#more captain Keeli
anstarwar · 1 year
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Keeli and Remi (the pigmy bantha-goat) on adventures after the war
Ok so Keeli owns a pigmy bantha-goat and spalpaca (space alpaca) farm on Ryloth now
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This is the Masterlist for all of my Keeli x Reader Fics
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Napping Kisses - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Just Because - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Snow Day - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Stay - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Stay Behind Me - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) First Meeting - Captain Keeli x Reader Protective - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Confessions - Captain Keeli x Reader The Joys of Dating A Chosen One - Captain Keeli x Reader
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jun-hyungs · 1 year
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found some really great cosplays at the calgary comic expo! love love love rebels rex and also fives and keeli on vacation were great too 😂 
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omiomicron · 2 years
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Oh Them,,,,,,,,,
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matchademi · 10 months
Hc because I need more love for Captain Keeli (I'm a Captain's lover ok sue me)
Lix and Keeli actually became really close since Fordo took them, and Howzer, under his wing Lix and Howzer, are more friendly rivals
They all playfully tease Rex about being stolen by the commanders
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frostbitebakery · 1 year
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Captain Keeli for @blackat-t7t
“Sunny with a chance of blaster bolts,” Keeli mutters to himself. “You karking asshole.”
“Show some respect to your superiors,” Cody’s voice rings from the comm in the data pad, all serious and oozing smug.
“Fuck off. Don’t you have a systems army to harass?”
“Inspection day, Captain. The longer I wait, the more they’re shaking in their boots.”
Fucking sadist with the regs. Keeli should try that one himself.
“Any day now, Keels.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let a man think, Star’s sake.” They should call this Words With Foes. At least there’s less bloodshed than when they all played One.
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Clone Helmet Collection II
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Follow the hyperlinks for specific, isolated close-ups!
ROW ONE: Captain Tukk | Commander Fox | Captain Gregor
ROW TWO: Commander Cody | Captain Keeli | Captain Fordo
ROW THREE: Glitch | Horns | Sister
ROW FOUR: Commander Colt | Commander Blitz | Commander Havoc
Art taglist: @the-hexfiles @your-slutty-gf @msmeredithrose @lonely-day3636 @dukeoftheblackstar
You can find more of my art in my masterlist!
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Ok, just imagine this... Clone simps in the Star Wars universe.
It starts out small, just someone making a comment on Space-tagram, wondering what the troopers look like without helmets.
This is followed up by the op with a picture of one of the Corrie Guards without his helmet on, and a comment reading "oh no he's hot!"
(Yes star wars has their version of sponge bob.)
The picture floats around the internet and soon there's a few fan accounts dedicated to finding out more about this mysterious, and good-looking army of men, who showed up basically out of nowhere. (You know, for the fans people)
Months go by, and people start to figure out their names and numbers.
Commanders and commandos are usually the favorites, but Captains Rex, Howzer, and Keeli have become quite popular, as well as some of the arc troopers.
The Jedi council and senate are aware of what's going on but they see it as harmless.
In fact its the only positive publicity that the clones get thats not from the government.
-and then shit gets crazy.
Someone manages to get a picture of Aayla and Bly standing a little to close to one another.
"R they dating?!" "No! Bly is mine!😠" & "They make such a cute couple" are just a few of the comments.
Another person gets a photo of Plo Koon talking to the wolf pack and posts it with the following caption-
"Oh my force! He's such a good dad. Go Wolf Pack🐺"
There's also a five second video of Cody handing Obi-Wan his lightsaber.
The clone simps loose their minds over this. You'd think that he handed him a wedding ring from the way they go on about it.
Part 2 cause I couldn't resist.
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sergeantgoggles · 3 months
Burnt Umber for Bly/Keeli?
~~look how "anonymous" I am. No way you'd ever guess who this is~~
So Anon. Very sneak. Will never know. <3
Let's assume they're a good year into their relationship, since I didn't really specify.
Implied (wrongfully) Bly/Aayla
Burnt Umber (How long until they say ‘I love you’ for the first time?)
Jealousy had no place in war, but Keeli couldn’t stop himself from pacing, arms crossed and scowling between the messages that Rex and Howzer were sending him in solidarity. It had been weeks since he’d seen Bly, and he should be happy that their squads were rendezvousing, but the more Keeli thought about it, the more anger welled up in the pit of his stomach and burned his chest.
Keeli wasn’t blind. General Secura was gorgeous. If Bly did end up falling for her, he’d understand. As long as she treated him as a person and not a weapon, Keeli could live with that, even if it hurt.
Except this pain…if this was even a fraction of how it would feel to let Bly leave, then he was damned. Taking a detonator to the side of the head would feel better than the hole that was gnawing at his chest and ripping him apart from the inside out.
Finally, the door to his quarters hissed open, and there could be no other person with the code except—
“You don’t look nearly as happy to see me as I was hoping,” Bly teased, but Keeli stood firm, arms tightening across his chest as though he could protect his heart if h held himself tight enough.
“Keeli? What--?”
“Does she mean anything to you?” Keeli spat, and it sounded so much harsher than he had intended. He wanted a conversation, not a fight, but his emotions were running rampant, and the more he tried to tamp them down, the hard they were to maintain.
“Does who? You mean General Secura?” Bly asked incredulously as he closed the door behind him. It was for the best that no one heard their talk. Clone relationships were already a bit of a stigma, but a clone having relations with their Jedi? That was sure to send up all kinds of red flags that would bring morale down.
“If she does, it’s fine, but I don’t want to be strung along,” Keeli rushed out in a huff of breath, “so let’s just end it here—”
“Just hold on a damn second,” Bly cut him off, “we’re not ending anything, unless that’s what you want. I’m not going to keep you in a relationship that you don’t want to be in.”
Keeli’s jaw dropped before he reeled it back up and set it firmly, teeth clenched. Why wasn’t this easy? Why couldn’t Bly just admit that he has feelings for someone else and make this a clean break? Hot, frustrated tears pricked Keeli’s eyes as he balled his fists at his side.
“Just leave,” Keeli gritted.
“No,” Bly insisted, challenging, “no, I’m not leaving.”
“Give me a reason.”
“You’re in love with someone else, Bly!”
“I’m in love with you!”
Silence as loud as a clap of thunder echoed in Keeli’s quarters as the captain tried to catch his breath, but all he could do was stare in shock and disbelief at Bly, who looked so earnest and sincere.
“What?” Keeli croaked.
Bly blinked a few times, as though the admission surprised him as well. “I…said I’m in love with you, Keeli. I love you.”
Bly snorted. “That’s it? I tell you that I love you, and all I get is ‘oh’?” “I…sorry, I wasn’t…expecting that,” Keeli replied sheepishly. He really had put his foot in his mouth on this one. “Say it again?”
“I love you,” Bly repeated with ease. “I love you, only you, I swear on my life, on anything and everything in this galaxy.”
The heat in Keeli’s cheeks rose, but for a completely different reason this time as he locked eyes with Bly shyly. Shame for being irrational crept up, but he’d own it if it meant he could hear Bly say those words again and again.
“I love you, too,” he said back finally.
“Well, you have a hell of a way of showing it!” Bly retorted. “What the hell, Keeli?”
“I’m sorry!” Keeli huffed and stepped into Bly’s space. “…I got wrapped up in my own head. I even had Rex and Howzer on standby to come beat you up.”
Bly laughed at that and hugged Keeli close, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Of course you did. Batchmates always have each other’s backs.”
Keeli nodded and melted into Bly’s arms. Maybe it wasn’t the most romantic way to say the words, but somehow it was still on brand for their level of chaos.
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flyiingsly · 7 months
CFB 2023 Masterlist
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Here it is ! My masterlist for the @clonexreaderbingo :D This event was so much fun to write for, and as I said on my last submission post, it was a big challenge for me, but I'm more than proud and happy to have shared all of this work here with you.
Thanks again to @ghostofskywalker for organising this ❤
Hope you'll love reading those as much as I've loved writing them !
Enjoy ❤
My writing tag : #vi writing
(NSFW works are labelled as such, for the rest, check out the "warnings" section of each fic.)
Nightmares // Crosshair x gn!jedi!reader
Square : I wasn't sleeping Summary : Crosshair keep having nightmares after being rescued from Mount Tantiss. You are a former jedi who is very sensitive to other people's emotions, and you are able to feel how bad he struggles with them. One night, after another nightmare, you try to show him that he can count on you to help him overcome his trauma.
How to get away with bad pranks // Fives x gn!reader
Square : Fives Summary : You catch Fives trying to pull a prank on Kix, but things backfire quickly on you, leading you into an unexpected but enjoyable position.
Reinforcements // Keeli x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Medic Summary : As the battle of Ryloth is raging and the planet is under Separatist's blockade, you and your men are secretly send as reinforcements to help General Di and Captain Keeli's batallion to face the droid army. You are ready to do whatever it takes to save their lives, even sacrificing yourself.
Smoke Screen // Wolffe x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Fire Summary : Your battalion is sent as reinforcements to the 104th in anticipation of a potential separatist attack, but things turn out worse than expected, leading you to risk your own life to save your beloved Commander from a terrible fate.
What will become of us (part 1) // Dogma x f!jedi!reader
Square : Is this for me ? Summary : After the treason of Krell and the disaster of Umbara, you couldn’t stop worrying about Dogma and are determinate to go visit him at the GAR prison, without expecting how much of an impact on your life this decision will soon have.
Undercover // Fox x f!jedi!reader NSFW
Square : Obi-Wan Kenobi Summary : You get caught by mistake by the Coruscant Guards during an undercover mission, which led you right into the office of your favorite Marshal Commander.
Remember Me // Hunter x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Music Summary : When Hunter unexpectedly heard you sing for the first time, he instantly fell in love with your voice, and even more with you.
Dress // Cody x f!jedi!reader
Square : Cody Summary : You are send on a very special undercover mission to ensure Senator Amidala’s protection. It was unexpected, but at last it gives you opportunity to spend some time alone with your favorite Commander afterward.
Water Fight // Wrecker x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Blaster Summary : You’re experimenting a new training method with Omega, but as soon as Wrecker got involved, things derailed pretty quickly, but in the best possible way.
The Banquet // Kix x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Rations Summary : You and Kix team up to prepare a meal for the rest of the 501st, but despite being used to cook together, this time might end a little differently.
Love Drunk // Tup x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Wedding Summary : You and the boys are at the 79' celebrating the end of your last mission. It was supposed to be an ordinary night off, until Tup ends up doing the most unexpected thing ever.
Shelter from the storm // Dogma x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Snow Summary : During a mission on Orto Plutonia, you and Dogma find yourselves separated from the rest of your group, forced the seek shelter for the night to not freeze to death in the snow.
The Fall // Tech x gn!reader
Square : Tech Summary : What if it was you who fell into the river while mining ipsium instead of Omega ? And what if that accident was the trigger that Tech needed to finally confess his love to you ?
To build a home // Rex x gn!jedi!reader
Square : Tell me the truth Summary : Rex is acting strange with you since you both returned from your last mission on Saleucami, and you have a hard time figuring why. Until someone decided to give you a little help to resolve the situation.
The Jedi and the Captain // Howzer x f!jedi!reader
Square : Jedi Summary : After rescuing Howzer and his men from the Empire's ship, you decided to pay them a visit to make sure that they are fine. But when he realizes what you are, the clone Captain suddenly turns into an unexpected menace for you.
Lanterns // Fives x gn!reader x Echo (platonic)
Square : Echo Summary : Different times, different contexts, but Life Day is always one of the most special moment of the year for you, for it always bring back memories of those you had loved and lost, no matter what.
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vytels · 8 months
Reposting this with grammar and spelling fixed because it was bothering me. For context, this was posted based on an incorrect quote post. The original post is linked here.
Just needed to write a little something based on this that made my brain go wirrr
TW: self-depreciation, thoughts about death/suicide, overall general horrible feelings…. Basically, Fox NOT having a good time… Also, typos, cause I’m writing this at the ass crack of night and I’m supposed to be SLEEPING
Sloshes of cocktails and condensation fell to the floor, beers clinked together in toasts and cheers, but yet, it wasn’t as busy at 79’s as it usually was. Parties of clones crowded together in respected booths, a few stragglers slipping onto the dance floor to get a feel for a pretty lady or man. The music buzzed between them and the lights clung brightly to the walls, unimpeded by bodies or howling voices.
Fox didn’t care for 79’s much anyway. Besides the rapid amount of headaches and groans that it brought him, he found himself seeing it as only a small connection to his brothers on the frontlines. It provided him a face-to-face that holocalls couldn’t achieve, although only once every few months.
“Are your boys treating you well, Rex?” Ponds’ elbow shoved into Fox’s side as the man craned his head forward.
The blond trooper turned to them and a smile appeared at the edge of his lips, his shoulders slumping toward the table as he leaned in. “They weren’t too bad this time around, I think they might be settling down.”
“Don’t jinx it, vod’ika,” Cody warned, “Your men don’t know the meaning of settling. You told me they tried to make a water slide in the docking hangar of the Resolute a month ago.”
“Eh, they’re just bored,” Wolffe said, “the 501st moves around more than anyone else does, they have more time between missions to get stuck in their heads.”
“They do deal with it interestingly then,” Rex grumbled.
Fox couldn’t help but agree, though his eyes lingered across his vod’ika’s form. There was a mirth in the man’s eyes, a fondness in his smile, and a softening in his brows. The Captain cared deeply for his men, for his own vod’ika, despite the trouble they put him through. There was always a story on his mind about Fives and Echo, or a joke that heard from Jesse, or an incident from Hardcase.
There was something there that struck Fox, something that clung deep at his chest, in a way that almost made him gasp. Somehow, it was overwhelming.
“Well,” Fox said, “Have the Terrible Torrents come up with anything more recently to deal with this boredom?”
A smile widened across Rex’s face. “They came up with a game, based on a natborn game.”
“Oh, this ought to be good.” Bly leaned in. “What is it?”
“It’s based on kiss, marry, kill,” Rex explained, “which is a game where you name three people and then choose who you’d kiss, marry, or kill from the three.”
Cody nodded, raising an eyebrow. “How’d they change that then?”
Rex snickered. “They ran out of people they knew until it was only vod that they knew… so you know, they just changed the wording. Turned it into keldabe, vod pile partner, and kill.”
“Not as easy to say,” Ponds muttered with a look of disdain, “But I can’t imagine marrying or kissing a vod.”
Bly gave him a look. “Isn’t a keldabe a kiss?”
“It can be familial and you know it,” Ponds retorted, “You literally shove your forehead against any of ours the moment you get the chance!”
“Guilty,” Bly conceded.
Wolffe hummed. “Well, are we going to play it?”
“I’m interested,” Cody added, “It sounds like fun.”
Rex smirked as his ori’vode turned to him and let them throw him through the rounds of the game, pulling on all vod they knew from across the Galaxy. Putting Neyo against Gree, pushing Thorn against Keeli and Kix, throwing Crys with Waxer and Boil, laughing as he offered up Hardcase, Wrecker, and Fives, and smirking when he mentioned Alpha-17, Colt, and Fordo.
“You know that’s not fair,” Cody said immediately. “All of us would snatch up 17 for a pile partner before the others.”
“Then who are you killing?” Rex challenged. “Colt or Fordo?”
“Colt, at least I’d have a chance at winning.” Bly took a swig of his drink.
Wolffe shook his head. “I bet I could take out Fordo, besides he hates me.”
“That’s because you bit him.”
“So did Fox!”
Fox smirked. “He deserved it. I’m going with Fordo too.”
“You two are horrible.” Cody frowned. “I’ll kill Colt.”
“Agreed,” Ponds said.
“Alright, alright… last one?” Rex asked.
“Hit us with your best shot,” Wolffe growled at him.
Rex looked over them for a moment, thoughts whirling behind his eyes before a smirk covered his face. He leaned closer as he spoke, his voice punctuating the names.
“Me, Wolffe, Fox. The vod’ike.”
“Oh, well, I’m killing Fox.” Bly leaned back immediately.
Fox’s head snapped to his ori’vod, a glare pulling at his eyes but he kept his face level as Ponds snorted next to him.
“I think I have to agree with that,” Ponds said, “But I’m vod piling with Rex.”
“Not me?” Wolffe growled immediately.
But Fox didn’t hear the rest of the argument, not as his eyes slid to the orange-colored commander next to him. Cody stroked his chin, a horrible habit he had gained from his general, and stared toward the ceiling. Gears seemed to come to life in his head as he thought before his hand dropped away and slapped against the table.
Everyone’s heads snapped to him, the argument between Wolffe and Ponds fading to the side as the oldest of their batch smirked.
“I figured it out.” Cody nodded. “Kill Fox, keldabe Wolffe, and vod pile with Rex.”
Despite the sting in his chest, the tightening at the back of his throat, Fox slipped under his mask. A smirk played across his lips and he leaned back against the booth, eyes flickering across all his brothers.
“Yeah, I’d kill me too.” Fox waved a hand, ignoring the churning in his stomach. “I’ll vod pile with you, Wolffe.”
Wolffe smirked, before immediately turning to Ponds. “See? Even Fox wants to vod pile with me!”
The argument between them grew again, but it felt like a buzzing at Fox’s ears as he reached back to grab his drink. He knocked back, trying to get rid of the pain pounding in his ribs and gut, trying to loosen the tightening of his throat.
His batchmates had pointed to kill him off, not even bothering to argue against it in any form. It flipped his stomach, even if it was just a game. A meaningless game, but yet it drove a stake through his heart.
But he understood it too, he really did.
Fox wasn’t like his batchmates. He didn’t fight on the front lines, he didn’t put his life on the line for his brothers staring down a battlefield filled with droids, and he certainly didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve like they did.
But more than that, he didn’t really deserve to be the one receiving a keldabe, or being trusted as a pile partner. He wasn’t as good of a commander as he should be, he didn’t save the lives of his men as much as his batchmates did, and he most certainly couldn’t explain the blood that he’d find on his hands when he woke up in the morning.
His batchmates were good men, and he knew he wasn’t.
It seemed like they knew it too.
The night ended shortly after that. His batchmates huddled together as they wobbled back to the GAR barracks, doing their best to make themselves look like a cohesive group of competent men. And they pulled it off well too, despite the tiredness that dragged at them and the drunken tilts of their vision.
But Fox walked another way, back to the headquarters of the Coruscant Guard, back to his tiny office with a desk overflowing with datapads and flimsiwork.
He sat at his desk, thought of the way his vode had pointed at him, and wondered if the pills stashed in the back of his drawer were worth it.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
I am running out of ways to say hi, but here I am with request #5!
This time, it's for my beloved first husband, Keeli, with a diamond (🥺), and sunrise. Gosh, he gives me all of the feels. If you make this one angsty, sad, bittersweet, or whatever, I would not be upset. You can also make it happy, sappy, and cute. Whatever floats your writing boat 😘
Please and thank you 💚💚💚
Morning Light
Summary: Everything seems more hopeful in the morning light.
Pairing: Captain Keeli x F!Reader
Word Count: 503
Prompt: Diamond - Everlasting Love
Warnings: This gets kind of bittersweet. I was nearly in tears at the end.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Keeli makes me cry. Sorry.
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Keeli’s fingers are light against the soft skin of her cheek as his cyare snuggles against his side. Her pretty eyes are locked on the sun creeping over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pinks and purples and oranges that is stunning-
But doesn’t hold a candle to her beauty.
She shifts at his touch, and she tilts her head slightly to focus her attention onto him, an adoring smile crossing her lips. 
He hadn’t meant to keep her up all night.
Their conversation, which started late last night with their date night under the stars, lasted all night. The long talks interspersed with loving kisses and longing caresses. 
He really does love her more than anything. 
“I’m sorry for keeping you awake.” He murmurs.
She laughs and cuddles into his side, “I don’t mind.” She whispers, “I was happy to stay awake with you. I could listen to you forever.”
Keeli brings her hand to his lips and he presses a lingering kiss against her knuckles, and then the palm of her hand, and then her wrist. “I love you.”
Her eyes glitter like precious gems in the early light, and her smile widens at the feel of his lips against her skin. And Keeli knows that he would do anything to keep her looking at him like that. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” She whispers. 
Keeli leans in and kisses her cheek, her jaw, the bridge of her nose, “Always. I’ll always be here.” He replies, “There is no force in the galaxy that could keep me from your side.”
Her smile softens, “Promise?” 
“Promise.” He kisses her properly, and then bumps his nose against hers, “I love you, after all. Always. Forever.”
Her lips turn up into an amused smile, “Forever is a long time.”
“Not long enough.” Keeli counters, “It’ll never be long enough.”
“You say the sweetest things.”
“I mean it.” His hands move to caress her face, “Every word.”
“I know.” She leans in and kisses him, her own hands coming up to slide against his cheeks, “I feel the same way.”
The sun creeps higher over the horizon, and the air around them starts to warm. It’s hard to feel anything but hopeful this early in the morning, especially when wrapped in the arms of the woman he loves most in the galaxy.
Keeli’s lips hover over hers, “When I get back from Ryloth,” He murmurs, “I’m going to marry you.”
She laughs softly, “Well then, I’ll be waiting with bated breath.”
His lips settle over hers and he adjusts them so that she’s sprawled on the ground under him. He threads his fingers with her, and then pulls away to watch her.
The morning light paints her in gold, and Keeli has never loved someone so much. And, as he leans in to catch her lips with his own again, he sends up a silent plea to whichever divine entity listens to the prayers of clones. Please. Let me keep this. Let this last.
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starqueensthings · 3 months
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coming soon!
The Only Exception:
Foreword, Basics, and References
Basics: 3rd POV, primarily following the main character (OC) with occasional shifts to other perspectives (separated by chapter). 
Pairing: Captain Howzer x fem!OC; then Jesse x fem!OC; then maybe something else… maybe something of the same… TEEHEE
Characters: more clone OC’s than I can count, tons of human OC’s, Twi-lek OC’s, many of our favourite TCW characters like Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, and Rex playing large parts of the story. Tup, Hardcase, Dogma, Cody, Keeli, and others also make appearances. 
Rating: will shift chapter by chapter between 16+ for mature themes, and 18+ for explicit themes. 
Posting Schedule: will not be consistent. The undulation of ADHD means there are days to weeks where my brain can’t translate a single sentence from thought to written word, so I’m hesitant to commit to a structured, weekly schedule but will do my best.
Things that probably don’t need to be noted, but because I’m both anxious and uncontrollably long-winded, I feel the need to explain: 
This work was written novel style, and not necessarily the traditional 2nd POV, x reader fanfiction style that we all know and love. These characters have names, histories, appearances that are both eluded to and mildly described, as well as personality traits that may not be desirable to some. For example: the main character, June, harbors some resentment toward men because of some lingering trauma from her past, and unfortunately lets it influence many of her decisions. There are times, particularly in the beginning of the story, where she can be highly sensitive to what some would consider harmless, off-the-cuff remarks, and becomes combative and irrational as a result. Her reactions are particularly placed to emphasize aspects of her character, so that we can witness her growth and/or regressions throughout the story. 
In that same token, this story will hover around + touch on some uncomfortable  topics, particularly toward the end. Whump/angst/hurt+comfort/fluff/smut will all be present themes, and I WILL be tagging each chapter very clearly and very thoroughly. SA and parental trauma will be eluded to throughout the entirety of the story and recollected/explained toward the end. Additionally, smut scenes will be segregated into their own chapters and will be written as not to affect the flow of the story, so if you choose to skip those, you don’t miss out on anything plot wise. All of that being said, this is largely a light hearted story about growth and unexpected love as it presents itself in several forms. 
Additionally (and very importantly) June is highly intelligent and medically proficient. I am neither of those things. Not even close. I tried to research as much medical terminology as possible prior to/during writing, but probably 75% of it will make no sense to someone who’s very familiar with medical things/conditions/procedures. Lastly, I tried to keep this story as canon compliant as possible, but the Clone Wars timeline is challenging to navigate. Creative liberty was taken in some spots where canon is murky, but otherwise I tried to remain as true to the Star Wars events as we know them. Language will fluctuate mildly between in-universe and modern day. I kept it as Star Wars as possible, but absolutely refuse to use “transparisteel” in place of glass, “flimsi” makes me cringe, and will always prefer shower over “sonic” lol 
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Common Star Wars words are below:
Holo Computer: Desktop Computer
Holopad: kinda like a cellphone
Datapad: kinda like an iPad/tablet
Durasteel: metal
Duraplas: plastic
Massiff: a dog-ish creature that kinda looks like an alligator lol
“Kriff”: “Fuck” or “Shit” (a swear word, not the noun of a fuck or a shit lol)
“Kriffing”: “Fucking” (adjective, not the action of fucking)
Chrono: watch/clock
Hoverbed: like a gurney or hospital bed that floats 
Air Speeder: floating car with side-by-side seats
Speeder bike: floating motorcycle
Fresher: washroom/bathroom/loo
Di’kut: Idiot
Mesh’la: beautiful (noun)
Cyare: darling (noun)
Caf: coffee
“Maker” or “Gods” or “Stars”: “God” or “Lord” (frustrated; not religious lol)
Camtono: a cooler/portable freezer
Flimsi: paper
a bajillion more listed in this fantastic post.
Terms I made up because canon was lacking (list is on-going):
NBA or Nociceptor Blocking Agent: the pain injection we see them jab into peoples necks
USI or Universal Serum Injector: the injection tool itself (serum vial is loaded per dose)
Defibrillator “defib” Pods: small, high tech, portable defibrillator
Cleanser Tube: essentially a washing machine recessed into the hall. Very similar to a front loading washing machine where only the door is visible. 
Sanitation Station: a weird contraption that cleans/disinfects someone’s hands before coating them in nitrile (instead of pulling on surgical gloves). 
“Maker have mercy”: “for the love of God” (frustrated; not religious lol) 
Blue wine: white wine
Purple wine: red wine
Cauterizing Pen/Electromagnetic Stapler: used in the place of stitches
MedScanner: I did not conceptualize the scanner itself, but did make up all the settings and uses lol
“Flimsi Flinger”: “Paper Pusher”
“Double-barrelled Blaster”: a double edged sword
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Top 7 Best News of Last Week - August 8, 2022
🐶 - The story of a dog which was stolen 5 years ago and was found this week made me tear up :')
1. Coral makes comeback on Great Barrier Reef
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Coral cover has bounced back across two thirds of the Great Barrier Reef.
The northern and central sections of the reef have the highest levels of coral cover recorded in 36 years of monitoring by the Australian Institute of Marine Science. While the reef has suffered negative effects from mass coral bleaching events in 2020 and again this summer, they weren't anywhere near as deadly for coral as the ones in 2016 and 2017.
The reef has also benefited from a few years without being battered by cyclones.
2. Emerald green hummingbird, feared to be extinct, has been spotted in Colombia
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After years of attempts to find one of the world’s 10 most wanted bird species, the Santa Marta sabrewing has been unexpectedly rediscovered deep in the mountains of Colombia.
The tiny hummingbird had only been officially spotted twice: once when it was discovered in 1946 and again in 2010 when it landed serendipitously in a researcher’s mist net. Since then, it has been presumed by many to be extinct. “It’s so incredible to see photos and video of the Santa Marta sabrewing,” said John Mittermeier, director of threatened species outreach at the American Bird Conservancy, in a press release. “It’s like seeing a phantom.”
3. For 1st time since war began, Ukrainian grain ship leaves Odesa, bound for Lebanon
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The Sierra Leone-flagged cargo ship Razoni, carrying Ukrainian grain, leaves the port in Odesa, Ukraine, on Monday.
More ships are expected to leave from Ukraine's ports through the safe corridors. At Odesa, 16 more vessels, all blocked since Russia's invasion on Feb. 24, were waiting their turn, with others to follow, Ukrainian authorities said.
4. Mother, daughter both pilot Southwest flight: 'It's been a dream come true'
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Flying the friendly skies could not have been more touching for Southwest Airlines passengers en route from Denver, Colorado, to St. Louis, Missouri, last Saturday. 
Their pilots were Captain Holly Petitt and her daughter First Officer Keely Petitt, a mother-daughter duo in what the company calls a first for its flights. 
How nice for them! I can't help but smile :)
5. Iguanas reproducing on Galapagos island, more than a century after disappearing
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Iguanas populated the island in vast numbers when Charles Darwin visited in the 1830s. Scientists believe the iguana disappeared from the island in the early 20th century, but now A land iguana is reproducing naturally following its reintroduction there.
In 2019, the Galapagos National Park authority reintroduced more than 3,000 iguanas from a nearby island to restore the natural ecosystem of Santiago, which lies at the centre of the Pacific archipelago.
6. Baytown family stunned their stolen dog 'Sheba' was found 5 years later
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A Baytown family is stunned after receiving a message that their dog who was stolen five years ago was found more than 600 miles away. The Malmstrom family still can't get over the video that recently arrived on their phones.
"We were all crying," Stephanie Malmstrom recalled. "Me and my girls were just boohooing."
My dogs are my life and if they went missing that would be awful, so happy for this family!
7. Senate approves bill to aid vets exposed to toxic burn pits
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A bill enhancing health care and disability benefits for millions of veterans exposed to toxic burn pits won final approval in the Senate on Tuesday, ending a brief stalemate over the measure that had infuriated advocates and inspired some to camp outside the Capitol.
The Senate approved the bill by a vote of 86-11. It now goes to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law. Biden described the legislation as the biggest expansion of benefits for service-connected health issues in 30 years and the largest single bill ever to address exposure to burn pits.
That's it for this week. This newsletter will always be free. If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Martyrs and Kings - Chapter 9
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Only Ghosts
Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 4.2k
Warnings: angst; iconoclasm; the inevitability of time; boundary testing; SMUT; semi-public sex; accidental voyeurism; hair-pulling; biting; sex under the influence of alcohol
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The galaxy had changed a lot in the last half century, but Coruscant still smelled the same. The stench hit Kix like a punch in the face when the shuttle doors opened. It wasn’t so bad on the upper levels, but it got noticeably worse as he descended. Captain Ithano had sent him a list of supplies to requisition when Kix notified the Meson Martinet that he was headed to the old capital, and most of them were only available from some of the shadier establishments in the Coruscant underworld. More than one of the items were a complete mystery to Kix, and he didn’t bother to ask exactly what it was that he was picking up for his totally legitimate, not-at-all-disreputable employer.
Republics and empires could rise and fall and rise again, but some things never changed, and black market dealers seemed to be a universal constant. Kix kept his head down and his blaster close. He wore his armor, craving both protection and anonymity. This deep in the city, it was always dark, and anyone who let down their guard was likely to get robbed or worse. He kept a watchful eye on the shadows, ignoring the fetid puddles and skittering vermin on the walkway. Ithano’s errands kept him busy most of the day, and his life was only threatened twice, which was a marked improvement over the last time he’d gone to level 1313. His last stop brought him near a familiar neighborhood, and as he headed back topside, Kix made an impulsive detour. 
The building still stood, of course. 79’s had been located in one of Coruscant’s massive skyscrapers, so it was no surprise that the platform and facade were still intact. But the bar itself had obviously gone out of business years or even decades earlier, and nothing had moved in to replace it. Even the iconic neon sign was still installed over the doors, though it was not illuminated any more, and he could see that the transparisteel was broken in several places. The doors were boarded up, but it was easy enough to work a few free so he could squeeze through the gap. He switched on his helmet light and looked around, wary of finding something—or someone—living in the derelict club. It looked like nobody had been inside since it closed.
The floor was littered with assorted detritus: broken glass, cocktail napkins, faded drink menus. A few crumbling pro-clone propaganda posters still hung on the walls: actual posters made of paper, not holosigns. He could see bits of graffiti scratched into some of the tables, and he laughed quietly as he remembered the night he had scrawled “Fives’s sister” next to a sketch of a wampa in the refresher.
Kark, he had so many memories of this place. He remembered his first trip to Coruscant as a wide-eyed shiny, dragged to the bar by his new brothers in the 501st, terrified the entire time that he was going to be reconditioned for breaking the regs. He’d overheard a cute civilian sigh, “Captain Keeli. The prettiest clone in the GAR.”  
Kix had spotted the legendary clone captain right away, sharing a drink with his Nikto Jedi General Di. That night, Kix went back to the barracks and drunkenly shaved his head in imitation of the older clone. Jesse had teased him relentlessly, telling him he’d gotten the pattern wrong. 
“I didn’t get it wrong,” Kix had retorted. “I made it my own.”
When the news came back that Captain Keeli, General Di, and their entire company of clone troopers had sacrificed themselves to protect the Twi’leks of Ryloth, Kix had kept the hairstyle to honor their memory and added a tattoo that read, A good droid is a dead one . 
He’d lost count of the nights he’d spent here, celebrating victories, mourning fallen brothers, searching for something more than the life of a man bred exclusively for war. Nights spent dancing and drinking with Jesse, Fives, Cerra, and Tup; nights spent seeking out nameless hookups with beings who only saw him as a piece of meat; nights spent brawling just to feel something, even if it hurt. Anything to drown out the screams of the brothers he couldn’t save, to drive away the memory of blood on his hands.
The last time he’d been here, he’d come with Jesse to celebrate his brother’s successful completion of ARC trooper training. It was his first time visiting the bar since the fateful night Fives had cornered him in the filthy bathroom, ranting about inhibitor chips and conspiracies and corruption at the highest levels of government. Kix had avoided the place after that, but Jesse had been so proud of his promotion, and he’d wanted to show off his new armor, and Kix had never been able to say no to Jesse. They’d started the night with tihaar shots, and then somebody had passed around tablets of sansanna spice. Kix had a vivid memory of a stunning Zeltron woman trailing her hand suggestively over Jesse's pauldrons.
“I like your armor," she'd said. "It’s so thoughtful of the Republic to provide leg rests.”
The night had degenerated into a wild blur of spice, booze, and anonymous sex after that. Jesse had loved every second of it. Kix, on the other hand, had been in full self-destruction mode after losing Fives and Tup, and that particular outing was when he hit the bottom. The next morning, bandaging his knuckles after a fight he didn’t remember, reeling from a nuclear hangover and a deep feeling of self-loathing, he’d commed Cerra and asked her to help him follow Fives’s investigation. He started by removing his inhibitor chip, growing his hair to cover the scar. It had been strange to let go of something that had been a part of his identity for so long. 
Without direct access to the Kaminoan data, it had taken months to uncover the full potential of the chips, and he’d been assigned to the mission on Skako Minor before he’d completed his investigation. Finding Echo alive had renewed Kix’s determination to save more of his brothers, and he’d redoubled his efforts. Within weeks, he found what he was looking for, and then the Separatists found him. 
He couldn’t save any of his brothers after all.
Kix took a long, last look around. The galaxy had moved on from the Clone Wars, and 79’s had failed to adapt and survive. All that remained of the clone bar was an empty shell, and only ghosts within.
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It was late when Maree arrived on Coruscant. Teejay had booked a driver to pick her up from the spaceport and take her directly to her hotel at the top of one of the city’s gleaming towers. It had been a long day, and she desperately wanted to take a shower and go to bed. She stared at the garish holosigns that flashed by the speeder, replying mechanically to her driver’s inconsequential chatter.
It had taken longer than anticipated to receive approval for Kix to enter the Imperial Military Records Archive, and thus several days had passed since they had spent the night together. He hadn’t contacted her except to acknowledge that he’d received her message explaining the delay. The approval had arrived in the late afternoon, and Maree had Teejay book transport to Coruscant that night. As soon as she boarded the shuttle, she sent Kix a message with instructions to meet her at the archive the next morning.
Maree avoided Coruscant whenever she could. Something about the planet gave her the shudders. It was strange; she loved Hosnian Prime even though it was also an ecumenopolis. She had attended university on Coruscant and left the planet at the first opportunity. Accustomed as she was to the endless expanses on the planets of the Outer Rim territories, she felt claustrophobic and panicky among the towering spires and plastcrete canyons of Coruscant. At least on Hosnian Prime she could see the planet’s actual surface. The only way she could do that on Coruscant was to visit the peak of Mt. Umate in Monument Plaza, as if it were a curiosity or a tourist destination, and not the very foundation on which the ancient city was built.
But beyond all of that, Coruscant had always seemed to Maree to have an air of desperation. Strip away the glittering facade of the upper levels, and underneath one would find only pain and misery and exploitation. She was too young to remember Coruscant under Imperial rule, but she couldn’t imagine that much had changed with the formation of the New Republic. The corruption here was too systemic, too entrenched, to be undone with a mere regime change, no matter how determined or well-intentioned the government might be. It had been this way under the Old Republic; it had continued under the Empire; and there was no sign that anything had improved under the New Republic.
The soft chirp of her commlink startled Maree out of her pessimistic ruminations. It was a message from Kix.
Are you on 000?
She typed out a quick reply. Yes. Heading to my hotel now.
Have you eaten? He responded immediately.
Not yet, Maree typed. I was planning on getting room service.
Want some company? He replied.
Maree was a little surprised at the offer. She’d thought that his lack of communication had signaled that he wasn’t interested in continuing what they’d started his last night on Hosnian Prime. She’d told herself it was for the best, even if it stung a bit. She didn’t do long term, as Valsi had pointed out. The rational part of Maree’s brain said she could hardly fault Kix for sharing her attitude. But there had been something different about her time with Kix—something she could almost have believed was special, if not for the haunted look in his eyes as he’d left her flat.
Still, it couldn’t have been such a terrible night for him if he was interested in a repeat. The cynical voice in her head told her it was just more convenient for him to booty call her than to go to the effort of picking up another bedmate. Maree took a moment to consider. Kix had been good in bed—fantastic, actually. She definitely wouldn’t mind going another round or three with him. She was fully capable of keeping her feelings under control—it was her specialty, after all. And if she felt a twinge of disappointment that he only saw her as a warm body, it would fade.
Sure, she replied. Meet up at the hotel bar in an hour?
She sent him the name of her hotel, and he replied with a thumbs-up. She sighed a little, thinking wistfully that she’d have to settle for a sonic shower. She could see the hotel from the speeder now, and by the time she checked in, she had just enough time to unpack her bags and touch up her makeup after getting cleaned up.
Kix was already at the hotel bar when she arrived. She spotted him immediately, leaning against the bar, looking impossibly handsome and absolutely radiating unfriendliness. Something in his posture made him look dangerous in a way she hadn’t noticed during their earlier encounters. The other bar patrons gave him a wide berth. He stared down into his glass and didn’t notice her until she slipped into the space next to him. He looked up, and his stormy expression cleared at once.
“Hey, stranger,” she said, stretching up to kiss his cheek. “Am I late?”
He shook his head. “Got here early. Nothing better to do.”
Maree raised her eyebrows. He wasn’t slurring, but his breath smelled like whiskey, and she wondered how many he’d had. She signaled the bartender and ordered a cocktail, while Kix ordered another whiskey. The bartender shot her a meaningful look.
“Let’s get a table,” Maree said. “I’m starving.”
“Can I get anything started for you?” the bartender asked.
Maree glanced at the menu and ordered an assortment of appetizers, then led Kix to a cozy little booth in the back corner of the bar. Remembering his dislike of having his back to a door, she scooted into the side with the best view of the room, then patted the seat next to her. He dropped into the booth and immediately slid his hand high up her thigh.
Damn, he’s not wasting any time, she thought.
“How’ve you been?” she asked, hoping to pump the brakes a bit.
He shrugged. “Didn’t come here for small talk.”
He leaned in to kiss her, and she pulled back automatically.
“Agreed, I came here for dinner,” she said pointedly. “When’s the last time you ate?”
“Don’t remember,” he said. “Not hungry. At least not for food.”
He pushed his hand higher up her leg and cupped her sex through her gown. She suppressed a twinge of irritation and—to her horror—arousal.
“Well, I am,” Maree said, firmly pushing his hand back down her leg to rest safely on her knee. “I guess you’ll just have to wait.”
The bartender approached with their drink order as well as two glasses and a large pitcher of water, then beat a hasty retreat as Kix glared at him. Kix reached for his whiskey, but Maree picked it up and moved it to her side of the table.
“Water first,” she said.
He glowered at her, but she didn’t back down, meeting his eyes squarely with an expression she normally reserved for arguments with NRGL administrators. He grumbled a protest but drained one of the water glasses, and Maree refilled it before she gave him back his whiskey and sipped her own cocktail.
“Bossy,” he muttered.
“Yep,” she said agreeably. “If you’re a good boy and do what you’re told, maybe I’ll let you have dessert later.”
His eyes darkened. Maree hadn’t missed the way he responded when she’d called him a good boy in the bedroom, and she was not above exploiting that tidbit of knowledge to get him to make at least slightly healthier choices.
“Why wait?” he rumbled.
“Because the food is here,” Maree said, stifling a relieved sigh. 
A service droid rolled up and deposited a tray of food at their booth. Maree picked up a bite and offered it to Kix. He ate it directly from her hand, his warm lips brushing against her hand. 
“I know what you’re doing,” he said.
“I should hope so,” Maree replied, handing him another bite. 
“Do you know how much whiskey it would take to get me drunk?” he asked. 
“I don’t know. How much have you had?” she asked.
“Not enough,” he replied. “I don’t need to sober up.”
“What do you need?” she asked.
“Something stronger than whiskey.”
“What happened, Kix?” she asked. “Why are you doing this?”
He sighed, looking away from her. His eyes focused somewhere in the middle distance on something only he could see.
“It’s this kriffing planet,” he said at last. “Too many memories.”
“I didn’t realize you’d spent much time here,” she said.
He laughed humorlessly. “I used to live here. It’s been a long time.”
“I take it that things didn’t end well?” she asked, feeding him another bite, and then scooting his water glass closer. 
“You could say that,” he said. His glance flicked between her face and the water glass, and his lips nearly twitched into a smile, but he obediently took another drink of water.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.
“Not particularly.”
Stars, the man held onto his secrets like they were made of solid beskar. It didn’t bother her, exactly. After all, he was technically just her client, and spending a night together had not changed that, nor had she expected it to. She shrugged and began to eat her own food.
“Well, with any luck, it won’t take long to find what we need in the Archive, and you can get back to your life and leave this place far behind,” she said.
Kix made an odd expression, but he didn’t reply. Once she’d gotten him to eat those first few bites, he seemed to realize that he was ravenous, because he polished off the three plates she’d set in front of him and then began to steal bites off of her plate, too. He drained a second glass of water as well, so she didn’t object when he finished his whiskey. Throughout the meal, he’d kept his hand firmly on her leg, though he didn’t attempt any further explorations after she shut him down. Instead, he contented himself with drawing lazy circles on her thigh with his thumb. 
They ate in silence, and Maree couldn’t help contrasting it with their banter at the hanging garden. Just when she had thought she was getting to know Kix, he reminded her that she really had no idea who he was. 
He flagged down the server droid and ordered it to bring the bottle of whiskey. Maree sighed but didn’t intervene. She wasn’t his mother, and if Kix was determined to get plastered, that was his call to make. Still, she had no interest in watching him make a public spectacle.
“We’ll take it to go,” she said. “Charge everything to my room.”
To his credit, Kix didn’t stumble or weave on the walk to the lifts. In fact, he didn’t show any visible signs of intoxication at all. He was a perfect gentleman until they entered the empty lift and the doors closed behind them. And then he pounced. His mouth crashed into hers as he pinned her against the wall. All the air rushed out of her lungs, and she nearly dropped the bottle of whiskey. His hands roamed over her body, squeezing, stroking. His kiss was rough and hard, and Maree let out a strangled moan as he used his tongue and teeth. He kissed and licked and sucked his way down her neck and chest, pulling her neckline down to give him access to her shoulder. He bit her hard enough to leave a mark, and she flinched. He pressed his lips soothingly to the mark, and then returned to her mouth, consuming her with a kiss that danced along the edge of pleasure and pain. She didn’t even realize he’d rucked up her dress until she felt his rough fingertips slip into her underwear. She broke the kiss with a gasp.
“Kix, w—wait,” she panted.
He froze.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” he asked raggedly. “Isn’t this why you told me to meet you here?”
“Yes, but you’ve been drinking, and—”
“Do I look drunk to you?” he demanded. “I know what I am doing. If you don’t want this, tell me now, and I’ll leave.”
“No, I—I want this,” she said, and he lunged back into action, kissing her until she was breathless. He yanked the fabric of her panties to the side and stroked his fingers over her pussy, hissing when he felt the wetness there.
“Not so calm as you pretended, are you, dirty girl?” he asked. “Is this all for me?”
“Yes, damn you,” she cursed as he slipped one of his fingers inside. Her body convulsed around him. “F—f—fuck!”
He thrust into her over and over, stretching her out until he could fit a second finger inside, dragging his thumb over her clit. She arched into the sensation. Her legs quivered and gave out, but Kix was there to catch her, wrapping his arm around her waist as she clung to his shoulders. There was no trace of the gentle man who’d touched her so reverently the last time they were together. This time, Kix was dominant, almost aggressive, handling her with a sublime roughness that had her trembling on the edge of an orgasm within seconds.
The lift slowed and emitted a soft chime. 
“It’s not our floor,” Maree gasped.
Kix moved to shield her with his body just in time for the doors to slide open. He snarled at the hapless intruder, an Ishi Tib who stumbled back with wide eyes as he took in the scene before him.
“Sorry!” he squawked. “I’ll take the next one!”
The doors slid closed. Maree’s cheeks burned with humiliation, and she hid her face against Kix’s shoulder.
“Look at me,” he commanded. “I want to see your face when you come all over my hand.”
His filthy words, the deft movements of his fingers, and the adrenaline rush of getting caught were too much. He wrenched her pleasure forcibly from her. She whimpered in surprise as her body clenched around him, her orgasm bursting through her.
“That’s it,” he growled. “That’s my beautiful woman. Kriff, you look so gorgeous like this, coming apart around my fingers. I could watch you for hours.”
He didn’t slow his movements until she stopped twitching and slumped against him with a breathy moan. Still supporting her with his arm around her waist, he gently withdrew his fingers from her. He stroked his thumb across her clit in one last, soft caress, and then he allowed her skirt to fall back into place, smoothing the wrinkles. She leaned against his chest, gasping for air. He wrapped both arms around her and held her close, whispering into her hair, telling her how well she’d done, and how sexy she was, and how he was going to take such good care of her. 
“I can’t wait to get you back to your  room,” he murmured. “I’m going to fuck that pussy until you scream my name. Everyone in this karking hotel is going to know who is getting you off.”
Her knees buckled. He caught her with a dark laugh, taking the whiskey bottle from her loosened grasp. 
“Not much longer, love,” he said. “Just a few more floors. Can you hold it together for me?”
She nodded, dazed. She was already wildly turned on again by the way he mixed praise with the dirtiest of promises. The lift slowed and the door chimed.
“This is us,” she said, her voice sounding embarrassingly unsteady.
She led him down the hall and fumbled as she keyed in her door code with shaking hands. He followed closely, dropping the whiskey on the console table and crowding close to her, his hands roaming greedily over her body. Her skin felt like it was on fire wherever he touched her. He tugged her dress off over her head in a single fluid motion as he backed her up against the bed. She tumbled onto the mattress, and he stood back, eyeing her with a hungry look.
“Stars, look at you,” he breathed. “Prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“You are overdressed,” she observed. 
He began to strip off his clothes as Maree propped herself up on her elbows to watch. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a thick chest that tapered down to a lean waist. His smooth, golden brown skin was criss crossed here and there by scars, and he had a smattering of dark hair. She had seen him naked before, but she hadn’t had time to admire him at her leisure. He was glorious.
As he lowered his trousers, she could see that he was fully erect, and a bead of precum had dampened his underwear. She sat up to reach for him, teasing his cock through the fabric before easing the garment down over his narrow hips. She made a happy little noise and leaned forward to swirl her tongue around his shaft. He tangled his hands in her hair with a curse. She loved the gentle tugging on her scalp and hummed with pleasure at the taste of him. His hips bucked forward at the sensation. Before she could proceed, though, he used her hair to pull her head away from him, then pressed her down onto the mattress, climbing on top to straddle her hips.
She could feel the weight of his erection resting on her belly. She traced her hands up his thighs, but he stopped her before she reached his cock. Gripping her wrists, he pinned her hands to the bed. He leaned down and began to explore her body with his mouth. Rubbing his cock against her torso, he kissed and licked down her chest, and then he drew one breast to his mouth and bit down, hard, as he sucked on her. She let out a ragged, broken sound.
“You’re going to remember me,” he growled as marks bloomed across her skin. “Don’t ever forget me.”
“Never,” she whispered as he sucked bruises onto her breasts again and again. 
“That’s fucking right,” he said, and he plunged into her in a single, hard thrust, sheathing himself fully in her slick heat.
She cried out his name as he drove himself into her again and again. She could feel her body pulling taut around him, drawn like a bow, all her sensation pulling itself into the base of her spine, building in intensity until all at once, it was too much. The bowstring snapped, and she shot into ecstasy. Kix ground out a curse as he buried himself deep inside her and spilled into her heat. His arms gave out, and he collapsed onto her chest, breathless and utterly spent.
I humbly apologize to the 79's girlies (gn). If you'd like to read about the club in happier times and tag along with Kix and his friends on a night out, please allow me to recommend my fic "Do It Again," which shares continuity with this story.
Chapter 10
Tagging: @blueink-bluesoul @secondaryrealm @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @goblininawig @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Cabur Kad'edee
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AU where Kamino is commissioned to create a new type of elite clone soldiers designed to have the ability to shapeshift into powerful creatures that can be used to shift the tides out on the battlefield.
This sparks a secretive project known only as the Shifter Initiative, which begins research and work into a completely new venue of cloning and gene-splicing science. It is kept under wraps due to the theoretical nature of recreating in humans something that most humanoids are incapable of doing naturally. And, in due time, the project is even scrapped entirely after being deemed a waste of time and resources.
The tubies selected to carry the implanted gene that would allow for them to shift, never got past decanting due to complications associated with the bodies themselves rejecting the synthetic mutation, and the only surviving subject of the Shifter Initiative (SC-7567) didn't display any form of abilities linked to the project.
Aside from his blond hair and unusually amber colored eyes the freshly decanted baby clone was nothing special, and got sent off to be integrated with a squad of four other regular clones to be trained as any other standard class trooper. With this final reassignment the Shifter Initiative is completely forgotten about.
Three years later, a particularly impatient Trainer loses his temper when cadets Grey, Howzer, Jek, Keeli and Rex fail yet another assignment their terrible teacher had failed to prepare them for. Frustrated, the Trainer sought to make Grey into an example and began to beat the young cadet mercilessly after accusing the "defective" CC of being the cause behind his squad's constant failures and unruliness.
No matter how much the others tried to get the Trainer to let up, the infuriated and stubborn natborn wouldn't back off. The fear of losing one of his ori'vode (one of few who'd protected him from other squads who bullied him for his visual mutations) to the wrath of a Trainer, triggers something dormant within Rex to finally awaken. A power the Kaminoans had thought impossible to implant into a mere clone. One which gives the young boy the necessary means to put an end to the Trainer's abuse for good...
It is thusly with the death of a cruel trainer (severely mauled by a young boy seeking to protect his vod), that the legend of the Cabur Kad'edee (Guardian Sabertooth) begins... A rather well guarded tale that captain Rex of the 501st doesn't share very openly for fear of being seen as nothing more than what he can become should the need arise.
Bonus under the Cut
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Young Cadets Grey, Jek, Howzer, Keeli and Rex (in sabertooth cub form)
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