#muffin writes
thelocalmuffin · 2 months
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I am delighted to present the project I've been working on for three-ish months with @baovihnim! This was for the incredible @aawlwminibang!
Bao has created this charming masterpiece of artwork and I wrote the story. It's a 4.5k self internal conflict story with some meet cute elements.
You can read it on Ao3 here.
Thank you Bao for being such a great partner. I really enjoyed working with you!
I have another partner who's piece needs a bit more time, so you will be seeing more Ginahao soon!
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social-muffin · 1 year
@hopeswriting inspired me so here you go! This is yours now lmao
Brushing past
It was a day like any other. Meaning of course they lost track of time and had to sprint between classes to get to their next lesson on time. Yamamoto and Gokudera were ahead of him, that maybe why Tsuna didn't particularly pay attention?
Then again, how would he have known that, around that corner, the Disciplinary Committee was setting up new floor tiles. One of the Committee's members was crouched near the corner, so of course Tsuna tripped over them and went flying face first into the half full bucket of mortar.
Except... He didn't. Something wrapped around Tsuna's wrist and yanked him back with enough force that he stumbled into the complete opposite direction. Almost into Hibari-san's chest. And that makes him freeze for a split second actually. They'd never... Been this close, right?
The moment breaks when Yamamoto and Gokudera call out to him, already on the other side of the random hallway construction site. "We gotta hurry Tsuna/Juudaime!"
Tsuna jumps back a step, bowing deeply, already apologetic. "Sorry to interrupt Hibari-san!"
Hibari-san huffs faintly, in lining his head lightly, almost in acknowledgment. "Leave before I bite you to death."
Tsuna snaps to a salute automatically because he's been spending too much time around Reborn and his weird friends. Lal's military orders do kinda resemble Hibari-san's normal speaking voice. "Yes Sir!"
Tsuna feels himself flush but sprints off anyways, because he is not tempting fate further today. But that doesn't mean he isn't blushing all the way to the next classroom, while his heart is racing out of control!
Why did he call Hibari-san that?!
Just like that, the little animal rushes off with his herd, leaving behind a strange feeling in the air. The construction paused when the little animal tried to jump into the mortar, so the strange feeling might just be the silence. Of course, it's not the fact that Kyoya takes a few seconds to burn this event into his memory thoroughly.
Actually, Kyoya finds he doesn't mind the new nickname. Nicknames seem common enough between comrades. And the implied respect makes something in his chest feel strangely warm and fluffy.
Not to mention that... Perhaps that was the first time he touched Sawada's skin. Kyoya had instinctively grabbed the younger boy's wrist and pulled him back upright, but now his hand feels... Strange. Warm and tingly and uncomfortable.
It's probably some kind of allergic reaction. So he brushes the feeling off with a handkerchief and turns this newfound annoyance onto his subordinates, who flinch to attention immediately. His order comes out just a little growled. "Hn. Get back to work."
Which they do, rather obediently mind you. Naturally they submit, especially given the fact Kyoya was the one that damaged the tiles with that dissatifactory fight earlier. Yet the one thing on his mind now is one Sawada Tsunayoshi. What could that mean...
Could it be... Might the little animal be up for a spar after school?
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baking-fics · 2 years
About time I return to my roots.
In which Amy wakes up with no memory and a very familiar robot. With her having amnesia and the robot one step away from being scrap, what else can they do but help each other?
Big thanks to @mmm-asbestos for helping me sort out rambly thoughts (and having sick artwork) and also @bimboamyrose for the fanfic 'Familar' for getting me back into this OTP
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hi there haru o/ <- im waving, how are you? a tinsy question for hibari! Why does he care about having to wear the Mare Ring? Does it really matter either way??
Prologue Part 5
"hi there haru o/ <- im waving, how are you?"
Irie's fingers fly across his keyboard, highly concentrated, yet he still flinches when new words appear on the tiny screen he's analyzing. Spanner is calmer, but that doesn't mean he is any less invested. He immediately turns to Haru, addressing her through the glass that seperates them. "Whatever it is, it's asking how you are and waving to you."
Haru swallows thickly, struggling to keep her cool while standing inside the weird glass tube they pushed her into. The little sticker-diodes they stuck to her wrists and head don't really help. She still answers just to get it over with, tearing up and waving one hand hesitantly for a moment. "I mean... I've b-been better..?"
Fortunately for Haru, that's the moment Kyoko walks past the engineering laboratory. She immediately abandons whatever she was on her way to do, entering the room instead and frowning in concern. "Haru-chan are you okay??"
In the next moment, her ire and distrust instantly turns on Irie and Spanner. Afterall, these two were their enemies not even two months ago. And not everyone forges bonds as easily as Tsuna. Kyoko certainly has no reason to trust these men with her best friend. "What are you doing."
Irie's stomach immediately lurches in alarm and he barely suppresses his groan, but Spanner is already answering. "We were just running basic analysis on-"
Kyoko cuts him off pretty smoothly when she walks over and simply pulls open the glass tube Haru was put into. She holds her friend's hands and asks again, softer this time. "Are you okay?"
Haru sighs deeply, tugging back some strands of her hair, a nervous habit. "I... I don't know. Weird things are happening Kyoko-chan..."
Luckily, that's when one of the computers chirps brightly and prints out a length of paper. Irie rushes to it as soon as he's able and takes a quick look, before sighing sharply in relief. He barely gets the words out at an acceptable volume. "Miura-san is fine. Thank God..."
They all heave a deep sigh of relief, before Kyoko and Haru already made quick work of removing the sticker diodes from Haru's skin. Kyoko holds Haru hands, helping her out of the odd glass tube, but Haru is distracted, looking towards Kyoya's phone. Her voice is uncertain. "There's another question again..?"
And indeed, the still glowing screen once again shifts to reveal new words.
"A tinsy question for hibari! Why does he care about having to wear the Mare Ring? Does it really matter either way??"
Kyoko has no idea what's going on, but even she feels an odd compulsion to answer the question. She holds Haru's hand, turning to her, curiously. "That... Cloud ring? Is Kyoya even wearing it..?"
Haru doesn't remember seeing that ring on Kyoya earlier, so she is about to reply. But that's when a soothing, familiar voice speaks up from the doorway. When did Tsu-kun get here? "No, Hayato has that ring this week."
Tsuna seems a bit stressed, but he answered Kyoko's question instinctively anyways. Haru and Kyoko immediately rush to hold his hands, because they want to and Tsuna's seems to need the comfort. Tsuna holds their hands easily and gives them a soft, affectionate smile. "Are you okay Haru-chan?"
Haru nods, tugging herself into her Sky's side and basking in the warmth and comfort he radiates. Tsuna's presence is just very soothing after a stressful situation... Tsu-kun puts an affectionate kiss in her hair, before Kyoko's questions claims his attention. "Why does Haya-kun have that ring? I thought he has other spare rings?"
Tsuna blinks, before putting a kiss on Kyoko's forehead, just to keep things equal between them all. He thinks for a moment longer, enjoying Kyoko-chan's adorable giggles, before he answers, his voice soft. "Hayato isn't using it. He has it on a chain around his neck, to make it feel more like family."
Kyoko and Haru shoot each other confused looks, walking along as Tsuna approaches Irie and Spanner. Kyoko ask the question that's on both women's minds. "Why make that ring feel like family..? And why isn't Kyoya wearing it?"
Tsuna heaves a little sigh, taking the paper Spanner hands him as he answers them, shrugging halfheartedly. "I don't know why exactly it's different this time, since Kyo-san's fine wearing the rings of enemies he took out, but I'm guessing because he didn't have a part in taking Kikyo out and didn't witness it... His flames still register that ring as an active threat?"
Tsuna scans the paper, his lips pinching, before he finishes his explanation absentmindedly. "Kyo-san refused to even wear it on a chain. So I'm having everyone carry it around for a week or so, just until his flame stops throwing such a fit about it being hostile."
Haru gasps faintly, frowning a little because she's worried. Kyoya didn't seem troubled when they talked, but maybe he was acting unbothered so as to not worry her? Having a flame that powerful has to be difficult sometimes, right..?
Before Haru can find the words to ask that question, Tsuna sighs and looks at Irie and Spanner. He's still holding that paper Spanner gave him. It has some bar graphs on it, most of them short, except for two, which are well beyond the limits of the graph. Tsu-kun sounds just a bit perplexed. "So what's the meaning of this?"
Irie and Spanner lock eyes for a second, before Irie sighs deeply and just looks somewhat defeated. "Hibari-san's phone has somehow been turned into a stable connection between our dimension and another that is almost entirely unidentifiable by our means."
Tsuna's eyes narrow, not with anger, or annoyance, just with focus. Haru and Kyoko feel themselves blush a bit whenever they get to witness Tsuna in his element of leadership. Even his voice somehow sounds stronger... "So we can't tell who or what is sending these Questions."
Irie nods empathically, just as Spanner sighs briefly with what seems to be annoyance. These Scientists are odd... "We can't even tell how or why."
Tsuna looks at Kyoya's phone, for all of a second, before he seems to come to a decision. His voice comes out sharp, almost like an order. "Is it safe to handle?"
Irie blinks rapidly, before he takes another look at some papers and screens. He sounds unsure. "It should be okay. The device itself is not in any way unstable."
At that Tsuna simply reaches out, opening the little glass door and taking the phone out of the odd analysis case Irie and Spanner put it in. He takes a look at it, narrowing his eyes briefly, before shrugging mildly. "Whatever it is, if it's hostile, my intuition will react."
In the end, even Spanner and Irie can't disagree with that...
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Forty notes: WE ARE DOING THIS!!
Thank you to everyone who helped!
@teengage-miss-frizzle @crymeariveronceagain @i-am-a-freg @destinyisagift @bring-the-storm @i-dont-know-nor-care-go-away @iwritelikeshit @sa20052 @hollyleaf39 @bumbl-b-bagel @a-rand0m-gay-multishiper and anyone I missed, THANK YOU!!
Please comment if you would like to be tagged in updates!
Two Alone
Chapter One: The Storm
The rain beat against the window as the last light of day faded. The clouds had been dark and low all day, and finally, toward evening, unleashed a violent storm. A melancholic wind howled around the white cottage, and the green shutters tugged against their battered locks as the tempest buffeted them with no hint of mercy.
But the walls were solid and sturdy, and inside, the sounds of the storm were muffled, replaced instead with the peaceful crackle of the fire in its grate. The light was dim, as the only other source was a lamp set on the table across the room. Papers were scattered across the modest oak surface. Some of them were in stacks, others spread out. All of them were covered with words, written in a sure, flourishing script. Some of these were crumpled on the floor, some were folded between the pages of a dictionary, serving to hold places in it. And more were being added to the piles.
A woman sat at the table, her feet tucked up under her in a way that could not have been a comfortable position to hold for very long. Hers were the stacks of papers, hers was the handwriting on them, and hers was the house. She had bought it with her own money, accomplished by the selling of her first novel. 
She was an authoress, and the townspeople looked askance at her for it.
Another dip in the inkwell, another toss of her braid over her shoulder, another scratch of her quill, and her name was signed boldly on the last page of her new manuscript.
Corabella Mueller.
When she first began writing she had considered using a pen name--Rowena sounded gloriously dramatic--but after some consideration, she had defiantly signed her own name and decided that if the town was to bring her to the stake for this deviation from customs, they'd have no doubts about who they were burning.
The quill was laid to rest in its case, having been carefully drained free of ink. Corabella gathered up a particular stack of papers and laid them in a long, flat box, sighing.
There's the last one.
She stood, wincing as her feet came back to life. Dratted things. She could stand on them all day, why couldn't they handle being sat on?
A rumble, followed by an unforgiving crack, sounded close outside, and Corabella shivered. Her house was sturdy, it was true, but this was a storm the likes of which she hadn't seen in a long time.
Another rumble reached her ears, and suddenly she realized that it wasn't a rumble at all, it was someone pounding on the front door. 
Grabbing her lantern and her dagger-like letter opener for safety, Corabella hurried into her slippers and made for the foyer. It wasn't far away (the house was modestly sized), but in the space between her parlor and the door she had time to work up all sorts of scenarios, few of which were pleasant. 
The pounding continued, but it stopped suddenly, and Corabella fought with the locks. The sight which met her eyes upon opening the door was--
Black. Solid, absolute darkness which flung rain in her face and soaked her through in an instant. Gasping for breath, she snatched the lantern out of harm's way and went to slam the door shut. But a cry of pain stopped her, and she looked down.
And there was a person, collapsed on the doorstep. 
"Gracious!" Corabella gasped, and nearly set the house on fire with the way she flung the lantern and letter opener onto a table in order to get this person into the house.
"What on earth," she began, dragging the soaking wet stranger into the foyer and forcing the door shut with all her strength.
The stranger lay panting on the rug, making no move to get up.
"I'm sorry--I'm getting water all over your floors," she said, for it was a she.
And she was also a foreigner, for her accent was strange. But Corabella had no more time to meditate on that--there were more important things to worry about.
"Are you hurt?" she asked, bending down and helping her guest to her feet.
"No, not if you don't count being soaked a-and having a few bruises from falling on the step," the stranger said, forcing a smile. 
"Gracious! Here, take that wet coat off before you catch your death of pneumonia. Come in the parlor and get warm by the fire. You poor thing! I'll make some tea."
And the stranger was ushered in, given soup as well as tea, and sat in the chair, her jaw clamped stubbornly shut to keep her teeth from chattering.
Corabella thought, as she pulled up another chair, that the stranger looked rather small, buried in a heap of blankets. She was gazing into the fire and shaking slightly, judging by the quivering of the dark curl that was defiantly getting in her face. Her eyes were dazed, and dark circles ringed them. 
"Are you alright now?" Corabella asked. "Is there anything else I can-- oh dear--"
The stranger had started to cry. 
"Oh dear," she repeated. "Please don't-- it's really alright, you don't have to-- here, take this," and she held out a handkerchief edged with a modest trimming of lace.
"Thank you," the girl managed to respond. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry, it's just that, oh dear," and her tears increased. She sounded rather young, and again that strange accent marked itself out in Corabella's mind. 
The only option seemed to be letting the visitor cry, and so the young mistress of the house did that very thing, sitting anxiously in her chair and trying not to stare.
"You mustn't try to go out again in this weather," she began as the storm sitting in her armchair lessened somewhat. "I have some extra rooms, you're welcome to stay. Would you like that?"
The girl sniffed and looked at Corabella over the edge of her blanket with fresh tears brimming. Her eyes were very blue.
"I don't want to be a bother," she began, but her host cut her off.
"Nonsense, it's just myself here, and you won't be bothering anyone. I'll go up and make sure you have candles and enough blankets, and you can borrow a gown to sleep in. Drink some more of your tea."
She made her way upstairs and unlocked one of the rooms, fluffing up the pillows and pulling heavier quilts out of the wardrobe. It took her a few minutes to get the room to a satisfactory state, and she hurried back downstairs into the parlor.
"Everything is ready," she said cheerfully. "If you'll just follow me upstairs-- oh."
The poor stranger, worn out by the storm both outside and within her own heart, had fallen asleep in the chair where she sat.
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13nsmoon · 4 days
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lonicera-caprifolium · 11 months
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(he will of course)
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Eddie being the high school drug dealer and a social outcast always observing from the sidelines means he has a lot of dirt on a lot of people. Well, maybe nothing really bad, but decent gossip that he can wield as leverage when need be.
One day Steve is trying to will himself into getting ready for another boring and dead weekday shift at Family Video. His back is killing him and he'd had a migraine the night before and his ears have been ringing constantly. He needs some time off.
"Dude, Keith will actually fire me. I cannot ask him for a week off!" he protests as he struggles to bend down and tie his shoelaces due to his twinging back.
Eddie gets on his knees and ties them for him, even though he's really just humouring him. He stands upright and looks Steve over.
"I'll deal with Keith. That gross loser owes me a favour."
He dramatically looks off in the distance, eyes narrowing and Steve tries to work out what the hell he could possibly have on his boss. And he wants to know, desperately. But sadly, Eddie isn't as willing to share any juicy gossip as he is hold it over someone.
It must have been something good, because Eddie runs back into the living room from the kitchen phone, beaming.
"Got you a week off, muffin!" he announces with a wink.
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aprito · 6 months
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sos month 2023 day 12: hunt
"Did this man have a wife? Yes. They did not care for each other. Their thoughts never even brushed up against each other. What a sad species that inhabited this planet. Being only able to connect via physical touch–and then forcing so many rules to limit that touch. How did they find a way to survive for so long?"
collab with the amazing @baking-fics! in which sasori and sakura are alien convicts hiding out on earth, specifically 1970s japan. unfortunately they couldn't go 6 months without (accidentally) getting someone killed.
check out the full picture on the sos server and mind the warnings!
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purrincesskittens · 8 months
My neice just finished watching ATLA, so I introduced her to Salvage, and she is demanding more Hakoda adopts Zuko because Ozai is an asshole who deserves to be cucked. She helped come up with the idea of wolf dog Hakoda adopting Zuko.
His pup now.
His very big pup. Zuko is a wolf among big cats.
Lion Iroh is a bit confused as to how to handle agnsty teenage wolf while tiger Ozai was all too happy to get rid of his disgrace of a son who should have been a cat.
Until he finds out the SWT adopted him and their first thought upon seeing adolescent puppy Zuko was okay who slept with the Fire Lady? They mistook him as a wolf dog until they fed him and he grew. Pup is now bigger than his adoptive father.
Ozai protests the rumor about him getting cucked.
(Neice may have dove into the deep end reading through almost everything you have posted @muffinlance, and I may or may not have encouraged it before handing her back to her mother. Sorry, not sorry)
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afewproblems · 10 months
Ooo steddie and #78 could be so good
78. "You weren't supposed to hear that."
Thank you nonny, I hope I've done the prompt justice!
"How did I get so lucky," Steve mumbles tiredly into the planes of Eddie's pale back.
He's fast asleep on his front, passed out with a blissed out smile still pulling at his mouth, his face turned towards Steve on his pillow.
Steve leans down and kisses his naked shoulder, watching the steady rise and fall of Eddie's breathing and the way the moonlight filtering through Steve's bedroom window paints his skin silver.
It's new, this thing between them, but Steve's heart has never cared about things like that.
He's all in already, not that Eddie needs to know.
Steve's not stupid enough to scare him away with something like this, big feelings that happened way too quickly.
Steve absently traces one of the jagged demobat scars, and sighs contentedly.
He can let himself have this, he can let himself say it just this once, no consequences.
"I love you," he whispers, letting the words hang in the quiet room.
"Oh, sweetheart," Eddie mumbles, making Steve freeze.
Eddie rolls over and sits up, swiping a hand over his face and into his hair. He flips a handful of curls out of his eyes and smiles broadly, but it disappears the moment he sees Steve's stricken expression.
"You weren't supposed to hear that," Steve manages to say, his heart in his throat.
He lifts his gaze to the window behind them, briefly calculating the likelihood of breaking his leg by jumping out the window or how quickly the cops would be called for indecent exposure.
He could always lock himself in the bathroom -it's the least outlandish plan and one that won't result in bodily harm or an arrest.
He startles again as a gentle hand caresses his cheek.
"Where did you go?" Eddie murmurs, he still looks concerned, and a bit confused now, his big brown eyes flick back and forth between Steve's own.
"Do I need to radio the party babe? Because I'm not that keen for them to catch us with our pants down".
Eddie's grinning as he says it but his brow is pinched and Steve can't take his big brown eyes staring with such open concern.
"It's okay, Eddie, really," Steve mumbles.
His fingers gather the fabric of the sheets into his fists as he brings them up to further cover himself.
"You don't have to pretend you didn't hear me, we can, you can," he bites his lip and takes a deep breath through his nose.
He can do this, he can do what he should have done for Nancy.
"You don't have to stay here and pretend--"
"Woah, woah, what the fuck are you talking about?" Eddie says sharply, he turns to face Steve fully, letting the sheets pool around his hips.
"Please don't make me say it again," Steve croaks, his voice brittle and wane in the quiet room.
The words, you're bullshit, we're bullshit, echo distantly, again and again.
"Sweetheart," Eddie says gently, "I don't understand what you're talking about".
Steve swallows, feeling as though his chest is about to crack in two with how fast his heart is beating, "I said I love you."
Eddie stares blankly at him, lifting his hands in a go-on, motion.
"I…it's too soon," he picks at a loose thread hanging from the sheet fabric twisted between his fingers, "isn't it?"
At this Eddie softens entirely.
He sucks his teeth and pulls Steve towards him with a long sigh.
"Sweetheart," Eddie murmurs into Steve's hair as he nuzzles his ear, lifting his face to nibble gently on the lobe, "darling, light of my life, oh fairest knight, my honey nut cheerio--"
"Okay, knock it off," Steve groans as he tries to get out from Eddie's arms but they tighten around Steve, holding him in place.
"My love," Eddie hums, making Steve pause, "oh you like that one huh?"
Eddie leans back and lifts his hand to tip up Steve's chin, from this angle Steve can see the barest of freckles dust over his nose and the crinkles at the edges of his eyes.
They're too young for wrinkles but Steve can see where they will eventually make their home, a whole future on Eddie's face.
"Who says it's too soon? Fuck that," he says roughly now, his brown eyes flit between Steve's own, "I love you too, no take backs".
Eddie swipes his thumb over the crest of Steve's cheek, catching a tear he hadn't realized was there.
No, not now.
Steve tries to duck his head, to wipe his eyes and pinch his nose but Eddie beats him to it as he leans in to lay smacking kisses all over, on his closed eyes, Steve's cheeks, his chin -which Eddie pauses to nibble on just like his ears, before finally attempting to place a gentle kiss against his lips which have pulled into a wide giggling grin.
"Be serious Steve," Eddie huffs, tamping down his own smile, "shit, how am I supposed to kiss my boyfriend when he's laughing like a damn loon?"
Steve feels like crying all over again.
"Say it again," Steve murmurs, his eyes still closed, some small part still worried if he opens them this will all disappear.
"My boyfriend," Eddie hums, pressing one last kiss to Steve's nose, "I'll say it as many times as you need me to until you believe it Stevie".
"I love you," Eddie whispers again as he tilts Steve's face up before kissing his lips. It’s chaste but the way he sucks on Steve’s bottom lip as he pulls away and waggles his eyebrows makes Steve sigh.
"What do you say I take my boyfriend to bed?" Eddie says softly against Steve's lips as he climbs over him, bracketing his hands on either side of Steve's head.
"I'd say we're already here you dork--"
The rest of his sentence is lost in a grunt as Eddie let's himself fall into Steve, muttering about how vengeance will be nearly as sweet as him.
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thelocalmuffin · 3 months
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Look what we found in the archives! We found the diary entries the day before Kazuma and Ryunosuke's wedding! This was created for the @desire-asoryuu-zine!
I also put it on Ao3 for those who would like to read the entries here.
Thank you to both @tirralirralirra (formatting) and @ber-go (artwork) for making this piece breathtaking!
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social-muffin · 1 year
I finally finished reading the future arc and I am absolutely Stock full of ideas for one Hibari Kyoya!!! I will attend to each of them eventually and they will all be silly, fun and I will try to keep people in character, BUT FIRST!!!!
Do I work on teen Kyoya's POV of the future arc?
Do I work on the various stories of Kyoya in the progress of growing up into TYL?
And if so, do I start with the nsfw stories of the growing up category?
Or!!! Do I go with the future arc's immediate aftermath, which is heavily flavoured with healthy Kyoya/Mukuro, but really just a disguised Everyone/Kyoya, which will eventually lead to TYL Kyoya being sent to the past, so he can raise his teen self?
What kinda thing would Tumblr and Ao3 like to see? What level of nsfw is even allowed on here? What about rated R, or explicit stuff? Is that allowed?
Signing off for now! Brainstorming 💜
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baking-fics · 1 year
As Sakura hibernates, Sasori frets over her health and stretches himself thin. To remedy this, he takes advantage of the full moon to restore his magic.
For Day 24 of SOS Month: Moonlight | Ritual
This was a something unplanned, but I'm glad to finish it up in time. I enjoy sweet things.
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Prologue Part 4
Encroached Sensibilities
[Flashback to two weeks post Millefiore, for context]
As is customary for the tight-knit inner circle of the Vongola, just two weeks after the fall of Millefiore, when it was all truly announced to be over and done with, they all had a little get-together. As always there were some party decorations, good food, drinks and some gift-exchanging if anyone happened to be in that kind of mood.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Mukuro ended up swamped with the most gifts this time. Understandable, given the fact that he just now recovered enough to be awake for longer than a handful of minutes at a time. He looked very awkward, sitting surrounded by wrapped, stacked late Birthday and Christmas presents, but they could all tell that he was incredibly flattered. His chuckle sounded much less creepy when he was blushing bashfully...
It started getting kind of noisy when Mukuro got to unpacking Lambo's many handmade gifts, so it's only natural that Tsuna pulled Kyoya to the couch to take a break from the crowding. They could all tell Kyoya was nearing the end of his patience, but his nerves seemed to visibly settle when he got permission to lay down on Tsuna's lap.
And it was really looking like it'd be a nice, peaceful evening actually. Unfortunately, Tsuna just had to notice the way Kyoya was looking at the purple pouch Kyoko gifted him earlier. "You look a bit ticked off. Do you not like the pouch..?"
And Kyoya was indeed frowning, shooting Tsuna a surprisingly heated glare for his assumption. Not yet at levels of pulling out his tonfa, but the way he's gesturing... He was pretty agitated. "What-? No. Keeping rings in my pockets has been a hassel. The pouch is nice. Good quality, sweet gesture. That's not the point."
Tsuna would always have the habit of shrinking a tiny bit, especially when Kyoya happens to be close to him and visibly unhappy, but back then his voice came out steady and calm. Hyper intuition, maybe? "What's the issue?"
Kyoya huffed and frowned again, holding the pouch up infront of himself and Tsuna, just to admire it, maybe. "I just wish I had some rings to put in it?"
The silence that followed could've been cut with a butter knife. And Kyoya was the one to break it, giving them all that certain look. Like he knew he'd gotten himself in trouble, but was staunchly refusing to accept it. "What."
Ryohei spoke up first, as always the first to confront Kyoya head-on. They make a wonderful team like that. "Why don't you have rings."
Kyoya somehow found the audacity to roll his eyes at them, giving them a very unimpressed look. But he was already softening a little bit. Because he loves them and a small part of him is working overtime trying to understand them a little bit. "Cause Mini-me took them all?"
Tsuna took a deep, deep breathe, linking his hands together slowly and full on entering Boss mode. His voice is very calm, warm and rich. Benevolent and kind, but shrouded in steel. "You've... Been fighting ring-less. For two weeks. And you didn't tell me?"
The look that flashed over Kyoya's face for a split second might be described as chastised by someone that doesn't know him, but it crumbled immediately and he crossed his arms. He was still refusing to budge from Tsuna's lap. Because he's a weirdo. "It's not your business-"
Tsuna's anger has always had the tendency to be explosive, but his obvious concern and care always softens the impact when it's one of them he's angry at. Kyoya still twitches as if he'd been struck, mostly because of the sudden increase in volume. "You went on a mission with Varia last week! That's not okay-"
The one that cut Tsuna's rant short was... Hayato. In no way did Hayato do so fearlessly mind you, the strain in his voice was obvious. He was gesturing a firm no as well and for a second they were all confused.
That second was all it took for them to remember that, out of all of them, Hayato is the only one truly familiar with the signs Kyoya shows when he feels he is being underestimated.
That second was all it took for Kyoya's patience to snap clean in two and for Tsuna to end up with a tonfa shoved against his Adam's apple.
The instant rage rolling off of both of them, Kyoya as well as Tsuna, was near suffocating. Kyoya's voice was dripping with sickly sweet venom. "Must I remind you that even ringless I vastly outmatch you."
Tsuna's voice was still shrouded in steel and his eyes narrowed dangerously. His words left no room for arguments, but by God would Kyoya argue anyways. For weeks at a time if he so chooses. "You'll be wearing the Cloud Mare Ring, starting today."
Kyoya just barely twitched, unconsciously clarifying that those words somehow hurt him deeply and doubt crossed Tsuna's face. But it was too late. One of Kyoya's many, confusing sensibilities was encroached upon too much and his growl came out cloudy and furious. "I'll beat you to death."
Of course, the pleasant party promptly dissolved into a brawl. Every man against one very offended Hibari Kyoya.
Kyoya was victorious, ringless and all.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 1 year
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muffins??? seems pretty sus🧐
[Image ID: 2 gifs from different 911 episodes involving Maddie and muffins and a bonus gif
GIF 1: from episode 2.5 the Awful People dispatcher handing Maddie a muffin in the break room after a stressful call. GIF 2: from episode 6.13 Maddie's fake neighbor handing her a pan of muffins. BONUS GIF: from episode 5.3 Ana trying to clean up Eddie's kitchen after the blackout where the kitchen table is swamped with muffins.
/end ID]
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