hiccbae · 7 months
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Hiccup and Astrid from the ‘Dreamworks All-Star Kart Racing’ game.
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saturnniidae · 2 months
God Hiccup would be such an annoying cat owner. Buys fucking like not even gourmet cat food, he gets real fish (only the best for Toothless). He's constantly sending you pictures of his stupid cat Astrid receives a minimum of 7 pictures of Toothless that look almost exactly the same daily. There's more framed photos in the house of that cat than the people that live there. 0 pictures of Hiccup on any of his socials all of it is Toothless. Can't take Hiccup anywhere bc the cat has to come too (so many plans have been canceled bc the meet up spot isn't animal friendly). He takes his stupid cat everywhere has one of those goddamn backpacks and it's leash trained too. See him in a hardware store, ask him what he's buying and he goes "oh I'm building a new tree for my cat." and he has like an ungodly amount of wood beams and twine in the cart. You just know that cat is so fucking spoiled.
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yenich · 6 months
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Hiccstrid for you 💖
Cuties n sillies 😔🙏
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verdart · 1 year
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Modern AU Hiccstrid in the Aquarium
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
Astrid: Once when I was 8, I had a crush on a boy in my class and I didn't know how to deal with it, so I wrote him a note that said "Get out of my school"
Hiccup: THAT WAS YOU?!
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snapdragons-nest · 6 months
I should talk about my modern au-💥💥💥
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
i need hijack to be in my modern au so badly i need hiccup to meet jack when he goes to university & have a crush on the cute boy with white hair in his philosophy 101 class so fucking badly they get paired for a project & hiccup is a fucking wreck i need it badly do u understand me do u see the vision
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howtodrawyourdragon · 3 months
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Hurdles in hand Holding
Summary: Written for the Hurt and Comfort Bingo.
A Modern AU. The thing about having powers is that sometimes even the simplest of things can come with hurdles.
Warnings: /
Ratings: General
Words: 640
Prompts: Accidents
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Modern AU? Canon Viking setting? I literally weighed a list of pros and cons and even with one extra con for the Modern AU, it still got on pro on top of the Canon Viking Setting. So, here's another Modern AU.
Got inspired by watching the first X-men movie yesterday. :')
Hiccup realized long ago that his ability to generate lightning is so intimately interwoven with his emotions. It’s not unheard of, it’s actually rather natural. It’s how most figure out they have powers at all, while others need to focus and make them happen.
He, in particular, has a great many feelings and he feels them with all of him. Always has. So control is the key and it took him years just to get some semblance of it.
“OW- fucking… Thor!”
But sometimes that control slips and Astrid jumps away from him with a couple of swear words as if she has just been… Well, shocked.
Her body is tingling all over in a rather unpleasant way, her heart is racing and she stares at her hand to make sure it didn’t leave a mark. It still hurts.
“I am so sorry!” Hiccup steps away from her, immediately apologetic. They were just taking a walk in the local park at sunset when Astrid took his hand to hold and it clearly sparked something, he ended up literally shocking her. He felt the charge not even a split second before she cried out.
It’s rather devastating that something so everyday as the joy of holding hands can lead to pain, he doesn’t see Astrid accidentally setting him on fire, does he?
“Hiccup, it’s okay,” she sighs, though her fingers still tingle annoyingly, the sensation radiates all the way up to her wrist. She doesn’t blame him. As anyone with abilities can attest, anyone with dangerous abilities like theirs especially; it’s easy to use your powers, control is the hard part.
She has perfected it, as would be expected from a Hofferson. But she also understands that this aspect of having powers tends to slip Hiccup’s mind. He always has a lot going on up there, so many emotions and she knows how deeply he feels each one. It’s one of the many reasons why she loves him.
As a pyrokinetic, there is no way she can ever let her feelings get the better of her and she pushed every hint of anything other than complete neutrality down until she had almost lost the ability to feel altogether.
But Hiccup… he could try for years and still fail.
“No… No, it’s really not,” he shakes his head. Astrid watches Hiccup pull something from his back pocket and within moments both his hands are clad in dark leather gloves. Contrary to Snotlout’s opinion- who claims her boyfriend has them to be extra- it turns out leather is a poor conductor for electricity. It’s either that or full on rubber gloves and who wants to be wearing those in daily life?
Astrid can’t help the heartache. They are in the minority, there are so many people who wish they had powers like them, but none of them quite realize the troubles they can bring. The two of them can’t even go for a walk together without having some kind of a hurdle to face.
They stand in silence for a moment, a couple of passersby staring at the two of them as they walk past.
Astrid wouldn’t have even noticed them if not for the fact that she doesn’t appreciate that they’re staring at her boyfriend. She couldn’t care less about what people think of her, but when they appear to be staring at him when he’s clearly feeling bad about something and fidgeting with his gloves that are sensory unpleasant…
“Come on,” she takes a resolute step closer to Hiccup and doesn’t allow him the chance to back away before she stretches her hand out to him. They will walk, they will hold hands and they will enjoy each other’s company.
Hiccup dares an appreciative smile and accepts her hand. Because she’s right. They can still enjoy this walk and they should.
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the-starry-skye · 11 months
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modern hiccup x astrid requested by anon
"I can't imagine a world without you in it." "I can't imagine a world without you in it, either."
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funkytoesart · 6 months
The breaking of the waves updated over on Tapas! I'll post the page in full here tomorrow :)
Astrid Hofferson has wanted to be a marine biologist since she was a little girl. Finally getting her dream job as an intern at the Barbaric Archipelago Aquarium, she finds things not as they seem and a little more than she expected when she befriends a merman named Hiccup.
a HTTYD fancomic
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oseytorvan · 1 year
Headcanon that in Modern AU Hiccup and Astrid are ambitious people who have damn little free time, so they often take a shower together, just to talk about the past day. No sexual overtones. Just a naked couple in the shower, sharing experiences, hopes and plans with each other.
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It’s December, which means it’s practically Christmas! So as a treat let’s spread some holiday Hiccstrid!
First up: Once Upon a Christmas Wedding at Haddock Manor by @tysonrunningfox. It's the perfect mix of Hiccstrid angst and the best Bridelout ever, even if you just read it it's still nice to read it again. Plus there's a hot companion piece
And since we're on their fics don't forget the Ripped Christmas Special with adorable Eretlout, Astrid cuteness, Hiccup being . . . Hiccup, and a concerned Valka 😂
Wrapped in Red by @triumphantfury . This was how I discovered the beautiful writer so of course this fic has a special place in my heart ❤️ God the pining and tension between the two is palpable but there are just enough cute sweet hot moments that help you recover in between the sad longing.
Under the Mistletoe by AgileDragotheThird. Hiccstrid is just two kids in love and it's the sweetest thing ever.
How Not to Drive Home For Snoggletog by @harrypanther is hilarious! I swear this author is like Shakesphere with their tragedies and comedies. This one is a comedy, with peak shenanigans and a capable sarcastic Hiccup (my fav)
Also try their fics: A HTTYD Christmas Vacation, and let’s add Oh Yes, You Can! because it … has a few Snoggletog mentions and I just love it
And let's move on to @vala411’s We Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus because how could we not along with Snoggletog Surprise because even if it’s not particularly Christmasy, but it’s in the name.
And last but not least, Tradition by AvannaK. Who doesn’t love Gift of the Night Fury Hiccstrid?
I know I’ve missed plenty of other ones, so feel free to add on your favorite holiday Hiccstrid!
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saturnniidae · 2 months
Alterous hiccstrid the world just isn't ready for your power yet..
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yenich · 2 years
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i found some sketches
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verdart · 1 year
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I doodled some college au stuff.
Astrid would be a biology major (maybe specifically marine cuz i felt like that) shed also be in the swim team and in the martial arts club
Hiccup is majoring in engineering probably mechanical engineering. And maybe in cartography club? Idkk
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
*Hiccup and Snotlout sitting in jail together*
Snotlout: So who should we call?
Hiccup: I’d call Astrid, but I feel safer in jail
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