#muse: Crowley
vocesincaput-arc · 9 months
@asfarasican continued from [x]
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"Right thing by who, hmm? By them?" Crowley was almost shaking at this point. The hurt, anger and, quite frankly, betrayal he felt coursing through the demon.
"Because it absolutely was not what was best for... for us. We were on our own side and you turned away from that. You left. You left this bookshop and you left..." The demon had to stop talking and turn away as his emotions threatened to spill out.
You left me.
He couldn't bring himself to say it. After having being open and honest about just exactly how he felt about Aziraphale, the angel had left him. Crowley couldn't give anyone the satisfaction of hurting him like that.
He did it once. Never again.
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reallyrandomtj · 2 years
@gotthcit​ asked:
Ferid saunters in as if he hasn't been gone any length of time~ ' Crooooowleeeeey! DARLING! LIGHT. OF. MY. LIFE!!! ' - sorry not sorry uwu
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“Hello Ferid. What do you intend to drag me into this time?”
When Ferid shows up, there goes any level of peace and quiet in the former Crusaders life. Crowley was confused about the whole ‘light of my life’ part, but he simply shrugged it off for now at least.
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coreofgold · 2 years
@hiddenangcls​ for Crowley from this starter call 
“Hello welcome to Tricks n. . .huh you have an aura about you that’s familiar”  Gabriel suddenly says after looking at the man who walked in.  “I haven’t gambled with you have I ?” 
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pinkravat-art · 9 months
messy gomen
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 3 months
I’m sorry but, to me, this
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does not look like an angel with no plan and no ulterior motive.
And, I think Crowley knows that. And Aziraphale knows he knows. Because they’ve known each other for aeons. Because Crowley knows his different tones of voice. Because they trust each other.
This is the face of a determined angel. And this is the face of a demon who’s still there with him.
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He’s not happy about it, but he’s still there.
If he’d given up on them (on Us), he would’ve left. It’s what he’s always done before: Crowley’s been the one to turn & leave. He wouldn’t have watched Aziraphale leave if he didn’t still believe in him, in their history & their trust. He stayed.
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theravenmuse · 11 months
Circled is:
1. Azi’s Bookshop
2. The Dirty Donkey, where Crowley went to plan his holy water heist in 1967
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“I work in Soho. I hear things. Especially when they’re being planned in the pub that’s just ONE SHOP AWAY FROM WHERE I LIVE, CROWLEY!”
Azi probably saw the Bentley parked on the street through his shop window. 🤣
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tartppola · 1 month
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happy 4 years to my guyyyyy HAHHDJDJDJ
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tjscollection · 2 years
' Crowley darling ~ I've returned! ' - ferid :')
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Crowley simply points to the doorway now behind Ferid.
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"Hello Ferid, You know where the door is... use it?"
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leupagus · 10 months
Still working on the "No Seriously, If Crowley and Aziraphale Ever Did Have Sex, They'd Have So Many Weird Conversations About It First" fic
"You already have a penis?" Aziraphale demanded, his hands on his hips. "Since when?"
Crowley tried to recall. "Turn of the nineteenth, I think?" he ventured. There'd been a fountain, and a lot of wine, and Jane challenging him to see which of them could hit the fish statue in the middle.* Afterwards he'd kept it — it was fun, being able to take a piss if you felt like it. Not to mention you could stir up a lot of trouble in public toilets if you were in a mood.**
"Really?" Aziraphale looked halfway between surprised and intrigued. "Don't you find it a bit — floppy?"
"Eh, a bit," Crowley admitted. "But they do amazing things with underpants these days."
Aziraphale laughed, the startled hiccough he gave sometimes when he wasn't quite ready to be out of his sulk. It was one of Crowley's favorite noises. "Very well," he said, adjusting his waistcoat. "Let's have a look."
"What? No," said Crowley. He'd been looking forward to showing off his cock at some point, but Aziraphale was eyeing him like the Queen about to inspect the troops.
"Why not?" Aziraphale whinged, his lower lip puckering dangerously near a pout. "We're going to have to take our clothes off when we have sex. Unless — actually, I think that's on the list of kinks, you know, sex with your clothes on, but it seems terribly awkward, not to mention you'd have to get everything cleaned afterward. Although I do have a rather good 'dry cleaner,'" he made the inverted commas with his fingers and everything, "Who's an absolute miracle worker." He paused. "Well, not a real one. At any rate, come along." And he gestured at Crowley's crotch.
Crowley, who'd had millennia of practice with Aziraphale's careening monologues, was still halfway through unbuckling his belt before his brain caught up. "I'm not pulling my cock out in the middle of your bookshop," he said — with absolutely perfect timing, since Muriel chose that moment to come bustling in.
They stood frozen for a moment, blinking at both of them as they clutched at the doorframe. "I think I, erm, heard a… noise?" They smiled, and backed out slowly. "I should go. And check, on the noise, because noises are sometimes indicators of—" Whatever else they were saying was lost with the slamming of the door.
"Small mercies," Aziraphale huffed, and wriggled his fingers; the sign on the door flipped to "CLOSED" and the door locked with a pointed flourish. "Now then!"
*Neither of them had, and it had nearly gotten them arrested, all the moreso since they'd been in Spain at the time.
**With or without an anus.
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DAY 14 - «On Thin Ice» Good Omens AU - Triptych Tribute for @blairamok  
Part 2/3: "Fallen Serpent" Crowley
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Please, listen to this
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Life's a race
And I am gonna win
Yes, I am gonna win
And I'll light the fuse
And I'll never lose
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And I choose to survive
Whatever it takes
You won't pull ahead
I'll keep up the pace
And I'll reveal my strength
To the whole human race
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Yes, I am prepared
To stay alive
I won't forgive, the vengeance is mine
And I won't give in
Because I choose to thrive
Yeah, I'm gonna win!
It's a race
And I'm gonna win!
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Tomorrow, they will be together for the Grand Finale... See you there! ;-)
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↓Come on, check the behind-the-scenes!↓
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours, as usual for my Daily Challenges.
Tribute Time, so I threw the timer away, lol :-p. As for my Fallen Angel Aziraphale (link), I spent more or less 3 hours on the lineart, plus 1h30 on the colouring/shading.
Crowley, as my « Fallen Serpent ».
“On Thin Ice”'s author Blairamok describes the Cantilevers figure as « one of the biggest fuck yous to physics », and so one of Crowley’s signature moves. As I was searching drawing references about this amazing figure, I found a lot of ways to perform it, all beautiful and impressive. I finally chose this particular one (I am sorry I don’t know the original performer’s name on the picture I used, but to me he seemed so powerful, yet relaxed and happy on the picture, so I couldn’t resist). Though I had to slightly re-adapt the figure to Crowley who is taller, thinner and maybe even more flexible (ssssnaky, duh).
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I had so much fun re-thinking his clothes for my sketch. I used the scrumptious💕 black and red « Serpent » clothing that Blairamok created, and I added my own « signature move » : wings – or, well, feathers. As Crowley is THE Fallen Angel here, the feathers are slightly burnt, some of them almost torn apart. They cover his shoulder blades, then spread out as a unique short and damaged wing at the back of his right shoulder, go down on his right flank, then cross his back as they slightly go embracing his left hip. The Red Serpent Pattern is quite the same as Blair’s clothing, but it still continues on his leg and circles his right ankle like a leg shackle.
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I am particularly proud of Crowley’s eye and expression. Remember? I dearly wanted Crowley sharing a glance with Aziraphale while he was doing his Cantilevers, and Aziraphale was supposed to glance back to him. I had to give up on this idea later – because the figure I chose for Aziraphale definitely couldn’t allow such a shared glance. (but wait for the third part of this triptyque, it will be posted tomorrow!)
So, my Crowley still has this ethereal, strangely happy, almost enthralled expression. It kind of represents my own interpretation of the Cantilevers figure : it’s a proof of complete trust, in yourself, in your skills, in your art and your environment. And I like to imagine that if Crowley is able to have such confidence in himself, then maybe he can and will trust his partner Aziraphale with quite the same strength.
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Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow for the third part - our Ineffable Partners will be toghether, finally! (aaaand they will be not talking but whatever the acting will speak for them)
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vocesincaput-arc · 10 months
I just read a comment on a YouTube video that I wholeheartedly agree with.
If Crowley had been wearing the turtleneck in the kiss scene, there is no way that Aziraphale would have been able to resist him
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malevolent-muse · 2 months
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When in Rome...
Lately I've been rotating the Rome scene in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. It's a very short one -exactly 1 minute of screen time- and yet it feels pivotal in showing the evolution of Aziraphale's and Crowley's relationship. It also includes some interesting references, and it just feels... different from the other flashbacks.
I've been thinking about it so much that I had to go back and rewatch the flashbacks leading up to it. Take my hand (take my whole life too) as I take you on a journey...
3004 B.C. - Mesopotamia
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Aziraphale is the one breaking the news to Crowley: God, displeased with the humans, is going to wipe them out with a flood of catastrophical proportions. But fret not! He immediately downplays it: it's probably just the locals. And Noah's family and the animals on the ark are going to be fine. And then God will give them a "rain-bow"! Whatever that is, it's the promise it won't happen ever again.
That... doesn't sit too well with Crowley. "Not the kids! You can't kill kids!" he points out (does he mean human kids or goat kids? Probably both), and he scoffs at the rain-bow thing.
But quick comes Aziraphale's rebuttal:
You can't judge the Almighty, Crowley!
... perhaps too quick, like a line he's been fed and he internalized. Like he's subconsciously trying to justify God's actions to himself, more than to Crowley.
As it starts to rain, the crowd around them stands unaware of their own imminent fate.
2500 B.C. - The Land of Uz
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Aziraphale learns, very much to his disbelief, that despite Job being a good man, his fate has been determined by a bet between God and Satan.
Here, he gets both to see Job's despair first-hand, and to exercise his own free will.
He teams up with the "enemy"; he lies to Gabriel; he gets a taste of self-agency and a taste of the oxrib (aka worldly pleasures). He gets to do the right thing and save the kids (human and goats alike), learning in the process that his and Crowley's conditions are not too dissimilar: they both feel lonely.
By the end of it, Aziraphale is sure he will get punished by God.
And then... nothing happens.
33 A.D. - Golgotha
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Aziraphale and Crowley witness the crucifixion of Jesus.
"Your lot put him on there." "I'm not consulted on policy decisions, Crowley."
Unlike with Job, Aziraphale has no say and no power to stop what's happening. Despite that (and in contrast to the flood scene) he empathizes with Jesus: asking if Crowley knew him; recoiling as he watches him being nailed to the cross; acknowledging that all it took was him saying "be kind to each other".
Notice how the events shown in the flashbacks get progressively close and personal.
From the undefined crowd at the flood, to Job and his family, to this "very bright young man": yes, God has honoured the promise to not wipe humanity out ever again; that doesn't make the smiting/destruction/suffering any less painful and unjust.
There doesn't seem to be any logic, nor compassion, to God's decisions. There doesn't seem to be any immediate consequence, too, to going against them (if you're clever enough about it). I think that -as much as Aziraphale wants to keep believing in God's ineffable plan- he must feel, in some capacity, that it's all rather... pointless.
I think that here, in front of the grueling, graphic death of a single man, Aziraphale's moral journey reaches its (first?) breaking point.
In fact, where do we find him next?
"8 years later" (41 A.D.) - Rome
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Aziraphale and Crowley meet again very shortly after - relatively speaking, at least (even the scene's title card highlights that: just "8 years later".)
This time around, there's no grand event happening: it's seemingly by chance, they run into each other in a tavern. Well, Crowley is there for "a quick temptation", which is not out of order considering the setting: Caligula's Rome, *the* time and place for decadence and dissolution. And Aziraphale?
He's just... there.
Well, in a scrapped scene from the script book he said he was there to "influence a boy named Nero, get him interested in music". But that didn't make it on screen - though maybe it's still relevant, as you'll see in a moment.
Thing is, he's been there for a while. Unlike Crowley with his odd-looking attire, Aziraphale blends in with the locals and with their customs: wearing a rather pretty tunic; toasting with a "salutaria"; playing a Roman board game by himself. Drinking wine and planning to check out "a new restaurant".
...if he's even talking about an actual restaurant, that is. It's all in this post (check out the comment section too) - but to sum it up: the first thing Aziraphale does is inviting Crowley out (actually, tempting him!) to try "Petronius' new restaurant". Petronius, the notorious "master of elegance" at Nero's court. And by "master of elegance", we mean he was in charge of everything concerning luxury, aka making the court's parties as lavish as possible. Petronius, who was described as a hedonist and an excess seeker. Aziraphale has heard "he does remarkable things to oysters". If that doesn't sound like tongue-in-cheek for some pleasure other than just food, I don't know what does.
In short, it looks like Aziraphale is on vacation, and a rather enjoyable one.
I think he's had about four thousand years to let everything sink in: where Heaven and Hell stand, God's plans and what they mean to humanity (and I'm not even considering what we didn't see: the first war, or Sodom and Gomorrah, or any other horror he might have witnessed).
I think that after Jesus' crucifixion, he was like: fuck it, where can I take a break from all this? Where's *the* place I can most indulge in... being as much human as I can get to be?
And of course he ended up right there. And as the saying goes... when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
I think Aziraphale is having his hot girl summer, and not even God knows what he's been up to.
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nadsdraws · 10 months
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Three times Crowley comes back to apologise to Aziraphale after a quarrel and one time he doesn't.
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theravenmuse · 5 months
Both Aziraphale and Crowley exude both “baby girl” and “that bitch” energy in completely different ways.
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saphhosonic · 4 months
Supermassive black hole is so crowley coded lol
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