dlamp-dictator · 1 year
Your Dictator’s Works: Ciervo
Been awhile since I’ve done one of these, but I’ve got it on my goal list this week to finish some essays. Plus, I’ve wanted to ramble a little about my OCs for a long while now after drawing and redesigning some of them.
For those new Your Dictator’s Works is an essay series where I talk about my characters, art, stories, and the general process on how I make the things I do while prattling on about my characters for far longer than I should. And to kick things off I’m gonna’ talk about one of the latest characters I’ve been drawing, Ciervo.
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Summary, Origins, and Inspirations
So, Ciervo wasn’t inspired by anything big or had a lot deep thought involved in her character, but I before I actually talk about the gal in question I have to talk about her big sister Mucaro first.
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To keep things brief, Mucaro was an OC I made after playing the martial arts video game Absolver. Inspired by the idea of kung fu monks fist-fighting in a Dark Souls-esque location I had the idea of making a masked martial artist that wore an owl-themed mask and beat people up to test the limits of her abilities in the name of some martial religion. A sort of Akuma-esque lawful evil character.
Then I played 3 hours of Absolver and kinda’ despised it, but that’s a story for another day.
Still, I like the draft I had of Mucaro, so I tweaked it up a little bit, made her a little less of an Absolver OC and more of a forest/tribal ninja/martial artist, and then made some more characters that followed her theme. One of those characters was Ciervo, who was to be Mucaro’s little sister.
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And unlike her stoic, lawful-evil, pious big sister, Ciervo was going to be the neutral-good, happy-go-lucky, party girl to show the different types of people and personalities in Mucaro’s tribe. Where Mucaro was a dedicated martial artist, Ciervo was a partying dancer. While Mucaro was deeply religious and faithful for the tribe’s goddess, Ciervo was more free-thinking and secular. The list goes on, but the two essentially balanced each other out with Mucaro being the stern and mature older sister and Ciervo being the outgoing and free-thinking little sister.
In terms of inspiration, it was ballet of all things. Whenever I looked up some decent dynamic poses I was always led to pictures of ballerinas, so I took some inspiration from them when forming her identity as a dancer. The original drafts had Mucaro in a more serious and stern expression, but it didn’t feel right so I made a completely different character to fight the poses I referenced. That character just happened to turn out to be a partying ballerina from a tribe of forest ninja.
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The general idea for Ciervo was for her to look something akin to a tribal dancer, and to have her balance off Mucaro. Mucaro dressed a bit more conservatively due to her religious background, a martial artist that wore only basic clothing that covered a good portion of her body save for the parts she needed free to move properly, as well as wearing mostly green to show that she was all about that nature. To contrast that, Ciervo dressed more provocatively. A short top, a skirt, bright reds and yellows to pop off her dark skin, and some shorts for modesty.
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The freckles... I have no idea where I got them from. Maybe I was looking at deer pictures and saw the spots of lighter fur or something and wanted her to mimic that? I also have no clue where the one glove came from, it was apparently a consistent design of hers until I did the redesign. Maybe I just wanted some asymmetry for some reason? I honestly couldn’t tell you.
Anyway, that’s the general gist of her design. A showy dancer that knows she’s pretty hot and isn’t afraid to show it off.
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Her current redesign still has elements of this. Ciervo still has clothes showing off her body, but in a bit more tasteful way. Her skirt is longer, but brings more attention to her legs. She’s wearing arm sleeves now because I just think they’re cool and give her a bit more tasteful coverage while still letting her express her sexuality and body, and she’s wearing two gloves now with little antler insignias on them. I’m still debating the little antler in her hair though. I wanted her to have something to match her namesake, but a lot of the ideas I had feel kind of tacked on. Maybe I’ll have her tattoos mimic antlers instead of having the piece on her head in future drawings, or made have her mask on the her body somewhere.
Story Background
Since I plan on reworking a lot of Ciervo and her tribe’s lore in the future I’ll just give you folks the quick and dirty version of Ciervo’s character. Keep in mind I’m holding back on a lot of the worldbuilding for the sake of brevity, so it might sound a little confusing here and there.
So, with that said...
Ciervo is a part of the Fauna (Temp.) Tribe, a tribe of people that live in a supernatural forest. Said supernatural forest houses a goddess of nature who can’t control her powers that well, and said goddess sometimes accidentally creates things like three-headed hyenas and giant hydra snakes within the forest due to the excess magical energies within it, along with other oddities that can threaten both the forest and the wider world around it. To this end, the Fauna (Temp.) Tribe then have formed both a religious sect to protect the goddess and militant peacekeepers to slay the creature and protect the forest from itself.
Ciervo herself originally was training to become a martial artist and warrior. Being the adventurous type, she wanted to help defend the forest she loved and the people she cared about while her deeply religious and conservative older sister Mucaro trained to be a dancer and religious scholar. However, her sister injured her leg during practice and could no longer dance anymore, at least not properly. Ciervo, seeing how crushed her sister was at the loss of her dream due to a mistake, decided to become a dancer herself instead, taking to dancing even better than she did combat and was known as a prodigy. And for the sake of Ciervo’s dream of protect her home not dying, Mucaro decided to become a warrior and mastered an unarmed martial art style that an elder taught just as fast as Ciervo took to dance. This switch, however, created a small rift between the sisters, Mucaro jealous of Ciervo’s dancing ability and Ciervo jealous of Mucaro’s martial prowess. The two still love each other, still care for each other, but the jealousy is something that has never really faded and the two constantly pick at each other with various jabs (verbal and physical), pranks, and generally being assholes to each other for petty reasons. But since they’ve always picked at each other no one really sees the cracks in their relationship save for a few elders and their closest friends.
As serious as that sounds, it really is more a case of Ciervo and Mucaro having a career change in their adolescence and both being petty assholes to each other when behind closed doors because they’re sisters and can get away with petty assholery so long as its within reason. The only real issue these two have with each other is that Mucaro purposefully eats Ciervo’s favorite snacks right in front of her and Ciervo responds by dropkicking her out of the kitchen and starting a five-minute civil war of kickboxing vs. juijitsu.
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Ciervo’s also, like, four to five inches taller than Mucaro’s five-foot hide and absolutely is an asshole about it by placing all of Mucaro’s favorite snacks in places just high enough that Mucaro needs a chair or boost to grab it, leading to Mucaro eating the aforementioned favorite snacks as revenge. So there’s that.
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And that’s Ciervo, a happy-go-lucky dancer with loves adventure, getting into trouble, and giving her big sister headaches. I’ll try and do some more of the Fauna (Temp.) Tribe when I finalize some of their designs. Here’s hoping that’s soon.
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MÚCARO -I (2017) Sludge/Doom metal with Psychedelic influences.
1. Taumaturgia Pt. 1  2. Baracan 3. Microprosopo  4. La angurria del deseo  5. Taumaturgia Pt. 2
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sketchmook · 5 years
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Múcaro. 2019 . . . #reportage #illustration #usk #urbansketch #urbansketchers #pen #paper #ink #life #drawing #live #music #concert #sludge #guitar #drums #bass #mucaro https://www.instagram.com/p/Btq8eH9BPiM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17n66bcdtev0e
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candyrevolver · 7 years
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Burning Man Art Photos Part 2: Portrait Shots All of the lights to guide you at night. #owl #mucaro #artcars #phoenicopterusrex #treeoftenere #theman #burningman2017 #burningmanart #radicalritual (at Black Rock City)
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coaybay · 7 years
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Maquetaurie Guayaba aesthetic
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fatehbaz · 4 years
In his often prickly homage to the city of his birth, San Juan, ciudad sonada (2005; San Juan: Memoir of a City), Puerto Rican novelist Edgardo Rodriguez Julia writes about the rapid and often devastating changes in the island’s rural and urban landscape brought about by the shift from an agrarian to a manufacturing and tourism economy ushered by the Estado Libre Asociado (the Commonwealth) in the 1950s. “Todo el paisaje de mi infancia ha desaparecido” (All the landscapes of my childhood have disappeared), he writes, lamenting the loss of once-familiar landscapes to make way for high-rise office buildings [...], tourist hotels and casinos. He mourns the disappearance of the old road from Aguas Buenas to Caguas, “una de las mas hermosas del pais, con sombra de pueblo a pueblo a causa de su tupido dosel de flamboyanes y jacarandas” (one of the most beautiful on the island, shadowed from one tow to the other by a dense canopy of flame trees and jacarandas) before concluding that “la herida en mi paisaje infantil estremece” (the wound on my childhood’s landscape sends shivers down my spine).
Rodriguez Julia’s elegy to this old vanished road, which I remember for the lace-like patterns created on the hot tarmac by the sunlight filtering through leafy trees and the bright-red flowers of the flamboyant tree, reminds us of how, in the Caribbean region, profound and often vertiginous changes ushered by a variety of post 1950s historical events -- the collapse of the sugar industry, the shift from agrarian to tourism economies, urbanization and industrialization, deforestation and desertification -- have turned Antillean geographies into unrecognizable landscapes [...]. The rapid deterioration of the environment of the Caribbean region, which has taken place within the lifetime of many of its residents, has led to a “sense of an ending,” to the apocalyptic dread of a potential ecological disaster that can erase the islands [...] from the geographies of the mare nostrum. This fear underpins the development of a Caribbean environmentalist philosophy that is inextricably tied to a critique of [...] the latest manifestation[s] of rampant capitalism in whose grip the islands have remained since the Columbian encounter. [...]
The literature of Haiti has bemoaned the environmental calamity that has befallen its people, denounced the practices that led to this catastrophe, and offered inspiration [...]. It has counseled, above all, political action against exploitative governments as a path towards environmental safety, focusing on the state’s inaction as evidence of the slow violence of environmental neglect. From Jaccques Roumain’s Gouverneurs de la rosee (1944; Masters of the Dew), a seminal text in the development of the Haitian novel, to Pierre Clitandre’s Cathedrale du mois d’aout (1979; The Cathedral of the August Heat), the Haitian novel has been, above all, a chronicle of the nation’s unimaginable ecological catastrophe. [...] Jacques-Stephen Alexis in Les Arbres musiciens (1957; The Musician Trees), speaks of the trees of Haiti’s embattled forests “as a great pipe organ that modulates with a multiple voice ... each with its own timbre, each pine a pipe of this extraordinary instrument,” hoping to endow them with a mythical protection [...]. Marie Chauvet, in Amour (from Amour, Colere et Folie, 1968; Love, Anger, Madness: A Haitian Trilogy), dissects the forces that led to the ecological revolution produced by deforestation [...], especially during the nineteen years of American Occupation, which lasted from 1915 to 1934. Clitandre chronicles the misery and hope of an exploited peasantry seen as one more cheap commodity to exploit locally or export [...].
Despite decades of literary denunciation, the Haitian landscape has continued its rapid decline, proving, in the process, that in Haiti, as “throughout the world, environmental hazards have been unequally distributed, with poor people and people of color [the formerly colonized] bearing a greater share of the burden [...].” Because the Caribbean shares Haiti’s history of colonial exploitation [...], the ghost of Haiti haunts the Caribbean imaginary. Its ecological disintegration has become [a] focal point for meditations on the region’s environmental options. It is not surprising, then, that as events have proven convincingly to the world that Haiti’s ills could not be cured through foreign aid, investment, or technology -- that it would take more than [...] a change in leadership [...] -- we have witnessed growing levels of popular engagement with local environmental movements elsewhere in the Caribbean [...].
Habitat loss was the most radical impact of rapid urbanization in San Juan’s metropolitan area [...]. Corretjer’s beloved “greenblack highlands,” especially the lands through which flows the Encantado River with its grand cascades and crystalline pools [...] had been severely deforested to allow for the intensive cultivation of coffee. Land and water had been contaminated by insecticides and fertilizers. [...] Now [...], the lands have been planted [...] with numerous native species -- citrus trees, teak, cedar, royal palms, star apples, guava and guamo trees. [...] “The singing bees are already back [...]. [W]e can hear the mucaros [screech owls] at night.” [...] The defense of these spaces as “sacred” [...] endows them with special significance when they are threatened by development, as was the case in St. Lucia when the Hilton chain was given permission by the state to build the Hilton Jalousie Plantation Resort in the valley sloping down to the sea between the Pitons, the two great volcanic cones on the west coast of St. Lucia -- “one of the great landscapes of the Caribbean” [...]. St. Lucian poet [...] Derek Walcott joined in vocal opposition to the project on the grounds that The Pitons was undeniably a natural space [...] where a hotel would be “aesthetically like a wound.” [...] [H]e explained [...] his perception of the Pitons as a “sacred space” [...] that emanates power. [...]
[T]he Jalousie resort [...] opened in 1994 [...].
Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert. “Caribbean Utopias and Dystopias: The Emergence of the Environmental Writer and Artist.” In: The Natural World in Latin American Literatures: Ecocritical Essays on Twentieth Century Writings. 2010.
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euphorianyx · 4 years
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst Summary: You believe you know someone you live together but that only counts if they are true to themselves. Can love really change someone or do they just hold back? What if you are yet to meet the dark side? Will you stay to handle all that or will you walk away? When there is something you have to protect, the choice is not really yours so you just do what you think is the best.
AN: If you just found this story you can read the prequel here.
Other Chapters
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JungKook walked slowly to the table occupied by the young woman that was seen fit to be his next toy. It was hard to tell by her back but a few small gestures already caught his eyes. The way she sat or seemed was all wrong. It lacked your shyness balanced with straightforwardness. The smile she gave to the waiter was sweet. It was way too sweet that could be childish, lacking the elegance you had.
Rolling his eyes but still making his way towards her JungKook already could tell this was a lost case. He sat down on the velvet encrusted chair across her. She greeted him with a wide smile, letting her chest pop a little. It was obvious she was trying to be sexy but the reality was far from it.
Her face truly reminded you. Long lashes, well-shaped lips gave a feeling of you. JungKook did not know why he was searching for you in someone else but he could not help it. He wanted to give her a chance but the more she spoke the worse things went. At some point, JungKook just left his glass on the table. He did not even care about the special cocktail he favored the flavor. He raised his hand cutting the young women.
He grabbed the dark purple envelope and went through papers. Hoping to find an excuse that will make sense but Min Jae Yeo seemed awfully clean. Letting out a deep sigh JungKook decided it was best to get done with this real quick so left the envelope on the table.
“Jae Yeo...”
She nodded right away with bright eyes. She was so tractable and would follow him but that was not what he needed anymore. 
“I don’t think you are qualified for what I have in mind.”
The girl reached for his hand but JungKook pulled it away before she could hold it. He gestured the waiter to bring the bill. Jae Yeo was tearing up as JungKook raised from his seat. He did not mean to make her cry but did not feel like comforting her too. He had his poker face before he turned around to leave the café. On his way back to Jeon Enterprise JungKook got a call from YugYeom. He hit the pedal of his black Bugatti before he touched the screen to answer the call.
“What is it?”
His voice was not harsh or anything. It was monotone until YugYeom revealed why he called.
“Im Won... He was in charge of the border but he got seven hundred. Should I inform your father?”
Im Won dared to give them false information on the amount of white he was dealing with his name. He reported five hundred kilograms but actually got seven hundred to make more money by himself. JungKook arched an eyebrow. His voice was dangerously low as he asked.
“No...But inform everyone for tonight. The party will be after midnight. I will take him by myself.”
YugYeom ended the call after a simple remark letting JungKook know he understood. JungKook was already at the edge but the information ignited his ice-cold soul. Noone... Noone could use his own resources to make extra money. He was free to do his own thing now and the chance came quick. JungKook’s fingers danced on the steering wheel.
When JungKook pulled up by the car park, the noise of a strong engine echoed through the grey dull walls. He locked it and walked a bit until he reached the elevator. When the simple steel doors opened, the large cabin welcomed him. He rested his hands on the bars by the door. 
His blood rushed while he was staring at his own eyes. They were dark just like they have been for years. The person he wanted to hold back was out stronger than ever. He felt it in his bones. A different smirk grew on his thin lips. JungKook tilted his head while his eyes rolled back with excitement. The door opened and the young boy with brown hair greeted him to the polygon.
JungKook simply greeted him with a small gesture. Mike smiled back at him.
“We haven’t seen you here for so long.”
JungKook let out a cool chuckle.
“I know. Just here to keep myself in check.”
JungKook took his jacket off as he stopped in front of the familiar number. Seven... He put it aside as the gun arrived. Ignoring the headphones he grabbed it. The silver metal shined in his hand while he pulled the trigger. On and on until there was not a single bullet left. Jungkook pressed the button to see the result. Two big holes... One in the head one in the chest.
Then he heard someone clapping behind him. The young woman had peachy long hair, big eyes, and full lips. Her tiny waist was completed with her hips. JungKook arched an eyebrow at her questioningly, though she smiled.
“You are a tough one, aren’t you...I don’t know who got you mad but I am Min Chae Soo.”
She raised her hand to greet JungKook. After taking a look at the friendly gesture, he shook her hand briefly. Then her earphones arrived with the same brand of gun he used.
“Want to go for another round?”
Her simple defiance triggered JungKook. They both had similar grins as they aimed for the vital points. They pressed the button at the same time to see their results. Chae Soo’s challenge went on in their conversation. JungKook realized he was actually smiling.
After they finally decided who won, the duo walked out of polygon. When their paths were separated JungKook wore his poker face again. He had no idea what about her made him put his guard down right away. Still thinking about what just happened she went for squash and JungKook went for boxing. 
After their sessions ended their path crossed by the hallway again. They decided to have some drinks together. Chae Soo wore her leather jacket. Her hair was stuck by the back so she pulled it out and it danced in the air. The smell filling the air was not perfect but not bad either. She hoped on the front seat and JungKook was not disturbed at all. 
He drove to Mucaro, the night club at Im Won’s territory. JungKook stopped the car rigidly. They got out but the vale was frozen in his spot. He fixed his small hat, bowing at them. JungKook threw the keys at him before they made their way to the place. The neon sign above was bright with green, blue, and purple colors. Walls were black with lines in the same shades as the sign. 
When he was seen by the door every single person working there was urged to form a proper line each side of the door. Female employees were in awe while male employees were busy with their envy. Not even aware of what was expecting him Im Won stood in the middle by the edge of the maroon carpet. He greeted JungKook and Chae Soo with a decent smile. 
Im Won thought it was one of JungKook’s impromptu visits so lead the way to the big room at the back. Bodies were swaying around each other under blue and purple lights. A small group of young boys and girls had blunts hanging from their lips and glasses filled with alcohol in their hands. By the corners, two girls in skin tight dresses sat each side of a middle-aged man in a suit. JungKook had a smirk on his face before he turned around to face Chae Soo.
“Let’s grab some drinks.”
Im Won was expecting him to talk about the next deal but did not dare to question JungKook so he just left. They sat by the bar and chatted casually for a while. Somehow topic drifted on more personal matters where JungKook made Chae Soo reveal herself a little bit.
“So you were raised in a dormitory...”
JungKook imagined a little girl at such a place with no one to care for her. Chae Soo’s arm rested on the wood as her hand was under her chin.
“Yeah until I was fifteen. Then my father adopted me.”
The heaviness of her sentence lingered in the air a bit. He was going to tell YugYeom to do some research on her to see what he was going to do. Though it was time for her questions.
“I thought you got married but... I... don’t see your ring.”
Your face before his eyes, JungKook looked down at his empty finger for a moment before he put his glass down.
“Yeah, I did but things got complicated.”
Chae Soo did not ask anything further since she sensed it was no good. Meanwhile, JungKook got what he wanted since Im Won did not suspect anything at all. Soon the last member sent the signal to let him know he was there.
“Listen, I would like to talk to you more but I have something urgent to take care of. How about I get you a taxi to drop you off?”
Chae Soo arched an eyebrow at him but grabbed her purse. She hopped off the chair towards JungKook. There was almost no space between their bodies. She put her hand on his chest.
“Not before I get a promise.”
JungKook nodded with a smile. Chae Soo grabbed a pen from her purse then reached for his hand. She slowly wrote her number under his intense gaze. Looking at his hand for a good moment JungKook put it on her back gently. He gestured one of the taxis waiting across the path. The young guy pulled up right away, his eyes widened when he noticed JungKook. He opened the door for Chae Soo and told the driver to safely take her to her address.
When he was back with a simple head gesture members started to evacuate the place by informing people one by one. Im Won realized something was up so he gathered his own men together but it was too late. He walked towards Jungkook who still sat on his chair casually.
“Mr. Jeon what is going on?”
JungKook calmly put his glass down. His eyes were dark when he directed them at Im Won. He grabbed the man by his neck and his head hit the wood with a loud thud. His men proceed to interfere but they could not.
“You thought I would never find out?”
Im Won mentally cursed himself.
“Let me explain.”
JungKook let out a chuckle that froze his blood. He gestured his men to interfere and hell broke loose. The loud noise of triggers drowned in the loud music still playing. The heavy smell of gun powder and blood mixed with each other permeated the place. He got two cuts from the knife of a pretty stubborn one. JungKook got away with a swing of his body and kicked him on his chest. The man fell back and Jungkook aimed at his head.
JungKook reached for another gun. He turned around and saw two men almost reached him. He pulled the trigger in pure mercilessness and watched their bodies fall on the cold ground. JungKook realized Im Won was by the door and ran towards his side but the man fell back. Seeing who was by the door JungKook stopped for a good minute. Chae Soo had timber in her hand now was strained with Im Won’s blood. She threw it at JungKook.
“I knew something was up so I did not leave.”
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You fastened your steps on the sidewalk with your phone on your ear.
“Hi NamJoon, I believe we need to talk.”
NamJoon sounded serious at the other side of the line.
“Sure Y/N...”
He knew you found out that he gave your name. Their conversation about divorce with JungKook played in his mind, he quietly took a deep breath.
“Why don’t you come over.”
If it was not for him you were going to offer that. Soon you were by his door. You knocked twice and waited for a little. NamJoon was in a simple t-shirt and dark green sweatpants with his hair swept back. He fixed his glasses as he greeted you then lead the way towards the living room.  You mostly spent your time at his office room here so did not notice many details about other parts of his house.
The walls were a light shade of blue, giving his living room a calm vibe. Two dark blue couches were in the middle of the room across each other. A small white table stood between them matching the TV unit by the wall. The kitchen was open by the left of his living room. NamJoon offered you a coffee that you accepted. You watched him prepare them in silence and when he was back you finally broke it.
“I heard you gave my name to the company.”
A simple nod with his poker face was NamJoon’s response. 
“Because I thought you were what they needed in there.”
A small smile spread across your lips.
“Thank you... but I doubt that is the only reason.”
NamJoon let out a deep sigh before your eyes met again.
“Okay, I will be honest with you. It was a mutual decision with Mr Jeon.”
You bit down your lip as you refused to finish the coffee and put your cup down on the table.
“And you expect me to take it when I know someone else could be there if you did not interfere.”
Before you pulled your hand from the table NamJoon caught your wrist.
“Y/N, I gave your name because I knew you could do it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Even your family does not know yet, right?”
Your hand turned into a ball of fist while you shook your head. NamJoon gently let your wrist go with a small smile on his lips.
“I understand and he is trying to help you Y/N. That is not as bad as you think.”
You let out a deep sigh.
“He knows where I stay right now, does not he?”
NamJoon confirmed your assumption before he made the offer that surprised you.
“Why don’t you stay here instead?”
When he directed his eyes back to you realized he was serious.
Next Chapter
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jcat007 · 7 years
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The magical Owl! #mucaro #elNINOalicea #scottfroschauer #burningman #blackrockcity #blackrockdesert #BRC #playa #playaart #love #magical #fortheteachers #teachers #thestorytellers #artistsofburningman #buildersofburningman #art #burningman2017 #burnerlife (at Black Rock City)
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igerspr · 6 years
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INSTAGRAMERS 📷 @gerardotercel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lugar:📍#mucaro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👉🏽 #igerspr #igerspr #igerspr #igerspr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compartidas en nuestra red social Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #puertorico#igers#somosinstagramers#puertoricolohacemejor#instagramerspr#puertoricodoesitbetter#puertoricoholic#wanderlust ________________________________________ via Instagram https://ift.tt/2vfD1d6
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keptin-indy · 6 years
7th Sea: The New World 5
In the last installment posted forever ago, Captain Tamara went to talk to a local pirate for more information on Soryana, the Ruhuri land of the dead.  Civil war broke out in Jaragua, Lady Gwendolyn’s original destination, so the crew decided to try Naca’an, where her late lover Timoun was originally from.  Along the way, the Golden Dream ran into some Ruhuri freedom fighters, the leader of which turned out to be Timoun’s sister, who agreed to help them find a guide to the underworld if they captured an Atabean Trading Company ship for her.
Previous installments
Taking advantage of their time on Mucaro, Mariandl sought out some of the town’s ghosts, hoping they would be less touchy than the militant rebel ones they’d encountered before.  She promptly attempted to convert them to the Vaticine Church, which didn’t work on people who had literally been to their religion’s underworld and met at least one god.  Mariandl was outraged that such heathens got resurrection privileges while the True Faith did not.  To prevent an incident, Brandt suggested the two of them go out and capture some of the messenger frogs to take with them and study.  Etienne asked about the properties of their poison, which was slightly concerning. [Brandt, who knew Etienne’s clandestine activities, asked about the circumstances of his wife Heather’s death and offered to help him take vengeance.  Etienne told him that the people who had directly killed her were less responsible than the man who had ordered it, but taking action against him would be extremely complicated and not possible from the Atabean.  Brandt nevertheless promised help upon their return to Theah.]
With the little information they now had, the Golden Dream left Mucaro and headed south toward Fort Freedom, directly through an area the Ruhuri had warned them was full of sea monsters.  After a couple of days’ sailing, the crew noticed the ship was dragging oddly and casting a much larger shadow on the water than usual.  Tamara rang the alarm bell as two enormous tentacles wrapped around the ship’s bow and began to tighten.  The crew and passengers swung into action to save the ship, literally in the case of Ansgar, Tamara, and Brandt, who all leapt overboard onto the giant squid’s body.  Misha and Etienne hacked at the tentacles attached to the ship while Mariandl called out a potential weakness around one of the creature’s eyes that the group down below could take advantage of.  The beast nearly at Ansgar, but Tamara saved him at the last moment by tangling the squid’s beak in seaweed.  Misha and Etienne finally succeeded in severing the two tentacles wrapped around the bow and Misha abandoned his sword in favour of beating the squid with its own cut-off arm while Mariandl attempted to take samples from the increasingly distressed creature.  Lady Gwendolyn shot directly into one of the wounds Mariandl had opened and the squid went limp and began to sink.  Brandt, clinging to the side of the ship, threw a cabled harpoon at the corpse so the crew could drag it alongside for harvesting.  He suggested cooking and eating it, but the others were less enthusiastic about this.  Instead, Mariandl removed the parts that were most valuable to sell or study, but also found grisly human remains in the beast’s stomach.
The Dream towed the squid corpse all the way to Fort Freedom, fending off a few smaller monsters and a lot of sharks along the way, but now with cargo to sell as a cover for their reconnaissance.  The harbour was flanked by fortifications, including the big star fort, and a huge statue of George Rourke, the head of the Atabean Trading Company.  Ships of all nations docked under the statue, though most flew ATC colour as well, so a Sarmatian ship like the Dream wasn’t out of place.  Closer to shore, they could see that anything that wasn’t a fort or official ATC office looked ramshackle and chaotic.  The harbour master charged them a large docking fee but asked no questions about their cargo or business.  Etienne advised the other passengers to use false names while ashore and Tamara told Brandt that if he was going to try to track down his old captain who had marooned him, he should make sure he wasn’t traceable back to the **Dream** or he might ruin Lady Gwendolyn’s plans.  Everyone headed out to the local taverns to see what rumours they could gather - mostly gang posturing and talk about how strange ATC Postmaster Mesquite was, but also the upcoming unveiling of a new Seahorse courier ship, the Falcon’s Gale, said to have been made from wood sacred to the native’s wind spirits and captained by Angus MacIntyre, a Highland glamour knight.  Also of note was another Avalonian captain whose ship had been seized and rank stripped for some reason: Brandt’s old nemesis Quentin Turnbull was to serve as the Falcon’s second mate.
Brandt and Mariandl checked in with the local Invisible College refugees, who offered them help if they needed it but cautioned that their resources were stretched thin fending off Rourke’s goons trying to steal any useful discoveries.  Ansgar made illegal sketches of the fort’s layout by dint of his being intimidatingly large and offering to tell anyone who asked about his interest in the local rocks that he was drawing.  Etienne disguised himself as a dockworker to sneak on board the new ship and observe their opposition: the cheerful-looking captain was indeed wearing a kilt and seemed to be a duelist as well; his first mate was a short Montaigne woman he called Sophia who looked to practice both the Valroux sword school and also possible Porte; the common seamen seemed intimidated by a tall, rough-looking Castillian and another man they called Sigrud; a Eisen mercenary sharpshooter named Hans could be expected shooting from the tops; a tiny, incongruous Nahuacan bosun amongst all the Theans; a figure apparently posing on the prow dressed in centuries-old Numan armor; and lastly the unhappy-looking second mate, Turnbull.  Strangely for the ATC, most of the officers and crew appeared to get along and none of them seemed to be slaves.  Etienne dropped his crate of supplies off in the cargo hold and made a discreet blood mark on the hull before leaving the ship and disappearing back into the city.
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what is your favorite animal?Mucaro (a species of owls) i love every animal, specially birds tho
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dlamp-dictator · 5 years
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Like I said, gonna do OC-tober this year. Got a list/schedule made up and everything. Gonna’ be more sketches of my characters than full drawings, though this is an exception. Also... info on the side or not? I want to add the little notes, but... it also feels kind of cluttered. Dunno’ how to handle this yet.
Anyway, here’s Mucaro. She’s an assassin that works for the Fauna, a small village of religious forest guardian. Her job is to scout the forest, teach budding talent martial arts and assassination techniques, work as a general policewoman while inside the village, and assassinate threats to the village both inside and out. She was originally a ritual dancer, but after a leg injury she couldn’t dance anymore and took up martial arts instead, becoming an expert in it and working as an assassin instead with her sister taking her place as head dancer.
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mejumba · 5 years
Aircraft Engineering : U.S. Army begins test of newest component for future artillery system : The U.S. Army began the first test of the newest component of future artillery system at the Yuma Proving Ground. Dante Mucaro Test Lead for ERCA with the Combat Capabilities Development Center-Armament Center (CCDC-AC) has confirmed that the Army begins a test of a new autoloader for newest artillery systems that develop under the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) project. ERCA itself is a massive undertaking in tha
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courtneytincher · 5 years
U.S. Army begins test of newest component of future artillery system
The U.S. Army began the first test of the newest component of future artillery system at the Yuma Proving Ground.
Dante Mucaro, Test Lead for ERCA with the Combat Capabilities Development Center-Armament Center (CCDC-AC) has confirmed that the Army begins a test of a new autoloader for newest artillery systems that develop under the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) project.
“ERCA itself is a massive undertaking in that everything is under development at the same time and it’s a platform that needs to be compatible with multiple howitzer configurations, multiple projectiles and multiple missions,” explains Dante Mucaro.
The ERCA program has been testing various components of its system for about four years. The newest component undergoing testing is a five-round limited capacity autoloader. It holds five projectiles and five propellant charges.
In the past ERCA Howitzer Test Bed (HTB) systems have been built on modified M109A6 Self Propelled Howitzers. Testing of the limited capacity autoloader is being conducted from a prototype M109A7 which has been modified and integrated with the ERCA Armament System.
Mechanical Engineer Joe Troll, Integration and Demo Hardware Lead for ERCA with CCDC-AC, says the first step is, “We tear everything down and prepare it for ERCA modifications.” Those modifications are primarily cab modifications to accept a larger, extended range armament system.
Troll sent the HTB cab to Anniston Army Depot, whose personnel widen the armament opening, raise the roof to make room for the upgraded elevation system and, “Unique to this vehicle, the bustle was extended to fit the limited capacity autoloader.”
The integration undertaking is massive. At any time during the one and a half year it has taken to get to this vehicle ready for testing, more than 100 people have worked on this test item, “There has been a lot of good people doing a lot of good work on this. All I can say is the future is now.” That number includes the design and integration team.
The Limited-capacity Autoloader is a technology demonstrator enabling early hardware, software, controls, and system integration learning to inform the objective, Full-capacity Autoloader design and integration. The data collected by YPG will affect elements of the objective design, “ERCA is looking to test the rate-of-fire on this vehicle to confirm information that we will take back and eventually use it to develop other technologies” explains Troll.
To get to that point, crews at YPG have been working with the ERCA teams for years.
“YPG has been instrumental in everything for ERCA development for the last three and a half years. I got on the ERCA program October in 2015 and since then we have executed in excess of 100 test events on the ERCA program across multiple platforms, and they have been absolutely instrumental in us achieving everything we have to date. All the progress we have on this program,” explains Murcaro.
YPG Munitions and Weapons, ERCA Test Officer, Gilbert Moreno, has been a part of about 90 of those test events—he’s seen ERCA is all of its stages, “It started off with the propellant, projectile and gun tube and it evolved from that into a full weapon.”
Another part of the team are the gunners, who if this was a war zone, their position would be manned by soldiers. Artillery Gunner, Michael Gomez, has worked on the ERCA project about a year. His team consist of four gunners, they offload the ammunition, prepare it and then load it into the magazine, “The customer shows us their procedures and the steps to do, and our part is figuring how we can make it safe for us.”
Once the gunners insert the propellant into the autoloader magazine, the ERCA Autoloader Team takes over operations. The ERCA Autoloader Team monitors and controls the autoloader system from the safety of a remotely located connex box. “It’s doing everything by itself, all we are doing is monitoring the health of it, checking that it is updating us with what it’s currently doing, and making sure that it’s saying that everything is okay,” responds Dave Gatter, a Control Systems Engineer and member of the ERCA Autoloader Team.
This technology will enable higher rates of fire while unburdening the soldier as well as make it safer for soldiers out in the field. “The main goal of this is getting a high rate of fire, but it’s also safer,” says Gatter.
Reliability, speed and safety is what ERCA ultimately comes down to—the whole reason why YPG exist is to make sure the Warfighter has the best and safest equipment possible.
Gunner Gomez adds, “You learn from them (customers), they learn from us, they are asking us if we see anything that can be improved or anything that can make it easier for us because at the end of the day this is not going to stay with us it’s going to the Soldier,” adding, “We see it every day and it’s our job, but it’s a history making project.”
Troll adds, “Everything is designed in-house by CCDC, the software, the hardware, the integration, the design of the cannon, the gun mount and recoil system, the fire control, everything in this vehicle is designed in-house. Even the propellant and projectiles. So it’s a testament to what we are doing and how many hands are involved in this program, and to be honest with you, we wouldn’t be where we are today without these guys here at YPG.”
Moreno has seen first-hand how many people from YPG have made this mission in-progress possible, “I work with all the teams here, from storage, to the ammo plant to, electronics, high-speed, KTM Telemetry, everybody, we work with everyone here and it’s a phenomenal team.”
Photo by Ana Henderson
Photo by Ana Henderson
from Defence Blog
The U.S. Army began the first test of the newest component of future artillery system at the Yuma Proving Ground.
Dante Mucaro, Test Lead for ERCA with the Combat Capabilities Development Center-Armament Center (CCDC-AC) has confirmed that the Army begins a test of a new autoloader for newest artillery systems that develop under the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) project.
“ERCA itself is a massive undertaking in that everything is under development at the same time and it’s a platform that needs to be compatible with multiple howitzer configurations, multiple projectiles and multiple missions,” explains Dante Mucaro.
The ERCA program has been testing various components of its system for about four years. The newest component undergoing testing is a five-round limited capacity autoloader. It holds five projectiles and five propellant charges.
In the past ERCA Howitzer Test Bed (HTB) systems have been built on modified M109A6 Self Propelled Howitzers. Testing of the limited capacity autoloader is being conducted from a prototype M109A7 which has been modified and integrated with the ERCA Armament System.
Mechanical Engineer Joe Troll, Integration and Demo Hardware Lead for ERCA with CCDC-AC, says the first step is, “We tear everything down and prepare it for ERCA modifications.” Those modifications are primarily cab modifications to accept a larger, extended range armament system.
Troll sent the HTB cab to Anniston Army Depot, whose personnel widen the armament opening, raise the roof to make room for the upgraded elevation system and, “Unique to this vehicle, the bustle was extended to fit the limited capacity autoloader.”
The integration undertaking is massive. At any time during the one and a half year it has taken to get to this vehicle ready for testing, more than 100 people have worked on this test item, “There has been a lot of good people doing a lot of good work on this. All I can say is the future is now.” That number includes the design and integration team.
The Limited-capacity Autoloader is a technology demonstrator enabling early hardware, software, controls, and system integration learning to inform the objective, Full-capacity Autoloader design and integration. The data collected by YPG will affect elements of the objective design, “ERCA is looking to test the rate-of-fire on this vehicle to confirm information that we will take back and eventually use it to develop other technologies” explains Troll.
To get to that point, crews at YPG have been working with the ERCA teams for years.
“YPG has been instrumental in everything for ERCA development for the last three and a half years. I got on the ERCA program October in 2015 and since then we have executed in excess of 100 test events on the ERCA program across multiple platforms, and they have been absolutely instrumental in us achieving everything we have to date. All the progress we have on this program,” explains Murcaro.
YPG Munitions and Weapons, ERCA Test Officer, Gilbert Moreno, has been a part of about 90 of those test events—he’s seen ERCA is all of its stages, “It started off with the propellant, projectile and gun tube and it evolved from that into a full weapon.”
Another part of the team are the gunners, who if this was a war zone, their position would be manned by soldiers. Artillery Gunner, Michael Gomez, has worked on the ERCA project about a year. His team consist of four gunners, they offload the ammunition, prepare it and then load it into the magazine, “The customer shows us their procedures and the steps to do, and our part is figuring how we can make it safe for us.”
Once the gunners insert the propellant into the autoloader magazine, the ERCA Autoloader Team takes over operations. The ERCA Autoloader Team monitors and controls the autoloader system from the safety of a remotely located connex box. “It’s doing everything by itself, all we are doing is monitoring the health of it, checking that it is updating us with what it’s currently doing, and making sure that it’s saying that everything is okay,” responds Dave Gatter, a Control Systems Engineer and member of the ERCA Autoloader Team.
This technology will enable higher rates of fire while unburdening the soldier as well as make it safer for soldiers out in the field. “The main goal of this is getting a high rate of fire, but it’s also safer,” says Gatter.
Reliability, speed and safety is what ERCA ultimately comes down to—the whole reason why YPG exist is to make sure the Warfighter has the best and safest equipment possible.
Gunner Gomez adds, “You learn from them (customers), they learn from us, they are asking us if we see anything that can be improved or anything that can make it easier for us because at the end of the day this is not going to stay with us it’s going to the Soldier,” adding, “We see it every day and it’s our job, but it’s a history making project.”
Troll adds, “Everything is designed in-house by CCDC, the software, the hardware, the integration, the design of the cannon, the gun mount and recoil system, the fire control, everything in this vehicle is designed in-house. Even the propellant and projectiles. So it’s a testament to what we are doing and how many hands are involved in this program, and to be honest with you, we wouldn’t be where we are today without these guys here at YPG.”
Moreno has seen first-hand how many people from YPG have made this mission in-progress possible, “I work with all the teams here, from storage, to the ammo plant to, electronics, high-speed, KTM Telemetry, everybody, we work with everyone here and it’s a phenomenal team.”
Photo by Ana Henderson
Photo by Ana Henderson
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keptin-indy · 7 years
7th Sea: The New World 4
Politics precede proposed piracy and put paranormal practice in public.
Previous installments
Etienne returned to the ship with a variety of fruits from the Atabean and New World as well as some large pots of dirt, which he made Brandt and Ansgar carry.  He explained that his family had orchards in Montaigne and he wanted to find out which of these new plants could be cultivated.  He was especially excited about the “advocat”, which he thought might go well with Ansgar’s crabs.   After Misha wandered back late the next morning, the company shared the things they’d learned and split up again to take care of further business in port.  Tamara tracked down Captain Oka to ask him her own questions about the Ruhuri spirits and he asked if she was travelling with “the Castillian madwoman” with some amusement.  He told Tamara that the spirits were Ruhuri ancestors who came back to accomplish some purpose, and they were fairly common in Ruhuri settlements, but they could only be retrieved from Soryana by a Seeker requesting their help.  He wished her luck in her quest and said he’d be keeping an ear out to hear about Mariandl’s further antics.  Brandt looked into Atabean Trading Company’s operations and found that they openly practiced slavery in the Atabean, far from the reach of Thean laws or even rumour.  Their ships traveled without armed escorts, but all local pirates knew that taking a Company ship made you a target for their agents in every port.  The Brotherhood and the ATC were locked in a cold war, but one of Aragosta’s founders had started working for the Company recently as a pirate-hunter, much to everyone’s shock.  Brandt asked Lady Gwendolyn to use her position at court to do something about the ATC once they returned to Avalon, which she already fully intended to do.  He also informed her on his intention to track down and capture Captain Turnbull, though he promised he would wait until her quest was complete before embarking upon his own.
News came from Jaragua the next day - the Ifri and native Ruhuri had split into factions and begun fighting each other over how to run their fledgling government.  Khofi was deeply distressed by this and wasn’t comforted by Tamara assuring him that all swift political changes prompted that kind of in-fighting.  Concerningly for Lady Gwendolyn, all Seekers of Soryana were Ruhuri, but Khofi’s boss - through whom he’d hoped to arrange a Seeker - was Ifri.  Etienne asked if there were leaders on either side who could be convinced to work together, but Khofi said they had always seemed willing to cooperate with each other before now.  Tamara brought up the practical concern of their next actions in light of this news: since Jaragua was on the other side of the Atabean and might not even be able to supply them with a Seeker, she thought they should look elsewhere.  Gwendolyn agreed, though Brandt wanted to involve himself in the Jaraguan fight for freedom and Tamara agreed, but not while they were under contract for another job.  Brandt asked Khofi where to find a Cacique and Khofi told him that Naca’an was 450 miles due South of them and incidentally where Timoun had been from.  The company decided to head there to tell his people of his death, but Etienne brought up what to do with Khofi himself, as he was no use to them as a guide.  Gwendolyn surprised Khofi by giving him the option to come with them or be put ashore in Aragosta, as he had been convinced they would kill him for his treachery.  In gratitude, he gave them a letter of introduction for Chaplain Nkansa, the Ifri leader in Jaragua, should they ever find themselves in his country.  Brandt asked if there was anything he could deliver if they somehow arrived before Khofi, and Khofi made copies of some papers to give to him.  Tamara escorted him off of her ship, and once they were on land, punched him for his deceit, which he admitted he deserved.
The Dream sailed south on the next tide and sighted some local “whaling” vessels two days later.  The native ships ran up a flag of parley and made to intercept them, the grim sailors all wearing traditional Ruhuri monster-hunting garb, mostly consisting of parts of previously-killed sea monsters.  None of the whalers looked pleased to see them, but their apparent leader, standing in the prow of one of the ships, looked even less pleased.  She hailed the Dream in Old Thean, telling them they’d entered Riroco waters and demanding to know their business there.  Tamara answered that they were just passing through on their way to Naca’an, but the woman then wanted to know why they were headed there and Gwendolyn stepped forward to say they wished to report a man named Timoun’s death to his people.  The woman seemed upset and bluffly asked why she should care that a man who abandoned his post had died for it, but in the same breath demanded to know what they’d done to him.  Gwendolyn asked for permission to come aboard the woman’s ship to explain, which Tamara and Etienne insisted was a bad idea, as the woman insisted she come alone.  Etienne handed her his dagger and told her to keep it on her “just in case” despite Gwendolyn already having her sword.  Gwendolyn crossed over to the Ruhuri ship where the other woman asked what had happened to her brother.  Gwendolyn explained how they had met on her family’s lands in Avalon and become close until he had sent her a letter telling her he had something important  to say that he couldn’t write down, but when she had gone to meet him, she found that he had been murdered.  She was looking for Soryana because he had told her one could speak to the dead there and she wanted to find out both what he had wanted to tell her and who had killed him.  The woman said that Timoun’s dereliction of duty meant that he might not even have entered the afterlife, but she wished Gwendolyn luck all the same and said that she could give her a recommendation to a Cacique if she did something for the Riroco.  The ATC was about to launch a new schooner which they claimed was the fastest in the Atabean and she wanted it.  She also finally introduced herself as Tanama and said that the Dream would have safe passage through her waters if they agreed to help her.  Gwendolyn crossed back over and presented this deal to her escort, who debated the feasibility of either taking the schooner outright when they couldn’t catch it or sneaking into Fort Freedom itself - the headquarters of the ATC - and stealing it before its launch.  Ansgar pointed out that if they didn’t go to Fort Freedom now, before they’d taken the ship, they’d never have another opportunity after antagonizing the ATC.  Etienne wanted more information about Fort Freedom before committing to sneaking into it, but Tanama relayed back that none of her spies were available to talk to, so she would give them a token allowing them to speak with someone in nearby Mucaro.  They set up a rendezvous point for once they’d captured the schooner and Tanama told them they were now working with the Riroco, a group dedicated to driving out the ATC.  Etienne told her he knew some people who supported her cause and had been trying to get in touch with the Riroco.  Misha asked out of the blue if the ghosts he saw on her crew ever ate people, mystifying Tanama, which set him at ease that she didn’t even consider it a possibility.  Tamara asked if she could speak to one of the ghosts through a translator, and Tanama brought over a man named Liren, who had died defending his village from ATC slavers.  Tamara asked what it was like being dead and was disappointed to hear it was pretty normal.  Tanama explained that the departed ancestors could send messages to their descendants via tiny frogs and sometimes they asked to come back to complete a task.  A Seeker physically entered the underworld and petitioned the god of the dead to allow the spirit to return for a while, which the god allowed because he had made a deal with the Ruhuri people long ago making them eternal guardians of the sea.  All the spirits on Tanama’s ships had sworn vengeance against particular ATC officers who had killed them.  Mariandl was overcome with questions about this and had to be restrained from asking too offensively.  Tanama warned them about a nearby nest of winged sirens and gave them a giant shark tooth to show at Mucaro before sending them on their way with a warning not to tell anyone where they had encountered her.
Mucaro turned out to be a decent-sized Ruhuri town and it was greatly agitated by a Thean ship sailing into port.  A war canoe crewed mostly by the dead rowed out to meet them and Gwendolyn held up Tanama’s shark tooth to assure them they weren’t ATC slavers.  The canoe escorted them in and they were met by a Riroco agent who answered their questions about Fort Freedom:  There were usually less than a handful of ATC ships in port at a time, but at least twice the number of roughly allied pirates as well.  Fort Freedom was the name of the whole town, but the only real fortification was Rourke’s replica of Freiburg’s Watchurm - the Snowflake star fort.  With this overlooking the harbour, it would be impossible to sail the captured ship out undetected, but Etienne proposed an alternate plan: if he could sneak onto the ship in the harbour briefly, then he was capable of letting the others board the ship from any distance away.  To do this, they would have to pass through the Walkways, a terrible place only accessible through the magic of Porte, but useful, nonetheless.  Brandt assured the others that he had been through the Walkways with Etienne before, but that did little to reassure them, except for Tamara, who was oddly more comfortable knowing that Etienne was using magic to accomplish their task.
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dlamp-dictator · 6 years
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Finished Mucaro’s character sheet. Now I can get to that Dictator’s Works on the Fauna at last. 
What? Mapache? Who’s Mapache? I’ve never heard of this Mapache you speak of?
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