#mr corneille
erroryeswifi · 10 months
Doodle Dump
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taikk0 · 2 years
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love-of-paper-frogs · 2 years
Larry: Steve, what's a thot?
Mr. Small: Oh uh...
Mr. Small: A thot is short for a very thoughtful person.
Larry: Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me.
Larry: Why thank you so much for this gift, Moon! You're such a thot!
Mr. Corneille: *wheezes* I'm a WHAT?
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spideyladman · 1 year
G4 (Leyla/Phoebe) and B3 (Mr Corneille) with a mwah palette <3333
Shout out to
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The trams <3
Ps. If y'all are wondering who is Leyla/Phoebe, she's a Transfem lady who used to be Larry!!!! <:3
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yourfaveneedsakiss · 2 years
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Mr. Corneille from The Amazing World of Gumball needs a kiss! 💋
Requested by @spideygal
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It ain't much, but it's honest work
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Yes, these are Karen and Joan gijinkas and I will die for them
If mr Small is besties with Larry and mr Corneille, then they're friends too. Hyping up each other maybe
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*sighs dreamily* Women ❤️
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swaggyfishii · 1 year
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(i'm not really that proud of this but it's okay)
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somerandomwizard · 2 years
Darwin: What would Mrs. Mom think?
Gumball: Ok, that's an interesting thought, but hear me out: What if.... We ran an experiment where we spent the rest of our lives finding out what happened if we never told her?
Ms. Markham: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Principal Brown, watching Mr. Small screaming, Miss Simian trying to set a sleeping Mr. Moonchild Corneille on fire, and Coach choking on air: I don't know.
Principal Brown: Valentines Day? I'm ready. *sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on himself*
(Mary and Daniel are Nicole's partents)
Mary Senicourt: Nicole likes to win. When she was eight, a Little Club Scout friend of hers bragged they could sell the most cookies.
Daniel Seincourt: Dammed if Nicole didn't walk the neighborhood till she got blisters on her feet, and won ten boxes.
Mary Seincourt: Best part is, Nicole wasn't even a Club Scout.
Richard: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over his mouth* I said stop eating it.
Larry, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Anton: I'm allergic to death.
Evil Turtle: *dies*
Nicole: Timer starts now! When is it going to come back? I say two months!
Gumball: No! One month.
Anias: Nah, half a month.
Richard, scratching chin in thought: One week.
Penny: Can you recommend me a book that'll make me cry?
Carrie: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
Penny: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
Sarah: If you water water it grows.
Gumball: ...What?
Darwin: She's got a point.
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crimsonicarus · 8 months
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Banners: Moondust, James Young Quotes: The secret history by Donna Tart - The weary blues by Langston Hughes - Unknown - Sleepless. " I Must Be Living Twice": New and Selected Poems by Eileen Myles - Privilege by Beau Taplin - Honeybee by Trista Mateer - Seizure by Louise Glück - Sappho's leap by Erica Jong - The misunderstandig by Albert Camus - The cid by Pierre Corneille - Tune: the pertridge sky by Li Qingzhao - I had a dream about you by Richard Siken - Tumbl user: inanotheruniverse - Unknown - Unknown work by F. Scott Fitzgerald - A letter to Vita Sackville-West by Violet Trefusis - A poem for Haruko by June Jordan - Mrs Sunshine by Meena Kandasamy - unknown
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daffodiria · 5 months
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Gumball oc
I named her Riley because it’s a bit similar to Reel 🎞
She works at the cinema sometimes, and studies with Anais and Clare in Mr. Corneille’s class
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andrasta14 · 1 year
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So the cover of my book journal has me feeling like uncultured swine again, because all the book titles on it are famous couples/duos in literature, tv shows and movies etc and at least half of them have me like: ?????
I'm enough of a nerd to want to know where they're all from, and it's been bugging me for years. But Googling them feels somehow unsporting to me. lol (Plus I think some of the spellings are French?)
So...see a pair you recognize? Let me know. 🙏
~ Couples Listed ~
Fanfan & Alexandre = ???
Lana & Clark = Superman
Paul & Joanne = ???
Andromacue & Hector = The Iliad/Greek Mythology
Leonard & Salaì = ???
Orpheus and Eurydice = Greek Mythology
Lisbeth & Miriam = ???
Mathilde & Manech = ???
Chimène & Rodrigue = ???
Emma & Dexter = ???
Yves & Pierre = Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé
Arlequin & Columbine = ???
Julien & Mme de Rênal = The Scarlet and the Black
Edward & Vivian = ???
Edith and Marcel = ???
Marty & Jennifer = Back to the Future
Franck & Ava = ???
Jack & Rose = Titantic
Elisabeth & Richard = ???
Chouchou & Loulou = ??? (The hell kind of names are those? lol)
Roger & Jessica = ??? (Idk the first thing that jumped to mind was Roger & Jessica Rabbit lol)
Figaro & Rosine = The Marriage of Figaro
Christian & Anastasia = 50 Shades of Grey
Leeloo & Korhen = ???
Abelard & Héloïse = medieval historical romance, unsure of details
Valmont & Cecile = Dangerous Liaisons
Sam & Molly = ???
Gaston & Melle Jeanne = ???
Drazic & Anita = ???
Don Juan & Charlotte = Don Juan/Don Giovanni
Mike & Susan = Desperate Housewives
Helen & Paris = The Iliad/Greek Mythology
Quasimodo & Esmeralda = The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Rachel & Ross = Friends
Marilyn & John = Marilyn Munroe and John F. Kennedy?
Satine & Christian = Moulin Rouge
Dorian & Henri = The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Tarzan & Jane = Tarzan
Edward & Bella = Twilight
Nino & Amélie = Amélie
Mulder & Scully = The X-Files
Arthur & Paul = Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine
Harry & Sally = When Harry Met Sally
Sandy & Danny = Grease
Benny & Joon = Benny & Joon
Toi & Moi = ???
Maverick & Charlie = Top Gun
Candy & Anthony = ???
Odysseus & Penelope = The Odyssey/The Iliad/Greek Mythology
Thelma & Louise = Thelma & Louise
Titus & Berenice = Titus and Berenice is a 1676 tragedy by Thomas Otway.
Ariane & Solal = ???
Paul & Virginie = Paul and Virginie by Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (1788).
Johnny & BB = ???
Cyrano & Roxane = Cyrano de Bergerac
Marius & Fanny = ???
Chloe & Colin = ???
Adam & Eve = The Bible
Tristan & Iseult = Tristan and Isolde
Bonnie & Clyde = the historical Bonnie & Clyde
Popeye & Olive = Popeye the Sailor Man
Simone & Yves = ???
Buffy & Angel = Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Lauren & Humphrey = Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart?
Carrie and Mr Big = Sex in the City
Harry & Ginny = Harry Potter series
Clarence & Alabama = ???
Alceste & Célimène = ???
Lancelot & Guinevere = Arthurian legend
From @theduchessofboredom
#arthur & paul could be art (arthur) garfunkel and paul simon #paul & virginie is the title of a famous 18th century novel #nino and amélie is definitely Amélie :) #yves & pierre are yves saint-laurent and pierre bergé
From @that-laj
Marty & Jennifer are from Back to the Future, if they’re the Marty and Jennifer I think they are.
Mike and susan are from desperate housewives (embarassed to know this). Also arthur and paul are definitely, to me, arthur rimbaud and paul verlaine. sorry for simon and garfunkel 😂
oh and titus and berenice is the name of a tragedy by corneille!
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love-of-paper-frogs · 2 years
Mr. Corneille: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Larry, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Mr. Corneille:
Mr. Corneille: fsh
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spideyladman · 2 years
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The most chaotic crackship regarding some of the adults in TAWoG that I wish a lot of people saw the potential in.
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chaotic-history · 1 year
Frederick the Great's first letter to Voltaire, 8 August 1736 (translation bc I need to study for my French exams and the textbook is boring)
Monsieur, although I do not have the satisfaction of knowing you personally, you are nontheless known to me through your works. These are treasures of the mind, if one can express oneself thus, and pieces worked with such taste, delicacy, and art that the beauties seem new each time one rereads them. I believe I have recognised in them the character of their ingenious author, who brings honor to our century and to the human spirit. The great men of our time will one day be oblidged to you, and to you only, in the case of the dispute being reborn of whether to them or to the ancients preference is due, for you will tip the scales to their side.
You add to the quality of an excellent poet an infinity of other knowledge, which in truth has some affinity with poetry, but is only appropriated to it by your pen. Never has a poet put rhythm to metaphysical thoughts; the honor has been reserved for you first. It is this taste which you show in your philosophical writings that engages me to send you the translation I have done of the accusation and justification of Mr. Wolff, the most celebrated philosopher of our day, who, for having brought light to be most tenebrous aspects of metaphysics, and for having treated these difficult subjects in a manner so clean and precise, is cruelly accused of irreligion and of atheism. Such is the destiny of great men: their superior genius always exposes them to the venemous traits of slander and envy.
I am at present translating the Traité de Dieu, de l'âme, et du monde, springing from the pen of the same author. I will send it to you, monsieur, as soon as it is completed, and I am sure that the force of the evidence will strike you in all of the propositions, which follow one another geometrically and connect like links in a chain.
The gentleness and support which you show to all those who dedicate themselves to the arts and to the sciences makes me hope that you will not exclude me from the number of those whom you find worthy of your instruction. This I call your business of letters, which cannot be but profitable to all thinking beings. I even dare to advance, without denigrating the merit of others, that in the entire universe there is not an exception to be made of these which you could not master. Without lavishing on you an incense unworthy of being offered to you, I can say to you that I find beauties without number in your works. Your Henriade charms me, and happily triumphs over the misguided criticisms that have been made of it. The tragedy of Caesar shows us sustained characters; the sentiments there are all magnificent and great, and we feel that Brutus is either Roman or English. Alzire adds to the graces of novelty this happy contrast between the customs of savages and of Europeans. You show, through the character of Gusman, that a misunderstood Christianity, guided by false zeal, becomes more barbaric and more cruel than Paganism itself.
Corneille, the great Corneille, he who attracts the admiration of all his century, if he were to be resurrected today, would see with astonishment, and perhaps with envy, that the tragic goddess lavishes you profusely with the favors which she was stingy with towards him. What is not to be expected by the author of so many masterpieces! What new marvels will not spring from the pen who once lais out so spiritually and elegantly le Temple du Goût!
This is what makes me so ardently desire to have all of your works. I beg you, monsieur, to send them to me, and to communicate them to me without reservation. If, among the manuscripts there is one that, by necessary circumspection, you find appropriate to hide from the public eye, I promise you to keep it in the bosom of secrecy, and to content myself with applauding it privately. I know unfortunately that the faith of princes is an object little respectable in our time, but I hope nevertheless that you will not let yourself be preoccupied by general prejudices, and that you will make an exception to the rule in my favor.
I would believe myself richer in possessing your works than I would be in possessing all the fleeting and despicable goods of fortune, which are acquired and lost by the same chance. We can become clean first [?]; we understand your works through the help of memory, and they last us as long as our memory. Knowing the limited extent of mine, I oscillate a long time before deciding on the choice of which things I judge worthy of placing here.
If poetry were still on the stand it once was, know that the poets knew only how to hum tedious idylls, eclogues made from the same mold, insipid stanzas, or at the most they knew how to set their lyre to the tone of an elegy; I would never renounce such, but you improve this art; you show us new ways and routes unknown to Lefranc and to Rousseau.
Your poems have qualities which render them respectable and worthy of the admiration and study of honest men. They are a lesson in morals by which we learn to think and to act. Virtue is painted in them in the most beautiful colors. The idea of true glory is there determined, and you insinuate a taste for science in a manner so fine and so delicate such that anyone who has read your works breathes the ambition to follow in your footsteps. How many times have I said to myself: What a shame! leave there a burden of which the weight surpasses your strength; one cannot imitate Voltaire unless he is Voltaire himself.
It is in these moments I have felt that the advantages of birth, and their smoke of grandeur with which vanity cradles us, serve for very little, or, to put it better, for nothing. These are distinctions foreign to ourselves, and which do not do anything but decorate the figure. How preferable are the talents of the mind! What do we not owe to those who nature has distinguished by what she has made them! She takes pleasure in training subjects which she endows with all the necessary capacities for making progress in the arts and in the sciences, and it is the duty of princes to reward their vigils. May glory not use me to crown your successes! I fear nothing else except that this country, being little fertile for laurels, would not provide as many as your works deserve.
If my destiny does not favor me to the point of being able to possess you, at least I can hope to see one day he who for so long I have admired from afar, and to assure you in person that I am, with all the respect and consideration due to those who, following as a guide the torch of truth, consecrate their works to the public, monsieur, your affectionate friend.
-Fédéric, P. R. de Prusse
Source: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Correspondance_de_Voltaire/1736/Lettre_629
Any corrections are welcome! I haven't done much translation yet but I'm trying to start :)
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I don't have the good lighting now, but when I do, I'm gonna show y'all a silly mr Corneille and Joan comic
For now........ silly ideas and headcanon stuff
Joan has trouble verbally showing her affection, coming off cold and sarcastic, when she doesn't mean it
Opposite for mr Corneille: he always sounds very passionate and genuinely happy to be around her
Corneille flirts and compliments Joan a lot, but gets flustered when flirted back
Corneille puts down his macho persona when they're together alone
Joan and Corneille's love language is physical
While for Corneille it's usual hugging, kissing, etc., Joan leans more on the service side, offering back rubs
Joan twirls her hair when flustered and/or happy
Corneille is the small spoon (smol froggy boy)
They like dancing!! Waltz, tango – you name it, if it requires two people
Both are proud cat parents
At work mr Corneille jumps between visiting Joan, chilling in his office and talking to mr Small
The latter thought about wingmanning them, but dropped it
It was never established if the eight years of hard labour gave any mental scars to mr Corneille, but for the next point, they did
Whenever Corneille has flashbacks due to the trauma, Joan comforts him by hugging and reminding he's not in this bit of his life
They are a living embodiment of this meme
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Oh yeah, Corneille HATES cold. He gets sleepy from a slight chill. But likes rain and swimming
Joan sometimes has to talk Corneille or Steven out of their stupid ideas. And checks up on the first's wounds (if there are any) the second they come back
She's friends with Karen and wonders how could the latter be so clueless about Larry's feelings
They both know Spanish. Because yes
Screw it, she's Mexican, he's Brazilian. A match made in heaven
I've mentioned it before, but Corneille drew on the stubble at school due to his dysphoria. Frogs, male or female, can't grow beardssss
(Fun fact – he's supposedly 35. And mr Small is 40. Now remember "The Cycle" and how they all went to a prom. Do whatever you want with this information)
Joan, just like the other band-aids, were separated from the other kids (we never saw one in Elmore jr high school, so-)
She questioned her gender around high school -> college
How would it work with band-aids? No clue, it's easier with humans
She both regrets becoming a nurse... but also is glad she chose this path
And despite both being opposites, they are glad to have met each other and to spend time together, with somebody they truly love and loves them back :)
I guess that's all. I feel, once again, VERY normal towards them as a couple
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Regarding ship bingo!!!! Mr. Corneille X Joan? Or maybe Gumball X Penny? <:3
Corneille x Joan (I have to do these on my phone lol)
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Gumball x Penny
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These were interesting, thanks :3 - algae
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