#nate just having a 'forgot that was illegal' moment
2 favorite things about the Juror #6 Job:
Hardison doing Lawyer Things and Parker looking at him and smiling
Nate forgetting that Hardison shouldn't have had access to the No-Fly List
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kentray · 1 year
Ted Lasso S3 predictions
My predictions before the show is aired. Some have been influenced by SPOILERS (but not too much) so that's a warning.
Ted goes back to Kansas to raise his son. Maybe one reason Jason says the story they have to tell is done, is because there might be an epilogue “a few years later”? Because you can't write more to a story if you jump ahead years and people are apart. A rom com type moment? on the top of the Empire State Building?
Rebecca comes into her own as an owner, falling in love with the game, her boys & herself. She lets go of her hatred of Rupert. Maybe apologizes to the team for what she did in S1? She softens & starts to have feelings for Ted (& vice versa).
If they develop feelings in the last episode or two, maybe a kiss and/or an airport scene? But it’s not yet their time. Ted needs to be with his son. Rebecca is NOT a Kansas girl. So therefore, a reunion via an epilogue.
Roy & Keeley endgame. Funnily enough, a break-up could speed things up in terms of their decisions: whether to marry, children, etc. It’s a short-cut to determine “forever”. They both deal with their insecurities & “save” each other.
Roy deals with whatever trauma he’s been holding in. I want this to be brought on by Keeley but I think some is let out in Ep2 with the team? Maybe starts an academy with Rebecca for Richmond. Boys & girls training together; a focus on a well-rounded upbringing.
Keeley continues to run her own company. She faces imposter syndrome, maybe sabotage by someone (Rupert), maybe things fall to pieces & Roy’s right there to help. We get her backstory, finally. Also, Keeley might get to a point where she needs a client & West Ham might be there. She’ll have to face those decisions & maybe a fallout with Rebecca for a time.
One reason I’ve felt Rupert is doing illegal things is 1) the show’s indictment on billionaires 2) I think Higgins & Keeley will discover things about him that ultimately saves and protects Rebecca (re:Sam) & her ownership, which is why I think Keeley may end up willingly or unwillingly working for Rupert (as per the hint in S2). Maybe that Rupert cooked the books OR maybe phone hacking as that was a big thing with Rupert Murdoch’s tabloids in England years ago.
I think Beard will stay in England & coach. Hopefully, he’ll be able to have a healthier relationship. Perhaps a new character will be introduced near the end? Funny thing is I don’t hate Jane. I think she loves Beard but she needs help.
Nate is eventually forgiven. I have no clue if they’ll deal with the repercussions of what he did to Keeley to my satisfaction. He’ll return to Richmond, maybe as an assistant coach. There will be forgiveness but at a cost. I don’t think others can forgive as easily as Ted.
Sam will be an eventual captain whether it’s Richmond or somewhere else. Roy’s been guiding him. Maybe the Nigerian national team? He will find that Richmond is his home. Maybe meet someone? (Forgot that I think he’ll face bigger repercussions, for his Dubai protest and Rupert & Dick Cole will be out to get him with potential racial overtones. Edwin Akufo is also after him.)
Jamie will make the English National team. He’ll repair his relationship with his mother & come to terms with his abuse. He’ll become the team’s biggest cheerleader, as well as biggest supporter of Roy & Keeley as a couple.
Colin comes out which is a big decision. The team is supportive. My craziest theory is that Isaac is his partner but he chooses not to come out. It’s a risk he’s not willing to take. There’s been some hints along the way… could just be best friends but it would be interesting.
Trent writes the book an in-depth sports book about the team’s journey.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
I lead part of EfM thing today (see earlier posts) and it went well ahhhhh thank God
and I've made my lunches for the next week!
and I'm munching on a salad
and all day I was looking forward to this, the moment I can (re)watch MORE SHE-RA
I've barely worked on my longer fic this weekend (other than copy/pasting a bunch of things Nate said after the show ended into the notes section of the doc) and tbh rewatching the ACTUAL SHOW is hella distracting bc with twenty eps left we're going to start getting into more of the really high-stakes stuff
Also, true story: I originally watched, like, the second half of season 4 and all of season 5 in two days of marathoning with Daci. So quite frankly? The last, like, third of the show is just kind of a blur to me now.
s4 ep7 Mer-Mysteries
A mission in Dryl went badly, they've figured out someone's telling the Horde what they're doing, they're not tracking Adora because she wasn't even there--
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plz enjoy Sea Hawk's faces
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Bow's sudden nervousness reminds me of when I was in line at the TSA in Dulles airport and was weirdly nervous. I had no reason to be nervous. AND YET. I'm usually totally fine at TSA? But the people at Dulles were scary!!!
(I was way less nervous coming back from Iceland, despite knowing I had Kinder Surprise Eggs in my suitcase. Which are actually illegal to bring into the USA. You can buy "Kinder Joy Eggs" in the USA, which do not have the toy, but the ones with the toys are against the law! Anyway I bought them for Daci. I was only nervous for a split second at customs in the USA bc they asked me what I'd brought home from Iceland and I was like...wool yarn. books. sweets (I'd also bought licorice and chocolate). But he just waved me through. WHEW.)
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she's still big mad about this lolol
BUT she's right a spy IS the only thing that makes sense (but also the audience knows shit they don't)
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Pearl?? A Pearl who knows too much?????
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c'mon I had to
lolol they lampshaded the way lightning keeps striking when Mermista says something
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to be fair she IS the most recent addition and the one they know the least
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oh hey I also write everything in purple (or lavender) ink
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oh, shut up
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well not this episode, specifically
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honestly this is a lot like the DnD episode
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so on the one hand, I know Flutterina is doing this to make them fight, but on the other hand Glimmer is right; on the other OTHER hand, I also would prefer a warning before being forced to see my abusive parent having free range of the castle I live in
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BAHAHAHA I read Nate saying these two were interrupted on a date night, but also plz notice the colors of the flowers, it's literally most of the lesbian pride flag, they were SO unsubtle
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The Ken from Plumeria is talking to the pastry chef from Dryl with the super cute outfit, and she looks bashful for a second after this screenshot; I am now shipping this and no one can stop me
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speaking of ships (yes I know this isn't meant to be shippy lol)
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a youtube video titled "it's raining on your window and you live in Bright Moon Castle ASMR for sleep 4 hours"
(....I'd listen to that)
(On a related note, mynoise dot net has a bunch of rain sounds on the website, and it also has an app--it's seriously the BEST website/app for ambient sounds because they're so adjustable and never repeat, and I just want everyone to know about them. The rain and ocean sounds are great on earbuds to cover up snoring so you can sleep!!! Worked better than my fancy earplugs while I was on the Camino and sleeping in all those hostels)
And back to the cartoon, where there's obviously suspicious shit happening because people seem to be in two places at once and their communications thing got shattered
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oh so her name IS just The General
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Flutterina (aka Double Trouble) has got to be like "oh my god wtf is up with this dude I cannot handle this bullshit"
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Once again Glimmer proves that her and Catra are actually very, very alike
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OOHHHHH they set up a trap I forgot, this is amazing
Adora: "we created a diversion :)" Glimmer: "You were a really good actress. For once."
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Anyway Double Trouble is confessing the whole plan
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poor Mermista :(
there's a creepy-ass moment of seeing part of Horde Prime's face as he smiles, roll credits
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solesommerso · 2 years
This is just a post abt me dissecting Street for a moment
(This turned into me rambling about shit that happens to streets character so don’t feel obligated to read or anything)
Alright let’s start from the very beginning, back when he was in the house with his mom and dad. We learn from the flashback in season 1 that his father drank and his mother was the one to comfort Street after he got hurt.
I think that’s partly why it’s so important to him that he “saves” Karen, yeah yeah this is obvious, but I don’t think people account for how fast Street had to grow up and how that would affect things. He was 12 when his dad died, watched him bleed out, heard his mother beg him to lie to the cops and when he didn’t, he watched her get pulled away in handcuffs while Buck tried to distract him.
Then he was thrown into the foster system which we learn wasn’t easy for him from the Nate storyline, Street tells Deacon a story about how Nate taught him how to throw a punch (meaning he couldn’t even try to fight back with his dad) because other kids saw him as weak/scrawny so they picked on him. Then that foster mother died so Street got moved, there’s not a set number of times that Street states he got moved from house to house but I’m gonna guess it was quite a lot. As much as it sucks, there’s a lot of foster homes that don’t want a teenage boy with a history of getting beat up from other kids then eventually fighting back. It couldn’t have given him the best odds. So he just never had a place. Y’know a place for him.
We know from the episode where Buck tries to hurt himself that Karen doesn’t call on all of his birthdays and the only person that does is Buck. We honestly don’t ever hear about streets birthday other than that, and okay sure we don’t hear about most birthdays aside from Chris’s, but it makes me wonder if Buck still calls even after his attempt. It was obvious he was pretty checked out so he could’ve very well forgot, not that I’m putting any blame on Bucks character, I just wish we could see more of him and Streets relationship or at least how it affects Street.
When Street first joins the team Buck tells Hondo that he’s been trying “to help the kid” and “maybe you’ll have better luck” then we get the breakdown of Streets files about how he bounced from unit to unit in Long Beach and worked a lot of undercover. That honestly gives us so much.
He got moved from unit to unit, much like back when he was a child in the foster system. Just not finding where he fit and being more or less outcasted as reckless/impulsive.
I’m going to put in my own personal opinion that Street likes undercover so much because he doesn’t have to be himself. Yet he can also do everything on his own, undercover he doesn’t need to call people or work with a partner, it’s just him and some random identity. He gets put up in a hotel or a undercover apartment where he’s on his own, not even supposed to call the friends that he may have had in Long Beach.
Which brings me to his point, his friends/family that aren’t the team. There’s that tech savvy girl he’s been friends with for apparently a long time (she’s in the episode Hondo gets deepfaked) because they talk about how she was hacking/doing illegal shit on her computer until Street got her a job for the Long Beach police force that eventually fell through when the hiring requirements raised. And why would Street know that type of person in the first place?? Maybe it’s because he’s really tech savvy, which we see throughout all seasons, but I think it can lead to him more so being friends with “weird” people. It’s not a bad thing but it is different than how we see Hondo or Luca grow up. Street wasn’t the popular jock that they were.
Now the only other person I consider a good part of Streets life that isn’t the team, is Nate. My beloved Nate. He was Streets older brother, his protector in more ways than one. I am still upset that we never got to see flashbacks of the two of them as teens or at least had more screen time of Nate that wasn’t so ducking depressing. And oh my god Street finding him dead is so fucking important to Streets character.
He finds his brother shot in a bathtub then calls Hondo and tells him he’ll finish the case, for Nate. Which they end up doing with Nate’s help since he left things for Street before he died, but I never seem to forget what Street did when the bust didn’t work and Nate was dead. That drive he took, going to the bar Nate worked at and breaking a guys arm, for the second time, to get to the person responsible for Nate’s death, then driving to said person and admitting to Hondo that he was about to shoot that guy no mercy. But he didn’t. He talks about caring about the team and loving Molly as they’re still together at that point. He says his hands shook while he was undercover and the only reason it happened was because somebody brought up Molly.
he says he never gets shaky or breaks when undercover, he’s always been so good at it because he’s never had anything to lose, that now he has things to lose. It’s a great moment between Hondo and Street and one of my favorite scenes ever. But. I think that thought also scared Street shitless. Understandably, he’s quite literally been alone for his whole life, so, now having all these people around that he loves can be terrifying.
(Ik this is all to be for character development and it is but still, let me talk abt it )
Street doesn’t really grieve Nate in a way that’s showed a lot. He compartmentalizes which is specifically stated in season three (during bucks attempt episode) which fits his character very well. I can see it so throughly for him, he had to grow up too fast to deal with the things his father did, he was moving around and trying to be a teenager to deal with the bullying he got out through, he was always undercover or again moving to put any time into himself when he was a new cop, Swat was new and he was trying to prove himself so bad that he didn’t care about anything but that, then Nate dies and he can’t deal with it because there’s work and Buck needs help and he has to fix things with Molly and Chris is being weird and— basically the man never catches a break or gets to grieve.
When Karen dies Streets reaction always gets mixed reviews from what I’ve seen. Some are upset that he doesn’t care and that he kinda blows up in Chris’s face when she goes to check on him. Others think it fits and they wouldn’t change any of it. I am one of those people. Karen was manipulative/abusive/a bad mother, no matter how much time and effort Street put into trying to help her it never worked or even made a dent. He also didn’t want to even see her before she died, Molly was the one who convinced him to see her, which lead to the surgery he got for her, then her being in the hospital and dying anyways. It just felt like Street was doing the surgery against his will. He was very much content not speaking or seeing Karen before Molly answered that phone call.
Karen dies and Street already knows when Hicks calls him in, it fits his character, he’s expecting the worst with his mother which really drills in how bad her abuse is, Street goes back to work directly after finding out Karen’s dead. He doesn’t even know what to do for a funeral because Karen had nobody and they never talked about that type of stuff. Sure the team all out in effort to help him and go to the small funeral he did plan but like- can you imagine how awkward that must’ve been- nobody on the team liked Karen all for good reason but still, then you have Street who’s torn down the middle, on one hand she was a what he considered a good mother at some point and loved him, on the other she used him til the day she died. That funeral had to have been absolutely hell for everyone involved.
Okay switching gears back to when Street was growing up. We established he grew up quickly but I think he more or less raised himself. He was a loner to an extent and did most things for himself even when his parents were around. I can’t imagine Eddie was ever much help then Karen was most likely caught up in the drama with Eddie, that leaves a little kid Street to fend for himself. Then do the exact same when he’s out in a group home with kids who don’t like him and he doesn’t know anyone or trust anyone. He got to make do on his own.
You can see it in season one. The first damn episode has him running into a dangerous situation on his own without even a thought about the team. Why would he call them? He’s use to things on his own. It comes up so many times and I know it’s been 5 seasons but damnit I wish they brought it up again. It kind of stops after season 3 but also so does a lot of other things, Ahem the talks we use to get with Hondo and street are serverly lacking in season 4 and 5.
For fucks sake Street gets held on a hijacked plane in season 5, he has a gun to his head and gets a stun gun to the ribs and we get nothing. No comfort. More people were talking about how bad they felt for Chris because he was talking to some flight attendant. Mother fuckers he was taken Hostage. He’s just hyped up on adrenaline and avoiding the whole problem at hand. But even after everything, we get no scenes of anyone talking about. Chris was flipping her shit with worry and you’re telling me she didn’t at least ask if he was okay?? That she was that petty over some random girl?? No way. No. And if she was then Wtf.
(Aside from how much that episode annoys me) my point is that street never gets the comfort he deserves or even a little bit of it. When Chris leaves we get these heart-to-heart scenes with every single character but Street. “Oh they’re dating blah blah” don’t care, that’s the last episode the character is in and we get nothing because they’re gonna have an off screen relationship?? Bullshit. Bs. Oh and the stupid thing at the end where Chris gives everyone on the team something that reminds her of them but then street gets a “he has me” no. They could’ve made that so much more loving and sentimental. They built that relationship up for 5 seasons then destroyed it in season 5.
(This has just been a stupid rant that got off the original train of thought I was following but if you read it all, thank you)
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Unpopular Euphoria opinion: Yeah, Nate Jacobs is an asshole who should end up in jail but the worst thing he has ever done is physically assault Tyler (And Maddy, which was horrible, but lets be real, he fucked up Tyler way worse + he framed him and literally RUINED his life but no one cares because he is a dude and a minor character) like that and yet most of the fandom doesn't even remember that or the fact Maddy was complicit in the framing of Tyler, instead they focus on petty stuff like Nate being no meaner than any other cliche edgy bad boy in young adult media or even some of the other "Euphoria" heroes in their worst moments for that matter.
Like, it is super hard for me to take the "fuck Nate Jacobs" tag or the fandom morality police complaints about other people "excusing" his actions seriously when half the same fandom doesn't give a shit about his main victim, Tyler, whose story wasn't even resolved, we are just meant to assume he stays in jail as opposed to Jules, whom Nate somewhat tried to make amends to by apologizing and giving her the cd back, for example. All I am saying is that the fandom doesn't give a shit unless it is a main character Nate is hurting and then they go stan Fez who beat a man up in front of his kid in order to rob a house, sells drugs to high schoolers and takes a literal child to his drug deals, which ends up tragically.
But... b-but Fez had no choice, his grandma, he was raised that wayyy
Oh, so trauma is a valid "excuse" depending on how the narrative frames it, I get it, or when it fits you lmao
Anyway Nate is a good villain and an abusive piece of shit, what he did to Rue was disgusting, and both Cassie and Maddy deserve way better but he is overhyped when it comes to how alledgedly unredeemable and evil he is. He is no Bryce Walker I am sorry lol. That is the only thing I am saying.
And speaking of Bryce Walker, can we talk about the ease with which the fandom forgives Cal for raping Jules or doesn't even acknowledge it as rape? And no, I am not talking about not knowing she was 17, which is of course extremely questionable but could indeed have been a simple mistake. I am talking about the fact she was clearly in pain during that whole disturbing scene and Cal couldn't have given less of a fuck. No, Jules probably doesn't see it as rape but she is clearly disturbed by the experience, so much so she detaches herself from it according to Rue. That 👏 is 👏 the 👏 trauma.
It was so unsettling to watch an adult man treating a young girl as nothing more than an object (If you meet a man who wasn't disturbed stay the fuck away), and I don't doubt there were other men and women he treated like Jules (That is without even getting into the whole "filming people without their consent" aspect), but people forgot the moment we were shown Cal's tragic backstory. Am I supposed to feel sorry after Cal's soap opera and not Nate's? Screw you. Also, sorry if I have higher standards for grown ass men than for the teenagers they sucked at raising and keeping from finding their illegal porn (This is for the people commenting that they "feel sorry for Cal for having such an awful son", like, fuck you, you are full of shit, Nate is exactly the kind of son someone like Cal "deserves").
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cat-soda · 3 years
this high school au won’t leave me alone, so i’m just gonna put this here. part 1, probably. (aka, my attempt at writing a bullet point fic, bc i’m too tired for anything else haha) [part 2] [2.5] [3]
the emptied classroom is painted in the hues of sunset: oranges and reds reaching the furthest of the colors
and the first thing nate notices when he enters the classroom
almost frantic-like, searching, where is that letter—
is the gold of mihael’s hair, still as the sheet of stationary in his hands
(the one that nate had meant to hide away in his schoolbag, and how had he misplaced it?)
and nate lets himself be distracted for just a moment, hand on the doorframe, waiting for mihael’s dumbstruck expression to change. 
when no such change occurs, he speaks up, soft-voiced, “you weren’t meant to see that,” and pauses, twisting a strand of hair between his fingers as mihael jumps and stutters, “though i suppose there’s nothing to be done about it now.”
he goes to stand before the other boy, fingers bunching up and crinkling the hem at the bottom of his blazer —which was always a little unkempt anyways, 
so what did it matter?
how hard his heart was thumping in his chest and the sweat coating his palms seemed a thousand times more important. how his affections were being spilled onto the floor for everyone —mihael— to see was enough to make him nauseous, and even that paled in comparison to the way the blond’s expression was suddenly unreadable. 
(nate’s never not been able to tell what he was feeling before.)
“knowing what my feelings are towards you,” he forges onward nevertheless, resolutely meeting mihael’s blue eyes, “what will you do now?”
then he falters, looks away. it should be illegal to have eyes that striking.
and silence descends upon them. 
after a few more quiet minutes pass, nate retrieves his schoolbag, staring firmly at the floor. “i’ll do my best not to bother you on this subject again. all i ask is that you—” not mock me “—do the same.” he makes to leave—
only to be stopped by a sharp tug to the collar of his shirt. 
“oi.” mihael’s mouth is twisted into a sneer, although the effect is rather ruined by the flush spread across his cheeks. “you haven’t given me a chance to answer—”
“—you were taking quite some time—”
“—god, do you ever shut up?” nate starts to smile. “hey,” mihael snaps in response. “i’m not finished yet. don’t be so maudlin already!”
“i’m still listening.”
“good.” he steps back, releasing nate’s clothing to cross his arms instead. something vulnerable appears in his expression, just then. “because i wanted to tell you that i… i feel the same way.”
mihael says it so easily. nate wonders if he’ll ever be able to confess anything as easily as mihael has. he wonders if he’ll ever be able to wear his heart on his sleeve. 
(he wonders if he’ll ever be able to tell mihael he loves him out loud.)
what he says instead is, “do you, now.”
“what’s with that lackluster response, huh?! bastard!”
“my apologies.” for all the fury in his tone, mihael doesn’t argue when nate takes his hand and intertwines their fingers. “allow me to make it up to you.”
“ugh, fine.” they exit the classroom together, voices echoing down the hallways. “i’m taking you out for dinner tomorrow, so you better pay for my meal.”
“...you have horrid manners, mihael.”
“watch it.”
a/n: i have a couple more scenes in mind for this au, so pls look forward to them!! thanks for reading!!
EDIT: ah shit, that’s what i forgot. i hope it turned out to be pretty shoujo anime-esque, bc that was totally the vibe i was going for. inspired by confession rehearsal (i couldn’t find an eng sub version with the seiyuu, so take this english cover by jefferz ft. haruhi!) and this piece of art from jay_bfly!
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wooflesthatwoof · 4 years
day 11 | transformation
day 11 from @31daysofwayhaven!!
Pairing(s): None specified, though you’re free to interpret it as any M!UB x gender neutral!Detective ships Warning(s): Blood/injury mention Words: 1125 Summary: Separated from Unit Bravo, the detective finds themself being hunted— in a way— by a vampire. At the very least, they’re thankful that Unit Bravo shows up to deal with the aftermath Notes: posting this one super early because i may end up driving for 5 hours and i’d rather post it early than late—
 The detective whips around frantically, malicious laughter echoing horribly off of the trees around them. They can barely keep on their feet, though leaning on a tree for support doesn’t help much when the lightest touch suddenly feels like sandpaper grating against their palm. 
 Everything at once was suddenly too much, the beams of sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees threatened to burn permanent marks into their vision as wind whistles past and that horrible laugh continues to bounce off of every rock and branch around them.
 This wasn’t supposed to happen this way. It was supposed to be illegal outside of the Agency, there were piles and piles of paperwork they were still working on filling out, they weren’t supposed to go through this alone.
 They go to call out to someone— they don’t really know who, Unit Bravo isn’t around, the most they would do is attract the attention of some human who shouldn’t know about this stuff anyway— though they immediately cut themself off as even just breathing suddenly feels agonizing enough to kill them.
 They could barely find the strength stand anymore. 
 They manage to make it two steps before they collapse.
 The detective blinks awake slowly, finding themself face down in the dirt. They can hear voices approaching, though— as close as the voices sounded originally— it takes at least five minutes for them to see where the sound was coming from.
 They don’t think they’ve ever been happier to see four vampires walking towards them in a dimly lit forest. 
 “Detective!” Felix looks like he can’t believe they’re real, sprinting to their side immediately. He loops their arm over his shoulders, encouraging them to lean on him as they stand up. 
 The rest of Unit Bravo are standing by them mere seconds after Felix, all staring at them with equally concerned expressions. 
 “What happened to you?” Mason asks, it’s probably supposed to sound uninterested, but the detective has no issue picking up on the worried tone. 
 “I..” They hesitate, completely unsure of how to answer. “I don’t know.” 
 “What?” Nate’s voice draws their attention, glancing up to see him staring at Adam. 
 Adam glances over the detective, his gaze lingering on the dried blood caked around a mark on their neck. 
 Nate follows Adam’s gaze, realization overtaking his expression a second later. “You don’t think…” He trails off, though finishing the sentence isn’t exactly necessary when the others clearly understand exactly what he’s about to say.
 Something akin to grief flashes in Adam’s eyes. He nods to answer Nate’s unspoken question, immediately glancing away. “We’ll take you back to the facility, you can explain what happened after we ensure that you’re alright.” 
 The detective nods slowly. There’s a second of absolute silence, loud enough to deafen them.
 They sit on the bed in the small room— fluorescent lights dimmed at their request, though the darkness didn’t do much to relieve the overwhelming smell of disinfectant and loud beeping of various vital trackers or other medical machinery— with Unit Bravo dotted around the room, all staring at them.
 Nate sits carefully on the edge of the bed, shooting them a quick smile. “Are you feeling alright?” 
 Mason scoffs from the corner, which does little to hide the concern in his eyes.
 The detective shrugs, not entirely sure how to answer. 
 “Can we get you anything?” Adam glances over from where he was standing by the door, “You must be hungry, you’ve been out since yesterday.” 
 They shake their head, quite honestly they forgot how long it had been. 
 Adam frowns at them. 
 “You sure you’re okay though, right?” Felix smiles.
 “I feel fine.” The detective answers honestly, quite frankly their wounds had stopped hurting almost immediately after waking up. 
 Nate almost flinches at their words, quickly waving it off as if he hadn’t moved at all. “That’s very lucky, Detective.” 
 Mason catches their eyes, an unspoken “are you sure?” sitting behind the glimmers of worry in his expression.
 They simply nod in response, an answer to his question and a confirmation to calm Nate’s nerves.
 “That…” They pause for a second, trying to gather their thoughts. “That vampire, they did something to me, didn’t they?” The detective asks, just barely louder than a whisper.
 There’s a beat of silence, Nate glancing towards Adam— who nods— before answering. “Yes, they did.”
 “Any idea what that could be?” Felix tries to joke, though his smile looks a little more forced than usual.
 They don’t answer.
 In their silence, Adam takes a step forward. “We’re all very glad you’re alright, Detective. You’re…” He hesitates, a flash of an emotion they can’t quite place coming across his face for a brief moment. “You’re lucky to be alive, this isn’t a process many survive.”
 There’s a chilling quiet after he says that, broken only by Felix’s quiet chuckle.
 “Well, on the bright side, you won’t ever have to leave us now.” This joke seems more genuine, so much so that the detective takes a second to wonder if he’s joking at all. 
 Given Adam’s reprimanding glare, they think it’s safe to assume he wasn’t. 
 “We should have been there.” Mason says suddenly, glancing at the detective laying in a hospital bed despite their claim to be entirely fine. He opens his mouth to say something else, though whatever it was remains unspoken as he pushes off the counter he had been leaning on and leaves the room without another word. 
 “Don’t worry too much about him,” Nate gently rests a hand on the detective’s shoulder, “we’re all still processing this. I can only imagine how much worse it is for you.” 
 “It doesn’t feel real.” They whisper in response.
 “It won’t.” Adam’s voice is low and gentle as he says, “Not for a long time.”
 Nate gives a sympathetic nod. “But we’ll be here until it does, and for forever after that.”
 “Literally.” Felix chuckles again. 
 Everything goes quiet again, this time interrupted by Adam. “You should get some rest. I’m sure we’ll be in to check on you again in the morning.”
 They don’t think they’ll sleep at all that night, not with how they can hear heartbeats all down the hallway— faint due to distance, but undeniably there— and how they can smell the meds whoever is in the room next to theirs is taking. It’s all so overwhelming, better than it was a few hours ago, but still way too much at once.
 The morning can’t come fast enough. At least with Unit Bravo, it hadn’t felt so alone. 
 But for now, they sit in their room with dimmed fluorescent lights and a constant smell of disinfectant, and they simply count the hours as the clock ticks on the wall.
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cheshasleverage · 5 years
The Homecoming Job Rewatch
Here we go, another one! I want y’all to know I’ve given up on any chance of making these short so strap in
“he's cheating on you.... with a camel!” “ok it was one time”
jenny can suck my dick
I like how the first season almost always has the client say something along the lines of “I don't want the money I went them to pay for what they did” or “I want them to face consequences” 
“Doc he’s cool I found him on the internet” so by now they've set up some kind of way to be found but who the hell is gonna trust that? What kind of information did Hardison/Nate put up to not only make them sound appealing but also trustworthy to people who had literally just lost everything
This nurse is so sweet and I love her. She’s obviously dealt with scammers before, and she really cares about all the vets in her hospital
Oh and her line about people not showing up to help? I feel like Nate might at one point have had that idea, but after realizing he could be the one that helps, he’s out to prove to people like her that they can trust some people
OK so yeah, Hardison and Nate have been in contact after their first con. The team must’ve split to keep a low profile, but were waiting for Nate to give that signal. BUT, I want to know how many times Hardison called Nate talking about potential clients or a new base or their website because Nate became a stable source for Hardison and Nate manages to keep him from getting distracted, gets him to focus
Sophie has absolutely no acting shame and goes ALL OUT when she thinks about a character's motivation and story. Obviously, in cons she’s able to do this more eloquently and makes it fit the situation better so I wonder what exactly causes that shift in her. Is it because at the end of the con is a goal that she’s really determined on scoring? are acting jobs just not high enough stakes for her?
Eliot’s actual style is finally here, but did he really just pull a yo mama joke and then throat punch that dude? harsh
alright so even if Hardison and Nate were talking, they never told the others what was happening so I’m 95% sure Nate might've mentioned a business to Hardison and then let Hardison go crazy with it (while stepping into reign him in)
Either Hardison found enough time to stare at Nate until he finished a painting or he found pictures of Nate to create that beautiful painting
 If Sophie bought three houses and Hardison bought all that illegal software then it’s safe to say that the hospital Nate donated to got a lot of money for their equipment (That must’ve been sam’s hospital right? that’s what's being implied)
There it is... the very first “it’s very distinctive” line
I love the way the crew will say something about the job being too dangerous or hard to pull off and all Nate has to say is something briefly, vaguely almost, that makes them realize it won’t be that hard and then they all suddenly hop on board and start talking about strategies etc.
“I remembered gravity and the squishiness of all my manly bits”
Anyone else notices that for the first few cons Parker wears that hair cap but eventually, she gives up on it and just leaves her hair down?
Ngl the first time I heard DuFert talk about buying congressmen, I had the same reaction as Hardison and Sophie. Then I also had a short crisis when I realized that’s essentially how the gov is run now :) 
DuFart is yelling at Eliot for being a stupid fuck but I have no idea how the fuck Eliot managed to pull off a name like that. I guess it also kind of hints at his expertise with food
Another thing I find great, and so satisfying is when Nate (or any of the team really) piece together what’s happening 
Mr. Perry flirting with Sophie despite being in a dangerous situation is a mood
Again, Eliot’s ability to spot the military and their distinctive looks. Kind of makes me wonder just how far Eliot got in the military. Obviously, a lot of his info he picked up as a retrieval specialist but he must've spent a good number of years in the military and with his skills, I think Eliot might’ve gotten pretty well known
After getting through 5 seasons I kind of forgot that everyone except Eliot had never hurt or killed people when they were on their own
Love when Hardison and Eliot have these little moments where they’re joking around a smiling
Also when Hardison tries to add some of his classic flair and Eliot has to shush him
It’s clearer after seeing Nate and Hardison share a beer and popcorn while watching Parker that they clearly seem to have bonded first and that Hardison is kind of like Nate’s right-hand man, at least in these early episodes
“Might want to ease up on that” Nate casually reminding Hardison that Parker is not like most other women and that he probably shouldn’t make comments like that about her, especially not when it’s only their second time working together
Eliot says he hates baseball but he manages to not only hit a camera from several yards away with a rock, but he manages to throw it hard enough that it shatters and if that’s not the arm of a baseball player idk what is
I missed the comment Eliot makes about Parker and Hardison having a creepy contest when I first watched this episode
Again, Nate brings up giving away money because now technically they’re the good guys and that’s something the crew will have to adjust to. Now they’re not just taking down bad guys and stealing money to steal money, now they’re doing it for someone and they’re giving that money to the people who really need it
Fucking Sophie and Nate acting like a crazy married couple who have no idea where they are or what's going on give me LIFE. Also, Nate just fucking calling this bigass dude with a gun a jackass 
Hardison makes me laugh at least once an episode, but watching him power walk away from Parker, whos putting a bomb on a crate, is a big fucking mood and I love him
“This is ‘cus I'm Jewish?” His nametag just says, White. Hardison put on a nametag that says White
Real slick of Nate to pull the walk away card when everyone's standing around enjoying how gratifying it feels to help someone who needs it (even though that was definitely his plan all along)
Of course, he bought himself a tesla. With as much money as they accumulate there’s enough to help someone but still take care of themselves, and I guarantee Nate brought his car to show it off and to show the crew that they can still spoil themselves. (plus this feels like another hint toward him being surprisingly good behind the wheel)
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kravchikfreak · 4 years
you know how bisexuals are attracted to the opposite sex as well as to the same sex, right? it's like being heterosexual and homosexual at the same time, right? so we can just divide sexualities into only hetero/homo and then bisexuals can relate to both of them, right? cause they're both of them at the same time!
or even better, when we want straight characters getting into same-sex relationships we just say they're bi, so now it's legal. thank god bisexuality exists
like, i can remember so few good bi characters just from the top of my head. i'd say it's clementine (the walking dead game), max caulfield (life is strange) and sean diaz (life is strange 2). yeah, playable characters in video games, where players are left with the choice of how to act on their bisexuality. [and zervan from dragon age, i think he's bi too, not playable, but from a video game as well]. and dex parios (stumptown), i haven't read the comics, but in the show she's great
i wanna say korra and asami (from the legend of korra), but i'm not sure since i've read once that they were supposed to be canon since the beginning but consider homophobia those days and all it didn't happen. how cool would it be if they were supposed to be two lesbians, but it was illegal so the creators were decided "okay, let's throw them in some het-relationships for now and then we'll just say they're bi". so i'll put them in the bi list but with a pencil for now
i would say rosa diaz (brooklyn nine-nine), and she really was my bi-icon for a bit. but then they decided it'd be fun to make her have two relationships at once without these people knowing about each other... which is fine in general, but nice acting on the stereotype about bisexuals (not to mention it felt totally out of her character, since she hadn't done that much dating earlier and now two at the same time?) (and i have the feeling that since she came out she's been into women exclusively, which is, again, fine on its own, but when there's this whole "making straight characters bi so they can be gay"-tendency in the media it's annoying)
and i was really happy watching runaways and seeing nico being bi and deanoru being canon (i've shipped them like from the scene in the bathroom). and then i've found out there are comics and i've read it, and in the comics nico isn't into karolina and straight. i'm still in love with deanoru in the show and happy nico is bi there, but do you see what i mean?
or, you know, casey and izzie from atypical. i'm a super big fun of them, yeah, but still, we had like a perfect het-couple (i mean, they were so cute, and great, and supportive and not toxic and all, piece of gold casey and evan) and then boom, casey is bi and in the same-sex relationship, with another bi girl with the similar situation (except for nate being a piece of shit, so not much complains on this side)
and i also want to say mazikeen from lucifer, but see, the similar case as all previous (still ship her with eve, obviously, doesn't mean it's not annoying)
i'll give all credits tho to jack harkness and river song (doctor who), they're amazing
oh, and almost forgot, laila (the bisexual). thank god this show existed, it's so great. like, she and dex parious are just... thank god
not to say we don't really have that many canonical bi-men (i know some exist, but i don't watch shows just because there are might be bisexuals in them, so i don't have anything to say about those men, but i make a guess it's not that good either)
so overall until i get some good canonical bisexuals i'll be making them myself and living in the world of my fantasies where you can be bisexual just because you're and not for some plot reason
and yes, i do this with canonically gay-males too. like william clayton (arrow) and tk strand (9-1-1: the lone star). with both of them there was a moment when i thought "what a nice bisexual we have here" and like 5-10 minutes later they said "i'm gay" and i thought "nice, don't care" cause you know for the whole 5-10 minutes they were bisexuals to me, i've attached, it's not like my thinking is going to change their canonical orientation, right? it's not like me strongly thinking about them as bi's going to do anything other than keep me sane [and i don't know if tj (andi mack) was confirmed as gay or will be at some point, i'm still going to see him as bi too]
so forgive me for attaching to the idea of amaya being bi, which i've had not for 5-10 minutes but for a year now
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gretvvvnfleet · 5 years
Familiar Faces
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Josh Kiszka x Fem Reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Living in a big and busy home, you get stuck working the weekend shift at the family shop where you have a run-in with an old high school classmate.
A/N: I know I’ve been a  stranger on here for a while but I promise my break is over and I’m back and better than ever. I’ve been getting back into writing so any requests/suggestions are always welcome (sorry if this is shite :0
You’re jolted awake from sleep with your face smashed against your pillow. You weren’t sure if it was someone in your dream calling for you or a family member downstairs. You waited a few moments before closing your eyes again and tried to drift back off to sleep.
“Y/N!” your dad boomed from just outside your room, followed by the pounding of his fist against your bedroom door. You groaned and rolled over in bed to catch a glimpse of the clock sitting on the bedside table. It was only seven in the morning and a Saturday. If you rolled your eyes any harder they might have gotten stuck in the back of your head.
You got up and wiped the damp drool from your cheek, sitting on the edge of your bed to force a good mood upon yourself before you went downstairs to face the family.  Trudging along down the steps you made your way into the kitchen, the smell of burning toast and roasted coffee overwhelming your senses.
“Finally, the princess is up”, your older brother, Robert, teased.
“Shove it, Rob”, you plop yourself down into the only open seat around the kitchen table as the plates and mugs got passed out from your mom maneuvering around your dad and five brothers.
“Behave, all of you. I’ll be back before dinner”, your mother planted a kiss on each head around the table and headed towards the door, “everyone better eat something! You’re all busy today”, and with the door slamming shut, breakfast commenced.
“What’s happening today?” you leaned over to your younger brother, Gabe, who had filled his plate with a mound of sausage and bacon.
“I got baseball camp; Jimmy says he’s had this boys trip to the lake planned for weeks; Robert has to take the truck in for the repairs; Dad’s taking Ollie to Nan’s for a bit so he can go into town for the latest camera shipment”, Gabe said through a mouth stuffed with food.
“I thought I was watching Ollie today?” you looked up towards your dad across the table, who instinctively avoided your gaze and took a hard sip at his coffee.
“I need you in the shop today, sweetheart,” he leaned towards Ollie in his highchair and started wiping the mess from the baby’s hands.
“I thought Nate was in shop today! I was going to make plans with Mags later”, you groaned.
“I got a study session with Karen from third period today, sorry sis”, Nate smirked into his bowl of cereal and received a hard smack to the back of his head from Jimmy beside him.
"Oh, a study session, I’m so sure”, you mocked and rolled your eyes, moving your head to your fist, poking at the food on your plate.
“Don’t forget to get there by 7:45 so you can turn everything on in time for opening.” your dad got up from his chair and started to clear his place on the table.
“Got it”, you kept your face towards your plate.
“And the printer might be running out of ink. You remember how to reload it?”
“Yeah dad”, you laughed in a slight tone of annoyance.
“And someone might be coming in today for come poster prints. Give him a discount, I think it’s that Kisz-”
“Okay! I got it”, you got up from the table and put your utensils into the sink.
“I dunno, dad, she might be too grouchy for the customers today”, Jimmy mumbled into his mug. You walked towards him and grabbed a newspaper off the counter beside him, smacking him over the head.
“She’s fine”, he gave your brother a disapproving look. “Y/n, it shouldn’t be too crazy today, but you know I’m always a call away if you need any help, okay?” He planted a kiss on your head before retrieving Ollie from his highchair and headed for the front door. “Bye kids! BEHAVE”, your dad called out once more before closing the front door behind him.
“Bye dad”, each of you called out. And like clockwork, you and each brother began clearing their place from the table and began dunking plates and silverware into the sink.
“Jimmy, make sure Gabe makes it to baseball camp before you head off for the weekend, I’ll get him after I’m done with the truck. Y/n, I can drop you off at the shop on my way. Nate... watch yourself today,” Robert gave out the orders as everyone scattered throughout the house to get ready for the day.
You dragged yourself upstairs to change for the long day ahead. Jean shorts and a hand-me-down band t-shirt from Robert would do just fine. You put your hair up into a ponytail and grabbed your high top converse before rushing back downstairs to get into the car in time to leave.
The ride was only a short 10 minutes from the house, but drives with Robert always seemed short anyways. He had a genuine way with words and always had an aura about him that calmed your nerves from being in the crazy house. It helped that he was the oldest and most mature of all your brothers, but he was, without a doubt, your favorite.
“If you need anything, call me. I’ll just be in town at Edd’s”, he let you off at the front of the shop. “and try not to burn anything down”, he winked.
“Thanks Rob. I’ll see you later,” you rolled your eyes and closed the truck door, turning to the shop. With two quick honks of acknowledgement, Robert drove off down the road.
You lifted the key ring to the glass and opened the front door, setting off the alarm instantly in the back of the shop. Punching in the code, the alarm went off and only the soft hum of the overhead lights could be heard throughout the building. It wasn’t a huge establishment, you could see straight to the front from where you stood in the back. There was a glass counter in the front that held all the valuables and newest models of cameras. Other than that, only a few shelves on the main floor filled the void and any machinery for prints were held in a room off to the side through an archway behind the counter.
Like predicted, the day was extremely slow. A couple people came in and out every couple hours but nothing serious and no new orders were ever placed. A hipster couple that recognized you from school came in to say hi for a short bit before quickly leaving for the coffee shop next door.
You went into the side room to look through the order your dad had mentioned that morning. Sitting on the table beside the printer was a large packaged poster roll and a big yellow envelope stuffed with prints. You tried to read over the receipt but your dad’s handwriting was so illegible you couldn’t make out the name and thought you should tell your dad to become a doctor. Just as you were about to peek into the envelope, the bells at the top of the front door jingled to signal that someone had come into the shop.
Going back through the archway, you saw a young man with a tuft of curly hair leaning down by a shelf in the middle of the store, looking at some of the frames.
“Hi,” you called out. He immediately got up and smiled the most radiant smile you had ever seen on a human being. A dimple adorned his cheek as he swayed over to the counter. He looked so familiar yet so foreign to you, and a surge of emotions swam through your head. “H-how can I help you”, you felt the heat burn your cheeks as you heard the stutter escape your lips when you spoke.
“Hey, I’m just here to pick up an order for Josh,” he spoke with such eloquence it was almost unbearable. Yet, the more he spoke, the more familiar he became.
“Sure, just give me a second”, you awkwardly laughed and turned back through the archway and around the corner to get out of sight from the counter. Josh? Why was that so familiar? Of course it was a common name, but HE seemed so familiar. You went back to the poster roll and yellow envelope on the table and took a last look at it. Scanning over the paper taped to the top of the envelope, your eyes reached the only eligible words among your father’s chicken scratch. Order Comments: BAND FLIERS/POSTER
Your heart jumped down to your gut as your brain finally made the most obvious connection known to man. Josh... Kiszka... from Greta Van Fleet. Of course he looked familiar, his face was everywhere within your hometown. His brothers and a close friend made up one of the fastest growing bands from Frankenmuth. He was popular throughout your high school and all the girls loved him. He had this aura about him that seemed like he could brighten your day in a matter of seconds. He was a joy to be around.
You could feel your ears getting hot and armpits itchy as you got nervous to return to the front of the shop. All you had to do was hand him the envelope and get his signature for the receipt, how hard could it be?
You returned through the archway with the order in your arms and a forced smile upon your face. You clumsily dropped everything upon the counter and pushed your body against the edge to keep the poster from rolling onto the floor.
“Sorry it’s such an awkward order size”, Josh laughed. He moved the envelope on the counter to the side to make room for the receipt you placed down in front of him.
“No worries”, you let out a breathy laugh, “just sign here at the bottom”. You handed him a pen. He started scratching it against the paper, but no ink was coming from it.
“I think this one’s all out, you got another?” he asked. He straightened up from the paper and looked into your eyes with his gorgeous orbs. You seemed locked in place and nearly forgot what he asked.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that”, you turned to try and find a pen you thought you left on the counter but there wasn’t one within reach. You walked a few steps to a drawer beneath the counter and rummaged for a pen.
“Hey, I could be wrong, but do I know you from somewhere?” he called out, leaning his body over the counter and looking at you. You froze within the drawer and felt your heartbeat pounding within your skull. You straightened up and turned slowly, not revealing your face fully in his direction.
“Ha, uh, no I don’t think so. You must have me mistaken for someone else”, you laughed it off, returning quickly to the drawer to find a fucking pen already.
“Hmm... no I think I remember you...” he rested his cheek on his hand, thinking hard while watching you rummage into another drawer. “Oh! I know, Creative Writing, fourth period”, he bumped his fist against the counter, pleased with himself for remembering. And he was right. It was your junior year, his senior year. You had gotten the clear from your English teacher to take the seniors only Creative Writing class because of your outstanding skill level. You had always loved that class for many reasons, and you had always admired Josh’s work even more.
“Oh.. yeah! You’re right ha ha, sorry it’s been so long”, you lied. You had only just finished your first year of college and if you remember anything from junior year, or high school in general, it was that Creative Writing class.
“Y/n, wasn’t it?” he smiled at you, still resting his cheek against his hand. He had you hooked and he knew it.
“Yeah, that’s me”, you could feel yourself blushing severely as you looked back in his direction, feeling the butterflies jump and swirl at his flirtatious smirk. “I didn’t think you’d remember me, you being famous and all now”, you teased. You didn’t know what came over you, but you knew for sure that two could play at this game. You straightened up and started to make your way back towards him still leaning over the counter.
“Of course I remember you, y/n. You had that carnation tattoo on your wrist that I always loved”, he eyed your wrist that rested on the counter and smiled at the flower that was inked delicately into your skin. “What kind of famous snob do you take me for?” he smirked up at you. Your heart was now going a mile a minute and you did your best to keep a cool composure.
“I wouldn’t know, you boys never come around here anymore, busy touring the world and all”, you rolled your eyes and he laughed. It rang throughout and the shop and you could feel a giggle form from within your chest. He was truly captivated by you, like old friends who had never lost connection.
“Oh here we go, you’re teasing me, y/n”, he jumped up from the counter and put his hands behind his head, pacing a few steps to catch his breath. “You never did like me, did you?” he teased back.
“What?” you gasped. You truly couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. And you couldn’t decide if you wanted to tell him the truth or not. Of course you liked him, who didn’t?  “How could I not have liked THE Josh Kiszka? Now famous front man!” you threw your hand up to your forehead and fluttered your eyes, mimicking a faint. He only rolled his eyes in laughter at your gestures.
“Jeeze, y/n, I knew you were confident, but god damn you’re playing with my heartstrings here”, he gripped at his chest and then dramatically threw himself down onto the counter, head in his arms folded beneath him. You marveled at the fact that you seemed irresistible to him. A wave of excitement came over you at the thought of him playing into your game, knowing that it was exactly what he had been doing to you. If living in a household full of boys taught you anything, it was how to stay on guard and not give in to anyone so easily, while also having a mischievous undertone to the flirting game.
“Things have changed since you left this small town, huh Joshua?”  You laughed and tousled his hair upon his head. His ears perked at the sound of his full name leaving your lips and you crossed your arms and smirked defiantly, knowing you had caught Josh off guard.
“Well if you’re just going to stand here and poke fun, I’d rather just go on my merry way”, he lifted his head up to look into your eyes and raised an eyebrow at you with a little pout forming upon his lips.
“Well I’d love to let you go but I need to get you a pen, let me check the back”, you started again for the archway before he caught your wrist in his hand and turned you back towards him.
“No need, I got one right here”, he pulled a pen from behind his ear that was hidden within his mass of curls. With a wink, he let go of your wrist and returned to the paper on the counter, signing his name. You were blushing severely at this point and were trying with every force within you to keep from giggling like an idiot. How, after all this time and distance, had he managed to keep his same hook on you from those years long ago, with the same composure and suave personality he always seemed to have.
“You had a pen this whole time”, you rolled your eyes and leaned into the counter, watching his hand glide across the page.
“I always liked listening to you talk, y/n, you know that”, his eyes never left the page but you could hear his words change as a smirk spread across his face. Your thoughts rushed back to the same creative writing class, how you admired his every word, and he did the same for you. You never thought it meant anything, the way he would hone in all attention to your words when you had to present to the class. You just assumed he was an attentive and active listener, unlike the majority of the class. And you would do the same for him, eyes eager to catch his while he would read his work out loud. Every word seemed to spill from deep within his soul, everything with purpose and meaning.
“I didn’t think you were ever listening so closely”, you forced a laugh, rubbing your arm across your body.
He finished signing and clicked the pen closed before returning it to its former place behind his ear. You slid the paper back across the counter and dropped it in a bin behind the counter to file later for records.
“You were always worth listening to”, he smiled gently. You looked down at your shoes and moved a stray hair from your face behind your ear.
“Well if there’s ever any other band prints we can help you with, you know who to call”, you internally cringed at the professionalism you were so used to reciting with other customers. He laughed and fidgeted with the envelope within his hands.
“Yeah, will do”, he smiled but it soon faded into a face of deep thought as his eyes stuck to the counter. It seemed that he wanted to say more but the silence began to fall heavy between the both of you as there wasn’t more left to say.
“And don’t be a stranger to Frankenmuth, okay? You and the rest of the boys”, you laughed pushing on his shoulder, causing him to snap out of his thought and gain life back into his face. “And maybe I’ll see you at a show sometime soon, if you would just let me know the next time you-”
“I’m sorry, y/n...Can I kiss you?”
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ambitionsource · 5 years
character takeover - asher garcia & dylan orlando
So I’m gonna write with this pen, and then you’re going to use the slightly thicker one. This one? Yeah, that one. Okay. I am writing with the bigger pen. Do we always have to write with these? Well, I guess if like, you get asked a specific question and I don’t need to answer, then it doesn’t matter. Why would someone ask me a question and not you? I don’t know, I -- it was just an example. You know I don’t know things, Ash. You know plenty. ... stop, you’re making me blush.
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Introduce yourself. Asher Garcia, junior A class. Dylan Orlando, junior A class, kissing expert. (Stop putting that on everything) Am I wrong?? That’s not the point 
What is your creative focus? Production design I’m sure someone will tell me eventually
What from the previous school year are you most proud of? I did the production design for our spring production, Les Mis (or more fondly known as “The Miserables”). It was really challenging because we had to find a cost-effective and compelling way to complete the barricade set, i.e. one of the most iconic set pieces in the history of musical theater. So we had to find a way to pay homage to the classic, but also put our own spin on it. I also wanted to make the stage crew’s job easier when it came to transitions, so I devised a way to sort of make pieces of the set be multi-functional depending on the side but come together to build the barricade in the second act. I mean, it’s not that big a deal since people far smarter than me have done it before, but it felt cool to pull it off for myself and have it come together so well. I actually submitted samples of it to a scholarship program counselor Matthews showed me and won some money for my college fund, so that was really cool. Definitely when I managed to hit Maya Hart with a paint balloon. Oh, also, I finally beat the current standing student record for most cafeteria enchiladas consumed in one lunch period without throwing up, which I think is pretty cool. You also like… continued to grow a pretty popular Youtube channel. And also didn’t get anything below a B in second semester. Oh, yeah! But I still think the Maya paint thing wins.
What about the previous school year would you like to improve upon or change? It was really nice when the techies weren’t at war with the performers. Not because they’re like great friends, but it was just nice to be able to work cooperatively. Everyone was in a better mood. I’d like for that to continue, but just knowing how this summer has been… I don’t know. I’m not optimistic. Yeah, it sucks because Lucas was like way hyped at the end of last year but then all the shit with the Insta page happened and it’s been kind of a mess. But I would also like to see Asher perform more. Not happening. Well… we shall see...
How do you best receive praise? Um, I guess verbally. Like it’s great to hear it expressly stated to me rather than ambiguously, but at the same time, it has to be like… subtle. Like one-on-one. Or else it’s just embarrassing. Like I appreciated when Miss Moore pulled me aside after opening night of The Miserables and told me the set design was really good. She doesn’t pay much attention to the techies a lot of the time, so that was a really nice moment. You guys are getting praise?
How do you prefer to receive criticism? I think constructive criticism is important, but it has to be… well, constructive. It’s all in the delivery. Like when Lucas comes to me and has an honest conversation about my suggested set design and limitations that he thinks we might have in building or implementing it, that I can take. When the performers just shoot shots at each other, it makes me break out in hives. By mail. Written in the blood of the gods, with a feather quill. Must be nearly illegible. If it’s not sealed shut with one of those waxy things that look like Play-Doh, I’m not opening it.
You have an important engagement at 5PM. What time are you arriving at the place? Well, you have to consider a lot of factors. Where is the engagement? How are we getting there? Is it a more casual thing where you’re expected to show up late (although whoever invented the term “fashionably late” owes me emotional compensation), or would being late cause us severe penalty? Either way, I’d aim for us to get there around 4:30, and then we can wait in the parking lot if need be until around 4:50. Whenever Asher says we’re getting there. 
Favorite AAA faculty? Counselor Matthews does a lot of work to watch out for us, and I don’t think that can be overstated. But still, I think I have a lot of respect for Principal Hunter. He does not have an easy job, and so much of what he does goes on behind the scenes and in this understated way where it’s not flashy so people don’t notice, but it makes a huge difference. I feel like I get how that feels, and so I hope he knows he is appreciated even though everyone is just complaining to him about how something didn’t go the way they wanted it to again. Also, he totally let Lucas derail the school for a week during the techie revolution, and that was pretty neat of him. Have you met Janitor Harley? That man is the bomb. He knows so much dirt about the school and also has all these wild stories. He has this pretty obvious scar on his eyebrow where the hair doesn’t grow, and he told Dave and me it’s because he got burned by a Russian spy in the 80s. Also, he like, cleans and stuff. I’m surprised he’s not your favorite, Asher. He cleans, yes. But I’m still sneezing during class because of all the dust in the auditorium. Oh, yeah. I forgot about your Vendetta. THERE COULD BE MITES, DYLAN.
Who are you most excited to see when school is back in session? It’ll be nice to get the whole techie crew together again. We usually do group hang outs during the summer, but things have been kind of… well, people have been busy. Lucas isn’t exactly in a social mood -- except for us -- and Isadora has been changing her social circle a little. Then Dave was in Europe for some reason. I think it was a family trip. They went to Belgium because that’s where his grandparents live. And they like made a trip out of it. I didn’t know Dave’s ancestry was Belgian. I guess. I don’t know, he just kept talking about how excited he was to eat waffles for every meal. Of course he did. 
Who are you most hoping to avoid? I’m not really hoping to avoid anyone. There are people that we like… have agreed we should probably not engage with, but I’m not all that pleased about it. I think we’re being kind of rude. And Lucas isn’t making things better by refusing to acknowledge what happened. But it’ll make him feel better. I guess. Also, Farkle. After how things ended last year, I dread something else similar happening. Yeah, I think just avoiding any of that energy is priority. Farkle, Maya. I already had a stress dream about some sort of tantrum video where he tears me to shreds and the whole school sees it. It’s scary because he doesn’t know me well enough to say that stuff, and yet he hits every single insecurity. Oh, and like, Wyatt. Wyatt was expelled. Already on track, then.
What are your goals for this year, personally and professionally? I want to start putting together my design portfolio for college applications, so that will take a lot of my professional focus. Personally, I just… really hope things calm down. I know Lucas is going through a lot right now, and I want to be there for him. He’s been my best friend at AAA since the first week. I just hope things improve once the structure of school comes back into play rather than… the other direction. I just want everyone to be happy. I want us all to be chill again, and then I want to whomp Nate’s current record for most sticky notes stuck on Mister Shawn’s back without him noticing. Oh, and more performances for Asher L. Garcia!!! Again. Not happening. Mm… we shall SEE.................
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis: “a babe, a snack, a f-cking heart attack”
[Specific-Summary]:  They should expect growing pains. For not everything to feel right or make sense. That doesn't mean it'll always hurt, nor does it mean they can't have fun along the way. It's senior year. Everything may be different. It won't be senior year for long. Everything will be okay.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes,Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing , Self Hate,implied pregnancy talk/inability to become pregnant, adults arguing where the “kid” can hear it, adults drinking, 
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters]Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana) Remus “The Duke” Sanders (minor/brief)
(Ao3) (Previously) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)(16) (17) (18) (19)
(20) (21)
D: [Picture of Roman and Logan cuddling asleep. Jpeg] Aw what a lovely couple
R: s h ut u p sh ut u p
D: Hey you were the one who said it was ok to make fun of your crush
R: ok i might have said to not bring it up to his face again but that was not an admission of anything deeper then standard thirst ok
R: deeeee yyou’re not responding and your silence wont make me talk
D: Oh I was getting the evidence
[Screenshot. Jpeg]
D: Huh… That seems pretty soft and gay for “standard thirst” don’t you think?
D: It was more then once {Screenshot Montage. jpeg]
R: he has a lovely smile ok!!! And all those dimples and his moles byg od!!!i can appreciate friends!!!
D: and I have beautiful piano hands you think were sculpted from the finest porcelain and should be protected but alright just a friendly friend thing to constantly be thinking about
R: why must youl punish me for speaking the truth????
D: it's apart of the job <3
D: but yeah we all know you dont have a hand fetish or a smile fetish you were just raised on a diet of shakesphere and disney
R: you know,,, boyfs usually don’t yah know e nc oura ge this HYPOTHETICAL behavior
D: I mean if it was someone like Remy then yeah I’d have some issues D: But it’s L so it’s all good
R: remy isnt that bad!!! yall be petty!!!
D: That’s Why We’d Have Issues D: If I have to share I’d at least liked to enjoy the other person’s company
R: thats almost sweet
D: I try
R: speaking of trying… this weekend?? you free???
D: If this has anything to do with a birthday present I Dont Want then I’m suddenly busy with homework
R: lies lies lies lies lieeeeeessssss you barely do homework
D: ;)
R: but really i told you im not getting you a physical gift but we can still go on a date!!!
D: mm sounds like you treating me and thats Illegal and suspicious
R: nope! I want a date! It's entirely for selfish reasons!!!no selflessness here!!! And if we just so happen to end up at one of those stuffy art museums you like or a book signing or two then well dang i guess???
D: what are you planning
R: it's a date!!a cute little date k!!! So you down?
D: Perhaps
R: yee boy
D: If you drive me there <3
D: Snakes do not have slime ™
R: yet here we are
D: So?
R:alrigh fuckin bet lets do it
D: Wai D: t wha
“Happy birthday!” Roman cheered, crashing into Dmitri.
Without looking up, Dmitri easily caught Roman in his arms, “My birthday isn’t for two weeks,” he sighed, his exasperation being melted as Roman nuzzled him further.
“Mmm shut up,” Roman dragged Dmitri behind him in the parking lot, the school bell ringing, “We had a deal so stop pouting,” he said, sing-song.
“It’s not a pou...Then why are we going to my car,” Dmitri said, expression souring and no it wasn’t a pout, he does not pout--
“Because, ” Roman said, expression sly in the way that always made Dmitri’s stomach flip, “You’re a babe, and I love you dearly, but Virgil’s car is his baby and some lines aren’t meant to be crossed.”
“Uh,” Dmitri ignored his blush, “Noted.”
“I’m surprisingly in one piece,” Dmitri said as they got out, “With all those cute faces you make when concentrating it was a wonder I got out alive.”
“Shut up!” Roman shoved him lightly.
Dmitri caught his hand swinging it between them, “Where are we anyway?” he vaguely recognized the park.
It was one of the smaller ones around, with it’s old, weathered playground blending almost seamlessly with the unruly trees. The discarded toys and cracked pavements so achingly familiar that he had to second guess whether or not he actually could hear children laughing.
Roman looked up at him, lips quirked, “Don’t you remember? It’s where we first met,”
“But we met in 8th--” he stopped as something clicked, his hand drifting to his scar automatically, “Huh, church camp?” he looked at Roman curiously, “There were a dangerously high amount of kids who went there, how did you even know me?”
“We were...always the last kids picked up,” Roman said, "Virgil and I always had each other or Remy to keep each other company, but you…” he got a faraway look and he rubbed his arms self consciously, “You always looked so... lonely...I guess I never really forgot.”
Dmitri sighed pushing a stray curl from Roman’s face, “You’re so sappy,” Dmitri murmured with a fond look, effectively pulling Roman back down to earth.
He didn't bother to linger on the memories for too long, instead pulling Roman along gently, “Let’s see if those rusty swings still work, eh?”
“Stop fidgeting,” Roman whined, the flower crown falling limp in Dmitri’s hair. Dmitri continued to ignore his request, choosing to press his face into Roman’s stomach, much to their distress.
“How do you expect me to just ignore such a fuckin’ snack?” Dmitri said, muffled in Roman’s skin.
Sure the ground pressed into him at an uncomfortable angle, but Dmitri had the important job of figuring out if that was a new freckle he spotted. He planned on being thorough. Roman eventually relented to the very important investigation, dandelions falling to the wayside as Dmitri shifted him onto his back.
Even when Roman managed to reluctantly bat him away, Dmitri still looked mighty pleased with his new spot between Roman’s thighs.
“Having fun?” Roma drawled, resigned.
“Always,” Dmitri’s immediately said. He cupped Roman’s face, hair falling in waves around them as he leaned down.
“Mmm,” Roman hummed, the air warm, “Do you want your real birthday gift now?”
Dmitri’s eyes narrowed, “Roman…” he said, warningly.
“Hush,” Roman said, no whine in his tone. Instead, it was of calm reassurance, “I didn’t buy you anything. I just got a bit nosy…”
“What do you…”
“I talked to a few old friends who knew Emile--”
Dmitri stiffed, pulling back, “-- he left without a word, he fucking hates--this town.”
“Dmitri, let me finish,” Roman said softly, slipping a hand on their shoulder and sitting up, “I asked a few of his old friends, got in touch with him,” he explained, “He’s living with a few cousins in California, he’s doing well...and...and I asked him about you…”
“He fucking hates me.”
“No, he misses you.”
Dmitri slid into the driver’s seat before Roman could protest and soon enough they were driving back in silence.
It had been a long time since it’s been this...awkward between the two. Sure they have their quiet moments, but it was never like this…. Roman had never done well with silence, even if Dmitri seemed to thrive in it.
Roman twisted his hands, forcing himself to speak, “Dee...I’m sorry if I overstepped your boundaries. I know it’s a sensitive subject,” he said.
Dmitri’s remained intently focused on the road, “You were being thoughtful, a prince as always,” he said with a smile.
That smile.
You know the one.
“That’s some god-awful bullshit,” Roman said, “You're angry.”
“Not at you,” Dmitri said, far too quickly.
“It’d be okay if you were,” Roman said and Dmitri’s face faltered, “As much as you claim me to be faultless, that little conversation about boundaries applies to me as well. It’s your birthday gift, so it’s your choice what to do from here.”
“Does this...gift have a receipt…”
“It can if you want it to.”
“And if I…” Dmitri's voice cracked, but he continued, “If I don’t want it to…”
“I have his new number and you have all the time in the world. Don’t stress about it he’ll understand.”
Dmitri wanted to think Roman was lying. God, he wanted it to be a lie because the truth curled in his mouth like a foul aftertaste. It rose in him and consumed him completely.
He was afraid, so fucking-goddamn afraid.
He saved the number regardless.
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jinareads · 7 years
LET’S TALK: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
I've finally finished Lord of Shadows, the second book in The Dark Artifices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and hilarious, and I don't think I've felt that empty (in the best way possible) since I finished Clockwork Princess.
Trust me, you DO NOT want to read this if you haven't read all of the Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare.
Lord of Shadows continues after Malcolm Fade's death, which has given rise to a bunch of Teuthida demons in Los Angeles. Jace and Clary visit the Los Angeles Institute, and since they can't stay because of a top-secret Clave mission to Faerie, a group of Centurions (graduates of Scholomance, an elite Shadowhunter school) arrive to lead the search for Malcolm's body and stop the sea demons. We're then introduced to Perfect Diego's friends, who are definitely less than friendly--and Diego doesn't look so perfect now, either. His recently rekindled romance with Cristina comes to a screeching halt when we find out that he's engaged--and with the heavily prejudiced Zara Dearborn, who wants to take the Los Angeles Institute for herself and for the Cohort (an anti-Downworlder hate faction of the Clave). And in the middle of all this, Emma, Julian, Cristina, and Mark go on a very illegal rescue mission to the Unseelie Court to save Kieran, who has been sentenced to death for the death of Iarlath (this is the Faerie who whipped Emma, nearly to death). And so they save Kieran, and are unexpectedly rescued themselves by a member of the Seelie Court and Mark's aunt, Nene. Here, the Seelie Queen shows Julian what's going on in Los Angeles: Arthur Blackthorn, in his last lucid moments, has decided to sacrifice himself to Malcolm, and a successfully revived Annabel awakes to kill Malcolm and take the Black Volume of the Dead. The Seelie Queen then offers the team her soldiers to help defeat the Unseelie King alongside the Clave--but more importantly to Julian, she says that she knows a way to break the parabatai bond--in exchange for the Black Volume. And so Julian and Emma go to Malcolm's cottage, while Ty, Livvy, and Kit venture off to Blackthorn Manor in hopes of discovering more about Annabel. An ancient and deadly group called the Riders, as ordered by the Unseelie King, are now tracking the Blackthorns to bring back the Black Volume to the king, and at the end of a battle that nearly kills all of our main characters, Annabel appears. Julian persuades Annabel to testify in front of the Clave and turn over the Black Volume in exchange for Blackthorn Manor and reinstatement of her honor, and everyone travels to Alicante via a portal that Magnus Bane opens up (with great difficulty, since his powers have been used thus far to help heal and protect the Blackthorns). So the Blackthorns, Emma, Kieran (who will also testify against the Unseelie King), Annabel, Alec, and Magnus are all in Alicante, awaiting the trial that will determine the fate of the Los Angeles Institute. Following Magnus's suggestion, Emma and Julian go to Robert Lightwood (the Inquisitor), asking that he send Emma into exile to deaden the parabatai bond. Robert agrees, and shortly after, the trial is underway. This is where everything falls apart: Annabel is unexpectedly questioned under the Mortal Sword, Magnus collapses due to his hidden sickness, Annabel kills Robert with the Mortal Sword, Annabel kills Livvy, and Emma shatters the Mortal Sword with Cortana. The book ends, with Julian clutching yet another member of his family lost to him.
Okay, so it's really hard to summarize what happens in Lord of Shadows because it is a MASSIVE book--both in terms of page number and plot content. So much happens in this book, and I want to discuss some of the finer details a little bit further.
Emma's humor.
“‘You’re my mother’s sister?’ [Mark] said incredulously. ‘I think they usually call that your aunt,’ said Emma. Mark gave her a dark look.”
“‘I am Sabnock of Thule. How dare you stand before me, ugly human?’ ‘How personal,’ [Emma] said. ‘I’m hurt.’“
“‘In all our lives there has only been one thing we have sought and not found.’ ‘A sense of humor?’ Emma suggested.”
Kit's mundane knowledge. Things like cancer and autism aren't talked about in the Shadowhunter community, and it’s so interesting to see Kit react to their dangerously traditional way of rejecting mundane medicine and treatment.
Diana's history. Cassie did such a beautiful job in allowing the reader into Diana's past, and we finally learn her secret: Diana is a transgender woman. Since mundane medicine is forbidden by the Clave, she was living in mundane society until the war, and is now living as her dead sister, Aria. I love that we got to understand why Diana refused to become the Head of the Institute, despite her absolute love for the Blackthorns and Emma. 
Gwyn ap Nudd. I was 100% intimidated by Gwyn until he started making his moves on Diana, and their interactions turned into some of my favorite moments. Especially when he casually quotes Shakespeare.
Some idiot put “Will H.” on all the rare first editions in the library.
Cristina. I can’t believe I almost forgot about Cristina!! I was really into the whole Mark-Cristina-Kieran thing going on in the book and how Cristina and Kieran were very patient with Mark figuring out what he wanted. Also, I loved how irrelevant Diego was to Cristina after she found out about Zara (ok I know he had good intentions with the whole thing but whatever)
what the fuck:
Sidenote: Ok, Jace technically died during TMI--we can totally bring her back nbd
Cortana. Cortana cuts through a lot of stuff that normal weapons shouldn’t be able to cut through--exhibit: the death of one of the seven riders (which was actually thought to be impossible). Also, I didn’t even consider that one of the Mortal Instruments could be destroyed. Does this mean Cortana can now compel people to tell the truth???
Theory: Can Cortana somehow cut the parabatai bond, since it can apparently cut through everything?
Annabel’s murderous rampage at the end. I 100% did not expect her to kill everyone at the end???
Tessa and Magnus. WHAT IS WRONG WITH TESSA AND MAGNUS??? The whole time Magnus was working his magic, I was getting worried because while he’s one of the most powerful warlocks we know, HE HAS LIMITS. And they kept. pushing. him.
Livvy’s death. I HATED that this happened to the Blackthorns, especially since they’ve already lost so much and they only had each other left. At the same time, I kind of saw it coming, especially with Kit entering the picture. I’m really glad that Kit and Ty have formed a relationship so that Ty will have someone to support him through this in the next book.
Robert’s death. I finished the story with Robert and Michael in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy after I finished LoS, and it was SO MUCH MORE DEVASTATING that he died. Not only did Emma and Julian lose the one person who could’ve helped them through the whole being in love with your parabatai thing, but just THINK OF ROBERT AS HE HEARD THEIR STORY. Robert can’t go back in time and make it up to Michael, but he could’ve helped another pair of parabatai
Jon’s death. I really didn’t mind this until the last couple stories from TFTSA, but it def hit me when I thought of him and Marisol, and how little time they had together.
Arthur’s death. I ALMOST FORGOT THIS HAPPENED. Arthur has such a twisted history, with his imprisonment in Faerie while his brother fell in love (please read TFTSA). I honestly felt so sad that Julian had to take on the responsibility of being a father and Institute head at such a young age, but I’m so glad that Arthur had a final moment of awareness--I hate that he sacrificed himself, but it was beautiful that during his moment of clarity, his mind focused on saving the people he loved the most.
things that I don’t know how to feel about yet:
Jaime. I’m still really not into him or Diego yet, despite all their talk of good intentions. His interactions with Dru made me think of the Nate-Jessamine relationship for some reason??
Sebastian + Seelie Queen child. I’ve seen this theory around the internet so many times, and I am worried. I am worried because of Dru’s little trip to Faerie involved a BOY WITH WHITE-BLOND HAIR AND GREEN EYES--aka Ash. And he asks about his mother; could it be that the Seelie Queen is hiding him away from everyone else, trying to keep him a secret? Or maybe he’s been kidnapped by the Unseelie King?
And it’s mentioned that he’s around 13, but let’s not forget that a day in the human world was 7 years for Andrew and Arthur when they were trapped in Faerie.
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