#more joy and lewis stuff
giffingthingsss · 7 months
Look your hardest, dear. I wouldn’t hide if I could.
Joy was a genius. But she could come across as arrogant, a bit of a show off. She recalled, for example, a time when someone had played a piece on the piano. She sat down after them and played that same piece 'ten times better.' (Looking back, she felt kinda bad about that.)
Joy could read a music scorebook, put it away, and then sit down and play it from memory.
She was a natural poet. She had little patience for the frivolous things of life; she would rather read.
It reminds me a lot of a younger Lewis, actually. Sulking around school as a teenager mumbling about how all these dumb boys only talk about cricket. He would later remark that it was probably a good thing that as a priggish young man he did not become the popular poet he so desperately wanted to be.
It was probably a good thing for Joy's character too that she never quite broke through. (I would rather read her stuff than practically any poetry I've ever seen, tho. It's delectable. I mean, I'm sorry, but bump Dickinson out of the way. Joy should be a household name.)
She often looked much older than she was due to her frumpy style. Her mother made insulting comments about it constantly. 'Why can't you be more like your pretty cousin', etc...
Outwardly Joy could be opinionated and intense, brimming with ideas and critique, often sort of searching for a person to dump them on. Woe betide whoever she picked.
When she was into something, she was all in. If she knew what she wanted, she went after it.
She was attracted to deep, intelligent people. She had a fling with one of her professors.
Inwardly she had a lot of insecurities.
Her mother's comments bothered her. Her father was strict and 'always right'. Between the two she felt constantly put down.
She had health issues when she was younger, one of which caused her eyes to protrude slightly. She never considered herself beautiful.
She told her brother that she was open-minded about marriage and fine with her husband running around on her, and then wrote poetry about how hurt she was.
Joy wasn't terribly cut out to be a housewife. She found herself going rather mad. Later she would remark that she began to resent Bill, not just because of the way he acted, but because of what he expected her to be.
In England, some people liked her, some didn't. Lewis found her hilarious and enjoyed her company (except for the fact that she stayed longer than invited and rather exhausted the old bachelor with constant conversation).
She was rather shocking to Lewis' friends, but since these were codgy Oxford dons, one must take their definition of 'shocking' with a grain of salt.
Despite trying to work on herself, old habits died hard. She once blew up at the wife of one of Lewis' friends. Lewis sheepishly tried to defend her.
I think Lewis understood her more than others because a lot of her struggles had been his own. And unlike some who would perhaps try to squirm away from her directness and thirst for debate, Lewis loved both of those things. He had found a worthy sparring partner.
The Inklings said that Lewis talked about her as though she were 'some kind of angelic being,' much to their annoyance. They didn't see it.
Tolkien didn't like her and worried she was taking advantage of Lewis. Lewis stopped talking to Tolkien about his private life. When they got married, Tolkien found out from the newspaper. (As an aside, when Joy was dying in hospital years later, Tolkien's wife happened to be there at the same time and she and Joy became friends.)
One who did accept their marriage was Jack's brother Warnie. He admired Joy immensely and was heartbroken when she died.
Others came around when they actually saw the two of them together.
What impressed me most about their marriage was its natural quality. There was no striving to be something they were not, to be clever, or even good. They just were. They accepted each other simply, naturally, without fret or fuss. They were kind to each other and unusually quick to grasp the nuances of each other's thoughts.
A Grief Observed is not only an examination of a loss, but a tribute to the woman C.S. Lewis loved.
It is often thought that the dead see us. And we assume, whether reasonably or not, that if they see us at all they see us more clearly than before. Does [Joy] now see exactly how much froth or tinsel there was in what she called, and I call, my love? So be it. Look your hardest, dear. I wouldn’t hide if I could. We didn’t idealize each other. We tried to keep no secrets. You knew most of the rotten places in me already. If you now see anything worse, I can take it. So can you. Rebuke, explain, mock, forgive. For this is one of the miracles of love; it gives — to both, but perhaps especially to the woman — a power of seeing through its own enchantments and yet not being disenchanted...
All reality is iconoclastic. The earthly beloved, even in this life, incessantly triumphs over your mere idea of her. And you want her to; you want her with all her resistances, all her faults, all her unexpectedness. That is, in her foursquare and independent reality.
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natailiatulls07 · 10 months
When they lost her
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2023 formula one grid & female!driver!reader
Warnings - Death, crying, car crash
Summary - After a horrible accident on track, the other drivers have to learn to cope with the death of someone very dear to all
Part 2
Y/n was always a joy to be around, always had a smile on her face, curious about how you are and would never fail to make someone laugh. Aside from her warm hearted attitude, she was also well known for being a incredible driver.
That morning, Y/n had brought in a selection of homemade baked goods to share amongst the drivers and the staff. Everyone extremely thankful for the goodies.
Only a few hours before, the driver was seen doing a wholesome interview with the fellow sky sport commentator, Martin Brundle.
“Martin! Hey do you want some cookies?” The women ran over to Martin who was flabbergasted by the girls upbeat attitude even though she had an intense race later that day.
“Oh thank you so much, now Y/n tell me how can you be this happy even though you have a fierce race today?” It was something many fans and viewers were keen to know, jealous of her calmness.
“Well in all honesty Martin, I am absolutely terrified. However, one quote that stuck with me in my 20 years of life is fake it till you make it! So that’s what I do” Y/n’s voice was sincere. “Well I got to deliver the rest of these before all the boring serious stuff begins so bye bye Martin and bye bye my loyal viewers!”
Waving goodbye to the camera, the girl ran off to find more people to share her delightful treats with.
“Radio check please” Y/n’s race engineers voice came through her ear piece, awaiting her reply.
“I’m a Barbie girl in world! Life in plastic, it’s fantastic” Her singing could be heard from the radio, alerting the engineer of her connection.
She sat snug in the sport car, eager to start the race. To left was one of her favourite British man, Lando, racing for McLaren. She raised her hand up waving in his direction, which he happily replicated.
It was long until the five red lights flashed off and the cars started down the track.
After about 20 laps of the track, it had started to heavily pouring rain. This was something that started to worry the female.
Soon enough the track had grown incredibly slippery, yet they were told to carry on with the race.
Only then did Y/n’s anxiety grew massive. Try to calm herself down, she had lost some focus on the race in general. This had caused her lose control over her car.
Spinning off track, the car had flipped over. The racing car landed on the ground completely flipped over. This had crushed Y/n inside with no way of escaping.
This also knocking the women unconscious.
Immediately the other drivers were instructed to return to their garages until they were given the all clear.
Upon hearing about the accident everyone had grown increasingly concerned with the lack of contact on the females part.
It wasn’t long before medics were sent out to Y/n. A curtain was pulled across the car, providing privacy.
“It seem that Y/n’s car as been covered with a curtain, whilst the rest of the drivers have been told to return to their pits” Martins voice was somber, he had his worries for the girl who never failed to brighten up his grid walks.
“Lewis, we have a red flag please return”
“Lando, red flag. You need to return to pit”
“Carlos, please return to pit. It’s a red flag”
All the remaining drivers had gotten the news off their engineers. Compliant, everyone made their individual ways to the pits.
“What is going on?! Where’s Y/n?!” Charles had anxiety pumping through his veins, making his way to her pit.
It was fair to say that all the drivers shared the same concerns for the young wholesome driver. She was their little sister, most had seen Y/n grow into the grown women she is today.
The medical team had made their way over to the flipped car, starting immediately to try and get the driver to safety.
They had pulled her unconscious body from the car. Laying her down on the ground, rushing to check her pulse.
Checking her neck. Nothing
Checking her wrists. Nothing
They had checked three times and each time receiving no pulse.
“No pulse…she’s gone” The solemn voice of a medic could be heard in the garage. By then, all the drivers and engineers were gathered around the main radio, everything fell silent at the short announcement.
Charles felt tears fall down his cheeks, his chéri was gone. To his left, you could see Lando’s face of surprise and sorrow, he had just lost his bestfriend.
That day all the teams joined together to grieve the death of the paddocks little sister. Fans paid their respects to Y/n’s family on social media.
Since that day, the paddock no longer felt the same warmth that she brought even on her harder days, it was something that was lost when they lost her.
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itsvelyria · 5 months
"little things they do for their s/o"
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Charles Leclerc
he was raised a gentleman, taught to treat ladies with the utmost care and respect. but as much as it was part of his nature, he liked opening doors for you. perhaps it was the tiny smile that you would give him as you passed or simply because it gave him joy to have helped you in some way. whether it was cars, restaurants or hotels, he always made sure to take that two quick steps to the door, pulling the handle and turning to you with that cheeky grin and wink. the flush that dusted your cheeks with their matching giggle always making his day.
Carlos Sainz
he didn't think too much of it, taking your purchases from you when you two were out shopping one day. it had felt so natural, one of your hands laced with him while the other carried your stuff. then it was a november night when you were stumbling back home after a late night when you had taken off your shoes, whining about blisters. he had leaned down, long fingers reaching for the heels while the others came to circle your waist, stabilising you. you had shot him a grateful smile and he replied with one of his.
Danny Ricciardo
whether he was on a plane, or in a garage somewhere on the other side of the world, your boyfriend always *always* sent you a reminder to drink water. it was sweet, the way your phone would light up at random times of the day with a message from your lover telling you to hydrate. and it was never pushy, the way it felt when your mother did, though that could just be because of the person. even during calls at 2am because he had just gotten out of his debrief session, the man never failed to show concern for your health.
George Russell
in his defence, you were always cold and always sneezing in his car. when he'd picked you up for your first date, you had been shivering by the time you two had gotten to the restaurant. picking up the car from the valet after, he'd turned up the heat, noticing how your shoulders had loosened. ever since then, he had started paying slightly more attention to the weather and adjusting the temperature in the car accordingly. it was a little thing, but it made him smile whenever you would slide into the passenger seat and feel that much more comfortable.
Lando Norris
you had just chalked it up to the way of life, hair ties were meant to go missing. until one day. when you were watching a video of your boyfriend and noticed a familiar blue elastic around his wrist. still, you had assumed it was another of his bracelets. then came a particularly hot day in Austin, you were lying on his makeshift bed, wondering if this was how hell felt like. your boyfriend had walked in, taken one glance at you and offered you a hair tie. the brown band staring you in the face had a little smiley face charm and something clicked in your head. now, you had your very own hair tie dispenser in the form of a very thoughtful man.
Lewis Hamilton
the man knew he was doing it. you were considerably shorter than he was and he respected that you had a smaller gait than him. but this also meant that in order to be able to hold your hand, he had to slow down and match your pace, which wasn't such a bad trade-off. in fact he quite enjoyed it, even if it was through the sea of cameras pointed right at him and fans waiting for him to sign merchandise in the paddocks. it was poetic in a sense he supposed, the way you made life seem to slow down so that he could truly take the time to appreciate it.
Max Verstappen
your boyfriend had a miracle brain, something that should be studied by scientists and academics worldwide. how else could one explain how he manages to know where every single one of your possessions were at all times? what you didn't see, was that he spends a lot of time watching you. his eyes couldn't drag themselves away from you the second you entered a room, tossing your AirPods or keys on the bookshelf or nightstand. quietly, he'll note the location, loving it when you would shout across the house asking where your phone was and he'll be able to tell you it was in the bathroom. the reward of your lips on his cheek wasn't bad either.
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percervall · 10 months
you make it rain (but I make it shower)
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Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader Words: 834 Request: Lando Norris + Little Mix - Power + fluff/angst Warnings: Christian Horner, sexism
In which you've had enough
“They’re only here for the hot drivers,” the RedBull team principal comments as he walks behind you and Lando. The two of you are watching a group of girls exchange friendship bracelets with some of his fellow drivers, their joy audible as the girls make them remember silly moments that have become inside jokes. Something about Horner’s dismissive tone has you seeing red. You feel Lando’s hand on your shoulder, trying to hold you back from doing something stupid –like getting yourself banned from the paddock.
“No, he needs to hear it. I won’t stand for this,” you brush off your best friend, “You’re such an ass, you know?” you call out to Christian Horner. The man stops and turns around.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you heard me. You should be thanking these girls, they’re the reason F1 has gotten as popular as it has. There’s a reason Daniel’s merch is pulling the numbers it does, why Lando’s own merch sells better than the McLaren stuff, or why Ferrari post literal thirst traps on Instagram every race weekend, and it’s not the 40-something-year-old men with beer bellies clad head to toe in RedBull, setting off flares –illegal flares– in the grandstands. The only reason for your success is because of Max and his army of loyal fans. Every single driver in that number 2 seat has failed to live up to your standards, but then again you also don’t offer them a particularly nurturing work environment. I’m not done,” you say as you see him open his mouth to respond, “Your team has the highest driver turnover rate on the grid. It also has some of the worst transparency when it comes to diversity. I know you hate him, but you could learn a thing or two about how Toto runs Mercedes, about Lewis’ dedication to making the sport more welcoming, and also about profit margins. Their car may be shit, but they’re actually making money. They were also one of the first teams to promote F1 Academy, something your own social media team was quite late with. Gee, I wonder why that is. So please forgive me, Christian, when I say that your opinion of girls and female fans of motor sports means absolutely nothing to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you finish your rant as calmly as you can with your heart hammering in your chest, and walk away from him. Behind you, you hear Horner splutter something about Lando needing to keep his friends in check. You can only imagine what Lando’s reply might be to that. The adrenaline of calling out a team principal on his behaviour is beginning to wear off and you can feel your entire body tremble. You almost jump out of your skin when someone wraps an arm around you.
“Sorry, it’s just me nena,” Carlos says as he stears you into the Ferrari garage, “Horner is on a warpath, you’ll be safe here.” Both him and Charles walk with you to Carlos’ driver room. As soon as the door closes behind you, the tears begin to fall.
“I’m fine,” you splutter at their concerned looks, “I’m- f-fine.” Carlos pulls you into a hug while Charles mumbles something about finding Lando.
“How did you find me so quickly?” you ask, face still half buried in his shirt. Carlos chuckles.
“We were right there, signing some things for fans when it all went down.” Taking a deep breath, you pull back and wipe away the tears. “Pretty sure I’m about to get my paddock access revoked,” you joke through your tears.
“They have another thing coming if the FIA decides to do so,” you hear Lando say as he walks into the room. 
“I won’t apologise,” you say adamantly, allowing your best friend to pull you into a hug.
“Good. Besides, what should you apologise for? You didn’t call him names and all of it is true,” Lando replies. 
“I didn’t even tell him that even the grid struggled to name drivers during that grill the grid video,” you mumble into his hoodie, much to the amusement of Lando.
“I don’t think the FIA would dare revoke your pass, nena,” Carlos comments from where he’s looking over Charles’ shoulder at his phone. “Looks like someone’s filmed it. The video is going viral on social media already. From what I can see all the women in the comments are backing you 100%. If they ban you, there will be a riot.” You can’t help but smile at that. Wiping your nose on the sleeve of your sweater, you straighten up and, after saying goodbyes to Carlos and Charles, you walk back out of the Ferrari garage and head towards the McLaren one. Knowing that all the girls in the paddock will have your back, fills you with warmth. Whatever shit was about to come your way, you’d face it with your head held high, back straight and your friends on the grid supporting you no matter what. 
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I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't sure where to go with this song at first until @curiousthyme allowed me to just word vomit to her to get ideas and this is the result of that. Had so much fun writing the rant (even my heart was racing by the end of it 🙈)
Please let me know what you think! Your comments, tags, and likes mean the world to me
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
Your future was Ferrari - Part 2/?
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Part 1 here
summary: She was finally making her dreams come true, but as the old saying goes "when it rains, it pours" and maybe the nudge Charles gave her might get her somewhere she would never find on her own.
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Ferrari!Reader!
warnings: alusion to mature content.
wordcount: +2K
a/n: Bit of a more internal debate chapter here, but it kind had to be done. Also, would you guys mind if I put explicit description of mature content on this fic? I skipped it on the first one but was thinking that it may be needed for the next ones
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The crisp January air of Maranello was a welcome change from the desert heat of Abu Dhabi. Three whirlwind months had passed since that unforgettable night, and now, amidst the intricate tapestry of Ferrari's world, everything was beginning to feel like home—the rhythmic pulse of machinery, fervent debates over car performance, and the rich aroma of freshly brewed espresso.
One tempestuous afternoon, while engrossed in finalizing a critical report, a summons arrived from Fred’s secretary. Your heart thudded against your ribs like a frantic drumbeat as you made your way to his office. Upon entering, you were greeted not only by Fred's imposing presence but also by Charles, whose eyes sparkled with an enigmatic glint.
"Ah, y/n! Glad you could join us," boomed Fred, gesturing to the empty chair opposite him. Charles flashed you a friendly grin.
As you settled into the plush leather chair, a tidal wave of nerves began to recede. The meeting commenced with a comprehensive review of your contributions and insights into Ferrari’s new car. Then, Fred dropped a bombshell that sent shockwaves through your core.
"We've been impressed with your work, y/n" he began, his voice serious. "I already knew of your great technical understanding and a quick-thinking, and Charles here, has been particularly vocal about his…" he paused, glancing at Charles with a smile, "enthusiasm for your skills."
A blush crept up your neck. Charles cleared his throat.
A blush surged across your cheeks, painting them a vivid shade of crimson. Charles, leaning in with a playful smirk, chimed in, "As you know, we’re an engineer short at trackside. The demands are intense—the relentless travel, the grueling 24-race season—but the experience is unparalleled. We believe you'd be the perfect addition to my side of the garage."
Your mind whirred at breakneck speed. The prospect of working trackside with Charles, under the revered banner of Ferrari, was intoxicating. You couldn’t deny the thrill of being closer to the action, the adrenaline rush of race weekends. Yet, a nagging voice of caution whispered reminders of the relentless schedule and unyielding scrutiny.
"It's a lot to consider," you admitted, looking between the two men.
Charles leaned back, a playful smile on his lips. "Think of it, y/n! You’ve always wanted that, even back at Alpha. Although, you would have to face the brunt of Fred's coffee breath during briefings" he joked, earning a chuckle from Fred.
"Alright," you announced, a grin splitting your face, "I'm in!"
The joy in Charles' eyes mirrored your own. He bumped your fist with a whoop. But as you left Fred's office, Charles stopped you in the hallway, his smile fading slightly.
"Hey," he began hesitantly, "about Abu Dhabi… I got a little carried away that night. What happened between you and Lewis? I never saw you after…"
The question sent a jolt through you. Your stomach lurched. How could you tell him the truth? Shame burned in your throat as you fumbled with your thoughts. "Oh, you know" you resorted to lies, forcing a casual smile "Fan stuff. Autographs and all that."
A flicker of disappointment crossed Charles' face. "Ah, right" he mumbled. "Well, see you in Bahrain then, it’ll be nice to have you in the pit wall!"
You plastered another smile on your face. Packing for Bahrain. Excitement bubbled beneath the guilt gnawing at your conscience. You were going trackside.
The shrill ring of your phone pierced the quiet of the dawn. It was an unusual wake-up call at 6:00 AM, especially on a Wednesday mid-winter break. Squinting at the screen, you saw your dad's name and answered with a groggy, "Hello?"
The familiar booming voice filled your ear. "Y/n! Did you hear the news? Lewis to Ferrari! Can you believe it?"
You forced a laugh. "Dad, there have been rumors about Lewis to Ferrari for years. Remember that time they photoshopped him in a red suit?"
"This feels different, though! There are articles everywhere, even F1 is buzzing about it." Your dad's excitement was palpable through the phone as a wave of nausea washed over you.
You mumbled an agreement, hanging up before he could pick up on the tremor in your voice. The news hung heavy in the air, a dark cloud amidst the usual pre-season jitters.
As you went about your day, the rumors intensified. Mentions on social media turned into breaking news alerts. By lunchtime, a tense hush had fallen over everyone at Maranello. An unexpected staff meeting announcement sent a jolt through everyone.
As you walked towards the assembly hall, a colleague whispered, "Did you hear? Brackley's having a meeting too."
Dread gnawed at your insides. You knew what this meant.
The hall was packed, a sea of expectant faces illuminated by the harsh fluorescent lights. Fred stood at the center; his face uncharacteristically serious. The silence in the room was deafening.
"Everyone," he began, his voice carrying an air of gravitas, "as you may be aware, there have been a lot of speculations circulating today. Speculations that have become… well, reality."
He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. You could hear the collective intake of breath from the crowd.
“Lewis Hamilton is joining Scuderia Ferrari for the 2025 season.” A triumphant glint briefly played in his eyes, but before anyone could respond the team principle continued “But, that’s not for another year. In 2024 we have Charles here and Carlos, who have given us amazing years”
The hall erupted in a cacophony of comments and stunned silence. You felt the floor tilt beneath your feet. Your heart hammered against your ribs, a frantic drum solo threatening to burst out of your chest. Lewis Hamilton at Ferrari. Your secret, your shame, was about to collide spectacularly with your professional life. You were frozen, a lone island of stillness amidst the storm.
The conversations faded into a distant hum. You gripped the edge of a chair, trying to anchor yourself amidst the emotional turmoil. You had hidden that night from everyone, from yourself even. And now you would have to possibly work alongside him.
The desert sun beat down on the Losail International Circuit in Qatar, baking the asphalt and testing the limits of both man and machine. For you, it was the third day of your first official trackside deployment with Ferrari, and a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. The initial media frenzy surrounding Lewis' arrival had subsided, replaced by the usual pre-season buzz: championship predictions, car evaluations, and the ever-present debate about the second-fastest team.
You'd managed to navigate the past two days with a semblance of normalcy. Charles appreciated your input during pit stops and strategy discussions, and Fred's reassuring pat on the back after a successful test session confirmed he hadn't made the wrong choice in calling you in. Yet, a constant undercurrent of tension ran beneath the surface. The ghost of Abu Dhabi loomed large every time you passed the Mercedes garage.
On the morning of the third day, an urge for a pre-dawn run propelled you out of bed and straight to the hotel gym. As you hopped onto a treadmill, lost in the rhythm of your steps, a familiar voice jolted you back to reality.
"Well. Look who it is." There he was, Lewis Hamilton, a smirk playing on his lips. He looked effortlessly cool in a sleek tracksuit, his dark braids damp from a workout. Your heart stuttered in your chest.
"Uh, hi." you stammered, desperately trying to appear nonchalant. You cranked up the treadmill's speed, hoping to appear absorbed in your workout.
Lewis chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. Briefly, he lingered by the treadmill before heading out, leaving you feeling exposed and flustered.
The rest of the day unfolded in a blur of data analysis and strategy meetings. By the time everyone else had left, you found yourself volunteering to stay back and finalize some reports. The solitude, however, was short-lived. As you gathered your belongings, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of the paddock.
"Still here, I see?" Lewis' voice sent shivers down your spine.
He motioned towards a secluded corner of the pitlane, and you hesitantly followed.
"Glad to see you're part of Ferrari. You failed to mention that" he began, his tone casual.
Feigning ignorance, you played along. "I don't think we've met." A single eyebrow of his arched up in a silent challenge.
"Babe," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement, "I've kissed every inch of your skin that night. We've been introduced alright."
Your cheeks burned crimson. His laughter did little to ease your mortification.
"You left pretty early the next morning," he continued, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Didn't even leave a message. Quite the enigma" He reached into his pocket; his phone poised. "How about we change that?"
Panic surged through you as his intentions became clear. Just as you were about to stammer a response, he intervened with a disarming smile
“Relax” he reassured, his tone softening. “What happened between us was a one-off thing, if you want it to be just that. But, since we’re gonna work together next year we could find ways, I get you’d want discretion though. I won’t deny it, I had fun that night”
Just as you looked at him deciding if you bought into his sudden innocence, a voice cut through the tension.
"Y/n? Are you still here?" It was Marco, a data analyst from your department, Lewis’ face etched with confusion. Seizing the opportunity, you called out, "Yeah! Just finishing up here! Coming!"
With a fleeting glance at Lewis, who seemed momentarily taken aback, you practically sprinted towards your colleague, your heart pounding a frantic escape rhythm.
You couldn't allow yourself to be alone with Lewis, not after that. Not when the truth could come spilling out like a dam bursting. Not when he was offering you something you didn’t even know could be within your reach, something you had never even thought of being a possibility.
With each step away from the empty paddock, you faced a choice: to embrace the unknown allure Lewis offered or to just forget that anything had ever happened. The impending collision of your professional and personal worlds loomed large, leaving you to wonder: would Lewis Hamilton be worth having your world come crashing down?
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @timmychalametsstuff
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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sorencd · 10 months
could we get dating wilson hcs😼
ofc 😏😏😏 he's so pookie wookie i lovf him
dating wilson headcannons
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you two love watching sitcoms every night (if the both of you aren't tired) like seinfeld, the mary tyler moore show, fasier and friends while cuddling in bed! usually since he's the first one to leave in the morning, he'd prepare your coffee for you and wake you up with a kiss on the forehead, telling you that he's off to work and u should wake up soon. he’s like ur personal alarm clock!! he even calls a few minutes later from his office just to make sure you really woke up, because you have a habit of waking up but as soon as you check the time and decide that it's still early, you would immediately fall back asleep so easily. he’s amazed honestly.
"yeah, 'm awake.."
"are you sure?"
"you're still in bed aren't you?"
"no..'m up i swear.."
so you end up having no choice but to get ready for work because now your brain is no longer sleepy :( you love trying new restaurants and food with him. if there's a new restaurant, no matter how bad the reviews are, that won't really stop you two from eating at the place, you'd still go there. but it does often result to never returning there ever again. and when you don't feel like going out of the comfort of your home, you would instead cook something up together. matching aprons and all that stuff!! while preparing the food, u can never cut the veggies properly without some good music playing in the background! there'd be songs from artists like the beatles, abba, huey lewis and the news, daryl hall & john oates, and the beegees!
i can see him singing and dancing to 'more than a woman' while straining the pulp from the tomato soup and you have to get him to stop moving too much or he'll burn himself in the process.
"i know that in a thousand years, i'd fall in love with you again~"
"be careful! it's going to pour out!"
if u don't know how to play poker, wilson will gladly play something like monopoly or uno instead. though monopoly is more fun with a lot of people, he’s happy to do anything with you! one time, you played snakes and ladders instead of uno and each time wilson went down the snake he'd shout 'what!?' and sneakily try to change the number he rolled on the die without u noticing. he always plays like his life is on the line.
"another five?!"
"down you go, james!" you evilishly laughed and moved his piece for him, feeling triumphant. while you were dancing in joy because you're so close to winning, he tried flipping the die.
"i saw that."
"no you didn't."
stealing his clothes is a must! you've reached a point where u even hide his stuff as soon as they're fresh out of the dryer so he won't beat you to his own shirts. singing doesn't only limit to the kitchen, it also extends to the car and late night drives after work! you two would have songs blasting and the windows rolled down!!
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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vetteltea · 8 months
hi congrats on the new blog!! just wanna req smth anything with seb x hamilton! reader when she visits at the same time he was in suzuka for the bee hotels and they hit it off start talking abt their passion for the environment yk
Meant to Bee | SV5
⊳ returning to the paddock with your brother & the beekeeper extraordinaire. [0.7K]
⊳ requests are still open; please send me some stuffs, i need some inspo.
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You and your brother had always been close; you had been his biggest supporter for so, so long.
In all the years of following him around paddocks, you’d always picked up friends.
Your favorite has always been Sebastian.
He’d always been warm, caring. Even during his time at Ferrari, he always had a kind word for you and your brother.
Your paddock appearances had dwindled for the last few years; you had finally started University, starting your course as an environmental lawyer.
However, when Lewis had come to you, asking if you’d attend at least one Grand Prix with him this year, you’d cracked.
‘Just…consider it a holiday.��� He’d coaxed you out of your University Hall, practically carrying your suitcase for you.
The first few days had been amazing; you’d gone on adventures, sent your mother a photo of you and your brother in the most stupid Nintendo hats.
However, there was a literal buzz in the air when arriving at Suzuka; you’d opted to stay at the hotel on media day for some much needed rest and relaxation, only for your phone to go off whilst receiving a deep tissue massage.
Your brother had sent you a photo, him and a familiar blonde mass of curls.
Sebastian was in Suzuka.
The moment you could, you’d opened up your social media pages, seeing that Sebastian was in fact in the Paddock, setting up bee hotels and looking…insanely handsome whilst doing so.
You miss the following text which comes flying in when you’re back in your hotel room, hair loose around your shoulders and silk dressing gown tied around your middle.
Lewis had told you he was bringing Sebastian back to the hotel for some drinks, but you weren’t aware of this, not until you opened the door to see the two figures standing at the entrance.
“Sebastian!” You don’t even acknowledge your brother, practically jumping into the blondes arms at the joy of seeing him after so long.
You hear his laughter, wrapping his own arms around you, pressing a kiss to your cheek, asking how you had been doing since you’d last seen one another.
After getting changed, the three of you had gone down to the bar in the hotel, a few drinks over catching up on the past few years.
Lewis, being the social butterfly he was, ended up finding Bono and having a drink with him too, whilst you and Sebastian remained comfortable on the couch.
It was nice, relaxed. His arm rested along the back of the sofa, both of you engrossed in conversation as you inched closer together.
He’s amazed when you tell him about your degree, spinning off into a complete tangent about the environment.
You both have such incredible plans for the future, on saving the environment.
He is sitting straight up when you tell him about your final project; how you were planning to create a green energy source in each of the major areas of your University.
He wants to help, he’s instantly asking for details and is promising he’s going to be there, he’ll be there for whatever you need.
The sun is setting, but he moves from his seat, reaching out his hand, insinuating you take it.
‘Come on. I want to show you the bee hotels.’
Of course, Sebastian is a charmer; he works his magic and gets the two of you back into the track, walking you over to turn two.
It’s insane; the fact the entire track had shown up, decorated the hotels. He’s explaining biodiversity to you as you weave in and out of the beehives, still holding his hand.
He knows this, of course. His grip had remained tighter when becoming more passionate. You were back, you were finally back with him, even if only for a race.
“Are you staying for the race?” He asks, "You nodded in response.
“Well…maybe after practice tomorrow, we can grab some dinner? Discuss this a little more?”
“Are you asking me on a date, Sebastian?”
He looks down to where your hands are still entwined, grinning.
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
And of course, you agree. You just…don’t need to tell your brother.
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pictureinme · 8 months
hcs for taking care of cillian charcters when they’re sick & when you get sick in return?
thank you thank you for this! i decided to put a few more characters for this, i love the concept LOL
patricia 'kitten' braden
» she is the epitome of 'woe is me' when she's sick - pillows upon pillows, tissues everywhere, a hand upon her forehead as she wears her most extravagant nightgown... she has appearances to keep up! » she requests you to dote on her every need - spoon-feeding her soup, putting on her favorite records and lighting the loveliest of candles when the overhead light is just too much to bear » once she recovers, you've fallen just as ill - she apologizes PROFUSELY for making you kiss her constantly, but how could she abstain from you?! » she cooks for you, making sure you're getting every single nutrient to heal fast - picture soups full of veggies, assorted fruit, and, frankly, disgusting smoothies because she read about it in cosmo
neil lewis
» honestly pathetically arrogant, let's be real - swears he's just fine, tries to keep running the store but he sneezed on a copy of 'dr. strangelove' a customer was trying to rent and lucien kicked him out (for everyone's benefit) » once you have him at home, he wears three masks and gloves, spraying everything down with lysol for fear of getting you sick - the only thing he accepts from you is little snacks and the meds he forgot » you somehow get sick despite his best efforts ... even though he did make you throw out all of his various tissues - he immediately goes to webmd with whatever symptoms you present & definitely micromanages your meds schedule » asks marcia and her husband for advice, but only kind they've got is related to their little bundle of joy - they do, however, send him back home with a fuck ton of goodies for you to wake up to from your sickly nap
emma skillpa
» hides her sickness from you as long as possible, to the point of her passing out mid cleaning - luckily you catch her, and she is beyond embarrassed. "oh, please don't worry, i'll be back on my feet in no time!" » you carry her up the stairs, laying her on her bed, and she can't help but swoon at your control of the situation - she tells you exactly the things she needs, sometimes attempting to get out of bed herself to get them. she already has some soup frozen in the ice box, so all you have to do is thaw them » she goes full emma mode when you've fallen ill after taking such good care of her - calls your place of work, telling them you've fallen deathly ill and need a week off (what a gem she is). makes sure you drink every last bit of soup, no ifs or buts » genuinely does not let you leave the bedroom for the entire week, even if you've already recovered by that point - spends time with you, of course, but she has lots to do around the house! maybe being held captive by emma wasn't so bad, hm?
jackson rippner
» cannot STAND being sick, especially with the delays in his job that could occur - however, he very much enjoys you doting on him like his little caretaker. he can't resist playing house » makes sure you attend to his every need, especially while wearing a cute little outfit (nurse costume unnecessary, but not out of the question) - "come on, do a little spin for me, it's the least you can do. i'm a sick man who needs his meds from his oh so sexy wife!" » you falling ill was not in the itinerary, but he loves how cute you look bundled up in the sheets - he pokes fun at you, but still gets you all the stuff you need » if he has to leave for a job in the middle of your sickness, he leaves you with a nest of items you could ever possibly need, as well as an on-call doctor he knows for... reasons - "i'll just be a few states away, but if shit gets serious, don't hesitate to call my burner. yes, i need it for this job, i don't know why. please stop asking so many questions."
jonathan crane
» you can barely tell he's sick for the first few days, but you notice the redness around his nose - when you bring it up, he immediately shoots you down. "darling, if i was sick, i couldn't be doing my job, now could i?" » meanwhile, the next time you see him, he's passed out in his office chair with tissues stuffed in his pocket like a lapel. you bring him back to your place so he can properly rest - he wakes up confused, but silently grateful for the glass of water and medicine you placed on the nightstand next to him » having him stay at your place got you sick pretty fast, and you couldn't believe how he was surviving with the level of congestion you're having - he stays home from work enough to dote on you in his own special way, taking note of your symptoms to properly take care of you » he only goes to the office a few times to bring you back some high doses of medicine you couldn't get over the counter at a cvs, so you could heal as fast as possible - "i know the pills are bigger than normal, but you only have to take them once a day for the rest of the week. don't be such a crybaby."
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f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - Soulmate AUs
If your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don't forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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thank you to @wolfiemcwolferson for the request. 🤍 there are a selection of pairings here - I hope some of these will hit the spot for you!
Treading Softly in My Head by @antimonyandthyme | M | 9k After the events of Multi21, Sebastian and Mark develop an unwilling soul-bond. Beautiful characterisation and pacing - this is a world you can really get lost in.
Sebastian leans in despite himself. In school, the teachers had talked about how special these things were. Words like love and compatibility thrown around like in a song. And here they are, two people who can barely tolerate each other. Mark and him sitting in this office, having this conversation, can’t be anything but a statistical anomaly.
nsfw: A Thousand Shades of You by tianvette | E | 8k Lewis and Sebastian meet on a hike. Sebastian saves Roscoe. What follows is some of the sweetest, hottest, and most beautifully characterised Sewis that I have ever read. I loved this
'Skin pressed to skin, shadow and light. Lewis has a look in his eyes that’s almost reverence. Seb can’t believe Lewis is real. He wants to give him everything, to take everything in return.'
an evolutionary theory of the soul by @blimeycrikeygeorge | M | 28.4k Soulmates can hear each other's thoughts. Some of the most delightful Charles I think I have ever read - Anney truly is a master at capturing him! I love everything by this author.
'He wishes he could offer more than vague, meaningless words, but he doesn’t know how to ease his soulmate’s despair. He hesitates, torn between leaving and giving in to the urge to make his soulmate feel better, a need so deeply rooted in his bones that it feels vital to his own survival.'
nsfw: Twin Flame by @phebess | E | 13.7k Beautiful soulmate slowburn. Everything Phebes writes is a joy, and this is no exception. Gorgeous pace and charactersation. Really funny banter. Love!
'A wave of grief, of betrayal, of loneliness. It rolls through him, so strong that he curls in on himself in bed. It's not his pain, but something about it feels... familiar.'
nsfw: i feel so much, i feel so numb by @f1-stuff | E | 23k Charles has the name Carlos on his wrist - things get trickier as they become teammates. Gorgeous exploration of soul-mateism, familial pressures, and the relationship between teammates. Just lovely!
'Being teammates means they will have to toe the line between friend and foe, ally and enemy. Soulmate and stranger.'
nsfw: carry me in your heart (you know you're never gonna leave mine) by @pgaslys | E | 30.1k Charles can, on occasion, see through his soulmate's eyes. This is such a beautiful story that tracks their developing relationships over the years. It was such a privilege to Beta this one - I still remember the first time I read it in full. I didn't stop once. Lovely.
Charles is aware that Max is the type of driver who can recognize his own talent without any bullshit. Takes one to know one. It’s often mistaken for arrogance but it’s not about that and they both know it.
Tumblr Ficlet by @effervescentdragon | No Rating | 2.2k A world where you can feel your soulmate's heart beating alongside your own in your chest. This is, simply put - stunning. Everything Akira writes is stunning. I wish I could read this again for the first time.
'He smells so good, and Singapore is warm and wet, and Pierre is close and radiating contentment and heat, and Charles knows his heart skips a beat, and another. Before he knows, the picture is taken, and Pierre is looking at him strangely.'
counting stars in the sky by @river-ocean | T | 14k Pierre worries that he will never find his true soulmate. Just the most beautiful worldbuilding here - I could read thousands of words set in this world, it is so rich and well thought out.
'Adults around him often said that it was clear that he was an old soul -- that he had been through many lifetimes before this, and that the wisdom of those lifetimes was ingrained in him.'
it's not like I chose you, not like I tried by @wolfiemcwolferson & @duquesademiel | M | 16.7k Soulmates only begin aging past twenty-five once they've found their soulmate. I loved the concept of this one, and it was executed beautifully. Two gorgeous writing styles, together - what's not to love?
'But at the end of the day, they are Charles and Pierre, Pierre and Charles, and it doesn’t really matter what they say, because they just inherently trust each other.'
whatever our souls are made of (his and mine are the same) by @luisjuanmilton | No Rating | 17.5k Pierre and Charles are cursed to lose each other throughout time. A stunning star-crossed-lovers tale that explores devotion, friendship, and true love. I adored this!
'Realizing he was in love with Charles felt as natural as breathing, like something that had been bound to happen no matter what.'
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umlewis · 28 days
lewis hamilton is interviewed after the race, miami - may 5, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Heya, Lewis. It was like the old days, hearing that radio message when you were asking for more power and you're really pushing and you had the opportunity to really attack, and I know it's only for P5 and P6, but did you have a lot of fun out there?" Lewis: "So much fun. I've really enjoyed this weekend, race-wise. It's been a lot of fun on track; really great, tough, close battles. I mean, jeez, going down to turn eleven up against the wall, wheels locked? I was like, oh, jeez, this could be either a big crash into this corner or I'm going by. So I love that I had that, like, zero fear in that moment, so I'm super grateful for that. [laughs] And then, yeah, just to be able to hold onto the Bulls, or to a Red Bull, was really quite cool. Great job by my team. And then a massive congratulations, before you ask, to Lando. Won my first grand prix with McLaren. I know how special it is to get that first one, so huge congratulations to him. He truly deserves it, and McLaren, wow. I'm really, really happy for them, as my old family." Interviewer: "I thought it was a nice touch that you slowed down, I think gave him a little bit of a wave and stuff. Touched on it there, but to get that first win, after-especially for him-it's been such a long time, just as a racing driver, do you kind of know what it's like if you have to wait so long and finally get it, and that explosion of joy?" Lewis: "Well, I didn't have to wait that long, so… [laughs] So I can't tell you of the length, but it's unlike anything else. It's that first time. There's nothing quite like the first one."
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
How about a BoB reactions of their crush confessing having feelings for them? 😍
yes! thank you for requesting!
BoB reaction to their crush confessing their feelings for them
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Genre: Fluff; romance
warnings: none, kissing
Description: Easy Co. Reaction to their crush (you) confessing their feelings to them
Dick Winters
He is… shocked.. He freezes for a quick moment before finding the right words to say, “Is that really how you feel about me?” He’s honored that you like him, I mean your gorgeous so why would he not be? He would probably ask you when you started liking him and how, after that he would confess that he also has feelings for you, “You know y/n, I like you too” With that attractive grin of his OMG
Lewis Nixon
He is ready to ask you a million questions, why? when? how? where? He is surprised that you like him, and even more surprised that you confessed it to him, he has to somehow understand why you would ever like him, therefore asking you a bunch of questions, “What’s the one thing you like about me the most, like, about my face” “Quit with the questions Lew” He would probably ask you out for a date after having that conversation with you, “so let’s go out this weekend what do you say?” With that smirk of his on full display for you to see.
Carwood Lipton
“you like me, y/n?” you could see the huge grin surface onto his face, he couldn’t contain his joy, you actually like him? you like him! Arguably one of the best days for him, he’s so happy you told him, he would confess that he liked you back and then you guys would tell each other how long you’ve liked one another and all that stuff.
Joe Toye
“Wait, what? You like me?” He has to double check that you actually like him because he does not believe you at first, and of course you shake your head up and down nodding in agreement to his question with a big smile on your face, “Gosh, I like you too doll” He would pick you up and hug you out of instinct, he would be on top of the world, it was so cute that you confessed your feelings to him, he is honored really, “So what do you say, you and me, out for a movie and some dinner, y/n?”
Joe Liebgott
“Really doll?” he would lift your chin up with his finger, the eye contact between you two would be PHENOMENAL and the tension between y’all would be through the roof, the urge not to actually bury his lips into yours is insane, “I like you, Joey” You’d look up at him with the biggest doe eyes ever, he couldn’t hold back any more, the kiss would be so nice and passionate, it would be a good, long kiss before both of you go back up for air, “how about we get outta here, talk about this somewhere more privately, would you like that princess?”
Bill Guarnere
“You playin’ with me?” His whole expression would change from chill to serious, he also did not really believe you at first, like he thought you might’ve been joking around or something, but when you give him those serious eyes, he new you weren’t joking, “Wait, you really feel that way for me?” you would explain to him again, that you in fact did like him, “Well, if you want to know, I like you too, y/n” And for a moment his whole expression would actually be soft for once, he did, really like you, and it was all over his face, “ How about we go out for dinner, your pick, all on me”
George Luz
“For real?! Come here!” He would wrap you into the biggest and most comforting hug ever, it would feel like a soft teddy bear hugging you. “you know i’ve liked you ever since i met you?” he would look into your eyes as he let you out of the hug. He would be so soft in that moment, like so cute, “Cmon, let’s take a walk” where then you would tell him how this all came about, every time he asked you a question and you gave him an answer, his face would light up in pure joy, “I know it might be too soon to ask but, will you go out with me y/n?” AHHH HES SO CUTE
Bull Randleman
A hug smile would make onto his face, and then he would look down at you, with a loving, but serious and bright expression, “That musta’ took a lot of courage to tell me, thank you doll, Must I say that I like you too, in fact, maybe even a bit more than like” no it turns out you end up being the one who gets nervous, “You guys would sit in that same spot and talk non stop, about how this all came about and all those kind of details, He would smile ear to ear every time you told him about how much you liked him, he would def ask you out later in the night
Eugene Roe
He is at a loss of words, he cannot find one word to say other than his face in pure shock, you actually like him? He’s thinking like, “Am I dreaming? What is going on?” you and him stay in silence for a bit longer until you walk away, thinking that was his way of nicely rejecting you, until he runs up behinds you and hugs you. “I-I like you too y/n, I just didn’t know what to say, I’m sorry” You of course tell him that he’s fine and you guys talk all night, by the morning you guys are practically a couple.
Floyd Talbert
“Wait, so you’re saying you like me? Like you like me, like me?” He would laugh with that sexy infamous smirk of his. “That’s actually crazy because, well, I like you too” This boy is a sweet talker and he would show you his best skills when you told him that, “let’s celebrate huh, you and me out together, for a movie, or whatever you want to do” He would actually be soft and sweet, you bring out this gentleman side of him that he would never show anyone else and it’s so cute.
Skip Muck
He would be SHOCKED, like jaw to the floor shocked, he honestly wouldn’t know what to say at first, “Wait.. You like me?” “Yes, Of course I do” That’s when he would pick you up and spin you around in the most cutest, loving way, he would he so happy, sometimes his mind can run so he’s already planning a wedding in his head when he hears you like him “Well, I guess we better start planning our first date together sometime, i-if you’d like of course”
Don Malarkey
He would chuckle out of joy, he would point at himself in conformation, when you give him that yes again, he would walk up to you and kiss you, it would be so passionate and sweet, without any words, Don told you exactly how he felt into that one kiss, After the kiss you guys would have a moment where no words were spoken, you guys just stared into eachothers eyes while trying to catch your breaths “Would you want to go talk about this somewhere, I know a good spot in the forest we could go to?”
Babe Heffron
“Wait, you bein’ for real?” He would be a little skeptical at the thought of you liking him back, like you actually like him? what? “Yes, I like you a lot Babe” He would pull you in for a hug before kissing your cheek, “I like you too, y/n, a lot actually” He would whisper in your ear while you guys are hugging, you guys would be talking all night, just about everything really, until he asked you out on a date before you guys went off to your own respective spots
Frank Perconte
He gets confused, “I like you” That’s what you tell him, with no context. “I like you too?” He would say, just assuming you were talking about in a platonic way, “No Frank, I like you! A lot actually!” You would protest his way for him to actually understand you, “wait, you do?” “Yes!” “I like to you too Y/n” his smile would appear out of nowhere, he would be so excited when you told him, but his facial expressions would never tell that, “would you like to maybe go out sometime?”
Shifty Powers
He’d be oblivious kinda like Frank, “I like you too y/n!” But when you told him that you like like him and why you did he would be speechless, a part of him didn’t know someone could like him so strongly, so it definitely took him by surprise. “Y-you d-do?” “Yes of course I do Shifty” “W-well I like you too!” You would be the one to run into his arms with a big hug, he was once again shocked by you, but he didn’t mind it one bit. “Let’s hangout tomorrow? Only If you want to of course!”
Thank you again for the request! It was so cute and if you have any ideas or suggestions please request when my inbox opens back up! 💗
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Australian GP 2024!
Mads' Race Recap!
Oh my jesus lord christ alive this was a goddamn good day. OK, I'll try to remain calm, but that is VERY difficult under the circumstances of my 3 best boys getting the podiums. But, I shall do this in order of constructors. Also, thanks to @lipringlrh for edging me through the entire bloody race cause she knew what happened, I swore I was going to be sick.
Red Bull - Nice qualis from Max, and I can't say I wasn't happy with Checo's three place penalty, just because I definitely think it helped the main race. Everything was all honky dory, then Carlos overtook and I was just like 'OK Carlitos, sure'. Then Max was slowing down... Then Lando and Charles passed, and the everyone else. The brakes were smoking, I was screaming out of pure joy. Now, don't take this the wrong way, I love Max. BUT, this provided my boys some very good opportunities. I reckon if Checo hadn't gotten the penalty, he could've tried to pip in front, but I won't dwell on what didn't happen.
Ferrari - WE GOT A FUCKING FERRARI 1-2 BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHEN I TELL YOU I LOST MY GODDAMN MIND IT IS UNPARALLELED! Anyway, I'll be constructive, for a moment, at least. Charles and Carlos had some mental quali pace, so how they didn't get pole is a little crazy to me. Alas, none of that matters now. The second I saw Max go, I was like 'oh fuck we've got it'. Carlos DOTD and race winner, barely 2 weeks after having his appendix out and he doesn't have a seat?! Absolutely diabolical. It was sweet how he went back to singing Smooth Operator, I was waiting for it. When I heard the commentators saying that they may swap the positions so that Charles could lead the WDC, I was shitting it. Yes, I wanted Charles to win, but I didn't want it to be because of something stupid like team orders. Charles can win without needing it handing to him, and it would've been so damn disrespectful to Carlos. Every year that a team has finished 1-2 in Melbourne, they've gone on to win both championships... It's our year, I'm telling you.
So happy to see them back at the top, both of them did incredibly, Charles was pulling pace out of God knows where for that fastest lap. And the strategy was good???? Like, bringing Charles in when he said he needed to? Listening??? Nice stuff. Hearing the Spanish and Italian anthems was absolutely amazing. Also, I feel like this really highlights how special Ferrari is. The team were screaming that Italian anthem like there was nothing more important to them, and they were all hugging and having a whale of a time. It was just so fucking nice to see Charlandos up there, so fucking good. So so so so so happy, Forza Ferrari. Everyone is a Ferrari fan.
McLaren - OK, so, quali wise, Lando kinda came out of nowhere. I feel like Oscar was just... There? We were racing, it was the 'rarri 1-2 with Oscar in P3 at his home race, it was lovely stuff. Then they swapped the positions. Can someone please tell me why they swapped the positions? Pretty sure it was something to do with either less pace or more recent pitting or something, but I'm not 100% sure. As much as I love Lando, I wanted him to stay down in P3 just for that Ferrari 1-2. I needed it. The last few laps, I was looking at the delta between Charles and Lando, and I was relieved to see that it wasn't changing. Super happy for Lando, Oscar did loads better at his home race, nice one for all.
Mercedes - What the hell is going on here? Like, Lewis' qualis weren't good, George's were fine, nothing bad but nothing spectacular. Now the race was something else. I can't really blame Lewis for his problem, since it was a mechanical issue obviously as opposed to driver error. From what I saw of George, he didn't even do anything that bad. One minute he was fine, the next he was turned on his side. I may not want Merc to get points, but I don't want a crash to be the reason why. He's OK, so that's all that really matters. But, as for the car in general, there's something wrong with it. It's not just a one week thing where it's a bit off, this has been consistent. Yes, George had a nice P3 in qualis the other week, but the pace just wasn't there at all in the race. I just don't know what's going on with them at the minute, and the fact that they're so behind the Ferraris and McLarens is concerning.
Aston Martin - Pretty mediocre all together, I've seen varied opinions on Fernando's 20 second pen. Some said he was kinda to blame for George's crash, from what I saw, he was just avoiding George after the fact. I don't really know, so I won't comment until I watch another replay. But yeah, nothing too special, but they do need to up their game.
VCARB/RB/REDBULLSHITTYEDITION - Yuki Tsunoda. Well bloody done babe. Got extra points thanks to the Fernando penalty, even if I didn't really see him during the race like... at all. But, he must've done a pretty damn good job to end up all the way in eighth before the end of the race. Now, Daniel. What is this man doing? 12th is not bad, but when your teammate with less experience in the same car is doing that much better than you in your home race, you know something's up. I love Danny Ric, but Carlos is more likely to get that Red Bull seat than he is at this rate. Slightly disappointed, I won't lie.
Haas - Both drivers getting points? OK, OK. I actually think Kevin could've gotten higher in qualis if Checo hadn't impeded, but I'm glad Checo was put down on the grid. Overall though, nice drive from both, nice to see them get points.
Williams - Right, realistically, what harm would it have done to let Logan drive? It wasn't his fault, Alex has fucked it at that circuit so many times at the same place, and Alex didn't even get points. It wasn't fair, and he took it like an absolute champ. #justiceforlogiebear #cancelwilliams
Kick Sauber - These guys need to fix their pitstops I swear to God. How many times are they going to get that wheel nut stuck on? They did 1 good one for Valtteri, but they screwed up all the others. Zhou's pitlane start was unfortunate after it looked like his front wing just... fell off. Someone said the car reminds them of a wheelie bin, I completely agree and can't see it any differently.
Alpine - Pierre 's fault for getting the 5 second penalty, but other than that, they were shit as usual. Pierre was running pretty high for a little while, then just kind of... fell back. I can't help but laugh at them, I know it's mean, I just find it so bloody comical. I think FC Versailles is just a distraction, but he has just invested in a Tier 3 league, unheard of French football team... Nice one, I guess.
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harmslength · 2 months
(we are so not back)
Hello lovelies!
I just wanted to write this as deep and loving thank you to everyone who has supported me, welcomed me and to the people who have been patiently waiting for new fics.
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I’ve recently reached 100 followers and over 140k messages on c.ai. I just want to let you guys know how much this fucking means to me!!!!!!! AHHH I’m literally so pumped about it, like genuinely this fills my heart with so much joy. You guys make it so easy to want to keep making stuff and ugh I can’t even describe it.
I won’t yap too much about this though. Becauuuuuseee as a thank you I’m finally releasing more shit!! Yaaaaayy! (Bout’ fucking time)
First — A new Neil Lewis fic which you can read HERE. Purely smut, not a whole lot of plot to it. Definitely read the tags though…
Second — I’m releasing a few new characters for c.ai.
We’ve got:
Jim — from The Delinquent Season: you’re his new babysitter. Jim does have a wife in this so just be warned that he may try some morally corrupt things.
Cillian Murphy: fallen angel AU. He was banished from heaven and placed right on your door step. Will he return to heaven? Who’s to say. Probably not after what you’re going to do to him.
Jonathan Crane — from you already know: Dr. Crane is your therapist. Do what you will with that.
John Skillpa — from Peacock: You and John are long-time friends. John probably isn’t doing too well. Sorry John! I love him so much.
And of course, one that always pairs with the story I’ve written! Neil Lewis — from Watching the Detectives: You and Neil have just gotten engaged and are looking to grow and expand your lives together. How romantic.
Anyways I just want to add this last bit under the cut since this has been such an unbelievably long post. If you’ve gotten this far—thank you. And if you haven’t well, I don’t blame you one bit.
I just want to say that I’m back, I’m here but I will probably not be posting regularly at all. I got clinical major depression and a full time job that I hate so writing comes and goes as it pleases.
To add to that though I do have a lot of really fun fics in the works that I’m really fucking excited to share with you all. I’ve been trying to get more comfortable with writing shorter stuff but I have this problem where I just cant write anything shorter than like 5k, I don’t know I think I need to see a doctor..
Anyways I just want to top this off with saying again that I adore you guys so much. All the comments and messages I have received over the past few months have made me so happy. I’d love to talk to more of you and meet more people so please don’t be afraid or hesitant to reach out! I bite but I promise I just got my rabies vaccine updated. Tootles!
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artist-issues · 5 months
Quick question. Have you read any of Brandon Sanderson's books before? If so, what books would you recommend?
Also, what books of C.S. Lewis, would you recommend and why.
I want to start reading them, but I'm uncertain what books I should pick out and try.
Hello my friend!
I've never read Brandon Sanderson, or heard of him! Do you hear good things about him? Should I look into him? Sorry to turn it back around on you.
C. S. Lewis is unlike any other author to me. What he has to say resonates with me and feels like he opened up my heart and put what was in there into order every time I read his stuff. Feels like going to the chiropractor—like my thoughts and emotions and vague ideas have been out of alignment, and he pops them back into place where I didn't even know I needed alignment.
That said, I love all his stuff. Fiction, non-fiction, essays, letters to friends, lectures, everything. So I'm almost...the wrong person to ask, because I would recommend ANYTHING he writes.
I'll try to give you a little recommendation-by-starting point?
If you're looking for fiction: Read the Chronicles of Narnia. If you've already read them, read them again 😅 I read them on loop. They're on my phone. I'm never not reading them.
If you're looking for deeper ("adult") fiction: Read Out of the Silent Planet, then Perelandra—but I don't recommend reading That Hideous Strength until you've tried to read...
3. If you're looking for commentary on fundamental worldviews: Read The Abolition of Man. It's an essay on what C.S. Lewis believed about the idea of "progressivism," but it has a lot to say about objectivity versus subjectivity, and where logic and emotion belong in the priority-list of a person...I just recommend that everybody read The Abolition of Man. Then read That Hideous Strength to finish the Ransom Trilogy, because it's kind of a modern-fairytale picture of what Lewis was trying to say in Abolition. Reading both will compliment his thoughts!
4. If you're still looking for more fiction: Read The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce, then Til We Have Faces and The Pilgrim's Regress.
5. If you're looking to set your mind on the things above with C.S. Lewis: Read Mere Christianity, and The Problem of Pain.
6. If you're looking to hear what C.S. Lewis had to say about stories or critical thinking: Read his essay in response to critics of the Lord of the Rings (I think it's called "The Dethronement of Power") and read An Experiment in Criticism. (He has so much good stuff to say about enjoyment, and how humans can use their critical thinking skills to actually get in their own way. C.S. Lewis really believed that people should enjoy what is good to enjoy, in the proper way, and that that was one of the most God-honoring things you could do. He also hated teetotaling along the same lines 😅)
Remember that everything C.S. Lewis writes is very "thematic." He wasn't exactly making allegories all the time, but he was making "supposals" all the time. For example, Narnia is "suppose God created other worlds; in those worlds there had to have been a Jesus; in a world of talking beasts, what would Jesus look like? A lion." Or, "suppose God created life on all the planets in our solar system, not just Earth, and suppose Satan was put in charge of ours while other angels were put in charge of other planets; then what would space travel look like?" And many thematic lessons are tied up in there.
Also, if you read his biography Surprised by Joy and Perelandra, you might come to realize something about C.S. Lewis' beliefs that I'm only just starting to grasp: he thought we make WAY too drastic and exclusive a distinction between "story" and "reality." He believed that there was something in every story which points back to the one great story God made up, which is reality. So he's not afraid to include pagan mythology in his own Christian stories because to him, knowing their history and the cultures they come from, some of those pagan myths and stories tie neatly into truths about God. It might be a hard thing to grasp depending on your Biblical upbringing, but the spirit of what he means is not unbiblical.
Another cool thing I'm learning from Lewis is that he didn't think of all mankind as monsters. Oh, he believed that the Bible was correct when it says "all have sinned; there is none righteous," etc. He certainly didn't believe there was anything good left in man. But what he did believe was that man was kind of like a broken mirror, I guess. Like, it's in pieces on the floor. Good for nothing but the trash. But you can still look hard at the shards and figure out what it should be doing, and in that way, you can see traces of the mirror's creator. So in his biography, there's this interesting part where C.S. Lewis actually says that heartlessness is a worse sin than, say, homosexuality—they're both sin, but at least one points to a twisted version of what we were made for, which is love. At least someone could look at those broken shards and maybe come to the conclusion that there is a God who made us creatures for love, and therefore learn something about Him, even if we mucked it up. But with a heartless person? Lewis seems to condemn that person as not human at all, because there's no trace, not even a broken trace, of what humans are meant to be in them.
I just thought that was interesting. Because it makes you realize that mankind's story isn't "bad to good." It's more like, "good, to bad, back to good." Which is why any of us recognizes the need for God at all.
Anyway! Sorry for the ramble, I know you didn't ask for it 😅 I hope that gets you started? I also hope you blog about what you think of any of Lewis' stuff; I can't wait to read it. He's near and dear to me, so I like the thought of "sharing" his writing with anyone. Thank you'
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leqclerc · 4 months
i’m glad i’m not the only one worried here. great for the team and all, but this feels like chaos waiting to happen. i thought we finally had it. even if we didn’t get a wdc, they couldn’t even bother to try and prioritize charles for once.
You're not alone in feeling like this! Being worried and not immediately jumping for joy and accepting every decision the team makes isn't any less valid. Because this is weird, this is unusual, this is something I never thought would happen. It's a lot to process. I've cycled through all five stages of grief today, from "oh lol funny memes" to "alright what the fuck does this mean for Charles?"
I get that a lot of people are super hyped about this, especially if you've always supported both drivers, I get that it must feel like a dream come true.
I'm so conflicted because on one hand, okay, maybe our concerns are unwarranted, maybe this will be the best thing ever, just what the team/Charles needs, massive success all around. But unfortunately I'm a chronic overthinker with pessimistic tendencies so of course I worry 🧍🏻‍♀️
But also, like you said, I thought Ferrari were done with bringing in world champions in favour of making world champions, you know? This just feels like it's going to complicate something that's already very volatile and complicated all on its own (see: plethora of issues that usually held Charles back, whether it be mismanagement or poor strategy, etc.) It already felt like everything needed to come together perfectly for him to maximise his chance of winning and now they throw this massive curveball and I really don't know what to think. Especially given the "multi year" deal (2+1 is I think the version journalists have settled on.)
It kind of just feels like the issues that already existed with Sainz will be magnified, you know? The media machine around Lewis is huge, so that's going to be ten times as intense (Sky is already putting down Charles and it's just going to get so much worse), the fan wars ten times as intense... It just feels like he can't win in any scenario, like all the work he's put in so far to get Ferrari back to their winning ways will be overshadowed by the new big star signing. If they create a competitive package and start winning when Lewis enters the team (even if Charles did the heavy lifting in terms of feedback and development) he will be credited for the team's success. I mean, just look at the way this misleading narrative of Carlos "single-handedly saving the strategy" stuck. Oftentimes people don't care about the facts, if a narrative appeals to them they will perpetuate it.
Plus, there will be so much pressure on Ferrari to "get Lewis that 8th title!!!" Mercedes's inability to do so soured a lot of fans' relationship with the team. If Ferrari really puts team interests above driver interests, then I'm sure they'd see the value in being the team that makes that happen. History book worthy stuff. Kind of concerned that in the midst of that Charles and his ambitions and goals might fall by the wayside. And he's got way more to lose in this situation—no matter how Lewis's time at Ferrari goes, he's a multiple WDC, no one's ever going to take that away from him. Same with Fernando, same with Seb. Charles has never even had a proper chance to go for one title with the team yet.
Like, if you think about it, you have clear "eras", right? Someone says Red Bull, you immediately associate them with Max and/or Seb. Lewis will, I think understandably, be associated with Mercedes due to his long stint and all the success he's enjoyed at the team. I guess I imagined that Ferrari was finally gearing up to be that with Charles going forward. But this shakes things up massively and while winning a championship with Ferrari was already a tall order, now it's, like, full on a herculean task.
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giffingthingsss · 4 months
I finally read Till We Have Faces. Wasn't expecting it to slap.
I mean I get why it's a little less accessible (pre-greek and greek culture and all that). There's a reason I never tried it.
One thing that surprised me was how much Lewis is Orual. I was expecting to see more Joy coming through, and I definitely think there's stuff in there, but Orual (and to a lesser extent Psyche) is heavily Lewis, imho. (at one point my brain went to Lewis being like 'i would be one ugly woman' which I'm sure has nothing to do with anything but made me laugh)
So there's the spiritual/psychological themes (Orual's thinking and then the reversal of it and her suddenly seeing herself in a different light, etc...) but then there's this middle section that suddenly becomes a girl power novel.
Stuff like the fight and intrigue is legit thrilling. The Fox and Orual's relationship genuinely moved me. The portrayal of the time period is blunt and not sugar-coated. Her father's death scene is so unique and I loved that whole thing.
It's almost legit distracting that Lewis' name is on it. This is the book that should be under a pseudonym or something. It's so different from what you expect him to write that looking at his name at the top of the page throws me.
Joy talked it over with him, and I would love to know (beyond getting a female point of view down) what specifically she helped with, but I think they saw more eye to eye than not and likely generated a kind of feedback loop.
Orual's complex hero/villain status reminds me a lot Joy's Anya novel (which is impossible to find but I managed to get a hold of). She has a very open, frank style, unafraid to show a main character's flaws. The sheer honesty.
Also couldn't help but think of Minto as Orual, her purported possessiveness and resentment of anything that might take Jack away from her. I suppose there's Psyche and Orual in everyone to some extent.
I do picture Joy sitting in the corner during the discussion about Bardia only seeing Orual as a male friend thinking, 'hm. Wonder what that's like?' *stares at Lewis* 'Must suck.'
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