#my horrible humor
letter-to-kylux · 3 months
How did Hux react the first time he saw Kylo's face?
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fawnindawn · 2 months
loser! Luke Castellan who has a pathetic crush on you.
loser! Luke Castellan who follows you around camp like a lost puppy, under the guise of having nothing to do and wanting to help you out with your tasks (as if he wasn’t knee deep in camp counsellor responsibilities).
loser! Luke Castellan who gets distracted during sword fight practice because he so happened to hear the ghost of your laughter echoing through the meadows, rendering his heart to a stutter.
loser! Luke Castellan who brings by leftovers from his table to you when you’re stuck in the infirmary if it meant having some alone time with you, not giving a fuck about offerings to the gods when any moment spent with you meant worlds more.
loser! Luke Castellan who very intentionally shows off whenever you’re around with some fancy combat trick or the stretch of his arms, showing off his toned muscles in the hopes that you were watching him.
loser! Luke Castellan who hopelessly longs for you with pining stares obvious to everyone but him, eyes like magnets to your presence, catching you across the room or the battlefield.
loser! Luke Castellan who gets so jealous when he sees you laughing too closely with some other guy at the bonfire, and foolishly stalks over to interrupt the conversation without thinking of a proper excuse.
“Hey, Luke! What’s up?” You call warmly to him, making his heart spasm in his chest at the sound of his name leaving your lips.
“I need your help with.. something.” He stumbles through his words with a wince. “It’s urgent.”
loser! Luke Castellan who feels relief and mind-numbing euphoria settling in his chest when you wordlessly agree without question, choosing him instead. An apologetic smile crosses your face as you bid goodbye to whatever jerk you were talking to before following in Luke’s footsteps.
loser! Luke Castellan who can’t resist the urge to toss the quickest smirk to the kid who was hogging your attention, before it disappears like it was never there.
loser! Luke Castellan who drags you over to a quiet space in camp before admitting quietly to you that he didn’t actually have a reason for dragging you away.
loser! Luke Castellan who tries to pour out his heart to you, hands shaking and heart racing as he tries to form the words that could encapsulate the intensity of his feelings, growing frustrated when his brain keeps freezing when looking at you. The moonlight is casting an ethereal glow over your face, and he goes minutes without speaking in hopeless admiration before realising you're waiting for him to continue.
loser! Luke Castellan who’s on the verge of passing away from the embarrassment before you stop him with a grin so bright his mind stops working over the disbelief that he was the reason for that pretty smile.
loser! Luke Castellan who sees stars when you pull him in for a kiss, and holds onto you like you’re his lifeline.
loser! Luke Castellan who mutters sweet promises into your ear as he pulls you in closer, embracing you so close to his racing heart, in hopes that you would never let go of him.
loser! Luke Castellan who is so completely in love with you he can’t bear the thought of existing in a world without you.
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cheeseproducts · 4 months
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don't you hate it when a joke doesn't land
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spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
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when you forget to tell your daughter that you age a bit differently... bear!Jaskier my beloved too yessss. Thank you!!
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numbuh424 · 4 months
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light's face when near totally ignores him, openly accuses him of making the shinigami lie on his behalf, and then addresses the task force in the room with light saying that if they have any doubts about the Second L to give him a call later. ALL WHILE LIGHT'S THE ONE ON THE MIC. oh, they're killing me.
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zeecringez · 10 months
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insert awful dad joke
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Good news, heard back from my agent! She had many lovely and encouraging things to say!
Bad news, I have one more round of edits to do, so the inside of my brain will now resemble this gif instead of being helpful. Fun!
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 2 months
hot take but i think people in general need to lighten up about other characters in a story hating on/doing something bad to their favorite character. for instance, i am a joy stan till i die but there is undeniable humor in her getting roasted within an inch of her life by amber and the like.
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menotthatkindoforc · 1 year
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mhin-t · 5 days
touchstarved plant au called growthstarved
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
Nightmares to comfort 💖 (before they lived together)
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I kinda did this one to help myself feel better ❤️‍🩹 thank you everyone for your sweetness and support
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tincanneddrawings · 2 years
So you know how every character in the game has sounds they make when they speak. Yeah. Leshy screams and im pretty sure hes the ONLY character that quite literally screams everytime he speaks and for some reason its really hilarious to me
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Axl Rose: I can turn on anyone just like I've turned on you
Me: 😏😳😉💓👅💦😘
Axl Rose: I've got a tongue like a razer, a sweet switchblade knive
Me: 😲✋️🫸🛑
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vegetable-soup-wizard · 4 months
Today my brain referred to the first bites of the burrito, which are unpleasantly laden with extra tortilla, as the burritos foreskin, so I’m going to need to get a lobotomy about that I think
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
What was your first introduction to Jason Todd? Mine was through the video game Arkham Knight ( aka the best game ever made)
I was looking for specific tropes I think (I don’t remember which ones tho) and most of the fandoms showing up for it were either Batman or something Batman adjacent. I’m pretty flexible with fandoms and with any kind of relationships as long as the premise sounds interesting so I kinda just clicked one that looked good and it happened to be Jason Todd centric.
After that I started to read up on his character a bit, binged quite a number of fics, and, yup, that’s pretty much it. I was sold within the first ten minutes. Absolute fave hands down. 💚✨
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
I just realized something.
One of my professors told the class that it's usually not advised to start a writing piece with a line of dialogue. And his reasoning was because we haven't met the character yet.
Okay. I didn't really get it.
He went on to continue that people will have been thinking about people in their own lives or other characters or something and not having met this new character, they may misconstrue the voice.
Okay. But I still didn't get it.
Then I realized today-- literally a few minutes ago-- why he said this. And why it doesn't make any sense to me.
If the first line is dialogue, the reader hasn't met the character. And if they haven't met the character, they don't know who they are and therefore can't guess how they'll talk. And if so, they'll attach a voice to the character that is probably incorrect because
(Not me forgetting that I'm in the minority that doesn't hear the characters unless I voice them out loud. Next they're gonna tell me they actually see them!... wait... damn it. Be right back. Gotta go describe them in physical detail because readers can actually see them.)
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