fdinotes · 4 months
Review #39
Vita Sexualis
Penulis : Mori Ogai
Goodreads Rating : 3.36/5
Aku memilih untuk membaca buku ini karena mengingat karakter Mori Ogai si pemimpin Port Mafia dari anime Bungou Stray Dogs yang sudah kutonton. Membuatku penasaran, seperti apa karya dari orang yang karakternya dijadikan pimpinan di anime tersebut.
Buku ini menceritakan Kanai Shuzuka seorang profesor filsafat yang alih alih membuat tulisan filsafat sesuai keahliannya, justru memilih untuk menuliskan semacam otobigorafi tentang kehidupannya yang berkaitan dengan hasrat seksual yang dialami sejak kecil hingga ia dewasa. Ini ia lakukan karena ia merasa hasrat seksualnya berbeda dengan orang kebanyakan dan mempengaruhi kehidupannya, juga karena ia tak ingin menulis hal yang biasa ditulis oleh penulis lainnya. Ia juga berharap karyanya dapat dibaca dan diwariskan kepada keturunannya untuk lebih memahami dirinya.
Buku ini pernah dilarang beredar karena dianggap erotis dan memberi kesan buruk. Setelah membacanya aku tidak mengerti kenapa demikian. Cerita ini cukup ringan dan sangat mudah diikuti, dan aku tidak merasakan ada unsur vulgar atau erotis sama sekali dalam ceritanya. Kanai menceritakan pengalamannya seperti melihat buku dengan gambar aneh waktu masa kecilnya, mempunyai teman wanita, bertamu ke bar yang terdapat geisha, dan lainnya yang tidak ada sesuatu vulgar yang diceritakan. Kesimpulanku satu: pergeseran standar kesan erotis sejak zaman itu dan masa kini yang sudah berbeda.
Selain itu juga mungkin karena terdapat hal “amoral” yang terjadi pada Kanai semasa ia bersekolah di asrama, yaitu teman teman lelakinya yang melakukan pelecehan seksual kepada siswa siswa laki-laki lain yang dianggap lemah atau tampan di asrama tersebut dan perbuatan tersebut dianggap sebagai kenakalan remaja pada umumnya.
Secara keseluruhan, buku ini menarik untuk bacaan ringan tetapi sejujurnya tidak memberikan kesan mendalam untukku. Mungkin juga karena ekspektasiku untuk sastra jepang dari penulis ternama sungguh tinggi sebagaimana karya sasta jepang lama yang telah kubaca lainnya.
Depok, 30 Januari 2024, 5.00 PM
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jidaohuashi · 1 year
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Offer Mori Ogai,thank you  your support, and have good lucky (ฅ>ω<*ฅ)✧
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artemysia9 · 1 month
Someone can tell me if there are a mistranslation of mori word or something bad joking? Bc I saw the anime and I read manga + novel and I didn't see p*do attitudes #moriogai #bungostraydogs
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reticentwritings · 4 years
oh hey I’m glad you are new writing blog!If you don’t mind could you please do mori oneshot where he found out that she was bullied at school and doesn’t want to tell him because it’s her problem 💜if you are comfortable with that and make it fluffy in the end pleeeease 🥺🥺🥺
ah , yes , of course ! i’m not great with writing as mori , so if i’m a little off with his character , forgive me ^^’
you were never really the type to let anyone know if anything bothered you . you always kept it to yourself , thinking of ways to resolve the problems and move on  
although , you couldn’t resolve this one . not on your own , anyways . everyday was torturous . nicknames , cruel words , threats , punches . they made your life a living hell . if a ‘ living hell ‘ is a proper way to describe this . 
they actually never hurt you that badly , they stung a little bit , but you shrugged it off , thinking ‘ they’re jealous of me ‘ to yourself before continuing on with your day . however , mostly , it wasn’t that easy to do so . 
you came home one day after a particularly bad beating . you had a few bruises and a few scratches , a chunk of your hair was gone as one of them cut it off , and you were a mess in general . 
mori was tending to elise . she was whining about one of her crayons going missing , a dark red one . you knew she favored that one a lot , for whatever reason . maybe it was because it resembled blood in a way or some such . you placed your things down and ran to your room , sorta trying to hide yourself before you were seen . 
“ y/n , you look a mess . “ mori’s voice . the last person you wanted to see at this moment . you flinched and bit your lip , hunching your shoulders before turning around . behind him , elise was standing , holding a red crayon . you squinted and realised that was your crayon , but you had more important things to deal with than a crayon . 
“ i uh .. i wanted a new look . “ you lied , plastering a smile onto your face . of course , it was fake .“ with scratches and bruises ? i understand the hair thing , but what’s with the injuries ? “rats . you couldn’t get out of this one . 
you sighed quietly and pulled your hood over your head . “ i wanted a new style . are bruises and scratches not a fashion trend ? ““ not that i’m aware of - ““ what would you know about fashion anyways ? ““ nothing , but i know for a fact injuries are not a fashion trend ““ look , i’m fine . “ you said calmly . 
mori sighed and decided to deal with elise again . elise had decided to act up for some reason , once again , and this time , you didn’t know why . 
you looked in the mirror and patched up your injuries , and then slowly took the scissors to your hair , jumping when you heard mori behind you “ y/n . don’t . ““ why not ? i’m fine , i don’t mind looking like a fool ! ““ you know you can tell me anything , right ? ““ i know . i can deal with this myself . ““ what happened ? please tell me . “
you stayed quiet . you knew deep down that if you told someone , it would be slightly easier for you to deal with , but another part of you knew how when you dealt with things alone , they increasingly got easier . 
you gave in and sighed , looking down . “ fine . i’m getting bullied . ““ oh ? by who ? ““ just a group of kids . “he stayed silent and just hugged you . “ i’ll deal with them , don’t worry . “you chuckled quietly “ don’t do anything rash , okay ? ““ i’ll try . “
you smiled a little and leaned into him , falling asleep . 
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haruhideym · 4 years
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Mori​ Ogai - 森鴎外
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peachedtv · 4 years
Happy Birthday Mori Ogai || Bungou Stray Dogs Edit / AMV
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Otama memperoleh harapan hidup yang baik saat berencana menikah dengan seorang polisi, yang ternyata sudah beristri dan kemudian membuangnya. Ibarat keluar dari mulut buaya dan masuk ke mulut harimau, Otama lepas dari si polisi untuk menjadi gundik seorang rentenir. Satu-satunya kebahagiaan yang ia miliki hanyalah fantasi tentang seorang mahasiswa tampan bernama Okada, yang sering lewat di depan rumahnya, dan tampaknya juga mengagumi Otama dari jauh. Diterjemahkan oleh: : Ribeka Ota Mori Ogai, Angsa Liar, Novel, Jakarta, Penerbit Mooi, iv+156 hlm, 62.000 #MoriOgai #AngsaLiar #SastraJepang #PenerbitMooi #KatalogJBS (di Jual Buku Sastra-JBS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaV-bUphc0T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bungakusalon · 4 years
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森 鷗外 (もり おうがい、1862年2月17日 - 1922年7月9日) 学問の自由研究と芸術の自由発展とを妨げる国は栄えるはずがない。(森鷗外) ─────────────────────── #森鷗外 #MoriOgai #文学 #Literature #哲学 #philosophy #小説 #novel #小説家 #novelist #詩 #poem #詩人 #poet #読書 #read #reading #write #writing #本 #book #books #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdmjPjp_gE/?igshid=1k65biznwzhfa
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jana-hallford · 7 years
October Birthstones and Flowers
Opal and tourmaline are the October birthstones. Both are connected to legends about rainbows.
Opulent Opal
A hydrated amorphous form of silica, opal is a classed as a mineraloid (like pearl, obsidian, or amber) rather than a mineral because it lacks a crystalline structure.
The internal structure of precious opal causes it to diffract light. It can take on many colors, depending on the conditions in which it was formed. White and shades of green are the most common opal colors. Black is the rarest. Opals are found in Australia, Ethiopia, the United States, and Mexico.
The name opal is probably adapted from the Sanskrit word úpala, first referenced by the Romans around 250 BCE, when opals were the most valuable gemstones. Romans obtained opals from traders from the Bosphrous, who said the gems were from India.
According to legends of the Australian aborigines, opals were formed when the Creator rode a rainbow down to Earth to bring a message of peace to all of humanity. Stones sparkled with rainbow colors where his feet touched the ground. To the Ancient Greeks, opals were formed by Zeus’s tears of joy at the victory over the Titans.
There are many literary references to opals. Shakespeare alludes to the changing optical properties of the opal in Act 2, Scene 4 of Twelfth Night, when the Clown Feste says to Duke Orsino
“Now, the melancholy god protect thee, and the tailor make thy doublet of changeable taffeta, for thy mind is a very opal.”
Treasured Tourmaline
The semi-precious stone tourmaline is found in a wide array of colors. It is a crystalline boron silicate mineral compounded with other elements which determine the color. Lithium-rich tourmalines can be blue, green, red, yellow, pink, or almost any other hue. Magnesium-rich varieties are brown to yellow. Iron-rich tourmalines are black to dark blue or brown.  
The name tourmaline comes from the Tamil and Sinhalese word "Turmali" (තුරමලි) or "Thoramalli" (තෝරමල්ලි) meaning ”mixed colors.”
Ancient Egyptian legend said tourmalines passed through a rainbow on their long journey from the center of the earth to the surface, absorbing all its colors.
The Dutch East India Company brought these bright and beautiful stones to Europe from Sri Lanka in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today tourmalines are still mined in Sri Lanka, and in Brazil, Tanzania, Nigeria, Madagascar, Namibia, Pakistan, Malawi, and the United States.
Native Americans used pink and green tourmaline as funeral gifts. Pink, green, and black tourmalines are found in here in San Diego County, California. The Chinese Empress Dowager Cixi, Regent (and effective ruler) of the Qing Dynasty from 1861 until her death in 1908, loved pink tourmalines. She bought many pink tourmaline gemstones and carvings from the Himalaya Mine, located at Lake Henshaw in the Mesa Grande, near Santa Ysabel in San Diego County. The mine is still in operation, and open to visitors, with opportunities to dig for tourmalines and other minerals. 
Marigold and Cosmos, the October Flowers
The October birth month flowers are the marigold and the cosmos. Both are members of the plant family Asteraceae.
Marigolds are easy to grow with a long bloom time, bringing bursts of white,  yellow, and orange to the summer and autumn garden. Bright orange is the most popular shade. Marigolds stand for warmth, contentment, and fierce love.
The common name marigold can refer to two genuses: Tagetes and Calendula. The flower heads are similar to carnations or daisies and can bloom singly or in clusters.
Marigolds of the genus Calendula are edible, and are used as effective  herbal treatment for skin conditions. (In contrast, most tagetes marigolds are toxic.) In South Asia garlands of yellow and orange marigolds are used to decorate religious statues and temples.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous Pre-Raphaelite artist, used marigolds as a motif in more than one of his paintings. They figure prominently in a 1873 work described in a January 31, 1874 letter to Frederick Leyland. Rossetti wrote “I shall call the picture either Spring Marybuds or The Bower Maiden. It represents a young girl (fair) in a tapestried chamber, with a jar containing marybuds (or marsh marigolds, the earliest spring flowers here), which she is arranging on a shelf. Near her is a cat playing with a ball of worsted. The picture abounds in realistic materials & is much like the Veronica in execution & not inferior to that picture in colour.” (Fredeman, Correspondence, 74.21)
The play The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, by playwright and science teacher Paul Zindel, received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1971. The title refers to marigolds grown for a science fair experiment by the main character Tillie. Damaged yet resilient and beautiful, the flowers are a metaphor for her and her ability to succeed in a hostile, dysfunctional environment.
Cosmos are semi-tall annual daisy-like flowers that attract butterflies and bees. Their colors include pink, yellow, orange, red, maroon, and white. Cosmos symbolize serenity, order, and peace. The genus of this flower is also called Cosmos.
Japanese army surgeon, novelist and poet Lieutenant-General  Mori Ōgai (1862 - 1922)  wrote:
your heart still remains unsettled like the wavering of a cosmos flower after the bee is gone
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1908 E. Nash postcard for October, from the Birthday Gems series. 
My 1908 E. Nash postcard for October features an opal set in gold with sprays of yellow and orange goldenrod. Like the marigold and the cosmos, the goldenrod is a member of the family Asteraceae. It is a late summer to early fall flower, and is considered a good luck symbol.  The signature “guiding star” is in the upper left corner, with the word “October” from the center to the right, and the greeting “Wishing you a Happy Birthday” along the base of the card.  The verse, framed beside the word “October” reads:
The Golden Rod a guide to wealth, Thy thoughts are fancy-free The iridescent Opal bids Hope May the world be kind to thee, And that thy star may guide you Through Life’s path where’ere you may be.
Happy birthday to all who are October born, including the love of my life, my husband Neal. Like many October babies, he claims the entire month and the celebration of Halloween as his own. He refers to the month as “Big October” since our wedding anniversary, his birthday, then Halloween, his favorite holiday, take place this month. (We see it as the start of the holiday season.)
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rixxxxn · 7 years
After many times watching Bungou Stray Dogs, I just wanna say that....
..... I almost ship everyone, have new 3 waifus, one old awesome gramp and become a pervert for Chuuya's thighs.
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nayesakura · 7 years
A estos dos me los encuentro hasta en la sopa 🙈😂#moriogai #natsumesoseki
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meganwolfy · 4 years
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Shots from anime Bungou stray dogs. Two of them from 27 ep, the other from 30 ep. #myart #traditionart #sketch #art #fanart #fanartanime #animefanart #mangafanart #fanartmanga #animeart #anime #animeshot #mangaart #manga #bungoustraydogs #bungostraydogs #bsd #dazaiosamu #osamudazai #dazai #nakaharachuuya #moriogai #background https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ANAX-JIMP/?igshid=jb344qfq0hck
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surfingogo-blog · 6 years
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In the sky ✈️ #シンガポール航空 #シンガプーラ #ジェットエンジン #プロペラ #翼 #推力 #飛行機 #森鴎外 #小倉日記 #揚力 #迎え角 #抗力 #トラス #モノコック #サンドイッチ #singapore #singaporeairline #singapura #jetengine #propeller #tsubasa #thrust #airplane #moriogai #liftforce #angleofattack #aoa #tras #monocoque #sandwich
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demitrein · 6 years
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Мне очень нравится как вышел этот закос, так что пусть тут тоже полежит) #moriogai by me #bsd #bungoustraydogs #bungoustraydogscosplay #portmafia #portmafiabsd #mori #cosplay #cosplayphoto #mafia #bungoustraydogs2 #文豪ストレイドッグス #森鴎外 #worldcosplay #russiancosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp6_G7InzT5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l9rtt4xeoc20
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