#my parents never let me go to the movies as it is inappropriate for a lady of my standing to attend such events
lesbicastagna · 1 year
remembered that one time a colleague went on a tirade about how all musicals movies suck and i was like well but they can be well made...like for example the brian de palma's one..
and this guy Stopped dead in his tracks and went. oh my god YOU Know brian de palma???
men are such losers i swear to god. its so funny once you get over the misogyny
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
What About Me? Ch. 4
Sorry it took so long guys. Been working on asks and some personal things have been kicking me in the ass. I'm hoping to get most of my asks out today so I can focus on this fic a little more. As always, I love you guys and hope you enjoy!!
Gangle talked with you for hours, making you feel much more comfortable. You had some knowledge as to how this place worked, now. You knew who was who, how they acted, and the parameters of what is considered “inappropriate” and would get you in trouble. 
Eventually, she stood up, stretching. You snorted to yourself, why would ribbons need stretching? She picked up her liners and whatever paper she hadn’t drawn on, “It’s pretty late, though,” she yawned, despite the fact feeling tired wasn’t digitally possible, “I’m going to head to bed.”
“Alright,” you agree, hopping out of bed to walk her to your door. You did this out of habit: every time your friends were leaving in the real world, you would accompany them to the door. She giggled as you walked her to the door.
“Madam,” you fake an accent, bowing as you opened it for her. Gangle only laughed harder, walking from the room, “Why, thank you!” You stand upright again, waving as she trotted up the hall, “See you tomorrow!”
She waved back, “Yeah, definitely!” and slipped into her own bedroom. You pause a moment, just in case she forgot something, but she didn’t pop back out. Almost instinctively, you look down the other side of the hall. A door closed rather suddenly, making you jump. You hadn’t heard or seen anyone coming, and Gangle didn’t say anything if she had.
The fact someone had been watching you didn’t frighten you. No, it was the fact they didn’t want to be seen that made you uneasy. Your eyebrows knit together, but you decide to man up and see who it was. You ignore the little voice in your head screaming at you this is how people die in horror movies!
“Can’t die here,” you mutter under your breath, reassuring yourself a tiny bit. Reaching the door, you stop in surprise; Jax’s door stared you down, his annoying smile present even in the image that adorned it.
You raised your fist, about to knock, but stopped suddenly. There was a shadow under the door, indicating that someone was standing relatively close to it. You chicken out immediately, dropping your arm and speedwalking back towards your room, slipping inside and closing the door as quietly as possible.
You place a hand on your chest, breathing deeply to calm your anxiety. You wander to your bed, falling face-first into it. You grunt, realizing that it was a lot more of a smack than you had thought it would be. People in fanfictions did it all the time, you just copied it.
You shake your head to clear it, wrapping yourself in your sheets and snuggling down. You didn’t feel like getting lost in another existential crisis today. You yawn, surprising yourself. Maybe it was to make everyone feel normal. Your eyes droop, and you soon find yourself drifting into a deep sleep.
You were awoken to a loud banging on your door. You jolt upright, eyes wide, confused and still half asleep. “Wake up, sleeping beauty, everyone else has been up for hours.”
You grumble, trudging to the door, your blanket still wrapped around you. You swing your door open, glaring at the one on the other side.
“Jax. Was waking me like that really worth making me jump out of my skin?” His grin only widened, “Absoluetly, it’s what i was goin’ for.” You roll your eyes and toss your blanket on the ground, “I’m awake now,” you grump, shoving past Jax roughly and heading up the hallway. 
You ignore his blatantly, knowing very well he was following you. He had to rush a bit to catch up with you, but soon was walking beside you, beat for beat. “What was that for? You never been woken up by your parents or something?”
The only response you give is a rather sour expression. You wouldn’t even look at him, let alone speak. You swore you saw his face drop a bit, but he recovered quickly enough. “Didn’t you ever learn manners? You’re supposed to talk back, remember?”
Ignoring him once more, you round the corner to the main hall. You perk up immediately, seeing exactly who you were looking for. “Gangle! Ragartha!” you chirp, running over, leaving Jax in the dust.
“Oh, hey! You’re a lot happier than yesterday!” Ragatha smiles sweetly. “Oh, definitely. Gangle and I hung out all day!” Gangle giggled, “I was just telling her, actually!” 
You noticed Jax hadn’t moved from where you left him. He was just… standing there, looking at the little group you’d formed. He honestly looked disappointed, or maybe sad, or even abandoned. That was it, abandoned. Something about his expression made regret nibble at your chest.
“Are you coming or not?” you call to him, hoping you wouldn’t regret it. But seeing him perk up, before playing it cool as he headed to you, you knew you weren’t going to. You can handle this guy.
“Heh, sure, if you want me that bad,” he stopped beside you, crossing his arms, “what’s up, dollface? Crybaby?” Alright, maybe a bit of regret. “Don’t call Gangle crybaby,” you snap. You didn’t say anything about Ragatha, knowing she could handle herself. Besides, she didn’t seem to care about her own nickname.
“(Y/N) was nice enough to ask for you to be here, are you seriously going to ruin it by being a jerk?” Jax lifts his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, “Alright, alright!” You see him glance at you, it’s quick but you notice it. Ragatha seems to have seen it as well, and backs down a bit, “Thought so,” she adds with a grin.
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loveharlow · 8 months
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PAIRING‧₊˚ Ghostface!JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚  [1.4k] Waiting around for your boyfriend to show up for movie night, you get an unexpected call
WARNING(S)‧₊˚  swearing, mild violence, betrayal, mild sexual references, i've never written ghostface!jj and im not too well versed in the ghostface franchise myself so let me know what you think
*based on thriller (mj) and somebody's watching me (rockwell)
A/N‧₊˚ part of my angstober event!
˗ˏˋ jj masterlist ˎˊ˗
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YOU WERE POURING THE LAST OF THE POPCORN INTO THE BOWL, KERNELS CLANKING AGAINST THE DISH. It was halloween, your favorite time of year, and also the night of your annual movie marathon with your boyfriend, JJ. He was running a little behind, per usual.
You had the first movie all queued up, your halloween themed blanket draped across the sofa while you poured up the drinks and dished the snacks in the kitchen. Your parents were gone for the night and the pogues had opted themselves out, wanting to give you and JJ space as a couple. 
You were walking carefully towards the living room, balancing the bowl and cans of soda in your hands when the house phone rang. You rolled your eyes, assuming it was your overbearing parents who wanted to make sure you were alright in the house alone. Carefully placing the items on the coffee table, you made your way over to the half-wall that separated the kitchen and living area, answering the ringing device.
“Home all alone?” A robotic yet deep voice reverberated on the other end. You rolled your eyes, automatically assuming it was just your goof of a father who loved a cheesy halloween prank.
“Ha ha, dad. I’m not a kid anymore, y'know. You can’t trick me,” You stated nonchalantly, expecting to hear his defeated old-man laughter on the other side. “I will admit, your ghostface voice has gotten better.” You joked, trotting back into the living room, tossing a warm, popcorn kernel into your mouth.
“How’d you know I had a daddy kink?” You paused, face falling from its humorous demeanor in the slightest of motions. With the out-of-character and inappropriate joke, you quickly came to the realization that whoever was on the other end of the phone wasn’t your father.
“Who the hell is this?”
“What? You've never seen a scary movie before?”
“I've seen enough to know that this joke is overplayed. So, whoever you are, go back to jerking off in your mom’s basement-”
“What about your basement?” The unknown individual cut you off. Now your face was pulled tight, an expression of anger as you shifted from holding the phone between your cheek and shoulder to pressing into your ear with your hand, eyes fleeting to the open windows, which were closed but all the blinds were wide open.
The way your eyes scanned the open space made it seem like the room spun around you, eyes squinting as you tried to look through every window at once, only catching glances of children trick or treating.
Just then, you heard something clatter — like a broom hitting the floor. And you could’ve sworn it came from downstairs.
Fight-or-Flight kicking in, you didn’t bother to investigate and instead bolted up the stairs in hopes of reaching your room. When you made it to the top of the staircase, however, you saw a tall shadow pass by, silhouette plastered on the wall as light shone through the windows upstairs, stopping you in your tracks so fast you nearly stumbled backwards.
Your eyes went wide, a deep gasp leaving your lips as you made a sharp turn right back down the stairs, backing yourself into the closest corner.
“Show’s over, if this is Pope or John B, you know JJ's gonna kill you-” You breathed, voice trembling but anger still evident. “This isn’t funny.”
“I’m not holding this knife to make you laugh, sweetheart.”
You could feel your heartbeat just a little faster at his statement. “I’ll call the cops.”
“You can’t do that without hanging up and trust me, you don’t want to hang up.”
Your eyes were darting all over the first floor of your home, hands subconsciously grasping at the wall you had your back pressed against, undoubtedly leaving marks in your wake. You couldn’t help but wonder where the hell JJ was, praying for him to burst through the door at any moment.
The door. The damn door. You realized you were right next to the front door. So, why the hell were you still in the house? 
One last glance at the top of the staircase had you throwing all caution to the wind, hand gripping and twisting the knob only to find that the door wouldn’t budge. You'd unlocked it, the direction the keyhole assuring you of that. You tugged and pulled and yanked, all to no avail. How did you manage to get locked inside of your own house?
“It’s scary being alone with a killer, isn’t it?” A voice whispered right next to your unoccupied ear, your heart practically jumping out of your chest when you realized the voice was clear and less eerie and automated, and also...no longer coming from the phone.
Your head snapped to the side, coming face to face a beat up ghostface mask, the phone in your hand clattering to the floor as you just narrowly dodged his arm when he slung it towards your head, ducking under the attack and nearly tripping over your feet as you made a b-line for your kitchen.
You ruined the house in your trail — throwing chairs, stools, and end tables behind you in desperate attempts to slow him down. 
You didn’t even realize you were screaming as you ran. 
You yelped as you hit your foot on the leg of a display in the hall, slipping and sliding on the hardwood as you never slowed in your pace.
You spotted your fathers work study door open, feet carrying you faster, ignoring the aching pain in your foot, as you made the room your destination. Making it into the space, you turned around to slam and lock the door, not missing the glance you caught of the man running after you. You felt his body collide with the other side of the wood as soon as you had it shut and latched, presumably throwing himself against it and you held it shut even though it was locked.
Your breaths were shaky and quivering, tears flying down your cheeks. After a few seconds, the thudding on the other side stopped. But you weren’t dumb enough to open the door again. The only thing on your mind was getting out of this god forsaken house. 
Spotting the one window in your father’s office, you looked down at the doorknob to ensure it was still locked before bolting over to the opening, prying the glass up and climbing out. Stepping out, one foot at a time, you looked to your left and right once you were completely outside of the window. The night air was humid and chilly, leaving you feeling damp and cold in nothing but a tank-top and pajama pants.
If you could make it to your neighbor’s house, you could call your parents. You just prayed to whatever higher power there was that they were home, better yet awake, considering their old age. 
You wasted little time in pondering however, sock-clad feet running through your yard in the direction of your neighbor's house that was a straight-shot across the street. Your feet had just hit the curb when you felt an arm engulf your frame from behind, the person’s other hand covering your mouth, muffling your screams as they dragged you right back behind the house, out of sight of any passersby that may have seen you.
Even with the hand over your mouth, you continued to kick and flail within their grip, managing to headbutt them in the jaw and drop you to the grass. The unexpected drop left you face down on the damp grass, scrambling to stand up and get away only for your ankles to be grabbed as they pulled you back.
When the aggressor managed to flip your relentless figure on your back, you were met with the sight of the mask once again as the man stood over you. You were lying on your back between his legs before he kneeled, practically straddling you.
Only then did you realize your hands were free, eyes fleeting between your hands and the mask before you were reaching up, basically palming the object and tearing it off, revealing a head full of blonde hair and a crooked, sadistic smile.
You weren’t even sure what your expression looked like.
“JJ?” You mumbled, letting the mask fall to the grass beside you. You could feel your entire body shaking. You didn’t know how to feel — Should you be relieved? Was this just a joke he took too far? Should you be terrified?
You normally would never assume JJ would hurt you but considering the fact that he’d just chased you through your entire house burned that argument to ashes. It didn’t help that he had this look in his eyes as he stared down at you — one you could only describe as unhinged.
You barely registered his next movements, as swift as they were — the way he pulled a decent sized knife from his sleeve in the blink of an eye. He twirled the object as the moonlight bounced off of the surface of it, you could see little spots littered across it. Little spots that almost looked like dried blood. He examined it, licking his bottom lip.
“You like it?” He spoke admiringly, watching the weapon glisten as if it were just a sight to see while you were laid petrified underneath him. You felt like you had just met a whole new person.
You still laid frozen still when he brought the object down to press it lightly against your throat, just enough for you to feel the coolness of it and how sharp it was. His dark gaze left the object to meet your wide eyes.
“It’s almost as pretty as you.”
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General taglist; @livlaughquinn 
JJ Maybank Taglist; @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot @maybankslover 
Event Taglist; @timmytime17
feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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lightlycareless · 4 months
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saw this and immediately thought of naoya after discovering y/n’s favorite pokemon.
First of all, thank you so much for sending this adorable ask omg hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's literally perfect because I always write that Y/N is like, obsessed with Gengar 😂 so it wouldn't be surprising that she had something like this.
And secondly, I apologize for taking a while to come back to you! I tend to reply to asks in the order they come, or which one is easier for me to write at the moment, either way, I'm still grateful for your ask ❤️❤️❤️
I hope what I wrote is enough to make up for the wait :> happy reading!
warnings: none. fluff. naoya is jealous OF A PLUSHIE.
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Naoya absolutely hated getting you that Gengar.
He was all for it though, at first at least. Because to him, this represented nothing but an easy way to gain more of your affection, his mind envisioning something like this (let’s say he took you to a date to the fair):
“I win Y/N a plushie. It’s her favorite plushie. She’s happy I got her the plushie. She kisses me for winning her the plushie. She marries me because I got her the plushie. We have kids because I got her the plushie.”
A win-win situation, right?
Well, up to the kissing part it was—because as soon as you grab Gengar, it’s like Naoya completely disappeared from your life.
There’s not a single moment you’re not with it, whether keeping you company by the couch when watching a movie, in the backseat whenever driving to the city, waiting by the futon while you come out of a shower… or even dressing it up with silly hats and hair clips, because why not.
However, the worst part wouldn’t come from any of those things. No—as frustrating as they were, Naoya was still capable of tolerating them, to some degree at least.
The bane of his existence would appear the moment he realized that not even when laying next to you after a long day of work did that stupid Gengar leave you alone!
Breaking his heart when you’d cuddle the damn plushie instead of him.
That’s when Naoya really began to have issues with it.
It got so bad, that he even considered getting rid of it—have it magically disappear, imply that maybe one of the staff members accidentally threw it into the trash, or you forgot it somewhere, highly possible since you essentially take it everywhere you go!!
And Ranta, as always, would be the voice of reason, telling him that doing such a thing was nothing short of highly inappropriate, and if you get to know the truth, his relationship with you would be critically affected.
“So??? It’s not like she’s actually going to leave me if I do that, you know?!” Naoya would cry, genuinely believing his words… but Ranta’s worried face quickly made him reconsider. “…Right?”
Well, that’s something he doesn’t want to figure out.
Thus, proof of his devotion to you and commitment to the relationship, Naoya decides to handle things like adults and bring up the issues he’s been having with your precious Gengar to you.
Learning the innocent reason why you were so attached to it…
“—I always wanted one, since I was a child. But my parents said no, because I already had too many toys. And I never saw it again… until that day at the fair. It’s like I went back in time to being a kid.”
In other words, you were doing all the things you would’ve loved to do if your parents had gotten you the Gengar. Besides…
“You got this for me without even asking, how could I not cherish something so romantic?!”
Naoya naturally feels like absolute shit when you tell him the truth—internally scolding himself for even considering getting rid of it in the first place!!         
So, after giving you a thousand apologies in forms of kisses, Naoya, in true Naoya fashion decides to also make it up to you by gifting you even more plushies of the same character—different sizes, different models, it didn’t matter, he just wants you to have them all.
Leading you to put a stop to him, because it was straight up ridiculous at that point!
Either way, this happening would go down as a funny story you’d be more than happy to share with your children when the time comes, slightly embarrass him by showing off his highly protected softness, if he hadn’t demonstrated the same to them by then…
Or maybe set up that Gengar “shrine” you always wanted to do just to spite Gojo, show him which franchise is far superior through your devotion, and rub it in his face.
He’s no longer a competitor when it comes to overindulging anymore, and Naoya is more than happy to give you the upper hand.
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I actually have a huge Gengar my cousin got for me last year in my birthday. was it worth it? yes. have people expressed their... consideration to steal it? yes. will I protect it with my life? I'm already training my cat to join me in this crusade. lmao
anyways, I hope you like this little snippet :> Naoya always has to take it to the extremes, but he's learning to be better, and it's safe to say that at one point, it's all well-intended 🤭
thank you so much for sending in this ask! take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️
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iovesia · 2 years
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❥⠀masterlist. ⠀:⠀ ( scream masterlist. )
synopsis: what it would be like to date stu macher.
warnings: angst. slight toxic relationship dynamics. gaslighting. sexual innuendos. mentioned murder. mentioned blood. soft yandere tendencies. slight fluff.
pairings: stu macher  𝒙  gn!reader.
josie’s note .⁺ ˖ ⌒ this is a repost from my old account, but this time i actually fixed my grammar mistakes. your media consumption is your own responsibility, read the warnings and enjoy!— reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated !! ♡
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This man is grade-A level clingy, his love language is 100% physical touch or quality time. he’d try and spend as much time with you as possible (when he’s not planning murders with Billy).
At first he’s chill, but as he increasingly gets comfortable in the relationship: He’s. All. Over. You.
He’d have his arm wrapped around you when walking down the hallway, his hand on your thigh in the middle of class (he has to always be touching you in some way.)
Very golden retriever / slight himbo energy.
He’s got some rich parents, so he’d definitely get you anything you asked for, or just whatever reminded him of you. he’d buy you clothes, record players, some horror movie memorabilia, or whatever else.
He loves when you wear his clothes, he constantly tells you that it looks 10 times better on you.
He smells either like vanilla, or really shitty axe-body spray. There’s no in-between.
You guys jam out to pop-music together. he’s a loud and proud mariah carey, and britney spears enthusiast!
He’s a horny little shit, so prepare for him to constantly make everything sexual.
"My face is so dry, I need to get a facial," you sigh, looking into the mirror.
"That's what she said."
"Stu! Gross!"
Speaking of making jokes, this man cannot read the room for the life of him. If it’s an inappropriate time, he’s probably gonna make even more jokes. (i.e. the “liver-alone” jokes).
When the news breaks out about Casey Becker, and her boyfriends’ murder, Stu insists on walking you everywhere.
"C'mon babe, I'll be, like, your knight in shining armour. Y'know, keeping you safe from G-G-Ghostface," he says teasingly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"You're so dumb," you playfully roll your eyes, but can't seem to stop the childish grin growing on your lips.
He’s never planning on telling you about his (or Billy’s) involvement in the Woodsboro murders. One: out of fear that you’ll go to the cops, and it’s going to get him and Billy arrested. Two: if he’s developed genuine feelings for you, he’d be scared that you’d break up with him or react... badly (understandably).
Not to be a buzzkill, but he killed Casey because she broke up with him, so breaking up with him might not end too good … but you don’t know that (ignorance is bliss, I guess).
Speaking of Billy, he’s gonna be hanging around you guys frequently. You’d get pretty annoyed at the lack of alone time with Stu, but you’d never bring it up because you wouldn’t want to come between their friendship. (Billy’s a bit of a loner, so he doesn’t really have anyone else to hang with besides Stu and Sidney.)
Stu’s a class clown, so every lesson with him is just a game of ‘try not to laugh’. He loves the sound of your laugh, and seeing your smile, it’s contagious.
He’s not the best at comforting you when you’re down, but he’ll crack a million jokes, even if only one of them made you feel better.
He’s fine with being either the big spoon, or little spoon. Stu loves the feeling of your arms wrapped around him. He would lay down his head on your chest, and sound of your heartbeat would calm him down.
He’s not a very jealous person, but he is a little possessive. Growing up as a spoiled, only child, he’s very accustomed to getting what he wants all the time. Whenever he sees you talking to another person, he’s immediately standing behind you, staring down at the person. (He's not the most intimidating looking guy, let’s be real, but it’s the thought that counts <3)
Since he’s a pretty extroverted guy, he throws a lot of parties, and is a major people person. So.. sorry to any introverts, but this man loves being center of attention. He craves being in the "spotlight", and having everyone laugh at his jokes.
He’d be bummed out if you wouldn’t want to come to parties he’s hosting or going to, and he’d be a little bitchy about it.
"Oh c'mon, Y/N, you never want to do anything fun with me."
He does not think before he speaks. So prepared to have your feelings hurt ─ accidentally, of course.
He would apologize in a very cheesy way. Stu would probably get you some flowers, or recite some cheesy apology from one of your favorite rom-com movies. You should be angry at him, but he’s just so charismatic, and funny, you end up forgiving him a lot.
Contrary to popular belief, Stu is somewhat smart, in a sense that he’s good at manipulating people (probably better than Billy, due to his friendlier persona). So when you’d get suspicious of him, he’s gonna get a little gas-lighty.
"Jesus, Y/N you're crazy if you think I could've done that! I mean, do you really think I'm psychotic?"
But, surprise, surprise, you do eventually find out about the whole Ghostface thing.
Randy's body collapsed to the floor, with a loud thud. You watched from the kitchen, a half-wall safely covering you from Billy's line of sight. The sound of Sidney's scream echoes through the house as you slowly retreat from the disaster in front of you.
Suddenly, you felt your back hit something, as an arm was now wrapped around your neck, crushing your airways. A familiar voice whispered in your ear that made your heart stop: "Surprise, Y/N."
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 4 months
Was Qubo actually coming back?
So I heard a rumor that's been going around that The Qubo Channel, an American children's tv channel that ran from 2007-2021, was coming back in 2023 and this idiot fan did everything they could to make it seem real, videos and everything but it all turned out to be fake. They said that the company E Scripps announced it but they never did and this random person made an entire wiki page of it too. Qubo is officially never coming back, although I hope someone will have a solution or come up with a replacement kids channel. It's sad that kids have nothing that genuinely teaches them good lessons, besides Bluey. Don't get me wrong, I love Bluey, Bluey's awesome but it's like the only thing that kids can watch nowadays that's good for them. In my opinion, you need MORE THAN ONE SHOW! You don't have to have as many shows as I did growing up, but you can't only just have one show either.
I'll admit I was more of a tv kid, but I grew up in a small, dumpy town in Pennsylvania and I had no siblings or kids in the neighborhood to play with. I also never really had close friends at school who I got to hang out with outside of school, because school days lasted long and we were private people. When I got home, I'd most likely draw, watch tv, or take a nap. I did spend time outside but not in the autumn and winter as much because I hated cold, especially when I got older. I did watch a lot more tv than most kids did but it wasn't an unhealthy amount. I also wasn't really a Disney movie kid as much either. Disney channel? Yes, but I didn't really watch much of their animated movies growing up, especially not the older ones that everyone else grew up with. I had older parents and also was raised by my grandma, and no siblings so it's not like we had family movies nights like some families. Being an only child, I was basically the boss of the tv and my mom grew up playing outside and not much of a tv kid, so she just let me watch the kids shows that were playing on tv. Just to clear things up, I was born in November of 2002 and my mom gave birth to me when she was 42 years old, so a lot of stuff from her time wasn't really meant for kids. So yeah, I mostly just grew up watching tv channels. I was lucky enough to have Qubo, Sprout and the Nickelodeon and Disney channels. Lucky for me, I didn't watch much Cartoon Network, which in my opinion was kind of a good thing because a lot of stuff back then was inappropriate. Thank God I had more relaxing and... less unhinged shows to watch on channels like Sprout and Qubo. I know Qubo had its fair share of weird shows like Grossology and Being Ian, but most of the Qubo shows were good. In fact, some of my favorite shows ever came from Qubo!
Let's have a little talk about a well known Canadian show that was based off a book series, called "Scaredy Squirrel". If you were in Canada, you probably watched Scaredy Squirrel on YTV or Treehouse, but us Americans watched it on Cartoon Network, Disney X.D or Qubo. I was the kid who watched it on Qubo because I ignored the Cartoon Network channel growing up and I think around 2013 was when I started to hate Disney so... yeah. I became a fan of Scaredy Squirrel through Qubo and that show means so much to me. Another show that means a lot to me is called "Marvin the tap-dancing Horse" which originally aired on PBS kids for like 2 years, as part of a block called the "Bookworm bunch" which only lasted a short time and plus, I wasn't even born yet. I got introduced to Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse through the Qubo Channel and I absolutely fell in love with it. Honestly, those are both very underrated shows and deserve an actual FANDOM rather than 3 fans. A few people I know have at least heard of Scaredy Squirrel barely anyone has heard of Marvin the dancing horse (and yes, Marvin is based off a book too). I highly recommend those shows, as well as many others!
Cable tv is kind of shutting down now anyway, and it's sad. All we have now is streaming services and a lot of them just don't have those nice kids shows that Qubo had. A lot of those shows were cute and not too overstimulating for the younger kids, and almost everything they have now is for older kids. Sprout became Universal Kids, which is more for older kids and they didn't need to do that. We need more things for little kids too. Also, as a 21 year old with trauma, I don't like rough adult shows like South park and Hazbin hotel, I want more calming shows like Scaredy Squirrel and Toddworld. (Also, I'll put a list of my favorite shows from Qubo in my last paragraph).
I hope one day I can make my own tv channel or streaming service to replace Qubo or Sprout, but nothing can really "replace" my favorite channels growing up. Also, if you want some relaxing kids shows from Qubo to watch, I'll give you some;
Scaredy Squirrel, Toddworld, Stella & Sam, Timothy goes to school, Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse, Maggie & the Ferocious Beast, Harry & his Bucket of Dinosaurs, Miss Spider Sunny Patch, Babar, Veggietales, Gofrette, I Spy, My Friend Rabbit, Sandra the Fairytale Detective, Willa's Wild Life, Pecola, Turbo Dogs, Sidekick, and Stickin' Around (although there's a trigger warning).
Tell me what you think and if you agree! Are you too a Qubo or Sprout fan?
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Hey! big fan of your blog and knowledge :)
I was hesitant to ask this question on twitter cuz ppl there are easily offended and I am of different culture and genuinely curious to know a non-biased opinion without offending anyone.
why catalan is considered a language not a dialect since it is very similar to spanish?
I have a friend who lived in girona since childhood and she told me that, based on her knowledge of the country I was born in, that the difference between catalan and spanish is much less than the difference between some of the so many dialects we have in my country and we never considered any of them a language per say, just different dialects based on where you live. Some of them are even grammatically different and it is practically impossible to understand unless you were exposed to it in movies, tv shows, etc..
I asked this question to a spanish coworker once and his answer seemed a bit biased tbh, there is also badosa’s answer from that interview who claimed catalan not being a language as itself but I have noticed the controversy it created and did not understand why.
TIA and apologize in advance as well if I unintentionally said something rude or inappropriate up there.
haha, thanks anon! but don't ask this question of aitana or her parents! 😂 catalan is its own language and catalunya could be its own country! (as for paula badosa, quina vergonya!)
so i am not a linguist but you have asked a question that people who have been studying languages have debated forever. there's a common phrase that “a language is a dialect with an army and a navy,” which shows how politicized it can be.
but catalan is considered to be an independent language, not a dialect of spanish. it's similar to spanish because catalan is also a romance language, meaning they all share the same roots, just like portuguese and italian too!
let me ask you: spanish is very similar to italian and portuguese, so to you would italian and portuguese be dialects of spanish?! if i go to italy, i can basically get around even though i don't speak italian because there are lots of similarities between italian and spanish. however, i would not consider italian to be a dialect; rather it comes from the same ancestor language.
i view dialects in this way. if you are saying something, and i can understand you speaking the language without any problems, then it's a dialect (like mallorquin is a dialect of catalan). but if not, then it's a separate language. for example, if i go to sevilla and start speaking in catalan, then i don't automatically expect locals to understand what i am saying, even though they speak spanish there.
and beyond spanish, there are some similarities between catalan and france (another romance language!), but i definitely wouldn't consider catalan a dialect of french.
example: how to say the word "please"
catalan: si us plau
french: si vous plait
spanish: por favor
example: verb "to eat"
catalan: menjar
french: manger
spanish: comer
we can say the word gràcies for thank you in catalan, but we often say mercès/merci too.
so yeah, based on the various influences on catalan, i would not consider it a dialect of spanish. rather, it's a cousin of spanish, just like italian and portuguese because we all share the same roots.
hope this helps!
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saetoru · 10 months
I know it's been a while since your blue lock era but have you heard that the Nagi and Reo spinoff is getting a movie?
Unrelated but the thought of ex convict Geto just being so gentle and smilely with his girls and all the other mother just watching him. Or maybe they are all waiting for their kids to be dismissed from school and have small talk about random things and all the moms realize he is the whole package. Hot, attentive, funny, etc.
NO I DIDNT HEAR TY FOR TELLING ME !!! i must catch up on bllk i rly rly rly miss it so much genuinely sobs my baby sae calls to me every time i stare at the comm it might be the loveliest comm i have ever gotten
ANYWAYYYYYYYYY I RAISE U THIS !! the pre school teacher is young, not much younger than u and suguru. she meets him 1-on-1 one day after he runs a little late to picking them up and has to stay with the girls till he shows up. she’s a bit annoyed that the guy with tattoos is late bc she’s heard about him—heard that he’s jobless and has a history of trouble. she can’t help but think to herself how he must be a lazy, unbothered parent who accidentally knocked up some chick and has taken that chance to leech off of her as he “stays for the kids.”
and then. he comes jogging up, out of breath and so, so apologetic as he rambles a string of sorry’s and it won’t happen again’s. she’s frozen—watches as the girls quickly run up to him, feels her heart skip two beats—maybe three—when he chuckles softly and says in that smooth and low voice, “hello ladies, how was school? did we do some learning? that’s important, y’know.”
nanako answers first, as she always does—she’s always the center of attention. “i dissected an owl pellet daddy,” she grins happily, “mimiko didn’t help.”
mimiko speaks up from the side, “it was gross.”
he nods, serious as ever, listening attentively as they babble and go on about their day. it’s like this is the most important part—like the world doesn’t exist when it’s his girls, like no one else matters. he gives the occasional mhm and oh, really? and oh wow! as they ramble. this might be the most their teacher has witnessed mimiko speak all year. and then he looks up and spots her, realizes she’s there and gives her the most sheepish smile she’s ever witnessed before clearing his throat.
“i’m so sorry about this,” he says gently, genuinely—like he really is sorry he’s late and like he never meant for it to happen. she’s starting to realize he didn’t, that when it comes to his girls, he takes everything seriously. including picking them up on time.
“no, that’s okay,” she mumbles softly, giving him a smile. his earrings aren’t so bad up close—in fact, they suit him really well. “the girls are a joy to be around, they’re very well behaved.”
“good,” he chuckles smoothly, grinning down at them in pride, “they get that from their mother. i’m a bit of a trouble maker,” he says fondly—and the mere thought of you softens his eyes, makes them a shade lighter as they brighten up.
right—their mother. you. he has a wife, maybe a girlfriend. she doesn’t see a ring on his finger—but either way, he’s taken. somehow, there’s a pit of disappointment weighing in her gut, sinking to her stomach and making her taste bile.
“oh, well, you guys have a beautiful family,” she smiles tightly. how did he win her over so fast—how did he manage to steal her heart so quickly? this is inappropriate, he’s the father of her students. a taken one at that—but geto is so smooth, so surprisingly gentle with an air of mystery that just makes him so desirable.
and then he slings both of his daughters’ backpacks over both his shoulders, grabs their hands and smiles sweetly as he says, “see you tomorrow!”
she hears him murmur a distant, wanna visit mommy at work? and the chorus of yeah! let’s see mommy! from the two girls. it makes her realize that maybe she was wrong about geto suguru. and somehow, she really really wishes she wasn’t—it’d be easier that way.
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nicka-nell · 2 years
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Awkward boyfriend moments
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Pairing: Kita x; Iwaizumi x; Akaashi x; Daichi x; Matsukawa x; Kuroo x; Hinata x; Ennoshita x; Kageyama x reader
Warning: not.sfw-ish, awkward (because well we’re talking about awkward moments again)
Note: Part 1 | Part 2
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You were with your child at a performance to register your child in school. They guided you through the school with several parents, and you could ask questions. In the end the children could still play and get to know each other. 
Kita was not there because he had a business talk with a man who wants to buy him a large amount of rice every year. The conversation was over quickly and Kita wanted to pick you up, but you were not finished yet.So he went to Osamu’s Onigiri shop, stayed there with his friends until your message came that the tour was over in ten minutes. 
With your sleeping child on your arm, you still talk to the director and the other parents when you see Kita and smile at him. And also Kita smiled at you, came up to you with the words “If that’s not my wonderful MILF.” 
You drop your jaw, just like all the other parents around you and also the director did not know what to say. He just looked at you skeptically. 
For the first time in your life, you wanted to say, “I don’t know this man up there,” and you’d like to sink into the ground. 
Embarrassed, you went to Kita, who took your child from your arms, wanted to give you a kiss, but you dodged him and stomped to the car. 
In the car he had asked you why you were so angry, because he meant nothing bad with it. 
“Why are you so mad, my dear? Is it because of the word MILF? Don’t you know it?” 
“Oh Shinsuke, believe me, I know the meaning of MILF pretty well. Just like all the other people who heard you calling me that…” 
“But… Why are you mad? Do you feel uncomfortable if I call you the mother I love forever?” 
MILF… The mother I love forever… What?! And that was the moment you realized it was Suna’s work who wanted to let your naïve husband believe MILF means ‘Mother I Love Forever’. 
After you told Kita what MILF really meant, he just nodded sympathetically and apologized to you. But in his opinion, the true meaning of MILF is inappropriate, since you never want to sleep with someone else’s mother normally. Thereby he completely forgets that you are also the mother of his child and actually you are his MILF, but next time he shouldn’t say that while you’re outside your bedroom.
And with Suna… Well, with him he spoke a serious word, so that the poor man had hidden for over three months from Kita.
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You just wanted to go home after your already strange working day and take a hot shower, be hugged by Iwaizumi and go to bed when you opened the door and your strange day continues in your own four walls. 
You were about to greet Iwaizumi when you fell silent and just three simple words were floating in your mind. What the fuck?
In the kitchen on your kitchen island were eight unfolded baby diapers, all smeared with... Yeah, well, with what actually? Green, orange, yellow…  All colors were there. 
And Iwaizumi stood in front of them inspecting, lifted up the diapers, put his finger in this… whatever it is, and even used his tongue to taste. 
“What the hell are you doing there?!” 
Your desperate question had frightened him so much that he almost slapped his face with the diaper smeared with green stuff. 
Did you marry a pervert who collects baby shit and sniffs at it?
Iwaizumi had thought that he would never say this sentence, because it only appears in movies and now he stood there… 
“It’s not what it looks like, baby.”
“Do I want to know?!”
In the end, it turned out that Iwaizumi was invited to a baby shower by his work colleague and that crazy baby games are played there. Among other things, they smear diapers with baby porridge and you should guess which porridge is in the diaper. 
Iwaizumi wanted to practice at home so that he would end up winning. 
After he gave you the explanation, you had to admit that this baby game is disgusting, but somehow also damn funny. 
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Just the classic one… honestly
Akaashi and you always surprise each other with small things. Sometimes it’s just small gifts like flowers, jewelry, movie tickets, but also mature things like sexy lingerie. 
Since you both had an extremely exhausting working week, Akaashi wanted to surprise you again with something indecent and was in an underwear store to buy lingerie for men. 
Knowing that you are still at work, he has put on many candles in the bedroom, the latex boxer shorts with black plush on the edges, had put some of your sex toys on the bed, turned on some erotic music and laid down on the bed between the sex toys, hands tied to your bed with handcuffs. Even if that alone was really a challenge. 
Maybe he shouldn’t have done that with the handcuffs until you’re about to go home. Because he’s been lying in bed like this for an hour now, can’t release the handcuffs alone, and must actually go to the toilet.
Even after another half an hour, there’s no sign of you. Not only does he have to pee so badly, he’s worried about you now. Until he finally hears the key in the lock, followed by your laughing voice. 
“I’m in the bedroom, my love! I have a surprise for you.”
“Uncle Kaashi!” 
And that was when Akaashi just didn’t care that he had to go to the toilet urgently, that he would like to sleep with you or anything else. He had to do something to stop your brother’s son from sprinting into the bedroom. 
But before he could think of anything, the door was already wide open. The little boy stood with his head tilted to the side in the door frame, followed by your brother and you. 
“Surprise heh… please just kill me here and now.” 
The last part of his sentence you could not hear anymore but embarrassed you just put your hands over your little nephew’s eyes and whisper a quiet “I’m so sorry baby.” to Akaashi. You forgot to tell him your brother was coming today. 
Since then, your brother teases Akaashi and calls him bunny. 
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Kuroo finally has a day off and doesn’t have to work or anything else. Just annoying that you have to work and he gets bored at home. 
All his friends are currently working, so he watches a stream of Kenma on his mobile phone. But after a while Kuroo ends up with a streamer who is just getting ready for her date and thought, “I can make a make-up tutorial out of it”. 
How he ended up on this beauty channel, he himself no longer knows. But that’s kind of always the case, that you first watch a cat video and at the end you end up at a video, where a man’s blackheads are pressed out by the nose. 
Kuroo only smiles at the streamer, finds it funny how she always holds all the products in the camera, explains what this is and then smears these products in her face. 
And from his boredom becomes an even bigger boredom that can only lead to nonsense.
He turns off the stream and thinks, what she can do, I can do too and goes to the dressing table of you in the bedroom. 
When you get home, you just hear Kuroo babbling. His voice comes from the bedroom. 
Skeptically you sneak up to the room, think that he again prepares some stupid prank, and open the door a crack wide. But what you see makes you laugh. 
At least you want to laugh out loud, but keep it down and pull out your camera to film him. 
“So my cute birdies, now I apply my… shit what do you call it...? Eyeliner on! It is by the brand ‘waterproof’, just like all the other items here!”
From the brand waterproof? It almost hurts to resist laughing. 
“Don’t I look great?” 
He says in an extremely high pitch and jingles with his fancy make-up eyes. Forms a kiss mouth with the dark red lipstick on his lips. Also so that his hair is not in his way, he had pushed it back with your bunny headband. Hilarious. 
You can’t take it anymore. 
“Yeah sweetheart, you’re such a sexy chick.” 
You laugh, push the door further open and finish the video with Kuroo’s startled look, and his faster approaching steps to take the phone away from you. 
But you have already saved it and sent it to Kenma with the words, “Looks like your streamer career is soon in danger.” 
As you tease him repeatedly, Kenma can’t look his friend in the eye for a few weeks without a laugh. 
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Daichi is actually the perfect husband. He is good-looking, empathetic, has humor and can be strict if necessary. 
He can deal with children well, has helped raise his siblings and in bed he is also fantastic. Only he always works way too much. 
Also, this week he works every day only overtime, neglecting that you also have your needs. So you want to surprise him, bring him something to eat with your autumn coat and under it, as you know it from the movies, nothing but lingerie. 
Once in the station, your heart beats fast as you pass all the colleagues of Daichi to get to his office. You never expected that there was so much going on at the station at the moment. It’s almost like there’s a summer sale. 
In the office, he doesn’t even notice that you are there through all the papers that lie on his desk, until you clear your throat, so he raises his head. 
Seductively, you salute him and tell him you have brought him something delicious to eat and push yourself between his table and his office chair to give him the lunch box. 
Typical for your husband, he smiles at you lovingly, opens the box and is happy about the food, because he really has nothing in his stomach yet. But filling him with food wasn’t your first goal. 
“I hope you’ll enjoy your meal, but… I also have a little dessert for you, handsome officer.” 
And with these words, you open your belt on the coat, strip it off of your body and enjoy the bewildered and yet dark expression of your husband. 
Impressed by what he sees, he licks his lip before he gets up from the office chair and puts the food away, instead approaches you and curves around your body with his powerful hands. 
“Looks like I’m gonna be a bad cop today, because I’ll skip my meal for the good part.” 
Daichi murmurs. He thinks that he really has the charisma of a villain, but alone that he describes his evil actions with the skipping of his meal makes you smile. 
Only you have no time to smile, because he lifts you up, places you down on his desk and bends over you, the hands left and right of you on the paper stack. 
“Mh baby, let’s see how long you’ll laugh like this. Daddy’s gonna show you how to behave. M’ gonna fill that pretty cunt of yours until you beg me for forgiveness.” 
Bad only that his hand was on the loudspeaker button, which was hidden under the stack of paper, and the whole presidium had heard his words. 
You told Daichi afterwards that he had to change his work location. 
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Kageyama needs his routine in everyday life. 
In the morning he gets up, takes a shower, goes jogging, goes to training, comes from training, eats together with you, goes jogging again, watches the series with you, which you love so much, but he does not. At least that’s what he says. Now he’s the one who actually prefers to watch the series. 
One day you had to interrupt his morning routine because you got up late and wanted to brush your teeth quickly. 
Kageyama had just finished showering, was standing in front of the toilet seat wearing only his underpants and was cutting his toenails. 
You couldn’t help looking at his muscular back for a while longer after you finished brushing your teeth when he suddenly smelled the cut nail of his big toe. 
“Ew honey, what are you doing there?” 
You ask disgusted as Kageyama turns around, looking calmly in your direction. Not embarrassed at all or anything like that. 
Instead, he just looks down at the nail, back up to you. 
“Well, the nail from the big toe always stinks when you cut it off. But although you know it stinks, you want to smell it somehow. You’re not doing this?” 
He says as if he is asking you if you would clean your upper or lower row of teeth first. 
Speechless and somehow not knowing what to answer, you just shake your head.
Then Kageyama only holds the nail with the words “Here, sniff.” But you stomp disgustedly out of the bathroom. 
“Please honey, let’s pretend this conversation never happened. It’s the best for us and our relationship.” 
While you leave Kageyama questioningly in the bathroom, trying to forget all this, he asks his teammates at the next training if they may know why you reacted like that. 
More than half of them think that this must be a woman’s thing, because they probably smell on their nail too...
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You enjoy your day just for yourself. A day when you really only do what you want. Manicure, pedicure, hairdresser appointment and so on. 
Done with everything, you now put your feet up and want to watch through some TikTok videos when you get a call from the police.
“We would ask you to pick up your husband at our presidium.” 
Since you were not told on the phone what happened, you rush to the police station, ask at the reception where you can find your husband when he already meets you. 
Ennoshita wanted to grab ice cream for you and him on the way home, eat it with you, when he bumped into a girl who had ice cream in her hands. 
The ice fell out of her hand and she was about to cry when Ennoshita grabbed her wrist and tried to calm her. 
But he did not think about the fact that it might be interpreted quite differently for outsiders when a little girl cries and a strange man grabs her by the arm. 
His “Don’t run to mom, okay? I’ll buy you a new ice cream. A bigger, cooler one! You just have to come with me.” certainly didn’t help.
He just didn’t want the girl’s mother to get mad. Just wanted to put a smile on the girl’s face again. 
However, instead of making her smile again, he had two men in his back who had pressed him to the ground and a woman who had called the police and told them that a pedophile was running around trying to kidnap a child. 
Since the police did not want a big fuss on the street, they took him to the station directly. 
It was only at the station that he could explain himself and clear up the misunderstanding. 
When you heard the story, you were about to laugh, even if you were angry at the police. Nevertheless, you could somehow understand them.
“Baby, you can’t do this… Didn’t you think for a second that what you were doing was really weird?” 
“Please.. I’ll do anything if you won’t talk about it with the guys…” 
Since then you get a free massage and ice cream as soon as you ask for it. 
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Matsukawa is a simple man. He loves you, your humor, your character… and your ass. He loves your plump butt. 
It always echoes so loud when he gives you a slap on the ass and then grabs your plush meat with his hand. 
Especially if you wear your tight leggings. His mouth is watery. Same for today. 
Finished with the shower, he gets dressed, goes through the hallway to go into the garden, as he sees that the storage room is open and in the dimmed light you stand with your back to him. In tight leggings, of course. 
“Damn babe, you really know what daddy likes, huh?” 
He whispers and gives you such a powerful clap on the ass, before he claws his fingers into your flesh and places a kiss on the back of your head, before he just goes out again happily through the living room up to the garden. 
But in the garden he remains rooted, the eyes larger like those of a puffer fish. 
“B- babe? You? Here?” 
Smiling, you lift your head, only to see how he looks back and forth between you and the garden door. 
“Have you seen Yuki? I sent her in to get a towel. Maybe you can check on her? She probably doesn’t know where the towels are.”
Yuki, of course... your best friend. Why on earth do you have to have a friend who’s as tall as you, has the same hair color as you, and looks pretty much like you in the dim light? God, either you kill him when he tells you what he did, or Yuki tells you and both the women kill him. How did he deserve this?
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me she’ll be here today?” 
“But… I did that yesterday, Issei. Why can’t she be here?”
“I swear to god, it was not my intention, but I saw her in the storage room and thought she’s you and slapped her ass so hard…” 
Unlike what he expects, you can’t help but laugh out loud. Only Matsukawa doesn’t share your laughter. 
“You have to find another best friend.”
You laugh again when your best friend joins the two of you, walks past Matsukawa and says “hey daddy”, hands you the towel and you both laugh tears. 
You know it was a misunderstanding and that neither Matsukawa nor your best friend would get the idea of starting something with each other. After all, she has been married for years and is currently trying to have her second child with her husband, and Matsukawa is so fond of you he sometimes looks at your nude photos at work. Because he just can’t get enough of you. Even if a morgue is a strange place for it.
Anyway, now Matsukawa always looks closely before he gives you a slap on your ass and he was so damn glad when your friend changed her hair color.
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Hinata is such an innocent little sunshine. 
So far, nothing embarrassing has ever happened to you. Or something strange. 
The only thing that happens every now and then is that Hinata grabs one of your bras and pulls it over his head. 
If you are in a bad mood, he takes one of your bras and stands next to the couch on which you lie, tells you he will now ride a bike and quickly puts on the ‘helmet’. 
He “buckles” himself by fastening the hooks of your bra and stretching his hands forward, as if grabbing a handle off the bike and pretending to drive down a mountain while he disappears piece by piece behind the couch. 
“I can still see your head, sweetie.” 
You just laugh before Hinata jumps up again and goes along with your laughter. 
Once he had tried to put your bra on his eyes, came into the living room with humming noises and said he was a housefly, when after only a few seconds he was lying crying on the floor because he was banging his best piece against the edge of the table because he could not see it through your bra. 
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── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿
paring: florence pugh x gn!reader
tag(s): fluff, headcanons, sfw
warnings: grammatical errors, unedited, mentions of sex but not really
word count: 513
note: I love writing the 'my best friend's sister' trope, I hope you guys like it too. I'm not an native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake.
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At first, raffie didn’t want to share her best friend, especially with her big sister
I mean, Florence was the third wheel in your friendship. And now she was the third wheel in your relationship.
It wasn’t as if she didn’t like you guys being together. No, she was really happy for you. 
It was just that she was a bit jealous of her sister, since you now give her more attention than to your own best friend.
But, of course, you, being her amazing best friend, noticed this. So, you made sure to talk to her about it, reassure her that there was no way she was getting rid of you, and promised to spend more time with her, without your lovely girlfriend being around.
After that, Raffie was pleased with the new arrangement. Still she would make these jokes about you being hers since you were her friend before starting dating Florence.
Which Florence would laugh at, but you could tell it made her just a tiny bit jealous.
Which you found really cute, especially since she tried to hide it from the two of you. 
To reassure her that you loved her you would peck her lips. Of course, when Raffie wasn’t around. 
You didn’t want to see them argue about you again. 
When you would have a sleepover at Raffie’s, Florence would sneak into her old house to be with you for a few minutes. All while Raffie was sleeping. 
You didn’t want to hide, especially since not too long ago Florence used to live there, but you knew Raffie would get mad at both of you. 
Fortunately, she never found out. 
Or so you thought. 
Raffie, of course, knew about it. It happened in her own home, for christ sake. 
But she decided to leave you two alone. She knew you wouldn’t dare to do something inappropriate while her parents were home. 
Speaking of which, their parents already loved you when you were just Raffie’s friend. And they were even happier when they found out you were dating their other daughter. 
You were already part of the family, anyways. 
Plus, they always saw the looks you would give Flo, and the looks she would give you back. They knew something was going on between the two of you. They knew it was only a matter of time. 
They also knew about Flo sneaking in when you and Raffie had a sleepover, but decided to pretend that it wasn’t a thing. Since it would be a bit awkward for them. 
Actually, it would be awkward for everyone. 
Raffie would definitely be invited to your movie nights with Florence. 
Not always though, because you guys obviously would want some alone time. Just from time to time, so she wouldn’t feel neglected by the two of you.
Yeah, they didn’t like sharing you that much, but they were still sisters and like spending time with each other. 
What sucked though was that you couldn’t tell your best friend about your sex life. Since you were shagging her sister.
But, oh well.
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Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3
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dre6ming · 2 years
Have some respect
To be added to the tag list click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: smut 18+ <minors dni>, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, cursing, explicit language, mention of parent loss, mentions of death, fluff, angst…. Hope that’s all
Plot: you played Priscilla in the Elvis movie, but because you’re socially awkward you rarely interact with Austin and after a very intrusive interviewer asks a inappropriate question you two find comfort with each other.
Word count: 3220
Disclaimer: The idea came to me when I stumbled upon this TikTok (click here to watch) of the interviewer asking Austin how he broke the news that he’s gonna be Elvis to his mom. The interviewer didn’t know about Austin’s mom, which to me just shows lack of interest in doing your job, but you know it might be just me idk
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It was yet another long day of sitting in a very uncomfortable chair answering the same questions over and over again. I love acting, please don't get me wrong, I love my job and sometimes even doing interviews can be fun, but after a full day of doing just that, there's nothing more I wish than to go home and take a bubble bath. I guess I should be thankful I'm not the lead of the movie though, as most questions are directed to Austin, so I get to sit beside him, nod and smile.
"Ok the last interviewer will be on in a minute" someone says. I sigh, rubbing my temples and wiggling a little in my chair since I've been stuck in it for hours now. Because of all the wiggling and moving around my chair tips over and I go straight for the ground. I close my eyes, letting out a little yelp, waiting to hit the floor with my face. Thankfully Austin was somewhat paying attention to me and he's quick to grab the chair and my arm. "Phew, my god, thank you" he lets out a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief, he knows I'm clumsy. I get stuck looking at him for a minute and then I realize his hand is still wrapped around my arm.
Looking down at his hand, seeing the veins running down it, while he's holding my arm...lord have mercy. I lick my lips and have to bite my tongue to stop the moan that rises in my throat. He clears his throat and takes the hand away, brushing it through his hair. If I weren't so fucking tiered and high on caffeine I'd swear I see a blush show up on his face.
The interviewer coming in startles me, so I take my eyes off of Austin and start to fiddle with my shirt. I've worked with Austin for 2 years filming and now we're almost done with a year long press tour, that's three years we've spent together, not once did I think of him in a romantic way. Sure he's good looking, but other than that I don't know much. I know I must sound like a hypocrite, but I'm not really social and besides the talking we did regarding scenes and filming, we've never really talked.
"Hi guys, nice to meet you, can we start?" The interviewer interrupts my train of thought. We both say hello and soon enough the guy starts asking questions. I'm not really listening and my luck will have it that besides two questions, which I've answered before, the guy only talks to Austin. I zone out for the rest of the interview, smiling when it seems like a good time to and laughing a bit when Austin does it. All goes smoothly until I hear the next question.
"So what did you mom and your grandma say when you were like 'guys I got Elvis! I'm gonna be Elvis!'" As soon as the question leaves the interviewer's mouth, my stomach drops. I look at Austin and I see his face fall as he takes in the question. Suddenly I feel so overprotective my mouth speaks before I can process it. "If you're gonna stand there asking us the same stupid questions, you could've at least done some research before hand." The guy seem taken back by my harsh answer and before he can say anything else, I get up from the chair and start taking my mic off. "That's it we're done, we've answered enough, thank you!" I slam the mic in the guys lap and walk past him.
As I make my way to the dressing room, I try not to think about how loud my publicist will scream at me. I also try not think that maybe I overreacted and it wasn't my place to do so. I get inside the dressing room taking my shoes off, my feet hurt so bad from dangling all day on the high chair. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say closing my eyes preparing for being scolded. God I feel like I'm back in highschool when I used to talk back to my teachers and get screamed at by my mom. I turn to look at Jenelle, only she's not the one to have walked in. It's Austin. I stand up and try to look presentable, but I know I'm far from that.
"Um hi, I just wanted say thank you, for having my back out there, I kinda got stuck." He says fidgeting with his hands. "Oh, yeah, I just, it's nothing. Plus I'm sure I would've frozen if I were in your place." He nods and I dare to look at his face for the first time. His eyes are red, he's not crying but I'm guessing he wants to. "Sit down." I say, motioning to the small couch. I go lock the door, so no one will barge in. Getting some cold water from the mini fridge and a box of tissues from the vanity, I put them next to him. I also sit down, but as far away from him as I can, it's already awkward enough, adding uncomfortable closeness will only make it more awkward. Austin looks at the things I brought over and chuckles, dragging his hand over his face. "You think I'm going to cry?"
I can't read his tone, so I'm just a bit stuck on what to answer. "I would" I say, remembering how hard I cried a few years ago when an interviewer asked me what my father thought about my role in 'Fifty shades of Grey', the woman, just like the guy today, didn't know my dad died when I was 15. "I'm past that." He says, but I don't really believe him. "I'm not."
After I say it, I cover my mouth with my hand, widening my eyes. "What?" He squints his eyes at me, confused by my words. "I-" my eyes move around the room trying to find something to focus on. "My dad died in a car crash when I was 15. A few years ago an interviewer asked my if I ever plan to show my dad 'Fifty shades of Grey', I started bawling on the spot." His face softens and I can see compassion washing over his expression. "I'm sorry!" I laugh trying to hide the lump that forms in my throat. "Don't be, the interviewers have one job, they should know these things"
I look at my lap, playing with the hem of my pants. One of his hands comes to my face, forcing me to look at him. His eyes have evident tears in them. My own vision starts to blur, then I feel his thumb caress my cheek, wiping away a singe tear. He licks his lips and without breaking eye contact he leans forward. "Can I?" He asks, his lips barely touching mine. Austin's breath feels warm against my face. I close my eyes anticipating the kiss. "Yes!" I say breathless.
He's lips crash onto my with force. With one hand holding my face, the other one moves to my waist. His tongue teases my bottom lip, making me open my mouth so he can explore freely. I sigh into the kiss and burry my fingers in his hair. Oh my god is it soft. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears and my lungs burn from being without oxygen for too long. He pulls me towards him, forcing me to sit on his lap, with my legs on either side of his hips. "Austin!" I moan when his lips leave mine and move to trail wet kisses down my neck. He grunts, the hand on my waist moving down to grip my hip.
Austin looks up at me, his eyes are dark with lust, lips swollen from kissing. "Baby, you look so beautiful like this!" I've gone mute, I can't talk, my body reacts unconsciously, as I shiver at the tone of his voice. The hand on my face, travels down, his finger tips brushing my skin, causing goosebumps to appear. Austin plays with the ribbon at the top of my shirt, untying it. The garment opens up, showing a bit more of my cleavage. "So pretty..." he whisper cupping one of my breasts, kneading it though the thin material. When he takes his hand away, my nipples stays hard, showing up through the thinness of the blouse. "No bra?" I shake my head. It was way more comfortable this way.
"Fuck" Austin breathes out, pressing me down on his crotch. I can feel the contour of his bulge, which causes my arousal to grow. Suddenly the room feels too warm. My hands move down his body until I reach the hem of his soft sweater. I sneak my hand under, feeling his hot skin. Austin muscles tense when my cold hands explore his torso and chest, slowly lifting off the sweater. He helps my take it over his head, grinning at me.
I get off from his lap and kiss my way down to the waist band of his pants. "(Y/n) you don't have to!" I think for a millisecond that, yes I don't have to, but I do want to. "I want to!" I say looking up at him between his legs. I carefully unbutton his pants, dragging them down along with his underwear. I sit back and take in the image before me. Austin Butler, my co-star, the person I've been scared to talk to for three years, is sitting naked in front of me, cock hard against his abdomen. He's perfect.
I blow on my hands to warm them up a bit before I touch him and he chuckles at me, brushing his hair back. "You wouldn't be laughing if my hands were freezing cold when I touched your dick." I say, looking at him through my lashes and smirking, when the smile falls from his lips. I take him in my hand, stroking slowly up and down, moving my thumb over the head. "Ah, fuck, baby!" The pet name as me rubbing my thighs together, hoping to get some relief. I come close to his cock and blow on it, smiling when his hips jump up slightly and his bites his bottom lip. "Don't tease!" He warns.
I take him in my mouth, moaning at the taste of him. Austin is struggling to hold still and one of his hands grabs my hair. I move down slowly, trying to take as much of him as I can in my mouth. I moan around him, starting to bop my head. One of my hands grabs his thigh to steady myself, the other goes to his balls, massaging them softly. He can no longer contain himself, he uses the grip on my hair to guide me around him. Tears stream down my cheeks as he starts thrusting his hips up, touching the back of my throat every time. "Fuck me, such a good girl for me, sucking me off so good. Agh-" he throws his head back, eyes closing tightly.
"Stop...stop" I get off of him as soon as he says that and panic arises inside me. Oh god what was I thinking, giving him a blow job, here, when we've barely spoken in the years we've worked together. "I want to be inside you. Can I?" My cheeks turn crimson red. I stand up and pull my shirt over my head, exposing my breasts. "God you're an angel!" As my hands work on my pants, Austin starts stroking himself. I moan at the sight of him pleasuring himself in from to me. After my pants and underwear drop to the floor I kick the away and sit back on his lap. "Like what you see?" I ask with more confidence than I've ever had in my life. I press myself down over his hard dick, grinding myself against him. He grabs my hips stilling me. "No teasing baby, please!" Austin's eyes are half closed looking at me through his lashes. Those long lush lashes.
I lift up my hips, grab him with one hand and align him with my hole, but before I sink down on him he stops me. "Condom, I- I don't have one" he says through gritted teeth. "I'm clean and I have an IUD" I say whining, my wall contracting around nothing in anticipation for him to fill me up. "I'm clean too." He says and lets me move down on him. "So wet for me.." he breathes out "Austin!" I moan as I keep going down.
When my hips touch his, I throw my head back moaning loudly at the feeling on being so full. I start to move on him. He grunts taking in the feeling of me around him. "So tight f'me" he starts helping me move, thrusting into me, meeting my moves. "So good!" I say moving my hands up to play with my breasts. He growls at my actions and moves faster. I have to let go of my breasts and grab his shoulders to steady myself. Austin lifts his head up and sucks one of my nipples in his mouth. "I'm close, please!" I beg.
My walls squeeze him, causing him to lose the rhythm of his thrusts. "Me too baby, me too..." his right hand leaves my hips and goes to my clit. "So wet.." he moans starting to draw circles on the bundle of nerves. Soon I'm trembling above him, my pussy contracting around him over and over again, incoherent curses leaving my lips as my orgasm washes over my body. "Riding me so good, (Y/n), I'm gonna come so hard." When he says that he gets up from the couch, holding me in his arms, dick buried deep inside me. He supports my back and puts me down on the couch, hovering over me.
Austin's thrusts are relentless, the rhythm animalistic, making my boobs shake up and down. "I- I can't, Aus, too much!" I say barely gathering my thoughts enough to make sense. "One more honey, for me, you can do it." I shake my head as tears prick my eyes. His lips are on my cheeks kissing away the salty liquid pouring from my eyes. He starts playing with my clit again, he's unforgiving, chasing both of our orgasm. "With me baby, cum!" He whispers in my ear. I see white dots behind my closed lids, my body trembling with the force of my climax. He kisses me swallowing my screams. I feel him twitch inside me and the the warmth of his cum spilling in me becomes evident.
I hug him closely, tangling my arms around his torso. We stay like that for a while, enjoying the warmth of our bodies being so close. Unfortunately we both broke a sweat during our unholy activities, so I shiver at the temperature in the room. He notices and getting out of me, which is met with a vocal disappointment form me, he takes his blue sweater and puts it over my head. "As much as I hate to hide those beautiful breasts, I don't want you to catch a cold." I giggle and put my arms through the sleeves of the sweater. I lift my hips up to drag the clothing item over my butt as it reaches almost my mid thigh. I wince when I move, feeling the aftermath of having sex after a long time of unintentional abstinence.
His eyebrows draw together at my reaction and then it becomes clear to him as a huge smile spreads over his face, eyes twinkling with joy. "Did I fuck you that good, baby?" He asks kissing my forehead. I laugh and pull his head back by the hair. "What would you say to having dinner with me tonight?" I blush and look away. I can't believe he wants to have dinner with me, it has to be a pity offer since I fucked him. Austin seems to catch on the fact that I'm overthinking and he draws my eyes to him, by lifting my chin up. "I've had a crush on you for a while now, but since you were always so formal when talking I thought you weren't interested" My eyes widen at his confession. "I like you too, I'm just, you know socially awkward.."
He laughs and dips a long finger in between my folds gathering some of his cum, mixed with my own. I moan and watch him as he take the finger up to his lips and lick it clean. "Social awkward? Didn't seem like it a minute ago!" I laugh and slap his chest playfully. We share another laugh and then he comes in for a kiss, a tender, sweet and slow kiss, that causes my heart to speed up and my stomach to do flips.
"So dinner?" He asks when he pulls away. Austin kisses my nose before I can answer, the ticklish feeling making me giggle "with me?" He asks kissing my forehead. "Tonight?" His lips cover mine giving me a quick kiss there as well. "You have to let me answer Butler!" I say chuckling at his playfulness. "So?" He pushes.
"Yes I'll have dinner with you!" I say and he hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek. We both jump when a knock is heard. We hold our breaths as we see  the door knob move, but thankfully I locked the door before hand and whoever is out there can't come in. "(Y/n) meet you at the car in five, what you just did out there was a disaster!" Jenelle, my publicist screams form the other side of the door. "Okay!" I shout back as I start moving around gathering my clothes. I try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of cum dripping out of me.
In my hurried frenzy, Austin puts his hand on my shoulder. We both share a look and laugh at our current condition. Naked in a dressing room, looking fucked out. We begin to laugh as we both begin getting dressed. I sigh disappointed to have to give his warm, soft sweater that smells like him. After we're both presentable, he kisses the top of my head, holding my face in his hands. "You go first baby! I'll wait a minute to leave!" He mumbles against my hair. I step away from him, take my bag and my shoes and go for the door. Before I walk out I look at him one more time. "See you at 7, I'll make sure to bring the sweater, you can have it" he winks at me. Blushing I smile and walk out of the dressing room.
As I get in the car, I start to question if what happened was real or a tiered hallucination, but all doubt gets washed away when I get comfortable in the seat and feel the cum soak my panties, making me smile as I cross my legs. "What was on your mind?" My eyes snap at Jenelle and I just shrug my shoulders. All I can think of is how I wished 7 o'clock would come faster.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello hello~ I'm glad I've found your account on Tumblr I LOVE IT SO MUCH 😍😍 Can I maybe request Xdinary Heroes as your caring older brothers? If it's not a problem of course!
Thank you ~
I'm so happy that you love my account! That means a lot to me <3
All members  <^-*>
Summary: Xdinary Heroes as your caring older brother.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Definitely the type to check your outfit before you leave the house. He won’t let you leave if he thinks it’s inappropriate. If you came home late he would sit on the couch in the dark waiting for you to get home.
“Where have you been?” Gunil questioned in a calm yet eerie voice. It succeeded in scaring you since you had not expected anyone to be there. He laughs at your startled state, walking over to you patting your back. “Text me the next time you’ll be home late. I was worried,” he says before leaving to go to his room. If some asshole broke your heart, Gunil would do two things. First, console you. He would buy you your favorite ice cream, watch your favorite movie with you, tell how you were too good for them and that they didn’t deserve you. Second, he plots their murder. He wouldn’t actually do it of course, but if your ex tried to contact you again he wouldn’t be afraid to use his muscles if necessary.
He’s the sweetest. Even if he’s annoying you it still ends up with both of you laughing. Probably the type to take you on a sibling outing at least once a month. Protective over you when it comes to dating. Will become a whole private investigator to ensure the one you're interested in is good for you. For them, meeting Jungsu would be scarier than meeting your parents. Pays attention to you even if you think that he isn’t. You one offly mentioned about how you wanted a certain jacket when the two of you were just chilling watching t.v. He didn’t really respond just made a comment about how you always want something. However a few months later you were receiving that exact jacket as a birthday gift from him. When he’s out shopping he’d always pick up snacks that he knows you like or would randomly buy you a plushie/knickknack just cause he thought you would like it. 
Like a best friend, but simultaneously a thorn in your side. You guys would be really close. Even though he’s older than you, people sometimes refer to you two as twins just because of how close you are. Would be the type to bug you when you have friends over, but it’s because he wants to hangout with you too. This means he’s pretty well acquainted with your friends and you are with his. If he discovered your crush on someone he would never let you breathe. Especially if it was someone he knew. Protective in the “only I can bully them” type of way. Will call your outfit ugly, but if someone else called it ugly he would defend you. 
“Their outfit is great! You just don’t understand fashion,”. Shares his accessories with you. Doesn’t even care if you don’t give them back, cause he’ll just go into your room and take them, maybe some of yours too. 
Reliable older brother. Would come pick you up late at night. Gives you a lot of advice. He always has an ear ready to listen to you. Would joke that he’s your therapist, but would actually be so glad that you trust him enough to tell him your problems. No matter how big or small they were. Seungmin wouldn't be that interested in your love life. Although if he found out that the person you were dating wasn’t treating you right he wouldn’t hesitate switching into big,scary, protective older brother mode. Speaking of protectiveness, he’d be subtly protective over you. If you’re out walking and a group of guys with an off putting vibe head your away he will casually switch to be on the side that they’re passing by on. Some guy is disrespectfully checking you out. You don’t even have time to notice, with how fast Seungmin is sending them death glares.
He’s the loudest when he’s with you. Feels like he can just be himself around you. You are one of the people that he is most comfortable with.This comfortableness translates into you having immense solace with one another. Whenever you’re feeling stressed you’d go to him. He can tell when something is bothering you, even if you don’t say anything.  He wouldn’t pry if you don’t want to talk about it, but would let you know that he was there. Hyeongjun would always find a way to ease your mind. The two of you would have movie nights or binge watching sessions, where you could just forget about life for a while. He enjoys spending time baking with you. If you’re no good at baking then you’ll be a professional recipe reader and taster. Even though he is more reserved he would still speak up for you. You’re his dear younger sibling, so he naturally feels the urge to protect you.
Another thorn in your side. He’d always find some way to bother you, but it’s how he shows his brotherly love. Yes he just walked into your room and left without closing the door behind him, but it was because he couldn’t tell if the noise he heard was you laughing or crying.If he sees that you actually aren’t in a good mood that day he would leave you alone. Instead now wondering what’s got you upset. If it’s because of another person he’d want to fight them. How dare they upset you? Again the “only I can bully them” type of protective. Loves to give you grief, but if someone else does, they don’t know what they just got themselves into. Would offer you the food that he doesn’t want or didn’t finish.Playing games is a sibling activity of yours two. Whether you're good at the game or suck at it doesn’t matter cause he just wants to spend time with you. 
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Chapter 10: Take Me to Church
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Content Tags / CW: swearing, smoking, pining, mental health spiral, cheating/infidelity, lying, catholic church, oral sex (m receiving), church sex, bathroom sex, dirty talk, making shit up about Javi's origin story, parent death, car accident death, establishing relationship expectations
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Chapter Summary: Our heroes have a fun time at church.
Notes: Chapter title from "Take Me to Church" by Hozier. We've officially made it into the second act of this story- yay! I'm going to take the series summary off of these posts going forward, but if you'd like a series summary, click first chapter. Comments, questions, concerns? Let me know :) I like receiving feedback. OK, THAT'S ALL, THANK YOU FOR READING!
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St. Mary’s Church, Laredo, TX
June 21, 1998
The pew creaks beneath your weight as you shift in your seat between Dan and Cheryl. As far as Baker family outings, going to church is both your least favorite and the most frequent. They’re Catholic, and mass lasts almost an hour and a half most Sundays. This gives you ample time to daydream about anything, as long as you stand, sing, and sit when everyone else does. Overall, you’re there because it makes Dan and his family happy, and (ever the people pleaser) you want to stay on everyone’s good side.
It’s almost always incredibly boring (hence the daydreaming). Today though… you and Javier are stealing glances at each other. Each small glimpse makes your heart skip and cheeks blush. A fluttering feeling creeps across your chest, then liquefies into heat that pools in your center.
You just saw him yesterday afternoon up at the Pour House, but you were there with Dan and his friend, Greg. When Javi entered the bar, he came over to say hello to everyone, then sat down next to you and chatted with you while Dan talked with Greg. Dan didn’t pay the interaction much mind, but on the way home he asked what you two had discussed, to which you answered vaguely, “We were just catching up. You know, wedding planning, how the ranch is going, movies, all that.”
“He hasn’t been trying anything with you, right?”
“Javi? No,” you grimaced, “He’s never been inappropriate with me. We’re just friends.”
“Better not,” he said sternly.
Never mind the fact that his hand was resting on my bare leg the whole time, fingers drawing sweet nothings onto my skin.
You’re in this now. Actively lying, sneaking, cheating.
“Doesn’t he have a thing with Kim, anyway?” you asked, looking out the window. You didn’t think that was still happening, but the question (which you only asked to cause misdirection) churned your stomach with anxiety. Even if they were still seeing each other, it’s not like you’ve established exclusivity with Javi. You’ve barely established a romantic relationship with him.
“Yeah, but you never know with guys like that,” Dan squinted over at you, curling his lip.
The word yeah dug into your skin like a sliver.
What does he mean yeah? Is there something I don’t know? Not that I'm the boss of Javier or anything. He’s free to do what he wants. I'm cool with whatever. I'm cool as a cucumber.
You shrugged, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
So why do I feel like this is my circus and my goddamn monkey?
You’re jostled out of your thoughts as you realize the people in the row in front of you are rising to go get communion. Once they file out and start towards the sanctuary, everyone in your row rises. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
When you flush the toilet, you hear the heavy bathroom door open and close as someone enters, but doesn’t go into the other stall. You pull up your underwear and straighten your turquoise dress before emerging, the click clack of your heels echoing around the room. You jump when you look up and see Javi is leaning up against the tile wall, looking up at you, arms crossed expectantly.
“What are you doing?” you ask in a hushed tone, whipping your head around to make sure there’s no one else in here.
He pushes himself off the wall and advances towards you- eyebrows drawn together, lips parted, gaze hot. He’s on you at once, hands cupping your face, guiding you back into the stall, locking the door behind him.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he breathes onto your mouth. A grin spreads across your face and heartbeats like a bass drum start thumping in your chest. You run your fingernails through his hair, gazing up into those mischievous dark brown eyes. He keeps eye contact with you, running his hands up and down your waist affectionately. His whispers continue, “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, I… I need to touch you, I couldn’t stop myself from following you.”
“You’re such a trouble maker,” you tease, then raise yourself up onto the balls of your feet and brush your lips against his, back and forth. He inhales sharply and mimics your motions. The feather light touch sends shivers up your spine. His mouth curls into a smile and you can’t resist any longer. When your lips meet his, he savors the feeling for just a moment before running his tongue along yours. A small gasp escapes you when he bites your bottom lip, then starts trailing kisses down to your neck. You tilt your head back and thrust your hips into his. He runs his tongue in circles down your throat. Your knees go weak and you involuntarily let out a moan.
“I th-thought public bathrooms were o-off limits?” you pant, untucking and unbuttoning his dress shirt until you can reach up and splay your fingers across the tender warm skin of his abdomen. A shudder racks his body, then he presses his lips back to yours.
“I can’t wait any longer. Look at you- fuck ,” he pushes you up against the wall and starts pawing at your dress, trying to get his hands underneath without moving his lips from yours. You shake your head at him coyly, then swap positions with him so he’s the one against the wall. Your hands travel down to his belt buckle, undoing it with a deafening jingle that ricochets off the bathroom walls.
“Must be a special day if you’re wearing underwear,” you tease, tugging at the tight material of his boxer briefs until they’re down to his ankles. Pointing a finger at his mouth, you instruct him to suck. He grabs your wrist as he gladly accepts the digit into his mouth, enthusiastically rolling his tongue around it.
All the air whooshes from his lungs as you crouch down to look at him. His cock is engorged and thick; he is deliciously well-endowed. You look up into his wild eyes as you place your wet finger tip onto the thick bead of pre-cum hanging off of his cock, then drag it down his length. He looks down at you, pleading, desperate for more stimulation.
Javier lets out a small cry when you follow the same path with your tongue, then back up again. You slide the head into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, then seal your lips around his girth, bobbing back and forth, taking a bit more of him each time. He holds himself back from interfering with your process, watching you graduate his cock to a deeper level with each thrust. Hushed grunts and whines fall from his mouth, seeming so much louder than they actually are as they reverberate off the empty walls.
When the head hits your gag reflex, it gets triggered, and you let out a choking noise. You take it out and catch your breath, stroking him attentively as you try to relax your throat. The sound of you jerking him off is obscenely loud. He groans, “That’s so good baby, h-holy shit yes , you’re such a good girl.”
Sinking down from your crouch onto your knees, you adjust so you can get a better view of him coming undone. Your lips wrap around his cock and you start working faster, relishing the feeling of him rubbing against your lips, your tongue, the roof of your mouth, dipping into your throat when you can handle it. You bring a hand to his balls and cup them, rubbing your thumb across the sensitive sack gently. He shudders under your touch and it only makes you more ravenous.
“Look at me,” he rasps, and your gaze shoots up to him as he chokes out, “That’s perfect, baby. Can you take more?”
Your eyes water when you try, but you’re able to relax enough to start taking him deeper. He nods in approval and you continue working enthusiastically, finding a steady rhythm that makes his eyes flutter. His hands grab onto your hair and you moan, taking him in as deep as you can. “H-holy shit. Can- can I fuck your face?”
You pull off of him, saliva stringing from his cock to your face as you gasp for air, “Fuck- fuck yes, you can do anything to me.”
You take him into your mouth again and look up at him. His lips are puckered, brow furrowed, sweating through his nice dress shirt. He puts a hand on either side of your head and slowly thrusts forward, testing the waters. You relax your throat and jaw enough that on his next thrust, his cock slides deeper into throat. He starts to go faster, at which point you’re sure you could fucking drown someone in your panties with how wet you are. He’s using your mouth as his fuck toy and it’s everything you could ask for in this moment. He whispers sweet affirmations, telling you how good you’re taking him, how fucking sexy you are, how crazy you make him, how you’ve been making a home in his brain, living there, nesting.
The squelching and moaning coming from your mouth is echoing off the walls of this church bathroom, but it’s like you’re the only two people on earth. His lip curls up and his rhythm starts to grow more frenzied. He whimpers, “I’m- I’m gonna cum, baby. In your mouth?” You nod and bat your eyelashes up at him.
He’s looking down at you, tears brimming your lust-blown eyes, cheeks hollowed out, lips swollen and wet as his cock thrusts in and out of your pretty face-
A series of small moans leave his lips. His hips reach a fever pitch, then jerk forward a few times as cum spills into your mouth. You swallow the load while his cock is still submerged. His chest is still heaving when the death grip he has on your head softens and he pulls himself out with a pop . He pulls his boxer briefs up before helping you rise from your knees. Once upright, his thumb runs along your tingling, swollen lips, then he kisses you, coaxing your mouth open with his tongue so he can be inside you one more time before parting.
He pulls himself together and re-enters the chapel while you review the damage in the bathroom mirror. You look… like you just sucked someone off, honestly. Hair mussed, red puffy lips, mascara transferred onto your cheeks… and is that a fucking hickey ??
I’m going to murder him.
Once you fix yourself up the best you can and exit the bathroom, you realize the recessional hymn is playing, and decide that there’s really no point in going back into the chapel.
So, you grab your sketchbook and cigarettes out of your car, then open the hatchback so you can sit in the cargo area. Thankfully, your dress is long enough that you can cross your legs and prop the book up onto your thigh without the world seeing your soaked underwear. Cigarette in one hand, pencil in the other, you look around for inspiration; an out of place willow tree catches your eye, so you start to draw it. You hear a familiar gait approach and peak up from your paper to confirm it’s Javi. He lights up and sits next to you, observing your work in progress.
“Hello there,” you grin.
“Long time no see,” he winks.
A hum buzzes off your lips, then you point to the new marking on your skin with your pencil and scold him, “You gave me a hickey.”
His eyebrows raise and eyes widen; he winces as he inspects the enflamed skin, “ Shit . I got a little too carried away, I’m sorry.”
You look over at his apologetic face and wave it off, “I’ll just say I burned myself with my curling iron or something,” then continue sketching. Truth be told, you like the marking because it’s from him. If it weren’t for your scandalous predicament you’d wear it like a badge of honor. He leans back onto his elbows and casually watches you work, puffing away like a chimney. The silence that settles is comfortable. It’s so easy to spend time with him.
The other day, the two of you laid in the bed of his truck, bodies tangled in some configuration or another until the sun set. You exchanged ghost stories and urban legends. He told you that he believes in ghosts, which is shocking, but forbade you from telling a soul. Even after the cold set in until it made your fingertips numb and your bodies ached from laying against the hard metal ridges of truck bed, you were playing chicken, seeing which of you would say they have to leave first.
His presence is like a blanket, warm and comforting. But you sense that you have barely skimmed the surface of this man. You suppose he could say the same about you, too, and he’d be right. It seems that both of you have built a fortress around your hearts. With each talk, laugh, kiss, touch, comfortable silence… you allow yourselves to disarm it a little more.
Javi sits up and reviews at your progress. You tell him, “Did you know that if you plant a willow branch, a new tree will grow from it?”
He turns to look at you, raising his eyebrows, smiling at this fun fact, “Really?”
“Probably not this one, though,” he bites the inside of his cheek for a beat, then continues, gesturing to the huge shaggy tree, “It’s completely illogical that this tree is growing here. Weeping willows don’t grow in Texas.”
Your face screws up in confusion, “They don’t? Then how…?”
He looks as bewildered as you, “I have no idea. It’s why my abuela chose this church, though, because it’s a miracle that it exists here,” his gaze drops to his fidgeting hands, “Funny enough, my parents ended up meeting here when they were kids. Pop was homeschooled, so I don’t even know if they would have met otherwise.”
You set down your pencil and turn to him, “That’s how your parents ended up meeting? A freak willow tree brought them to the same place?”
“It sounds ridiculous when you say it like that,” he laughs.
“It’s like a fairy tale,” you giggle, placing your hand on his arm, “So, yes, it is ridiculous. But also… romantic. I love it.”
You rub your thumb affectionately against his arm through his suit jacket, hesitating to ask the question on the tip of your tongue. Speaking softly, you ask, “I’m sorry if this is out of line, but… is your mom…?”
“She died in 1982,” his gaze flicks to yours, you suppose he’s gauging whether or not to continue, “in a car accident,” he takes a deep breath and looks off at nothing in particular, “I uh… I was the Sheriff’s Deputy here at the time and first responder on the scene.”
“ Fuck , Javi,” you whisper, limbs falling limp at the implication.
He doesn’t say anything for a while, just stares into the distance with that haunted look upon his face. When he opens his mouth to continue, his voice is raspy, “Seeing her… that’ll stick with me forever. She was already dead, couldn’t do anything, but I tried. My dad hasn’t been the same since then, you know. We uh… we miss her a lot.”
“Javi-“ you squeeze his arm and he turns towards you, eyes somber and watery. You pull him in for an embrace, cradling his head on your chest. It doesn’t matter who sees or what they think about this moment, that’s not what’s important. You brush your fingers through his locks, holding him close, breathing in the scent that’s so perfectly him. You wish you could take away all the pain, but know you can’t. His body becomes less rigid as he melts into you and wraps his arms around your torso. Quietly, you tell him, “I’m sorry that happened to you. And… thank you for trusting me with your story.”
“Thank you for listening, cariño.” he mumbles into your chest. You release him. The pet name he’s given you tightens your chest and makes you blush every time it rolls off his lips.
“Anytime,” you try to wink. It doesn’t work.
“You ok?” he raises an eyebrow at you while leaning back onto his elbows.
“Yeah I was um… winking at you,” you hide your reddened face.
He snorts, amused smile breaking out on his face, “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm,” you clamp your lips together, stifling laughter. Then look back up at him to demonstrate your wink again, which is more like one eye clenching shut while the other twitches uncontrollably.
Laughter erupts out of both of you. He asks between breaths, “You- you know what a wink is, right?”
“Oh my god shut the fuck up,” you cackle, smacking his chest, “I was just trying to be charming, like you!”
“You’re plenty charming. Maybe not good at winking, but you are charming,” he grins over at you and winks perfectly.
“You’re lucky I like you so much or I’d kick your ass,” you tease. Your heart lurches in your chest when you see the endearing way he’s looking at you.
He mumbles, “I’d like to see you try.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully and turn your attention back to drawing the freak of nature willow tree. Javier observes you occasionally while watching people, particularly keeping an eye out for either of your families. Eventually, you start thinking about Javier and Kim again, and curiosity gets the best of you. It just keeps gnawing at your mind and you can’t stop yourself from asking.
“I- I have a question,” you squeak.
He furrows his brow and looks over at you expectantly.
“Are you… seeing Kim?” you stumble, “Like, too? - I mean- obviously I have no say in that or whatever but-“ you clear your throat, “just, like, so I know.. you know?”
He seems to freeze up as he’s processing this. Your heart beats faster, tension builds in your shoulders, and you literally cannot stop yourself from continuing, “Because I know you two had uhm… kissed, or whatever, and you were her date last weekend…”
His expression doesn’t change, his eyes just search your face. You wriggle in your seat nervously.
“But we started uhh,” you swallow hard, trying to pantomime, “I guess, this… thing. And I just want to know.”
At this point, your heart is pounding so hard, you feel dizzy and you’re practically panting.
Am I sweating? Am I having a panic attack?
“No, I’m not involved with Kim. Or anyone else. Just you,” h e looks down at his hands, “I actually talked to her- Kimmy- after last weekend. We both agreed it would be better if we’re friends.”
The festering bundle of anxiety in your chest dissipates with a heavy exhale, immediately replaced by embarrassment and relief, “Why did you let me keep rambling like that? Jesus Christ.”
He raises his hands in the air defensively, “I was waiting for you to finish talking!” Then chuckles and smiles at you, “Besides, you were pretty cute, getting all flustered like that.”
Your face burns scarlet and you try to hide it by looking down at your paper and letting your hair cover your face. You feel him watching you.
“Hey, look at me,” he says softly. You sigh as you look up and let him see your beet red face. He tucks the hair in your face behind your ear, “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, then look down, “It’s just so silly because, you know, I’m fucking engaged. Why do I care if you see someone else? How is that even fair?” you confide, then throw your head back and groan, “It’s not. It’s not fair. But I think of you with someone else and, fuck , it tears me up. But what if you’re holding off on pursuing someone because of me? What if that person is the one you’re supposed to be with? What happens when I-” you stop and shake your head.
What happens when I fall in love and you leave for someone better?
He takes this opportunity to cut in and stop you from rambling into oblivion, “I’m pursuing you because I want you. I wouldn’t normally entertain the idea of being a paramour, trust me. It wouldn’t be worth the hassle,” your eyebrows draw together, you look over at him. He meets your gaze and smirks, “For anyone else, it wouldn’t be worth it. But you are.”
You realize you haven’t been breathing, so take a sharp inhale. Your heart hammers in your chest and you can feel heat rising in your face again. Every part of you feels a magnetic pull to him, aching for his touch.
“Why would you say something like that to me when we’re in public and I can’t kiss you?” you chide.
He grins at you so wide you can see his dimples and goddamn him .
“Can you wait until tomorrow?”
“If I have to.”
“I’ll pick you up around 3?”
You nod, biting your bottom lip.
You look down at the willow tree doodle, tear its page out, and hand it to him before you scoot out of the car, “I should go see what’s taking them so long. Bye, Javi.”
“See you tomorrow, beautiful.”
You don’t look back as you make your way back into the church, but by the time you and Dan come back out to leave, the trunk is closed and his red truck is gone from the lot.
[ Next Chapter ]
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stonedregulus · 2 years
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yes, i’ve seen this, and clearly it’s why I’ve decided to rant a bit this morning.
let me address this in parts:
regulus is 15 when he gets pregnant and 16 when he has harry, which is when a few of my friends had their kids in high school.
i left twitter because i didn’t feel like dealing with it anymore, not because i made minors uncomfortable. like i’ve said multiple times before if you are a minor who is uncomfortable interacting with me, it is your job to unfollow or block me. i can’t read minds. idk if you’re uncomfortable. idk how old you are. i have minors dni in my bio for a reason. if you choose to interact with me after that, that is on you. i’m not your fucking parent, you make your own decisions. the other thing i want to say here is that adults can interact with minors without it being inherently inappropriate. in fact, most adult/minor interactions are not inappropriate at all. you talk to your parents, your aunts/uncles, grandparents, teachers, principals, coaches on a daily basis. you interact with adults in public, at the movie theater, when you go shopping, when you visit the library, or museums, or doctors offices. we can be in the same fandom space and have appropriate interactions. you’re in for a rude awakening when you start working at jobs if you never want to interact with an adult ever. it is okay to set boundaries in place, in fact I highly encourage setting boundaries, but you have to know that in some places there are going to be adults and if you don’t want to interact with them you have to do the work and block them because it is your responsibility to enforce your own boundaries.
i tag things on my fics to make sure everyone can curate their own safe space. as i’ve said time and time again, i over tag. i do it so you won’t read something that bothers you.
yes, i am 30. and as i’ve stated many times before, i am not the only adult writing about minors. i’m not writing about minors because i want to be with a minor. that’s gross. i’m writing from my own experiences. all of the media you consume about minors is written by adults. no 16 year old is getting a book deal.
final note: yes, i have children. i am a work from home parent. i spend every hour my children are awake with them. i physically cannot spend any more time with my children unless you’re god and can create more hours in the day. stop parent shaming, it’s not cute, it’s disgusting. acting like people who have children can’t have interests is ridiculous.
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jorality · 10 months
I finally saw the Barbie movie and while it touched on so many subjects that I'm always down to discuss. I will say that it brought up an opinion of mine that I've never voiced to other people for fear of retaliation. So I'll just pose it as a question to all those who played with Barbie, Bratz or any other fashion dolls.
Did these dolls ever make you feel bad about yourself?
For years I've heard Barbie get blamed for body image issues and forcing a beauty standard on women, and I just don't agree with that sentiment.
I was the ugly fat girl growing up. I'm the prettyish fat woman now, and of course I had body image issues, but you know who made me feel horrible about it most?
Adults, other kids, my parents, musicians, magazines, TV, Dr. Oz probably.
There was a teacher in elementary school who constantly harassed and made fun of me for my weight saying things like "stop running, you'll cause an earthquake" among other actions that I realize now were hella inappropriate but it was all fun and jokes so who cared? It was so normal that I never really brought it up to my parents because this teacher picked on almost everyone. I was just another unwitting victim.
Something I hate to admit is that when boys would make fun of me it really fucking affected me. I still suffer with getting validation on whether or not I'm even attractive after so many years of trying to love myself. I want to get male validation and I fucking HATE it.
Which brings me to the Video Vixens. The hot Black girls with fat asses and little waists that my Black little girl self was told was the preferred version of a woman.
Until recently I never had a song sung about my body type, and the ones that did exist were icky.
Then there's the whole thing where I want to be in the entertainment industry and I CANNOT go on that rant right now, but let me just say, GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I HATE THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY!
And before you ask, I once wanted to be on Broadway, children's programming and voice acting. For medical reasons I have set myself up for voice acting, but back when I was a stage actor??? Ugh!
But I'm spiraling, so let's move on.
What i'm trying to say is that I was never given the impression that I was SUPPOSED to LOOK like Barbie or any other fashion doll. At most I really wanted to dress like them, but back then clothes for fat kids were ugly as fuck! Which again I never really connected back to the dolls.
I'm an only child, dolls were my only friends sometimes, so instead of wondering why I didn't look like Barbie or Sasha I put those beasts in situations!
I get the psychology behind toys and self esteem, I've seen the lectures. I just want to know if I'm an anomaly when it comes to believing a toy truly has so much bearing on self esteem and body image to the point that there have been think pieces published about it.
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“Why Are We Chasing Ghostbusters?”
Steve Harrington x Reader
Day 3 of the 13 Nights of Halloween Spooktacular!!!
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: Steve was not ready for Trick-or-Treating with (Y/n)…
Warnings: starred out swears words, a complete lack of adherence to the source material, I picked your costume for you AGAIN 😂😂😂
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” Steve complained, fiddling with his cape in annoyance, the large red “S” on his chest standing out against the blue of his shirt. He was Superman, though certainly not of his own volition. But that’s what happened when you wait til the absolute last second to go shopping for costumes.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, the complimenting Wonder Woman crown glinting in the street lights as she turned to look at him.
“You look great.” She complimented, before continuing to tug him down the street by his hand, the plastic pumpkin bucket full of candy swishing at her side.
“Aren’t we too old to go trick-or-treating anyways?” Steve asked, flicking a piece of chocolate into his mouth. (Y/n) turned to him with an offended gasp.
“Hush your mouth! You’re never to old for classic holiday fun…” She argued, smacking him lightly on the shoulder to prove her point. Steve couldn’t hold in his chuckle at her fiery response. “Besides,” she continued, “We promised Jonathan and Nancy we’d meet up with them to go walking with the little ones before Tommy’s party.”
Steve did in fact remember this promise, but when they’d made it, his girlfriend had somehow neglected to mention that, while this was happening, he’d be faring the cold in nothing but a spandex super suit and a cape made out of thin trash bag material. He looked at (Y/n) again and wondered how it was she seemed perfectly content in her frighteningly inappropriate rendition of the Wonder Woman costume. Sure, it was accurate. But for October in Indiana? Certainly not practical.
“Fine…” He said, pulling an over exaggerated pouty face to reiterate his discomfort. Though, (Y/n) just rolled her eyes at him again.
“Stop being so grumpy.” Steve was slightly taken aback, as the girl suddenly reached forward, poking her fingers into his dimples to push his mouth up, forming a cartoonish grin.
“Better?” Steve mumbled through her hands, holding the excessive smile when she eventually let go. (Y/n) sent him a giddy expression of her own in return.
“Much.” She said back, before her eyes caught something down the street.
“C’mon! I think I saw a ghostbuster just up ahead!” She called over her shoulder as she ran off, a very confused Super Steve chasing after her.
“Wait, why are we chasing ghostbusters now!?!?”
+ + +
Dustin Henderson was the ghostbuster. That was why they’d been chasing him. And, when the pair had finally caught up, there were the rest of the children: Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and even little El, all dressed in their Halloween best, and accompanied by their chaperones for the evening: Nancy and Jonathan, also dressed rather appropriately as John Bender and Claire Sandish from that new movie “The Breakfast Club.”
(Y/n) squealed excitedly as her friend came into view.”
“Hey, Henderson.”
“Oh my god, you guys, shut up. I want candy!” Max’s voice suddenly broke out over the noise, causing Steve to turn to her with the expression of a shocked parental figure.
“Language!” He chastised, running his hand over his face and once again questioning why he ever agreed to this evening. “God, who p*ssed in your candy?” (Y/n) gave him a harsh look, before turning to the kids with a warm smile.
“What he meant to say was: Lead the way, kiddos.” The group didn’t need to be told twice, and started jogging off towards the first of many aggressively decorated houses lining the street. But Steve remained where he was, his brow furrowed and the pout, having returned.
“Don’t “mom” my kids.” He complained, earning another eye roll from his girl.
“Sorry, I forgot that was your thing.” (Y/n) grinned mischievously up at him, pecking the mildly-offended boy on the cheek before gripping tighter to the orange bucket.
“Love you. You’re forgiven. Now, C’mon. I want candy!”
“But, I thought we were just chaperoning- and… she’s gone.” Steve shook his head with a fond smile as he watched his girlfriend run off with the children. Nancy and Jonathan appeared at his side, the former letting loose a small chuckle at her friends behavior.
“Yeah, we’ve got the kids. I’m pretty sure you’re chaperoning her.”
“That’s not-“ He began to argue with Nancy, when suddenly something more pressing had caught his attention. Really, why did Steve agree to this? “(Y/N), PUT THE PUMPKIN DOWN! WHAT THE F*CK!?!”
“Shut up, Mayfield!!”
“No, you shut up!!”
Tag lists are open!!!
Tags: @electriclcvewp @kaqua @m-rae23 @peachycupotea
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