#monkie kid s3 spoilers
akita747 · 2 years
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dr-chalk · 1 year
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Ao family reunion
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
s cool to see that maq used to wear his hanfu folded over the normal way in flashbacks before his death,
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and only started wearing it the opposite way, the way corpses are dressed, after he died and was revived
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abessive-art · 1 year
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-- I'm gonna LOSE IT! [2/2]
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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carrying the husband 🐷🍜
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I am losing it over these parallels between the s3 and s4 special finales
So both of them have Macaque showing up to the kinda party at the very end.
The difference he was invited in s4 (despite what Wukong thinks) but just kinda showed up in s3
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Next Wukong makes a comment about “scheming” This is very much how he refers to it (Mac only says scheming to tease Wukong)
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But in s3 Wukong is referring to Mac as scheming but in s4 he’s referring to the potential villains with Macaque in his side
And the final biggest change I saw is the food. In s3 the two are fighting over a bowl of noodles with Wukong taking it
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But in s4, he offers the popsicle to Mac no questions asked. There’s no fighting and Wukong doesn’t even have a popsicle during that scene cause he gave it to Macaque
These parallels showing their healing relationship! I just love this so much
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98chao · 1 year
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i like trying new artstyles
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I'm sure tang can talk his way out of trouble, he's sexy like that
Uncontroversial take: Mk big brother to Bai he
I'm so attached to these characters it's not even funny anymore
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pocketpencils · 1 year
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haven't watched season 4 yet huhhgngg no spoilers plz
Back in December, there was a period of time where these two idiots were stuck in brain and I literally couldn’t think of anything else so these doodles are a subsequent result of that
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Hey Mac, we thought you were dead;
Sequel to this post on Macaque being back in the "Century Stone Egg Au".
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After the pregnant Monkey King breaks his shock, he'd run to embrace Macaque, even if he'd just been super close to clawing his eye out (again) and that they're last meeting was a huge fight. He only holds back because he's honestly a little scared/worried how and why Macaque is there. Wukong is immediately trying to apolgise for his violent reaction, but Macaque just laughes out; "Nah, it's my fault. Should've asked first." It's only with the shadow monkeys' breathy, almost *fond* laughter that Wukong realises that Mac is truly there for peace. Mac's interaction with PIF further confirms this.
The reincarnation gang + the dragon couple are super sketched out though. Pigsy is the one to loudly ask "How do you know it's him and not some weird copycat?", mostly cus he's legit worried for Wukong in this moment. Somebody's dead partner don't just show up one day!
Wukong responds with his Gold Vision + its hard to fake the way Mac smells. The gang still refuse to leave the two alone together until they recieve a decent explaination.
The fact that Macaque literally looks like he crawled out of the grave quickly gives everybody a bad feeling, and they def force Mac to sit down and explain how tf he came back to life before he's even allowed smell Wukong.
Macaque: "I may have agreed to do something... kinda stupid in hindsight." Wukong, : "Mac... look at me. What did you do?" Macaque: "...ok don't be mad." Wukong: "I'm preemptively seething." Macaque: "I accepted a deal from the White Bone Spirit." Wukong: "I'M FURIOUS!!!" *starts throwing whatever's closest at Mac* Macaque, dodges a pillow: "Pfff! Calm down, it's not like I'm actually gonna do it! She brought me back to life to release her from a tomb or something and I chucked the key away the second I got back." The whole Room: "..." Wukong: "Mihou... thats the stupidiest thing you could have done!" *summons hair clones to throw stuff at Mac* Macaque, now failing to dodge fruit: "OW! Why are you upset!? We both know nothing good will come of letting that demon free!" PIF: "Mihou, if this Bone Demon was able to bring you back from the dead, then she has the power to track you down and recind her offer." Macaque: "...so you're saying that I have to fufill her deal, or I might get dragged back to Diyu?" Wukong and PIF, at the same time: "YES!!!" Macaque: "Shit." The Whole Room: *covering Red and Mei's ears* "LANGUAGE!!" Tang: "You should work on that before the baby gets here.
Oh you better believe Mac's in the doghouse until they can figure out how to resolve the LBD business deal. PIF calls up her lawyer to go over the exact terms and conditions.
Fire Star: "Ok, I've got good news and bad news." Macaque: "Bad news first." Fire Star: "The Lady Bone Demon's geas is airtight. You will have to open her tomb *slash* free her spirit in order to keep your place in this mortal realm - less you be recalled at a later date for a task of similar value or until she makes you redundant." Pigsy: "Translate for the non-lawyers please." Fire Star: "Either he does it, or she makes him do it, or she just takes his soul." Macaque: "Shit." Wukong & PIF: *glaring daggers at Mac* Macaque: "So what's the good news?" Fire Star, slyly: "Those are the only conditions to the geas. There's a reason you need lawyers for these kind of things nowadays. She didn't stipulate say... where to release her. Or whom would be present to greet her when her tomb opens." Everyone: *shares similar delighted/scheming looks* (*a few hours + a few calls to a worried Nezha later*) Macaque: *unlocks LBD's tomb* LBD: "Freedom! Freedom! Fr-" All of Wukong's allies in the Heavenly Army + Diyu officials:
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LBD: "Oh bother."
As the Bone Demon gets carted away for conspiracy to destroy the world, she gets yelled at by all of the Underworld/Diyu officials that now have to deal with the fallout of her actions.
King Yama: "Do you understand how much paperwork I have to do to mark this monkey as alive!? He doesn't have a death date! It's been blotted out! I'll be correcting his files for months!!" Macaque: *high fives Fire Star for the solid lawyer-ing*
As far as Hell/Diyu is concerned, Macaque performed a service and was paid upfront. They don't want the headache of trying to take him back if his mate (someone who's trashed Hell before) wants to keep him.
Wukong is still super-mad at Mac for a variety of reasons, don't get hom wrong. But he's atleast glad in the moment to have his mate back. And glad that LBD is gone for the forseeable future.
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sweetocheeto · 2 years
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But what if... Tang kept the sword and used it?🤔
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niadrawsstuff · 1 year
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to those who are waiting for the eng version for LMK s4, how you guys holding up?
im personally feeling like i might combust any moment now
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rust3d-anchor · 1 year
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The Fourth Ring - LMK Fanart
God, that took forever to make but like IM FINALLY DONE😭
Warning: incoming spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet
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To be honest, I love doing the background even though I ignored it for two days lol 🤧🤧🤧🤧
And the amount of references is ridiculous but I like background details such as these
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Like it’s so interesting that I wanna try and draw it kakskfkdkwkdkdnfks
Makes me curious what all those symbols meant during that episode
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fansids · 2 years
Since Sun Wukong was fully aware the entire time he was being controlled by LBD, do you think the host was too?
What I'm saying is that it's entirely possible that she remembers this scene:
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
i hope that if they go into the scroll again to get Wukong out and bring Macaque with them that Macaque just. gets fucking possessed/controlled by the scroll. Because Wukong could very clearly break himself out of the chapter he was stuck in before, so, yknow
Wukong very clearly reacted the most to Macaque’s appearance- I mean, I Havoc in Heaven was obviously something Wukong probably kinda regrets, but I think he’d regret killing/being unable to save his best friend more...
I think the scroll knows it’s illusions won’t work on Wukong, so what better method than to use something real? 
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bbb-wind-defender · 1 year
[TW: Having a good friendship with ur bestie]
They can't ever be separated ever again
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Amazing bffs (not a ship only besties)
(I don't know what to post help)
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