#more baking halsin
irinviolet · 3 months
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A small drizzle of honey on your pie, well actually a lot more then that...
Here`s the slices you`ve asked all asked for <3
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razumdars · 2 months
Anyways while racism in the writer's room is definitely a thing and does affect how black characters are written and portrayed, to say "well this character wasn't written well (because of racism) so THAT'S why I find them boring!" is just disingenuous and trying to shove blame elsewhere.
Wyll may have been shafted in terms of writing, but he still clearly had more effort and time put into him than Halsin. And yet out of those two characters, which one is more popular in the fandom?
Dragon Age: Inquisition may bend over backwards to make Vivienne seem like a villain at times, and her opinion on the Circles is a bit complex, but that game also has Cullen in it - who was an antagonist for two previous games, and also has even stricter views on mages and the Circles. And out of the two of them, who's the one people are more forgiving to?
Preston Garvey might have a bugged radiant quest that means he says the same thing over and over and over again, but why is it annoying when he does it and endearing when it's characters in other games? (Brynjolf's "Sorry lass, I've got important things to do" comes to mind)
While yes, we should hold writers and developers accountable for the racism they bake into their games, this does not change that fandom is a transformative space. Fandoms will regularly take characters who were underwritten, who were treated poorly by their source material, or who were overlooked, and create beautiful works of art and fiction surrounding them.
So it's quite telling when they refuse to do this with the black characters.
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astarioffsimpmain · 1 month
Halloween with Halsin
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Halsin x F!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy (not accidental)
Synopsis: You and Halsin oversee the now adopted children from Baldur's Gate as they carve gourd lanterns in preparation for Liar's Night
Author's Note: Happy Half-o-ween part 2! 🎃
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Little faces lit up with joy and recognition as you and Halsin wheeled the cart of gourds up to the clearing. "We're celebrating Liar's Night!" A young tiefling boy cried out, jumping up and down in his place. 
"We are!" You replied, and laughed as a myriad of cheers and whoops broke out in response. "Daddy Halsin and I thought you all might want to carve your own gourd lanterns this year, but remember to save those gooey insides and put them in your bucket. We're baking pumpkin bread with it in a few days." Your smile only grew, watching the children gather around to pick out their pumpkins, sharing and swapping much more graciously than many adults you knew.  You sighed and allowed your eyes to fall closed in contentment when you felt your lover's arms encircle you in his warmth. 
"You do so well with them, my heart." He murmured, his lips tickling the crown of your head.
"They make that easy." You replied, then twisted in his arms to allow your own lips access to his cheek, his neck, and his shoulder. You dropped chaste but tender kisses on his sweat-dampened skin before tucking your nose into the crook of his neck. "You make it even easier." He chuckled in your ear and tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you as close as possible. 
"As do you, sweet one. As do you." 
"Daddy Halsin, this one has an ouchie." A young human girl toddled over with a small pumpkin that sported a heavy bruising on one side. The Druid released you with a smile and a wink and bent down to the little girl, taking the gourd and inspecting the aforementioned injury. 
"It seems that it does, little one. Everything in nature will be marked up over time, but that does not mean it is worthless. Let's carve the face right here across this bruise and make it unique and beautiful. Yes?" The little girl nodded, a small smile on her lips, and reached up to drag her little fingers over the scars on Halsin's face before running back to join the other children. 
"She would make a remarkable druid." You noted with a twinkle in your eye as Halsin returned to you. 
"She would. And should she choose to walk that path, I would be honored to guide her." He replied, his eyes soft and warm, trained on the children of every race that you and he had chosen to raise. You gazed around the former Shadow-cursed land with an insurmountable pride in your chest. When you and your lover had departed Baldur's Gate, you had taken with you not only the many orphaned children left from the dearth and tyranny, but the homeless adults as well. You had traveled back to the place Thaniel and Oliver called home, and made a place there for them all. 
And because of Halsin, along with the great help of Jaheira and her Harpers, they had flourished into a thriving and beautiful community. Adults had adopted and taken in children, and no one lived without food or a place to sleep when the rain inevitably fell. This extended to you and Halsin, who lived in a small cottage overlooking the field of vegetables and fruits Halsin grew and, with your help, harvested and used in dishes for anyone who wanted them. Your house was a popular destination for all, adults and children alike, and you had grown used to hosting people from the village many a night each week. 
You had been brimming with excitement for this moment for months. You were the one who had convinced Halsin to celebrate Liar's Night. It was one of the fondest memories you carried from living in Baldur's Gate, and these children having been from there, you knew would recognize it. It was when you reasoned that the children most likely had never been able to participate due to their inability to purchase the supplies for a protective gourd lantern - let alone have a home to protect - that Halsin had relented. "I truly find myself unable to say no to you, my heart." He had raked a hand down his face, but you knew he would enjoy the experience once the time came. 
You were pleased to see how right you were as the large Druid began a self-imposed patrol through the sea of children and their carving work, pausing to help any child that requested it. You chuckled and did the same for the other half, working together until each child held an empty pumpkin with a face carved into the side. "Remember to have your parents or older siblings light the candles!" You called as little legs carried each one of them back to the warmth of their homes. Once you and Halsin had gathered all the buckets containing pumpkin seeds and fillings and pooled them into a sealed container to save for later, the Druid took your small hand in his much larger one and led you back home. 
"You beautiful, wonderful woman." He was muttering lowly in your ear the moment the cottage door closed behind you. His hands found purchase on your hips and he nuzzled into you, breathing in your scent as he explored your form with his palms. 
"I told you that you would enjoy it." You giggled as he glided the tips of his fingers up your spine, causing you to arch up into him. 
"That you did, my heart, and you were right, as you so often are. I love you so deeply that Silvanus himself must feel it beat through my aching heart. He must know by now that half of my prayers are to him and half of them are to you. I have never felt an ardor so great in my 365 years of life." 
"Halsin, I hope you know by now that I feel much the same way, and while I cannot possibly contend with your declarations of poetry, I can give you this." You said softly, taking his hand into your own once again and pressing it to your abdomen. 
His eyes lit up in hopeful recognition, disbelief coloring his handsome features. "My heart, do you mean-?" He paused, as if he was too afraid to voice it aloud. 
"You're to be a father, Halsin." You smiled, your eyes misting over with tears full of adoration for the man that had become your life partner. And you laughed; a beautiful, breathless thing, as you watched tears cloud his eyes to mirror your own. 
"By Silvanus's blessing, I could have asked for no better news!" He boomed, lifting you into his arms to swing you around. Your joined laughter and elation filled the little cottage as the two of you rediscovered one another again and again, falling in love as though it were the first time. 
A blessed Leaffall, indeed. 
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Tagging Darlings: @knightofmight01
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fatale-distraction · 5 months
BG3 Companions Social Media Headcanons Part 2
Here’s the rest of the companions! NPCs in Part 3!
Halsin - animals and nature and more animals and more nature. He probably has several videos of guided yoga and meditation that are accidental thirst traps. Lots of "very beautiful, very powerful" videos. He's basically like Bob Ross and Steve Irwin had a baby. Not a lot of selfies, but if Tav steals his phone and takes some of them, he will post them. He also posts progress and finished pictures of his whittling. All of his followers are constantly asking where they can buy them, but they're not for sale. Once in a while he will gift one to a follower, mostly when Tav complains that their crafting shed is too full to move around in.
Jaheira - seven billion pics of her kids. The youngest ones all have a different assigned emoji covering their faces, and she refers to them by their emoji instead of by name. Total PTA mom but like a motocycle PTA mom. Yeah she brings cookies to the bake sale and they're the best damn cookies there or else, but she will also flip Karen and Donna over a fucking table if they even dare to open their dumb faces about another fucking book ban. Also somehow the chillest gardening videos on the planet. Lots of unwilling selfies with Minsc. If you hate it so much why do you post them Jaheira?????????? Does not understand how hashtags work. Uses all of them. Comments lots of supportive things on other people's posts but also "wash your face. Did you eat? Stop making that stupid expression."
Minsc - Boo. Ten thousand selfies with his best friend Jaheira and Tav. Boo. Muscles. Boo. Emojis. Boo holding funny tiny things. Often features in Karlach's Jack-ass and parkour videos. Boo.
Minthara - I refuse to murder tieflings and haven't tried the new knock-out option yet so I have no idea what she's like, but I'm gonna wing it anyway. BDSM queen. We've all seen her camp clothes, you know she is. Problematic content and comments, constantly suspended for violating TOS. How she hasn't been banned outright yet is unclear. Drow-supremacist, male-exclusionary radfem (not a TERF, though, Minthara says trans-rights and this is a hill I am willing to die on). Flame wars with Kar'niss and Nere.
Part 1 here!
Part 3 here!
Part 4
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
I can't believe I have to bring this up again, I'm sorry if this isn't anyone's cup of tea so please ignore this if you see fit. But the Baldur's Gate 3 companions are supposed to be seen as pansexual. It's outrageous how sidelined I feel as a gay man who exclusively ships male Tavs with male companions, ESPECIALLY Gale and Halsin, who are explicitly pansexual companions. I will never dictate how people write fanfics or make their tavs or anything. But seeing the blatant erasure of these companions pansexuality is maddening.
I will always use my blog as a way to advocate equality, love, sexuality, freedom of expression, etc etc. My content IS very queer based so of course not everyone can resonate with it, but it can still be supported. It is frustrating to see people talk about Halsin, Gale, Wyll, etc as exclusively heterosexual. Why do we have to gender talking to Halsin about baking? Why do we have to gender Gale talking about BOOKS? As another blog has said: I am not trying to police how people choose to enjoy the game or interact with the fandom. "If you want to read, reblog, and create content with Gale x one gender exclusively, then go ahead. Just keep in mind that he is not heterosexual. Especially when making posts about how he treats a partner, his approach to sex etc. Or when writing about him in general" to quote @dreamingofthewild. This goes for all companions.
These companions like all genders. As someone who HAS a pansexual partner, it is so so discouraging. I'm starting to see more and more stuff indicating that these companions prefer a certain gender EXCLUSIVELY. As inclusive as this game is, this is just so discouraging.
This is meant to start healthier discussions and to be mindful of the fandom as a whole. Support queer artists, queer art, queer content, queer fanfics, etc. between companions and same sex relationships. These companions can be in a relationship with a tav of the opposite gender and still be pansexual, but if we are making content and writing tidbits that INDICATE they PREFER a certain gender, this is where the problem lies.
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ransprang · 3 months
thank you @tolkien-fantasy we hope you like your match ups <3
if anyone else wants a personalized fic this is our ko-fi
your bg3 match up is....
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How you met: Halsin was taking a walk through his neighbourhood when your gorgeous garden caught his eye. He was entranced. Never had he seen nature’s bounty bless a land so thoroughly. You caught the man looming over a lovely flower bush. You debated calling the police but settled on walking over to him and cheerfully greeting him good morning. Halsin smiled warmly, and began complimenting your garden. You were happy to share a few techniques with him and invited him inside for tea. He was charmed by your love for nature and wisdom, and started showing up more and more often to chat with you with the excuse of admiring your garden.
In terms of gifts, Halsin would never buy you flowers, only seeds so you could plant them. He would often get you books that he thought you would like or reminded him of you.
Since you are 4”10 Halsin would often accidentally almost step on you. He would be very apologetic about it though. Thanks to his size you would also end up calling him over to reach the top shelves in your house or the grocery store. Sometimes instead of getting you the item himself, he would just pick you up so that you could reach it yourself. 
Both of you being incredibly wise, would never have fights as a couple. All your couples friends would come to you for advice. 
Halsin is the type of person to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around him (including you <3).  Your dates would involve long walks in parks and cute picnics. He would make you delicious sandwiches and other baked goods, though they would all probably be vegan.
Halsin respects your work as a death doula since over his 400 year lifespan he has come to appreciate the circle of life. He is always there to offer you support and be a calming presence when things get a little too overwhelming.
Halsin is Oak Daddy and he would often end up somehow unofficially adopting some children who would follow him around. He loves watching you interact with the kids, watching them be put to ease by your bubbly, cheerful and friendly personality the same way he was.
Halsin will never make fun of you or tease you since you don’t like that. Besides, he prefers cracking dad jokes.
He likes engaging in different parts of nature with you. Exploring the lands of Faerun, and trying different activities to interact with the nature. If y’all ever go fishing he’s gonna make this stupid joke: “What do librarians take fishing? Bookworms.”
He’d be very gentle and caring when it comes to your chronic illnesses. Halsin being a powerul and wise druid would know some possible cures or spells to alleviate the pain. He also has a wide network which he’d use for this cause.
Halsin is very gentle and uses his years of wisdom and experience to find new sex positions to accommodate your physical illnesses.  
Everytime you go off on tangents about things you have learned from books, Halsin gets horny, he can’t help it. Of course he admires your intelligence, but he also can’t stop imagining how it’d feel to pull his cock out and stuff your mouth with it. 
Because of the height difference, Halsin does have a bit of a size kink. He likes overshadowing your smaller frame with his large body. He’d also love to try standing positions like you giving him a blowie while standing.
Your physical affections are very much encouraged by Halsin. He loves the feel of your arms and lips on his body. Often his mind is filled with innocent love, some other times his mind wanders and he presses your body back against a wall and grabs your ass. 
Halsin has intense animal urges, he growls and grunts. Grits his teeth, as he would hold you by the back of your neck tightly and look into your eyes. His desperation visible as his cock would throb to be released against his pants.
Halsin likes to overstimulate you, he loves to pump you till you are scratching his back or pulling on his hair. “By Oak Father's blessings, you are beautiful like this. Cum for me,” he would say, while he watches you squirm.
He enjoys slow sex too, he would ask to make love to you. He would fuck you side ways so he can kiss you while cuddling and holding you in his arms. 
Halsin picks you up over his shoulder as he would smack your ass cheek and kiss your hips. He would carry you to the bedroom and lay you down gently before playing with your clit while kissing you deeply. You can heel his muscles, and pecks move up and down against your body as his breathing gets heavy.
Sometimes he would like to watch you get undressed or touch yourself as he rubs his cock and strokes it up and down. He will ask you to clean his precum off his red tip before continuing masturbating for you.
Halsin would cook for you after sex, something to get you feeling less tired and energetic again. He would also like to feed you playfully by keeping food on his muscles or taking a bite by keeping small foods on your breasts and licking them off.
your beach waves,
admins sar, sav & san
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 months
bg3 soft headcanons for main companions + dammon. can be anything. just want some nice soft stuff.
Gale collects teas, along with all of his books. It wasn’t originally intended as a collection. He just liked tea and kept buying more unique flavors to try. Eventually it became a horde but ‘collection’ sounds more dignified than that. Also tea pots.
Shadowheart, although afraid of wolves previously, always loved birds. Especially ravens. It started as their link to Shar but she later found that they are incredibly smart & can communicate. There was one around the Temple of Greif she named Hector who would bring her trinkets in exchange for seeds or bread scraps.
Lae'zel is actually excellent at cartography. Her maps are some of the most details of all the githyanki and still used by tracking scouts among the realms. Although no one would ever know as she never put her name on them.
Astarion is ambidextrous. He was naturally born with the gift, and it just transferred over to his new life. It’s one of the reasons he’s so skilled at two hand fighting, lock picking, and holding hands with his right or left.
Halsin likes rabbits, along with ducks. Baby rabbits to be specific as rabbits can get quite moody once they are older. If he were in the human realm this would be his favorite time of year with Easter coming up.
Wyll is actually an excellent fisherman. He learned while playing on the docks as a child/young man while in Baldur’s Gate, since his father was always busy and the city was more or less his. It’s one of the few reasons he was able to eat so well on his journeys as, although he is not a vegetarian, he hates killing animals.
Karlach loves pancakes. She would eat them anytime of day, all day if she could. Her favorite, favorite are ones with baked apples on them; but they are a little harder to eat while traveling.
Dammon is a dog person. If he were able to come to camp, he would love Scratch and often offer to watch him while the party is out adventuring. In his spare time he makes collars for the strays around Baldur’s Gate and also for sell.
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ghastlytofu · 8 months
BG3 blunt rotation gooooo!
Karlach lights the blunt with her lips (charming), pretends to pass it to Clive before catching herself because HE IS BABY, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING-! Apologizes profusely to her stuffed bear (who has never done anything wrong in his life) and passes the blunt mournfully to Gale.
Gale, who is on thin fucking ice. He keeps chiefing the blunt (relaying a memory of utmost relevance, he's getting to it-) and waving it dangerously close to people's eyeballs with every exaggerated hand gesture. Whips it too close to Lae'zel's face one too many times and she snatches it out of his fingers in irritation.
Lae'zel is horny and hungry and HANGRY. She's only sitting next to Gale because he's responsible for the food (and because he segued into asking very clinical questions about oviparity which is kind of doing it for her tbh). Puff puff pass and then she's elbowing people (painfully) out of the way for dinner.
Shadowheart is lost in the sauce. She took two hits and is staring at her hands, giggling absently. Every now and then she pulls a face at nothing. Someone draped a blanket over her shoulders and she's counting the individual threads. Astarion nicks the blunt after she's been sitting on it for a solid minute (she doesn't notice).
Astarion doesn't need to use his lungs but he can. Figures the whole process would be more enjoyable were he to drink from the tap, so to speak, of one of his absolutely zooted companions (and is seriously considering asking). Makes a drawling joke about having red eyes that only lands with 50% of his audience which he takes as a victory.
Wyll is pleasantly baked out of his mind. His body's so loose he's melted into the nearest felled tree, laughs too loudly at jokes that are NOT funny, listens earnestly after asking thoughtful questions about your childhood. Falls asleep with his mouth open and one boot toed-off and proceeds to sleep for ten hours.
Minthara: Paranoid little freak. Convinced there's something wrong with the bud (there isn't). No appetite, twitchy AND armed. Gets up every three minutes to stalk the perimeter and sniff Gale's hair suspiciously.
Halsin. He's the plug, this is all his fault. They don't call it the Circle of the Moon for nothing.
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tragedybunny · 2 months
Love Fool
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Serafina is having trouble sleeping and Astarion does his best to help her relax.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings༻ Completely terrible nicknames for body parts, sexual innuendo
༺Word Count༻ 652
༺A/N༻ This is just a short, silly fic for the bg3aprilfoolishness challenge. Read on AO3
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“Can’t sleep,” Serafina fussed, laying next to him, drawing a sigh from Gale. Screw Gale though, the love of his life was infinitely more important. 
“And what should we do about that, my love,” he purred. With Cazador out of the way, he felt free to do whatever was necessary. 
“Feed off me, it always makes sleepy,” she wheedled. 
He wasn’t sure that was a particularly good idea. Sera hadn’t been sleeping much, or eating much, as things were building to the final confrontation with the Netherbrain. But, if she said that’s what she wanted. “I’m yours to command, my sweet.” 
Pulling her close, he lapped his tongue over the healed bite marks in her neck, and dug his fangs in. She tasted divine, as always, and he felt a familiar stirring in his groin. Why was her blood an aphrodisiac? Gods knew he’d drained enough of their enemies without his cock getting hard. 
Beside him, Sera giggled and Gale audibly groaned. “I’m going to get some fresh air,” he muttered, stalking off with his pillow and blanket. 
“Oops,” she whispered. He pulled his fangs from her neck and licked it cleaned, 
“Perhaps if he found a bedmate of his own, maybe Halsin, since he seemed so desperately eager to have company.” 
“Stop,” she smacked his shoulder before giggling again. His hips had pressed into her thigh, and she could obviously feel what her blood was doing to him. “Did I get you all wound up?” She teased. “You make it too easy.” 
Sassy little thing, he moved his hands to pin her shoulders down. “And you aren’t as easy.”  He covered her lips with his, and felt her shiver. Good thing Gale was already gone. 
But when he pulled away, she was giggling again. “That’s what I need to sleep, a little bit of the love rod, quality time with my favorite meat.” She was laughing loud enough the rest of their companions were stirring. 
Maybe he had drank too much from her, but she seemed happy enough. He nipped her ear playfully, smiling himself. “I think you may finally be losing it, my dear Serafina.” She shook with repressed laughter, her arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close. If she was enjoying herself, he might as well play along. “Good, because I am in desperate need to be inside that tight little love box of yours.”
They were both cackling by this point, as Astarion shifted himself between her legs, thrusting his hardness against her. “I swear to Mother Gith…” Lae’zel threatened from across the room. 
Sera moaned and bit her lip, trying to keep from provoking the room any further. “Tell me more.”
He bent over and kissed a line from her throat to the swell of her breasts, trying not to smile. “Allow me to start by worshiping your most perfect milkers.” His lips continue their path. “And then I’d love nothing more than to fertilize your lady garden, to bake in your love oven.”
“Oh please, gift me with your man seed, fill me with your daddy sauce.”
Astarion lost it, he collapsed on his side next to her, both of them howling with laughter, all eroticism lost. “If the two of you do not stop it I will forcibly separate you!” Jahiera shouted to the agreement of everyone else. 
Sera covered her own mouth, eyes watery, before calming enough to speak. “I’m sorry, I ruined it.” 
Astarion looked at her, his beloved Serafina, his Sunlight, the most relaxed he’d seen her in days. “On the contrary, that was perfect. And we still could, if you want.” 
“Truthfully, I think I’d rather…” She cuddled up close to him, tucking her head under his chin. 
“I think you’ve got the right idea, my love.” He wrapped his arms around her. Within seconds, he felt her breath steady and her heart slow as she fell peacefully asleep. 
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multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
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Are they on the Naughty List? Or have they’ve been good all year?Well that’s for you to decide.
Start:November 12
End: December 31
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◇ day 1-7: {Nov 12-18}
Day 1: Luis Sera - Ice Skating
Day 2: Carlos Oliveira - “I can’t believe you did that to Santa…”
Day3: Raiden - “I made you some hot cocoa.”
Day 4: Peter Parker - we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party || Insomniac Peter ||
Day5:Goro Takemura- Dancing In The Snow
Day 6:Johhny Cage-Sucking on a Candy Cane
Day 7: Peter Quill- “are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely november”
◇ day 8-14: {Nov 19-25}
Day 8:Gale Dekarios-Watching the snowfall from inside a cosy house
Day 9:Sam Drake-“Carmel apples, leaves falling down. What could better then November?” “I don’t know maybe fucking June?”
Day 10:Peter Parker -we got a little too carried away with the Christmas lights, and now suddenly my hands are bound with the lights and oh my god are we about to have sex? || Insomniac Peter ||
Day 11:Nathan Drake- it’s holiday dinner with your family, and oh Jesus where are your hands going?
Day 12:Peter Parker-“Do you need help hanging up the Christmas lights?” || MCU verse ||
Day 13: Peter Parker-“HAPPY NOVEMBER!” “No one wishes anyone a happy November.” “Well I just did.”|| MCU verse ||
Day 14:Tadashi Hamada-one lending the other their scarf to keep them warm.
◇ day 15-21 {Nov 26-Dec 2}
Day 15:Jacob Seed-Handing their S/O a positive pregnancy test with a sprig of holly and a note reading ‘Merry Christmas’
Day 16:Spencer Reid-Baking holiday cookies.
Day 17:Alejandro Vargas-Reader wearing nothing but a Santa hat
Day 18:Loki-A naughty sleigh ride || Exhibitionism sex ||
Day 19:Alex Casey-Build A snowman.
Day 20:Chris Redfield-“Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
Day 21:Mike Schmidt-Santa Baby: reader has decided to dress as Mrs. Claus for a little more “adult” Christmas fun. Oh boy!
◇ day 22-28 {Dec 3 -9}
Day 22:Matt Murdock-I picked you for secret Santa but I wrapped the wrong box so now I’ve given you a very festive sex toy, and oh my god this is so embarrassing
Day 23:Halsin-“Breasts/thighs are my favorite part to nibble on.”
Day 24:Miguel O’Hara-“You know, tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”
Day 25:Ethan Winters-Christmas Morning.
Day 26: Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish-Hanging Stockings.
Day 27:Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley-“The turkey’s not the only thing getting stuffed today.”
Day 28:Modern!Mizu-“Save some of that whipped cream for later.”*soon*
◇ day 29- 35 {Dec 10-16}
Day 29:Bigby Wolf-“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”
Day 30:Harry Osborn-Christmas shenanigans under the tree, if you know what I mean
Day 31:Ethan Winters-“I’ll be content if you are the one stuffing my stocking.”
Day 32:Mike Schmidt-“Go on, open it.”
Day 33:Wyll Ravengard-“Did you decorate the tree without me? I can’t believe this!”
Day 34: Bruno Madrigal-Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe.
Day 35:Jordan Li-“Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?”
◇ day 36-42 {Dec 17-23}
Day 36:Mike Schmidt-"Why are there so many mistletoe?"
Day 37:Gojo“I’d like to be one of the unhealthy things you put inside your body this weekend.”*Soon*
Day 38:Luis Sera-“Alright, mister. I know you’re the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere."
Day 39:Chris Redfield-“Thanksgiving is for giving thanks” “And for body slamming each other during the family football match!”
Day 40:Aaron Hotchner-The scent of real Christmas trees
Day 41: Derek Morgan -“I’m going to have you stuffed better than the turkey by the end of the night.”
Day 42:Victor "Sully" Sullivan-“I’m not much of a cook, but I’m good at glazing.”
◇ day 43-50 {Dec 24-31}
Day 43:Leon S. Kennedy-Cabin Sex { Christmas Eve sex }
Day 44: Billy Butcher-“Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!”
Day 45: Bucky Barnes-“Did you spike the eggnog again?”
Day 46: Spencer Ried-“Will you make a gingerbread house with me?”
Day 47: Clint Barton- “It’s Snowing”
Day 48: Joel-Peppermint-flavoured everything
Day 49:Mizu-Snow/temperature play
Day 50:Johnny Cage-“It’s time for hand turkey’s everyone.” “FUCK YES YES!”
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irinviolet · 3 months
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Halsin worked hard to make the puff dough by hand so he could bake the most delicious apple pie with a dash of cinnamon.
Would you like some?
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randomfanner · 6 months
Fuck it, I did it for Gale I am doing it for the others.
Halsin has no idea what Christmas is. He knows of several winter traditions related to the lands of course but he has never quite heard of that one before. He learns about it when the kids begins asking for Christmas Stories and poor Daddy Halsin is left clueless. Of course he turns to you, other adults in the town and some of the older children to explain what exactly this holiday is.
Once he understands it, he begins to try and celebrate it with the kids. He of course doesn’t mind any of the messaging of togetherness, family and giving. Do not tell him how much of a capitalist hellscape Christmas has become. He doesn’t need to know.
I don’t think Halsin would follow anything to the letter of course. Instead of cutting down a pine tree instead they decorate the big central tree with all sorts of hand made decorations by all of the kids who wish too. He doesn’t exactly fit the exact view of Santa but he is pretty close, and he does want to hear what all of the kids wants and he will make it for them(with some help because there is a lot of children and he learned about this two days ago. He has a month)
Halsin also would turn into a reindeer and let the children ride him around. Perhaps if someone happens to know a fly spell you know. He is willing to indulge a little bit the idea of flying reindeer.
If you bake him cookies and make him some sort of hot holiday drink, well, I think he might have just found his favorite part about Christmas. Halsin will insist that you do not need to get him a gift and that your presence in his life is the best gift any being could have given him: but he would be extremely touched if you got him a different gift. Though he would argue that this simply proves his point more.
speaking of people getting him gifts: picture his reaction when the people in Reithwin Town and the children try to give him presents.
also Halsin chopping Firewood. Just that image.
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azukiel · 3 months
Nightfall Heir Chapter 12
Warnings (as a whole): Explicit sexual content, Graphic descriptions of violence, PTSD, Angst, Blood kink, Kidnapping, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
⭐Here is the story on Archive of Our Own ⭐
Summary: Two years have passed since the events surrounding the destruction of the Absolute. Baldur's Gate is slowly rebuilding itself from the rubble, and you and your companions have established yourselves within the city to help in its restoration.
You and your vampiric lover, Astarion, had been nigh inseparable since coming back together. Yet a certain turn of events saw to your kidnapping and then... to your unexpected pregnancy.
🔥Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 🔥
You awoke to the early morning light of the sun spilling through the window and the sounds of the birds and wildlife outside your home. The smell of freshly baked bread and the aroma of a hot meal wafted up from downstairs, and it stirred your starved stomach. Neither of your lovers were in the bed beside you now, but their lighthearted bickering from downstairs wafted up to your room.
You smiled as you stretched, your bones cracking and muscles aching. It was a pleasant sort of pain, though, and it made you grin as you recalled the night before.
Pulling on your robe, you made your way downstairs, trailing the alluring scents to the kitchen.
There, you found your two lovers at the stove, lightheartedly arguing over how long to poach the eggs so that they would be to your liking. As you overheard Astarion say, “the appropriate level of runny snot.”
Astarion was still naked, save for the apron, which was barely covering anything, and Halsin was also wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist after having had a bath.
It was quite the sight.
As they continued to banter back and forth, you quietly snuck up behind the pale elf and wrapped your arms around his torso.
Astarion let out a girlish yelp at your action and dropped the spatula he was holding. Halsin burst into laughter.
You reached under Astarion’s apron to take his cock into your hand; it hardening immediately with your touch. “Stop calling my eggs snot, Astarion.” You growled into his ear as you gave him several delectable pumps.
He gasped and gripped the side of the bench to prevent himself from tipping forward onto the stove. “But they are!” He whined as your hand squeezed harder. Halsin had raised a brow, piqued by your sudden dominating display.
Your pumping of your lover’s cock quickened, causing him to tremble. “If you continue to insult my breakfast, I will never have sex with you again, and then you will be truly starving,” you threatened as you nipped his shoulder.
His body tensed, and he was unable to control his hips from bucking as they did. He groaned. “Yes, m’lady. Your eggs will be cooked to the most precise degree and I shall never call them snot again.”
You laughed, pleased with yourself and your ability to lead him. As you released his cock, he huffed at you, his cheeks flushed and his lips pouty.
Halsin could not help but laugh and clapped the vampire on the arse. “Oh, what a turnabout,” he jested.
“Shut up, bear,” Astarion muttered as he turned off the heat from the stove.
Grinning mischievously, you swiftly slapped Halsin on his rear now, causing him to jerk in surprise. “Now, now, play nice, you two.”
They both chuckled and smiled sheepishly at you.
“Well, if it’s a show you want,” Halsin began, taking hold of Astarion’s jaw. The druid took the vampire’s bottom lip between his teeth and tugged, making him moan.
You watched on with glee, your arousal pooling at the scene.
Halsin then pushed Astarion’s head towards him so that their lips met. They moaned and gasped as they kissed each other passionately, tongues delving into one another’s mouths. Their hands were not idle either, roaming over the contours and grooves of their bodies.
You gleefully observed, biting your bottom lip and grinning. With no more hesitation, you slipped off your robe, unveiling your naked form.
The two men briefly interrupted their make-out session to observe your undressing.
“I hope you two didn’t forget about me,” you teased.
Astarion smirked, his gaze hooded and dark. “Of course not,” he purred as he approached you.
With ease, he lifted you onto the kitchen table and spread your legs. His crimson orbs were fixed on your exposed core as your robes slipped open over your thighs. “My, my,” he remarked as he ran his fingers over the lips of your quim.
You shuddered and giggled as he traced them over the bundle of nerves, his fingers now slick with your arousal. “You’re as wet as those snotty eggs,” he teased. Halsin could not help but snigger at the analogy.
Your cheeks flushed at Astarion’s quip, and if it were not for his delectable fingers on your nub, and his lips now cosseting your breast, you may have punched him one.
“Would you mind finishing the bacon, Halsin dear?” Astarion purred, his eyes not once leaving yours as he slowly crouched to be at a level with your thighs. “Tavrin needs some attention before breakfast.”
“Of course.” The druid smirked, watching you two intently.
Astarion licked his lips, his gaze still glued to yours as he did, before he buried his head between your legs. His tongue lashed over the pink bud, making your whole body tremble and gasp. You arched your back, pressing his face closer to you, and he moaned, the sound reverberating against your sex. His hands grasped your inner thighs as he feasted on you, his service making you squirm and writhe against him as you mewled your glee.
It did not take long for your first orgasm to build, and the familiar heat coiled in your abdomen. Your breath caught in your throat as you came, and you let out a low, keening moan.
You panted and whimpered, and as Astarion pulled back from you, his face and chin coated with your juices, Halsin let out a low, animalistic growl.
“Don’t stop, Astarion. Keep going. The bacon isn’t ready yet.”
“Oh, I’m not stopping, darling.” The vampire smirked as he stood up, his cock rock hard and glistening with his excitement.
Grasping his member, he positioned it at your entrance and thrust into you, eliciting a collective cry from you both.
You were still overly sensitive from the first orgasm, and you clutched at Astarion’s shoulders, digging your nails into his skin as he rode you.
“That’s it, Astarion,” Halsin rumbled as he turned the bacon. “Give it to her.”
The vampire moaned at the words, his hips slapping against yours. “Oh, by the gods, Halsin, she feels amazing.” Astarion’s voice was raspy as he continued to pound you on the table.
“Don’t hurt her, though.” Halsin warned as he threw some cherry tomatoes into the pan. “She is still quite bruised.”
“I am... ahhh... fine, bear,” you panted through your moans.
Halsin chuckled as he turned to observe you both for a moment, his own member hardening beneath the towel.
Alas, there was a loud rapping at the door. The three of you froze and looked at each other, almost dazed.
“Don’t stop. Just ignore it,” you panted, and Astarion smirked as he continued to hump you.
The rapping grew louder and more persistent. The rhythm made it sound almost desperate.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Astarion pulled out of you suddenly, making you gasp. He was about to storm to the front door when he realised he was completely naked.
“I’ll go.” You chuckled. You were the only one that could completely cover themselves, after all. With your robe draped around you, you proceeded towards the door, where a muffled voice could be heard calling out. You called back, reassuring them you would be there momentarily as you pulled on some slippers. It was still early in the morning, so your disheveled appearance could be excused. You opened the door a slither, just enough to see who would be outside, your hand tingling with the weave lest you needed to use it. It was not your fault for being overly cautious now. It was two of the Flaming Fist with three horses waiting behind them. They were quite surprised to see you answer the door.
“Lady Tavrin, forgive us for this sudden intrusion at such an early hour.” The higher ranked of the two began as they both put their fists on their chests in respect of your position. “But Captain Lae’zel ordered us to come immediately.”
You raised a brow. It must have been urgent if she did not come herself. “What is it, then?”
The young officer shifted. “Is Chief Magistrate Astarion in?”
Before you could answer, the vampire was standing behind you, Halsin’s towel now wrapped around his waist, his expression one that was clearly unimpressed.
“What is so urgent that I had to be peeled away from having sex with my wife?”
That word again: wife
The officers were a little taken aback at the statement, their cheeks reddening, and you could not help but smirk at his choice of wording.
“Astarion!” You scolded playfully, your own cheeks flushing.
“We’re sorry for disturbing you, Lord. But Captain Lae’zel and Grand Duke Ravengard need you at the barracks post haste.”
Astarion rolled his eyes, exasperated. “Ugh, fine. Allow me to get some clothes on, at least.”
“Yes, my Lord, of course.”
You smiled apologetically at the officers as you slowly closed the door. Astarion was already upstairs by the time you returned down the hallway.
“And I was so looking forward to our sexapades for today. It is supposed to be my day off!” Astarion huffed as he stomped back down the stairs after a few moments, his boots in hand. Halsin was back to wearing the towel that Astarion had previously commandeered off him.
“Would you mind staying here to take vigil over Tav?” Astarion asked as he pulled his boots on in the kitchen's doorway.
“Yes, of course, my friend.” Halsin nodded.
“I don’t need a babysitter.” You huffed.
“You do!” Both men stated collectively.
Astarion came over to you and kissed you softly on the forehead before kneeling down to place a sweet kiss on your stomach. “Take care of your mother, sweet one. Papa will be home soon.”
His adoring words brought a tear to your eye as he rubbed your stomach. Rising once more, he passionately kissed you before he turned to depart.
“And Halsin, make sure she remains satiated until I get back.”
You both knew full well what he meant.
“As you wish,” Halsin smirked.
With one last adoring smile in your direction, Astarion turned to leave. When you heard the front door close, you raced to your front reading room to sneak a peek out of the window. You witnessed his perfect buttocks ascend onto the saddle of the raven black steed before they cantered away. By the gods, Astarion was fine on a horse. At least you could ride Halsin for a while.
Pretending to limp back into the kitchen, you whined playfully at the hulk of a druid. “Halsin, I need healing. My thighs ache terribly.”
“Oh?” He finished plating up breakfast and put it on the table where Astarion had just fucked you. “Eat first. Then I shall tend to your... needs.”
“But I want them tended to now,” you pouted.
“Tav, the baby needs the energy,” Halsin scolded as he picked up a piece of bacon and shoved it between your lips.
You pouted more.
“Come on, you know better.”
Sighing, you nibbled on the bacon. He was right; the baby needed food as much as you did.
“There is my good little Drow,” teased Halsin. “And once you’re both fed, you can ride me into next week if you so desire.”
Your lips curled up at his promise, and you smiled. You were truly a fortunate Drow.
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bunnidarling · 5 months
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Averyll | Half-Elf | Bard-Druid | He/Him | 40
What is your Tav’s…
favorite weapon: His singing sword, Phalar Aluve
style of combat: Supportive - healing spells and buffs 
most prized possession: Viola and his commitment ring
deepest desire: Extending the lives of those he loves most and helping find a way for Astarion to bask in the sun once more.
guilty pleasure: Horrifically bad erotica novels, and reading them out loud to his friends
best-kept secret: He’s shy and while he doesn’t hide anything about his personal life, he’s not open about it either, apart from with the closest of friends/lovers. 
greatest strength: His kindness and his large heart
fatal flaw: Impulsive without much thought of possible consequences
favorite smell: His lover’s skin and their hair, His mom’s cinnamon buns baking
favorite spell or cantrip: Dissonant Whispers
pet peeve: Rudeness
bad habit: Lip biting
hidden talent: With the right makeup and clothing, he makes a beautiful woman
leisure activity: writing in his journal, writing stories, sketching
favorite drink: Mermaid Whiskey 
comfort food: Any sweet baked goods
favorite person(s): Astarion, Halsin, Claude and a high elf named Raileigh 
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): Kissing
fondest childhood memory: Learning to sing and play instruments with his mom and her bandmates. 
Art by Annteya
I stole this from @vixstarria
Lets see: @tallymonster @bhaalbaaby @kringle-c @tragedybunny @brabblesblog @just-a-refrigerator
His adventure starts here: Peridots and Rubies
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fatale-distraction · 5 months
This idea distracted me all day at work so now I graciously share with you
Barcus is sad after breaking his friendship with Wulbren off, so Lithe tries to cheer him up by reminding him of all the friends he still has, like Wyll and Karlach and Halsin. "Those are your friends," he reminds her. It's not the same.
Lithe goes back to camp and gathers everyone together and insists that they make sure Barcus knows they're his friend. Wyll and Karlach are so enthusiastic and on board. Halsin already considers Barcus a friend, but vows to double his efforts. Gale's response is a tad more reserved but no less game. Astarion is pretending to be asleep. Lae'zel just says "chk."
Shadowheart, however, thinks she's fucking funny.
"I'm going to be Barcus' BEST friend," she insists. "I'm going to be a better friend to Barcus than anyone ever. Even better than Karlach. NOBODY is going to be bester friends with Barcus than me."
Lae'zel is suddenly OUTRAGED.
“And what am I, chopped spleen? (here, Shadowheart tries to explain the phrase is "chopped liver", but Lae'zel steamrolls right over her) No, I will not stand for this. I will be Barcus' best friend. I will be such a BEST FRIEND that he won't NEED any other friends. He will be so best friended his head will explode." Shadowheart just winks at Lithe. Out of everyone, Lae'zel is the one Barcus is most afraid of, so when Lithe comes to bring him the great news that Lae'zel intends to be his new best friend forever, all he can say is "why?" in a squeaky little voice. Lae'zel isn't entirely sure what being a best friend in Fay Roon entails. In her culture, she would put him through excruciating training regimens and perhaps compliment his sharp teeth and terrifying visage, but he has neither of those, and would likely expire from the first five minutes of a Githyanki training routine. So she asks Gale what "FRIENDS" do on Faerun, since he is “the most well-educated.” She shows up at Barcus' house half an hour later with a pie to give him advice on his love life, or else. "I have brought you this “PIE,” as I am told it is customary to present one's friends with baked goods as tribute when visiting their homes. I will now give you advice regarding your intimate sexual relationship with Lithe."
“Please sit down, this will be extensive.”
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Tav’s sex parade – Chapter 12: Mate me, mark me, make me yours (Halsin x Tav)
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, cunnilingus, biting, the feels)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.)
Chapter 8 is mentioned.
The snowflakes twirled through the cold air of the grey day, covering the world in its first fine layer of this year's snow like powdered sugar.
Tav was sitting in the living room, composing, while Gale wrote letters to scholars, Astarion rested in reverie, and Shadowheart was at Morena's place to help her heal some clients. Gale's mother appreciated an extra pair of hands at this time of the years when the townspeople ended up with runny noses and coughs. Scratch and Naïlo were sleeping in front of the fireplace, tightly entangled. The owlbear had grown a lot and barely fit through the doorframe anymore, but he still behaved like an over-excited puppy. It was adorable and gave them 'scary dog privilege' when going on a walk in the park with him.
Tav was in the middle of figuring out what rhymes with 'apple' when there was a knock on the front door. The bard wiped her ink-stained fingers on a cloth before getting up and opening the door.
"Oak Father preserve you, my heart. How are you?"
"Halsin!" Tav fell around his neck, beaming. "I missed you. I'm alright, and you? Come in, love."
With a chuckle, the druid entered Gale's tower house and shook off his coat and boots.
"Nature's preparing for her hibernation. The snow will cover her like a warm, protective blanket soon."
"You're always so poetic," Tav smiled. "We truly must write a poetry book together. Maybe this winter? Will you stay longer this time or did you plan to travel during the winter season?"
"I'm not sure yet," Halsin answered as he was ushered into the kitchen to sit down. "It depends on how much it'll snow – and how long I can stand the city."
"I see. You can decide spontaneously," the human bard told him. She put the kettle on the stove and piled cookies from a ceramic yar onto a plate. She put it down in front of the druid. "Here, eat some. Gale baked all of our favourites."
Halsin looked at the plate and pointed at the vanilla shortbread.
"Let me guess; Gale's favourite?"
Tav nodded grinning.
The druid chuckled, studying the assortment again. He took a crescent-shaped cookie and sniffed it.
"Cinnamon, hm... Shadowheart? She strikes me as someone who likes exotic flavours."
"You're right, kudos."
Smiling softly, Halsin grabbed a pale star-shaped pastry and took a bite.
"Lemon? That's your favourite? I wouldn't have thought that. You look more like someone who likes raisins."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tav asked, pursing her lips.
Halsin chuckled and leaned his head back to look at her.
"Your welcoming, open-minded, flamboyant nature reminds me of the people in the south - even though your skin's so pale it would burn down there. When I'm in wildshape, you smell like raisins. Somehow, I can picture you between the vineyards and the olive trees."
"And the citrus trees," Tav added. Then, she sighed. "You're awfully observant. It's almost a bit scary."
When the druid looked at her confused, she sighed again, explaining: "I am from the south and did grow up next to a vineyard."
Halsin's eyes widened in surprise and Tav chuckled. She kissed his temple and muttered: "I do like raisins, but lemons are my favourite. When I was a kid, I ate them like apples."
The druid shook himself at the thought, making his lover snicker. The latter stole a lemon cookie from the plate and shoved it in her mouth. Halsin pointed at the sticky clusters, asking: "And what are those?"
"Walnut-honey cookies. Gale thought you might like them since you love honey."
Halsin blinked at her dumbly.
"Gale baked cookies for me?"
"If course! You're family after all."
Touched, the druid gazed at the plate and welled up a bit. He gently took one of the misshapen cookies and took a bite. He closed his eyes and moaned as the taste of flowery honey and earthy walnut exploded in his mouth.
"Good?" asked Tav, rubbing his shoulder blades.
"Mmh, definitely my favourite," sighed Halsin. "I must thank Gale properly. They are divine."
"He should have become a cook or baker instead of a wizard," Tav agreed, stealing another lemon cookie.
Halsin did the same, happily munching on the sweet treats. The bard walked over to the stove and brew tea. She filled two cups, placed them on the table, and sat down next to the wood elf. They silently enjoyed the beverage and the pastries for a while.
"What do you think was Astarion's favourite cookie?" Halsin suddenly asked. "Maybe something with exotic, expensive spices?"
"Or cherries?" Tav wondered.
"No, peaches," the vampire spawn revealed as he strode into the kitchen. "Hello, druid. Nice to see you again."
"Oak Father preserve you, Astarion. How was your rest?"
"Good, but I'm peckish now. Can I take a nibble?"
Astarion stared at him in surprise.
"Mhm," Halsin answered with a shrug.
Licking his lips, the vampire spawn moved closer, stroke a finger along the druid's thick neck before biting down. Halsin gasped, squeezing his eyes shut. He still wasn't used to the feeling of being bitten – other than Tav and Gale. Shadowheart refused to let Astarion feed from her and he respected her boundaries. The vampire spawn drew back, licked the wound clean and then his mouth. He swayed slightly, drunk on the druid's blood, again.
"Thank you, darling," Astarion slurred and kissed him sloppily before staggering out of the kitchen to lay down in front of the fireplace.
"Your blood has an interesting effect on him. I wonder why," Tav mused.
"Me too. He only gets drunk when feeding on me," Halsin muttered. "He says I taste like a bear."
That made Tav giggle.
"And what a lovely bear you are," she teased and leaned over to connect their lips. "I'll run you a bath."
"Mmh, thank you, my heart."
They kissed again before the bard left the kitchen and the druid finished the plate by himself. Then, he got up to seek out Gale in his study. The wizard was hunched over his letters, conferring with Tara.
"Oak Father preserve you, Gale. How are you?"
"Oh, hello Halsin. It's a pleasure to have you back. How was the journey?"
"Good. We'll talk about the details over dinner."
"Of course. Excuse me, I have to finish these letters first before I can start cooking."
Gale turned his attention back to his work.
"It's good to see you again, Mr. Halsin," Tara said and purred as she accepted the druid's caresses.
"It's nice to be back. Thank you for the cookies, Gale. They're delicious," Halsin said, smiling.
"Oh? I'm glad you like them," the addressed replied with a sigh of relief. "I didn't know what you prefer, but when Tav said you like honey, I remembered this recipe."
"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart," the druid told him. He didn't know how to show his gratitude or how to repay the favour, thus, he did the only thing that was able to express his feelings; he gave Gale a tender kiss. The wizard gasped in surprise, but placed a hand on Halsin's chest immediately. When they parted, they leaned their foreheads together.
"Thank you," whispered the druid. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
"Mh, I can only assume," mumbled Gale, still slightly overwhelmed by the sudden kiss.
"Halsin! The bath's ready!" yelled Tav from the bathroom.
Halsin smiled and kissed Gale again before he left the room.
"What a lovely way to show his gratitude," purred Tara, highly amused.
Gale hummed, dazed, and went back to work.
At the dinner table, Halsin told them about his journey. The former Shadow-Cursed Lands had recovered and the wildlife was returning, slowly but steadily. Soon, the area would be suitable for people again, but Halsin was torn.
"It had been my home before the Shadow Curse claimed the lands. I always dreamed of returning, but now, that I can, I'm unsure about it. It feels so different now. The energy's not the same, nature has changed, and it doesn't feel like my homelands anymore." The druid sighed melancholically. "But I'm sure the lands would serve the refugees well. They're not welcome in Baldur's Gate and are forced to live in misery. Maybe, if I'd guide them to Thaniel's Realm, they'll find new hope and a new home."
After said gloomy words, Halsin changed the topic and handed Gale a set of ceramic soup bowls that he'd bought in Mirabar. The wizard marvelled at the craftsmanship and gushed over the design; dark blue background with yellow stars, moons, and suns.
"You were in Mirabar again?" asked Tav.
Halsin nodded.
"I saw the beautiful ceramic ware last time, but didn't buy anything. Winter Solstice is near and your hospitality's always wonderful, thus, I thought I'll bring you a gift to show my appreciation."
"Thank you, Halsin, but you're not just a guest here, you're family," Gale told him, looking serious.
The druid was taken aback and averted his gaze.
"Am I? Hm... thank you. That's... an honour, truly," he mumbled, blushing slightly.
"Of course you are," Gale replied with a smile. Shadowheart, Astarion, and Tav nodded in agreement and the latter placed her hand on Halsin's.
The druid welled up a second time this day.
The conversation had lit a fire in his belly, something he'd never felt before, and it overwhelmed him. Halsin possessively placed a hand in Tav's neck as he kissed her hungrily. Even though he'd had dinner, he was starving. With a growl, he grabbed the bard's buttocks and hoisted her onto his hips. She immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"What's on your mind, love? You're acting strangely," Tav panted.
Instead of answering, Halsin kissed her again. He didn't want to talk, couldn't put into words what he felt. He dropped his lover onto the bed, hastily removing her clothes before stripping himself. Tav stretched an arm towards him to caress his cheek.
"Halsin, talk to me. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Quite the opposite actually," he answered.
Before she could keep pestering him in concern, the druid bent down and started to eat her out. Tav moaned, bucked her hips up, and sunk a hand into his hair. Halsin focused on drowning in her taste and smell. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to be. The bard mewled and came across his tongue, and Halsin moaned at the familiar taste. He didn't give her time to rest and entered her immediately. Tav whimpered but pulled him into a messy kiss. Halsin squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away. It was too much, too intimate, too loving. Tav was warm and welcoming, trusting him completely. He smelled her skin, felt her breath on his cheek as she panted, her strong arms around him. Halsin drew back and looked at her. Dazed, she gazed up at him.
"Halsin, love, what's –"
The addressed pulled out, flipped her over, and pushed her head into the mattress.
"Stop talking. Please," he pleaded, desperately trying to gain control over his emotions and the scratching beast inside him.
Tav nodded silently and he grabbed her hips to pull her up onto her knees. Halsin entered her again with a groan and leaned over her. His thrusts were hard and fast, making the bard whimper and sob in ecstasy. The druid kissed her shoulder blade. The bear inside him spurred him on to mark his possession. To mate and mark what was his. Moaning, Halsin licked the bard's sweat off, grazing her rosy, freckled skin with his teeth. The beast roared and the druid growled irritated.
"Do it," Tav told him. "Bite me, Halsin. Mark me and make me yours."
The wood elf growled again, grabbed her broad shoulder to pull her closer, and listened to his natural instinct. He sunk his teeth into the nape of Tav's neck, biting down until he could taste blood. The bard gasped and groaned, but kept perfectly still. A shiver ran down the druid's spine, it felt like he was lit aflame, liquid fire running along the bones. A mating bite. Marking someone as his. His.
Mine, Halsin's brain screamed and he moaned as his climax hit him like a boulder. Colours exploded behind his closed eyelids and his ears were ringing. His legs gave out and he collapsed onto Tav who got squished into the bed under his weight. At the moment, Halsin neither noticed nor cared, his brain was still caught up in the fact that he'd marked his lover. It hadn't been a new feeling, he'd had the urge to bite for as long as he could remember, but he'd never acted on it. Halsin had never marked a lover before. It had been a big no-no, too animalistic, even for his taste. Something he'd been ashamed of and had always controlled – until now. Halsin finally unclenched his teeth and lazily tongued the bleeding wound and rolled off of Tav to let her breathe properly.
"I'm sorry," he croaked out huskily.
"Don't be," she replied, way too calmly for someone who'd just been mated and marked like an animal.
"Why aren't you freaked out by this?"
Tav just shrugged nonchalantly.
Halsin's non-bear brain started panicking.
"I- I bit you. Marked you. I left a mating bite on you!"
"I know," the bard replied, stretching languorously.
The druid stared at her in disbelief and repeated: "I left a mating bite on you."
Tav looked at him with a smile and stroke his cheek.
"I know," she said and kissed him sweetly. "I'm yours."
"You're mine," Halsin whispered, pulling her into another kiss.
The beast in him was sated, satisfied, and the druid felt as content as he hadn't in a long while. Tav was his, and now, the entire world could see it.
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