#n: haylo4ever
chocosvt · 1 year
Every time choco shows up on my dash I'm so happy, sending u lots of goodness 💜
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woozi · 2 years
Miss yza.... #1 in my heart and #1 on my most reblogged blogs <33333 tumblr won't let me post it but yza supremacy always <3
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whereisten · 1 year
Valentine Boy
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (Final)
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Special Cover Art by @nakayutasama &lt;3
You've been dating College Student! Jaehyun for a few months now. He's unbelievably sweet, smart, oh..and very handsome. Best of all, he gives you the best love you've ever had. He's the love of your life and you can't see anything going wrong as your relationship sails smoothly.that is….until you discover his biggest secret. He's been hiding the fact that he's a camboy and you start to wonder..ls Jaehyun as sweet and honest as you think he is?
Pairing: female reader X college student and camboy!Jaehyun
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Chapter Word Count: 13.5K
Warnings: cursing, cheating, cam boy (video-recorded sex with online audience), brief sexual assault mention (nothing detailed), deception, manipulation, blackmail, alcohol use, minor character death, descriptive smut (fingering, dirty talk, BDSM themes (toy usage, spanking), oral sex (m receiving), threesome, some masturbation, rough sex, vaginal penetration, anal sex, breast fondling).
(A/N): HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!💗💗 Jfc I cannot believe this took 3 years 😵‍💫 please PLEASEEEE forgive me for completely abandoning this as well as other fics, things happen and I couldn’t find any motivation to write for a while. It’s slowly starting to come back, so you’ll notice my writing style is rusty, please be patient with me❤️Anyway, I’ve introduced a new character *hint hint* his name starts with T hehe! Thank you guys so much for reading this series!! I really want to know if you love Cam Boy! Jaehyun or can’t stand him after this finale. So please comment or send an ask! I hope you enjoy! low key, I’m relieved but I’m also kinda sad, anytime I finish a series it’s really like closing a book and leaving the characters behind, it’s weird.. nonetheless!! ENJOY!
Tag List (if you’re still here, I’d be VERY impressed😭): @teddybella @nakayutasama @nainjun @moonflower-98 @cherrym4rk @hwangjinkkami @jeongyoonohs @starlightdustspots @80sjaeden-blog @poisonedsultana @breadjaehyunie @lilaewe @hash-brownsss @lazydepkkst @greatbakerypaperoperator @mymy127 @tiramisubox @cactus-rocks @justineasian @nakamotonikkoru @joyfulghosteagletree @nainjun @bluehippoo @suhtements @lonely-moon-in-the-sky @ratchet-sebooty @mrshatakekakashi-blog @painted-hills @haylo4ever @celestiababie @ubbesson @tinybangtanstan @oddeyecirca @hongtyong @johnnysmybabydaddy @yesitsmeavi @polarlight-b @chanyeolscoon @ncteaxhoe @suhweo @jiyoungiejae @suhfluffy @the-universe-in-you-jjh @yutyongie @isolemnlyswearimgood @staywritten @hnvbin @jhhooppppeeee @yunohflwr @gotoartistprofile @shiningstarsarah @glitterfall @minsik-k @yoooori @26zcl @ahtisa02 @wonw00t
[2:30 PM]
“Miss y/n, I understand that you believe you’re innocent in this situation, but the fact of the matter is that these scandalous photos WERE taken with your permission. You voluntarily posed for these photos”
The Dean flips the posters over on his desk so that he doesn’t have to look at them anymore. You appreciated it, but really, you wished she’d be more sympathetic.
“Y-yes, but not with the belief that they’d ever leave my boyfriend's computer..I’m sorry, I don’t know who is trying to blackmail me, but I’d really appreciate it if campus police could do an investigation. I think my boyfriend was hacked.”
You say quietly, unsure of whether or not you even believed that.
“Of course, miss Y/n, this will be done and the perpetrator may be convicted of sexual assault, should there be enough evidence and should you wish to press charges, but right now, our main concern is maintaining our campus peace and the respectful treatment of others that we pride ourselves in having.”
You nod.
“That being said…” she sighs.
“Myself, as well as your professors, have decided to forbid you from entering the campus.”
Your mouth falls open as your eyes widen. “Wha-“
“It’ll only be for the remainder of the semester. You can join us again in the Fall, but in the meantime, you must finish your classes online at home.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears.
“But it isn’t my fault, I-I don’t understand.”
“Things have to calm down right now, you’ll also be at risk for even more harassment if you stay.” She stands and fixes her blazer, signaling that the conversation was over.
You nod and stand up. She was right. You were in a vulnerable state right now. People that hadn’t known you before now knew what your body looked like without your consent. They’d have perceptions about you, they’d look at you scornfully or maybe even make advances. 
“Thank you for your time.” You hold your head down and leave the office.
Back in your apartment, Bella and Jackson talk about how they ran Jaehyun away. He came to look for you, but they told him they’d have him arrested for trespassing.
“He and the fucking bitch Reina deserve to suffer! I swear to God I will ruin them!” Bella stomps through the apartment.
You hold your face in your hands and sob while thinking about what your life has turned into. You couldn’t show your face on campus now and it’s all because you decided to trust Jaehyun.
“I know what I’ll do, I’ll hack into their account and fucking delete it, how dare they make money after this!”
Bella continues. “They’ll have to start all over.”
“Bella..please..that won’t do anything right now.” You cry even harder. You knew she cared for you and hated seeing you like this, but her getting revenge really didn’t make you happier.
Bella stops in her tracks, rushing to sit beside you and hold your back.
“I’m..sorry, I’m so wounded up, I didn’t even remember that your health is a priority right now. You don’t deserve this and you didn’t do anything wrong, people are just assholes. Have you eaten?”
You shake your head.
“I’ll grab something for you, okay? Stay right here, I’ll be right back!”
While waiting, you hesitantly unlock your phone to check your notifications.
You had nearly 100 missed calls and texts from Jaehyun. You ignore them and block him. You aren’t sure what to think at this point, and it’s not like Jaehyun hasn’t deceived you before. You refuse to be taken for a fool any longer.
You open up the college social media app, CamPak, an app that allows only students on campus to connect with each other anonymously. It’s like Twitter, but for college students whose IP addresses fit the location of the college. You know you probably shouldn’t, but curiosity eats away at you in the silence of your apartment now.
You sigh and scroll through the posts.
Did anyone see those posters this morning? Is this a new nsfw club kkkkk sign me up
She’s hot!! Put the flyers back up
Poor girl must be so embarrassed
Why? She’s the one that posted them obvi, she wants attention
Nah that’s revenge porn
I’d show her a good time
Whoever posted these is a HOE
We don’t need to see this..let it stay on OnlyCams girl
The posts could’ve been worse, you think to yourself and put your phone down. You still feel embarrassed and know you need to be away from it all.
[Two Days Later]
“Hey, mom” you drop your duffel bag to the floor and pull your mom into the biggest hug.
“Oh! You’re home early, I thought you had about another month or so?”
You sob quietly, but not because you’re sad, but because it felt good to have someone hold you so lovingly. You’re relieved to be away from it all, and although it sucks having to switch to online classes so late, you prefer working from your home with only your mom around you.
“Yeah..well, I decided to leave early and finish up my classes from home.”
She pulls away to look at you, a frown coming across her face when she sees your swollen, red eyes.
“Wait, what’s wrong?”
You hesitate to tell her the truth, how could you explain that you were the one that allowed the photos to be taken in the first place? The last thing you needed was for her to scold you for not protecting yourself.
“Nothing…it’s just been a difficult semester, I’m glad to be home now.” You give her a small smile.
“If something was wrong, you’d tell me, right?” Her eyes plead for an answer.
You nod. “Of course.”
You don’t need to relive your embarrassment by showing her the pictures and explaining everything, it’s all going to be okay now.
[Two Weeks Later]
You focus on your studies and get your work done online as expected. Bella tells you that students stopped talking about what happened a few days after you left. Luckily, social media and preparation for exams kept them busy enough to forget about it.
You breathe a sigh of relief when you finally feel like things are going back to normal, slowly, but surely. 
However, you still cry yourself to sleep on some nights. You miss Jaehyun and wonder what you did to deserve this treatment from him. All you did was love him with your entire heart. He took that for granted by risking your privacy and pulling you into a game you had no understanding of.
You never think of texting as this distance is necessary, but you didn’t know that he was keeping in contact with your mother. 
She loves him so much, thinking that he is incredibly charming and thereby, perfect for you. She thinks of him as her son already. So when he shows up to her house one day, she doesn’t hesitate to let him in.
“Honey!” She calls out to you as you wrap up a final paper while sitting at your desk in your room.
“Yes! I’m almost done.”
She still opens the door and peaks her head in.
“Jaehyun’s here. He says he couldn’t get you on your phone, so I told him you’ve been studying h-“
“What?!” You turn to look at her with wide eyes, your fingers begin to tremble over the keys of your laptop.
A week later, you’re finally starting to heal, and here he comes to ruin it all, to remind you of everything that went wrong.
Your mom’s brows furrow. “What’s wrong? Did you guys have a fight?”
“No..no, it’s fine.” You know how much Jaehyun means to her, but now is not the time to explain everything that’s happened. 
“Oh..ok. I’ll tell him to come up then.”
You fix your hair and put on lip balm to look somewhat decent while wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.
It doesn’t matter what you look like, but you don’t want him thinking your life has fallen apart completely.
He knocks and waits for you to answer.
You clear your throat. “Come in.” 
He pushes the door, stepping in quietly.
He wears a black hoodie over sweatpants too, but his hair is disheveled. He has a faint mustache and beard under his dark eye bags. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days.
“What are you doing here?” You find it hard to look into his tired eyes so you look to the floor.
He closes the door behind him and steps towards you quickly, raising his hand to caress your face.
“Y/n..I’m so sorry, please forgive me..I-“
You step back away from him, bumping into your desk before gripping the edge hard. You feel the blood start to leave your knuckles.
“Get out..I don’t want to see you..” your eyes start to fill with tears as you speak weakly.
“Y/n..baby, it wasn’t me, and I swear to you I will get Reina back for this. She’s ruined you, she’s ruined us.”
“Us?” Your eyes flicker up to him.
“Stop acting like this is as difficult for you as it is for me, you’re not the one whose nudes were plastered all over campus and parts of the internet without consent. If you really cared about me, you would’ve done something already.”
Jaehyun’s hand goes to his side as his face falls. He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I was a fool..please let me make this right.”
He leans in again, and you flinch as if scared of him for some reason.
He stares in confusion. You don’t want him to touch you anymore.
“Jaehyun…you can make this right by leaving. Don’t contact me or my mom again..” you start to cry and turn your back to him.
“It wasn’t me, I was hacked, you have to believe me!” He starts to cry as well. “I’d never do this to you.”
But the fact of the matter is he already did. He betrayed you by getting this job with Reina in the first place.
”You’re pathetic for trying to claim innocence right now. You know what’s funny, Jaehyun? I would’ve never known of Reina had it not been for you..”
He swallows hard and steps back.
You turn to face him. “If you hadn’t lied..if you hadn’t been greedy..If you weren’t the coward that you are.”
You’re almost unrecognizable as Jaehyun sees the rage in your eyes.
”Get. out.” You say firmly with tears streaming down steadily.
Whether or not Jaehyun released the pictures and posted them online, he was still the one that took them, he had possession. It would be hard to prove his innocence, not only to you, but to the world as well.
He knows this, but he doesn’t care. He just wants to love you again.
He turns to leave, but stops at the door. “I don’t blame you for being upset with me..but I will always love you, regardless of what happens.”
You exhale before falling onto your bed and wrapping yourself in your blankets. Your heart still aches for him, it hurts to be so cruel.
[Later That Day]
A plastered drunk Jaehyun slams the counter at the bar.
“Another shot!”
“Ooo..don’t you think you should slow down a bit?”
Reina sneaks up behind him while rubbing his back.
“Fuck..” he puts his head in his hands. She’s the last person he wants to see.
“You’re always so happy to see me, makes me feel loved.” She says sarcastically while sitting on the stool next to him.
“You’re..such a bitch..” he slurs out.
“But you love it, don’t you?” She pouts and places her fingers on his chin to tilt his face towards her. “If it makes you feel better, I do like the scruffy look.”
He pushes her hand away and stands up, he drunkenly stumbles through the crowd to get away from her, but she wraps an arm around his waist and helps him to the back. She pushes him against a wall and leans in close.
“Come on, Valentine Boy, it’s just you and me now, we can do whatever we want. We can make so much money again, what do you say?”
Jaehyun chuckles. “Reina..even enhancement pills won’t get me hard for you again.”
 He was done with her and completely disgusted after all she’d done to hurt you.
Reina’s fall smiles. “You don’t mean that..”
She tries to kiss him, but even in his drunken state, he’s able to push her way.
“Get off of me!”
She still doesn’t stop. “Look at me, Jaehyun, don’t I remind you of her? Treat me like you would treat her if she comes crawling back. You’d love to make love to her, wouldn’t you?”
She kisses his neck while holding his face in her hand. And for a brief moment, Jaehyun does imagine it’s you kissing him. Then, he has flashbacks of your heartbroken and angry face watching him leave. He’d never forget it, because it had been burned into his heart.
“You’re not her! You’ll never be her!” He brushes her off again, but in a fit of rage at his declination, Reina throws herself to the floor to make it seem as though he pushed her.
A ruckus is caused as men storm over to Jaehyun. “What the hell was that?!” They push him into the wall before he can explain.
“He hurt me!” Reina pretends to cry.
Jaehyun said no to her again, and this was unforgivable. She made her feel pain, so it’s only right that she does the same.
“Is he bothering you?” One of the men asks.
“Yes.” She sobs and stands up slowly.
The men take turns kicking Jaehyun down on the ground, making him spit up blood and groan. They pick him up and throw him outside of the bar and onto the street.
Eyes black and blue, stomach filled with bruises, and arms sore, but Jaehyun was convinced that he still didn’t feel as bad as you did. If this was his way to receive pain for what he did, then he’d gladly take it.
Reina hasn’t given up on him just yet, so she devises a plan. She bends over Jaehyun and chuckles. “You should’ve just said yes, Valentine Boy.”
She takes his phone out of his pocket and looks for your number. When she finds it, she puts it into her phone and heads home, leaving Jaehyun to groan in pain and roll around on the dirty pavement.
She calls you up and to her surprise, you actually answer.
You aren’t sure if it’s a professor trying to reach you about one of your finals so you answer just in case.
“Y/n..it’s me, Reina..I’m so sorry.”
You roll your eyes. “I should choke you for what you did.”
“I know..it seems like I’m the one that did this..” Reina starts to cry and sniffles over the line. “But it’s not true..I want to explain everything, I want to help you.”
And for some reason, you listen to her, you trust her. Jaehyun had proven he’s a liar before, but you wanted to hear Reina’s side of the story. So you listened and decided for yourself what you needed to do.
[Three Days Later]
Your thumb hovers over the [send text] button on your phone. Did you really want this? Were you ready?
You take a deep breath and hit send.
You to Jaehyun: let’s meet
You put your phone face down on your desk right away and look to the floor, but just a few seconds later you hear a notification.
Jaehyun to You: yes, I can pick you up now if you’d like
You to Jaehyun: ok
You finally style your hair and put makeup on. You hadn’t felt like yourself since everything happened. You felt ashamed for some reason and a part of you felt that you didn’t deserve to feel pretty. All that changes tonight, however, you’re going to get your life back.
Within an hour Jaehyun arrives at your mom’s place to pick you up.
His eyes grow large at the sight of you in a flowy dress that compliments your body so well.
He hurriedly opens the passenger door and smiles.
“You look amazing.”
“Thanks..you look..better.” You give a small smile and sit inside his car. He cut his hair and shaved his beard and mustache. His eyes still look tired though. 
You look at the side of his face and observe all the features you missed. The way his slender neck looks in white crew neck shirts and how his sturdy pecs often peaked through if the collar was stretched. His arms looked toned, his veiny hands gripped the wheel hard. It all reminded you of the many nights you spent together with him pinning you down and making the best love to you.
Is this all that you missed him for though? Is it just lust, is it truly love? You question everything as you sit next to the man you once swore you would grow old with.
The air is tense during the drive to his place, neither of you want to be the first to say what’s on your mind.
“Are you…almost finished with your exams?”
Jaehyun breaks the silence.
“Y-yeah..I have one more. You?”
“I’m done, had my last one this morning.”
He nods and focuses on the road.
“That’s good” you look outside the window.
More time passes between you, creating an awkward space that you just have to break.
“I…forgive you, Jaehyun.”
He hits the brake a little too hard, causing the car to jerk you both forward in your seats. He turns to you now that you’re parked right outside his apartment.
“I-I’m so sorry, y/n…thank you, I promise to make it up to you and find those assholes. I was hacked and the techs at the library were able to wipe my hard drive so it never happens again.”
Did he wipe it to hide something or did he really get hacked? You thought to yourself.
You nod, desperately trying to hide your skepticism.
He leans in close, caressing the side of your face like you’re a precious jewel. “I love you..so much, you mean the world to me..and I’m sorry this happened to you.”
You place your hand over his, keeping his stare, but finding it hard to feel the love for him that you once felt in your heart.
“I know…let’s put it behind us..I just..want to spend time with you.” You start to tear up. You wish things to go back to how they used to be, but deep down you know that isn’t possible. He’s broken your trust more than once now, and you’re finding it hard to put the pieces back together.
Jaehyun, however, is ready for a third chance, his heart racing at the thought of you being his again. He’s going to do everything in his power to keep you this time.
“You mean everything to me.” His eyes fill with tears and it breaks your heart. You can’t help but feel sad when you see him like this. Despite all he’s put you through, it still hurt.
“I know..don’t cry, I’m right here..I’ll always be here.” You wipe his tears away before kissing him.
Your lips stay together for a few seconds before you pull away.
“Come on..let’s go inside.” You tilt your head towards his door.
As soon as you get inside, you resume your kiss while peeling your clothes off of each other, but stop when you feel movement around your ankles.
You pull away from Jaehyun’s lips and look down. “Wh-what’s that?”
“Oh!” He chuckles and bends down to pick up the gorgeous white and brown dog with huge ears. “This is Dora, I got her for you..for us, before everything went down..”He says softly as Dora sniffs your face.
You take her from him, your eyes welling with tears in the process.
“She’s..so precious, Jay.”
His eyes follow your soft face and he thinks of how much he missed you and hearing you call him that.
Your heart kept breaking that night, an overwhelming amount of emotions flowed through you. 
Why is he doing this to you? Why is he making you fall in love with him all over again?
You sniffle and place her back down.
“She’s perfect…thank you.”
You take his face in your hands and resume kissing him.
He drags the zipper of your dress down with one hand behind you, then overtakes your tongue with his, gaining a quiet moan from your body. 
The way he did things with such skill always turned you on.
Your dress falls to the floor, bunching up around your feet. You step out of it and bump into his kitchen counter while your lips are still attached.
When you open your eyes to unbutton his jeans you see bruises all along his midsection.
“Jay…what-what happened to you?” You pant.
“Oh..it’s nothing.” He tries to go back to kissing you, but you pull away.
“No..it definitely looks like something to me. No more secrets.” You look into his eyes.
“I-it’s stupid, I don’t want to talk about it right now..”
“Well..I do.”
Jaehyun sighs and looks to the ceiling. “Reina tried to get back with me and I told her no…she got a couple guys to beat me up.”
Your mouth falls. “What? Why would she—“
“Because she’s delusional..now kiss me before I go crazy.”
You smirk and raise an eyebrow. “Why should I kiss a guy that can’t win a fight?”
He sticks his tongue in his cheek and chuckles while stepping back. “Touché”
“I’m just joking, come here..”
“Nah..I’m good.” He walks to his room.
You run after him. “Okay I’m sorry, let’s forget about-“
He turns around and grabs you by the waist, swiftly bringing you onto his bed.
He kisses you harshly, biting your lip. He shows off his multitasking skills once again by taking your bra off for you as you hover over him.
Once off, he lets your lips go and smiles. His dimples and soft crescent-shaped eyes make your heart weak. He holds your arms while nuzzling his face into your neck. You giggle at how ticklish it feels.
He then flips you over onto your back and looks into your eyes.
You feel goofy as you smile up at him.
“I missed you so much, baby” he whispers while searching your eyes.
“I missed you too..”
“Oh yeah?” He raises an eyebrow.
You nod and bring your bottom lip between your teeth.
He leans back on his knees and licks his lips.
“Did you touch yourself when you missed me?”
You nod again.
“Sweetheart, let me hear your pretty voice..” he says lowly.
Your chest rises and falls rapidly as he looks down at you with lustful eyes.
“Yes..I did.”
“Naughty girl, you know your fingers can’t replace me, right?” His eyes fall from your exposed chest to the waistband of your panties.
“I know..but they still feel good.”
“Hmm, show me.” He demands.
You take your panties off and throw them to the side, then begin to finger yourself with Jaehyun watching intently.
He brings his jeans and underwear to the middle of his thigh before cupping a fist around his hard member.
You watch him move it up and down slowly and at the same tempo at which you tease your entrance to build your own arousal.
When you put two fingers in you moan and throw your head back.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck..you’re so wet already”
“Only for you, Jay..” you whimper and close your eyes tightly while thinking about the times when Jaehyun had you reeling from his thrusts.
He nearly cums from hearing your breathy words.
You move your fingers in and out of your silky walls, pushing in deeper and deeper. You find that fleshy spot and massage the tips of your fingers against it, just barely applying pressure.
Jaehyun pumps his cock up and down as well, nearly drooling from the sight of your essence-covered fingers entering you over and over.
“Fuck..I’m gonna fun, baby.” You move your fingers faster, but Jaehyun quickly grabs your wrist, placing your dripping fingers into his mouth to suck them clean.
“So good..you taste so good..”
He kisses your neck while aligning his cock with you. Your hands massage his back as you call out his name. 
“Jay..it’s been so long baby, I need you.”
He teases you for a bit, running the tip just along the slit.
“I know..” he groans into your neck and finally pushes into you all the way. You gasp, your nails dig into his back.
No matter how much you prepped yourself for him, he always felt big. 
He thrusts into you slowly, ensuring that you feel every vein while adjusting to him.
You mewl as your head spins. It feels so good to have him on you after all this time. For a moment, you forget about everything that's happened.
“Ahhh pretty baby, God you’re so tight.”
He kisses your neck and thrusts harder.
“All for me, right? I just have to stuff you well. You can handle it, right?”
You moan. “Yes! Harder, please!”
And Jaehyun listens, pounding you into the bed over and over to hear your scream louder. 
He places both legs over his shoulders, grasping your ankles as he fits himself into your body at a different angle.
Your mouth falls open as you call out his name again.
It doesn’t take long for you to quiver around him, cumming hard while your eyes roll to the back of your head. He moves a few more times then cums too, coating your walls with so much, you’re sure that some will leak out.
“Better than your fingers.” He smirks and falls down onto the bed beside you.
You chuckle and lay on his chest.
“I think I need another shower.”
[One Week Later]
For Jaehyun, everything went back to normal. You love him and he loves you, you both take care of your darling Dora together. You go on dates and talk about life  as you always do. You make love and spend time cuddling together whenever you’re at his place.
For you, however, it feels different. Jaehyun was the love of your life, but he kept hurting you and you felt the scars on your heart hesitating to heal. You try your best to smile and act as if you don’t suspect him. Your brain tells you everything is okay, but your heart is saying something else.
In the end, would this hurt you or him more?
“Hey. What do you think of this one?” Jaehyun breaks you out of your thoughts as you stare across the vast land of the vineyard.
You’re on a vineyard tour together and get the pleasure of trying different wines.
He hands you a small cup to take a drink out of.
You drink it and close your eyes for dramatic effect. “Oooo..” you exhale. “Nice.”
Jaehyun smiles widely. “I like that one too. Come on, let's grab a bottle.”
“Whoa whoa there, we just started the tour..” you laugh. “What if there are others we like?”
He steps closer to you, gazing down into your wide eyes. “I’ll buy every single one you like.”
You look away and scoff. “You’re so cheesy.”
He chuckles before taking your hand in his and kissing it.  “Only for you.”
The day goes by and you finally get to Jaehyun’s place.
You make out by his front door as you say goodbye.
“You sure you don’t wanna stay over?” He says in between kisses. He rubs his hand along your back.
“I’d love to..trust me, but I have something to take care of.”
You smile back.
“Oh..ok, do you need me to drive you?”
“No, I got it!” You say quickly while stepping back.
“Oh. Well, I’ll see you later then.” He smile before waving you off. “Call me when you get home, okay?”
“Okay!” You yell over your shoulder then walk swiftly out of his sight.
Jaehyun felt something was off about the way you said bye just now, but he shrugs his shoulders and heads inside to Dora.
“Just me and you now, girl.” He bends down and kisses the top of her head.
Meanwhile, once far away, you look back to make sure Jaehyun’s door is shut and he is inside. You then call an Uber.
The Uber drops you off at a place you never thought you’d be at again.
Reina’s apartment.
[One Week Later]
You and Jaehyun have dinner and a Netflix movie date. The food was fantastic and you truly enjoyed your time with Jaehyun. It was romantic and reminded you of the old days.
 Something about him at night with his sharp facial features illuminated by candle lights made him irresistible.
Your dress suddenly felt tighter as he gazed into your eyes while holding your hand.
“Should we go now?” He asks smoothly as if hearing your thoughts about how badly you wished he’d rail you across the table right then and there.
While on your way to his place, you receive a text.
You’re coming over tonight, right?
A big bidder messaged me saying he’ll be there
Remember you get half
You quickly closed your phone screen and looked out the window.
“Everything okay?”
Jaehyun squeezes your thigh gently.
You turn to him. “Yeah..yeah definitely. It’s just…”
His brows raise. “Just what?”
You frown. “I have to take care of something again tonight.”
“Oh! Are you sure? Is it something I can help you with?” His hand grips the wheel as he speaks huskily. He was slowly starting to get  tired of you leaving him alone at nights. Something felt off again and he wasn’t sure why.
You sigh. “Unfortunately, no, I have to go in about 30 minutes.”
“Oh…damn.” He exhales.
You sit in silence for about two minutes as he drives home, then he pulls over on the side of the road.
“Something wrong with the car? What are you doing?” Are you nervous about him suddenly stopping? Does he know?
Jaehyun puts the car in park then turns to you. “You said 30 minutes, right?”
You nod as you stare at him with wide eyes.
“Okay..we have time..I’ve been thinking about you in that dress all night.”
He runs a hand through his hair then licks his lips.
He leans in for a kiss and you kiss him back fervently, he kisses you like he’ll never get a chance to again, tugging your bottom lip before licking over it. He turns his head to get more and you give him just what he is asking. His hands hold the sides of your face still as you fall into him more and more, but then, you remember the texts and pull away after a few seconds.
“God..you’re so good…but I really can’t..” you say breathily.
Jaehyun’s brows bunch together. “W-why?”
You look at his lips. “I really want to…I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“But baby, we have like 25 minutes at least let me taste you..”
You shake your head. “I’m sorry, I’m just not in the mood tonight.”
You lied to him, but it was the only way to get him to start driving again.
You hadn’t had sex in 2 weeks, you wanted to, but it didn’t feel right.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
You shake your head again while looking to the floor. You couldn’t look him in the eyes as your heart beat out of your chest.
“No..no, it’s not you, it’s me..I just need you to be patient with me, okay?”
“Oh, of course! I’m sorry.”
Jaehyun nods and puts the car back in drive, feeling like a huge jerk for making your discomfort about him.
As you’d done a week prior, you wait for Jaehyun to get inside then call an Uber.
You head inside Reina’s apartment and get ready for your second love video with her and Taeyong, her new male counterpart.
“Are you going to be able to do it this time?” She asks as you place your bag down on the couch. You look onto the intimidating setup with lights and a tripod before swallowing hard.
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to..although it would be nice, I’m sure she tastes amazing.” Taeyong leaves the kitchen and heads towards you.
“I’m ready.” You look into his eyes. You couldn’t put up with this game of playing with Jaehyun’s heart for much longer. You were slowly starting to fall in love with him all over again, only hurting yourself in the process.  You knew how this would work out.
If it hurt you to do this to him, why didn’t it hurt him when he had done the same for months? Did he truly care about you?
“Great.” Reina smiles before handing you a baby pink lingerie set complete with a leather collar to put on. 
You freshen up in the bathroom and put the lingerie on. You look amazing, but you wished you felt the same way. It’s hard to be cruel, especially to someone you once loved.
You step out and hear ooo’s and aaa’s by both Reina and Taeyong.
“Thank you..” you smile slightly.
Having your pictures being shared all over,  being labeled as a slut awakened something inside of you. Was it so bad to have people list after your body? Well, not really. But you should at least get paid for it, right? At this point, you didn’t have anything to lose, but you’d get the opportunity to enact revenge on Jaehyun. That was your true goal.
“Now..let’s have some fun.” 
Reina places the final touches on your lipstick and looks into your eyes. “You look beautiful, y/n. I know it’s your first time, and I know you’re nervous, but it will be okay, just follow my lead.”
You lay down on the bed and stare at the camera as she turns it on.
Comments flood the screen of the laptop behind it almost immediately. So many people were waiting for her, and in your novice mind, you still couldn’t compute just how big this online community is.
How could Jaehyun hide this from you for so long?
Taeyong wore pink shorts to match your set and a collar as well. He crawled onto the bed beside you before getting on his knees and leaning down.
“Baby girl..look at me..” the tattooed boy says smoothly. He uses two fingers to tilt your chin towards him. He smiles softly before placing his thumb on it and kissing your lips.
You had met him once before this to take your tests at the clinic together. Everything came back negative for all 3 of you, relieving you of any concerns regarding that. Nonetheless, he seemed to be a sweet guy and his looks were just as striking as Jaehyun’s. 
His sharp jawline provided a wildly stark contrast to his large brown eyes. Reina described him as the perfect partner, and even thanked Jaehyun for leaving her as Taeyong was more “flexible,” and not just in terms of working hours.
He’d take any position she asked him to.
But when preparing for tonight, you asked that they both be in charge. You’d be the one to listen and follow their instructions.
Taeyong maneuvered his lips in a way that made you dizzy. Jaehyun was a great kisser, but Taeyong wrote the guidebook. His tongue overtaking yours as his bottom lip caressed yours. You moaned quietly, raising a hand to grasp his arm and pull him closer. He smelled and felt amazing as he bent over your body.
For a moment, you forgot about everything, you didn’t think about Jaehyun or even remember the blinking red light of the camera. All you felt was Taeyong, but then Reina places her phone down and gets onto the bed beside you. She kisses your neck, leaving her rouge and warmness all over it.
She kisses along your shoulder, sucking hard and biting into the skin slightly. You whimper at the sudden harshness of her teeth against you.
She then kissed lower and lower until getting to your bra. She pulls the cup covering your hard nipples down and begins to suck the nub. Taeyong releases your lips and kneels back away from you.
“Mhmm..just as sweet as I imagined.”
He smirks while rubbing his thumb along your lips, dipping it in and out slowly as you hollow your cheeks and suck.
They way he looks down at you with swollen red lips and they way Reina flicks her tongue against your sensitive breast makes your toes curl.
You watch him palms his hard member through his boxers, noting how a wet mark appears where his precum has already leaked. Turns out he’s just as turned on as you are.
“Do you want it?” Reina pulls away to ask.
You nod, completely unashamed of how desperate you seemed.
She chuckles. “You have to work for it first.”
Meanwhile, Jaehyun gets a text on his phone after getting home from his walk with Dora. His eyes widened.
He immediately tries to call you, but you don’t answer. He doesn’t stop, dialing you over and over hopes that you pick up. Little does he know that all parts of you are currently occupied by Reina and Taeyong.
Your phone lights up on the kitchen counter from his notifications while you take Taeyong’s cock into your mouth.
Your fingers find Reina’s dripping flower as she continues to suck your nipples.
Taeyong grabs the leash attached to your collar and tugs it slightly to choke you.
“Such a good girl..taking me all in like that.”
You involuntarily moan, sending vibrations onto him. He groans and curses as he moves his hips to drive himself deeper and deeper into your throat.
Reina dips her fingers into your thong and begins flicking the tips against your clit.
You begin to choke as you have trouble breathing while Taeyong destroys your throat. The feeling is raw, but you’re so wet by being like this for them, you don’t mind it.
You feel dizzy and drool drips down your chin.
Taeyong is turned on by the sight below him, his movement stutters as he pulls out and pants. You look up with wide eyes while breathing heavily. Something about him was hypnotizing. You lay your tongue out as he unloads onto it, feeling yourself clench around nothing as you cum as well.
Jaehyun stares at his screen after hearing your voicemail come up for the 10th time. It was vital that he get through to you now. What could’ve been so important that you wouldn’t answer him?
He then sees a notification pop up at the top of it.
“watch Rein on Me Live right now! First 2 minutes FREE” 
“Rein on Me” is Reina’s username.
His breath hitches in his throat. Why does he still have her notifications set to “on”?” He thinks to himself and turns the screen off. 
He sits down on the couch and puts his elbows on his knees while thinking about where you could possibly be right now.
And then, curiosity gets the best of him. He picks the phone up, clicking the link while holding his breath.
Why is his heart racing? Is he curious to see if she’s gotten another partner for her videos? He’s not sure why, but what he sees shocks him, breaking his heart instantly.
You are on your knees with your ass up, having your collar pulled by Reina who is below you.
Taeyong pushes into you while you choke on Reina’s strapped on cock.
Taeyong grabs your ass, slamming into you so hard, feeling tears escape the corner of your eyes. 
“Oh look..she’s crying, Tae. I think you should give her something to cry harder about.”
You put a hand up behind you and onto his abs, pushing him away slightly, begging him to be softer on you.
But he chuckles then slams into you again while placing two fingers into your clit and rubbing circles onto it.
“Oh? Is this too much for you?”
They did give you a safe word for when it all came to be too much, but you wouldn’t dare say it now. Although you were being stuffed on both ends and had trouble breathing as a result, Taeyong felt amazing in between your velvet walls and his loud groans and whimpers told you he felt the same.
You shake your head.
“Good, because you’re gripping my cock like you love this. Isn’t that right? Our girl is a slut, Reina, look at her drooling again.”
The chat room is filled with praises and donations. The viewers loved seeing you like this and hearing the dirty talk between the two. Some wanted to be you, and some wanted to fuck you.
Jaehyun’s eyes grow, his focus shifts from the video and to the comments requesting even lewder acts from the 3 of you. How could this happen? How could you betray him like this? Either way, he has to stop this now.
He puts his phone in his pocket and heads out.
He drives angrily, finding it hard to see the road through his teary eyes. He was so angry he could feel the heat escaping his nostrils as he gripped the steering wheel hard.
Meanwhile, it was Reina’s turn to fuck you with her strap.
She lays on the bed on her back, facing the camera upside down. She rubs her soft hands along your thighs as you mount her.
“Ride me well, or we’ll spank you until you can’t sit on your ass for weeks.”
“Yes..” you lower your aching pussy onto the dual ended strap and begin moving.
Reina whimpers as her side of the dildo enters her with each time you go down.
“That’s it, baby, don’t stop.” Taeyong says breathily in your ear while unhooking your bra. 
“Fuck.” He kneels behind you, bringing your hand to cup his hard cock.
He kisses your neck as he pinches your nipples to hear you cry out his name.
Reina rubs your clit with her thumb making you gasp and swivel your hips faster to gain another high. Taeyong then tilts your head towards him and kisses you deeply. He grips your throat, squeezing slightly as his tongue explores your mouth.
He begins to leak all over your hand, but you don’t stop pumping him. You close your eyes and ride Reina even faster, enjoying Taeyong’s passionate kiss as you imagine it to be him you were on top of.
He pulls away, allowing a string of spit to connect your two mouths.
He licks it up then looks into your eyes with a lustful stare. “She’s close, be a good girl and make her cum.”
You nod then lower yourself onto Reina, pulling her bra down to reveal her incredibly perfect breasts. You lick and suck her nipples while fingering her clit.
Taeyong licks his lips at the sight of your dripping opening gliding up and down on the dildo with ease. He pumps his cock and aligns it with your ass while your focus remains on coaxing a well deserved orgasm out of Reina.
He enters you unexpectedly, forcing just half of himself into you before you let out a high pitched scream.
“Oh my god!” You grip the sheets on either side of Reina’s head while your legs tremble at the feeling of being stretched out.
“Ahh kitten, so tight..fuck.” He grabs your waist, digging his fingertips into it to leave what may be a permanent indentation.
He pushes himself all the way in, making you cry again.
You rub your own fingers into Reina faster, making her cum hard. Her eyes roll to the back of your head as she pulls on your leash.
“You’re so pretty like this, isn’t she Tae?”
Reina moans out. “Yes..the prettiest kitten.” He struggles to get out while watching himself enter your tight opening once more.
Reina moves from under you, pulling the strap out of both her and you.
She takes the end that was inside you and puts it in front of your face. “Open, and taste yourself.” She demands.
You open your mouth, sucking it off while looking into her eyes.
You whimper as Taeyong goes so deep inside you, you feel you might go crazy and truly won’t be able to walk for another week. It’s a miracle how he's able to be so big.
“Come on, baby, tell me how good it feels to have me fill you up like this.”
“Feels..so good..” you can’t hold your body up anymore, you fall into the bed as he pounds into you.
More and more payments flood the notification on the laptop screen. Taeyong pushes into you faster while grabbing your leash, and you’re both about to cum again when you hear the front door fly open.
Your eyes open in confusion as you look up at Reina.
She looks confused too. She quickly pauses the broadcast and right after the bedroom door flies open.
“Get the fuck off of her!” Jaehyun stomps towards Taeyong, laying a fist into his face so fast, all 3 of you fail to comprehend exactly what’s happened.
Taeyong falls into the bed as Reina rushes over.
“Jaehyun!” You yell, jumping off of the bed and grabbing the sheets to cover your body.
There goes your dazed feeling.
“What the FUCK is going on here? Reina, what the hell did you do? How could you get her involved in something like this?!” Jaehyun is so angry, his hands create fists at his sides as he glares at Reina. She doesn’t pay attention to him, however, trying to see just how bad his punch was towards Taeyong.
You calm your nerves and finally tell Jaehyun the truth.
“It was my idea, Jaehyun..I want to do this…to get back at you.” 
He turns to you with a confused look in his eyes. You don’t turn away from his stare this time, you look into his eyes and remain strong. You thought of all the nights you cried yourself to sleep, of all the times you felt like you weren’t good enough for him.
You thought of his betrayal and the acts it left you.
You scoff. “Don’t give me that, Jaehyun. I know it was you..I know that it was you who sold the pictures of me and put them up on campus.” You walk closer and closer to him while speaking harshly. 
“I know you wanted to embarrass me and make me desperate for you..so I tricked you..like you tricked me this entire time, I made you fall in love, just so I could break your heart.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen as they fill with tears. His mouth falls open. “You…you really think I could do that to you?”
You nod. “After everything you did to me, you still try to pretend to love me.”
Jaehyun gasps. “Pretend?” He shakes his head. “I have always loved you. There’s not a moment in my goddamn life that I don’t think about you.”
You finally break your gaze, finding it hard to keep your eyes focused on him as he cries endlessly.
“Look..I may have done something shitty and I deeply regret it, but I could never embarrass or dehumanize you like that.” He sniffles. “I’d never put you in danger.”
“Stop lying Jaehyun! We know you were trying to get back at both of us, I tried to stop you!” Reina yells while holding Taeyong, who is still knocked out.
“Fuck you! You’re the reason all of this is happening.”
He takes his phone out and shows you a text he received from his friend. The text he had been calling you about all night.
“Look.. it’s a photo taken from a security camera on campus. I asked my buddy, who volunteers at the police station, to do some digging for me two weeks ago because I wanted to find out who’d done this to you.”
You look at the picture, a breath leaving you once you see who is stapling a print out of your scandalous photo onto a tree.
You turn to her, tears falling onto your cheeks.
“You fucking bitch.”
Reina loses a semblance of her coolness and clears her throat.
“Why? Why did you do this to me?” You sob.
“Because she wants me! She’s so desperate to have me to herself, she’d do something as cruel as this!”
You hold your face in your hands.
“Jaehyun..I’m so sorry..” you reach out to hold him, but he pulls away.
“I’m not surprised by her, but I’m disappointed in you. You’ve hurt me..so badly.” He walks out as you run after him, still clutching the sheet to your body.
“Jaehyun, please!! She showed me the video you made a week before you came to my moms house! She said you were back to making videos together!” You tell him, but Jaehyun shakes his head and turns to you in shock.
“I’d been taking exams the entire time, y/n. There’s no way I’d do that! She just uploads old videos of us to get more money!”
You look back at Reina as she leaves the room too. “Oh..my God.” You crouch down to the floor. How could you be so easy…again?
Reina chuckles and crosses her arms before leaning against the door frame. She nods. “Well..this isn’t exactly how I’d expect things to go down, but I should’ve known you’d still be subscribed to me as part of the notification crew..” she whistles before continuing.
“Yes..I lied, yes..I hacked his iCloud and printed those sexy pics of you, y/n. But it’s only because I wanted to teach him a lesson. He can’t leave me..I made him.” She laughs again. “And to leave me for you? Oh that pissed me off even more. He makes you seem like you’re an angel on Earth. No..he doesn’t deserve you, he deserves someone like me.“ She walks towards him and attempts to touch his chest but he steps back and looks down on her in disgust.
“Valentine Boy deserves someone as lustful, self-centered, and greedy as himself..”
“You’re cruel. And what you did was a crime. I hope it was worth it.”
He speaks sharply.
You cry and remember the call you had just a few weeks ago with her.
“I understand why you’re upset..I’d be too, but you have to understand that this is just Jaehyun’s way of getting back at you.. he was upset that you made him stop. He was desperate for cash so he sold your pics y/n.”
You gasp while listening to her over the phone. Should you have listened to her? Maybe not, but could you really trust Jaehyun after everything? After all, he did take the photos.
“I begged him not to..I told him this would ruin you, but he did it anyway..he made some cash, but he didn’t expect whoever these jerks were to print them out and put them all over campus as a joke.”
You scoff. A joke? That’s all this was for them, a joke.
Reina continues. “He got drunk the other night and came to see me. He said that he didn’t expect all this to happen, but that it worked out in his favor anyway. You’d eventually realize that no one else would love you because you've been exposed and praised as a pornstar slut all over campus. You’d be reliant on him forever..or so he hopes. But I won't let that happen, y/n. I want to help you get your revenge.”
“Why should I believe you?”
Reina exhales. “Listen, I have nothing to lose by telling you the truth. As a matter of fact, I have something to gain. If he gets back with you, he’ll stop doing videos with me, and I’ll stop making money. So I’ll need you to break his heart, therefore he’ll come running back to me. Capeesh? Everyone is happy. And I’d you don’t believe me, take a look at the link I just texted you..”
You look at your phone and click the link. It’s a video of Jaehyun and Reina on OnlyCams with the broadcast date showing “One Week Ago.”
Your brows bunch as you grind your teeth. This bastard was already back to this without you being in his life.
He was misleading you again.
“See? You’ve only been separated for a few weeks and he’s already back to making videos and money with me..”
You can almost hear her smile over the phone as you sit there with steam escaping your ears.
“What is it you want from me?” You let out through clenched teeth.
“Ask to be his girlfriend again, then start making videos with me..break his heart this time so that he gives up on you..get your revenge and make money at the same time. You’re pretty enough and by now I’m sure you’re used to everyone looking at your body. So…join us.”
“Jaehyun..wait..please, I was stupid, I’m sorry I hurt you!”
You stand up from the floor and hurriedly change into your T-shirt and sweatpants that you brought. You run after Jaehyun as he heads out of the door.
However, Reina pushes you to the side to run after him first. She hurries down the stairs.
“Jaehyun!! Don’t go..I love you more than she does, can’t you see? I went through all this trouble for you! I never doubted you, I never hurt you, I only loved you and shared what I had!”
She wraps her arms around his waist from the back, keeping him still as she sobs.
“You’re everything to me, I need you, baby.”
Your mouth falls open as you watch from the top of the stairs.
This was Reina’s plan all along and you fell for it, like an idiot. You allowed yourself to be played.
You rush down and run away, through the trees, hoping that no one will find you. You’re beyond embarrassed and devastated at how everything has turned out.
Jaehyun pries Reina off of him, grabbing her arms off and pushing her away. She calls onto the ground and reaches up for him, but he only grimaces and steps back again.
“Leave me alone!! You’re fucking crazy! If I see you again, I swear I will call the cops!”
In a final desperate attempt, she grabs his ankle. “If you leave me, I will send everything to your dad!”
Jaehyun’s mouth falls open.
“You wouldn’t dare..” he says with venom on his tongue, he truly couldn’t believe she’d do this to him.
“I don’t love you, I never have and I never will.” He pulls his foot away and continues to his car to drive after you.
He looks all over but doesn’t see a trace in the night sky.
He then takes his phone out of his pocket and goes to dial you, but Reina grabs it out of his hand and throws it to the ground in a fit of rage, breaking it instantly.
“You fucking bitch!” He places both hands around her neck and begins to choke her.
She smiles. “Yes, Valentine Boy, come inside and punish me.”
He grows even angrier, letting go and jumping into his car.
“No no no..don’t go!” She slams the trunk of it as he drives off.
“Fuck…” he drives everywhere, looking through the woods to see if he can catch a glimpse of you running through them. 
You find somewhere to rest and crouch down while crying. Your hands shake. How could everything go to shit so quickly?
You take your phone and call Bella.
“Hey..I’m coming over.” You sob.
When you get to your shared apartment, Bella welcomes you with a big hug. “I missed you so much.” She tears up.
You sit down and explain everything to her as she consoles you. Jackson is there as well, making ramen noodles in the kitchen for you.
“Y/n..it’s not your fault, I probably would’ve done the same thing.” He says as he walks in with a bowl.
You take it from him as you sniffle.
“She’s a bitch, she manipulated you. God I can't wait until she gets arrested!”
Bella clenches her fists.
“How..will Jaehyun forgive me? He’ll never look at me again.” You cry harder again.
“No no don’t say that, you’ve forgiven him more than once, he’ll probably forgive you too. Just talk to him…give him some time to calm down, then call him.” Bella rubs your back as you listen. She was right, if Jaehyun truly loved you, maybe he would see it from your point of view and forgive you.
You nod. “Okay.”
And after finishing your noodles and taking a shower, you fall asleep.
[The Next Day]
You rub your swollen, red eyes and pick up your phone instantly.
You have no new notifications Jaehyun, only his missed calls from before everything went down. You swallow hard and dial him back, but it goes straight to voicemail. You then send him a text, but receive a message.
The subscriber you are trying to message is not accepting calls or texts at this time.
You sigh and put your phone down on the bed. As expected, Jaehyun blocked you. He’s deeply hurt and wants nothing to do with you. And so you cry again, clutching your pillow to your chest as the day goes on.
Jaehyun stares out of his window and thinks of you. He misses you so much, and now he can’t call you as his phone was destroyed by Reina.
Now that he’s calmed down and erased the image of you having sex with another man from his mind for a moment, he realizes you  both messed up, you both hurt each other and he wanted to talk with you to see if you still don’t trust him or rather, do you love him at all anymore?
He’s not sure if you’re at your mom’s place or your place near campus with Bella, or if you even made it home safe..but he needs to find you.
He takes a shower, feeds and walks Dora then gets ready to head out in the afternoon, but he is stopped when he hears a knock on his door.
Dora barks before he shushes her and taps her behind lightly.
He braces himself. Could it be Reina? Could it be you? Could it be the guy he knocked out?
He looks through the peephole and sees someone he didn’t expect.
He opens the door and allows the man in.
“How’s my favorite nephew doing?” Jaehyun’s uncle, Charlie, pats his shoulder before stepping towards the couch.
Jaehyun looks at him nervously, but follows behind.
His uncle is a professor at the college. He was instructed by his father to watch over Jaehyun carefully, but in respect for Jaehyun’s growth as an adult, Charlie never overstepped or took his role too seriously.
“Hi..what’s going on?”
He places his bag down and sits beside him.
“Well..you and I…I guess I should say, you are in some deep shit.”
Jaehyun places his hands in a fist in front of him and his eyes lay on the coffee table.
He placed his fingers over his bruised knuckles, swallowing hard as he anticipates what his uncle will say next.
Not many things bothered Jaehyun, but impromptu visits from his family members always made him uneasy. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that girl whose pictures were put all over campus the other day, would you?”
Charlie leans forwards
“Why do you ask?”
Jaehyun clears his throat.
“Oh well…I just thought you might know something..” 
Jaehyun turns to him and speaks softly. “Uncle..why are you really here?”
“Jaehyun..you know..how your father is..”
Upon hearing this, Jaehyun suddenly remembers Reina’s threat. His eyes widened.
“He knows..I know, your mom knows…I mean, personally, I don’t care, it’ll all be erased at some point, but Jaehyun..it’s not looking good for you.”
His uncle continues as he sits back on the couch and exhales.
“Why’d you do it? It’s not like you need the money. Is this like a young couple thing? Is she your..girlfriend?”
“No!…no, not at all..” Jaehyun stands up. He’s furious that Reina really actually exposed him to his father despite knowing their rocky relationship with each other.
“I’m not sure why I did it, Charlie, maybe I needed to feel independent. Maybe I just don’t like asking my hypocritical father for anything..”
Charlie nods, sighing again before fixing his tie. “Well, Jaehyun..whatever your reason is, I get it. You’re your own person.”
Jaehyun stands in silence while clenching his fist.
“Nonetheless, your father is pissed…he wants you back in Korea.”
“What?!” Jaehyun turns around and stares in shock.
“I know..I know..he’s a bit dramatic, but he’s not happy about you becoming a “pornstar.” His words, not mine.”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “I’m not going back.”
Charlie stands and holds his hands out in front of him. “Look, I know you love it here and you don’t want to be anywhere near your father, but think of it this way. You can start fresh back home and learn what it’s like to run a business. Eventually, you’ll make your own money again and won’t have to rely on anyone!”
“But that’s exactly what’s gonna happen! I’ll have to rely on him to get the position! It’s not fair!”
“Jaehyun..I know, you’re upset right now, but just go..at least for the summer break. Maybe you need some time away to rethink everything.”
“No..I won’t.” He looks into Charlie’s eyes.
“Tell him I said “no.””
Charlie sighs and looks to the floor. “He won’t pay for your college anymore…you’ll officially be on your own, cut out of the family name completely, is that what you really want?”
Jaehyun remains silent as he contemplates his choices.
“Think about it and let me know soon so I can help, I’ll try to calm him down for now.”
He lays a hand on his shoulder and leaves.
[3 Days Later]
You finally leave your bed and decide to treat yourself to some coffee from the cafe on campus. Jaehyun never showed up or called so you stopped expecting him to. However, you still thought about him all the time. You missed him so much, but if space is what he wanted, then you were in no position to deprive him of that.
This was your punishment for hurting him.
You stuff your hands in your hoodie and look up at the menu, knowing very well that you’ll just choose what you always do. An iced grande caramel macchiato.
You smile while taking the drink from the barista and look for a seat.
You find your favorite comfy chair in the corner and place your laptop on the table in front of it.
So far, your day is going pretty well. Favorite drink, favorite seat. What else would go right for you?
You needed to distract yourself from thinking of Jaehyun. You take a few sips while reading a novel Bella recommended to you. 
Gentle Monsters.
It’s about a woman who runs, literally, into a handsome man that operates a glass conservatory. The catch is he happens to be hiding a dark secret.
Your eyes scan through the pages quickly as the drama gets juicy and then..your laptop screen is pushed down.
“Hey! What the h-“
Your eyes grow when you see who takes a seat across from you.
“Mhm” he smiles while sipping a pink drink. He wore sunglasses and as he tilted his head, you could see remnants of the bruise Jaehyun left him.
“What..are you doing here?”
“Oh, I didn’t know dashingly good looking boys couldn’t be college students too.”  He says sarcastically.
“I didn’t know you studied here..so does that mean..you saw my pictures? Did you know about me before we met?”
Your face becomes warm as you lean forward and whisper.
“No..I didn’t..I don’t pay that much attention to what happens on campus to be honest.”
You exhale and relax in your chair.
“And if I had, what would it matter now? I’ve already seen…everything..” he eyes you up and down. His gaze is almost too much to bear and you start to feel like Patrick Starr’s rock home under the sea is the perfect place for you right about now.
“Ugh..” you close your eyes and shake your head. “Please..don’t remind me.”
Taeyong’s mouth falls open. “What? Was it that bad?”
“No..it was..magnificent..you were, I mean, are magnificent..it’s just…”
He chuckles as you stumble over your words.
What could you say? He had an intense aura about him that made you nervous. What made matters worse was the fact that a small part of you wanted to kiss him again.
“Oh..magnificent, I like that.” He says in a growl while running a hand through his luscious brown hair.
For some reason, it felt like you were cheating on Jaehyun again so you looked away quickly. “I’m..sorry about Jaehyun, he shouldn’t have hit you..it’s all my fault.”
He shrugs. “It’s fine..you can just make it up to me later.”
You laugh and look outside the window. “Gosh you’re interesting..”
“And magnificent..” he places his sunglasses on top of his head to wink at you.
“Hey!” A girl stops by your table and squints.
“Aren’t you that girl from the posters?” Her friend beside her snickers.
“Oh..” you look down at the table.
They laugh loudly, and begin to create a scene inside the quiet cafe. “Nice! I guess nothing is left to the imagination anymore! Talk about desperate!”
You swallow hard and tap the table while waiting for them to just walk away. You could’ve gone off on them, but what would that do? They’d only make fun of you as more people look up and start to recognize your face too.
Taeyong grows angry once he sees how upset you look. “What’s so funny? Look, I’d be insecure too when she has a perfect face and body and I look like..” he looks her up and down and grimaces. 
“that..” he fakes a total body shiver.
“Better get going, I think Shrek is looking for his long lost cousin.” He says smoothly while giving an evil glare. He puts a finger on his chin and squints. “Congratulations on being the first ogres to be admitted to this school. Yay! diversity!”
You can’t help but laugh.
“Go away now before I call animal control.” he shoos them away.
Damn, he was lethal. You’d hate to be on his bad side.
The girl’s friend scoffs before saying “fuck you..” and walks away.
“I wouldn’t fuck you with the lights off, bitch.”
Your eyes grow.
“What? They’re rude and ugly.” He rolls his eyes.
You found it hot that he’d defend you like this and simply laugh again.
“Anyway, once I found out about Reina’s plan and what she did to you, I left. I want nothing to do with her.” He sips his drink again.
“Yeah..I’m sorry she used you too..”
“Oh don’t be sorry, on the bright side, I got to meet you.” 
A moment of silence rests between the two of you.
You nod and start to gather your things.
“Well, I should get going!”
“Y/n..” he says as he touches your hand on the table.
“I’d love to spend time with you again..”
You take your hand away and tuck it into your pocket again.
“Oh..I don’t plan on doing anything like that ever again, I’m sorry.”
Taeyong laughs. “No..of course not like that, get your head out of the gutter…I mean, time like this at a cafe or park, or something..you’re nice to talk to.”
“Oh..shit, I don’t know why I was thinking that like of course you meant just regular time like this, it’s just the way you said it, you know like the way you touched my hand, I-“
He laughs before standing up from the table. “You’re a mess, let me walk you out.”
Taeyong held your hand to help you stand up from the soft chair.
You walked outside together, but said your goodbyes as you headed in different directions.
“Y/n..” he calls out to you as you walk away.
You fish your phone out of your pocket quickly and hand it to him. He smiles from ear to ear as he puts his number into your phone.
“Don’t be shy now, remember I’ve already seen everything..” he leans in close to your ear. “And I love it..”
You gasp as you punch his chest lightly.
“I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
He waves while trotting away.
You stand there dumbfounded and completely smitten by the man, then you suddenly remember Jaehyun and wonder if these new feelings told you you were over him.
Jaehyun wonders the same thing as he watches from across the street.
He was heading to your place with a bouquet of flowers when he saw you and the man he punched leaving the cafe. He decided to park into a spot a few spaces away and watch your interaction.
You looked..happy. This man made your eyes light up, and the sight was much more painful than watching you get fucked by him.
He now knew that emotions were involved. But did he have any right to be upset? If you decided to move on, why shouldn’t he accept that? You’re doing what’s best for you.
He looks at the flowers in his passenger seat.
He was hurt by everything, but he still felt bad for dragging you into all of this in the first place. He was going to apologize and attempt to prove his worthiness as a boyfriend once more, but after seeing you so happy with another man, he isn’t sure if he had any more chances to take.
A few hours later, you receive a call from campus police.
They positively identified Reina as the person that placed the photos everywhere so they ask if you’d like to press charges for harassment while they charge her for vandalism and breaking into private property.
You nod and say “yes.” The process would be long to convict her of this crime against you, for anyone could argue that you voluntarily took the photos. But you’re determined to teach her and anyone else that thinks of posting “revenge porn” a lesson.
[One Week Later]
You finally receive a text from Jaehyun.
Jaehyun to You: I just got a new phone..I’m sorry for taking so long, would you like to go somewhere?
You tremble slightly and respond. You were starting to get used to not hearing from him so this shocked you
You to Jaehyun: yes
You needed to apologize again, but more importantly, you needed to know how Jaehyun felt about you after everything. Does he still want to date you? Could you make this work?
Later that day you meet up at the park.
Jaehyun arrives with Dora and sits on a bench.
You immediately sit down as well and start to per her.
“Y/n..” Jaehyun says with his warm honey voice. You always grow weak when he calls your name.
You look up at him, taking in the brokenness in his eyes
“I’m so sorry, Jaehyun..I..I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “No, I’m sorry. After everything I put you through, I honestly deserved that.”
“Jaehyun..I’m so tired..I don’t know what’s going on anymore, everyone on campus thinks I’m a slut and I feel so dumb and pathetic.” You start to tear up.
“No, they don’t. They’ve already forgotten about it, okay? And come fall semester, absolutely no one will remember you as that girl.”
You sniffle and nod. Thank God for summer break.
“I think..I just need time..it’s all too much.” You look up at him and Jaehyun isn’t sure if you need time away from everything or just time away from him.
He scoots closer to you on the bench and takes your hands in his. “Don’t worry about anything, I’m here for you, okay? We can start over. We can be completely honest with each other this time.”
You look to the sky as he continues.
“Please, y/n, please come back to me. I promise to make it all right.”  
If you say yes, I’ll stay, even if that means betraying my father, he thinks to himself.
You still sit quietly and think to yourself.
You loved Jaehyun, but you found yourself second guessing everything, could you truly be like how you once were. Then, there are your wandering eyes and emotions. If you loved him with all your heart, how could you possibly think of another man in that way?
And the question that screamed the loudest was why? Why did Jaehyun click the notification from Reina’s livestream in the first place?
You look back to Jaehyun who anxiously awaits your answer, his eyes glossy with tears.
“Jaehyun…I” you start to cry, you can’t hold back your emotions as you fear that  deep down, you already know the answers to all of these questions.
”Do you still love me?” He asks with tears flowing in a steady stream. Your heart breaks to see his lovely eyes so red.
Your mouth falls open.
Why are you hesitating?
“I- '' want to, is what you wanted to say, but just couldn't.
You can’t answer because you know you still don’t trust him. Furthermore, you aren’t sure if you love him or only lust after him.
But still, why is your heart cracking slowly while you both cry? You can almost hear it inside your chest.
Jaehyun nods and stands up before wiping his tears away. “I won’t bother you anymore, y/n..”
“Jaehyun..don’t.” You stand up and grab his hand before he can walk away.
He pulls away and takes Dora’s leash.
Make it easy, lie and rip the band aid off. 
He clears his throat. “I actually wanted to meet with you..because I’ve been thinking during our time away from each other…I don’t think I love you anymore…”
And there it was, the sound of your heart finally falling to the ground and breaking into a million pieces that were beyond repair.
You weren’t sure if you loved Jaehyun, but to hear him say he doesn’t love you is a pain unlike any other.
“…and I think it’s time to move on.” He turns away from you, knowing that the look on your face would only make him fall to the ground and sob.
But deep down, he knows he lies because it’s easier for him to decide for you. This was the only way you could move on. He had to make you hate him.
“You and I both know we only use each other for sex…this isn’t love, it never was, and it has no chance of ever being that..that’s why I cheated on you and felt no emotion.”
He turns back to you and speaks sternly. “If we were to date again, I’d probably cheat again in hopes of finding the true love I crave and don’t receive from you..”
His words stung like sharp daggers and you’re pretty sure even Caesar had an easier pain than what you feel right now.
For a few minutes, you are completely speechless and debate whether or not you should argue with him. But instead, you nod and walk away. “Okay Jaehyun, goodbye.”
You can't see your way through the park as water floods your eyeballs. You finally stop at a stream and clutch your chest.
The tears never stop, your head starts hurting and you feel yourself on the verge of a panic attack.
You call Bella who hears your gasps and panic over the phone. 
“Take deep breaths! I’ll be right there!”
She rushes from home to get to you while you go dizzy.
Jaehyun has trouble driving home, his teary eyes causing the road to blur. He pulls over and pounds his fist against the steering wheel.
“Fuck!” He yells before holding his face in his hands. He didn’t expect saying goodbye to be so difficult, he didn’t expect to regret it for the rest of his life.
He just broke the heart of his one true love.
[A Few Months Later]
“Come on, Dora, let’s get back inside.”
Jaehyun calls after Dora to go back into his mom’s house in Korea.
His mom sits at the table as she goes over the final preparations for his father’s funeral.
The real reason Jaehyun’s father sent for him was because he was ill and only given a few months to live by doctors. He did scold him for creating such scandalous videos, but didn’t spend too much time on it as he had more pressing matters at hand.
Jaehyun deleted all social media and focused on his father’s health as a result. To you, it seemed he had fallen off the face of the Earth.
He trained Jaehyun and taught him some of what he needed to know about the business during his final days alive. Jaehyun was thankful for the opportunity and finally found himself bonding with him after all this time.
“I can teach you all about finances and numbers, Yoon Oh, but I can’t teach you about being passionate about it. At the end of the day, you’ll only regret what you didn’t do for your heart..I guess, that’s why we didn’t see eye to eye before.”
He chuckles before coughing. “It took me getting to this point to realize..All my life, I had no true passion. Nothing worth missing.”
Jaehyun sits at his father’s bedside as he prepares to say goodbye.
He cries while listening to him speak.
“You were always so passionate about art and all this stuff I didn’t understand..I didn’t respect it because I didn’t get it..but what does it matter? It’s about you.. and if it makes your heart happy…if it makes your soul complete, then why should you let it go?”
His father passed away peacefully the next day, leaving Jaehyun with wise words he’d never forget.
A few weeks after the funeral, Jaehyun is tasked with deciding whether or not to stay and gradually take over the business or to go back to college and finish his studies.
Being away from you gave Jaehyun the chance to learn more and think with a clearer mind, hence his decision to go back.
He told his mother he’d be going back only to get his degree, but really, he found his fathers words hard to ignore.
“If it makes your heart happy, if it makes your soul complete..then why should you let it go?”
For Jaehyun, this was about you. He couldn’t fight the urge to love you, he couldn’t just let you go like that.
So he leaves Dora with his mom and heads back.
He knows it will take some time to make up for his shitty actions, but he’d do whatever it takes to love you again, even if that meant watching you from a distance. Just seeing your smile and laugh was enough for him.
He’d complete his studies, but he’d always have you on his mind. 
He keeps in touch with your mom without you knowing, that is, until Christmas dinner that year.
He knocks on her door and waits patiently for her to open it. It would be the first time you’d see each other since he broke up with you. It was going to be difficult, but he had to try. 
What he didn’t account for was the fact that your mind may have already been set on someone else..the strange, handsome fellow named Sicheng that sat across from him now at the dinner table.
The End
Thank you again for going on this journey with me, i hoped you enjoyed it xoxo - Krys
(Hint: check out the agreement to see what happens during the Christmas dinner hehe)
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cuppasunu · 3 years
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“i will love you ‘till infinity runs out. (which is never)”
synopsis: you have waited all your life to find yours, while eric loathes the thought of being destined to one. by fate, you have been matched as soulmates, will it end well?
warnings: profanity, alcohol consumption
pairing: eric sohn x fem. reader | all of tbz members
genre: soulmate au | angst, fluff, suggestive
playlist: spotify
status: completed.
w/c: 27k words
a/n: guess who’s back?? with another chapter fic!?? wooo !! just a heads up, characterizing youngjae with such a jackass personality is a direct blow to my heart because he is FAR from what i have made his character to be. im so glad to be back <33
taglist: @fullsunhee​​ @haylo4ever @fleurseoul @deobi-pabo​ @lsangyeons​ @sangyeon-lee​ @sunwoowuvbot​ @elcie-chxn​ @zyoumeval​ @nyuwings​ @hae-chans​ @mistresskate101​ @heartyyjeno @nanadreamies​ @bacardihs​ @sanniescat​ @gughoul​ @hhjvlogs​ @owlieee​ @sellefics​ @93s-club​ @lovecn​ @silent-potato​ @pimpnameyannie​ @vibecheckvernon-old​ @lovelyutas​ @moonlightgrlkev​ @neo-deobi @sknyuz @mochinyu @kpopnightingale​ @ten-gift @filmopen​ @experimentalwrites​ @dearseungie @reverienostalgia @sunlightwoo
reply, reblog, dm or send an ask if you would like to join or be taken off the list ! (again there is no schedule, im so sorry! i’ll try to be consistent)
DISCLAIMER: this is a fictional story. nothing about what i say or do in this story is an accurate depiction of these characters. please enjoy them as made up situations made for made up characters.
social media au version (intro profiles only)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
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therealmintedmango · 3 years
Interview Tag
Tagged By: @joheun-saram! Thank you so much Mars! You are the sweetest! 💕
Rules: Answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
Name/Nickname: Mango 🥭
Gender: She/Her
Star Sign: Pisces sun & moon// Cancer rising 
Height: 5′3 
Time Currently: 11:08AM
When Is Your Birthday: March 10th
Favorite Band/Groups: BTS, NCT (and all sub-units of group), Monsta X, Seventeen, K/DA (and most artists associated w/ them), BlackPink, KNK, ACE, VAV, Ateez, Stray Kids, SPYAIR, BURNOUT SYNDROMES, Z-Girls, KARD, Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, MCR (RIP), SISTAR (RIP #2), EXID (RIP #3), Caravan Palace, Too Many Zooz, Beach Boys, Astro
Favorite Solo Artist(s): Ariana Grande, Troye Sivan, Lauv, Lana Del Way, Marina and the Diamonds, Lady Gaga, Dua Lipa, Sam Smith, Megan Thee Stallion, Nikki Minaj, MAX, Lizzo, Cher, Doja Cat, Harry Styles, Jhené Aiko, Taemin, Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton, Britney Spears, Joji, Takayan, TOPHAMHAT-KYO, pH-1, Crush, punchnello, jeebanoff, Cosmo Sheldrake, H.E.R., Hippy was Gipsy, offonoff, Plastic Patina, Alina Baraz
Song Stuck In Your Head: Levitating by Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby 
Last Movie You Watched: Soul...and - you guess it - had to question my existence after watching it...
Last Show You Binged: Spinning Out on Netflix for ice skating research // though I didn’t get much from it :( 
When You Created Your (Main) Blog: This year, but I’m unsure of the exact time/month!
Last Thing You Googled: “How old do you have to be to become president?” Because my roommate and I have a deep need for AOC to be president after Biden and we couldn’t remember if it was 35 or 45 you had to be. 
Other Blogs: N/A
Why I Chose My URL: Mangoes are the only thing that matters in this life time lmao not really but I wanted something really catchy and mint is a pretty color (also mint juleps are delicious) so “mintedmango” just makes sense to me!
How Many People Are You Following: 77
How Many Followers Do You Have: 305 (thank you all for being here!! 🥺)
Average Hours Of Sleep: 6-8 hours
Lucky Number: 12
Instruments: Vocals and Alto saxophone that I probably don’t remember how to play...
What I’m Currently Wearing: Black legging and a black sweatshirt that has a crescent moon on the front that says “La Luna”. Oh don’t forget about my fluffy blue “mom” slippers that I wear everywhere because hardwood flooring is cold. 
Dream Job: Doing hair “shows” and educating people on stage. 
Dream Trip: Visiting Japan again and going to Thailand! Iceland? Korea? Poland? Brazil? I want to travel the world!
Favorite Food: Pizza, Ice Cream, Cheesecake, Anything Caramel, Sushi, Thai food....So many things lol
Nationality: American (I’m half Polish and then mixed bag of various other European backgrounds.) 
Favorite Song: So many! But right now I’m obsessed with Suffocate by Hayd.
Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Like To Live In: Harry Potter (I agree with you Mars - I hate JK Rowling but like Harry Potter universe is so cool!), Haikyuu because I just want to cheer on all my husbands, and Runescape because I’m a true nerd now?! (Or Animal Crossing?!) 
Tagging: @justanothergirlfromeurope, @crytaeby, @foxybread, @shadowsremedy, @def-sol, @heoniebaby, @btsaudge, @yoonia, @letfabbri, @xotoosweet, @lilacdreams-00, @roses-ruby, @psycho-slytherin, @chimchimsauce, @nomnomsik, @wwilloww, @haylo4ever, @mygsii, @moononthejoon, @jinpanman (Let me know if ya’ll don’t wish to be tagged! 💖)
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ficswithluv · 4 years
Acceptance Post
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Congratulations to our new batch of members! First and foremost, welcome to the network! I (Admin Solaris) speak for all the admins when I say how truly glad we are that you’ve decided to join us! Secondly, please make sure to read the appropriate ‘now that you’ve been accepted’ criteria! If you’re both an author and bookclub member, please read both!
Bookclub Reader Members:
@cheonjae-min​​​, @nightshadevinter​​​,  @sugarlvst​​​
Blogs we were unable to tag:
Author Members:
@jjungkookiex​​, @btsmakesmehappy​​, @bngtanah​​, @min-youngis​​, @golden-yoongi​
Blogs we were unable to tag:
Bookclub Reader + Author Members:
@randombtsprincessa​, @ot7always​, @taekemeaway​, @promisesox​, @haylo4ever​, @godknj​, @wwilloww​​, @unatempesta-dipensieri​​, 
Blogs we were unable to tag: 
For Readers: Now that you’ve been accepted, here is what you have to do:
Reblog this post.
Add a link to the network somewhere onto your blog within the new few days.
Make sure your messages are open, as we’ll be sending you a link for the discord server.
Read our FWL Bookclub post once more so you’re familiar with the rules.
And last but not least: be an active member! Help spread the love! When you read fics or see a fic that we’ve reblogged that you like, don’t just like them, reblog them! Help spread the fic around! Give that author your love! Send them comments about why you enjoyed their story!
For Authors: Now that you’ve been accepted, here is what you have to do:
Reblog this post.
Add a link to the network somewhere onto your blog within the new few days.
Begin tracking your work with #ficswithluv
Read our FWL Author post once more so you’re familiar with the rules.
If you said yes to joining bookclub then please make sure your messages are open, as we’ll be sending you a link for the discord server soon.
Thank you to everyone who applied! If you missed out, don’t worry! We accept a batch of new readers and authors on the last week of every month, so apply by following the links here: Authors // Readers
If you applied but are not on this list, it’s most likely that you didn’t follow a rule: reblogging the post, sending a masterlist link, etc. Please feel free to apply again and follow all the rules!
With love,
Your Admin Team ⏤ Solaris ( @jamaisjoons​​​ ), Renae ( @mygsii​​​ ), Jane ( @peekaboongi​​​ ), Ashley ( @luffles424​​​ ), Eden ( @minstrivia​​ ), Emi ( @bangtiddies​​​ ) and Phia ( @meowxyoong​​​ )
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puchhka · 4 years
5 songs on repeat
Ahhh dear@i-jinlaugh-at-u-peasants ,than for the tag💖
1. Winter Flower- Younha ft.RM
2. Don't Know What To Do- Blackpink
3. Lover- Taylor Swift
4. District 9- Stray Kids
5. Friends- BTS
Tagging: @khaleesionjupiter @troyeblemaker @gukssunshine @b-1-a-n-c-a @bangtaened-army @haylo4ever @mompickmeupimscaredsstuff @honeyscintilla
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All My Fault 34
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for violence)
Notes: (Masterlist) At some point I don’t think I’ll be able to link all the chapters because Tumblr hates me. Anyway, I’m rising from the void because quarantine. Enjoy!
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @welovegroot @probsjosh  @spooder-moon​ @lostredrobin @haylo4ever @na-n-na @rachelmorganroth  @reclusive-chicken-nugget​
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30, Ch 31, Ch 32, Ch 33
I sat on the stairs in the foyer, idly browsing my social media feeds like it was the morning paper—my Cloudburst account was always hopping—and waiting for Bruce to come home. Jon’s Superboy account was logged into finally and he was responding to every Tweet I’d made as Cloudburst, apologizing for not getting on and seeing earlier. Remarking it was nice to see me again after so long. I was smiling at his definite overuse of excited emojis but he was a sweet kid.
The front door opened.
Bruce and Alfred both came in.
I jumped up immediately. “Hi!” I greeted.
“Morning Nora,” Bruce said, sounding like he hadn’t had any coffee yet.
“Good morning, Miss McCloud,” Alfred agreed as I rushed across the foyer to hug them both.
“Morning,” I replied. I dropped onto my heels after tilting up onto my tiptoes to hug Bruce since he was so tall. “How was Metropolis?”
Bruce shrugged. “Hm. Boring,” he said.
I nodded. “I see. Y’know, I'm surprised Clark didn’t come keep an eye on us while you were gone,” I joked.
“Who says he didn’t?” Bruce mumbled, heading straight for the kitchen.
Well, crap. Hopefully Clark didn’t see anything between me and Damian if he did keep an eye on us and report it to Bruce before I could say anything.
“Huh. Fair point,” I relented. “Hey, listen, Bruce? Can we talk?”
“Those words are never followed by good news,” Bruce said, looking grumpy, as he found the half-emptied coffee pot and a mug.
I rolled my eyes. “No. ‘We need to talk’ is never followed by good news. I asked if we can talk and I was careful to phrase it that way,” I retorted. Bruce eyed me irritably over the top of his mug as he took a long drink.
“Okay. Talk,” he said after he swallowed.
I shook my hair out of my face and pushed some of it behind my ear. “Welp, long story short I don’t want to go back to the past, anymore,” I said.
Bruce coughed on his next gulp. “What?” he asked.
I was half-tempted to pull a cranky teenager and say, “You heard me!” but I didn’t. Instead I just shrugged. “I don’t want to go back to the past anymore. I know we still need to close the Time Bombs case and reopen the timeways but once they’re opened I still wanna stay here,” I said. Bruce lowered his eyebrows.
“There are a couple reasons,” I said, trying my best to maintain my cool as my ears grew warm. I covered them with my hair as subtly as I could. Messing with my hair was a quirk of mine so I doubted Bruce would even notice. “One of them is… I think my disappearance is, like, a fixed point in the timeline. Kinda like how in every timeline where Jason meets you as Batman, he ends up dying. Like if I went back to that Time Bomb attack eight years ago, I’d go missing some other way. Maybe then I’d never return.”
“And the other reasons?”
“I don’t want to go back and screw up this future now because messing with time scares me and I don’t know what would happen to you guys,” I continued. Bruce started taking another drink. I waited till he swallowed to continue. “And, lastly, there’s no two ways about it: I’ve fallen in love with Damian and I don’t want to leave him.” I rushed out the last part so it ended up sounding more like, “I’vefallenlovewiDamiananIdonwannaleaveim.”
Bruce had to just stare at me for several long moments while he figured out and processed what I said. During the silent moments I felt my heart rate rising and my hands start sweating nervously.
Once he understood what I said, the staring continued. But this time with raised eyebrows as he figured out what to say.
Finally, he seemed to gather his thoughts. “You’ve… fallen in love… with Damian,” he said.
“Yes,” I said plainly. I kept my sass out of my tone because I didn’t want to provoke him into a parental freak-out and/or a Batdad lecture.
“What?!” he demanded. “When did this happen?”
“Relatively recently,” I answered. “While you were gone.”
“Nora, don’t you think you’re jumping into that lake a little too fast?” he asked.
“B, there’s been attraction between he and I since I got here,” I said. “We just kept staring and sharing these moments of profound closeness and then fighting the feeling that we wanted to be together and I just… I can’t do it anymore.”
“Does he know?”
“I should hope so. The kiss was mutual,” I said, purposely leaving out everything else that happened between his son and me. Ease him into it.
“Oh so you kissed,” he stated.
“Mmhmm,” I said.
There was a pause.
“Are you mad?” I asked finally.
Bruce regarded me for another moment while I twisted a piece of my hair nervously around my fingers. He took a deep breath, set his coffee down, and sighed. “No,” he decided on. “I'm not angry.”
I wondered if I was supposed to ask what he was feeling about the idea of me and Damian dating. Or if he was feeling anything. I wondered if I even wanted to know.
Ultimately, I decided not to say anything. If Bruce wanted to say more, he would.
He took another long drink of his coffee—finishing his mug before pouring himself another one. I picked at the scabs on my knuckles while leaning against the kitchen counter and waiting for him to say something else—to express his approval or disapproval. I licked my lower lip and chewed on it with a crease between my eyebrows.
“Nora, relax,” Bruce said after a moment.
“I…” I said before just trailing off and trying to smooth out my face.
When that didn’t work, Bruce just sighed. “I'm going to go have a word with my son,” he said, taking his coffee with him.
I caught his elbow. “Don’t yell at him, please. We both… we both want this.”
Bruce just set his free hand on the top of my head. “I'm not going to yell, princess,” he said affectionately.
“Promise?” I pressed.
Bruce ruffled my hair. “I promise,” he said before leaving.
I peeled a scab off my knuckles completely—making it bleed again—and headed for the Batcave.
“Madam, we know it worked,” a man at the table said. “Access to the time-stream has been completely locked down. No one can travel through time except at the normal rate. What more is there to fear?”
The shadowy figure at the head of the table sighed. “Two of the missing from the initial attacks eight years ago returned after the secondary attacks now. Nora McCloud and that vigilante. Stormy or whatever her name is. The short one with the blue accents that isn’t Nightwing. There is no guarantee that the others who went missing aren’t also going to return. The Flash. Impulse. Kid Flash. If the speedsters were to come back, time travel would open up again, meaning the changes we made could be undone.”
“So what do we do?” a councilor asked.
“We capture the vigilante. See what she knows. If she’s found out why we went back to the past, we wipe her memory or take her out.”
“And the McCloud girl? She was the daughter of—”
“We can’t touch her,” the woman at the head of the table snapped. “She is practically the Princess of Gotham. We get close to her and Brucie Wayne will find a way to tear us apart. Besides, she doesn’t know anything about the purpose behind the attacks. If she did, the press would have blown that story waaay up before we could stop her. As it is, they’re too busy debating whether or not she’s dating her foster brother—meaning Little Miss McCloud has no idea.”
“Are you sure about that, ma’am? I just want—”
“Silence! I have spoken to her myself. She knows nothing. We don’t need the fire of that pathetic playboy Bruce Wayne burning under us. Everyone in the city knows how overprotective he is of those kids he takes in.”
“Yes ma’am. Apologies.”
“And if Princess McCloud did know something, she would have told me.” The woman leaned forward, revealing her face in the light. “She doesn’t keep secrets from the people she trusts.”
Damian leaned against the table I was sitting at in the Batcave. “Did he yell at you?” I asked, not looking up.
He chuckled quietly. “No. However he did inform me that he promised you he wouldn’t yell at me. Father is not often in the business of making promises—especially ones he cannot keep. Unless those promises are to his girls. Grayson was right the night you arrived here with me. Father likes his girls more than his boys. He may love us all the same but he likes his girls better.”
I snorted and rolled my eyes. “So what did he say to you?”
Damian pushed off the table to find another chair. He sat down near me and took my hand. “He told me you told him how we feel about each other that we wanted to be together. He said he didn’t know what to think or feel about it. We both know it is not his decision on whether or not we choose to pursue a relationship, but I believe his approval and acceptance would be beneficial to both of us. I, for one, would feel guilty attempting to pursue you without his acceptance and I believe you would feel similarly. Though, please correct me if I'm wrong.”
“You’re not,” I said. He rarely was wrong. “I would feel terrible trying to be with you if I knew Bruce really disapproved. He’s like a second father to me and I’ve been trying for years to make sure I make him proud and do right by everything he’s ever done for me.”
Damian sucked the backs of his front teeth. “Tt. I understand and agree.”
Someone cleared their throat nearby. I jumped with a yelp. Damian wasn’t so easily startled and turned in the direction of the noise.
Bruce stood there, barely out of the shadows, arms folded over his chest and watching us.
Dang it, I thought. OG Bats definitely hasn’t lost his stealthy touch.
“Hooowww… how long have you been standing there?” I asked awkwardly, picking at another scab on my knuckles as anxiety took over again.
“Long enough,” Bruce grunted. He pulled a chair over and sat so the three of us formed a loose scalene triangle—none of the distances between us equal. He leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees, hands hanging in empty space between them. “Kids, you two have grown up into mature, responsible young adults. I don’t say it enough, but I am proud of you. Both of you. And… if I seem…” He scrunched his eyebrows, searching for the right words. “Hrn. Hesitant. It’s because you’re my kids. And… and I want you to be happy but…”
“Not with each other?” Damian challenged, eyes narrowing slightly.
Bruce closed his eyes and sighed, reaching one hand up and pinching the bridge of his nose—something Damian had picked up from him, by the looks of it. “That’s not what I meant, son,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t approve. It’s just—”
A siren started blaring through the cave. “What the heck is that?” I demanded.
Next (coming soonish)
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honeyvoicehwang · 4 years
Things About Me
i am over 5’5 // i wear glasses //contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball caps backwards
Hobbies & Interests
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language (kind of) // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing (not good at it but i like it) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with my friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (just dumped her for being toxic but yeet) // my parents are together // i have hooked up with my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have had a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend (and they’re the greatest!) // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in moving vehicles // i am the mom friend (dad but yeet) // i live by a certain quote(s) // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy (of lights) above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least 3 dogs
this was a lot of fun thank u @haylo4ever
I tag @milkie-yoongi @yeomjoo @herecomesthesunking @piribby
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chocosvt · 2 years
Hiiii lovely choco ik you're prolly inundated w/ asks hfjdkd but may I pls be added to your taglist as well!? (preferably as @/dokyeomblr <3) tysm! Cheering you on!! 🎉 💃🏻 OH and since ppl are mentioning rereads, that's me w/ love café a lot hfkdkdk smooches!
hello<3 omg it’s no problem! 🙈 i will add you for sure! teehee i am glad u liked love cafe—i currently have a problem with rewriting things 😃 i swear tbis will be the last fic i rewrite! have an epic week!! 💗
0 notes
cuppasunu · 4 years
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synopsis: where juyeon loses all his memories after a terrible accident. many years later he’s bound to marry another woman—not knowing their photographer used to be his girlfriend of seven years. will he remember their love?
genre: series (fluff; angst; suggestive)
pairing: lee juyeon x fem. reader
playlist: spotify link
status: completed.
w/c: 1.4K words
once more masterlist
kyu is listening to ... take her to the moon by moira dela torre
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“So, a spring wedding would probably be perfect for this venue, right y/n?” Juyeon’s fiancée, Sihyeon asks, breaking your trance reminiscing about your memories with Juyeon. 
“I’m sorry, I was distracted.. This is where you’re holding the wedding?” you asked, nearly choking on your water.
“Well, the date isn’t until spring next year so we’re still looking for options. It’s funny how my love actually insisted on the idea of having our engagement shoot to be done in a flower field..” she laughs, but hearing that just digs a deeper wound inside you, realizing this is exactly where Juyeon has taken you on dates. 
Taking a deep breath, you excuse yourself and leave the couple to look around the location. Your eyes cannot peel away from Juyeon’s smile, it looks like it could reach from one ear to the other. 
he looks so happy..
Rushing on your way to the back door, you bump into a person.. maybe two (?) coming from the parking lot. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sor-”
Hearing that familiar voice, your eyes immediately dart up meeting your old friend, Changmin. You glance past his shoulders—there’s Chanhee and Kevin. That persistent feeling of wanting to run away? Oh, it’s back and it’s even more intense. 
Before you can even move your feet, Changmin grabs a hold of your wrist out to the parking lot, checking if the four of you are out of the couple’s sight. 
“Y/n.. did you meet them already?” Kevin’s genuine concern is present on his face, but you’re not really sure if that’s for you or his dear friend. 
“Did you tell him the truth?” Changmin asks.
“Hold on- I think I need some explanation on my end too! I didn’t know I was meeting him today, much less find out he’s getting married and he doesn’t remember me? What happened? Does he remember you? When did the accident happen?” you finally burst, tears streaming down your face. 
You all stood there in silence, trying to make the situation make sense. Changmin looked like he was going to say something, and his expression seems like he wants to burn you alive. 
“..we should have come earlier..” Chanhee hisses out of frustration, while putting the effort of calming Changmin down.
“We don’t owe you anything, y/n. Not one explanation. Especially when you br- when you left Juyeon.”
His stinging words hurt as if it just slapped you across the face. You chose to keep your mouth shut, knowing how much those words may have been painful, it was equally as accurate. 
“Well, you know most of it. Before the accident, he already got rid of all your pictures, memories, everything.. So when we found out he had amnesia, we all thought it would be better to not remind him of you,” Kevin explained, “It’s better this way, y/n. They’re happy. He’s happy, now. And all those memories he had of you, it doesn’t hurt him anymore..”
but he forgot all our good ones too..
You sink down on the bench, processing the mess you have entered. The concrete was rough as you threw your head, leaning on the wall, “Is it too late to back out now?”
“Honestly, yea. Sihyeon has been raving about your work for months now. She’s been so excited about the thought of working with you but obviously we can’t stop her without raising any questions about your past with Juyeon,” Chanhee replies, “That’s why we were hoping to catch you before they did in case it all went wrong.”
“.. so she doesn’t know either..”
“She doesn’t. So please, keep this up. Until they get married at least. If you leave now, you’re going to have to explain why,” Changmin mutters bitterly, “Can you really live with the thought of hurting Juyeon again when he realizes the past five years of his life has been a lie?” 
You shake your head, coming into terms with everything that’s going to happen. You stood up from your seat, fixing your hair and wiping away your tears.
“How long have they been together?”
“2 years.”
[2008  — flashback]
“Y/n, it’s unfair to be pretty and smart and talented AND be in a relationship..” your best friend, Mina, jokingly complains. 
“And I think it’s time I set you up with one of Juyeon’s friends,” you replied, making the final touches on your hair in front of the mirror, “Hm, what about Kevin? Maybe Changmin?”
“Oh no, I’m not a sorry case! I’m perfectly satisfied being single,” she smiles, “Less distractions too, I have college to think about missy.”
“Who said that I’ll be abandoning my dreams for a relationship?” you protest.
“Alright- alright, I know you know better than that. It has worked for more than a year.. “
“Two years! It’s our second year anniversary today,” telling her as your ears perk up to hear the sound of your doorbell, “He’s here.”
“Now, have fun on your date!” Mina fixes your collar before ushering you out the door.
After waving your goodbye, you made your way to the gate, light on your steps. Juyeon is standing outside, sniffing a small bundle of tulips before hiding it behind his back when he hears you coming. 
“Hi hun, happy second year anniversary!”
Juyeon greets you with a kiss on the forehead before presenting the flowers to you, “Hey babe, happy anniversary.”
“As always, you know which one’s my favorite,” you tell him, beaming at the buds of vibrant orange on your hand.
“It never changes, y/n,” he pokes fun at your reaction, “Actually I switched it up this time. It’s orange instead of the usual pink.”
“Ha ha,” you laugh sarcastically.
While walking to the bus stop, Juyeon tells you that today’s location will be a secret. But judging on the basket he’s holding, it’s not much of a surprise.
“I have an idea~”
“That’s not fair..” he huffs.
“You baby. Okay, I won’t ruin the surprise. I’ll wait when we get there.” 
And as you guessed, he picked the Seoul Forest as your picnic location. Thankfully, on this cool spring day, it’s the perfect balance of sunny but windy weather. He lays down a blanket on the shade and sets the food he brought out of the basket.
“Wow, did you make all of this?” you’re amazed at the variety of snacks he made.
“I really should say Chanhee did all the work and I just ‘helped’ but I’m always trying to impress you so I’ll take the credit,” Juyeon sheepishly grins.
“Oh sure, yes. My chef boyfriend,” you say, pinching his cheek.
Juyeon scrunches his nose upon hearing that—boyfriend. It’s been two years since you gave him that sweet yes to his adorable confession, but he’s not going to get used to hearing you call him your boyfriend anytime soon. Of course you notice the way he gets shy when you do, so in every possible moment, you made sure to call him that. 
“Right- my gifts,” you remember, grabbing your bag for the small box you’ve prepared to give him.
With raised eyebrows, his eyes follow the box you’ve given him. Opening the ribbon that tied it prettily, Juyeon scans through the envelopes that carry the letters you wrote. Inside, there’s also a handkerchief neatly folded at the bottom of the box.
“You can read the letters later,” you mumble, “but quick, look at the handkerchief and check the embroidery.”
He touches the edge of the light blue fabric— L J Y with a tiny arrow right beside it. At the same time, you pulled your own handkerchief to show him where you have stitched your own initials at the same place, but instead had a heart right next to it. 
You look at his expression to gauge his reaction, and Juyeon’s face says it all. You swore he was so close shedding a tear or two, his eyes watering at the brim. Now, that genuinely surprised you; he wasn’t the type of guy that would seem to be easily moved. 
“Do you like it?” you ask him.
“Do I like it? y/n.. I love it,” he sighs, cupping your cheek on his hand, “Thank you.”
You got on your knees to reach over the food and give him a peck on the lips. Feeling his smile pressed against you, he goes back in to kiss you again. It was sweet and tender—the way you would describe your relationship.
The rest of the afternoon went by like a blur, but all it reminds you was that it was a day well spent.
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a/n: oooh we met the rest of 98z !! why are they so mad that y/n’s back.. hm? gee i wonder why :> anyhow feel free to shoot me any asks of your theories muahahahah. i mean the plot is pretty much all done but i’m curious about what you think heehee
@fullsunsays @haylo4ever @fleurseoul @deobi-pabo @amajeekies @lsangyeons @mydaintydaisy @sunwoowuvbot @elcie-chxn​ @zyoumeval​ @autumnleafez​ @nyuwings​ @hae-chans​ @mistresskate101​ @heartyyjeno​ @nanadreamies​ @bacardihs​ @sanniescat​ @gughoul​ @hhjvlogs
please let me know if you would like to be included or taken out <3
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All My Fault 33
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for violence)
Notes: (Masterlist) This one jumps around a bit. Hopefully it’s not too difficult to follow.
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @welovegroot @probsjosh  @spooder-moon @lostredrobin @haylo4ever @na-n-na @rachelmorganroth  @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ 
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30, Ch 31, Ch 32
“So, what do we do, Damian?” I asked quietly as Damian and I sat in my room on the floor across from each other. Jon had left to go home to Metropolis so we were alone to have our private discussion.
Damian reached across the distance between us and took one of my hands in both of his. “I want to be with you more than I’ve ever wanted to be with anyone else. However I don’t believe we should go public with any sort of romantic relationship immediately. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you’ve been back nearly two weeks less than you have actually been in this future, which would make it seem as though you haven’t been back long enough to be in a romantic relationship—perhaps.”
“What about Bruce?”
Damian’s eyes dropped to our hands. “He returns from Metropolis tomorrow,” Damian said. “As I said earlier, he could look between the two of us and make an accurate estimate of what we’ve done while he was gone if he believed we had something to hide. I can tell him that we’ve fallen in love and intend to pursue a relationship—”
“No,” I interrupted. “Let… let me tell him.”
“Nora?” Damian asked, using my name instead of why?
I sighed. “If I tell him he might… freak out less. You know what I mean? Like, if I say I don’t want to go back to the past and explain why… I doubt he’d drop his coffee.”
I set my other hand on top of Damian’s hand holding my other one. I looked up and met his eyes.
“I love you, Damian Wayne. Strange as our situation is, it’s true.”
He gave me the widest and most genuine smile I’d ever seen from him—or either blood Wayne for that matter. “I love you as well, Nora McCloud.” He leaned forward. I closed the distance and pressed our lips together.
It was a far less heated kiss than the night before. Instead it was simple and tender, full of softer emotions than passion.
Damian pulled away first. “I believe you’re correct. You informing Father would be far safer.” He squeezed my hand. “And in a few weeks—perhaps even a month—we will announce that Nora McCloud and Damian Wayne are officially together.”
I snorted. “Press can finally have their field day about us,” I said.
Damian bounced an eyebrow. “S’pose so,” he agreed.
I smirked. “Let them,” I said.
Damian tutted. “Tt. Alright then.”
“But in private, are we officially together now?”
“Only if you agree to be.”
“I do. Heartily.”
We both snickered.
WHAM! My foot connected to the mugger’s chest—and I was fairly certain I heard a rib separate from his sternum. Yowch.
“Batman’s smitten,” Jason said in the open channel. Tonight it was all of us out on patrol except Tim, who volunteered to be on monitor duty. Dick and Jason had told Cass and Tim that Damian and I were in love and semi-officially a couple while we were in private.
I glanced around to see Damian standing on top of a building that made up one of the walls of the alley I was in, looking down at me. Even from my distance below I could see him grinning. I smiled back at him, whacked the mugger again and effectively knocked him out, and nodded to the man he’d been trying to steal from. “Are you alright, sir?” I asked.
He nodded.
“GCPD is on its way,” Damian supplied to me.
“The cops will be here soon,” I said to the man. “They’ll take your statement.” As I spoke I tied up the mugger. “He’ll be out for at least an hour.”
“Are you leaving?” the man asked me, looking a bit spooked by the mugger.
I gave him a smile. “Not if you don’t want me to,” I said, rocking back and forth on my heels. I realized how that could sound if taken the wrong way and quickly amended, “Not if you feel unsafe alone here with this man.” I didn’t need this guy hitting on me or trying any funny business when Damian was literally only a few stories above me. That being said, most of the creeps and misogynists in this city knew that trying anything rude with a girl in a mask and body armor—Batgirl, the Spoiler, Orphan, Batwoman, Cloudburst, and any visiting female heroes—was a recipe for getting several bones broken and sometimes a verbal smack-down.
Didn’t always discourage them from trying, but I’d dislocated eight shoulders and paralyzed three sets vocal chords in the first two years of being Cloudburst and had since lost track of injuries I’d dealt to creeps who grabbed my backside or hands or other places or made disgusting comments.
As it was, this guy didn’t say anything rude or try to touch me.
I touched my comm-link. “By the way, Hood?” I said.
“Yes Cloudy?” Jason asked.
“Shut up,” I said.
I heard lots of snickering from the rest of the Bat-family.
After a few minutes of waiting, the cops came. Once they turned up, the mugging victim thanked me. I nodded and shot a grappling hook to the roof, whizzing out of sight. Once I swung onto the same rooftop as Damian, I felt his arm ensnare my waist and pull me closer to him. He tapped his comms to mute his microphone and smirked at me. “That was attractive,” he whispered.
I snickered and muted my mic too.
He leaned closer.
I put my hand between our lips before he could kiss me. “Batman and Cloudburst can’t be together, Damian,” I said quietly.
He closed his eyes and sighed with complaint. “Why not?”
“Because as far as civilians are concerned, Cloudburst is still between five and ten years older than Batman. That would be weird. And the coincidence of Nora McCloud returning only a week-and-a-half after Cloudburst can be ignored and forgotten. But Cloudburst and Batman getting caught kissing on a rooftop a month before Damian Wayne and Nora McCloud announce that they’re together is downright suspicious,” I said. “Especially coupled with Cloudburst and Nora’s reappearances.”
Damian pursed his lips and stared at me, his green eyes glinting through the eye holes of his cowl. “Alright,” he relented. “Batman and Cloudburst have a professional relationship.”
“You can kiss me in uniform when we get back to the Batcave,” I said quietly.
“Their mics are muted,” Jason remarked to Dick, Tim, and Cass on a private channel. “I can see them talking through my scope but I can’t hear them.”
“What do you mean, ‘scope’?” Dick asked. “Hood, you don’t have a sniper rifle, do you?”
Jason hesitated. “… No?”
“Hood!” Dick protested.
“Hey, wingding! Now is not the time! They’re being lovey-dovey and you’re complaining about me?!” Jason snapped.
“Okay. So their mics are muted so we can’t hear them. What do you mean, lovey-dovey?” Tim asked, interrupting the argument.
“Well Damian’s got his arm around her waist and she just stopped him from kissing her. She’s got this goofy type of lovestruck grin on her face and Damian is grinning. Grinning,” Jason told the others.
Tim and Dick both “Wow”ed Jason’s description.
“Who wants to bet twenty bucks on how long they date before Damian proposes?” Jason asked.
“Me!” Dick and Tim said at the same time.
“I will too,” Cass added.
“I bet six months and under,” Dick said.
“Whoa. Cutting that one fine, eh?” Tim wondered.
“Well it’s not entirely unheard of—especially if both parties know each other well before becoming a couple,” Dick said, a shrug in his voice.
“Which they don’t,” Jason deadpanned.
“Shut up,” Dick retorted. “Sure they do. Cloudy probably knows Damian better than anyone except B, Alfred, and maybe me. Heaven knows she put forth the effort to do so.”
“Mm,” Jason grunted, unconvinced.
“I will bet six months to a year,” Cass said.
“Hmm. A year to two years,” Tim put in.
“Then I guess I bet two years or any amount longer,” Jason said.
Dick scoffed. “Oh please. I know them. Marriage is an important concept to Cloudy and Damian was raised with the League of Assassins where I'm relatively positive arranged marriages for political reasons aren’t uncommon. I doubt they’ll date that long before getting married.”
“Well twenty bucks says we’ll see, then, hmm?” Jason challenged.
“Guess so,” Dick agreed.
“Yup,” Tim said.
“Yes,” Cass added.
“By the way, we should probably sleep in separate rooms when we get back tonight,” I said. “Because Bruce will be back in the morning and I don’t want to have to edit more security camera footage.” I’d already told Damian that Jason and Dick had taken care of the night before’s recordings. “Plus I don’t know when he’ll be back and I don’t want him to come check on you and find us, y’know, in bed together.”
Damian thought for a moment, still holding me close. “You are… correct. We should probably stay in our own rooms anyway, for as much as we can help it. As though we’re a couple who does not live together yet,” he said.
I nodded. “I agree,” I said.
Damian let me go with a little smirk and jerked his head toward the highest buildings in Gotham. “Let’s go finish this patrol,” he said.
I smiled. “Sounds good,” I agreed. He squeezed my hand before letting go. We took off running over the rooftop and leapt off the side at the same time, unmuting our comms as we went. My hair streamed behind me in the wind as we swung off toward the deeper parts of Gotham. I whooped. I’d never get tired of this.
Damian and I climbed out the Batmobile, beating everyone else back to the Batcave. Except Tim. Who was no longer sitting at the bat-computer and probably up in the shower. Damian and I met at the front hood of the car. Damian rested his hands on my waist, tugging me gently closer. My hands found his shoulders. “May I give you a kiss goodnight, my darling?” Damian asked.
I smiled. “You absolutely may,” I replied.
Damian bent down and pressed his lips to mine. I felt a small grin in his lips. “Everything will be alright,” he breathed when our lips parted but our foreheads rested together. “No matter how Father reacts. Everything will be alright.”
“I know,” I said. “I trust this. I trust you.” My hands slid up from his shoulders and around the back of his neck, my fingers sliding over the short hair on the back of his head.
“I would wait forever to be with you.”
“I would too. But let’s hope that doesn’t happen.” I tilted my head forward and kissed his cheek.
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All My Fault 32
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for implied mature themes but nothing explicit)
Notes: (Masterlist) This story is so long. It really got away from me and got out of hand but... heck I still dig it! Also I’m aware this has taken forever to update, please don’t be mad at me.
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @welovegroot @probsjosh  @spooder-moon @lostredrobin @haylo4ever @na-n-na @rachelmorganroth  @reclusive-chicken-nugget
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30, Ch 31
I got swamped in a Superboy hug the second I entered the parlor. “Cloudy!” Jon exclaimed. “I can’t believe you’re alive! How come you still look the same as how I remember you? Shouldn’t you be older? How long have you been home without telling me? How come you never said anything? What’s really going on between you and Damian? What—”
“Kent!” Damian protested. “If you could shut your trap long enough for either of us to explain anything, that would be helpful.”
“Damian, play nice,” I said, giving Jon a hug back. “We’ll explain everything, Jon. Just settle down a little, okay?”
“Okay. Sorry,” Jon said.
The three of us sat down and Damian and I explained how I ended up in the future without aging after going missing for eight years. I laughed when he said that his parents hadn’t told him I was back even though his mom interviewed me—as Cloudburst—and his dad had Tweeted me when it was first discovered I was alive. “They probably thought you already knew,” I reasoned. “It’s not their fault you never check your social media.”
“Mm. Yeah probably,” Jon agreed sullenly.
Explaining that Damian and I had fallen in love with each other was a little more complicated, but after a lot of awkward silences and searching for words, we managed it. “But you can’t tell anyone,” I added at the end. “At least. Not yet. Just… don’t say anything about it. Please, Jon?”
“Can I talk to Richard about it?” Jon asked.
“No,” Damian and I said at the same time.
“Why not?”
“Because given half a chance he’d tell the entire Justice League about it. We don’t need anyone encouraging him,” Damian said.
“Why don’t you call him Dick?” I asked Jon, not meaning to change the subject exactly but genuinely curious.
Jon refused to meet my eyes. “Because it’s a bad word,” he mumbled.
I giggled. “Jonny, please never change,” I said.
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Kent, you’re eighteen,” he said.
Jon pointed at me. “She’s twenty-one and she doesn’t swear!”
“Fair point,” I said, giving Damian a look. “But Jon, you still can’t say anything until we… go public about it, okay?”
“Ooh! Like a secret romance!” Jon said quietly.
“Yeah!” I agreed with a smile.
“Something like that,” Damian said, still pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
“Dick!” Jason hissed, hurtling around the doorframe and into Dick’s room. “Dick guess what?”
“What?” Dick asked, looking up from his phone.
“Cloudy and Damian—”
“Got it on? Did the dirty? Had some hanky-panky? Whatever euphemism you’re gonna use, I already know,” Dick said with a smile.
“How did you find out?”
“I heard shouting from Damian’s room and went to make sure nothing bad was happening and apparently Jon had snuck in through Damian’s window to ask him about something and found them lying naked in bed together. Which they still were when I got in there,” Dick said. “How did you figure it out?”
“I found Cloudy sneaking back into her room wearing the same clothes as yesterday and her hair was messier than usual. She said she passed out in the game room but I went in there after patrol this morning and she wasn’t there.”
Dick laughed. “I can’t believe it worked. And Bruce and Alfred thought a sleepover in Metropolis for that shareholders meeting or whatever was a waste of time,” he said. “BUT the two of them have sworn me to silence.”
“Yeah Cloudy practically begged me not to tell anyone,” Jason agreed.
“So we’re telling Cass and Tim right? Because they’re in on our little plot?”
“Alfred will probably figure it out in two seconds, but let’s pray Bruce never finds out,” Dick said. “Because if he finds out…”
“He’ll kill them both. Twice,” Jason said.
“I wouldn’t go that far, but he might undo all our fine work of getting them alone all the time.”
“What do you mean? You don’t think he’d kick Cloudy out of the house, do you?”
“No. No. He wouldn’t kick Cloudy out. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t forbid them from ever being alone together ever again while they both live in this house,” Dick said.
“And if they really love each other, one or both of them would move out immediately,” Jason mused.
“Yeah probably,” Dick agreed, chewing on his lower lip. “We gotta make sure B doesn’t find out for a while.”
“When’ll he be back from Metropolis?”
“Tomorrow, I think. It was a business trip. Something about boring board meetings at the Daily Planet.”
“So we have that long to make sure he doesn’t find out,” Jason said.
“Then I guess we have some work to do.”
“Guess so,” Dick agreed.
“Maybe it’d be better if we just… never said anything,” I said to Damian and Jon, winding the end of my braid around my fingers.
Damian gave me an appalled look. “That was one of the best nights of my entire life and you wish to pretend it never happened?”
I sighed, refusing to meet his eyes and instead looking at my knees. “Just… just for a while. Just until we decide… what to do. Your father would kill me—and then you—and then me again if he knew what happened.”
“I assume he will walk into the house and immediately realize. He was called the greatest detective in the world for a reason,” Damian said.
I rubbed my temples. “I know. But… what else can we do?”
“Uh, guys? I feel like I shouldn’t be here for this talk,” Jon said, raising a hand like an awkward schoolboy trying to make a comment in class with a teacher he was scared of. “Really. I just came to get Damian’s help on something I’ve been following in Metropolis. You two should really talk about this in private when I'm not here.”
Damian sighed. “Fine. Come with me to the Batcave, Kent. We’ll discuss there. McCl—Nora, would you care to accompany us?”
“No, I uh, I’m going to go have a word with Dick. And maybe Jason. I’ll see you later. Good luck on your case, Jonny.”
“Thanks Cloudy,” Jon said, giving me a hug as we all stood up and left the parlor.
I climbed the stairs to Dick’s room and knocked on the door.
“Who is it?!” Dick called.
“Cloudy,” I replied.
“C’mon in!” Jason’s voice said.
I opened the door and shut it behind me. “Fantastic. Two birds with one stone. Almost literally,” I said quietly. Both of them glanced up at me. The streak of white in Jason’s hair was lit up a pale blue in the light of his laptop screen. Dick was on his bed and Jason at the desk. They both looked interested.
“I think I know what you’re going to say, Cloudy,” Dick said. I cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah?” I challenged.
“Yeah. You’re going to order us not to tell anyone,” Dick continued, unperturbed.
“And we won’t,” Jason added.
“Except Tim and Cass,” Dick amended.
“What?! No!” I shrieked. “Listen, if every child in this family knows, then it’s just a matter of time before Bruce finds out and kills me, and then Damian, and then me again and then—”
“Nora! Relax,” Jason protested. He used my real name so I knew he was serious. “Big bird and I are taking care of it as we speak.”
“Huh?” I asked eloquently.
“Girl. Seriously? We’ve been trying to get you and Damian together since you got here and he pulled off his body armor and you stared at him!” Dick exclaimed. “Tim and Cass are in on it too! Why do you think we all convinced Alfred to force Damian into monitor duty for the night when you were taking the night off? His knee injury wasn’t even a pulled muscle. Two ibuprofens and he would have been fine for the night. But no. We wanted you to be alone together. We didn’t need backup at all. And hey, it worked.”
My face went slack the longer Dick talked. “Yeah but what do you mean you’re taking care of it?”
“There’s hallway footage of you two, er, kissing rather passionately that I'm currently erasing and replacing with earlier instances of you two going to your own rooms and then you sneaking out of his room this morning is also being erased and replaced with a couple seconds of nothingness until you came out of your own room all showered and dressed,” Jason said.
“Because we don’t want B to find out yet either,” Dick said.
Jason shrugged. “We don’t want either of you to move out yet and we figured one of you would if Bruce found out. Probably you.”
That was a fair point. “So… you’re not going to tell anyone?”
“Except Tim and Cass,” Dick said distractedly.
“No!” I protested. “No one!”
“We’ll keep the details secret if it means that much to you,” Jason said. “We’ll just say that you two finally admitted your feelings for each other or something.”
I sighed and put my hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Thank you. Seriously. Thank you.”
He smiled at me. “You’re welcome, Cloudy,” he said, reaching up and patting my back. “Can’t guarantee Tim won’t figure it out but—”
“But at least you’d have done your part,” I finished.
“Something like that,” Jason agreed.
I nodded—and then bit my lip. “Jay, can I ask you a question and have you give me a square answer?”
Jason pursed his lips. “I'm really more of a triangle guy but sure,” he said. I smacked him lightly upside the head. Nothing too painful. “Ow, hey!”
I looked him dead in the face. “What should I do?”
“Kid, that’s not a question I can be objective about. You know that,” Jason said. “I love you, Cloudy. You’re exactly the sister I would have loved to have my entire life but I only got you for a couple years. I want to protect you as much as I can but at the same time I want you to be happy.”
“How come you’re not asking me?” Dick asked.
“Because I already know your answer, Richard,” I said seriously. “Something corny about following my heart or doing what makes me happy. Plus I know you saw Damian as more of a son than a brother when you were both younger and I know you want him to be happy.”
Dick grumbled under his breath—something about me making a good point. I turned my attention back to Jason, eyebrows raised expectantly.
He sighed. “Cloudy: do what you want. Are you, like, actually legitimately in love with Damian?”
I chewed my lower lip for a moment. “Yeah,” I said.
“Then, heck, Clouds, date him!” Jason said. “Do what you want and what makes you happy. We both know if he’s ever less than respectful of you that you could kick his butt.” He used heck the way I believed it was originally intended to be used—like he couldn’t decide which curse word to use and ended up combining them. “Look, if you wanna be with him, then just do it. It’ll be a lot easier on all of us if you did anyway.”
I cocked my eyebrow again. “How so?”
“I swear every longing look you two threw at each other across the cave when you thought the other wasn’t looking was going to take a year-and-a-half off my lifespan.”
“He’s not alone,” Dick added. “I noticed too.”
I grunted. “Mm. Thanks,” I muttered.
“No problem. Now rest assured that everything is fine here and we’re taking care of ensuring Bruce doesn’t find out and go be with Damian if you want,” Jason said, giving me a smile. He shook his head. “I can’t believe I'm condoning anyone I'm close to being in a relationship with the little gremlin but…” He shrugged.
I ruffled his hair. “Thanks, Jay.” I looked over at Dick. “And thanks Dick, too. Both of you. For… everything, I guess.”
Dick chuckled. “That’s what brothers are for, right?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said. “See you later.” I ducked out of Dick’s room.
“See ya!” Dick and Jason chorused as I shut the door.
4 notes · View notes
All My Fault 31
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for implied mature themes but nothing explicit)
Notes: (Masterlist) It only took me 156 (slightly double-spaced) pages to get here, but we’re here! I don’t know how to write non-slow-burns so... yeah.
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @haylo4ever @lostredrobin @na-n-na @probsjosh @spooder-moon @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30
Jon glanced at the sun as it cleared the horizon and wondered if he should start wearing a watch. After dawn meant Damian was probably awake, right? Usually the new Batman was up at four in the morning for a workout. And Jon left Metropolis at like six…
He skirted around the outside edge of Gotham City so hopefully no one would notice Superboy flying around where he probably shouldn’t have been, and ducked into the woods that surrounded Wayne Manor.
He touched down gently on the window ledge outside Damian’s window, still using his flight to keep him from falling over.
He tapped on the window with his fingernail, used a trick Damian taught him to pop the lock, and slipped in. “Psst! Hey Damian!” Jon hissed, getting into a small slap-fight with the curtains trying to find the gap so he could actually see Damian’s room. “I found this thing that I wanted to run by you—OH MY GOSH! WHAT THE HECK?! WHY AREN’T YOU WEARING CLOTHES?!”
Jon almost fell over. There was a girl in Damian’s bed! With Damian!
Damian was holding her. He was asleep on his back, one arm around the girl’s shoulders and the other across his chest to hold her upper arm. She was curled against his right side, her head in the crook of Damian’s shoulder with her face resting on his right chest, her arm bent over his torso so her hand was resting on the left side of Damian’s chest. Her other arm was under Damian with her fingers curled on his left trapezius. They were both covered in the sheet modestly but that didn’t hide the fact that they both appeared to be naked and their legs were tangled together.
Jon clapped his hand over his eyes and shut his eyelids, hoping his X-Ray vision didn’t decide to activate without his conscious control.
I jumped awake. Who was yelling and why? What was going on? Where was I anyway? Why could I feel a heartbeat under my right hand?
My eyes peeled open.
I was cuddling Damian’s side. He was holding onto me—which was almost more surprising than—
What happened last night.
I gasped and yanked the sheet up more securely to cover up the fact that I wasn’t wearing anything.
“Jon?” I demanded, noticing the tall teenage boy standing just barely in front of the window curtains, one hand over his eyes, though his fingers were pried apart so he could peek with one eye. His eyes were blue and his hair shaggy and black. He was about the same height as Damian—maybe an inch shorter—and a skinny beanpole.
“Wait. Cloudburst?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! How are you alive and why are you in Damian’s bed and WHY ARE YOU BOTH NAKED?!”
Damian woke up too from Jon yelling, taking a deep breath and holding me more snugly against his side as he shuffled. His bright green eyes opened, gave me a soft sort of smile, and then also seemed to realize we weren’t alone. He glanced over at where I was looking.
“Kent?! What are you doing here?!” he demanded.
“I came to show you a file I found. Why is Cloudburst in your bed and why are you naked?”
Damian cocked an eyebrow. “Do the math, Kent,” he said.
Jonathan Kent—Superboy, who I hadn’t seen since he was 10—scrunched his eyebrows. “What math? Math doesn’t apply here. That doesn’t make any sense Dami—OH MY HECK YOU TWO SLEPT—”
“Jon!” I exclaimed, cutting him off. “We don’t need you shouting for the whole world to hear!” My face was turning red and I was wishing that I was anywhere but here. Like maybe Kyrgyzstan. Or Mars.
Damian’s doorknob started shaking, like someone on the other side was trying to come in. But I remembered Damian locking the door last night somewhere in the mess that was our makeout session.
Before I could even think of doing anything, the door opened. “What’s with all the shout—OH MY GOSH! CLOUDY?!” Dick exclaimed.
I ducked under the covers and curled up, absolutely mortified.
“Get out of my room!” Damian ordered—at Jon or Dick or both I wasn’t sure. “What part of a locked door doesn’t imply that I wish to be left alone, Grayson?!”
“You mean, you two want to be left alone,” Jon corrected.
“Shut up, Kent. You’re not helping your own situation,” Damian snapped.
I groaned and buried my face in my hands, still hiding under Damian’s sheets. This was a disaster. Not only had I just guaranteed I’d never willingly return to the past, but I got caught the morning after by Mama Bear Nightwing and Superboy.
“Sorry. I heard yelling and I thought someone was hurt,” Dick said.
“Both of you, out of my room. Now,” Damian ordered. “And do not speak of this to anyone. Do you understand me? If you say a word about what you think you saw, I will not hesitate to string you up by your own intestines. Kent, I’ll speak with you down in the parlor shortly.” There was a darkness in his tone that almost frightened me.
I heard a few noises—footsteps, a quiet whoosh—and then the door shut.
Damian tugged the sheet up. “It’s safe to come out now, habibi,” he said.
I groaned in complaint. “I cannot believe we got caught,” I muttered.
His hand rested between my shoulder blades. “It’s alright.”
“How is this alright?” I sat up, clutching the sheet to my chest. “I’ve been thinking for a while now that I don’t want to go back to my past. I want to stay here. But I didn’t… I didn’t think it would happen like this.”
“Nor did I, habibi,” he agreed.
I sighed. “What does that even mean?” I asked.
Damian brushed some of my messy hair out of my face. “It means beloved,” he replied.
My heart pounded. I scrunched my eyebrows. “But… you called me that… before last night too.”
Damian gave me a soft smile. “Of course,” he said. “I’ve been in love with you since before you returned to us.”
I took a deep breath. “Really?”
I sighed. What was I supposed to say to that?
Damian noticed my hesitation. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I just guaranteed that I'm never going back to the past. Ever.”
“Why not?”
I looked him dead in the face. “Because I wouldn’t be able to look teen-you in the eye ever again.”
Damian brushed some of my hair out of my face. “Is that the… only reason?” he wondered, his fingers trailing through my hair and rubbing the ends between his fingertips when he reached them, his eyes watching their progress.
“What other reason do I need?” I asked.
He met my eyes. “Well… I was… hoping that you might feel the same way about me as I feel about you,” he said quietly, quickly looking away from my face, back down to his fingers.
I lifted my hand up and held the back of his hand where it was still playing with the ends of my hair. “Dami. If I didn’t feel the same way, I wouldn’t have agreed to… last night,” I said, ducking my head so he had to meet my eyes. “I… I'm in love with you too, baby bird.” I threaded my fingers into his hair, smiling softly.
He smiled back at me, leaning down—and pausing. “May I kiss you?” he asked.
“Always such a gentleman,” I said.
“Only for you,” he said.
I grinned and nodded. “You may.”
He closed the distance, sealing our lips together. It was a far more tender kiss than both of us attacking the other’s face the night before. I sighed into the kiss and tilted my head to the side, searching quietly for a better angle.
When it ended, Damian pressed our foreheads together. “Where does this leave us?” I asked quietly. “We’ve never even gone on a proper date.”
“That is a simple fix,” Damian said. “Unfortunately, for the moment, we should probably go catch up with my brother and best friend before they tell the whole house what they saw.” He sighed, like he didn’t find the notion pleasant.
“Right,” I said.
We kept our backs to each other as we got dressed. Damian put on a change of clothes while I put on what I’d been wearing yesterday. I’d run back to my room—hopefully not running into any of the rest of the family—and change.
Once we were dressed, we both left the room. Damian to go downstairs, me to go to my room.
“Hey Cloudy!” I heard Jason call from behind me as I was ducking into my room. “How was your night off?”
“Good. I feel much better,” I said, trying to shut the door in his face before he could see anything.
No such luck. Jason caught the door. “You sure? You look like you didn’t get any sleep,” he said.
“What do you mean?” I asked innocently.
“Well for one, your hair is even messier than usual,” he said.
A brief flash of Damian’s hand tangling in my hair in the dark shot through my head. I forced the image down and hoped Jason wouldn’t notice the blush creeping up my neck.
“And for two, you’re in the same clothes you wore yesterday,” Jason finished.
“Yeah I passed out in the game room on the beanbag,” I said. “I'm gonna shower and change. See you at breakfast.”
“Hey, before you go,” Jason said, stopping me from shutting the door again. “I thought I heard Jon. Do you know if he’s here?”
“No idea,” I said, trying to shut the door again.
“Hang on, Cloudy,” he said. “I stopped by the game room last night to grab a mag I hid from Dick. You weren’t in there.”
“I, uh…” I began.
Jason’s expression dropped as his eyes took in my hair and my clothes again. “OH MY %*^&ING G—”
“Jason!” I protested.
But he wasn’t done. “YOU AND DAMIAN SLEPT—!”
“JASON!” I shouted, putting my hand over his mouth. “Don’t go shouting accusations like that for the whole house to hear!”
“So you did!”
“No! Even if I did it’d be none of your business.”
“Oh, Cloudy, I knew somethin’ was going on between you two since the night you got here but, %^&* that escalated quickly.”
“Jason. Do me a favor: shut up, okay? And don’t tell anyone about your speculations because I don’t want unfounded rumors running rampant around this family or this city that could potentially end up in some misunderstanding that culminates in someone firing me from being Cloudburst.”
Jason didn’t look at all convinced that I was telling the truth, but relented. “Okay, sure. See you at breakfast.” Finally he left. I slammed my door shut.
I took a very brief shower before pulling on new clothes and braiding my hair behind me. The whole time trying to figure out what to do and what to say now. I sat on the floor in front of my mirror as I braided my hair and stared at my reflection.
Yes, I was in love with Damian. No, I didn’t want to go back to the past anymore. But how was I supposed to address that topic to Bruce and Tim and Cass? Were Damian and I supposed to keep… whatever we were a secret from them? Could we even do that? This was Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake—the two best detectives in the world. I’d be lucky to keep a hangnail a secret from them.
I tied off my braid and got to my feet. I really needed to go talk to Dick and Jon.
12 notes · View notes
All My Fault 30
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for implied mature themes but nothing explicit)
Notes: (Masterlist) I have been WAITING to share this chapter for SO LONG! Oh my GOSH!
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @haylo4ever @lostredrobin @na-n-na @probsjosh @spooder-moon @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29
The Manor seemed unusually empty for the night.
I was taking a night off of patrol because I was absolutely exhausted and needed at least several hours more of sleep than I usually tended to get. The boys and Cass were all content to sleep an hour or two a night, but I wasn’t. I could do it for a while before my energy levels just tanked. I’d spent most of the daylight hours napping.
Which was why I didn’t realize the Manor was empty until I went searching for everyone after the sun had gone down.
“Hello?” I called, poking my head into various rooms in search of my family. “Anybody here?” I knew it was after dark so patrol had started—sunset to sunrise—but it seemed weird to have the entire mansion be completely abandoned.
Bruce’s study: empty. Kitchen: empty. Bedrooms: no one. Ballroom: no one. Parlor: nope. Dining room: nope. Library: barren. Game room: barren.
The only place I hadn’t checked was downstairs.
Scrunching my eyebrows, I crossed to the clock and shoved it out of the way.
“Hello? Guys?! Where is everyone?” I called as I trotted down the stairs of the Batcave. “Alfred? Bruce? Damian? Jason? Anybody home? Dick? Tim?”
“What do you require, McCloud?” Damian demanded, spinning around in the bat-computer’s high-backed chair that I hadn’t been able to see him in. I stopped in my tracks, surprised.
“Oh. Damian. Hi. I, uh, I was actually looking for you,” I said. “But I figured everyone but Bruce and Alfred would be out on patrol.”
“Father has taken Pennyworth with him on a business trip to Metropolis. I am here running technical backup due to my knee injury. Though I believe it is fine, Pennyworth would not allow it.” Damian met my gaze. “Why were you searching for me? Any questions about the possibility of timeway repair would be better served to Drake,” Damian pointed out. I bit my lower lip and tried not to roll my eyes.
“I never thanked you, properly, for pushing me out of the way of the Time Bomb’s self-destruct,” I said as Damian’s eyes drifted down to his knees. “You saved my life, Damian.”
Back when I was from, that would have made him straighten up arrogantly because, yes, he had saved my life. But he’d grown up a lot. Not to mention something had been… off between us since I found out I was trapped in his future.
Over-the-shoulder glances from across the cave. Difficulty meeting each other’s eyes. Electric sensations whenever our skin brushed each other’s—even on accident. Sharing quietly intimate moments together with parts of our hearts and souls exposed, trusting the other not to hurt us. Blushing when alone together.
Of all his family, I’d always been the least close to him in the past where I was from—but now with eight years of growth I’d missed out on leaving him to be my age, I’d grown closest to him.
“You’re… you’re welcome, McCloud,” he said, turning back to the computer.
I didn’t know what to say to that, so I shuffled on my feet and changed the subject.
“I’m, uh, I’m going to go upstairs,” I remarked. “You hungry? Want me to get you anything? Thirsty? I think Alfred got some strawberry lemonade for me if you want some.”
“No. Thank you,” Damian replied. I headed over to the stairs. “McCloud. Wait.” I paused. Damian spun around in the chair. “My brothers don’t need me doing this tonight. They can handle themselves. I’d like to join you upstairs, if you’ll allow me. Climbing them might help stretch out my injury.”
I shrugged. “Yeah, that’d be fine,” I said.
Damian got out of the chair and strode over to me, trying hard not to limp on his left leg. I offered him my arm at the stairs. To my surprise, he took it. The stairs to the Batcave didn’t have a railing—because that was a good idea—so I helped keep him steady on his bad leg up to the foyer. We shoved the clock to cover the entrance behind us, climbed up to the second floor, and then just stood there for a moment in the corridor.
We stood a bit too close. Closer than we should have.
That same electric charge that had been in the air since I’d found myself stuck in the unfamiliar future thrummed between us. Damian, his straight posture unusually hunched forward toward me, caught his lower lip between his teeth. “McCloud…” he breathed. “You must admit… there has been something different between us since you got here. I assume you’ve sensed it as well.”
I nodded once. “I have,” I agreed. “I… I’m not supposed to feel like this about you. You’re supposed to be younger than me—like family. But you and I never had a familial relationship—and now we’re the same age.” I met his gaze, where he was staring at me.
“Careful,” he warned. There was a glint in his eyes. The darkness of the manor at midnight made the green of his irises deep and dangerous—like the heart of a thick forest.
“Of what?” I asked, confused.
“Of the look you are giving me. Continue without changing it and we may not make it to a bedroom,” he replied impishly, licking his lower lip.
I sucked in a deep breath. “Fair point,” I said, looking away.
His hand lifted up and rubbed some of my hair between his fingers. “You were always so beautiful,” he murmured. My eyes flicked back to him. He gave me a similar look to the one he claimed I was giving him. One that made my heart pound with desire.
Before either of us could say anything more, I grabbed the chest of his shirt and pulled him to me. He could have resisted—but he didn’t. Our mouths clashed together, working in almost perfect sync as hands and arms got tangled together. Damian scooped me up into his arms. I heard Damian’s bedroom door open. We stumbled through it. Damian didn’t kick it shut. We fell back against it. Damian’s hand slipped out of the mess that was our limbs, letting my legs back down to the ground, and locked the door. That same hand found the hem of my shirt, tugging it up.
I took the same cue from him, my palms sliding over his battle-hardened muscle and skin to the bottom of his shirt. His shirt got flung off to the side a few moments after mine ended up on the floor. His bare skin was smooth under my hands and his hair was soft when some of my fingers made it up that far.
Damian tasted like a minty lip-balm and that one tea he particularly enjoyed that I could never remember the name of. His smell was musky and warm—a scent I wouldn’t mind being surrounded by for the rest of my life.
Slowly we took careful steps, mouths never breaking contact, over to the bed. Damian’s hands picked up the backs of my thighs and pulled my legs to his waist. I locked my ankles behind him, giving over complete trust that he wasn’t going to drop me.
“Is this alright?” Damian breathed.
“It’s alright with me if it’s alright with you,” I said, completely caught up in the throes of passion in the moment and not considering the past or the future. What was time? What was time travel? I wanted this—I wanted him—right now.
“It’s more than alright with me,” Damian replied.
He pulled me down onto the bed.
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All My Fault 28
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: (Masterlist) This has been a long time coming but thanks to @i-sttan I’m going to put up a lot of updates in quick succession because I keep forgetting to post them ‘XD (Sorry...)
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @haylo4ever @lostredrobin @na-n-na @probsjosh @rachelmorganroth @spooder-moon @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27
I glanced over my shoulder at Damian from across the Batcave to see him already looking at me over his shoulder. Our eyes met and after a moment we both seemed to realize that we were staring at each other and we quickly looked away, returning to our tasks in almost perfect sync. I noticed Dick look between us off to the side, like the movement caught his attention. It was an unusually quiet morning in the Batcave where everyone was doing projects more than training.
I shook my head to clear it—and to get the soft look on Damian’s face out of my mind’s eye—and went back to my research. I’d been brought up to speed on the Time Bombs enough that I could help the rest of the Bat-Family look for an origin point or any sort of clues.
It was boring, tedious work. I wasn’t interested in it and having a really hard time focusing. I kept tapping my foot and bouncing my leg under the table and drumming my fingers to no set rhythm and completely failing to accomplish anything.
I shot another quick peek at Damian. He appeared to be sharpening a batarang or his sword or something I couldn’t see very well. His shirt was a tad too small and it was stretched across his shoulders. That can’t be comfortable… I thought distractedly before nearly whacking myself in the face with the tablet I was holding. I really needed to pay attention to what I was doing. Why was I having such a hard time concentrating?
I got up and turned my tablet off. I went over to the training mat, stretched out, and started to do an escrima stick drill Dick had taught me. I was just trying to burn off some energy.
I didn’t cry out or make any typical noises the expel all the air from my lungs the way I normally would if I was actually training—because loud “Hyah!”s were meant to get all the air out of my lungs so that it was harder to knock the wind out of me—because I was just moving around, not hitting anything.
Instead, I slashed the practice escrima sticks through the air silently, twisting around as though fighting several enemies at once.
The sticks I was using collided with something else.
Damian’s wooden training sword. He smirked at me. “Do you think you can handle this?” he asked, tone bordering on playful.
I smirked at him in return. “Probably not. Only one way to find out,” I said.
We sparred. I knew Damian was going easy on me. He was an incredible swordsman and Tim and Dick had already beaten the snot out of me while I practiced with escrima sticks since I was so unused to them, but I was holding my own against Damian better than I thought. Which meant he was going easy. Or I was actually improving my skills fighting with Dick’s favored weapons. That didn’t seem as likely.
That wasn’t to say I didn’t get smacked a couple times with a wooden sword blade, but not as much as I got whacked by Tim’s staff or Dick’s escrima sticks.
We slammed to a stalemate, both of my escrima sticks holding back his sword. We panted for a moment, staring at each other over and around our weapons. Damian was smirking playfully. “Are you handling this?” he asked.
I grinned. “Yup,” I said. I locked one leg around his knee and yanked, pushing him to the ground and landing on top of him, my face knocking against his chest. Our weapons clattered out of our hands. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed my face out of his chest. We laughed breathlessly. “You okay?”
Damian nodded. “I'm alright. Are you?”
“Yeah I'm good,” I said. His eyes were really green in the half-light of the Batcave. They had a glitter in them that I hadn’t seen before—a glitter of humor.
He chuckled. “Good.” He caught me and rolled so he was on top of me, grabbing his wooden sword and holding it to my neck. “How about now?”
I snorted, looped my right leg around his left leg and grabbed his left arm with both of mine.  I thrust my hips up and rolled to my right, knocking him off of me. “Ha!” I crowed triumphantly. “I can’t believe you fell for that one. Oldest trick I learned before I became Cloudburst.” I laughed as I got back to my feet, scooping up my escrima sticks.
“I'm playing fair,” Damian teased.
“You never play fair. That’s kinda the point, right?” I said. We clashed again. Loud clacks echoed through the cave as we sparred. Damian smirked and I snickered. He was definitely going easy on me. I could feel him holding back.
“Scared of me, Wayne?” I teased, ducking under a slash.
“Tt. You wish, McCloud,” he retorted. We both laughed.
“AAHH!” I shrieked, sitting up in bed, panting and looking around wildly. I clutched my covers to my chest and tried to steady my breathing. Panting and heart racing, I blinked rapidly.
My door opened. “Are you alright?” Damian asked, looking concerned but not frightened.
“Bad—bad dream,” I managed to get out. “It, uh, it… it hurt.”
Damian crossed my room, leaving the door open, and sat on my bed next to me. Silently, he opened his arms to me. I slipped out from under my covers and hugged him around the shoulders, burying my face in the curve where his neck met his shoulder. One of his arms wrapped around my back and the other scooped my legs up. He pulled me onto his lap and stroked my hair. “It’s alright. You’re safe. I'm here. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said. I sniffed.
“Promise?” I mumbled.
“Of course,” he replied, squeezing me tighter.
I nodded. “Thanks,” I said.
We sat in silence for several minutes. I could feel his heartbeat against my own chest. His skin was warm and smooth under my chilly hands—except for the scars I could feel. My right hand found one on his back and began to trace around the outside edge of it, the motion soothing my heartrate.
“Do you wish to tell me what you dreamt of?” he asked quietly.
I shook my head. “No,” I said. “But I… I will anyway.”
“No. No. McCloud, if you aren’t comfortable discussing it, I am not going to—”
“Damian,” I interrupted. “I need to get it out.”
He paused and leaned back enough to look me in the face. “Are you certain?”
“Yeah,” I said.
He held me close again. “Alright. But only tell me what you’re ready to say.”
I nodded into his trapezius muscle. “Right,” I mumbled. “I, uh, I was underwater. In Gotham harbor, I think. Like that time we were fighting a gang and I got knocked off the docks. Do you remember that?”
“Of course. It was only a month before the Time Bombs attacked your past.”
“Yeah. And it was dark and I could barely breathe and I could hear scary maniacal laughter. It was less Joker and more Scarecrow and it chilled me right to the bone. And then the dream jumped and I was fighting some bad guys in an alley but I’d forgotten my suit and I was literally in my bra and underwear and that was it and the bad guys were laughing at me. And then the dream jumped again and I was… I was…”
Damian brushed my hair out of my face. “It’s alright. If you don’t want to tell me, don’t.”
“No, no. It’s… it’s okay. The dream jumped and I was fighting you, Jason, Dick, Tim, and Bruce. All by myself. You were all shouting, telling me I had no place in this family anymore and I was no longer welcome to be Cloudburst. Someone was telling me to hand in my suit and then Dick pushed me off the docks and I was back in the water and it was cold and I couldn’t swim back to the surface no matter how hard I tried and then—and then I woke up.”
“McCloud. I assure you that no one in this family is ever going to kick you out. You belong here and Cloudburst is part of you. This family…” He paused. His fingers tightened their grip in a handful of my hair. “This family… loves you, Mc—Nora.”
“Thanks Damian,” I said. I smiled a bit at McNora.
There was another stretch of silence, during which I heard rain falling and a crack of thunder.
“Would… would you like me to stay here until you return to sleep?” Damian asked.
I thought for a long moment, just breathing in his scent. It was musky, but his aftershave had a spicy kick to it.
“Mmhmm,” I mumbled into his shoulder.
I felt more than heard his sigh. “Okay. I’ll be right here,” he promised. He cradled me to his chest and rocked me back and forth, lowly singing a melodic, pleasant song in what I knew was Arabic. I didn’t understand Arabic at all but I could recognize it when I heard it since Damian tended to rant in Arabic when he was frustrated or just simply speak in it some mornings when he was too tired to think about what language he was speaking in.
The tune must have been some sort of lullaby. It was short and it sounded soothing. I could tell he was repeating it over and over because I started to recognize the tune. He rocked me to the rhythm, slowly back and forth, lulling me to sleep.
I closed my eyes and listened, concentrating on the tune. Damian had a nice voice—it vaguely occurred to me that I’d never really heard him sing before and had never heard him sing in this future. But he carried the tune well and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. He sounded so captivating. Like I could listen to his lullaby forever.
“‘S pretty,” I mumbled.
“Mm… my mother used to sing it,” he replied softly. “I'm here, habibi. I'm here.”
“You know I don’t know what that means,” I said.
“What, ‘habibi’?” Damian asked.
I heard a little snicker. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’s a compliment.”
“Try and go back to sleep. I’m right here. I’ll keep you safe.” He returned to his lullaby, rocking me back and forth. “Everything is alright. This family loves you and everything will be alright.”
“Mmm… Damian?”
“Thank you.”
“Of course,” he whispered into my hair. “Now try to sleep.”
“Hmm… mkay…”
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