#my vacuum also has a mop function
zmaragdos · 2 years
i was resistant to purchasing a robotic vacuum
but i can now confidently say it is one of the best household purchases i have ever made
i used to live in a tiny little house which i swept or vacuumed every day--so no need for help from an automated vacuum
but then i moved into a big big house and i got completely overwhelmed keeping the floors clean (which to me, an asthmatic, is a necessity bc dust makes my asthma worse [and i have 2 cats, one of whom is long haired and sheds like crazy year round]) but now...my floors are clean and my asthma is managed and my cleaning anxieties are lessened
i consider it a victory and i love my little robot vacuum
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fangbangerghoul · 11 days
Since Friday I have been nonstop deep cleaning. It was started due to the fact that I had a Graduation BBQ scheduled for Saturday. The celebration was for the associate's degree in psych I received back in the fall. I am now at another university working towards my Bachelor's in polysci prelaw It has been a lot on me. So, I am putting down everything I have done the past 4 days so I can see the actual amount of labor I have put in and get some things off my chest. I will put it all under a cut because I know occasionally coming across long posts can be irritating.
deep cleaned the living room
organized my kiddo's toy by size and function
moved smaller toys and less used toys upstairs
rearranged the living room
so, my room was then a mess, and this took me several hours (8am-3pm)
had to finish the living room and also tackle the kitchen
dusted the living room
swept and mopped the floors and walls
had to organize a semesters worth of paper from kiddos school along with loose bills and other papers that have piled up
cleaned all the counters
cleaned the accumulation of dishes
had party
had to clean up after the party but thankfully I did not have to cook
had to fix my room, it was driving me insane that things were everywhere
separated kiddos toys even further
organized toys into proper placements
rearranged my own items on desk, near bed
tried to fix my bed more (sheets, make sure nothing was piled around it)
this was the easiest day because I was beyond sore from the previous two days
I had to finally do the clothes
tore out all of the clothes from the closest
separated them from my own and kiddos
separated them from summer and winter
hung up all my clothes within my closest
organized all of kiddo's clothes into two small dressers
tore out the remaining items out of the closet
rearranged organization and put things in keep and throw away piles
vacuum the carpet and gather all the loose paper and garage
put everything back in the closet
ive done this from 1030a - 430pm
This probably wouldn't have been so bad if I was able to do a little bit of this over time. However, I live with my intermediate family (There are 4 adults including me and my child) and they never deep clean. This past semester I had to dedicate all of the free time I had (so time where I didn't have to be in mom mode) to schoolwork. Which did pay off because I ended both classes with an A+ and a B+ and my GPA is 3.65 but the house had a special layer of yuck.
So, cleaning dust, cleaning walls, moving things to sweep under, organizing cabinets, etc. They just don't do it. That means it always falls on me because I am the only one who seems to see these things and think hmm that really needs to be done. The most they do is dishes, take garbage, occasionally a bathroom. I wouldn't mind doing the brunt of the housework if in exchange I was compensated for the extra amount of work I do. Because I also am the main one that cooks, prepares meals, and keeps inventory of the house. (I also do not work but even when I did, I still had to do these things. And I am not going to stand here and mother the house when 1. I have my own child to mother 2. they have all been on this earth long enough to know these things and 3. I don't have it in me to provide that extra emotional labor)
Doing all of these tasks have wrecked me, the spoons are gone, my body aches all over and the fatigue has doubled over. BUT the majority of what needs to be done is finished and I am hoping I can keep up with the organization now that kiddo and I do not have rigid schedules due to school. Sad part is I am not sure if I have the energy to do the things that bring me joy to recoup.
Also, if I never had gotten to the downstairs shared spaces, I would have never been able to tackle my own space. It is always a shitty balance of I either focus on my own area or I help the household.
Don't get me wrong I am well aware of the privilege I have to live with family to complete my degrees while I raise my child. But my entire life with my family I have had to choose between financial security or my mental and emotional wellbeing. I always pay more than what is received.
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
The Fridges. Oh My God, The Fridges.
This is a continuation of the last piece I wrote on the weird shit that happens in classified facilities. The building I work in has somewhere around 30-35 people in it. It also has around 20 fridges. There's kind of a saga that goes into this, so I'll start with the first part: The Hoarding.
The building has an insane overabundance of space. They just keep adding new rooms every time an old room needs an update, so it just sprawls on forever. There's also an extremely limited ability to get anyone who does not work full time in the building, into the building. This means that while we work on missiles, we also clean our own desks and vacuum the floors and mop and all of those other tasks that most places would consider "non-engineer work." This is fine if it's something anyone with a body can do, but this causes problems when you're looking at the physical limits of engineers. Namely, we are not very muscular people.
Thus, if something needs to get manhandled into a space, it gets manhandled by whatever group of nerds you can bribe, threaten, or guilt into joining you. When a fridge dies, it is a motherfucker to remove it from the building, so they often just...didn't. What they did instead was get the fridges onto dolleys, which isn't too bad, wheel those dolleys to the elevator, and then park them in a relatively empty part of the basement that we shall call The Graveyard of Fridges. This wasn't originally meant to be a permanent solution, but when you have space but lack muscles, it can become permanent really fast. Eventually, someone realized that you can padlock the fronts of the fridges and use them as document storage, which has the added perk of meaning that the people on site don't have to assemble more filing cabinets. Everyone here hates assembling filing cabinets. It's fucking terrible. (It is worth noting that in this era, you would occasionally get directions to a secret file that looked like "1970's model, lime green, left crisper.")
We will call this the peak of the Hoarding Era. It is followed by the Mechanical Engineering Era.
Around 2015, it was realized that the group needed engineers familiar with industrial machinery, and not just standard electronics, so mechanical engineers (MEs) began to get hired. The new ME's made it a sort of rite of passage for proceeding new hires to repair an old fridge. So the site went from having 4 functioning fridges and 15ish being used for document storage to around 15 functioning fridges and 4 used for file storage.
Every time a fridge got fixed, people just put them back on the dolley, wheeled them back in the elevator, and got them wedged in their personal office spaces. If you were a bigwig, you might be able to get dibs on your own personal fridge, and if you were a new guy confined to the cubicle jungle you might have to share one with four or five other guys. But it was still a ludicrous amount of fridge space.
And that is how a base with 35 people on it wound up with 15 fridges.
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aroihkin · 4 months
Five years after my first and last use of the 'mah house tag', and I have bought a house. It's 1254 square feet above ground with a full basement under it, two functional fireplaces, and it's on a half acre of land with way more than that of forest behind it. Paved double wide driveway, one carport space, a utility shed, and an old busted up outbuilding I'll have to clear out at some point. Also it's on a fuckin culdesac, so it's damn near private.
One fireplace is in the living room, and the other is in the basement, both using the same chimney structure that runs up the center of the house. It has central heat too, so they're for lighting for chilling out with or for emergencies. The basement one especially, down there is like the ideal storm shelter.
The fact that I cope with shit by doing ridiculous amounts of research and website-scouring really fuckin paid off for me this time. The only way this place could be more perfect for me is if it had a garage, and on a half acre I suspect I can find the space to stick one in later. Same for a greenhouse/garden, etc. It's even situated and has an ideal roof for putting solar on eventually.
This is the whole reason I moved out to STL, and after all that's entailed it's finally paying off.
Oh and only the bedrooms have carpet, the rest of the place is hard flooring, including actual brand new hardwood through half of the upstairs. This is also good, dust is gross and it's easier to mop than to vac and occasionally deep-clean a carpet. Though even that would be easier in this place (and will be for the bedrooms) because it has a functioning central vacuum system.
It's intense, and honestly the fact that I have it all official and in writing, down payments and first month paid, and definitely mine, is still sinking in.
Now to move out of this shitty apartment by the end of the month. And in the summer, I can go get my shit out of storage in Cali and get it trucked over by a moving company, and unloaded into my house.
So anyway that's some of what I've been up to.
Edit: Also, 2 bathrooms, one has a shower and the other one has a big claw foot tub. Fucking ideal.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
I initially made this tag game over a year ago at a point when I felt like there were a lot of new people on history simblr I didn't know. I was chatting with some friends and thought now might be a good time to revive it!
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
Right now I'm very excited for the 1920s, I have a lot of plans and some unique story lines I feel coming up. It's also feeling like I'll actually get there soon!
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
Last time I did this I chose a BB piece so this time I'm going CAS, happylifesims recently made a victorian workers outfit with these adorable rolled sleeves and it just looks so good on guys. It's the current darling of my heart.
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
Right now it's Willy, I'm really excited to get back into the Sewell's and really start exploring his story in earnest.
4. What is your favorite world?
Still Brindleton Bay, always has been, always will be.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I like to think I mix these two mediums pretty well, I plan big story arcs but tend to let gameplay influence day to day, and if something interesting gameplay wise happens I try to include it!
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
I do! I think they add a really fun dimension to the family and are great for social needs.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
All the townies with the strangest colored hair and body types. And names. I just wish it wasn't all so discordant.
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
I really like the items that came with the country kitchen kit, the bucket of fruit and vegetables just makes me so happy.
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
I'm at the point where I just want a historical pack. I know it's not gonna happen, but gosh a girl can dream.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
I think that Cottage Living is amazing all around, but I'd put Cats and Dogs second, perhaps tying with Get Together. They both have amazing BB and CAS and i prefer the worlds to Henford.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
Mizoreyukii has a functional broom that works like a vacuum and it just makes my little historical simmer heart happy to see my sims sweeping away.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
I like having enough to keep it interesting, but not so many that it's overwhelming. I think maybe five or six but obviously the ages influence things too.
13. Do you use poses?
I do! I like to use in game animations whenever I can because they feel a bit more lively to me, but sometimes you need to track down a pose or wrestle with blender to make one when you need something specific.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yes, I love overrides. I use moonsims historic book override, a mop override, a dish override, a fireplace light override, a dog leash override. Big on overrides here.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
I usually don't, I find it a bit too limiting for what would have actually been historically possible at the time.
16. What lifespan do you play on?
A slightly tweaked version of normal, but some people have been sort of convincing me to potentially try a longer one.... We'll see...
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
A reddit post about the decades challenge, which was just a completely new way to think about playing to me. I'd never really done any kind of challenge before at all and I think the combo of passage of time, goals, and so much fun new cc just absolutely hooked me!!
See how my answers have changed in the past year and a half
I geared it towards historical simming, since that’s what I do, but please feel free to partake even if you’re not a historical simmer and just adapt for regular gameplay or whatever you do!!
I'm going to cast a wide net here with my tags @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks @simadelics @thistleflower-sims @carousel-of-sims @stargazingsims @gilded-ghosts @simming-in-the-rain @scythesms @surely-sims @historysims4 @sasaofastora @javitrulovesims and anyone else who would like to take part!
I really like these because it helps me get to know everyone I see on my dash and sometimes find new people to follow, so don't be shy about taking part!!
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fluffy-critter · 6 months
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uncloseted · 11 months
do you have any items that you think every 20-something must have for living independently? my aunt's getting me a NutriBullet and i'm very grateful for it, and i've started wondering if there's any other super functional stuff a person must get. my mum's answer to this was "a coat with zipped pockets" hehe. i'd love to hear your answer!
Ooh! I love this question. I'm actually thinking about this in my own life lately because I'm about to move to a new apartment. Here are a few things that come to mind:
A first aid kit
A basic toolkit
A fire extinguisher
A good mattress and, if you work from home, a good work chair (your body will thank you)
Blackout curtains (they make it easier to sleep)
If you live alone and don't like cooking, a small air fryer and an instant-pot make one-person meals a lot easier
A hand vacuum
If you hate cleaning, a robot vacuum/mop
A bidet
A doorstop alarm, extra locks, and window locks if you live on the ground floor
If your shower has bad water pressure, a new showerhead can make a big impact
My dad wanted me to include his suggestions:
if you're a young woman, a gun (pepper spray is also acceptable)
A religious item
A childhood item, such as a stuffed animal or blanket
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mccabebank · 2 years
Keep It Tidy 7 Easy Ways to Clean Up Animal Cat Hair
We likewise consist of suggestions for maintaining pet cat hair hid on furniture as well as carpets. Animal pet cat hair gets throughout every little thing: garments, furnishings, carpets, feline trees-- you call it. You probably get covered with it. To that end, adhere to these ideas. 1. A dirt roller Roll it on your garments, as well as voila! Hair is gone! If your dirt roller is uninhabited, make use of masking tape or sealing tape instead. Use it to your clothes, sticky side down, in addition to watch the hair vanish. 2. A hoover with family pet canine hair eliminator attachment Several vacuum function unique brushes to eliminate family pet cat hair from furnishings along with carpetings. You can acquire an utterly excellent family pet hair-removing vac for a sensible cost. 3. Cat-hair eliminator glove This one-of-a-kind handwear cover has a rubberized surface that you can massage throughout furnishings or bed linens-- ideal for fast cleansings as opposed to huge fur elimination jobs. If you have an emergency situation cleansing (since the in-laws are revealing up in 15 mins), make use of a latex or rubber handwear cover. 4. White vinegar If you have actually obtained heavily furred clothing or bed linens, consist of half a mug of white vinegar to the rinse cycle when doing the cleaning. The vinegar loosens up the hairs from the textile fibers. The only difficulty with vinegar is the scent, so attempt a natural blossom sachet in your garments dryer I utilize a lavender sachet as opposed to anti-static sheet, as well as my clothes bring out a light, clean fragrance. 5. The dryer. Run your products through the clothes dryer on a warm setting before throwing them in the washing maker. The tumbling activity loosens up pet feline hair and likewise traps it in the dirt filter. Clean that filter before you dry out the garments; nonetheless, a blocked dust filter decreases drying out the performance and can start a fire. 6. Rubber mop or carpet rake If you have low-pile carpets, a rubber mop or rug rake can do doubt eliminating pet hair that hoover may not have the capacity to get. 7. Damp cloth This is wonderful for doing away with fur from home furnishings. Just damp a tidy fabric or sponge as well as also scrub it throughout the furnishings. The hair will come with each other in easy-to-remove chunks. Attempt these colors in addition to patterns for hiding cat hair Sometimes you don't have time to clean up feline hair, yet perhaps you would definitely at least like to not see it all over whatever. Have a look at these principles for fur-hiding colors. Avoid saturated shades: Black, brilliant teal, burgundy, and so forth often tend to display your family pet cat's fibers of love. Attempt Asian carpets: Although Asian carpetings usually are offered in spectacular color design, the patterns in these carpets do effectively at hiding pet dog feline fur. Cleanable furnishings covers: These or tosses treatments are beautiful for household pets as well as make your life a good deal much simpler when it comes time to acquire that feline hair out of your prized possessions. Stick to patterns: Tweedy textiles or materials with neutral shades in various tones can conceal a plethora of misdoings. Tweed itself does tend to hold onto pet feline hair, which could make it more challenging to cleanse. I have actually furthermore had all the best with utilizing batik tapestries as furnishings covers. Various various other created carpetings can work. Do pass by highly light colors due to the fact that also patterns will not conceal pet dog cat hair if the rug is white, off-white, and light grey, as an instance. Light rugs also reveal dirt easily. new cat owner
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wisdomwaves · 5 months
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teach-me-mizzou · 6 months
Dry Mop with Me! Introduction and Learning Objectives:
The intended learning objective demonstrated in this video is specifically dry mopping. Dry mopping is a great way to pick up hair and other dry materials because of the static that is created between the floor and the dry mop. This static assists the mop in picking up the materials easily without letting them escape (unlike a broom). I show my home and just a technique I use when dry mopping to get as much hair and other particles stuck to the dry mop and then I'll vacuum the dry mop after I'm finished. The dry mop has a microfiber cloth that is what creates the static field between it and the floor. This mop head can be vacuumed or washed depending on your needs. The dry mop also has a wet function where if you fill the bucket it comes with in water and cleaning solution, it can be made to be used like a mop. I always dry mop first, then mop so that I make sure that I have nice, clean floors without making my mop head dirty before it has a chance to clean!
All the video footage is mine alone, I used Audacity to create my voice over that I implemented into Movavi, and I used Bensound to find my background music. The background music song is Piano Moment by Benjamin Tissot (Royalty Free Music).
Storyboard or Planning:
My original plan was to demonstrate a few techniques so dusting, dry mopping, sweeping and vacuuming. I quickly realized that I will not be able to do all of that under 90 seconds. So, my next idea was to show people what dry mopping is since it's a fantastic tool to use in areas where you don't have carpet and want something that's better than a broom and dustbin if you don't want to vacuum, or don't have a vacuum to clean hard floors. Techniques: I created my own voice over that I made on Audacity, then edited it on Movavi to increase the volume when I noticed that my volume was still soft and not as loud as intended. The video is a couple compilations where I made an opening and end screen title card on Canva. Then the videos themselves I clipped pieces that I thought would transition into one another, added a few soft openings and a white screen that ended into my ending title card. I'll post a screen cap that'll show what I had done exactly to the videos. I also had a fade in and out function to both my audio voiceover and background pieces.
Reflection: I enjoyed making this video and it made me reminisce when I was younger making youtube videos only using my camera and its audio capabilities. No editing software, just plain video and sound. I always wanted to try video editing and thought about doing something like this for a career. This was fun for me and I do think I'll try it again on my own time when I think I have content to put out. :)
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Operation functional home: Take two- August 28 update
Update below poll:)
Cleaning capacity has slowed from the beginning of the month now that I am returning to my normal work schedule. Work related issues and events have also pulled more of my spoons so I am going back to my pre-summer method of 1-3 focus tasks + a 15-20 minutes of general tidying at the end of the day.
Improve: vacuuming the guest bedroom, and working on creating a better pre-bedtime routine to improve sleep health. Took my vitamins all week:)
* mental and physical health are an important part of a functional home
- kept up with majority of normal laundry, including most of the folding
- started catching up on seasonal laundry and pet blankets
- took out the trash
- picked up all the dog paper and fluff chaos
(It's amazing how just picking up the dog toy explosion makes the house feel instantly cleaner)
- vacuumed the living area, dining area, and entry. For those who've seen my earlier posts that's basically half my main room.
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lifeonhardmode · 1 year
day 60
I planned to work at side job all day but I sERIOUSLY needed to do laundry. I had a good day alone at home, just doing a lot of cleaning and working out and stuff, waiting for a washing machine. I finally got a machine, woo! Did laundry. Was going to go to side job afterwards even though it was really late, but I got an alert that a package would be delivered tomorrow morning and I’m sick of having my stuff stolen so I stayed home. 
60% review:
I did my online shopping! Not everything has arrived yet. I asked my nerd friend for the computer advice. I finished the chair slipcover but I might do some more to make it prettier if I can find the rest of that fabric. I started mopping regularly and it makes my apartment smell a lot better (cats are gross y’all). I redid the sisal on the cat tree. And I got through all the mail and papers that had accumulated. Nice job, me!
Next: The shelves and drawers I ordered are supposed to arrive tomorrow. My friend who was helping me drill stuff won’t be available for another couple of weeks, so the shelves will have to wait. But when the drawers get here I’ll hopefully be able to finish all the nice little organizing at my home. My place is so close to being just how I like it, considering the confines of the space.
I have not been successful in getting help this tenth. I also was not successful in getting a lot done over there, due to the blizzard. Nor was I successful in rehoming the art category.
Next: I need to box everything up neatly and organized. Get the heat pump fixed. Try to sell things. Vacuum and clean the vents.
Went to the doctor, changed jewelry, did a lot of workout and skincare and stuff.
Next: If I spend more time at side job this tenth, I’ll be able to get my outdoor runs in. Still in the process of following leads, calling around, for medical stuff (3 things at the moment). 
I just need to stay focused and get enough sleep. I have 5 days left to be physically functional before the pain comes back. 
Next: Monday: office morning, wfh afternoon, packages arrive, do my organizing and stuff at home. Tuesday: office all day and we have to dress all business attire because we have fancy clients visiting. 24 minutes of yoga. Wednesday: gym before work, then WFH morning, use my lunch break to go to side job, work remote from side job, then work side job all evening and go for a run. Thursday: work remote from side job, go for a run, do side job until going home that night, calisthenics. Friday: work in the office, go to a thing with my “helpers”, go to side job, go for a run. Saturday: side job “””””HeLpErS”“““ will “““iNsPeCt”““““ my “PrOgReSs”“““ (kill me now) then what the fuck ever, nothing matters. Seriously dreading it. Work at side job all weekend as much as I can.
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promithiae · 3 years
How I, a person with ADHD, manage to keep a vaguely tidy house
Let me first clarify that I recognize that I am very lucky to only be working 4 days a week, and having a 3 day weekend is a big part of why I can actually be somewhat consistent. I am very privileged to have a living situation where that is possible, and I know not everyone has that.
However, this was a pattern that started when I was working more hours and more days and none of my days off were clustered together and it sucked, but I still kind of sort of managed to keep it up most of the time.
Vaguely tidy is being generous.
Ok. Caveats done, let's get to it
First and foremost shoot the voice in your head that tells you it's all or nothing, the coach or the teacher or the parent or whoever you hear that says there's no point in doing a thing if you're going to half ass it. They don't know what the fuck they're taking about. Half assing is better than no assing.
Figure out what your bare minimum is. If you don't have the energy or focus or the executive sure is dysfunctioning, what do you absolutely have to get done on a weekly basis? They should be very, very bare bones and minimal. (For me, I have to get my laundry cleaned but not necessarily folded and put away and at least vacuuming the floors, if not mopping them. 2 items, that's it.)
Figure out the things that should be done every week. Accept that sometimes that list isn't getting completed. But like I said, that's better than nothing. It's ok, I promise. Do what you can, try to do more, but if you can't that's ok too.
Figure out a list of things that only need to be done on occasion, maybe once a month or every 6 weeks. Try to do 1 of these every week
Make a list of super detailed weird things for those days when you're hyperfocusing and you are absolutely in the mood to take a q-tip to the weird corners on the cupboard panels or shove a cloth on a stick under the stove to get all the trapped cat hair out.
Keep a detailed list of steps. I know that one of the things I have trouble with is getting overwhelmed because I don't know where to start. So I have a doc that has all the things I need to do, the steps that they involve and the order in which to do them. It's kind of a flow chart where the once a month things are added in. It's also very detailed because some days are just 14 steps to make coffee kind of days. Sit down with a freind or your mom or your favorite uncle and have them help you strategize if you need to. There's no shame in asking for help, I promise!
Pick a day of the week to be chore day. I've tried doing 15 minutes a day, I've tried doing 1 room a day, I've tried a lot of different things and none of them stuck except just making Sunday chore day. I think it's because my levels of energy and focus and executive function can be so variable that it's impossible to be that consistent on a day to day basis, but ymmv. Try different things, figure out what works for you.
Allow for the entire day to be chore day because we're building in distraction. When you finish a task go ahead and take a break. It can be 2 minutes or 2 hours, it doesn't matter so long as you have enough time to do the bare minimum list. Have a snack, dick around on tumblr, watch a movie, whatever. End your break whenever you feel like you're ready to do the next task. No one's timing you.
Getting overwhelmed? The other week I put a freind on videochat and she hung out with me while I cleaned. Mostly she played videogames while I was doing my thing, but we chatted here and there, and when I got overwhelmed I was able to ask her what I should do next and turned my computer to the scene and she gave me a direction to go. It was actually really nice to have company! And to have someone else make a decision for me, because that's where I get the most hung up. Like, give me a task and I will do the thing until I'm done, but ask me to come up with the tasks and steps for it? Hahahahahahhahaaaaaa oh no.
That's mostly what I've been doing for the past year and I've been pretty consistent. There are still many weeks I only do the bare minimum list, and there are still many weeks I don't get to all the things on my weekly list, but that's ok. Partial credit is good, too.
Now, if anyone has any strategies on remembering to put things away I am severely lacking there.
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NOT TO BE CREEPY but your home looks SO Lovely. How tf do you keep it so nice while living with another human ? Is your partner exceptionally neat and tidy? I’m sorry but fr. And also just... how is it so beautiful? You have amazing taste and a really great eye for design I assume. Any tips? 💕
HI! Not creepy! Very nice. I am flattered! I definitely had someone during the last FAF comment on the haul of Bath & Body Works soaps I had going on in the background (we needed them and THE NEW FALL SCENTS CAME OUT CAN’T WAIT TO BUY FALL CANDLES, Y’ALL). 
My partner. 
Exceptionally neat. 
Nor tidy. 
I am neat. 
And tidy. 
I like things put away. In closed storage. Or carefully corralled on marble trays or footed wooden stands. Inside labelled boxes. Or beautifully displayed in styled vignettes of useless but aesthetically pleasing tchotchkes and sentimental + functional things. 
My partner likes things ... out. All the time. 
Planning to use the slowcooker for making dinner on Tuesday and it is Saturday morning right now? Better take it out to prepare RIGHT NOW and leave it on the counter as a reminder. 
Need to pay a bill for the end of the month? Best to leave it on the desktop computer keyboard so you can remember to pay it 26 days from now. 
Don’t want to wash a plate right now but want to remind yourself to do it later? Leave it on top of our butcher block cutting board located directly above the dishwasher so you can rinse it by hand when you’re finished work. 
I love my partner so much. My partner has so many VERY DELIGHTFUL AND WONDERFUL qualities about them that make them so great. They are smart, they are funny, they are a cornucopia of utterly useless but still fascinating facts about basically every subject on earth it is astounding how one person can hold so much knowledge, they constantly push me to be a better version of myself, they are sensitive and sweet and shy to my obnoxious and pushy and loud. 
I’m truly fine. 
My life just consists of constantly putting things away, sweeping up black cat fuzz, and fully Aunt Petunia wiping down the kitchen every night before I go to bed because this is real this is me. 
Basically, if you want to have a neat house be prepared to do small, daily tasks literally every day in order to keep things maintained so that you don’t burn yourself out on big cleans that are fewer and further between. I do small tidies every day (surface wipe downs, putting daily items back where they belong) and then a deeper clean every week (vacuuming + mopping + dusting + scrubbing) and then a deep deep clean (baseboards, bathtub/shower surround, cleaning stainless and mirrors) every 1.5 months. 
Adulthood is realizing that all you want for your 28th birthday is a roomba so that your house can be more clean more of the time without you having to do it. 
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steptuna48 · 3 years
Carpet Cleaning Makers
Carpet Cleaning Cardiff.
why not do that out : #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px;">
Carpeting & Furniture Cleaning.
A Few Of Our Carpet Cleaning Prices.
Vanish Rug Cleaner + Upholstery, Gold Oxi Activity Stain Cleaner Spray
Cost Of Professional Carpet Cleaning.
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If making use of the warm water extraction method, the driver will then pour a mixture of shampoo and also water into the carpeting fibers followed by vacuuming to extract the dust. The very first step typically involves the specialists examining the pH scale of the rug as this allows them to decide which items are best to make use of to avoid causing damage to the material. The sort of carpeting have in your home is an enormous contributing aspect as some rug products are much more challenging to clean than others. Most of cleaning companies base their rates on the size of the space or home they need to tidy, with costs ranging from around ₤ 2 to ₤ 2.50 per square metre. Just like any type of other firm, there are standards of solution when you book with usage you will certainly get a solution absolutely unrivaled. " Very delighted with service- effective and pleasant lad who finished work. Would certainly suggest."
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Need hall, touchdowns, as well as stairways of communal close cleaned in my block. The final step includes removing any kind of loosened dust with a vacuum while also checking that any kind of stubborn discolorations are entirely gone.
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning.
" Driving" the powder right into the nap with an unique device for dry cleaning, furnished with two brushes, revolving towards each various other. Processing the carpeting with a powerful hoover can remove dirt as well as loose dust. We supply a complete guarantee for the outcomes of all our cleaning treatments. If you take place to have any type of remarks regarding our work we will re-do the work totally free. We are able to send out cleaners on a brief notification when you remain in hurry. considering that our start in 1999, hundreds of Londoners have actually trusted us with their carpetings and rugs.
How often should I steam clean my carpet?
If you want to extend the life of your carpet, it is important to have it professionally cleaned at least once a year. According to Carter, most carpet manufacturers recommend the steam-cleaning method. This penetrates deep into the fibers and lifts out the dirt and the many pollutants we track in on our shoes.
Second of all, pre-testing and carefully picking cleaning detergents in order to protect the true colour of the carpet as well as avoid colour running. To start with, assessment of the rug fabric to establish its nature and also wage the bestcarpet cleaningsolution. They call for an expert strategy with the best cleaning options and also tools.
Some Of Our Carpet Cleaning Rates.
Rug looks brand new, as well as the job was accomplished effectively, promptly with little breach to my day. Would recommend to anyone that favors a chemical complimentary service. My sofas look remarkable, flawlessly clean and also beaming brilliant. Ryan and Lee did a wonderful job making a tired and untidy looking carpeting appearance practically brand-new. I would completely advise them as well as will most definitely utilize them once again. Thanks ecoclean I'm extremely delighted with my lotion rug back to it regular colour I would recommend you to any person that asked me if I recognize anyone that clean carpet good.thanks once more.
Rug cleaners give a deep clean to revitalize your carpet and also neutralise any type of sticking around odours.
The Portable Spot Cleaner's biggest asset is easy-- it's equipped with as much as twice the suction of various other rug cleaners.
If you want a multi-purpose, easily portable cleaner look no more.
You'll be astonished at exactly how unclean the water gets, even on the cleanest looking of rugs.
As a participant of Jangro it allows us to offer you with access to thousands of janitorial cleaning products to cover all your cleaning tasks to help maintain a tidy, fresh and also risk-free atmosphere. We are totally educated and also guaranteed with an indemnity degree of ₤ 5m. Our insurance coverage cover includes therapy risks & damages to residential or commercial property being functioned upon, not all firms have this range of cover in place as requirement. Our cost is for a full service offering the deepest as well as most detailed tidy assured. soil attracting deposits are left in your carpets stack or furniture's material.
Disappear Carpeting Cleaner + Furniture, Gold Oxi Activity Stain Remover Spray
Can not give thanks to Ecoclean enough for the service they gave. From the quick response, the favorable quote and also the professionalism and reliability of what they really did.
The Best Carpet Shampoo Options for Deep Cleaning - BobVila.com
The Best Carpet Shampoo Options for Deep Cleaning.
Posted: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 13:34:40 GMT [source]
You also obtained the wax off ☺ will most definitely advise you to family and friends. Lots of many thanks Little Explorers Prestbury playgroup board. Once your carpeting is thoroughly deep down tidy you can help to protect it from those spills by picking for us to use a protectant. This stops fluids penetrating the carpet fibers rapidly which suggests anything that winds up on the carpet is easier to eliminate. The entire rug is pre-sprayed and tough discolorations are pre-treated. Furthermore, https://www.floorwizards.co.uk/oven-cleaning/ is done utilizing our effective devices to extract the dirt, discolorations and also pollutants stuck on your carpet.
The importance of regularly cleaning your carpeting not only freshens up your residence, it also has health advantages and also can save you cash in the future. " You did a terrific job and also I'm extremely delighted, specifically taking into consideration the carpetings condition complying with the renters departure. We'll likewise supply a cost-free air moving company as part of the solution to quicken the drying procedure - it is a huge, mobile follower that minimizes the drying time.
The longer an odor is stuck inside the damaged location, the tougher it would certainly be for it to come out fully from the cleaning session. There's always an improvement after the cleaning, however sometimes the scent might still partially continue to be. From floorwizards’s accounting software , if the location is ventilated all right daily, the scent must vanish eventually.
Cleaning Services That You Can Integrate With:.
The specially selected range of flooring mops, cleaning chemicals, mop buckets, cleaning brushes and also window cleaning tools will help you maintain the highest requirements of cleanliness. Will certainly not think twice to utilize you once again and advise your company." Below are a couple of examples of the job that we have actually completed for customers in Newcastle. This is the precise top of the line solution we provide every time we visit a customers house or business. Rugs need a little of Love and Treatment much like several things in life and this can be a really challenging. Allow's face it-- it's a boring job that can take a great deal of your time, however this is where we can be found in. We can take all that Stress and anxiety as well as Worry and save you a whole lots of Time and also Cash.
Does baking soda remove old stains from carpet?
Stains on carpets are unsightly and typically difficult to remove. Make a paste of baking soda and distilled white vinegar, rub it into the stain, and leave it overnight. Vacuum it completely the following day.
One more alternative could be to run the equipment from the van, so you run tubes from the van right into the residential property you are cleaning. If you choose a smaller/lighter equipment, take a look at the Airflex Mini or Miniflex machines, which are much smaller sized as well as lighter than specialist devices normally are. The waste container is where the filthy drainage is gathered. The carpet stack is after that combed and also your furniture placed on protective pads or blocks wherever called for so the areas can be returned into instant use throughout the short drying duration. We provide industrial as well as residential difficult floor cleaning of structures from Dancing Floors, Gymnasium Floors, Medical, Workplace, Resort, Retail, Communal Locations, Light Industrial and also all kinds of Commercial Premises. We clean all sort of hard floorings-- wooden, natural rock, laminate, vinyl, marble as well as other.
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tesvorofficial · 4 years
Is the robot vacuum cleaner really helpful?
If you are tired of your everyday cleaning routine, can’t get rid of pets’ hair on the floor and you’re too busy to do even simple housework.  That means it’s time to find yourself a smart cleaning assistant, a robot vacuum cleaner. Don’t worry about the budget. Nowadays, there’re many affordable machines on the market. Do you still have some doubts about it? Read the user experience reviews how the robot vacuum cleaner changed their life and decide if it’s worth it.
"I was a skeptic, I never believe these little robots can make any difference in my life, but I was wrong. My kids are always leaving food crumbs on the floor and carpet, and I always had to use my regular vacuum to clean up.  But I can't do that every day, so there's just crumbs and dirt everywhere all the time. To make matters worse, my baby crawls around and pick these stale old crumbs to put in her mouth. That was my turning point, so I said to myself, I need something that will these cleaning on a regular basis". -says ufocharles on Amazon
What do you expect from a robot vacuum cleaner?
So, you finally decided to buy a robot vacuum cleaner. First, you need to think about is what do you want and expect from this little helper.  Do you need some simple assistant that can sweep the floor and collect crumbs? If that’s just the only thing that you need, I’ll easily find a robot vacuum. But what you if want to control your cleaning assistant remotely? In this case, you need to pay attention to the robot vacuum cleaners with app support that compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
“When my wife and I started our robot vacuum search, we needed two things in specific and wanted a few other things. We needed a low-profile vacuum, specifically under 3 inches, so it could go under our kitchen table. We also needed one that was quiet so we could run it while our child was sleeping. We wanted a WiFi enabled device with an app and connection to Alexa. We also wanted one that was reasonably priced and mapped out our house. This one fit that criteria perfectly. So, we bought it and have owned it for about two weeks”.  – says Mick in his Amazon review about Tesvor X500
If you need to see clean and dirty areas, you need to find a robot with a live-time cleaning map. If you need a robot vacuum to clean your carpet, chose one that won’t be stuck. If you prefer to wipe the floor, chose the robot vacuum with mopping function.  Despite your choice, define your preferences and expectation first.
“You will find that it cleans a lot of hair, dust, and crumbs. Our carpet is a little taller, but it works well after it's been used, and it works great after our wood floors have been cleaned. I don't have to sweep the floor anymore, but if I can go from seven days a week to just two times a week, the house will be clean all the time”- says another customer, Han Wang.
How does your house look like?
“Quick question, do you have hard floors? Yes? Good... Stop what you are doing and buy this Vacuum”. -convince Rayan RC Rea in his Amazon review.
Okay, now when you know what do you want? Imagine a robot vacuum in your house. Is it capable of doing its job in your home? Think about how big your house or apartment is. Wil a single charge be enough for the robot vacuum cleaner? Or will it take several charges in the meantime? Also, think about your kids and family members, will they be happy to see your new smart assistant. Will the robot vacuum you chose to be good enough to clean pets’ hair and dirt? Do you have thick carpets on the floor? Or all of your parquet covered with carpets and rugs?
“The above-mentioned area rug is 8 x 10 and gives the robot no trouble when it has enough height clearance to hoist itself up appropriately. I watch it find the rug and rev itself up, clearing it nicely and cleaning it thoroughly. While not a high-pile rug, it isn't thin either, so I do worry about trying to make the robot do ALL the cleaning there. For this reason, I run the regular vacuum there every few days just to give the robot a boost and hopefully extend its little motor life. Again, SIGNIFICANT dog hair shedding”. – says C. Boyd in his Amazon review
Are you sure that robot vacuum can do this task? Think about your house/apartment and chose the robot vacuum no only based on design — qualities and budget, but also the capacity to clean your house efficiently.
“Easily navigates around obstacles and over 0.5” thresholds. Low profile goes under beds and our large sofa. I’m very pleased with this little robot and would purchase again without hesitation” – says Belden Family about Tesvor X500 on their Amazon page.
Finally, what’s your budget?
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