how-to-dream-again · 4 years
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Happy Nalu Week *though I’m late. 
Prompt: Voice
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
A Smile Like the Sun
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia
Hey, everyone! :) This here is my submission for Day 7 of NaLu Week, for the prompt “Smile.” Unfortunately, with so many requests and events happening right now, I’m not able to do all the prompts, but I wanted to show just a little love for this adorable couple! Hopefully, I can go back and do the rest. Regardless, enjoy! :D
If Natsu had to choose the thing he loved most about Lucy, it would be her smile.
Natsu had never seen a smile as radiant as hers. It illuminated rooms like a beacon, filling the space to every corner with a warm, gentle light that no darkness could taint. Her smile seemed to be a sun in itself; not only was it bright and radiating, it possessed its own gravity. Natsu would find himself lured in by its magnetic pull. Lucy’s smile embodied everything about the luminous girl that Natsu adored- her kindness, her optimism, her friendliness, her beauty. Yes, Natsu Dragneel loved Lucy Heartfilia’s smile.
That’s why he immediately noticed its absence when he slipped into Lucy’s house to find her morosely lounging on her living room couch. A handful of crumpled tissues were scattered on and around the coffee table. Lucy lay on her back, sniffling despondently as she stared at a tear-stained piece of paper in her hand. Eyebrows knitted together in concern, Natsu walked into the living room and timidly asked, “Lucy? Are you okay?”
The celestial mage jolted into the sitting position and stuffed the paper behind the throw pillows. Laughing amiably, Lucy hastily wiped her tears away with her wrist and smiled at Natsu.
“Of course I am! What’s up?” Natsu hunched down, like a wary cat inspecting a new room. Her smile wasn’t right. The light was dimmed, like a lightbulb flickering in its last moments of life, and rather than a summery bright yellow, its aura was more of a sickly off-white. His green eyes bored intently into her form, taking note of the slouch in her shoulders and the unkempt crimps of her normally brushed and shampooed hair. “N-Natsu? What’s that look on your face for?” she chuckled nervously. She pressed her body into the disarrayed throw pillow where she had hidden the paper, obviously trying to shield it with her body. “I’m okay! Really! It’s just my allergies.”
Natsu’s nose wrinkled as he smelled the nervous sweat blooming on her body.
“You’re lying,” he accused. A pink flush appeared on Lucy’s cheeks, and she shook her head insistently.
“Nuh-uh! I’m perfectly fine, see?” She flashed him that smile again as if to use it at evidence, but it only affirmed Natsu’s suspicions. Lithe and cautious so as not to startle the edgy girl, he crept around the edge of the coffee table with slow, deliberate steps. Lucy fidgeted on the couch, sneaking her hand around the throw pillow. His keen ears heard the parchment wrinkle as she gripped it.
 “Lucy… What’s on that piece of paper?”
“Nothing!” she screamed and leaped from the couch to take off toward the hallway, flailing the parchment over her head. Natsu’s nostrils flared as he vaulted over the coffee table to spring in front of the girl. She squeaked and ducked under his arms as he lunged for her, veering off at a ninety-degree angle to flee into the kitchen. “Natsu! Leave me alone!” she wailed as he stormed after her. She scurried behind the kitchen table, heading for the exit to the entryway, but as Natsu came tromping around the other side of the furniture, she squealed and back-tracked. She stopped on the long side of the table while Natsu paused on the other, and they became embroiled in an intense stare-down. Each time Lucy shifted like she was going to flee, he stomped his foot threateningly and lunged in that direction, making her squeak and reconsider her decision.
“Lucy, I am not above climbing on this table!” he warned. He placed a foot on the cushioned seat to emphasize. Lucy cringed and retreated within herself, clutching the letter to her chest.
“What is it gonna take for you to give it a rest?!”
“Tell me what you were cryin’ about!”
“I wasn’t crying!” she protested and clutched the paper further into her bosom, crumpling it up. Natsu growled and stepped up onto the chair, preparing to scramble over the table’s surface. Lucy shrieked as he came shambling on all fours over the wood, but as he snatched for the paper, she shimmied away and took off back into the living room.
“Dammit, Lucy, c’mere!” Natsu roared, hopping off the table to scurry after her. He found her straddling the back of the couch, pushing up the window with one hand and swinging one leg over the windowsill. “Gotcha!” he grinned as he jumped onto the couch cushions and wound a thick arm around her waist.
“Natsu, nooooo!” she whined as he easily flung her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. As he stepped down from the couch, he plucked the paper from her hand. Lucy bleated protests and pounded her fists into his upper back and shoulders; she then fell limp like a fish and groaned when he refused to budge, and just resigned herself to her defeat. Natsu’s leaf-green eyes scanned over the neatly printed letters on the page, a frown deepening on his face with every paragraph he read.
“… You got rejected for a publishing deal?”
Lucy sniffled wretchedly, then nodded with a tiny whimper. Natsu balled up the rejection letter in his hand and tossed it across the room so he wouldn’t have to look at it, because it would only anger him. How dare they reject Lucy? She’s a great writer! He thought haughtily and stamped his foot. He began grumbling under his breath about the publishing company’s incompetence, and for a moment, he was completely oblivious to Lucy. He blinked when he felt her shudder on his shoulder and glanced down between his arm and his body to see tears rolling down her cheeks. “Lucy!”
“That isn’t the first one. Six different companies have rejected my latest manuscript,” Lucy said dolefully. She scraped at her eyes with the heels of her palms, but the tears continued to flow. They beaded on her lashes like dew on grass blades after a morning rain. “I’ve lost my touch… I’m going to be a one-hit-wonder,” she sobbed. Natsu pursed his lips and walked back over to the couch. He fixed the cushion before plopping down, then resituated Lucy so that she was seated on his lap. She straddled him as she miserably wiped at her face, openly weeping and crying out in shame. “What do I do, Natsu?”
“Listen to me,” he grunted and grabbed both her wrists. Lucy offered no resistance as he pulled them down to rest on her thighs. Leaving them there, he cupped her face and swept his thumbs over her cheekbones to catch the tears still rolling over them. “You are not going to be a one-hit-wonder. Your stories are amazing! So what if those jerks are too blind to see it?” he huffed insistently. “Lucy, you’re going to be a famous author someday with tons and tons of published works under your belt. I know that because my Lucy never gives up.”
Finally, there it was. Lucy’s shaky lips wobbled into a tiny smile, like the first glimpse of the sun after being concealed by roiling gray storm clouds. She giggled, scrunching up her eyes like she always did, and leaned forward a little to lay her hands on his chest.
“You really think so?”
“I know so!” he frowned haughtily. Lucy chuckled again and leaned back, a blush alighting her cheeks. Natsu smiled warmly as that smile he adored so much finally broke out on her face, all teeth and glee. Her warm brown irises barely peeked out of her blonde lashes as she smiled with every ounce of energy in her body. The gloom in the house immediately evaporated, and sunlight streamed in from the open window behind them to bathe the living room in golden light. The natural sun’s glow couldn’t compete with Lucy’s smile, though- it was too warm, too bright, too gorgeous. He reached up to pinch her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and she opened her eyes to regard him curiously.
“There it is. I missed it.”
“Missed what?”
“Your smile, Lucy. It lights up the whole world. I’m sad without it.” Lucy blinked, then smiled affectionately. She melted over him, pressing her torso against his and winding her arms around his neck. Natsu was not prepared for such an overtly romantic gesture, and so he reflexively grabbed her hips. She seemed not to mind, for she began twisting the ends of his salmon-colored locks around her index fingers.
“That’s interesting. You wanna know a secret?” Blinking, he nodded. Lucy leaned forward some more, brushing the tip of her nose against his. “Your smile lights up my whole world.”
“Mhmm,” she nodded, cocking her head to the side as her fingers traveled further up his scalp. “I remember it so fondly- when you grabbed my hand, said we were going to Fairy Tail, and gave me the biggest, most beautiful smile.” Natsu, not used to so much overt praise, flushed as pink as his hair. Her chocolate-brown eyes smoldered with an intense heat that rivaled the temperature of his fierce flames, and they fixated intently on his face. Unable to hold Lucy’s searing gaze, Natsu’s green eyes dropped down to her lips. Suddenly, he was gripped by the overwhelming urge to kiss her. The little smile playing over her plump pink lips was simply so inviting; that gravity, stronger than the largest planet in the universe, effortlessly drew him in. He barely realized what he was doing before he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers.
She hummed serenely and relaxed against him. Natsu appreciated how every contour of her plush, pliant body molded so perfectly against his rugged contours. One of his hands swept a swathe of her golden hair away to tuck it behind her ear, while the other migrated to her waist, hugging the divot of her body. She tasted like strawberries with a faint hint of zesty lemons. He kissed her lips once, twice, three times, before pulling back a hair and looking into her eyes.
“What was that for?” she asked teasingly. Natsu flushed pink and looked down meekly.
“I dunno. I just felt like it ‘cuz you’re so gorgeous,” he admitted. Lucy snickered and reclined against him, laying her head on his shoulder and continuing to play with his tufts of soft pink hair. Natsu purred in contentment and nestled back into the couch, wrapped his arms around her lower back. She was so cozy and warm that he was beginning to drift off to sleep.
“Thank you. I feel much better.” He glanced down at her to find her smiling again, smiling truly like she ought to. He gave her a lopsided smirk and kissed her forehead.
They drifted off together on the couch, like a couple of lazy house cats snoozing in the sun. However, Natsu’s sun wasn’t hanging in the blue sky outside; no, it lay in his arms. He held her tight to his chest, his Lucy, his bright golden sun and center of his universe.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
 Tag List: @nalu-week​ @deliathedork​ @searchfortheonepiece​
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nalu-week · 4 years
Is nalu week going to run this year?
NaLu week is running and we should have the prompts up soon.  All of us event organisers have busy schedules (unfortunate result of adulting...rip) so its been a rush this year. And it will be from the 1st - 7th July as usual.
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scarlettrin · 4 years
NaLu Week - Hiding In The Barn
@nalu-week Day 7: Smile
Warning: Smut!
Also published on FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13637333/1/Hiding-in-the-barn
Hiding In The Barn.
Natsu snorted. He couldn’t believe that Lucy wasn’t tired of dancing yet.
They’d been at that country festival for the whole evening and a good part of the night. After eating and drinking plenty, everyone started dancing in the middle of the square. Everyone was wearing medieval dresses and Lucy was dressed with a lovely pink one, her hair prettily braided: it was hard not to look at her, dancing and smiling in the middle of square. Natsu looked at her pretty smile and grinned: seeing her so happy made him happy too. In that moment, a pretty drunken lad came by his side, lying against the wall: he was definitely wasted.
“Yo man!” he greeted Natsu, leaning against his shoulder.
“Hey” he replied a bit confused – the Dragon Slayer never liked to drink, so he never really understood people who got plastered that way.
“Ya know… I always thought… my dream was to become… you know… a great rich something… like an actor… or a politician… but now my friend!” he raised his voice suddenly, embracing Natsu with one arm and pointing with the full cup in hand towards the centre of the square “Now… my dream… is to marry… HER!”
“Her who?” asked Natsu, raising a brow confusingly.
“The beautiful blondie dancing over there… man… I do love her!” he exhaled, enthusiastically.
“I don’t really think so” Natsu replied, shooting a bad glare at him.
“But I love her!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Look at her, she’s gorgeoooous!”
“She’s not only that. She’s also funny and very intelligent” Natsu replied, naturally.
“See? I… *hic*… really have to marry her… I’m gonna take her to the barn… later…” he said, before falling asleep against the wall behind them.
“To the barn?” Natsu asked to himself, confusingly.
She had been dancing for hours and was literally exhausted. Lucy ran towards the edge of the square, where Natsu had been waiting all the time – but he was no longer there. Lucy really wanted to dance with him, but he just kept on refusing her invitation, pouting in embarrassment. So, she just kept on dancing with lots of nice citizens, both old and young, children and middle-aged men, and she had an incredible time. That medieval festival of magic was super exciting and she was so happy to be there, she couldn’t stop smiling.
Lucy started to wander along a small road near to where she left Natsu and, after a few steps, she managed to find him walking towards the square.
“Hey Natsu” she trilled excitedly, running towards him. His face was red and he seemed dumbfounded. “Where have you been?!”
“Oh, Lucy…” he replied surprised, as she swooped happily against him. He immediately felt his temperature rise and the heat he had been feeling seemed to worsen.
“What’s wrong? Where’ve you been?” Lucy asked, looking at him curiously.
“Ah… er… I’ve been… to the barn”.
“To the barn?!” Lucy winced, surprised. She heard the village girls talking as they lent her dress and as they helped her with her hair, and she knew very well what happened in the barn. “Who did you go there with?!” Lucy raised her voice, her smile fading and feeling a strange pulse wrapping her chest.
“N-nobody… I went there alo—” but Natsu couldn’t finish his sentence that a strong thunder rumbled in the night sky, followed by a few raindrops. “Oh, no…”
“Oh! What a pity! All the festival stands and the decorations!” Lucy sighed, but soon she realised that that rain was too painful: in fact, it was hail.
“Let’s run for cover, Lucy!” Natsu said, taking her hand and running away along the road. Soon enough, they found cover from the violent hailstorm that had suddenly started to rage.
“Woah, that’s crazy! Where did this storm come from?!” Natsu started laughing, as he closed the heavy, wooden door behind his back, feeling the suddenly freezing air coming from outside.
Lucy stood in the weak, dim light of the place, her back towards Natsu.
“Why… are we… in the barn?” she asked, looking at him with lucid eyes and trembling shoulders.
“Ah… eh… I didn’t know anywhere else to go!”
“She could’ve gone back to our inn!”
“It’s far from the square and in the rush of the moment… I only thought… about this place” Natsu pouted, his voice trailing off with embarrassment.
“Oh. So…what have you seen in the barn?” Lucy asked, her voice slightly malicious.
The only light illuminating that place, which strongly smelt of straw, was the storm light coming from the dirty windows.
Natsu gulped. “W-well… I-I… I didn’t see anything!”
“Really? People told me stories about this place…” Lucy chirped, ironically.
“A-and what did they tell you?!”
“I don’t know… things… but then again, why were you here? What did you want to see?” she continued with amusement.
“Nothing at all! There was a lad that told that he wanted to bring you here, so I wanted to check what he meant! And you should really thank me for checking up on this place! People do strange things here and…” Natsu’s voice trailed off again. He felt his cheeks on fire as soon as he remembered what he saw there a few moments before. The boy and the girl who were there making out – they were definitely younger than him! – and they seemed to be having a lot of fun, but… the things they were doing… really made him feel strange. Dirty. Even though he felt something catching fire deep within his chest as soon as he saw – and heard – them.
“You know…. I didn’t really understand what was going on there, but… I’m happy that you weren’t there with that drunken lad, Lucy.” Natsu said, almost admitting that truth to himself rather than to her.
“Of course I wouldn’t be here with someone who’s not you” Lucy sighed, lying down on a soft pile of straw. Her blond hair opened wide, mixing up with the golden straw. With a couple of fingers, she started to loosen the strings of the bustier of her medieval dress, letting her breast expand a little.
Natsu gulped. “What are you doing?!”
“Uff… it’s hard to breathe with this thing squeezing my chest…” Lucy complained.
Natsu scratched his neck: why was he feeling so nervous? He had seen Lucy naked more times than he’d seen himself probably, but this time he felt terribly aware of every inch of her skin, every breath that she drew… it was that damn place, it smelt like something strange and intense: it wasn’t the straw, it was something deeply human, a mix of sweat and human breaths.
A thunder roared in the sky once more and the hail turned into violent and deep rain.
“Seems it’s gonna take a while” Lucy murmured as she patted the place by her side on the straw.
With slow steps, Natsu approached Lucy and lied down by her side, taking a big breath.
“What’s wrong?” Lucy asked, turning on her side to face Natsu.
“I dunno know. I feel strange.” Natsu admitted, turning towards Lucy and closing the distance between their faces.
Lucy joggled back, surprised by the sudden motion of the boy, but Natsu gently grabbed her by her wrist, stopping her.
“H-Hey Natsu… don’t get strange ideas…”
“What strange ideas?”
“I mean… we��re in the barn, so…”
Lucy lost it “So I thought you wanted to do… things… that people do… in the barn… with me.” Lucy’s words almost disappeared in an embarrassed mumble.
“Oh.” Natsu replied, widening his eyes. “But we can’t do that stuff. Can we?”
“Of course we can…” Lucy sighed, desperately. He was so dense when it came to love stuff.
Natsu furrowed his brows, a serious look on his face.
“Then… maybe… we should try.”
“WH—” Lucy was totally taken aback, but she couldn’t reply anything because Natsu was already over her, his hands on the sides of her head, a serious but flustered look on his face.
He remained there for a few minutes, looking at her in the eye, uncertain what to do. He could feel a strong stab in the stomach, his heartbeat accelerated, his breath heavy and his throat parched. Lucy’s breast went up and down quickly, following her quick, shuddering breaths.
Mesmerized by the vision of Lucy lying there, beautiful and excited, Natsu let his fingers slide slowly from her damp hair, along her neck, reaching the heat of her breast. There, he let his hand rest on her heart, right between her soft breasts – so hot. His breath quickened even more and he could feel a strange fire he never felt before burning deep inside of him.
“Lu—” he tried to call her name, but he was caught off guard when Lucy’s arms wrapped around his neck, leading him down onto her.
“Natsu…” she breathed softly, rubbing her nose lightly against Natsu’s.
Letting his senses take control, Natsu bent forward, letting his lips brush against Lucy’s. He stayed there a few seconds, but then the image of the young couple making out a few hours before came back to his mind – their kisses were different. He then bit Lucy’s lower lip, making her moan lightly. As her swollen lips opened, Natsu let his tongue slide in slowly, just to find Lucy’s tongue ready to welcome him: the contact had been so thrilling, that his kiss became immediately deeper, more intense, almost violent. Lucy strengthen her grip around Natsu’s shoulder, pushing him against her body, opening her legs to let him rest against her body: he was boiling. It felt like kissing a feverish flame, ready to burn everything around itself.
Natsu traced Lucy’s lips with his tongue, causing her to moan and her nails to dig deep down his back. That mixture of pleasure and pain sent a jolt down the boy’s spine, making him throb between his legs: their bodies attached to each other, Lucy could feel Natsu’s manhood hard and big, pressing strongly against her lower belly – this could end baaaad.
Lucy started to protest, but she was soon hushed by Natsu’s lips, which came back ravenously on hers. She felt his hands sliding up along her bare legs, pulling up her dress.
“Natsu, wait… ah!”
Natsu broke her intense kiss just to slide down her neck, reaching her soft and almost naked breasts to bite them lightly and to suck on them sweetly.
“Oh… my…” Lucy sighed, in ecstasy.
She didn’t want her first time to be in a barn, but damn, she had been waiting for that moment all of her life. And Natsu was so damned good and hot in that moment, she would’ve never thought she would see him in that way. Lucy let her hand slide down against his chest, untying his belt just to let her tiny hand slid inside his pants, under his boxers, to meet something hot and decidedly big. Natsu let out a deep groan, followed by a “Lucy” which was more similar to a growl than to a human sound. She began to pump quickly with her hand, enjoying the intense expressions Natsu’s face was making, hearing his sexy, hoarse moans, feeling his hot breath on her skin.
In that moment, the voices of some people started to speak loudly outside the door of the barn and Natsu and Lucy froze in place – the rain had stopped and people were coming out of the houses to continue with the party. They heard them say they needed straw to feed the animals.
Natsu quickly got up from the straw bed, taking Lucy’s hand and helping her up. They started straightening their clothes and tidying their hair, just before the heavy door opened right in front of them.
“Oh!” the villager exclaimed “Have you tried out our barn, you two?” he smiled mischievously.
“Oh yeah! Thank you for the hospitality” Natsu smiled, as he took Lucy’s hand and both ran outside the barn, smiling and laughing.
“I didn’t know barns could be so interesting!” Natsu smiled, turning towards Lucy.
Lucy replied with one, bright and naughty smile. “But I think the inn’s gonna be better. Just wait and see.”
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gijipaw · 4 years
Nalu Week 2020 - Day 3: Bedtime/Hora de acostarse
Simplemente con él
Sinopsis: Quizás dormirse en medio de un prado luego de una misión no era lo más adecuado, pero junto a Natsu la sola idea era maravillosa [#naluweek2020]
Nota de la autora: Ha pasado tiempo desde que escribí algo de Fairy Tail y lo admito, extraño hacerlo. Hay una energía única que tengo al escribir de Fairy Tail y especialmente de Natsu y Lucy que ninguna otra pareja puede darme. Por tal, siendo la Nalu Week, decidí dar mi pequeño aporte.
Esta historia corta responde al día 3: Hora de acostarse/Bedtime
Capítulo único: Simplemente con él
Lucy soltó un pequeño bufido mientras su larga coleta se movía junto el viento. Su mirada cayó nuevamente sobre el mapa y luego suspiró otra vez, cosa que la persona delante suyo detectó. Detuvo su paso para girar y mirarla. La maga solo le obsequió una sonrisa cansada.
—Luce, ¿estás bien? —la pregunta de Natsu venía cargada de verdadera preocupación. Incluso aunque su compañera de equipo solía quejarse de las grandes caminatas, en esa ocasión había algo diferente—. Luce…
—Solo estoy cansada. Es eso, Nat —respondió ella usando su apodo cariñoso. Si él le decía Luce, ella podría llamarlo Nat—. ¿Crees que falta mucho para el siguiente pueblo?
El dragón slayer parpadeo con extrañeza.
—Tienes el mapa, ¿no deberías saberlo?
La maga solo suspiro.
—Lo sé, pero quizás podrías haber captado algún aroma de comida que nos indique que estamos cerca —señaló y miró el mapa de nuevo—. Creo que esta desactualizado o algo porque no logro entender como estamos demorando en llegar.
—Quizás estás cansada —argumentó Natsu acortando su distancia con la chica. Sin sutileza, apoyó su mano en la frente de ella—. No tienes fiebre, pero estas muy roja —marcó apoyando la mano en su propia fuerte.
—Porque siempre tienes que acercarte tanto —pensó Lucy para sí, avergonzada. El poco respeto del pirómano para del espacio personal acostumbraba a confundirla e imaginar cosas donde no lo había—. Natsu solo tiene como prioridad comer y combatir, Lucy. Creí que lo habías aprendido —se regañó.
En medio de su reproche mental, Lucy no percibió cómo el dragón slayer la miraba detenidamente y armaba su propia red de pensamiento.
Desde su apreciación más sencilla, su compañera de equipo estaba cansada por la misión y no la culpaba: habían luchado contra varios osos invasores que amenazaban a los mercaderes del pueblo y que, a causa de un fruto mágico proveniente del bosque, tenían una fuerza y resistencia abismales. Gracias a que Lucy dedujo que podían reducir sus habilidades matando el árbol que daba el fruto fue que pudieron acabar la misión y tener una buena recompensa.
Pero había involucrado una persecución hasta el bosque de la zona y atraer los suficientes osos para vencerlos de un golpe.
Natsu admiraba como podía permanecer de pie después no tomar un descanso en el pueblo para volver lo más pronto al gremio. Si era sincero, admiraba a Lucy por otras razones, pero en ese momento no resonaban en su cabeza de forma adecuada y lo estaban confundiendo.
—Lucy, ¿por qué no nos acostamos?
—Espera, ¿qué?... —la maga vio que Natsu hablaba seriamente. Su expresión lo evidenciaba—. ¿Hablas en serio?
—Sí, hablo en serio —marcó el dragón slayer. Sujeto a la chica por los hombros y frunció el ceño. Respiro profundamente—. Si nos acostamos es seguro que recuperes tu energía —y tras finalizar esa frase, sonrió.
Lucy se quedó estática. Uno. Dos. Tres segundos. Miro la sonrisa cálida del pirómano platicando como si su pregunta no tuviera ninguna doble intención.
—¡¿Por qué quieres dormir en medio del bosque?!
—¿Eh? Es para descansar. Te ves cansada y si sigues así no llegaremos a ningún lado.
—Sí, pero. ¡Es el medio del bosque! —discutió ella y se cruzó de brazos. Natsu la miró con confusión—. ¿Qué?
—Es solo que no entiendo porque te molesta mi idea. Me preocupo por ti —soltó. Las manos del dragón slayer que estaban en los hombros de la chica bajaron a sus manos. Les dio un ligero apretón—. No quiero que te pase algo, Luce.
La mencionada contuvo la respiración, pasmada. Una parte de ella todavía encontraba demente simplemente echarse a dormir por ahí para restaurar energía. Otra parte le decía que parecía estúpido no aprovechar el gesto de Natsu y poder compartir un momento a solas con él, algo más que las misiones que últimamente hacían con frecuencia.
—Entiendo…—contestó entonces. Una sonrisa pequeña mientras miraba sus manos entrelazadas—, ¿cuál es tu plan?
Natsu le explicó con simpleza que había olfateado lo que parecía ser un prado de flores y donde el césped sería más cómodo para recostarse. Al avanzar, encontraron la zona y él la arrastró hasta el punto donde considero adecuado situarse.
—Quítate el calzado. Será mejor para descansar los pies —dijo dejando sus sandalias de lado. De un movimiento, cayó contra el césped—. ¡Vamos, Luce! Quiero dormir.
Ella vio su rostro envuelto en una expresión juguetona.
—Se supone que la persona cansada soy yo.
—Ah, pero si me quedo despierto me aburriré. Es mejor que duerma —soltó el pirómano. Natsu la atrajo contra su cuerpo cuando Lucy intentó acostarse con una distancia entre ambos—. No te alejes tanto que, aunque es verano, corre viento.
—No quiero invadir tu espacio personal —declaró Lucy intentando que el sonrojo en su rostro no aumentará.
—Dormir lejos de Luce es aburrido —contestó Natsu e inmediatamente cerró los ojos. Segundos después, comenzó a roncar.
—¡¿Cómo puede dormirse tan rápido?! —se preguntó cuando vio que el ritmo pausado del pecho de su compañero comenzó. Dejó pasar unos momentos por si era una broma—. Oh, Natsu. No tienes remedio —pensó con resignación y se acomodó mejor junto con él.
Mientras el sueño se llevaba a Lucy, estudió al dragón slayer. Podría haber insistido en llevarla o cometer la locura de comenzar a correr antes de que ella se agotará más, no obstante, en esa ocasión había tomado una salida más tranquila y donde ambos pudieran juntos.
Juntos y a solas.
—Creo que acostarse así no es tan malo si es con él —murmuró en voz baja y decidió tomarse la libertad de apoyar la cabeza en el pecho del mago para dormitar al ritmo de su corazón.
Sin que se diera cuenta, el pirómano hizo una sonrisa ante la acción e inclinó un poco su cabeza para posar su mentón en la cabellera rubia y dormirse al lado de la persona que más le importaba.
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ellayuki · 4 years
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D o n e !!! 🎉🎉🎉
Days : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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nalulovelife · 4 years
Regret - I’m sorry for what I did...
Summary - If only Natsu hadn't, then life would still be good. He wouldn't be in this position...
Word Count - 198(really short, I know)
Tags - Sort of Angst, Fluff
A/N - This is my short fanfic for the @nalu-week day 2 - Regret! I was originally going to draw a dojinshi for this, but I didn’t have time. Haha. So I made it into a short fanfic. Just to let you guys know, I can write longer and better fanfics. Currently working on a long one write now(not for nalu-week)! Enjoy!
Happy Natsu day, btw.
Read the story on Wattpad 
                                                      I Regret it...
                           What I did...
If only...If only...
I don't know why it happened. It just did
I...I'm sorry
If only...I hadn't done that to you
I wouldn't be in this position...
I feel like I could die, with this heavy weight
It scares me
I Regret it.
It was wrong...to do that
I just...couldn't control it
I wish it never happened...
I wish I could just be with you
Without this conflict
It hurts me
I Regret it.
Forgive me...
It pains me...
To see you like this
And to be like this
I can't
I Regret it
"How DARE you Natsu Dragneel. To grope your best friends breasts in her sleep! I should tie you up with more rope and kill you RIGHT NOW with all of my swords!!"
"WWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! Why...? Does this always*sob*happen to meeee?!!!"
"You were DREAMING of groping your best friends breasts!?! GET READY TO DIE!!!"
Haha sorry guys! I had to. I hope you guys enjoyed! haha
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fairyqueennerd · 4 years
Nalu Week Bonus- AU
“N.A.T.S.U didn’t I tell you we are leaving today, why the hell the ship not ready yet.”
This annoying voice belonged to Erza who was my superior and also my so-called sister. Today we were going to invade the planet ‘Circle’, it’s for research purpose is what I have been told.
“It is ready you have just not boarded yet.” I answered her sarcastically, before she could take any action against me, my saviour Jellal came in.
“Morning Erza, Morning Natsu. All set?”
“Of-course lets go.” I said and Erza smiled sweetly to him.
“You going to leave me behind flame head?”
Gray entered the scene clearly mocking me, though we both are scientists we have burning competitive spirits within us and we can fight without a reason, and at this very moment I wanted to punch him, reason nothing just cuz it’s Gray.
Soon we were in the atmosphere above. Earlier I would have been surprised if some one told me they went to space, but now that our technology has advanced so much and by my recent invention, we can safely be in the space.
“Well we are already sure that planet circle has people so we need to be careful” Jellal said with a serious face but I was having a hard time controlling my laughter seeing Erza’s awed face.
“Yeah this trip is basically to learn their culture.” Gray nodded meaningfully.
I couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out laughing.
“No interaction with other’s unless required. I repeat no interaction.” Erza said to everyone but the last statement was directly pointed towards me.
As if I care about people, my aim for the visit is to examine the food they eat. I have always been wondering how the food there would have been different from us and all I want is a taste of it.
We reached there sometime I didn’t realise when after so many days in space I had forgotten to keep count of it, but it was too dark when we reached and we could easily assume that there were no living soul if there were no houses in sight.
“Let’s divide from here and meet within five days.” Erza announced.
I felt as if they knew we were coming. Like whatever time it might be we were ever ready to note any moment in the sky, at least I was, but here there were none aren’t people coming from another planet a mystery?
We separated and went our own ways, the path was not entirely empty I met few people walking, they didn’t look much unusual they were like us though their clothes were different from us, well we had known about it already hence we were dressed like locals, so I felt there was nothing to search anymore just the food.
I was in my daydream and bumped into somebody. It was a girl; she was quite peculiar she had these captivating caramel eyes with blonde hairs and sexy figure. She said something but I didn’t quite get it, then I realised there was something more important to learn other than food. Language.
Seeing the situation, she might say two things, either it must be she was sorry and if I was okay or it must be if I am blind. Looking at her expression I went with the first one and nodded.
She looked at me questioningly then said something pointing to her mouth but I assumed she must be asking about food so I nodded vigorously. She raised her eyebrows gave me a confusing look nodded lightly and started walking away.
‘Hey where are you going? What about my food?’ I wanted to say these out loud but I just pulled at her hand and pointed at my mouth as if I was eating something and luckily my stomach growled at the exact time.
She gave a look to my stomach, thought for a bit then started walking again, seeing that I was not following she dragged me along with her.
Soon we were at her home, it was small and sweet but at the same time it was cozy, she made be sit at the sofa and went to the kitchen, I could smell something funny and was thinking about not eating anything but changed my mind when the food was served in front of me and I am very glad that I did that it was the most delicious thing I had eaten at circle.
Once I had finished eating I was considering so go back on the streets or have a nap at our ship, but then I noticed that she was looking at me intensely.
Then she pointed at her and said something, I felt she was telling me her name and asking mine?
“Luce?” I repeated instinctively. Wow this name is really pretty. Suddenly she started cheering and jumping up and down, and smiling at me that I felt my heart skip a beat. She pointed towards me.
“Natsu” again I said instinctively, what was going on me, why was I saying things without thinking?
“Natsu.” She said and smiled so brightly, that I felt I was in another universe and to be honest I was, by the way -why did my name suddenly sound so sweet.
I was just looking at her dazed but she went to saying something or the other, suddenly she picked out a notebook and I looked blankly at her, she wrote something and showed it to me, but I just glanced and kept looking at her blankly.
She looked a bit disappointed then started acting something, she opened her arms in reading fashion then made a cross in the air and looked at me.
“Hey I am not illiterate; I just know your language.” I said out loud and immediately regretted as she gave me a startled look and then looked me with those eyes, which I always give Gray whenever he opened his mouth. I knew it well, she thought I was mad.
For a moment I thought she was going to kick me out but luckily; she just sighed and looked at me as if I was a new species. Was I?
Though she thought I was mad I was pretty sure she didn’t think I was dumb as she took some things from her surrounding and was telling me what it was called and I was repeating and every-time I repeated correctly, she cheered for me and I felt like I was on cloud nine, such a good kid I am.
Soon I was well acquainted with all the things present at her house and what it was called. She yawned she continued to speak and without notice fell asleep.
God this woman. I thought to let her just be and sleep as well, but she looked so damn pretty in her sleep that I couldn’t take my eyes off her so without having any other choice I picked her up and placed her on the bed and slept while still watching her.
I regretted watching her sleep for most of the night cuz the very next early morning I was kicked out of the bed along with a series of loud words which I think must be curses.
But to be really honest this was the best sleep I had in years. So, while she was shouting; I just said the words which I thought would describe my feelings right now.
“Best sleep” She instantly fell silent, I thought she was going to kick me again but suddenly the face colour changed from normal to red to crimson. I thought something was wrong with her when I started walking towards her; she threw the pillow at me and ran into the bathroom.
The next five days I was with her only, eating all the things she gave me and learning everything she taught me. By the last day I was pretty good at saying things, reading and writing would be a lot far away but I could speak just fine.
It really didn’t seem that I had been living with her for just few days, it was like I knew her for my entire life time, now that it was time to leave, I really didn’t want to go, leaving Lucy felt so wrong. I just wanted to stay with her forever, look at her while she talk or cook, her beautiful smile, but I had to go, I received Erza’s message, I was a bit curious about what they had found too and the major thing was our ship has been discovered, they were showing on TV apparently I was an Alien, and Lucy was a bit worried about it, saying nasty things she had read about them and I could just laugh.
“Luce, I go home.”
I said once she reached home that night.
“Why?” She answered in a whisper but I could hear her clearly.
“Miss family.” I didn’t want to either, I wanted to tell her, she hadn’t asked me about it after the first day I think but that time I didn’t have to leave either.
“Oh! I understand.” She started laughing a bit and smiled at me, but that smile felt like some one was crushing my heart. She was sad, she didn’t want me to leave. I somehow knew it, though I was feeling happy that she wanted me to stay at the same time I was disheartened as I knew I couldn’t stay.
“You would come to me again?”
She asked shyly and looked at me, But I didn’t know how to answer that, I didn’t know anything about the future, though I wanted to say I would come to her soon I couldn’t say so.
“Oh! Never-mind, got a call from some one of your family? You should go then they would be waiting. I brought burgers today, if you don’t mind-”
She had turned her back to me and was still talking I couldn’t take it anymore and hugged her tight.
“I come for you”
I told her and she smiled at me, but I could see the tears glistening her eyes. I waved at her and went to our ship without looking back as I knew if I saw her again; I won’t be able to leave.
“How was it Natsu?” Gray asked mockingly, I knew he wanted to compare who had achieved more in this trip but I kept mum cuz by this trip I had earned something so priceless yet have lost it.
“I would come here again.” Though I told it to him it was directed towards Luce, hope she would get to know it too that I would come, I would come for her.
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When A Celestial  Prey Dreams: Chapter: 2 (Nalu Week 2020)
When A Celestial Prey Dreams
Nalu week 2020 Prompts: Voice, Flirt, Charm & Smile (All implied)
Genres: Romance, Drama & New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy & E.n.d. Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature/adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Discretion  is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: Such a carnal thrill of the hunt is too electrifying for words; especially when a fire demon sets his sights on a celestial maiden who's more-than-willing to be his prey. What seems to start off as a random dream for Lucy quickly escalates into far-more sizzling territory. New ficet which will eventually combined into upcoming chapters for TDDW along with other fics. First two chapters are entries for @nalu-week  2020. (Nalu/Endlu-centric and semi-au/canon divergent). 
Chapter 2: A Major Reunion and The Most Lethal of Vows
A/N: Hey guys, here's chapter 2 aka my second entry for @nalu-week  2020. Special thanks again to @mannyegb for helping me edit and further develop this chapter!  Now on to the actual chapter-enjoy!
Note: Scroll past the Read More Button/Cut for designated links and actual story content.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
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1. When A Celestial  Prey Dreams
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Previous (Chapter) (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/621681896131379200/when-a-celestial-prey-dreams-chapter-1-nalu    
Chapter: 2 (Click Here:)   Next (Chapter) (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/627371278930755584/when-a-celestial-prey-dreams-chapter3)
B. Fanfiction
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II. Secondary (Click Here:) ( or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143482/1/Millennial-Drabbles)
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3. Master Post  Of All My Writing And  Profiles (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italics: Lucy's dream or song/literary quotes
Bold: First Person Thoughts Within The Dream
Bolded Italics: Telepathic dialogue or empathized words
Bolded Italics: (outside of main story): A/N
"When you need me, I'll step out of the shadows and protect what's mine"
(Source: Unknown)
Sometime later
How long have I been running?
Lucy couldn't pinpoint just how much time passed when she reached a steady-moving creek just beyond the edge of the forest clearing. 20 minutes, 30, 40? Difficult to tell really. But hey, the brook was very much a welcome sight for her sore eyes either way.
Hmm…..I wonder...
A quick cursory scan across the surroundings confirmed that navigating through the shallow waters would be a Highly efficient trek across to get to the other side for Lucy.
And it'd shave a bunch more time off my trip than it would go all the way around. Not to mention, the opportunity for her to hopefully scope out the perfect spot for laying low. Like, say a cave or a grove beneath the cover of trees to set up camp with the much-welcomed cozy heat of a crackling fire.
It'd be nice to take a breather and regroup with my spirits. Figure out my next move. Maybe even get a quick bite and some shut-eye. Even better if it's in Natsu's arms and I can convince him to let us spend a few days together in the woods instead of being cooped up in that goddamn horrible fortress. Just us, plus Happy and my spirits when they pop by. Either way, all in all, it should be a nice retreat from all the chaos. God, I miss them all already. Okay, gonna cross.
All decided then, a proverbial hop, and skip to the stream it was.
A few minutes later
A bit chilly and soggy but not the worst experience overall.   
Kind of impossible for the blonde not to notice the river water soaking into her boots though.
Definitely unfortunate though no biggie ... I'll just hang the boots by a fire to dry and wear shoes from one of my star dresses.
"Lucy-hey !"
Natsu's audible shout pierced through her thoughts.
Sounds like he found me ...
"Up here, Luce!" The voice hollered down a second time with an undeniable note of urgency. "Yeah, look up!"
Definitely Natsu then ...
Lucy's eyes flickered above to see the aloft fire demon in the air with unfurled wings.
"There ya' go. Wait. Why are you—" he began to question, brows knitting together in confusion. " Never mind. That's not important right now. How about you finish crossing and meet me on the other side?"
"Sure," Lucy complied, finding no actual reason to object. God knows she couldn't help but desperately need— no crave-to be inside her soulmate 's robust arms as if deprived of precious oxygen for too long. So much so that i had to be some kind of astounding miracle that her already fragile self- resolve didn't shatter sooner ."Meet you on the other side."
The celestial wizard watched Natsu sail over her head with relieved eyes before; making her way over to a grassy bank. Not long after, the demon lord's feet landed on solid ground just as she reached the river's edge.
"Land ho, huh?". Natsy let loose a breath of tremendous relief. "Thank god you're all right. Honestly had me pretty worried there when I caught whiffs of your blood. Here- let me help you." An open hand to his mate who gladly accepted.
"Thanks," she breathed, a faint smile pulling at the corner of her lips. So warm ...   Mavis knows that it was impossible for the celestial wizard not to relish in the blissful warmth of the fire eater's touch. "and I accidentally ended up slicing my hand open when running earlier. Probably the reason why you could smell a bit of my blood too .
"Aw Shit... yeah," Natsu echoed, brow creasing in moderate concern." That does make a lot of sense actually. Can I take a look?"
"S-Sure..." Lucy willingly let her palm be turned over by Natsu's hand with the still-bleeding gash in plain sight.
"Oh crap— this is pretty bad". He sighed, dismaying the corner of his lips into a frown ."Not life-threatening but you're still gonna need stitches for sure". A thumb brushed over Lucy's wound; with such delicate care, that warmth flooded her veins.
"So sorry about your hand Luce. We'll get you fixed up in no time though."
"Okay... I don't doubt that ."
"Good to hear."
Still, there's something bothering me about Jackal and the others...
"Hey, Natsu?" Lucy spoke up, trying her most damnest to sound nonchalant—untroubled even. No need to panic prematurely after all. "I was wondering about Jackal, Rayan, and Tempest."
"Yeah, what about them?" Natsu's attentive hum along with the open light of his gaze in response to her question was an encouraging sign . "Now, where did I put that cloth? Be pretty useful for your hand right now. I'm still listening by the way. Please continue."
"Okay. So.. those three aren't searching for me too, are they?" Lucy couldn't mask the tremor in those words; not with the surge of terror shooting through her heart. "Really don't want either one of them coming after me..."
It'd be terrible...
"Those slimy bastards won't be getting anywhere near you, Lucy," E.n.d. declared, voice coming in eerily calm with a distinct edge that bordered on lethal. "Trust me. I'll make damn sure of that. His tone dropped to a thinly-veiled threat of menacing proportions that sent a chill down Lucy's spine." By smashing all their teeth by breaking and crushing every worthless bone in their bodies if they so much as lay a finger on ya' or even try. "
Jeez... Natsu really would go that far to keep me and everyone he loves safe, wouldn't he?
"Hell, why not broil their flesh to a blackened crisp too? Pretty sure I told em' as much and more before setting out to find you earlier."
" Aw Damn.."
Just for Natsu's eyes to instantly soften at the unfettered panic that was written all over Lucy's face.
"Whoa easy there" The dragon slayer soothed, running the back of his hand down her cheek in a gentle caress. " It's gonna be alright, sweetheart. I'll protect you if it comes down to a fight. Just like I always have— promise. Plus, we got your spirits to back us up or get you out of here or create a distraction if we bump into those guys again. It'll be fine, okay ?"
"Okay," Lucy let out a breath, speeding heart rate now slowing down. Her fears were eased by Natsu's attentive care after all. "Okay. I feel a lot better. Thanks, Natsu."
"Yay— that's the spirit, Luce!" Natsu approved, flashing his mate a sunny grin that set her heart aflutter. "And anytime.  Now lemme' get your hand bandaged up for ya'."
A/N: And that's Chapter 2 folks! Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more! Anyway, I don't really have to much to say other than my usual A/N spiel. You know by basically being sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment/review, liking and reblogging! Please feel free to check my other entry and the rest of my writing. (Corresponding Links are above, in the navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr. Please also see my FF and A03 profiles!) All right, that's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone for the incredible show of support so far again ! Until next time-take care!
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fairyqueennerd · 4 years
Nalu Week Day-7- Smile
“Natsu for the umpteenth time Loke is just my colleague.”
“Yeah still he can grab your waist?”
“He didn’t grab my waist he was just protecting me from then upcoming vehicle.”
“It didn’t seem like so.”
“Oh come on you were there.”
“Yes I was therefore I am saying, stay away from him.”
“He is my partner, Natsu be reasonable.”
“I am being reasonable.”
“That’s it I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
Saying so Lucy slammed the door, that just meant one thing that Natsu was now supposed to sleep on the sofa.
Natsu sighed heavily, why does he get so jealous? But since Lucy knows she should keep him in mind also. In a fit of anger, he just went straight to sleep but realised in a jiffy that he can’t cuz he was already used to cuddling with Lucy. For a moment he thought about asking for her forgiveness but then realised that it was not the first time and Lucy was very angry so he refrained himself from doing so.
The next morning; he woke up to find that Lucy had already went to work and there was a note for him.
“Going to work, don’t worry won’t cheat on you.”
Which showed him straight away that she was still upset but still she had made breakfast for him as well as put the clothes for his office. Seeing this he just wanted to rush to her and apologise with her in his arms but he realised he was already getting late and need to rush.
“Is this the article you came up with?” Minerva pointed to the sheets in front of her with twitching eyes.
“You told me to come up with fresh ideas.”
“Yes I told you so, but the column of ‘delicious dictionary’ is already going on in our magazine and you come up with a story where they are cooking strawberry cake? You this its new?”
“Yeah But..”
“I don’t need your reasons just come up with something that I would approve.”
Minerva returned her sheets and showed her to the door.
Lucy sighed returning to her desk.
“Aww Lu she didn’t approve?”
“Lev I might cry now, this is going for the entire week.”
“Yeah and the deadline is day after tomorrow.”
“What its already here, what should I do now?”
Lucy banged her head on the table she was really on the verge of crying now.
“You would come up with a great idea now cheer up.” Levy consoled her and patted her back.
“Hey Love! Why so upset.” Loke appeared that very time reminding her of yesterday and making it more of a gloomy atmosphere.
“My heart can’t take it baby just smile for me.”
“Sorry Loke she is not in the mood.” Levy answered instead.
“Darling I know that just trying to cheer her up.” Loke said stroking Levy’s cheek while she squatted away his hands.
“Loke she won’t approve, what are we going to write now?”
Lucy wrote stories of multiple genre and Loke did the art for her stories, suddenly Lucy realised that it must be more pressure on him as she was yet to come up with an idea and write it get it approved after which he could make the art and give it in time for publishing, yet here he was trying to cheer her up.
“Ah Loke I am so sorry.” Lucy said with teary eyes.
“Aww baby don’t worry I’ll manage, just focus. I know you can do it.” Loke said and smiled.
In a flash Lucy remembered countless times when Natsu had told her the same thing and his accompanied grin that made her fall for him so many times already, before they finally got married.
Lucy smiled softly at that memory and then picked up her phone to see a picture of them together smiling brightly at the camera, and it lifted her mood a lot and inspired her to write.
“Smiling beach?”
“Yeah the main idea is that, many couples go to beaches to enjoy holidays or to spend some quality time together but sometimes they have bitter moments too and this couple heals them with a smile.”
“Hmm, you wanna say bitter sweet moments on a vacation?”
“Yes, after all everything don’t go as we plan.”
“Makes sense, okay carry on with it. I need the final article by tomorrow evening.”
“Yes mam.”
Lucy returned to her desk with a smile.
“That’s more like it, now tell me what you want me to do?” Loke asked with a knowing smile.
“I want you to draw something like….”
“Arrrrgg there is so much files, when am I going to finish it all?” Natsu asked to nobody in particular and sighed looking at the pile right in front of him.
“Why are you being like this dumbass usually you are more efficient.” Gray implied purposely to ignite his fighting spirit, but alas it fell into deaf ears.
“Natsu-san dad said he need these files analysed by the evening.” Sting came and dumped three mores files in front of him and patted his shoulders sympathetically.
Sting’s dad was the manager of the company, but still for him Natsu was his role model since high school.
“Natsu-san why you are so stressed do these three for now, you can do the rest tomorrow.”
He said with concerned eyes. Natsu looked up at him with blank expression.
“No No I am doing it now.”
“Leave him alone sting he must be missing his wife.” Gray mocked.
Before Natsu could fight it out with him for his accurate guess Juvia entered.
“Gray-sama, Juvia cooked this for you.” Saying so she handed him his tiffin and blushed slightly.
“Thank you Juvia.” Gray smiled brightly and side hugged her, kissing the top of her head, Juvia’s entire face turned red.
Now Natsu was missing Lucy a lot more, though this has been a routine since Gray and Juvia married still she would blush and it appears as they are newly-wed.
Natsu giggled at his own thought and pulled out his phone and looked at the picture and suddenly he felt energised, he had to do this fast he can’t have overtime, he was missing Lucy so very much, her smile, her warmth, her entire presence.
“I am getting fired up.”
With that he started working and finished all the priority work dot on time and rushed home. He has to make it up with her.
Lucy was home a bit early, She was in full spirit, the whole day had messed up her head but now she was feeling very clear because she has Natsu and she knows it, he loves her a lot so whatever misunderstanding is formed between them she would clear it all, she would love him by all her heart and would not get angry on trivial stuff she had firmly decided.
She arranged the rooms a bit as Natsu was the one to leave the home last and she could tell he left in a hurry, and started preparing his favourite dish- chilly chicken.
Natsu didn’t know how he should act or basically how Lucy might be feeling right now. From the argument last night, they didn’t get any time to talk with her, because of the work stress he couldn’t call her and didn’t know what can he message so he decided it would be best to clear things out face to face.
But now that he was at front of their home and knew Lucy was home already, he didn’t know how he should face her.
Gray told him to take a bouquet along which he was already planning along with a book and note which he hoped that she would like.
Finally, he knocked timidly but was pleasantly surprised when the door opened and Lucy hugged him tightly.
“Honey you are home.”
Natsu was so happy, he was anxious over nothing, he pulled her inside closed the door and kissed her deeply.
This was what he was missing the whole day. Lucy.
“This is for you.” Natsu presented her with the bouquet on one knee.
“Thank you” Lucy accepted bowing a little, acting like a perfect lady.
She placed it on the table and they sat down on the sofa holding on to each other.
“Natsu I am really sorry.” Lucy said and looked at him with guilty sad eyes which broke his heart a bit, he never wants her to be sad.
“Hey I am sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”
“But I shouldn’t…”
“Shush! Did you really think I would doubt you, come on I know my wife is so beautiful that anyone can fall for her.” Natsu said looking away.
“Aww Natsu I love you.” Lucy kissed him again.
They discussed all that happened in their workplace that day and laughed at how silly they have been, throughout the day.
Soon Lucy received a draft from Loke, he had made exactly what she had in her mind but yet to be coloured but she was certain it would come out fine.
It was a picture of a girl and a boy looking at the camera while holding a smiling play card over their mouth.
“Isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Lucy simply answered showing the picture on her phone screen, this was something they came up with on their last vacation when they had an argument about whose smile reaches their eyes more without a definite conclusion.
Remembering the beautiful vacation, they smiled at each other and realised it was this smile that can make their day, with the same thought they said together-
“Let’s go on a vacation.”
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fairyqueennerd · 4 years
Nalu Week Day-6- Charm
“Hi Lu….” Before Natsu could greet her Lucy was already at Levy’s desk.
“Oh I think you read it.”
“Of-course I did, why didn’t I read it before.”
“Cuz you didn’t know about it.”
“That is what I want to ask, why didn’t I know about it.”
“Now you do cuz of me.”
“Yes, you are awesome and so is Michel.”
“Don’t tell me you have a crush on him now, he is mine.” Levy said taking the book from Lucy’s hand hugging it close.
“Oh! Yeah? He is mine as well, you should have thought about it before giving me the book.”
“I gave you the book for the story, Michel remains mine.”
“Yeah Yeah I know.” Lucy said sarcastically, pushing Levy to the edge she sat beside her.
“Now say what about Lyara?” Lucy asked looking towards the ceiling while cupping her face as if she was into the fantasy and seeing the characters right in front of her.
“Ah she is amazing.” Levy joined her.
“Wasn’t the scene at the bus stand so romantic.” Lucy continued with heart eyes.
“Aww the way Michel proposed….”
“Whenever it’s his entry and he say to Lyara ‘Hey Lady’ I got chills you know.”
“Oh! I feel you, its one of his charm.”
The girls went into full fan Girling mode, gushing about the scenes and the plot unaware of the gloomy aura forming around two boys who were now sitting behind them side to side which was a rare occasion.
“Hey why are you sitting beside me?” Natsu busted out.
“You..” before they could have a fight they noted two things first they didn’t get any attention from the girls and second Professor Makarov entering with Erza so they just sifted to their original place.
After school Natsu and Lucy were going home together as usual but this time Natsu was total silent and was looking down though Lucy continued babbling about the book as she was sure that Natsu was not going to read it.
Actually, it was a pact between them, that whenever Lucy is busy reading Natsu won’t disturb her but the next day she would tell him the story, but now that she was doing so he didn’t seem interested in it at all.
“Natsu?” Lucy caught his hands and pulled it out of his pant pockets that made him look at her in surprise.
“You are not listening to me, am I boring you?” Lucy asked with an innocent pout.
“That can never be the case, just thinking about the story.” Natsu chuckled awkwardly and ruffled her hairs.
“Oh really what did Michel say at the bus stop?”
“Hey Lady?” Natsu said in an accent that made Lucy laugh out loud.
“What wasn’t it one of his charm, don’t you find it charming?” Natsu asked that made her stop laughing and gave a serious look to him.
“You can’t be jealous of Michel are you?”
“Ha Ha as if that’s possible?” Natsu laughed nervously and started walking again.
“Come on let’s go.”
“Hey! It’s just a character ok and you are also very charming.”
“Am I?” Natsu looked back at her with interested eyes.
“Yes of-course, like the way you get hyped for any competition it’s one of your charms, or be it the way you make me smile on my hard times, or the way you get serious during assignments.”
“Hmm” Natsu mumbled with thoughtful look.
“But the best part is your charming smile, I have the most charming boyfriend ever.”
Saying so Lucy kissed his cheeks and hugged him hard, Natsu giggled boyishly and hugged her too.
“And I have the best girlfriend ever.”
A/N- though i was very excited for Nalu week I couldn’t finish on time so for the other prompts i would be posting later. For now i would do my best to post on time for the remaining prompts. If you are reading this, hope you had happy reading time.
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nalu-week · 4 years
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NaLu Week 2020 Official Announcement
Nalu Week is July 1th - 7th and hopefully it is full of amazing creativity from all corners of the fandom. We’ve worked hard to organise the prompts and artwork.
1. AU - July 9th
2. Selfie - July 12th
Main Prompts
1. Voice
2. Regret
3. Flirt
4. Note
5. Quirks
6. Charm
7. Smile
You can use the prompts as you wish (or not at all), let your imaginations run free and remember - have fun! 
Tag all your posts with #naluweek ! For Twitter use #naluweek2020 !
Make sure you place it within the first 5 tags (otherwise we won’t see it). If your post still doesn’t appear in the tag send us the link through our submission box and we’ll reblog it. 
Special thanks goes to: Line art - @fainttwinkling  Colouring - @s-a-r-a-r-a
***If you didn’t participate in NaLu Week last year or just need a refresher, please take a moment to read our rules and guidelines regarding submissions and take a look at our General Info page!***
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