#national men make dinner day
murderousink23 · 7 months
11/02/2023 is All Souls' Day 🌎, World Ballet Day 🥿🌎, National Deviled Egg Day 🇺🇲, Traffic Directors Day 🇺🇲, National Men Make Dinner Day 🇺🇲, International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists 🇺🇳
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy National Men Make Dinner Day!
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nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
NOVEMBER 3, 2022 | NATIONAL MEN MAKE DINNER DAY | NATIONAL SANDWICH DAY | NATIONAL CASH BACK DAY | NATIONAL HOUSEWIFE’S DAY NATIONAL MEN MAKE DINNER DAY National Men Make Dinner Day on the first Thursday in November places the man of the house in charge of the kitchen and the evening’s meal. Read more… NATIONAL SANDWICH DAY Whether you stack it high or thin, National Sandwich Day on November…
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realminneapolis · 2 years
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Get cookin'! Celebrate National Men Make Dinner Day with that special someone today. Let us help you find the one. 
Minneapolis Singles combines the best aspects of online dating with a host of personalized services to help you find that special someone. 
Call 612-364-4255 to learn more about membership.
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wow I hate everything abt the world
#this is about everything and nothing in particular. just one of those fucking days#I hate that there’s a fucking genocide and that joe fucking biden is going to lose this fucking election bc he’s fucking aiding and abetting#I hate that republicans are actively voting to make raped children give birth and that Trump is going to be fucking reelected#and that will be fucking national policy#I hate that some (white) bitches like to get up on their high horses abt how sexism isn’t a big problem for white women bc woc have always#had it worse#this is objectively true but it is also ok to acknowledge that white women have also been seen as property for hundreds of years#and have been blamed for being raped and forced to marry their rapists and been institutionalized bc their husbands said so#and have had no economic power and have been reliant on men for literally fucking everything until Extremely recently#YES this is all magnified for woc but it is so performative for white women to write screeds like this#on a fucking goodreads review (hypothetically speaking)#wow! I am angry about everything!!!#normally I can keep it in check but tonight it just one of those nights when I cannot. and here we are#also on a much more micro level! I hate that my dog was bitten by another dog and now is hurt and scared of other dogs!#and we can’t do almost anything to help her!#and I hate that all I wanted for dinner was pizza from my favorite spot in my hometown but that is 800 miles away#and I hate that I would love to be near family again but they live in a red state that is actively trying to overturn the will of its voters#and I hate that my husband wants to move back to his home state which is even redder#and I’d have to leave my job that I love and move to a state with much more existentially terrifying policy#and I love working for the state government but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to work for THAT state’s government#it’s just all bad I’m so pissed
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mellowwillowy · 5 months
Yan! Mafia Ringleader x GN Reader
What? I'm sick of these classic Mafia husbands trope yet we all know damn well that part of us is digging real deep into it. So allow me to hand you one of my Mafia OCs.
One of the nation's biggest threats has yet to be your lover, wagging his imaginary tail as he rested his face on your lap. We are so desensitized to how immoral a mafia is due to the romanticization of it to the point you just straight up ignore all his crimes!
Because of his work, the two of you can't really have a private date somewhere out there. Sure the bodyguards are not in sight but you know better than to think that they are not lurking around to keep you both safe from his rivals.
"Won't you gimme a smooch'aroo?" "... In front of your men?" "*Pouts* Pretty please?"
You love it when he throws all cold facades away and shifts himself into a touch-starved puppy! Who would have known this guy just sent one of his enemies their men's heads as a lingering threat to not exert themselves~
While your lover is not involved in the human trafficking side, it doesn't justify his actions for being the largest drug dealer in this nation. Whatever type you are looking for, junkies, he has it all stored for you, with a price of course.
But if you are a junkie reader then he'd be quite worried. You see, he may be dealing drugs but that doesn't mean he's doing drugs. He likes nicotine but would rather not indulge himself in yet another addiction okay? And that goes the same way to you! Please stop it.
And may I tell you that Kaspar enjoys ranting to you about how his day(s) has been, how he wants you to comfort him as you praise him for surviving yet another day? Empty plates are not filled with him just sitting around and he has to fight every day to not remind himself of the old days?
"Oh yes, have my beloved eaten? You are not going through another silly diet, right? Trust me, food is meant to be enjoyed and not over-calculated!"
There are also times he'd rant non-stop about this certain lawyer that he's working with. Of how one of the nation's biggest threats, has been reduced into an errand boy for his spouse! Can you believe that, babe?
Overall Rating? 9/10. Where did the 1 one go to? Your dead friend that insulted you and his punishments. Ehe.
Look, he has a problem with people who dare to look down on him and you, he has grown up in a rather unfortunate background in which he fights teeth and nails to break free so how DARE someone patronize him or you?
Yeah, it sounds romantic but not so cute when it's your literal bestie. He spares no mercy in how he deals with them too, the only mercy he's offering is one chance and nothing more.
Another dark side of him would be his... punishment. Ehe. Due to his upbringing as a ringleader, he is used to disciplining his men, rough. Sure he doesn't give you the same punishment as he does to his men but that doesn't mean it saves you from how unpleasant it is.
The worst punishment that wrenches his heart would be making you skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner! He doesn't have the heart to but he has to! (Honestly, in your opinion, there is literally worse punishment than this, not gonna name it.)
Yeah he is a Beelzebub at heart (Gluttony)
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
So Danny is just a bunch of good that takes a humanoid shape, and we've seen him stretch and warp himself. What is sometimes he just leaves bits of himself behind. He has restoration so he can heal himself and others so when he realizes he left a foot behind he just grows a new one.
Batman: We've found more of the meta, 3 left feet all genetically identical, either were dealing with a cloning operation or someone using a regenerative meta as an organ farm. The most recent finds washed up between Gotham and metropolis.
Meanwhile Danny: I've gotta visit Dani more Madrid was beautiful can't wait to show Jazz the photos, tried to land and eats it, Damn it I though I fixed this!
Danny loves his new power- he likes to call it "Play-Boo" as a pun on playdough because it allows him to shift and change his body as he sees fit.
It was hard to mentally change his appearance as his core was tied to his idea of himself. Still, he can make his hair longer at will, shift to a younger or older version of himself, and even slightly change his coloration, though that takes a bit more concentration.
Danny is sadly unable to shape-shift into someone else. He thinks being able to regenerate is an okay trade-off. Especially when Danny accidentally leaves bits of himself behind with his new warping technique.
It's not the kind of warping he would like- seeing as he could only go a few yards from his original spot- but he hopes with time and practice, he will be able to fling himself from one side of the country to the other, much like opening portals.
But unlike the portals, he won't have to step into the ghost zone as a layaway.
One day, he'll be able to think, "Star City!" and bam will be there without having to destabilize his whole body or lose limbs. Or some internal organs. Like his left kidney.
Which was currently somewhere in Gotham as his warping has developed to the point that he can send himself to the area within eyesight, and he had traveled to metropolis in this method instead of flying to try to perfect it.
"Shoot," He grumbles, falling into a booth across from Dani. She had asked that he visit the big city with her, do a few sights, and then the two would fly downstate to check out some national parks.
"Lost something again?" She asks, sipping the soda she had ordered while waiting for him. Dani had been in the city for about three days and had fallen in love with the diner they were eating at.
She insisted they meet up there just so Danny could try some of their roast beef sandwiches. The favorite food of the two siblings.
"My left Kidney." He sighs, patting his side. Thank goodness his Play-Boo allowed him to not feel pain. He hated to have to feel every time he lost one of his body parts. "I need to eat my troubles away until a new one grows back."
"I'm not paying for your meal."
"But Dani! I'm down a kidney!"
She snorts. "It'll grow back by the time we leave, and you know it. But fine, you big baby, I'll pay for lunch. You have to cover the diner."
Satisfied, he lets her call over a waitress who quickly takes their orders and vanishes to the back, where the cook will likely make "the best damn roast beef" for him. He leans back, asking Dani about her travels.
She eagerly starts talking about the local art she has taken pictures of. At one point, her travels had turned into photo albums, documenting everything she saw and experienced.
She made some money this way, selling some of her photos, but mostly, Dani preferred to keep them for herself or the family.
As she talked about the light reflecting on some large News building- the daily planet- and the great lengths she had to go to get close enough to capture the sunlight, the door to the dinner chimed.
Two men in suits ushered in, one wearing a dark blue that seemed far cheaper than the deep black of his companion. Danny instinctively turned towards the sound, but he quickly looked away as the two men found a seat in a booth furthest away from him.
"I met this guy, Jimmy, who promised to have my photos submitted for a junior photographer contest. It's to help promote tourism, so it's based on the "Metropolis' beauty," but first place is five hundred!" Dani eagerly tells him, her eyes sparkling.
"I know you'll win. You'll make a name for yourself in no time as the best photographer of our era." Danny smiles at his little sister. He lowers his voice "Maybe with that money you win we won't have to sell my organs for a while."
She laughs, adding to the joke like it's second nature, "But you're so fun to harvest! Side's it's not like Vlad will allow you to walk away from the operation. He already has two more kidney orders from Gotham waiting for you."
Danny grimces. "I just lost one this morning. Why does he overbook me so much."
"I can do it if you-"
"Not on your life. I can regerate. You can only cry."
Dani kicks him hard in the shin. She waves her coffee spoon at him like a wizard banishing a wand. "Are you calling me a crybaby?"
"Well, I'm not calling you a cry-lady." He laughs as she scoffs. She opens her mouth to say something when her eyes lock with something over his shoulder. Her face closes down at once, hardening into someone who has traveled through the roughest parts of cities and towns.
Danny used to be worried that her instance of traveling alone at such a young age would ruin her childlike wonder and innocence, but he knew it would be worse to keep her at home.
Even with Vlad finally getting the much-needed help, the fact that Dani has existed for two years now didn't mean she was comfortable with being tied down.
Twisting around, he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. The two men are casually eating their meals by the far window- too far for them to hear, the waitress is sitting behind the counter flipping through a magazine, and the chef can be seen through a little window making something at his gril.
What had alarmed Dani so much?
"We have to go," She hisses in ghost speech, eyes never leaving the man in the blue suit. Was it him? He seems to unthreatening with his big bulky glasses and easy smile. "I don't know why, but I don't like that guy's vibe."
Well, he won't argue with her about her gut feelings. Those were never important to ignore. "Let's take the rest of this to go."
She raises her hand, calling over the waitress, flipping open her wallet to leave enough to cover their bill and leave a generous tip. Danny quickly gathers their food in take-home boxes, keeping his body in front of Dani to block the men's view of her.
He's grateful that he had pulled on his hood, as his ears had gotten cold from the warping. With the fact he never turned around once since they walked in and his trusty hood, his face has been kept hidden from the men.
A small victory.
Hopefully, he won't see them again after this.
"Come on." He tells Dani, as she quickly gathers her stuff. "Vlad is going to have my arms and legs if we late meet him. I don't want to be just a torso again."
"I mean, it's your fault for trying to run away." She sighs. "You know how he gets. At least you didn't have to entertain his guests."
"Yeah laying in a dark room hoping to regrow my limbs is much better than letting those freaks touch me." Danny agrees thinking back to the big gala Vlad had invited them to.
To show goodwill and try to move past their hostility, the Fentons' children- Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Dani- had all agreed to go with him, under the condition that they be on their best behavior.
Danny had been running late due to a ghost attack and had chosen to use his wrapping far past the agreed limitation his parents, and Vlad had set for him.
He got to Vlad's castle but none of his limbs had followed him. Mom had been so outraged by his reckless behavior he's been grounded staying in one of the guest rooms without tv to "think about what could have happened!"
Dad and Vlad had merely nodded to their wife's punishment for their child. (And he was still getting used to the idea of Vlad being married to his parents.)
Jazz, Dan, and Dani were left to the gala, where Jazz had intellectual conversations with college professors Vlad was funding or where Dan was talking up some pretty men and women with a drink in hand, Dani as the youngest was left to affluent old ladies pinching her cheeks and giving her backhand compliments on being a "lady."
The Dannies hated being touched by strangers, and those higher-class old ladies had no concept of personal space.
"Don't worry, I'm almost too old soon." Dani chirps, holding the door open for him. "Soon Vlad will have to find other kids to flaunt in front of rich people."
"That would be the day." The two exit the dinner, switching the conversation to the idea of dessert- deciding to search on their phones a local frozen yogurt place.
Neither notice the two men- one whose fork has crumbled in his grip and another who is clicking away on his phone with a look of outer disgust on his face
"I'm already messaging Babs. She's following them with the city cameras as we speak. Don't worry, Clark, this "Vlad" isn't going to get away with it."
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whoistartaglia · 11 months
genshin men as types of influencers
part two
alhaitham has an account dedicated to his books. his feed is filled with aesthetic photos of his bookshelves, and videos include updates on his reading list, monthly favorites, and book reviews. might also post his favorite quotes and explanations as to why they are his favorite.
kaveh makes DIY tutorials on home projects. he’s surprising thorough in explaining the projects and showing his audience how to do them. such projects include home gardens, bookshelves (he definitely made alhaitham’s), birdhouses, and fixing repairs around the home.
itto has a workout account. he is a gym bro and definitely records all his sets, personal records, favorite workout routines. definitely a couple more than a couple pictures of him flexing his muscles, and he definitely forced members of the arataki gang to film him.
ayato posts get-ready-with-me’s. his channel is filled with morning and night routines, and he has one for every season and occasion. some are a little too specific—did he really need a “get ready with me for bed after a long day working and then going out to dinner with friends?” maybe, but his viewers eat it up anyways.
zhongli is a lifestyle influencer. he’s not necessarily a vlogger, but definitely makes videos highlighting his daily routine, favorite products he uses throughout the day, and sometimes restaurant and store reviews. his videos definitely have either soft piano or clam lofi beats playing in the background.
childe is a vlogger, but like an extremely hot-mess of a vlogger. his videos are mostly unedited and include him just living his life. you will see his highs and lows in his videos, and even a glimpse into what he does for work—it’s cute, if you can ignore that he’s literally filming himself beating someone up!
wanderer has an account dedicated to his travels. he refuses to show in face in his videos, but he will document his journey around teyvat. it’s more of a pet project than anything else, and some of his videos are genuinely interesting; him filming what the sky looks from each nation, for example.
kaeya is a beauty influencer. posts range from doing his eyeliner to picking out his outfits to shopping and reviewing new products. his makeup tutorials are very well informed and he has amassed a base of loyal fans who wait for his approval on certain products and brands.
diluc has a cat (yes he does) and has an account dedicated to said cat. his feed is filled with pictures of the feline, sprinkled in with some videos diluc filmed of the cat being particularly cute and/or getting into trouble. diluc never intended to become a pet influencer—he just of just started posting his cat on his main and it took off from there.
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dreaming-medium · 7 months
Thanksgiving With You
Relationship: Lee Minho x reader
Tags: Pure fluff
Summary: Your plans to go home to America for Thanksgiving are uprooted the night before you're supposed to leave. Unable to stand seeing you upset, Minho decides to take matters into his own hands and make sure you get to celebrate no matter what.
The TV was on in the shared apartment, all of the boys were laying all over the couches in various comfy positions. Legs tangled up in knots, blankets draped over different laps. 
Living in the same building as one another definitely had its perks, that’s for sure. Even if everyone starts their days in their own apartments, by dinner time, everyone congregates to one. 
Today, you and Minho’s apartment was the lucky winner.
When you answered a roommate ad two years ago, you didn’t know it would come with seven other men on top of that. But, you wouldn’t change anything that’s happened since then.
Felix’s head rests on Hyunjin’s lap while he plays on his phone with Changbin watching over his shoulder. Seungmin takes up two seats while Jeongin sits on the ground next to his legs. Minho is lounging in the corner seat of the couch, Chan on his left, Jisung on his right. 
For the first time, they’re all silent. Each of their conversations were cut short when a news broadcast cut through the movie they were “watching”.
A female news anchor sat behind a desk looking directly into the camera. 
“We interrupt your program with a breaking news report from The National Weather Service. Please be advised that there is extreme adverse weather expected to affect Seoul beginning tomorrow. All airports, roads, and businesses will remain closed starting tomorrow, November 22nd, until further notice.”
Normally, none of the boys would care about a storm. This meant time off from work, time to relax and stay inside while everyone gets some much needed rest but…
“Minho!” your voice calls out into the living room. Your roommate perks up off the couch, tearing his eyes away from the news broadcast. “Can I borrow your neck pillow? I’m going to need it for the flight. Sixteen hours on the plane is going to be killer without it.”
His jaw clenches and he looks around at the other boys on the couch who all have equally flustered expressions. They each stare at one another like deer in headlights. 
“Ah,” he hums and looks around the room. 
Oh, you were so excited to go home for Thanksgiving, how was he going to tell you that the airport is closed due to the incoming storm? Why does he have to be the one to break the news to you? 
The news anchor continues talking about the snowstorm, predicting record levels of snowfall and high speed winds. 
All month, all you could talk about was how much you missed Thanksgiving: the turkey, the parade, the pie, everything. 
He didn’t really understand it.
“Minho?” You ask again when he doesn’t answer. Your figure appears in the doorway into the living room. 
As soon as you stand in front of all of them, their heads snap towards you.
Your eyes widen, obviously startled. “Guys?” You ask, laughing nervously. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
Felix moves a bit, his mouth opening to say something before the news anchor cuts him off again. 
“Again, we repeat the broadcast:  Please be advised that there is extreme adverse weather expected to affect Seoul beginning tomorrow. All airports, roads, and businesses will remain closed starting tomorrow, November 22nd, until further notice.”
Your mouth drops open and you step further into the room to look at the TV. 
“What?” You say to yourself, your heart dropping to your stomach. Everyone else’s does as well from your devastated tone.
Chan reaches forward with the remote, turning the volume up for you to hear. 
“No, no…” you whisper.
Minho watches you, feeling his own heart break for you. 
“M-Maybe I can book a flight for tonight. The storm starts tomorrow, maybe I can get out at the last minute.” You practically run back to your room, frantically looking for your phone. 
All of the boys stay silent. 
Apple pie this, mashed potatoes that, homemade pineapple … something. Minho couldn’t remember what you had said. You would always talk too fast when you were excited. 
It only got harder for him to understand when you would go into English. 
On top of all of this, you haven’t been back to America since you moved here two years ago. It was going to be your first time home.
You were just so busy when you started your new job that there was never any time to take off. 
And now that you finally could? It’s falling through your fingers. 
“Such a shame…” Hyunjin is the first one to break the silence. His voice carries the same sadness that they all hold on their shoulders. 
Minho keeps looking down the hall where your room is, hoping to try and hear anything— any news of an earlier flight, a phone call, anything. 
Only a few moments pass before Minho gets too antsy to sit still. He stands up from the couch and makes his way down the hallway. 
Your door is cracked open a bit. 
When he gets closer, he hears you on the phone. “N-No, you don’t understand, I was going home for the holidays— Yes… Yes I understand that everyone else is too, b-but I haven’t been home in two years.”
You sound so heartbroken, it’s physically killing him. 
“There are no open seats? ….. the 5:30 flight? That’s in… that’s in ten minutes I live forty minutes away from the airport!”
Minho leans against the wall behind him, your open door to his left. 
“There’s nothing else? … No, I understand. Thank you very much for your time... You as well.”
There’s a long moment of silence and a thump against your mattress. 
Ten more seconds pass before he hears hiccups and sniffles coming from inside your room. That’s when Minho caves in, coming up to your door frame. 
He can never withstand hearing you cry, on the rare occasions that you do.
You look so small curled up on the edge of your bed, your head in your hands. Your suitcase is open on top of your bed with various clothes and toiletries all over the place. 
Your shoulders shake as you sob quietly into your hands. 
A frown pulls at his face. Minho reaches up and knocks gently on the doorframe. 
Your head shoots up in surprise, hands furiously wiping away the tears under your eyes. 
“Oh, hey Minho!” You try to smile, but the tears won’t stop, but you continue wiping them away. “Sorry, um… I don’t think I need your neck pillow after all.”
A sob wracks your chest. 
“Sorry,” you apologize again and wipe the tears some more. 
His frown depends and he walks over to the bed, taking a seat directly next to you. 
“You don’t need to apologize, Y/N.” 
You sniffle and look down at your lap, the sleeves of your sweater coming over your hands. “It’s dumb to be this upset, I know. I was just really looking forward to Thanksgiving, you know?”
His entire side is pressed against yours. His warmth seeps into you in a comforting manner. 
Minho listens to you carefully. He’s never been the best at comforting a crying person, he knows that, but he’s learned that all you ever crave when you’re upset is someone to listen. 
“We have this tradition in my family, god, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to do it,” you sniffle and wipe your eyes. “We wake up around nine, and my sister and I make cinnamon rolls and watch the Macy’s parade from New York while we eat them. Then, while we get ready we watch the National dog show and ugh…” 
He leans back on one of his hands placed behind you on your bed. The cogs in his brain are already turning. 
Cinnamon rolls… Parade…
“God, I really missed my mom’s Pecan Pie.”
“Pecan Pie.” Minho mouths to himself. You don’t see it. 
You sniffle. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he whispers to you, his hand coming up to rub your back gently. 
“It’s alright, there’s always Christmas. The airline said they can move my ticket without me losing money. I guess it’s better to go then.” You hum and wipe the tears off your face again. 
Not knowing what else to say, Minho stays quiet, his hand continuing to rub up and down your spine. 
He knows next to nothing about Thanksgiving; it’s an American holiday. All he knows are the little things he’s seen in movies: turkey, hats with buckles on them, eating until you explode. 
What parade did you say? Macy’s Parade? Okay…
Minho loses track of how long you both sit there, you trying to pull yourself together while he rubs your back. 
His eyes dart around the floor unfocused as he makes a mental checklist in his head. He’s definitely going to need to employ the help of the seven other men in his living room if he hopes to pull this off. 
“Thank you, Minho.” Your voice pulls his attention. He looks over at your face, hand pausing between your shoulder blades. 
Your eyes are red rimmed and cheeks are rosy from all your crying. A sad smile sits on your face that doesn’t meet your eyes. 
“You don’t have to thank me,” he responds, getting a bit flustered under your gaze. 
You move your head to rest on his shoulder, like second nature, his arm wraps around your shoulders and keeps you close. 
Butterflies swirl in his stomach at the contact. Yes, you’re his roommate, but it was in the last six months or so that his heart started seeing you as so much more. 
It all started with you cooking his favorite dinner when you knew he had just had one of the worst days of his life. 
He had texted you around noon complaining about the rough day he was having, you consoled him shortly, and that was that. 
The day had dragged on, getting worse and worse; he opened the door to your shared apartment around midnight to find you moving around the kitchen. 
When he peered over your shoulder and saw his favorite meal, his heart melted. 
“To cure your bad day,” you smiled at him. 
He fell so hard for you, there was no coming back.  
Minho turns his head to rest his chin on the crown of your hair. 
“Well, I have off work; maybe I can take the day to catch up on a project without being bothered to join meetings.” You trail off. 
“Or you could take the day to relax.” He chuckles. 
You pause. “Nah.”
He laughs again and hugs you close. 
“I better unpack everything.” You peel yourself out of his arms. Minho’s body already feels so much colder without you pressed against him. 
“I’ll leave you to it.” Minho stands up from your bed and makes towards the door. 
“Minho,” you grab his attention. He turns back to look at you. 
You’re smiling at him again, but the sparkle is missing from your eyes. 
“Thank you, really.” 
“Of course, Y/N.”
Minho pulls your door closed behind him and makes his way down the hall. He has a mission and a checklist. 
And he needed to get to the grocery store tonight if he wanted to pull it off.
Three quick knocks rap against your door at 9:00 AM sharp on November 23rd. 
With a disgruntled groan, you shift around in bed and pull the blankets up over your shoulder more. 
After a few seconds, the door cracks open slowly, the hinges creaking loudly in the silent morning air. 
A huff-like laugh forced through the invader’s nose. 
Slippers pad against the carpet of your room and the mattress dips down on the side of your bed. 
Gentle, warm fingers push your hair off your forehead. Your eyes squint a bit and you snuggle further into your blanket. 
“Minhooo…” you whine without opening your eyes. “I have the day off, remember? I don’t need to wake up.”
“Ah,” he hums, fingers still carding through your hair. “But the parade is on.”
Your brain is still booting up. All your movements pause, your eyes snap open and you look at the man sitting on the side of your bed. 
He’s in his cooking apron; the blue one you got him for his birthday last year. 
That smirk of his spreads over his face, his eyes squint the more he smiles down at you. “The parade is on, Y/N, don’t you want to watch it?”
With wide eyes, you stare at your roommate. “The.. parade? The Macy’s Day Parade?”
He hums with a beautiful, genuine smile. “I didn’t think you wanted to miss it.”
You sit up and kick the blankets off, leaping out of bed and down the hallway. Minho’s laughter follows you. 
Sure enough, playing on your TV, is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, from New York City. 
“Wha…” you trail off. If it’s 9 AM here… it’s only 7 PM the night before Thanksgiving in New York, how is he…?
Your eyes scan the TV to see the small graphic that displays “2022” in the corner. 
He’s playing a recorded broadcast of last year's parade. A laugh of disbelief bubbles out of your chest and you whirl around to look at your roommate standing in the hallway. 
“Minho!” You squeal. 
“We still have to bake cinnamon rolls, come on.” He waves you to follow him to the kitchen. Your jaw drops and you can only stare at him. 
Minho looks over his shoulder and sees you’re not following him. “Are you coming? I’m not baking them by myself!”
Another snort of disbelief forces its way out. Your one hand reaches over and pinches your arm. 
“No, I’m awake,” you whisper to yourself. 
The sound of the parade announcers talking in their thick New York accent makes you feel right at home. There was a specific sound quality of audio that comes from these events and it brings you right back to the East Coast. 
Minho walks into the kitchen and you follow after him with an extra spring in your step. 
“And here comes Snoopy and his good friend Woodstock!”  The TV announcer says happily. 
You take another bite of your cinnamon roll, chewing happily and watching the TV. Doongie  curled up next to you, tail swishing around. 
Minho can’t decide what he wants to watch more: you or the TV. You’re positively beaming, and he hasn’t even told you the best part yet. 
He scratches Soonie’s head absentmindedly.
There’s a couple knocks on the door.
“Come in!” Minho calls out. 
The door creaks open. “Minho, your timer went off. I think you need to baste the turkey.”
Your head whips around to see Felix poking his head into the apartment. He makes eye contact with you and his smile brightens instantly. 
“Hi, Y/N! Happy Thanksgiving!” Felix chirps from the door. 
“Thank you?” 
Minho stands up off the couch, “Thanks, Felix, I’ll be right over.”
“Gotcha, see you soon, Y/N!” Felix closes the door behind him. 
You look up at Minho. “Turkey? You’re making a turkey?”
He stands in front of you and smiles. “I am, you can’t have Thanksgiving dinner without turkey, right?”
“You– Are we..?”
“We are. But not until after the parade, and the dog show, of course. I told everyone to come around 2:00, that works, right?”
You stare up at him, cinnamon roll still in your hand. 
“Y… Yeah, that works.” You truly cannot believe your ears. Are you sure you’re not still sleeping? Do you need to pinch yourself again?
“Good, I’ll be right back.”
Minho moves past you towards the door, scratching your head a few times as he passes by. You make no move to fix your hair after he leaves. 
Slowly, you take another bite of the roll, eyes spacing out watching the parade. 
Inside your chest, you can feel your heart stutter and swell, heat rising to your cheeks and turning your ears red. He’s really doing so much for you, isn’t he?
“Y/N! Come on out, Chan and Jisung are here and Jeongin needs help with the mashed potatoes!” Minho calls down the hall. 
Like a kid on Christmas, you peel down the hall, adjusting the earring you’re wearing. 
You’re in a black turtleneck tucked into a cute light brown pencil skirt with black tights and fuzzy socks. The most typical Thanksgiving outfit. 
Your favorite jewelry adorning your body. 
The four boys turn around and greet you happily. Each of them in their own fuzzy sweaters and comfy pants. 
“Happy Thanksgiving!” They all say to you in unison. 
“Ah, happy Thanksgiving!” You cheer back and wrap Jisung and Chan into a tight hug since they were the closest. “Thank you so much for this!”
Both of them wrap an arm around you with giddy smiles. “It was all Minho’s idea,” says Chan. “If you wanna thank anyone, thank him.”
“Or you could help, instead.” Minho teases from behind the kitchen counter, sliding over a can of cranberry sauce.
“Oh my god!” You squeal and come around to grab it. “Where did you find this? I didn’t think any stores in Korea sold this!”
Minho hums happily and stirs a pot on the stove. “There’s an American store a few blocks away. It’s where I got most of the groceries for today.”
A timer beeps at the same time the door swings open. 
“Hot bird coming through!” Felix calls into the room. “I have a turkey too!”
Everyone gives Felix a pity laugh as briskly walks towards the kitchen and places the cooked turkey onto the counter. The smell that wafts through the house is heavenly. 
Jisung hands you a glass of sangria with a wink. You clink glasses and take a small sip. 
Changbin walks through the door after Felix, holding a stack of about three pies in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. 
“Happy Thanksgiving!” he calls inside as he kicks his shoes off.
Everyone responds with the same greeting. 
 “Minho, where do you want desserts?” 
“Just put them on the side by the main table for now!”
There’s more hustle and bustle next to you while Jisung attempts to use the can opener for the cranberry sauce. 
“Y/N, could you help me? I don’t think I’ve ever made mashed potatoes before…” Jeongin trails off in front of a pot of boiled potatoes. 
You beam at him and skip over to his side. “I absolutely can, it’s a lot easier than you think!”
Chan walks over to the living area with the couches. 
“What do you usually have on the TV at home?” he calls in to you.
You’re dumping all of the potatoes into a mixing bowl while you answer him. “Typically, my dad commandeers the TV and has football playing all day, but I really don’t want to watch old football reruns.”
Jeongin watches over your shoulder as you shake the bowl to settle the potatoes. “Could you grab the butter and milk from the fridge?” You ask him and he nods and walks off.
Seungmin comes in with Hyunjin, both of them holding trays of food.
You greet the two of them happily.
While Jeongin is gathering the ingredients from the fridge, you take a moment to look around at all of the boys in your apartment. 
They must have looked up ‘What to wear to Thanksgiving’; each of them is in a sweater and dress pants. Some of them have turtlenecks underneath the sweater, some don’t, but they all look like the same font as one another. 
“What can I do to help?” Seungmin asks, him and Hyunjin further crowding the kitchen.
“Go set the table with Hyunjin.” Minho points to the long dining room table, shooing them out of the already small space. Plates, napkins, forks, knives, glasses– everything you can think of, is placed on the corner of the table in stacks and piles.
“I’ll help too!” Felix chirps and makes his way over with the two men.
“Y/N!” Changbin calls your attention. Both him and Chan have beer bottles in their hands, bodies facing the TV. The two of them look like dads with the way they’re standing. “What about a Christmas movie? Is that allowed on Thanksgiving?”
Jeongin plops the milk and butter on the counter next to you. 
You call back into the living room. “Yeah, that’s fine! But make it a good one– a classic! Oh! What about Christmas Vacation? That’s my favorite!”
“I’ll find it, don’t worry!” Chan responds. 
Another timer beeps, Minho opens the oven and pulls out a tray full of fresh rolls. Jisung finally wrestles the can of cranberry sauce open. 
Your heart grows three sizes. 
“Ten more minutes on the Pineapple Bake.” Minho says to himself but you hear it.
Your head snaps around so fast it might tumble off your shoulders. “Pineapple Bake? You made Pineapple Bake?”
A flush crawls up Minho’s neck to his ears when he turns and meets your sparkly eyes. 
“You had mentioned it…” he trails off and finds something else on the counter to fidget with.
“How did you get the recipe?”
“Ah, well,” he rubs the back of his neck nervously. “I have your mother’s number from when you first moved in and all.”
“You texted my mom?”
“Is that alright?”
The hustle and bustle of the seven other bodies around your apartment fades into the background. Even with Jeongin standing directly next to you, he seems to disappear. 
“You texted my mom and asked for her Pineapple Bake recipe?” You choke out again, your eyebrows raising, lips parting in an emotionally shocked expression.
Minho visibly gets a bit more nervous at your repeated question. His jaw clenches and he plays with the tie of the apron. “Did I overstep?”
Without any warning, you cross the few steps of the kitchen towards him and throw your arms around your roommate, burying your face into his shoulder. Small tears of joy well in the corners of your eyes, throat constricting with so many emotions.
After a moment of hesitation, Minho wraps his arms around you and rests his cheek on top of your hair. 
“Thank you, Minho,” you whisper to him, squeezing him even tighter. 
Minho’s shoulders visibly react from your hug, relaxing from the tension of the past few moments. 
He smells like the holidays, the softness of his sweater is so comforting against your cheek. You just want to bury your nose in it and drown in the scent.
“This means so much to me.” Your words are so sincere, he could cry from hearing them. His arms tighten around you, eyes closing to relish in your hold.
He basks in it. Despite a third timer screaming in his ear, he continues to hold you like if he let go, you would disappear forever.
Having you in his arms like this has always been the equivalent of drinking warm tea before bed. It sends a wave of comfort and safety through his entire being.
The timer continues to beep.
“You can thank me after you eat.” 
You giggle, any sadness he’s ever felt disappears for a split second.
Hyunjin calls into this kitchen. “Can you please turn that thing off before I go insane?”
Minho sighs, the air blowing into your hair. He keeps you close for a few more heartbeats before letting go.
“It’s time for dinner anyway.”
Everyone was quiet, the TV still playing Christmas movies in the background. The streaming service that Chan had put on had autoplayed movie after movie while you ate dinner and then dessert.
The last surprise Minho had for you was that he also had asked your mother for her Pecan Pie recipe two nights ago. 
Everything about today left you floored and speechless. Your heart has never felt this full in your life. 
All eight of them sat around the table looking uncomfortably full. The table that was once filled with every side dish known to Thanksgiving enjoyers, every dessert you could dream of, was now littered with empty dishes. 
“We should just be thankful for being together. I think that’s what they mean by Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown.” Marcie’s animated voice rings through the apartment.
Again, your throat tightens up with so many happy emotions, you clench your jaw to keep them down.
From directly next to you, Minho must’ve noticed your expression, his hand reaching under the table and resting on your knee, squeezing it once to comfort you.
You look over at him.
His heart catches in his chest.
There’s that sparkle in your eyes. The one that disappeared two nights ago, he got it back. His entire face softens as he stares at you as if you hung the moon and vice versa.
“I need a nap,” Felix groans from his chair.
You hum and look over at him. He’s slumped in his seat, head back, eyes closed. 
“That’s the best part of Thanksgiving, sleeping with a full stomach.” You tell him.
“Full is an understatement.” Jeongin adds.
“I think I found a new favorite holiday…” Changbin trails off.
“Ditto,” adds Chan.
“Yeah? Well maybe we can have a Friendsgiving next year and do it all over again.” You tell the table.
Minho groans. “I’ll need more help next time, then!”
Everyone grunts in agreement.
You reach under the table and take a hold of Minho’s hand still on your leg. Your fingers wind together and you beam at him again with that dazzling smile. 
“I would do anything to do this again.”
“I still can’t believe they took that many leftovers,” Minho mutters, dipping the sponge in the sink.
“I can’t believe we had that many leftovers.” You dry a dish with the towel and place it on the other clean ones. 
The exhaustion from eating is still heavy in your bones; but both you and Minho decided it was better to get all the washing out of the way so that you could just relax for the rest of the night.
It felt like you’ve been washing dishes for hours. 
Soft twinkling of Christmas music plays through the speakers of the TV from the movie. 
“Minho?” You ask suddenly, your voice is a bit weak and unconfident.
He looks over at you with his undivided attention, one eyebrow raised.
“There’s one more Thanksgiving tradition I didn’t tell you about.”
His eyebrows furrow more and he puts the dish down in the sink full of sudsy water. “What is it?”
Smiling, you put the towel down.
“Will you dance to Christmas music with me? To ring in the Holiday Season.”
Minho’s taken aback for a moment, he laughs– almost in disbelief. “Really?”
You bite your lip nervously, nodding once.
With a playful smile, he grabs the towel and dries his hands. “You want to dance? We can dance, Y/N.”
Squealing, you happily skip to the living room. “Alexa, play Christmas music!” You call out and she immediately begins to play music at the perfect volume.
Frank Sinatra’s ‘I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm’ plays through the speaker. The happy saxophones and trumpets blare and your spirits lift even more than you thought they could.
You bounce on your heels to the beat a few times, swaying with the rhythm in a silly way. 
When you turn around, you see Minho stepping towards you to the beat. One of the happiest looks ever on his face. His hair still slightly styled from this morning, just a bit more relaxed as the day went on.
His sweater is so cozy with a black turtleneck underneath, heather gray dress pants on the bottom. Lee Minho looks like the Holidays wrapped up in a warm, cable knit package, and he’s currently dancing towards you.
Once he is up on you, he takes your one hand and places the other on your waist. Both of you look like absolute goof balls, swaying and bobbing to the rhythm of Frank Sinatra in your living room. 
The scent of Thanksgiving dinner still hangs in the air; the warmth from the ovens and stove hasn’t faded one bit.
Minho leads you all around the living room in a beautifully clumsy dance. The smiles on your faces never drop, even for a moment. They only grow with each giggle passed from one to another.
His eyes stay locked with yours the entire time. Nothing could interrupt your moment,
You mouth the lyrics to him; it’s English, so he’s not really able to keep up as much. But the emotion is there. And just the idea that you’re singing to him makes his heart soar. 
“What do I care how much it may storm,” you sing, “I’ve got my love to keep me warm.”
Minho spins you around, you squeal with happiness with your arm above your head. He brings you back in and grabs your waist with both hands, lifting you into the air and twirling more as the music swells. You place both of your hands on his shoulders for balance.
He gently places you back on the ground, the song ending and fading into the next one. 
Michael Buble’s ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ follows it up. The rhythm of the song slows down the energy in the room dramatically.
Neither you nor Minho let go of one another. Instead of backing away, the two of you step even closer. Your arms wind around his neck, his hands interlock on your lower back.
Your eyes look all around his perfect face, meanwhile his stay locked on your eyes. He’s so enchanted by you, it feels like you placed him under some sort of spell.
If he could, Minho would do this entire day over and over again until he died, just to see this beautiful look in your eye each time, to hear your glee filled laughter after each surprise. 
Instead of moving around the room, the two of you simply sway side to side in time with the beat of the song. Minho spins the two of you very slowly in place.
A beautiful, festive, Christmas bubble begins forming around the two of you. 
“I cannot even begin to tell you how much today meant to me, Minho.” You break the silence between the two of you.
He chuckles. “I’m glad I was able to do it for you, Y/N. I don’t think I’ve ever run to the store that fast in my life.”
Mirroring him, you laugh softly. “I can only imagine what you looked like trying to get everything together.”
He moves his head side to side. “I had a lot of help.”
You shake your head. “This was quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“You deserve it.”
Another laugh from you. He just watches you. He watches each emotion cross your face with such admiration, with such a fond, sweet gaze, it could rot your teeth. 
Piano keys tinkle in the music. Michael Buble’s smooth voice wrapping around your private bubble.
“I am endlessly thankful for you, Lee Minho.” 
His gaze softens even more. 
You’re his soft spot. You– beautiful, wonderful, joyous you– are Lee Minho’s weak point. 
Slowly, the swaying to the song begins to slow down as you both get lost within one another. Everything about the scene was like a movie, down to the storm swelling outside your window.
Minho’s eyes flicker down to your lips for a split second.
You grin. His heart thuds in his chest.
“I don’t suppose you got any mistletoe?” you ask cheekily.
His eyes widen for a second, but he quickly catches on to your joke. “That wasn’t on any of the Thanksgiving websites I found.”
“Oh well.”
Without another word, and with the goofiest of grins on both of your faces, you pull Minho in for a kiss. 
His entire world stops when his lips meet yours, everything pauses and the only thing that exists is you. Nothing else matters except for the girl in his arms.
The world could end right now and he would be the happiest man on Earth.
Both of his arms tighten around you, one hand comes up to cup your cheek, cradling it softly. 
Your arms around his neck bring him even closer to you.
His kiss is everything, it’s sugar cookies rising in the oven, it’s a sunrise on the beach, it’s waking up to the smell of cinnamon rolls on Thanksgiving– everything.
It’s everything you’ve always needed. He is everything you’ve always needed.
Eventually, the two of you pull away from one another, but not without a last few stolen pecks on the other’s lips. 
The kisses end up short, you both keep smiling and pulling away, too happy to continue. 
Minho keeps his eyes closed, his thumb brushes over your cheekbone. “I think I have a new favorite holiday.” Another peck to your lips. 
You giggle and kiss him again and again, “Me too, Lee Minho.”
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pelova4president · 5 months
My muses
Laura Freigang x Sydney Lohmann x Reader
summary~ In which you fall for two German girls that are in a relationship with eachother. They’ve had their eye on you for a little while now and decide to make a move now you’re working with their national team.
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Syd and Laura are bestfriends, everyone knew that. They roomed, sat and did basically everything together. They played for different clubs but that didn’t matter, they got to see eachother more than enough.
What most people didn’t know is that they are a little more than friends, girlfriends to be exact. They didn’t really try to keep it private but everyone just thought that they were good friends since they had always been like this.
When you moved from the Netherlands to Germany it felt like a big change, you were only twenty and, ofcourse you knew a few words and sentences but that was it. German sounds a bit like Dutch but it was still hard to understand all of the difficult business words, especially when they were talking so fast.
You’ve been a sports photographer for about three years now. It began with your love for women’s football. Watching your childhood club Ajax play week in week out, you wanted to capture it. After you realised your phone camera wouldn’t do the job anymore you bought a real professional camera, it had cost you a fortune and you had to work extra hours at the cafe you served at. But honestly, it was the best decision you’ve ever made. You tried to capture moments from your seat in the stands but that was hard when the bald men in the seats in front of you stood up at every exciting pass.
Eventually, you mustered up enough courage and mailed Ajax, asking them to get access to the field to photograph the players in action. A few days later you got a response back saying that they’d like that.
After capturing many more games you signed a contract with the club, not as a player but that didn’t matter.
That’s how you got here, signing a contract with the German women’s football team as media manager and photographer. You’ve photographed some of the players because some of the girls had played against Ajax. But this was all still very new to you, working in Germany and also managing the socials.
They also didn’t really bother to introduce you to the girls, you just had to start. Or well, that’s what you understood anyway.
The start of your new era began rather hectic. The German girls were going to Italy and Portugal for some friendlies. They would play against Iceland and England to prepare for the World Cup.
You were staying in the same hotel as the team and at dinner time you eventually met some of them. Sitting alone, Laura approached you.
“Hey, ich bin Laura, ich glaube, ich habe dich schon einmal gesehen.” (Hey, i’m Laura, i think i’ve seen you before.) she introduces herself. “Ich bin y/n, but uhh i don’t speak that much German. I’m the new media manager.” you say awkwardly. Why are you like this all of a sudden. “Oh sorry, i didn’t know but you’ve got an accent. Where are you from?” Laura asks you.
You tell her about your little journey, working for Ajax and photographing. Laura sits down at your empty table and you fall into a nice conversation. She apparently remembered you from a game she played against Ajax a few months ago.
Laura was telling you about her love for photography when a certain midfielder came crashing the conversation. “Laura, warum hast du mir diese Schönheit nicht vorgestellt?” (Laura why didn’t you introduce me to this beauty?) the girl said. Laura rolled her eyes at her, “Syd this is y/n, our new media manager and sports photographer, y/n this is Sydney my idiot girlfriend.” Laura explained.
You didn’t even know the girl but to say you were disappointed that she was taken was an understatement. You really clicked and thought that she was even flirting a little bit with you but you were just imagining things apparently.
Syd sat down on the chair on the other side of you and began to ask you things too. But she had other questions in mind. “So, do you have a girlfriend.. or boyfriend?” the midfielder asked you shamelessly. “Uh no, i don’t have a girlfriend at the moment.” you said with a red face trying to look anywhere but at the couple. The two German girls smirked to eachother and continued to pester you with questions.
The next day Laura and Sydney wanted to take you out for the day since they had the afternoon and evening off. Laura had promised you some beautiful views and good food so you couldn’t resist a night out with the two girls.
You dressed up and had done your makeup and hair. The two girls knocked on your door and when you opened it you saw both of the girls looking you up and down. Sydney licked her lips and greeted you, “Du siehst echt gut aus” (You look really good) and Laura did the same, “Du siehst so schön aus.” (You look very pretty).
They walked you to the black BMW they had rented and Sydney opened the car door for you. Laura sat in the drivers seat and Sydney in the passenger’s. Sydney connected her phone and r&b played on the background of your lighthearted conversation. At some point in the conversation they stopped talking English and switched to German.
“Sie sieht gut aus.” (She looks good) Laura said looking in her little mirror. Syd hummed, “Sie ist sehr schön. Glaubst du, sie mag uns?” (She’s very pretty. Do you think she likes us?). You were looking out of the window, listening to Frank Ocean when you heard Laura speak English again. “I think so, i guess we’ll have to find out.” and with that she parked the car and opened your door.
They took you to a very nice restaurant, the vibe was good and the food and company was even better. They kept flirting with you and now it wasn’t just Laura when she was alone with you, they both were and they both seemed to be okay with it too.
“What got you into sports photography?” Sydney asked you. “Well, i wanted to capture the moments and you know, the women.” you laughed, your face heating up. The couple laughed at your answer and Laura spoke again, “I get it, i’m surprised none of my teammates made a move on you yet, you’re a pretty girl.”. You were surprised but flattered by her words. “Oh thank you, the both of you look really good too.” you complimented them.
“Sie ist niedlich.” (She’s cute) Laura said to her girlfriend. The brunette gave her teammate a smile and looked at you again. “Yeah, you think so, liebling?” Sydney asked you, trying to get more out of you. “Yeah- well i mean you know, you’re both really attractive and sweet and stuff.” you rambled and they let you. Both of the girls giggled at your rambling, finding it quite cute how you got flustered so easily.
The night ended after some more teasing and a nice dessert. They walked you to your door and told you that they enjoyed their evening with you and how they’d love to do something like this again sometime. Sydney kissed you goodnight on your forehead while Laura kissed you on the corner of your lips. You wondered of she did that on purpose or if she did it by mistake.
laurafreigang posted on their story
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liked by victoriapelova and 78.628 others
portugal📍, italy you’re next.
viviannemiedema 😍😍
stanwaygeorgia got that portugal glow
sydneylohmann looking good 👀
laurafreigang touring with a good view
l0hmannbayernn wait but syd and laura were at that same restaurant too
↳ germany_w0men they’re probably friends i think since y/n works for the national team
You traveled to Italy with the team and arrived in the evening. When you stepped out of the travel bus Sydney approached you. “We’re going to the beach with the team, do you want to join us?” she asked you calmly. You accepted her offer and walked to the beach together.
Syd told you about the time she went to Rome with Laura and how they got lost and nobody understood them because of their German accent. It was so funny that your stomach hurt from all the laughing. “Syd! Stop, my stomach!” you giggled. “Okay, okay i’ll stop.” Sydney hugged you from behind, her hands on your stomach. “Better now?” she asked you, you could feel her little smirk. “Yeah, all better.” you hummed leaning into her.
Sydney took your hand in hers and with your fingers intertwined you arrived at the beach. Apparently there were boats for rent and you couldn’t resist, floating on the water at sunset, that’s a dream. Laura saw the two of you get on the boat and joined, not wanting to miss out on more quality time.
The three of you sat at the front of the boat, looking at the sun disappearing into the sea. “I’ve had my eye on you for a little while now.” Laura suddenly says. You’re a bit shocked and your first reaction is to look in the direction of her girlfriend who laughs at your motion. “We’ve had our eye on you.” Syd corrects her girlfriend. Now you’re even more lost.
Not knowing where to look you look into the distance. “What do you mean?” you ask just above a whisper. “We both like you, romantically.” Laura says for the both of them. You look up and Laura is staring at you expecting some kind of reaction. You look at Syd and she nods assuringly.
Laura took your face into her hands and leaned in for a kiss. Your lips met hers. You’ve wanted this for longer than you’d like to admit. Your kiss with Laura was hungry but sweet. When you disconnected your lips Sydney saw that as her chance. The kiss with the midfielder was a little more rough and longer.
Laura saw the state of you and couldn’t help but smirk at your swollen lips and messy hair. “I’ll take that as a ‘i like you too’.” Sydney said giggling and pulling a strand of hair behind your ear. Your cheeks reddened and you nodded furiously. The girlfriends laughed at that and Laura kissed you on your red cheek.
laurafreigang posted on their story
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The next few days you photographed the girls at training, made content, went on little outings with the team and you even got to steal a few kisses here and there. Sydney and Laura were absolutely wonderful and amazing models, both of them are pretty, beautiful, sexy, everything honestly. You liked taking pictures of them, especially when they weren’t looking or after a game they’d won. But all three of you knew that after this camp you’d probably see eachother again at the preparations for the World Cup and that was weeks away.
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liked by lynnwilms_ and 103.728 others
got the best photographers out there 🎞️
y/n_y/l/n i got the best models out there
stanwaygeorgia tatted girl 👀
laurafreigang du bist sehr cool lohmann✌️✌️
jule_brand 😍😍
wos011 why did y/n comment??
↳ arsenalw21p they’re sooo dating
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liked by jule_brand and 118.620 others
best days away
lena_oberdorf looking good
y/n_y/l/n mooi meisje 😍
sydneylohmann got the coolest gf
↳ gerwntfann wait they’re dating???
sophie.kleinherne 😍😍
giuliagwinn laura freigang things
chels3akerrr why did y/n comment?
You were going from club to club in the break since you still needed to get some work done. Syd and Laura texted and called you a few times and they had a few dates planned between the camps. It was nice, they were absolutely perfect. You loved them.
The time flew by and the team had to get ready for the World Cup. You knew how much this meant to all of the girls. For some it was their first and for others just another. There was so much pressure on them, their nation was a winning one and everyone knew it, you could feel it. Germany was in it to win.
The team ended on top of their group and won all the other games in the knockouts. Fighting for every goal they got into the final. The final against England, the nation they lost the Euros title to. They wanted payback.
When you arrived at the stadium it felt like a dream. The atmosphere in the stadium was magic, nothing like you’ve ever seen before. Fans from all over the world eager to watch the rematch of the Euros final. As the match continued, it became clear that it would be a battle till the very end.
With the score tied at 1-1, it got hard to watch the game. The seconds were flying by, and both teams were pushing themselves to their absolute limit. Lohmann, your midfield maestro, got past Keira Walsh and Georgia Stanway. Spotting an opening, she passed a perfectly calculated ball to Freigang, your quick forward.
Laura, known for her fast pace and clinical finishing, sprinted towards the goal. Millie Bright tried to tackle Freigang but just couldn’t get to her. With adrenaline running through her, she released her shot in the top bins. The stadium erupted as Germany took the lead in the dying minutes of the game.
Sydney flew into Laura’s arms, but Laura was searching for you. She knew you were there, capturing every moment through your lens. With one of her cocky smirks, she made her way towards you, with the high of scoring such and important goal she leaned in, planting a kiss on the camera lens. Her eyes meeting yours as she playfully winks at the camera.
The game didn’t last much longer. The extra time was over and the German girls ran towards eachother while the English girls sunk to the ground.
Your two footballers hugged eachother and you captured the moment. Nothing could top this moment you thought, atleast not for now.
The girls came running towards you and included you in their hug. “Saw what i did there?” Laura whispered in your ear. You laughed, “Yeah, couldn’t really miss it eh?”. The goalscorer poked you in your side and Sydney laughed at the two of you.
Things went really fast from that moment on, Syd and Laura asked you to be their girlfriend and you said yes ofcourse. You signed a contract with Bayern for when you weren’t working for the National team. That made it possible for you to see Syd almost everyday. As promised you had a date night atleast once a week with your girlfriends and Laura announced her signing. Both of your girlfriends were playing for Bayern and you couldn’t be happier.
It had all gone fast. You fell fast, you got close fast and you started dating fast. But in your eyes it felt like you’ve always known. You loved them and wouldn’t trade this for the world.
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liked by daniellevddonk and 103.613 others
meine schätze
laurafreigang finally learned some german
↳ y/n_y/l/n just for the both of you
jillroord you’re supposed to root for us not Germany 🙄
sydneylohmann you’re our WAG 😍
↳ y/n_y/l/n honoured to be your WAG 😘
lovef00tball i knew it!!
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liked by jillroord and 271.624 others
thank you Australia and New Zealand ❤️
y/n_y/l/n mijn lieveheersbeestje 🐞❤️
↳ sydneylohmann you were scared of it so i don’t take it as a compliment
jillroord loohhmaaannn ❤️
sam_kerr_ winnerrrr 🥇
laurafreigang we’re so sexy
↳ y/n_y/l/n you are xx
↳ sydneylohmann thank you baby
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liked by alex.popp11 and 212.427 others
australia with my mäuschen
sydneylohmann you’re a rat
↳ laurafreigang awww you’re so sweet 😍
y/n_y/l/n you’ve charmed your way into my life
↳ laurafreigang it was the photographer rizz i think
↳ sydneylohmann no definitely the football rizz
sam_kerr_ freigang touring the world with her sidekicks
↳ sydneylohmann i’m not a sidekick!!
A/N the ending is a bit abrupt so there’s a chance that i’ll make a second part?? Thanks to @totaly-obsessed i think i’ve done pretty well with the german nicknames and sentences.
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murderousink23 · 2 years
11/03/2022 is National Men Make Dinner Day 🇺🇲, National Housewife's Day 🇺🇲, National Sandwich Day 🇺🇲, UAE Flag Day 🇦🇪, Independence Day 🇩🇲, Independence of Cuenca 🇪🇨, Culture Day 🇯🇵, National Thanksgiving Day 🇱🇷, Maldives Victory Day 🇲🇻, Separation Day 🇵🇦
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bejeweledblondie · 8 months
König Headcannons
A/N: just like Ghost’s headcannon’s I’m taking inspiration from my experiences living on a military base
Warnings: NSFW
König x F! Reader
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• König initially first met you while you were volunteering with the United Nations & Doctors Without Borders
• you were administering vaccines to children in the Middle East, & providing medical services to the underprivileged communities
• he was awe of your empathy & kindness towards these children, you treated them like they were your own & took your job super seriously
• KorTac was providing security for the community from potential terrorist attacks, as taking any western countries citizen for ransom seemed enticing
• After a surprise attack on the camp that was set up, he immediately brought you to safety & held you as you sobbed into chest out of fear for your life & all those innocent civilians that caught in the gunfire
• “shhh, schatz it’ll be okay” he whispered to you
• he finally asked you out after months of waiting for the right time
• you were giving him his flu shot when he asked you out
• your first date was in his off post apartment, he had cooked you homemade Austrian food
• his cooking is divine, he always chef’s it up in the kitchen
• you guys moved in only a few months into dating (which seems early but in the military world you’re slacking)
• he proposed with his Oma’s ring
• he also asked your parents over FaceTime for your hand in marriage, they were reluctant but he was very persuasive
• you’d probably wind up working at the hospital on post, & the soldiers that come in 100% know you’ll take care of them
• during Christmas leave both of your families meet in Vienna for Christmas time, I mean cmon Vienna is gorgeous at Christmas
• you two announce your pregnancy at Christmas dinner
• his Oma jumped up & ran over to hug you
• this man’s genes are freakin strong
• you definitely get pregnant with twins
• König is deployed when you find out & you tell him over FaceTime
• he cried pure tears of joy & his whole team celebrated
• due to the fact he’s like a giant he produces large babies
• you’d have to get a c-section for the birth because of it, & König makes it in the last second.
• he still had his hood on & was in his tactical gear scaring the entire nursing staff
• imagine their surprise when he just asks where his wife is
• you have a girl & a boy
• they’d definitely be named after his grandparents
• he sings lullaby’s in Austrian to them to introduce them to his home country’s culture
• he hates leaving for deployments now that they’re born & he definitely became more ruthless on the battlefield due to it
• he 100% would bring the babies to work whenever it was a mandatory fun day or a super relaxed day at work
• these hardened military men would be all over your babies & arguing as to who gets to hold them next
• they’re very well protected & König made sure of that
• he’s a family man at heart & he will do anything to protect them
• you weren’t very experienced when you met König & when you first saw his cock you were in absolute disbelief a man could be that hung
• you let your intrusive thoughts win & asked if he’d fit inside of you
•it took a lot of foreplay for him to fully fit snug in you
• he definitely would say the most absolutely filthy things in Austrian to you even if you understood them or not
• massive size & breeding kink
• he just loves how small your hands are compared to his cock you need both of them to jerk him off
• when he found out you were pregnant he was elated that his efforts worked out
• loved to see your body change & baby bump grow
• also loved how horny you were as a pregnancy symptom ( it killed him that you’d have to deal with that alone while he was deployed)
• like most military men he too has a collection of your nudes & plenty of videos of him fucking you
• he loves your hips & how wide they are to him it digs deep into the primal instinct of carrying his babies
• König is just as stealthy in bed as he is in on the battlefield
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141 Headcanons: On Holiday
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John Price is 100% a dad type. He likes golfing and fishing and sailing. Activities that let him unwind, sometimes make new friends in the shape of other middle-aged men at the country club or at the docks or at the lake. Rents a little cabin by the lake, where you can take a soak or sunbathe, while he goes out with his little fishing boat and try (and fail) to catch something nice for dinner.
Johnny MacTavish is an adventurous type. He likes hiking and camping, stuff that lets him stay busy, and will definitely explore some forest or national park or mountain range. But he also likes fun activities. Music festivals, for example. He'll definitely book you all-inclusive 3-day-long tickets even though there's only one or two artists/bands you want to see, just so you can have that experience and have fun together.
Kyle Garrick is a family lad. His family is big and loving and they book a little trip every year somewhere fun. It might be a new destination, or it might be somewhere they've been before, or maybe somewhere to visit family. But he loves bringing his love along, go do all the touristy things, see all the landmarks, take loads of pictures, try new restaurants and new food, and do cultural things like reading all the plaques on statues and fountains and monuments.
Simon Riley likes peace and quiet. That's the jist of it. Needs it, in fact. So, prepare to rent a little historical cottage in the Cotswold, or maybe a beach condo, or a cabin in the woods. Doesn't matter, what matters it's that it's fairly isolated, with no neighbors to really bother him. He can sleep in late, with no one to force him to do things he doesn't want to do, no schedule to uphold, no people to answer to. He'll roll out of bed at noon, make himself tea and go sit outside and feell the breeze on his skin for once.
Crack headcanons: Beach Day Episode™️
John Price tends to burn, instead of tan, surprisingly. Probably because his uniforms tend to cover him from neck to toes, leaving only his hands and face showing... And if you'd expect his face to be immune to burning, you'd be wrong. Especially because he's terrible at applying sunblock. By the time you notice, his cheeks, nose and forehead are red, and there are white lines around his muttonchops/beard where the sunblock didn't absorb... so he just looks ridiculous.
Johnny MacTavish likes to say he's not English/British... until he goes on holiday to southern Europe and he's suddenly the perfect example of the stereotypical English tourist. Football jersey, denim shorts, socks and slides/sandals, his entire skin is burned to a crisp and red, and, of course, he's wearing the most stupid-looking sunglasses you'll ever see... And then he gets to the beach, takes off his shorts and he's wearing a red speedo.
Kyle Garrick is 100% the type to disappear off his towel while you're sunbathing and, by the time you notice, he's in a completely different side of the beach playing beach paddle ball, beach volleyball or beach football with a group of other blokes or even with little kids. And he does all this while wearing his little cap (but backwards) and while absolutely covered in tanning oil. Does he need it? No. But he likes the feel of it.
Simon Riley would not be caught dead in swimming trunks or a speedo. The man needs full coverage. He's in a wet/surf suit and wearing a facekini WITH his stupid dad sunglasses and, maybe even, a visor. He gets fidgety if he has to sit in his towel for too long so he's also the type who'll go for a walk out of nowhere, down the beach, and, eventually, cross paths with an Asian grandma who's wearing the same exact outfit as him.
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firelordsfirelady · 2 months
VI. On the Offensive
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal
Word Count: 1360
Destined to be Yin and Yang  
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story. 
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
I emerged from my room a few hours after Zuko left, and I went to lend a hand in the kitchen. Shisam, one of the cooks, immediately took notice of my presence and gave me a huge smile.
“I’m glad to finally see you out, Y/N. I was beginning to worry if you were ever going to come out of that room.” He clapped a hand on my back.
“Plus, we were seriously starting to worry if we were going to get your full-moon cookies.” Zaijim, another one of the cooks, said from the stove, and I laughed.
“Of course you were worried about the cookies.” The two men smiled at me as I grabbed a knife and started to prepare the vegetables for dinner.
After dinner, I helped wash the dishes and, over the next few days, I quickly slipped back into my regular routine.
The full moon was a few days later. This full moon, however, I had decided that I would make the cookie deliveries before I went to practice my waterbending. I delivered my cookies to the crew below deck then made my way to deliver Iroh and Zuko’s cookies. Iroh opened the door when I knocked and smiled when he saw that it was me.
“I was worried that my nephew had broken when you didn’t come out for a couple of days.” The older man said, and I shrugged.
“I won’t lie and say that his words didn’t hurt me, but he did apologize. That I do appreciate.” Iroh nodded. 
“Apologies work best when they are sincere.” Iroh started with a bow of his head.
“And the best apologies are served with jasmine tea.” Iroh let out a belly-laugh at my words, and I grinned. 
“That you are right about, my dear.” He said jovially before I handed him his plate of cookies. “Ah, thank you. These are some of the best chocolate chip cookies in all the nations.” 
“Thanks. It’s my mom’s recipe.” I bowed slightly in respect. “I need to give Zuko his and then—since everyone knows about my waterbending—I shall go practice like I do any other full moon.” Iroh bowed to me as well.
“If Zuko will not say it then I shall—we are lucky to have you accompany us on this mission. Waterbenders are exceptional fighters, and we are lucky to have one on our side.” Iroh’s genuine smile made my cheeks warm as I curtsied to him.
“Thank you, Iroh. Good night.” He gave me a small bow as he closed the door.
“Good night Y/N.” The door shut as I turned around and made my way to Zuko’s door. My fist was raised to knock on the door as it opened to reveal Zuko dressed in all-black robes. His face reflected the same amount of surprise as I felt. My cheeks felt a little warmer than usual as I rocked slightly on my heels.
“I brought you cookies—“ 
“You made cookies earlier—“
Zuko and I both stopped talking at the same time.
“You go ahead—“ We both said at the same time again.
“Where are you off to?” 
“What makes you think I am going somewhere?” Zuko’s voice sounded slightly nervous as I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Why else would you be opening the door at the same time I’m about to knock?” I sarcastically asked. “Unless you were stalking my footsteps and waiting for me to come see you?” I teased and Zuko dropped eye contact as he let out a small laugh. His laugh sent a shockwave through my heart and caused it to start beating faster.
“What makes you think you’re so special for me to do such a thing?” Zuko lightly asked with a small smile on his face.
Is he flirting with me? I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a sly smile.
“I wasn’t the one who used the adjective special.” A laugh left me as Zuko’s eyes widened with surprise. “Unless you have a secret?” I asked in a teasing tone as I raised an eyebrow at the firebender.
“What?” He asked nervously as he looked anywhere but at me. “What on earth could be my secret?” Taking a step forward to close the gap, I looked up at Zuko as I spoke.
“You’ve been watching me waterbend during the full moon.” I smirked victoriously as Zuko’s mask crumbled slightly to show I hit the nail on the head.
“No. There’s no reason why I would do that.” Zuko tried to rebuild the mask of his stoicism, but I had seen enough to know the truth. 
“How long have you been watching me waterbend on full moons?” I crossed my arms across my chest as I shifted my weight to my right foot.
“I have no—“
“Zuko—“ I interrupted him with his first name. “—it’s okay to admit that you’re curious.” I gave him an encouraging smile, but he shifted his weight on his feet. A comfortable silence fell between us for a few seconds before I held the plate out towards Zuko. “I came to bring you some cookies.” Zuko looked down at the plate of the sweet cookies offered by my hand before he looked back up at me. His golden eyes held an unfamiliar emotion in them as he held my gaze.
“Thank you.” He softly said as he grabbed the plate from me.
“You’re welcome.” I gave him a full-blown smile before I turned to walk away.
“I’ve noticed you aren’t too familiar with offensive moves.” Zuko said in a voice barely above a whisper that caused me to pause in my action of walking away.
“What?” I asked at a volume level that matched Zuko’s.
“When you practice I have noticed that you’re unfamiliar with some of the offensive moves.” Zuko elaborated as he looked at the plate of cookies in his hand. I was thankful for the darkened hallways as my cheeks began to burn.
“I was never taught how to fight.” The words left my mouth shyly as I looked at the wall behind Zuko. I took notice of the desk in the distant corner that had a wall filled with roughly sketched pictures of past avatars and other papers with what I could distinguish as notes scribbled on them.
“What?” Zuko’s surprised question caused me to return my attention to the firebender as his facial expression matched the tone of his voice. My shoulders shrugged as I looked at him.
“My father never taught me how to fight.” Embarrassed, I looked down at the soft leather shoes on my feet. “Once we got on the boat, I figured if I absolutely needed it, I should at least try to figure out some moves to defend myself.” Silence once again filled the air between the two of us briefly before Zuko spoke again.
“I don’t know anything about waterbending, but I do know some tips about offensive fighting from my training.” His words made me look up at him as he avoided looking me in the face. “I-I mean that it is important you have some knowledge of how to protect yourself.” I smiled as Zuko stuttered slightly to find the words he wanted to say. “You never know what someone might try in order to stop the war.” My heart skipped a beat in my chest at Zuko’s words.
“Oh yes.” I shook my head in agreement. “We are looking for the Avatar after all. They are the master of all four elements.” A lighthearted chuckle left my lips. 
“Would you like to start training tonight?” Zuko asked in what I took to be a hopeful tone, and I felt myself fighting a smile.
“Only if the Prince has time to do so.” I flicked my eyes to the Avatar-themed wall in Zuko’s room. “I don’t want to distract you from your mission.” Zuko’s eyes followed mine to the wall I was looking at before he turned back to look at me.
“Depends on how fast of a learner you are.” Zuko’s cocky smile was returned with one of my own. 
“That depends on how well of a teacher you are.” 
Tag List @chevysstuffs @puttyly @ginger24880 @night-fall-moon @junieshohoho @0kauy @coolgirl458 @hypnoticbeing @angelruinz @preeyansha @playboygeniusphilanthropist @ssonniiu 
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tsimvkas · 9 months
best friends, uh? — mason mount.
A/N: hello 👋🏻 here we are againnnn. please remember that english is my second language so i apologise for any mistake. and thanks to Sid for all the support on this one 🥺 ily bestie!! hope you guys enjoy it xx
word count: 15.5k (lol im sorry for this) | masterlist
content: friends to lovers, unprotected sex, fluff and mild angst.
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“Bro, Manchester? That’s so far” your best friend Benjamin brought up the transfer subject, which made your other best friend, Mason, sigh deeply.
The three of you were hanging out since it’s their first day of summer vacation, and your best friends would travel somewhere else soon. It would be only for a few days, but once the league returns everything will be different.
You, Mason and Ben were best friends for a long time now. You met when both of them went to the national team for the first time and you were a journalism intern working
For some reason, they both liked you. And it was easy to like them too, with all the jokes and good energy. When Ben joined Chelsea their bond got even stronger. At that time your career had taken another direction and you were working as a band’s press officer, which allowed you to live in London.
For the last three years your trio has seen each other every week and weekend. You were always attending Chelsea home games, and your boys always came up with something on their days off.
At this point, the three of you felt like family.
Until now, with Mason’s transfer. Ben tried to talk jokingly about it, but you knew he meant it.
Otherwise, you could understand Mason’s decision since the entire last season was a hell of a nightmare to him, and now they both were discussing his last move: signing with Manchester United.
“It’s not like I had a lot of options” Mason shrugged. “I mean, Liverpool didn’t make it to the Champions League and I quite like United, Ben”
“Even Kai will be closer to us” he snorted, clearly upset.
“You’re saying this is a bad thing?” You smirked, taking a sip of your wine. Chilly and Mase were still deciding what they wanted for dinner and the only thing they were capable of ordering was your favourite white wine.
“Don’t tell him I talked about him like that” Ben grinned, finally deciding what to eat. He called the waitress, and Mason ordered both his and yours meal, knowing what you like to eat.
When she wrote everything down and left, Mount spoke again. “Well, actually you’re the only one left behind. Maybe joining City next season and we can be reunited”
“What do you mean?”
“Like the three of us, in the same city”
“Well if you want this to happen then you’ll have to come back to London” Ben frowned, realisation passing through his face seconds later. “No-“
“I haven’t made the decision yet” you cut him. “But the offer has been made, yes”
“You called her to move with you? This is unfair” he snorted.
Mason raised an eyebrow, reaching your thigh under the table and giving a gentle squeeze. “I couldn’t do it without my best friend, could I?”
“And what about me, you prick? You want me to carry that shitty team on my backs on my own? I deserve to have the presence of my best friend as well”
“Why are you so afraid, Ben?” Mason smirked. “Oh, cause you know I’m the favourite and she’s going to say yes”
You tried not to laugh. They’re definitely the most funny people you know, and to you it has always been a pleasure that they both chose you as their best friend.
“We are still talking about moving to Manny?” Ben teased his friend. “I’m the favourite, tho”
“Stop” you playfully rolled your eyes, interrupting Mason before they started an argument in the middle of the restaurant. “I don’t have a favourite. And if the pair of you don’t behave like grown men, I’ll move to… I don’t know, Merseyside”
“You would still be living closer to me than to him” Mason giggled, whispering. “Just admit I’m your favourite”
“Shut up, Mason” Chilly stuck his tongue out at his friend, just like a child.
“Why are you two even discussing? You’re already losing your best friend, no matter if I go or if I stay” you pointed, instantly realising that the reason for the little fight about you was to pretend their separation wasn’t a real thing. “Oh, I’m sorry”
“That’s ok, Y/N. We’ll have to deal with it one way or another” Ben smiled.
“But not tonight, alright? I'm already sick of this subject. Let’s have dinner and talk about nonsense stuff and you can laugh at our terrible jokes and things will stay the same. Just for tonight” Mason smiled at you. “When the announcement happens, we’ll face the truth”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, nodding. “Just the three of us tonight, then. Me and my Chelsea boys” you smiled, raising your glass of wine.
When Mason and Ben raised theirs to toast with you, you could swear their eyes were watering.
You forced yourself not to cry.
When he came back from Spain after a week with Ben, he invited you to spend a couple of days at his house. It was something natural in your friendship, but this time seemed different.
Mason opened the door wearing a white shorts and a hoodie you’ve never seen before, and instantly smiled at you.
“You’re late” he kissed your forehead, picking your backpack from you and giving you space to enter his house. “But I forgive you”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I couldn’t find my favourite pyjamas” you snorted. It feels like Mason’s house it's yours too, so you feel comfortable enough to go directly to his living room.
“You left them here” he laughed at you, closing the door and following you inside.
“Right, this explains a lot”
His living room was occupied with a lot of suitcases, and you instantly remembered that this was a goodbye weekend.
“You already packed everything?” you asked, feeling your eyes watering.
“Only my favourite clothes. I’ll leave everything else, can’t take all of my stuff to a hotel room” he shrugged.
You nodded. He texted you during his vacation and told you how difficult finding a house in Manchester turned out to be. You were just wishing he could find a place soon, somewhere he could turn into a home.
“Benji is also coming?”
“I spent a lot of time with Ben last week, it’s just me and you” he smiled, but his face turned serious way too fast. “I’ll drive to Manchester Sunday night. It’s our last days together so Ben agreed to stay out”
You never told him you were staying, but you didn’t have to. Mason knew you.
“I’m so sorry, Mase” you felt that familiar lump on your throat, showing up every time you think about it.
You didn’t like the idea of being away from him, but your whole life was in London. For the past couple of weeks you’ve been thinking about it, and your only wish was that you could divide yourself in two. Or that he could stay.
Dividing yourself in two sounded more easy, to be honest.
Mason put your backpack on the couch, quickly embracing your body in his arms.
“That’s ok, sweetheart. You have a life here, Y/N. Family, friends, everything you love. I’m the one leaving” he sighed. “I just hope you understand I’m not leaving you”
You held him tightly, tucking your head in his neck and letting your cry reach you while your best friend stroked your back. After a few minutes like this, Mason pushed you away just enough to look into your eyes.
“We’re not supposed to spend this weekend crying” he smiled, wiping your tears. “Let’s make it unforgettable, okay?”
You nodded, taking a deep breath and smiling back at him when you noticed that he swallowed the lump in his throat, trying not to cry.
“Everything with you is unforgettable” you pouted, resting your chin on his chest, and Mason ran his thumb across your lower lip, staring at you. “I don’t want you to leave”
“I’ll be back soon” he smirked. You wish it was true.
“Liar” you rolled your eyes, and he laughed. “Your contract says 2028. Five fucking years”
“Language, Y/N. Manchester isn’t that far, and you’ll always be welcome at Old Trafford. At least I’m still playing in the Prem”
“Don’t you dare. Suggest something like this.” you punched his chest, staring at him in disbelief. Watching your favourite person moving to Manchester has been painful enough and the thought of Mason living in another country made your eyes burn again.
“You know I’m never leaving England, Y/N. Not as long as you’re here” he reassured you, but the smirk on his face made you roll your eyes again.
The truth is that Mason felt happiness spreading throughout his body when he realised the way you fear being away from him.
And then instantly guilt almost ate him alive. He wasn’t moving to another country, but with his agenda and how much you work, there’ll be months between one visit and another.
Trying to make these thoughts disappear, Mason grabbed both of your tights until your legs were wrapped around his torso. “Alright, this is way too sad” he whispered, taking you upstairs. “Let’s put on our pj’s, it’s movie time”
“You’ll let me choose?” you held onto his neck, just like a child.
“No” he put you down once he got in his room. “It’ll be the last Avengers. Don’t look at me like that, I know you love it just as much as I do”
“I thought the night was being sad enough? You know I’ll cry with this one”
“I can deal with that” he winked. “I know you really like your favourite pyjamas but would you mind wearing one of my t-shirts tonight? Its’s just- I want to take something with you scent ya know? But you don’t need to- I’ll order our food” he closed his bedroom door before you could answer, his rose cheeks making you giggle.
You quickly changed into one of his black t-shirts and your pyjama shorts, texting him to join you.
Mason opened the door, tucking his head inside his room. “Hey”
You went to him, picking your backpack and tipping his nose. He grinned at the sight of you in his favourite t-shirt.
“Let’s clean this pretty face while we wait the food”
“Pretty face, uh?” he followed you into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He always loved when you called him pretty, because it was important to him that you thought he was pretty.
“What you ordered?”
“Five Guys” he smirked. To be honest, you already knew the answer, once your boy is addicted to it.
“Favourite food and favourite movie” you turned to face him. “It feels like we’re saying goodbye for months”
“Don’t think like that. I’m just trying to have a cosy weekend with you, yeah? But we’ll see each other often. I promise”
You nodded, turning around and grabbing your skin products out of the bag and putting them in the sink. Mason realised you didn’t believe what he said, so he hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.
Your friendship with Mason and Ben has always been like that. They constantly cuddle with you, carry you up and get clingy really easily.
Mason is the touchy one, while Ben is more verbal, and you try your best to love them both in their love language so they can feel loved.
“Help me up” you asked him once you got all of your skincare products in front of you. Mason grabbed your waist when you turned to him, sitting you on the sink counter.
You spread your legs so he could get between them, which he did immediately. He always enjoyed these moments with you, and he knows he’s about to miss this a lot.
“I don’t like the scratchy one” Mason complained, identifying it on the counter and remembering the last time you used it on his face.
“Exfoliating our face sometimes is necessary, Mase. We need to remove dead skin”
“Right, cause there will be no dead skin left if you go faceless. No” he shook his head. “It’s awful”
“You’re being dramatic” you chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose. “I swear I’ll be gentle, big boy”
“You’re always gentle but…” he pouted, but your stare silenced him. “Fine. A smooth face could be useful”
You bit your lower lip, feeling your stomach churn.
“I’m sure girls in Manchester loves smooth faces”
“I was talking about rubbing my face in your neck tonight” he closed his eyes, waiting patiently while you massaged your Vichy soap. “But yeah, I bet they do”
“You’ll need someone to make skincare with you” you tried again, For some reason, you felt like testing him.
“I can FaceTime you, simply”
“But you’ll probably find a friend to do it with you, anyways. You’re really good at making friends”
You didn’t know why you were saying that. You just wanted him to reassure you that he won’t need any other friend, that he’d prefer to do skincare alone than with someone that isn’t you.
“You’re trying to get rid of me?” he said playful, tickling your waist.
“No! Stop- no, never. I’m just thinking about it” you pouted, feeling a bit sad.
“You are my best friend, Y/N. Manchester won’t change that. And absence makes the heart grow fonder” he smiled, holding your serum in front of you so you could use it on him.
“Uhm, we’re forgetting something, don’t you think?”
“I have no idea, what are you talking about?” Mason smirked.
You rolled your eyes at him, looking for your facial scrub and pouring some into your hand and despite his complaints, he let you finish.
The pair of you interspersed so he’d also cleaned, exfoliated and moisturised your face, and once you’ve both done he carried you to his living room.
“Oh you’ll make me stare at these bad girls?” you joked, pointing to his suitcases. Mason laughed, waiting for you to lay on the couch and instantly laying between your legs.
“Who knows, maybe they’ll make you come with me” Mason shrugged. He wouldn’t let you know, so you wouldn’t feel guilty, but knowing you weren't coming to his new home with him was eating him alive.
“Ugh, don’t do this. I’m almost changing my mind” you sighed. If he could ask for something, then it would be this. For you to change your mind.
Realising that you only have two days left with Mason made your stomach burn. Your best friend was always there for you, and alongside Ben you did everything together.
He is the one you call when you’re sad, and when you’re happy. Even when you’re angry or pissed off.
Mason and Ben are the ones you search for in every scenario, your boys. The only men you trust with your life.
And now you feel like you’re losing one of them. Because it’s exactly what’s happening.
“No no no, we’re not crying any more tonight” Mason looked up and caught the exact moment a tear fell from your eyes. Facing you and squeezing your tight, he gave you a reassuring smile. “You’re only allowed to cry in Tony’s scene”
You nodded, wiping your own tears and waiting for the movie to start. Mason got up when the bell rang, coming back a few minutes later with the food he ordered.
You two ate together, always touching each other with some part of your bodies. When the food ran out there was still an hour of movie left, and Mason clung to your body after cleaning the mess both of you made.
“You’re going to leave bruises on me, Mase” you pretended to complain about how tightly he was holding you, and he laughed, only tightening more.
“It’s a good idea to keep other boys away” he said.
“What are you talking about”
“Once I’m left there will be a lot of predators around you, I need to find a way to prevent it”
There it was. Your friendship with Mason was always comfortable, and sometimes the pair of you used to flirt and joke around.
But sometimes you keep yourself wanting those little flirts to mean something, and you weren’t sure about how to deal with that. Especially now that he’s about to move to another city.
Besides, Mason is a fucking footballer, and a pretty one. The kind of man who can have anyone in the world.
And you are his best friend, someone he probably sees as a sister. And you couldn’t say anything before understanding what you feel, because it would be so unfair to him.
Mason smiled, leaning to you and brushing his lips against your neck. He kissed the spot before starting sucking your skin.
“What are you doing?” you tensioned your body. Someone who sees you as a sister wouldn’t give you a hickey, right?
“Shhh, stay quiet” his wet lips brushed your neck, and you could feel his breath hitting you.
You ran out of actions, staying still until he was done.
“There it is” he faced it proudly. “Now I have about two weeks of good sleep before it fades and I need to do it again”
You didn’t know what to say, so you kept quiet. Best friends don’t mark each other like that, right? But you can’t think about it now. Mason is leaving London. And you are staying.
It was a sad, sad Sunday. You couldn’t believe your best friend was moving to another side of the country.
After spending the Saturday with him, eating snacks all day and cuddling in bed, you weren’t ready to say goodbye.
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to cry”
“Sorry I can’t stop” you groaned, stressed. It was such a great weekend with him and now you were forced to watch him leave.
Ben showed up when Mason was closing the house, and he helped his best friend to fill the car with all his things before hugging you.
“I’ll take you to him as often as we can, Y/N” he smiled at you.
Ben was such a sweet soul. You pouted, resting your face on his shoulder while Mase locked the last door.
“Can you please take your hands off of my best friend?” Mason rolled his eyes, standing in front of you.
Ben laughed when his mate opened his arms and you went straight to him. He knows your relationship with him is more intimate, and to Ben it's obvious what’s going on.
Mason stroked your back, smiling when you tucked your face in his neck.
“I’m gonna miss your hugs”
“This sounds like a you problem to me” Chilly smirked, knowing he’s still receiving those.
“He’s a prick, isn’t he?” Mason whispered in your ear, making you laugh between sobs.
You raised your face, trying to stare at him through your tears, and he stroked your chin patiently.
“Don’t find another best friend” you sobbed loudly. “I’ll drive to Manchester whenever I can to watch your games so we can make skincare together and we can FaceTime when you miss me but please Mount, don’t find another girl”
He smiled, feeling warmth in his chest. He wishes he could tell you not to find another boy too, but Ben would be pissed at him.
“You’re my only girl, Y/N. Don’t need to worry about that” Mason thought it was cute the way your lower lip was quivering while you pouted. “C’mon baby, I hate to see you cry. You’ll be fine? I can stay till tomorrow”
“No, I’m ok. You don’t need to change your plans” you sighed. “I’m acting like a child”
“It’s cute” he smirked, stroking your chin. “Here, I have something for you” he pulled away so we could take out the hoodie he wore all weekend. “I bought to leave it with you but I thought it would be better if I use it for some days so it would have my scent”
“I love you” you pouted, wearing it instantly before hugging him again.
“I love you more” he smiled and you closed your eyes, tightening your grip on his t-shirt when he kissed the tip of your nose.
“No, I do” you smirked, giggling when he pinched your nose.
“That’s impossible” he kissed you again, on your forehead this time, holding you against him for a few minutes. “See you soon, uhm? I swear”
You nodded, letting him go to Chilly. They both said goodbye, hugging each other with watery eyes before Mason came back to you, kissing your head and entering his car.
Ben came to hug you, and the two of you watched while Mason left the front porch line.
“Take your hands off her” Mason screamed, making you giggle. “Love you two, take care of my girl Benjamin”
“She’s my girl too, you know”
“Only in your dreams” Mason chuckled. “She knows she’s mine”
And drove off the car. You felt your heart pounding at the sight of his car disappearing at the end of his old road.
“His girl, uh?” Ben teased you as soon as you couldn’t see Mason’s car anymore.
“Shut up, Benjamin” you rolled your eyes, and he chuckled at you. “I miss him already” you started to sob again.
“Oh, fuck off” he laughed, but hugged you tightly, trying to bring you some comfort.
Later that night, Mason checked on you through Ben before reaching you out so he could try to comfort you. You felt even sadder knowing that the only day he can take care of you know is through a screen.
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You tried to stay happy while living in London, for Ben. You really tried. But the dark hole in your chest wouldn’t let you.
Ben was the best of friends, staying at your house every time he can, taking you to different places and trying to distract you. You both spent a lot of quality time together and he knows how much you love him, but he also knows the truth.
You missed Mason so much it hurts.
You wished you could’ve gone to his debut for United, but you weren’t able to drop your work on a Monday so you went to Ben’s house to watch it with him.
It was a great game and the Red Devils happily won. You cried at the end, when the camera showed Mason, and Ben mocked you for the rest of the night.
“He is glowing” you pouted.
“I would be too, if I had a serious team” Chilly gave a choked laugh, making you chuckle.
You waved him goodnight and went to his guest room, deciding not to drive back home late at night since you lost track of time talking with Ben. He kissed your forehead and murmured goodnight too, giving you your space.
As soon as you entered the room, you changed into a pyjama you forgot there the last time you spent the night, and got under the heavy blanket, reaching out for your phone so you could send a message to your boy.
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You didn’t knew but, in Ben’s room, your boys were having a conversation.
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Five minutes after your last message, Mason didn’t resist and FaceTimed you.
“Goodnight Mase” you smiled at your phone. He was tucked in his sheets, cheeks smashed against his pillow. He looked so adorable, you wanted to scream.
“Oh, I miss your voice so much” Mason grinned, his voice a little bit hoarse. “Goodnight babe. Hope you enjoyed the game. Ben told me you cried, I got a bit worried”
Your blood ran to your cheeks, and you made a mental note to kick Ben’s ass later. What a traitor!
“Nothing to worry about, they focused on you at the end and I just miss you alot” you admitted shyly, even though he knows how badly you miss him. Mason smiled at your rose cheeks, feeling his heart ache with love.
“I’ll try to visit soon” he yawned, making you smile. “Ugh, I don’t want to say goodbye yet. Can we spend the night on call?”
“Yes big boy, sure we can. Want me to tell you a story?” you smiled, laughing when his cheeks turned red.
“I do, actually”
“Hmmm, alright. The story begins with a boy, a tall one, and a tiny girl. They met one day, when the tall boy hit the girl with a ball straight in her head…”
It was the best night of sleep both of you had in two weeks.
“I want to go to this weekend’s game” you said to Ben, after explaining to him how your best friend has been acting lately.. “At Old Trafford”
Two weeks passed since you and Mason slept on a call together, and you were feeling like something was off. He’d still answer your texts and send you good morning or good night with cute emojis, but he was avoiding your phone calls and you didn’t spend the day texting.
You felt childish at first, rationalising that he has a new job and is probably really busy, but on the third day off that he found an excuse to not call you at night, you decided you had enough.
“Alright, we’re playing on different days this weekend so I can take you. Don’t want you driving alone, we never know what might happen”
“I’m a good driver”
“I know that, bug” he smiled. “But I mean, like… we don’t know what you’re facing there. I don’t want you driving back after some misunderstandment or something like that”
You nodded, suddenly afraid that your little trip might end with you and Mason fighting.
“Only a month away and he’s acting weird” you dropped your head on the sofa. “And to think I really believed we could survive the season… or worse, the five fucking years”
“Language, bug. Don’t need to overreact, you don’t know what happened yet. Just… prepare yourself for anything, alright?”
“What do you mean? You think, like… he could be dating someone?” you shrugged.
“I wouldn’t say dating, but maybe seeing someone? He hasn't said anything like that to me” Ben tried to tranquillise you. “But it was my first thought, since one of the first things a man does when he starts dating is to push their female friends away a little bit, you know… so their girl don’t feel insecure or something like this”
“Yeah, I got it Benji, And I feel happy that my friends are this kind of man, but it would be nice if he could tell me instead of ignoring me” you snorted, pretending that the idea of Mason dating someone didn’t bother you at all. “At the same time, I can’t be sure that this is the reason, and he could be struggling with something. I just need to confirm he is okay”
“Fine, bug. I’ll take you. But if something went wrong then we’ll be back in the same minute, alright?” he brushed your hair out of your face. “I know you. It’s not like you’d be happy with him dating someone, don’t have to pretend in front of me. I just hopes he gives you sincerity at least”
The game was crazy. Ben tried to hide himself in a big hoodie, a cap and glasses, so both of you enjoyed it together. It was a fantastic result for United, winning three down zero at home, and you could see Mason was really happy.
Chilwell bought you an ice cream and distracted you with different subjects, giving time for Mason to get changed and go home, once he knows how crazy the locker room can get after a win like that.
An hour later, he drove you to the hotel he knows Masons at and asked the receptionist to call his buddy and say his name.
“Call me if you need anything” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “And call me if you decide to spend the night, please”
You nodded, squeezing his hand before entering the elevator.
A half naked Mason opened the door, and you could tell he was really surprised.
“Y/N? What? What are you doing here?”
“Happy to see you too, Mase” you tried to smile.
“I’m sorry, I’m just- I didn’t expect to see you anytime soon, and she told me Ben was here so I thought it was him-”
You stared at him and the silence that came after was awkward. You turned your eyes to the floor and that’s when you saw the ring.
“Oh” you nodded, remembering Ben’s words. “Makes sense”
Mason followed your gaze, quickly taking the ring off. “It’s not what you think it is”
“Right. The same way your weird excuses for not calling me aren’t what I think they are and the fact that you didn’t even hugged me isn’t what I think it is” you grinned sarcastically
You turned around hating the way your voice crackled, and pressed the elevator button, ready to leave.
Mason ran to you, holding your arms to keep you in place. “Why haven’t you told me you were coming? You watched the game?”
“I’m sorry” he kissed your forehead, hugging your waist. “It was a hell of a week and I missed you so much that I thought- that maybe if we didn’t talk that much It could get easier. Sounds dumb when I say it out loud”
“Cause it’s dumb” you tried to be sharp, but Mason always gives you the best hugs in the world and you were instantly melting against him. The elevator door opened, but you both ignored it until it closed again.
“It’s Cartier” he said after a few seconds of silence, pushing you away to cup your face. “It’s just a ring”
You could see that he was trying to hide a smile and you felt so pathetic. Of course your best friend would’ve told you if he was dating someone.
“Sorry” you felt the blood rushing into your cheeks.
“What for?” Mason frowned, stroking your chin. In his opinion, you look so cute being jealous of him.
“For being a jealousy bitch” you sighed, confused. What the hell were you thinking? He’s tired after a rough game and you thought it was a great idea to show up and snap over a ring.
“You were jealous?” he raised an eyebrow at your nod. “You don’t have to. Everybody around me knows I’m yours”
Your body shivered, and Mason smiled at the sign of your red cheeks again. Kissing the tip of your nose, he held your hand and guided you inside his hotel room.
Mason couldn’t wait to cuddle with you, but you weren’t sure about spending the night with him after the scene you made.
“I should leave” you said when he closed the door. “You need to sleep”
“I’ll sleep better if you cuddle me” Mason pouted. “See what six weeks away made to us already? We were almost fighting. Now I need to spend the night with you just to be sure the tension is gone”
You rolled your eyes playfully, taking off your hoodie. Mason celebrated whispering “yes” just like a child, and promptly searched for a t-shirt to give you.
“I’ll go to the bathroom so you can get changed”
“You had dinner already?” you asked, worried that you just interrupted him.
“Hm no, but I can order some food if you’re hungry”
“I’m not, but you should eat something Mase”
“I just want to sleep, to be honest” he yawned, heading to the bathroom and giving you some privacy.
After sending Ben a message letting him know you were spending the night with Mason, you quickly changed into his t-shirt, sighing in relief for being free of your jeans and bra. Since you left your pyjamas at Ben’s hotel room, you searched for one of Mason’s shorts, but most of his things were still in his suitcases and you weren’t able to find it in the mess.
You decided to leave it that way instead of disturbing him any more and tucked yourself into his sheets before he came back, so he wouldn’t even notice.
“Alright, you can come out” you said loud enough for him to hear and he stuck his face out, making you laugh. “Hi baby boy”
“Oh finally, I was almost sleeping in the bathtub” he made his way to the bed and laid with you, looking for a comfy position.
Once you were laying on your back with his body on top of yours, Mason rested his face on your shoulder. Your hands went directly to his hair and you scratched his scalp gently, smiling at his tired groan.
“I’ll let you sleep without dinner ‘cause it was a tiring day at work, but you bet we’re having a reinforced breakfast tomorrow”
“Yes mommy, I got it” he hummed in your ear.
Mason didn’t missed the way your body shuddered and clinged against you. You held your breath when he slipped his hand under the t-shirt, squeezing your waist.
You felt like your heart would stop when he started to play with your panties strap.
“I didn’t gave you a sleep shorts, did I?” for a second you thought you were imagining the huskier tone of his voice.
“No you didn’t, but I can put it on now if you give me one”
You bit your lower lip when his finger went under the strap, stroking your skin, but you stayed quiet. It’s just your best friend, playing with the strap of your panties. It doesn’t mean anything.
“I can be dumb sometimes, but not that dumb, Y/N”
“Hm?” you thought you might have misheard him.
“Nothing” Mason chuckled. “Sweet dreams sweetheart” he whispered, kissing your collarbone.
“Good night, Mase”
You stayed awake for half an hour, hearing his cute snoring and thinking about the way you felt when you saw that ring.
When you closed your eyes, all you could think was that this couldn’t be happening. You knew better than falling for your best friend.
Sunday was lazy and cosy. Waking up with Mason’s arms wrapped around your waist always made you feel protected, and you missed this.
You called Ben and sent your location to him, so the three of you had breakfast in a super cute coffee, and Mason showed you both some places he liked in Manchester, taking pictures of you in his new town.
When it was time for you to go back to London, Mount turned into a big baby, pouting every time you looked at him.
Ben said he needed to go to the pharmacy before hitting the road, so he parked in front of Mason's hotel and left you both alone.
Mount helped you get in Chilly’s car and checked the seat belt, but wouldn’t get out of the car window for nothing.
“Let me know when you get home” he kissed your cheek, half of his body through the window, impeding you to close it.
“I can share my location with you if you want to” you chuckled at his concern.
“Yeah, do that. And tell Woody I said hi” he kissed your cheek again, making you laugh.
“Yes sir, anything else?”
“Hmmm, tell him I miss him” he smiled, kissing your cheek one more time.
“Jesus Mase, you’re so needy”
“I don’t want you to go” he cupped your face, whimpering. You closed your eyes, resting your face against his hand and smiling at his words.
“I’ll be back soon” you repeated what he said the other day, making him laugh.
You giggled, pouting at him. “Love you”
“I love you more” he kissed you again, dangerously close to your lips this time, which made you quickly open your eyes.
You stared at his eyes and found… something. They were shining, and when Mason licked his lips wet, you felt the urge to be a bit cockily brave before living.
“If you want to do it then do it properly” you rolled your eyes playfully. You never said anything like that to him, but the fact that he’s in another city now seemed to make you brave enough. You won’t need to face him if he dumps you.
But instead of laughing and saying goodbye, Mason leaned closer towards you.
“Can I?” his big brown eyes were focused on your lips, and you felt a lump in your throat.
“Well, if you want to” you tried to keep a playful tone but when he turned his eyes at you, Mason he had a serious look. “Do you?”
He stared at your lips, running his tongue between his own and pulling his face closer to yours. You weren’t sure if he was really going to kiss you or if he was just joking along with you about it, so you stayed standing in place.
When he was close enough for you to feel his breath in your lips Mason looked you in the eyes, asking for permission. You didn’t believe in yourself to speak, so nodding was your only option.
You felt butterflies in your tummy, anxiety and anticipation mixed with insecurity.
Your best friend leaned to you, and you smiled at his shaky breath. You’re not gonna lie, you imagined this happening a couple of times, but never thought that it was really possible.
“Are you nervous?” you tried to hide your smile. Realising he was just as afraid as you was something different.
“Aren’t you?” he brushed his lips against yours. “There’s any chance this could ruin what we have?”
“Only if you’re a bad kisser” you teased him and Mason chuckled, enjoying the moment.
Deciding to dive right in, he finally closed the distance between you both. His soft lips slipped against yours and you couldn’t help but sink into him.
It was a soft kiss. Slowly, as if Mason was savouring you. No one ever kissed you like this.
When both of you ran out of air, Mason pulled away. Smirking at you, he gave your lips a peck and ran to his car without saying anything.
You giggled at his shy reaction and stayed there for a few minutes, waiting for your best friend to come back, all smiley and thinking about what you just did.
Chilwell didn’t missed the way your smile was taking your entire face, or your shining eyes and every single sigh you left out during the ride.
When he left you home and kissed your forehead, he also looked you deep in the eyes.
“Be careful, bug” he stroked your chin, and you knew he knew that something was going on.
Maybe you were wrong. You don’t know better than falling for one of your best friends.
You came back to London way too fast, and were already missing your boy again.
You both were always texting each other, talking about your day and trying to manage how hard it was to be away from your best friend.
And despite you never talked about the kiss, things were different, in a good way.
He’d flirt with you like a teenager, making you giggle all the time, and even though the pet names were common in your friendship before, it’s the only way he calls you now.
You were so fucked up. Honestly.
Now it’s been two months since you saw him — and kissed him. You feel like the kiss strengthened your bond, but at the same time you felt so insecure about it.
Now that he’s so far away and you can’t be with him as much as you like, in your head it’s so easy for him to be interested with any other girl.
You tried to make these thoughts disappear, since you’re going out with your best friend.
Ben picked you up for dinner. He texted you earlier and told you to wear something nice, because he had a surprise for you, so you obeyed.
You chose a black dress to style it with your new high heels from YSL, and Chilly whistled from the driver's seat.
“We’re a bit late so I’m not opening the door for you, sorry bug” you rolled your eyes playfully, sitting in his passenger’s seat. “You look really really beautiful. Buddy’s having a heart attack for sure”
“You’ll see” he smirked, making you snort.
It was a quick ride, and you and Ben sang along to his favourite songs all the way.
When you both got to the restaurant, he took you to the receptionist to talk about his reservations and you saw a back you know really well.
“Is that-” you stuttered, and Ben looked at you in shock.
“Damn it Y/N, how could you tell from here?”
“Are you kidding? Is it really him?”
“Yes, bug. Surprise?” Chilwell smiled, shrugging.
You hugged him really, really tight. “Thank you, Benji. I love you”
“Right right, I know you do. Now go on, run to him like I know you want to” he teased you. “I’ll be there soon”
You nodded, doing your best not to fall while you ran to Mason. Your heart was in your throat and the sight of him was making you weak.
When you were close enough, you covered his eyes with your hands.
“Oh” he sighed, making you laugh. “I wonder who it could be. Probably my boy Chilly”
You took your hands away, looking him in the eyes. “Hi Mase”
“Uhm, way better than Chilly”
“Oh for fucks sake” Ben complained, rolling his eyes.
They chose one of those tables next to the wall, with sofas instead of chairs, so you could sit between them both. Great anti-jealousy choice.
You enjoyed the night with your boys, eating your favourite pasta and a glass of wine.
Ben laughed when you heard one of the waitresses saying that you had two gorgeous men when they only wanted one, and Mason kissed your cheek.
“What’s that ugly face about?”
“You think I’m ugly?” you asked with a pout, trying to hold your laugh when his eyes widened.
“I never said that”
“Oh, I think you’re in trouble Mase” Ben chuckled, falling silent with your gaze. “She heard the waitress talking about us” he murmured.
“What a jealousy baby” Mason kissed your chin, squeezing your tight under the table. “You know I’m your boy… and Chilly is your boy too” he completed with a giggle after Ben’s stare.
“If anyone could hear you now, they would think we are a throuple”
“Let them think” you shrugged, taking a sip of your wine.
“See? She’s proud of her boys” Mason cocked his head to the side.
“Yeah yeah, now which of you will order my dessert” you asked, reading the menu.
“I was thinking about being your dessert, actually”
“Behave, Mason” Ben snorted, pinching his nose.
You laughed at them, covering your face with the menu, a nice way to also hide your burning cheeks since Mason squeezed your tight again, loving to see you laughing.
When you had your bitter chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream, Ben drove you back home. You were in the back seat while Mase sat in the passenger sit, so none of them would feel unchosen.
Chilwell parked in front of your front porch line, and you thanked him, tapping Mason’s shoulder.
“Want to spend the night with me?” You asked Mason and you didn’t need to ask twice as he quickly jumped out of Ben’s car.
“Yes mate don’t need to worry about me I’ll be fine on my own” Ben said dramatically, making you laugh. You went to the driver window, pecking his cheeks.
“Where’s my smile?” you asked him like he was a tiny kid, but it worked. Ben smiled at you, his eyes shutting. “Good night Benji”
“Good night, bug” he blew you a kiss before turning his head to Mason’s direction, who had already walked around the car and was now beside you. “Take care of her”
“I always do” Mount smirked cockily, resting an arm around your shoulders.
Ben waited for both of you to be inside of your house, leaving with a honk.
Mason entered your house in silence, knowing you have a roommate, and made his way to your room since you’re not eating or watching anything this late.
“Oh shit” Mason groaned when you closed your room’s door. “We just completely forgot that all of my stuff are at Ben’s”
“You can sleep in your boxers” you shrugged. “I don’t mind it. I’m sure there’s one of your shirts here but I don’t feel like looking for it”
Mason stared at the room floor for a minute, thinking about what you just said. You want him to sleep practically naked?
He shrugged to himself, taking off his clothes and staying only in his boxers. You were already in bed, using the hoodie he left with you months ago as a pyjama. It is big enough to cover your thighs, and you feel like you’re flowing inside it.
“It’s my hoodie?” he looked at you and you nodded.
“It’s the one you left for me in July, guess it’s mine now”
“Yeah, it is” he smiled, tucking his head into your neck. “Jesus you always smell so good”
You chuckled at his compliment, scratching his neck gently. It didn’t take long for his hand to reach your waist underneath the hoodie.
Just like the last time this happened, you held your breath when his fingers played with your panties strap.
He thought you were using pyjamas shorts. He really did, but there’s no way he’s taking his hand out now.
Mason tried not to imagine how'd it be to take it off from you. He tried really hard not to imagine how’d it be to make you moan his name.
You are his best friend and even though you always accepted his touches and cuddles and you both kissed last time you saw him, doesn’t mean he has any real chances.
But the way you were jealous of him that night… and you travelled all the way to Manchester… and that kiss was something else…
You left a shaky breath when he tightened his grip on you, and kept telling yourself that he’s tired, slightly drunk and his fingers just found the way to your waist naturally, that he’s not even totally awake. Well, at least you think he had a drink at the restaurant.
Mason was well awake, actually, and he did his best to keep the other part of him sleeping, but he couldn’t stop himself from picturing you only in his hoodie, your tights so accessible to him.
He sucked in a breath and you could feel the tension on his shoulders. You could also feel his boner when he tried to move his hips away, and your mind went blank.
He never had an erection when you guys slept together, in all these years. You didn’t know what to think or how to feel, and you were filled with a lot of conflicted emotions.
Mason was hard-on for you and this fed your pride. He thinks you’re pretty? Hot? He enjoyed that kiss the other day? He’s been thinking about it like you did?
Just in that moment you realised how bad you wanted him to want you.
When he left a small groan, you ran your hand through his hair.
“Everything is alright, Mase?” you asked gently.
“Is everything alright?”
“No, is not” he sighed. “I’m sorry”
You waited, feeling your expectations die, but still smiled at him.
“That’s alright babe, you’re a man attracted to women and I’m a woman and we are in the same bed and things like that can happen” you reassured him.
“Jesus, don’t call me babe in a moment like that” Mason groaned, making you laugh. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable”
“You didn’t. It can happen all the time, Mase. I was surprised it never happened before”
“This means that- Chilly… ?” he stuttered, raising his face to look at you.
“Oh, no” you laughed out loud. “You are the physical one, me and Chilly almost never cuddle”
“Good” he smiled, relieved.
“Yeah, good. I wouldn’t live much longer knowing he’s cuddling with you while I’m far away, that’s unfair”
There it was again, the reason for your doubts. In what should you believe, for fucking sake?
Is not normal for a best friend to be that territorial and jealous. At least you wished it’s not.
“You don’t need to be jealous of Ben. He’s just Ben” you kept scratching his scalp. “Wanna go to the bathroom?”
“Not really” he tucked his head into your neck and you could feel the warmth of his burning cheeks.
“You don’t need to be ashamed, Mase. I told you it’s normal and I do understand that you have no control over it”
“I shouldn’t want this to happen” he murmured, so sleepy that you could barely hear him.
“Hm? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you Mase”
“I got hard cause I was thinking about it” he whispered against your neck. “I shouldn’t want this to happen, right?”
“You shouldn’t want this because it’s me?” you asked softly, trying to understand what he wanted, how he felt about you.
“You’re my best friend, Y/N. Probably my favourite person in the world. I don’t want to fuck up our friendship” he squeezed your waist, inhaling your scent. “But God, I want to fuck you so bad”
You felt goosebumps all over your body and you were sure your panties would probably be ruined by now. This man will be the death of you.
But you think he drank tonight, you remembered yourself, just trying to keep your feet on the ground.
“You’re probably just drunk and horny, Mase. You’d feel like this with any girl laying in your bed”
“I didn’t even drink tonight, Y/N” he snorted, feeling rejected. “But nice way to dump me”
“Believe me, I’m not dumping you. I just thought you had a drink” you emphasised.
“Uhm, keep going” he ran his nose through your neck, lazy.
“You’re my favourite person too and I don’t want to screw things up” you admitted, and the way he pulled back to look at you with hopeful eyes made your entire body shiver.
“But you also feel it?”
“Yes baby, I do” you decided to be honest, even though you couldn’t know how honest he was being. “Now go to sleep, ok?”
“I don’t want to sleep” Mason kissed your neck.
You tried to take a deep breath, feeling your own body betray you. Mason didn’t missed the way your tights parted under him, which made him smile.
“Mase, you were supposed to be recovering. You really need to sleep now babe”
“Call me babe one more time and I’ll cum in my boxer” he breathed and you closed your eyes, fighting the urge to help him. “Y/N…” Mason whispered.
“We can’t, Mase” you whimpered, feeling insecure. You would have him and then what? He would go back to Manchester where he could find a lot of more attractive girls and you would stay in London.
“Why not” he pouted, nothing like the grown man asking you to have sex with him.
“I can’t risk the chance of you waking up and regretting this”
“I won’t”
“So there’s no rush if you’ll still want this other day” you tried to postpone this conversation, but he was desperate to take his chance, to create an ever stronger bond with you.
Mason doesn't know when you will see him again, so he can’t let this slip through his fingers.
“You want this?” he murmured, looking for your gaze, and you tried to ignore his eyes.
“Jesus Mase, why won’t you just sleep?” you sighed. This man is a tough one to deal with, and as soon he realised you did want him, you lost the war.
“Answer me” Mason kissed your chin, getting in between your legs. “Say you don’t and I’ll stop”
When he pressed his cock against your core, you losted it.
“Fuck, yes. I do. I want you so bad that I’m soaking” you spat the words. Lying to him now would be pointless.
Mason didn’t respond, giving your neck wet kisses instead, and you could feel his smile against your skin. He was desperate for you, and you could tell by his grip in your waist.
“If you want me then you got me” Mason whispered, moving his hand and caressing your core through your panties. “Be a good girl, uh?”
You nodded, feeling nervous. Your best friend was about to touch you like friends don’t usually do and you have no idea how to deal with that.
“Fuck, you’re really soaking” Mason groaned when his fingers touched you under the fabric, feeling how wet you were.
He slid them through your folds, trying to be quiet.
“No one can hear you” you whispered softly when you realised his effort to stay shut. “My roommate went for her boyfriends house”
“Good” he smiled, reaching your lips to a soft kiss. “I can make you scream then”
Your mouth went dry. You know Mason’s sassy and cocky side, and you love it, but you never thought you’d experienced it that way.
He rubbed your clit, gently massaging it, kissing your chin when you started to ask for more.
You couldn’t even think straight when Mason started thrusting two of his fingers in and out of you, always so gentle. You didn’t know if you wanted him to fuck you harder or to savour you like he was doing, so you just called his name, losing your mind.
“You’re feeling good?” he asked you, curling his fingers inside of you. The sight of your eyes shut and your parted lips made him want to scream. You nodded at him, scratching his neck. “And who’s making you feel good, princess?”
Mason smiled as he watched you roll your head back against the pillow. “You are, Mase”
He bit his lower lip in concentration, focused on getting you ready for him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, his dick twitching in his boxers at every soft moan of yours, he removed his fingers, smirking when you cried at the emptiness feeling.
Licking his fingers clean while looking you straight in the eyes, which made you even wetter, Mason pulled away just enough so he could take off his underwear, releasing his dick with a sigh.
Back between your legs, Mason moved your panties to the side, almost tearing them. He lined himself up with your entrance and leaned over you, teasing your hole and stimulating your clit with his tip.
He groaned when you scratched his torso, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Don’t tease baby, or there will be consequences” you hooked your fingers under his chin.
“Sorry” he smiled shyly, thrusting his hips forward to push himself inside. This somehow fed your pride with the thought of your boy submissive to you, but you had no time to think about it as Mason obeyed you, penetrating you slowly.
“Jesus Mase, you’re so big” you whimpered, feeling like you were almost tearing apart, your compliment feeding his ego.
When he was completely inside of you, Mason waited so you could get used to his size.
He started to move when you kissed his neck, trying his best to go slowly, but your soft whines in each thrust was making him crazy.
And he was good. So good. The pressure was perfect and the way he went to the bottom every single time made you wanna scream.
You had no words, only murmuring nonsense stuff and moaning his name. When his thrusts became faster and even more pleasurable, you lost your mind.
“Mase-” you choked out his name as you could feel his cock stretching you out, your walls clenching around him. “Just like that, babe-”
“Fuck, don’t call me like that” he whimpered. “I mean- please call me like that but not when I’m trying to last longer” Mason took a deep breath, trying not to cum with the feeling of you pulsating around him.
“But I don’t want you to last” you whispered, looking nothing like the girl from a few minutes ago who was scared of fucking with his best friend. “I want you to cum inside of me right now”
“Jesus, you’ll kill me” Mason groaned and you could feel him twitching inside of you, but he shook his head, thrusting his hips against you with renewed energy. “You first, princess”
You called out his name when the tip of his dick touched you in the right place, and Mason whined when you clenched around him.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. So hot damn tight” he cried out, suffering to hold his own orgasm.
He quickly took the tip of his thumb to rub your swollen clit, and you watched how his cock was disappearing in your pussy before you dropped your head back on the pillow, enjoying how good Mason is at it.
It was hot and messy and his thrusts were getting sloppier every second. You could feel your heart, tummy and cunt burning all at once and you knew you were close.
“I'm so close Mase” you whined, moaning loudly when he pinched your clit. “Fuck I’m gonna-“
“Let go for me, Y/N. You take me so good baby. It feels so good to be inside you” he whispered dirty words in your ear, coaxing you.
Your orgasm hits you with full strength.
Mason placed his forehead against your, stroking your waist and guiding you through it, his cock pulsating as he released his own orgasm inside you.
You both stayed silent for a moment, tired. After a few minutes, he kissed your lips and got up, looking for wet wipes in your bathroom.
Coming back with them, Mason cleaned you up gently, knowing you’d be too sensitive.
After tossing the wipes in the bin, he laid beside you, his arm in your waist and one of his legs over your body.
“You’re good?” he murmured in your ear, kissing your temple.
“Mm-hmm” you hummed. “It was good for you?”
“If it was good? Fuck, you drained me” he whispered, strengthless. “Yes baby, I loved to fuck you in my hoodie. Felt special”
“You’re so territorial” you chuckles, stroking his chin.
“Shouldn’t I? People are territorial over what belongs to them. So I’m territorial over you” he mumbled, and you knew he was falling asleep. “Cause you’re mine. Mine, mine and only mine. You and your cuddles and your stories and now your pussy is also mine”
You burst into laughs, his face moving with your chest.
“Good night baby boy” you kissed his forehead, smiling at his rose nose and cheeks.
“Sweet dreams, my princess” he leaned against you, trying to be as close to you as was humanly possible.
Before you fell asleep, your last thought was that It would break your heart to see him leave the next morning.
You and Chilly were out for lunch. After a rough week, he just needed to chat a little and you were always happy to hear him.
A venting session later, Ben squeezed your tight.
“And what about you? How you feeling, bug?” he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Not quite sure, Benji. I miss him” you sighed. “But if I go, then I’ll miss you. And everything I have here”
“It must be hard feeling that way” he stroked your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“Yep… and uhm, I need to tell you something” you pinched your nose.
Ben didn’t even hesitated. “You had sex with him”
“Benjamin?!” you gasped.
“He told you?” you were surprised that Ben knew it. Since that happened, Mason agreed not to tell your friend.
“So you HAD sex with him?” he laughed out loud. “Oh my- I knew it”
“So I just confirmed to you… great”
“Really? No one was going to tell me?“
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure about it. Like, I was always sure about him, but not about what we were”
“Oh yeah, you’re definitely something. He’s so in love with you, makes me sick of my stomach”
“He’s what?” you paralysed. “He told you that?”
“No but it’s obvious?!”
“Oh Chilly, c'mon. You scared me for a sec”
“Why? You wouldn’t want this to be true?” he took a sip of his soda, understanding your silence. “Oh shit, is the opposite”
You shrugged, not really wanting to confirm it.
“I mean it, Y/N. I know he feels it”
“You can’t be sure if he never told you this”
“But he’s my best friend, I know him. And I know both of you. He’s been on you since his first Senior England game”
“Fine, even if this is the truth there’s nothing I can do if he never tells me”
“Maybe you should tell him how you feel”
“We were both very clear about how we don’t want to ruin our friendship”
“And then he fucked you. Nice way to not ruin a friendship”
“We’re good Benji, no friendships ruined”
“I’ve seen this film before, Y/N. You two should talk”
“Fine, I’ll try. I just didn’t felt comfortable bringing the subject in a week like this, you know that beating City at Old Trafford was a really big goal for him”
“You have a point, it was a stressful week for him” Ben nodded, finishing his food and trying to decide which dessert he would pick today.
When you finish yours too you reach out for your phone since you’re used to forget it exists every time you’re with Ben or Mason.
You held your breath when you entered Twitter and saw Mason’s name trending.
According to the videos, Mason was at a club last night and even though he’s a grown man and can do whatever he wants, you felt your stomach churn.
He was beautiful as ever, looking a bit tipsy and his hair was a mess in one of the photos.
A specific one made your heart ache.
Mason was holding a girl on his lap. His face was resting on her shoulder, practically laying on her boobs.
Your eyes burned with unshed tears, and Ben looked at you concerned.
“What happened, bug? You’re feeling alright? Something’s hurting?” he sounded alarmed, and you felt a bit of comfort in his concern.
You didn’t trust yourself to speak, feeling your chest hurt, so you nodded at his question.
“What is it? You can’t breathe?” Ben stroked your back, worried. When you put your phone on the table and covered your face with your hands, he had a look at the screen. “Fuck, I’ll kill him”
You shook your head, ugly crying in your hands. Ben kissed your temple, never stopping the comforting stroke in your back and whispering that everything would be okay.
When your sobs became too loud he asked for the bill, paying before picking you up and taking you to his car. You didn’t say a word, accepting being taken care of.
At his house, he sent you to a hot shower. You hugged him tightly before locking his bathroom door and getting under the water.
It was a relieving shower. You cried a lot, and when you felt that there weren't any more tears you let your shoulders relax.
Leaving the bathroom, you found out that Ben had left one of his oversized t-shirts and a new boxer in his bed.
Wearing it and wrapping the towel around your hair, you left his room to find him in the kitchen.
“Hey bug, you’re feeling better?”
“Thank you Benji” you pouted, and he left the stove to get to you.
“You don’t need to thank me. You know I’d do anything for you, Y/N, you’re my little sister” he hugged you, and you tucked your face in his neck. “I love you, and I’m sorry he hurt you. He’ll have to deal with me about this one”
“I love you Chilly, but you don’t need to fight with your best mate because of it” you sighed, letting him go back to the boiling water. “We’re not dating, we just had sex. Maybe I went too far, it’s not his fault”
Ben shook his head, but concentrated on making you both a cup of tea.
Your best friend took care of you, and you both spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies.
Ben wasn’t the best with physical touch, but he knew you needed it so he tried his best, and this made your heart pound with gratitude.
You ignored Mason the whole day. You know he’s an adult and can do whatever he wants to, and a few weeks ago those videos wouldn’t bother you as you want him to be happy, and he seems happy, but after the last time you saw him you thought… that maybe he could be happy with you.
When the third movie ended, you yawned and turned to face Ben.
“It’s really late Benji, I should go home”
“You can spend the night here, I have training tomorrow but that’s not a problem”
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck off bug, you’re my best friend. Of course I’m sure” he ruffled your hair. “Do you want to sleep with me or do you need time alone?”
“As long as you don’t kick me out of bed in the middle of the night…”
“Hey, I already apologised for that night” Ben gave you the middle finger, turning off the tv, and you followed him upstairs.
“I need to tell you something” Ben sighed, rubbing his face. “I think I might know what happened, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m defending him — I’m not”
“Uhm, ok?” you looked at him, suspicious.
“Friday, after our game… I went to the club with some of the boys, we had a lot of drinks” he started, feeling ashamed. “And we played truth or dare. I’m sorry, bug. One of the guys thought it was a good idea to dare Enzo to send Mason a message about you”
“What kind of message?”
“That you spent a night with him or something like that. They all know how close both of you are and they were sure this would make Mason lost his shit cause apparently he’s the only one that still doesn’t know how fucking in love he is” Ben said it all in just one breath. “But this is not an excuse, he should’ve asked you instead of believing Enzo. I just think that he felt threatened, insecure that you saw another man even after what you guys had”
“Jeez Ben, this is fucked up uh? It’s not a cool thing to do. But yeah, he should’ve asked me before fucking other girl”
“You’re angry or jealous?”
“I’m angry. And jealous. He slept with her thinking I slept with another man and now even though he’ll find out I didn’t, he did” you pouted. “He’s dirty with another woman’s pussy Ben I don’t want him anymore”
Your sincerity made Chilwell burst into laughter. “Oh bug, I’m sorry. You’re just too funny”
“I mean it though, she’s all over his skin”
“I’m sorry you’re passing through this, bug. He can be so dumb sometimes” You shrugged, and Ben’s phone started to ring. “Speaking of the devil”
“The Red Devil” you joked, turning to the other side so he could text his best friend. Ben stayed silent for a few minutes, but you could feel he was angry by the way he was typing.
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You sighed when he locked his phone, imagining what they talked about, but forced yourself to forget these thoughts when Ben tucked his head in your neck.
“Good night, bug”
“Good night, Benji”
Monday morning, Ben’s doorbell rang like crazy, waking you up. You looked at your phone to check the hour, discovering it was only half past eight.
A lot of messages from Mason caught your attention, and you read them quickly, feeling your stomach twisting.
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The doorbell rang again, and you snorted. Chilwell left early for training, so whoever might be wouldn’t find him home, but you thought it would be nice of you to let them know this instead of just letting them wait forever.
You ran down the stairs in his t-shirt, rubbing your sleepy eyes and still yawning. It wasn’t the best night of sleep you ever had, to be honest.
The last thing you were expecting was to see Mason standing in front of the door, ready to start knocking.
You tried to close the door in his face, but he was quick to stop your action, using his foot to keep it open.
“We need to talk” his voice was grumpy, and he looked so cosy in his hoodie. You tried your best to not jump on him, still feeling sad about yesterday.
“I don’t really wanna talk with you”
“But we need to. You’re using Ben’s t-shirt?” he frowned, forcing his weight against the door until you gave up.
“I didn’t think I was staying so I didn’t bring anything” you shrugged, and he forced himself to swallow the jealousy lump in his throat.
“Y/N…” Mason tried to hold you, but you took a step back.
“Don’t. I’m still pissed” you snorted, closing Ben’s door and walking to the living room. “How do you even knew I was here? I’ll beat Ben’s ass”
“I went to your place and you weren't there, so it was a logical thought. He didn’t needed to tell me anything. He refuses to talk to me at all”
Your heart melted a little bit, but even though what happened seems a small thing now, you cried a lot since you saw that video, and despite Ben’s explanation before bed you weren’t letting Mason get away with this one so easily.
You sat on the sofa, and he tried to sit next to you. You shuffled to the side, putting a little distance between you, but Mason followed your movement.
When you reached the arm of the sofa and ran out of space, he smiled at you. The pair of you stayed silent until Mason reached out for your hand.
“I’m sorry sweetheart” Mason said softly and it was enough to make you cry again.
“It’s not like we’re something, right? I’m just being dramatic” you shrugged one more time.
You weren’t his girlfriend, you both never talked about your feelings, he had a night out and now you’re acting like this is the end of the world. Maybe you should see a therapist.
“No, we’re not” he sighed, your words hurting him a little bit. “But I’ve always wanted us to be”
You gave Mason a side eye, trying not to cry any more. You wished you could still be mad at him, but if you’re being honest with yourself, just the fact that he was in London on a Monday so he could explain himself to you already made your anger disappear.
“You don’t need to lie to me, Mase. We can still be best friends like nothing happened” you tried to smile like the idea wasn’t tearing you apart.
“I don’t want to be your best friend” Mason snapped, but he quickly recomposed himself. “Fuck, I don’t. Ben is your best friend, ok? He’s your big brother, whatever. I’m your boy, Y/N” he said desperately, giving your thigh a squeeze. His words sounded like they could kill you. “Look at me baby”
When you did, Mason stared into your eyes. You instantly felt the need to cry, and weren’t able to hold the tears when he started stroking your chin.
Unable to wait any longer, he brought you to his lap, his hands going straight under Ben's t-shirt, to your waist.
“It’s not your fault, or mine. We should’ve talked about how we felt” you placed your hands on his neck. “Can’t blame you for sleeping with other girl”
“I haven’t. You’re the only one I had sex with the last four months” he chewed his lower lip. “I went to the club so Rashy could record me because I knew you’d see it and then you’d feel what I felt when Enzo texted me”
“You don’t need to explain yourself to me” you shook your head, but you felt good knowing that he hasn’t slept with anyone else since he had you. He’s still your untouched boy.
“I do need to. It was childish, dumb and I hurt you without even knowing the real story. The thought of you with him made me blind. I just kept thinking about you touching him like you touched me” he said shyly, avoiding your gaze. “Kissing him like we kissed. Riding him like you did to me”
You took his hair out of his face and stroked his chin. Shy Mason has ever been your favourite version of him, because you’re the only one to see him like this.
“But that wasn’t the worst part” he pouted unconsciously. “I just realised that once you both enjoyed it, he could take you on dates. And ask you to be his girlfriend. See you every week like I used to and even ask you to live with him. He could do everything I wanted to”
His lower lip quivered and the fragility made you smile.
“I haven’t even met Enzo in person, baby boy. You could just talked to me and I’d told you this”
“Chilly told me it was a truth or dare game and they chose me as the target cause it was always obvious how much I like you” he left out a shaky breath. “But I had already messed up when I found out the truth. I was so dumb, and now you’re mad at me”
“Of course I’m mad at you. Another girl was messing around with what is mine” you felt a boost of confidence knowing he wants you both to be more than best friends.
“I’m sorry babe” he pouted, and your entire body shivered.
“Being sorry isn’t enough” you ran your thumb through his lower lip, quivering when he kissed your finger.
“What can I do to make it up to you?” Mason smiled at the feeling of your thighs squeezing around him.
“Maybe if you were so afraid that Enzo could make a move, you should do it before we have the chance to accidentally met” you teased, watching your boy’s eyes go darker.
“Can we not say his name anymore?” Mason rolled his eyes, still stroking your skin.
“Does it stress you out?” you raised an eyebrow at him. “And you haven’t thought for a second that if you didn’t like the way you felt about him then I wouldn’t like the way I’m feeling about that girl right now?”
“I’m sorry” Mason whimpered, tightening his grip on your waist.
“Not enough. Not after making me think someone was touching my man. After making me think you were intimate with her or were looking at her the way you look at me”
“Your man?” Mason smirked, stopping when he saw your serious face. “I’ll never look at anyone the way I look at you. And your name is the only one I like to call”
“It won’t be that easy for you, Mr. Good With Words” you poked his chest, trying not to smile when he held your hand and kissed it.
“Fine, not words then. Let’s have dinner next week, I’ll come after my game” he smiled, pecking your neck.
You tried to hide your own smile again, but Mason tickled your waist and you failed.
“Alright” you giggled. “But I can go to Manchester. You’ll be tired”
“I don’t think so, I’m the one who needs to prove you something” he kissed your neck, and you closed your eyes, enjoying his touch before pulling out of his lap.
His confused eyes made you laugh, even harder when he pouted like a child.
“You didn't think it would be that easy, right? No kisses before my dinner” you shrugged.
“Y/N” he whimpered. “It’s like we're starting from scratch?”
Mason sighed, getting up and walking towards you. “Give me a last one, then”
You got closer to him, slowly. Mason licked his lips wet in anticipation, his hands ready to hold you, when you gave his cheek a peck and ran upstairs.
“Don't forget to close Chilly’s door” you screamed, making him laugh.
“I love you too, sweetheart” he shook his head, just happy that he got another chance.
Once in Ben’s room’s safety, you texted your best friend since he loves to be updated about your life like is a reality show.
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Mason’s game Saturday afternoon was fantastic, and he even gave Rashy an assist. This would mean Ben was the moody of the moodiest, but he told you he’d be fine, not wanting to mess up with your weekend. You wrote a mental note to spend an entire afternoon with him.
When Mount left the locker room and the boys invited him, he shook his head, smiling.
“What’s about that smile?” Sancho raised an eyebrow.
“It seems like someone visited heaven” Martinez smirked, crossing his arms whilst everyone waited for Mason’s response.
Luke laughed, wearing his hoodie and walking towards Mount. “I know that look” he tapped Mason’s shoulder. “It’s Y/N, right?”
“Oh, so the video worked?” Marcus clapped his hands.
“Not exactly, but we’re good now. I’m taking her to dinner”
“That’s my big boy” Sancho jumped on his shoulders.
“He’s actually her big boy, bro” Onana giggled, messing up Mason's hair. “Happy for you, Mount. You found yourself in United, finally have your house and now you have your girl too”
“The start of the season in a new team can be really tough, but you’re going through it Mase. You’ll see, from now on it’ll only get better” Rashford completed, hugging Mason’s head. “We’re happy for you, brother”
He is happy for himself too. No self pity anymore. He’s going to show the world why he deserves his trophies, his fame and his girl.
With that in mind, he knocked at your door hours later, his shaky legs annoying him and your favourite flowers on his hand.
Ben told him your hotel and even gave his name to the receptionist. He felt like he’ll always be in debt with his friend.
Mason ran out of breath with the sight of you. Your red dress was pressing your body in all the right places, ending four fingers above your knees, and your smile was so bright. Your make up was her favourite make up style, a natural one, and your red lipstick matched the colour of your dress. Your white high heels
“Hi baby” he smiled at you, giving you the flowers. “To you”
“Mase! You didn’t need to” you pouted, running inside so you could put them in a vase. He was still smiling when you came back.
“You’re beautiful”
“You’re beautiful too baby boy” you had a look at him. Mason was wearing a white shirt, black pants and his favourite white Nike sneakers. He smiled proudly when you licked your lips wet looking at him.
When he took you to his car, you were a bit confused.
“What happened to your Rover?”
“Washing day” he shrugged, opening his Porsche’s door for you. “Do you like this one?”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. Everything about tonight seemed so dazzling.
When he sat behind the wheel, you felt your legs shake a bit and you couldn't contain your gasp. “Jesus, this is hot”
“Uhm?” Mason looked at you, grinning as he started the car. “You said something, babe?”
You chewed your lower lip, knowing damn well he heard you. Mount laughed at your silence, driving to the restaurant he picked.
It wasn’t a long drive, but you spent the entire time staring at his hands. How they pressed the wheel, how he smiled every time he hit the accelerator. How he smirked when his eyes met yours.
So cocky and feeling himself.
And you like to see him like this.
When he parked in front of your favourite restaurant, you pouted at him. Of course it was the Manchester franchise, but his concern with choosing somewhere you would like in his town made you happy.
“Don’t” he closed his eyes, smirking. “I don’t want to ruin your lipstick yet”
You rolled your eyes, and couldn’t help yourself but feel giddy. “Who said you’re ruining my lipstick tonight?”
“I said” he opened his door, running to get to yours before you could open it by yourself. You always felt good around Mason, but being his best friend and being his girl were two different things.
And nothing in this world ever felt as good as being his girl.
You never thought you’d have a dinner date with Mason, but you had. And it was unreal. Everything about the restaurant was so cosy, and the way he looked at you the whole night…
“You’re sure there’s no problem if someone sees us here?”
“You need to relax, love. It’s just me, uh? Not Mason Mount, just your Mason”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble”
“I won’t. Now, white wine and cheesy pasta?” he smiled, and you nodded fervently. You both talked about how’s been settling down in Manchester, his first Manchester Derby and your visits to Stamford, avoiding talking about Enzo and Mason’s partying night.
He also asked about your work, your family, Ben and Nathan. You asked about his new teammates and if they’re already friends, Mason smiled at every answer and question, and you were so happy your belly hurts from laughing.
When you were finished with your food, Mase ordered a chocolate dessert, knowing how much you love sweets after a meal.
“Close your eyes for me, princess. I want you to guess what I ordered” he smiled, and you obeyed immediately.
“It has strawberries?”
“Hm, no”
“Mango? Grapes?”
“Wow, you’re a fruity woman. But no” you could hear his giggles.
“It’s dark chocolate?”
“Yes baby, your favourite”
“Oh, oh!! Petit gateau with the 60% cocoa ganache and cocoa powder sprinkled” you opened your eyes, looking at him instead of the table. “Did I get it?”
Mase had the most beautiful smile, his eyes shut. When he didn’t answer you, you looked at the table just to find the dessert you described – and a ring.
“What- what is this?”
“I promise” Mason started, and you felt your eyes watering. “That I’ll love you just as much as you love bitter chocolate. I do already” he giggled, and you felt like your heart was about to stop.
“I think you should be my girl, Y/N”
“I’m your girl” you murmured, feeling your heart pounding with love.
“Alright, I think you should be my girlfriend then. The last week just proved that we want each other and not being sincere about our feelings will only leave space for us to get hurt. I don’t want us to get hurt”
You walked towards him sitting in his lap not really caring if other people would comment about it.
“Me neither, sweet boy. But we live in different cities-”
“We’ll manage this. We can make it work. It’s what we’ve been doing since I left, babe. But now I’ll be even more anxious to see you cause I know I’ll be able to kiss you” he chuckled, kissing your chin before brushing his lips in your ear. “And touch you in a way is reserved to me”
“Put it on my ring” you whispered to him, trying to focus. He bit his lower lip in concentration, taking the tiny box and admiring his choice, a shining silver with a red jewel.
“I was going to buy a blue one, but…”
“Red is your colour now. It fits you, and it fits me. That’s all” you reassured him, stroking his chin with one hand while he held the other, sliding the ring through your ring finger.
You cupped his face when he finished, kissing his cheeks, nose and lips. It felt pretty good to see your lipstick marks all over him.
“Want your dessert now?” he smiled sheepishly and you nodded, choosing to stay in his lap while you ate your petit gateau.
It was really yummy and you felt happiness spreading over you, realising how much he knows you for asking something you would like that much.
“You shouldn’t press yourself against my cock like that, you know?” Mason suddenly murmured, scaring you. “It would be really embarrassing for me to cum that fast”
You choked a bit, pushing the plate away. “I’m done”
“Already?” he giggled when you nodded, looking at him with pleading eyes.
He asked for the bill and paid for it before getting up with you and guiding you by your waist. When both of you got to his car, he opened your door and kissed your cheek, making you all giddy.
While he walked around the car and entered, you texted Ben.
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Already locking his seatbelt Mase smirked at your giggles, imagining who you were speaking with.
Mason didn’t even ask where you wanted to go, driving his home with just one hand while the other squeezed your thigh.
It was intimate and his hand was warm and you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking how hot he looked while driving that way.
When he parked in his garage, you instantly felt nervous. It was your first time at his new house, and he could sense your tension.
“It’s just like when you used to come to my house in London” he hugged you from behind. “But we’re not in London anymore”
“And we’re not best friends anymore” you completed.
“No. We’re even better now” he kissed your neck, taking your hand and guiding you inside.
It was a big house, but comfortable at the same time. Mason was still decorating, but already seemed like his place.
It was late already, so he took you straight upstairs.
“Here’s my room, and my bathroom is right there. You can take off your makeup, I brought your makeup remover and a lot of cotton pads”
“I’ll need a t-shirt” you pouted, realising how much you two look like big babies pouting all the time. “And a boxer, it’s more comfortable”
“Yas ma’am. But first” he held your waist, pushing you against him. His other hand went to your neck, his fingers getting into your hair.
Mason leaned towards you, brushing your nose with his and pecking your lips before giving you a real kiss. His tongue sliding into your mouth the second you gave him permission.
He groaned when your nails scratched his scalp and you whined in his mouth, trying to get closer to him. Mason’s hands slid through your body, and he squeezed your bum, making your grip on him tighter.
“I told you” he said once you both broke apart looking for air, running his finger through your lower lip. “Deliciously ruined”
You pecked his lips one more time, feeling your legs a bit shaky.
“I love you”
“I love you so much more” he kissed your neck. “Now go get ready for bed, please. I don’t have strength enough to do what I want to do with you right now”
You chuckled, also feeling too tired for anything. It was a perfect night and you just wanted to finish it laying with your boyfriend, cuddling all night.
After taking off your makeup, you came back to Mase’s room and found him with the most beautiful sleepy face, holding his clothes for you. You quickly changed, letting him look at your body for a few seconds before wearing his t-shirt and boxer.
“Shit, you look so hot. And so cosy. I don’t know if I want to fuck you or cuddle you”
“Well the only thing you’re able to do right now is cuddling” you giggled, and Mason hit your ass.
He tucked you in bed, and you sighed in content. It was always so good to cuddle with him, feeling his body touching yours.
You knew both of you were horny and desperate for each other, but at the same time you were drained with the day’s surprises, and your boy had just won a game earlier. More than that, you were just happy. That you were in his arms, that he is totally yours now, that he loves you.
Happy that you’re able to sleep with his body that close to yours.
It’s been two months since Mason asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes. You both were able to manage the distance, but you were broken to be that far away from him.
When you asked Chilly to meet you that Thursday night, you really thought it wouldn’t be that hard. That you would have time to talk to him before telling the news.
But just like Mason, your best friend knows you, and his soft eyes shined with unshed tears before you even opened your mouth.
You hugged him, instantly tucking your face on his neck.
“I’m moving” you tried to tell him yourself, even though he already saw this on your face. “I’ll go to Manchester, Chilly”
He kissed the top of your head, hugging you tightly. “I’ll miss you, a lot, but I’m happy you made the decision. He was making me crazy with all the texts about missing you”
“I wish I could stay- really” you tried to explain, tightening your grip on hip, but Chilly shook his head.
“I’m missing my best friend, yes. But you?” Ben shrugged. “You’re missing the entire other half of you. I understand why you need to go. I’m happy you’re going, actually. Happy for you, and for my boy that’ll now feel complete”
“I’ll miss you so much, Benji” you pulled back to look at him with big sad eyes.
“But you’ll be happier there. And this is enough for me. Just promise me we’ll text everyday and you’ll visit me on my important games”
You nodded, squeezing his waist. “I’ll visit all the time. And you can always visit too, you know” you stared at him. “I love you. I love both of you so much it hurts”
“We love you more, you know” Ben chuckled, kissing your forehead.
You were happy with your best friend's support, and after a nice lunch with him you texted your boy.
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You laughed at him, so silly.
When you had all your most important things in your car hours later, you FaceTimed Mason.
“Hi my sweetie cutie pie” he answered immediately.
“Hi big boy” you smiled at him, locking your old small and pretty house, that was already on sale.
“Big, uh?” a different voice came from his phone, and you felt the blood rushing into your cheeks when Rashford appeared through your screen. “Hi cutie pie” he mocked Mason.
“Hi Rashy. Boys night out?”
“Not actually, is just me, Mase and Sanch”
“You’re coming?” Mason appeared again, and Marcus snorted.
“I’m leaving now, but it’s a long drive, you can stay with them” you assured him, entering your car.
“Wish I could pick you up” he pouted. “Be careful love”
“Join us when you arrive, baby girl” Marcus mocked again, and Mason fulmed him with his eyes.
“Don’t call her like that” your jealous boy complained.
“Ohhhh” you could hear Sancho’s voice. “He’s right Rashy, you can’t call your buddy’s girl like that even if it’s ironic”
“Sorry, sorry. Just tell her to join us”
“You want to come, babe?” he looked at you with his big brown eyes and you nodded.
“This phrase went weird bro” Sancho murmured, causing Marcus to break into laughter.
“Jesus, I can’t with you two” he snorted, causing you to smile. “I’ll send my location and you decide if you want to show or if you’re too tired, just let me know if you choose go straight home so I can come to you”
“Yes sir” you nodded again, starting the car. “See you soon” you whispered, receiving an affected smile.
“God, I can’t wait” he murmured with shining eyes, instantly being teased by his friends. “I love you baby”
“Love you more” you blow him a kiss before turning the call off, adjusting your seat belt and driving off of the porch line. Driving home. To your man and your new life.
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Banner by me. Dividers by @saradika
Summary: Coriolanus leaves you in the care of his cousin, Tigris, while he goes about his day at the Citadel. Sadly, the pitiful look in her eyes when she looks at you doesn't go unnoticed.
Warnings: Coriolanus Snow is his own warning! Possessive!Coriolanus, Obsessive!Coriolanus, DelusionalCoriolanus, Dark!Coriolanus, Soft Dark!Coriolanus?, Head Gamemaker!Coriolanus, Cheating/infidelity (not on reader), Reference to prostitution, Talks of prostitution, Poison, Murder Plans
Story Masterlist
This chapter's a bit long.
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Chapter 4:
The bright light of the morning sun shines thru the large floor to ceiling window in the master bedroom of the penthouse, causing Coriolanus to groan and blink his groggy eyes open. He craned his head down, only to see that you were still fast asleep and tucked into his side. The sight of you sleeping soundly with his arm protectively wrapped around you brought a smile to his usually stoic face.
He thought that you looked beautiful as you slept. Well, he thought that you were beautiful no matter what, truth be told. You could be wrapped up in his silk sheets, in the most expensive designer dresses, or in a sack dress and he'd still think you’re beautiful.
To Coriolanus you were more beautiful than any of the rarest diamonds in Panem. Hell, the world. And you were all his. His precious gem to polish and cherish.
To own.
He was disappointed that he couldn't see the love bites and bruises he left on you due to the sleeping position you were in. He really wanted to see his marks on your radiant skin. Just thinking about it made his morning wood even harder than it already was.
If you weren't having so much trouble sleeping due to nightmares, he would've waken you up and had you suck his cock. Of course he also wanted to feast on your cunt for breakfast as well, but sadly he couldn't. He had to let you get some rest, plus he needed to get to the Citadel.
He had a busy day ahead of him, so despite how much he wanted to, he couldn't spend the entire day in bed with you. Damn his duties. One day when he's all powerful (the President of Panem) if he wants to spend his entire day in bed fucking you then he will.
Hell, maybe he'll even make a national holiday where all citizens get a day off in your honor just so he can stay in bed having his way with you once he's Mister President. Yes, that's a lovely idea. He'll make your birthday a national holiday; name it Darling Rose Day.
With a heavy sigh, Coriolanus gently untangled himself from you and went to take a shower. It doesn't take him long before he's back in the room he shares with you, towel wrapped around his waist and a smirk plastered on his face as he takes in the sight of you snuggled into his pillow. Seeing you long for his scent, for him, in your sleep gives his already inflated ego a boost.
He doesn't want to disturb you by turning on the lights, so he uses the sunlight streaming into the room to help him see what's in his closet. He didn't have much in there, just a few suits and dress shirts, but it was enough to ensure he looked presentable on the days he chose to seek refuge in his penthouse from his bitch on a wife.
A bitch of a wife that would be no more after tonight's dinner at Avelina’s.
A lush that would choke on her own blood after eating a couple bites of their appetizer.
Their seafood appetizer.
Yes, he had everything planned out perfectly considering he literally concocted the plan last night (around midnight or so).
Coriolanus’ smile went from ear to ear as he thought about how he was going to be running the Cardew (now the Snow) bank since Livia was the only one in her family left (damn those deadly shellfish allergies) along with having you. And if that wasn't enough to make him happy, well he’d soon be announcing that he was putting his name in the hat as one of the men running for president (President Ravenstill would be getting a bit sicker within the next few days and his cabinet along with the ministry would have to announce a campaign season and voting season for a new president.).
Deciding to pull out a white jacket to pair with the white shirt and black pants he wore last night to pick you up (they were perfectly clean given he only had them on for roughly half an hour or so), he quickly dressed and left your room.
Once in the main room, he called Tigris on the video phone and told her to come to the penthouse to watch over you while he was at the Citadel. The response expected wasn't the one he got.
What he got from Tigris was a sour look paired with the question of, “Why did you sign her out of the hospital if she's not ready to be alone, Coriolanus?”
He let out an aggravated sigh. Why couldn't his cousin just say yes and leave it at that? Did she have to push back about this?
“Tigris, she's perfectly capable of being alone.” He told his cousin, not wanting her to think that you were a basketcase when you weren't.
Tigris was about to say something, but Coriolanus beat her to it with the long-winded remark of, “It's just that I don't want her to be alone in the penthouse after everything she's been through. I thought a friendly face might make her first day out of the hospital easier for her.”
Once you felt more comfortable in the Capitol, Coriolanus planned on introducing you to Clemmie. He felt that she'd be a good friend for you; could help you navigate the social circles of the Capitol housewives and socialites.
Clemensia Dovecote was known for serving cunt everywhere she went and that was just the kind of friend you needed in the Capitol.
Between him being your lover, Clemmie being your friend, and Tigris being your personal stylist (and friend as well) he was sure you'd quickly learn how to fit in.
Then, another reason for Tigris to come see you popped into his head. “Plus you do need to work on both her exit interview and crowning dresses.” Smirking, he finished his thoughts with the rhetorical question of, “What better way to start working on her dresses than to spend the day with her?”
Tigris' warm blue eyes turned frosty as she disdainfully bit out, “You're concerned about her being alone after what she's been through as if it isn't your fault that she experienced all those horrors in that beautiful deathtrap of an arena you designed special for that Quarter Quell?” Giving him a look full of judgment, she said, "Oh, that's rich coming from you, the head gamemaker.”
Oh how Coriolanus wanted to reach into the video screen and smack Tigris upside her light blonde and black highlighted head. How dare she speak to him like that?
If it wasn't for him being head gamemaker she wouldn't have a fucking job since he's the one that made her into one of the most sought after stylist in the Capitol.
Hell, bitch should be grateful.
But no…ever since he got back from his summer stint as a peacekeeper in District 12 she's been cold and offish to him.
One day he's going to say enough’s enough and cut her off, but today isn't that day. He needs her to be your friend; to design your dresses and be your personal stylist. Hell, he still needs her to be his stylist.
She knows all his measurements and inseams; he doesn't want to have to deal with somebody new learning all of that.
“Tigris, I need to go to the Citadel soon so just come here with Y/N’s clothes and spend the day with her.”
“Why do you care so much for Coriolanus? She's just another district gutter rat that won those barbaric games you design.”
The platinum blonde’s icy eyes turned hateful upon hearing his cousin call you a district gutter rat.
How dare she?
You weren't like the rest of the people from the coal district. You were different.
A diamond made out of the pressures coal undergoes.
His rare diamond that was too good; too beautiful for district life.
“She's not a district gutter rat; she's going to be my wife. Now, are you going to come over or do I have to have somebody go and fetch you?” Coriolanus snapped, feeling rage consume him.
Tigris’ eyes (which were heavily lined with too much black eyeliner and made her look like a cat if you asked him) went wide. “Your wife? But, Coriolanus, you're already married!”
“Well, I see I'll be sending somebody by to fetch you. Make you to bring your key, I'll be at the Citadel when you arrive.” He told his cousin in a clipped tone before hanging up and ending the call.
He ran a hand thru his flawlessly slicked back hair and let out a long sigh. That call was worse than some of the ones he has with political sponsors and that's saying something.
He turned his head and looked down the hall, to where you were still sleeping soundly in his bed, before rising from his chair and making his way over to the foyer. With a smirk on his lips he walked out of the penthouse. He knew that the next time he walked thru the door he'd be free to be with you.
Forever and ever.
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When you woke up it was alone in the large king sized bed. You were still in the same spot that you fell asleep in, the only difference being that you were clutching onto Coriolanus’ pillow. Your nose was buried into it as well, breathing in his scent that was a mix of roses and musk.
You let out a groan from how brightly the sun was shining thru the window; burying your face deeper in Coryo’s pillow. The strong scent of roses was intoxicating; nearly overpowering your senses, as you hid away from the bright sunlight.
You didn't have the opportunity of using the platinum blonde man's pillow as a shield from the sun for long.
The door opened followed by Tigris' cheery voice proclaiming, “It's nearly noon, Y/N. It's time to get up.”
“Close the drapes, it's too bright in here.” You complained.
“My cousin doesn't have practical drapes, just decorative curtains that don't close.” Tigris told you, a suitcase full of your clothes from your time as a Hunger Games tribute rolling behind her as she walked further into the room. “I brought your clothes; I figured Coriolanus wouldn't have any for you here.”
“He let me borrow a shirt last night; said he'd have you come over with my things.” You explained while lifting your head from the rose scent pillow it was buried in.
Tigris' brows furrowed. You said Coriolanus gave you a shirt, but your back was bare. Surely he didn't…
As you sat up in bed the blanket around you shifted, causing the stylist (whose blonde and black striped hair along with her heavy lined eyes were similar to her feline name) to gasp.
Her hand shakily covered her mouth as her eyes took in the bite marks on you. Silently, she counted them. A large one on your collarbone that seemed deep. Looked as if it went down to the bone, as if her cousin sunk his teeth in deliberately to brand you. Then you had a one on the side of your breast left breast. It was plum and dark purple; it looked angry and ugly.
And if that wasn't enough, the left side of your cheek had a purplish-reddish bruise on it.
A bruise that was a large imprint of a hand.
She looked at you like you’re broken while rushing over to you. “Sweetheart, did he hurt you?” Tigris asked, sitting next to you on the bed and reaching out to gently touch your swollen cheek.
Your brow scrunched up, wondering why she asked that. Then you realized the blanket had shifted and she probably saw the marks Coryo left on you last night (err this morning?) when you were fooling around.
Oh how embarrassing.
“No.” You quickly shook your head. “He didn't hurt me.”
“But, Y/N, it looks like he did.”
“But he didn't, Tigris.” You protested.
“Did he-” You knew what she was going to ask and the question disgusted you. So you cut her off.
“God no, he didn't make me do anything!” You quickly shouted at her.
Despite being a bit dominant and slap happy, Coriolanus did respect you enough to ask you what you wanted. To tell you to use your words; tell him what you wanted to do.
He knew how far to push and when to ease up. You felt that your first sexual experience with him was breathtaking.
It was an experience you'll never forget.
The fact that Tigris could think her own cousin could do something so horrible to you pissed you off. How could she think so low of him? Was it because he had marriage problems or was it because she knew he liked you?
The stylist shook her head, only to sadly say, “He did something with you, sweetheart or you wouldn't have a bruised cheek and such painful bite marks on you.” A look of pity flashed in her eyes. “He's too old for you and you're an innocent girl. Coriolanus should've never coerced you to do whatever happened last night.”
“He didn't coerce me into anything. Whatever happened between me and Coryo was consensual.” You told Tigris, taking her aback since you used her cousin's nickname.
Coriolanus never let anyone call him Coryo anymore. Him telling you to use it meant that things were worse than she thought. That he was probably going to keep you held hostage in the Snow penthouse to earn your trust and break you in before he turned you over to the highest bidder.
Oh yes, Tigris knew all about her cousin's disgusting side hustle of pimping out desirable victors to rich capitolites for cold hard cash.
She hates that he does it. Every time she tries to confront him he just tells her that she has no room to judge since she sold herself to buy them half rotten food and outdated ill fitting clothes.
That at least he was doing something useful with the money.
She never asked him what he was doing with the thousands if not millions of money he made being the biggest pimp in all of Panem. She was too hurt that he cruelly threw a very painful part of her past up in her face.
Tigris honestly should've cut him out of her life years ago. Sadly, despite all of his evil deeds, she still loves him. Also, she feels that she sort of owes him for her stylist job so she deals with him occasionally.
He does have the power to get her fired; take away her boutique and condo if he wished.
Tigris couldn't help but think that Coriolanus was full of shit this morning when he told her that he wanted to marry you. She thinks he just told her that so she'd come over and make you look pretty for him.
You didn't like the way Tigris was looking at you as if you were a wounded animal. She wasn't giving you the same warm and friendly looks she did before you went into the arena.
Now she looked at you as if you should've died back in the games.
Her eyes held so much pity in them that you couldn't handle it.
Coriolanus didn't look at you as if you'd crumble so why was Tigris looking at you like that?
“He's a married man, Y/N. He's also heavily involved in politics.” The stylist reminded you, making you feel sick to your stomach.
How could you forget about his wife, Livia?
Now you feel bad. Oh no, you're the other woman. Even though he said that he was getting rid of her it didn't stop you from feeling guilting about being an accomplice in his infidelity.
Feeling dirty, you looked at Tigris and asked, “Can you show me where the bathroom is? I'd like to shower.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
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After opening the bathroom door and giving you a gentle push inside, Tigris told you she'd bring you a change of clothes and left you to your own devices.
You felt so small in the large, navy blue tiled bathroom. Hell, the bathroom was larger than your bedroom back home.
Why was the bathroom so big?
You slowly moved your head this way and that, taking in the large layout of the room.
One wall was lined with shelves; you assumed they were for towels. Also against that wall was the toilet, a marble topped vanity, and a large mirror.
A vanity in which the sink looked a bit lost in the middle of it.
This was Coriolanus’ private bathroom.
And the reason you knew that was because of the shaving kit, jar of shaving cream, and bottles of aftershave and cologne stacked on the vanity- neatly below the bathroom mirror.
Of course, he has the biggest bathroom in the penthouse.
Shaking your head, you placed your focus on the large shower in the far back corner of the room. It looked to be an octagon shape, which you thought was weird. The door to the shower was frosted and larger than the front door of the mayor’s house back in 12.
And alongside the shower stall was a large claw bathtub. It baffled you how somebody needed both a shower and a bathtub in a room larger than some people's houses back in District 12.
Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd be in the large and over the top bathroom of Panem's head gamemaker, Coriolanus Snow, but here you were.
Should you pinch yourself to make sure this is real?
Nah. The aches on your body from the activities you and Coryo had partaken in are enough of a reality check for you.
Hearing the click-clanking of Tigris' heels coming from down the hall, you rushed into the shower and turned on the water.
You weren't used to hot water flowing out of a showerhead (having lived in the Seam your entire life you, sadly, were used to time tub baths with lukewarm water that was heated on top of the stove) so when the water hit your body, you jerked in surprise.
You also let out a hiss, but that was because of how the scalding hot water felt like daggers piercing the deep teeth marks on your collarbone.
Teeth marks that Coriolanus left last night when he got a little carried away with his nips and suckling on your neck and chest. Or at least you think he just got carried away because he always seemed like such a put together and reserved man.
Or at least that's the image he portrayed publicly for the media.
A knock sounded on the door, followed by it slowly opening. “I'll put your dress on the vanity.’ Tigris told you while walking into the room. “There's a towel on the rack by the shower door.”
You already knew that. You saw it.
“Thank you.” You called out while reaching for the nearby bottle of shampoo.
A pink bottle with roses printed all over it.
What the hell’s with Coryo and roses?
You noticed though that the bottle of conditioner was purple and couldn't help, but wonder what that smelled like.
You heard Tigris leave the room as you began to lather up your hair with the strong floral scented shampoo.
The scent of roses.
Coriolanus’ scent; a scent that you'd share with him til the end of the line.
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After leaving your clothes on the vanity, Tigris laid out her sketch book and sample swatches on the dining room table. Then, once her impromptu work space was set up to her liking, she went into the main room and called her cousin on the video phone.
After about 3 or 4 rings Coriolanus' face appeared on the phone's tv screen. “Tigris, how is Y/N this afternoon?”
Tigris just gave her cousin a disgusted look. “She just woke up and she's in your shower right now trying to scrub off all the filth leftover from your unwanted touch last night.” She bluntly told Coriolanus since she felt she needed to be your voice.
That since you were so young and innocent that she needed to try and stop her dark souled cousin from corrupting you.
From ruining your life.
Coriolanus’ icy blue eyes went wide at his cousin's words. Was she implying- fucking hell! “I didn't touch her in any unwanted ways, Tigris. Believe it or not, I am a gentleman when it comes to such matters.”
“I saw the bruises and the bite marks you left on her, Coriolanus! Don't tell me she wanted you to do that to her, no woman in her right mind wants that done to her!”
Ah, so this wasn't about you and him, but about the stylist’s past demons haunting her. Oh, she just has to let go of the past. Whatver happened to her, well, she was paid for it.
Projecting her feelings onto his darling rose wasn't the answer tho. It wouldn't make Tigris’ shame go away.
Why couldn't she just be grateful that he made her a fashion icon and just befriend you like he asked? Why does she have to make everything so complicated with her soft ways and overly compassionate feelings?
That quality is going to get her hurt one day…
“Did you talk to her about it? If so, then you should believe what she told you.” The head gamemaker told his cousin while looking over the paperwork on his desk for his darling rose’s Capitol residency permit.
A permit that was a K-1 Visa.
Better known as the 90 Day Fiance Capitol Citizen Sponsorship Immigration Form.
Yes, he was going to marry you to keep you tied to him forever.
It was the only way to keep you safe. To keep the rich and vile creatures of the Capitol from trying to steal you away from him.
Nobody would dare try to steal his wife. Everyone was afraid of him; knew trying anything with Mrs. Coriolanus Snow would get them a certain date with death.
One that he'd personally send them on with the aid of his many poisons.
Tigris looked towards the hall, checking to see if you were still in the shower, before telling Coriolanus, “That girl”s too sweet and innocent for you, Coriolanus. She's been thru so much at your hands already; just let her go.” Feeling her resolve grow, she added in, “Don't use her as your mistress because your bored with Livia; don't break her in for your clients either. Just send her home to her family.”
The head gamemaker looked up from the paperwork in his hands, only to let out a dark chuckle. “I see you don't listen to me anymore. I told you this morning that I'm going to make Y/N my wife.”
“Coriolanus, you can't divorce Livia to marry the latest victor. It’ll sink you politically.”
Coriolanus knew that. It's the reason why he's slipping some poison into the wine glasses at dinner tonight.
He needed Livia dead and buried so he can spin a second chance love story narrative concerning you and him to the Capitol.
“Tigris, as much as I want to continue this conversation, I need to complete some important paperwork.” He told his cousin before abruptly hanging up on her.
Tigris just stared at the black screen of the video phone. She couldn't believe how insane Coriolanus was acting over a girl he barely knew.
Oh god, she hoped he wasn't obsessed with her because she was the first victor (and a female) from District 12 in the last 15 years. The first being Lucy Gray, who she assumed he loved. Who, as she understood, mysteriously disappeared around the time Coriolanus was discharged and returned to the Capitol to study under Dr. Gaul at the University. Around the same time he became the heir to the Plinths fortune.
Oh no…
She hoped her cousin didn't hurt or kill Lucy Gray. She hoped he didn't have a hand in Sejanus' death as a traitor either.
But somewhere deep inside of her soul, Tigris knew that Coriolanus did something horrible to both his first love and the true heir of the Plinths fortune.
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“Coriolanus, what are you doing going to your study? I thought you were taking me to Avelina's for dinner?” Coriolanus heard his wife's screeching voice ask as he walked down the hall, away from where she was in the main foyer.
She was sitting on an entry bench, dolled up and waiting on him to take her to dinner.
She'd just have to wait a little bit longer.
“I need to put away some paperwork, Liv. Then I'll be right there to take you to Avelina's.” Coriolanus told his wife because he couldn't tell her the real reason he was going to his office.
He kept a case of poisons and antidotes locked up in the bottom drawer of his desk. Tonight, he was getting a vile of sweet, but deadly tasting poison to dump into their drinks.
Both of them will choke on their own blood tonight, but only one of them's dying.
And it ain't him since he's built up a partial immunity to this specific poison he'll be using.
“Hurry up, Coriolanus! I don't want to get stuck at a table by the kitchen door like last time!” Livia shouted as Coriolanus entered his study and made a beeline to his desk.
She acted like it was his fault that her favorite restaurant was a hot spot for every fucking socialite under 40 in the Capitol; that seating was hard to get and wait times were atrocious.
Oh yes, everything that went wrong in Livia's life seemed to be Coriolanus’ fault. Or at least that's how her endless nagging made him feel. Like she was blaming him for dumb, petty bullshit.
Whatever. It didn't matter anymore because she'd be dead within an hour.
Quickly, he pocketed his vial of poison, locked up his bottom desk drawer, and exited his office. “I'm on my way, Livia. Car’s outside with Bentley; just have him let you in.” Coriolanus called out to his wife as he started walking down the long hallway leading to the main entrance of the house.
Livia didn't reply back to him, but Coriolanus knew that she heard him since he heard the front door slam shut. He couldn't help but chuckle manically. For once in her life the shrew actually listened to him. And it was on her last night breathing too.
How ironic was that?
Oh, he was going to enjoy dinner tonight. Maybe he'll sue Avelina's for a wrongful death suit; bankrupt the owners and take everything they have?
After all, everything that's going to happen tonight's only business.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503, @shari-berri , @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak, @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies , @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1, @tatumrileyslover
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