#next class rp
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I feel like anyone who's about to embark on attempting to type out a character's accent phoentically (at least as well as one can with English) should probably stop for a moment before they get going and ask themselves, "How would I, myself, feel about a fic where the one character who sounds like me had their speech written out like this and every other character just got their dialogue left in standard spelling?" I feel like a lot of people would tone it down a bit, at least, if they'd done that thought experiment first.
(Anyone who answered "but I don't have an accent!" isn't allowed to write out anyone else's accent, ever. This rule may seem harsh but you need it. Really, you do. Because you've never had anyone treat your accent as abnormal or comical or wrong, so you really don't know what you're inflicting on others here.)
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raksh-writes · 10 months
Me, unable to play, because its been 30+ degrees Celcius for over a week now and my room is absolutely awfully hot even without my PC sweating:
Maybe I should multiclass my Ranger with a Druid 🤔🤔
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swordmaid · 9 months
the hardest trial a girl can go through is figuring out her oc's fashion style
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nakiaslilhoodoo · 1 year
Do Lestat be…
Do Louis be…
Do T’Challa be…
But…what do I be?
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Hey Miku?
There's a photo going around of me kabadoning someone, and I have no idea who took that photo.
Do you have clue who took a photo of that?
idk, I can hire someone to find out tho
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whump-captain · 2 years
No. 19 - Enough is enough
Knees buckling | Repeatedly passing out | Head lolling
1k words | OC: Kintsugi
Taglist (feel free to ask to be added/removed!): @thatsgonnaleaveamark
another whumper pov! linde is very fun to write bc his narrations is Entirely unreliable and he's just completely full of shit. i wanted this to be longer and continue the scene into some Plot Developments but i decided to split it into two ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ might have to out together a masterpost soon too
CN: Electrocution, torture, passing out, burns, captivity, gun mentions, deadly intent
Grief was for widows, Linde thought, and for the children of soldiers who didn't come home. Men did not grieve; men faced their loss and they either did something about it or they accepted it as done.
Linde had accepted his loss and had admitted his mistakes. Peace with his past allowed him to separate it from the present; to be rid of its influence. The present was here and the past elsewhere. Only widows, children, and weak men lost sight of that distinction.
And so it was the present that now motivated him. His present anger, present disappointment, present hate. Hate towards the man who had taken his future from him.
He reveled in the sound of Ethan's broken sobs. Watched his cowering form tremble in the chair, wrists and ankles restrained, fingers desperately digging into the armrest. Linde stepped forward and pressed the stun baton into his back this time. Ethan howled, his body wrenched into an arc. The electric discharge didn't last long but it left the muscles contracting violently; Ethan's voice cracked into wheezing, pathetic gasps. Then he fell quiet again - for the third time.
It took less to burn consciousness out of him every time. Linde allowed him a moment of respite before he once again slapped him across the face. The hit sounded out sharp. Ethan convulsed back upright, heaving desperate breaths that tore new pained whimpers out of him. His eyes rolled - unseeing - as he fought to slip back into the numb darkness.
Linde did not let him. Not yet. Not until he got what he wanted from him. He thrust the stun baton against Ethan's shoulder and watched his face contort in silent agony - not enough breath left in him to give it voice. Then Linde trailed the sparking tip of the baton onto Ethan's neck. The bare skin twitched and reddened as a burning stench filled the air, followed by a strangled, drawn out scream. It rang satisfyingly in Linde's ears until it hitched on another breathless sob and Ethan's head dropped down limp again.
Linde spun the baton in his hand, tilted his head to regard his prisoner's face - unconscious once more. He flicked the baton's switch and more white sparks cracked to life between the contact probes, faster and brighter.
Enough voltage to give Linde what he wanted.
But suddenly, a voice behind him said:
"He's not gonna tell you shit if you kill him, you know."
Linde turned. Lucy Richardson stood with her hands resting on the rifle across her chest. Her face was blank but her voice spoke clearly enough of her distaste.
He almost laughed. Maybe she wasn't as slow as he had thought her to be.
She had managed to guess his intentions, after all.
It was infuriating, how she carried herself like she knew it all. A common criminal with no morals and no discipline; and yet she acted as if she were above him, above this whole complex that she was supposed to be serving. She was disrespectful. Her work ethic was nonexistent. She cared about nothing but herself - and pettily, Linde hated her accent, too. Weren't Brits supposed to sound refined?
But he wasn't too petty to give her what little credit she deserved.
No, she may not have realized that Linde's goals had shifted and that he no longer chased the dream of rebuilding his life by delivering a spy to the complex's overseers.
But she had guessed that he wanted Ethan Lythmer's life to end tonight.
He said: "If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them." He smiled slightly, taunting her.
"I do, yeah," she replied indifferently. Then she surprised him: "Take him out back, put a gun to his head."
Linde raised his eyebrow. "And how is that less likely to kill him?" With all that he disliked about Richardson, Linde had to admit that she was a good interrogator. But maybe he had overestimated her logical reasoning skills.
"You don't actually shoot him," Richardson explained, a tiny hint of condescension colouring her voice. "You just give him an ultimatum. He will either tell you, or he won't."
"And if he doesn't? If he calls the bluff?"
She gave a small shrug. "Then you shoot out his kneecap. Or knock him out, let him think you shot him. Let him know you're serious, basically."
Linde stepped towards her, lifted his chin to stare down. "Do you think I'm not serious?"
Richardson looked him straight in the eye and retorted: "No, I think you're pissing about and wasting everyone's time."
He had to hold back a burst of cold anger. That was another thing he had been robbed of when his plans had collapsed: never having to deal with this lowlife woman ever again. The perspective of indefinite weeks and months of having her under his command, of fighting her disrespect after every single order - it made such a burning fury bloom in his lungs that he had to close his mind to any thoughts of the future at all.
Previously he had at least taken refuge in the knowledge that she had some not entirely useless skills - but just as quickly as she had impressed him before with her deductions, she had now once again let him down.
Her plan was idiotic. Threats were only a good interrogation method if one was man enough to follow through with them. In fact, a threat of that caliber would achieve the exact opposite of what Richardson had suggested - it would tell the prisoner that Linde was throwing his words to the wind. Something he had been very careful to avoid, back when he had still cared about extracting information.
But now, all he wanted was closure. He wanted to put his plans, his hopes, and his hatred in the past so that he could once again focus on bettering his present.
Still, he was only human. And he couldn't deny himself the pleasure of demonstrating to Lucy Richardson exactly why she was wrong.
His lips curved into a small, derisive smile.
"Very well," he said. "But you get to pull the trigger."
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debatenarutooocs · 1 year
FINALLY someone exposed tbld.jpg rottenness LMAO (Thx to u anon<3). I've been suspicious of this girl for a long time cuz every commission she made is always exactly the same as the official art and anime screenshots I've ever seen. At first I just thought that she was just using them as references but then I found out the truth here...OOOHHH WTF!!!
It's just silly when I see some ppl still support her or even defend her for what she has done. I mean, imagine the artists who learn to draw for years or even decades just so they can draw well, some of them opened commissions at affordable prices but don't necessarily get lots of customers, and tbld.jpg get lots of customers easily though she's just a tracer and a scammer. HOW UNFAIR...
Then, in her story, she said she didn't know if crediting the bases she used was necessary (what the hell is this, you called yourself an artist but you didn't know this? ).
And she will credit every base she will use in the future. HEY GIRL! You don't need to give credit, YOU JUST NEED TO NOT REPEAT YOUR MISTAKES. STOP TRACING FOR YOUR COMMISSIONS!:*
Dear everyone, supporting anyone is your right, and commissioning anyone is your right, but it would be nice for you not to commission tracers who use bases that they didn't make on their own. Because as far as I know using official art or anime screenshots for commercial purposes seems to violate copyright (CMIIW). And that's a crime, right?<3
Now her whiteknights are trying to say tracing is referencing wtf. It is not the same thing or maybe tbdlr really thought that what she was doing is" referencing" like it's a normal thing to do. Like you said it is not fair for other artists who learn to draw for years by eyeballing their source materials and referencing by using tutorials just so they can draw well.
"Then, in her story, she said she didn't know if crediting the bases she used was necessary" is she implying she wants to keep tracing without giving credit to original sources ?? Wtf. No sweetheart if you trace a base, pose or anything even eyelashes, yes you must credit to the original artist even if it's people at Studio pierrot.
For some weird reasons tracers and editors forget that there are human artists working at studio pierrot who horribly get underpaid. And she comes along and charges exorbitant amount of money to trace in her commissions.
Yes technically what she did is a federal crime and since she is using an U.S based platforms ( Instagram,twitter, deviantart) to post her traced commissions then she must abide by U.S laws.
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kyber-heart · 1 year
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? 9. What is their favorite holiday? 10. What objects do they always carry around with them? for Jost?
Thanks for asking Raven!
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1. What is the character’s go-to drink order?
Whiskey. Neat. Corellian if possible but honestly he’s not gonna turn his nose at it if it isn’t. But he will likely make a comment about how Corellian IS better. 
9. What is their favorite holiday?
Life Day. But he takes a very dim view of how bastardized it has become on a galactic scale, once he learns about the origins of it in Wookiee culture. Still, it warms his heart just seeing people happy. Even though it sometimes stings a bit for him given his life circumstances, both current and in the past.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
(I love this question)
If Jost got stopped and told to empty his pockets you would find:
- Lightsaber - Shoto saber - Blaster pistol - Datapads, one smaller than the other. The larger for personal use, holding his journals, maps, contacts etc. - Cigarra case + electric lighter.  - Small value amount of credits - Slicers kit* - Repair kit with specialized tools for Lightsabers* - pair of Macro-binoculars* - jump cable*
* These items are ones that he would typically have on him for mission purposes, stored on utility belts. While he might not constantly wear them, he would always travel with them. 
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fakehelper · 2 years
i feel bad for anyone that’s like “wow i sure would love to play ricardo hoyos after seeing that gif pack tumblr user fakehelper made with only 58 gifs in only the orange scenes in riverdale!” bc. he is a baby in most of other packs i’ve seen of him so. someone contact his agent and get him into some movies for 2023 ty
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simpletoymaker · 3 months
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scp-001 proposal a simple toymaker where did you go,,,,,,,,,,
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yuneu · 8 months
im... realizing that i dont like english as a degree i just like linguistics and textual/literary analysis...
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acadiahills · 1 year
good morning, friends!
today is the official opening day for the group, and personally, i'm very excited to see where things go! there are still a couple of hours to go, and i have a couple of new acceptances to go out, so if you're thinking of joining a new group, i think it should be this one!
mobile nav. can be found here, and you can join us here.
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@nightwhispcrs​​ asked: Was that [DAVIKA HOORNE]? Oh no no, that was just [ZOE RIVAS], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DEGRASSI]. They are [TWENTY-FOUR] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: hali}  — my finger slipped .
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. zoe rivas [davika hoorne]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
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fandom confessions are here but where are the rps at?
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manilafm · 1 year
[ she/her / Cis-Female / heterosexual; but she is also bi-curious ] {Rebecca ‘Becky’ Baker}, who is a {canon character} from {Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class} has just been spotted in Manila, Philippines. Her current age is {twenty-five}-years-old, and she is enrolled at {Manila College}. She is {enthusiastic}, and {kind}, but she is also {spoiled}, and {finicky}. Her memories are set to {completely forgotten}, and I keep mistaking her for {Lana Condor}. Unfortunately, she will not be able to leave this city, so I hope that she will adjust to living here. She is {fine with living here}. [Georgia/22/she/her/P.S.T.]
Accepted !! Thank you so very much for bringing us Rebecca 'Becky' Baker from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class, Georgia !! I can’t believe that Rebecca 'Becky' Baker is not Lana Condor !! Lana Condor is now taken x1 !! Welcome to Manila, Philippines, Rebecca 'Becky' Baker !! You have arrived to Manila, Philippines with all of your memories completely forgotten, and you are reportedly fine with living here !! Georgia, you will now have twenty-four hours to send in your blog for Rebecca 'Becky' Baker, or we will have to re-open this character. Please also take a look at our Checklist, and please review our new Rules here for this RPG !! Thank you so very much for applying to our RPG, Georgia !!
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haruchiyos · 2 years
Hello, my love.
Hello darling, I’ve missed you dearly
How have you been ?
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