flowersfortheghost · 3 months
the urge to just. write ghostflower in class
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just-puddding · 2 years
Rin week 2022 day 1- Everybody lives/ Nobody dies
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banshidaskharadi · 9 months
🍁अब बेटी बोझ नहीं रहेगी, क्योंकि संत रामपाल जी महाराज बना रहे हैं दहेज मुक्त समाज।
जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के 73 वें अवतरण दिवस पर होंगे दहेज मुक्त विवाह।
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saturnville · 6 months
I have to be that person for a second. I have released 5-6 fics in the last two weeks. why? because I fed off the love and interaction I was given. when you take the time to appreciate and interact with writers AND their content, they're more enticed and more motivitated to produce more content. so as you prepare to ask a creator to feed you more content, ask yourself if you're taking the time to REBLOG, like, and comment on their work.
thanks again for your guys' support. it pulled me out of a writing slump <3
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letraspal · 1 year
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*More sketches of a long line of unfinished works —I mean, work in progress.
Thanks for the previous WIP-Wednesday and Six Sentences Sunday Tags to @artsyunderstudy @palimpsessed @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @theearlgreymage @j-nipper-95 @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @shemakesmeforget @orange-peony @aristocratic-otter @nausikaaa @wellbelesbian @fatalfangirl I haven’t been very active (or very healthy) last month but your wips always bring motivitation/joy to my days. Thanks for tagging me! Here some messy sketches of projects that may or may not will be finished someday.
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nemesisthetoy · 1 year
Me: Oh hey, these new Lego Sonic sets actually look kinda cool.
My brain: Yeah, have some motivition to build something!
Me: But the sets don’t come out until August.
My brain: DID I STUTTER!?!?
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Long story short, I ended up building 2 Buzz Bombers based off their appearance in Sonic 2 (the movie).
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catqueenks · 1 year
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Some sketches I made of my demon tengen au while I was figuring out his design. I posted the digital ref on my main acc so I thought I'd post these.
I wish I had the motivitation to make comics so I could share his story lol
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joifee · 1 year
running on 4 hours of sleep but i want to draw problem is my creativity is better with sleep BUT my motivation is better without so basically i have the motivition but my head is empty thats so sad alexa play kogong
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working out
before: I cannnot verbally express how much I don’t want to do this
during: please make it stop
after: wow that felt great. I will totally maintain my motivition to do this again for more than two hours
the next day: they did in fact not maintain their motivation
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Take My Breath Away
Rating: K
Pairing: New Zealand/Tonga
Characters: New Zealand, Tonga
Variation: Canon
Summary: New Zealand insists he invites Tonga over to his place for New Years again so he can show off his firework display, to which they more or less reluctantly agree too. 
AN: I missed a Christmas fic this year so I’m making up for it with some fluffy Zeaonga for New Years because gah I’m in love with them all over again. I can’t help it. I miss/love them so much qwq. Hope u enjoy it !! Happy New Years everyone <3
“Why do you insist on dragging me to these kinds of events?” 
It’d seemed they’d been questioning his motivites the whole way up there, following the personification of New Zealand as the other dragged a 2 liter Cooling bin behind him like it was nothing. Though Kainga could be less surprised, that man had unfathomable amounts of strength in him, reasoning with the fact that James thought with pure muscle and his fists rather than his actual head. Kainga was certain even if he did use what little he had in his head, they’d all be completely doomed.
Still, that thing probably weighed at least a ton with the beers and snacks stashed inside it like a hoard. 
“Cuz I love a good fireworks display, and got the best in the pacific!”
“I severely doubt that.” Kainga raised an eyebrow at him, making James roll his eyes amidst the darkness. The only light softly peeking over the top of the grassy hill, flickers of different colors and shades that made the shadows of the grass dance and flicker. The sign of life on the other side. A city aglow with bright lights that came into view, blinding them with the contrast of the darker hill, Kainga’s hands gently lifting up in front of their face to block some of it out. Even making them feel a little dizzy, until James laughed.
“Well quit yer complainin’, Kai-boob, we’re here!”
“I-I wasn’t complaining!” Kainga protested, unraveling the picnic mat stashed under their arm when James had more or less crashed the Cooling Bin to the ground. Their face scrunched up a little at what sounded like glass breaking inside of it, “If that’s the sound of my beer smashing in there Mr New Zealand I swear to god that I’ll use bin to hide chunks of your body-”
The silence and the quiver from James sent Kainga into loud snorts of laughter as if that threat actually had some impact on the Kiwi, perhaps just the mental image of it all. 
“You’ll have a job gettin’ every piece of me in there-”
“Relax honey,” They cut James off as they sat beside him, leaning over to give him a soft kiss to his lips. “I was just joking. I’ll peg you instead~”
Kainga laughed, choking on their own air that inhaled into their lungs as the paler James’s face got. Resting their head under his hairy chin, followed by a snicker of pure enlightenment at his reaction to the sheer thought of it. “I mean the offer is there, if you do it I’ll wear nothing more but your rugby jersey for the rest of the week.”
James stalled a bit on the offer. Chewing the inside of his cheeks as if James ‘-can-not-be-topped’  Hunter was considering the thought rather deeply until he spoke out. “Let’s just see if that beer is smashed or not, yeah?”
Wrapped in an old and worn blanket that had seen better days, Kainga sat in a soft silence stretched for an eternity or two, as they watched the bustling city below him. People walking about, the sound of happy drunks to be heard wherever you went. The stars bright and twinkling with kindness and wonder, mysteries that had him up all night trying to figure them out. Memories, faded like that of an old sepia photograph, rushed through them all at once. 
For once, just in that moment. He felt himself slowly falling back in love with New Zealand.
The gentle kisses he’d place on their cheek, just so he could watch them flush a pastel pink and whaft his face away with flicks of their wrist. Only for James to bring them in closer to him, his heart and all the love he had to give to the Tongan he was cuddled up with. The way he’d gently brush against them, hooking a finger and pushing their scarf down to reveal their neck and kiss further down his lover. Not caring how much they shifted or squirmed when he did so.
When they looked up at him, James could yell to the moon. Their gaze, eyes full of mirth and love, tender and precious. The kind of look you saw in someone when you knew they were truly, irrefutably in love. The kind of look that hinted towards stories untold and as mysterious as the stars up above.
Just like that, James’s breath was gone. 
Swept away like dew on the morning grass against the breeze of the callings of mid-afternoon. No other on this earth could make him act the way he does when the Tongan looks at him like that. No other on this earth could make him feel as nervous around them, even when he went to go get the cheapy five dollar champagne for the both of them, that look they gave him. He took a photograph in his mind, stuck it up on his board of memories. 
Kainga continued to watch as people walked about, some racing with a bottle or two of beer or wine, others walking with friends and singing, terribly in their drunken state but no doubt having the time of their lives. Couples walking back and laughing together. Families going to the park just in the nick of time to watch the fireworks display in a few minutes. Up here, they felt on top of the world.
Behind them, the sound of gentle and quiet footsteps padding up along the grass towards them resounded. Before a flute of champagne appeared, held between large calloused, scarred fingers. Kainga turned to regard the owner of the hand, finding a man who’d returned that same look they gave him not too long ago, coupled with a dopey and tender smile spread across his face
“Aren’t you cold?” They asked, accepting the drink and taking a sip. 
“A lil, the cold bugs me more than anything. If only I had a lil Tongan lover to take me in their arms and hold and kiss me until I’m all warm and cozy~”
Kainga rolled their eyes again before moving over on the picnic blanket and opening out their arms for him with a soft; “Come here you big baby.”
The two of them sat there, sipping five dollar cheap champagne that was in one hand, the rest of their limbs tangled together in a loving embrace to try and stay warm. This time it was Kainga’s turn to start kissing all over James’s face, occasionally getting pricked by the hairs of his stubble and ‘beard’ as James called it, though it was more dark peach fuzz than anything else. And it didn’t taste good at all.
Minutes tickled by and the gusts of wind brought them together even closer, Kainga shivered under the blanket and shuffled closer to try and absorb more of the kiwis' warmth. As much as they could at least. They couldn’t tell you when the two of them were under his blanket, leaning against each other as they watched the stars up above. By the time it had happened, Kainga had finished his Champaign and James was about half way there.
“Did you enjoy that huh?” James chuckled as Kainga swirled the remaining champaign foam at the bottom of their glass with a thoughtful hum.
“Maybe” Kainga decided to reply, averting their eyes away and looking away to hide the blush across their face and the smile blooming on their lips. “Would have preferred tea, to be honest.”
“Is this you subtly asking to make you tea?”
“No.” Kainga parroted a smile at him. “This is me telling you to.”
A snicker left the Tongans lips as James seemed confused, surprised above all. “Where on earth am I going to make you tea? Kai we’re on top of a hill!?” “I’m aware, what happened to you ‘having your ways’ hm? You never seem to have a way whenever I want anything from you-”
James leaned in, his forehead resting on Kainga’s head with a kiss placed to his cheek once more. A goofy punch-drunk love kind of smile lighting up his face with the warmth of a thousand suns.
“Oh really?”
James chuckled softly, the sound like warm honey on Kainga’s skin. Making them shiver slightly just at the feel of it. James’s breath tickled their ear, only then did they realize that the older man beside them was leaning in for a kiss. That sly fox and his tricks.
The result was a flick to the nose and a chortle from the other whom he’d tried to snog on New Years night.
“Are ya laughin’ at me?”
James’s smile broadened as he tried to kiss Kainga for a second time, his stubbornness and impatience at Kainga’s constant refusal of a kiss caused James to shove them down onto the mat. Kainga now below James in a heavy fluster. Kainga moved away, side-eyeing the man before giving him a glare that could rival the sun. Whatever reaction the kiwi was hoping to get, didn’t occur as James struggled to keep himself from laughing. The feeling bubbling up inside of him like the champagne they drank.
In no time, Kainga’s face was as red as the sweater they were wearing. Lost for breath as their heart tried to tattoo itself on the back of their ribs. Once James had stopped putting up a pout with them, whining pathetically at the lack of any lip to lip contact, Kainga had regained their breath, they wrapped their arms around James’s broad shoulders and muffled the yelp escaping the kiwis lips as he was pulled down back onto the mat for a long and heavy chaste kiss. Though the status of that soon changed, with James’s hands, as rough as the mountains on his lands, slipped up Kainga’s thigh. Causing them to pull away with a gasp. The streets down below with the drunks singing the night away and the families watching the stars and counting down for the fireworks over Auckland city.
They went off, an explosion of colors lighting up the sky. Blooming like sky flowers that glittered and cried out.
James leaned up and out of the kiss, out of breath with a healthy blush dusting his cheeks. He looked down towards Kainga with that same look his father wore whenever he spoke of his mother, with warmth like that of a fire and mirth for the love of his life.
“Happy New Years.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss Kainga once more. Both of their breaths swept back and combined into one once again.
They couldn’t help themself as they fell irrefutably in love with James all over again in that moment.
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nervous-writing · 1 year
isn’t it crazy to think how the original Star Wars, the movie that was made to follow the Hero’s Journey as close as possible, that many see as the definitive BlockBuster Movie, the movie that has all the tropes, of farm boy having his home destroyed and that motiviting him to fight the evil bad guys, to the Mentor dying and the shifty gangster dude having a heart of gold/deciding to step in not for money, but because it’s the right thing to do... That movie, doesn’t really have a romance. Yeah there is stuff hinted at or set up with Leia and Luke or Han and such, but the movie itself doesn’t end with the woman getting together with either one of the main male leads. The only “real” romantic couple in the movie are Luke’s aunt and uncle, who are there to die and have that motivate Luke to leave his home.
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patroclus3 · 2 years
I'm so damn depressed recently, i can't watch a movie in peace , i can't start a new novel, i can't go out ,i can't exercise and go to the gym, i can't be hopefull about future,about anything , i feel like dislike about myself , and i don't have any motivitations to change anything, i feel like completley lost, a total loser , i still can't get over jude st francis ,i somehow used to pain ,and you may not belive me , But STILL there is absloutly noone, NOONE, which i can relate with, more than jude , so yes , here i am again, depressed and disappointment again, lost and lonley again, and i just want to start a book or netflix / tv series which involves me like days and nights,which baffles me , which makes me like really involved ... BUT still can't find anything , So ...Any suggestions ? To help your poor friend?
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fat-in-four-walls · 2 months
I really really need to lose weight...
At the beginning of August I'm going to The Eras Tour and I want to look and feel good
Also since i am engaged we are talking about a wedding (obviously) and my partner is also overweight and we both want to look good on the day but its haard. Like I will live if I don't look my best at the concert but I will have sewerslide thoughts when trying on wedding dresses and then when looking at the pictures from the day. We don't have a date, we are thinking August 2026 or 2027 so there is time but... So much time has passed since I knew I am going to The Eras Tour and what? NOTHING. I look disgusting, I hate myself etc etc
We are bad at motiviting each other which is the worst but we really need to try. Even for health, I want to have a pretty long life with him and we are not healthy enough for that for sure
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welovenightcord · 3 months
Hello pookies 😍 I came back to say I won't write anymore. I just don't have motivitation anymore and I can't say I love blue lock that much anymore. Of course I like it but I'm not crazy like before ☠️ Also, I have a better life now. It may sound crazy but I wrote that shitty-ass things while I was fucking in depression. I was looking shitty because of crying all night but I solved it too and now everyone compliments me. I also have a lot friends <33 I'm socializing and I got attention. So pookies If no one loves you and you feel like really bad don't be sad because I know I don't even know you but I'm sure you are amazing and you're trying your best 💯 You go girl, continue to slay 😍 Anyway so bye bye 💌
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birlaojasviplots · 5 months
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catinasink · 5 months
sorry for all the lil rants I've been posting, here's some more bc I am so fukin. angry
why can I never get the motivitation to fuckig shower I hate myself for it so MUCH oh my god Ive even showered in the sink bc i canr fjckin get myself to enter the shkwer i hate it so much
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