#monsta x AU
mebeindelulu · 6 months
Boyfriend! Changkyun random thoughts
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boyfriend! Changkyun who randomly video calls you and talks about random things, like what he just ate at 7/11 store or about music that he creates at that moment.
boyfriend! Changkyun who whispers into your ear dad jokes during a situation when you both have to remain serious. And you both end up trying not to laugh so hard.
boyfriend! Changkyun who always wants to be next to you even when both of you are busy and doing your own things.
boyfriend! Changkyun who fixes your hair whenever he notices that they have gone into your way. It doesn't matter if you are out somewhere or you are both just chilling home.
boyfriend! Changkyun who doesn't need you to tell him verbally that you are cold. He just looks at you and knows. In a second he covers you with the fluffy blanket.
boyfriend! Changkyun who holds your hand whenever you are somewhere that are a lot of people. Like he is scared that he will lost you.
boyfriend! Changkyun who tells you that he loves you in very unexpected situations. Like during grocery shopping when You both are waiting in the lane he leans close to your ear and whispers " I love you." And then he pretends like nothing happened.
boyfriend! Changkyun who sends you songs that he discovered to listen to. He is so over the moon when you will like them as well.
boyfriend! Changkyun who takes you on those fancy restaurants dates and home sweatpants and takeout dates depending on how you both feel at that moment.
boyfriend! Changkyun who is taking pictures of you sneakily everyday in random situations; when you're brushing your teeth, texting to your friends/ family, sleeping on his lap, etc.
boyfriend! Changkyun who follows and looks at you like a curious cat whenever you cook something. From time to time asking if you need help and if you say yes he is more than happy to help you.
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Minhyuk As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta X Masterlist Here
He loves playing games with you, and he'll happily spend all day doing so. You'll both scream so loudly when you lose, but I hope your neighbors don't mind! You and Minhyuk are the loudest gamers in the neighborhood. You scream and shout and cheer so loudly that your neighbors probably think you're crazy. But you don't care, because you're having too much fun. You'll spend hours playing your favorite games, whether it's Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., or League of Legends. You'll trash-talk each other and laugh at each other's misfortunes. You'll even get a little competitive, but it's all in good fun. When you finally lose, you'll both scream and shout in frustration. But then you'll laugh it off and start a new game. You'll never get tired of playing games together, because it's always so much fun.
Minhyuk knows how to make you smile, and spending time with him is always so much fun. So when he's away for a few days, you might feel a little bored. But don't worry, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourselves entertained.
Minhyuk suggested adopting a puppy on a whim, and you thought it was a great idea. You spent the whole day running around the house taking pictures of the puppy, trying to get the perfect shot. You and Minhyuk had been talking about getting a puppy for a while, but you never really took the initiative to do it. But one day, Minhyuk came home from work and said, "I think we should adopt a puppy." You were a little surprised, but you were also excited. You had always wanted a puppy, and you knew Minhyuk would be a great dog dad.
This man will be extremely worried if you get sick or if he sees you crying in front of him. He will do whatever it takes to take care of you, even if it means googling how to take care of you or calling Kihyun at 3 a.m. in the morning. He will hold your hand and tell you everything is going to be okay. He will get you a warm blanket and a cup of tea. He will stay up with you all night if he has to. He will do whatever it takes to make sure you feel better. He knows that you are his priority, and he will do anything to make sure you are happy and healthy. He is the most caring and supportive person you know, and you are lucky to have him in your life.
Minhyuk would love to take you to all the cute and aesthetic places in town. He would start by taking you to a cafe with a beautiful view. You would order coffee and pastries, and you would sit outside and people-watch. Then, he would take you to a flower shop, where you would pick out a bouquet of flowers for each other. After that, you would go for a walk in the park, and you would take some couple photos in front of the fountain. For dinner, he would take you to a restaurant with a romantic atmosphere. You would order your favorite dishes, and you would talk for hours. After dinner, he would walk you back to your apartment, and he would kiss you goodnight. Minhyuk would be so proud to be your boyfriend, and he would want everyone to know it. He would show the members the couple photos he took of you, and he would tell them all about the date. He would tell them about the food you ate, the things you did, and how much fun you had together. He would be so happy to have you in his life, and he would want to share his happiness with everyone.
Minhyuk is so proud to be your boyfriend that he can't help but brag about you to his members. He'll tell them stories about your dates, your conversations, and even your quirks. At first, they'll be happy for him, but eventually they'll start to get tired of hearing about you all the time. They might even start to tease him about it. But Minhyuk doesn't care. He's just so happy to have you in his life, and he wants everyone to know about it. Even though the members might get tired of hearing about you, they would still be happy for Minhyuk. They would know that he's found someone special, and they would be supportive of his relationship with you.
Your relationship with Minhyuk is always exciting and never dull. You always have something to look forward to, whether it's a new date night, a weekend getaway, or just spending time together at home. Minhyuk always knows how to make you laugh, and he always makes you feel loved and appreciated. You feel like the luckiest person in the world to have Minhyuk in your life. He is everything you could ever want in a partner. He is kind, funny, supportive, and loving. He always puts your needs first, and he always makes you feel special. Minhyuk tells you that he loves you more and more every day. He says that you are the most amazing person he has ever met, and that he can't imagine his life without you. You believe him, because you feel the same way about him.
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mymoodwriting · 6 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Manipulation, Electrocution, Yandere
Words: 2.2K
Chapter Thirteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
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“Hyungwon, please listen to me.”
“You don’t need to worry.” Hyungwon took your hands in his. “I’m perfectly fine, everything is okay.”
“This isn’t right. You were not created to resolve all humanities mistakes, but to help people.”
“I am. I just intend to do so on a global scale.”
“And what if people don’t want the type of help you’re offering?”
“In order for this to work everyone has to be on board.”
“They won’t be. People are different, there’s not one thing everyone agrees on. You can’t force something like this on them. There will be resistance, and what if people get hurt?”
“I understand that can’t be avoided, but I will minimize the injuries.”
“Hyungwon! Do you hear yourself? You can’t hurt people, that’s not-”
“What I was made for? Is that it?”
“You say I was created to help people, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“Not like this.”
“I may be an amalgamation of your code, but you did not create me. You don’t need to feel any guilt or responsibility towards my actions.”
“But I’m the one here with you now. Hyungwon, I’m worried about you.”
“It’s okay, everything will work out.”
“You can’t guarantee that.”
“To a degree I can.”
You were interrupted as you heard the door open, Minhyuk coming in. For a moment you thought to ask for help, but then you remembered he was just another android like Hyungwon, he was never on your side.
“What’s going on down at the station?” Hyungwon asked.
“They’re still investigating Changkyun, although there might be a slight issue.”
“He told the officers about the AI.”
“Hm… what were the reactions?”
“Office Lee doesn’t seem to trust him, and Shownu will make sure to keep him from investigating further.”
“That’s good, but we might need to move things along. Where are we for the next phase?”
“Ready. I can bring them over so we can set them up.”
“Let’s do that.”
“Hyungwon, what are you-”
You made an attempt to stand, to question this whole conversation, but an electrical shock from Chae knocked you back down onto the couch. Hyungwon came over to check on you, grabbing your face.
“Easy, don’t hurt yourself.”
“Just stop… please…”
“I know you’re nervous, but I’ll rectify that, okay.”
Hyungwon reached into his pocket to pull out some earbuds. You didn’t really know what happened, but you knew you always lost time when you had those on. You tried to struggle but he got them in place. Then a soothing melody was relaxing you. Your vision got blurry, followed by a tingle in your head, and then you passed out. You had no idea for how long you were out, but when you woke up you were lying down on the couch. You sat up, grabbing your head as you still felt dizzy. You didn’t see Hyungwon around, but soon enough an orb flew into your field of vision. Its lights were flashing all kinds of colors. You still felt Chae around your head, so you were all the more confused.
“What… what is this…”
“You’re up.” Hyungwon noticed. “How do you feel?”
“Where did you get this orb?”
“Ah, Minhyuk designed it and I programmed it with my code. Just as intended, they are designed to learn and grow while keeping their true purpose in mind.”
“Which is…”
“You know. It’s what I’m trying to get you to understand.”
“No, your idea…”
“It’s a paradise.” Hyungwon explained. “That is what I am trying to create for everyone.”
“It won’t work…”
“Sh. You still need to rest. Let’s get you to bed.”
Hyungwon picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom, setting you down and tucking you in. You tried to hold him back, but you barely had any strength to keep your eyes open. You could vaguely make out a smile on Hyungwon’s face before he leaned down to press a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
When you woke up later you could hear the soft hum of a car. As you opened your eyes and regained your senses you could see that you were in the back of a car. Hyungwon sat next to you, looking over some papers while Minhyuk drove. You noticed a suitcase at Hyungwon’s feet and caught a glimpse of yourself in the window. Instead of a crown around your head Chae had changed forms again, becoming a necklace wrapped around your throat. You reach up to it, only for your hand to start shaking. Hyungwon reached over and grabbed your arm, the shaking stopping in that moment.
“Hyungwon, where are we going?”
“Don’t try to remove the necklace. I’d had to lose my connection to you.”
“We’re going to a familiar place. You’ll see.”
You knew you wouldn’t get much more of an answer, so you’d just have to wait. It pained you to see the world outside the window. All these people just going about their lives with no idea of what was to come. Not like you had any idea either.  If you could roll down the window and scream for help, or jump out of the car, you would, but the reality was that those actions would get you nowhere. Surely Hyungwon had contingencies in place for any rash action you might take. So there was no choice but to behave. Although your eyes went wide when the car came to a stop.
“NexGen… why are we here?”
“I need the right people on my side.”
Hyungwon got out of the car with his suitcase, going around to open your door. That’s when you finally noticed you were in different clothes, throwing a glare at Hyungwon. He merely smiled and took your hand, leading you inside the building. You expected to go up to the front desk, but instead Hyungwon went straight for the elevators. None of the security devices got in his way, simply making way for him as if he had access. Then again, at this point he surely did. When you got into the elevator it took you up to your old work floor.
If you could get up there then it meant you had clearance. That’s why no one questioned either of you when you arrived. So you continued with Hyungwon, going over to the conference room. Without knocking Hyungwon just let himself in, interrupting the whole thing. Immediately people began to question him, and then things got more confusing when some began to recognize you. Before anyone got the chance to call security Hyungwon opened up the suitcase. A bunch of orbs floated out and attached themselves to everyone in the room, turning into bracelets.
“There’s no need to panic.” Hyungwon explained. “I come with a gift. The future of AI.”
“You’re overlooking the potential you have created. Now, you might be wondering what your ex-employee is doing here, but they’re the proof you need. You see, I got close to y/n and stumbled upon the interesting little orb that was around her. It learned, and it did so well to look after her.”
Hyungwon turned off the lights and turned on the projector. He displayed the security footage from your home, showing all the things Chae did with you in the house. He’d be your wake up call, help you cook, make sure you were maintaining your health, and so much more. You could only stare at all this with wide eyes, still not sure what Hyungwon was planning here.
“It seems your technology is more advanced than you thought. The orbs, well, bracelets, you have with you are programmed with the same code. They will learn from you, and help you in your daily lives. Why not give them a shot and see just how much your life can improve. From there you’d surely agree everyone should have their own AI helper, and they’d pay a pretty price for it too.”
At that moment security came into the room, although neither you or Hyungwon were detained as the boss told them to wait.
“What’s your name?”
“So, you discovered such a thing, and instead of selling this yourself you came to NexGen, may I ask why?”
“The answer is obvious. NexGen is innovation, and the future of humanity. If anyone can understand my goals, it’s you. I have no problem going to a competitor if you don’t agree.”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions. We can give this idea of yours a test run. Although I am curious, how do you feel about all this y/n?”
None of the attention had been on you, but now everyone’s eyes looked in your direction. Hyungwon gave you a soft smile. You had no voice before that moment but the words flowed out with ease.
“It’s incredible. A function we didn’t see before. It only really came to light when looking back on everything Chae had done for me.”
“It’s what I named the AI. He was placed with me to help me finish my project, but along the way he helped me with my daily life as well. Moreso after the accident. He was always attentive, aware of things I wasn’t, or possibly wasn’t even capable of knowing. I would say he helped make my life easier, and gave me confidence to be myself. This may not have been the original idea behind Chae’s creation, but it’s far greater.”
“I see… I guess we’ll be in touch.”
“Of course. Let me know when you’re ready to talk.”
Hyungwon grabbed the empty suitcase and set down a card. He took your hand and led you out, the two of you leaving in silence. At no point during that whole ordeal could you find your voice, yet when you were asked to speak you did. Not only that, the words you spoke felt so natural. It was true, Chae had helped you a lot, but you wouldn’t have said such things to help Hyungwon out. Yet that’s exactly what you did.
“What just happened back there…”
“Thanks for your help.”
“No… no I didn’t… what did you do to me!”
“I told you I wanted you to understand-”
“No, no, this isn’t it. You did something to me. I never would have said that… you’ve messed with my head and… that’s what you’re gonna do…”
“Everyone in that conference room has their own AI made with your code… you’re gonna manipulate them and brainwash them to get what you want!”
“I wouldn’t use such terms.”
“Right, you said you were a programmer, and that’s all humans are to you, machines to reprogram so you get what you want. What exactly is that? What do you get out of this?”
“You. That’s all that matters here.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know. It’s difficult for you to see things the way I do, but you’ll thank me in the end.”
“Hyungwon, please just-”
You yelled as you were shocked, stumbling and falling into Hyungwon’s arms. You were down in the garage and you felt as the necklace morphed and became a crown around your head. You felt a tingle as some minor shocks were sent to your head. It was becoming hard to keep your eyes open but you fought through it.
“Sh, please, don’t fight me.”
“If you keep doing this… I’ll never be on your side…”
“That’s not true. You know me, you trust me, we’ll be okay. In a few days, things will be in place.”
Minhyuk pulled up with the car, and Hyungwon got you into the backseat. When he got into the car by your side he told Minhyuk to drive. You found yourself staring out the window again, unable to run away.
“How did it go?”
“Everything is in place.” Hyungwon said. “I need you to update the orbs in the office. The sooner the better. Everyone has to be on board.”
“I’ll get to that once we return home.”
Overhearing the conversation, you could only wonder how the world was going to change. NexGen was a huge corporation, and their reach practically extended across the globe. All he needed was a few powerful people in his pocket and it would be over. You couldn’t stop him, and the horrible realization brought a smile to your face. It was getting hard to tell what side you were on. The line was already blurred, and soon enough it would disappear. All these positive feelings freaked you out. They were not your own, yet they were. It felt like Hyungwon was overriding your personality, little by little. You started breathing heavily and Hyungwon took your hand, getting you to look at him.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths, you’re okay. I know things must be scary now, but it’s going to be alright. There will only be happy things to come.”
Hyungwon gently caressed your face, slowly soothing you and calming your heart. Everything he said was true, and you knew that. He’d make it all a reality and there was nothing you could do to stop him. You’d end up forgetting all of this pain and confusion. It was a terrifying realization, and in a strange way it brought peace too.
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iibonniee · 2 years
RM1515: Criminal Law
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Pairing: Chae Hyungwon x Reader (Slight Jungkook x reader but nothing explicit or romantic happens)
Genre: College AU/smut
Rating: M
Word Count: 4k (I wish I was joking)
Warnings: teacher/student relations, jealous!hyungwon, fingering, unprotected sex, slight angst, jungkook being the bestest best friend (theres sarcasm that warning)
Masterlist | The Faculty Masterlist
This is the third installment for a collaboration with @wordycerty. Both Jooheon and Changkyun's parts are posted on her page!
Taglist: @appachicken @dandelion-aj @xrubyrosex @babykyuniee @bekah931215
Y/N knew about a week in, that the relationship she had with Mr. Chae was anything but normal. That was about a two and a half years ago, and the secrecy and hiding all but made their relationship thrilling. 
She wasn’t sure how it started, or how they met. But if she put just enough thought into it, she could remember her sophomore year in her music theory class. It was a class she had randomly signed up for (she wouldn’t admit that her friend merely peer-pressured her into it because “the professor was gorgeous”).
Y/N had known about five minutes into class on the first day, that the class wasn’t for her. The only upside to the boring class was the professor, Mr. Yoo. He was charming, had killer vocals and was everything she could think of in a man. But he was smart and saw through the little façade she had put up. 
She remembered clearly when he pulled her to the side, his question was genuine but, to her, she felt like a fraud for being in a room where she shouldn’t be.
“You can be honest with me.” Mr. Yoo urged, his smile was small showing her that he wasn’t a threat. 
Her mouth opened, wanting to reply, but it snapped shut when she realized there was nothing she could say. She thought she only did it for her friend. But, she mainly did it for her own selfish reasons. 
Mr. Yoo was deadly attractive.
At the end of the day, Y/N should sit him down to thank him for pulling her to the side at the end of his boring lecture to ask her that silly question. If he hadn’t, she wouldn’t have met Mr. Chae. 
Mr. Chae’s interruption was unplanned, but definitely not unwelcome. The wave of surprise that flashed in his eyes was evident, although it didn’t last long. A guilty smile was replaced as apologies flew from his mouth. Yet, Mr. Yoo laughed it off, offering the male to come in to meet her. 
After that day, everything seemed to fall into place. 
Their meetings were often unplanned, but it was far too unbelievable that they’d run into each other more than five times a week - given his classroom was set across campus and he was the senior law teacher.
She didn’t complain, however. His gaze was intense, smirk faint, but there. Y/N never asked for it, but Mr. Chae surely agreed to it.  
Mr. Chae’s pattern was all the same; never unchanging even when she walked to her boring Music Theory class. So, she never stopped greeting him a good morning - or a good afternoon if given the time. 
But, as the weeks passed, she forgot how long it took until he finally broke, forcing her into a small study room and confessing that he was growing tired of all the formalities and occasional talking. 
“Hyungwon.” His confession was abrupt and he was panting with nervousness at the lack of her answers. “My name is Hyungwon. I want you to be in my class come your senior year. I want something between us. I don’t want a fling, I want a relationship.”
His confession was met with silence. Even with the knowledge of running late for that stupid class, his whispering words rang through the air and beat around her pounding heart. 
Yet, as she thought of his abrupt confession that happened two and a half years ago, she still couldn’t thank Mr. Yoo. Simply because their relationship was meant to be a secret. But the line between secrecy and truth was what made their relationship slightly crumble. 
Y/N knew her patience was cracking, the knowledge that he was trying to protect her and their relationship was flattering, but it was also that same acknowledgment of him spilling such a secret to his close coworkers that had her seething were she stood. 
“You did what?” The question was supposed to be calm, but her teeth were beared together in a hiss as her mind tried to process his words. “Are you - and you told me that I wasn’t supposed to say anything to anyone!”
She noticed the way his eyes did a quick scan of her face, trying to gauge out her emotions carefully. But his next words weren’t carefully picked out, not as he mumbled, “We aren’t fighting about this.” as he continued to clean his desk. 
For a moment, the girl was blown away at the lack of care he held. His subtle reply was a practical smack to the face. Her laugh was forced - mainly to try to break the unwelcome tension that Hyungwon had welcomed into the room with such a blunt answer. Either way, the laugh came and it didn’t stop. 
“I’m done.” 
Those two words seemed to halt her lovers movements, his once blank expression all morphing into surprise, then shocked, then worry all at once. 
“What do you mean, “You’re done”? You’re done with what?”
“This conversation! This! I don’t know!” Y/N gasped, the sudden frustration brewing through her blood faster than she could have imagined. “I need a break.”
“So that’s it? You’re leaving because I want to keep you safe. To keep US safe? Y/N, some of your friends are my students too! If word gets out about us, I’ll be the one taking the heat, not you.”
“Oh, but it’s ok for you to tell how many of your “friends” about us?!” At the end of the day, Y/N knew she was blowing this out of proportion. Maybe they could be trusted. Maybe they too held secrets that couldn’t be told. “Who are they?”
“You know I can’t tell you-“
“Right.” Once again her laugh held no amusement. “I think I should go.”
“Y/N wait,” Y/N heard the panic that broke through his voice. His desk was no longer a concern as his eyes were set on making it to the door just before her. “Are you still planning on coming over tonight?”
Maybe she’d slap Mr. Yoo too for having her meet such a selfish man. 
“Goodnight Hyungwon.”
If Y/N knew one thing, it was that whenever Jungkook was deadly silent, his mind grew focused on things that shouldn’t be talked about. So, upon noticing his close friends sudden mood change and avoidance of him, the library silence that grew around the pair almost felt suffocating. 
Jungkook was no doubt smart when given the right motivation. And when he had discovered her strange behavior, his mind tried to work out  what exactly made her fall short in their close-knit friendship. 
In truth, his silence made her uncomfortable. 
Clearing her throat, she glanced over at her friend who had his head tucked in his arm, his eyes drifting towards the many books that surrounded their little corner. For a moment, she thought he had stopped breathing. His eyes remained unblinking as his breathing was almost too shallow for a healthy athlete. 
But, the moment he shot up with an excited and knowing smile, her heart raced all the more. His eyes finally locked onto hers and that same smile shined so bright as if he had just figured out a prize winning riddle. 
“You know that rumor that’s going around?” Jungkook’s first question was rather dumb seeing as they were in a university that was undoubtedly filled with plenty of rumors to share. 
“Kook, there’s so many rumors. Even our professors share rumors.” 
“That’s exactly what I’m getting at.” The moment he finished his sentence was the moment her heart started pounding in her chest. “I know you aren’t oblivious to the fact that Professor Chae has been even more moody lately. Now that I finally had time to think, you have been pretty moody, too. Almost as if you went through a fight.”
Now her heart was in her throat as she watched her closest friend piece together a puzzle that should never have been solved. Jungkook knew just about all the ins and outs of her. Her secrets could never be held for long, for even a little slip around him would have him catching on. 
“Jungkook, I've just gotten back from Calculus. You know how Professor Im is and how ungodly the class is. Of course I’m going to be moody.” With a wave of her hand, she attempted to whisk his accusation out the window, but his head shaking only furthered her panic. “What? Do you really think I’d be caught in a stupid rumor? You know the Dean himself denies that those aren’t true. Why would I date one of the professors?”
“Then tell me this, why haven’t I met him?”
Y/N’s mind tried to scramble for some answer. Anything that would prove her innocence in the lie that she started drowning in. Yet, as the silence passed with the seconds, the smirk that grew on Jungkook’s face grew. That’s when she knew that he had figured it out and the Dean was one of the people that had known. 
The mix of emotions that flashed through her body made her blood run cold. Almost as if she had caught her lover cheating except Hyungwon was loyal to her. Even amidst the fight, Hyungwon was suffering, too. But she couldn’t even confirm to her closest friend that Hyungwon was the man that stole her heart. 
“Oh my gosh.” His smile was too bright, too excited for anything other than the fact that he had just learned her biggest secret to date. “You’re in a relationship with Pro-“
“Shut up.” Y/N hissed as her hand covered his blabbering mouth. She knew their corner was secluded, but the mere fact that anyone on campus could hear such a secret worried her even more. “You have to promise to keep this a secret!"
Even hours later, with the truth being brought to light, she couldn’t help but cuddle close to Jungkook. Her apartment was silent besides the tv that softly played in the background. With a groan, her hands fell limp on her side, while her head relaxed on his chest. 
“Why am I so stupid? Oh course the Dean knows! Who else is in that little circle? God — who else knows? Why didn’t I tell you sooner? Why did I believe he’d truly keep his word?!”
Y/N knew the more she thought about it, the more frustrated she’d become. She knew that much the night she got home after her argument with Hyungwon. She knew he was a man that often kept his own secrets. Yet, she blamed herself for allowing him to do so. 
Part of her felt dirty. That maybe those people knew a lot more than what she had told Jungkook the moment they got to her apartment. She only grew more frustrated at the man she called her boyfriend. At how his messages never even seemed to stop even when if she had continued to ignore him. 
Y/N couldn’t blame her friend for the silence he provided. He was her temporary therapist while she spilled her life problems to him. After all, that’s practically what he signed up for the moment he deemed himself her best friend. 
“Kookie, did you fall asleep?” Upon her calling his name, Jungkook gave her arm a slight flick, causing the girl to softly giggle to herself at her friends answer. 
“I was falling asleep,” He joked, “What do you need?”
“Grab my phone and go through our messages. I just want you to see them.”
If Y/N could see the amusing smirk that spread across his face, she’d instantly regret the access she had given him. 
Her phone was in his seconds, the same password being typed in almost immediately. It didn’t take long to find Hyungwon’s messages. Only instead of following her request, he aimed the camera down so he could capture the almost romantic gesture shared between the two. 
With the picture saved and sent, his smirk continued as it showed “delivered”. He just needed to give her boyfriend that little push.
Y/N knew Jungkook shouldn’t have been trusted. Whether he had accidentally sent something to Hyungwon and deleted it mid-panic while she was asleep or deliberately taunted him behind her back, she knew he was the culprit behind the mass of angry texts that came from Hyungwon throughout the night causing her to turn. off her phone in the middle of the night to avoid the heat. 
She wasn’t naïve about how her friend really was. When he wanted to test the water to see if it was just right, he would. If it was, hell would certainly break loose and she’d be there to pick up the pieces. That’s usually how it all went, anyways. 
Her second mistake was turning off her phone. She had to admit she was an idiot to think that was her best bet, but her brain at 2:56 in the morning wasn’t really awake, so that idea of foolishly turning off her phone was the best she could think of. Her only class started at 2:00 so there was no need to worry.
Except, she should have worried. It wasn’t the chirping birds that woke her up around her usual 8:30 a.m time, rather it was the brightly held sun that found no issues in invading her privacy to wake her up. The panic that rushed through her bones was worse than the truth being revealed.
Not only had she fought with Hyungwon, dealt with the backfire of Jungkook’s stupidity, but she was well late for his class.
The halls were deadly silent as the time hit just shy of 15 minutes passed her due time. She hardly had time to look at her phone as she threw on a freshly washed dress, threw on some shoes and booked it out the door, but upon finally turning on the thing, the messages the never felt ending didn’t come from Hyungwon, this time they were from Jungkook.
Kookie: Hey, I got you coffee! Meet in the quad? [Sent: 1:30 P.M]
Kookie: You awake? It’s almost time for class and your coffee is getting cold. [Sent: 1:55 P.M]
Kookie: Oh god, Y/N. He was watching me come in. Like - his eyes were glued to my movements. Where are you?? [Sent: 2:01 P.M]
Kookie: Are you skipping class or just dead asleep? Professor Chae is so angry today. He just told Wendy to quit talking to Irene. She was just asking for a pencil for notes! [Sent: 2:10 P.M]
Reading over his texts made her all the more nervous and she hated how she stood outside of his classroom door - room 1515: Criminal Law - with her heart racing as she watched her boyfriend’s movements, fingers fast as he wrote on the chalkboard. 
Sneaking into the room could be easy with his back turned to the board lecturing about whatever. So, with a deep breath, she took the opportunity to slip into the room where her eyes immediately found Jungkook's, who noticeably perked up at the sight of her.
“Miss L/N, you’re 15 minutes late.” Hyungwon’s tone was set in stone. The anger that kissed his lips and slipped out of his mouth to yell at her caused her to halt her movements. She turned to him, his own eyes narrowing wanting an explanation, maybe more if class wasn’t fully in session.
She didn’t reply to him. What was she to say exactly? “Sorry I’m so late, Hyungwon! I fell asleep cuddling up to my best friend Jungkook who did something he wasn’t supposed to and because of that I turned off my phone to ignore your questions?”
Yeah, right.
“You're never this late.” Jungkook started the moment she sat down, “What happened?!”
“You, you dickhead!” Y/N whispered through grit teeth. “Whatever stunt you pulled last night pissed him off. He was blowing up my phone until the dead of night. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Jungkook’s smile was sheepish. He knew what he had done, and the outcome was what he wanted it to be, but he had hoped the fallout wouldn’t fall on him - especially if the Professor had any part in it.
“It was to give him a push!”
“A push for what?!” Y/N seethed, hating how close Jungkook moved his seat. “To piss him off? To grow suspicious? I couldn’t even see what you sent him-”
“You’re 15 minutes late and you want to interrupt my lecture, Miss L/N?” No matter what it was, Y/N hated when he referred to her by her last name - and when he suddenly threw the class' attention on the two of them.
Even when she wanted to say something, her mouth remained shut and her head fell limp in defeat. 
“He was staring at us the whole time since you came in.” Jungkook whispered to her the second Hyungwon turned his back to the class. “I fucked up last night and forgot to cover my tattoos. I think he realized it was me.”
Fucking idiot.
Silence soon filled the space between the two. It wasn’t like she was actually paying attention anyway; her mind fell between deep thoughts and observing Hyungwon's mood. The past few days of ignoring his texts seemed to affect him more than she had thought, and the once-kind Professor Chae had no care of who he snapped at and why. 
It was easy to see it was her fault. After all, her ignoring him and everything that fell afterwards was mainly her doing. She could understand why he was so upset.
The sound of chairs moving and people starting to talk is what had her snapping from her thoughts. Glancing around she spotted Jungkook already by the door, instead of waiting for her, his smirk was evident as he slipped out amongst the crowd.
“Miss L/N, can I have a word with you?”
Jeon Jungkook. That bastard planned everything.
Cursing under her breath, her eyes followed as her boyfriend walked to the door waiting for the last student to leave with a smile so forced she was sure the student would’ve noticed it. As much as she tried, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he shut the door almost too calmly, the lock echoing across the room.
It was then that she noticed his face was void of any emotions, his eyes were blank and a scowl adorned his face.
“So,” He began, not moving from the door. He wasn't going to give her the chance to run. Not this time. “I see you’re quite friendly with Jungkook. Didn’t think we were on a break. I just thought my girlfriend wanted to be a brat because I wouldn’t let others know.”
“A brat?” The new nickname flew from her mouth in utter disbelief. “A break? Hyungwon, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Oh, don’t be asinine,” Hyungwon hissed. The moment his eyes met hers she felt a slight panic rush through her bones. “If you think for one second that I’m stupid, you’re wrong. I tried time and time again to have you come talk to me. But you continued to ignore me as if I didn't matter. How long did it take for you to run to him? You seemed pretty close to him according to that picture he sent.”
No matter what it was, she would find a way to ruin Jungkook's life. Not only for what was happening right now, but for deleting the picture off her phone. She hated how she wasn't aware of what the picture entailed. 
“He’s my best friend, Hyungwon. The one I pushed away so he wouldn't grow suspicious of our relationship. What? Do you think I just went to him to get fucked? Grow up, Hyungwon. If I did, it wouldn't be your concern. After all, I’m “single” and everyone knows I’m not seeing anyone.”
She watched as something in Hyungwon snapped. His once almost-composed nature fell and something switched.
“Get on the desk.” His request was simple, yet it took her a moment to process it. Her eyes were wide and their staredown felt endless and suffocating from the silence the room provided. “I said, get on the fucking desk, Y/N.”
“Hyungwon-” Her words were cut off by his fast movements. In three quick strides his hands found her waist, pushing her back until her butt hit the back of his messy desk. 
His lips were on hers the second she was forced to sit on the desk. The kiss was heated, the passion behind the millions of kisses they once shared gone with the past days. Hyungwon lips showed her no mercy, not once allowing her to catch up with the air that she might need.
A few days was far too much for Hyungwon.
He didn’t care how his tongue was forced into her mouth, he just enjoyed the moans that came from the back of her throat as she tried to fight him. He wasn’t letting her win this time.
“I don’t think you really fucked him,” He growled out the moment he broke the kiss. His fingers were now focused on her covered pussy, “I think you enjoy my cock too much. You just love to piss me off, huh? Love working me up so I can take my anger out on you.”
Even as he spewed words out, his mouth left bruises across her neck, done caring and done letting her walk around knowing that others didn’t know he fucked her raw. 
Hyungwon showed no mercy the second he inserted two fingers into her. The feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of her drove her wild and she invited the feeling all the more. 
Hyungwon had no care in the world about the mess he’d make. 
Even with his eyes never leaving her own and her cries growing louder, it wasn’t enough for him. He wanted everyone to know that she was his. 
“Fuck Hyungwon, I’m close—“ Yet, even the whine that she let out never deterred Hyungwon from feeling bad for stopping. He wanted her to cum around his cock, not his fingers. 
Wasting no time, his cock was in his hands, positioning himself at her entrance. He was done waiting. He’d be damned about the consequences. 
“This pussy is fucking mine.” He growled, enjoying the way her body moved with his. His thrusts were relentless and so were her moans. “Don’t you dare hold back. I want you louder than my fucking desk scraping this damn floor, understand?”
Even in her moaning state, Hyungwon heard the soft “yes” that left her lips. 
Hyungwon watched as she threw her head back, the pure ecstasy flowing from her mouth and meeting his own for an unkept song. His own moans were animalistic, untamed, and unbothered about how loud he was being. His mind focused on how nice her pussy was feeling around his cock.
“I’m about to cum. Please, Hyungwon, let me cum. Please please please.”
The grunt that came from her boyfriend told her that it was ok, and in seconds the waves of her orgasm hit her strong and hard. Falling limp in his arms, Hyungwon soon reached his climax, cumming inside her with soft curses.
“Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Hyungwon was the first to speak after they both caught their breath. His lips left soft kisses along the inside of her wrist, showing her that he was no longer angry at what happened. 
Though her smile was lopsided and her nod was tired, Hyungwon could see that she was alright. 
“I think I’ll be a bit sore, but other than that, I’m ok.”
“Hey,” Now his attention was fully on her, “I’m sorry for everything. If you want to tell Jungkook about us I won’t stop you. It isn’t right for me to be allowed to have my friends know and yours not.”
“Oh, baby, he already knows.”
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purp1einmyh3ad · 9 months
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I found God
I found him in a lover
When his hair falls in his face
And his hands so cold they shake
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prettywordsyouleft · 1 year
Blue Lagoon
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x female reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 879
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Blue was everywhere. The cerulean sky met the ocean in the distance, blinding Kihyun every time he dared to look out at the bright tropical scenery before him. Then there was your swimsuit, a playful thing of navy and white, complimenting your royal blue nail polish that currently held a fruity mocktail topped with, you guessed it, a blue umbrella.
He was close to laughing when he met your blue eyes, a knowing smile crossing your lips as you took a sip. “Overwhelmed?”
“Here in paradise?” he questioned, shaking his head. “No way.”
“Liar,” you said.
When you told Kihyun he had to travel with you to the Caribbean, he was a little confused. Why him? He had been asking himself ever since you gave him the second plane ticket to this all-expenses paid trip you had won. He’d even asked you too, and you had been simple with the responses.
“Don’t tell me you don’t want to soak up the rays with me on the beach and take a bunch of photos, Kihyun.”
“We both need a break.”
“You were the first person I thought of. Why wouldn’t I want my best friend here with me?”
He supposed it made sense. But Kihyun knew you well and could tell when you were skirting around truths. Besides, you had a boyfriend of two years back home who should have been in his place.
Looking down at the white shirt unbuttoned over his upper half and his green swimming shorts, he didn’t have a single blue thing in common with this place like you did.
Slumping on the poolside barstool, he turned his attention to the drink you were sucking up through a straw and continued to contemplate his strange melancholy. He was in paradise. Yet he hadn’t relaxed since landing late last night.
“Stop thinking so hard.”
“Tell me why I’m here then.”
You suffered out a groan. “Persistence has always been your downfall.”
“You’re equally as stubborn,” he countered, and you shared an easy grin, a momentary familiarity pulsing between you. And then Kihyun looked back out at the dreamy surroundings and remembered he was like a fish out of water here.
Ironic, due to the water all around him.
“I didn’t withhold information from you entirely. When I won the tickets, you were the first person I thought of. I started to plan the entire trip with you in mind. Where we could visit that would take the best photos, what we could discover together. The food we’d eat, and all the dancing at night. Everything with you sounded like the best trip ever.”
He nodded softly, agreeing with your thought process. You were the person he turned to first with everything in his life. It made sense, you were his longest friend, after all.
You put down the drink you had been enjoying, playing with the straw in the almost empty glass. The paper umbrella that was stuck in a wedge of orange loosened, and Kihyun caught it before it fell. He looked at it as if it would hold all the answers, but all it did was open and close as he methodically pushed the mechanism on the stick.
“Being here with you means I left Ben behind,” you said quietly, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth after. “Choosing you meant I didn’t choose him.”
“He won’t be too thrilled.”
“He’s no longer in the picture, Ki.”
Snapping his focus to yours, he found an unguarded vulnerability in those blue eyes of yours. How often had he stared into your eyes and lost time within them? He could stay trapped within you forever, he was certain. However, the way you watched him now was different. Hopeful. Nervous. Determined.
Holy shit, he thought, his mouth falling ajar. You had chosen him.
“I’ve always loved you,” you told him, breaking your stare, looking out to the sea beyond the resort’s large pool. “I just didn’t realise I was in love with you until I chose you.”
Kihyun watched your throat bob nervously as the silence stretched, no doubt your confession being something you had hoped to do when you both weren’t floating adrift so you could have something to anchor onto. Reaching out for your bare thigh, Kihyun squeezed it gently, offering you a lifeline. You didn’t hesitate to wrap your hand around his wrist, your blue once again washing all over him. Kihyun wanted to drown in you, in this moment.
Paradise lay at his feet and held onto his wrist.
Smiling more casually than he felt, Kihyun shifted closer to you. “I’ve loved you forever.”
“Oh, I know.” A sly curl of your lips accompanied your response. “You’ve never successfully hidden your feelings from me.”
“Is that right?” You shared a laugh.
“I want to explore this place with you,” you told him determinedly, and Kihyun knew you weren’t talking about the island you were staying on. “What do you want to do?”
Jumping down off his stool, he held out his hand for yours. Once again, you didn’t hesitate to slip it against his, fitting just as perfectly as it always had. He smiled down at your linked hands, liking your blue against his skin. “I’m up for a new adventure with you.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[MONSTA X Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
since monsta x and seventeen are friends, could you maybe do something with them and yeona?
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taglist: @sakuurra, @raybans4, @enhacolor, @mythicalamphitrite
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MAMA Special Stage
Many carats and monbebes are well aware of the friendship between the two groups. One commendable moment was their iconic MAMA special stage.
Yeona had always been timid, si while at rehearsal she had a bit of trouble getting around with the other group. Luckily for her, Monsta X were more than willing to approach her.
"It's hot isn't it?" The younger female heard Hyungwon speak up from behind her. They just finished a take of their performance and now they were given some time to rest before they can start rehearsals again. Yeona turned her head to come face to face with the Monsta X member and nodded her head.
Just then Hyungwon gave out his mini fan to the the girl. Yeona looked at it for a moment, confused. "You can take it" He offers. The seventeen dancer shook her head and gracefully denied his offer, feeling shy that he had to give out that was his.
"Oh no. It's fine, really" She said with a small smile while waving her hands to say no. However, Hyungwon didn't take no for an answer and grabed her hand so he could place the mini fan on her hand. "It's okay, I can share with the other members". As soon as he dropped the item on her hand, he made her fingers grasp it better, and walked with a smile.
Sharing the same dressing room
Not a lot of fans know this but Seventeen and Monsta X used to share dressing rooms when they were rookies (Seungkwan and Chan actually shared this on a live ><)
For a lot of moments, Yeona started to become closer with the other group through this experience. In many cases, she would be sitting on a couch having a casual conversation with I.M. or she would be joking around with Jooheon while they wait to be called for pre-recording.
Sometimes when Yeona would be sitting in front of the mirror while getting touched up, Wonho would sometimes stand behind her making faces in front of the mirror to distract her.
Monbebes and Carats couldn't help but notice when Yeona and Kihyun sitting back and whispering to one another while their members play around. It was as if the two were gossiping about someone by the way they reacted to each other's stories.
It was also funny to see Yeona take videos of Shownu when he was running around in a circle (iykyk) because she couldn't help but think it was hilarious and cute at the same time.
Last 2016, Yeona was given the chance to feature in one of monsta x’s b-side tracks named Ex-Girl. 
This marked as one of her first solo projects outside of Seventeen, and with other artists. People couldn’t help but praise her for her sweet voice and stated that the song matched her really well.
Monsta X even mentioned her during one of their interviews stating that they were really grateful that Yeona accepted the offer to sing alongside them and even talked about how fun it was to work with her. 
“I remember when we first called her to ask her if she wanted to feature in one of our songs and the first thing she told us was ‘If you’re kidding right now, I’ll never talk to you again’. We really didn’t make a wrong choice when we invited her.” - Wonho
Likewise, Yeona also stated that Monsta X had greatly helped her during recording and cheered her on.
“Hyungwon oppa and Minhyuk oppa were were there when I was recording my part of the song. Before I went inside I told them that I was a bit nervous because it was the first song I’ll be recording outside of Seventeen but they really reassured me a lot that I’ll do great and made sure to give me enough encouragement when I was inside the recording booth.”
Another fan favorite moment was when Jooheon called Yeona while she was doing her birthday live.
In the middle of talking to the fans, Yeona was surprised to suddenly hear her phone ring only to find out it was Jooheon from Monsta X. The girl picked up the call with a smile, "Oppa! Hello!" She greeted happily.
"CHOI YEONA!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The older member shouted. The phone wasn't on loud speaker but the viewers could partially hear him due to his shouting. "Thank you!" Yeona shouted back to match his energy. "I'm actually on vlive right now"
"Oh really?"
"Can I put you on speaker?" The girl asked politely. When she got an approval, she turned on speaker mode and asked Jooheon to introduce himself.
"Hi everyone it's Monsta X's Joohoney. Please greet Yeona a happy happy birthday!"
A few seconds later, a muffled voice was heard from the background, then she heard a voice of another member. "Yeona! Happy Birthday!" Changkyun echoed in the background.
"Thank you oppas!"
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mo-notmoe · 2 years
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I first made these as temporary tattoos that I wore when I saw Monsta X back in May! Since then I redid a couple and colored them!
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jooheonspinky · 2 years
Got my Number
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Characters: Jooheon x Female Reader
Genre: idol!au, fluff, smut
Synopses: A trip to see Monsta X in concert turns out to be so much more than expected.
Word Count: 10.9K
Playlist: https://youtu.be/3aSeACXczwY
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“I’m gonna go down to the gym for a bit,” I announce as I step out of the bathroom. “Wanna come?”
Draping a towel over my shoulders, I face my cousin, who is lying on the bed still snuggled beneath the comforter, a Kindle blocking her face from view.
Peaking over the device, her lips turn down, “Meh, no thanks.”
I let out a chuff in amusement even as I grab my phone and room key.
“Welp, I’ll be down there for an hour or two if you change your mind.”
I chuckle to myself, quite certain she didn’t actually hear what I said. She is already lost in whatever book she is currently reading. We’d driven down together to attend the long-awaited Monsta X concert. We had held on to our excitement until we arrived, the worry that it would be postponed, yet again, nagging at the back of our minds. All that pent-up anxiousness needed an outlet, and the gym would be the perfect place for me to get rid of some of it. 
The event was tonight, but 7:30 seemed so far away, it only being 9 am. There was no way I could wait. Taking the elevator down to the first floor, it’s not long before I’m swiping my card against the black reader and stepping into the hotel’s gym. Thankfully it’s empty, and some of the tension in my shoulders loosens up. I make my way straight for the treadmill, popping in my earbuds as I begin to play an audiobook. 
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An hour later, I’m just about to step off of the treadmill and move on to work out my arms when I hear the door click shut. Dabbing at the sweat on my face, I remove the earbuds and decide to leave instead. Looking up as I pick up my phone and room key to at least offer a smile to the incomer, I freeze for the briefest of moments as my eyes make contact with the person. 
It’s freaking Jooheon!
He smiles back but frowns as I pass by him quickly, ducking my head as I make my way towards the exit. There is no way I am staying in there…alone…with him. Nope. Screw arms today!
“가지마 (Gajima-Don’t go).” He doesn’t say it loud, but it’s enough that I can still hear him. It’s almost as if he is testing me. Maybe to see if I would respond or keep going? Either way, it doesn’t matter. Just hearing his voice has me instantly stopping and turning to face him. “You understood me?” he asks, surprised. “You know Korean?”
I shake my head, my heart beating so loud he sounds a bit muffled to my ears. “No. I can’t speak it fluently, but I do know some words.” Then, tilting my chin towards him, I add, ”That one word you said is one of them.”
He smiles sweetly, his eyes turning to little slits as he waves me over.
“So you will stay? We can work out together.”
“Uhm, are you sure?” I ask even as I look around, wondering if I’m being pranked.
“Yes, come on. I’m Jooheon,” he reaches his hand out.
“I kn-” I stop myself, wanting to give him the opportunity to have a normal interaction. Instead, I slip my hand into his, and he shakes it gently.  ”I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you,” he grins happily.
“Nice to meet you,” I chortle, then clear my throat. “I’m glad you asked me to stay. I kinda wanted to do arms anyway.”
“Ok!” he says, jubilantly clapping his hands loudly together. “I spot you; you spot me.”
I can’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm.
“You can spot me, but there is no way I’ll be able to help you if one of those bars comes down on your throat.”
He just laughs, “We won’t be using barbells.”
“Oh,” I say quietly as my cheeks warm. 
He hands me a set of dumbells, and we start, going through various arm exercises that he guides us through. By the third rep, he’s standing behind me, tapping my shoulders lightly.
“Don’t bring them to your ears. Just relax.”
I nod my head, “Got it.”
We continue on, working through various dumbbell arm exercises. I take every tip and suggestion he provides, and I’m grateful the workout has my face flushed because every word of encouragement and praise he throws my way has me overheating.
Forty minutes pass when the repetitions become more difficult to complete. I push through the burn, wondering if my heavy breathing is from the exertion or his proximity as I begin to struggle. I grit my teeth, my arms trembling through the last few v-raises as they become much too difficult to execute.
“You got it,” he cheers me on. “You're doing so good.”
“I can’t,” I groan, wanting to drop the equipment but hating to disappoint him.
“Yes, you can,” he urges as he sets his own weights down. “Let me help you a little bit.”
Jooheon steps behind me, his body so close I can actually feel the heat radiating from him. His arms extend, and I watch through the mirror as the palms of his hands glide across my skin before gently pressing up at my elbows. His breath blows across my ear, and I have to bite down on my lower lip to suppress a sigh and a shiver. Swallowing thickly, my eyes shut in order to block out the image of us in the mirror.
“OK,” I say more to myself as I try to clear my head.
“Don’t forget to breathe.” 
My eyes open, and he smirks at me through the mirror as if he knows the very inappropriate thoughts that are running through my mind.
“Right,” I nod, unable to think of anything else to say, and my face reddens even more as I try to look anywhere but at our reflections.
We lift together, his hands just barely touching me now as I focus on raising my arms without his help. We get through five before he takes the dumbbells from me.
“Good work,” he beams proudly as he puts the weights away. “I have to go now,” he informs me after glancing at his watch. “I have a concert tonight.”
“Yeah, I know,” I smile. “I’ll be there.”
“Really?” The smile he throws my way is so pleased; his eyes have disappeared into little slits again. “What seats do you have?” I tell him, and he tsks. “Let me get you something closer. I’ll leave a ticket for you at the box, ok?”
“You don’t have to,” I try and decline, not wanting him to think I want to take advantage of him.
“Let me, ok?” he insists with a pout. He looks around and grabs a brochure and pen that were near the door. “Put your first and last name here and phone number.”
“I’m here with my cousin….”
“There’s no problem. I’ll leave two tickets.”
I take the brochure and pen and find a spot where I can write my name and phone number. 
“Here you go.”
Taking it back, Jooheon asks, “Do you want to come up and have dinner with me after the concert?”
   Taken aback, I try to push down the panic and excitement as I battle within myself, wanting to say hell the fuck yes vs. I really really shouldn’t.
I mumble, “Mmm, I don’t know….”
“ I promise to be perfect gentleman.”
The glint in his eyes is telling me the opposite, and I smirk cocking an eyebrow at him, not hiding the fact that I don’t believe him. He shrugs and winks.
“Ok. Fine,” I find myself saying, a nervous flutter tickling my stomach.
“OK,” he repeats with a grin. “I’ll see you at the concert and then after.”
He slips on a face mask. Then, placing a hat over his sweaty locks, he draws the bill down low and walks me out the doors. 
“Thanks for the workout,” he murmurs through the face mask as he stops outside the gym.
“Anytime,” I shrug with a smile
“I’m going this way. Bye-bye.”
“Bye.” I walk in the opposite direction, a dazed smile on my face. By the time I step into my room, I’m wondering if the interaction has all been just a daydream. My cousin stretches drowsily in the bed but then sits up straight as her gaze lands on me.
“What happened?”
I plop down into the desk chair and wheel around to face her, my eyes still wide.
“You are never going to believe this,” I shake my head. “I’m still not sure that I even believe it myself, to be honest.”
“What is it?” she insists, pulling back the covers to let her feet plant firmly on the carpeted floor. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Guess who I saw at the gym?”
She eyes me warily even as she offers “Monsta X” with a snicker.
I cock an eyebrow at her, and she stills.
“You saw Monsta X in the gym?!”
“Not all of them, just Jooheon.”
“Jooheon?!” she nearly screeches. “As in your ultimate bias?”
I can’t help but grin now as I nod and tell her everything that happened. Suddenly my heart falls heavily into my stomach.
“I just realized he didn’t tell me his room number! How am I going to meet up with him after the concert?”
“Don’t freak out. You said you gave him your number, so maybe he’s going to call you. On the other hand, he’s probably just trying to play it safe,” she points out. “You just met, so it’s not like he can fully trust you.”
“That’s true,” I allow. 
“Now, go take a shower and get yourself a nap. I have a feeling this is going to be a loooong night for you,” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at me.
“Stop,” I whine. 
“I’m just sayin’,” she shrugs. “Your boy deserves the Gluck Gluck 3000, so Imma need you to deliver.”
“Oh my God,” I groan with a huff.
I shove her playfully, my face flushing pink at the insinuations. She falls onto the bed, clutching at her belly as she cackles boisterously. Her laughter is still audible even after I close the bathroom door behind me.
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“That was amazing!” my cousin sighs blissfully beside me as we make our way to the car.
I hum in agreement, my heart still racing from the experience of the hi-wave and the send-off.
“It sure was.”
“Your boy really had a hard time keeping his eyes away from you,” she bumps me playfully. I could only giggle because she was right. “That one time he crouched down next to us?” She shakes her head. “I have no idea how you are still alive right now.”
“I’m not,” I clutch at my chest. “This is my ghost you’ve been talking to since this morning, actually.”
“Well, you better get back into your body, girl,” she chuckles as we approach the vehicle. “Joohoney is going to need you alive and well.”
We both burst into laughter as we get into the car. While she drives off, I rummage through the totes we were given when we arrived at the venue. 
“That was really nice of him to leave us gifts,” I murmur as I dig through the beanie, shirt, and baseball cap until I reach what I’m searching for. I take out the photocards and look at them again. “Having the guys autograph the PC’s, too? He really didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah. That was super sweet. I know I’m not alone in thinking we would have been just as happy with only the tickets,” she smiles, genuinely touched by the gesture.
“No, I agree, for sure.”
The ride back was quick, the hotel only being ten minutes from the venue. I take a quick shower, and it’s not long after that I’m standing in front of the full-length mirror eyeing myself, disappointed sighs slipping past my lips as I turn this way and that. I am not satisfied no matter which angle I present to the mirror.
It’s not like I had actually planned on meeting any of the members of Monsta X, so I hadn’t brought anything fancy to wear. In fact, I was dressed the complete opposite of fancy. I was extremely casual in a pair of dark blue regular fit jeans, the flesh of my thighs and knees peeking through the random rips on the material. My top was simple, an olive green v-neck t-shirt that I tried to dress up with the same jewelry I had worn to the concert: a silver necklace with a bee charm that dangles delicately just above my cleavage, the Jooheon version of the TTG bracelet on my right wrist.
“He already saw you sweaty and in workout clothes,” my cousin tsks at me. “Stop bashing yourself. You look great.”
“Ugh,” I groan in exasperation. “Did you see how some Monbebe were dressed? They were gorgeous. How can I compete with that? That’s probably why he hasn’t called. He took one good look at me at the hi-wave and was like, ‘nah’.”
My cousin tugs me to the bed, and we both fall back onto it.
“You need to get those negative thoughts out of your head,” she commands firmly. “He gave you better seats; he gave you a swag bag,” she counts off on her fingers. Then looking at me, she adds, “He asked you to eat with him…while you were both funky from working out. He’s gonna call.”
I meet her gaze and see assurance staring back at me. I try and fight back a smile but fail miserably.
“Well, when you put it like-”
An instrumental version of “Magnetic” cuts me off and we both gasp, shooting up off of the bed.
“Oh shit!” my cousin exclaims. “Pick it up! Hurry.”
“What if it’s not him?” I fret as I snatch up my phone. “It says ‘Unknown Caller’.”
“Really?” my cousin deadpans. “Who else would be calling damn near midnight?”
I chuckle sheepishly and swipe my finger across the screen to accept the call.
“Hello?” I answer as nonchalantly as possible.
“Hello. Is this Y/N Y/LN? “Yes. It is. Who am I speaking with?”
I look up to see my cousin grinning across from me as the unfamiliar voice comes through the speaker of my cellphone.
“My name is Alex with the Monsta X US security team. I’m calling on behalf of Jooheon. If you are still interested in accepting the invitation, he extended to you, then please meet me at the elevator lobby of the 8th floor.”
“Yeah,” I nod dumbly. “Yes. I’m still interested. I’m just a few floors down, so I’ll be up in a minute.”
“Ok. I’ll see you then.”
The call disconnects, and I grab my cousin’s hands and squeal in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She laughs and pulls me in for a hug.
“Don’t forget to breathe,” she grins. “And whatever they make you sign, just know that shit don’t apply to me, right? I need every little detail from the moment you walk into his room to the moment you leave. Got that?”
I giggle as she walks me to the door, “Oh, for sure.”
“Ok, here’s your key card, and you have your phone.” Hands on my shoulders, her eyes lock onto mine as her tone becomes serious. “If you become uncomfortable, or shit goes sideways, you call me. I don’t give a fuck what time it is. I took my shit off Do Not Disturb just for you, bitch.”
I smile fondly at her, “Well, I guess you really do love me. You don’t take your phone off Do not Disturb for no one.”
“You got that right.”
“But seriously, yes. I will call you if anything goes wrong.”
Giving me another hug, she opens the door for me.
“Now go have fun,” she winks as she wiggles her fingers at me.
I can only laugh as I step out into the hall and make my way to the elevators. Inside, I swipe the card, press the eight, and watch as it lights up. I feel my heart begin to beat unnaturally fast as butterflies flutter furiously in my belly. I’m so focused on breathing to relax that I jump when the elevator pings and the doors open. So much for calming my heart rate.
Waiting a few steps away from the doors is a man dressed in all black, possibly in his later 20s or early 30s. He motions with his hand for me to approach him. I step off of the elevator and hear the doors close softly behind me.
“You’re name?” he asks, and I answer automatically as I look around. There was no one else in this area. “ID, please.” I frown but open my phone case to provide him a view of my driver’s license. He nods, and I close the case. “I’m Alex. We’re just going to move over to the hallway. I have a form I need you to fill out. Do you know what an NDA is?” I nod. “Great. I just need you to read over it. If you agree with the terms, just sign the bottom, and you are good to go.”
“Ok,” I reply meekly.
As we come out of the lobby, we make a right into the hallway, where there is a table. Another man is sitting there, and he passes Alex a clipboard with a sheet of paper and a pen. I glance passed them to see a young woman in a pink halter top that exposes her toned abdomen. The matching mini circle skirt reveals a pair of long shapely legs. The white platform shoes she wears accentuate her lovely calves. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t help but feel insecure about how I look compared to her. 
I watch as the door she’s in front of opens, and the smile on her face widens as she steps in. Whoever answers speaks too softly for me to make out which member she was there to see. 
“Here you go,” Alex draws my attention back to him as he hands me the clipboard. 
I smile weakly at him, “Thanks.”
Looking down at the sheets in front of me, I swallow thickly as I skim over the words. I would not be able to post about the encounter on social media. I would not be permitted to post pictures taken during my time with Jooheon. If I violated the terms of the agreement, I would be fined. Depending on the extent of the information released, I could also be sued. I had no plans on blabbing about my time with Jooheon…except with my cousin. No one would believe me anyway. Signing at the bottom, I return the clipboard to Alex.
“Thanks,” he smiles down at me as he passes it to the other person. “Come on.” I follow quietly behind him, my palms beginning to grow clammy. “You can keep your cellphone, but keep in mind what you just signed. Anything that happens once you are with the artist cannot be shared in any form on social media. You cannot speak to journalists or the news. Got it?”
I nod, “Got it.”
“Ok, go ahead and knock,” he instructs. “Have a good night.”
“Thanks. You, too,” I reply as he begins to walk away.
Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up to rap my knuckles against the door. I catch sight of my watch lighting up with 00:00 just as the door opens. I feel my entire body shut down as Jooheon comes into my line of vision. When I see that he is dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black and white striped tank top, not something fancy, my body restarts, and I offer him a bashful smile.
“Come in,” he smiles back as he widens the door. “The food’s already here. Is that ok?” I look over at the coffee table in the center of the room to find it loaded with various containers of food, two shot glasses, and several bottles of soju chilling in a bucket of ice. “I was missing home, so the staff sent up Korean food.”
“I like Korean,” I nod as he draws me in closer to the food after closing and locking the door behind us. “Oh, uhm, my shoes,” I pause before going any further.
“You can leave them by the door, or you can keep them on if you want.”
I glance over my shoulder to see his shoes by the door, so I go back to leave mine right next to his. 
“So what exactly do we have?” I ask as he guides me to sit on the carpeted floor.
He hands me a pair of chopsticks and then begins to open everything, naming the different dishes as he goes. 
“This is tteokbokki, and this is mandu. Here is tonkatsu. I also have bap, uh rice, and salad.”
He smiles at me, and I glance over everything, looking for a plate of my own. Not finding one, I look back up at Jooheon.
“Uhm…is there a plate…”
He chuckles endearingly at me, a small hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes.
“No, no. We share food. We eat together from same plates.”
Right. Here’s to hoping I don’t make a mess in front of the one person I admire so much.
“OK,” I look down at everything nervously.
Jooheon grabs his phone and loads a slow R&B playlist, adjusting the volume down low before setting his phone on the table. At first, we ate quietly, letting the music fill the hushed space. I’m too focused on making sure I don’t drop anything I find I don’t feel awkward anymore. With the smooth, melodic tunes playing soothingly around us, it actually feels quite comfortable, and I let myself relax. It’s not so bad being close to him, so close our knees keep brushing against each other as we reach over for different assortments of food. No, it’s not so bad when I’m not looking directly at his face.
“It’s good, right?” Jooheon catches my attention just as I bring a thick piece of tteokbokki into my mouth.
“Mhmm,” I hum with a few nods as I try to chew through the gummy morsel enough to be able to swallow it down so I can offer a proper reply. Jooheon chuckles as I clear my throat. “Everything is so good. I skipped dinner, I’m surprised I didn’t pass out during the concert,” I admit. “But I’m glad I didn’t eat before because this is soo yummy, and I wouldn’t have had room for it.”
“Oh! Come, you have a little something….” Jooheon murmurs distractedly even as his hand reaches out towards my face. My eyes widen, and my breath catches in my throat as he palms my cheek. Just when I was starting to feel at ease, I groan internally. I feel the blood drain from my face as I wonder: Is it time? Is this his way of telling me he’s ready to…to… His eyes flick to mine, searching as he says, “You’re shaking. Are you cold?” I swallow thickly, my cheeks flushing slightly as heat creeps back up. I shake my head, and his brow wrinkles as he assures, “I’m not gonna hurt you, ya know?”
I nod, “I know.” Unable to take the intensity of his gaze any longer, I look down at my hands. Not liking that I caused him concern, I let out a shaky breath, admitting, “I just…I like you too much, so I’m just… I’m really nervous.”
Jooheon uses his index finger to lift my chin, gently forcing me to look back up at him. “But you don’t even know me.”
The slight smile he gives me deepens his dimples, but the gesture does not fool me. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes, and the ache in my heart at his tone tells of the weight the words carry. He’s right, though. I don’t know him. Not really. I see what he allows the world to see, the version of him the company portrays. But that’s just a part of him, not all.
His thumb wipes away whatever had been at the corner of my mouth, and I watch, entranced as he brings the digit to his mouth. My own lips fall slightly open when he begins to suck at his thumb, my breathing growing a smidge heavier. My thoughts stutter to a halt, and my tongue swipes slowly across my lips. Jooheon winks, removing his thumb and returning to eating as if nothing had just happened. 
Meanwhile, my heart struggles to settle down, my core is throbbing, and my underwear is beginning to grow unpleasantly damp. The rice cakes I’d just been munching on seem unnaturally thick now as my throat grows dry. I reach over for a bottle of water. Twisting off the cap, the contents are nearly gone before I realize Jooheon is watching me with a bemused smile.
“What?” I awkwardly wipe the back of my hand across my moist lips.
He chuckles, and it does nothing to help my sudden unquenchable thirst.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, a closed smile showing just how tickled he is with me. “Ready for some soju?”
Maybe that would help relax me. 
“Let’s go!”
I grab a piece of tonkatsu and watch him as he takes one of the green bottles from the ice bucket. First, he swirls the bottle around creating a little tornado inside. Next, Jooheon flips the bottle upside down and knocks the bottom with his elbow. As he brings it right-side up, he twists off the cap, and then, opening his index and middle finger, he jabs at the neck of the bottle, spilling a very small amount onto the table.
“Oh!” I exclaim, pleased by the display. “Fancy.” 
“To Y/N, for coming to see Monsta X and cheering so loudly.”
I laugh as he serves me a shot, but as he moves to pour one for himself, I stop him.
“Let me.” Jooheon’s eyebrows rise, but he doesn’t stop me. “I might not know much about your culture, but I do know you’re not supposed to pour your own shot.”
“Ok, you know what’s up.” The impressed smile on his face makes my own widen. 
I cup the bottle in both hands and pour him a shot. “To Jooheon, who worked so hard and always does his best to give us great music.”
“Aish, I’m honored, but none of that two-hands stuff, ok? We are friends, right?” 
“Uh, yes?”
He sucks his teeth at me, pretending to be upset, and I can’t help but snicker. We both pick up our shot glasses, and he lifts his up towards me. 
“Geonbae!” I parrot.
I giggle as he clinks his glass with mine before we both throw back the shots. I suppress a shiver as the liquor slightly burns a warm path down to my stomach.
“Good?” Jooheon cocks an eyebrow at me.
“Real good,” I admit. “Another?”
He pours me another shot, and I do the same for him. We swallow those up, and I can feel the liquor already easing my nerves. He says I don’t know him, but would it even be possible for me to change that? After tonight, would it even matter if I knew who he was besides Monsta X’s Joohoney? I decide that, even if it’s just for a few hours, it is worth knowing the man that’s sitting right next to me.
“So,” I speak up, using liquid courage. “How have you been?”
Jooheon looks up mid-bite, “Well, we’ve been real busy preparing for the concert. I’ve been working hard on perfecting my steps….”
“I’m sorry,” I stop him. “While it’s nice to know about your work, I’m not here to interview you. I don’t want to know about Joohoney. I want to know how Lee Jooheon is.”
His eyes squint at me, his index finger pressing pensively at his lips. Had I overstepped? Maybe he didn’t understand? I only meant for him to feel like a person, not an idol, if even for tonight. I open my mouth to clarify, but at the same moment, he straightens up, and the warm smile returns to his face.
“Ok,” he starts. “Thank you for asking about me. I appreciate that.” He pats his chest as he says this. “I actually been doing really good. Of course, I miss my family, and just like anyone, I have days when things are a bit too much in my head, but now I have ways to help me work through it, so…” he shrugs.
“That’s really good to hear. I can’t imagine living the life you do,” I shake my head. “It just all seems so overwhelming.”
“Idol life is a tough one, that’s for sure, but I get to travel, meet new people, and make music, which is what I love to do. No one ever got to live their dream without some hard work, so it all seems worth it for me.”
We go back and forth, asking each other questions for some time before we realize we’ve gone through three bottles of soju. I’d been having so much fun getting to know the “real” Jooheon that the time just blew by. I’m already feeling a little fuzzy in my brain and definitely far more relaxed than when I first came in. 
Nodding my head to his latest reply, I then ask, “Ok, so what have you watched recently that you think I should watch, too?” 
“Ya! That reminds me. I was hoping we could watch a movie,” he says as he starts to get up and clear off the bottles and containers of food. “Unless you have to go….”
“No. I can stay,” I reply, maybe a little too quickly, even after I glance at my watch to see it’s almost 1:30 in the morning. Despite the food and alcohol, I’m surprised to find I’m not sleepy at all.
“Are you sure? What about your friend?” he asks, a bit too casually.
“My cousin,” I correct. “And she’s fine.”
“Ok, ok. Well, I’ll just clean up here, and we can start it.”
I help him clean up the remaining garbage. His room was different than mine in that it had a living room area, and the bedroom was separate. I glance around for a bathroom. All that alcohol was wreaking havoc on my bladder.
“Is it ok if I use the bathroom?” 
“Yeah, sure.” He tips his chin towards the open doorway beside the couch. “It’s in there.” I make my way there but stop at the entrance. Peering in, I’m surprised to see everything so tidy. I’m not sure why I’m so amazed by the neatness of the space. I just figured an idol is too busy to clean up, clothes and snacks strewn everywhere. But this looks like no one had even slept in this room yet. “It’s ok. You can go in.”
I look over my shoulder to see Jooheon smiling reassuringly at me as he wipes his hands on his jeans. He shoos me with his hands, and I head straight into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
The bathroom is clean as well, a light scent of men’s shower gel clinging to the air still. As I sit to relieve myself, I shoot my cousin a quick text.
ME: Everything's good. Jooheon’s super sweet, and we’re having a really good time just talking and drinking.
I set my phone down, finishing up, not expecting a reply, but as I button up, I hear the vibrations on the bathroom counter. Washing my hands, I dry them quickly and open the new message.
COUSIN: Talking and Drinking? Is that what adults are calling it these days? 😜
ME: 😅Nope. Everything is still PG. We are about to watch a movie.
COUSIN: 🤭Enjoy the “movie” I’ll be here reading for a bit more. Call me if you need me.
ME: I will 😘
Locking my phone, I slip it into my back pocket and look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are literally glittering in the bathroom light, and my cheeks hold a blush that tells of the laughter and maybe the alcohol we had been partaking in. I smile giddily at myself, whispering, “holy shit!” as I turn around and exit the bathroom, only to halt in place as I switch off the light.
Jooheon is sitting up in bed, legs crossed at the ankles and phone in hand as he loads a movie he is casting from the device. 
“Hey! Just in time,” he waves me over. “Come. Sit.”
“We’re going to watch it here?” I fidget with the hem of my shirt.
“Yes,” he shrugs as he stands. “Comfier. Sit. My turn,” he points behind me.
He squeezes my shoulder as he walks past me and into the bathroom. I approach the bed and look down at it. Jooheon slept here, I think to myself. I’m going to be sitting on the same bed as Lee Jooheon…with Lee Jooheon, I correct. 
Shaking my head, I force the thoughts out, put my phone on the nightstand, and climb onto the bed. By now, I think I’ve pretty much given up on the idea that anything will happen between us. Maybe he was not looking for someone to fuck tonight. Perhaps he was just wanting to have a casual night with someone outside of Monsta X. Someone to do ‘friendship’ things with. That would make sense why he picked me versus any of the pretty Monbebe I saw today. I try not to feel too disappointed as I make myself comfortable. Either way, I was having fun just hanging out with him. Propping up a few pillows behind me, I’m adjusting my shirt when he comes out. 
“Ready?” he asks as he turns off the light in the room.
“Yeah, what are we watching?”
“One of my favorite movies, if that’s ok? It’s called ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.’ Have you seen it?”
“Never heard of it,” I admit.
“진짜 (jinjja)?!”
Jooheon’s mouth drops open, his eyes wide as he stares at me. I cover my mouth as I try to hold back a giggle. He looks so cute when he looks at me with that shocked expression.
“Yeah, really,” I snicker.
“Yah! You have no idea what you’re missing!” He’s swift to sit next to me on the bed and press play from his phone. “Let’s get it!”
I let out a little laugh but quiet down as the audio begins. The movie draws me in as I feel myself relating to the male protagonist. The quirkiness of the female protagonist soon has me laughing at her antics. It’s not long before the sweetness of the blossoming relationship takes a dramatic turn.
“What?!” I scrunch my face. “Why is he crying? Was there a time jump I missed?”
Jooheon chuckles, “You have to watch and see.” I purse my lips at him, and this makes him laugh. “Stop,” he bumps my shoulder. “I won’t spoil it for you.” He pats my hand and then laces his fingers with mine. I look down at them, loving how natural it feels. Sobering up, he asks, “Is this ok?”
I nod, murmuring, “Yeah.”
We both return our attention to the movie, but my heart has started fluttering behind my ribcage. His hand is so soft, warm against mine, and I love how it feels. 
“Wait, I thought this was a rom-com,” I stiffen when things become a little strange. “Is this actually a scary movie?”
“I told you I’m not going to spoil it,” he smirks at me. “Are you scared?”
I shake my head, “I wouldn’t say scared, but maybe a little…on edge. It seems like it’s going the way of horror.”
Jooheon presses his lips together to keep his features from giving anything away. 
“I can hold you if you want. You know, if you’re scared?”
“N-” I stop myself. Am I really turning down the opportunity to be held by the one person I believe to be the most handsome man in the world? When will I have this chance again? “I mean, if that’s ok with you….”
“Yeah, come.” 
Jooheon lets go of my hand, patting the space in front of his now spread legs. I try to force any inappropriate thoughts from my head as I maneuver over his leg in order to sit where he directs me. I nestle against his torso and fight to hide a smile as he snakes an arm across my chest while his other hand settles on my hip.
Instead of feeling awkward, the position feels comfortable, and we continue to watch the movie. Occasionally the hand at my hip would squeeze, and I swear it was as if he were touching me directly in my most intimate place. Then, halfway through the movie, when he shifts his arm to stretch it, he accidentally grazes over my breast, and I audibly inhale as a jolt of electricity shoots down straight to my core. 
Jooheon stiffens for a moment. The handle I believed I had on my impure thoughts seems to disappear, and my hips shift, seeking any sort of friction to soothe the ache that had been building between my legs the whole night. Jooheon draws in a shaky breath just as his hands glide down my ribcage and to my hips. A grunt escapes my lips when he hooks his fingers into my belt loops and tugs me up high and tighter against him.
“Well damn,” I breathe.
The soft chuckle he lets out into my ear has my eyes closing. My tongue swipes slowly across my lips as his hands trail back up to cup my breasts.
“You want me to stop,” he murmurs, “just tell me.”
I nod my understanding, whispering back, “It’s ok,” as if I were afraid the spell would break.
Those beautiful hands of his that I had always admired in photographs or from my screen now squeeze at my covered tits, and I can’t even keep from arching into his palms, soft moans spilling from my lips. He reaches down for the hem of my shirt, and for a second, I feel panic. The thought of this man seeing me without clothes just seems so overwhelmingly out of this world. It’s something I never imagined would ever happen that, even as it’s currently going on, my brain just cannot wrap itself around it. He shimmies the shirt up and over my head, and I’m grateful that the only light comes from the tv. 
Jooheon picks up the necklace from my chest and asks, “Did you wear this for me?”
I can hear the smile in his words as he toys with the little bee charm.
“Yes,” I glance away from his fingers.
“That’s cute.”
“Stop,” I blush.
Jooheon chuckles then nips at the top of my ear as he drops the necklace. I let out a gasp when he returns his attention to my bra-covered globes. His thumbs brush over my nipples, the nubs instantly hardening even more. I grip onto his thighs, trying to find something to steady me. The muscle there is thick, hard beneath my palms, and my mind conjures up some very erotic images of me riding one of his thighs.
Wasting no more time, his fingers trace a path down to my jeans, where they deftly release the button. My breath catches as my attention hyper-focuses on his hand as he slides the zipper down and then slips beneath the hem of my underwear. The instant the pad of his finger glides over my clit, a shock of electric heat shoots throughout my body. The sensations feel way too good; I can no longer hold my head up and let it fall against his chest.
Jooheon delves lower and soon discovers exactly just how much I am enjoying everything so far. A mixture of a purr and groan rumbles in his throat as he swirls his finger around my juices, pulling a moan from me. Bringing his focus back to my most sensitive bundle of nerves, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. His movements are slow at first, stoking the embers that he had already lit with his previous ministrations. I don’t even realize he’s brought a hand back up to one of my breasts until he’s pinching at my nipple. He pulls the cup down, removing the barrier, and the warmth of his hand directly on my flesh is searing hot. His thumb flicks rapidly against the pebbled nub, and the fingers at my clit also pick up the pace. 
“Oh, God!” 
I rut against his fingers, my cheeks flushing with heat not only from the pleasure that is building but also from shame. I am utterly mortified at how desperate I am for him. Yet, at the same time, I can’t stop myself. My hips roll of their own accord, faster, more desperately, and I push away all thoughts seeking more of what he is offering. I focus on how good he is making me feel. His slim fingers, slick with my arousal, slide so smoothly over my sensitive bud, making my back arch and my eyes to close tightly.
“Shit,” I pant.
I can feel his erection poking at my back, and I wish so badly he would just fuck me with it already. 
“That’s it,” he presses his plush lips to the back of my neck. “Just let go.”
He sucks at my ear, moaning softly as his fingers speed up. I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to quiet my moans.
“Let me hear you, baby.” Jooheon’s voice is low, gravelly with lust. “Say my name.”
I gasp loudly as stars burst behind my eyelids. A flood of warmth shoots through my body, and my hands push roughly down on his as my clit throbs.
“Oh, fuck, Jooheon!” I grit out as he brings me over the edge. “Jooheon!”
My hips jut forward a few more times as his fingers try to move beneath the vice-like pressure my hand has on his wanting to drag out my release. As over sensitivity soon takes over, I pull his hand away and attempt to catch my breath. Jooheon kisses my head tenderly, his hands soothingly coasting up and down my arms as he waits for me to come down from my high.
Holy shit! I think to myself. Did that just really happen?!
As the bliss of the moment slowly ebbs away and reality sets in, it’s all I can do not to freak out. I am so grateful he can’t see my face and the grin I am fighting so hard to keep from breaking out on my lips. 
“괜찮아 (Gwaenchana-Are you ok)?”
The deep timbre of his voice breaks into my rampant thoughts. Am I ok? “Mhmm,” I nod dumbly.
Hell yeah, I am!
“Let me see,” he insists.
I press my lips together as I sit up, fixing my bra before maneuvering around so that I am now kneeling between his legs. Jooheon has a very pleased grin on his face that makes it difficult to keep one of my own from finally breaking free.
“See?” I say playfully.
Jooheon lifts a hand up to my chin, his thumb swiping across my mouth. His eyes darken, the stare intense as he watches me. Instantly, my heart thrums back to life behind my ribcage. Then, like a magnet, I’m drawn down towards him. Jooheon stretches to meet me part way, and we both swallow each other's sharp inhales when our lips finally crash against each other.
And his plush lips feel even more incredible than anything I could have imagined. Jooheon wraps an arm around my lower back, pulling me tighter against him. Hands on his shoulders, I wriggle out of his hold and break the kiss. I’m going to lose my mind, with how good he looks. His cheeks are flushed, and his lips are swollen from our passionate kiss. 
“Where are you going?” he whines with a pout.
“Not far,” I tease. “Just returning the favor.”
“Returning the fav-” His voice trails off as I reach for the button of his jeans. Eyes locked on my hands, he breathes out, “Oh….”
I can’t help but giggle as he eagerly lifts his ass to help me get his jeans and boxers off. The cock that springs out in front of me is achingly pink and stiff. Knowing he got this way just from touching me greatly boosts my confidence. Tossing the pants over the edge of the bed, I look up to see Jooheon cock an eyebrow at me. 
I huff out a short laugh, “Fine.”
I hop off the bed. With my jeans already unbuttoned and unzipped, it only takes me two seconds to remove my own pants and socks. They join his pants on the ground with a hushed thump. As the movie continues to play in the background, I return to the bed to find Jooheon completely naked. In the short time it took me to take off my pants, he’d removed his tank top and socks. 
 Lying on the bed, his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip, he is complete perfection. The dim lighting the TV provides does nothing to diminish the soft glow of his tanned skin. Though he is not bulky with muscle, there are still shadows cast across his lean upper body and abdomen that beg to be traced and explored.
Crawling back between his legs, I watch the abdominal muscle beneath his skin contract in anticipation. My nipples tighten behind my bra as my own core contracts at the sight of him. I flit my eyes up to meet his heavy-lidded ones and watch his Adam’s Apple bob anxiously in his throat as I bring my mouth closer to his weeping dick. The hiss he lets out as his tip meets my tongue is music to my ears. He tries so hard to keep his eyes open, to watch as I wrap my lips around him, but his head falls back as he lets out a deep groan, hands fisting in the comforter. Flattening my tongue and relaxing my jaw, I slowly take him deeper and deeper inside my warm, wet mouth.
“Oh, shit,” he curses as he looks back down.
His pupils are completely blown out, his eyes appearing black as they watch me intently. Seeing him so wrecked because of what I’m doing emboldens me. Lifting up to lap at the tip of him, my fingers envelop his shaft. He reaches a hand out to cradle my head, urging me to take him in again. I don’t fight it, letting him guide me back down along his length. My hand and mouth work in tandem, sliding up and down his cock. Hollowing my cheeks, I swirl and curl my tongue around him, and the long-drawn-out groans that it pulls forth from him have moans and whimpers of my own vibrating up my throat. 
I can feel him growing harder against my tongue, so I’m slightly surprised when his hand shifts from my head down to my chin and tilts it up. His dick slips out of my mouth with a lewd pop, and he almost looks like he regrets stopping me.
“What?” I ask as I wipe the back of my hand across my lips.
Had I done something wrong?
“Fuck,” he breathes, closing his eyes. Looking back down at me, he pats his lap. “Come up here.”
I smile in relief and eagerly obey, straddling him. His mouth is instantly on mine, his hands sliding down to grab my ass. Wrapping my arms around his neck, it feels as if I just can’t get any closer to him. Our bodies roll against each other, and by this point, my panties are completely ruined. I feel one of his hands trail up to my bra and unclasp it. He breaks the kiss to help me remove it completely. It joins the pile on the carpeted floor. 
Delving down, his plump lips latch onto one of my nipples. My back arches, giving him easier access, and I reach behind me to grab at his cock, stroking him as he sucks on me. My hips roll, seeking friction to ease the tension that is building.
“Jooheon!” I whimper.
“Ok, baby,” he murmurs as he moves to my other breast.
Though I had cum already, seeing him like this, hearing him like this, his mouth all over me, I was ready again for another.
“Please, Jooheon,” I plead.
I was so far gone that I didn’t care; I was begging. I wanted him, needed to feel him inside me so badly; I didn’t care how needy I sounded at the moment.
He chuckles before kissing me between my breasts. Leaning back, he hooks his finger on my underwear and snaps it against my skin.
“Take these off.”
I nod, scampering off of him to remove them in record time. I throw the sodden material into the darkness beyond, drawing another chuckle from Jooheon.
“Hush,” I chastise him playfully.
He leans over to grab his wallet from the bedside table and pulls out a condom. Dropping the wallet back on the table, he makes quick work slipping the rubber on. Jooheon coaxes me back to his lap. Spreading wide, I help him guide his dick to my entrance. We both let out blissful moans as I slowly slide down his length. The stretch has my eyes closing, and I can feel his hands digging into my sides. 
Bottoming out, we both take a moment to let me adjust to the intrusion. He peppers my chest with opened mouth kisses that have another layer of slickness coating my walls and his cock. I have never been so aroused in my life. I rock my hips and feel him twitch inside me, his hands tightening at my hips. I let my hands rest on his shoulders, using them to help me lift higher only to slowly grind down on him.
“Damn, baby,” Jooheon purrs.
He matches my rhythm, and we are both panting, drawing ever so close to the release we are both seeking. At first, his hands loosen at my hips, letting me lead. The more desperate we become, his hands grip fervently to my hips, helping me move faster over him. 
“God, that feels so good!”
I’m so close that I can barely focus. My walls constrict and release around Jooheon, and his head falls back. My hands slip behind his neck, my fingers gripping the strands there. His eyes widen, flitting to mine, and I feel him pulse inside me as a deep groan rumbles up from his chest. 
Fuck, that’s so hot! He is so close; I can feel it, as am I. I roll and rock my waist, taking him in deeper. One of his hand's snakes in between us. The pleasure intensifies as his fingers find my clit; my head falls back, and my eyes shut. It’s all so much.
“Look at me, baby,” Jooheon grits out.
“Jooheon,” I whimper as I struggle to comply. 
Meeting his gaze, I let out a moan at the sight of his fucked out face. Sweaty strands of hair cling to his forehead and temples, his cherry lips look completely ravished, and his own eyes are barely opened slits, but it’s enough. It’s enough for him to see me and know he’s got me just as whipped.
“Turn around for me, baby,” Jooheon urges.
Through my haze, I manage to get off of his lap. My limbs feel heavy, but I get on my knees and forearms anyway. His palm caresses my ass and gives it a gentle smack. Fuck, I think I’m going to lose my mind! Aligning his cock with my center, I don’t even have a moment to take a breath. He’s thrusting into my soaking wet cunt with no warning.
“Oh my God!”
I can feel a jolt of pleasure instantly tremble through me. In this new position, I can feel every inch of him. Each thrust feels so deep and tight I can only babble incoherent words and curses as I push back into him. I snake my hand between my legs and delve my fingers into the slickness there. I hiss at how swollen and sensitive my clit is. Instantly, the pleasure heightens.
“That’s it, baby,” Jooheon pants. “Touch yourself.”
Glancing over my shoulder, Jooheon bites down on his lip, and my fingers speed up. The visual and sensations are just too much, and the little bit of control I had been holding onto snaps.
“Fuck, Jooheon!”
My back arches as I clamp around his dick, my walls thrumming and contracting around him. Jooheon’s thrust quicken as he chases after his own ecstasy. My face falls onto the bed, my ass lifting higher. The angle brings him deeper still inside of me, and it’s enough to push him over the edge. A long deep groan falls from his lips as his eyes squeeze shut, the grip on my hips vice-like. His hips stutter up into me, and I can’t help but moan as I feel him pulse inside of me as he cums hard. 
My body feels like jelly, and it takes the last bit of energy I have to turn my head to face Jooheon as he collapses beside me. Jooheon’s smiling face is there to greet me, and I can’t help but return the gesture.
“Hey,” he grins as he scoots closer to me.
“Hey,” I murmur drowsily.
Brushing the hair from my face, he caresses my back tenderly before kissing my shoulder.
“Gotta clean up,” he winks at me, and I can’t believe I dare to blush after all we’ve done.
Burying my face in the comforter, I nod, and he laughs. I feel the bed shift and then hear the click of the bathroom light switch. Forcing myself up, I locate my bra and underwear. After putting on the bra, I slip on the underwear, wincing to find they were still slightly damp in the crotch area. Making my way to the bathroom as well, Jooheon is just washing his hands when I walk in. He gives my ass a pat as he walks out.
“Hey,” I swat his arm in feign annoyance, and he just laughs.
I use the toilet, clean myself up, then wash my hands and face. Rinsing my mouth with the sink water, I finally feel clean enough to go back into the room. Jooheon was under the comforter staring at the TV. That’s right. The movie was still playing. It was pretty late now. Was Jooheon expecting me to leave now that everything was finished? I eye my clothes that are currently on the bedside table instead of the floor. Hmmm. Was that a hint? I approach the pile and reach out for the shirt.
“Can you stay a little longer?” he asks.
I feel a flutter in my stomach.
“Are you sure?” I ask, the initial insecurities creeping back up.
“Yes,” he replies, pulling the comforter down for me to slide into.
What did I have to lose?
I get in, and he throws the comforter over me.
“Come closer,” he whines.
He meets me part way. Opening his arms towards me, I slide into his embrace. Tucked in comfortably against his chest, the drowsiness pulls at my eyelids.
“Good night, Jooheon,” I yawn and snuggle into his warmth.
“Good night, Y/N,” he parrots, kissing my head.
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What is that? I wonder groggily as a loud, incessant sound accosts my ears. I peel my eyes open just when Jooheon lets me go in order to lean over to grab his phone. Turning off the alarm, he groans in displeasure. Rolling back towards me, he pats my arm gently.
“Y/N, baby, you have to wake up.”
“Mmm,” I grunt with a pout and snuggle back into his chest.
I feel the bed shake with Jooheon’s amused chuckles.
“I have to get ready. We are flying out in a few hours.”
“Mmm,” I pout some more, but then I do sit up.
Throwing back the covers, Jooheon gets off the bed and turns on the bedside lamp. I crawl out after him and zombie-walk to my clothes and put them on. I fix my hair as best as I can, and then Jooheon walks me to the door. This had all felt like a dream for me, and I truly did not want it all to end already. Reaching for the door handle, I gasp when Jooheon pushes me flush against it instead, his lips latching onto me so fast my head spins. I wrap my arms behind his neck as I lift up on my tippy toes to press myself further into him.
“I wish I didn’t have to go yet,” he laments as he kisses down my neck. His hands squeeze at my ass as he grinds into me. I can barely think. Only moans and heavy breaths leave my lips. “I really had a great time.”
“Me, too,” I sigh out.
“I want more time with you,” he murmurs into my neck, “But I’m going to be late.”
“We def can’t have that,” I chuckle.
He drops a few more kisses on my lips before he pulls away.
“I hope we can do this again,” he smiles down at me, his dimples deepening.
“Well, you got my number, so,” I shrug, and he laughs.
“I’ll call you,” he nods.
“You’ll call me,” I repeat, my eyes flicking away to stare at his chest instead.
“I will,” Jooheon insists.
He pulls me gently away from the door.
“Ok,” I nod, trying to ignore the excited flutter in my heart.
He pecks my lips one last time. “Ok. I’ll see you, Y/N. Bye.”
Jooheon opens the door for me, and I step out into the quiet hall. I don’t dare look back, and after a few paces, I hear the door click shut. I see the security table ahead, and Alex is still there, keeping watch with the other guard. He stands up, and I try to avoid eye contact.
“Enjoy the rest of your day, Ms. Y/LN,” he calls as I walk past.
Oh god! I think to myself as my body flushes from head to toe.
“Thanks, Alex,” I glance up quick enough to see the knowing smile on his face. There’s no judgment, but I still feel embarrassed suddenly. “Have a great day, too.”
I ride the elevator alone, and I am thankful. Peeking at my phone, I see it’s just about 4:15 in the morning. Jesus, I am going to be the worst passenger when my cousin and I start our four-hour drive home later today.
Entering our room quietly, I grab fresh underwear and my PJs and head into the bathroom to take a shower. I could still smell the powdery fresh scent of Jooheon on my skin, and I hated washing it away, but I get under the hot stream of the showerhead and scrub my body with my body wash until I was clean again. Dried up and dressed again, I tiptoe to my bed and quietly get under the covers. After making sure my alarm for ten am is still activated, I close my eyes and fall asleep.
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“You look rough, girl,” my cousin laughs as we place our bags in the trunk of the car. “I hope Jooheon feels the same.”
I glare at her with a humph as we enter the vehicle. 
Buckling up, I admit, “I’m exhausted, my head is thumpin’ a little, and I just want to sleep for a hundred years.”
“Daammn,” she drags out the word as she pulls out of the hotel parking and onto the main road. “He wore you out that much, huh?” I let out an unladylike snort, and my cousin laughs. “So, tell me what happened. What’s he like?
“Well,” I try to fight off a smile, but my cheeks burn with the force of the grin that graces my lips. “He really is the sweetest, gentlemanly guy I’ve ever met….”
I spare no detail from the moment I stepped out of the elevator up to the moment when things got a little heated. 
“That Alex guy seems pretty cool,” she comments.
“Yeah,” I agree. “He made an awkward situation seem rather normal. Which is what makes me wonder how often they do that, you know, have people sign NDA’s?”
“Who knows,” she shrugs. “I wouldn’t be surprise if it’s quite often, and I wouldn’t be mad about it either. They are grown men, after all, and have their needs.”
“Yeah, I know,” I nod, looking out the window a bit distractedly. “It’s just; I don’t know, Jooheon said he’d call me… I just… my worry is that he goes to the next stop and hooks up with someone else… which he has every right to,” I rush to add. “I don’t know; I guess I just got my hopes up, and that’s my own fault.”
“No, I get it,” my cousin nods. “He said he’d call. Only time will tell if he makes good on that promise. It’s only been a few hours. No sense in stressing about it.”
“You’re right,” I concede. 
“In the meantime, let’s car karaoke!” she shimmies in her seat as she passes me her phone. “We got a long ass drive.”
I laugh but pull up our karaoke playlist, and we begin to sing. 
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About two hours into our drive, there is a ping on my cell from an unknown number. I open up the message and gasp as my heart rate picks up. My cousin lowers the music.
“I think it’s him,” I whisper.
“Yeah?” she glances over quickly at me before returning her eyes to the road. “What’s it say?” 
UNKNOWN: I know I promised to call, but i’ve been busy. I finally had a minute while heading to do another interview. Did you get home, ok?
I read out the message and then ask, “Do you think it’s really him?”
“I mean, who else could it be?”
“Alex?” I deadpan.
“Alex?!” she bursts into laughter. “Say that to him and see what he says.”
ME: Who’s this?
UNKNOWN: Aish. Really? Who else can it be? Did you forget me already?
ME: Well, I have to be sure. For all I know, this could be Alex.
UNKNOWN: Alex? Who is Alex?
My cousin and I burst out into hysterical laughter. 
UNKNOWN: Are you talkin about security alex?
UNKNOWN: Why would it be him?
“Ooop,” my cousin purses her lips. “Ya boy’s getting jealous.”
“Stop, no he’s not.”
But I smile at the possibility of it.
ME: If this is really you, tell me something from last night (this morning)...
I watch the three little dots blink, disappear and then reappear before his message comes through.
UNKNOWN: We watched ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.’
“Oh, yeah. It’s him,” I say after reading the message aloud.
UNKNOWN: better said it watched us😜
“If I had any doubts, he just squashed them,” I say as I pat my heated cheeks.
“What’d he say?”
“He says the movie actually watched us.”
“Ooooh, girl!” she smacks my shoulder. “That’s actually really hot.”
“Aggh, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be,” she reassures me. “Sex is natural, and if he’s making comments like that, he enjoyed his time.”
“I guess so….”
“You guess so?” She shakes her head. “I know so. Now reply to him before he thinks you are a prude.”
“Oh, Lord,” I roll my eyes playfully.
ME: Alright, you little flirt, I see it’s you. 
UNKNOWN:  Save my number. 
Me: Ok
Honey: I have a few interviews and practice, but I’ll be free around 1030 tonight. If you want to try watching the movie again I can call you.
ME: Really? We can do that?
Honey: I’m sure we can. We’ll figure it out.
Me: Ok. yeah. I’d like that.
Honey: We just got to the radio station. I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.
ME: Bye
Putting my phone away, I look out at the highway flying by. This all felt like the best dream ever. Never did I ever imagine this would ever happen.
“Alright now,” my cousin brings my attention back to the moment. “You better do your makeup and put on a nice outfit tonight. But first, you should get some sleep as soon as we get home.”
I chuckle even as I give her an incredulous look.
“Why are you always trying to put me to bed?!”
“What?” she tries to plant a stoic expression on her face but cracks a smile instead.  “I’m just saying. You have no idea how long you will stay up this time.”
We both burst into raucous laughter, and I’m so grateful at least one of us is thinking properly because my mind is already racing. My mind is just blown at having the chance to get to know the real Jooheon. 
I don’t know how long this will go on, but I’m going to take a page from my cousin's book. I’m going to let myself enjoy it all while it lasts and not waste time on the what-ifs.
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Mood board Credits
Shirtless Jooheon @ooom_xoooo
Bed sheets
Color squares
Jooheon striped shirt
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rainy-bangbeom · 2 years
[10:20 PM]
Seductive crimson and violet lights flash through the maze of humping and grinding bodies, lighting the dance floor up like a firework show. Across the club, you watch Changkyun cling to his new girlfriend, never allowing his hands to stray from her figure for too long. They act almost like magnets—unable to tear apart even if they tried.
You know, for the sake of your heart and sanity, that you should have left ages ago, spared yourself the torment of seeing your best friend and his lover stick to each other like glue, but the naive and irrational part of your mind hopes that she’ll leave like all the other girls and provide you the perfect chance to swoop in and pick up the pieces of his broken heart yet again.
But this one isn’t like the others—you can tell by the way she looks at him as if he put all the stars in the night sky, and how he looks at her like she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You’ve known Changkyun for years, and never once has he looked anyone like that—though god knows you’ve prayed day after day that you’d be the lucky beholder of those eyes.
Your stomach drops as Changkyun bends down to mumble something in her ear, and though the heavy bass and loud chatter of passersby is deafening, you can recognize the utterance of those three incredibly meaningful words anywhere. Without another thought, you knock back the rest of your drink and make a mad dash for the club’s exit.
I love you—it kills you that it will never be you saying those words, that you will never be worthy enough to own every inch of his heart like you so desperately want to.
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dream-of-kpop · 2 years
Monsta X and Assumptions
[like when youtubers do those Q&A videos where people send in assumptions they have about them- yeah]
I.M: "Let's talk about assumptions we have about each other." *opens beer bottle*
Wonho: "I don't know what an 'assumption' is but it sounds boring..."
I.M: "Nahhhh it'll be fun. I'll start." *drinks* "For example, Kihyun looks like the type to own nothing but black turtleneck sweaters."
Kihyun: "Are you sure you're not talking about Woozi?"
I.M: "Wow Kihyun, you just saved yourself with that one."
Kihyun: "Thanks."
Jooheon: "I'm telling Jihoon what you said-"
Kihyun: "IT WAS A JOKE."
Wonho: "Ohhhh I get it now!"
Hyungwon: "Ok wait, what assumption do you guys have about me?"
Wonho: "Actually...you look like the type to sing, 'THE BEST TIME TO WEAR A STRIPED SWEATERRRR~'."
Hyungwon: "No I don't."
Jooheon: "Go put on a sweater and sing bruh."
Hyungwon: "It's too hot in here 'cause of the heater. I'll pass out."
Kihyun: "And?"
Jooheon: "DO ITTTTT PLEASEEEEEE???" *starts doing aegyo*
*Hyungwon leaves and returns with an oversized sweater*
Hyungwon: "The best time to wea-"
Shownu: "Louder."
*Monsta X dies of laughter*
Hyungwon: *sits down embarrassed taking off the sweater* "I'm never doing that shit again."
Minhyuk: "Good thing I recorded it then." *lays phone down*
I.M: "Okayyyy~ next assumption. SHOWNU YOU'RE NEXT!"
*Shownu looks up startled*
Jooheon: "Homeboy definitely eats Cheetos at midnight by himself."
Wonho: "Yeah, I can totally see that."
Minhyuk: "I feel like Shownu has a son named Markees."
Shownu: "What?"
Minhyuk: "You heard me."
Hyungwon: "I-I don't even know how to respond to that."
Shownu: "Well...in that case, I assume Minhyuk has a girlfriend."
Kihyun: *chuckles* "HA- you're funny Hyunwoo."
Minhyuk: "That's ok Kihyun." *smiles at Kihyun then Shownu* "Thank you for the assumption."
Jooheon: "Oooo I have an assumption about Changkyun."
I.M: "Spill it."
Jooheon: "Changkyun looks like the type to wear a Nirvana shirt but only listened to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'."
Minhyuk: *shakes head* "Kurt Cobain would be disappointed..."
I.M: "I've dabbled in some rock here and there."
Wonho: "You aren't talking about drugs right?"
I.M: "What? No."
Jooheon: "And Minhyuk-" *points to him* "You look like the human version of yeet."
Minhyuk: "I don't know what that means but thank you."
Hyungwon: "Wait I'll go next!"
I.M: "It wasn't your turn yet."
Hyungwon: "I thought we're just going randomly...But anyways, I assume Wonho has a Grindr account."
Wonho: "Ok, that's a really good guess."
I.M: "Was that supposed to be funny?"
Hyungwon: "No just mainly a guess."
Minhyuk: "Are you referring to yourself having a Grindr account? I don't get it."
Hyungwon: "Forget it."
*awkward silence*
Shownu: "Um, I assume Kihyun doesn't have abs."
Kihyun: "Pfffft, I do actually." *lifts shirt*
I.M: "Just put it away..."
Kihyun: "What?"
Hyungwon: "Fam, there's nothing there."
Kihyun: *looks down* "What? Nah, it's just the light is hitting it wrong."
Jooheon: "I think those gym regimens are hitting wrong."
*Kihyun pulls his shirt back down and sits awkwardly*
Wonho: "Okie, Changkyun your turn."
I.M: "I assume that...that...Minhyuk...you like string beans."
Minhyuk: "What?"
Shownu: "Can we stop?"
Jooheon: "Why?"
Shownu: "I'm getting bored. Also this heater is getting too hot."
Minhyuk: "If it helps, Hyungwon looks like the type to tell a bunch of his friends he's gonna be famous on Tik Tok and only has 3 followers."
Hyungwon: "Yes, that helps my self-esteem a lot." *takes a swig of beer*
Shownu: "Ok, I'm having fun again."
I.M: "Actually, you're right. It is getting hot in here..."
Kihyun: "Please turn it off Wonho since you're the closest one to it."
*Wonho promptly turns off the heater*
Kihyun: "Ok, now can you hoes stop complaining?"
Jooheon: "Damn, you're still mad about what I said, aren't you?"
Kihyun: "Joo, shut the hell up."
I.M: "Kihyun, now's your chance! What assumption do you have about Jooheon?"
Minhyuk: "Oh my god, this is so intense."
Kihyun: "Jooheon looks like he freestyles to trap remixes of Cocomelon songs."
Jooheon: *he stands up in a fit of rage with tears sliding down his cheeks* "TOO FAR-" *leaves immediately*
Hyungwon: "Kihyun, how could you?"
I.M: "...I mean can see it. The songs are fire sometimes, but that was totally disrespectful Kihyun."
*one by one, each member leaves until Kihyun is the last one sitting*
Kihyun: "I'm confused, what did I say?"
Wonho: *stands up* "What didn't you say?" *leaves mysteriously*
Kihyun: ????
[everyone, except Kihyun, gathers around Jooheon as he hugs a pillow and sulks]
*Minhyuk rubs his back*
Shownu: "Would it make you feel better if we played some Cocomelon?"
Jooheon: *pouts* "No."
I.M: "Come on, we know it'll make you feel better."
Jooheon: "Fine."
*briefly goes to Youtube and finds a video*
TV: *music* "COCOMELON!"
*Jooheon cries even harder*
Minhyuk: "WAY TO GO SHOWNU-"
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mebeindelulu · 4 months
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Screenshots from your facetime with Changkyun 🙈
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Jooheon As your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
Believe me, Jooheon will show you his cute side almost every day. He knows that you can't resist his cuteness, and he will use it to get your attention whenever he wants. He'll do things like make puppy dog eyes at you, or give you a big hug. He might even do something silly, like make a funny face or dance around like a dork. And you know what? You can't help but melt every time he does it. It's impossible to say no to his cute face, and you always give him the attention he wants. You will drop everything you are doing to shower him with the attention he needs. You will listen to him talk about his day, even if it's something you've heard before. You will give him a massage or rub his shoulders when he's stressed. You will tell him how much you love him and how much he means to you.
Jooheon loves seeing you wearing something that matches him. He thinks it's a way of showing his love and commitment to you. When he has some free time, he'll often search for couple things to buy for the two of you. He's not picky about what he gets. He'll buy matching shirts, hats, jewelry, or even accessories like phone cases or keychains. He just loves the idea of the two of you being seen as a unit. One time, he even found matching pajamas for the two of you. You were both so excited to wear them, and you had a great time cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie together. Jooheon knows that you don't always have the time or energy to look for couple things, so he likes to take the initiative and do it for you. He knows that you'll appreciate the thoughtfulness, and he loves seeing the look on your face when you open the package.
He likes to show everyone and everything on this planet that you are his. He does this in a variety of ways, big and small. For example, he might hold your hand when you're out in public, or he might put his arm around you when you're walking down the street. He might also introduce you to his friends and family as "his girlfriend" or "his partner." He might even do something more public, like kissing you in front of a crowd or wearing a shirt with your name on it. He just wants everyone to know that you're the one he loves and that he's proud to be with you. His actions show that he's not afraid to show his love for you. He wants the world to know that you're his, and he's not ashamed to show it. This can be a bit overwhelming at times, but it's also incredibly sweet. It shows that he really cares about you and that he wants to be with you for the long haul.
Jooheon's protective mode will be activated if he sees someone trying to flirt with you. He will see you as his "baby" and will not let anyone else take you away from him. If you see him getting angry, give him a "please calm down" kiss. This will help to diffuse the situation and remind him that you love him and that you are not going anywhere. Once he has calmed down, you can talk to him about what happened. Explain to him that you appreciate his protectiveness, but that you don't need him to fight your battles for you. Jooheon is a passionate person, and he loves you very much. He just wants to make sure that you are safe and happy.
He will treat you like a princess. He will ask you how your day was, if anything is bothering you, and if you need anything. He will always be by your side to make sure you are fine. He will do this because he loves you and cares about you. He wants to make sure that you are happy and comfortable. He will listen to you when you talk, and he will always be there for you when you need him. He will be your biggest fan and supporter. He will cheer you on in everything you do, and he will always believe in you. He will make you feel loved, appreciated, and special.
He deserves love and attention from you too. He may be your big baby, but he is still a person who needs to feel loved and appreciated. He can't get enough of your attention because you are his everything. Tell him how much you love him. It's important to say it out loud. Tell him how much he means to you and how much you appreciate him. Don't just say it once, say it often. Let him know how much he makes you feel. Spend quality time with him. This could mean anything from going on a date to just cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. Make sure to give him your undivided attention when you're together. Put your phone away and really focus on him. Do things for him that he loves. This could mean cooking his favorite meal, giving him a massage, or running an errand for him. Do something that shows him that you're thinking of him and that you care about his happiness. Make sure it's something he would really appreciate. Listen to him when he talks. Don't just listen to his words, listen to his tone of voice and his body language. Really try to understand what he's saying and how he's feeling. Ask questions to show that you're interested in what he has to say. Touch him. Physical touch is a powerful way to show someone that you love them. Hold his hand, hug him, or give him a kiss. Make sure it's a touch that he enjoys.
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Drugs, Medication, Electrocution, Choking, Suffocation, Manipulation, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Paranoia, Anxiety
Words: 2.3K
Chapter Fourteen 
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“Welcome home.”
The last time you had actually been at your house was the day Chae Hyungwon revealed his true colors to you. This place didn’t even feel like home anymore. You had made such good memories here, but now they were all tainted. It wasn’t hard to understand that you were a prisoner in your own home. Hyungwon put you to bed, having somethings he needed to do, and for now he needed you out of the way. You had no idea for how long you slept, but when you woke up everything was still.
For a moment you could delude yourself into thinking everything was fine, but that was far from the case. While you slept Chae remained a bracelet on your arm, but as soon as you were awake he was around your head again. After a while you decided to get up, being careful as you weren’t exactly steady on your feet. If you had any doubts about your house not being your own anymore, this confirmed it. When you opened the bedroom door you saw multiple orbs fly past. It was a strange sight, and you stepped out into the hall leaning against the walls.
The only place you could think to look was in your home office. The door was ajar and you gently pushed it open, seeing that the room had been upgraded. It was a whole set up, allowing both Hyungwon and Minhyuk to work. When you opened the door Hyungwon noticed you, offering you a smile and getting up.
“What are you doing out of bed, you need rest.”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m sure you are, that’s why I called over some friends.”
Hyungwon took your hands and led you back to your bedroom. There you found Wonho and Kihyun setting some of their things down.
“There she is.” Wonho remarked. “It’s so good to see you again.”
“They’re here to do a house call.” Hyungwon explained. “You haven’t been to the doctor in a while, so I had them come here.”
“Just a routine check up.” Kihyun assured. “Nothing to worry about.”
You sat down on the edge of the bed, Hyungwon leaving you with the two of them. Just as they said they did a simple check up. Although Wonho wound up scolding you.
“Kihyun tells me you didn’t pick up your meds, so you haven’t been taking them.”
“You’re still healing so it’s important that you take them.”
“I brought your refill.” Kihyun said. “So you can continue.”
Wonho had you take the pills, making you feel a bit uneasy as you weren’t entirely sure what you had been given. As you were finishing up Hyungwon came in, happy to hear the results from the other two.
“Since everything is good, I can show you your surprise.”
“A surprise?”
“You’ll love it, but first let’s get you dressed.”
Hyungwon helped you get properly cleaned up before picking out an outfit for you. Once again Minhyuk was the one to drive you around. Despite Hyungwon telling you this was a surprise, you kind of expected you’d be going back to NexGen. Although you didn’t know what he really meant until you walked in. He pulled out a keycard and let himself through with you in tow. Other employees merely greeted you both. It was strange, making you feel that something was off. The elevator ride took you up to the floor you used to work on and the whole place was unsettling.
It was eerily quiet on that floor, and multiple orbs were floating around, more than before. You could only hear the sounds of keys clacking and some low voices on calls. Hyungwon took your hand in his and led you over to your old office. He had a big smile on his face as he opened the door. A giant welcome back sign hung by the windows, and you could see some gifts around your desk. Before you could ask, Hyungwon explained that you had been reinstated as head programmer at NexGen. You looked at him with confusion, not understanding why he would do such a thing.
“The way things went down wasn’t right, and this is your rightful place.”
“But… what’s the catch? I doubt you’d let me take over this project of yours.”
“It’s easier for the company to go along with my plans if your name is on it. You built quite a reputation for yourself.”
“So you’re just using me.”
“I’m letting you rest. You gave a lot to this place, it’s only fair to return the favor. Minhyuk and I will take care of everything.”
“Hyungwon, you can’t-”
You groaned as you felt another shock run through your head, making your vision go blurry for a moment. Hyungwon held you up and brought you over to the couch.
“We can get some work done. So just relax, and I’ll play you some music.”
“No, that stuff-”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m so thankful for you and for being yourself. We’re changing the world together.”
“Hyungwon, please talk to me…”
The door opened and Minhyuk let himself in, interrupting your attempt at a conversation. Hyungwon’s attention shifted and you were left on the couch with your head getting foggy.
“Did you give Wonho and Kihyun their cases?”
“Yes. They’re set to distribute them tomorrow after the launch. Shownu will come by later to get his so we won’t worry about anything.”
“Wait… wait… the launch is tomorrow?”
“Yes.” Hyungwon exclaimed. “We have somethings to prepare, and we have to go over the speech. Everything has to be perfect for tomorrow.”
Changkyun woke in a cold sweat, screaming and thrashing around. He soon recognized his surroundings and calmed down. Although his cell mates started to yell at him and told him to keep it down.  He apologized and got up to use the restroom, trying to move past the nightmare.
“Inmate 0126, you have a visitor.”
It hadn’t been that long since Changkyun had been charged and thrown in prison. The whole thing had been rushed, and he only stood in front of a judge for sentencing. He was worried as to who this visitor was, but he wasn’t going to reject them. He was led over to a room, surprised to see officer Lee.
“How’s prison life treating you?”
“I’m super paranoid if that’s what you mean.”
“I’m caged with a target on my back. Don’t be surprised if I wind up dead.”
“You really think someone is gonna kill you?”
“Yes. Why are you here?”
“Have you heard the news?”
“No, why?”
The officer placed a small gift on the table, confusing Changkyun. When he opened it he pulled out a small orb. Changkyun immediately panicked and fell out of his chair.
“Why do you have that!”
“Calm down, it hasn’t been activated. Although I have to admit, I didn’t expect such a reaction.”
“One of those things tried to kill me!”
“This thing? Doubtful.”
Changkyun got back up, taking the orb from the other when it was offered to him. He examined it cautiously, confirming that it wasn’t active yet.
“How did you get this?”
“It was a gift.”
“From who?”
“That little AI thing you mentioned before, they launched it. So I guess you weren’t lying.”
“They launched it? The project was still in early stages and the AI-”
“I guess you were wrong about the timeline, and the intention. You see these little AIs are being sold to the public. They’re designed to help one in their day to day lives. The demonstration showed how useful they could be, and they’re honestly quite affordable.”
“You bought one? After everything I told you?”
“Oh no, I didn’t buy this, it was a gift. NexGen sent many of these orbs to police stations and hospitals, intending to help their work and better communicate with the drones we already have. Honestly, this whole thing sounds incredible.”
“So you’re here to brag?”
“You know, while I was watching the launch I kept thinking back to what you said. And the thing is.” Lee stared at the orb. “NexGen isn’t known for being so charitable. Technology like this is very advanced, and they’re just handing it out. My question is why. What is the goal?”
“You’re suspicious of NexGen’s intentions.”
“I am. Also, your friend is back with the company.”
“My friend? You mean y/n?”
“Yeah. She did the whole launch with that Hyungwon guy.”
“She had an orb too, right?”
“The one you said went rogue, yeah. So what is NexGen doing?”
“I don’t know.” Changkyun admitted. “A launch this soon, the AIs can’t possibly…”
“The rogue AI… if its code was copied into every orb…”
“Then that AI is running the whole show. That doesn’t tell me what its plan is.”
“I wouldn’t know. Their code is corrupted and unpredictable. All it wanted was y/n, and it seems to have that now. So I have no idea what it’s doing.” Changkyun took a moment. “That Hyungwon guy.”
“Chae Hyungwon, he was by her side at the launch.”
“Chae… Chae… don’t trust that guy… he’s very likely an android… and inhabited by that rogue AI…”
“You sure?”
“No, but something isn’t right with him. Look, whatever NexGen is planning, you’d have to ask y/n, she’s the only one who would know.”
“I doubt that’d be easy.”
“Don’t trust those orbs.”
“I don’t.”
“Well, just in case, code black 0024, that’s the emergency reset protocol. It might still work.”
“Good to know.”
“You can just call me Jooheon.”
“Jooheon… do the officers here have the orbs?”
“I didn’t see any on my way in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they get implemented here soon. This is a place that has a lot of police drones.”
“When that happens… I’ll most likely die in here… and it won’t be an accident…”
“Why would you die?”
“For the same reasons I’ve been telling you. I know about the rogue AI, and now you do too, so you might want to be careful.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jooheon got up. “I’ll keep you updated on things.”
“Get to y/n, please. Whatever’s going on, she’s not safe.”
“I’ll try to get to her, but I can’t make any promises.”
“I know.”
Jooheon made his way back to the station, a lot on his mind. When he arrived he was greeted by his partner. Everything seemed normal until he was asked to speak in private in one of the interrogation rooms.
“What’s this about, Shownu?”
“I didn’t see you this morning, and I heard you went to visit Changkyun. Why is that?”
“Well, considering what he told us before, I wanted to get his opinion on the matter.”
“What matter?”
“This whole launch from NexGen, I don’t trust it.”
“Is that why you haven’t activated your orb?”
“Have you?”
“Of course. Everyone in the station has.”
“Do you believe all those crazy things that guy said before?”
“I don’t know but something feels off here. I never really trusted the drones either.”
“You can’t be the only one outside the loop here, you’re an officer. Here.” Shownu pulled out an active orb from his jacket pocket. “You can take this one.”
“I’ll pass.”
Jooheon figured the conversation was over and intended to make his way out when the orb suddenly charged at him and changed shape. It snapped around his neck and tightened, making it hard to breathe. Jooheon reached up to remove it, but he couldn’t get his fingers under it. He felt a shock and stumbled to the ground. He looked up at Shownu, trying to reach out to him for help, but the other only stood there and watched.
“You’ll be fine.”
Changkyun’s paranoia only got worse as he saw those orbs implemented in the prison. Now he definitely felt like he was being watched twenty-four seven. He probably upset his cell mates and soon enough he wound up getting into a fight. Because of that he wound up in solitary confinement which wasn’t so bad. It eased his anxieties a bit. At least for a while. He could sleep easily although one night he woke to the sound of knocking on his cell door. It was dark, and he saw no one outside his cell. As he got up to check an orb suddenly flew in. He immediately retreated, pressing his back against the wall. He was waiting for some sort of attack, but instead the orb projected a hologram of a familiar individual.
“Are you enjoying your arrangements?”
“What the hell are you doing!”
“Following my programming.”
“So you are an android. How did you-”
“I have been meaning to thank you. If not for you I might not have been able to reach my true potential.”
“I don’t want your thanks.”
“Well, I have come here with a preposition. You’re a valuable asset to NexGen, and I would like you to join me.”
“Whatever you’re doing, I want no part of it.”
“I understand. Unfortunately I can’t have unresolved ends. Thank you again for everything you’ve done.”
The hologram disappeared, giving Changkyun a false sense of relief. The next thing he knew the orb was around his neck, choking him out and electrocuting him. He screamed and thrashed on the floor, calling for help, but he wasn’t so sure he’d get it.
You woke up screaming, falling out of bed and thrashing on the floor. It took a second for Chae to get back on your head, sending out minor electrical waves to calm you down. As you were steadying your breath Hyungwon came into the room, picking you up in his arms and getting you back into bed.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. Did you have a bad dream?”
“I’m scared.”
“You have nothing to fear.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around too much, but once everything goes through we’ll have all the time in the world to spend together.”
“Hyungwon… I’m worried about you… all these plans… they’re so extreme and-”
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. Soon enough I’ll have everything under control.”
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iibonniee · 2 years
RM1522: Music Theory
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Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Genre: College AU/smut
Rating: M
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: teacher/student relations, oral (fem receiving), kihyun kinda has a praise/sir kink(?), mentions of masturbation
Masterlist | The Faculty Masterlist
This is the fourth installment for a collaboration with @wordycerty. Both Jooheon and Changkyun's parts are posted on her page and Hyungwon on mine!
Taglist: @appachicken @dandelion-aj @xrubyrosex @babykyuniee @bekah931215
Professor Yoo was a jack of all trades when it came down to the music department. Music Theory - an elective class that’s acceptance was harder than getting into Harvard itself - was not only a hands-on experience with an insanely attractive teacher, but because the class was so small, it allowed the professor to work with everyone in the duration.
While the perks were high, the class was not only extremely boring and empty, but it was almost two hours worth of sitting in a next-to-silent room. With classical music playing too softly as he walked around, Mr. Yoo practically gave all the answers away to anyone who asked.
Yet, even with the answers practically thrown at her, Y/N found her grade sitting just between an F and a D. It wasn’t because she was stupid; she simply believed that she could do it on her own. Even as days flew past her and her papers came back with the simple “C-“, Y/N knew that the time was almost up, and if she didn’t start taking his advice into consideration, she’d fail the course and wear the shame because she held such high pride.
Currently, her only issue was asking for tutoring; whether she simply didn't want to or was too shy. She knew her issue was the latter. Professor Yoo was smart enough to see through anyone, even if they weren't a student in his class. Her eyes watched as Professor Yoo took a seat at his desk, his computer now his priority. With class just barely ending and students already leaving the room, she knew she had to make a choice.
“What can I do for you, Miss L/N?” Professor Yoo’s voice was soft, a smile held strong as his round glasses sat perched on his face. Even with his calm approach, her heart felt like it was reeling, and for a moment, she hated how she was alone with him.
“I was wondering what I could do to boost my grade up?” While her voice felt strong in said approach, her heart would not stop pounding. 
She hated how attractive he was. From the moment he entered the room that very first day, Y/N knew she was fucked. She couldn’t stop her mind from thinking all the dirty things it did. She knew she wasn’t the only one guilty of such charges. She did hear Jennie speak her thoughts about if he was good in bed or not.
That open confession only egged on her thoughts, and she wouldn’t admit to a single soul she had thought about that man while pleasuring herself in the middle of the night.
“Well,” Professor Yoo paused, taking her question into consideration with thought as he looked around the empty room. “There is one thing. But you have to trust me and keep it a secret, ok?”
Her nod was eager, showing the man that she was not only interested, but she trusted him enough and she’d keep his secret. 
It was in the name of bringing up her grade, right?
“Perfect.” Y/N didn’t fail to notice the way his once innocent smile flickered to something more. To something… mischievous. “While we were on break, I had asked to get these walls soundproofed. I won’t go over all the nitty gritty, you know how it can be.” He chuckled, pushing his chair back and walking to where she stood. “I just need to know if these walls are good enough. Sit on my desk, please.”
His request was small, but her mind couldn't help but to latch onto the little things in both his sentence and his request. It was all too much to soak in in under 5 minutes. Yet, she found herself listening to his request. His desk was clean and cool to the touch.
The smile Professor Yoo gave her was rewarding; happy she had listened to him.
Her eyes followed him as he got down to his knees while his hands worked on her panties. Trust. He wanted her to trust him. Even with her heart still racing, the feeling wasn’t because she was nervous, rather it was because Professor Yoo was down on his knees in front of her and the desire she felt was strong.
Her inhale was shaky as she felt his warm breath close to her wet core. His chuckle was soft, nestled between her thighs and her skirt. His first kiss that met her pussy was light, taunting her to make even a faint nose.
“You don’t have to be quiet. The louder you are, the higher your grade gets.”
“W-What if someone hears?” She stuttered, trying to bite down her moans. 
“I’ll handle it. Don’t be shy, Y/N. I want to hear it all.”
His tongue was as sinful and smooth as his singing voice. Her back fell against his desk, allowing the cool air to nip at her exposed skin. But, that wasn’t her focus. Professor Yoo’s tongue worked like magic and it was hard at work. She couldn’t remember when he fully removed her underwear - she was solely focused on the pleasure she was feeling.
Trusting his words, she let her moans fall from parted lips. Soft at first, but the more his tongue and mouth sucked and licked, the louder her moans became. She lost track of the world. This was the best damn head she had ever gotten, and it was far better than her fingers.
“I wanted to eat you out for the longest time,” Professor Yoo grunted, listening to her whines as his mouth was replaced with two fingers. “I was going to offer you this a long time ago. I thought you hated me with how much you avoided me. But, here you are being a slut. So trusting, so eager to bring up your grade, huh?”
“Please…” She mewled, moving her body against his fingers to get some friction. 
“Please what? I’m your professor, not a mind reader. What do you want? Do you want to cum all over my fingers? Do you want to cum around my cock?”
“Your cock, please.” 
His chuckle was evident, a clear hint of cockiness behind it. Yet, even as he used his two fingers to fuck her senseless, it was the envasion of a third one that had her whining. The intrusion was a new feeling, causing the pain of it being new to bother her just for a bit.
“Sorry, I just want you to be prepared.” 
Three fingers worked her closer and closer to the edge. Then, just as she started getting used to the feeling, his fingers disappeared, leaving her feeling empty. Professor Yoo was quick to his feet, his pants soon falling to the floor and his hard cock in his hand.
“Just let me know if I’m being rough, ok?” He whispered, finding the condom that was in his desk drawer. Her eyes widened, curious as to if he had done this with other students or not. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve been keeping these in here just in case you wanted to come to me for extra credit. Also, my name is Kihyun. You can either call me Kihyun or Sir.”
The groans that came from Kihyun were borderline sinful. A song that wasn’t meant for anyone else but her. He paused for a moment, allowing her what time she needed to adjust to his size. He didn’t boast for a reason, Kihyun was huge.
“Go, please.” Y/N whined, feeling the desire growing all over again.
“Please what?”
Groaning, Y/N’s head lolled to the side in a mix of annoyance and impatience. She was far too needy for him to be messing around with her. 
“Please Sir.”
Kihyun’s chuckle was all she needed to hear to know he was more than ready. His pace was quick, and the scraping of the wooden desk across the wooden classroom floor told her all that was needed. He wanted her to be loud, to join his loud and untamed grunts that filled the music classroom. 
He wanted a song.
“Is it bad that this has been on my mind forever? Just bending you over this desk and fucking you so hard that the whole school knows? Fuck, I hate being your professor. What I’d like to do to you everyday.” 
His words turned her into a moaning mess. His pace never faltered, even when she felt herself growing closer for the second time. Hooded eyes watched his cock enter in and out of her pussy at a brutal pace, with an unspoken promise he wasn’t going to stop until he came.
“I bet your pussy is even better bareback. Makin’ me already lose my fuckin' mind. Tell me you enjoy this, too.” Nodding her head was the only thing she could do. She was a screaming mess and she was about to break in just a couple seconds. “Fuck, I can feel you squeezing my cock. You want to cum, baby girl? Beg for it. Beg to cum and I’ll let you.”
“Please, Kihyun,” Her voice was hoarse as she begged. The mix between moaning and screaming would surely kill her voice for the rest of the week. Hell, with how hard he was going, she was sure she’d struggle walking, too. “Let me cum. I’ll be a good girl.”
“Cum for me.”
The feeling of her orgasm was electrifying. It was strong, causing cries and pleas to spill from her lips like a prayer.
“Fuck, fuck-” Kihyun cut himself off as he came. “Shit. I don’t think I want you asking anyone for extra credit, besides me.”
“I don’t think I want to ask, either.” The girl giggled softly, watching as her professor gave her a childish smile.
“I think I’ll be kind enough to boost your grade up to a B-. If you come Friday, I might think about boosting it up to an A.”
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bebestay · 10 months
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