#nana romeo
gossiptrendzgh · 2 years
You Cannot Sacrifice Someone For Your Fame - Nana Romeo Slams Shatta Wale
Radio host, Nana Romeo, ranted on live radio by calling Shatta Wale out for consistently disparaging radio hosts whenever he desires to. READ ALSO: Mahama Did Everything For The Youth To Survive When He Was President – Shatta Wale The Accra radio host told Shatta Wale that since he cannot live without the media, he should stop ranting against the organization that has helped improve his career…
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kaknewsdotcom · 2 years
Watch Kim Maureen Discuss Her New Single, "Dromo," LIVE On Radio.
Watch Kim Maureen Discuss Her New Single, “Dromo,” LIVE On Radio.
Kim Maureen, A Ghanaian Female Recording Artist Born Maureen Nelson Dorkenoo, Has Revealed The Inspiration Behind Her Brand-New Single “Dromo.” The Former Signee Of (BonyToTheWorldRecords) Claims That She Released “Dromo” On Purpose To Encourage Ghanaian Youth And Inform Them That Their Hard Work Can Benefit Their Family Therefore They Should Continue To Put In Their Best Effort. “This Is An…
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newshuntermag · 2 years
Nana Romeo Pleads With Ghanaian DJs And Presenters To Forgive Bisa Kdei If Has Wronged Them
Nana Romeo Pleads With Ghanaian DJs And Presenters To Forgive Bisa Kdei If Has Wronged Them
Radio presenter, Nana Romeo, has pleaded with Ghanaian DJs and presenters to forgive Bisa Kdei if he has wronged them. He couldn’t fathom why the musician’s current songs are not being promoted. Speaking on his program aired on Accra FM that Newshuntermag.com has seen, Nana Romeo questioned whether Bisa has offended them. He pleaded with them to forgive him if he has offended them—and promote…
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ch3rryl1ly · 8 days
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rorygilmoreh4ter · 7 months
since i’ve recently FINALLY downloaded this app instead of using the website for years, i’m gonna tag some of my favourite character/ships/fandoms to reach said niches yay
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
Sebastian : where's my little kitty... Have you seen my baby Antoinette ?
Ciel : either in the laundry basket, or giving herself to the neighbor's random tabby. Like a slut.
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choco4lottie · 2 months
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Not much to add here, I don't think. We continue with the new 6-option model on the polls. The submission form has closed again, with around 1,400 total submissions. Thank you all for your patience with me over the past week or so, and I hope you enjoy this week's lineup as well.
Jae-ha - Yona of the Dawn
Vanitas - Vanitas no Carte
Noé Archiviste - Vanitas no Carte
Jeanne the Hellfire Witch - Vanitas no Carte
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no Carte
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Miharu Rokujo - Nabari no Ou
Tobari Durandal Kumohira - Nabari no Ou
Uriel - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Han Sooyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Sangah - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Biyoo - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Jung Heewon - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Gilyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Shin Yoosung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Ib - Ib
Garry - Ib
Mary - Ib
Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic
Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
Clara - Pathologic
Kenzo Tenma - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Eva Heinemann - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Johan Liebert - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Nana Osaki - Nana
Nana Komatsu - Nana
Nervous Subject - The Sims 2
Pascal Curious - The Sims 2
Ophelia Nigmos - The Sims 2
Tank Grunt - The Sims 2
Loki Beaker - The Sims 2
Ren "Nero" Atsushi - The Boy Who Fell
Henry Jekyll - The Glass Scientists
Jack Twist - Brokeback Mountain
Ennis del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
Alma Beers - Brokeback Mountain
Lureen Newsome - Brokeback Mountain
Nurm - Minecraft Story Mode
Felisin Paran - Malazan Book of the Fallen
Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
Aechmea - Houseki no Kuni
Dietfried Bougainvillea - Violet Evergarden
Aragaki - Megalo Box
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tsuchigomori - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun
Shun - Saint Seiya
Camus - Saint Seiya
Junpei - Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikoto Suoh - K Project
Hoid - Cosmere
Zakuro Oshigiri - The Ones Within (ナカノヒトゲノム【実況中】)
Jesse Ditley - The Raven Cycle
Wybie Lovat - Coraline
Dameon - Obernewtyn
The Gray Man - The Raven Cycle
The Cabbage Man - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mindy St Claire - The Good Place
Michael - The Good Place
Shawn - The Good Place
Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out/Glass Onion
Miles Bron - Glass Onion
Kagura - Inuyasha
Mikage - Gen'ei EP -Envy Phantom-
Hikari - Arcaea
Jack Torrance - The Shining
The Quangle Wangle - The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Benten - Uchouten Kazoku
Lorem - Angels With Scaly Wings
Noble Heart Horse - Care Bears
Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan) - Tiger and Bunny: The Rising & Tiger and Bunny 2
Elfo - Disenchantment
Jack Merridew - Lord of The Flies
Noah Czerny - The Raven Boys
Courtney - Dead End Paranormal Park
Coraline Doll - Coraline
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Shinya Oedo - PriPara
Akira - Wii Sports
Bouncer - Stardew Valley
Wario - Super Mario
Clark Kent - My Adventures With Superman
Linus van Pelt - Peanuts
Pearl - Splatoon
Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Mr Bobinsky - Coraline
Nimona - Nimona
Goldenloin - Nimona
Megan - But I’m A Cheerleader
Steve - The Owl House
Fiver - Watership Down
Sundew - Wings of Fire
Micheal Falk - The Onion
B. F. Bugleberry - Jermaverse
Jerma - Jerma Dollhouse
Earthworm Sally - Flamingo
Sammy the Strawberry - Flamingo
Filipe - Flamingo
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gossiptrendzgh · 2 years
Stop Asking Stupid Questions – A Plus Disgraces Nana Romeo To His Face
Popularly known as A Plus, outspoken social commentator and politician Kwame Asare Obeng bravely took on infamous Nana Romeo in an interview. READ ALSO: Social Media Has Leveled the Playing Ground for Ghana Music To Gain Recognition– Okyeame Kwame Admits During a conversation on Accra FM anchored by Nana Romeo on his entertainment program, A Plus addressed Nana Romeo. This comes after Nana…
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rockybloo · 7 months
Silly ask, but between your main ocs, has some of them ever struggled with loneliness?
Loneliness is one of my top favorite bits of angst to write honestly so all of them have struggled with it.
Every member of the Fabled Five have dealt with loneliness.
Jack truly doesn't have any friends prior to the comic aside from Malt because he never really got along well with other kids his age. Throwing in the fact his eyes went green when he got too emotional and he's do irrational things occasionally and you have plenty of parents who didn't care too much about having their children around him. He spent a good chunk of his childhood just on the farm being homeschooled or wandering around the forest exploring.
Pinokuni is an automaton, and one made under special circumstances so he felt outcasted by both actual automatons and humans because of his origins. His family was the only one to really be there for him, especially after he started to hang out with Romeo and his group of troublemakers where he learned the hard way some humans will really never truly see him as a being with emotions. Plus, Pin spent a good while in the stomach of a sea monster before getting fished out by the giant and being rescued by Jack so he had rather long stretch of solitude.
Nana didn't grow up with any friends. The closest she had was her father and when he passed, she was devastated. Her mother was rather sheltering...a bit too much so she never really left the Lupine Forest save for going to Briar Patch. And even then, she is very introverted and isn't the type to really start conversations with people she doesn't know if it isn't important. Toss in the fact she has a resting face that looks like she doesn't want to be bothered and many people tend to hesitate on approaching her. The people in Briar Patch are very nice but it really takes Jack's oblivious ass to help build a bridge between the two.
Kai was a very sheltered prince back in his home kingdom. When he got cursed and winded up having to flee for his life due to a misunderstanding, he winded up going from a castle full of friendly faces to a world that often screamed at the first sight of him. Up until he encounters the Fable Five, he spent a good chunk of time by himself just trying to make it by via foraging and finding safe yet isolated places to use as shelter for the nights.
Ashe grew up practically outcasted by by her step family because she was Bookmarked and awakened her Märchen at an early age. She was limited to the house and her room was the literal attic. She didn't have ANY friends growing up because her stepsisters would spread around lies and rumors about her that'd scare people away.
Nova, after the situation with her ex where she found out he was using her to cheat on his girlfriend he had been dating WAY longer than her, was outcasted by the online world due to a slander campaign run by him to paint her like the homewrecker. Due to him and his girlfriend being big internet influencers and having large follower counts, many believed them over Nova who was just starting with her singing career. The only friends she managed to keep were the ones she had prior to meeting her ex but even then, they couldn't save her from the isolation of knowing damn near everyone had a screwed up false image of you.
It's the reason she's so quick to snap now because prior to the incident, she was literally a sweetheart and "cinnamon roll" as the kids say.
Pluto didn't even have the benefit of having friends as as kid as they grew up sheltered by their parents. And not in the good way where they worried about their safety but in the "We want to make sure you only hang around the people we want you to" and often that meant they were limited to only interacting with business partners to try and strengthen relationships for their parents. After the alien goop experiment which lead to them becoming their cyborg self we know now, those interactions stopped...as well as any actually. They went from being the neglected child to a research subject in a containment room.
Toss in the fact their parents had a new child over to replace them and Pluto was not in the best space mentally as a teen. Especially one who literally had their body torn apart and put back together for an experiment just to get their parents to love them and see them less as a hassle.
Bitterbat's time as a baby was tragic to be real with ya'. His dad didn't want anything to do with raising him until he could walk and talk so he spent much of his time crying in his crib without anyone to come in comfort him. And if someone did come, it was often a servant that snuck into his chamber because his cries were so pitiful and saddening that they felt the need to do something. It was important that these servants snuck in because if Lord Vile discovered they were "babying" his living weapon, he would make quick work of them. The man had a very strict "You will interact with this thing only when I tell you to" policy.
Bitterbat was fed and bathed to keep him alive and healthy but even as a grown man he still has nightmares about his time as a baby and toddler due to just how isolating it was.
Sweetheart was also deemed a bit weird as a kid. Not too weird it was concerning but she did struggle a bit with maintain friendships at an early age. It took her becoming Charmed, leading to the eventual creation of the Beloveds who each have their own struggles in social situations leading to them being known as the weird kids, that led to her having an eventual lifetime friendship. After Angel's death and the team breaking up, Sweetheart threw herself into a solo hero career. And going from having a big squad to being just yourself is a big jump. Especially when you winded up separating from someone from an entirely different dimension who you thought was the one for you with a single digit percent of a chance to ever meet them again.
Sweetheart's has stated that her solo years prior to Bitterbat's returned have been the worst years of her life.
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wolfgirlandfarmboy · 9 months
How heavy is Jack's axe?
It works on Märchen logic where no one but he or people he are close to can wield it.
If you are a stranger or he doesn't like you, it's basically impossible to pick up. Acquaintances will also have difficulty as it weighs tons to them due to Jack not being close or knowing them well.
It's why Jack, Nana, and the rest of the Fabled Five can pick it up with ease but someone like Prince Charming (an acquaintance of the Farm Boy he has a rocky relationship with) would have a struggle holding it up and someone like Romeo (someone Jack hates) wouldn't get it to budge.
For Jack himself, the thing is basically weightless but a swing can def cause a lotta property damage if he isn't careful.
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twoparrotprojects · 4 months
Haven't finished brainstorming for everyone, but I do have some theme songs lined up for relevant characters.
In no particular order..
Aaron: Bitter Choco Decoration - Syudou Aphmau: Fireflies - Owl City Katelyn: Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo Nana (Kawaiichan): Temmie Village - Toby Fox (Gomenne Gomenne - Kikuo) Teony: The Pi Song - AsapSCIENCE Garroth: DeathBead - Powfu Zane: Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People Vylad: In My Mind - Amanda Palmer Laurence: Camel by Camel, Mix Vocal - Sandy Marton Gene: Ignorance - Paramore (?) Sasha: That's What You Get - Paramore Zenix: Dogsong - Toby Fox Ivy: Candy Store - Heathers The Musical Lily: Candy Store - Heathers The Musical Alex: Candy Store - Heathers The Musical
These might change in the future as I'm drafting section 1. Also keep in mind, theme songs are planned to change to better reflect the character for a particular section and/or part.
Anyway, I'm gonna disappear for a few to get the last skins done as well as the last of the brainstorming done. So I will be back.. Whenever I finish all of that and finally get to the drawing stage.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
This might be kinda a random request but in an KHR AU where everyone one is a celebrity what kind of celebrity do you think everyone would be? Or just the characters that interest you most. For example who would be an actor, model, singer, or YouTuber/tiktoker. Maybe even Instagram model or blogger
I love random requests so don't even worry about that! This was an interesting AU to think about, especially as I'm not really a big part of celebrity culture as a whole. I hope you'll enjoy what I came up with and thanks for sending in the request!
Getting the important out of the way first, setting up kind of this post really: this AU is obviously very much set in modern-day, with all the various forms of media and content available to us. Now, KHR has an absolutely astounding amount of characters and I really tried to consider where each and every one of them would fit. By doing so, I need ya'll to suspend your disbelief and put aside actual canon for a moment, because you will see things like Giotto and Tsuna existing together at the same time despite the fact that canonically, that wouldn't be able to happen. Now, because, as mentioned, KHR does have such a huge cast of characters, I admit fully to being a little lazy in how I set up this post. You'll find the major categories of different celebrity types below with characters kind of sorted into the categories. If I had actual thoughts and headcanons on their 'brand' or celebrity status in any way for the characters, I kind of included them alongside the character's name. I'm so sorry if that disappoints anyone but when the box does reopen, if you want more particular headcanons on any character within this AU, I'll be more than happy to really focus in on figuring out things for that character.
⦁ Reborn - all I have to say on this one is he's been in some amazingly huge pictures, largely is an action star, and is known for doing all his own stunt work. I'm thinking like Jackie Chan type celebrity. ⦁ Giotto and G. are both famous actors who often co-star together with Giotto as the leading man and G. as his brooding sidekick. ⦁ Akiko Irie ⦁ Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, and Lambo are all, in this world and in my headcanons, new actors who really hit it big with a massively popular television series. Both Yamamoto and Ryohei had careers in sports before being talked into doing the show. ⦁ Basil plays a secondary character in the television series Tsuna stars in. ⦁ Xanxus was a hugely famous child star turned action hero. He was one of the biggest stars around, followed by paparazzi and such, until the show Tsuna and the rest of the cast came along, when they became the hottest thing going. ⦁ Dino Cavallone ⦁ Byakuran ⦁ Dendro Chilum, well known for playing villanous roles in action films.
⦁ Reborn ⦁ Vongola Quarto ⦁ Hanako Tsuruta is a famous mime and silent performance artist.
⦁ I can't fully explain why but I see Jaeger as being on some sort of competitive show, something along the lines of Fear Factor or Survivor or even something like Ultimate Beastmaster or American Gladiators. ⦁ Both Nana Sawada and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto have cooking shows they host. ⦁ Osamu Abe probably got super famous for like 15 minutes when he was on one of those Big Brother type reality shows. He was the first one out of the show, which is why his fame never grew beyond that. ⦁ Levi A. Than, Uno, Tre, and Due all become famous off a reality show about, I like to think, the gang life. ⦁ Tazaru and Nosaru are both part of a popular reality show about the skateboarding scene. ⦁ Romeo
⦁ It's probably just bias because of her name, but I love imagining Aria as being musically inclined even in canon. I think she's had formal voice training and could become a really well-known and respected opera singer. ⦁ Another thing I love imagining? A cute girl-power pop band comprised of Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Chrome, and Yuni. The girls are all so different in terms of personality, looks, and appeal so there's a girl in the group for everyone and every single one of the girls have their own groups of fans entirely devoted to their fave. I really kind of envision this as a Spice Girls type huge cultural touchstone style girl band. ⦁ Vongola Terzo ⦁ Lavina ⦁ Ugetsu Asari ⦁ Eiji Kuroda, Yukio Kisanuki, and Takuya Ookura all have a rap group together that does fairly well. Enough so, at least, that they definitely have fans. ⦁ Enrico Fermi, Massimo Ranieri, and Federico Ferrino are all part of a boy band together. ⦁ Shoichi Irie ⦁ Large Ooyama ⦁ Lunga
⦁ Jack ⦁ Vongola Quinto ⦁ Sakura Kikumomo ⦁ Shizue Murota ⦁ M.M. ⦁ Ivan Draco ⦁ Kikyo ⦁ Julie Kato ⦁ Adelheid Suzuki ⦁ Pantera ⦁ Cervello
⦁ Alejandro ⦁ Fabio ⦁ Sawako Narita ⦁ Makoto Kozato ⦁ Totem Ross - Famous jewelry designer and fashionista ⦁ Lussuria is a famous fashion designer with his own line of shoes, handbags, and makeup as well as a signature perfume. ⦁ Cappuccino is a famous hair stylist for the stars, probably has even had his own shows and social media presence about his work. ⦁ Shitt P! is a designer who is also a social media darling. ⦁ Talbot
⦁ Reborn has a best selling biography, if that counts. ⦁ Verde is famous within scientific circles, both for the amount of scientific breakthroughs he's acheived and for his always intriguing, if really heavy, research papers. However, what I think he becomes most famous for is a series of sort of Science for Dummies style books he publishes that really break down a lot of heavier scientific concepts, ideas, inventions, breakthroughs and such. Written with his acerbic wit, the books are not only really informative and easy for the layman to understand, but are written well enough and with enough charm and wit to keep the average person amused while they learn. ⦁ Simora - I see him writing spy novels, things along the lines of James Bond and such. ⦁ Mako Yuide writes love poetry. ⦁ Christine Hattori is a pretty big name crime reporter. ⦁ Oregano is a screenwriter. ⦁ Innocenti
⦁ Lampo ⦁ Sadaharu Uchida ⦁ Daigoro Ooyama and his brother Ushio make a lot of YouTube videos not only showing off their karate skills but teaching others easy karate-based workout routines and breaking down the basics of the sport. ⦁ Teppei Oda and Koji Sato have a YouTube channel together where they play games or really break apart fandom in some way together, bouncing a lot of ideas off each other and bantering and they get strangely popular because a lot of people find their friendship and conversation pleasant and relaxing. ⦁ Hajime Azuma, Jiro Chinada, and Yozo Kannazuki all have a channel together that features some prank-style stuff but to be honest, a lot of their content is just really roasting other people and a lot of their videos are really mean. However, they do seem to attract a rather large audience and do get really popular for some reason. ⦁ I-Pin has a channel of her showing off the various martials arts, gymnastics, and other skills she's learning as she moves towards her grand goal of becoming a stunt person in the film industry. ⦁ Ottavio is a former film actor whose bad reputation made it impossible for him to gain more roles. He became YouTube famous for his channel where he dishes about celebrity culture, working on film sets, and spills secrets about actors and such he has worked with. ⦁ Ape ⦁ Paolo Aldina has a YouTube channel teaching self-defense and Krav Maga techiniques. ⦁ Naito Longchamp - fun fact, Mangusta is always his camera man.
⦁ Colonello really becomes a hit on TikTok. Not only do a lot of his fans believe he's a real thirst trap, but he gains a following for his training and fitness videos. He makes a bunch of military-style boot-camp training TikToks, plus he teaches people about his various weapons and basic self-defense moves are incorporated into some of his workouts. ⦁ Lal Mirch will sometimes co-star in some of Colonello's Tiktoks. There are at least a couple little 'series' of his Tiktoks where she's very much shown on camera a lot, but I believe that's the closest she's willing to come to any sort of celebrity and only does it because she also really enjoys teaching people things and if the internet allows her to teach someone who she might never have been able to help otherwise, she isn't going to sneer at it. ⦁ Chikusa Kakimoto ⦁ The Delivery Man becomes a TikTok thirst trap. ⦁ Toshiko Sano ⦁ Kaori Furuta though a lot of her Tiktoks focus on her work in the customer service field, she gains a really large following. ⦁ Bianchi ⦁ Moretti, whose TikTok is full of magic tricks and such. ⦁ Baishana ⦁ Iris Hepburn, not only a TikTok thirst trap but someone whose TikTok is used to spread correct information and wisdom about the BDSM community. ⦁ Kouyou Aoba
⦁ Ken Joshima ⦁ Terumi Gomi ⦁ Yaginuma ⦁ Bono Hughson ⦁ Giaggiolo ⦁ Enzo Maccarinelli, who is also big in the competitive gaming scene. ⦁ Wonomichi
⦁ Daniela - I can see her hosting a podcast where she really digs into and gives her opinions on a variety of topics, mostly things about society, justice, politics, and just important issues happening in the world. The podcast definitely leans more towards pro-feminism, pro-equal rights for all, and social reform. ⦁ Masato Hitsuji ⦁ Turmeric ⦁ Simon Cozzato ⦁ Rossi Valentia has an educational podcast. ⦁ Lenny and Manny have a podcast on the subject of mechanics and robotics. ⦁ Koenig
⦁ Mukuro - you remember that huge craze where guys like Criss Angel and such became huge celebrities? Where illusionists and mentalists had television shows? Hell, even just the fact that Penn & Teller are still household names should be a reminder of how big magicians can get in popular culture and I think Mukuro would definitely fall into that same kind of category as a magician whose act and tricks became famous. ⦁ Fran sometimes assists Mukuro or accompanies him, the two of them doing tricks in tandem and Fran normally at least opens for him and has a pretty solid following of his own. ⦁ Viper/Mammon also has a pretty solid magic show of his own that was the initial beginnings of his fame. However, he really took off and became super popular with a series where he showed how magic tricks work, step by step, and debunked any actual 'magic' existing. He's also a best-selling author of branded magician kits and tools because Viper knows how to hustle and market things really well to earn that money. He also does paid advertisements and really monetized his social media presence. ⦁ Mitsuru Fujimori ⦁ Torikabuto ⦁ Genkishi, who combines magic and athletic feats in a hugely popular magic show. He even gets his own solid run in Vegas because of it. ⦁ Ginger Bread ⦁ Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo Shibaki all have an act together. ⦁ Kawahira has straight out achieved the same level of fame as a magician as Harry Houdini.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
YOU THERE! Don’t freak out about what finn said at the panel!
“the last two seasons he’s been up in the clouds and as the season ended he-”
so in s3 and s4 mike‘s head has been in the clouds (focused on his romantic relationship with El) but he’s coming down from that (focusing on his friendship with el again + his romantic feelings for will) especially since s5 is supposed to have those s1/s2 vibes again
“He goes through four or five seasons of not telling eleven how he feels which is crazy because everyone knows how he feels”
this is interesting to me because finn literally could have said “he goes through four or five seasons of not telling eleven that he loves her,” and that would have been a totally acceptable thing to say without spoiling anything- but he didn’t say that because “telling her how he feels,” isn’t about telling her that he loves her romantically, it’s about telling her that he doesn’t love her romantically. And the idea that “everyone knows how he feels,” is VERY interesting because at face value it seems like he means that “everyone knows he’s in love with el,” but let’s take a step back and look at how other characters ACTUALLY see Mike’s feelings/“know how he feels”:
-basically everyone may know that Mike hasn’t told el he loves her to her face/that he stumbled and denied it/brushed it away after he said it in the cabin
-max knows that Mike has been overly controlling and lying to El (s3). Lucas also knows this, especially about the lying because Mike was talking to him about the whole “sick nana” situation
-Jonathan knows that Mike’s feelings for El in the monologue are based on Will’s feelings
-Lucas knows that Mike couldn’t even apologize to his gf properly (struggling to buy a gift instead of literally just saying he’s sorry,) but had no issue biking in the rain to go apologize to Will
-Jonathan and Argyle both know that Mike was a total jerk to El at dinner after the roller rink fiasco & couldn’t even comfort his gf & actively made the situation worse
-Dustin (and then everyone else once he mentions it in s4 and Lucas also knows bc it’s mentioned in his book) knows that Mike kept on calling the byers and not getting through and was extremely depressed about it- and I think on some level they know there’s no way he was calling for El because a.) he was writing letters for her and b.) Mike had been using Dustin’s cerebro to talk to El via radio bc with the government & needing to keep El safe, they couldn’t use the phone, therefore all of his phone calls must have been for will & Dustin at the very least, and probably Lucas too, are aware of that.
-Dustin and Lucas may not know about the monologue but they do know that Mike was NOT in love at first sight with El and that he literally wanted to send her to an asylum
I think that the “knows how he feels,” points towards the other characters knowing deep down that Mike genuinely isn’t in love with el, and that it’s a starcrossed lovers/puppy love/Romeo and Juliet scenario. None of these characters really seem to know anything that indicates that Mike is in love with El. They know he is in a relationship with El. They know that he said he loves her once and then retracted it/moved past it in the cabin in s3. They know about all his lies to her. So if “everyone knows,” what Mike feels, then what mike feels sure a she’ll don’t romantic love for El because we haven’t seen anything to indicate that they know that. Even hopper, who has seen a LOT of El and Mike’s relationship in s3, insists that it’s not love and that it’s weird and unnatural.
Especially since while I don’t think argyle fully knows mikes feelings/his feels for will, he DOES literally call him “Romeo,” and then Mike gets set in front of an oven that has “Montague” written on it during the monologue- so even though argyle may not know Mike’s feelings for will, he may very well have picked up that his romantic feelings for El are surface-level/naive like Romeo and Juliet.
this part could also point towards his romantic feelings for will- not because I think everyone knows he’s gay and in love with will but because they’ve seen will and mike’s friendship and how Mike acts towards him- they know how he feels about will, but they may not have put the pieces together that those feelings, those actions, are love.
AND, Mike HAS told eleven that he loves her, in the monologue, so if he was going “four or FIVE” seasons “without telling eleven how he feels,” then there’s no way “how he feels” means “love,” because s4 he HAS told her that he loves her.
and let’s not forget that Noah literally said Will’s sexuality was “up to interpretation,” so if Noah is able to keep that under wraps considering that they’ve been building up will being gay since s1 ep1, then I personally wouldn’t even lose faith in Byler if finn got up and said “Mike wheeler is completely straight and totally in love with eleven and they are endgame and nothing will ever break them apart” bc tbh if I was Finn and I knew byler was endgame, I would have the time of my life straightbaiting the GA and messing with them.
i feel like people forget that lying exists and that finn knows that keeping things under wraps is a.) necessary for his job and b.) going to make it so much better when byler is revealed to be canon and reciprocated. but imo what finn said and the way he said it is literally even MORE byler proof LMAO
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
in the Dancer/Theater!Alois AU i hc him having a tons of pictures of Claude from his past career, he watched all his plays/ballet and shows them to other people like "Wasn't he so charismatic ? Oh Claude, why were you hiding all of this haha !" "I'm not hiding anything I'm just older and retired now...."
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