#musée oceanographic
gracie-bird · 5 months
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Prince Rainier, Princess Grace, Jacques-Yves Cousteau at the 50th anniversary of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum in Monaco on April 1st, 1960. 
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virnalorentz · 3 years
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❤ Au mariage de mon cousin et de ma Sandrine adorée, sur le Rocher, au pied du Musée océanographique du célèbre Commandant Cousteau 💙💙🌊🐠🐬🐳
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❤ At the wedding of my cousin and my dearest Sandrine, Le Rocher, Monaco, at the foot of the Oceanographic Museum on which Commandant Cousteau left his mark forever 💙💙🌊🐬🐠🐳
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jmlpyt · 5 years
Un centre de soins pour tortues marines a ouvert ses portes à Monaco - 1L8A9453 par Jean-Marc PAYET Via Flickr : Le centre monégasque de soins des espèces marines (CMSEM) a ouvert au musée océanographique de Monaco le 27 avril 2019. Il est accessible au public. Cinq bassins sont en place pour accueillir des tortues blessées. Une centaine seraient repêchées en détresse chaque année en Méditerranée. Les tortues blessées sont facilement reconnaissables : elles flottent et ne peuvent pas plonger en raison de troubles de digestion liés à l'ingestion de bouts de plastique. Le nouveau centre monégasque propose aux plaisanciers et aux pêcheurs de les ramasser et de les alerter afin de les prendre en charge. Une fois soignées, les tortues sont relâchées en mer. On rencontre en Méditerranée plusieurs centaines d'espèces de tortues marines. Elles peuvent atteindre 400 kg et 130 cm et évoluent à une quarantaine de kilomètres au large du littoral azuréen. The Monegasque Center for the Care of Marine Species (CMSEM) opened at the Monaco Oceanographic Museum on April 27, 2019. It is open to the public. Five pools are in place to accommodate injured turtles. A hundred would be recovered in distress each year in the Mediterranean. Injured turtles are easily recognizable: they float and can not dive because of digestive disorders related to ingestion of plastic tips. The new Monegasque center offers boaters and fishermen to pick them up and alert them to take care of them. Once treated, turtles are released at sea. In the Mediterranean there are several hundred species of sea turtles. They can reach 400 kg and 130 cm and evolve about forty kilometers off the azure coast.
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amberlab · 7 years
Jellyfish or X-Files?
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memolands · 3 years
Musée océanographique de Monaco - The museum of marine sciences in Monaco
Musée océanographique de Monaco – The museum of marine sciences in Monaco
The museum was inaugurated in 1910 by modernist reformer of Monaco and oceanographer, Prince Albert I. It is home to the Mediterranean Science Commission and is part of the Oceanographic Institute. The Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is home to exhibitions and collections of various species of sea fauna. The museum’s holdings also include a great variety of sea related objects, including model…
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The Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium of Monaco is dedicated to marine sciences. It was built over a 100 years ago, making it one of the oldest aquariums and museums dedicated to science and oceanography in the world. It was founded by Prince Albert I and it’s located along the edge of the cliffs of the Rock of Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea. http://treasuresoftraveling.com/10-things-to-visit-on-top-of-the-rock-of-monaco/ #TreasuresOfTraveling #Monaco #FrenchRiviera #Mediterranean #MediterraneanSea #MediterraneanCoast #RockOfMonaco #MonacoVille #OceanographicMuseum #Aquarium #Oceanarium #Oceanography #MarineScience #Cliff #RockCliffs #TravelMonaco #Europe #TravelBlogger #TravelPhotography #TravelPhotos #GlobeTrotter #PassportStamps #TravelTheWorld #TourThePlanet #BestPlacesToGo #TheGlobeWanderer #TravelGram #Wanderlust #GuysWhoTravel #GayTraveler (at Musée océanographique de Monaco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvGrHmAb1w/?igshid=j018qg94n0x2
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rbct06 · 4 years
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Agence ��vénementielle Touristique Alpes Maritimes - Oceanographic Museum Monaco
Oceanographic Museum Monaco
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The Monaco Oceanographic Museum The Principality of Monaco is home to a range of fantastic attractions. From their Monte-Carlo Casino, to their Formula One Gran Prix circuit to their beautiful botanical gardens. But possibly the most impressive feature has to be the Musée Océanographique (Oceanographic Museum). This mesmerising Baroque style building sits right within the […] - Riviera Bar Crawl & Tours - Agence événementielle Touristique Antibes
Riviera Bar Crawl & Tours est une agence événementielle touristique sur la Côte d'Azur plus précisément à Monaco / Nice / Cannes :
Paris Pub Crawl
Night Walking Tour of Nice
Private Walking Tour Packages
Canyoning in Nice
Je vous ai parlé du Riviera Pub Crawl Paris, mais qu’est ce que c’est? C’est donc un unique Barathon qui se déroule dans la cité de Paris. Avec une équipe de vacanciers, d’habitants, d’étudiants étrangers, la fête se déroule à proximité d’un cheminement des clubs de la ville de Paris pour boire pendant une soirée. Athmosphère détente et festive lors de cette promenades des bars de la cité de Paris qui permette de faire d’insolites rencontres avec des touristes, des habitants, des étudiants venant d’en-dehors de son cercle.Vous êtes intéressé pour prendre part à ce Pub Crawl Paris ? Ca n’est pas compliquer, aller sur le site internet Riviera bar crawl tour et rappelez-vous de apprécier ce projet pionner ! 4 bistros en une seule nuit, des guides trilingues diplomés et des citoyens de chaques horizons ! Vous bénéficierez de shots d’accueil, des remises sur les breuvages et d’entrées gratuites. Si vous avez entre 18 et 77 années, vous êtes les bienvenus ! Il est conseillé de acheter vos tickets sans tarder, afin de conserver l’incomparable organisation de nos Bar Crawl Paris , les tickets sont limitées!
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frenchrivieraguide · 5 years
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Musée Océanographique de Monaco 🇲🇨. @oceanomonaco oceanographic museum of Monaco. (at Musée océanographique de Monaco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fbjktIfei/?igshid=b033w5d20vzw
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pakdeal93-blog · 5 years
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Oceanographic Museum of Monaco (Monte-Carlo)
Oceanographic Museum of Monaco (Monte-Carlo) - Travel Top Sites The list of famous attractions of the small principality of Monaco includes not only the famous elite casino of Monte Carlo but also the magnificent Oceanographic Museum of Monaco (Musée océanographique de Monaco) located on a picturesque rocky slope. The Oceanographic Museum is a museum of marine sciences in Monaco-Ville, Monaco. It is home to the Mediterranean Science Commission. This building is part of the Oceanographic Institute which is committed to sharing its knowledge of the oceans.
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blog-larrieu · 5 years
Don d’une œuvre de Jean-François Larrieu à la Cité de l’Océan de Biarritz
Le 23 février 2019, Jean-François Larrieu a fait don d’une œuvre à la Cité de l’Océan de Biarritz. Peint à l’acrylique, ce tableau de 165 x 235 cm est désormais exposé de façon permanente au cœur du musée océanographique et vient soutenir le discours pédagogique de la Cité de l’Océan.
On February 23rd, Jean-François Larrieu has offered an artwork to the Cité de l’Océan in Biarritz (south of France). Acrylic on canvas, the 165 x 235 cm painting is now permanently displayed in the oceanographic museum and supports the educational speech of the Cité de l’Océan. 
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Le tableau, réalisé en public à l’occasion d’un événement artistique organisé par Art Traffik à Biarritz l’été 2018, représente des dizaines de poissons fantastiques aux couleurs chatoyantes. Il est composé d’une multitude de formes qui viennent s’imbriquer les unes aux autres pour révéler le dessin final et donner énergie et mouvement à l’œuvre. 
The tableau has been created in public on the occasion of an artistic event organized by Art Traffik in Biarritz during the summer 2018. It depicts tens of imaginary and colourful fishes and uses the accumulation of an ensemble of codes which, when assembled, come together to reveal the final drawing and to give energy and movement to the painting. 
Pour l’artiste, il s’agit d’un véritable engagement pour la préservation de l’océan : “L’océan est le berceau de la Vie sur Terre. Il regorge de trésors. Sa faune et sa flore sont des merveilles de délicatesse et de beauté. Il est de notre devoir d’en prendre conscience pour mieux les protéger et les préserver. En offrant mon œuvre à la Cité de l’Océan, je souhaite faire passer un message de respect envers l’environnement, et responsabiliser chaque visiteur, notamment les jeunes générations qui sont garantes de la survie de la nature”.
This gift is a true commitment for environmental protection for the artist: “the Ocean is the cradle of life on Earth and is full of treasures. It is our responsibility to be fully aware of the beauty of ocean floors in order to be able to protect them. By offering my artwork to the Cité de l’Océan, I hope to convey a message of respect towards the environment, especially to the younger generation.”
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L’accrochage de la toile sur les murs de la Cité de l’Océan n’est que le point de départ d’une belle aventure autour de l’océan.
Restez connectés, Jean-François Larrieu vous prépare une immersion totale très prochainement !
Hanging the painting on the walls of the Cité de l’Océan is just the starting point of a beautiful adventure about the ocean... Stay tuned, Jean-François Larrieu is about to surprise you! 
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stiangundersen-blog · 7 years
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#summer #instapict #oceanographic #museum #Muséeocéanographique #musée #instagood #instaphoto
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1MJufCNTPg)
15-1-2017 SUITE A  UNE INTERDICTION BANDE SON PAR YOUTUBE MIS BANDE SON BIBLIOTHEQUE YOUTUBE. Monaco, de tout jeune ce nom m'a fait réver, havre de paix, et de douceur vu de l'extérieur. THOMAS André 6-10-2015 mise à jour  tout d'abord une pensée pour tous ceux qui ont perdu un proche lors de ses catastrophiques inondations sur la côte d'azur, et aussi pour les survivants, nous sommes de tous coeur avec vous.MARTINE ANCIAUX THOMAS ANDRE Mise en ligne le 3 mars 2011 Musique"J'ai besoin d'un ami" de Ginette Reno MARTINE ANCIAUX, photographe d’art,et créatrice de la photo-peinture, photo painting, Martine ANCIAUX creator of the photo painting. new art of the photo painting, art photographer, http://www.anciaux-photos.fr, http://www.anciauxmartine.com Quand on rentre dans la PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO, on entre dans le pays des rêves. Le jardin botanique rêves de nature, le musée océanographique rêves de découvertes scientifiques, le port rêves aquatiques, le casino rêves à vos risques et périls, le grand prix de formule 1  rêves de gloire, le tournoi de tennis de Monaco  rêves de rencontrer des peoples, jouer à l'ASM c'est le rêve de l'enfant de devenir une star du football dans la Principauté,enfin le chateau rêves de petites filles,comme l'actrice devenue princesse GRACE KELLY lorsqu'elle rencontra son prince le Prince RAINIER et ils eurent trois enfants. Mais le malheur fit que la PRINCESSE GRACE DISPARUT ET PLUS RIEN NE FUT PAREIL. Aujourd'hui, MONACO, va de nouveau s'ouvrir à la vie son souverain le Prince ALBERT DE MONACO va se marier avec une formidable princesse et nous réécrirons une nouvelle belle histoire, ainsi est la vie. MARTINE ANCIAUX
translated by Google translation MARTINE ANCIAUX, art photographer, and creator of the photo-painting, photo painting, Martine ANCIAUX creator of the picture painting. Photo of the new art painting, art photographer, http://www.anciaux-photos.fr, http://www.anciauxmartine.com Once back in the PRINCIPALITY OF MONACO, we enter the dreamland. The Botanical Garden nature of dreams, the oceanographic museum dreams of scientific discoveries, the port aquatic dreams, the dreams casino at your own risk, the great Prix Formula 1 dreams of glory, the Monaco tennis tournament dreams to meet peoples , playing ASM is the dream child of becoming a football star in the Principality, and finally the castle dreams of little girls, like the actress became Princess Grace Kelly when she met her prince Prince RAINIER and they had three children. But the trouble was that the Princess vanished GRACE AND MORE LIKE NOTHING WAS. Today MONACO, will again be open to life its sovereign Prince Albert DE MONACO is marrying a wonderful princess and we rewrite a new nice story, so is life. MARTINE ANCIAUX
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amberlab · 7 years
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lavotha · 5 years
Recognizing commitment to ocean protection
On Thursday, November 7, 2019, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and oceanographer Lisa Ann Levin received the prestigious Prince Albert I Grand Medals from the hands of Prince Albert II, who also presented the Thesis Prize to Violaine Pellichero. This annual event was created in 1948, recognizing up to this date 77 distinguished personalities investing themselves in worthy causes. In the last few years the laureates prized have mainly dedicated to the preservation of our ocean.
Ban Ki-moon, Prince Albert II, Lisa Ann Levin, Violaine Pellichero – Prince Albert I Grand Medals 2019 © M Dagnino – Musée océanographique (low)
Ban Ki-moon, Prince Albert II, Lisa Ann Levin, Violaine Pellichero – Prince Albert I Grand Medals 2019 © M Dagnino – Musée océanographique (low)
The ceremony, that reunited 400 people at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, was opened by its Director Robert Calcagno, CEO of the Oceanographic Institute Foundation Albert I Prince of Monaco, who stressed the importance of the need for science to connect with leaders and the public.
The coveted bronze medal bears the profile of Prince Albert I, explorer, scientist and pioneer of modern oceanography and founder of the Oceanographic Institute. Prince Albert II continues to honor the legacy of his great-great-grandfather, someone ahead of his time who a century ago called attention to environmental conservation and ocean sustainability.
In his presentation Prince Albert II emphasized the plight for the protection of the ocean by saying: “The global pressure exerted on our planet affects everyone and hits the weakest the hardest. In this context international solidarity and multilateral dialogue are more vital than ever. The ocean and the climate invite us to do that. They bind species, peoples individuals from all backgrounds and from all walks of life, wherever they may be, by a bond as unshakeable as it is vital, for better and for worse.” 
Honoring Ban Ki-moon
Former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who held office from 2007 to 2016 for two successive mandates) received the Prince Albert I Grand Medal in the Mediation Section, for his involvement in the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). (Photo: Prince Albert II honoring Ban Ki-moon © M Dagnino – Musée océanographique)
His priorities have been to mobilize world leaders around a set of new global challenges, from climate change and economic upheaval to pandemics and increasing pressure involving food, energy and water.
The Mediation Section highlights the commitment of men and women in the public life working within civil society to give a voice to the ocean. Since 2014 the Grand Medal Albert I, before reserved just for scientists, is awarded to public personalities. In creating this section, the Oceanographic Institute chose to honor those who put themselves to the service of the oceans, not only scientifically, but that through their active participation to create awareness and call for action. These new pilgrims moved by their passion and communicative energy, provoke real interest to love and protect our oceans and our ecosystem.
In his discourse, Ban Ki-moon said: “My special recognition goes to Prince Albert II for his visionary patronage of this award, as well as for his longtime advocacy efforts in support of oceans, the environment, and sustainable development issues. I also take this opportunity to commend the work of the Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco. The critical efforts you undertake to continue the guiding legacy of Albert I, are essential as we collectively strive to expand the understanding, affection, and protection of our oceans.”
Up to date 5 personalities committed to the service of the Ocean have received medals in the Mediation section, notably Leonardo DiCaprio a fervent environment activist who was awarded in 2015.
Recognizing oceanographer Lisa Ann Levin
Lisa Ann Levin, distinguished professor of biological oceanography and marine ecology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography was recognized with the Prince Albert I Grand Medal, for her studies on the impact of climate change on marine species in deep waters, highlighting the impact of human activity on these ecosystems. (Photo insert: Prince Albert II presented the medal to Lisa Ann Levin © M Dagnino – Musée océanographique)
The Science Section compensates highly qualified researchers in the oceanographic field for the ensemble of his carrier, specific works or an exceptional discovery. Up to this date 71 researchers have been honored, notably the famous French oceanographic explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau in 1981.
In her discourse before accepting the medal Lisa Ann Levin said: “In my lifetime, the deep ocean – what I like to call the deep half of the planet – has gone from being a remote, largely ignored sector to recognition as a major force on this planet. It is both a repository of remarkable biodiversity and a realm that is critical to climate mitigation. Once considered homogeneous and desert-like, we are continuously discovering strange new ecosystems, habitats and species, some with potential importance for humans.”
Thesis Prize to Violaine Pellichero
With the aim to provide support to new generations of researchers whose work are linked to the ocean, the Oceanographic Institute awarded the Thesis Prize. The laureates receive a bourse of Euro 3,000 to aid in their investigations.
The recognition this year went to young French oceanographer Violaine Pellichero, specialized in the understanding of climate change through the study of the oceans. She made a brief presentation of her study in the Southern ocean, under the sea ice, to study the quality of the water.  The presentation was done in an innovative and interesting way as she had only 180 seconds for her creative exposition on stage, incredible to see many years of research condensed into just a few minutes. (Photo insert: Prince Albert II with Violaine Pellichero © M Dagnino – Musée océanographique)
Today’s Quote
“Oceans are the beating heart of our planet, as well as the beating heart of our future.” Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon presented with Prince Albert I Grand Medal in Monaco Recognizing commitment to ocean protection On Thursday, November 7, 2019, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon…
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He said he is the biggest and strongest shark in Monaco. I've warned him. 😏🍽 - 📍 Musée océanographique de Monaco 🇲🇨 🖼️ @makanveli 📷 @lorenz_photography_ 🦈 @oceanomonaco - ↗ Turn on post notifications at top right 📲 Share Your Best Shot To #travelinfinitely - ❤️ Like ♥️ Share 💙 Save 🔁 @travelinfinitely 🔁 @successtravels - 🦈 The Oceanographic Museum is a museum of marine sciences in Monaco-Ville, Monaco. It is home to the Mediterranean Science Commission. This building is part of the Oceanographic Institute which is committed to sharing its knowledge of the oceans. - 🦈 Monaco is a tiny independent city-state on France’s Mediterranean coastline known for its upscale casinos, yacht-lined harbor and prestigious Grand Prix motor race, which runs through Monaco’s streets once a year. Monte-Carlo, its major district, is home to an elegant belle-époque casino complex and ornate Salle Garnier opera house. It also has many luxe hotels, boutiques, nightclubs and restaurants. (at Musée océanographique de Monaco)
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verazgalindouk · 7 years
10 Things To Do In Cote D’Azur
10 Things To Do In Cote D’Azur
Mediterranean coastline of France is often pictured as a paradise in magazines and websites. Also known as French Riviera, Côte D’Azur is the bluest coast in the country and a luxurious spot for your next trip. Travelers usually are confused by Provence and Côte D’Azur, but the truth is one could not exist without another as they are located in South France. In this article, we will focus on things to do in Cote D’Azur region, which runs from the city of Toulon (including east of Marseille) to Menton in a shoreline full of attractions.
We have selected 10 things to do in Cote D’Azur, highlighting the finest of this blue paradise where history meets nature. After reading this list, start planning your trip at www.flyusanywhere.com as we will find you the best deals for your next holiday. Those places will take your breath away and chances are high you will book your trip in the next 10 minutes, so be prepared and enjoy the best of Cote D’Azur.
  1 – Spend a day in Marseille
Despite the fact of Côte D’Azur being a region featuring the Mediterranean waters, enjoying a day in Marseille is about to discover the historic sites of the capital of Provence. The city is full of landmarks with seaside atmosphere and you will be able to enjoy both.
Start by checking the Notre Dame de la Garde church, as it is located on the top of a hill it is from there where you have an overview from the city. Due to its location, make sure to be prepared for a long walk up or, a good option here is to take a bus, which will save you some time. Culture
Culture are also present in the Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Medi and Musée des Beaux Arts, but in case you want to visit Château d’Iff you need to take a boat in Vieux Port (Old Harbour), which, by the way, is a good place to take pictures and eat seafood. If you are hungry, try bouillabaisse, a traditional fish stew from this part of France. Don’t leave Marseille without walking around La Panier neighborhood, more than a charming area it is the oldest part of the city where Greeks settled in 600 B.C. A day in Marseille is a day well spent during your next trip to Côte D’Azur.
A day in Marseille is a day well spent during your next trip to Côte D’Azur.
    2 – Walk around Vieux Nice
Old Town Nice, or Vieux Nice for French speakers, is a place like no other. While travelling for the blue waters from the Mediterranean Sea, wandering around Vieux Nice will be a surprise for your beach holiday. History says this area keeps the same shape since the 1700s, being transformed into a cosmopolitan area without losing its heritage. During a visit to Vieux
During a visit to Vieux Nice you will probably see the best trio from Côte D’Azur attractions: sea, historic buildings and Provençal style. If travelling during summer, spend some time in a food market, available in the area all mornings, except Mondays, and additional ones can be found popping up around the city.
When in there make sure to stop at Cathédrale Ste-Réparate to look at its baroque architecture and visit Palais Lascaris, a mansion from 17th century. The idea while visiting the area in Nice is just walk around, allowing yourself time to discover small details and special places that will be forever in your memory.
    3 – Get a tan in St Tropez
It’s beach time in St Tropez! Worldwide famous for a glamorous beach style, St Tropez is a place to be if you want to enjoy some time on the sand or on the water. Pampelonne beach is the one which brought St Tropez to the holophotes, full of tourists during summer, this is a place to people watch and also be seen.
If travelling with little ones, you will be glad to know that Nikki Beach has playground in the Les Jumeraux beach club. If you want to run from so much buzz, La Glaye is for you. This tiny beach is ideal for those looking for a time with only the sea. Adventurous travelers will like to know the Plage des Graniers is enfolded in hills, where a little hike can be combined with a day at the beach.
Clubs are spread throughout the beaches and are a great structure to enjoy trending restaurants and bars where you can stay a full day being well treated.
    4 – Go hiking in Cassis
Calanques are deep narrow limestones with water running among them, famous in the Mediterranean area they shape beautiful beaches. The Parc National Des Calanques is part of Marseille, but it is in Cassis, 30 kilometers from Marseille, where famous calanques are easily accessible by car, boat or in a more adventure way, hiking or kayaking.
Here we will incentive the adventurous to go in the hard way, by hiking the beautiful calanques and be rewarded with a beach by the end of your endurance. The three most famous calanques are Port Miou, Port Pin and d’En-Vau, and it is worth to discover all of them by foot.
Allow yourself at least two hours to get in the last one passing by the first two and, before going down stop to enjoy the breathtaking view from the top of the mountain. Prepare in advance to walk to this little hidden paradise, by making sure to have plenty of food and water, as the closest vendor will be in Port Miou.
    5 – Visit Cannes
You are right, this is the city in Côte D’Azur that since 1946 holds annually the Cannes Film Festival. The festival is widely known for celebrating movies and awarding the best ones during the month of May, so if visiting during that time chances are high you will find celebrities walking around the city.
Actually, this is the most important thing about Cannes, but even travelling in different months it is still possible to discover what this town has to offer. A stop in La Croisette, a bay overlooking the city, is a must do in order to get the feeling of Cannes.
Le Suquet area brings back the history of a fishermen place and Fort Royal is a must thing to visit since it was here where the unknown Man In The Iron Mask was kept prisoner in the 1600s. If you like movies, it is worth a visit to the Palais des Festivals, the tours take 1h30 in which many steps later you will be able to see where the film festival is held.
    6 – Go abroad in Monaco
During your visit to Côte D’Azur it is possible to travel abroad. Even though it sounds weird, it is true. Located between Menton and Nice, Monaco is a principality with 200 hectares, being the second smallest country in the world.
Known basically for a luxurious lifestyle and for being home of the Formula 1 Grand Prix, held annually in May, the country also offers plenty of attractions for free. This is case of changing of the guard in front of Place du Price, Saint Nicholas cathedral and the Larvotto beach, just to name a few.
We could incorporate a visit to Monte Carlo casino, but it is only free if you can test yourself to not play. Attractions continue with two spots totally different, a classic Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and the different Sainte-Dévote chapel, the unique component of it is the location in the Valley of the Gaumates, definitely a place you would not expect finding in Monaco.
After a visit in the country you will notice Monaco is much more than you expected.
    7 – Stop at Bormes les Mimosas
Between Saint-Tropez and Toulon, a small village should be in your list of places to visit in Côte D’Azur. Bormes les Mimosas is where you will mostly feel in France and all because of its charming.
This is a village to get lost in between the Provençal architecture style while still overlooking the traditional blue waters from Côte D’Azur. Prepare your cameras and recharge its batteries as every turn you end up with a scene that will make you want to move to this part of the world.
This is also a good place to browse around looking for Provençal produces, including honey from the village. Add to your stop a visit to the national historic site of Fort de Brégançon, which was the official residence of the President of the Republic in 1968.
Our number seven in the 10 things to do in Côte D’Azur list is a place to take slow, wandering around its streets allowing yourself to be surprised by each corner of this enchanted little village.
    8 – But first, Menton
Menton is the first city from Côte D’Azur after Italy’s border and just a detail will show why you should go there, this is a picture perfect medieval destination. Founded by pirates, further had the presence of Queen Victoria in 1882 and also Russian expat community were common around its land.
History left its heritage through constructions like the Old Château Cemetery, Saint Michel Basilica and the Musée de Préhistoire Régionale, but if you are a fan of art you should include a stop at Jean Cocteau Museum, the French writer spent a lot of time in Menton and it is fair to have a place to celebrate his work.
In case you don’t want to miss a day away from the beach, include a stop at Plage des Sablettes, where you can overlook Italy. It is also in Menton that one of the best restaurants in the world is located, Mirazur is an additional place to have a meal if you want to elevate your stay in Côte de D’Azur.
    9 – Be surprised by Éze
Despite the beautiful widely known cities in Côte D’Azur, it is in the villages where you will discover another side of this classic French destination. Both villages in our 10 things to do in Côte D’Azur have one thing in common: they are medieval classic places.
Take a time to contemplate the view from Jardin Exótique d’Éze as it will give a panorama of sea, rooftops and plants, a perfect combination to snap a picture or just seat thinking about life. This is another option to spend a relaxing day just appreciating the beauty of this incredible spot.
Be prepared for a full Éze during summer, so if you want to enjoy less crowded is best to arrive early or stay overnight, allowing yourself some time to engage in the scenery. You will another person after leaving this little village in South France.
    10 – Stay in a high-level hotel
Luxury combines with Côte D’Azur. While the destination gives the naturally awe-inspiring landscapes, hotels provide the fancy combination this area deserves. Let’s say that staying in a high-level hotel will make your trip even more special.
In case you decide to stay in St Tropez, Pan Dei Palais can your option. As the name says, it resembles a palace not only because of its architecture but also by the way you will be treated. If Nice is your choice, consider spending your nights at the boutique Hotel La Perouse, where luxury and great views are best friends.
If you want to make your hotel a highlight of your trip, Royal Riviera will make your life difficult to leave the hotel as its structure can make you feel at home in the French Riviera. If you don’t believe us, it is goof to know that Trip Advisors travelers consider this as one of the best in the area.
  The post 10 Things To Do In Cote D’Azur appeared first on Fly US Anywhere.
from FlyUsAnywhere via Fly Us Anywhere on Inoreader https://flyusanywhere.com/10-things-to-do-in-cote-d-azur/
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