#mystrade holiday collection
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
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Sharpen your pencil, find your favorite pen, and charge your laptop for the 2022 Mystrade Holiday Collection will open November 25, 2022 and remain open through January 6, 2023. Watch this blog for future updates. 😄
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starkraivennemad · 6 months
Greg parked across the street and a few spots from 221b Baker Street. It was late afternoon and shockingly almost no vehicular traffic on the snowy street. A few uni kids were passing on the pavement side when one grabbed a handful of snow from a nearby bonnet and lobbed it someone else. Greg grinned as he skirted around the impromptu snowball fight that broke out amongst them as he climbed out of his car. He was mid street, past the center line when he heard an almost too sharp whistle. Naturally, he turned his head to look, and was immediately pelted with snow.
And not just a snowball. But several.
All aimed at him.
It was soft snow, but more than enough for the seasoned cop to understand what was happening. He laughed lifting his hands to mock protect his himself, only soft head shots to become more solid body shots from all directions, he could not move.
"Problem Graham?" He mentally cursed as he looked up and spotted Sherlock laughing from the open window.
Mycroft’s sedan pulled up and the man himself rolled down a window. “Need assistance?
“You’re all I need right now.”
Mycroft stepped out and the pelting stopped.
“I thought you said let bygones be bygones…” Sherlock laughed from the window.
“Point.”  Mycroft reached for some clean snow, made a ball, and launched it. 
Greg laughed at Sherlock’s affronted face at Mycroft’s direct hit.  
Mycroft  grabbed more snow and landed one solid snowball dead center of Greg’s chest, then all but dived in the sedan, as a grinning Anthea closed the door behind him. 
It was rare to catch a Holmes off guard. Mycroft had laughed and said he was so impressed that it even happened it was all bygones. Greg really should have known when he threw that snowball which dumped a hefty mound from a snow laden branch on his head it was not going to go unpunished.
“Oh, you bastard!” Greg was so surprised and delighted all he could do was laugh as the sedan drove off.
He barely heard Mycroft’s merry laughter as the window rolled up.
“Bye! Gone! Muah!”
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A bit of soft Christmas Mystrade that turned out far longer than I originally planned!
Mycroft’s lips twisted before he caved in and huffed a soft laugh. “You are incorrect about your assessment of the worst-case scenario,” he said seriously. “The worst that may occur is my social ineptitude upsets your beloved sister to a degree that she sets fire to the house and triggers a gas explosion, which then—”
“The shortbread’s worth it,” Greg interrupted, waving a mock-serious finger at Mycroft. “It’s worth nuclear war.”
Mycroft is terrified to be Greg's date to the annual Lestrade Christmas party. Humans are not his speciality; children even less so. But, with a little help from Greg, football, and good old Father Christmas, this holiday is sure to be a beautiful one.
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Characters: Greg Lestrade, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade's Siblings, Greg Lestrade's Niece(s) and Nephew(s) Additional Tags: Christmas, holiday fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Greg Is Good With Kids, Mycroft Is... There With Said Kids, and struggling, Mistletoe, Not One Hint of Angst, Established Relationship, Football
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helloliriels · 5 months
All of my collected holiday works (so far):
🎁 The Abominable Bride
The Christmastime special Rankin/Bass (totally) would have made for our Baker Street Boys!
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🎄 The Cranberry Jumper on John Hamish Watson
A Jumper So Fine!
🎁 It's Boxing Day ...
Let's drink to Rosie!
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🎄 Christmas in Honeycutt
John's publisher asks him to entertain a war hero at their idyllic estate in Somerset for Christmas? Only ... John doesn't have a wife ... or a daughter ... or an estate! He has a bedsit. In London. And some wounds of his own to recover from!
Meet the cast of our story here! Read the fic here!
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🎄Sleepless in London
"I think my daddy needs a new wife ..." Rosie calls into a late-night radio program on New Years' ... while across London ... Sherlock and Molly have just tuned in to 'Your Feelings and You' with Dr. Irene Adler.
See the full movie cover here! Read the fic here!
🎄 A Place to Call Home
Sherlock gets a holiday postcard from a homesick stranger across the pond ...
🎁 The '12 Days of Johnlock' from 2022
🎁 The '25 Days of Johnlock' from 2021
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Plus some Holmestice & FTH gifts shared from/to:
🎁 All Tied Up - not all gifts come with a bow!
🎁 In Spite of Myself - mystrade christmas fluff!
🎁 It's Detective Time! - adventure time crossover art!
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Mystrade Monday #69
For December 25, 2023
“All I want for Christmas is ____” (fill in the blank)
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The game is to write a flash fic this weekend and post it here (or with a link to the fic on AO3) on Monday with the hashtag Mystrade Monday.
Flash fiction is a complete story that is less than 1,000 words. 360mg is complete fic of 360 words with the last two beginning with “M” and “G” in any order. Please spread the word.
Hot tip: if you tag @mystradepromptsandscenarios , we’ll reblog it.
Don’t forget to add your fic to the Mystrade Monday Collection on AO3.
And in this instance, don’t forget to add your fic to the Mystrade Holiday Collection 2023 on AO3.
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Do you have any recommendations for day by day fics like ficmas/advent calendar/autumnal days for example.
Like when the fic follows the characters for each day for a solid month
Anonymous asked: Love your page! Do you have any fics which follow John and Sherlock where each chapter is a new day or near daily where they are learning that they love each other?
Hey Nonnies!
Oh! This is a good idea for a list, LOL. PLEASE note that there is CONSTANTLY fics like this always being uploaded, especially in parts rather than chapters, so I'm just posting the ones I'm familiar with from my bookmarks that I know follow a "year in their lives" and then any series that I know also have this premise! I scoured my MFL list as well, so I most definitely missed some! Please add some more if you guys have any to add!
And as the seasons change, I love you more by Teatrolley (NR, 3,219 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff and Angst, Est. Rel., Marriage / Proposal) – A year in the lives of John and Sherlock, essentially.
Equilibrium by augustbird (M, 12,351 w., 1 Ch. || Flowers for Algernon Fusion || Jealous then Worried Sherlock, Sick John) – At Baskerville, John is infected by a virus that turns him into a genius. But when the infection progresses into neurodegeneration, it's a race against time to save himself.
I Think I've Come A Long Long Way To Sit Before You Here Today by ArwenKenobi (T, 18,251 w., 3 Ch. || Grief/Mourning, Passage of Time, Major Character Death, Alternating POV, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Coma, Revenge Murders, Hallucinations, Love Confessions, Brutal Accident, Mystrade, Ghost John) – One year after John is killed Sherlock starts to wonder whether John has actually gone anywhere.
I wake up and I wake up and you're still dead by thisprettywren (M, 24,226 w., 1 Ch. || Memento Fusion AU || Amnesia, Timelines, Case Fic) – Sherlock isn't the only one who's lost.
Dear John by wendymarlowe (E, 23,031 w., 64 Ch. || Post-TRF, Online Dating, Pining, Epistolary, Cybersex, Long Distance Romance) – With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site. And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.) Part 1 of Dear John
John Watson's Twelve Days of Christmas by earlgreytea68 (M, 53,464 w., 14 Ch. || Christmas, Holmes Family, Fake Relationship, Alternate First Meeting, Falling in Love, Fluff and Angst, Hardcore Pining) – It's the holiday season. John Watson needs money. Sherlock Holmes needs something else.
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
Albion and the Woodsman by Glenmore (NR [E], 54,437 w., 50 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post S3, Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Family, Drug Use, Depression, Sherlock POV, Light Humour, Reconnecting, Declarations of Love) – Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world … and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots. 
The Swan Triad Series by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Lake AU || Magical / Fairy Tale AU, Romance, Falling in Love, Pining, Psychological Torture, Transformation) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers' attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer.
25 Days of Johnlock Series by prettysailorsoldier (E, 136,961 w. across 13 works || Random Prompts, Various AUs, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss) – 25 Days of festive prompts submitted by all of you! Every Christmas trope imaginable will make an appearance, as well as a few surprises, so be sure to check the tags for all the specifics!
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angels AU || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Light Mystrade, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Graphic Bullying, Big Brother Mycroft, Hard Drug Use, Depression, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John, Panic Attacks, Nightmares/PTSD, Pining, Healing Abilities, Kidnapping, Violence, Torture, Blow Jobs, Virgin John, Emotional Development / Attachment, Mortality, Happy Ending) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest? 
Our Own Art Form by Corporate_cards (G, 2,176 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Art Forms, Angsty Fluff, Passage of Time, Canon Compliant) – That's what he liked most, when he was unsure of what he was feeling, art would show him.
Your Flowers, My Lungs by Corporate_cards (G, 2,353 w., 1 Ch. || Hanahaki Disease || Brief Mary/John, Passage of Time) – ...bright yellow pistil and stamen surrounded by pearl white petals...
28 Days of Fluff by Fluffbyday_Smutbynight (G, 8,177 w., 28 Ch. || Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, 221B / 442B Ficlets, Humour, Original Characters) – A collection of fluffy ficlets (either in 221B or 442B format) written for Fluffbruary 2022.
Advent Calendar 2017 by Hotaru_Tomoe (E,  41,952 w., 25 Ch.|| Not S4 Compliant, Fluff, Humour, Smut, Light Angst, First Kiss/Time, Est. Rel., Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, Christmas Party, Lingerie, Various Universes, Advent Calendar Fic) – My Advent Calendar, 25 one shots from 1st to 25th December, Christmas-ish themed.  Each story has its own rating. Part 23 of The English job
Dawn Before the Rest of the World by PoppyAlexander (M, 65,164 w. across 12 works || 1920′s Historical AU || Romantic John, Wooing, Declarations of Love, Butler Sherlock/Gardener John, Kissing, Period-Typical / Internalized  Homophobia, Kissing, Love Letters, Hand Jobs, Kinks, Passage of Time) – In one of the grand houses of England in the 1920s, butler Sherlock Holmes is wooed to pieces by the world's most romantic gardener, John Watson.
Johnloctober by prettysailorsoldier (E, 169,945 w., 31 Ch. || Assorted AU’s || Alternate First Meetings, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, 30 Day OTP Challenge, Prompts, Halloween / Autumn, Assorted Tags) – 31 days of autumnal Johnlock with prompts from all of you! There will be a bit of everything, but you can check the tags for more specifics.
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shiningstardan · 8 months
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☆ H i
I'm Dan ~ I hope you are doing well!
Welcome to the blog, I mainly write fanfics here, mostly for Nejihina and Mystrade although I hope to write more things from other fandoms in the future.
I don't reblog much stuff here, I have other blogs for that.
Before you scroll down please read the disclaimer.
This is a - m a t u r e - blog. I will write and share things, you may not like.
So... reader discretion and all that jazz ~
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☆ D I S C L A I M E R
Hi, in case you stumbled over my little corner of the internet, please be careful. What I write is purely fictional, and its purpose is to fulfill a - f a n t a s y -
I could write about things that don't align with my philosophy, beliefs or values. What I write is not real love and not real sex, don't take it as a meassure of how real life works.
If you have a question, feel free to send an anonymus ask and I will answer to the best of my habilities. But don't take my fanfics as something that can be applied to reality. ALSO, don't display your age on your blog if you aren't an adult. Like I said, be careful on the internet.
I don't consider my blog to be a safe space where you should be exploring, but I can't stop you. Lord knows I started reading +18 content at a young age.
Be aware that some of the pairings I like are incestuous in nature. No, I am not attracted to people that way. Hell, I'm barely attracted to people in real life having like 2 crushes in 4-ish years...???
Anyway, why do I ship them if this is morally wrong?
Because characters are object, not people.
I can do what I like with my imagination, again, this is fantasy and fiction.
For me to ship something it's because it makes sense for me. Maybe I saw something in the narrative or the story that I felt encouraged me to ship a pairing.
That being said:
Morality police isn't welcome here.
Ignore or block me, if you are uncomfortable.
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☆ A B O U T M E
Level 29
I'm a sun sag, ascendent sag and moon gemini
I'm aegosexual so Happy Ace Week! (if it's the 3rd week of October)
My favorite drink is hot Chai
☆ S O C I A L S
☆ S E C O N D A R Y B L O G S
NejiHina Archive
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Peculiar considerations for atonement
☆ W O R K I N G O N
Part 1: published!!!
Part 2: published!!
Part 3: May 10th
Part 4: May 17th
Spanish Translations
I will be translating 2 of my own fics into spanish those being:
Peculiar Considerations for Atonemente
A drop is not enough
Another Author's Project!
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☆ M A S T E R P O S T S
✦ N E J I H I N A D I R E C T O R Y ✦
✦ W I P D I R E C T O R Y ✦
☆ B L O G T A G S
ShiningStarDan - Wips
ShiningStarDan - Fic Updates [for fics in progress]
ShiningStarDan - Fanfics [for finished works]
ShiningStarDan - Masterpost [to check different collections]
☆ C O L L E C T I O N T A G S
ShiningStarDan - NejiHinaWeek
ShiningStarDan - NejiHina Kinktober
ShiningStarDan - Festivities and Holidays
ShiningStarDan - Festividades y Celebraciones
☆ L A N G U A G E T A G S
ShiningStarDan - Fics in English
ShiningStarDan - Fics en Español
☆ F I C T A G S
Fanfic: Peculiar Considerations For Atonement
☆ P E R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T
Hi! so here is my policy:
Ask permission for:
Translating my fics to other languages (I do my own translations for english and spanish).
Recording podfics.
No need to ask permission for:
Making fanarts
Companion or reimagining fics
Other inspiration works
Big No-nos:
Reposting my works to other sites and accounts under any circumstances, I manage my own works.
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vulpesmellifera · 4 years
Night of the Grey Mare
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Every year, Mycroft visits the Watson-Holmes family on Christmas Eve to deliver a story to his precocious niece Rosie, and share in a little of the mulled wine. This year, Rosie wants to hear something scary. Mycroft tells her a frightening tale of The Christmas Witch, and then takes his leave before Sherlock and John can enact their usual routine to make him feel unwelcome.
The way home is fraught with unforeseen events and Mycroft soon finds himself in his own frightening tale of horror.
Or does he?
Now on AO3.
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My Writings
A Chocolate Christmas
Mystrade Holiday 2019
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The season is nigh for the Mystrade Holiday Collection 2022!
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We are rapidly approaching that “most wonderful time of the year” and once again a collection will be opened on AO3 for any new holiday themed Mystrade fics and art. The 2022 collection will open on November 25th (after Thanksgiving) and will close January 7th (end of epiphany). Like the previous collections it’ll be open and unmoderated, so you can add your own fics and art to the collection. ⛄️
The only rules are that it be Mystrade fic or art, written/created in 2022, and holiday (Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Chanukah, Christmas, New Year's, Kwanza, Winter Solstice, etc.) themed. So if you wrote a Christmas fic in July this year go ahead and add it. 🎄
Each week (maybe twice a week) this blog will post an update with any new fics added to the collection. 🎅
If you know you’ll be writing a Mystrade fic or creating Mystrade art this holiday season check out @12daysofmystrade and consider signing up. The more, the merrier. ❄️
Any questions? Feel free to ask. 😃
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starkraivennemad · 6 months
Mistletoe for Le Rois
Mycroft Holmes quietly stepped from the lift at NSY and walked across the busy floor to his destination. It always amused him most on the floor will glance at him then quickly turn their heads in fear he might notice them. None but two people on the entire floor know exactly who or precisely what he does, but people know someone with power when the see it.
And Holmes Mycroft knows he exudes POWER in his three-piece suited glory. Still, he could not help the trite pleasure in watching their unconscious displays of fear and respect from them as he passed.
Luckily for them, unlike his incalcitrant little brother who deduced the worst in them and publicly aired their trivial affairs for sport, Mycroft did not. Oh, he certainly deduced them to the core, but he could not be so bothered with airing it. He was at NSY to see one person and one person only.
Detective Inspector Gregory  Lestrade.
Mycroft could have easily passed the assignment to one of his minions to give to Lestrade. But being honest with himself he could not. Work being what it was for both, they have not had an update dinner in nearly a month. They have spoken on the phone, but it was not the same. He wanted to see the man. He just could not say those words, among others.
Words like I want you and I have been in love with you for well over a year.
Mycroft Holmes knew who he was – a powerful man, cold, exacting and yes posh. Blessed with an intelligence that put him so far above Mensa level to make being a member comical. Yet cursed to not have the patience to deal with the rest of the normal world that even Mensa level geniuses find inept.
Yet Gregory Lestrade, though not Mensa, was still amazingly intelligent. He was a hard-working cop who earned every accolade and above all he was a genuinely good man that people naturally gravitated to.  Gregory had the patience of Job. He had to, to have put up with the likes of his brother and by some miracle, become someone that Sherlock calls a friend. That he was naturally handsome who aged beautifully where his premature silver hair only added to his allure did not hurt.
He remembers the days when they first met, and he had not so much as looked at the man fully before he dismissed the then sergeant. He thought Lestrade would just be another bribed minion to spy on his brother. Never in his life was he happy to be proven so wrong. His underestimation of the man left Mycroft unprepared for Gregory’s slow but sure chipping away at the ice that surrounded himself and his heart. The who had told Gregory on several occasions that caring is not an advantage discovered that cared oh so deeply for the detective inspector.
He cared so much he cannot go so much as a month without desperately wanting to see him.
Thus, Mycroft the Moth headed to straight to Lestrade the Light's office and internally grinned when he saw the man.
Like the squad floor itself, the DI had decorated for the holidays. Only instead of his desk or his walls he had decorated himself.
Above his head a sprig of artificial mistletoe hung from the ceiling with a sign that read "Stop trying to get me under the mistletoe!" while an arrow pointed directly down. Red and green tinsel was wrapped around his arms. While gold and silver tinsel was draped from his neck like floral leis.
The tinsel was one thing, things had been very busy at NSY of late and the levity was need. But Mycroft knew the mistletoe, especially its specific location, had to be against Human Resources rules somewhere. He also knew, Lestrade would not care one whit and would feign innocence if reported, not that anyone would. The charming  copper was well-liked knew and all would take it for the humor it was.
It did not stop Mycroft from wishing he had the guts to put that mistletoe to use, but down-to-earth men like Gregory Lestrade did not desire high-handed, admittedly high maintenance, stalwarts like himself. So, like the words he won’t say he keeps that wish to himself.
The Gregory’s head was down concentrated on the mounds of paper and computer work. At some point Gregory had run his hand through his hair making it stand on end. Mycroft’s hand literally itched to touch it. Whether to finger comb it back in place or muss it further
Mycroft stood at the open door and watched the furrowed brow for a moment before he knocked.   
“Ya?” Gregory had barely glanced up from his desk in acknowledgement, but that mere glance made Mycroft’s heart stutter. Because his mind had been busy on work, Gregory’s whole mien had changed at the sight of him. For a moment Mycroft knew that Gregory was happy to see him before he pulled his professional façade in place. Mycroft was not sure what to make of that.  
“If you’re busy detective inspector, I can come by another time.” He turned as if prepared to leave even as he silently prayed to deities, he does not believe in, that he got to stay and nearly swooned in relief when that prayer was answered.
“Get in here, Holmes. You do not casually come by these offices. What can I do to -erm- for you?” 
Mycroft had far too many answers to that near Freudian and tamped them down. He knew Gregory thought nothing of it as by rote he automatically closed the blinds and the door to Lestrade’s office when he visited so no one would enter without knocking as they got to the business at hand.
An hour later Mycroft found himself standing oh so close to a seated Gregory as he went over something on the man’s computer. He did not need to look on the computer for what he wanted, but it got him just that much closer to Gregory. Close enough that though Gregory had moved over to give him some space Mycroft could still feel the body heat the man radiated. He realized they both were under the mistletoe and clearly Lestrade had realized it as well if he was reading his sudden pinking correctly.
It dawned on Mycroft then, that was not the first time he had seen Gregory slightly flushed in his presence. He knew the possibilities it could have meant with others, but this was Gregory(!) it could not mean what he thought it meant. Mycroft dismissed for the impossibility it was.
Then Gregory opened his drawer and pulled out a little figurine.
“Oh, one thing, Mycroft...”
Read the rest o AO3
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Fanfiction Masterpost
I never thought I’d be cool enough to do one of these nifty masterposts, but I’ve realized that my fic volume is growing pretty fast (and I’ve suddenly gained a bunch of folks here; hi!) so I’ve decided to put it all together here.  
Fics are categorised by fandom and ship (or lack of ship) and sorted by rating (G, T, M, E).  If a word count is not listed, it’s in the 2-5k range.
List is under the cut!
AO3 profile link
BBC Sherlock
Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Flowers and Fatherhood - Tales of Greg’s teenage daughter, Ellie, and the formation of a new little family.
Through the Twisting Vines Outside - Chronicling Mycroft’s recovery, with Greg’s help, post-series 4.
A Broadcast From the Distant, Dark Beyond - Febuwhump 2023.
Light of My Life, My Darling - Flufftober 2023.
There Is, In Fact, Mistletoe - Christmas moment!  10k.  Written for the 2022 Mystrade Holiday Collection.  Greg’s got a big family and it’s time for Mycroft to meet all of them.  Silly little kids and funny football games galore.  And, of course, a bit of mistletoe.  Rating: G.
No Fear of Shadows - 6k.  Established relationship fic in which Greg attends his first political event with Mycroft.  Rating: G.
The Chessboard Awaits - One of my personal favourites!  20k.  A series of vignettes spanning Mycroft’s entire life and exploring his usage of chess to navigate life.  Not really magical realism, but magical-realism-flavoured.  Rating: T.
Our Love Keeps the Things It Finds - Soulmate AU!  20k.  Everyone develops soulmark tattoos based on the things their soulmate (here called a Match) loves the most.  Getting together.  Features a little bit of opera and a lot of fluffy sweetness and silly pining.  Rating: T.
Where the Cinders Blaze - Fantasy AU!  7k.  Febuwhump Day 21: Shackled, Day 22 (alt prompt 9): Natural Disaster, and Day 23: "You'll have to go through me."  Mycroft is a mage on the run; Greg is his rugged saviour.  Rating: T.
Start a Flame in Your Heart - A Mystrade retelling of “The Snow Queen.”  Fantasy elements.  6.3k.  Rating: T.
Crimson Blaze - Longfic alert!  120k words of action and adventure in New York City.  Not an American AU, but not canon compliant either.  Lots of dancing around each other, a touch of jealousy, and plenty of suspense.  Rating: M with Graphic Depictions of Violence warning.
the only truth i know is you - Longfic alert!  75k words for the 29 prompts of Febuwhump 2024.  Chronicles of Mycroft’s abduction and slow but steady recovery, told through his, Greg’s, and Anthea’s eyes.  Rating: M with Graphic Depictions of Violence warning.
Then Let Us Love - Victorian AU!  65k words for the lovely AnnStPere for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023.  Mycroft is a daguerreotype portrait artist and Greg a police constable.  Lots and lots of pining.  Rating: E, though there’s only a little smut.
AT/UNDER 5,000 WORDS - Rating: General
Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight - Mild angst with a happy ending.  Mycroft is out of the country on business and realises that he misses his friend Greg a bit more than one generally misses a friend. 
That Breathless Charm - Short, silly piece with exhausted dancing to ridiculous non-music.  Terrible singing.  
Rugged - Febuwhump Day 5: “That’s gonna scar.”  Ficlet (500 words).  Greg gets slashed pretty bad in a fight and is sad about his new scar.  He worries that he’s going to look ugly, old, and feeble.  Mycroft, however, has a different opinion.  No graphic violence. 
When You Wake Up - Febuwhump Day 12: “Can you hear me?” and Day 13, alt prompt 3: Soft words.  Greg is in a coma.  Mycroft, never leaving his side, speaks to him.  Happy ending. 
Flowers - Mystrade Is Family submission!  Mycroft meets Greg’s teenage daughter for the first time. 
Forevermore - 5+1 of Mycroft bonding with Greg's daughter Ellie. 
The Magic of Your Charms - Greg is one of Cinderella's footmen.  Mycroft is his new carriage driver.  Fantasy elements. 
My Sometime - Younger Mycroft and Greg alternate first meeting at a café. 
The Flower of My Heart - A frightened Ellie, Greg’s teenage daughter, calls Mycroft for help. 
So Much We Share - Nervous Greg at a policemen's conference.  Swapping clothes and splashing in the pool.
As Sure As the Stars - Moving in together and painting a new flat themselves.
Gold Dust at My Feet - Corn maze while dressed up as cowboys.  Lots of silly jokes.
Right By His Side - A Yard Halloween party.  Mycroft decorates the fireplace, then watches Greg get pranked with a birthday cake.
Hello, You; Goodbye, Heart - A wrong number call results in a bold Greg asking Mycroft out.
I’ll Be His (and He’ll Be Mine) - Greg tries out a series of terrible pick-up lines on Mycroft.
Say You’ll Be Mine - Greg proposes to Mycroft.
Life Can Be So Sweet - Mycroft has never had hot chocolate.  Greg makes it for him.
Dearer By Far Than the World’s Brightest Star - Greg's daughter Ellie has been doing a bit of redecorating.  Mycroft enlists her help to surprise Greg with fairy lights in their bedroom.
By and By - Greg has kept Mycroft's business card for ten years.  Mycroft finds that rather sweet.
A Great Big Flame in Your Heart - Mycroft grudgingly tells Greg the story of his codename.
Got a Sweet Tooth for My Sweetheart - Greg learns to bake.
So Much Honey the Bees Envy Me - Silly one about watching a football match together.
What My Heart Would Say (If It Only Knew How) - Mycroft tries out comforting Greg with a hug.
Every Lovely Summer’s Day - Scene on the lake of a holiday trip.  Ficlet: 524 words.
AT/UNDER 5,000 WORDS - Rating: Teen
All That Lies Under the Big Blue Skies - A fluffy Established Relationship moment on the beach in the rain.  A little bit of nervousness from Mycroft about being in public, but overall very sweet.  Rating: T, but it’s only not-G because Greg says The Fuck Word one time.
Please Leave a Message - Febuwhump Day 1 (alt prompt 10): Inferno and Febuwhump Day 9: Voice loss.  An explosion on Downing Street and Mycroft’s disappearance sends Greg into a panic.  BAMF Greg and BAMF Anthea.  Angst with a happy ending. 
Breathe With Me - Febuwhump Day 3 (alt prompt 1): Rope burns.  Greg helps Mycroft cleanse his wounds.  Literally and metaphorically.  Gentle hurt/comfort.  
Down on the Cards - Febuwhump Day 4: Knife to the throat.  Mild violence warning.  Little bit of blood.  Greg rescues Mycroft, but it might be too late.  Ambiguous ending warning. 
And the Whole World Dissolved - Febuwhump Day 10: Difficulty breathing.  Ficlet (600 words).  An explosion throws Mycroft into the Thames. 
Carry You Home - Febuwhump Day 11: Fever.  Mycroft has been missing for weeks.  Greg has finally found him, sick and delirious with fever.
A Gentle Voice - Febuwhump Day 15: Self-sacrifice.  Ficlet: 700 words.  Greg takes a bullet for Mycroft.  Bit of an ambiguous ending.  Non-graphic violence.  
Stay Awake, Beautiful - Febuwhump Day 16: Semi-conscious.  Just under 1k words.  Mycroft is losing blood fast.  Greg, John, and Sherlock do their best to save him.  Ambiguous ending.   
When the Night Meets the Morning Sun - Sequel to Look After You.  Mycroft healing post-TFP; Greg gentling him through it.  
When the Sun Shines Bright (and Gay) - Greg and Mycroft's date is spoiled by rain.  They kiss in the rain anyway.
What I Found in Your Arms - Mycroft with body image issues; Greg comforting him.
AT/UNDER 5,000 WORDS - Rating: Mature
Static - Febuwhump Day 7: Made to watch, Day 14: Captivity, Day 17: Silent tears, and Day 18 (alt prompt 6): Limp.  6k.  Greg is kidnapped.  Mycroft does everything in his power to find him.  Graphic Depictions of Violence warning.
Carve Into Your Ribs - Darkfic alert!  Febuwhump Day 6: Secrets revealed.  Graphic Depictions of Violence warning.  Dark!Mycroft and Dark!Greg.  This one’s a bit gory.  
Kiss Me Like It’s Sunrise - Immortality AU!  Febuwhump Day 19, alt prompt 7: Immortality and Day 20: Knife wound.  Greg is immortal.  Mycroft, unfortunately, is not.  There is a happy ending, I promise!  Warnings for graphic violence and some suicidal ideation.
All Lives End - Major Character Death and Graphic Depictions of Violence alert!  Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody clothes.  Mycroft is killed.  Greg, covered in his blood, copes with the aftermath.  Additional warning for some suicidal ideation.  
Missing, Presumed Dead - Febuwhump Day 25: Assumed dead, Day 26 (alt prompt 8): Found footage, Day 27 (alt prompt 2): Caged, and Day 28: "You're safe now."  Mycroft goes missing and Greg has to rally John and Sherlock to save him when MI6 refuses to go looking.  Graphic Depictions of Violence warning.
In All My Dreams - Pirate!Mystrade scene with Mycroft in the brig.  Features singing pirates.  
AT/UNDER 5,000 WORDS - Rating: Explicit
Of Blue Suits and Brollies - Porn with a wee bit of plot.  A snarky comment from Sherlock leads to kissing in the rain... and a bit more than kissing.  Greg thoroughly enjoys some dirty talk.
Absolutely Anything - Porn without plot.  Greg gets a bit frisky at one of Mycroft’s work events, so Mycroft gets revenge.  All happy and consensual.
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Morning, Love - An instinctive kiss from John makes the morning a little awkward.  But they can take this in stride, right?  Adorable parent!lock.  Rating: G.
Love and the Hunter - Downton Abbey crossover!  25k.  For the wonderful Mon221B for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023.  John and Sherlock solve a case together in the village.  A touch of smut.  Rating: E.
Gen / No Romance
Highly Qualified, Incident Aside - Anthea-centric!  The story of how she first met Mycroft, as well as the story of her name.  Features asexual and awesome Anthea.  Rating: G.
What Makes the Flowers Grow - Mycroft thinking about how he does and will continue to care for Greg's daughter Ellie.  Rating: G.
There Will Not Even Be a Grave - Major Character Death alert!  Mycroft is killed in a terrorist attack.  Sherlock copes (or fails to cope) with the news.  Rating: T with MCD warning.
Look After You - Febuwhump Day 2: Flinching.  Mycroft is struggling after the events at Sherrinford.  Anthea phones Greg for help.  Can be read as pre-slash if you want it to be.  Focuses on the beginning of trauma recovery.  Rating: T. 
A Trail of Burnt Things - Febuwhump Day 9: Panic.  Follows Greg in the immediate aftermath of Sherlock’s fall.  Gen.  Hurt No Comfort.  Rating: T.
Grantchester (TV)
Leonard Finch/Daniel Marlowe
For You, I’d Wait Forever - The hours after Leonard’s return from prison.  Daniel is overcome with emotion.  Hurt/comfort.  Not super fandom-blind-friendly, but you’re welcome to give it a shot!  Rating: G.
Hotel Portofino (TV)
Lucian Ainsworth/Anish Sengupta
We’ll Make It Alright - The first Hotel Portofino fic on AO3!  Missing scenes in Season 1, Episode 5.  Lucian and Anish both have some confessions to make.  Reasonably fandom-blind-friendly.  Rating: T.
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My little piece for the Mystrade Advent calendar.
Chocolate was good but not as he remembered; since last year a lot changed; the divorce, Sherlock’s death, his girls moving further, work, not seeing or talking to Mycroft in months... And just like magic, Mycroft was in the other side of the playground. He was casually dressed, smiling, genuinely laughing, strolling in the snowy park...
Read here:
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Mystrade Monday Prompt #70
For January 1, 2024
Characters A and B make New Year’s resolutions and bet who will break their resolution first.
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The game is to write a flash fic this weekend and post it here (or with a link to the fic on AO3) on Monday with the hashtag Mystrade Monday.
Flash fiction is a complete story that is less than 1,000 words. 360mg is complete fic of 360 words with the last two beginning with “M” and “G” in any order. Please spread the word.
Hot tip: if you tag @mystradepromptsandscenarios , we’ll reblog it.
Don’t forget to add your fic to the Mystrade Monday Collection on AO3.
And in this instance, don’t forget to add your fic to the Mystrade Holiday Collection 2023 on AO3.
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Hey Steph! Happy holidays if you celebrate or happy whatever if you don't care! My request is pretty easy I guess but I'm terribile at using the ao3 filter (its totally me, I'm "new" to fandom fanfics and stuff). I'm looking for a fic where Sherlock or John or both have covid! Thanks xoxo
Hey Nonny!
Thank you! I don't really do Christmas these days, but I do appreciate the sentiment.
Ah, I do have a list of Quarantine / Lockdown / Pandemic (MFL’s) fics, @sherlockedcarmilla has an Isolated Johnlock Fic Recs Collection, and there's a COVID-19 Fic Recs by SwissMiss
I have these specific fics on my MFL list, tagged specifically with COVID / Coronavirus. Enjoy! And as usual, please add your own, friends!
End of the Curve by doctor_not_your_girlfriend(T, 833 w., 1 Ch. || COVID-19, One Shot, Medical Realism, Major Illness, Recovery, Optimism, Disability, Needles) – July, 2021. Mycroft has a special delivery for Sherlock. Inspired by Proving A Point by elldotsee,  J_Baillier.
The Unexpected Threat by J_Baillier (T, 4,283 w., 1 Ch. || Military AU / Pacific Rim Fusion || Established Relationship, Medical Conditions, Coronaviruses, Doctor John, Bratty Sherlock, Romance, Science Fiction, Futuristic Medicine, Ghost Drifting AKA Telepathy, Medical Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Healing) – The kaiju are not the only threat to the security and well-being of the staff of PPDC's Chard's Rift base. It's the year 2050, and a coronavirus epidemic sweeping the planet has reached The Azores. Part 4 of the At The Edge of Our Hope
a hands-off approach by OmalleyMeetsTibbs and simplyclockwork  (E, 7,516 w., 1 Ch. || Background Mystrade, Coronavirus / COVID-19, Quarantine, Developing Relationship, Alternating POV, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Bratty Sherlock, Touch Starvation, Friends to Lovers, Bisexual John, Everyone Ships It, Awkward Romance, Idiots in Love) – Quarantine is a time of reflection, a time of adapting, a time of finding connection through other means.And throwing sticky hands at your touch-starved flatmate. OR “How to comfort your touch-starved consulting detective during COVID: a guide by John Watson.”
Am I the Current (Tiger) King of England? by Dee_Laundry (T, 9,360 w., 1 Ch. || Tiger King Fusion || Post-S4, Dreams, Friendship, John’s Sexuality, Sherlock’s Sexuality, Quarantine/CoVID-19, Past Character Death, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Dom/Sub, First Kiss) – “I had the weirdest dream last night,” John said. Seven times.
The Secret of Hazel Grange by SilentAuror(E, 18,153 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Christmas, COVID-19 / Pandemic, POV Sherlock) – John has a secret, and Sherlock is bothered. Trapped together at Baker Street during the lockdown, the tension only grows worse as Christmas draws nearer...
Lockdown by johnwatso and Salambo06(E, 23,376 w., 20 Ch. || Quarantine, COVID-19, Lockdown, Fluff, Parentlock, Reunion, Dancing, Soft Idiots, Sex Toys) – The world is in lockdown due to Covid-19. This is how Sherlock and John spend their time.
Inhale With Ease by Vulpesmellifera (E, 25,989 w., 8 Ch. || S4 Divergence, Covid-19/Quarantine, Jealous John, Love Letters, Victor Trevor, Divorce, Angst with Happy Ending) – In the years after Vivian Norbury's capture, life seems to work out just as John planned. He's got that respectable job at the surgery and goes home to his wife and child. He joins Sherlock on cases a couple times per week. It's a rhythm he can live with - just enough adrenaline highs to balance out the drudgery of a normal bloke's life. Until a pandemic, and Victor Trevor, arrive in London.
Quarantine by wendymarlowe (T, 53,950 w., 200 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Coronavirus / Quarantine, John’s Blog, Asexual Sherlock, Slow Burn, Epistolary, Developing Relationship, Real Time, Case Fic) – John and Sherlock are stuck at 221B together due to coronavirus concerns. Sherlock slowly drives John barmy.  [TRANSLATIONS: Русский]
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sherlockedcarmilla · 3 years
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Summer Johnlock Collection
is up on AO3!
Follow one of the 25 prompts, mix and match and have fun writing/ creating art! (The collection will remain open, so you can add your fic/ art anytime. Any rating! + Mystrade fics welcome)
1.Driving with windows down 2.Singing in the car 3.Campfire 4.Mosquitos / hornets / wasps / midges 5.Waterfall 6.Lightning strike 7.Camping 8.Packing for a trip 9.Something went wrong on summer holidays 10.Rain 11.Bike ride 12.Sunburn 13.Sandcastle 14.Message in a bottle 15.Farmer’s market 16.Sailing 17.Hot and sweaty 18.Swimwear 19.Sleeping under the stars 20.Reading on the beach 21.Summer childhood memories 22.Climbing a tree 23.Flowers 24.Hiking 25.Waves
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