hyukiuuu · 10 days
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Dragons of Pandeia (1)
Starshoot & Obsidian
(open the picture for better quality)
I wasn’t too motivated to draw fullbody dragons (Since I’ve only recently started drawing dragon) but I still wanted to design some of them so here’s two of the main characters :)
Starshoot and Obsidian are childhood friends and live together in a humble home at Coral Cliff of the Starwing Kingdom. Both of them work as librarians, Obsidian works at the City Eclipse Library in the Moonwing Kingdom while Starshoot works at a local library in the Starwing Kingdom. They have a close friendship despite their constant fighting and disagreement.
I hope I can continue drawing the guide to the dragons of pandeia and post them soon !! Maybe i'll post the other characters too while i'm at it
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stefancrypto1 · 1 year
Interacțiunea mea cu MoonWings
Am dat de proiectul MoonWings în urmă cu aproximativ 2 luni, prin niște recomandări de la niște investitori mulțumiți de serviciile lor și m-am hotărât să încep și eu. Am auzit doar păreri bune despre ei și am decis să îmi analizez cu atenție site-ul, whitepaper-ul și să mă documentez despre ei. Am prins un loc în proiectul DAO, achiziționând un pachet de 700 de dolari, care îmi producea zilnic 49 de dolari timp de 30 de zile.
După această investiție, am fost inclus în grupul premium al proiectului, unde am avut ocazia să interacționez cu ceilalți investitori. Am primit mai multe detalii despre roadmap-ul proiectului, capitalul investit în acesta, care era la acea vreme de aproximativ 290.000 de dolari. Deși încă nu am prins un loc în proiectele Private Sale, nu mă grăbesc, prefer să iau totul încet și să urmăresc cu atenție evoluția proiectului.
Sunt foarte mulțumit de profesionalismul și seriozitatea echipei MoonWings, care au reușit să revoluționeze lumea investițiilor crypto. Înainte de a-i descoperi, am primit doar tepe și nimic serios la acest nivel. Așadar, dacă sunteți în căutarea unei oportunități serioase de investiții în crypto, vă recomand cu cea mai mare încredere MoonWings.
În cele două luni de la investiția mea inițială de 700 de dolari, am obținut un profit semnificativ. Vă atașez mai jos o poză cu portofelul meu, care demonstrează că investiția a fost una de succes. Sunt încântat să vă împărtășesc experiența mea pozitivă cu MoonWings și sper că acest articol vă va fi de folos dacă sunteți în căutarea unei oportunități de investiții în crypto.
Site: www.moonwingsinvestments.com
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mozziu-s · 2 years
A MoonWing master post for you! Two slides detail more on the Royal MoonWings, while one is a general info sheet featuring Miss Cordelia. The sketch image depicts two MoonWings tide-turning together (the ability to manipulate water that is exclusive to MoonWings)
MoonWings are a closed fantribe owned by myself.
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cubic-watermelon · 11 months
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I redrew something from my early days of Deviant art. I think it was for a challenge, like your first digital drawing VS now. this wasn't my first digital drawing but I lost a lot of art because my computer at the time died. my Digital art skills were, scanning a drawing and painting it with some coloring program my mom got me. this brought back memories of me drawing these two during class instead of paying attention. they're Moonwings and kaiah, and they were my children.
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fiercerainbowhusky · 1 year
Headshot of another fan-tribe of mine. Moonwings, completely free to use of course.
I'll upload the full ref soon and as always, credit the artist (me) if not, I'll be very sad :'3
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redcloudedelk · 4 months
More stuff about moonwings
ok I'm feeling enthusiastic and it never lasts long so I'm gonna do smth with it
. Their primary colour is mid-grey to obsidian Black
. Secondary is yellow, purple or blue
.They are ruled by Queen Andromeda
.They are named after constellations, stars, planets, or galaxies
.They have ginormous moth wings that can bear different patterns, all of which relate to a real type of moth
.My favourite of these patterns is definitely the polyphemus moth cuz it would have all of the colours of its body, but with EYES 👁️👁️
.On the powers side of things, they are somewhat similar to night wings in that they can (sort off) read minds, and tell when others lie, while not being able to lie themselves. They're wings change colour depending on their emotions similar to a Rainwing but again, ONLY their wings change.
.I view them as a very peaceful tribe because at night everything is quiet and still because animals are asleep, so I feel their personality would reflect that.
.more on their appearance, they have large moth wings, little poofy antenna like a poodle moth, very sharp teeth for snagging things out of trees or the sky, (possums, rats, bats, sleeping birds, etc)
.I think they would look really goofy when they fly. Like they would wobble side to side a ton
.OOOO maybe they have teeth like toothless does in httyd in that they can retract? But not retract like disappear, they can't disappear but they can lengthen to help catch prey.
.I'm struggling to think of where they live? I think they're to colourful to make sense in a cave environment, y'know caves are dark and gloomy and cold? I feel like they are more tropical creatures
Please note some of these ideas are influenced by other incredible people not just me, and you can always add on to it + make your own interpretation :)
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wrenlywofau · 1 year
This post got my creative juices flowing so hear me out:
Even after Darkstalker was turned into Peacemaker, most of his followers stayed in the Lost City of Night. Over the next decades, these dragons established their own royal line, and, like the Leafwings, the Nightwings became split into two distinct groups; the Dawnwings of the rainforest, ruled over by Queen Glory, and the Moonwings of the Lost City of Night, ruled over by their own royalty.
Both groups have very distinct cultures, with many Dawnwing dragonets learning scales and squares from Foeslayer/Hope, while Moonwing games are more centered around hunting or searching. Both groups value knowledge, but Dawnwings tend to be more open to outsiders. Hybrids with Dawnwing parents are much more common than hybrids with Moonwing parents.
Dawnwings, like Rainwings, are crepuscular, and are most active at dawn and dusk. Meanwhile, Moonwings are entirely nocturnal.
Moonwings are taught to swim and fly very early on, due to many living in caves looking out towards tall cliffs or the ocean. Dawnwings put less focus into flying and more focus onto agility and tree-hopping, though climbing is still an essential skill to have for all dragonets.
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who-is-this-weirdo · 2 years
Crowns of the Monarch 2
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First Crown : RainNight crown, made to represent both races, all the moonstones representing the heads of the state, the five opals are in reference to the dragonnets of destiny, the metal used is rose gold.
Second Crown : New Hivewing Crown, made after the reunification of the Hivewing tribe, the metal used is silver and the gems are ambers.
Third Crown : Beetlewing Crown, made of gold, embedded with saphires and blue seaglass, it was lost to time.
Fourth Crown : Sunwing Crown, made of wood, embedded with topazes and jades, displayed in old, abandoned Leafwing temple.
Fifth Crown : Moonwing Crown, made of bones, embedded with amethysts and peridots, lost in a old Icewing temple, in the northernmost island of the Ice queendom.
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adalineozie · 1 year
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Nightwing + Moon Knight = Moonwing
Not satisfied with the suit but this is a redesign I tried to do in class today! Name looks a little silly, maybe his new name should just be Moon Night?
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
"Moon Knight" of Earth-9602
…Do any of you remember Amalgam comics??? Because boy, did I find a treasure. For those of you who may not know, in a rare thaw in the cold war of competition between DC and Marvel, comic book fans were treated to the ultimate crossover, Marvel vs. DC (Vol. 1/1996), and several companion works with amalgamations of DC and Marvel heroes (i.e. Wolverine + Batman = Dark Claw, Captain America + Superman = Super-Soldier, Storm + Wonder Woman = Amazon, etc).
One such combo was “Moonwing,” blending elements of Marc Spector’s Moon Knight with Dick Grayson’s Nightwing (with a little bit of Tim Drake???)
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(Amalgam Comics Trading Cards, #8)
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Featured in Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Vol. 1/1996), #1 by Chuck Dixon and Cary Nord, Dick Grayson was a former acrobat and CIA operative with DID, with one alter being mercenary Marc Spector and another being “high-flying adventurer” Tim Drake (?????). SHIELD agent Bruce Wayne (yeah, I've read the entire comic and I still can't believe that that's a thing that exists) saw Dick’s potential and inducted him into SHIELD.
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This issue also features Dick fighting a version of Jason Todd as the cyborg Deathlok, a little under a decade before Jason would make his return to mainstream comics (which is,,,wild).
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Overall, just a wild concept for a character.
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twos-cruel-hands · 2 years
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nostalgia anyone? ;]
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almostlookedhuman · 2 years
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blizzardstarx · 2 months
My insane Wings of Fire AU Species Masterlist, of an AU that I made in a rp four years ago! (with very bad traditional drawings i did that long ago) @castiels-destiny
The roleplay information is here, plus fun facts! I recommend reading this.
Starting off with the Continent: Pontalo! I kinda just… replaced two As in Pantala with Os (listen… it was four years ago)
I just made a terrible ass map just now but it looks like a dragon curled up, the head is facing downwards towards Pyrrhia and Pantala
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There are 7 main tribes that live there, the FireWings (orange), SunWings(bright yellow), MoonWings (purple), LightWings (sandy yellow thats getting overtaken by red), LightningWings (cyan), HydroWings (dark blue), BloodWings (red), who wiped out the ShapeWings and stole their land. Also, they all eat meat, or in the case of BloodWings, blood.
Also, they can all breathe fire except for HydroWings, ShapeWings (venom), and LightWings, I kinda forgot to mention that before
They can have both Kings and Queens which rule equally, unlike in the original series which has predominantly Queens.
You can make ocs of them! tag (id love to see) and credit me if you do, please! :)
Edit: Headshots of all of them with updated designs! (the ShapeWing isnt accurate)
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The head is where the Kingdom of Fire resides, the FireWings live there.
FireWings have fire-proof scales, backs on fire, and intense fire breath. The rare attribute is blue fire. They are aligned to the Fire Tribe and are carnivores. Their colors typically range from red, orange, or yellow (fiery) and have fiery eyes.
Their descendants are the MudWings and SkyWings in the original series.
Updated FireWing Base
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The second drawing is their Queen (i forgot her name) with her sick daughter i think
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Near the wings of the dragon continent, the top part resides the LightWings. (full information here) They are lightweight dragons with feathered wings instead of leathery, bat wings, like a bird. They also have feathery scales on their backs. They are aligned to the Light Tribe and have light powers, and are seen as mostly healers and good-willed. However, they have been nearly wiped out by the BloodWings, and most of the rest of them have fled the continent. They are omnivores.
They can range from white, light yellow, light blue, yellow, and other pastel colors, which are uncommon, and have yellow or blue eyes. Their feathers on their backs and behind their legs can be all kinds of colors, though.
Updated LightWing Base
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The LightningWings (full and updated info here) live in the bottom part of the wing, in the Kingdom of Lightning. They have long nose horns like a lightning rod, and manipulate/summon electricity/lightning. They can charge their power in lightning storms and areas with lots of electricity. They have large backspikes too, and are carnivores.
They are a variety of colors, blue, dark blue, grayish blue, dark/grayish purplish blue, etc. Think storm clouds. Their spikes are white with yellow highlights though. They can have blue or yellow eyes.
Their descendants are also the SkyWings.
I actually have recent drawings of LightningWings and ShapeWings, in 2022 or 2023. This is Switch and Storm! They were mates.
Fun fact Storm died in front of Switch’s eyes LMFAOOO
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Updated LightningWing base:
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ShapeWings (full information here) used to live in the area the Bloodwings now reside, the part of the body connected to the arm and wing. They are shapeshifters and can change forms on whatever they’ve seen, and can also camouflage and change their scale colors, like their descendants, the RainWings. They come in a variety of colors, eye colors, and spots, and are omnivores. They eat a variety of fruits but can eat meat. They are Light Tribe aligned.
Their queen, Paradox, escaped the Great ShapeWing Genocide and was the last surviving member of their species, and she vows to one day rebuild her kingdom, and hated the BloodWings for what they’ve done. However, a young BloodWing dragon, Vampire Bat or, just Bat, came to her school, and she saw that not all of them were bad.
They have now repopulated in wherever the place Paradox went to (we never named what the land was that the roleplay took place in), and will not return to Pontalo.
They are the common ancestor of the Leaf and RainWings.
Updated ShapeWing design:
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SunWings are kinda related to LightWings. They have frills like frilled-neck lizards that can absorb sunlight and charge their power. They live in the Kingdom of Sun. They have a very spiky tail, like a sun. They are Light/Fire Tribe aligned. They vary from golden yellow, yellow, orange, etc. They are carnivores.
SandWings are descendants of them, also ShapeWings are related as they absorb energy from the sun too, like their descendants, RainWings and LeafWings.
I don’t have any good drawings of them.
MoonWings (full information here, the following is a summary) are the opposite of SunWings, and they have scales that can light up, like SeaWing scales. They are nocturnal, and very much ancestors of NightWings. They also have star-like dots/scales in their wings that make them look like the night sky, like NightWings. They are in the Moon Kingdom and are Shadow Tribe aligned. However, they are not necessarily evil. They range from any dark color, black, greenish/purpleish/blueish black, etc. They can have any eye color and are carnivorous.
Also they get powers when under full moons like the NightWings, one full moon either prophecy or mind-reading, two for both, three for enhanced
SeaWings are sort of descended from them as well, and they’re distantly related to the HydroWings.
Updated MoonWing Base
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BloodWings (full information here + SwordWings info) are settler dragons from another land and conquered the ShapeWings and LightWings. They are like vampires, they can turn into bats, they suck blood, have sharp, long fangs, large ears, and burn in the sun. They have a lot of spikes, a spike on their chest area (which i didnt draw, whoops), and shredder spikes on their forelegs. They range from violent dark red shades and have red eyes. They can hear very well, use dark powers, and can also fight hand-to-hand combat, because of their spikes. They are Shadow Tribe aligned.
Updated BloodWing base:
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The second drawing is of Bat, drawn in 2021
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SwordWings (one of my favorites <3 they dont live on Pontalo though)
SwordWings were BloodWings that defected and vowed to stop their evil crimes, and eventually evolved into a seperate species. However, they almost got wiped out by the BloodWings when finally discovered, and the two remaining members known are the King’s children, Knight and Dauntless, brother and sister. They have armor and use weapons, but they still have BloodWing qualities. They grew out of using dark magic (some can sometimes use it) and instead rely on swords or their claws/spikes. Their colors are faded dark red, and have evolved out of their red eyes. They are carnivores and they don’t depend on blood anymore. They are Light Tribe aligned.
The two live in the land Paradox is (i dont have a name for it. we never named it anything lol)
The drawings are Knight. Second one drawn in 2023 I think
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And lastly my beloved HydroWings!
Here is the full description
They are literally just SeaWings with bigger webbed spines running down from their head to their tail, on their legs, belly, and webbed spines that form like a fish tail, and water powers. HydroWings speak a more ancient version of Aquatic, and also have more bioluminescent scales than regular SeaWings. They have the patterns in their wings royal SeaWings got from them. They live underwater, can go deep underwater, and have gills, but can also live outside of water like SeaWings. However, they can’t stay on land for too long. They eat fish, whales, etc and are Water Tribe aligned.
They range from purple (rare), blue, green, and dark or light (rare) variants of those too. They have green, purple (rare), or blue eyes too.
Any other colors I didnt mention, just think of them as SeaWings, they can have the colors SeaWings have.
Most of them have fled Pontalo or are in hiding because of the threat of the BloodWings, and a lot have been killed.
Their names are usually after shark or dolphin species! Although Paradox’s mate Torrent does not follow this naming pattern, lol.
Updated HydroWing Base
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Old drawing (actually one of the old, old drawings I like but I forgot a few things) and 2023 drawings (I was trying out something with the wings in the first one):
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King Tiger Shark, the og HydroWing that I first came up with and the current King!
His back story is sort of in the full HydroWing description, but I forgot to include he was the youngest HydroWing King ever at 5.
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And Queen Dolphin, daughter of Queen Paradox, and Hydro-ShapeWing hybrid.
She found the hidden HydroWing palace Atlantis and found out she was a HydroWing and not just a weird SeaWing/ShapeWing hybrid.
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mozziu-s · 5 months
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Deep in a cave nodragon knows of, the lost royal SandWing Sister and her dear friend, a powerful moon god, study an egg they've acquired. With any luck, this MoonWing will be able to give her gifts to the first non-NightWing in Pyrrhian history.
A completed commission for a client on Instagram!! I had an absolute blast working on this piece, particularly as I got to work with a character I designed and sold over a year ago, now named "Cephi" by the client ->
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MoonWings are a very near and dear project to me and I'm always excited when others enjoy them too. I hope to make some more fantribe adopts as well!
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wethepixies · 9 months
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Fly with you, pixies!
We'd like to thank all the fairies and sparrowmen for flying out last Tuesday for the in-game meetup for Pixie Hollow's 10th closing anniversary. Even though we had to say goodbye a decade ago, it is because of pixies like all of you that we were able to bring back Pixie Hollow's magic!
For this special event, we hosted our first in-game fashion show, with the theme: An outfit that best describes your talent.
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There were SO many flaptastic outfits, but the judges were able to narrow down the winners, one for each talent. Flying from top left to bottom right:
Water talent: Echo
Animal talent: Scarlet Mistymoon
Light talent: Lulu Peppermist
Tinker talent: Patchwork Neverbutton
Garden talent: Kelly Moonwings
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With lots of fun-filled chatter and nostalgia, we ended the event with a classic party game, Simon Says. It fluttered our hearts to see so many pixies come together and share their special memories from the original Pixie Hollow 💗 It really felt like old times and we are happy to see so many pixies finding their wings again!
See ya ‘round the frozen falls!
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thumpercloudbright · 2 months
Got a another Pontalo oc done! (I really enjoy these ancestor versions of the dragon tribes hehe)
Meet Moonstride, a MoonWing that has both mindreading and prophecy, but she blocks out her visions because she does not want to see the future
She does not want to see her failure, or worse, more carnage (She does not get to put the vision on hold forever tho☆)
She has worked as an assassin her whole life, (which is what got her the star tattoo on her face), going out in the cover of darkness, and using her mindreading to find BloodWings, and when they're alone, she strikes and takes them out
These assassinations have left her both hurt physically, with a lot of scars, and hurt mentally, got lots of ptsd
She and Pilot Whale end up meeting one night, and after telling her he in fact does not want to bash her skull in and is no threat to her, they slowly become friends
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For those who want to learn more about Pontalo, here's this link to the masterlist!
(Pontalo is @blizzardstarx au)
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