#nate pann
etherchive · 9 months
[Pann] "RIIZE's Wonbin has the fanciest looks, and.."
"His fan-service is so lovely ㅋㅋ"
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[+20, -1] "The way he looks like he would never do those kind of things and proceeds to affectionately do all that in front of his fans is fucking awesome,,"
[+14, -1] "Whatever is it, he does it diligently.."
[+13, -1] "No, but he really is handsome"
[+11, -1] "No, he's fucking handsome"
[+11, -1] "His text speech is also cute"
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In light of all the Min Hee Jin / HYBE stuff going on, we know there is a concerted effort in certain parts of the internet and antis to defame, belittle and discredit BTS's efforts with false allegations and fake stories. All of this is beginning to make me wonder if this might affect BTS in other ways. What if we get more concerted efforts from some to leak stories about the boy's personal lives or even out them for their sexuality. I was wondering if you think this might be a possibility or not.
It's clear that in certain parts of the K-Pop media MHJ's team has got some friends, and it's they are driving narratives that are negative towards HYBE and BTS... I'm looking at you Koreaboo, AllKpop and Pannkpop or Pann Nate (which is owned by HYBE's mortal enemy Kakao).
Luckily more sensible news outlet are being more measured in recent days.
As for potential leaking of personal information of BTS, it really all depends on how close HYBE's enemies have gotten to BTS members. I'd hazard a guess not very, considering what we know. I doubt MJH and co were allowed to get so close to BTS that she'd know all their dirty secrets.
So I think the chances are fairly slim. I think it's more likely that weirder stories similar to the Dahn World crap will "leak".
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yebinisms · 11 months
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hello, this is also luna, and this firecracker her is joo yebin. originally part of viv:id, a temporary group formed from a survival group, she is now a solo artist who's becoming more well-known for her television appearances instead. again, please feel free to like this post to plot, and you can also find me on d*scord if that is more comfortable for you!
one of those kids that was always singing and dancing since she was young. she'd talk about how she was meant to be a star and all that jazz. lucky enough to have supportive parents that didn't mock her for her dreams, so she was able to strive for them!
both her parents are more educational though so they didn't think she was serious serious until she comes home one day and tells them that she passed everlast entertainment's audition and was going to become a trainee
anyway, she thinks she's going to debut in some shiny girl group after training for a while but surprise! the company decides to throw her into a competition show instead even though she hasn't even been a trainee for a year
the competition is called win or nothing, and she's not the most skilled trainee when she begins, but she shows improvement, and she just has a very charming personality (typical gen z behavior) that she manages to make it to the final group!
she promotes with viv:id for one and a half years where she's mostly pushed as an all-rounder and variety personality! she's fun, doesn't always know how to shut up and seems to work really well with others, and so she's being called here and there
when viv:id disbands, she returns to being a trainee. during that time, her fans go through sort of a drought, however, because everlast doesn't want to release her as a soloist until they feel like she's perfectly up to their debuted artist standards, so she works hard once more as a trainee
after almost a year, she finally makes her awaited solo debut! however, it's received with mix reactions because it doesn't really fit yebin's personality. fans were looking forward to something more spunky and fun, but instead she's given rather mellow music. she can put on the performance, but her fans don't think it's entirely her (and she doesn't completely disagree, either)
but everlast is everlast, and they insist they have a vision for her so instead of listening to fans, her first comeback is also a similar vibing song. since she's not sitting on top of the charts and only selling moderately well, the company decides to go back to selling yebin's personality instead
as she is very much still a rookie, her career is still a work in progress! right now, yebin also thinks she'd enjoy a change in sound/concept, but she loves performing, and she doesn't mind being recognized more as an ex-viv:id member and as a variety personality. everybody has to start somewhere, right?
her application says this as well, but she's very stereotypically what the internet would label "gen z"
unapologetic, full of energy and just fast to hop onto trends. i see her knowing all the latest tiktok/reels trends and absolutely smashing them. she'd love to do dance challenges for any folks who release music!
kind of living life with the flow. having some grandiose goals sounds like a great idea in theory, but yebin isn't thinking that far ahead in her life. she very much enjoys living by the moment and letting life make decisions for her. the type to get off at a random bus stop and just explore that city because that's the fun part about life
can come off as being a little too unserious at times, and there are sometimes nate pann comments that'll be like "yebin is seriously so close to crossing the line when it comes to her behavior" so yeah... but does she care? not really, oops
a strong mentality when it comes to that aspect, though. it's a rather healthy mindset to have in this industry because people are going to nitpick her every move and look anyway, and since she knows that's going to happen, she'd rather do things and not regret never doing them than holding back
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sugarrush-rp · 9 months
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Novedades en SUGAR RUSH:
★ Modificación de los grupos canon del foro ★ Apertura de cupos para la creación de grupos originales ★ Nuevo sistema de Brand Reputation para celebridades ★ Nueva dinámica del blog de chismes NATE PANN ★ Nuevos logros y medallas
Últimos días para aprovechar las promociones de septiembre: 150wons para miembros de grupos canon, 100wons para solistas y otras celebridades y 50wons para fanáticos.
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namjoohyuk · 1 year
You didn't hear this from me..but there is a big rumor going on Nate Pann that taehyung is basically soft leaving bts due to an argument with a member 🙊🙊 and hs I think it's jimin
well he better make up w jimin bc i’m trying to see ot7 in concert in 2027
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I just wanna point out that i definitely dont think the company hides tkk to protect them, the only thing a company protects is their brand, and if that means closeting a couple, then so be it. You really dont need a PhD in business for that, its common sense. U dont need a magnifying glass or a telescope to tell that tkk did not have a choice in that matter either because the sadness is clearly on their face every time theyre asked to separate, they just dont bother hiding their disappointment. My opinion is if the dispatch theory is true (which adds up), it made things a lot worse for them. The dispatch rumor only really hit the fan when they got more popular… which means they probably knew about it pretty early on and released the stupid rumor as a threat to the company…leading to a decline of tkks content. There was a video where a youtuber asks this producer if there are same sex couples in groups, and he plays it off on camera. But after the interview, the youtuber has a hidden camera and the pd says “why did u ask me that on camera? I got startled. Ofc there are same sex couples, its not supposed to happen but it happens.” Pretty messed up situation, and ofc the video went viral on pann and nate (korean forums). Point is most of these “couples” are really just open secrets in the industry, especially amongst these stalkerish fansites, sadly nothing gets past those creeps. When ur an editor or producer or whatever close to a group, its pretty easy to sell information anonymously to a trashy tabloid like dispatch. Tk certainly werent the first ss couple in kpop, and they certainly wont be the last either. The question is why dispatch went after them (hybe) specifically, could be they refused to comply at first and dispatch just said to hell with it and released the rumor as a power move
Oh yeah totally -- I’ve said it before and I stand by it, that from Big Hit’s perspective, they would pretty much have to cover up an intra-group relationship.  I do think there’s plenty of evidence that pretty clearly shows that Jungkook and Taehyung were being separated on cam, and that they didn’t like it.  I fully agree with you there.
My only caveat on that whole topic is that when it comes to other ways that Taekook are “separated” -- like not putting them in unit photoshoots very much, not giving them a subunit song -- we don’t know that all of that comes from HYBE 100%.  For all we know, it’s possible that they don’t want to work together in those ways, for whatever reasons.  (Please note that I don’t know how likely that is, but that’s partly just because we don’t have information on this topic.  When it comes to them being separated, we can see their reactions and draw our own conclusions, but that isn’t so with the other stuff.)
As far as the Dispatch stuff goes, I wasn’t around for any of that, but I do think the whole narrative of the Dispatch rumor coming out around the same time that Big Hit would have been renewing their contract with them (or that’s how I understand it) seems compelling.  All of the evidence is circumstantial, I guess might be a good way of putting it, but it really does seem to make sense.  I don’t know much about this topic though, so I welcome anyone’s input.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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hello bpp!
i just wanted to ask about pann. i think you mentioned it in one of your old posts which is how i found out about it. i know about pannchoa and check it out from time but i just wanted to ask if you have some tips on how i can navigate the original pann site as a non korean. pannchoa is okay but i noticed that it seems a lot of bts articles that are translated are mosy often the maknae line only and a lot of the time it’s just about V lol.
or should i even bother going through the effort? loool.
Hi Anon,
Honestly, I want to ask you not to bother.
Me trying to tell you how much of a bad idea this is:
My tip on how to navigate it as a non-Korean is to avoid it altogether. Nate Pann (like DC), is a cesspool of filth, and it's not a site I personally frequent often. It's one of the few forums that allows you to create an account without a Korean phone number or ID so you've got the bottom feeders of Korean society running amok, and the worst characters from the international side camping there. There's already some overlap in behaviors seen in Q-anon conspiracists with k-pop fans (just being honest y'all), but imagine a site filled with homophobic incels + conspiracy theorists + underemployed and self-righteous agitators, laser focusing all their God-given talents on k-pop idols and their fans.
Like Reddit + 4chan but for k-pop. Occasionally you see posts from one Ajumma ranting about some local news but the k-pop communities on that site are.. nothing to write home about.
And this is before we get to all the misinformation. The site pages are supposedly regulated by a team supervised by a guy called Nate, but in reality, there's zero accountability and what you have is people just shit-posting 24/7. So you're more likely to become less informed by keeping up with articles on Pann, than you would've been otherwise. It's become almost as bad as DC in that way. There are certain cues in how a story/rumor is written that can hint to how legitimate a story is, but it's difficult to explain to someone not familiar with the language or the site.
The one tip I have for Pann:
If you'd still like to check out the site, I'd say it's a good idea to stick to the trending topics or search for: 톡커들의 선택. Topics that make it to that list tend to have the most engagement which often means the most opportunities for the news there to be vetted, though of course that doesn't always happen. Last I checked there was no good option for translations on the site, so one would have to manually copy-paste to whatever translator engine they normally use.
Alternatives to Pann:
The ARMY fandom is actually very good at filtering legitimate information and passing that along to everyone else, and on calling out misinfo (I'm excluding shipping/akgae spaces here, obviously). You can follow a list of Korean and Japanese translators linked here who consistently provide good updates. If you'd like to stay up to date on what's happening on the k-side, some alternatives or complements to Nate Pann are Naver, and the local e-newspapers i.e. Chosun Ilbo, Yonhap, and Joongang Ilbo.
Also, just being more aware of other k-pop artists/industry folks is a good idea, especially for people we know have a long history with BTS, such as Tablo, Tiger JK, The Lab etc. Sometimes their instagram/social media posts give some hints as to what's coming in terms of music projects and other gossip. These are better alternatives to Pann IMO, if the point is to become more informed about k-pop news in general.
A quick word on how I personally navigate Korean forums because I think that could be the follow-up question here. Most of what I learn about is from actually talking to people, not by scouring various forums looking for this or that. I'm friends with local Koreans who are into k-pop and are fans of other idol groups or khh artists, and I also have family who are very plugged in with local news and gossip too. Again, these are people I actually know and have met several times over the years in real life. We regularly chat about whatever and sometimes they'd link to or reference a community forum or we choose to meet on this or that site, and just by way of being on those sites, because BTS is BTS and everyone and their momma is constantly in their business, I see shit from time to time that needs to be reported.
BTS is a bit of an anomaly for many reasons, and one reason is that most things anyone needs to know about BTS, are things the boys directly tell their fans. The middlemen a.k.a. the Media, have a history of getting it wrong when it comes to BTS. The boys realized this early on and have since cut out the middlemen when there's anything actually important to communicate about themselves. We've seen this happen with their 2018 MAMA speech, and more recently, the 2022 Festa Dinner.
Good luck. :)
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boasource · 10 days
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240411/240417 SM issued a statement claiming that they were taking legal action to address instances of online harassment against BoA. They later stated that they have identified & will pursue legal action on instances of defamation, fake news, & sexual harassment against BoA in DC Inside forums like '남자 연예인 갤러리' & '별순검 갤러리' + on YouTube, MLBPARK, instiz, Nate Pann, Daum Cafe & Yeoseong Shidae, theqoo, etc. SM also stated that they are working on taking legal action against similar instances overseas, especially from last year, though these were hindered by jurisdictional issues.
*Read this thread for more context. BoA most likely did this in response to the hate she has received these past few years.
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etherchive · 8 months
[Pann] "They said RIIZE's Eunseok was casted four times by SM"
"RIIZE's Eunseok who received four casting proposals by SM"
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Sub: "I entered the company through street casting.." "But at first, when I heard about the casting offer, I wasn't interested" "However, after being casted for four times.." "Eunseok who debuted with RIIZE and met BRIIZE"
"You can get casted four times by a company?"
"He's a typical SM male visual, and since it's regretful that no one talks about it, I gathered all of (his) close-up shots"
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"Everyone who saw him in person said that he looks pretty, so I get curious"
"I think he's the type of person who looks better in real life"
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"If his style is changed into the one that perfectly suits him, I think he would look even better (x4)"
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"This fancam thumbnail looks very gracious too"
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"Eunseok who was approved by SM and Anton as RIIZE's visual"
"Song Eunseok, you'll be famous..."
[+28, -3] "He's a real SM-type (visual), though.. that unique brown-haired-handsome-guy vibe is really like an SM visual's.. He has the vibe of (NCT's) Jaehyun and Super Junior's Choi Siwon in his prime time too.."
[+17, -0] "I think he looks like a far better version of Block B's Park Kyung, though"
[+16, -0] "I really, fucking, throwing up, crying, head-banging, like Eunseok. I could tell that he's a typical SM visual since the first sight, fuck"
[+16, -0] "Videos (are better) than pictures. Looking at his pictures (makes you think that) he's not that handsome, but when you watch his videos, (you'll realize that) he is. I'm curious about how he looks like in person.
[+16, -1] "That brown hair perm Eunseok had in 'Memories' MV suited him so much.. (it would be nice) if he's styled that way again"
🔗 Original Post
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beubeuxappil · 7 months
There's a post in Pann Nate which is currently trending about Eunseok and OP commented,saying that Eunseok came to volunteer in winter. He had to get a social worker license, so he went to practice. He's tall and well-proportioned that he stands out from afar. OP saw the participant names so she know most of them. Now that RIIZE debuted and became famous, OP thinks it's the same person (Eunseok).
This guy really... How can I not love Eunseok... If this is the case, I have no choice but to love him 🥹 Jaemin’s friend. Really they are bestie so.
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kimseokjin2024 · 10 months
Korean Twitter can't get enough of #Jin's military pictures
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Around a week ago, Jin shared some new photos from the daily life of his military service as a Corporal and a Training Assistant. However, the pictures still remain as a hot topic on Korean social media. This week started with Jin going viral on Korean Twitter.
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Jin has already melted the hearts of TheQoo, Pann, Nate, and Naver users last week. But On July 31, his pictures went viral among Korean Twitter users as well!
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Right now, there are hundreds of tweets with Jin's photos that are gaining huge engagement by Korean locals and some even crossed 2M views. The public is amazed by Jin looks in his natural beauty, right after finishing a 20km march. Quotes are saying that he's very handsome and praising him.
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Specifically, this quote with more than 10k retweets says: "The people he serves in the military with are amazing. If I were them, I would have gone round and round."
Here are some of the most-liked quotes:
F**king handsome.
His face is so small, he's tall, his proportions are awesome, and handsome, I want to stand up and look at him constantly.
I'm crazy about his body/physical appearance.
I think he should actually shoot drama.
I'm crying because Jinnie is handsome and looks extremely manly.
Can't believe, he looks like a manhwa protagonist.
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Some users are also joking that they now want their favorite idols to enlist too if it means they gonna be looking this handsome. And others confessed that despite not being interested in BTS, they are still waiting for Jin's discharge!
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Source: Allkpop
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yebinisms · 9 months
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hi, everyone! this is luna (also hyojung's mun) and yebin has gone through a revamp! nothing big has changed about her, but she's now future/femme's lead vocalist and leader! as always, feel free to like this post to plot, and i can also be found on d*scord if you'd prefer that!
one of those kids that was always singing and dancing since she was young. she’d talk about how she was meant to be a star and all that jazz. lucky enough to have supportive parents that didn’t mock her for her dreams, so she was able to strive for them!
both her parents are more educational though so they didn’t think she was serious serious until she comes home one day and tells them that she passed an audition and then became a trainee
anyway, she thinks she’s going to debut in some shiny girl group after training for a while but surprise! the company decides to throw her into a competition show instead even though she hasn’t even been a trainee for a year
the competition is called win or nothing, and she’s not the most skilled trainee when she begins, but she shows improvement, and she just has a very charming personality (typical gen z behavior) that she manages to make it to the final group!
she promotes with viv:id for one and a half years where she’s mostly pushed as a variety personality! she’s fun, doesn’t always know how to shut up and seems to work really well with others, and so she’s being called here and there
when viv:id disbands, she returns to being a trainee. it's a really weird period because she's technically already debuted and promoted but now she has to wait. however, her company isn't that big and they don't seem to have plans to debut a big girl group or have her become a soloist so when culture creative contacts them with the idea of yebin being in their upcoming girl group, both her and the company don't hesitate to say yes
half a year later and she debuted as future/femme's lead vocalist and leader! there were some people who claimed that yebin didn't fit viv:id's whole sound and concept very much, so fans were pleased to see what future/femme came out with and she's satisfied with her career as well
she's the group's spokesperson as their leader, and she's still sought out after as a variety-dol for her sharp tongue and just being kind of naturally funny
because of future/femme's image, yebin dips her toes into some lyric writing from time to time, but she's probably their least musically-involved member. she's just here for a really good time, and she's having it
her application says this as well, but she’s very stereotypically what the internet would label “gen z”
unapologetic, full of energy and just fast to hop onto trends. i see her knowing all the latest tiktok/reels trends and absolutely smashing them. she’d love to do dance challenges for any folks who release music!
kind of living life with the flow. having some grandiose goals sounds like a great idea in theory, but yebin isn’t thinking that far ahead in her life. she very much enjoys living by the moment and letting life make decisions for her. the type to get off at a random bus stop and just explore that city because that’s the fun part about life
can come off as being a little too unserious at times, and there are sometimes nate pann comments that’ll be like “yebin is seriously so close to crossing the line when it comes to her behavior” so yeah… but does she care? not really, oops
a strong mentality when it comes to that aspect, though. it’s a rather healthy mindset to have in this industry because people are going to nitpick her every move and look anyway, and since she knows that’s going to happen, she’d rather do things and not regret never doing them than holding back
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sugarrush-rp · 11 months
¡Hola! Lo primero, ni caso a aquel anon. Incluso si decidieran hacer trampas, estamos mayorcitos ya como para tomarnos tan a pecho un juego xdd así que si tiene problemas con desconocer la identidad del staff, que valga pito y no entre. Ahora, en cuanto a mi pregunta, asumo que no porque en la realidad llevaría a escándalos, pero ¿harán uso de alguna red social externa? ¿o habrá alguna en el foro mismo como instagram, por ejemplo?
¡Hola, anon! Muchas gracias <3
Todo lo relacionado con el rol se llevará a cabo únicamente dentro del foro, por lo que no fomentaremos la creación de redes sociales externas.
En el foro tendremos 3 subforos dedicados a las "las redes sociales" para que se utilicen a gusto:
—Instagram: para subir fotos y dejar comentarios.
—Kakao Talk: que es una app de mensajería, similar en su funcionamiento a WhatsApp o Telegram.
—Pann Nate: un sitio web donde se publican noticias de cualquier tema y la comunidad puede generar sus propios posteos y dejar comentarios. On rol lo utilizaremos como blog de chismes o "Gossip girl" y los usuarios podrán subir también sus propios artículos con rumores de forma anónima.
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behaein · 1 year
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — SELF PARA. aka, the aftermaths of haein after her elimination on next gen.
would it be haughty of haein if she said that she can’t believe she was eliminated? one of the first as well. maybe if she had made it to the finals and then didn’t place, she could understand it but to be completely dropped after placing first place was kind of ridiculous. 
of course, this wasn’t to say that she believed she did extremely well or anything. a mess up was still a mess up even though, looking back at it now, haein doesn’t think it was that terrible. sure, she had a voice crack, but she thinks that if she didn’t react the way she did, it probably could have been ignored. post-processed vocals were always a thing on competition shows anyway. why couldn’t she put on a poker face? 
the worst part of everything, however, was the fact that she now had to return to her regular life after being aired on national television. while she wasn’t aware how big the audience of next gen was, there was no doubt that if she were to return to her job at megabox, someone was going to recognize her. she could already see the nate pann post with a blurry picture of her that reads omg guess who served me popcorn at megabox today? it was oh haein from next gen! now that was going to be embarrassing. 
so the next best thing for her would be to return to just her tutoring job. that way, she wasn’t so much in the public’s eye but just the same students that she used to teach. it wouldn’t be as embarrassing. maybe she’ll get a few questions here and there from students, but it’d still be a lot better than megabox. 
an even better thing would be to brush up on her skills and return to taking up auditions. it might be a little weird right now seeing that the three biggest companies were essentially the ones that dropped her on next gen, but she’s still shown something on the show. that much she was absolutely certain of.
that’s where her head is at the moment. step one, return to the dance studio and get back on her feet. step two, perhaps take on vocal lessons as well so she can show some immense improvement from what people may have seen on television. step three, either get scouted or pass an audition and fulfill her dreams!
it may seem like a lot, but haein wants to remain hopeful. she came to korea for a reason, and she was determined to make sure it came true.
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kuroul · 1 year
Visual LE SSERAFIM Disebut Lemah Tanpa Kim Garam, Begini Reaksi Netizen Korea!
Visual LE SSERAFIM Disebut Lemah Tanpa Kim Garam, Begini Reaksi Netizen Korea!
Penampilan dari seorang idol merupakan salah satu yang menjadi daya tarik bagi para penggemar. Umumnya, setiap idol group akan memiliki 1 atau lebih anggota yang memegang peran sebagai visual, namun LE SSERAFIM diragukan memiliki peran tersebut. Dibahas melalui forum komunitas Pann Nate, sebuah utas menyebutkan bahwa LE SSERAFIM saat ini memiliki visual yang tak jelas. LE SSERAFIM (Foto: Source…
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9janewspoint · 2 years
shuhua incident video – Shuhua ‘Nxde’ Fancam Deemed Legendary
shuhua incident video – Shuhua ‘Nxde’ Fancam Deemed Legendary
Shuhua ‘Nxde’ Fancam Deemed Legendary Sis receiving an outpour of praise for her presence in the group’s “Nxde” comeback. Following the release of her fancam from “M Countdown,” people are claiming the video is legendary. Pann Nate to share a post titled “Shuhua’s blonde hair fancam is legendary.” The post included several GIFs of Shuhua during I Nxde” comeback stage for Mnet’s “M!…
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