#my favorite smugglers
be-an-echo · 7 months
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finchmarie · 5 months
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Dropping a little late night doodle of thee best blue boy Khano for @vexa-legacy 💙💙💙
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heinous-desiree · 2 years
I'm slowly building up a folder for Wren moments..
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atlabeth · 2 months
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still very much learning digital art but uhhh i’ve been playing swtor again in my free time so take some of my ocs
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what are the gangs favorites hawaiian dishes? :)
usagi says:
the ❓❓❓❓ is what is NOT my fave dish 🍽️? i love everything!!! 👀👀👀 if you give me a plate 😋 of mac salad with katsu and terriyaki 🐓 i will 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 you 4ever. also shout out to ✨manapua✨ that shit rocks! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🐙🦞🍤🦪🦐🦀
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paco says:
YKnow me. I LOVE me some Kalua Pua'a AND Lau Lua type fit. That shit is BUSSING FRFR. Plus NGL the proteins are amazing. Also cant say no to spam musubi THO. Usagi got me on that Malasadas too IYKYK.
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dragona says:
i really like papaya. i eat it every morning for breakfast and sometimes i mix it with granola and yogurt for extra energy. one thing i really like is poke. so yummy! i love mixing it with different sauces!
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jodio says:
locomoco is bussin fr fr no cap i love it with fried eggs n shit also theres this place down the road that sells fried tuna collars and that shit slaps ong
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charming man says:
oh uhhh i. really like bbq stuff. Huli Huli Chicken and grilled shrimp on specialoccasions. if its a hot Day i like to have shaved ice esp after a bikrride. what do U like anon???
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kwrite1776 · 8 months
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A little while ago, I asked @sullustangin if I could print out and bind their fanfiction, and they agreed.
Just about finished with Volume 1 (parts 1 - 5 of Corellian Whiskey and Sullustan Gin) - ran out of vinyl and still need to work on designing a cover worthy of such a great fic, plus there are a some other issues I want to improve for the next time. But, I am super excited to have a copy of the story on my bookshelf.
Once I figure out how to make room on my bookshelf. This books already over 600 pages and based on quick formatting of the next parts of the story, future parts will be longer. By the time the story is done, I'm pretty sure it'll take up an entire shelf on its own.
But it's a story worth an entire shelf of space because it is absolutely fantastic. The story is wonderful; the characters are amazing and realistic, with strengths and weaknesses that make sense. Plus the relationship between Theron and Eva is just the best.
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purringysalamiri · 2 months
waiter waiter please more pathetic characters that are genuinely so insufferable to just look at to the point where your feelings of hatred become so intense you start feeling something else
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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SWTOR Mains + Callout (For Them) Posts bc no gods no masters
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doli-nemae · 2 years
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First act of Smuggler feels kinda like this
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coquelicoq · 2 years
tfw u take off ur clothes 2 disguise urself as ur friend's dead body so that the jailers (ur in jail btw) will bury u instead of ur friend in the jail graveyard after which u will dig ur way out & escape, only they tie a cannonball 2 ur feet & throw u in the sea instead, & u only survive bc u r able 2 saw off the cannonball using ur dead friend's knife which u brought w u in case u were discovered & had 2 stab sumbody, & thankfully u happen 2 b a champion swimmer & sailor (ur a sailor by trade btw) & so r able 2 swim out 2 an island a league away just as a terrible storm strikes, & as ur riding out the storm on this island, pondering how 2 keep from starving 2 death &/or dying of thirst &/or being manhunted once the jailers discover uve gone missing, a ship is wrecked on the rocks & the sailors drown right in front of u, & then in the morning after the storm clears u see a smuggler's ship abt 2 pass by the island, so u swim out 2 last night's shipwreck, take the cap of 1 of the drowned sailors, & call out 4 the smugglers 2 rescue u, & after a harrowing near-drowning they succeed in pulling u out of the water by ur hair & u come 2 on their deck surrounded by the captain & crew & manage 2 convince them, w the aid of the cap u took from the wreck, that u were the sole survivor of the ship that wrecked last night, & when the captain is like so wut r we sposed 2 do w u now lol, ur like there is nary a port in the mediterranean i could not navigate in2 or out of w my eyes closed, & the captain's like ok lol ill believe that when i c it (rolling his eyes & making the jerkoff motion behind ur back) & ur like, ill prove it 2 u right now, & hes like, b my guest, so u take the helm & perform an impressive nautical maneuver that has everybody staring @ u in amazement, totally in awe of u 4 ur brains & ur brawn alike, & ur like (all casual, like u didnt just figuratively blow them out of the water) so just leave me in a port sumwhere & sum1 will hire me, or if u like wut u c i can just stay w u & work off the cost of the food & clothing u will provide 4 me, and that's when i remembered that edmond dantès was naked the entire time. he stripped back in prison before his escape so as to better resemble a cadaver and he's been in his birthday suit ever since. dude stole a cap from a dead sailor to sell his shipwreck survivor story and was otherwise as bare as the day he was born. he's in the process of dying of hunger and thirst and he just takes over the helm totally buck naked to pass the captain's navigation test. cap perched jauntily on his forehead, tangled hair and beard plastered to his skin, junk dangling in the breeze as he gives an impromptu demonstration of his sailing skills. imagine being a crewmember watching the drowned rat of a man you just heroically rescued from the jaws of death turn around and do this. how would you even react. who does that? like he's a better sailor than all of you combined but where are his pants. where the fuck are his pants??
#tfw u r naked & u need 2 pretend 2 b the victim of a shipwreck so u steal a cap BUT NO OTHER CLOTHING#okay so you were shipwrecked and you've been stranded all night and you somehow lost all of your clothes EXCEPT YOUR HAT?#IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT A LIKELY HAPPENSTANCE SIR#i feel like the hat would be one of the first articles of clothing to go#given how easy it was for you to find a cap bobbing around in the water BUT NOT ANY OTHER CLOTHES#BC THOSE CLOTHES WERE STILL ON THEIR BODIES#LIKE YOURS WOULD BE IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY ONE OF THE SAILORS YOU'RE PRETENDING TO BE#but whatever because the smugglers didn't question it#okay but my actual favorite part of this whole scene is when the guy who rescued him is like dude i almost didn't rescue you because#your hair and beard were so long i thought you were a brigand#and edmond is like oh this old beard? this is because i made a vow ten years ago that if god delivered me from imminent danger#i would not cut my hair or beard for ten years. and guess what! my ten years is up today!#oh yeah?????? HOW CONVENIENT#a;skdfhaldskfas edmond you fucking weirdo how are they buying this your story is so ridiculous!!!#the count of monte cristo#my posts#f#anyway i got to 'je vous rembourserai ma nourriture jusque-là et les habits que vous allez me prêter' and was like. WAIT A SECOND#DUDE IS NUDE RN#dude stole a cap and was like yeah i think that covers it. i am going to convince the shit outta these guys#and in fairness to him. he did convince them. they bought it hook line and sinker#but from a doylist perspective i'm like REALLY DUMAS? REALLY???#that's 19e siècle lit for ya
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cryo-lily · 2 years
Odd Ask
🍋,🍒,🍰,🍟 for Issie?
Thank you @magicallulu7 for the ask!! Some of these were really really fun to answer.
🍋 What is your OC’s most painful memory?
So I’m going to skip Tilera’s death for this one, and say just before that when a young Isadola was taken away from her mother and subjected to tests about her species’ force sensitivity, by those who have a very rudimentary understanding of Miralukas. It was a few days of numerous experiments, to better understand what made the Miralukians so different from Humans. Along with the possibility of understanding how their ability to see with the force works and what could be discovered from such understanding.
Isadola still bears the scars from those experiments, it’s been suggested to her a few times that she could easily have them removed but declines the offers each time. Even if she got rid of them, the memories of the numerous experiments with no sedatives or painkillers would still linger.
Issie has grown to accept the scars and the painful memories they are connected to. While she may never really get over what was done to her, she’s learned to wear them with some pride. Though the experiments practically broke her, in the end Tilera still sacrificed everything to rescue her daughter. And having the scars to remind her of it all drives some part of her to at least dent the cycle that made her go through all that.
So yea Issie totally doesn’t get a little carried away a lot of times taking down such similarly brutal “scientific” experiments that mostly just serve to satisfy someone’s morbid curiosity (if you asked her) or otherwise.
🍒 Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
Yes she has! Well in her case it took place before her Consular class story would start. It happened a few years after the Jedi found her and took her into their order after rescuing her from the ruined HQ of the slaver group that attacked her village.
Anyway- it was with a fellow padawan that was put in her group after they themselves were also brought into the order. Quite a bit of time and a lot of chaotic events have caused Isadola to unfortunately forget her name, but Issie never forgot her face (My poor excuse for not fleshing this out more but leaving myself an open door to flesh out the entire thing more later lol). Isadola and her mirialan friend were very very close until their Jedi teachers caught on and put them in separate groups but not before giving them another lecture on the “No attachments” rule of the Jedi code.
I’m sorry if this wasn’t a detailed as the other questions, I’m still trying to flesh out more/better details about little parts of Isadola’s past such as this.
🍰 What’s something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Hurting Lana in any form, or hell any of her friends or family for that matter. She already lost her loved ones once, and she got lucky reuniting with RE-1, she won’t lose them again. The “No attachments” rule of the Jedi code was never one of Isadola’s strong suits.
Perfect example of this, when Theron tried to shoot Issie on Umbara and shot Lana instead. Yes Isadola does go on forgive Theron down the line after, but just on that one part he’s always on thin ice. To keep things civil and the fact that she does still love him like a brother and he’s one of her closest friends she tries to let it go. On the off chance Theron brings it up, Issie is VERY quick to remind him in a scarily calm tone, that stun blaster bolt or not, of how lucky he is she didn’t just snap his neck in that moment.
It easily took Issie at least a year or so to fully forgive him after that, and that’s someone she likes. Anyone else that isn’t even as remotely close to her that tries anything similar would not get the same benefit of the doubt.
🍟 What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
As silly as it sounds, singing and playing some instruments. Isadola isn’t exactly into most of the types of music that plays in most cantinas she’s been to in her travels. So when it comes out that she actually loves performing either by singing and/or playing some of her preferred genres she gets very embarrassed, even if she’s actually not too bad at it.
Down the line she eventually learns to accept it a little after reuniting with her childhood friend Taskar (Task for short), even if most of that road was paved with him either getting Issie either drunk or high off her ass during their shenanigans across the galaxy.
Yes Task has more than one holo as blackmail just in-case Issie needs to be roped into a job he needs help with, He would never post them but it still works every time he needs help when roping her in on a more sketchy or dangerous job she’s being stubborn on helping him with. Always as a last resort though, since Isadola almost always helps out Taskar when he asks; after all he was her first best friend that wasn’t the family droid (RE-1).
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shark-smuggler · 2 years
the homosexual urge to tell everyone i know "gonch morning!!" in hopes that they have watched the critically acclaimed film Goncharov (1973) so we can bond over it
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cazmari-plays · 2 years
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Joelle Rev’iek, the ex-slave dancer turned smuggler. Making a new life for herself, she's acquired a taste for risky business and traversing the galaxy.
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jodio: grilled chese
dragona says:
jodio, you're lactose intolerant. you can't have- don't give me that face...
i want a grilled cheese tho 🥺🥺🥺
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lathrine · 1 year
anyways ive been thinking really hard about dropping $30 on amazon for a red kyber crystal, because i wanted to buy one when we were at didney but apparently walked right past them a dozen times without ever noticing
i absolutely adore my blue saber and the force DID move me to pick that, but also i am an agent of chaos and i love me a red saber
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narcissarina · 2 months
I read a hilarious Reddit post of a guy saying “called my wife after I got shot and actually said ‘hey honey, I kinda got shot’ and she was mad I said it like that” and all I can picture is re2!Leon (maybe RC didnt get destroyed, so he’s a cute lil rookie) getting a call from his s/o and s/o is like, in the hospital or something and is like “Hey, just so you know there’s a dude with a gun mugging people. Oh btw, he tried to mug me and I kinda got shot”
Poor pookie is gonna be SO distraught.
LEON WOULD LAUGH AND CRY AT THE SAME TIME😭😭😭 making a short one shot outta this, sorry it took so long😭😭🙏
𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕
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Leon was working a little late so he made sure to tell you, he’s finishing up his report and check his phone for the time. His thoughts drift you, he wonders how beautiful you sleep in your shared bed and how he’ll slowly get on bed—careful not to wake you up until your feel the bed weight shifts and turn to him and ask him that he just got home in a tired tone.
Files were stacked on his desk; messy and pens all over. He picked the papers he should organize, pens in its case. He yawns and keep himself awake with some coffee, he hums as he thought of you.
As if the noise seems to muffle, leaving Leon on his own in his world. His phone rang, snapping him back and took his phone. Its was your number on display, a big grin planted on his face as he picked up, “hey, baby. Need something?” he asked, his tone sweet and loving, “uhm…” your voice was heard from the end of his phone.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m in a hospital right now.” Before you could speak further, Leon hang up the call, adrenaline course through him.
Everything is clean in this room, you were lying in a hospital bed with the monitor beeping. You look down at your phone that shows Leon hang up on you, cutting you off before finishing what you had to say.
You place your phone down near the bed drawer and deeply inhales, you pick up a nurse shouting from outside your room, “sir, you can’t come in there!”
You flinched, tugging the blanket close to you as Leon burst right to the door—sweat running down his forehead, he’s out of breath as he spots you in the bed, “baby, what happened?” he asked, rushing to your side and squeezing your hand as he brought your knuckles to his lips.
“I just want to buy you your favorite food because I was planning to stay up late and wait for you on the dinner table.” He hums and nod, “yeah?”
“There was this dude who’s mugging people,” Leon raise a brow and nodded, “where is he?” he asked, going to call units to find the smuggler. “He tried to mug me and I kinda got shot.” Your lips turn to thin lines as Leon’s face dropped and his mouth open.
Silence comes between you as he let out a small, “huh?” he was distraught, “got shot.” You repeat and laugh it off, “don’t worry I’m—holy shit are you crying?” your tone changing to chill to concern, “are you okay?” he sniffle, he just couldn’t believe that you would laugh it off and go about your day.
He leans close and bury his head to your stomach, “Leon, I’m fine.” You assured, “no, you’re not fine.” He mumbles and you could feel warm liquids from your hospital gown, “I’m sorry, I’ll try to get off work as early as I can and be with you and won’t let this happen again.” He apologized to something he can’t control, you smiled at his warm words and assurance.
“There’s no need for that,” you said, “yes it do.” He insist and called up a friend back to R.P.D to catch the smuggler as he promised you to make that guy apologize for shooting and trying to mug you. What you kept in mind is Leon is just super worried and blamed himself when you get hurt and he’s not there to support you when it happen.
“You’re such a baby.”
“I’m your baby.” You earn a laugh from him as he pulls you into a sweet and tender kiss, “not going to lie, it was kind of funny—but it’s also not funny since you got shot.”
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𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏, 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏.
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