#mpreg prompto
goddessofroyalty · 3 months
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I finally did it - I created the catalogue of (most of) the possible Sefikura children combinations that I have played around with in the past.
It's under the cut (and I'm sure I missed some but guess I can always just keep adding to the slide deck)
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58 notes · View notes
jennytomlinson99 · 9 months
Summary: Prompto is eight and a half months pregnant, and he goes into labour while Ardyn and Ignis are at the Citadel. His two alphas rush home, and they help Prompto deliver their child together.
Notes: Ardyn Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Ardyn, Alpha Gladio, Alpha Ignis, AU, Beta Noctis, Childbirth, FTM Prompto, Labor, Mpreg, Omega Prompto, Polyamory, Pregnant Prompto, Trans Male Prompto, etc.
Note: Prompto identifies as male, but he hasn't had any top or bottom surgery because he can't afford it and the Citadel doesn't cover gender affirming care with the insurance they offer to the Crownsguard. Also, this is my first FFXV fic, so please go easy on me.
"We'll be back soon, I promise. This is just a standard meeting with the council." Ardyn says before he presses a kiss to Prompto's lips. Prompto clings to him, but Ardyn forces himself to break the kiss. If he doesn't leave with Ignis soon, they're going to be late.
"Please don't go." Prompto's lip quivers as tears well up in his violet-blue eyes.
"I wish I could stay Prom, I really do, but they said the meeting was important. We have to go." Ardyn says sadly.
"But what if I—" Prompto starts to say, but Ardyn places his finger over his lips.
"Shh. You're gonna be ok, I promise. The baby's not due for another two weeks." Ardyn says as he caresses Prompto's cheek.
"O-okay. I-I love you." Prompto sniffles. At eight and a half months pregnant, his emotions were all over the place, and he can't help a tear from falling down his freckled cheek.
"We should be home in an hour or two, okay? I love you sunflower." Ignis walks over and gives Prompto a kiss.
"I love you too." Prompto says softly. He cries as Ardyn and Ignis leave, the house now feeling empty without his husbands.
Prompto groans as he gets up from the couch to grab something to eat, and he waddles down the hallway that leads to the kitchen. He's a little out of breath when he reaches the kitchen island, and he breathes deeply as he rubs his pregnant belly with one hand. He rests his other hand on the counter to ground himself.
His once skinny frame was long gone, now replaced with a large and prominent baby bump, and his almost non-existent breasts were now a B cup. He certainly hoped that his body would just 'bounce back' after he'd had the baby, but it was wishful thinking at this point. He also really hopes he can get some top surgery done after he doesn't have to breastfeed anymore.
As Prompto stands at the kitchen island, he feels a pain in his stomach. He gasps as he holds onto his stomach and does the breathing exercises he'd learned at his lamaze class. Doctor Gainsborough had told him that he'd start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions the closer he got to his due date, and this wasn't the first time he'd dealt with them.
"No, no, no, c'mon. Not now." Prompto pleads. He's not supposed to have the baby for another two weeks, but this pain feels different than the other Braxton Hicks contractions he'd had before. It hurts more, and he feels that something is wrong.
Prompto waddles back to the couch to grab his phone, and he speed dials Ardyn. The phone rings a few times before going to voicemail. Ardyn must've turned his phone on silent while they were in the meeting.
Fuck. Prompto thinks. Fucking council and their dumbass meetings. His anxiety rises as Ardyn's voicemail message plays through his phone.
"This is Ardyn Scientia-Caelum. I'm not available right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can~." Prompto feels a few tears falling down his cheeks when Ardyn doesn't pick up. The message tone beeps, and he struggles to find something to say.
"Ardyn, i-it's me. I think I'm in labor. I need you and Ignis to come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up. He decides to call Noctis next. Surely his best friend will answer him. Unfortunately, he gets the same response from the prince.
"You've reached Noct! Leave a message!"
"Dammit!" Prompto swears. He doesn't even bother to leave a message. He hangs up and calls Gladio, but Gladio doesn't pick up either.
"This is Gladio. Leave a message."
"What's the point of having a phone if you're not gonna fucking answer it?!" Prompto groans as he sits down on the couch. He dials Ardyn again.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up." Prompto chants. Ardyn's phone goes to voicemail again. "Ardyn, it's me again. Please, you gotta come home. I think the baby's coming." Prompto says worriedly before he hangs up.
Ignis. Ignis will pick up. Prompto thinks. He quickly dials the number. The phone rings a few times before also going to voicemail.
"You've reached Ignis Scientia-Caelum, royal advisor to Prince Noctis. I'm unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Gods dammit!" Prompto thinks. "Iggy, it's me. I think I'm in labor. Come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up.
Ignis and Ardyn are still in the meeting, and the councilmen are getting nowhere. All that's happening is constant bickering over what bills and laws they should or shouldn't keep, and if they should introduce new ones.
Ignis knows it's rude, but he can't help looking at his phone to check the time. His eyes widen when he sees a notification that he has three missed calls and seven messages from Prompto.
"Grand councilman, I do apologize, but I have to take a moment to call my pregnant husband," Ignis says as he stands up and walks over to the corner of the room. He leans against one of the pillars as he calls Prompto, and Ardyn follows him. "Prom, is everything alright darling?" Ignis asks.
"Iggy. Thank Astrals." Prompto says with relief. After trying to reach him and Ardyn for two hours, one of them finally answered.
"Prompto, what's wrong? You sound distressed dear." Ignis says, and Prompto starts to cry. He's so terrified in this moment, and he needs his alphas.
"I-Iggy, the baby's coming." Prompto sobs as he places his hand over his stomach. He's had five more contractions since the first one, but his water hasn't broken yet.
"Prompto, are you sure you're in labor?" Ignis says, and Ardyn's eyes widen in shock.
"Yes, Ignis. I've already had a few contractions." Prompto replies, and he hears Ardyn saying something in the background.
"Holy Astrals. How far apart are the contractions?" Ignis says. Ardyn continues speaking with one of the high council members in the background, and he notices that they seem a bit angry at their meeting being cut short.
"About twenty minutes." Prompto answers.
"Our child is more important! We're leaving!" Prompto hears Ardyn shout.
"Prompto, we'll be there soon." Ignis says. He pulls Ardyn away from the councilman before their argument can escalate further.
"O-okay. Please don't hang up." Prompto whimpers. More tears fall down his cheeks, and he sniffles.
"I'm right here darling. Did your water break already?" Ignis asks as he and Ardyn start walking down the corridor in the Citadel. They pass by the botanical gardens before reaching the elevator. Prompto always loved the gardens. They'd always find him there after their council meetings. He wasn't of royal status, so he always had to sit outside and wait until they were finished, and he'd taken a hobby in photographing the flora and fauna.
"No." Prompto says.
"Okay, that's good. We can figure out how many centimetres you are once we get home." Ignis says as they take the elevator down. Ardyn grabs the phone from him then.
"Prompto dear, I know you're scared, but it's gonna be okay. Just focus on your breathing. We're leaving right now." Ardyn says. They quickly reach his red Vixen, and once he and Ignis are buckled in, he speeds off to their house. Ardyn hands the phone back to Ignis, and he puts it on speaker.
"Prompto, can you hear me?" Ignis asks.
"Yeah. I can hear you. How far away are you?" Prompto says.
"Considering that Ardyn's speeding, I'd say about ten minutes. I just hope we don't get pulled over." Ignis replies. He places his hand on Ardyn's shoulder, trying to calm the older male.
"The Crownsguard and Glaives know better than to pull over a royal." Ardyn quips as he takes a sharp right.
A few minutes later, Prompto hears Ardyn's car pulling into the driveway. He feels another contraction start, and he yelps in pain. He grabs onto his stomach and breathes deeply as the contraction ripples through his body.
"Prompto!" Ignis gasps as he walks inside with Ardyn. They quickly make their way over to their husband.
"Y-you made it. Agh!" Prompto groans, and he reaches for Ignis' hand. He squeezes it as Ardyn sits down next to him and rubs his shoulder.
"Shh. You're ok. We're right here honey. Just breathe." Ardyn says as the contraction passes. Prompto catches his breath and he leans against Ardyn's chest.
"Ardyn, help him undress. I need to check your progress Prompto." Prompto nods, and Ardyn helps him stand. Ardyn pulls his joggers and underwear down for him as Ignis takes the first aid kit out of the hall closet. He sanitizes his hands before putting on some medical gloves and coating two of his fingers with lube.
"Are you good baby?" Ardyn says after he's helped Prompto. He's almost bare naked now, and he blushes a bit. It's not the first time Ignis and Ardyn have seen him like this, but he can't help feeling self conscious.
Prompto nods in response, and he tenses a bit when he feels Ignis' fingers inside him. His body is preparing to birth their child, and everything hurts. He grunts a bit at the feeling.
"Sorry darling. This will only take a few seconds," Ignis says, and Prompto feels his fingers spread a bit. He soon feels Ignis' fingers leave his opening, and he lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. "Okay, you're at four centimetres. Did you want to stay out here, or should we move to the bedroom?"
"I'd rather be in the bed. It's more comfortable." Prompto says.
"Alright, we'll move to the bedroom." Ignis says. Ardyn helps Prompto get up, and they head down the hall to their master bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, Prompto has another contraction. "Ardyn, Ignis!" Prompto yells, and Ardyn comes into their room and sits down on their bed.
"I'm here, sunshine. Ignis is in the kitchen grabbing you some ice." Ardyn runs his fingers through Prompto's golden locks as he breathes through the contraction.
"I'm here," Ignis enters the room with a plastic cup of ice. "How are you feeling?"
"Like my insides are being ripped apart." Prompto groans.
"It'll pass dear. Remember to breathe." Ignis coaches as Prompto squeezes his hand.
"Ugh. This sucks. Why does labor have to hurt so much?" Prompto huffs after the contraction has finished.
"I'm sorry darling. I wish there was something we could do." Ignis says as he sits down on the bed.
"All that matters is that you're here. The first two hours by myself were so scary." Prompto says as he leans his head on Ignis' shoulder.
"I'm so sorry dear. We should've been here." Ardyn apologizes.
"It's not your fault. Baby decided to come a couple weeks earlier," Prompto says. "I will be giving the grand councilman a stern talking to though. Alphas need parental leave too, dammit." Ignis laughs softly.
"Yes. They really need to add that." Ignis agrees.
A couple hours later...
"Prompto, would you like to walk around a bit? It should help your labor progress easier." Ignis asks. They've been laying in bed while Prompto goes through his contractions, and he can tell that the blonde is getting restless.
"Gods, yes. I need to stretch my legs." Prompto replies, and Ignis helps him off the bed. Ardyn follows close behind them as they head to the living room.
"Did you want to try eating something?" Ardyn asks as he places his hand on Prompto's back.
"I'm okay for now." Prompto replies. He places his right hand on his stomach, and Ignis holds his left while Ardyn rests his hand on his shoulder.
They walk around the room for a while, but nothing changes. Prompto's contractions are still twenty minutes apart, and he starts to get frustrated as the fifth hour rolls by.
"How long is this gonna take?" Prompto whines as he leans his head on Ardyn's shoulder.
"There's no way to know for sure. It's different for everyone, dear. Most first time parents have said that their first child usually takes about twelve to eighteen hours to arrive." Ardyn says.
"Eighteen hours?! I don't want to be in labor for that long! I just wanna meet our baby." Prompto cries.
"We do too darling. They'll be here soon. Either later today or tomorrow, we don't know. They'll come on their own time." Ignis says as he rubs his hand up and down Prompto's arm.
"I'm tired of walking. I wanna lay down." Prompto says.
"Back to the room then." Ignis says.
A few more hours go by, and Prompto's still in labor with barely any changes.
"Prompto, I think I should check you again." Ignis says as he snaps a pair of gloves on.
"You need help sweetpea?" Ardyn asks. He's laying down on their king sized bed next to Prompto, idly running his fingers through the blonde's hair.
"Yeah. Help me sit up please." Prompto says, and Ardyn gives him a hand. He sits up straight, and Ignis spreads his legs open before pressing two fingers inside of him to check his dilation. It's quicker than last time, and Prompto lays back down when Ignis is finished.
"You're five centimetres now dear." Ignis informs the omega.
"Seriously? It's been nine hours, and I'm only five centimetres?! This fucking sucks!" Prompto groans.
"You wanna walk around again?" Ignis asks as he tosses the blue gloves into the trash.
"No. Actually, yeah," Prompto responds. Ignis and Ardyn grab each of his hands, and they help Prompto stand. Prompto feels a sudden pressure when he gets up, and then a clear liquid runs down his legs. "I think my water just broke." Prompto says as he looks down at the hardwood floor where a puddle is forming.
"I'll get something to clean it up with. Don't move." Ignis says as he walks over to the master bathroom. He quickly returns with a white towel, and he kneels down to wipe up the puddle.
"We should change your clothes." Ardyn says as Prompto looks up at him nervously.
"Y-yeah." Prompto says softly. Ardyn pulls off his pants and underwear, and he steps out of them. Ardyn hands Prompto's clothes to Ignis after he's cleaned up the puddle, and he puts them in the laundry basket.
"Do you wanna put on another pair of pants, or are you good like this?" Ignis asks.
"Just some underwear, please." Prompto answers, and Ignis takes a pair of boxers out of the dresser before handing them to Ardyn. Ardyn quickly helps Prompto into them before they head to the hallway.
"Okay, now that your water's broken, things should start moving a bit faster." Ignis says as Prompto starts taking laps around the living room again.
"Gods, I hope so. Ignis, I—agh, fuck! Fuck, it hurts so bad!" Prompto grunts as another contraction courses through him, and he grips tightly onto his lovers' hands.
"Breathe, darling." Ignis says.
"I know, Ignis!" Prompto shouts, and he immediately regrets it. "Iggy, I-I'm sorry."
"It's ok. You're in pain darling. We won't take anything to heart, right Ardyn?" Ignis says.
"Of course not. Would you like to sit down dearest?" Ardyn says as Prompto's contraction finishes. He rubs his husband's back a little, trying to help ease his pain.
"Yeah. My feet hurt." Prompto says, and he waddles over to the couch. He sits down slowly, and Ardyn sits down as well. Ignis decides to sit on the floor.
"Prom, you're doing so well." Ignis says as he brings Prompto's hand up to his lips and kisses it.
"Thanks Iggy." Prompto breathes out. He's been in labor for eleven and a half hours now, and his face sure shows it. His blonde hair and freckled cheeks are covered in sweat, and he knows he looks like a downright mess.
"Prompto darling, would you like something to drink?" Ignis asks the omega.
"Sure. Water is fine." Prompto replies, and Ignis stands up to head to the kitchen.
"Ardyn, care for an Ebony?"
"Sure. Thank you love." Ardyn replies. Ignis grabs two cans of Ebony from the fridge, and then a water bottle for Prompto.
"Here we are. Some water for you, and Ebony for us." Ignis says as he sits down next to Ardyn. He hands the omega a water bottle, and then he hands a can of Ebony to Ardyn.
"Thank you sweetcheeks." Ardyn says. He kisses Ignis' pink lips softly before pulling away.
"Tis my pleasure." Ignis says, and Prompto smiles at his two alphas. He's usually the center of their affection, but he loves when they have a moment of their own.
"So cute." Prompto whispers. Ardyn and Ignis look at him, and they both blush.
"You think so? You're pretty cute too." Ardyn says before kissing Prompto's cheek. Prompto tenses up a few seconds later, and he doubles over in pain, gripping his stomach. He cries out and grabs Ardyn's hand.
"Another one?" Ignis asks, and Prompto nods. He watches Prompto's face scrunch up in pain as the contraction rolls through his body, and he places a comforting hand on the blonde's knee.
Prompto whimpers as the pain subsides, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest, a few tears falling down his cheeks.
"It's okay. You're gonna be okay." Ardyn soothes as he rubs Prompto's aching back.
"I just want it to be over!" Prompto sobs as he clutches Ardyn's shirt. Ignis' heart breaks at seeing Prompto in so much pain, but he knows it will all be worth it in the end.
"Prom, look at me honey," Ignis says, and the blonde turns to look at him with red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. "You're doing so well sweetheart. You're so strong, and I'm so proud of you." Ignis comforts the omega, and Prompto wipes away his tears with the back of his hand.
Prompto sniffles. "Y-you really mean that?"
"I do darling. Every word of it." Ignis replies. He kisses Prompto softly.
"Ignis is right. You're doing great dearest." Ardyn chimes in, and he rubs the back of Prompto's hand with his thumb. Prompto leans his head on Ardyn's chest, and he sighs as Ardyn plays with his hair.
Three more hours go by, and Prompto's now seven centimetres dilated. His contractions are still twenty minutes apart, with each of them lasting about thirty seconds. Prompto's opted to laying down on their bed again, and Ardyn and Ignis are laying down on either side of him.
"You're so beautiful Prompto. I'm gonna miss seeing you pregnant with our little one." Ardyn says as he traces little circles on Prompto's baby bump.
"Maybe we can have another one in a few years." Ignis says. He's propped up next to Prompto, his hand resting on his cheek.
"Mm, maybe. But this hurts so much, you have no idea," Prompto says. He tries to sit up a little, and Ignis helps him. He's then hit with a contraction, and he whimpers. "Oh, fuck! Fucking astrals, fuck!" Prompto yells, and Ignis offers him his hand. He squeezes Ignis' hand tightly, and he loosens his grip as the pain starts to lessen.
"That was ten minutes. They're getting closer." Ignis says as he looks at the timer on his phone.
"Stronger too. That one really hurt." Prompto breathes deeply, and he places his hand on his baby bump.
"One through ten, how bad was it?" Ardyn asks.
"S-seven. Oh, gods." Prompto says as he feels a wave of nausea come over him.
"Prompto? You're looking a bit pale." Ignis says worriedly.
"Think I'm gonna be sick." Prompto says with a groan, and Ignis places a rubbish bin in front of him. He throws up into it, and his alphas share a concerned look. Prompto's morning sickness was quite bad in the first trimester of his pregnancy, and they didn't expect him to get sick during labor.
"It's alright Prom. Just let it out." Ignis says as he places a hand on Prompto's shoulder.
"Ugh. That was horrible." Prompto says after he feels that he's finished puking his guts out. Ignis places the rubbish bin on the floor nearby in case they need it again.
"Here darling. Drink some water." Ignis hands Prompto a water bottle. Prompto graciously takes the water, and he takes a few sips before handing it back to Ignis.
"Thanks Iggy. Ardyn, can you take off my bra? I'm hot." Prompto requests as he wipes his mouth.
"Sure baby." Ardyn replies. He unlatches the clasps on the back of Prompto's bra, and the omega breathes a sigh of relief. He absolutely hates wearing bras, but they're unfortunately necessary now that his breasts have gotten bigger and wearing a binder isn't possible. It'll be much better when he can get his top surgery and have them removed.
"Thank you. Kisses?" Prompto says, puckering his lips. Ardyn laughs softly before cupping Prompto's cheek with one hand and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Mm. You taste good." Prompto says after he pulls away from the kiss. He then leans over and kisses Ignis as well.
"Prompto, what's got you so worked up?" Ignis asks.
"Nothing. I just love you guys." Prompto says. He grabs a pillow from behind him and places it between his legs. He repositions himself so that he's sitting native style.
"I love you too." Ardyn and Ignis say at the same time, and Prompto smiles. He couldn't have asked for better husbands.
"Iggy, make it stop!" Prompto cries out. He grips onto Ignis' arm tightly as he goes through the most painful contraction yet.
"Shh...it's alright darling. You're doing so well. Just breathe." Ardyn says softly.
"Easy for you to say! You aren't being torn in half!" Prompto yells. He collapses onto the pillows behind him with a groan as the pain subsides.
Ardyn sighs as he sits down on the bed by Prompto's feet. Prompto's been in labor for almost fourteen hours, and he can tell that it's getting to him. Ardyn and Ignis are tired as well, but they certainly won't tell Prompto that unless they want profanities screamed at them.
"Prompto, I think I should check your dilation again. It's been a few hours and I'd like to see how you're progressing." Ignis says as he stands up.
"Okay." Prompto says, a little out of breath. His contractions are five minutes apart now, with each of them lasting about a minute. He barely has time to breathe before the next one arrives.
"Darling, you're ten centimetres. It's time to start pushing." Ignis announces.
"Finally." Prompto says.
"Ardyn, I want you to sit behind Prompto and let him lean against your chest. It'll help give him some leverage," Ignis says. Ardyn nods, and he shifts himself and Prompto until they're in the aforementioned position. "Prom, push on your next contraction, okay? You've got this." Ignis instructs.
It isn't long before Prompto's hit with another contraction, and he bears down, gripping onto Ardyn's forearms. He groans as the contraction works through him, and he feels the baby moving slightly lower.
"Good Prompto, good. Take a breather and push again." Ignis says from where he's situated between Prompto's legs.
"Agh! Shit, shit, shit!" Prompto yells as he pushes again, the pain returning tenfold.
"You're doing so good Prompto." Ardyn whispers as he brushes some of Prompto's hair behind his ear. Prompto nods weakly, and he grips tightly onto Ardyn as he pushes again.
They go through the routine for about ten minutes, and Prompto falls back against Ardyn's chest as another contraction finishes.
"Iggy, I can't do this anymore." Prompto says, exhausted from pushing. Tears fall down his cheeks, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest as he sobs from the pain.
"Prompto, I know you're tired honey, but you're almost there. It should only take a few more pushes." Ignis says. He's starting to see part of the baby's head.
"O-okay." Prompto stutters. He grits his teeth as he pushes again, and he accidentally scratches Ardyn's arms, but not hard enough to draw blood.
"The head's coming darling! You're doing great!" Ignis announces.
"F-fuck! Holy six!" Prompto groans. "Gods, it burns!"
"Breathe Prompto." Ardyn says as he rubs the blonde's arm soothingly.
"The baby's crowning! Just breathe through this part, it'll prevent you from tearing." Ignis says. He looks up at Prompto, and he can tell how tired he is. His hair is matted, he's sweating profusely, and he looks like he could really use a nap after everything is over.
"Oh, gods. Are we almost there? I'm so tired." Prompto says as he closes his eyes briefly.
"The head's almost out, Prom. You're in the home stretch, don't tap out yet." Ignis says as he taps Prompto's leg in an attempt to keep him awake.
"I-I'm okay, I'm fine." Prompto says weakly. He pushes again, and he feels the baby's head emerge.
"Head's out now darling. A few more pushes should do it. I just have to check for the cord." Ignis says. He moves his hands towards the baby's neck, checking to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around it. Once he's made sure everything is good, he gives Prompto a thumbs up.
Prompto pushes again on the next contraction, and he feels the shoulders start to slip out. He moans in pain, and Ignis places his hands under the baby's head.
"One more push Prom!" Ignis encourages. Prompto gives one final push, and the baby slips out and into Ignis' hands. Ignis clears the baby's airways with the suction bulb he'd kept in the nearby kit they made for the birth, and their child lets out a cry shortly after.
"Prompto, we have a daughter." Ignis says happily. He then clamps the umbilical cord before handing their baby over to Prompto.
"Oh my gods. She's beautiful," Prompto says. "Hi honey. I'm your daddy." Prompto whispers as he holds his newborn child in his arms, and a few happy tears run down his cheeks.
"Ardyn, she looks like you a bit." Ignis says as he walks over with sterile scissors. He and Ardyn cut the cord together, and then Ignis sits down on the bed next to Prompto.
"Aw, she does. She's got my eyes." Ardyn says with a smile. He was hoping that if the baby was his that she'd at least inherit one thing from him. The rest of her face is all Prompto's features, and her hair is blonde too.
"Are we still going with the name you chose?" Ignis asks as he caresses their daughter's cheek.
"Yeah. Freya Liv." Prompto says.
"I'm gonna get her cleaned up. I'll be right back." Ignis says as he picks up their daughter. He carries her over to the bathroom sink to wash her off.
Prompto looks up at Ardyn as Ignis walks away with Freya, and Ardyn smiles at him.
"We really made a baby. She's actually here." Prompto says, astonished.
"You did amazing dearest. We're so proud of you." Ardyn says. He leans down to kiss the blonde's forehead.
Ignis comes back in the room a few minutes later, and he sits down on the bed with Freya in his arms.
"Here she is." Ignis says as he hands Freya over to Prompto.
"She's so tiny." Prompto comments. He's already delivered the afterbirth, and now he's resting in Ardyn's arms.
"She'll grow up big and strong though, won't you angel?" Ignis coos at Freya. She just looks up at him with her big amber eyes, and then she yawns.
"I think she's getting sleepy." Ardyn says.
"I guess being born is just as tiring as giving birth." Prompto says.
"Hello little one, I'm your dad," Ardyn smiles at his firstborn daughter, and he gasps when she grabs hold of his pointer finger with her little hand. Ignis wipes away a tear from Ardyn's face, and Ardyn looks up at him. He hadn't even realized that he was crying. "She's really here Ignis. We have a daughter."
"I know. She's perfect." Ignis laughs softly, his green eyes also brimming with tears. Freya takes that moment to let out a shrill cry, and the three men are startled by her sudden outburst.
"She's probably hungry." Prompto says.
"Guide her to you, Prompto. She might need help." Ignis advises.
"Okay, here we go baby," Prompto says before he moves Freya's head lightly until her mouth is near his chest. She easily latches on to his nipple, and she begins to feed from Prompto. "Is that good, sweetpea? Daddy's got plenty for you." Prompto says with a soft laugh.
Freya feeds from Prompto's chest for a few minutes, and she releases once she's had her fill. Prompto lifts her up and rubs her back until she lets out a small burp.
"That's my girl." Prompto says. He repositions Freya, and he rocks her softly until she falls asleep in his arms.
"We should let her sleep. You need to rest as well Prom." Ignis says. He carefully lifts Freya out of Prompto's arms and places her in the bassinet near their bed.
Ignis' phone vibrates in his pocket a few minutes later. He looks at the caller ID to see that it's Noct. "Noct, how are you?" Ignis says as he answers the phone.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that Specs? Did Prom have the baby yet?" Noctis says as Gladio climbs onto the bed, sitting next to him.
"Yes. A little girl." Ignis replies.
"Congratulations to you three. What's her name?" Gladio speaks up.
"Freya Liv. She's got Ardyn's eyes, but the rest of her is all Prompto. Blonde hair and freckles included." Ignis says as he places his arm around Prompto's shoulder.
"Is that Noct?" Prompto says tiredly. Ignis nods, and Prompto holds his hand out for the phone.
"Hold on a second Gladio, Prompto wants to talk to you and Noct." Ignis says before passing the phone over.
"Hey guys." Prompto says softly.
"Hey Prompto. Congrats on the baby. How is she?" Noctis asks.
"I fed her earlier. She's asleep." Prompto says with a yawn.
"You should get some sleep too Blondie. You sound exhausted." Gladio says in concern.
"Yeah, I will. I'll talk to you guys later." Prompto says. He hands the phone back to Ignis before shutting his eyes and getting into a comfortable position to fall asleep.
"Would you two like to speak with Ardyn? He's here too." Ignis says as he places the phone between his chin and his shoulder.
"I don't see why not. He's the baby's father too." Noctis replies.
"Ardyn, it's Noct and Gladio." Ignis says as he passes the phone to his red-violet haired husband.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, your highness?" Ardyn drawls teasingly.
"Ignis says the baby's here. Congrats on your daughter." Noctis says.
"Thank you. Prompto did very well. He and Freya are resting now." Ardyn says as he looks over at Freya. She's still fast asleep in her bassinet.
"I'm sure you and Ignis're tired as well." Gladio says.
"Yea. We've all been up since seven this morning. You're welcome to come by tomorrow if Prompto's up for visitors." Ardyn says.
"We probably will. Goodnight guys." Noctis says before hanging up.
"It's time we get some well needed rest too Ignis. C'mere love," Ardyn says as he brings Ignis over to him. He kisses the brunette's lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. See you in the morning." Ignis says as he moves over to the right side of the bed. He switches off the bedside lamp before snuggling Prompto, breathing in the omega's sweet scent. Ardyn also snuggles Prompto from the other side of him, and they drift off to sleep. Nothing could be better than this.
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ageofzero · 1 year
Okay, there's more than one of your WIPs that I'm very curious about now, but the "Mamma Mia! But FFXV" one has me curious...
Don’t expect it to be anything more than the movie jukebox musical it’s based on, hahaha.
Also congrats, you win for picking the WIP I literally started working on before making this post. XDDD
So, like. I was talking with an RP buddy who I do FFXV ot4 stuff with and I was just thinking about the movie idly, or watching it or smth, when I was just. Smash the two ideas together. As is my usual MO, honestly.
Noctis runs a hotel on an island, and his son is getting married in two days. He’s already having A Time Of It for various things, and then three of his once lovers show up out of the blue. Ignis Scientia (the man who broke his heart), Prompto Argentum (the cute wide-eyed boy trying to start independent photography work outside of his parents’ expectations for him), and Gladio Amicitia (the adventurous soul who has a boat and itchy feet). Noct doesn’t know it was his son who invited them to the island, so he could determine which of them is his other parent.
(If you’re about to ask me about how Noct had a baby and is a man, don’t worry about it. Is it omegaverse, is it bog standard mpreg, is Noct trans? Pick your poison, the story isn’t concerned with that and I’m not gonna explain. XD)
But yeah, it’s just basically gonna follow the plot of the musical as writ in the movie, with some adjustments here and there because I like swapping pieces on the chessboards. I’m a diehard ignoct person, so obviously I have an Agenda for the finale. But I can tool it around to make it ot4 by the end. I mean, Noct’s kid is still gonna have three additional dads by the end of it and he’ll never know who he’s related to bc that’s also not the point.
What I really have written bc I was procrastinating last night is a cast list, chapter titles (the track list more or less from the movie), and a sentence or two of explanation for what the chapters are supposed to be, bc I wouldn’t be able to remember them just by song alone.
It is just a fun silly little AU idea that I came up with on a whim and then made an actual document for. XD
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ao3feed-ignoct · 1 year
A Little Early
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Gladio and Prompto are (finally) expecting their first child, and they couldn't be happier. Married, working stable jobs, at peace in the world that has been reformed after the longest night. Truly, things are great. Nothing bad will happen at all.
Words: 2279, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Original Lucis Caelum Character(s)
Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Mpreg, Childbirth, Hurt/Comfort, Premature Birth, Post-Episode Ignis Verse 2, Miscarriage, Eating Disorders
read it on AO3 Here
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otteli2000 · 2 years
Day 4 already 🥰💚 A short Mpreg with a pregnant Prompto being self conscious about his body
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Oh my goodness those Ignis mpreg headcanons were so well written! I really enjoyed them they were really cute, if ya don’t mind me asking could you do Prompto next? I’ll leave all the details up to you but plz give us more uwu
Mpreg Prompto (Final Fantasy 15 Headcanons)
Omg ☺️ I’m glad you liked the Iggy one. Honestly While making the Ignis one, I was thinking about doing a Prompto Mpreg headcanon but I didn’t think someone would ask for a Prompto one.
But I will give the the people what they want!! PROMPTO MPREG!! Expect this to be very silly 🙃
Idk where this takes place, I’ll leave it to your imagination ;) just know that no ones dead! Yay everyone lives!!
One more thing: this does contain Mpreg (Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read! Constructive feedback is welcome!)

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• He’s a lot of things (being adorable cinnamon roll is one 🥰) but stupid isn’t one of them.
• he’ll noticed 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 how he’s gaining weight and starts to become more insecure (someone hug him pls)
Minor Warning: mentions of eating disorder habits.
• he starts to exercise more but he pushes himself a little to far of what people consider “Normal” and stops eating around people. That caught Ignis’s eye.
• Ignis motherly instincts kick in (Noct ain’t his only kid ya know) he confronts Prompto’s lack of appetite but Prompto doubles down.
• Ignis asks Noctis to, as his Best Friend, To help Prompto. Noctis goes to talk to his Best Friend.
•Noct tries to talk to Prompto about his excessive exercise and seemingly lack of appetite but Noctis’s awkwardness and his unintentional nonchalant attitude, doesn’t help and Prompto just ignores his friends concerns.
•however, one day Prompto passes out while running and is rushed to the hospital.
•it’s only then, he’s given the shocking news; He’s Pregnant! Not just that, he’s already a month Pregnant!
•he’s in shock and disbelief at first. How could that happ-
•oh yeah he had sex (duh)
•to make a long story short, Prompto was at a party, met someone, was getting along great and...well yeah you guess the rest xD (tbh I’m not comfortable or good at describing sex scenes, so I’m not gonna torture you guys 😅)
•after that, Prompto never saw (or heard) from them again.
•Gladio was like “Welp, it least you got laid!”
• meanwhile Noctis and Ignis: 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯
•Now, in a hospital bed, with the news that he’s Pregnant, Prompto feels alone, confused and scared. So he, reluctantly, turns to his friends for help.
•Noctis jaw was on the floor, he wanted it to be a joke. It wasn’t a joke.
•Gladio was: 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉
•Ignis, being the most calmest and levelheaded, tells Prompto to try to contact the baby’s other parent (can you tell I’m trying to be gender neutral? What can I say I love my he’s, she’s, and they’s 🥰)
•this, however, proves to be a colossal failure, since Prompto doesn’t even remember their name!
•Out of stress Prompto begins to cry :’(
• Noctis finally sees the seriousness of the situation, promises his best friend to help him and be there for him.
•Ignis and Gladio as well! Yay Grandma and Grandpa!...I mean Uncles!!!
•One Month: Prompto begun to eat correctly again. He’s lucky that the baby wasn’t harmed.
•this poor boy...gets sick a lot!!
•morning sickness is his worst enemy!!!
• “Now I know what my Mom went through...”
• he has the most RANDOM cravings...poor Ignis.
•he has to make the weirdest shit for Prompto!
•it least he’s eating it, so it’s worth it...kinda.
•Noctis is very protective of his friend. He knows people can be... judge mental.
•if anyone gives Prompto weird looks or glares.
•Oh Hell No!
•Noctis ain’t having none of it!!
•he’ll glare at them back! “What? What the hell are you staring at?!”
•He almost fought someone.
•Gladio had to stop him, he’s making Prompto cry (and that shit ain’t acceptable)
•Ignis just sighs. (Being a single mother is hard guys)
• Second Month: Prompto’s belly keeps gets bigger. He proud and nervous. He feels like he’s getting fat.
•The Doctor assures him that he’s not getting fat, he’s womb is getting bigger, which means the baby is growing fine.
•plus his friends are the best support system!!!
•lris gets him baby clothes, baby toys, etc.
•you better believe he’s taking pics of his baby bump.
•not just because it’s adorable, but because he wants to document it! He wants to scrapbook it!! It’s one of his biggest projects and he wants it to be perfect!
•Third Month: he has to buy new clothes ;-; he’s already outgrowing the ones he has!
• Prompto’s insecurity: 📈📈📈
•Noctis still tries to fight ANYONE who even looks at Prompto.
•Even Gladio gets annoyed with Noct fighting people and arguing with security to not kick them out.
•”Noct stop trying to fight people or your getting nothing but vegetables!!!”
•oh and you just know Prompto is gonna buy some Chocobo plushies, he’s kid is gonna love Chocobo’s as much as he does!
•55% of the baby supplies is Chocobo related.
•Fouth Month: This is it. He finds out the baby’s gender!
•it takes a while cuz the baby was an awkward position.
•”poor little guy, he must feel uncomfortable as much as I do.”
•”she’s actually a girl, Prompto. Congrats it’s a Girl!”
•”AAHAHAAHAH! IT’S A GIRL!” lris had to scream that where Noctis, Gladio and “I haven’t had my Coffee yet” Ignis could hear.
•that’s how they celebrate the announcement of the baby’s gender.
•Noct wouldn’t admit it but he’s really excited to be an Uncle.
•Gladio and Ignis as well.
•however, Prompto does not have much experience with taking care of Babies, so he starts practicing.
•for the next couple months, he training to take care of baby.
•he gets better but he fears he won’t be a good father (or mother) to his unborn Daughter.
•he doesn’t want her to feel what he felt growing up; loneliness.
•he promises her that he’ll never let her feel alone. He wants her feel loved and safe.
Eight Months: She’s already kicking. Literally!
•Seriously, She’s the most active baby the Doctor’s ever seen!
•let’s hope she won’t be too energetic....
•lris decides to make a baby shower for Prompto. The plan is simple:
•Ignis makes the food. (So many new Recipeh’s)
•Noctis keeps Prompto distracted. It’s not that hard as it sounds, he takes Prompto to a Chocobo farm!
•all tho, Prompto can’t ride the Chocobros cause he might fall and hurt himself and his unborn daughter, but he’s really enjoying himself. The plan is going smoothly.
•meanwhile Gladio decorates with the material he’s given because Iris doesn’t trust him to bring his own.
•it’s small and not many people came but hey! It’s the thought that that counts.
•Noct gets a text to bring Prompto to the party. The plan is going great!
•Prompto was so moved by all the hard work and the effort his friends made, that he balled his eyes out.
•it went great! They eaten the delicious food (THATS IT! GRANDMA IGNIS ACTIVITY!)
•the gifts were adorable ☺️
•Noct’s gift (note: lris had to drag Noct to a baby store, so she and Noct could get a gift. Much to Noct’s embarrassment) was Rare Black Chocobo plush!
•it was so cute! (In a dark way)
•Gladio’s was an adorable baby book. (He would have gotten a book about Chocobos but they didn’t have any ;-;)
•Ignis’s was a strange one. It was a coffee maker.
•”Iggy...why would I need this l?”
•”Cause your gonna be up all night.”
•believe me. Ignis knows all to well.
•lris’s gift was an Moogle Plush.
•It went amazing! (Prompto got to take some left overs home)
•Nine Month: The last month. The doctor was put Prompto on bed rest. Don’t walk around too much, try to stay hydrated.
•Noctis has to come over to look after Prompto during the last days of his Pregnancy.
•to say Prompto is nervous would be an understatement!!
•he’s sooo scared to feel what labor is like. He knows it’s extremely painful. Yeah he’s having a c-section but....
•he wouldn’t have to wait long...
•during the night, Prompto was having a hard time sleeping, due to some back pain (you know where this is going...)
•trying to get up, Prompto feels something wet.
•”what I was drea-“
•”Prompto...did your water break?!”
•”I-I don’t know!!”
•unsure what to do, Noct (panicking) calls Ignis.
•”Noct, how about you call the midwife?” Said Ignis calmly. (Let me know if you got that joke 😉)
•Noct calls the midwife, she tell him to bring Prompto to the hospital.
•(weeeeeeeeee wooooooooooo 🚑)
•They figure out pretty quickly that, the baby is coming NOW!
•poor Noct, sitting in the waiting room with a pajama top on and unclean pants (no shoes btw) hoping that it would go well and nothing happen to Prompto and his niece.
•after for what seems like forever, A nurse comes out with a small bundle in his arms.
•”He wanted you to hold her.”
•Noct was stunned. In his arms with Prompto’s baby girl!
•and she was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!
•this tiny little thing, has his blond hair, blue eyes, even his freckles! She was the cutest thing ever!!
•Noct even shed a tear. He’s definitely not telling anyone about that.
30 Minutes Earlier
•Prompto just woken up. He passed out after he heard her cries.
•now, waking up; he wants to see his baby girl.
•once he sees her again, he basically falls in love all over again.
•Crying while her eyes were looking at his.
•”Hi there...nice to meet you.”
•She cooed in response. OMG.
•everyone else fell in love with her too.
•”She’s Adorable.”
•”hard to believe she’ll grow up so big.”
•she was basically welcome with open arms.
•over the years, shes basically a mini version of Prompto with a bit of a shy streak.
•he takes so.many.pics that she becomes camera shy.
•She LOVES chocobos and love to ride them with her Daddy ^^
•Noct is basically her second favorite person. She’s almost always falling asleep on him. He’s not complaining tho.
•btw, that Black Chocobo toy? It’s her absolute favorite.
•Ignis has to be her third favorite.
•she always refers to him as Mama Iggy. Much to Iggy’s embarrassment.
•She likes helping him cook. She’s a little mini helper and even passes out food. Ignis greatly appreciates the help.
•Gladio gives the best piggy back rides!
•she helps him a little with his exercise.
•Prompto and his Daughter are the closest you’ll ever see.
•she’s his rock and he’s her Father.
•When he finds out his origins and his “Father” he doubt downs to make sure he’s never like him. Period.
•After Noct disappears, She’s helps him get ready for Noctis’s eventual return.
•while getting stronger herself.
•When Noctis returns (and brings back the light) he’s shocked and happy to see that Prompto’s Daughter, has not changed much (besides age)
•she now helps around the Citadel.
•Prompto? Well
•Prompto is truly great full for having his daughter in his life.
•”Hey D/N?”
•”Yeah Dad?”
•”I love you.”
•”I love you too Dad.”
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OMG! I did not expect this to be fucking long! 😅 well I hope I did this Justice. To who requested this, I hope you loved it!
I guess it turned more serious than silly huh? Welp, I still hoped you guys liked it!
Please Reblog!!
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jae-duhb · 4 years
In a perfect world, I like to imagine that an omega King Noctis has three daughters by Prompto and Gladiolus, alphas; and Ignis, a beta. 
Gladio fathered the first daughter and Crown Princess of Lucis, Amaryllis;
Prompto fathered the second, Aurora;
and Ignis fathered the third, Alma. 
They were born in the same order as when the boys married their king, and as a trio, they’re affectionately called the Triple A (AAA). The rest of the kingdom knows them as the Three Stars of Lucis.
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prompreg17 · 4 years
In Darkness
Set early WOR, Prompto is forced to labor/give birth with demons right outside their small, unprotected sanctuary while remaining as quiet as possible. Warnings: Mpreg: trans male pregnancy, graphic depictions of labor/birth, some birth denial.
Pairings: implied Noctis/Prompto, really OT4.
Notes: Set Gladio’s POV, re-posted from my old account!
There were demons right outside the door. Gladio could hear them wailing, even over the harsh sounds of Prompto’s labored breathing just beside him. The sounds of spawning and prowling demons was becoming as commonplace as birdsong once was, but none of them had quite gotten used to it, yet. Noct hadn’t even been gone a year, but already daylight made up a scant few hours a day. Each time the sun rose, Gladio wondered if it would be the last time.
But the sounds of demons was still unnerving, despite their frequency. Gladio didn’t like to admit it, but the scrape of an Iron Giant’s sword still struck him with fear. It didn’t help that the longer things went on, the further into his pregnancy Prompto marched. The fear that gripped Gladio every time a dark puddle of demonic viscera formed just feet from them was hardly for his own life, but for the lives he had sworn to protect. Noct might have been gone, but Ignis was still blind and Prompto was still pregnant and Noct’s blood was still with them, so long as the fetus survived long enough to be born.
So the sounds were normally unnerving and bone chilling but now, with Prompto actively laboring just beside him in the darkened shack they’d sought refuge in, just feet from creatures that could tear any of them in two on a good day, he was besides himself with fear. Fear for Prompto, who could hardly walk in his state. Fear for the child, yet unborn and already in so much danger. Fear that, when the people he loved needed him most, he would fail to protect them, just as he had with Noct.
A whimper of pain drew Gladio’s attention from the crack in a boarded up window to the man beside him. Prompto had been laboring for hours, now. What had started as a slight discomfort that still allowed them to travel had quickly turned into something more intense that had driven them to seek shelter. Now, Prompto was laying in the center of the small room with his head pillowed on a rolled up blanket, Ignis’ fingers gentle in his hair.
If only the car hadn’t broken down, that piece of crap. They would have made it to civilization in time if it hadn’t. Prompto would have been able to labor in a hospital with a proper doctor and something strong for the pain. He wouldn’t have had the cleanest piece of fabric they owned ready to be stuffed into his mouth to keep him quiet and to bite down on. His only help wouldn’t have been a blind man and a guy who had never delivered a baby before.
But the car had broken down and there were no doctors or epidurals available, just the blind man quietly murmuring into Prompto’s ear and Gladio, helplessly wishing for a different outcome.
Another contraction must have hit because Prompto made another muffled noise that Ignis gently shushed. Numbly, Gladio took the few steps required to join them in the center of the room and sunk to his knees besides two of the three men he loved most in the world.
“Update,” he whispered as quietly as he could. It still felt like screaming to him.
“Five minutes apart,” Ignis murmured back, still stroking Prompto’s damp hair. “It’s nearly time.”
They couldn’t share a look the way they used to when things seemed hopeless and they didn’t want the younger two to know but Ignis flashed him his pinched expression anyway and it was apparent to Gladio even in the dim light that there would be no moving Prompto, now. They were really about to bring a child into the world, the three of them, with no formal training between them.
Steeling himself, Gladio leaned down until his mouth was just beside the shell of Prompto’s ear.
“You’re doing great, kid,” he murmured, and pressed a kiss to the sweaty skin of his forehead. Prompto’s eyes were shining when they met Gladio’s, and the arms he reached up to wrap around his neck were trembling. Gladio let himself be pulled down, and wrapped arms around Prompto’s back to lift him the rest of the way up into the embrace. The swollen bump of Prompto’s stomach pressed into Gladio’s side.
“It’s okay,” he quietly soothed as Prompto pressed into his neck. Warm tears and gentle noises were caught by his skin but Gladio didn’t care. He pulled Prompto as close as he could, hunching over him as if his bulk could somehow protect him from the inevitable. Trembling hands fisted in his shirt and one in his hair but Gladio just kissed whatever he could reach and rubbed soothing circles into a heaving back.
He had never known fear the way he did in that moment, not even when he read the headline of the newspaper Ignis wordlessly handed him, now nearly two years ago. Not even when Noct disappeared into the crystal, because then he didn’t know exactly what it felt like to lose one of the three men he loved more than breathing. But now he had learned that lesson, and the knowledge that he could lose another was more than he could take. He wrapped strong arms around Prompto, and then groped with a hand until he found Ignis and pulled them both as close as he could, taking solace in the knowledge that, for now, he still had them both.
A particularly loud roar was what broke their desperate embrace. The noise of it startled them all apart for its intensity and its nearness. Ignis’ dagger was out and in his hand at once, which Gladio was thankful for. His sword was too large to swing around the small room, a point that unnerved him more than he cared to admit, but Ignis had grown rather adept at using his daggers in the dark. 
A warm hand touched his arm and Gladio watched Ignis rise to take a few steps closer to the window. Head tilted toward the threat, Ignis listened for several tense moments. They all seemed to hold their breath, and when Prompto clamped a desperate hand over his mouth, Gladio covered it with one of his own for good measure. It was only when Ignis lowered his dagger that Gladio removed his hand and looked down, his own muscles relaxing just slightly.
Prompto was still tense, though, with eyes clenched shut and hands fisted in the thick material of his pants. Gladio reached a hand between his tense legs and bit his lip when they came back damp.
“Let’s get these off,” Gladio murmured into Prompto’s ear and gently tugged at the waistband. Prompto’s eyes flew open, startled, and Gladio swallowed roughly when he saw just how scared those shining blue eyes were.
“Here?” he whispered, breathing harsh, and seemed to clamp his legs closed a little tighter.
“It’s happening,” Ignis replied, just as lowly, when he had rejoined them, “I should at least check your cervical dilation.”
Prompto’s terrified eyes moved between the two of them with increasing panic until Gladio put a grounding hand on his shoulder.
“Noct’s perpetually late, maybe his kid’ll wait til morning, too,” he joked quietly, thumb rubbing soothing circles into Prompto’s tense shoulder. “But we gotta check.”
Prompto didn’t allow them to strip his pants off until after the next contraction. It was a big one, painful enough that Prompto gripped Gladio’s hand and clung to it tightly for several long moments. When he relaxed, there were more tears in his lashes.
Gladio gently unbuttoned and unzipped them, mindful of the noise but also Prompto’s swollen stomach. Lifting his hips seemed to be a struggle, but Prompto managed it and Gladio tugged off the offending article, damp with fluids and harder to remove, inch by slow inch. When they were off, he folded them and set them aside as Ignis settled closer, warm hand on Prompto’s hip.
It was clear Prompto was warring with himself because it took another moment before he slowly spread his legs and let Ignis reach a hand between them. Gladio watched as two fingers slid into Prompto’s vagina, only to be pulled out and replaced by four. Prompto visibly shuddered but allowed the probing and Gladio reached a hand out to gently rub at one slightly trembling knee.
“Almost ten centimeters,” Ignis murmured as he retracted his hand. “It won’t be long.”
‘Long’ was subjective, however, because forty-five minutes of Prompto muffling his moans behind a hand or into Gladio’s neck later, when Ignis encouraged him to spread his legs and pressed four fingers back inside him, he was still stuck at 8 centimeters.
The noise Prompto made when he collapsed back onto the rolled up blanket was equal parts pained and frustrated. Gladio couldn’t blame him, the last forty-five minutes had been hard to even watch.
“Laying down may be stalling things,” Ignis suggested, murmured first into Prompto’s and then Gladio’s ears. So the two of them helped Prompto to rise, with some difficulty, onto his knees. Prompto had to pause there, breathing heavily and leaning into Gladio, for several minutes before he could get shaking legs under him. They had him settle into a squat with Gladio behind him to brace his weight as Ignis took point. 
Gladio couldn’t see what was going on in front, both from the lack of light in their small hiding place, and from the large swell of Prompto’s stomach blocking much from view, but Ignis hunched over and Prompto tensed against him, tight fingers scrabbling against his arms, so Gladio assumed all he was missing with another quick cervix check.
When it was done, Prompto leaned his head back against Gladio’s shoulder and whimpered, the sound so weak and pained it prompted Gladio to wrap protective arms around him a little tighter.
“You’re doing great,” he murmured against the side of Prompto’s head and gently smoothed a hand along the swollen mass of his stomach in a gesture he hoped was comforting. Prompto leaned into him a little more, practically nuzzling as he attempted to get closer, or maybe in a failed attempt at hiding from the pain, so Gladio assumed it was helping at least a little.
“Gladdy,” Prompto whispered, voice thin and clearly holding back tears, “I’m so scared.” 
It was the first time he’d heard Prompto admit it aloud, even though he knew they’d all been feeling it. Helpless, he kissed Prompto’s head and held on as tight as he could.
“I am, too,” he admitted, gentle, and continued his slow, soothing rubbing along Prompto’s tight stomach. “But you have this. And I have you.”
The next contraction was intense enough that Gladio could feel Prompto’s abdominal muscles jump beneath his hand. Prompto shoved a knuckle into his mouth and groaned around it, loud enough that Gladio froze. 
A demon bellowed, still so close, almost as if it was a returning call. 
Heart in his throat, Gladio placed a hand over Prompto’s mouth. The breath Prompto puffed against it was fast with fear and pain.
Ignis was turned toward the window again, a dagger in one hand. They all stayed as still and as quiet as possible, even through another contraction. Prompto’s whole body trembled through it but his sounds remained muffled by Gladio’s large hand. He removed it only once it had passed, and gently stroked Prompto’s hair for several moments when it was done.
They stayed like that for another half an hour, easily. Gladio would cover Prompto’s mouth through a rough contraction and they would all stay as still and silent as possible as the demon nearby roared its frustration. When the contraction had passed, Ignis would feel between Prompto’s legs and Gladio would murmur encouragement into his ear. 
It was only after that half hour that Ignis leaned in close to whisper, “ten” just loud enough for them both to hear. 
Almost as if given permission, after that Prompto was struck by the urge to push. Gladio knew because he gasped, sudden and loud, and clung to the hand Gladio quickly pressed over his mouth tightly. Then he tensed, tighter than he had before, and only released several moments later. When Gladio removed his hand from Prompto’s mouth, he was openly weeping.
“It hurts,” Prompto whimpered, body trembling against him, “gods, it hurts so bad.”
“It’s okay,” Gladio promised into the damp skin of Prompto’s temple, but Prompto shook his head violently in response.
“No, no, please,” he begged uselessly, body straining as if he could somehow climb away from the pain. Gladio shushed him and placed his hand back on Prompto’s mouth. The action made him feel like he was somehow the cause for his pain, and left a bitter taste in his own mouth.
“Breath,” Ignis instructed in front of them, one hand reaching for Prompto’s cheek. “Slow and deep.”
But the breath against Gladio’s hand was fast and shallow, clearly panicked, and he quietly cursed.
“C’mon baby,” he quietly encouraged, and let his free hand rub at Prompto’s tight stomach again. “Breathe in with me.” He slowed his own breathing, let each breath in and out with purpose, and stroked Prompto’s stomach soothingly until he finally tried to match their breathing.
Prompto’s was still faster, but had slowed considerably by the next few contractions. Warm tears dripped onto Gladio’s hand and he reached up to gently wipe them away.
“Is it out yet?” Prompto whimpered as he collapsed back into Gladio’s chest.
“Nothing yet,” Ignis murmured as he removed his hand and sat back against his heels. 
“Nothing?” Gladio asked, surprised.
“It can take hours,” Ignis replied with a quiet sigh. “We can stay here or try a different position.”
“My legs are falling asleep,” Prompto replied, and so they slowly had him stand and drop his weight onto Gladio’s arms. With both hands busy and unable to quiet Prompto’s moans, they replaced the fabric. He pushed like that, leaning heavily into Gladio, for several long moments, until he wasn’t able to hold any of his own weight at all.
“I can’t,” he cried into Gladio’s ear as they changed positions again, Gladio’s arms around his middle as he helped maneuver him back down onto the hastily rolled out blanket. 
“Lay down,” Gladio instructed, gently, as Prompto laid his head down, and pressed a kiss to his clammy forehead. The standard position was better for letting Prompto rest, and allowed Ignis to slip fingers back inside him. He probed for several long moments before finally retreating. When he spoke, it was in Gladio’s ear.
“I can feel the head. It’s noticeably closer, now. I fear my lack of sight for this stage may not be ideal,” he quietly admitted. The tone of his voice compelled Gladio to place a hand on his arm. “How are we for light? Can you see?”
The lighting was dim, but moonlight and the Thunderbombs drifting outside had given them just enough light for his eyes to adjust to, thanks to the cracks in the hastily boarded up windows. He nodded, and then corrected himself with lips pressed to Ignis’ ear and a quiet, “Yes.”
“Good,” Ignis replied, “Take point. Make sure Prompto goes slowly. If the babe crowns too fast he could tear and we don’t have the medical supplies to deal with that.” Hesitating, Ignis placed a hand on Gladio’s. His grip was tight, desperate. “Deep tears can require surgery and with the demons outside…”
Gladio pulled Ignis against him for long enough to kiss his hair. The helplessness was so clear in his voice, and though Gladio felt the same hearing it from Ignis broke his heart.
“Gotcha, Iggy. Go slow.”
“And make sure you check ‘round the infant’s neck when the head is delivered. The cord is often wrapped and can--”
“Iggy, you’ve given me this crash course before,” Gladio cut in before Ignis could make himself any more frantic and pressed one last kiss to his head. “And you’re not going anywhere.”
A hand tight on his leg jerked his attention back to Prompto’s prone form. He quickly switched places with Ignis, who immediately stooped over Prompto to murmur into his ear. Prompto’s arms were gripping at Ignis, now, and his panicked, hushed babble was reserved for his ear. 
Gladio’s attention was now between his spread legs, to the slight bulge of his lips. He gently spread them and barely had to insert a finger to feel the solid form of the head, just out of sight. It was the strangest feeling, he thought, to feel the child still inside someone he loved. 
Prompto gasped, sudden and sharp around the makeshift gag, and Gladio’s wild eyes reached up in time to see Ignis smooth a hand over his mouth. The pained look on Prompto’s face killed him and he yearned to wipe away the tears that leaked past his clenched lids. But Ignis was there, now, gently wiping away tears and kissing the creases in his forehead. So he forced his eyes back down and watched, transfixed, as Prompto’s lips spread of what looked like their own accord, and the first hints of the child showed themselves.
Even with Ignis’ solid hand pressed firm to Prompto’s mouth, the noise Prompto made when the child’s head spread him enough to show itself was loud enough for concern. Filled with pain and panic, it jumpstarted Gladio’s heart. Ignis had that under control, though--he had to, because Gladio needed to focus elsewhere. Hand towel at the ready, he placed the fabric against Prompto’s spread entrance and gently wiped at the emerging head. 
“Take a deep breath,” Gladio heard Ignis murmur, “and push on your next contraction.”
When the next contraction hit, Prompto sucked in a breath and bore down hard, the force of which brought the head further into view. Shaken, it took Gladio a moment to remember to apply pressure to the head to keep it steady. He was quick to action, however, and applied a gentle hand to the tip of the head as it peaked past Prompto’s spread lips. 
When at last Prompto collapsed back against Ignis, the head slipped back inside.
Contraction after contraction, push after push, the child barely peaked beyond the swell of Prompto’s lips before slipping almost completely back inside. It was clearly wearing on Prompto and Gladio couldn’t blame him. Each whimper of pain that should have been a shout could draw the demons right to them and the longer labor progressed, the more pain Prompto had to hold back. He was getting increasingly distressed and desperate, his muffled noises of pain getting steadily louder despite Ignis’ best efforts.
When the next contraction wracked through Prompto’s frame, Gladio pushed Prompto’s legs back farther toward his chest, spreading him wider. This time, when the babe’s head started to crown, Gladio held Prompto’s legs back with one hand and used the other to assist, stretching his lips slightly as the crown of the baby’s head did the rest.
“C’mon, Prom,” Gladio encouraged, still holding his legs back and gently coaxing at his taught lips. “Give me another push.”
“It hurts,” Prompto whimpered, quiet and frail, the child’s head at last making some progress and keeping him stretched. “Iggy, hold his legs back,” Gladio instructed, and guided Ignis’ hands. He grasped them, holding his thighs as best he could from the awkward angle, and Prompto bit at the makeshift gag.
The next push had the head crowning even more rapidly and Gladio, hands now free, was able to apply gentle pressure to keep it from stretching Prompto too quickly. Each small press of his hand pushed it back just slightly, but the increase in pressure no doubt helped the urge to push. Prompto pushed for longer than he had before, until what looked like the widest part was finally stretching his lips mercilessly. 
A single scream of pain was all it took, muffled as it was by the gag, to draw the attention of the demons waiting just outside. The Iron Giant outside their small hiding place roared, impossibly loud and so so close, and then a deafening crash from above them drew all their attention at once. Still unsure of their exact location, it seemed the Iron Giant was destroying the very house they sought refuge in, its huge blade having taken out a chunk of the floor above them.
Wide, terrified blue eyes caught Gladio’s and he held them for a tense moment before Ignis was drawing his attention, chapped lips leaning in close to his ear as he quietly moved closer.
“How far is it?” Ignis breathed, and Gladio wordlessly placed one of Ignis’ ungloved hands over the baby’s head, still stuck mid-crown. Gladio heard the way Ignis drew in his next breath, as if torn between wonder and terror.
Another loud clatter from upstairs pulled them away from the moment and Ignis frowned, face twisted with warring emotions.
“We need to leave,” he said, and Gladio watched as he placed a hand over the top of the slightly protruding head. “Keep him quiet and be ready to grab him the moment I say so.”
With that, Ignis applied enough pressure until what little progress Prompto had made disappeared slowly back inside him. Gladio watched, transfixed and slightly horrified, until a choked whimper brought him back to Prompto’s side.
“W-what’s happening?” Prompto demanded, pained and delirious.
“Getting you out of here,” Gladio replied, quiet, as Ignis pulled back and gave him a shaking thumbs-up. Immediately, Gladio gathered Prompto into his arms, careful as he moved his legs back together and mindful of the swell of his stomach as he hefted him into a bridal carry. Ignis was beside him at once, looking sick to his stomach as Prompto sagged into Gladio’s arms.
“Leave me if you must,” Ignis started to say, but Gladio roughly nudged him with a foot to quiet him.
“I’ll carry you on my back if I have to. Keep up.”
It was like that that they quietly snuck out of the back door of the house, just in time to watch Imps pour in from a hole torn into the side by the Iron Giant’s blade. Mouth dry, Gladio led them a little quicker away from the wreckage of what had been the only safe haven they could find, Prompto held tight in his arms.
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trashglasses · 5 years
Is anyone interested in doing a Promptis family AU where Noctis accidentally gets Prompto pregnant?
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goddessofroyalty · 3 months
Why about Cloud being able to escape with Prompto from Shinra or Niflheim but had to leave his youngest Chadley behind. Prompto getting to meet his younger brothers years later.
That gives an additional reason for Cloud to keep going on long uncontactable trips throughout Prompto's childhood and teen years - he's trying to figure out a way to contact and/or break out Chadley without Sephiroth or the Empire finding and capturing him and therefore Prompto.
Also does Prompto even know he has a little brother before meeting Chadley? Or did Cloud keep that a secret from him (to prevent him from asking further questions about his origin/sire, to prevent him from possibly doing something risky that might put him in danger, because Cloud is ashamed that he did leave a son behind).
One of the interesting distinctions between the brothers is probably their relationship to their barcodes. For Prompto it's a source of shame and something to be hidden at (almost) all costs. While Chadley is probably more neutral about his. Sure, he understands that its at least partially designed to mark him as Property but he's been using it his whole life to move about his world. He's probably figured out how to hack the system so he can grant himself access to places that should be restricted access even to him using it.
I also think both brothers would feel very self-conscious comparing themselves to the other.
To Prompto Chadley is so smart. And he knows a lot of the history of the world (both landscape and political), stuff that even Ignis doesn't know, that Prompto feels almost useless in comparison.
To Chadley Prompto has lived so much fuller of a life. He's explored the world that Chadley has only read about and made really close friendships while Chadley's stayed within the Empire's borders where everyone was turning into daemons.
Add onto that the feeling that Cloud chose Prompto over Chadley (even if he didn't have a choice). It's a good thing neither of them have cruel or competitive personalities. But instead it feeds into their personal feelings of not being good enough.
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i bought u a kofi, i was wondering could you do an mpreg prompto request? maybe with him in pain -jay
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luxroyalty · 6 years
you mentioned the guards were yelling in the crack! babies au, did you knock up Monica? or Dustin? that's all i remember but know i need to know the baby daddies expesialy Crow's?!?! ( if the astrals are Interfering noctis could in fact knock up Luna(or Ravus) from a dif country)
Monica gets to go free but Dustin doesn’t. He’s a very exasperated dad.
Crowe’s baby actually has two mums, both of them glaives. One of the women standing by her in the start of the movie, even.
Also, pff, knocking up Ravus with Noctis’ baby would be really mean. Let’s do it. Maybe Luna is pregnant - but it’s Prompto’s. It’ll give the poor boy a heart attack. If Prompto has knocked up Noctis and Luna, and Noctis had a crush on the both of them - could it be the start of an ot3? I mean, usually they don’t start with babies, but it’s a start.
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“I’m pretty sure they call it morning sickness because they want to lie to you and say it’ll only last in the morning so you’ll procreate.” (Couldn't resist lol)
@brandedxloyalty | Pregnancy Starters |
Gladiolus glared up at Prompto from where his cheek rested against the seat of the porcelain throne. He’d been puking off and on all day, and he was sick of it. He’d been grouching about how the doctor kept calling it ‘morning sickness’ even though it could happen or not happen at any time all throughout the pregnancy. Prompto was not at all helping his mood.
He was only a month in, and he already hated it. He couldn’t understand how people would WANT to do this. He was sure the kid would be great and he would love them, but this, pregnancy, was fucking terrible and he never wanted to do it again.
He took a slow, deep breath before saying, “I don’t mind making children, but this whole incubation phase sucks.”
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
I'll Take Care Of This
read it on AO3 Here
by MoonShiner (SunWeaver)
Too far out on the road to double back the way they come, too far from Hammerhead to fill up their depleted tank, and really too far from any sensible way to reach a hospital, clinic, midwife, hell a veterinarian—anything, he would have taken anything at this point. But between the constant moving from place to place to go undetected by Imperial troops that marched ever steadily after them and a need to find their next gig to line their pockets, it was always going to be difficult threading this needle of being in the vicinity to resources right when the prince’s waters finally broke.
Words: 12978, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, others mentioned but they don't make an appearance, Original Characters
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Mpreg, Childbirth, Morning Sickness, Vomiting, Canonical Character Death, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Angst, mentioned miscarriage scare, Trans Noctis Lucis Caelum, implied Trans Prompto Argentum, Happy Ending, small anxiety attack, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, very light whump, BAMF Gladio, Everyone Is Gay, and everyone is slightly ooc but shhh let it be, no beta we die
read it on AO3 Here
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kit-astrophy · 6 years
Day 3
Prompt: Unplanned Pregnancy
Title: Unplanned, not Unwanted
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: Gladiolus Amicitia / Ignis Scientia
Tags/warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics , Alpha Gladio , Omega Ignis , Mpreg , Post Mpreg , Pups , Unplanned Pregnancy , Mate Bonding , mentions of nsfw , no actual smut , Gladnis , florist Ignis , firefighter gladio , Fluff , just soft fluff , Nesting
Summary: “Hey babe, how’d it go?” Gladio asked, hanging his jacket up and crossing the room to join Ignis on the sofa. He slid his arm around Ignis’ waist and nuzzled his nose against Ignis’ jaw. “I’m pregnant.” Oh. OH.
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Hey guys, remember this teaser picture I posted forever ago? Well here’s the fic that goes with it. Some soft, fluffy Gladnis to warm your souls ❤
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
I've seen you posted a mpreg headcanon with a little bit of angst(oh I love it)..what about a mpreg headcanon for the angstiest pairing --> ardyn/ignis XDDD
Ooooooooo! Interesting!
Also this takes place where everyone lives! Ignis isn’t blind, Noctis lives, Luna lives and they get married. Ardyn lives to, and somehow,
Ardyn and Ignis become a couple? and are expecting a little one?
Tho, I don’t really like this ship, I tried my best.
Apologies if it’s not as good as I hoped...
(This does contain Mpreg. Meaning Males can get pregnant. Don’t like? Don’t read.)
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(I couldn’t find a good gif of them -_-)
•No one could believe it.
•Ignis and Ardyn are...a couple.
•I mean...not that’s a bad thing.
•Ardyn changed for the better. he was given a sec- or technically thir- or whatever, he was given another chance by the gods.
•And somehow, in some strange way,
•Ardyn and Ignis got together!
•Even Ignis doesn’t how they ended up together.
•But Ardyn saids he has charm even 2000 years later. 😏
•(let’s ignore the obvious age gap)
•but again, everyone welcomed the change!
•They seemed happy.
•Especially Ardyn...
•he’s lost so much.
•him having Ignis, well...it made his life complete.
•Noct and Ardyn have...an awkward ass relationship.
•they’re related but they don’t act like it.
•Obviously after everything that’s happened, Noct doesn’t like to speak on it.
•Ardyn is still weird but he’s trying ok?
• But suddenly Ignis Announces something that shocked everyone;
•He’s pregnant :O
•and it’s Ardyn’s!
•Ardyn was shocked (but he’s suppressed his emotions for so long, he doesn’t show it) but he’s shocked.
•Noct jaw was basically on the floor.
•Then he started cursing at Ardyn.
•Ardyn was trying to calm him down.
• “Noct, Cal-
•it was awkward.
•No one really know what to say.
•Gladio and Prompto finally got up and got between Noct and Ardyn.
•Ignis was 🧍
•Ignis wondered if it was a bad ti-
•Ardyn shut that down immediately.
• “I can’t believe Ignis! I did-I didn’t think that I can have children! 
•Ardyn was excited to be dad :D
•Ignis was excited to be a da-mo-both :DDDDD
• Throughout the pregnancy,
•Ardyn has been very supportive.
•he wants to be a great dad to his kid.
•he does EVERYTHING That Ignis would normally.
• “Ard, it’s fine, I can-
• “Don’t worry sweetheart ;) I got this relax.”
• Not that Iggy’s complaining, he’s needs the help.
• When Ardyn hears the baby’s heart beat for the first time, he gets a bit emotional.
• ”I’m not crying.” 👁 💧 👄 💧 👁
• “Sure...”
•Noct apologizes to Ignis about what happened but Ignis saids that it’s all well.
•Still, Ignis wishes that Noct and Ardyn would be on better terms.
•When I say Ardyn is there for Ignis I mean
• Morning sickness? He’ll rub his back and sooth him.
• Ignis wanting food at 3 am? Say no more! 
• Ignis needing massages? He already has the lotion 😏
•Ignis is moody? He’ll give him the space that he needs.
•his clothes don’t fit? Ardyn has some larger shirts already 👕
•all around, Ardyn is very helpful and Ignis is extremely grateful.
•one fact tho, they have a lot of pregnancy sex.
• Don’t think about it too hard....
•Ardyn practically has conversations with his unborn child.
• “Are you well? Child?” “Ya know kicking daddy is very rude!”
•Ignis can’t help but laugh.
•There so funny!
•Iggy can’t really walk as much :(
•his feet are always tired 😓
• BOOM! He has a chair!
• he saids that he’s quick but really, he used magic.
•Not that Iggy cares, he’s greatful.
• By the time Ignis is 9 months
•all eyes are on him 👀
• Ardyn is fully ready....and admittedly, worried.
•he’s worried that he won’t be there for his kid.
•Ignis assures that, no matter what happens, that there doing this together and it will be ok.
•Ardyn kisses Ignis’s cheek then his stomach.
• ”Your right.”
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Well this was fun. Maybe a bit weird but fun!
Consider this you guys Valentine’s Day gift from me :D
Hoped ya like it ;)
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