#moonlit members
mesanthropi · 1 year
nothing came after (oc x shua /p)
fair warnings: i have no idea how exactly their dorms work or how they're exactly situated. i'm just braining. also i'm just kinda tired!! i was writing the second bit with josh when almosgt 1am hit hhh im gonna assume that near future weiss is just gonna edit the text formatting and higt post. so no, it's not gonna be proofread whatsoever. if i butcher your fave please criticize me godbless
i thought of it and fell asleep to it methinks. shua making bead bracelets and garam making yarn bracelets. then i woke up at 4pm and started writing
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choi 'river' garam, helios, you know the guy. it'd been a week since it was announced that he was on hiatus, everybody knew that. garam needed emotional support every now and then, everybody also knew that.
but nobody really knows who he'll go to next. two days earlier, woozi was approached and the two had made some joke song together. just as a break from 'all the serious stuff' (helios' words, not mine). the other day, he was texting jun about the cats he'd seen on his most recent walk, comparing the older to the stray felines. and literally a few hours ago, he'd gone to dino's room to leave him a stuffed animal that he decided not to keep; it was a buy one take one deal. and dino was one of his favorite people out of seventeen others.
... haha, seventee- anyway. that's a lot of emotional support.
(it's what i want, personally.)
now garam had been staying in his room for the time being, having gone right back after giving dino that plushie and a hug. a bit of work was being done, non-idol work at least, and it involved a bit of handcrafting and drawing a few blanks. ("... i think i did this step wrong- fuck, i need to do it again.") yeah, the guy had been at this for a few hours just because 'he could and nobody could stop him', at least from what the ravenette had said in the groupchat.
at least he'd managed to make two of these mysterious things, because that was all it took before he got up from the floor of his room, and walked out the door. there was a faint smile present on the man's face, and it stayed on his way to one of the rooms on his floor. sixth one.
garam wordlessly approached a door, hung something on the doorknob, before sticking a note next to it. and like nothing happened, he was making his way back to the room he once sat in for hours that day. there was a little hum as he did, wringing his hands or wiping them on the fabric of his pants despite the lack of things to wipe off.
"hopefully that can make up for my spotty pop-ups," murmured the guy with eyes looking down at tiled floors like it was artwork. "... i'm sure he won't mind another one to add to the collection." his thoughts were barely above a whisper, tumbling from his lips like beads out of a box. which was funny, but not where he was exactly thinking, furrowing his brows. "he likes that kind of stuff. right-"
when he stopped himself, garam found that he'd been pacing around. he also found that he'd stopped in front of the first door he'd visited. unable to help how blue-grey hues bored into the wood, the ravenette thought for a few seconds. a moment. then he knocked thrice like he always did. "shushua!" then he ran like hell to his own room and hid.
what a kid.
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joshua wasn't doing much, just watching the weather pass by while music played through his phone. mans just didn't know what to exactly do today, but did know that he'd be taking it easy, enjoying the tunes with light nods to its beats. at every song with guitar, his fingers found themselves holding an invisible instrument and placing themselves on a fretboard. just a fun little thing.
then he heard the knock at the door, and the sound of garam (who he honestly thought was fucking asleep) calling his name. the blond turned his head, blinking once. and then twice as he stood up to see why the younger could be asking for him. maybe shushua would be the one to hang out with the guy, after being cooped up in his room for so long.
"... what the-?" joshua heard a door close in the distance when he poked his head out, looking around and about. it was even weirder when he saw that it was garam's damn door. "garam?" called out the older, just to see if he'd respond.
nothing came after.
just when he was about to go back inside, he saw a note on his door, prompting the raise of a brow. "what are you up to this time...?" because notes either meant sweet message or a wild goose chase he'd fallen victim to. so plucking it off the wood, he read through the english letters written on there with pencil.
'shushua :) i know you like bracellets bracelets but i physically can't like. handle beads bc i will lose them and i still need to get new ones for you (yes im the one who took it BUT I JUST WANTED TO TRY AND MAKE ONE. NOT LOSE BEADS) im so sorry bro. im looking for one rn as ur reading this <3
so i js mde one out of yarn. i asked my sister to help me. we can match with the rest of the guys once i finish the rest of them. sorry if i scared u lol
- the sunday night to ur sunday morning'
he blinked before looking to the doorknob. the bracelet was adjustable and had a nice strawberry color palette, which lead shua to assume that garam's was the opposite with blue instead of red. yeah, with how the note ended, they really were night and day. opposites yet clicked like puzzle pieces. unable to help the way he beamed, the bracelet was taken and put around his wrist.
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the ravenette stared blankly at his ceiling, gazing at the green stars scattered across it like a sky outside. maybe one day he can ask somebody to look at the real night sky with him. lie on the grass, say that the sky looks pretty while looking at anywhere else but the stars.
then again, the stars had always been his company.
nothing came after.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 months
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I felt good this day.
So when I saw Neoma was in the garden I thought, maybe, maybe we could talk... like old times. Not that it went THAT well but... it was nice. It wasn't as awkward as it usually been. But it still feels a bit off... She hasn't helped out on the missions against the slavers as much so we haven't really seen each other that much.
She said she would enjoy my company sometime, when she works, and... I dared ask her if she would accompany me on an adventure. Help locals on a small quest. And she said yes!
Maybe it could be like old times?
I know it is too much to hope for though...
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lunarentropy3 · 5 months
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ugh-yoongi · 6 months
hii! thanks for answering my ask about your favorite namjoon fics 🥰 could you recommend your favorite yoongi fics if you haven't done it yet? thank you soo much! 💗
you got it 🫡
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
i know there are a bunch i’ve forgotten, so please reblog and share your own work and your faves!
also, please note: there are a lot of fics on these lists that are posted to ao3. it has recently come out that a volunteer was removed from their position for being pro-palestine (you can find the twt thread here). i am in the process of looking for a better alternative, but until then, it is unfortunately probably the best way to share these stories. while i personally won’t be posting to or reading on ao3 for the time being, how you choose to engage going forward is completely up to you! i just wanted to make sure i was being transparent.
yoongi x reader
love language by @gukslut
please be naked and first and last and always by @floralseokjin
the dinner party by @anotherbtswriter
straight shooter by @snackhobi
winter: you're the one that bloomed me by @hot-soop
moonlit throne by @hobidreams
miss dial by @versigny
a love that endures by @cinnaminsvga
want a taste? by @suga-kookiemonster
cyberslut by @kimnjss
tip of the iceberg by @fortunexkookie
greedy by @xjoonchildx
boseong breakfast by @honeymoonjin
vogue by @gukyi
tell me what you want by @wwilloww
wine & budapest by @junghelioseok
the second time & stop thinking about me by @yoongiphoria
drip by @here2bbtstrash
cybersex by @gimmethatagustd
vows (and all the associated drabbles) by @hamsterclaw
darksided by @eoieopda
the pink pill by @dollfaceksj
as always, mxm recs under the cut!
member x member
namgi: see namjoon recs here
sope: see hoseok recs here
yoonjin: see seokjin recs here
yoonkook: see jk recs here + fang fucker by @sailoryooons
atoms and empty space (yoonmin)
love maze (yoonmin)
there's a piece of you in how i dress (yoonmin)
cute, baby (yoonmin)
inevitabilities (yoonmin)
our beginnings never know our ends (yoonmin)
since feeling is first (yoonmin)
it's bad enough we get along so well (yoonmin)
he's what you want (i'm what you need) [yoonmin]
maybe i hate you can be our always (yoonmin)
smooth strip (yoonmin)
map of the sounds (taegi)
the romance of old clothes (taegi)
inside and out (taegi)
siren of the interstate (taegi)
espresso marmalade (taegi)
after all, all this time (taegi)
what happens in uni series (taegi)
return to baseline (taegi)
vanilla sweetheart (taegi)
nothing lasts forever (taegi)
wassily kandinsky improvisation 31 sea battle (taegi)
shots fired (taegi)
yachtgi series (taegi)
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danikamariewrites · 2 months
Eris x reader
A/n: sorry for ripping your hearts out a lil with this one. Know that when i reread this my heart broke
Warnings: angst
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Another party in the Autumn Court, another night Eris spends wearing his mask as the cruel heir. Eris scanned the ballroom keeping mental notes of people’s comings and goings.
His gaze caught on you. His beautiful mate. A secret you both hate keeping but must for your safety. Gods forbid Beron or your parents find out about the bond. You would be the one in mortal danger from Beron’s wrath.
Eris watched you and your mother speak, trying to keep your motions limited so no nosy court members would stare. He quickly noticed an angry frown pulling at your lips. One he knew all too well.
You froze. Your face contorting into anger and confusion. Eris reached out to your end of the bond to feel your mood. Your chest felt hollow, your mother’s words continued to pelt you. You stopped listening to her. Ears ringing in anger.
Holding your hand up your mother stops speaking. Looking taken aback she steps away from you. Her signature scowl gracing her lips. Turning quickly on your heel you flee the ballroom. Without thinking twice Eris races after you.
Following your scent Eris finds you in his mother’s parlor. His ears pick up on your soft sobs as he searches the moonlit room. He finds you curled up behind the couch, face in your hands. Your shoulders shake with each sob that tears through your body.
Eris sits beside you, pulling you onto his lap. You grip his jacket continuing to sob into his chest. He cradles your head, smoothing your hair in calming strokes. “Hush, wildfire. It’ll be ok.” Eris coos.
“I can’t do it anymore, Er.” You stutter out. “I can’t keep pretending that I’m some cruel, social climbing, unfeeling person. Being presented suitor after suitor, being my father’s loyal daughter I just-“ your words cut off from a sob shaking your body again. “The shit our fathers do to our people is beyond horrendous. I don’t know how much more I can take.” You wail, slumping against Eris.
Eris feels his heart cleave in two as you look up at him. Eyes red and cheeks splotched with tears. He feels tears of his own prick the corners of his eyes. Eris is at a loss for words. Not knowing what to say to make the situation better.
But nothing could have prepared Eris for the next words out of your mouth, “I don’t know who I am any more Eris.” Your expression turns desperate. “I can’t tell if I’m this cruel thing my parents have built me up to be or-or if I am kind and caring. This mask is suffocating me, my love. And I’m not sure how much longer I can wear it.”
Your mate hugs you to his chest once more. Leaving a long kiss atop your head. You relax into his embrace as Eris sends wave after wave of love down the bond.
The two of you sat together long into the early hours of the morning. Your crying has long since stopped. Eyes burning from exhaustion. Eris let his tears fall silently. As the sun rose he made his decision. It was Beron’s time. And Eris will not rest until you two are free from the High Lord’s rule.
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icarustypicalfall · 6 months
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Alejandro Vargas x reader
masterpost • Ao3
Summary: And only when you feel like there is nothing left, you'll find me waiting for you, I'll make it feel like home.
Where Alejandro comes home, because home is you.
Warnings: SFW, bath scene, sweet fluff <3
Note: I die for the unsexual ways of showing intimacy. I tried a new style, not really sure of it, but i just love this trope; where A washes B's hair and takes care of them in a non sexual way, and they are both comfortable and happy :( <3
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“Be still my foolish heart
Don't ruin this on me”
The journey from the base to home was long, uncomfortable, and, above all, tiring. Alejandro shifted, letting out a deep sigh as he rubbed his eyes, careful not to touch the still numb cut on his forehead.
The medics had urged him to get his wounds stitched up, or at the very least, checked. But he dismissed it as pointless, with only one thing on his mind: coming home to you.
As soon as the debriefing ended, he hopped into the nearest car, beckoning Rudy and some other vaqueros to join him. A younger member, barely awake, asked, "Where are we going, colonel?" Alejandro gazed at the purple sky with a knowing smile and replied, "Home."
Alejandro was the colonel, but that didn't mean he didn't care. If anything, he was the exact opposite. He checked on every member, praising some and ordering others to go straight to their family houses to rest. Los Vaqueros were his family, he celebrated their joy and grieved their sorrow as his own.
Even in his most exhausted moments, Alejandro never forgot about his long-time friend and second in command, Rudy. He made sure Rudy reached his family, sain et sauf after every mission, as he had done for the past twenty years.
Alejandro sighed, stopping at the side of the road to check his phone after the last vaquero had left. The background was a selfie of you and him, licking ice cream under the moonlit sky.
You never understood why he liked this picture so deerly, he's been gazing at it for the last two years, whenever he was away from you. As if your sweet smile comforted him and buried his dark thoughts somewhere only you knew.
If anything, it was a sweet picture, tongues out, wide grins, your hair sticking to your foreheads, a proof of the swimming session you two had beforehand.
He remembered it perfectly—the day you got married. Instead of going home, he insisted on going to the beach to have your own celebration. It was surprisingly warm and deserted. Time didn't matter to you—three in the morning. You danced, swirled, and swam in the dark water with your dress on.
To hell with makeup and his suit.
All you wanted was a laugh and a kiss under the moonlit sky. And you never found it lacking, not once, after meeting him.
You were both madly in love. Two fools swimming in an ocean of sanity and adoration. You completed each other. You longed for each other.
Alejandro reached home after the long journey. His muddy boots left traces on the doorstep as he fumbled for his keys, trying to be discreet. It was almost midnight, and he didn't want to wake you—or any of the neighbors.
Before the key even grazed the hole, the door slowly unlocked.
You gazed at Alejandro with a calm smile on your face and uttered, "Welcome home, colonel."
You were silent, still. Gazing at the astonished man. You promised, never quitting this habit of waiting for him.
He complained, nonsense about how you should rest and let him surprise you and bla-bla-bla.
You didn't give in his pleas, not even once.
You were always waiting at the doorstep, every ounce in your body craved a glimpse of your beloved husband.
Alejandro grinned, stepping inside and letting his bag fall to his side. His arms found their way to your sides, sweeping you off your feet and crashing you into his chest as he murmured, feeling a sense of peace wash over him, “Mi mondo… mi todo...”
The embrace was a burning fire, melting both of you into one. Alejandro closed the door with a kick of his heel, slowly stepping into the warm flat.
You cupped his cheek, running your thumb over the cut on his temple. He winced slightly, his eyes shutting before he uttered, "It's nothing...mi amor."
You shook your head, knowing his stubbornness was just a cover to hide his pain. Not because he was afraid of being vulnerable to you, he simply didn't want you to worry. He wished for you to live your ultimest youth, without a single cloud of onus to disturb your shining sun and skies.
You were a Phoenix to him, healing every scar and cut with your gentle touch and soft whispers.
"Come with me."
You guided him upstairs to the bathroom.
The room was hot, steamy with fog clouds floating around you. The black marbelic walls were covered with small beads of water vapor, slowly racing down to the ground.
Alejandro leaned against the door, resting his against the hard material with a long and tired sigh.
You checked the water temperature, motioning for him to climb in the tub. He steeped closer, gazing at the surface of the colorless liquid. His face emerged, and he couldn't help but chuckle. He cupped your cheeks, smiling wearily. "Mi amor, you didn't have to..."
"I wanted to..."
You ran him a warm bath, filled with devotion to the brim.
Just the way he liked it, with oils and conditioner that he enjoyed smelling on you. Alejandro adored every detail about you. Somehow, you had captured his mind and soul within your hands. Your little gestures only served to deepen his affection.
You helped him take off his dirty, blood-soaked clothes—thankfully not his own. The military uniform fell to the floor, followed by his torn shirt. He sighed deeply, shivering slightly as your hands trailed over his scarred skin, the cold sensation leaving goosebumps in its wake.
He remembered when he brought you to the beach, embarrassed about his battle scars, thinking you'd be disgusted by the cuts on his skin. But instead, you cradled his flesh with merciful tenderness, Washing away his worries through kisses scattered on his back. He held back his tears, letting you heal his skin and carve a lasting memory in his mind.
Back to reality, Alejandro smiled at you, his eyebrows furrowing in question at your grinning face. He was wearing cat-printed shorts, and you couldn't help but laugh as he blushed slightly.
There was no tension, no other thoughts, not at this moment at the very least. This precious moment was too good, too perfect to be tainted and corrupted by any sin, even if it wasn't a wrongdoing anyway. He saw it no other way, and neither did you. You helped him wash away the weariness of duty, making him feel at home. Could he ask for more?
Alejandro slowly submerged himself under the water, his head lazily resting on the edge of the tub. He gazed at you, silently observing your every movement. He missed this, missed you deeply. No words could express how desperately he longed for your presence.
You held the shampoo bottle, scooping some product into your hands before lathering it into his now wet hair. He shivered, letting out a contented sigh. You massaged his shoulders, washing away the aches of war and leaving nothing but love that cascaded down his shoulders like honey.
Silence filled the house, the only sounds audible were the hushed breaths he took and the occasional dripping of water from the sink. Finally, wrapped in a large towel and smelling of fresh grass and vanilla, Alejandro sat on the edge of the tub as you searched for band-aids in the small box. He chuckled wearily as you placed a green plaster on his temple.
Standing between his legs, you cupped his face, examining his very being before whispering silently, "I love you, thank you for coming back."
Taken aback, he kissed you, your lips intertwining in a gentle embrace of madness before he uttered, "Thank you for waiting, mi todo."
It was around 2 am, as you lay in bed. The scent of warm chumpurados filled the room, igniting in his soul and heart a longing for home. But, would he complain? He was indeed at home, for his heart and mind resided with you.
Alejandro placed his mug on the nightstand before resting his head on your thigh. You ran your fingers through his dark locks, gently caressing his hair.
Alejandro leaned in, murmuring nonsensical words against your limb. His gratitude was beyond imagination. Without you, he would be lost, despondent. He found his missing piece with you, you little thief, stealing his heart and claiming it as your own. He didn't mind in the slightest, willing to sacrifice his very essence for your sake.
Silently, you asked, "Is something on your mind, mi amor?"
He whispered instantly, his fingers intertwining with your form in a tenderness that would make the clouds shy away. "You... mi cielo."
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you broke the silence once more. "I know, mi amor. I meant, is there anything bothering you?"
"No. Nothing at all.. when I am with you, I am so much happier…”
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tavs-tavern · 3 months
"My Perfect Darling" - Tav X Astarion NSFW
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: AFAB Tav X Astarion
Warnings: blood, masochism, vaginal sex, dom Astarion
Word Count: 1000
Summary: One moonlit night, Astarion takes control and asks to sink his fangs into your neck
18+ only, minors dni!
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Pearly white fangs glimmered under the moonlight as they were bared. The Elf wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close.
“Would you like me to bite you?” he asks.
“I don’t believe you will,” you reply. 
Astarion chuckles. “Because I wouldn’t want to hurt my precious flower, is that correct? Wouldn’t want to make a single mark on their beautiful skin?”
He smells your neck before grazing his lips across your flesh. 
“That…is where you’d be wrong, my darling,” he says with a wide grin. “I’d love nothing more than to suck the blood from your neck, your arms, your soft thighs, your sides…to watch as the blood leaked and dripped down your body.”
His words make you shiver, and a warmth blossoms between your legs. “You think I’m into that sort of thing? you ask.
Astarion laughs. “You’re a masochist, love, you don’t have to hide that from me.” He helps you onto your back on top of the soft bed roll. 
“It’s a good thing the two of us are secluded in a far corner of camp away from everyone else,” the Elf says. “We wouldn’t want them to hear your…screaming.”
Astarion peppers your neck with kisses, his icy hands roaming under your shirt, groping at your chest, thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. From the was he straddles you, you can feel his erection under his pants. 
“Let’s get on with it then, I don’t like to be kept waiting,” you tell him, smirking.
“Ohh so bossy,” Astarion says, tutting. “I’ll make you regret that attitude.”
Before you can retort, your pants are slipped off and thrown aside. Astarion pulls down your underwear, chuckling when he notices how your sex glistens. “So happy to see me,” he teases.
“Just hurry before anyone wakes up,” you laugh as you also remove your shirt.
Astarion’s fingers find your folds, playing with your wetness and pinching your hard clit. You gasp, his fingers cold but skilled. 
“Tell me what you want, darling,” he demands.
You don’t want to give in, but your core aches and your sex throbs. You need him, more than ever. “You, you, I need…you.”
Astarion laughs and licks a long stripe along your collar bone. “You’ll have me, don’t you worry, you’re all mine tonight,” he says.
The Elf pulls his length from his trousers. The head leaks, shining beads forming at the tip. It's long and girthy, and he aligns it with your entrance after spreading your legs. “You are mine,” he growls. 
He pushes himself inside you. You throw your head back and close your eyes tight as you feel him fill you. “Gods, yes!” he groans. Astarion returns his mouth to your neck. “Please, let me bite you,” he asks. 
You gasp as his cock slams into your sweet spot. You nod, giving him permission. Astarion opens his mouth wide and sinks his fangs into your flesh, blood immediately blooming and running down your neck.
Your eyes open halfway, and your heart pounds. The pleasure of the love making mixes with the pain of the Elf’s fangs, forming a delicious mixture of sensations. The pain only makes you wetter, and your pussy throbs around Astarion’s member.
He laps at your crimson blood, drinking it down. “You taste so divine, darling,” he coos, hands holding your hips. “So sweet, just for me.”
The pain in your neck surges down to your chest, then your torso, then your limbs. Your whole body stings in the best way, and you become lightheaded like you’re intoxicated. The pain combined with the feeling of Astarion’s tongue is almost enough to make you climax.  
Astarion’s fingertips dig into your hips, holding you in place as he slams into you. His leaking cock rams your sweet spot over and over, the air filled with the lewd sounds of flesh slapping flesh.
“You’re so…beautiful…like this,” he says between moans. A dribble of blood runs down to your chest, and the Elf licks it all away.
“Fuck,” you gasp softly. 
Astarion chuckles. “A whore for pain, just how I like you,” he growls. 
And he was right, you couldn’t have pleasure without some sort of ache or sting. Astarion’s fangs always did the trick, keeping him full while also keeping you wet. His bloody lips place kisses across your chest, leaving behind sanguine marks. Those marks, along with the healed puncture wounds that littered your body, were signs of his ownership. 
Astarion was fully in control of the situation at all times, making sure not to bleed you too much, only enough for him to have his meal and you to experience the feeling. His hypnotic presence also helped you to not be in too much pain, keeping it pleasurable.
Your eyes flutter as you look up at him. “Filling my belly, and I’ll return the favor and fill you,” he says.
You only wished that he could break out the whip or the leather crop, but that would wake the camp, so it would have to be saved for another night. Astarion pulls out almost all the way, leaving only his tip inside you, before shoving himself back in with force. The slam makes you yelp in surprise and ecstasy. 
“Shhh now, love, if the others find out that we’re fucking, well, we’d never hear the end of their teasing,” Astarion laughs. “Although, you may enjoy that, dirty thing.”
He continues to pump himself in and out of your heat, finally reaching his climax. “Get..r-ready…” he stammers before unloading ropes of release deep inside you. 
The warmth of his cum is similar to the warmth of your blood. You bite your lip to keep from crying out as you orgasm along with him. Your walls clench around his cock as bliss washes over you. Astarion sweats and shakes as he comes down from his high. 
“Amazing, simply wonderful,” he says. 
The Elf kisses your lips, smearing your blood across your chin and cheeks. “My perfect darling,” he coos, petting your head. 
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solarmorrigan · 4 months
Hands Where I Can See Them, Part 9
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Ao3
Thank you once again to @azure7539arts for listening to me play relationship counselor for, like, an hour while I figured this chapter out &lt;3
It takes a bit of driving before Eddie finds Steve. 
He swings by Steve’s house just to be sure, then the overlook at the quarry, then the roadside where people park when they’re heading up to Skull Rock, then the park where Steve goes running sometimes, and then finally, begrudgingly, the lake. 
Which is where he spots Steve’s car. 
He parks next to the beemer and gets out, glancing out over the moonlit surface of the lake. He still doesn’t like it here; avoids it when he can. He wonders briefly, bitterly, if that’s why Steve chose to come here over anywhere else. 
Eddie shakes the thought away and approaches the shore, where he can see a figure standing, the light of the moon glancing off the pale fabric of a members only jacket. 
He isn’t quiet as he comes up behind Steve, letting his sneakers crunch across pebbles and dying grass to signal his arrival, and he watches as Steve bends to pick something up off the ground – a stone, Eddie realizes, as Steve draws back and flicks it out over the water, sending it skipping across the surface. 
It bounces two, three, four times, and then sinks into the water several yards out. 
“How’d you know I’d be here?” Steve asks without looking over as Eddie comes to stand next to him. 
Eddie doesn’t mention how many places he’d checked before coming here. Instead, he glances around and finds a smooth, flat stone of his own. “When you’re sad, you go to Robin,” he says (or me, he doesn’t say; you used to come to me), “but when you’re angry, you want to be alone, because it still scares you. You’re afraid you’ll say or do something you regret, and you won’t be able to take it back.” 
Eddie sends the stone skipping out over the lake; one, two, three jumps, and it sinks. 
Steve scoffs, picking another stone up out of the dirt. “Yeah, you know me so well,” he mutters. He doesn’t bother skipping the rock in his hand; he hurls it like a baseball over a field of water, where it lands and sinks with a loud plunk. “So fucking well.” 
“I thought I did,” Eddie says. “I thought I was doing alright, until tonight. That I could give you what you needed and make you feel like… like I see you.” 
“Dinner in the park was nice,” Steve mutters. “The diner date was a shitty idea.” 
“Yeah, I get that now,” Eddie replies ruefully. 
“I just– Where was all of this before?” Steve finally turns to look at him, eyes demanding in the silvery light. “You know all of this about me, you were paying attention and you saw all of this, but you just – what? Ignored how I was feeling, anyway?” 
“No,” Eddie says. “I didn’t– I wasn’t ignoring you, I was ignoring everything. You, me, the whole situation – I thought I had it figured out and I didn’t let myself think about it any other way.” Eddie pulls in a breath, trying to keep calm. “I’m not trying to make excuses, okay? I’m not saying it was okay, I know that I hurt you, and I’m trying to make up for it, and you keep saying you’ll let me, and then– and then I fuck up and you shut down again, and I don’t know how to fix it.” 
Steve glances away. He kneels down to pick up another rock, but doesn’t immediately throw it. Instead, he stands for a moment, worrying the surface of it with his thumb. 
“I’m sorry for jerking you around,” he says quietly. “That wasn’t fair. I thought I was ready, but I just– I still don’t understand why you’re doing this.” 
“I told you: I fucked up and I hurt you and I want to make it better–” 
“But why?” Steve pushes, looking back over at Eddie. “Why do you even want me? Is it that you miss the sex, or – just that I threatened to take everything away? Because I was there, for months, loving you, even before we slept together, and falling deeper after that, and you didn’t even notice. It wasn’t good enough for you then, so why is it suddenly good enough now?” 
Steve’s voice cracks, and a little piece of Eddie goes with it. 
“Steve, no. It was always good enough, you were always good enough.” Eddie turns and takes a step towards Steve, instinctively trying to bridge the gap between them; Steve doesn’t step away, but he watches Eddie warily. “I didn’t– I didn’t know what I was looking at. I didn’t understand.” 
Steve doesn’t say anything, just crosses his arms over his chest, stone still clutched, forgotten, in one hand. 
“I mean, it’s like I had the world’s most precious object in my hands, and I didn’t know what it was, and I used it as a fucking paperweight,” Eddie manages. “No one has ever loved me the way you did. No one has ever put as much work into – into making me feel good, making me happy, doing things for me and teaching me how to do them and – and bringing me fucking flowers. You’re like something out of a fucking storybook, Steve, and I didn’t think I would ever have or… deserve that, so I didn’t even let myself consider it. 
“And that’s not an excuse, I get it. It’s not. It’s just– it’s the only reason I can give you. And I’ve–” Eddie breaks off, takes a breath, and pushes on; Steve needs to hear all of it, deserves to hear all of it. “I’ve never been in love before. So even though it was sitting right on my fucking chest the entire time, I didn’t recognize it for what it was. It should’ve been all yours, but I couldn’t even name it, and I’m sorry.” 
Steve pulls in a sharp, shuddery breath at the end of Eddie’s confession, watching him now with wide and startled eyes. 
“Can you say it?” he asks softly. 
“What?” Eddie asks, thrown by the unexpected question. 
“Can you say it? Tell me that you love me?” Steve’s voice nearly chokes around the words, and he’s staring at Eddie with so much trepidation that it’s almost smothering out the hope that’s there beneath it. 
“I love you,” Eddie says automatically, without even having to think, because it’s true. “I love you. Of course I love you, Steve, holy shit. I love having you around, I love when you’re being selfless and kind and I love when you’re being petty and bitchy and I love when you listen to me and when you tell me about what you like and I love you when you’re in my bed and I love you when you’re angry at me and I can’t believe I’ve never said it before because now it won’t stop coming out–” 
The problem is solved when Steve takes two steps forward, drops the stone he’s been holding at their feet, puts one hand on Eddie’s jaw, leans in, and cuts him off with a kiss. And in spite of the words that had just been streaming from Eddie’s mouth, he has absolutely no trouble immediately getting with the program and kissing back. 
He can’t help the “I love you” that slips out when Steve pulls away, but then he grips the front of Steve’s jacket and reels him back in for another kiss. 
“I love you, I love you, I promise I do,” Eddie manages between presses of lips. “I’m going to show you every day if you let me, I will.” 
“Yeah,” Steve says shakily, finally breaking their connection so he can bury his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s middle and holding him tight. “Yeah, okay.” 
Eddie’s arms are around Steve’s shoulders in an instant, pulling him closer still. “Okay.” 
“I love you, too. I still do,” Steve says, a little muffled. 
Eddie inhales sharply. He’d had a feeling – Steve Harrington isn’t really the sort of person who ever stops loving someone, not really, but having it confirmed is like a burst of pleasant static in his chest. He lets one hand slide up over the back of Steve’s neck and into his hair, cradling his head, and Steve nuzzles in a bit closer, only to make Eddie flinch when the cold tip of his nose brushes his neck. 
“Jesus, you’re cold,” Eddie says, running his other hand down Steve’s back and finally noting how little body warmth seeps through his jacket. 
“Been out here a while,” Steve mumbles. “Told you I should’ve worn something heavier.” 
“Shit, uh–” Eddie ignores Steve’s annoyed little sigh when he’s forced to pull away so that Eddie can shimmy out of his battle jacket and hold it out for him. “Here. Might help.” 
Slowly, Steve lifts his hand to take the jacket, glancing up at Eddie and raising his eyebrows. “You wanna talk about recreating history…” 
For a long moment, Eddie stares, uncomprehending, until Steve’s eyes flick out towards the lake and then back towards the vest. 
“Oh, shit,” Eddie hisses. “Wait, no, I wasn’t trying to–” 
“Relax,” Steve cuts in, smirking as he shrugs the vest over his own jacket and then steps back into Eddie’s space. “I’m teasing.” 
Eddie tries to frown at Steve, but he can’t maintain it as Steve slips his arms under his leather jacket and around his waist and pecks him on the cheek. 
“You making fun of my chivalry, Harrington?” Eddie grumbles, slinging his arms back around Steve’s shoulders. 
“Little bit,” Steve answers, before resting his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and relaxing against him so heavily that Eddie has to readjust his center of gravity. 
They stand there on the shore for a bit longer, swaying together in the comfort of what they’ve both been missing, until Eddie’s fingers begin to get cold. The late October chill is starting to bite, and Eddie can feel the cool breeze coming in off the lake. 
“So…” Eddie says quietly, pulling reluctantly back from Steve; he knows they’ll need to go back to their cars soon, but he can’t leave without addressing one last thing. “If we’re really doing this... And– and we are?” 
Steve nods. “Yeah. I want– I really want to try again.” 
“Okay.” Eddie nods, unable to help the nearly reflexive little smile that quirks up at that. “Then I’m gonna do my best to be better and pay more attention, but I need you to tell me when you want something. When you need something.” He reaches up and cups Steve’s jaw, cold skin on cold skin, swiping his thumbs across Steve’s cheeks. “I know you’re not used to doing that with people, but I need you to. I want to give you what you want, but I can’t unless you tell me. Okay?” 
Slowly, Steve nods. “I’ll try,” he says, a little hoarse. 
Still smiling, Eddie leans in for a kiss, and Steve meets him halfway. 
It doesn’t last long; it’s dark, and they’re both cold and tired, and Steve is the first to pull away, heaving another put-upon sigh. 
“Okay, let’s go home,” he says, grabbing Eddie by the hand and leading him back towards where they’d parked. 
Eddie spends a moment furiously working the statement over in his head, trying to figure out what “home” means—Eddie’s place? Steve’s place? Each to their respective houses?—but he’s saved from having to ask when Steve glances back over his shoulder at him. 
“You go first, I’ll follow,” he says, and Eddie relaxes. 
Home it is. 
Though it genuinely hadn’t been his intent at the start of the evening, they do both end up in Eddie’s bed. Steve steals a set of Eddie’s pajamas and claims the same side of the mattress that he always has, and they both drift off curled into one another’s space. 
It’s the best Eddie’s slept in weeks.
Part 10
Tag List: (Currently full! Message me if you'd like off the ride): @bushbees @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @gleek4twd @hellfireone @westifer-dead @anne-bennett-cosplayer @starman-jpg @mugloversonly @swimmingbirdrunningrock @alycatavatar @y4r3luv @rhapsodyinalto @vinteraltus @lilpomelito @tillystealeaves @noctxrn-e @pearynice @giverobinagfbrigade @novacorpsrecruit @hotluncheddie @strangersteddierthings @alongcomesaspider @theheadlessphilosopher @jettestar @rajumat @garden-of-gay @jamieweasley13 @dam28lh @oldwitcheshat @lololol-1234 @perfectlysensiblenonsense @salty-h0e @r0binscript @mavernanche @back2beesness @a-lovely-craziness @paintsplatteredandimperfect @redbullgivescaswings @emmabubbles @heartstarstar-blog @thesuninyaface @thatonebisexualman @fruitandbubbles @erinharvelle @m-owo-n @theystoodandplayedwithsilence @surroundedbyconfusion @luthienstormblessed @3ldr1tchang3l @pansexuality-activated
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Yandere Caius X reader
Caius is quite protective and strict when it comes to the reader. That includes, not leaving the castle grounds and only speaking to kings including himself and the guards only.
One morning reader opens their eyes and sees that it’s snowing outside. Readers eyes immediately lights up as she sees the white and cold sky.
And so the reader decided to have a little fun and dresses up for the cold air to play outside in the backyard where the flowers usually go and where Markus usually takes his daily strolls, Caius DID say to stay at the castle grounds.
As she went outside and started playing and making a snowman, Caius on the other hand was furious that the reader might’ve ran off somewhere and was about to have Demitri do a search only to hear the readers soft laugh.
As he goes outside he sees reader making a snowman with a bright smile on her face making Caius calm down and gets distracted from her.
When reader noticed Caius was watching she decided to have a bit of fun and throw a snowball at him, which Caius decided to play readers game and throw one back.
After a while Caius notices that the reader is cold so he brought them back inside and to the kitchen to make them a hot chocolate.
This is just fluff with a dash of protectiveness❤️🤭
You guys are out of control, we all know yandere Caius would lock us up in a tower 😔🤌🏾
❝caius, knows best❞
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✭ pairing : yandere caius volturi x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of caius, and let’s just say he pretty much controls her every being but it’s only because he wants her to be safe. After all Caius knows best.
✭ authors note : l swear you twilight fans come up with the most interesting ideas but girl, yandere Caius? Oh nawwww
✭ twilight masterlist
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Deep within the ancient halls of the Volturi castle, (y/n) found herself ensnared in the web of Caius's possessive and overprotective nature. Ever since she had been discovered as his mate, her life had become a series of intricately woven rules and restrictions that bound her to the castle grounds.
Her every move was under scrutiny, and Caius's strict demeanor ensured that she adhered to his expectations without question. The rules were clear—she was to remain within the castle's walls, her interactions limited to the kings and the guards who patrolled the grounds.
It was a life of isolation, one that (y/n) had grown accustomed to, if not resigned to. Her connection with Caius was undeniable, the mate bond pulsating between them, and she could sense the depths of his possessiveness that knew no bounds. His protectiveness, while suffocating at times, was also a testament to the intensity of his feelings for her.
Days melted into nights within the castle's walls, and (y/n) found herself navigating the elegant chambers with a sense of grace and poise that had become second nature. The castle's grandeur was a stark contrast to the confines of her restricted world, a world where Caius's gaze lingered on her every move, his eyes a blend of adoration and caution.
When she did interact with the other members of the Volturi, (y/n) treaded carefully. Her conversations with Aro and Marcus were measured, her words chosen with precision. She had learned to navigate the complex dynamics of the ruling coven, understanding that her presence in Caius's life meant she had a role to play in their intricate balance.
But there were moments when (y/n) longed for a taste of freedom, a chance to explore the world beyond the castle's walls. She would stand by the towering windows, gazing out at the moonlit landscape, her heart yearning for a life beyond the confines of her gilded cage.
Yet, Caius's presence was a constant reminder of the love and devotion he held for her. He moved through the castle with an air of authority, his gaze never leaving her for too long. His actions, while controlling, were also infused with a tenderness that he reserved only for her. In his arms, she found solace from the constraints of her existence, a reminder that she was cherished and valued.
As the days turned into weeks, (y/n) began to find a delicate balance between her own desires and the expectations that bound her to Caius. The world outside the castle may have remained elusive, but within its walls, her love for him bloomed amidst the thorns of his possessiveness. And while her heart yearned for more, she knew that she was at the center of a love that transcended time and boundaries—a love that was as unyielding as the ancient stones that formed the foundation of their world.
Bundled up in warm attire, (y/n) stepped out into the snowy morning, the chill air tingling against her skin. The grounds of the Volturi castle were blanketed in pristine white, the snow creating a serene landscape that stretched out before her. Her eyes lit up with childlike excitement as she gazed at the glistening world that had transformed overnight.
With every step she took, her boots left a trail of footprints in the snow, evidence of her playful exploration. The cold air felt invigorating against her cheeks, and she couldn't help but let out a laugh as she spun around, her arms outstretched like a bird in flight.
The garden area, usually a burst of color from the blooming flowers, was now a canvas of white. (Y/n) could almost imagine the flowers peering out from beneath the snow, as if waiting for the warmth of spring to awaken them once again.
As she ventured deeper into the garden, she noticed a small bench tucked beneath a tree. The sight brought a fond smile to her lips, knowing that Marcus often sat there during his strolls. She imagined him here, surrounded by the beauty of the snow-covered landscape.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (y/n) moved to the bench and began to shape a snowball with her gloved hands. The cold, powdery snow compacted easily, and soon she had a perfectly round snowball in her grasp. Looking around with a playful grin, she took aim at a nearby tree and let the snowball fly, watching as it hit the trunk with a soft thud.
Her laughter echoed through the air as she continued to throw snowballs, each one finding its mark with unerring accuracy. She was lost in her own world of winter wonder, the joy of the moment washing away the constraints of her usual routines within the castle walls.
Meanwhile Caius paced back and forth, his expression dark and brooding. "(Y/N)," he muttered under his breath, "where in the world have you gone?" His anger boiled within him, his thoughts spiraling into worst-case scenarios. Had she run off? Abandoned him? The very idea gnawed at him like a relentless storm.
Just as he was about to call for Demetri to track her down, a faint sound reached his ears. Laughter. His head snapped toward the courtyard, disbelief warring with relief as he spotted her there, a mischievous grin on her face. The intensity of his emotions, from fury to exasperation, was replaced by a curious mixture of irritation and fondness.
Caius' gaze locked onto her as she gathered a handful of snow, her intent clear in the sparkle of her eyes. Without warning, the snowball whizzed through the air, narrowly missing his shoulder. The audacity! A rare, almost incredulous smile twitched at the corner of his lips.
He brushed the snow from his shoulder, his movements deliberate. The tension that had weighed on him began to unravel. In a swift and fluid motion, he crouched to pick up his own snowball, compacting it in his hand. With a calculated toss, he sent the snowball sailing toward her.
Her startled gasp and the way her eyes widened fueled his determination. He was not one to shy away from a challenge, after all. As the snowball hit her arm, a startled laugh escaped her lips. Caius' heart raced as he watched her reaction, the atmosphere between them shifting palpably.
What started as a playful exchange quickly escalated into a full-fledged snowball fight, each throw accompanied by a burst of laughter and an occasional yelp. The tension that had filled the air earlier was replaced by an electric energy, a connection formed through their shared antics.
Caius' stern facade cracked further with each throw, revealing a side of him rarely seen by anyone else. And as for (Y/N), her eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and genuine affection, finding joy in the simple act of playfulness.
Amidst the flurry of snow, their laughter intertwined, forging a bond that transcended the usual formalities. Caius had played her game, and she had matched his intensity. In that moment, they were not the stern leader and the confidante, but two individuals allowing themselves to revel in a carefree moment, where laughter and snowflakes danced in harmony.
As the snowball fight between Caius and (Y/N) continued, a playful spirit seemed to envelop them both. Laughter echoed through the courtyard, and even Caius found himself caught up in the exhilaration of the moment. Yet, amidst the joy, he couldn't help but notice the way (Y/N)'s cheeks had turned a rosy hue, and how she shivered every now and then.
His concern for her well-being surfaced, overriding the playful rivalry that had taken over. Caius stopped in his tracks, mid-throw, and eyed her carefully. "Are you cold?" he asked, his tone uncharacteristically gentle. (Y/N) chuckled, brushing a few snowflakes from her hair.
"Just a little," she admitted, her breath visible in the crisp air.
Without another word, Caius walked over to her and held out his hand. She looked at him, puzzled. "Come," he said, his voice soft yet commanding. "Let's get you warm."
Inside the castle, the contrast between the chilly courtyard and the cozy interior was striking. Caius led (Y/N) to the kitchen, where the warmth from the fireplace enveloped them in a comforting embrace. He motioned for her to sit at the large wooden table while he went about gathering the ingredients.
As he set a pot of milk on the stove to heat, his movements were efficient and precise. Caius rarely engaged in such domestic tasks, but the sight of (Y/N) sitting there, wrapped in her own thoughts, spurred him to act.
Soon, the aroma of cocoa filled the air as he stirred the mixture, the chocolate melting into the milk. He poured the steaming liquid into two mugs, the clinking of porcelain breaking the silence. Sliding a mug in front of her, he met her gaze with an unspoken question.
(Y/N) looked up at him, her eyes softening with gratitude. She wrapped her hands around the mug, savoring the warmth that seeped into her fingers. "Thank you, Caius," she said, her voice a hushed murmur.
He inclined his head, acknowledging her thanks with a nod. For a moment, their eyes held, a connection forming between them that went beyond the snowball fight and the jesting banter.
As they sipped their hot chocolate, the tension that had been present earlier transformed into a different kind of energy—an intimacy forged in the simple act of caring for one another. Caius watched as (Y/N)'s expression softened further, the lines of her face relaxing in the flickering firelight.
In that quiet moment, surrounded by the warmth of the kitchen and the shared understanding between them, Caius and (Y/N) found themselves in a space that was both familiar and yet unexplored—a space where vulnerability and camaraderie intertwined, leaving an indelible mark on their connection.
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mesanthropi · 1 year
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choi garam hated phone calls right now, more than anything. because it was most likely going to be his brother calling to check up on him, when things were already cooled down and cooled off. there was no need, was there, when they'd made up?
so when 'rock with you' started blaring from his device, the idol grumbled, quiet despite how much louder he wanted to be right now. the ravenette rolled over, phone getting smacked by the side of his palm. "iseul, not now-" managing to get ahold of the thing, he blinked, trying to adjust to its brightness (it was on max). "... huh?"
it was jeonghan.
"..." hitting that dreadful green button, he put the older on speaker, yawning. "i hope you've remembered it's four in the morning," garam's morning voice resonated throughout the room. but only a hum came from the other line, alongside a few things being put down in the background. the receiving end of the call only furrowed his brows. "hello? jeonghan hyung, you better have a good reason for calling me at the asscrack of dawn."
"just wanted to hear how you were doing," came jeonghan's response from the other side. "sorry, i thought you were in korea with the others. four in the morning?" the younger's small hum of confirmation was enough for him, honestly. he sat up from his bed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. the sound of the older falling onto his bed prompted a laugh. "ain't it ten in the morning for you there?"
"finished already?"
"i wish. but at least i get to look good while i'm tired."
garam huffed, shaking his head in mock disapproval. even all the way from germany, jeonghan would know; this was always his response to such sayings. "good on you, i guess..." he muttered, flicking the switch on to let some light into his eyes. "... hey, when are you coming back?"
"i should be asking you that, choi goyangi," the younger exhaled through his nose upon hearing this. "i was talking to seungcheol and he told me you were in canada?" the ravenette shrugged, looking for his glasses on the bedside table. it was just to let him think, remember the korean translation of what he kept telling joshua. "i'll just be here for today, i'm leaving tomorrow morning. i'm working on something."
there was a click of the tongue on the other side. "you work even in canada?" garam's laugh followed, mildly sarcastic and empty, but held some amusement at least. "just stay safe there, sunshine. before you say anything, yeah, i'm being cautious myself."
"you know me so well," jested the younger, finding the pair and slipping it onto his face. "but yeah. i'll try my best... you go out there and look great, 'kay? slay it, sister." when a few seconds of silence passed, garam snickered, adjusting his hold on his phone. "garam, what the-"
annnnd that was his cue to hang up. thank god.
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quotergirl19 · 4 months
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Lord Debling is looking for a love match and he takes an immediate liking to Penelope Featherington but he can see there is something between Miss Featherington & her friend Mr. Bridgerton who keeps a suspiciously close eye on her. Penelope assures him that they are childhood friends so Debling makes a point of telling Colin that he will do everything in his power to make Penelope happy because she’s is exactly the sort of woman he’s hoping to secure for his wife. Debling goes on to express his surprise that Colin did not marry her himself since he clearly cares for her and must know that it would be a terrible waste for such a remarkable woman to become a spinster when she’s such a rare jewel and Colin appears quite taken with her.
Colin immediately tells Debling that Penelope is his oldest and dearest friend and with no father or brother to look after her, he has promised to look out for. He insists he only wants what is best for his friend but Debling’s not fooled and proceeds to watch their interactions very closely.
Forgetting that they shared the first dance of the evening together, Colin takes Penelope’s hand for a dance and he is clearly unsettled by his conversation with Debling. He tries to ask Penelope if she thinks she might come to love Lord Debling but she doesn’t want to talk about it and it’s clear Colin believes Penelope is forming an attachment to the gentleman. He is visibly bothered by this.
When the dance ends, Violet, Anthony and Portia Featherington all notice that Colin fails to bow and release Penelope, instead he keeps her in his arms, starting a third dance which is immediately noticed by another several members of the ton because more than two dances is improper and widely considered to be an engagement announcement. When Penelope tries to tell Colin that people are watching them, he doesn’t care.
Again, Colin asks Penelope if she believes she might come to love Lord Debling and she tells him she is fond of him but does not know if that will ever become love, adding that she has had to abandon any hope of love in order to focus on securing a match at all. It dawns on Colin that Penelope is guarding her affections which seemed unlike her. He asks if she is scared to risk her heart because of what he said last season. He tells her not to let anyone or anything ever make her feel unworthy of great love, that she’s more deserving of happiness and devotion than she realizes and Penelope nearly bursts into tears hearing that from Colin of all people and she flees the ballroom.
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Colin immediately follows Penelope out into the garden insisting that she’s the best person he knows and she will make some gentleman a very lucky and happy man no matter who she chooses to marry. He insists she should not rush or settle, that she should wait for love. Penelope pleads with him to stop but Colin continues, insisting that she doesn’t see herself the way he sees her. That she thinks she’s invisible but he sees her and he thinks she’s perfect. Intelligent, loyal, kind and beautiful… everything a good man could ever hope for and right there in a moonlit garden, Colin Bridgerton kisses Penelope Featherington and it is glorious. But they’re witnessed by Cressida Cowper who intentionally brings Colin & Penelope’s disappearance to the attention of Lord Debling who leaves the party but later wishes Penelope every happiness with her Mr. Bridgerton when their paths cross again after the engagement between Miss Penelope Featherington & Mr. Colin Bridgerton is announced.
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bgomtori · 11 months
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!!he gets me so high- c.bg smau
playlist to listen to while reading - ♡
beabadoobee- he gets me so high
pairing - band member! choi beomgyu x volleyball player! reader
childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn
back to my navi ☆
summary - you've been friends with beomgyu ever since kindergarten, the two of you have been attached to each other by the hip, everyone thinks that you're dating but youre not. maybe there are hidden feelings you two hide between each other? maybe you two secretly fawn over each other when the other isnt look
features - all txt members, yunjin and chaewon from lsfm, minji, haerin and hanni from nwjns (hanni is used as inspo on how the reader looks like in the story 😓😓)
warnings - curse words, mentions of injuries?, mentions of kms and kys, just very painful mutual pinning 😓 reader depicted to be fem!!
NOTE : this is like my first time writing and writing a smau SO PLEASE DONT HAVE MUCH EXPECTATIONS 😢😢 ALSO THE CHAPTERS MAY GET A LIL BIT REPETITIVE.. ! the plot gets messy and it's rlly cliche... thanks for understanding 🙏🙏🔥
status - end :D ♡♡
profiles: acers on court! | tomorrow x todorro
01 : toe kisser
02 : so cool
03 : moonlit skies
04 : she's mine !!
05 : comforting
06 : d-day
07 : against jyp??
08 : history made
09 : healing
10 : toilet explosion
11 : back to school!!!
12 : on that grind
13 : stressed out
14 : i definitely will!! (not)
15 : doc.. he's out again
16 : jealousy? maybe..
17 : bio more like kms
18 : blackmail resources
19 : oops..!
20 : exposed
21 : inner demons
22 : discord mod's room
23 : light
24 : anxiety munchers
25 : con day
26 : drunken confessions
27 : the reveal
28 : he gets me so high!!
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forkshighschooler · 4 months
The wolf’s tell
Paul Lahote x reader
Summary: When you started working at a charming coffee shop in La Push, little did you know that your life was about to change forever. As fate unfolds, Paul Lahote imprints on you, creating an unbreakable bond between two souls. Together, you navigate the world of love, supernatural forces, and the strength that comes with finding your soulmate.
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In the vibrant coastal town of La Push, you found solace in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the welcoming atmosphere of the coffee shop you worked at. The charming little shop had become your sanctuary, filled with friendly faces and the sound of laughter.
One sunny morning, the door chimed, announcing the arrival of a customer. Your eyes locked with the intense gaze of Paul Lahote, a member of the Quileute tribe known for his striking looks and magnetic presence. His sudden appearance made your heartbeat quicken, unknown to both of you the imprinting bond had taken its effect.
"Welcome to Moonlit Moments," you greeted warmly, trying to contain your growing intrigue. "What can I get for you today?"
Paul glanced at the menu, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary. "I'll have a black coffee, please."
As you prepared his order, a glimmer of curiosity danced in your eyes. There was an unspoken connection between you, a pull that couldn't be explained rationally. It was as if the universe had orchestrated this encounter, knitting your lives together in an extraordinary way.
Handing him the cup, you let your fingers linger a moment longer against his, feeling an inexplicable jolt of electricity. Paul's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of awe and tenderness taking over his features.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice tinged with an underlying emotion. "You have no idea how much this means."
Days turned into weeks, Paul became a regular at the coffee shop. The connection between you both grew stronger, and conversations flowed effortlessly as if you had known each other all your lives. He would share stories from his tribal heritage, protecting you with his unwavering presence.
As the bond deepened, Paul revealed the truth about his world - the Quileute tribe's ancient legends, their ancestral connection to wolves, and the existence of imprinting, a phenomenon where one's life becomes irrevocably entwined with another's.
In the midst of vulnerability and newfound knowledge, it became clear to both of you that the imprinting bond had taken hold. Paul had imprinted on you, making you his soulmate, a connection stronger than any other.
Together, you navigated the challenges that came with this supernatural bond. Paul's love and protectiveness enveloped you, providing a sense of security and assurance. You relished in the warmth of his touch, the way his eyes spoke volumes when words weren't enough.
In the midst of the Quileute tribe's secrets and the supernatural world, your love story blossomed. You found solace in each other's embrace, understanding that this bond was rare, powerful, and meant to last a lifetime.
As you stood together, hand in hand, facing the unknown, you couldn't imagine a world without Paul by your side. Imprinted love had bound your souls, forging a path of love, acceptance, and unyielding devotion. Together, you embraced the beauty and complexities of your extraordinary connection, cherishing every moment as you walked hand in hand into an unknown but promising future.
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kakujis · 7 months
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synopsis: the sano royal family is almighty, all-powerful, unrelenting. royalty must be, it comes with the territory. you must consume to survive. and what are you but a lowly maid within their palace walls?
i. serenato - prince kakucho’s been gone for months without a single letter back home, you wonder if he’s even coming back.
ii. oblivious - prince mikey can’t help but feel that something’s wrong with his closest friends, especially baji, head of the royal guard.
iii. fairytale - an arranged marriage won’t stop prince izana from reaching his dream.
iv. aria - when shinichiro becomes king, the two of you come to terms with the death of your forever.
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synopsis: these stories focus on non-prince members, such as the royal guard. (more info soon!)
i. sandpiper - baji used to be the head of the royal guard, and your mind always wonders why he defected to valhalla, leaving you behind.
ii. snow falling - if there is solace in one thing, it's your moonlit meetings with chifuyu.
iii. story loading...
iv. story loading...
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NOTES: hi! this is an au i've had in the back of my brain for a while, and i sort of delved into it last year when i wrote a couple of those prince!headcanons and that one izana scenario. each story will come with a link to the kalafina song that inspired them! ♡ the y/n in each story is a separate character, but there will be no names and will stay x reader. each story will come with their individual warnings, make sure to read them. some will be sfw and some will be nsfw. please keep in mind, everything here is subject to change and stories will be uploaded sporadically. also, i'll try my best to write them in order, but we'll see! also, if there's enough interest i'll open a taglist. ♡
ETA: i will ask if you are a minor/ageless blog to please refrain from interacting with the nsfw stories, there will be a few.
© kakujis please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate any of my work.
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waevrs · 10 months
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Pairings: Shin Ryujin x LeSserafim!Reader
Tags: so much fluff it's sickening, suggestive, hidden relationship, make out session.
Summary: the summer you two snuck around like kids was one to remember...until you almost got caught.
Summer had arrived again, your favourite time of the year. Not because of the warm weather or the vacations, but because it was the time of year where both yours and your girlfriend's schedule was filled to the brim.
Both of your groups had recently made a comeback so there was many things to be done and schedules to be completed.
Now that doesn't sound great, does it?
But she makes it so great. Sneaking out of schedules when she knows she shouldn't just so she could come and see you. Leaving cute little notes on the breakfast she made for you, apologising that she couldn't stay longer.
She was just the perfect girlfriend.
It's not like you didn't do anything either. You would always stay behind at music shows just to pull her into a storage room to tell her how good she did and how pretty she is.
You two wanted nothing, and I mean nothing, to come between the two of you. So, you kept your relationship a secret from everyone. Of course, your members had their suspicions when they hear giggling from your room late at night but you always brushed it off as watching a funny video.
Luckily, you had a dorm room all to yourself. Perfect for Ryujin, who prides herself in climbing through your window just to kiss you or cuddle with you for as long as possible before your members wake up or her members call her, asking her where she is.
On one particular night though, she was especially clingy, not that you minded but it was very unusual for her. You were normally the one who clung to her like a koala.
"I missed you" she cooed, her face buried into your chest as she sighed happily. You couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and run a hand through her newly bleached hair.
"What?" she pouted when she caught you staring at her. Her brown eyes sparkled in your moonlit dorm room.
"I love you." You smiled, a new wave of confidence washing over you as your heart swelled from all the love you felt for the woman splayed out on your chest.
Although you had been in a relationship for 5 months, the words "I love you" were never exchanged, only felt.
Which explains Ryujin's reaction as she got a little teary-eyed and grabbed you by your (her) shirt to give you a soft, passionate kiss. She only parted from you when oxygen became a problem, grinning like a complete dork.
"I love you too." She whispered just loud enough so you could hear before bringing you in for another passionate kiss.
What started off sweet, quickly became heated as Ryujin straddled your waist, trapping you between her and the mattress. Her lips curved into a smirk as you let out a moan at her sudden dominance. Her limbs tangled with yours as she leads the kiss with lust and adoration.
As your lips come together in a passionate kiss, you feel your girlfriend's weight pressing down on top of you and pinning you to the bed. Your head spins with want as you feel the warmth of her mouth and the push of her tongue against yours. As she presses against you, you reach up to draw her closer and feel her delicate skin beneath your fingertips. She envelopes your waist and moans softly into your mouth, making her desire irresistible. Your make-out session intensifies, and you lose yourself in the moment, savouring the feel of your bodies pressed together.
Your hand slipped under her shirt and trailed along her abdomen before lifting it over her head.
You break your lips from hers so she can lift it over her head, revealing her bra.
She really was a beauty.
Ryujin heard you swallow hard and looked down at you through hooded eyes and lidded pupils. She licked her lips slowly and began grinding her hips into yours, coaxing a low groan from deep in your throat. Your lips came together again, the kiss bruising and consuming as you felt her chest pressed against yours. She tasted amazing. Her lips were so soft and her skin was so smooth. Your heart was hammering against your chest so hard, you were sure she could hear it.
"Mm…ngh!" Ryujin moaned as you trailed your hands down her back and cupped her ass through her shorts as she pressed against you. She leaned back and looked at you with a perfect mix of both love and lust.
"Let me show you how much I love you."
Ryujin's look of lust quickly turned to one of panic as the two of you scrambled like rats to cover up your relationship. Ryujin clambered off of you and into your closet, long forgetting her shirt that was discarded on the floor.
"You should be asleep." Chaewon stated firmly, her voice revealing a mixture of concern and annoyance. Her gaze lingered on your dishevelled appearance, clearly connecting the dots in her mind. However, she chose not to pry further at that moment, perhaps sensing your discomfort. Feeling a surge of relief that she didn't press for an explanation right then and there, you managed to compose yourself enough to respond calmly.
"I know, unnie. I just couldn't sleep." Her expression softened slightly as she observed you for a moment longer before stepping aside to leave.
"Well, try to get some rest now."
There was an underlying understanding in her tone that hinted at the unspoken trust between your leader and you.
You nodded gratefully and made your way back into your room with Ryujin still hiding inside the closet. As you went to close the door behind you, a foot stopped you from closing it.
"That's not your shirt."
You were forever grateful for your leader's sharp eyes, but not this time.
"I...uh...borrowed it this morning!" you breathed out without a second thought, hoping that she brought your poorly crafted excuse.
"You know how it is...I'm always losing my shirts to Eunchae." You tried to sound nonchalant and casual, hoping that your explanation would be believable enough. Your leader raised an eyebrow sceptically.
"Someone was wearing that at the sound check today..." She started to think.
"Because it's a cool shirt! It's really popular at the moment." You tried to explain.
"Alright then," she replied with a knowing gaze. "Just make sure you return it soon." Relieved that she seemed to buy your excuse, you nodded appreciatively and closed the door behind you. As you turned around, Ryujin emerged from the closet with a mix of relief and amusement on her face and one of your hoodies wrapped snugly around her body.
"You were amazing there," she whispered as she hugged you tightly. You let out a breathless chuckle before replying in a hushed tone, "I couldn't have done it without your shirt lying there as evidence."
Ryujin grinned mischievously. "Well then, I guess we should be more careful next time."
"That was really close..." You let out a deep sigh, the adrenaline from the situation slowly wearing off. Ryujin reached down to grab her shirt from the floor and stuffed it in the pocket of her newly claimed hoodie.
"I'm sorry." She reached up to your cheek to bring you in for a soft kiss.
"Don't apologise, you know I love the rush." You giggled and opened the window for Ryujin once again. She was always so dramatic when it came to these goodbyes, but you knew she wouldn't be gone for long.
She whispered soft 'I love you's against your lips before smiling and finally deciding to climb out of your dorm window.
Summer would always be your favourite time of the year.
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itsphoenix0724 · 2 months
I don’t know if your still doing the bouquet event. But an orchid with Rhysand sounds wonderful!
Orchid (Rhysand x Reader)
Warnings: angst (don't hate me)
Word Count: 970
❀° Event Masterlist ❀°
A/N: Thank you for visiting my page, I'm so sorry this took me so long to write. Reader takes the place of Feyre in this fic so Nesta and Elain are her sisters. I have a very complicated relationship with Rhys idk why he's just super hard to write for me. Please don't kill me but this is angsty I'm so sorry. But I hope that you enjoy it <3
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You haven’t been able to leave the nursery since you brought your baby home. He was perfect, the crown of inky black hair matching his father, with your eyes staring back up at you. You’re humming softly rocking the cradle back and forth as he sleeps, the knitted bat stuffed animal curled under his small arm. Your body tenses as your husband slips through the doorway, he utters your name and you glare at him without stopping your lullaby. 
“I will not discuss this in front of our son.” Your tone betrays nothing of your feelings, refusing to let anything show in his presence. Rhys’s face pales a shade but he nods and gestures with his head to the door. After giving a subtle nod you leave the sleeping prince in his cradle, safely guarded by moonlit dreams, and follow Rhys out of the room. You want for nothing more than a glass of liquor, preferably the strongest Velaris has to offer, as you stand across the study from your husband.  Alas, you are nursing so your desire remains a boiling headache sprouting in your temples. 
“Darling-” Rhysand starts, but you raise one hand and he stops speaking, snapping his jaw shut. You take a moment to look at Rhysand fully. His raven hair, so normally well-kempt, is run through and the purple half-moons under his eyes cast grotesque shadows on unnaturally pale skin. You’ve barely spoken to him in days since Nyx was born. 
In fact, you’ve refused to see any of the inner circle at all seldom your sisters.
“I am going to talk now. You are going to do nothing but listen.” You will steel into your spine, wishing your power to grant you the strength for this. Rhys nods once sitting in his chair and wringing his hands together in his lap. “You made me your equal, and yet you betray me. You force the hands of our truest friends to betray me.” You have felt a tidal wave of emotions since you found out what your mate kept from you. 
Anger, betrayal, disgust, but all you feel now is sadness. 
Sadness at the reaper that seems to have been following you through your first week as a mother, angry at your sister for snatching your family back from the cold iron of his grip. 
“You have proven that the members of this court will obey your wishes without any regard for me as your equal. Not only that, the worst thing about this is you were going to let us die in ignorance, after promising that I would always have a choice with you. That is what truly breaks me, Mate.” You watch your husband fall apart before you. The High Lord of Night crumbling and dissolving like salt in water. You want to go to him, you want to ease his sobs and tell him that everything is alright. 
But everything is very much not all right. 
“Why?” is the only thing you can manage to croak out, your tears finally cracking the damn that you’ve built to keep them at bay. Rhys stands, crossing the room and three wide steps, and wraps you in his arms. You try to fight it but you let yourself collapse into the warm embrace he offers. You wail, cursing the world and your mate, beating your hands against his chest half-heartedly. He cups your cheek a thumb running to wipe the silver from your eyes, but your hands remain limp at your sides.
“I have no excuse,” he swears sinking to his knees you follow him melting without the force of his weight to keep you upright. “I tried to do my best by Madja’s instructions. I did not want to rip the joy from you, but I had no right. I’m so sorry my love, so so sorry. I wanted to bring you the news with a solution.”  You still choke around your sobs, the solid iron you’ve built around the bond cracking just a fraction, letting some of its golden light shine back through. 
“You also had no right to send Nesta on that hike. Her intentions may have been egregious, but she is the only one who was honest with me.” Rhys’s lips press into a thin line, the topic of your sister always a touchy one, but he nods. 
“I’ll do my best to be better for you.” Rhys gulps around the tightening in his throat. You don’t know how long you spend crying on the floor of his study, Rhys soothing your hair before something finally lightens in your heart and you let go. 
You realize after one heartbeat, then two, that this feeling is forgiveness. You almost collapse under the weight of it. You meet Rhysand’s eyes and let the walls of the bond fall and you feel the palpable relief, see it in his eyes. 
“You have to be better.” You mutter, and Rhys nods resting his forehead against yours. 
“I’ll do better for you. For Nyx. For our family.” He swears and you feel the burn of another promise singeing into your skin, the stretching wings of a dove appearing on your sternum, you can see the twin appearing on Rhys’s own skin. Finally, you press your lips to his and he melts hauling you onto his lap. His kiss is bruising, the bond between you both singing happily in your chests. This healing road will be long, and the trust you’ve built with your family now broken and fragile. But the road is visible, the fog of pain gone from the path you must take. You will forgive, no matter how hard it will be. Rhys’s hands are shaking as he presses a kiss to your forehead. After all of the pain.
Forgiveness is a welcome feeling.
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