#mostly bc. she took up so much space in our fridge
starswallowingsea · 1 month
thinking of that post that's like being a picky eater as a kid just means i get to experience the joy of trying so many foods as an adult. i have some new foods planned for this week after i move including stir fried sweet and sour veggies + rice and omurice (really simple fried rice... may add veggies to it later if i like it but one step at a time). will let you guys know how it goes
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epochofbelief · 3 years
Breath Control Chapter Two
here’s chapter two... unfortunately had to repost these first three chapters bc Tumblr deleted them or something!! 
“Feyre. Have you done any work for the past hour we have been sitting here?” 
Elain’s voice barely managed to penetrate my thoughts. I looked down at my textbook and shook my head. I had very bad cases of a hangover and a sour stomach. And embarrassment. And a broken heart. 
“Will you please just talk to me?” 
I’d met Elain at the library an hour ago, both of us planning to get some serious homework done before the week got started. I’d managed to tell Elain a little of what had happened last night but she hadn’t pried until now. 
“I don’t think I can talk about it.”
She huffed out a breath. “Feyre. If anyone knows what it feels like to have a broken heart, it would be me. So maybe I could help if you’d just talk to me.”
That’s right. Elain’s ex-boyfriend, Grayson, had broken up with her unexpectedly over the summer. Elain, positive he would be the man she married, and subsequently being denied admissions to the nursing schools she was trying to get into for grad school, had been in bad shape for a couple of months. I wasn’t sure if she was really okay now, or if she was just better at hiding it. She’d attended Mortal University for her undergraduate degree and had wanted to stay there for her masters--and hadn’t gotten in. Luckily she’d applied to Prythian’s school and had been accepted, but it wasn’t where she had wanted to end up at all. Away from her friends and our father, she’d started nursing school at the same time I’d started my sophomore year and I was pretty sure I was her only friend. 
Looked like she was my only friend, too. 
I sighed. Then explained. Tamlin and Ianthe all over each other. My public humiliation. And Rhys, unexpectedly driving me home and taking care of me, which was probably the most unexplainable part of the entire night. I hated it, but Tamlin’s behavior had hurt me but not surprised me. I’d barely said two words to Rhys the entire time I’d been at Prythian. We had a big swim team, about sixty people strong. Rhys and his friends--Cassian, Amren, Azriel, and Mor--were all in the middle distance group. Tamlin and Ianthe were sprinters. I swam distance, for the most part. The different training groups and large numbers made it difficult to bond with every single team member, so I didn’t know Rhys or his group at all. 
“Are you talking about Rhysand Night? That boy is hot.”
I did a double-take. That was a very brazen statement coming from Elain. “When have you ever even seen him?”
She raised her eyebrows. “I’ve been to your swim meets, you know. It’s easy to tell who has the best body and face from the stands.”
I groaned. “He saw me puke, Elain! I drunkenly poured my heart out to him. He must think I’m some kind of idiot. And now I am friendless on the team. Friendless. Especially after Rhys tells all his friends how pathetic I am.” I leaned over and put my face on my textbook. “I should quit now and cut my losses.”
Elain whacked me on the arm. “You most certainly will not quit! That beautiful boy was just--”
I stilled. If I hadn’t recognized that voice last night, I definitely did now. Positive my cheeks were a flaming red, I slowly sat up. 
“Hey, Rhys,” I said meekly, my hand coming up in a very awkward wave. I shoved it back down.
“You ladies talking about beautiful boys? Surely no one around here, right?” He asked smoothly, folding his arms and leaning against a bookshelf.
Thank God Elain blushed for me. “Nobody you’d know.” 
He raised his brows and I prayed he hadn’t heard anything else. “Hey, I was going to text you. . . Then I realized I didn’t have your number. You left your wallet in my car last night… I didn’t find it until this morning. It’s in my backpack. I can go grab it and bring it to you.” 
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t even realized it was gone. “No, no, I’ll come with you. You don’t have to make another trip.” And ignoring his protests I jumped up and took off through the shelves. For some reason, I didn’t want him anywhere near Elain when she was casually throwing about the word “beautiful.” I scoffed. He wasn’t that attractive.
I was halfway through the stacks when I realized I didn’t actually know where I was going. “Uh…” 
“All my friends are over there. Are you sure you don’t want me to just grab it for you and bring it to you here?” 
I stopped in my tracks. I had the feeling he knew I wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone right now. A mood I had been in for the past few months, but. . . I blew out a breath.  “Um. Yeah. Thank you.”
He squeezed past me, and for a moment I found myself so close to him I could feel his body heat as he turned and sidestepped through the narrow space between me and the shelves. I could have sworn he was holding his breath as he passed, and I had to crane my neck to see his face. Our eyes met. I shivered.
Then he was gone. I blew out another breath and slumped against the shelf behind me. What was wrong with me? I’d been broken up with Tamlin for less than twenty-four hours and I was already noticing other guys. Disgusted with myself, I stared at the titles across from me. 
Rhys was back in less than a minute, my wallet in his outstretched hand. I took it from him, taking extra care not to brush his hand with mine. “Thanks.” 
I made to turn around and return to the safety of Elain’s aura when he reached out and brushed my shoulder. “Are you doing okay? You know, after everything?”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Rhys. You already made sure I got home okay.”
He crossed his arms. “Yeah but I’d kind of be an asshole if I didn’t at least check in. Now tell me. Are you okay?”
His gaze didn’t falter from mine as he looked at me. His gorgeous face was serious. He was really asking. He wanted a genuine answer. Good or bad, he wanted to know. 
And when I turned around, he let me go.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Elain and I spent six hours in the library and I skipped out on the girls’ team dinner, claiming I had homework. I spent the evening locked in my room, dreading the inevitable moment when I ran into Ianthe, who was, after all, my roommate. Bitch, I muttered under my breath. 
It was eight o’clock and I had no plans for the rest of my evening, so I changed into my pajamas and flopped on the bed. Fully prepared to spend the night binging a TV show, I retrieved ice cream from my fridge and got under the covers. An hour into The Witcher, I got a text.
Rhysand Night: You’re going to practice in the morning, right?
I frowned. He was clearly texting the wrong person. And how did he have my number?
I opened the text and discovered that he had texted his phone from mine last night… 
Me: I was planning on it
Rhysand Night: Just checking. I know you may not feel like going right now, but I don’t want to see you getting in trouble
Being a part of a college level swim team meant twenty hours of training a week. Practice at 5:30 in the morning most weekdays and again in the afternoon. I didn’t know why Rhys felt the need to check on me--missing practice meant getting chewed out by the head coach. If you missed more than one practice, you got suspended. No way would I blatantly take that risk.
Me: I’ll be there
I shut off my phone and went to bed.
I barely dragged myself out of practice the next morning. And the morning after that. And the morning after that. For two weeks after Halloween, I ignored Ianthe as much as humanly possible. She made no attempt to apologize. Tamlin had even kept his distance. I showed up at practice, swam (albeit poorly), went to class, went to practice, and went home. I was reaching new levels of anti-social. Elain was busy with study groups and classes and Nesta wouldn’t be in town for another week. She worked as a flight attendant and split her time between our father's and her and Elain’s shared place.
I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything besides school and swim. The fact that I had wasted a year of my life on Tamlin Spring was tearing me apart from the inside out. And breaking up with him had made me realize all of the things I had wasted my life on for the past year. Why was I pursuing a degree in exercise science when I loved literature and art? Why had I put all my effort into one friendship with a bitch who had stabbed me in the back at her first opportunity? I had no other friends on the swim team I had chosen during my recruitment process, thinking it was the “place for me.” I was in the wrong place, had chosen the wrong people, and was aiming for the wrong future. The worst part was, it was all my fault. My blindness had seeped into every part of my life and I barely knew who I was without my overbearing boyfriend and the friend who had steered me around for my entire college experience.
On Thursday morning, over a week and a half after the Halloween party, Coach King texted me to meet him in his office after my classes for the day were over. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. An impromptu meeting with Coach King usually implied a fate worse than death. At this point, I deserved anything he had to say to me. My grades had fallen in the past few weeks (I had failed a test on Monday and two quizzes since then) and my training had continued to worsen. 
My suspicions proved correct when I arrived for the meeting and Coach King started explaining the reason he had called me to his office. He mentioned my grades and my training and the fact that I had barely spoken or shown any signs of life at practice for days. He wanted to know what was wrong. He wanted to know what he could do to help. But mostly, he wanted me to fix it--fast. Then he told me he was moving me to the middle distance training group.
Moving training groups in the middle of the year was unheard of. Potentially season-ending. If he was moving me from distance to middle distance, he was most likely saying I wouldn’t travel or compete for the rest of the year. It took time to adjust to a new training regimen. 
I tried to protest, but he told me he had made his decision and felt I was more cut out for middle distance events anyway. The adjustment wouldn’t be too drastic. And he wanted me to take the rest of the week off and start fresh on Monday. 
That’s the thing about college athletics. Coaches can be great coaches. They can get a team from nothing to something quick if they know what they’re doing. Some can even do that and help their swimmers develop as people, too. But for most coaches, when it came down to it, weakness was weakness, no matter the reason. And I was currently the weakest link on the team. Coach King had to do something about it and this was apparently the best he could come up with.
I mumbled something to Coach King about seeing the sports psychologist and trying harder at the new practices. I felt certain he had vague ideas about the couples on the team, so he probably knew about my Tamlin situation. I didn’t feel the need to mention it to him. I left his office and made it all the way down the five flights of stairs and out the back entrance into the cloudy, chilly afternoon before I allowed myself to cry. 
I had messed up my life so royally that I had no idea how to fix it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Coach King kicked me off the team in a matter of weeks. We had a travel meet coming up, and I felt certain that I wouldn’t make the cut. I’d be stuck at Prythian U while all my teammates that I had developed no relationship with would travel. 
Head down, I was rushing to my car as my tears fell when I ran headfirst into a warm body. 
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry--”
“We have to stop meeting like--Feyre.”
“Rhys.” I kept my eyes on the crack in the parking lot pavement at my feet.
“Are you okay?”
“You’ve got to stop asking me that question! I know you don’t care! Let me deal with this by myself.” I made to push past him but he followed me to my car anyways. 
“Feyre. I do care. I’m your teammate. And it doesn’t seem like anybody else on the team is lining up to ask how you’re doing, so I’m here to do that. I want to help you.” Something in his voice made me pause, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Just fuck off. You don’t even know me.”
He threw up his hands as I struggled to unlock my extremely old Volkswagen with the key fob. My tears and anger were making it very hard to open the door.
“For God’s sake, Feyre! Would you stop being so damn difficult and let someone help you? You’ve been a ghost at practice these past few weeks and Coach King just told me you were moving to my training group.”
I unlocked my car and wrenched it open. “Leave me alone.”
Rhys grabbed my car door and refused to let me close it. I glared at his stupid, gorgeous, violet eyes. “I bet you like this. An excuse to just give up, get yourself kicked off the team. Much easier than having to face Tamlin at practice everyday, much easier than having to make new friends.”
I narrowed my eyes. And slapped him across the face. 
He touched his cheek. A spark of satisfaction lit up against the confusion and depression that lived within my gut. I had surprised him. And shut him up.
“Wow. I guess I deserved that. But you know I’m right.”
And the fact was, I did. He had said out loud what was going on deep inside me, what I was dangerously close to giving in to. I was shocked someone I barely knew could even begin to fathom what was going on so deep within my brain that I had yet to admit it to myself.  But most of all, I was angry. Angry that this boy thought he had some sort of right to me pouring out my heart to him or at the very least accepting his help. He wasn’t a captain. He had no jurisdiction over me. 
“Fine! You’re right! Are you happy now?” I wanted to wipe the smug look off his face. I cast around for something, anything to make him understand even a little bit what I was feeling. “Any other accusations you want to spit at me to make me hate myself more than I already do?” 
His smirk fell. Satisfied once more, I thought he’d let me leave, but he held fast to my car door. 
“Tell me what to do to help you. Tell me and I’ll do it.”
I blinked. I thought he would yell at me some more. I hadn’t expected such an open offer, more raw and entreating than anything Tamlin had ever said to me.
 I hated that my year with Tamlin had made me think that a guy treating me nicely was a rare commodity. I deserved to be treated with more kindness than Tamlin had ever bestowed on me. I knew that, and yet--I didn’t know how to accept that kindness anymore. I was now so deeply confused about myself, my team, and Rhys that I merely stood there, staring at Rhys without really seeing him, and contemplating the nature of my existence for the past year. 
Rhys, appearing to come to the conclusion that I had nothing to say in response to his entreaty, cleared his throat. “I know there’s a team party this weekend, as per usual. But my friends and I are going to hang out ourselves and stay sober since we have a meet the weekend after. I want you to come. In fact, I insist.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but he kept talking. “If you don’t show, I’ll tell the captains you haven’t actually been sick or studying during the past two team meetings you’ve missed. I’ll text you the address. Come. Please. We won’t talk about Tamlin or anything difficult. Plus, you should probably meet your new training group.”
That was right. Rhys and all his friends were in the middle distance group. I’d be subject to all of them starting Monday. 
And because I couldn’t think of any excuse, because I couldn’t have the captains knowing the concrete truth about my absences, because maybe somewhere deep within me desired help, I agreed.
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Lovebirds (Pietro x Reader)
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(Gif credit to owner)
Fandom: Marvel
Character: Pietro Maximoff
Persona: Female
Word Count: 2,077
Request: i love love love your blog and was thinking if you could write a fanfic with pietro maximoff where reader and him are best friends (secretly in love with each other) and tony (who is reader's legal guardian bc she moved away from home to be avenger's computer engineer & has been training with them) teams up with others in teasing you two to finally fess up & team calls them smth like "slavic lovebirds" since reader is also from some slavic/balkan country? and talks a lot in her native language? 
A/N - <3
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ 
Begrudgingly, you stalked your way towards Tony’s lab. The cup of coffee in your hand growing colder by the second mirrored the ever souring expression on your face. You were not a morning person, not in the slightest. Raising your ID pass to the scanner the door opened with a click, “Good morning (Y/N)”, FRIDAY greeted cheerily, you grunted in response.
“Ah! (Y/N), just the person I need!”, Tony’s voice hollered loudly, he turned to face you and a lopsided grin formed on his face, “Someone got out of the wrong side of bed today”. Your frown deeped, “Заткнись“ (Shut up), with a sharp retort you took a swig of the lukewarm beverage. Tony stopped his tinkering momentarily to raise a bushy eyebrow at you, “Come again?”, he asked, spanner pointing accusingly at you. You couldn’t help but to smile at your mentor, “I said, what can I help you with?”. Half a smile pulled at his lips, “Huh..right. Can you take a look at this please?”.
You were quietly helping Tony, listening to his instructions carefully and following them still stuck in your bad mood although it wasn’t all doom and gloom. 
It was fast approaching your first year of studying under the Iron Man himself. Being handpicked for an internship at Stark Industries was a dream come true for you but the end of the world for your family. Your mother and father continuously refused the applications sent through the post even going as far as to change the P.O box; it seemed nothing could sway their minds to allow their precious, (and only), daughter to leave the nest. That was until Tony Stark showed up on your doorstep. Your parents were unable to resist his charming ways, he had an answer to every question they’d asked. They had one last thing to ask. Tony had to become your legal guardian in order for you to move into the Avengers Compound and Tony agreed in a heartbeat, already feeling proud from the potential you’d shown in the tests leading up to the internship. Afterall there was no safer place in the galaxy than with the world’s only team of superheroes.
“Earth to (Y/N)”, Tony clicked his fingers in front of your face, “Something the matter kiddo?”.  The recollection of events was disrupted, you answered with a sharp hum,  “Just tired”. Your fingers tapped flawlessly away at the laptop placed on the workbench as you carefully documented Tony’s work. His brown eyes glanced up at you as he toyed with the machinery, “Are you sleeping okay?”, a brief expression of worry on his face, “Do you think you need to see a doctor? I can get Bruce to come give you a checkup?”. You half smiled at the Avenger, “Just tired”, you emphasised before working away in silence. Tony nodded in sympathy, knowing all too well the feeling.
The lesson passed with few comments from both parties as Tony opted to let you work in peace.
Suddenly the door opened to reveal no one. The papers scattered around the lab rustled as a precise wind flew past the desks, coming to a stop at your side. “Hey (Y/N)”, the accented voice drifted through the workspace, it belonged to the silver-haired Sokovian who you’d grown so fondly of these past months. In an instant your mood picked up.
“Hey Pietro!”, a wide, toothy grin settled on your face as you stopped your work to look up at the taller man, he was already smiling down at you, “How are you?”, Quicksilver asked politely. “I’m pretty good actually, how’re you?”. Pietro opened his mouth but he never got the words out to finish his sentence. A smirk pulled at the corner of Tony’s lips which he tried hard to bite back, “Well someone’s perked up, thought you were tired?”, his eyes darted between the two of you as he stopped his work to watch the scene unfold. A ghost of a blush painted the apples of your cheeks, smiling sheepishly at your mentor you replied, “Yeah I was but that was hours ago”.
Sassily, Tony placed his hands on his hips, “It was literally ten minutes ago (Y/N)”, he didn’t give you a chance to respond as his attention was then directed to Pietro, “And you. Why’re you interrupting our lesson?”. Now it was Pietro’s turn to be coy, “I came to bring (Y/N) a cup of coffee”. Tony looked at Pietro then to his hands and then to the desk, “I don’t see one”. 
You wouldn’t of been able to tell that Pietro had dashed off had it not been for the slight movement of your hair, the rustle of papers and the fact that he now had in his hands your favourite mug, “Sorry I forgot it”. You beamed up at Pietro, eagerly you took the warm cup, “Thank you”. “Any time”, he grinned back. It was almost like Tony wasn’t there for you were both staring into each other’s eyes and smiling like crazy. “Alright alright”, Tony stated tapping his fingers against the workbench, “Stop flirting. You brought (Y/N) her coffee now dash off, we’ve got a lesson to continue”. 
In a flash both your face and Pietro’s turned such a shade of red that it matched the colour of Tony’s Iron Man suit. “Yeah, yeah Stark”, Pietro rolled his eyes coolly as he tried to play off his embarrassment. Meanwhile you reluctantly returned to your laptop to hide your fluster. Slowly, but surely, Pietro made his way towards the exit, all without using his powers, “So, catch ya later for movie night?”, Pietro called, hope evident on his face. You nodded eagerly, “See ya at seven!”.
Pietro left the room and it fell into silence again until Tony couldn’t resist making a quip, “Ah so that’s why you’re so tired”.
You were humming in the kitchen, wiggling your hips to the tune in your head. Your mood really improved once Pietro reminded you of movie night. It was like a shared ritual which happened whenever Pietro had free time, it wasn’t easy being an Avenger. Gathering snacks was an equally important part of said ritual almost as important as the film you were watching, (Pietro mostly let you stick on whatever you wanted without much protest, mostly).
Being so caught up in your happy state you didn’t hear Pietro enter the kitchen; one of his many advantages of being able to move so fast.
He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his broad chest, his lips upturned in a smile as he watched you swaying about the kitchen. You were reaching up at the top shelf on the cupboard knowing it was where the silver-haired man kept his favourite snacks, but as he was at least a foot taller than you, it was impossible to get them without parkouring onto the side. Just as you were about to climb onto the counter he decided it was time to make an appearance. 
“эй принцесса”,(Hey Princess) Pietro suddenly appeared next to you, looking just as dapper as ever, “нужна помощь?”, (Need a hand?). You rolled your eyes up at him frivolously, “Мне бы не понадобилась помощь, если бы кто-то не решил прятать вещи на верхней полкеь”, (I wouldn’t need help if someone hadn’t decided to of hide stuff on the top shelf). Pietro chuckled at your remark, “Last time I left things where people could reach Clint ate my entire emergency stash”, he recalled the memory with a faint frown on his face which soon ebbed away when his blue eyes focused on you again, “So do you want help or not?”. You couldn’t resist the cheeky grin which graced Pietro’s face, “I’m not grow anytime soon”, you smirked with a shrug of your shoulders. Quicksilver’s hands were played on your hips in less than a second, it was like they were perfectly sculpted to your figure. The warmth they gave off was delicious, you tried to ignore the feeling as he lifted you. You made quick work of gathering the snacks. They clanged loudly as they hit the side. Pietro lowered you to the floor where he kept one hand firmly on your hip, you didn’t mind as you leaned into his chest. It was like second nature.
Natasha observed the scene, a warm smile on her face. 
“Don’t mind me interrupting”, she said softly, her steps even lighter as she crossed the doorway into the kitchen. You jumped away from Pietro like he had burnt you, “Дерьмо! Вы почти дали мне сердечный приступ“, (Shit! You almost gave me a heart attack), you clutched dramatically at your chest, trying to ignore the heat on your cheeks. “Будь немного громче в следующий раз“, (Be a little louder next time), Pietro chided wanting nothing more than to pull you back into his chest. Natasha grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, her teasing expression never fading, “Sorry for interrupting”. You quickly stuttered a reply, “T-There was n-nothing to interrupt”. 
As she was leaving the room, she paused to look back at you two, “Не волнуйся, я не скажу Тони”, (Don’t worry, I won’t tell Tony). As soon as the words left her mouth, she was off.
Breathing in through his nose Pietro quickly recovered the mood, “Well grab the snacks and lets get going love”.
A few moments later and you were on the couch in front of the giant, flat screen T.V.. You’d just shoved in Cinderella. Pietro patted the empty space next to him as he held up the large fluffy blanket, he tilted his head as he waited expectantly. You waddled over and jumped into the space, practically leaching into his side as the movie started to play. His hand traced patterns into your thigh as you placed your head on his chest, “Удобная принцесса?”, (Comfortable Princess?). “Конечно”, (Of course). Happy with your answer, he rested his head on top of yours.
You and Quicksilver were too engrossed in each other’s company, the movie to realise that you had company.
“They’re cute aren’t they”, Tony watched fondly content that his adoptive daughter was happy. Natasha gave him the side eye, “They really are, but isn’t it a little weird to be spying on them?”. Tony smirked at her, “Not spying, just passing by”.
Pietro was finally building up the nerve to confess something, he hadn’t been focusing on the film just on the fact that in this moment everything felt right. He coughed awkwardly to grab you attention, “Hmm?”, you pushed off of his chest so you were face to face with him. “I’ve just been thinking y’know”, Pietro seemed to look everywhere but at you. “You? Thinking? That’s dangerous”, you teased, unable to keep the giggle spilling from your lips as his face screwed up. “I like you (Y/N)”, his voice was a mere whisper. You’re heart sped up but you tried to dismiss it as Pietro just showing his affection, “I like you too”. He sighed and moved his hand from your thigh to cover your own, “Нет, я имею в виду, ты мне нравишься больше, чем друг”, (No I mean I like you more than a friend). Your eyebrows raised to your hairline. Never in a million years did you imagine Pietro would like you in the same way too, “ты мне тоже нравишься”, (I like you too).
“What do you think they’re talking about?”, Tony quietly asked Nat. Now it was her turn to smirk at the billionaire, “You don’t wanna know”. This caught Tony’s attention, “Um excuse me what do you mean?”. Natasha just nodded at the couch, where Pietro was leaning in, both of your lips puckered. 
“There will be absolutely no making out sessions on my favourite couch”, Tony whined suddenly making his presence known. For the second time today you jumped apart, “Aww come on Tony, did you have to ruin the moment?”, you moaned burying your face into Pietro’s chest. “What else was I supposed to do? Let you go full on washing machine mode while you’re sat in my favourite spot? I don’t think so”, Tony goaded, “FRIDAY’s gonna keep an eye out, she catches anymore funny business and its bedtime for the both of you”. Natasha entered the room before you or Pietro could respond, she wrapped a tiny hand around Tony’s arm and started to pull him away from the door, “C’mon Tony leave the Slavic lovebirds alone”.
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #7
We were one player short this session so we mostly did some combat and then some personal stuff, and oh boy did it get personal. :D Anyway, we skipped over some major plot stuff bc I didn’t want to play that stuff with a player missing, and those will be played next time. It may be confusing time-line wise, but ah well, such is life.
We pick up where we left off, aka the cool air combat I had planned.
Gorm is hanging onto the ship of the thief “Vanessa”, while the rest are following on a hovercraft of their own. As Gorm is weighing down Vanessa’s vehicle the others catch up with them pretty quickly.
There’s also police gathering, as well as some Tulips in stolen rich people hover-limousines and such.
A police vehicle rides to them and asks our heroes to put their hands up and get to the ground.
Gorm chews out the officer bc if he puts his hands up, he’s gonna fall.
Vanessa, as soon as cops get there, hits the gas and rides off.
Gorm tries to pry the craft open to get his hands on Vanessa.
Gimlet tries to tell the police to go after the gangers. Unfortunately there’s a ganger right there on the ship (Saef), so yeah, now the police are mostly after them.
There’s some gun fire, police aiming at the car with Cayenne, Gimlet, Saef and Theo, gangers trying to shoot at Vanessa and Gorm.
Vanessa, a bit worried about Gorm hanging onto her craft, rams him into a nearby building, which, rude.
Gorm manages to get his hand inside the craft, and pulls the emergency level, causing Vanessa’s seat to eject. Gorm hangs onto said seat.
Off to the sky they go.
The others try to maneuver the police towards the gangers, but unfortunately they clip into a building.
Gimlet shoots down an entire police vehicle, because it’s under where Gorm is falling, as one does.
Saef exits the vehicle and makes his way to a ganger car, shooting it up.
He tries to drive it to catch Gorm, but instead just drives it off the building.
Some gangers come asking if everyone’s okay in there, and though Saef tries it to make it sound like he is a Tulip, he isn’t convincing enough.
One ganger still with Saef in the vehicle whips him to exhaustion. (it’s a game-mechanic I swear!)
It’s Gimlet to the rescue. He shoots at the ganger car, causing its weapons to malfunction, giving Saef enough time to crawl back to safety.
Gorm and Vanessa have a little chit-chat falling down the sky. (there’s a parachute on the seat, it’s not a particularly fast fall)
Gorm says the only way Vanessa will make it out alive, is if she gives up the data disk. 
Vanessa who doesn’t want to die, asks if Gorm might exchange the disk for her brother’s sword that Gorm is holding.
Exchange is agreed to, and after getting his hands on the data disk, Gorm jumps down, landing on a fruit stand.
Well the battle winds down from there, but there’s still police around.
One of them approaches Gorm, and introduces himself as Officer Meekins, asking about what happened.
Gorm informs him that he is on a Space Marine mission, so he doesn’t need to explain anything.
Meekins takes this rather well, and asks who would pay for the damages to the fruit stand. 
Gorm gives him the address of Logan Grimnar.
Next Meekins approaches Gimlet and Saef, asking about who shot down the police vehicle.
Gimlet points the finger at Theo.
Meekins is like, alright, this servitor shall be taken in then, and turned to scrap metal.
Saef protests and Gimlet too realizes this is not what Saef wants, so he manages to make Meekins believe one of the gangers made Theo do it.
Meekins asks who owns Theo, and Gimlet says Saef does, and that settles it.
Now all is good, and our heroes return back to Santa Maria and head back to Triplex Phall.
Our heroes visit the tax free, Gimlet picks up tea, Saef gets chocolate-themed fridge magnets and Gorm gets a wolf-shirt for casual wear and a cool wolf poster.
Gorm also gets wolf-shirts for Layla and her brother.
He also shows his cool Necron axe to Layla, even though it’s a bit illegal to have a Xenos-weapon and let little kids handle them.
Apparently Layla has decided to make a school presentation about Space Wolves and asks Gorm to come, so she can show him off for the class.
They have a nice discussion about economy and Emperor and Gorm tells Layla to let him know when she has more classes on economy, as he could use a course of it himself.
Layla tells Gorm she wants to be a wolf-man when she grows up, and Gorm promises to get her some furs (fursuit?).
There’s another sweet family phone call between Gimlet and his mom.  Inpax aka mom calls Gimlet and lets him know that the tech-priest is literally a nonperson (no records whatsoever) and since the tech-priest’s mentor was an accomplice of Inquisitor Tanner’s, she has decided to take the tech-priest in for questioning. She asks if Gimlet wants to do it, but Gimlet finds it better to keep his cover still, so Inpax says she’ll be popping by the ship to do the arresting herself once they get to Triplex Phal
Saef goes to talk with Gimlet. He asks him about servitors, and whether it is possible to reverse their condition.
Gimlet asks why Saef wants to know about it, but Saef is evasive.
Gimlet says he can asks his former Inquisition buddies. There were a lot of servitors in the Inquisition after all.
The information he gets is that it wholly depends on how much the servitor has had its bits replaced.
No one has reversed a servitor officially, but who even knows what AdMechs do half of the time, and they have enough curiosity about things, that they’d probably know.
Gimlet communicates this to Saef.
Saef has been taking care of Theo in his room, even if Theo is completely unresponsive. At some point Gorm comes to visit.
Gorm wants to talk about what happened back at the casino, re: Gorm asking Saef to come with him to get the data disk and Saef deciding to take Theo instead.
His point is that he gets that Saef would want to get a servant now that his life situation has gotten considerably better, but usually looting is done after battle.
Saef says that he took Theo, because he knows him, and then tells Gorm to get out of his room.
Luckily Gorm notices his misstep and apologizes, saying that looting a friend is ok.
Saef says that he trusted that Gorm would get the data disk even without his help.
He then asks if Gorm has any contacts with the AdMechs, as he’d like to meet one, and maybe Gorm could share as an apology.
Gorm says he’ll arrange a meeting with the corporal.
Gorm meets Gimlet in the hallway and Gimlet stops him, asking him why does he want to kill his friend.
Gorm asks where Gimlet got that idea, all he has ever talked about is how much he misses Snorri and how glad he will be to see him again.
Gimlet seems doubtful, but Gorm refuses to entertain the conversation.
Our heroes get to Triplex Phall and Gorm takes Saef to the ship bar to meet with the corporal.
They chat a bit and then Saef wants to take the conversation somewhere more private, ie his room.
Unfortunately Gorm insists on hanging along, and Saef can’t seem to get rid of him.
Upon seeing Theo, the corporal clearly is a bit surprised and uncomfortable.
Saef asks if he knows anyone who could reverse a servitor, and the corporal noticeably relaxes.
Saef is in luck, as it appears that the corporal’s commander has fixed a partial servitor before.
Before they can talk more, the corporal’s phone rings, and he answers it.
Apparently it was him commander, and someone had been prowling around their old base. Commander suspects it could be a Wolf friend of Gorm’s.
Gorm asks to be taken there. Saef says he is going too, as he wants to talk with the commander.
Gorm tries to drop Saef off on Gimlet’s lap, but only manages to get Gimlet to come along too.
Just as they are leaving, Tabasco Pepper comes to the teleporter room and lets them know someone by the name of Inquisitor Inpax is there to see them.
They tell Tabasco to let Captain know they have business elsewhere and will be back.
The corporal takes them to the AdMech base where there is a teleporter to the old base.
The room they arrive in is like an old bunker, partially broken down and empty for the most part.
Gorm hears a sound and starts following it, ordering the rest to stay behind, which they do this time. At least for the moment.
The scene Gorm finds outside the base is as follows: Snorri on the ground, not moving, the tech-priest shielding Snorri’s body from the assailant and the assailant, who turns out to be another pack-mate of Gorm’s, Uffe.
The tech-priest notices Gorm, but Uffe doesn’t, so Gorm tries to approach stealthily.
Uffe catches sight of Gorm and snarls at him, asking what he is doing here.
Apparently Uffe is on a hunt (orders from Fenris) and doesn’t appreciate the interruption.
Gorm gets closer to Uffe and switches to the Wolves’ own language.
He manages to convince Uffe they are after the same thing and says he has a plan.
This plan is Gorm knocking Uffe to the ground and appearing to beat him up.
This battle is heard by the others in the base so they rush out to check it out.
Now with Uffe “beat”, Gorm turns to the tech-priest who is examining Snorri’s body.
The tech-priest says that he believes he can still save Snorri, but Gorm says there is nothing to save.
The tech-priest insists that no one is lost, and he mentions to Gorm that he believes that someone has tampered with Snorri’s eye-implant.
As proof he produces a data-chip from the implant and leaves it on the ground.
Gorm isn’t budging, and the tech-priest questions him on his love for his battle brother, on his concept of mercy, but when it becomes apparent that Gorm is willing to go so far as to attack the tech-priest, he steps aside, saying he won’t harm Gorm.
Now it’s Saef’s and Gimlet turn to come shield the body of Snorri.
Saef says that he has lost everyone he loved and what he couldn’t give for a chance to save any of them, and he just wants to know that Gorm won’t regret this. And that he has truly made this decision for himself, not because it is orders.
Gimlet, well, Gimlet was right about that wanting to kill friends right? He also wants to know if Gorm is sure.
And Gorm is, it’s better to die as a Wolf than something else. And the rune priests have told him, that Snorri’s time is over.
Gimlet and Saef step aside, and the rest of them go back into the base, giving Gorm some privacy.
Uffe gets up from the ground, apparently not very pleased that it took so long for Gorm to convince the others.
Gorm laments how it would have been better if Snorri had fought back.
Together they end Snorri’s life and howl at the skies for his honor..
Uffe says it’s probably better for him not to get introduced to Gorm’s “friends”, but they’ll most likely meet again on the hunt.
Gorm asks if he can report to Fenris about meeting Uffe, and Uffe says it’s fine.
Gorm pulls Uffe into a hug, and Uffe pats Gorm on the shoulder.
They exchange pieces of pelt to help them track each other better, and then Uffe is off.
Back in the base Saef is trying to subtly get the tech-priest’s attention but it looks like the tech-priest and the corporal have gotten into a sign language argument.
But what that argue is about we shall find out next time. Maybe? Anyway that was fairly dramatic. Let’s see if I can keep the momentum up. :D Next time!
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coreytravelogue · 3 years
February 21, 2021 - Burnaby, BC
New day, new year but the same old pandemic which means no travel for me or anyone unless you are a politician but that is another story. Not going to lie I felt like 2021 was going to be a much better year for me and it could still very well turn out to be but it hasn’t started very well that is for sure. I think the stresses of the past few years but mainly 2020 have started to boil over for me to where I feel like I am reverting back to my old messed up self because of it and I absolutely hate it.
However this blog is not for ordinary diary stuff that is what my actual diary is for. This blog is mainly for adventures and self reflection of places. Since I have no real places to go I guess this sort of update would have to do. I am moving out of my residence of the last 9 years on Friday. It has been long over due but my actions over the past month have led to this happening. Long story short I got fed up with our asshole room mate and his constant passive aggression towards me and my girlfriend that I essentially blew up on him. The house has been a preverbial eggshell ever since. Thankfully unless something happens me and my girlfriend will be done with this fucking house in 5 days.
With that said 9 years......never realized I was here for that long time I really thought about it. A lot of things have changed in my life during this time and the room I am laying in at least played a part in it.
In 2012 I was living in an apartment I could not afford, I took the apartment originally because I wanted to live by myself and I felt that the OT I normally did at work would offset costs. Sadly that did not happen, I was losing money, rent was going up and it was obvious I needed to leave and find a place where I could save money and find a way out of my shit life at this point. Also I was painfully lonely and missed having room mates. Up to this point I had fairly good luck with room mates. That would all change of course.
One of my coworkers rented out the basement portion of his house very cheap and so I took it. Honestly I didn’t really look at it as well as I should have. I knew the bathroom was worn down and disgusting but I thought I could deal with it since I showered at work most of the time anyway, the room itself seemed ok too as well but at the end of the day it was hella cheap and I felt like this was only temporary anyway.
I remember the day and night I moved in as if it was only last year. My room was covered in boxes, I had no idea how I was going to unpack everything and get it all to fit into the room but the thing was the house was fucking freezing. I could not understand how a full house like this could not have heating. So I took out my heater, plugged it in and tried to sleep on my futon I wasn’t able to full build due to it being late and so fucking cold (it was February). Within one hour the power went out in my room, the heater blew the fuse. I soon came to realize that this house had shitty electric o n top of next to no heating. That night I wondered what the fuck I had just done moving into this shit house, have I just made a mistake?
The next day I felt like I may as well make the best of it. The kitchen was fucking filthy just like the shower and I decided to clean both. Next was the fridge, the rules of the fridge in every other place I lived was first come first serve but don’t be an asshole and monopolize space. So I re arranged everything and thought I did everyone a solid. 20 minutes later someone left a note saying don’t move shit and marked with felt pen in the fridge which areas belonged to who. I felt bad but at that moment I felt like it was a bit fucking much to ruin the fridge when all one could have done was knock on my door and just said hey don’t do that. This was my introduction to Luis, aka poop face aka man child aka asshole.
So I decided to do a solid for everyone and clean up the fridge because it was fucking gross, as he passed by I asked him why the fridge was looking so gross and why mark up the fridge. Instead of striking a conversation or explaining himself he used the no English card and walked away. At the time I thought ok he doesn’t speak English (yet he can write it fine I suppose) and just cleaned the fridge. Not long after I found out he could speak English he just doesn’t like talking to people. So within the span of the week I discovered that not only is he lazy but an asshole.
For the next few years I would be the only one cleaning this house full of men who didn’t want to give a shit about each other and wanted their own privacy. Honestly I let a lot of shit slide with him simply because he gave me just that, privacy. When my friend Tara moved in it was like a breath of fresh air, someone who could share in the cleaning duties and someone to hang out with. The next 5 years were much better but not without its issues.
See this house is breaking down and has been breaking down for years. One year we had to reveal the bathroom because water was rotting the walls ont he other side. Mould growth all over the bathroom we had to keep at bay and still do, kitchen countertop breaking apart, fruit flies and so on but me and Tara took care of that and Luis stayed the fuck away.
However since my girlfriend moved in he has turned into an asshole thinking we have impeded on his property and his privacy. Prior to my girlfriend here you would barely ever hear him or know he was there. Now whenever he is at home he has his tv on loud with the door open and sprays putrid axe spray right before he leaves. He has tried to steal shelf space and has pushed my girlffriend away from the sink onetime because she needed to clean three dishes so last month’s blow up on him was long stirring.
I can’t wait to leave this place but with that said I have been here for 9 years and while there have been mostly bad memories there have still been memories in this house. Tara filling my room with balloons celebrating my birthday when I came back from Europe. Having picnics in the back yard watching blue jays.
All things considered this house provided me with a place to stay and a place where I could get my shit back on track. Now at this point I need to leave to keep my sanity but all things considered this house did provide me with a way back financially. However where I am moving to is far more expensive but I will have privacy again and be able to heal my mental health again. I need to start taking better care of myself now going forward as people around me are starting to realize that I am struggling now. I do not know if this new apartment will help me that much. It will help in that we will finally have a clean place to live away from an asshole room mate and the dangers of living in a mouldy house that is one electrical fire away from burning down.
2021 doesn’t look like it will be a year where I could travel but I have a feeling there will be a few more changes in my life happening this year, many I probably won’t like but changes nonetheless. I only hope I can get through them with my sanity intact, I do not know. Till the next change in my life shazbot nanu nanu.
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uniformbravo · 7 years
bloop heres a post abt my 3-day trip to san diego B)
this was just gonna be a list of highlights but i ended up talking about a lot so it’s more like a Kind Of The Highlights But I Got A Little Carried Away list
it was a 2 hr drive so i put on some tunes & forced everyone in the car to listen to my thousands of anime ops and piano covers it was *fire emoji* (im not on mobile)
at the end jaelin said she couldn’t hear it the whole time rip
made myself carsick looking at mob psycho memes while we looked for a parking spot at the museum for 20 minutes (it was worth it they were good memes)
the museum we went to had a whole gaming thing going on where they just had a shitload of games out for ppl to play & one of them was just dance projected onto like an entire wall basically & i mean i didnt play but it was fun watching my mom try her best 
she played against two of my sisters who both beat her by more than double her score hgdhgksd bye mom
got a nauseating headache in the science museum & took the opportunity to sit down & look at more mob psycho memes for 35 minutes while the advil kicked in
felt better by the time we went to see this fuckin movie about national parks in the us but idk it was like. the whole reason my mom wanted to go to san diego was to see this movie bc they were getting rid of it soon & after seeing it i can see why they’re taking it out kjgkdjgksd like!!! it would’ve been cool if it told u shit about the parks like fauna and flora shit but it had this dumb little narrative abt these three campers traveling to each park & fucking around & i looked over at jaelin at one point & she was asleep & i was like same
im being too hard on it, it was kind of interesting to watch and had some cool visuals but the acting was pretty embarrassing & unnecessary, i wish it would’ve tried to be a documentary instead of entertaining. that’s my Professional Review of this random movie they’re removing forever soon, hope u enjoyed
realized i had more free time at the hotel than i thought i would & v heavily regretted not bringing my tablet to draw aaaaaahhhhh it was ok tho bc i brought my big sketchbook so i just drew in there B)
i’ve been drawing a lot of terukis i think i accidentally discovered a hidden love for him on the midnight shores of the san diego bay
(what i actually discovered is that he’s v easy to project a rly specific part of myself onto hgkdgksdjkgjsdk)
rented bikes to ride by the bay & it was super fun bc i havent ridden a bike in a long time but like. the second half started getting really hard for me & i thought i was just weak shit bc i literally never exercise but then i realized my back tire had gone flat hfdjghsd my legs were..... so sore
also the seat was shaped weird so my ass was sore for the rest of the trip. it’s still sore tbh. i have a bruised ass
went to a model train museum which was pretty cool bc the little towns had little people & jaelin and i were making up stories for them (my favorite recurring joke was pointing out ppl that had fallen over & calling them dead)
after the trains we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stay a third day to see more museum shit bc why not so we managed to grab a room at a new hotel and #Locked In our decision
on the way to the second hotel we got a flat tire so i was like convinced i was cursed bc wtf it was literally on the same day???
while we waited for the tire repair i got a pink lemonade from taco bell and it was amazing i can’t believe i ever thought piece of shit sprite was worth even looking at over this
ok so i need to talk about the second hotel we stayed at because it was... literally the fanciest hotel i have ever stayed at in my entire 22 year old life
it was a mariott?? but a fuckin Fancy Mariott ok first of all we were on the 19th floor which just..... what the fuck
floor level was the 6th floor, this bitch went underground (though that might have just been the parking garage idk)
the lobby bathroom was like. jesus christ. to flush the toilet u wave ur hand over a sensor??? what’s wrong with just automatic toilets???? why are these toilets so extra????? i couldn’t even get it to work for so long jgkjdkgsd i hate technology
also there were moist towelettes sitting in a neatly folded pile by the sinks like what even. i thought it was paper towels but then it was wet
the lobby also had this fancy-ass bar/lounge where they served starbucks but u had to have a room key to get in i think
in the elevators to get to the rooms you can’t even enter the floor level until you hold your key card against a sensor like what the fuck..... we had to get some strangers to tell us how to do it gjdks i bet if we hadn’t been able to figure it out the elevator wouldve just dropped us 12 floors to our death like Access Denied, Assholes
the room itself was super fucking cramped tho which makes sense like if im gonna be able to afford anything at a place like this u better believe it’s gonna be the size of a damn peanut. it was the fanciest peanut ive ever seen in my life tho
the view was uhh we were directly across from some tall office building so at night u could like see into all the rooms it was kinda cool but also weird
there was a jar of hershey’s kisses on the coffee table when we got there but it was dark chocolate so like get the fuck outta here with that shit how dare you assault Mine Eyes (i ate like 4)
it rly was a tiny room tho and it didnt help that there were 5 of us rip... like there was a main room and a bedroom and a bathroom and already that’s making it sound bigger than it was hgkdjgskd 
but even tho it was small it had a lot like.. there was a kitchenette that was big enough for like 1 person to stand there but it had a fridge/freezer, sink, dishwasher, toaster, microwave, cupboards & coffeemaker like there was so much shit crammed in there, this wasn’t no minimalist living space it was just. a lot crammed into one tiny floor plan
anyway yeah it was really bizarre for me to be in a place like that & i just constantly felt like i didn’t belong there but that was mostly my anxiety lol i really dont like being in fancy places in general idk. it was still kinda fun tho
the natural history museum was cool, they had a bunch of animal skulls & taxidermy which i thought was pretty neat. all their dinosaur stuff was in the basement tho which u had to pay extra to see which like. bye
they did have some cool movies tho, they were like nature documentaries, one on marine biology around baja california and the other on animals of the galapagos & those were pretty neat, way better than that national parks shit we saw at the science center jgkdjkskdkdjg 
ok so this one’s more of a buildup over the 3 days so im gonna give a lil 3-part summary
day 1: we went to panda express for dinner & i had leftovers so i was like “sweet im saving these for when we get home” (bc the hotel had a fridge right)
day 2: got a rly good burger from a vegan place, my brother got the same one but didnt want his second half so i was like “cool more leftovers im gonna have so much good food when we get home this is perfect”
day 3: fucKIGN LEFT BOTH CONTAINERS IN THE FRIDGE ACCIDENTALLY WHEN WE CHECKED OUT HKDJFLSKDG i was literally so good about it the first two days like when we switched hotels i made sure not to forget them and i held onto them & everything & then halfway through the third day i was like “SHIT”
it’s ok tho bc for dinner that 3rd day we did panda again & i got the same thing so i have the same leftovers again hehehehehe
ok i think that’s basically everything & im not just saying that bc it’s 1:45 am and ive been working on this for like an hour and a half at this point.,.,. overall it was pretty fun, i think i liked the bikes & those animal movies the best... also the drive out bc i got to play my music lmfao (i love sharing my music ok)
anyway the end thank u
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wholitzukoonfire · 7 years
Modern/YouTubers AU Klance Pride Headcanon [Part 1]
So this is from a hc convo I was having with my klance shipping buddy @destielschild 
So basically klance meet at a Pride parade and these are also my general Voltron gang Pride headcanons. 
So the voltron team is split into 2 friendship groups Lance’s friendship group (Hunk, Hunk’s moms, Shay, and Lance’s lesbian sister - Elena)
Hunk in this au is the lovable straight ally - he’s been to Pride every year since he was a child because of his Moms, it’s a thing they do - a tradition. 
He and Shay are dating they are the most adorable couple 
He’s wearing his “I <3 my moms” rainbow shirt and its so wholesome
He once got shouted at by an angry gay for being there and not being LGBTQ+, but Mom Ana tore the guy a new one telling him how supportive and amazing her beautiful son is.
This year he’s holding a sign that says “You know it’s bad when a straight guy is marching” - you know the one
He and Shay have a YouTube cooking channel called Hunkalicious and PassTheShay cook things - They’re pretty well known and do lots of collabs with Lance.
Their YouTube name is Hunk-A-love-&-A-Pinch-A-Shay 
(They have so many Shay is Salt memes bc she can be sALTY AF when needed)
Hunk also has a side gaming/sciene-y things channel (How he met Pidge) 
Shay is bisexual
The two of them are so in love and sometimes they sit in coffee shops and admire pretty girls together (Shay always adds on ‘Of course she’s not nearly as pretty as you.’ Hunk is the prettiest boy fight me on this. he giggles every time and blushes)
She’s wearing a ‘bisexu-whale’ top Hunk got her bc she majors in marine bio and she ADORES whales.
Lance is tagging along with Hunk’s crew - He hasn’t been out for long (his family are v Catholic and traditionally Cuban - his dad didn’t speak to him for a month after he came out) and it’s his first EVER Pride.
He’s super nervous although he’s literally been adopted into the Garrett family he feels like hes intruding tagging along on their traditional Pride march.
Shay notices INSTANTLY and makes him feel right at home in the bi community.
“Lance, I know you haven’t been out for long, but you are a valid bisexual, no matter what anyone says, your sexuality is yours to define and nobody else’s. You belong here.”
(This is why we love Shay) Lance cries for five minutes and is enveloped in a group hug.
Shay paints Bi hearts onto Lance’s cheeks (one gets smudged but he doesn't care) 
He does his make up (he hardly every wears make up, but he loves doing it) - Purple to pink to blue eyeshadow, and a touch of eyeliner.
Of course he also sprinkles a fuckton of pink glitter over himself, the Moms, Hunk and Shay
Lance is a pretty well known YouTuber - SirLancelot (he does mostly Vlogs, make-up tutorials, random funnies, relatables videos, occasional gaming sessions and he also pops up frequently on Hunk and Shay’s channel - it’s adorable and when Lance is involved they’re always “w/ the bestie” videos) And he decided to Vlog the whole thing - telling his subscribers in a mini vid that he’d be going to his first Pride and uploading a Vlog of it the following day. 
When he first get’s there there are so many people and it’s all so much he thinks he might just faint, but as soon the Parade starts, Lance is on cloud nine. Hunk is manning the Vlog camera (he offered to as it’s Lances first one and he wants Lance to enjoy it)and captures Lance grinning and chanting and waving his “AIN’T NO LIE BABY, BI BI BI” sign with gusto.
He turns to grin at Hunk who is literally internally screaming and shaking Shay gushing to the camera about “LOOK AT HIM! HE’S SO HAPPY AND ADORABLE!!! HE LOOKS SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM SHAY- MY BEST FRIEND!! I’M SO PROUD!”
Lance is wearing a “my BI-FI signal is strong” shirt that the moms got him. 
Lance’s sister, they’re the same age - her mom is actually Lance’s Aunt, but the pregnancy was accidental and Camille never wanted children, so at aged 5 when Camille finally told her mother to stuff it and that she did not want children - Rosa took Elena in as one of her own
From then on the two of them were permanently joined at the hip (Elena is just as goofy and just as stubborn as Lance - and both of them are strong willed and will Fight You about womens rights, POC rights and LGBT+ rights)
She is a Lesbian™
She came out when she was 15 - she had a massive crush on her best friend Lucy and told mom and Lance first (their other siblings found out through evesdropping and general sneakiness) and told dad a few days before her Quinces. He didn’t show up so when the father-daughter dance came up Lance was the one who calmly got up - as if it were meant to be him up there with her and danced with her as she tried not to cry. And the first person Lance told he might be Bi was Elena. (She always kinda knew)
She regularly features in Lance’s videos (she sort of half lives at his and Hunk’s place - crashes on the couch every other night) known (early on) in Lance’s post-moving-in-with-Hunk videos as That Cuban Lesbian™ who always interrupts Lance’s videos to complain or yell at him in Spanish. Ofc anyone who’s a real Lancelot fan knows who she is. 
She was in his Coming Out video where he told the world he was Bi - and they called mom together, for support, and then told Hunk. (Hunk cried many tears)
She had a Very Gay™ crush on Shay when they first met and it’s a running joke that Hunk got to Shay first and that Elena is Bitter about this.
She has a mini lesbian flag tattooed onto her shoulder blade - Lance went with her to get it.
Keith’s friendship group (Pidge, Shiro, Matt, Allura, Coran and Alfor)
Pidge is Nonbinary They/Them or occasionally She/Her pronouns
They identify as an Ace Lesbian (just hear me out - cute dates where Pidge is all flustered bc Pretty Girl!!! And just talking about Science Stuff™ and blushing aaraarrrrrrrgggghhhh)
Pidge is also a YouTuber but like an actual Big Time™ YouTuber - They used to be HackerKatie but then they came out and changed their name so now they’re HackerPidge (If you’ve ever watched MilesChronicals that is what Pidge’s Channel is like - also a Gaming Channel - for Gaming) 
They live in a space-y flat with Keith, Shiro and Matt but they’re like never there??? (Once they straight up disappeared for a week and one morning Keith walked into the kitchen to just see Pidge sat on top of the fridge eating a bowl of Lucky Charms™)
One time they pulled a massive prank on Shiro (which they ofc recorded and put on YouTube) and when Shiro found out he banned them from YouTube and all Social Media for two weeks. Turns out that was a Bad Idea™ because Pidge fans (Hacklets) started Major Discourse on Twitter and Tumblr bc they didn’t get updates and there was nothing on Pidge’s social media (there was a theory that Pidge was dead). Shiro allowed Pidge back on YouTube and stuff and Pidge made a video explaining with Shiro in the back of the video holding one of those Shame Signs that said “I banned my child from social media for two weeks and accidentally started an internet war”
wait wasn’t this supposed to be about Pride???
Pidge is wearing a top that says “Male/Female/Don’t worry about it” - their galaxy backpack is littered with buttons about gender (e.g. ‘ask me about my pronouns’, and the nonbinary flag) and their sexuality (e.g. ‘beautiful day to love girls’, ‘girls, girls, girls’ etc.)
They have the nb flag and the lesbian flag painted on their cheeks and THEY/THEM painted in block capitals on their forehead.
Shiro and Matt
Shiro is a very Bi Dad Brother and he is Very Tired™
Matt is the Gayest being you will ever meet.
He and Matt have been dating since High school, they were best friends until Matt blurted at Prom to the entire student body that he’d been in love with Shiro since middle school
Shiro felt the same and they started dating (The entire school was relieved - there were betting pools on when one or the other was finally going to fess up)
They have a joint YouTube channel (GaysInSpace - Matt-Man and SpaceDad) Its mostly a fitness/yoga and some make-up videos (they did the Boyfriend Does My Make-up - it was horrendous) He did a galaxy make-up tutorial ONCE because he and Matt had just got into loads of space shows/films and was forever named SpaceDad because of it. 
They mostly do couples yoga and fitness videos which generally turn into shenanigans after the first like ten minutes - they are the power couple of space and their fans named themselves the ‘Gaybies’
Shiro and Matt have matching shirts and hoodies 
Hoodies: Matt - If found return to Shiro / Shiro: Keep him.
T Shirts: Matt - My Boyfriend is Bi-Lingual (bc Shiro can speak fluent Japanese) / Shiro - My boyfriend’s gay, but I’m not. 
They have their flags painted on their faces - Gay for Matt and Bi for Shiro.
Matt bought a giant gay flag at the start of the parade and has since tied it around his shoulders 
Shiro’s holding a sign that on the front says “God said Adam and Eve so I did both” but on the back has a message that Matt hasn’t seen “My boyfriend has no clue I’m going to propose today.”
Shiro proposes halfway through the parade (Lance’s group was actually just a little behind them and he and Hunk caught the entire thing on camera). The music from the parade cut out and all of their closes high school friends, Shiro’s dad and Matt’s parents emerge from the crowd whilst a song they both adore (“Marry Me” by Jessica Smith - when Lance uploads the video he makes sure to link the song in the description to credit the artist) starts to play, Shiro gets passed a mic and he starts to sing (his voice isn’t perfect but it’s damn good) When the chorus (May All Recognise Real love Yours and mine Make all love Equal) comes on the friends and family members hold up the lyrics to spell out MARRY ME. Matt is completely stunned (the gay flag cape had been stolen by Keith earlier so at least he didn’t look like a complete idiot) Then Shiro’s getting down on one knee and opening a box with a ring in it at Matt’s crying. 
“What do you say, Cadet? Wanna get hitched?”
“Oh for christ- Just put the ring on my finger and kiss me idiot!” 
Matt’s still crying as Shiro slides the band onto Matt’s finger and swoops up for a kiss, before turning around to yell “HE SAID YES!”
The crowd goes wild
Allura is a beautiful Lesbian and she and Elena get on swimmingly (Elena has the biggest crush on her and she and Lance cry about how beautiful she is from her videos)
Her user is PrincessOfAltea she does beauty tips and tricks as well as a gaming channel - she’s surprisingly good and is one of The Best players in a game called Altea (It’s an RPG Quest series) - her subscribers love how amazing she is and she usually plays with Matt, Pidge, and Shiro - Keith sometimes joins in and he’s surprisingly good. 
She’s Alfor and Coran’s daughter (Alfor’s biologically - they got a surrogate mother - who they still keep in contact with - she’s Ace/Aro and also goes to Pride with them but she couldn’t make it this year)
(Coran is wearing this )
She met Shiro through working out at the same gym - He mad a mini bi crush on her and gushed to Matt about the Pretty Girl at the gym for weeks
(Matt didn’t get too jealous - as soon as he lent over and pressed a kiss to Shiro’s lips, he would generally shut up about Pretty Girl and think about Pretty Boyfriend instead)
Allura is covered head-to-foot in glitter (as are Coran and Alfor) because of an incident that happened at Shiro’s flat with Pidge, a pop-tart and glitter Allura was opening to dab on her face. 
She has the lesbian flag painted like war paint on her cheeks and a pastel top with two girls kissing on it that says “Girls like Girls like Boys Do” on it. 
She’s also parading around with a sign that says “I love my emo gay son” with a picture of Keith’s face on it.
Keith has been out for years. Literally since he was thirteen. 
(He came out via a dinner conversation, when Matt was over for dinner at the Shirogane Household one evening. Matt had been talking about how all teenage boys are supposed to be obsessed with girls and wanting to date girls etc. and Keith had simply said “Well I don’t like any girls but I was in calculus the other day with Jared and I thought he looked cute. I wouldn’t mind being his boyfriend.”  A bug eyed Papa Shirogane had asked “Keith are you gAY?” - Keith had asked what that meant and after Shiro had explained “B-boys who l-like other b-boys... romantically.” Keith had shrugged dismissively and said “Well I guess then, yeah, I am.”)
He’d also been watching SirLancelot’s videos since Lance had begun YouTubing (at first they’d just been braces-Lance and Hunk prank videos and relatables middle schoolers version) And has pretty much been In Love since.
However, this was Keith’s first ever Pride - the only reason he’d actually agreed to go was because he knew Shiro planned to propose and he didn’t want to miss that, despite the overwhelming threat of an large-crowd-induced anxiety attacks.
He’d gone with a simple gay outfit, black shorts, ratty converse, flannel around his waist, rainbow suspenders and a tank top Shiro had gotten him especially (that said Too Gay For This World)
At first Keith had refused to wear it (he secretly adores this top and Shiro Knows)
He has his own YouTube channel which isn't isn’t nearly as popular as Lance’s - but he has a solid fanbase
His user is CryptidKeith and his channel is called The Keith-Files - Conspiracy Theories
His fans are called his Cryptids and he is continuously referred to as “The Wild Keef” due to a comment Pidge once made in one of their Conspiracy collabs
Of course Hunk and Pidge have done many collabs and when its mentioned that most going are YouTubers they decide to meet up and introduce their friendship groups - Lance decides to vlog it all as he is anyway - First Pride.
[Part 1]/[Part 2]
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crimeshowtrash · 7 years
One through eleven. Also 73 and 96.😘
I already answered 1 so I’ll skip that and go onto 2.
2.) What’s your middle name?
I don’t have a middle name, Bengali people just tend not to have them. But I have a crap ton of nicknames, one of which is Tiya. Hence my username!
3.) Do you still talk to the first person you kissed?
The first person I kissed was one of my best friends growing up. She and I talk whenever we see each other. So mostly in the summer and during the holidays in fall/winter!
4.) Do you get on with your grandpa?
All my grandparents have passed away. But when they were alive I got along with them. I have one granduncle still living and we get along. I have great memories of him taking me to his restaurant to eat soup, while I sat in the front seat of his car (I specified front seat bc this was before I was 13 and allowed to sit in the front seat in the US) and drank Thums Up (which is a type of soda in India, where all my fam lives).
5.) What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
Tom and Jerry was and always will be my favorite cartoon! I love it so much! I remember literally all the older episodes like when they went to space. 
6.) What’s your favourite cartoon now?
I previously said it was Tom and Jerry but if I had to choose another one I would say Bob’s Burgers. It’s freaking hilarious and Tina is my spirit animal.
7.) Do you read the newspaper?
Nope. I kind of want to though because I love crosswords and sudoku and that kind of crap. I swear I’m a 90 year old stuck in a 19 year old’s body.
8.) Who was the last text you sent to?
The last text I sent was to one of my best friends. 
9.) What does the last text you sent say?
She sent me the trailer for a movie I really want to watch so we were talking bout that.
10.) If you could have any hair colour what would it be?
I would honestly just want to balayage my hair so it didn’t ruin the roots too much. I would want it to go to a light brown shade! I really do want to dye my hair like this one day.
11.) Do you like nature documentaries?
I used to really love them. I used to watch documentary’s Discovery Channel a lot. But then I stumbled upon a documentary about tapeworms and was scarred for life. I have never watched them since lol.
73.) How many classes do you/did you take in high-school?
I’m going to be a junior in college in the fall (wtf how am I this old). In high school I used to take 7 classes and now I take 5.
74.) When did it last snow where you live?
It last snowed on the 15th of February and I remember because classes were cancelled and we all slept in and the night before my roommates forced my to watch the Bachelor (I usually like it but Corrine was annoying af).
75.) Does it ever snow where you live?
This is kind of answered above. It does snow but we usually don’t get too much. However, I remember one year, maybe 2009, when we practically had a month off of school bc of the snow.
76.) How many months until your birthday?
6 months. My birthday is November 10th!
77.) How much charge does your computer have right now?
73%, I just plugged it in!
78.) What is your favourite disney channel movie?
Probably Cadet Kelly or The Lizzie McGuire movie. Basically I was obsessed with Hillary Duff, I even had magnets of her on our fridge.
79.) The city or the sea side?
Both! It just depends on what I’m in the mood for tbh. My favorite beach is Virginia Beach, but the Naval base (?) nearby always has planes flying which sucks. My favorite city is New York, is it sad that I live like 30 minutes away from DC but go to New York more and know my way around New York better than DC?
80.) What is your least favourite colour?
I really hate bright red. For some reason it gives me headaches, which sucks bc my work shirt is red.
81.) Do you have homework to do?
82.) Are you still friends with your first best friend?
Yup! My first best friends and I are still friends but we are nowhere near best friends now. 
83.) Do you have/are you the gay cousin?
So I am not the gay cousin. And all my cousins on my mom’s side, the more liberal side of the family, are younger than 12 so they probably haven’t come to proper terms with their sexuality. And my dad’s side of the family are really conservative, strict and traditional Hindu’s. So if anyone came out as gay they would probably be disowned. So if I have any gay cousins on my dad’s side they probably would still be in the closet.
84.) Do you own dungarees?
I had to fucking google search dungarees. But no I do not, although in elementary school I had a Winnie the Pooh pair and also another pair that was a dress instead of pants.
85.) Do you like to play sport?
Sport? Which sport? lol. I like playing Volleyball and that’s about it. I was really into swimming a while back and although I still love swimming recreationally my allergy doesn’t let me swim at the pool.
86.) What was your favourite ever christmas present?
When I was maybe 10 or 11 I got the boxed set of Harry Potter movies, only 5 of which were on DVD then. They came in a box that looked like Harry’s trunk. It also came with trading cards, a virtual game, and bookmarks. That was probably one of my best Christmas presents.
87.) How old are you?
I am 19 turning 20 this year.
88.) What is your mum’s name?
I am so sorry but I don’t name any of my family members for privacy reasons.
89.) Do you ever use internet explorer?
Not on purpose! So my internet at school when I connect to it, it opens up in a browser for me to put in my ID and password. And for some reason it opens up with Internet Explorer. 
90.) Have you ever had blonde hair?
NOPE! I would actually look ridiculous with blonde hair because of my skin tone.
91.) Is their a play park near your house?
Yup, I live in a neighborhood which has a ton of little kids. So there are about 5 parks withing walking distance from my house.
92.) When did you last see the person you have a crush on?
On the last day of classes? There’s this really attractive guy that was in my Roman Architecture and Art class this past semester. But I just find him very hot. I haven’t had a proper crush in a long ass time. 
93.) Who did you last talk to on the phone?
I talked to one of those people that just call to say “you are behind on student loans”. But like bitch, I ain’t got student loans. lol. Those people bother me to all hell.
94.) Pants or dresses?
Definitely pants. As much as I want to be a dress person, I’d rather wear pants. Although I prefer pants that aren’t jeans. I love cropped workout leggings. I am so blessed that I get to wear work out clothes at work all summer.
95.) Do you read fan fiction?
Definitely. What type of fanfic writer would I be if I didn’t read other peoples work? lol
96.) What is you’re favourite blog?
I love so many people on here! @matthewgraygublerisalilbean @dontshootmespence @imagicana @milkandcookies528 @reiding-and-writing @ilikepipecleanerswitheyes @sassygeek77 @criminal-minds-fanfiction @reidoneshots and SO MANY MORE!
I am so sorry that this took me ages Tori! There were just so many questions! Thank you so much for asking babe! And if you aren’t following any of my favorite blogs, please go check them out! They deserve so much love! Also sorry for any typos, the fam is bugging me to go downstairs and be social so I didn’t get to proofread this!
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Okay so, roommate who doesn't think my friendship is worth having bc she believes that friendships should be simple (simple-stupid), I assume that they believe that it shouldn't take any work to keep. First of all, no friendship that I have ever had has ever been that simple, and I use friend in such a way that I mean family that I choose. I learned Sign language to be able to properly talk with my best friend, as well as learned to control my aggregated stress, and she has been super patient to which I almost feel like I don't deserve. Other friends I have to reach out to on occasion, but they do the same for me, and we listen to and learn from each other, we express our disapproval and then have a calm rational discussion about it. That way issues don't build. At this point, w the rm despite me not putting up with bullshit, I have been holding my tongue about so many things that they do and express that hurt me. I may have not been cooperative 100% of the time with the hand full of actually rational things, but she has been less so, and totally took not only me, but my parents for granted, and when she went after my bff still freshly pissed off instead of calming down and talking about it WITH her, I drew the line, waited until I was calm and asked a question that I thought was constructive, "How would you feel if you were in her position?" But she took as accusatory and through every excuse at me even though pretty much all of them were irrational or contradictory, ending with her telling me that she doesn't care. Yes, if I had known a better way of approaching that conversation I would have. I was going to apologize for my approach, along side of a conversation that would have spanned many subjects that had been bothering me since we moved in. I wasn't sure how to approach her in person, so I texted trying to be clear that I wanted to have a valm and friendly conversation so that stuff doesn't happen again. She dismissed my concern, saying that she already considered it all in the past, i asked again, and pressed the I don't want this stuff to happen in the future and that if we don’t deal with it there might be tension. And then she said the worst thing that she could have said to me "I don't care what you think". So, I poured many MANY hours into that friendship, trying to make it work despite feeling like I was being taken for granted, asked for a conversation on how to make the situation better, for her to tell me "I don't care what you think." So, there are two other people who live in this house. I thought maybe scheduling a time to make peace would be a good idea, and they refused to meet me halfway, because they don't like schedules. She never explicitly explained that to me, that explains why she threw out chore calenders though. I have ADHD, I need schedules or at least some form of structure, I forget to do stuff all of the time bc of it. I legitimately have a mental disorder and need coping mechanisms like schedules to function, and she never actual explained why she refuses to do schedules, I assume stress, but she seems to function fine with the school schedule so I have no clue. So, basically, until she approaches me for that conversation, which is highly unlikely, because she knows that I will be supplying a reality check, and she doesn't believe most of the factual stuff that I say despite it being from broad sources of learned knowledge. She also dismisses things that are just my pure opinion, even when I say "for me that one scoop of amazing tasting ice cream is worth $5" she just says no like maybe I said something contrary to that before, which confuses me, 'cause like does she not know that people's opinions can change? Also, it's my money im spending on myself, I am a frigging foodie who researches and studies food on my own time, ergo my understanding of food is in flux, ergo my opinion changes over time. Not only that when i asked her to put the refundables into the refudable box rather than with the rest of the recycling, the conversation ended with her claiming to be realistic in saying that I probably wasn't going to take them. Well, guess who made $24 cash for 8 months collecting refudables from the regular recycling, none of which is coming off of the next utility month. I feel like a lot of issues stem from stuff that happened around move in time and when she got the cat without going into detailed consideration. I wanted the house to be kept clean if we got one, and it wasn't, my bff and i were spending most of our time cleaning it, until I realised how exhausted my bff looked after work, and then I took over mostly alone, though my bff stubbornly insisted helping at times. and thus reading weeking what the only time that I've really seen rm jump to really clean the kitchen rather than her usual bare minimum. After midterms I worked my ass off trying to keep that kitchen clean, while there where a bazillion other things in the house that still needed to be cleaned. And I also had homework. All she did was whine about fridge/freezer space, and complain that the landlord wasn't getting things done despite it being mid winter.
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