sentence and told her she never was in my way. I knew she always respected my decisions and never touched my work unless I asked for her opinion about it.
“JAE BEOM. LISTEN FIRST. That’s not just the reason. I’m also tired of feeling like I’m not important to you anymore. If I were to count the times that you’d been in events which I invited you to, I can count them in one hand. I guess it’s my fault too because I allowed you to spoil me. I understand that you’re a celebrity and all, but, couldn’t you have squeezed in just a little bit of your time for me? I know this sounds childish but those were some of the reasons why I fell out of love for you. I’m so sorry, Jae Beom. I just wanted to give you a closure so that everything will be clear for you. I know you have a tendency to keep thinking about things. Well, anyway, always remember to take care of yourself and the members too. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. Goodbye, Jae Beom.”
              When she bid me goodbye, those were her last words before she hung up. Hearing all those words, I didn’t even know that I was hurting her already. But what really bothered me was that after talking to her, I felt a bit relieved, as if she answered all those questions that bothered me for a month. I know that even though Jasmine and I were not meant for each other, she still gave me a piece of her heart, which meant she cared for me… but not anymore.
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cameronlsummers · 7 years
1. From the Files of Spook House – #055:  The Elevator Game
Hand to God, I really wish he hadn't done it, but Manny knew someone who worked in the hotel.  I wish we hadn't decided to rent a room there or use that fucking glass elevator.  I mean, we only knew about the Game because of that youtube video of that poor girl about what happened at the Cecil Hotel in L.A.  We should have known.
We'd all been through our fair share of weird shit.  I figured that we would be fine.
Let me back up.
We were – are – the Spook House Group.  Or, when Ronnie and our Fearless Leader are fighting and she moves out for a week or two, Tom insists on calling us the “Spook House Boys.”  I don't say anything about it.  It feels needlessly exclusionary.  I mean, just because Tom fucking Knight is having blue balls, all non-male candidates are excluded?
It's the 21st century.  Get over it.
But we are the Spook House Group.  And this was the Elevator Game Test.
The Hotel at 43rd and Broadway was the site.  It's built around a huge central atrium that puts vaporwave music in mind.  A lot of big leafy plants and some fountains, and down on the bottom there are tables and a carpeted area that look like the world's most upscale food court, tiles done in dark rich browns and deep red accents.  There's a tiered fountain in the middle that looked like it was made in imitation of Spanish Mission architecture.  Its spacial vocabulary was a postmodern imitation of the Country Club Plaza – world's best high-rent strip mall, – which was a corporate bastardization of Seville, itself an imitation of Roman architecture done with the Arabic and Gothic alphabets on baroque stationary.
Copy of a copy of a copy.  The mannequin in Jean Baudrillard's grave was spinning.
In the middle of this atrium is a bank of three glass elevators. You need an elevator with at least ten stories for the Elevator Game. That's the first requirement.
The second is a Participant or Player.  I insisted on the term “Operator” for our internal terminology, because whoever yells the loudest about such things tends to get their way and I preferred it's sound.  So the second requirement was the Operator, me:  Jules Ng Miller.
No non-player was allowed on the elevator, so we were doing it at 4 AM, an hour after the last bar in Westport closed and all the out-of-town visitors had holed up in their rooms.
To play the game you start at the first floor and ride the elevator to the following floors in the following order without exiting it until the end.
Fourth.  Second.  Sixth.  Second.  Tenth.  Fifth.
At the fifth floor (according to “the lore,” by which I mean “the internet,” and more specifically, I mean “the Korean-language page we got this information from and plugged into Google Translate”) a “beautiful young woman” will get on the elevator.  You're not supposed to look at her or speak to her, or else she might “keep you forever.”
I know.  I cringed, too.
At this point, you press “1” and one of two things happen.  If the elevator descends, you get off at the first floor and walk away. If, instead, it ascends, you get out and walk around: at this point, you're supposedly in another world.  To get back, you return to the exact same elevator and punch in the order in reverse.  You've got to leave so that the woman isn't there when you return.
I'm the subject.  The Operator. With me here are Tom Knight (Fearless Leader; Camera 1, 5th floor,) Veronica “Ronnie” Wagner (Second-in-Command; Camera 2, 1st and 2nd floor,) Manuel “Manny” Rojas (Off-duty paramedic; Camera 3, 4th and 6th Floor,) and Franklin “Frankie” Fallon (resident skeptic; Camera 4, 10th floor.)  Veronica and Manny move between the different floors as I move up and down using the stairs.  The idea is that someone can see me every time I stop and I give a sign that everything is okay.  We record it so that there's a record of the whole thing.
It's just some dumb internet shit, but it's tied up with that whole thing that happened in L.A. a couple years back.  I'm kind of haunted by it, but I don't really show it to the others.  Tom would make fun of me, and the other two would feel awkward.  That girl could have been my cousin.  Maybe not a sister.  I never knew my family, so I guess I've just got this phantom limb thing when it comes to people who vaguely resemble me.
She was supposedly doing this thing before she disappeared, only to be found a month later in the water tower on top of the Cecil Hotel.
I began to wonder if this was a race thing as we were about to start.
I mean, we had drawn straws, but they had just conveniently chosen the guy who looked most like the person in the video.  The random element didn't really help me get away from that.
“You okay?” Veronica asked, pointing the camera at me.
I looked at her, at the projecting lens of the camera, then back at her.  She was watching me through the range-finder, and the whole thing was honestly a bit alienating.  She wasn't paying attention to me but to an image of me, an electronic simulacrum created out of bits and pixels.
Ronnie worked in a call center, and could turn on the charm when she had to.  She never did when she didn't have to, though.  I could understand that:  she had to dress up in slacks and a blouse for work, she had to raise the pitch of her voice, she had to smile. When she was with us she dressed in jeans and a tank top under a flannel shirt, she spoke in a husky voice, and she never smiled. Manny and Tom worked in health care, but if I had to pick one of us for surgeon material, it would be Veronica Elma Wagner.
“Just nerves,” I said.
She paused.
“Makes sense.  You think anything is going to happen?”
I shook my head as the door opened.
“No.  Just feels like bad luck,” I said as I stepped in.
“What do you mean?” she asked, adjusting the focus.
No way to back out of it, now, though.  I hit “4.”
“Like I'm making fun of a dead person.”
Part of me was gratified that she looked up at me as the door slid shut.
I took out my phone and hit record on it before sticking it in my breast pocket, lens exposed.  I turned to look out the window, mugging the camera Manny was holding like I was on “The Office.” After a second, I gave a tired “thumbs up,” signaling “all clear.”
Manny didn't live in the house anymore.  His room had become my room, and he had washed his hands of things for almost six months, but he still worked with Tom and was eventually dragged back in.  I liked him.  We weren't friends, or anything, but he was just magnetic: handsome, reliable, charming.  Good to have around.  I felt bad that he was spending a late night with a bunch of assholes like the Spook House Group.
Once the doors opened, I waited a second and then hit “2.”
Veronica had just gotten into position, having run up from the first floor.  The door dinged open, and I gave her the “all clear.”
When the door closed, I hit “6.”
As I passed Tom on the fifth floor, I flipped him the double bird. I could see the son of a bitch just laughing.
He was getting a kick out of this.  He was such a juvenile piece of shit.  I don't get why Owen kept putting him in charge of these tests.  Probably just the shouting.  Tom could argue for hours over minutiae and there was no getting him to shut up about it.  Force of personality, my ass.  He'd known the other three since high school, and I got the feeling that he'd just eroded them, worn them down until they didn't have the will to put a stop to it.
It must have to do with his height, I figured.  Even Veronica had an inch or two on him, and he was the type who would never really pack on that much muscle or fat, so he had the personality of a bantam rooster on speed.  All twitchy and looking to establish dominance.
That's unfair.  It's also true.
Unlike the rest of us, Tom hadn't been scarred by the weird shit.  He'd been empowered by it.  He'd become convinced of his own importance, deriving meaning from it.  Then it had slipped from his life, retreating from it like some woodland creature running away from the light of a forest clearing.  He wanted it back, and didn't understand how traumatized the rest of us were.
Our worst moment mapped on to his best, and he couldn't put himself in our shoes.  He was all about this.  That's why he was leader, I imagine.  He wanted it.  He wanted it, bad.
I lowered my hands and looked at Manny just getting in to position as the door dinged and opened to the sixth floor.  I raised my hand and gave a shaky thumbs up.
The silence was getting to me.  Elevators were stressful places.  It was a machine whose sole purpose was to get you from one place to another, and I spent all day, every day, driving.
The door closed.  I hit “2.”
Wave to Ronnie there.
Up to “10.”
This was the longest period of largely unobserved travel.  I shouldn't have been nervous about it.  The eyes of my housemates – well, housemates and Manny – were bothersome when present, but I just felt anxious when they weren't watching.  There was no winning, really.  There was no way to get comfortable.
Maybe I could get off.  Maybe I could trade with somebody.
No...no...we had drawn straws.  That was the protocol.
I gave Frankie a thumbs up at “10.”
The big, blonde ex-goth waved back at 10.  He was how I knew the rest of these people:  we had worked at the same pizzeria for a long period, and I had moved in just after I left in the most spectacular fashion.  He had jumped ship shortly after in solidarity, switching over to manning the grill over at the Westport Flea Market, where he was stoked about the fact that he worked in the same building as the former site of Bob's Bizarre Bazaar, a shop operated by Kansas City's most famous serial killer, Bob Berdella.  I wonder if the serial killer fascination was what had led to him being a goth kid, if it has been nascent in the good Catholic school boy he had once been.  Had he been watching Silence of the Lambs in the wilds of the Southwestern Suburbs, thinking about Ed Gein while biking around the cul-de-sac?  Or had it been an outgrowth of that subculture?  A perverse fascination that he had developed after the torn ACL moved him from football to theater?
I guess I'll never know.
He waved back.
Absentmindedly, I hit “5.”
The elevator descended.
When the door opened, I turned sharply away, looking out the window at Tom, who was narrating something into his camera.  Someone else had gotten on the elevator.  Tom grinned and gave me the thumbs up.
The beautiful young woman from the internet had stepped on.
Tom spoke low, directly into the microphone:  “Young, Asian woman getting on the elevator...”
He squinted.  “I think? I can't tell her age…Wait!  Shit, that's because she's far away, not because she's – ”
He trailed off.
“She looks pretty well-dressed?  Like put-together?  The sort of clothes you would wear to a job interview.  Like...one of those dresses that's worn over a shirt, leaving only the collar and sleeves out.  She's got a white shirt on.”
The walkie-talkie he had in his breast pocket crackled, and Manny spoke.
“Shirt or blouse?”
“What's the difference?”
“How loose is it?” Manny asked.
“I don't know!  It's pretty far away.”
“Let's just call it a blouse.”
“Okay, fine,” Tom said.  “Blouse, then.  She also looks like she's got some panty-hose on.”
“Also, the dress you're talking about is a jumper,” Manny said.
“How do you know so much about women's clothing?” Tom asked.
“Hey, I've got hobbies you don't know about.  I don't hang out with you guys all the time.”
“I think he means that he just pays attention,” Veronica said.
“Yeah, Manny's pretty observant,” Frankie added.
“Shut up!  This isn't important,” Tom said, and waved, gesturing to Jules for continue.
Slowly, Jules swallowed and shook his head.
“He's refusing to continue.  I can't believe it,” Tom said.
“Hey, we've got confirmation.  Lady just appeared out of nowhere, right?” Frankie said.  “Can't we just call this one?”
“I...I think? She might have?”
“Were you not paying attention?” Veronica asked, barely hiding her exasperation.
“I'm going to call him,” Tom said.
He ignored the walkie-talkie for a moment and pulled out his phone, hit the contact information for Jules, and raised it to his ear.
Jules pulled out his phone, looked at it, and sighed.  It was a visible, dramatic sigh.  He looked over at Tom, made direct eye contact, and touched something on the screen.  It went to voicemail.
“Son of a bitch didn't accept my call!” Tom complained.
He almost missed the woman say something.  Almost missed Jules go rigid and fight the urge to look at her.
Jules reached over and hit “1.”
The elevator didn't move.  Its lights flickered.  Tom wrinkled his nose as an unpleasant smell assaulted his senses.  An electric buzz seemed to emanate from it.
There was a pained screeching noise as the elevator shot up to the tenth floor far faster than it should have.  Jules fell down, but the woman remained standing.
“Fuck!” someone shouted.
“What –?” someone else began
After a moment, Frankie spoke: “Uh...guys, the elevator is full of smoke.”
The elevator began to slowly slide down toward the first floor. There was an uncomfortable ratcheting noise that accompanied it down.
“I'm only seeing one silhouette,” Manny said at the sixth.
“First floor,” Tom said.
“How do you know it's…?” Frankie asked.
“First floor,” Veronica said, backing Tom up.
“Right,” Manny said.
Tom broke down the tripod, pulling the camera free after a second and began to head for the first floor, taking the stairs down. Veronica was already ahead of him, but he figured he would be second to reach –
Manny passed him, carrying his camera by the tripod, and Tom cursed under his waning breath.
In the lobby, Veronica was filming the woman from behind a planter, peeking the lens of the camera out around the planter.  Manny was crouched next to her behind the same planter, completely hidden from the woman's view.
Tom walked right past them, and began to film the woman, walking around her slowly and steadily.  Her black jumper dress was worn over a cream-colored blouse, all of which fit well enough that someone more knowledgeable than Tom would assume that it had been tailored to fit her.  She was about as tall as Tom was, with most of her height in her legs.  The cold white smoke around her feet began to dissipate, revealing that she was wearing flats.  Tom wondered if Manny would want to explain the difference to him.
She noticed the movement, and turned to look at him.
“What was that about?” she asked.  “Do you know?”
She had a pronounced accent, but spoke confidently and clearly. English might not be her first language, but she had been speaking it long enough to have a firm command of the language, Tom assumed.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Tom said, training his camera on her.
She looked at him, down at the camera, then back up at him.
“You're filming me?” she asked, confused and dismayed.
“You bet your ass.  Our friend just disappeared and you stepped out of the elevator he was in.  So unless the Elevator Game is some elaborate gender-swap ritual and you're Jules – in which case, you look a lot better as a girl than as a guy, I mean, just saying – then – ”
Veronica, having set down her camera, stepped in and cut Tom off.
“Tom?  Shut up.  How many times do we have to tell you to be more careful?”
Tom turned to look at her, uncomprehenidng.
She stepped between Tom and the woman, almost blocking his view with the camera lens.  Tom tried to correct, Veronica grimaced at him, and then used one finger to push the camera away to not record the woman.
“I'm sorry about him,” she said.  “He was never the same after he stopped huffing glue, you know?”
“I never – !” Tom began to protest.
Manny took Tom by the shoulders and pulled him back a step.
The woman nodded slowly, and her posture relaxed.  Veronica took a step closer, but didn't invade her personal space.
“If you could return our friend,” Veronica said, “we would be very grateful.”
The woman cocked her head to the side.
“Your friend?  Oh!  The man from the elevator.  He slipped away, I won't be able to find him.”
Veronica slumped slightly.
“Oh.  Right.  Sorry to bother you.”
“It's okay,” the woman said.  “I'm just a bit turned around. I think I got into a liminality without realizing it.”
“Liminality.  Heterotopos.  Thin place.”
Veronica nodded slowly.
“A place that is part of two or more spaces.  A...crosshatch?”
“I think I understand.”
The woman looked at Veronica appraisingly.  Her large, dark eyes put Veronica in mind of a cenote, an unexpected yawning well in the surface of the earth.
“You seem like you might,” was all the woman said.
“Can I ask who you are?” Veronica asked.
“Forgive me,” the woman said.  “I don't really give out my real name lightly.  To explain myself simply, I'm a...hmm...a traveler, a seeker.”
She reached into a pocket sewn into the side of her dress, and pulled out something that looked like a cigarette case: aluminum-shiny, with an embossed bit of cursive text on it – “CABIN FILTERS” – and opened it up.  She pulled a business card out of it, on which was written:
Ms. 5
“Is this a phone number?”
“What?  Of course it is.”
“What are you searching for?” Tom asked, cutting in.
“Something I don't think I can find here,” she said regretfully.
“You're being awful evasive,” Tom muttered.
“And you're prying,” the woman said, an oddly satisfied smile on her face.  “So in the Prisoner's Dilemma of politeness, let us both defect.”
Tom blinked.
“I must get back to my search.  This is a dead end.”
Franklin rounded his corner and raised his camera just as the woman climbed back aboard the elevator.  She bent down, studied the panel, and held down two buttons while pressing a series of others  in a particular sequence.
She looked back at the group.  Frankie zoomed in on her face.
“Be seeing you,” she said with a smile.
The door closed.  The lights flickered.  A strange, pungent smell wafted in cold waves from the elevator doors before the car rose with a pained shriek.
“What the hell is that?” Tom said, coughing.
“I don't know,” Veronica said, waving the air in front of her face.
“Kind of like...it smells like how it would smell if cinnamon could rot,” Manny said.
“Seriously, what the hell was that?” Tom asked.
Veronica sighed.
“The first confirmed incident in like...a decade?”
“Guys?” Franklin said, holding his nose.
“What?” Tom said.
“Where's Jules?”
A moment of silence followed.
“Fuck,” Tom said, quietly.
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hydrcngeas-blog · 7 years
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DESCRIPTION: In this week’s episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, we will be going to Yongma Land, Seoul’s Abandoned Park. There are several rumors about the said place ranging from hearing children giggling to the flickering lights of the merry-go-round. Team Unsolved will be staying overnight to debunk said rumors and claims.
PREVIEW: The scene playing was captured at night with Suzanne holding onto a flashlight tightly with one hand and a baseball bat with another. “I fu ( bleep ) ng hate this place!!!” She yelled out as she and the camera person walk around the empty amusement park, where a soft giggle is soon heard causing her eyes to grow wide. “Did you hear that?!” Suzanne gasped as she gazed over the camera person and he simply nodded. “Yeah, I heard it.” His voice was low and filled with terror yet he chuckled nervously to mask his fear. “What the fu ( bleep )! I don’t want to die yet!!”
VIDEO: The video starts with Suzanne letting out a deep sigh, her shoulders dropping as she made a face to the camera. “Today’s episode of Unsolved is just going to be me... Alone. Well, me and the camera person but still... me.” She mumbled, letting out another sigh as she shook her head, a hand lifting up to pinch the bridge of her nose gently. “I knew this day was going to come, I swear. How do they expect me to go to an abandoned park and stay overnight? Jesus Christ, I’m going to pee myself. I know I say that a lot in Unsolved but I swear, today, I really am going to pee myself.” She whined, making a face at the camera before running her fingers through her hair, ruffling her dark locks gently.
The scene soon changes to several pictures of the place, Suzanne’s voice can be heard in the background. “Yongma Land is located around the north eastern part of Seoul. In Yongmasan, Jungnang District, to be exact. So basically, this place opened in 1980 and it was pretty popular back then until Lotte World opened in 1989 and everyone basically lost interest in it.” There was a pause in the video, followed by a burst of chuckles coming from the young female as the scene changes again to show the female seated behind a table, a folder resting on the flat surface as she held onto the papers. “Jesus, so basically, Lotte World fucked them over? Great, that’s just.. That’s not very nice of you, Lotte World!” She spoke up while grinning widely, plopping her elbows on the table as her slender digits were buried in her hair. “That’s pretty sad though, like they were doing great for like... a decade and it just crumbles down cause a bigger and better one opens up. Mm, let’s keep reading, shall we?”
Her voice is heard again but the scene showed pictures yet again. “The park officially ceased operation in 2011 and even though it doesn’t operate as an amusement park, the old-school and creepy as hell atmosphere continues to attract visitors.” The scene goes back to the female, clutching onto the papers in hand as a tight grin is plastered on her lips, shaking her had a bit. “People are just.. ridiculous. Of course, the creepy atmosphere would attract visitors.” She mumbled, flipping to the next page. “So the park is basically still open for like photographers and video production industries. The entrance fee is 5,000 won per person and the lights of the merry-go-round can be turned on for 25,000 won for ten minutes. However! If you’re lucky, the owner could do it for free. Awww dang, I want him to turn on the lights for free, too! I wonder if we could do something to get it for free?” She asked herself, only to let the camera person respond. “Maybe you can do aegyo for him?” The suggestion led the female to make a rather unamused face at him, blinking rapidly with a cricket chirping sound effect in the background. “How about... no?” She responded, sticking her tongue out at him.
“So let’s go to the rumors which luckily, there isn’t much!” Suzanne beamed while bouncing a bit in place, grinning broadly as she clapped as well. “The most popular rumor is basically hearing children giggle and like.. seeing a little girl ghost since there was this rumor that a girl died from one of the rides?” Once her words had sunk in, Suzanne made yet another face at the screen. “Ch-children ghosts? And giggles? Oh my Goood, I am going to have a heart attack!”
Once the introduction was over, the scene showed Suzanne packing up for the night; tossing in some water bottles in a duffel bag, a hoodie, sweatpants and extra shirt. There were snacks in the bag, as well, two flashlights with spare batteries and a baseball bat. “Why are you bringing a bat?” The male asked her in confusion, a soft chuckle slipped past his lips. “Cause what if it’s not actually ghosts but kids just pranking people?” She stated while hugging her bat tightly. “So.. what, you’ll beat them up or something? Won’t you get in trouble?” His question earned a grin from the other, her shoulders shrugging as well. “Self-defense.”
The car ride to the park was fine as she tried to keep herself occupied by singing loudly or making jokes. The camera turned towards her as her gaze was fixated on the road, singing loudly to Big Bang’s Loser. “Loser! Loner! A coward who pretends to be tough!” She yelled out before turning to the male, pointing at him as she continued to sing. “A mean delinquent. In the mirror, you’re just a loner!” It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination and by the time they got there, it was already late in the afternoon. Greeting the owner once they stepped out of the car, Suzanne let out a terrified yet playful shriek as she hugged her duffel bag tightly, dipping her head respectful at the man. “Ah, hello! Thank you for letting us stay overnight. I’m sure you think I’m crazy but thank you!” She beamed while pulling out the entrance fee and the fee for the merry-go-round, handing it over to the owner.
Once they were inside, the owner talked about the times where the amusement park was popular and then the time of the accident that no one really seemed to remember. He also addressed the rumors, stating that he, himself had experienced some. In a state of panic, Suzanne covered her ears while shaking her head fervently. “Ah! Why would you tell us that?!” She shrieked, the color draining from her cheeks as her lips were kept parted.
As the sun began to set, the owner left the park and kept the gates locked for their safety. The duo set camp near the merry-go-round as rumors mentioned about the flickering lights that would occur despite not having anyone operate the ride. “I can’t believe we’re doing thiiiis.” She sing-songed, a horrified grin forming on her lips as she unzipped her duffel bag to pull out the flashlight and baseball bat, shoving the spare batteries in her sweatpants pocket. The camera is focused back at her as she tied her hair up in a tight ponytail, fingers brushing through her bangs. “Okay, I’m ready.”
The time was 21:35. They already had their dinner and finished washing up. At this point, they began to walk around the whole park. Wearing a hat with a small camera attached to it, Suzanne walked in front of the male, humming quietly to herself to calm her nerves. She shone her flashlight at the different rides, trying to find something interesting. “So far, nothing really happened.. which is a good thing. I’m chill with it, you know?” She mumbled softly while the camera man snorted quietly causing her to turn her head at him, nudging him gently. “Shut up. I’m going to run really fast and leave you here if anything does come up!”
A few minutes had passed and as they continued to walk, they heard a creak causing Suzanne to jump in her spot. “Jesus fu ( bleep )! What was that?!” Her voice was soft and almost whisper-like, flailing the flashlight around to find the source of the creak. Once she couldn’t find it, she began to walk away quickly, trying to find a safer spot. They had finally reached the merry-go-round and Suzanne plopped down on the sleeping bag, fixing her cap a bit which moved the camera slightly. The cap had almost tipped over causing her to shriek as she struggled to catch it. Her actions caused the camera man to laugh but there was another sound heard amidst his chuckles.
Suzanne’s eyes grew wide as she reached out to cover his mouth with her hand to hush him, listening quietly in case the sound returns. Inhaling sharply, the duo carefully listened and out of nowhere, a soft and faint giggle was heard. It could only be from a child. “Oh my God...” She whispered to the camera as they both stood up. At this point, Suzanne was holding onto her flashlight with one hand and a baseball bat tightly with another. “I fu ( bleep ) ng hate this place!!!” The female exclaimed as she looked around the place, shining the flashlight everywhere. “You heard it, right?” She asked the camera man as she faced him and he simply nodded. “Yeah, I heard it.” His voice was low and filled with terror yet he chuckled nervously to mask his fear. “What the fu ( bleep )! I don’t want to die yet!!” She shrieked as she began to run away from the merry-go-round and towards the main gate. “Let us out! Let us out!! I don’t want to die!!” She continued to yell out while banging the gate with the baseball bat.
Due to the panic, the video was cut off. What really happened afterwards stayed between her and the camera man. When the video came back up, Suzanne was seated at the same spot that she did during the beginning of the video yet this time, her expression was blank and her face was pale. “That...” Her voice cracked for a brief moment and she cleared her throat before speaking again. “That was a horrible experience... We never found where the giggles were coming from. We manage to leave that night after I yelled so hard, a few strangers heard us and helped us out.” She admitted before rubbing her throat gently, picking up the bottle to take a swig of the water. “I don’t really think about what happened that night but whatever it is, it will forever remain... UNSOLVED.” And with that, the video ended and the credits rolled out until the screen turned black.
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I tend to do little mini-imagines with requests like these so thats what this will be but if you want a more specific imagine just let me know:) GETTING THE BOYS READY TO GO OUT: “Why are you being so damn difficult?!” You half laughed at Dan as he searched for a black shirt. “You’ve got twenty five black shirt, Daniel!” “Y/N, it’s not the same. I’m looking for a specific black shirt.” He huffed and then proceeded to describe the exact shirt you had on. Phil showed up being you and shrugged, seeming happy to have solved the problem as he called you out. “You mean the one Y/N has on?” “You absolute piece of shit.” You rolled your eyes. “Why do you have my shirt on?” Dan stood up, towering over you. You’d never been more intimidated by him in your life. Granted, you still weren’t that intimidated. “I’ll take it off! Jeez Louise.” He didn’t stop nagging all the way to your room. “You knew I was looking for that exact one!” “Dan you have so many of them, how was I supposed to know?” HAVING DINNER: “I think I’ll have some rice and veggies.” You closed the cabinet, pulling out the rice. “Are you making dinner?” Phil asked. “Yes, dinner for one.“ “Excuse me, rude.” Dan walked into the kitchen, snapping his fingers in a ‘Z-formation’ as he did a lot, surprisingly. “I’m not your damn maid.” “Sure you’re not.” Phil teased. You sighed, knowing there’d be no way they’d let it go for the next week and a half if you didn’t make something for dinner. “You guys want to make a pizza?” They both cheered like children. “I want pineapple on mine.” You smiled, your back was to them and you heard Dan sigh for 30 seconds straight. “You disgust me, you filthy human being.” VLOGGING “Y/N!!!” Phil called, running into your room. “Wake up!” “Phil!” You groaned loudly throwing one of the many pillows on your bed in his general direction, as you didn’t want to open your eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?” “A Day in the Life!” He chirped. “What’s the time?” “Eight-ish.” “Today is not the day, man.” “Sure it is! Come on, sleepy head.” “Get out, please!” “Why are you guys yelling?!” Dan was in his underwear, shuffling into the room. “Let me sleep!!!” You were seriously begging at that point. Phil pounded on the end of your bed with his free hand, Dan decided it would be a good decision for himself to join. “Get up!” They both yelled. You started screeching at the top of your lungs, thrown ng a tantrum before you sat up. “Let me get dressed. A/N: Just kinda boring daily things but I think they’re cute.
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