#most runs in 2022 by indian
rangpurcity · 1 year
Year Ender 2022: Which Indian player scored the most runs in Tests, ODIs and T20s this year? Learn
Year Ender 2022: Which Indian player scored the most runs in Tests, ODIs and T20s this year? Learn
highlights The Indian team had lost the semi-final match of the T20 World Cup this year. Indian team won many series in the year 2022 new Delhi: The journey of the Indian team for the year 2022 can be considered disappointing. Because the team failed to win two big tournaments. Earlier Team India could not reach the final of the Asia Cup. At the same time, in the semi-final match of the T20…
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newsso · 2 years
Virat Kohli created History became the first cricketer in the world to do so in T20 World Cup
Virat Kohli created History became the first cricketer in the world to do so in T20 World Cup
Image Source : GETTY Virat Kohli after scoring a half-century against Pakistan Virat Kohli Records: Even though the Indian team got knocked out once again in the T20 World Cup, its dream of becoming the champion for the second time also remained incomplete. But for the team’s star batsman and former captain Virat Kohli, the eighth season of the World Cup held in Australia was very memorable and…
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allergictocolor · 14 days
Character Profile - Wednesday Addams
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“Child of woe, is wan and delicate with her mother’s dark black hair and white complexion. Sensitive and on the quiet side, she loves the picnics and outings to the underground caverns often planned by Morticia and Gomez. She is a solemn child, prim in dress and, on the whole, pretty lost. Gomez is wild about her. Secretive and imaginative, poetic, seems underprivileged and given to occasional tantrums. Has six toes on one foot.” - Chas Addams
Wednesday Addams was indeed named after the nursery rhyme Monday’s Child. “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.” Her middle name, Friday, is stated in the 10th episode of the 1960s TV show. In the comics, she is nearly always shown in a long, dark dress with a white collar and many buttons down the front. When the comics were in color, the dress was dark green or brown. Her expression was usually haunted or worried, as opposed to the mischievous expression of her brother Pugsley. She only looked happy when they were scheming together.
In the first episode of the TV show, the children are forced to go to public school after being homeschooled until then. Wednesday is six years old. When they get back home after the first day, she throws a tantrum because they read a story about a knight killing a dragon. She’s terribly upset about the poor dragon. This tantrum was likely inspired by the one from the comics when “she’s furious because they put her on the honor roll at school.”
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Wednesday is always portrayed as brilliant and capable, and the idea of rebellion or escape comes up in multiple iterations of the character. In the first season of the 60s show, she runs away from home because she’s scolded for playing with Fester’s explosives rather than her own. In Addams Family Values, she tries to escape summer camp twice, succeeding the second time. In the musical, she’s only 18 but engaged to a normal guy named Lucas, and horrifies her family by wearing a bright yellow dress. In the 2019 animated film, she befriends a normie girl and they swap styles. Wednesday horrifies her mother by showing up in a white and pink outfit, then runs away from home after being punished for such behavior. It’s not so strange, then, that the version of Wednesday we see in the 2022 Netflix series is at odds with her parents and planning to run away from the school they send her to. 
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The Netflix series isn’t the only Addams family property full of Easter eggs and nods to the previous versions. The Thanksgiving play anachronistically set in a summer camp in Addams Family Values may well have been inspired by an early episode of the 60s show where Wednesday and Pugsley were playing “cowboys and indians” with another child and Wednesday wore a very similar headband:
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The love of guillotines in both children is another element that stays constant throughout their many incarnations. They’re shown beheading a doll in the comics, so of course Wednesday has a headless doll of Marie Antoinette in the TV show. The siblings threaten to behead baby Pubert in Addams Family Values. Wednesday sleeps in a guillotine bed in the 2019 film. Finally, a flashback shows her favorite birthday cake featuring a guillotine beheading a fondant person, complete with gushing blood, in the Netflix series.
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While the comics established her signature pigtails, it wasn’t a medium that could convey tone of voice. Lisa Loring was a little too young to do a perfect deadpan voice in the TV show, but she did her best. (She did have the Kubrick stare down pat, though.) It wasn’t until the 90s movies that Wednesday got her distinctive voice. Christina Ricci gave her a dry delivery that continued with Chloë Grace Moretz and Jenna Ortega.
The Netflix series adds a twist that all of the Addams family members have some “outcast” ability that sets them apart from “normie” society. Wednesday’s ability is psychic visions, most of which involve the central mystery in the first season. She also writes mystery novels, which coincides with her drive to solve the mystery she finds herself involved in. These aren’t traits she has necessarily displayed before, but they fit with her intelligent and curious nature, and it gives her character more to do than just being spooky.
I find it amusing to see the contrast between the scene in Addams Family Values when Wednesday is forced to watch peppy movies as punishment/torture, and the scene in Wednesday (2022) when she’s shown Legally Blonde on a date as flirtatious torture. You can torture her, but the context makes a huge difference.
As I mentioned in my profile of Pugsley, I like that the Netflix series finally acknowledges that if Gomez is Hispanic/Latino, then the children would be as well. I’m not sure if Gomez is supposed to be Castilian as he has been historically, Puerto Rican as Luis Guzmán is, or something else. But the casting for the show has been great. Jenna Ortega’s fame has skyrocketed since the first season, she’s been nominated for awards, and people are already buzzing about the second season, even though it’s not due until some time next year.
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stephensmithuk · 2 months
The Sign of Four: In Quest of a Solution
You could find the back issues of most papers just by visiting a local library. Today, the British Newspaper Archive will, for a monthly subscription, allow you to look at a whole slew of vintage papers, including The Illustrated Police News for all your Victorian "true crime" reportage.
As mentioned before, a four-wheeler was a four-wheeled carriage with a driving seat on the top front and a luggage rack on the top; they costed more than the hansoms.
Doyle isn't very good with coming up with convincing Indian names, is he? Singh is the name used by a baptised male Sikh (Kaur is the female equivalent) i.e. a turban-wearing, dagger carrying one. Mahomet is a version of Mohammed.
The gas lights of London weren't hugely bright compared with modern street lights; you'd be able to find your way, but there's probably a decent chance you'd step in horse exhaust if you weren't careful.
The Lyceum Theatre, located on Wellington Street, dates back to 1765, but the current building is from 1834, rebuilt after a fire. It contains a balcony over the dress circle, a unique theatre.
GhostApple on Tumblr pointed out that Bram Stoker was the manager at that theatre at the time SIGN was released. The theatre at the time was run by Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, two of the biggest stars of their days, becoming Sir Henry and Dame Ellen later in life. Stoker based Dracula on Irving, but sadly Irving never actually played the Count on stage.
After a further rebuild, time as a ballroom, a demoliton threat and two closures, the Lyceum reopened in 1996 and is a Grade II* listed building, the second highest grade. Since 1999, it is the London home of The Lion King.
The normal garb of a coachman would be a top hat and a heavy double-breasted overcoat; they would be driving their vehicle in a vast array of weather conditions, sometimes on the same day as anyone who has lived in Britain can tell you.
The coach is going rather fast at this point, possibly dangerously so. The Offences against the Person Act 1861 created an offence of "causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving"; which could mean that if a horse-drawn vehicle hit another vehicle or a person, the driver could get up to two years in prison. The offence remains on the books, being used against horse-drawn carriage drivers (still a thing, particularly in the Traveller community), motorists when not on a road or public land and cyclists, as the Road Traffic Act 1988 is not available in these cases - it is a Crown Court-only offence. In 2017, a cyclist riding at speed in East London with no front brakes hit and killed a woman; the jury found him not guilty of manslaughter, but convicted him of this offence, with the result he got a 18-month sentence.
Tiger attacks were very common in British India; tigers are known to attack humans when feeling threatened (human encroachment on their territory is a big problem)), injuries prevent them from going after other prey or they mistake a human for something else, or if one is riding a bike, their chase instinct may kick in. 33,247 people were killed by tigers between 1876 and 1912. In 2022, the Indian government recorded 112 tiger-caused deaths, up from 59 in 2021. Some tigers have ended up killing over 100 people before being shot dead.
For those having a go at Watson for shooting at a tiger cub, we don't know how old or how big the tiger cub was. A newborn tiger maybe less than 10 pounds and look adorable, but a ten month male could easily be over 100 pounds and looks rather like a full-grown adult. Especially in the dark.
This said, humans are a good deal worse than tigers. The British cleared vast amounts of their habitat for the timber to build their railways. Hunting tigers for "sport" had been a common practice for the Indian nobility and the British ruling classes liked doing it just as much, bringing modern firearms along. Remember Dr. Sterndale from DEVI? There's a chance Watson might have gone hunting himself, sadly.
The tiger hunting got worse post-independence as improved air travel made it easier for game hunters to get to India. The Indian government banned tiger hunting in 1972 and the Bengal tiger population is slowly recovering. The size of reserves have not kept up with the population and so some tigers have gone into human areas for food, usually livestock but sometimes humans. If a tiger starts killing people and attempts to tranquilise it fail, then lethal force will be authorised. In 2022, T-104, a three-year-old dubbed the "man-eater of Champaran", killed nine people before he was shot dead by the police, who conducted their search riding elephants.
The "Surrey side" refers to the southern bank of the river, the other being the "Middlesex side" referring to the now defunct county. Those terms remain in use for the Boat Races; with the Middlesex side being on the right as the crews row upstream. The two "stations" have various advantages and disadvantages; Middlesex helps at the start end, Surrey in the middle.
Vauxhall Bridge was in rather a bad shape by this point and would be replaced in 1906, five years late due to various construction and design issues. The modern bridge is notable for having the very distinctive headquarters of the Secret Intelligence Service next to its southern end.
"Hindoo" was a contemporary spelling of Hindu, today considered derogatory.
"Sahib" is the Indian equivalent of "sir" or "master"; "Mem-Sahib" is the female version. The Indians used it when speaking to white people (or about them, possibly sarcastically) and the British officers would use it with their Indian counterparts. It is less common now, but still widely used in the Indian Army and about people in positions of power.
"Khitmutgar" was a term for a male butler or underservant who would set the table for dinner etc.; during the Bengal Presidency, these would typically as opposed to Hindus.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Thom Hartmann
Common Dreams
March 31, 2023
The Republican Party's most dangerous grift today has been their embrace of the lie that America is not a democracy but instead is a theocratic republic that should be ruled exclusively by armed Christian white men. It's leading us straight into the jaws of fascism.
Nobody ever accused Republicans of not knowing how to make a buck or BS-ing somebody into voting for them. Lying to people for economic or political gain is the very definition of a grift.
Whenever there’s another mass- or school-shooting, Republican politicians hustle out fundraising emails about how “Democrats are coming to take your guns!” The result is a measurable and profitable spike in gun sales after every new slaughter of our families and children, followed by a fresh burst of campaign cash to GOP lawmakers.
But the GOP’s ability to exploit any opportunity that comes along — regardless of its impact on America or American citizens — goes way beyond just fundraising hustles.
When Jared Kushner was underwater and nearly bankrupt because he overpaid for 666 Fifth Avenue and needed a billion-dollar bailout to cover his mortgage, his buddies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and the UAE) blockaded American ally (and host to the Fifth Fleet) Qatar until that country relented and laundered the money to Jared through a Canadian investment company.
Just this week, after Trump deregulated toxic trains leading to a horrible crash and the contamination of East Palestine, Ohio, Steve Bannon — already charged with multiple fraud-related crimes and then pardoned by Trump — showed up this week to hustle $300+ water filters to the people of that town.
The grift is at the core of the GOP’s existence, and has been since Nixon blew up LBJ’s peace talks with the Vietnamese in 1968 and then took cash bribes from the Milk Lobby and Jimmy Hoffa in the White House while having his mafia-connected “plumbers” wiretap the DNC’s offices at the Watergate.
— Republicans successfully fought the ability of Medicare to negotiate drug prices for decades; in turn, Big Pharma pours millions into their campaign coffers and personal pockets (legalized by 5 Republicans on the Supreme Court).
— Republicans beat back Democratic efforts to stop insurance giants from ripping off seniors and our government with George W. Bush’s Medicare Advantage privatization scam; in turn, the insurance companies rain cash on them like an Indian monsoon.
— Republicans oppose any effort to replace fossil fuels with green energy sources that don’t destroy our environment; in turn, the fossil fuel industry jacked up the price of gasoline into the stratosphere just in time for the 2022 election (and you can expect them to try it again in 2024).
— Republicans stopped enforcement of a century’s worth of anti-trust laws in 1983, wiping out America’s small businesses and turning rural city centers into ghost towns while pushing profits and prices through the ceiling; in turn massive corporate PACs fund ads supporting Republican candidates every election cycle.
— Republicans authored legislation letting billionaires own thousands of newspapers, radio stations, and TV outlets; in turn the vast majority of those papers (now half of all local papers are owned by a handful of rightwing New York hedge funds) and stations all run daily news and editorials attacking Democrats and supporting the GOP.
— Republicans Trump and Pai killed net neutrality so giant tech companies can legally spy on you and me, recording every website we visit and selling that information for billions; in turn, major social media sites amplify rightwing voices while giant search engines stopped spidering progressive news sites.
Newspeak — George Orwell’s term for the grift where politicians use fancy phrases that mean the opposite of what people think they mean — has been the GOP’s go-to strategy for a half-century.
Richard Nixon, for example, promised to crack down on drugs, but instead used that as an excuse to crack down on anti-war liberals and Black people. Instead of an economic grift, it was a political grift.
As Nixon‘s right hand man, John Ehrlichman, told reporter Dan Baum:
“You want to know what this was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. Do you understand what I’m saying? “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. “We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. “Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.“
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The grift is a recurrent theme through Republican presidencies in the modern era.
Ronald Reagan told us if we just destroyed America’s unions and moved our manufacturing to China and Mexico, great job opportunities would fill the nation.
He followed that up by promising if we just cut taxes on the morbidly rich, prosperity would trickle-down to the rest of us.
Reagan even assured us that raising the Social Security retirement age to 67 and taxing Social Security benefits would mean seniors could retire with greater ease.
All, of course, were grifter’s lies. Republican presidents since Reagan have continued the tradition.
George W. Bush called his program to make it easier to clear-cut America’s forests and rip roads through wilderness areas the “Healthy Forests Initiative.”
His program to legalize more pollution from coal-fired power plants and immunize them from community lawsuits (leading to tens of thousands of additional lung- and heart-disease deaths in the years since) was named the “Clean Air Act.”
Bush’s scam to “strengthen” Medicare — “Medicare Advantage” — was a thinly disguised plan to privatize that program that is today draining Medicare’s coffers while making insurance executives richer than Midas.
Donald Trump told Americans he had the coronavirus pandemic under control while he was actually making the situation far worse: America had more deaths per capita from the disease than any other developed country in the world, with The Lancet estimating a half-million Americans died needlessly because of Trump’s grift.
Jared and Ivanka cashed in on their time in the White House to the tune of billions, while Trump squeezed hundreds of millions out of foreign governments, encouraging them to illegally pay him through rentals in his properties around the world.
Other Trump grifts — most leading to grateful industries or billionaires helping him and the GOP out — included:
— Making workplaces less safe — Boosting religious schools at the expense of public schools — Cutting relief for students defrauded by student loan sharks — Shrinking the safety net by cutting $60 billion out of food stamps — Forcing workers to put in overtime without getting paid extra for it — Pouring more pollution from fossil fuels into our fragile atmosphere — Gutting the EPA’s science operation — Rescinding rules that protected workers at federal contract sites — Dialing back car air pollution emissions standards — Reducing legal immigration of skilled workers into the US from “shithole countries” — Blocking regulation of toxic chemicals — Rolling back rules on banks, setting up the crisis of 2023 — Defenestrating rules against racially segregated housing
While Nixon was simply corrupt — a crook, to use his own term — in 1978 when five Republicans on the Supreme Court signed off on the Bellotti decision authored by Lewis Powell himself, giving corporations the legal right to bribe American politicians, the GOP went all in.
Ever since then, the GOP has purely been the party of billionaires and giant corporations, although their most successful political grift has been to throw an occasional bone to racists, gun-nuts, fascists, homophobes, and woman-haters to get votes.
Democrats at that time were largely funded by the unions, so it wasn’t until the 1990s, after Reagan had destroyed about half of America’s union jobs and gutted the unions’ ability to fund campaigns, that the Democratic Party under Bill Clinton was forced to make a big turn toward taking corporate cash.
Since Barack Obama showed how online fundraising could replace corporate cash, however, about half of the nation’s Democratic politicians have aligned with the Progressive Caucus and eschewed corporate money, returning much of the Party to its FDR and Great Society base.
The GOP, in contrast, has never wavered from lapping up corporate money in exchange for tax cuts, deregulation, and corporate socialism.
Their most dangerous grift today, though, has been their embrace of the lie that America is not a democracy but instead is a theocratic republic that should be ruled exclusively by armed Christian white men. It’s leading us straight into the jaws of fascism.
Bannon’s grift in East Palestine is the smallest of the small, after his being busted for a multi-million-dollar fraud in the “Build the Wall” scheme and others, but is still emblematic of the Republican strategy at governance.
When all you have to offer the people is a hustle, then at the very least, Republicans figure, you should be able to make a buck or gain/keep political power while doing it.
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kodiescove · 2 months
How did you come to Islam?
I am glad you asked!
So the year is 2018/2019, there abouts.
I made my first Muslim friend!
I found this out by asking the most terrible question I've ever asked anyone ever "hey since you have x name, does that mean you're Muslim.?"
He said yes. He was SUPER chill about me being like innocently racist. I still cringe about this exchange. I am currently cringing typing this all out.
But I was like 19/20, and racial etiquette was new to me.
Now, I knew nothing, and I mean NOTHING about Islam.
For quite a few years, it was just something my super cool "got me through my abusive relationship" online best friend practiced.
Iiiiiinnnnnnn 2022? Around there.
I was at Michael's, the crafts store, and there were these GORGEOUS stickers for Ramadan. I immediately sent a picture of them to him talking about how beautiful they were, lamenting about how I'd love to get them, but that would be cultural appropriation. I think he said it would be fine if I got them, but I still didn't get them, it didn't feel right because at the time I wasn't Muslim(obviously.)
Sometime later, it's Christmas and I'm in one of my "I need to start a business or else I'm always going to be in poverty" moods. Don't ask me why this was a thing, because I very clearly cannot produce enough of anything to run a business. Anyways. I'm thinking about making Christmas cards and then my brain goes "Well what if I make something for Muslims? I don't want to leave them out of things."
So I message my friend, asking if that would be okay.
He explains that Islam doesn't have a winter holiday like Christmas, that Muslims go off a lunar calendar and he tells me about Ramadan.
And I'm like "mhm. Okay. What's Ramadan?"
And so I spent the literal rest of the night (literally HOURS) researching Ramadan and Eid. I read THE ENTIRE wiki page for both /including/ the parts that explain the different ways different countries and regions celebrate Ramadan and Eid.
Fall 2023 I find out that what I thought was an Indian take out restaurant (because I get curry there don't hate me I was told it was an Indian place) was acting, specifically, a HALAL restaurant and I'm like "mhm. Okay. So what does that mean?"
And again, I spend hours on Google with those drop down "similar questions" just learning a little bit about Islam.
And like through these experiences I learn a basic principle that I have embodied since becoming Muslim "Islam is a religion of love and peace"
Come to 2024.
I think February. Really wanna say February. My sense of time and time keeping is really bad.
But it's the beginning of the year. I'm having a real ROUGH time of it. I'm having intrusive thoughts of self harm. I'm constantly being triggered by Tumblr because of the I/P conflict. I'm constantly triggered by trumblr because of talks of transphobia of kinds. I'm triggered by Tumblr because of the porn. My best friend is increasingly becoming a bad friend. IM NOT COPING. To the point I was hospitalized twice, and should have been a third time (thanks Brylin for never calling me back for that admission)
And through it all, I'm praying to the universe. I'm like, I'm lost, I'm suffering, I need some guidance. Please someone, anyone, give me a sign.
And there was this feeling.... this VERY distinct feeling. It was in my chest and in my belly. I can't really describe it other than light and energy radiating. Like a pulling feeling. It felt like a calling. And something inside me kept saying "turn to Islam. Turn to Allah."
I was apprehensive at first. Yknow, being a pagan witch at the time and all. It felt... well, why would Allah be calling to me.? I'm a pagan witch!
But I don't know. I won't lie and say I never found comfort in being pagan. But there's something.... different in Islam. I can sit and listen to the Quran and crochet and I just feel... at peace. I can watch videos discussing Islam and the thoughts usually racing in my head just... stop. I'm fascinated by Islamic history in a way that other periods in history haven't fascinated, /and I say this as someone who loves history/.
I will admit, there's part of me that doesn't feel good enough for Allah, for Islam. But then I remember how many times the Quran says "Allah is the most forgiving, the most merciful" and that's... that's what I need. Someone to forgive the parts of me that can't keep up because of my disability, and is understanding (see, merciful) for all the things I am not.
So tldr: basically I had a friend who started my interested and then Allah answered my prayers.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5387
Jalsa, Mumbai                Nov 12,  2022                 Sat 11:59 PM
Uffff .. made it in time for the day of the 12th without the slash of the 13th .. though it was pretty close .. just a minute away and the DAY would have been morose ..
But morose is the day .. for another colleague has left us and me in particular ..
Rakesh Sharma , first AD to Prakash Mehra on ‘ZANJEER’ .. then independent director for other PM ( prakash mehra, as we often joked with him, as the PM of the country ) films .. and singularly - Hera Pheri, Khoon Pasina, Mr Natwarlal, Yaarana , et al .. and such great camaraderie on sets and else where, socially, during events and Holi ..
One by one they all leave .. 
But some like Rakesh leave an imprint that is hard to remove or forget .. his sense of screen play and direction, writing and execution on the spur of the moment and the fun times on location during Nattu and Yaarana .. his complete faith in his worth .. and the ease with which he would grant us the liberty of skipping shootings on the odd day, just to be able to spend time relaxing fooling around and being in the company of uncontrollable laughter and gaiety .. 
A most affable and kind hearted human , ready to step up to any kind of inconvenience that artists that worked with him, faced .. !
No I shall hesitate to go to his funeral .. for I shall not be able to bear the sight of an inert Rakesh  !
You made many of us prominent with your innovative ideas for story and film, Rakesh, and you shall ever be remembered .. ! 🙏🙏🙏
Sad news percolates on some other near and dear too .. but life challenges each hour and you get up bruised and damaged to brush off the injuries and walk .. then canter .. and finally run .. !!
I have no heart to design any other with pictures, so shall leave that for another day ..
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Amitabh Bachchan 
💛🪔 .. November 13 .. birthday of Ef Dr. Chitra Prasad from Canada 🇨🇦 .. Ef since the days of BigAdda .. and an admirer of Babuji .. she has written a book titled “Poetry and Emotions on Celluloid: Role of Hindi Film Lyricists” .. which is somehow related to my work of reserving the heritage of Indian Cinema .. or so I was told .. and one shall thank her for this with admiration and all good wishes .. .. and it is happy birthday to Ef Saru Rairikar from Satara for the 13th as well .. ❤️❤️❤️ November 13 is also "World Kindness Day" .. and in quoting from the words of the Ef .. one must say that it's indeed wonderful that your birthdays have such a special meaning .. the 13th has always been associated with being unlucky .. which is untrue .. but now you can tell everyone that your birthdays are a reminder for people to be kind !! .. in a world where we can choose to be anything , choose to be kind .. !! .. and .. yes .. be kind to yourself .. that's important too .. ❤️❤️❤️
Love .. and the kindness of 🤗 to all the Ef .. ✨
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catgirltoes · 8 months
The state of tribal children in these traumatic residential schools is worse. The truth is that students in these schools are being stripped off their identities, and even after multiple exposés on deaths and sexual abuse cases in government-run residential tribal schools in Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Assam, no concrete measures are being taken. Instead, the government plans to set up more residential schools by 2022 under the garb of tribal education and development. Every block with more than 50% ST population and at least 20,000 tribal persons will have an Ekalavya Model Residential School, said the finance minister in his budget speech this February.
India has never evaluated the dangers, purpose and politics of setting up these residential model schools for tribal children. Since the mid 1990s, post liberalisation, many corporations have started operating residential tribal schools as a part of their CSR policies. These companies have a strategic interest in the lands that tribal communities inhabit. Most private-run residential schools in India receive large amounts of funds from companies which wrest control over tribal lands. In fact, residential schools have become a new-age displacement mechanism, under the pretence of an assimilationist education system.
This seems extremely similar to the explicitly genocidal Indian Residential Schools in Canada.
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applebrooklyn · 1 month
India bears a disproportionately large burden of the world's tuberculosis rates, with World Health Organization (WHO) statistics for 2011 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.2 million cases for India out of a global incidence of 9.6 million cases.
Tuberculosis is one of India's biggest health issues, but what makes this problem even worse is the recent discovery of Totally Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, TDR-TB. This issue of drug resistance began with MDR-TB, moved to XDR-TB and, as of 2021, has grown to embrace the most dangerous form, TDR-TB.
The cost of this death and disease to the Indian economy between 2006 and 2014 was approximately US$1 billion.
Another major cause for the growth of TB in India has to do with its standing as a developing country. A study of Delhi slums has correlated higher scores on the Human Development Index and high proportions of one-room dwellings tend to correlate with TB at higher rates.[16] Poorly built environments, including hazards in the workplace, poor ventilation, and overcrowded homes have also been found to increase exposure to TB
( Their own living situation is causing them death and suffering, and bad wiring is causing summer fires)
It’s a fun fact and a reality check education hour.
I do agree with you. The world is living through a silent pandemic for years and it's the worst in India. We are struggling with it since pre independence era. The first sanatorium was established in 1905 or 1906, if I remember correctly, and even now, if you go to any of the colder places or hill stations, you will find these delepidated buildings which once used to be a sanatorium. One of them is near my college as well.
In 1951, the GOI launched a mass vaccination program for BCG and in 1962, National Tuberculosis Control Project was launched. As a young nation, we did well. Goverment's efforts were commendable. But soon enough, in late 1970s, we realised BCG vaccine isn't exactly working. This should have prompted the government to take an action, but nothing happened. Although, I would like to add here that some say that some data was lost between 1978-1979 (if my memory serves me right) and if we took that in account, the vaccine was working just fine. I would leave this to your discretion.
The world then saw the emergence of HIV in 1984. We too had cases of HIV infection. We did not knew until 1986. Until then, many were infected with HIV and TB was it's most common secondary infection. In 1992, we reported our first MDR TB case as well.
So we were in a hot soup. No vaccine, HIV, increasing population, recession, political upheaval, communication gap between the government and the masses, poor sanitation, lack of knowledge in public, MDR.
In 1993, TB was declared a global emergency and in the same year, Revised NTCP was piloted. We had our objectives clear—85% cure rate and 70% detection rates. And we did it. The catch—it took us 13 years!
Now, time is an asset. Even more so in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There is a whole catalogue of 17000 mutations which may lead to multi drug resistance. Bacteria are quick to reproduce and respond. They are exceptional at defence and time constraints are tight. Safe to say, the devil works fast, but bacteria work faster. Sadly, we did not realise it at that time. In 2012, we then encountered a rather strange strain that was resistant to all the first line and second line drugs—the TDR strain. As if MDR-TB wasn't a nuisance enough. The MDR-TB treatment has a success rate of only 54%. WHO reported roughly 3.4 lakh deaths due to TB in India in 2022 and 1.1 lakh were due to MDR-TB. We had record TB cases in 2023.
But yes, we are working on it. We are a big country with a big population. Population burden is always going to be an issue. We can't run from it. We are working on sanitation, it is taking time, but it will hopefully happen in its due course. In 2023, we became the first country to make a mathematical model to estimate the cases of tuberculosis. According to that, there was an 11 % reduction in the case of TB in 2022 as compared to 2023.
Government has launched NSP for Tuberculosis elimination (2017-2025). We have NiKshay ecosystem (under which the mathematical model has been developed), we have Nikshay poshan Yojana for financial support of TB patients. The scientists are doing their due. Two vaccines are under phase 3 clinical trials. Drugs are being developed. Rifampicin derivatives, BDQ, Delaminid etc.
So yeah, it's an uphill battle and we have made many mistakes. But if all of us do our respective parts, we still have a chance to overcome it.
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rangpurcity · 1 year
What is special about Shreyas Iyer like MS Dhoni? Former Indian cricketer told the qualities
What is special about Shreyas Iyer like MS Dhoni? Former Indian cricketer told the qualities
highlights Shreyas Iyer scored 86 runs in the first innings. India defeated Bangladesh by 188 runs in the first test. new Delhi: Indian team is on Bangladesh tour. Team India has defeated the host team by 188 runs in the first test match. The best young batsman Shreyas Iyer played an inning of 86 runs for India in the first innings. During this, he had hit 10 fours. He could not get a chance to…
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instanews01 · 2 months
New stars in Indian cricket
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In the 17 matches of IPL, India got two future stars, one a bowling sensation, the other a batting threat. Mayank Yadav and Angkrish Raghuvanshi have got two stars in IPL 2024. The talent between these two has been shown in the IPL. Due to this, these two are being called the future stars of Indian cricket.
Talk by Mayank Yadav:
From Rian Parag to Abhishek Sharma, IPL has produced many good Indian players. But at this moment, Mayank Yadav and Angkrish Raghuvanshi are the talk of the town. Mayank Yadav is playing for Lucknow Super Giants. He was picked up by Lucknow Super Giants for Rs 20 lakh in 2023. But he got an opportunity in 2024 and made the most of it.
He played his first match in IPL 2024 against Punjab Kings. In it, 3 big batsmen have been sent back after giving 27 runs in 4 overs. In this match he surprised everyone by bowling at a speed of 155.8 km per hour. He then bowled at 156.7 km per hour against RCB. Players like Jonny Bairstow, Glenn Maxwell and Cameron Greene have been stunned by his bowling. Now Mayank has taken 6 wickets in 2 matches in IPL 2024 so he is in contention for Purple Cap.
Strong Performance by Angkrish Raghuvanshi:
In the Under-19 Cricket World Cup in 2022, Angkrish Raghuvanshi was the highest run-scorer in the Indian cricket team. Further, KKR picked him up for Rs 20 lakh in the IPL 2024 auction. He made his regular debut against Kolkata Knight Riders against Delhi Capitals. He batted a strong 54 runs off 27 balls in these matches.
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georgy1915 · 2 months
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Lisa Ann Murkowski (/mərˈkaʊski/ mər-KOW-skee; born May 22, 1957) is an American attorney and politician serving as the senior United States senator representing Alaska, having held that seat since 2002. She is the first woman to represent Alaska in the Senate and the Senate's second-most senior Republican woman, after Susan Collins of Maine. She became dean of Alaska's congressional delegation upon Representative Don Young's death.
Murkowski is the daughter of former U.S. senator and governor of Alaska Frank Murkowski. Before her appointment to the Senate, she served in the Alaska House of Representatives and was elected majority leader. She was controversially appointed to the Senate by her father, who resigned his seat in December 2002 to become governor of Alaska. She completed her father's unexpired Senate term, which ended in January 2005, and became the first Alaskan-born member of Congress.
Murkowski ran for and won a full term in 2004. After losing the 2010 Republican primary to Tea Party candidate Joe Miller, she ran as a write-in candidate and defeated both Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams in the general election. She is the second U.S. senator (after Strom Thurmond in 1954) to be elected by write-in vote. She was elected to a third term in 2016 and a fourth term in 2022, running as a Republican.
Murkowski was vice chair of the Senate Republican Conference from 2009 to 2010, chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee from 2015 to 2021, and has been vice chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee since 2021.
She is often described as one of the Senate's most moderate Republicans, and a crucial swing vote. According to CQ Roll Call, she voted with President Barack Obama's position 72.3% of the time in 2013, one of only two Republicans to do so over 70% of the time. In recent years, she opposed Brett Kavanaugh and supported Ketanji Brown Jackson in their respective nominations to the Supreme Court. On February 13, 2021, she was one of seven Republican senators to vote to convict Donald Trump of incitement of insurrection in his second impeachment trial, for which she was censured by the Alaska Republican Party.
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wyrmfedgrave · 4 months
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Pics: Bert Terhune related notes.
1. Mary Virginia Haws, Bert's mom was a writer of novels, travelogues, memoirs, domestic manuals, etiquette booklets & cookbooks.
2. Cover of 1 of her house 'running' books.
3. Who doesn't recognize a Lassie poster? This being for 1 of her many movies.
4 & 5. Covers of some of Bert's many works.
6. At least 1 of Bert's short stories focused on the danger that spies & assassins posed to General George Washington.
7. Poster for the "Ogre" TV movie, with a great tagline!
8. Bust of Cleisthenes, the Father of Athenian democracy.
9. Bust of Alexander Pope, the English poet, translator & satirist on society & politics.
10. John Dryden painting, an earlier English poet, literary critic, translator, satirist & playwright.
Notes (on yesterday's post):
1. The Adventurers Club of NY was a private men's club founded in 1912 by one A. Hoffman.
Its main functions were monthly dinners & a weekly lunch.
Their main rule was that "No one talks about Fight Club!"
There's complete silence on most of their activities.
Yet, for a secretive group, they certainly went out of their way to announce their events.
First, they published The Adventurer, a monthly newsletter that ran until 1960!
Then they had a weekly radio show, the Gold Seat Associates, where club members spoke of the most exciting moment of their lives.
The Adventurers Club finally faded out during the 1970s.
2. Lassie is the star of an American TV series (1954 to 1973) & several movies.
'She' (actually male dogs were used!) is a smart & fearless collie living in a Virginia farm with her companions - human or otherwise.
Later in the show, Lassie worked with forest rangers - out in the wilderness!
There's also an animated series that brought Lassie's heroic acts into the 2000s.
Lassie's latest film came out in 2022...
3. Mary V. Haws wrote several novels set in the southern states before the Civil War, which began in 1861.
(But, this was actually only after many decades of rising tensions - mostly on the subject of slavery.
It only ended after 4 years & some 610,000+ deaths!!)
Haws completed her last book at the age of 88 - while she was quite blind!
4. Other books by Bert Terhune are: "World's Great Events", "Famous American Indians", "Wonder Woman in History", "Around the World in 30 Days" & "Superwomen."
5. Scribblers are people who write for hire or as a hobby. Usually, scribblers worked for newspapers & magazines.
It's just that readers don't actually like their articles!
6. The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783. Its causes were British taxes, the Boston Massacre & the Intolerable Acts.
Only 45% of colonists supported this war - as it forced neighbors against each other!
In Ben Franklin's case, it permanently tore his family apart...
7. Don't know why Lovecraft equates the famous folk he mentioned with ogres - except for Bonaparte, maybe.
Ogres are hideous looking, human eating giants from fairy tales & folk- lore.
It's no better in slang, as it describes "a person who's monstrously ugly, cruel or barbarous."
(Shrek they are not!)
Ogre comes to us thru France. But, it's actually from Etruscan (ancient north Italian nation & language) "Orcus", God of the Dead & punisher of oath- breakers.
8. "Where freedom 1st arose..."
A. This would be ancient Athens, in Greece on 508 BC. That's when Cleisthenes 1st set up a democratic government there.
(But, Howard could be referring to the American Revolution again.)
B. In that case, Congress did approve in becoming independent on July 2nd, 1776, thru the Lee Resolution.
We now celebrate when our politicians started signing the official Declaration of Independence, on July the 4th.
But, it took some time before all of the congressmen actually did so...
England didn't really 'recognize' our victory until the Paris Treaty of 1783!
Even then, Britain tried to 'reacquire' its 13 colonies during the War of 1812...
9. HPL seemed aware of his writing limits.
His evoking of imagery & emotion rested upon his skill at following strict poetic structures & his own aesthetic taste.
Lovecraft thought it more important to be formally correct, rather than to be creatively interesting.
10. As to Howard's personal writing style, it's actually his own copying of the forms of A. Pope & J. Dryden.
Pope was 1 of the most prominent writers of the 1700s.
Dryden was the 1st Poet Laureate of England & is chiefly responsible for introducing heroic couplets & the triplet into English poetic structures...
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Birtherism is making a comeback.
Donald Trump is not terribly original. He just keeps regurgitating the same old discredited bullshit. Trump correctly assumes that his gullible followers will believe whatever he tells them; there may be a few who are still drinking bleach. 🤮
In Trump's pre-escalator days he frequently repeated the lie that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It didn't matter that there were still living witnesses to Obama's birth in Honolulu in 1961.
Now Trump is claiming Nikki Haley is ineligible to be president.
Let’s say you were definitely born in the United States, but Donald Trump doesn’t like you. Are you really eligible to run for president? A lot of people are saying no! Well, not really a lot of people. It’s mainly just Donald Trump and his allies at the Gateway Pundit. And while they did offer a justification for questioning whether Nikki Haley is eligible for the presidency, it’s totally absurd. Obviously, the only reason the GOP presidential candidate is suddenly being targeted with a birther conspiracy theory is because polls show she’s gaining on Trump in the New Hampshire GOP primary. [ ... ] Nikki Haley was born in South Carolina in 1972, so she’s an American citizen eligible to run for president, end of story. The Truth Social post doesn’t include a link, probably because facts aren’t the point here. The Gateway Pundit article claims that “legal scholar” Paul Ingrassia — whose identifies himself online as a 2022 graduate of Cornell Law School and a member of Trump’s National Economic Council — has “reignited the fiery debate over what it means to be a ‘natural born citizen’” with an article in the fringe, far-right online publication American Greatness. But there is no “fiery debate.” The Constitution says “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” [ ... ] So the fact that Haley’s parents, who are Indian immigrants, were not citizens at the time of her birth is irrelevant [ ... ] The real point of Trump’s post was to smear Haley with his favorite racist conspiracy theory. Questioning Barack Obama’s citizenship helped launch Trump’s political career, so he later ran the same playbook against political opponents Ted Cruz and Kamala Harris. The only twist this time is that there actually is a debate raging about whether a candidate is ineligible for the presidency — and it’s Trump, not Haley.
Trump's mother was an immigrant from Scotland. His paternal grandfather was born in Kallstadt in what is now Germany. Four of his five kids have immigrant mothers. The distinction is that they're all white.
Racism is a major component of birtherism. In Trump's eyes, you're not a real American unless you're white. Because that's how most of Trump's followers view America, birtherism is a way of firing up the base during the primary and caucus season.
So I'm no fan of Nikki Haley. She talks out of both sides of her mouth on various issues and would appoint far right judges to the federal judiciary if elected president. But she is legally eligible to be president – more so than Donald Trump may be.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Voters on Navajo, Apache, and Hopi reservations helped swing Arizona for the Democrats in 2020. In response, the Republican governor and state legislature have curtailed ballot access for an already marginalized constituency.
To vote in the 2020 Presidential election, Frank Young rode a horse to the polls in Kayenta, Arizona. He was fifty-eight years old, and it was the first time he’d ever cast a ballot. Young is a citizen of the Navajo Nation, the country’s most populous Native American tribe, with nearly four hundred thousand members. About forty per cent of them live on a reservation that spans more than twenty-seven thousand square miles, an area larger than West Virginia. When we met, not far from his home in Rough Rock, a small Native community tucked under the mesa where his livestock grazes, he was wearing cowboy boots and a wide-brimmed black hat that sat low over a broad face weathered from years tending his animals. Two years ago, when his daughter convinced him that another Trump Presidency would be disastrous for Native Americans, Young decided that the best way to “protect the sacred” was to travel into battle the way his ancestors had. “We used to use horses to fight our enemies,” he said. “So my idea was, We’re gonna beat red. And we’d do it on horseback, and the horses will carry our culture and our democratic tradition and that will help us get it back.” Forty other riders joined him on an eight-mile ceremonial ride to vote at the local chapter house, the seat of the tribal government, which doubles as a polling site.
There are close to five million Native Americans of voting age in the United States, but only sixty-six per cent of them are registered to vote. Young said that he previously chose not to participate in American elections because the state and federal governments—he called them “colonizers”—had oppressed his people for centuries, extracting their timber, minerals, and ore, and leaving them to languish on land stripped of its value. “I just felt that our votes didn’t matter,” he told me.
It was an explanation that I heard a lot as I made my way across Arizona’s Navajo, Apache, and Hopi reservations, where human habitation is sparse, and flat-topped mountains preside over scrubby grass valleys. Native Americans have the highest rate of poverty in the nation—around twenty-seven per cent. As the pandemic took hold, the rate of unemployment soared to nearly twenty-nine per cent, reaching rates not seen in this country since the Great Depression. What this looks like on the ground is stunning: whole communities that live in substandard housing and, in 2022, lack electricity and running water. A former state legislator from the region said, “If you were told that there’s a Third World country in the middle of Arizona, you would not believe it. Yet people here still have to haul water, they have to use kerosene lanterns, and they have to use outhouses.”
Vida Begay, a Navajo woman from Indian Wells, Arizona, explained that people there had to strap two-hundred-gallon plastic water tanks—each of which can cost upward of two hundred dollars—to the back of their vehicles, filling them every few days, even in the depths of winter, when they have the tendency to freeze and crack open. On an Apache reservation, in Whiteriver, Lydia Dosela told me that there are members of her community who, because they can’t afford transportation, hitchhike to the town of Pinetop-Lakeside, twenty-five miles away, to work. “If it’s a choice between paying for gas and feeding their family, they are going to feed their family,” she said. As we toured her village, where stray dogs roam in packs, we passed the remains of a community center that had burned down after its copper wires were stripped by vandals. Dosela pointed to a small, windowless, unheated shed, the prefabricated kind that is meant to store tools and other equipment, and said that five people had been living in it.
Both Begay and Dosela are organizers with Northeast Arizona Native Democrats, hired to educate their communities about elections, garner support for Democratic candidates, and encourage voting. It is challenging work. Poverty and geography have combined to create structural barriers that thwart voting on sovereign Native lands. Poor people in the United States vote less than those with higher incomes, generally, but the remoteness of many communities and a general lack of reliable transportation make voting even more difficult for many Native Americans. In Navajo County, for example, which covers ten thousand square miles, there are only seventeen ballot drop boxes and twelve early-voting sites. Because local election offices are underfunded, the hours that those sites are open are often limited. The million-and-a-half acre Hopi Reservation has just three places where people can vote in person on Election Day. Early voting by mail helps Native voters, but post-office boxes can cost money that people may not have, and, in communities where there are not enough boxes to go around, residents sometimes have no choice but to get their mail delivered to towns that are hours away. There are only eleven post offices and sixteen additional sites that provide postal services across the entire Navajo reservation in Arizona. By contrast, West Virginia has seven hundred and twenty-five.
“Most of the time, when you have a post-office box, it makes voting a lot easier,” Allison Neswood, an attorney at the Native American Rights Fund, told me. “But, for Native communities, that’s not necessarily the case. The ones that are more rural, more remote, are farther from post offices, and the same obstacles to picking up the mail—Are the roads passable? Does my family have a vehicle that I can use?—also create barriers to voting.” (The majority of roads in Navajo Nation are unpaved and, in some parts of the reservation, only one in ten people owns a car. ) For tribal members who do not speak or read English and need language assistance, voting in person is the only option. But, for those who live in, for example, Teec Nos Pos, which is ninety-five miles from the nearest polling location, or for members of the Kaibab Paiute tribe, who have to travel two hundred and eighty-five miles to an early-voting site, voting in person may not be an option.
This year, Frank Young will once again ride his horse to the polls. His daughter, Allie, meanwhile, who is a program manager at the social-justice nonprofit, Harness, is sponsoring rides to register and to vote in other parts of Arizona, as well as in rural Black and Latino neighborhoods in Texas and Georgia. In her own community, Allie Young said, the show of civic engagement is meant to highlight a long history of voter suppression that continues to stymie Native Americans’ access to the ballot box. “The spirit of the horse represents strength and healing,” she said. “When we put our trust in the horse, it takes us where we need to go.”
Neither the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibits both the state and federal governments from denying (male) citizens the right to vote based on race, nor the Snyder Act of 1924, which explicitly granted citizenship to Native Americans, enfranchised them in Arizona, because the Constitution left it up to the states to decide who could vote. That right wasn’t fully extended to Indigenous people residing in Arizona until 1948. Even then, state-sanctioned literacy tests continued to block many Native Americans from registering, until the practice was struck down by a Supreme Court decision in 1970, five years after the Voting Rights Act abolished such tests nationwide. At a campaign rally I attended in Cameron, a place known for its abandoned uranium mines and high rates of cancer, Theresa Hatathlie, a Navajo woman running for State Senate, told the crowd, “For a long time, my mother and my father were not allowed to vote. So when they were finally given that right, whether it was the primary, or the general, or a special election, no matter the distance, whether it was raining, snowing, hailing, they went to vote. They reminded us that our people, our ancestors, encountered all this hardship and all these challenges just to vote.”
In 2020, Native Americans, who comprise six per cent of the Arizona population, voted in numbers never before seen and are largely credited with turning the state blue. According to the Associated Press, voters on the Navajo and Hopi reservations cast seventeen thousand more votes in 2020 than they had four years earlier, a majority of them for Biden, who won the state by about ten and a half thousand votes. With Trump promising to reopen the uranium mines, seizing sacred lands, and threatening to renege on the 1868 treaty that allowed Navajos to return to their ancestral homeland, the prospect of a Republican victory was existential. Jordan Harvill, the national program director for Advance Native Political Leadership, an Indigenous-led nonprofit that works to increase Native American political representation, told me, “After years of chronic underinvestment and voter suppression in Native communities, Native voters proved to be a decisive voting bloc in 2020.”
Rather than trying to appeal to Native voters, the Republican legislature and governor are, instead, actively working against them. The 2021 Supreme Court decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, a case that originated in Arizona, essentially neutered the section of the Voting Rights Act which prohibits states from passing laws that result “in a denial or abridgement” of the right to vote “on account of race or color.” In an opinion written by Samuel Alito, the Court’s conservative majority ruled that a law passed by the Arizona legislature, which made it illegal for a person to return the ballot of a friend or neighbor to a drop box or polling location, and disqualified voters who cast ballots in the wrong location, did not violate the Voting Rights Act. In an amicus brief, lawyers for the Navajo Nation pointed out, “Arizona’s ballot collection law criminalizes ways in which Navajos historically participated in early voting by mail. Due to the remoteness of the Nation and lack of transportation, it is not uncommon for Navajos to ask their neighbors or clan members to deliver their mail.” The 2022 election will be the first time ballot collection will be outlawed. There is little doubt that it will suppress the Native vote.
The law’s prohibition against out-of-precinct voting is also likely to undercut Native representation. Indian reservations tend to lack street addresses—by one count, fifty thousand properties do not have a fixed address—so when people there register to vote they have to draw a map of where they live in order to be assigned to the correct precinct. But, in practice, this often leads to voters being placed in the wrong precinct or not getting a precinct assignment at all. Although they may be able to cast a provisional ballot, Arizona rejects provisional ballots more frequently than any other state, and a substantial number of those rejected ballots are from Indigenous communities. And though the state now allows voters to identify their domicile with a code from Google that uses latitude and longitude to create a shareable digital address, numerous challenges, starting with Internet access and poor cell service, make this difficult to implement on reservations. Casey Lee, a thirty-three-year-old Navajo chef, started registering voters in and around Kayenta after the pandemic forced him to shutter his food truck; he told me that he now spends much of his time finding Google codes for his neighbors.
Since the Brnovich decision, the legislature has continued to pass more laws that target Native Americans and other people of color, who tend to vote for Democrats. Voters now must “cure” ballots when there is a mismatch between the signature on file and the signature on the ballot by 7 P.M. on Election Day—previously, they had seven days to do so—a hurdle that is likely to be too high for most people living on reservations. Another law bans local election offices from receiving funding from outside organizations, despite chronic underfunding of those offices, especially on reservations. Two additional laws make it easier for registered voters to be removed from the voter-registration database. “The colonization of our people is not over,” the former state legislator told me. “And one of the most glaring forms is attacking our voting rights. It is the easiest way to take the power away from Indigenous communities. And so it continues to happen.”
Redistricting has also hit Native communities hard. Districts that were created to empower Native Americans have now been sliced and diced to mute Native voices. District 2, for instance, now encompasses sixty per cent of Arizona’s landmass, including fourteen of the state’s twenty-two tribes. It is the most Native voting district in the state. But the newly drawn map adds a large Republican county, diluting the Native vote and giving the advantage to white Republicans. This new map is a direct legacy of the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby v. Holder, which effectively eliminated the provision of the Voting Rights Act that required the Justice Department to review changes to voting rules in states with a history of racial and ethnic discrimination before they could be adopted—what is known as “preclearance”—in order to insure that those changes would not harm minority voters. Without preclearance, states are now free to discriminate at will.
It was the twelfth day of early voting when I arrived in Dilkon, a town of fewer than two thousand people in the southwestern corner of the Navajo reservation. I followed a “Vote Here Today” sign to the town’s chapter house, an unassuming, dun-colored building on a dusty side road. The radio station KTNN, “the Voice of the Navajo Nation,” had set up in a parking lot a few hundred feet away, and was broadcasting a mix of country songs, tribal music, and exhortations to vote. Women crowded into a makeshift kitchen inside a horse trailer, preparing pozole, a pork-and-hominy stew. People arrived in fits and starts, most dropping off ballots before sitting down at folding tables to eat. Cindy Honani, an organizer from Mission for Arizona, a group funded by the Democratic Party, told me that it was the first time they had served hot food at a campaign event. The organizers hoped that both the stew and the presence of the radio station would draw a hundred people by day’s end. It was unseasonably cold—it snowed that morning—and people ate in a hurry and left. The mood was serious, not festive.
On the other side of the road was a neat row of compact houses. Begay told me that each one might have fifteen people living in it. That was the reason that COVID tore through the Navajo Nation, she said. (In May, 2020, there were more COVID cases per capita on the reservation than anywhere in the country.) “If one person got COVID, there was no place for them to isolate, so it went through the houses here like wildfire.” Masks are still required on the reservation, and, as I drove along Indian Route 15, it was not unusual to see hand-painted signs reminding people to wear them.
Missa Foy, the chair of the Navajo County Democrats, told me that, during the 2020 election, the pandemic had curtailed door-knocking and other traditional get-out-the-vote activities. “We had been on the ground since 2019, doing year-round deep canvassing, and when the pandemic hit we were not going to go out there and tell anyone to vote because it was just not the right thing to do,” she said. “So we came together as a team and said, ‘Let’s see who needs help. Let’s see what we can do.’ ” The group began connecting people with needed services, including meal boxes and P.P.E. “This wasn’t a branded effort,” Foy said. “We weren’t saying, ‘The Democratic Party is calling to save you.’ We just did it as community service.”
This effort was being run almost entirely by women. Later on, Foy and her colleagues decided to try to replicate it for voting, training community matriarchs on the ins and outs of voter registration and early voting, introducing them to candidates, and familiarizing them with the ten propositions that are on the midterm ballots. There are now a hundred and sixty-four matriarchs who have pledged to get their extended families to the polls. One of them, Lorraine Coin, a sixty-five-year-old Hopi woman I visited in Second Mesa, told me, “Women are the fire keepers of the house. When the kids come home from school, who is the first person they want to see? The mom, of course. And when the mom or grandmother or auntie talks, they are going to listen.”
Not long before I left Arizona, I drove around the town of Pinon with Suzy Etsitty, a medical-transportation driver who has worked to elect Democrats since 2014. Before that, she said, she “didn’t know crap about politics.” Now she regularly debates her Republican relatives, most of whom live off the reservation, about abortion, immigration, and inflation. And she can persuade her neighbors to register and vote because their lives depend on it. “I tell them that their social security is at stake,” she said. “That their rights are at stake. That we get funding from the government for our schools and our hospitals and for things like food stamps.”
Pinon is a dusty outpost of just over a thousand residents. As we drove, Etsitty, who lives out of town in a house built by her grandfather decades earlier, with her infirm mother and teen-age nieces, pointed out the public-school dormitory where she boarded until third grade. A housing development for the school’s teachers, many of whom have come to this isolated high desert from the Philippines, stood between the high school and a horse paddock. A sign welcoming visitors warned against social gatherings and listed other COVID prohibitions. Not far from the sole grocery store for nearly fifty miles, she showed me the post office where her midterm ballot was waiting for her, and the drop box where she would deposit it. “If Republicans get their way, they are going to do away with our voting rights,” she said. “That’s what really scares me.” ♦
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5321
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Sept 4/5,  2022                Sun/Mon  12:04 AM
Birthday - EF Reeham Ab El Kader Mostafa Husein and EF Hirna Gorecha ... Monday, 5 September .. my love and greetings and the greetings from the Ef family .. ❤️❤️❤️
Busy .. busy .. busy .. 
busy with the dubbing and planning of films under release .. and the effort of the professionals in doing the best they can ..,
In our days the hand painted banner was the ultimate promotion of the film on release .. and at the most that one page ad., in the Screen magazine for film from Indian Express ..
Now ..
a million ideas and outlets and thoughts and processes to be understood and there are professional companies where the heads call themselves ... 
Marketeer Strategist ..
😳 ..
Bless them and their efforts .. 
their credentials run according to the PR they designed for the last blockbuster .. quite a qualification .. 
early call in the morrow for KBC .. so .. 
dreams of the sweetest for the Ef
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Amitabh Bachchan
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