#model lucerys
Fanfic Idea! (modern Lucemond, where Lucerys needed a guard to protect him from his stalker)
Lucerys was a famous model who continuously had to deal with a stalker who leaves him strange things wherever he goes. Each time he finished modeling and goes to a hotel, there would always be strange gifts, but the worst one had to be a real human tongue, who apparently belonged to one of his haters.
Try as they might, the Targaryen family couldn't find the culprit. It got so bad Lucerys started having panic attacks every time he hears a knock on his door. He had to buy an emotional support animal named Arrax, and though he eased his nerves, he still feels unsafe just leaving his apartment.
Surprisingly, it was Aemond who suggested Lucerys should have a body guard, just in case something might actually happen. And surprisingly, Aemond worked as one a few years ago, and he was free to go back anytime they might need him.
Though reluctant, Rhaenyra allowed him to work as Lucerys' bodyguard, giving him passwords and the keys to Lucerys' secret apartment.
They didn't realize they just let the stalker have full control over Lucerys.
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mondstaub1 · 10 months
fanfiction idea currently in progress
JaceLuke modern
Jacerys has taken an art class in collage and the drawing humans based on roman statues. The model is a super cute guy with soft brown hair. And because roman man both in real life and art wear very little clothes the model Luke stripps down within the first 60 secunds and Jace gets absolutly nothing done because he spends to hours or so staring at the model. Once the class is over he realises he is fucked. Both because he is now madly crushing on Luke but also because he has two weeks to finish and perfect the drawing but has not drawn a single line on paper. The only logical solution: Find a way to date the model and ask to draw him again. Which is easier said then done.
Ideas? opinions?
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floatyflowers · 15 days
Dark! House Of The Dragon x Game of Thrones! Reader|Part 1
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(⚠️ sucide)
In your former life, you were the twin sister of Joffrey and you were wed to Robb Stark.
However you choose to stand on your husband's side when war erupted.
The problem is your mother and your twin didn't like that at all.
So, Roose Bolton kills Robb and Catelyn.
He was planning on returning you to your mother, but you ended your life before he could do so.
You didn't imagine that you would be reborn in the past as the twin sister Of Jacearys Velaryon.
Even in this life, you were born as a bastard.
Yet, Rhaenyra is an amazing mother, and so are your new brothers.
Unlike cruel Joffrey who used to hit you whenever you refused his advances, Jace would only treat you kindly and is overprotective.
And Lucerys reminded you of Tommen.
You also adore baby Joffrey and don't care about how his name is the name of your previous twin.
But there is one problem you tried to fix in Luke and Jace and this was bullying Aemond.
But they took Aegon as their role model.
Unlike Targaryens, you refused to interact with your dragon because you were simply afraid.
You even own a cat, who you enjoy spending time with instead of the dragon.
Aegon reminded you greatly of Joffrey, never the less, Aegon wasn't a psycho.
He wouldn't waste a moment in teasing you day and night.
"One day you will become my wife"
Rhaenyra happened to hear what he said one time, and immediately betrothed you to Jace. Despite how much you refused the idea.
When Luke deforms Aemond, you quickly try to control the situation like a Lannister.
"This was not anyone's fault but mine, As the eldest twin I should have been watching over them all"
Everyone is shocked by your words, meanwhile Rhaenyra wanted to intervene, same with Daemon who believed that the Hightowers deserves nothing.
however, you get down on your knees in front of Alicent, after taking the Targaryen's ancestral dagger.
"Take one of my eyes instead, I hope it's more then enough repayment"
Of course, Alicent doesn't do that, you only earned the Queen's love with such brave action.
Viserys' is happy at how you defused the situation.
Those actions made everyone obsessed with you.
Part 2>>>
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ice-mint · 1 year
Alicent and her family have arrived at the beach. They realize after the two hour trip they have forgotten Daeron at home. They are not going back.
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Rhaenyra has arrived with her family, the only food they have brought is a bag of cheetos.
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Rhaenys has her granddaughters sorted already, only sunscreen left!
Daemon is moping in the ocean meanwhile.
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Viserys and his least favourite daughter are having creative diferences about the sand Valyrian model. She wants to put pink seashells, he refuses. Alicent ends up scolding him.
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The kids find out someone has finished all the ice-cream. Lucerys has been crying for half an hour. It was Daemon.
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Helaena has found a crab she calls Herbert, no one wants to get near her. Aegon has passed out, being buried in sand as a punishment.
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Rhaenyra has promised Aegon a beer if he distracts everyone while she flirts with Daemon. Viserys feels something is not right but can't figure out what. Jacaerys is just happy to be included.
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The day at the beach was a success!!! No one was seriously harmed and everyone had fun.
Truly a first for the Targaryen family! ❤️
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meraxesmoon · 4 months
《Can I request platonic Yan Luke and Jace with a sister like reader? Like reader isn’t their sister but visits Dragonstone a lot and they got man when they saw her talking to her real brother and or a boy?》
But I love my babies so I still have to write this!
Jace and Luke are very attached to their darling, especially if you take into consideration that they don't have any sisters of their own. I imagine that she's probably a little older than Jace, so it gives them another positive female role model other than their mother. Specifically, Jacaerys and Lucerys have a hard time dealing with Daemon becoming a part of their little family unit, especially since their fathers (both Laenor and Harwin) had both died.
Dragonstone is a pretty dreary place, and there are no other children there other than Rhaena. So, when (Name) comes to Dragonstone for a visit, both of them are so happy!
Luke follows her around like a lost puppy, always behind her as she trails around Dragonstone. Jace would be the one to drag her around to his whim, and they're constantly with their darling, no matter what time of day it is.
When she brings her younger brothers with her to Dragonstone, Jace and Luke get extremely jealous! Jacaerys doesn't exactly have a problem with sharing her attention, but like... they both feel a little threatened. Luke especially, because he's generally pretty insecure.
I think they'd both try to get Rhaenyra to take in their darling as a ward. This way, Jace and Luke wouldn't have to worry about having to share her attention.
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nah, bc if you think about it, daemyra's wedding must have been so traumatizing for them :(
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maryisthevirgin · 2 months
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lucemond / stalker au recs
|| please heed the warnings and tags ||
Almost Rhymes With Paradise by chibifier
(Aemond has a surprise for his nephew on Valentine's Day. )
The Watcher by offdutymodel
(Lucerys moves to Lys to get away from the shadow of the darkest day of his life. What he slowly realizes is that a new worst moment waits for him there, watching from the window of the apartment just across the street.)
The Shadow You Know by Anonymous
Lucerys is just paranoid, he hopes. He feels eyes - an eye, watching him and finally drags himself to the police station to beg for help.
Aemond is not deranged, he swears. He just needs more time with his nephew, is all.
crazy little thing called love by lucerile
(After moving back to the capital Lucerys sees a man in the window across the street, little does he know, that man watches him back.)
15 minutes by Garmr
(Lucerys models for a living, and Aemond stalks him to satisfy a need. It brings Aemond some comfort to know that he gets to see his nephew in ways no one else does.)
Iris lights by Garmr
(Lucerys rents an apartment from his uncle. Oddities in the night make him wary, and he soon discovers something waits for him in a place where his eyes remain shut.)
Would you like some popcorn, too? by Anon
(Aemond's dull life and dead-end job take a turn for the worse when he catches the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.)
My Bloody Valentine by lucerystiddies
(When Luke was fifteen, Aemond went to prison for stalking him and having photos and videos of him, even though Luke was a teenager when the photos and videos started. All the same, it takes years for him to learn how to live without Aemond. But what will he do when Aemond reappears in his life, kidnaps him, and is hellbent on never letting Lucerys leave his new prison.)
creep by knothorror
(Aemond is supposed to be watching his next target, instead he watches a pretty stranger have some alone time.)
Wanna play a game? by knothorror
(There’s a chuckle on the other line, and it grins Lucerys nerves as he moves to turn on the outside lights in the house to see if there’s someone standing in his porch.
“You’re right, sweetheart. I just want to know the name of the pretty babe standing in his kitchen, wearing a white chemise. Dark, curly hair. And-oh, you’re not wearing a bra underneath are you?”)
malediction by draconarius || not complete but highly recommended ||
(Freshly enrolled in the Kingston University in London, Luke's social circle revolves around his older brother. Desperate to make some friends of his own, he takes a classmate's suggestion to check out a pub across town.)
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Imagine: Daemon and Rhaenyra having a bastard child in Yan!HOTD AU
I always like to start these posts blaming someone for my crazy ideas, but today is not @missglaskin 's fault, it's you @rosaryos, you did this to me...keep going.
T.W: The entire plot of HOTD with spoilers and maybe some other things, like, seriously, it's the Targaryens.
So we all know what happened in episode 4, Rhaenyra and Daemon almost committed Society crimes(You know what i mean) and did it on that brothel, but then Daemon back away and left like a b*tch. But what if he didn't?
And once they were done, Rhaenyra being a young horny soul still went for that Cole stick. Just to keep things as they were in the plot.
And then all the drama happen, including Rhaenyra and Laenor's marriage, but we all know they never consummated because of fruit preferences-
And then 9 months later, Rhaenyra gives birth to a baby girl with silver hair and violet eyes that shine. Of course, she knows it's not Laenor's, much less Criston's...it had be Daemon's.
But she let it aside to avoid drama, specially after the birth of the boys.
No one questioned your legitimacy, since there's no proof of Rhaenyra being with Daemon and you had all the Targaryen features...even if your grandfather likes to say that you have Laenor's nose.
You are the realms delight (taking your mother's title) and the heir to the Iron Throne after your mother. Everyone adores you and it's already considered a crime to make you sad, not gonna lie, you use that to your own advantage.
Your mother and "father" both are proud of you, you are the role model for every girl in the realm, the kind and polite princess...when they are looking, in reality, you could incinerate the Red Keep if you wanted.
Viserys is the funny proud grandfather, he liked to watch you playing around as you grow, it kinda reminded him of Rhaenyra when she was your age. But you way more gracious.
Jacaerys is the brother who is always willing to protect from everyone and everything, even a frickin spider, puts you on a pedestal and will fight anyone who dares to take you away. Now Lucerys is the type to gain your affection by pretending to be hurt, since he's the youngest of the bunch. They both are pretty possessive, like your mother.
Even if you don't look nothing alike, you never brought this up, like it never bothered you. Even if Alicent brought it up a few times behind your mother's back.
Speaking of Alicent, she and her kids adore you. Alicent takes on a motherly role with you, while Helaena, who is the closest girl to your age, is more of a sister, who you like to hear rambling about her insects and still tries to understand some of the things she says. Now Aegon has always being a creep, and his special likeness on you doesn't change that, but he doesn't too far by his mother's warning(She knows her son and his tendencies), as for Aemond...do you know those childhood crushes that you idolize and all? That's him (Don't worry, it's gonna get worse).
As the boys all are pretty competitive, specially when you watch them spar along side your grandfather. They look forward to you admiring them and saying how well they went.
But in reality, you wanted to be there with them. You always wanted to learn how to fight too. But the adults were completely against this, scared that you would get hurt, but isn't that the point on learning?
Either way, you suppress this by watching the boys spar instead (with Aegon being a fckin show off)
Sir Harwin is also very protective of you, not just because he is fcking protective of your mother as well, but he views you as his own daughter, like the boys.
Episode 6:
You were with your brothers and Sir Harwin when Laenor and Rhaenyra arrive with baby Joffrey, while he seemed a bit agitated, just until you got closer to see him, then he immediately stopped and remained calm. You looked at him more clearly, he was just like Jace and Luke, so you knew that he wasn't Laenor (None of you are anyway-) so you feared on how people were going to discuss more about the legitimacy of your brothers and judge your mother, you can't handle the drama.
Then Luke and Jace are sended to the Dragon Pit, you don't go after them, for you don't have a dragon of your own, since the egg never hatched. Which made you jealous of your siblings.
But there was someone who could understand your frustrations, Aemond, who also doesn't have a dragon, but different from you, he's constantly picked on by his and your brothers(But they would never make fun of you though, that would be a sin at this point-).
Before he was brought to his mother, Aemond went to you for confort after the boys gave him a pig, and boy YOU WERE ANGRY, sure, they did many things before, but you developed a strong bond with Aemond at this point and this more than insulting.
You knew it was Jace's idea, you made sure he realized how he messed up. And he did apologized(To you, not Aemond-) But he knows you wouldn't forget what he did so soon, and you might not speak to him for the rest of the day, the same for Luke.
You didn't even look at Aegon, and that made the boy confused as hell, until he realized that you weren't talking to your brothers as well.
Again, you were watching the boys spar with your grandfather, as he commented on how this could created a bond between them, and as much as you admired his perspective, you weren't clueless enough to believe that would happen.
You also were aware of Sir Criston's favoritism towards Aegon and Aemond, dedicating himself to teach the two better then with your brothers. But you never understood why.
And things just got worse when Sir Harwin punched Sir Criston. all because of the stupid comment he made, you watched as the guards dragged Harwin away from your brother's instructor.
You worried for your mother right away.
At the small council, Rhaenyra tries to calm the conflict between her and Alicent by betroth Jace to Helaena, but her offer was striked back by Alicent, who instead offered to marry you to Aegon.
There was 15 seconds of silent before both left the room, Rhaenyra out of disgust and Alicent out of shame. Both knew of Aegon's tendencies, Alicent more than Rhaenyra. So only the Gods would know what he could do to you if you were to marry. Even Viserys pointed that it wasn't a wise offer from Alicent later on.
Soon, Harwin had to leave to Harrenhal, he came to say goodbye to you and your family. You were sad to know this, Harwin was a good man and a good paternal figure to the boys. He bid his goodbye to you all and left right away.
That encouraged Rhaenyra to leave King's Landing to Dragon Stone immediately. Before you went away, however, you met up with Aemond and Helaena to say goodbye, only getting to exchange looks with Aegon as you crossed paths. You did noticed his disappointment and mad look.
Now in Dragon Stone, things might be less chaotic, of course, that's until you received the news. Harwin Strong died in a fire on Harrenhal and Laena Velaryon, your father's sister, died after a failing on giving birth.
Gods be good.
Episode 7:
It was a bright day, but sad and filled with grief, as Laena's funeral started. You never knew her personally, nor did you knew her family. You only heard about them from your parents, as you watched the coffin being thrown into the water, you noticed the looks of others at you. But only one intrigued you, Daemon Targaryen, your grandfather's brother and Laena's husband.
Daemon was conflicted, not just because of what happened, but at this new discovery of his, as he watched you approach him to give your condolences, he noticed your features. You were not too far from Rhaenyra's oldest son in age, but you looked nothing like him. And Daemon never heard of of Rhaenyra having a daughter.
You spend the rest of the day trying to confort Laena's daughters, Baela and Rhaena. You could understand a bit of how they felt, as you viewed Harwin as family, but you couldn't attend his funeral, as your mother pointed that it wouldn't be proper.
You also tried to talk to the others, your grandfather, Alicent (And you did noticed clubfoot looking at her, but didn't questioned), Aegon and Aemond(which you discovered of Aegon's engagement to Helaena, poor girl)
At their conversation, Daemon asked about you, demanding to know whether you were his and why Rhaenyra never told him. Your mother simply said that due to him abandoning her for Laena, she didn't bother him with this information. The argument continued until one thing let another and everyone knows how this ended (Two horni mfs)
You couldn't help but feel betrayed, he was the only one who understood you and now, he goes and steals a dragon that wasn't his to claim to just rub it on your face?
At night, you were awakened by Baela, who told that someone stoled Vaghar, Laena's dragon. You immediately went after them to find Aemond, declaring that he claimed the old dragon.
Soon there was a fight, and you did your best to stop it before it got messy. But the boys shoved you on the ground and keep fighting. Right after, you heard Aemond calling your brothers "bastards" and you saw Luke cutting his face.
You were all taken away by the guards. And as the maester took care of Aemond's face, you hugged your brothers. Unlike them, you luckily just had a few scratches.
Soon the adults arrived, your mother went straight to check on you, Jace and Luke. As the maester announced the Aemond lost his eye forever, you felt a bit guilty, but you couldn't deny that he was at fault.
Alicent demanded justice, and Viserys denied it, the whole argument was a pain to be heard, you only focused on your brothers, as Daemon and Rhaenyra guarded you three. And then Alicent tried to attack Lucerys, you blocked him while your mother held the Queen, which resulted in her being cut.
You stayed at your mother's side as the maester treated her wound and your brother's. Laenor finally showed up and regretful, apologized deeply for leaving you all when you needed him.
...and then he died.
The news striked you hard, he was your father...at least he raised you, you lost a lot in less then a week. But you kept your composure, for your mother decided to marry Daemon right after, and you were a witness together with your siblings.
After that, Rhaenyra sat you down and told you the truth, about Daemon being your true father and you were technically a bastard, not anymore, since they got married.
Now your life was turning upside down and it was just the beginning
A/N: Thanks for reading, i wrote this out of distraction, for i will be posting less now due to my studies, but i am not going anywhere.
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unicorncornflakes · 8 months
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 15
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags:  Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes  manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know):  @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel @thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasy @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes @mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds @the-knights-of-ne @bellaisasleep
General Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know):  @thedamewithabook @bluevxnus @hiddencurator @tempt-ress @watercolorskyy
Acknowledgment: To @ammo23 Thank you for everything, as always :D
Author´s note:  Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 5.3K
"It was a matter of blood purity," Daemon commented as he leaned back in the lawn chair. He took a sip of an alcoholic drink that Aemond couldn't decipher and continued with his speech. “We did it because we are supposed to be closer to the gods than to mortals. Don't you think we still are?" his uncle asked with a mischievous smile on his lips. A way if you doubt to check to what extent Aemond was a Targaryen. Undoubtedly, that teenager who only had one eye wanted to be the most Targaryen of all. He better if possible. The smartest, the strongest, the most skillful... the most ambitious.
Aemond had not forgotten his uncle's words when he had lost his eye. Daemon had always said he deserved it, but this fourteen-year-old boy wanted to be the best Targaryen he could be, and he could only learn from what had always seemed the closest to what he aspired to be: his uncle Daemon. It was normal to see them together talking about philosophy or history. Aemond was a clever boy, and he himself had found that his uncle was a much better example than his father. Aemond hated to see how his father devoted more time to that model of the old Valirya than to him, he hated how his father was always thinking of his name and how he preferred Rhaenyra over him. His father hadn't said anything when Lucerys had gouged out his eye like an animal…he always lost, and although Daemon preferred Rhaenyra, his uncle didn't make him feel like a loser with his conversations every time he came to visit the family home. . Rather, it made him feel like an opponent, and that was something Aemond could come to enjoy.
Both uncle and nephew were under the shade of one of the trees in the garden, near the pool, in the same place where Alicent had placed everything to have breakfast together every summer. But, at that moment, it had become the ideal place for Daemon and his nephew to discuss the last birthday present he had given him: a book on family history, specifically on the multiple consanguineous and incestuous marriages that had led to them until that moment.
"It's something that hasn't been done in 500 years... for the sake of our genetics," Aemond commented, just that year he had taken the genetics elective at school. He had learned to make those variable trees that he had enjoyed so much during the last academic year, so he knew that his eyes and hair were recessive genes. Having them was almost miraculous considering his mother's genes... but, perhaps his uncle was right, perhaps they were closer to the gods than to men. He liked that thought. It made him feel even better for it. Many gods had given an eye for wisdom, he had studied it in High Valyrian class. He had exchanged it for a precocious maturity that undoubtedly made him the wisest of all his family, at least of his brothers. While they were wasting time in the pool, he continued with his uncle, commenting on that wonderful book. "In class, we have studied..." he tried to continue his scientific and correct discourse with society, but Daemon interrupted him in a whisper.
“Our ancestors are supposed to have conquered the west and flew on dragons. We are not like the others, Aemond.” He took another drink again, making the ice in the glass tinkle. "Even you, being half Hightower, are not like the others" declared his uncle, making him see the importance of what he really was to that boy.
"In the book... they say that we are doomed to find pleasure only in our own blood" Aemond commented in a whisper, just at that moment when he observed the sly smile that Daemon gave him his older sister, that lascivious look while Rhaenyra played with their children in the pool. Daemon turned a cold gaze on his nephew, as if he had hit him where it hurt most without knowing it.
“Pleasure is found in the most unexpected places, Aemond. But, we, those of us who descend from Ancient Valyria, don't find it like the others” he declared again, almost like a dark confession that Aemond began to become aware of from that moment on. “Perhaps we are doomed to it, but we are not like the others. We are better" he whispered again.
That entire conversation with Daemon could simply be summed up as a man's obsession with lineage and power, because Daemon Targaryen came down to those two words at the end of the day. With those words, he confessed to his nephew all his obsession with the purity of his family's blood, which had been threatened by his mother's meddling in the same family line. He and his brothers were from Ancient Valyria. They... had the obligation to safeguard what Daemon's eyes lit up when he spoke. That young boy absorbed like a sponge everything that his revered uncle spoke, his example to follow.
They were an elite, and although that young Aemond wanted to believe that those words never affected him, they did. In an unconscious way, they affected a boy who had little to do with the world around him. Daemon had inoculated him with the same malady from which he suffered. Not only had he succeeded in turning Aemond into a vengeful and ambitious boy. With that speech that lasted almost hours, he managed to convince him of his ideals regarding his family. Aemond scorned each and every one of Helaena's boyfriends until Jace came along, who didn't seem good enough either, but his sister stood up. He had to endure and swallow as his brother impregnated a girl from the south…as Daeron presented himself with a girl each less like what they needed. Incest was off the table, especially since that scandal between Daemon and Rhaenyra had come to light, but not assembling with people from High Valyria. Maintain himself as he had to, as Daemon had taught him... He was a Targaryen, and Targaryens should always join other Targaryens... That idea always hovered over his head. He tried to lock her up deep, and everything had worked fine until you came of age. Much to the misfortune of both.
"What a beautiful girl" Daemon looked at that photo that had just come out of the developing liquid in that dark room. He stared at it. He tried to find something in your image that would remind him of his beautiful Rhaenyra, but it was not the case. The red and black contrasts in that room showed him that your features were far from those of a Targaryen, or at least from what was considered a Targaryen for Daemon. "She looks like her mother" he commented while closely following the work of that photographer. That young boy worked methodically, revealing his work for that week, that work that his boss, Little Finger, had ordered him to keep secret from Whispers magazine. "She doesn't even look like a Targaryen..." the old dragon began, but that boy, who had barely exchanged two words with him beyond the greeting, interrupted him.
"She has purple eyes, it's just that you can't see it in the photos" Lucious Tyrell was a young man who aspired to be a photographer for one of the Westeros gossip magazines. His father said that he should find a real job, not that hobby that barely came to pay for the relief materials. He was a young man educated in the old school of photography. He never used digital cameras. Never a computer. He made magic with his developing liquids, with those photographs that showed the grain of the film he used to capture them. He made art, although he knew that his art was paid with frivolity. He did not care. He had never cared. He felt Daemon's eyes on his work as he developed a photo of you getting out of the family car at a Hightower hotel.
“I love black and white photographs. They make me feel like I'm in a spy movie” the old man who had been the owner of all Westeros smiled weakly. Now it was his nephew. Lucious knew that story well, after all he worked in that world. And yes, that passion that Daemon showed for analog work had been what had gotten him that job. The first great job of his life. The highest paid so far. Lucious didn't know why but the Daemon Targaryen had only hired him to photograph you. Solely and exclusively, for that, and keep silent about all that photo that could take of you. At the moment, Lucious didn't understand anything.
He moved on to the next photograph, under Daemon's watchful eye. He didn't understand why that man was so interested in following you. Lucious had simply drawn one conclusion from those three days in which he had followed you: you were a girl who spent most of her day alone. You rarely left the mansion and tended to go to the same store to buy drawing supplies, only to return before your uncle came home. That was the only thing that was always fulfilled in your routine, you returned before Aemond entered with his car through the door of the family home. Lucious didn't think your profile was important, and yet he was facing the biggest job of his life without knowing it. He was not a journalist, but an artist who took good photos with an undeniable eye for curiosity. The liquid in that tray revealed a rather nice photo of you on the photographic paper. You looked sideways at the target without knowing it, only your face and part of your hair blowing in the wind. You were… a real beauty. Lucious wouldn't have minded being photographed under other circumstances, because you certainly didn't possess typical Targaryen beauty, but you were a mix between dragons and a gorgeous Dornish woman. You were so much better than a Targaryen, at least in the eyes of this boy, who had always praised himself for having a talent for finding beauty.
"Do you think she has a boyfriend, boy?" Daemon asked just as he saw the almost sweet and peaceful way in which that young man wrung out the photographic paper to take it to the tray with the fixer. Lucious looked confused at that old man, who had now sat next to him while he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief on which his initials were embroidered. The young Tyrell was able to notice something: Daemon Targaryen was dying or at least he was not in optimal health. His hands trembled and his eyes were almost bloody, with the entire area that should have been white furrowed by numerous blood vessels, each more intricate. Lucious looked at your photo one more time before answering.
"Is it some kind of test?" he said, scrutinizing Daemon with his eyes, who smiled pleased at that answer. Undoubtedly, this was some kind of test on the part of the old dragon. Lucious looked at your photograph one more time before answering, trying to analyze it with what little journalistic nose he had. He wasn't a spy, although it seemed that Daemon Targaryen wanted to play that very thing. "I imagine she has, but he doesn't show up much with her or at least I haven't seen him these days" he said with a shrug. Lucious knew that there was something in you that told him that his assumption was true.
"You're quite the hound, boy" Daemon laughed again. "The truth is that I have to be honest with you, because deep down I like you, even if we haven't talked much" that old man smiled at him. And the tall garden boy stopped working. “I don't need just a photographer. I need a spy, an undercover detective. I've always liked cop novels, you know?" he confessed to him, while he got up again from that small chair and walked with his hands behind his back looking at the photos that were now slipping. They were all magnificent, without a doubt that boy had talent. In the end, Daemon even regretted choosing him. He knew that once his plan was finished, that little boy might not come out very well in the face of his beloved nephew's wrath. “This job you have in hand will never be published. But, I'll get you a good position in the magazine you want and I'll pay you even better” Daemon laughed to himself again at those words. Actually, Aemond was the one who was going to pay for it. He would use the account that the one-eyed dragon left him to pay that boy. It was a sweet irony that Dameon was beginning to enjoy.
“What is this all about?” asked the young photographer. That had begun to scale, what was Daemon Targaryen up to? He knew that it couldn't be good due to the secrecy of everything that surrounded him, but he was beginning to not know what to think of that job. His instinct told him not to go through with it. His checking account screamed at him to continue. He ignored the frist. "What do I have to find out?" he asked, curious and scared in equal measure, messing with dragons was always dangerous. He was scared to be photographing you, but he was even more scared to say no to Daemon Targaryen, just like from Aemond, he'd heard all sorts of things that were best ignored for one's own good.
"This is the daughter of Aegon Targaryen, although given your job it's something you should already know" he commented as he picked up a photo of you that hadn't finished drying yet. You certainly had pretty eyes. Very nice. Aemond had to enjoy having you kneel before him. "And if today's journalists did their job, they would know that she harbors a dark secret, a dark desire," he explained in a whisper, turning back to look at Lucious. The boy looked at one of your photos again, how could you hide something shady? It was impossible, you were just a girl a couple of years younger than him. "I want you to photograph that secret and bring it before me" the old Dragon smiled enigmatically.
The boy stood there, considering his answer. However, he spoke and Daemon smiled. Youth and stupidity were something that always went hand in hand. “How will I know what to photograph? It is clear that you know what it is…” he commented.
"Oh, do not worry. You will know what I want you to photograph” he smiled macabrely. “By the way, we hadn't talked about it, but I don't want the photos to be digitized, I don't want you to keep any copies, or the negatives. All these photos are completely mine” he commented more parts of that deal.     
"Yes, of course" replied the boy. That must have been something lurid, but that was also part of what he wanted to dedicate himself to, right? No one said it was an easy thing to be a renowned photographer, though Lucious Tyrell's career had ended the moment he first shook hands with Daemon Targaryen.
“This young lady is going on a trip to Sunspear. Tomorrow her flight leaves in a private jet for the capital of Dorne, and you are going to follow her on the commercial flight that leaves at the same time” Daemon informed him. “I want you to get all these photos developed and set up before tonight. I already have plans with them and I need them” He inform him again and Lucious looked again at your image on the developed paper. He would prepare everything, negatives included, to give to Daemon, but he couldn't get it out of his head why a girl like you was so important to someone who had been out of the public eye for so long.
Lucious didn't know it, but on the journey to Dorne he would find out why you were so important to Daemon Targaryen, and he would be the last to know the dark secret you guarded so closely. The last to know. No one else would know, unfortunately for him. He would take that secret to the grave.
Only your grandmother Alicent had wished you a good trip. The others were simply missing. Daeron had some company business to sort out. Helaena was on vacation with her husband and their little ones. She had taken them to see the sea for the first time at dragonstone. Your father had simply disappeared after speaking to Aemond two nights before. You'd never say anything, but you were sure he was drowning in alcohol for a change. You sighed and looked back at your book, only to finally leave it abandoned on the seat next to you. You weren't in the mood to read. You really weren't in the mood at all. This was your last trip with Aemond, also the only one before you returned to Sunspear in two weeks to start the academic year. The idea excited you, at the same time that it scared you. Aemond had said to come see you, but…you knew how busy he really was always.
You stretched out in your seat and looked at him. Sitting across from you, he was going over some company reports in silence. After those months shadowing him, you had realized that he was really just working. He took you to dinner, to exhibitions, you made love in hotel rooms that cost a month's salary for the entire company... and then he patiently and quietly returned to his work. He took you shopping, fulfilled your wishes, and asked for little more than to caress your hand under the tablecloth at the end of the day. He worked for his family and because it was a way to show that he was better than the others. It must be exhausting to be like this all day.
Seeing you stretch, he smiled cockily and amusedly. You knew that smile well and it kind of indicated that he was in a good mood. Without taking my eyes off his reports, he speak to you in that diligent tone that concealed much more than it wanted to show when you were surrounded by people. "Are you tired, niece? Didn't you sleep well last night?" He licked his lips, remembering the salty taste of your crotch from the night before. It had been quite a delicacy that he had devoured with enough spirit.
"I have rested very well, man" you looked at him from under your eyelashes while you crossed your legs, in a reflection of pleasure at remembering the night before. Aemond took a small swallow from his whiskey glass, never taking his one eye off of you. The sexual tension between the two was always more than palpable. You were surprised that no one suspected anything, especially after the audacity that Aemond had had the night before. "Someone helped me rest better than I expected" you whispered flirtatiously and he licked his lips again.
"It was fine?" he asked you in an arrogant manner, knowing the answer in advance. He had come home stressed from work, from preparing the entire congress on that occasion due to the absence of Alys and... he had asked her at the last minute to go with him. He hadn't taken her on the private jet like other years, but he had bought her last-minute commercial flight tickets, almost as if he saw that Alys really didn't deserve to be pushed aside. Stressed and tired from such a long day, Aemond had had no better idea than to head to your room in the middle of the night, when the whole house was asleep.
He wanted to explain to you his last minute decision about taking Alys to the conference, in case that made you jealous, and he had only ended up with a terrible boner when he saw you sleep with only those pink panties that he himself had bought you a couple of weeks ago. The room smelled like you had touched yourself and your uncle stood in front of the bed. He could see the sticky wet spot between your legs and at that moment, without thinking about the consequences of his actions, he knelt in front of you on the bed. The extra weight on the bed and the creaking of the springs made you wake up.
You opened your eyes in fright, but you only saw the sensual image of Aemond in his half-unbuttoned shirt, his dress pants, and a terrible erection that blatantly pressed against the fabric. Between your legs and with his hair loose, his hands calmly and slowly slid your panties. Savoring your every move, while his fingertips sent chills through your body, Aemond never took his eyes off his target. Wet. Soggy. Clingy. He licked his lips in silence again and ended up taking off your panties without any resistance. This was his reward after a long day at work. That was just what he deserved, and you were going to give it to him like the docile girl that you were.
You closed your legs playfully and he growled almost animalistically as he opened them again. That grunt brought you back to the reality of your half-asleep state. You were in the family home, anyone could catch you... you looked at Aemond with concern while he continued with his eyes fixed on that humid cave and that he intended to enjoy. You have never been so daring. All your sexual encounters had taken place outside of that place. Never between those four walls. The stakes were too high to do so.
"I'm so hungry" he whispered as he began to kiss your inner thighs and you stopped him with a wait said in a scared whisper and you could see that he had annoyed him. He had had a bad day. He didn't want you to deny him what he wanted so much.
"They could hear us" you whispered and he smirked again, as if you were a little girl who had to explain everything to. He liked to feel superior, you had verified it in those months and that moment was no different. Also, you could tell that Aemond had begun to feel untouchable, having paid such huge amounts of money to almost every media outlet to remove those images of him rescuing you from the crowd at the charity gala. He almost seemed to have learned that money could buy everything…he was getting more daring to be together. Nobody suspected anything, nobody thought anything about you... and he would buy silence if the case had to come.
"Your father is not here. The servants' quarters are a long way away and my mother has taken her sleeping medication…” he purred suggestively, as if this was the moment he had waited his whole life for, because she really thought she could control everything about your relationship. Weren't those days proof of that? "I'm going to take care of everything, my little dragon" He whispered again, with that paternalistic tone, in a mixture of desire and control, that he knew would turn you on.
You lay back on the bed with a smile painted on your lips. Everything with Aemond seemed easy and that was another step in your relationship. You had never made love at home before and that was normalizing what you felt, what was happening between you. You felt another kiss from your uncle on your mount of Venus and then he slowly licked the slit of your pussy. You laughed and smiled. You moaned his name and almost squealed as he continued to eat your pussy like the great delicacy it was to him.
He ate your pussy until you cum, until you were sensitive enough to beg him to stop. He had risen arrogant from the bed and his chin shiny from your slippery juices and you a babbling mess between your own sheets. Aemond grabbed your hair with a grimace that was stoic again. He tugged at your hair as his other hand undid his belt and pants. “I don't want you to touch yourself again while we're under the same roof,” he growled domineeringly, pulling his cock out of his pants and offering it to you. The bright red tip just for you and in front of you. You licked your lips and he again outlined a half smile. This was what he needed, just this. "Have you understood me?" he whispered, dominant, possessive and jealous of not having shared those previous moments with you.
You nodded silently and began to suck him, fixing your purple eyes on him. "Good girl," he whispered under his breath again, though the playful, slow pace you'd begun to set was short-lived. In need of you, he ended up setting the pace by grabbing your hair. That was heaven, heaven itself and that paradise on earth was just about to end for both of you.
You were going to praise him one more time when one of the stewardesses approached you and asked if you wanted something to drink, since you had turned red in a single moment. You tried to verbalize something out of embarrassment and simply asked for a soda while your uncle asked that girl for another whiskey. "Of course, Mr. Targaryen" you saw her waddle right in front of him and for a moment, jealousy coursed through you. It was a girl a couple of years older than you, with a more than short uniform and exquisite manners. Surely she would speak several languages... and... and...
"I'm going to the bathroom for a moment" you whispered rudely and Aemond raised an eyebrow questioningly, but you didn't see it. You just locked yourself in the little bathroom stall by yourself. You needed to think. Were you prepared to leave Aemond once the studies began? Maybe not, you never would be. You felt like a little girl. What was happening to you? Why had a mere waddle of a woman you didn't even know in front of Aemond make you jealous? You remained for a couple of moments sitting on the bathroom floor, thinking about what was happening to you and trying to put all your thoughts back in order. Finally you went out and found that same girl with a worried face. She asked you if you were okay, and the truth is that you hadn't been feeling well for a couple of weeks... the nerves of going to Sunspear alone and away from Aemond had turned your stomach and being on the defensive about things that you hardly cared about before . You politely replied that you were fine and returned to your place in front of your uncle. The girl returned shortly with some motion sickness pills for you and juice and whiskey on the rocks for your uncle. You didn't even look at him, embarrassed and still jealous.
“Hmm. I thought that a juice would do you better if you're dizzy” he commented, putting aside the reports and fixing his eye on you. He would always care about you, gods, he always would.
"I'm not dizzy" you declared in a bad way, as if you were to blame for the way that woman acted and you slipped into the seat. First he had decided to take Alys to the conference, which to a certain extent might seem necessary, then… then he had allowed that stewardess to flirt with him. Aemond had always been jealous of almost every man who had come close to you, but now you were insecure where none of that feeling had existed before. What was going on with you?
“I know you're not dizzy,” your uncle declared, reaching out to caress one of your hands, and at that moment, the confession you needed came. “It's always you, it's always going to be you. You know there will be no one else" he told you devotedly. You saw sincerity in his eyes, and you knew at that moment that there was much more to you than that dark desire that you both hid as best you could. You were made for each other and so it would be until the end of your days. Really, you were in love with each other and nothing was going to change that.
Alys grabbed her suitcase, though Robert from accounting ran over to help her. That had been the first year that Alys had traveled with the rest of the employees who attended the conference. She hadn't traveled on the private jet of the Targaryen family, but at least she had finally traveled to the congress. Meg, from human resources, also waited for Robert to take his suitcase and Rickon managed his luggage himself. The secretary was not going to lie: it had been nice to travel with her companions. They were all pretty good people and the best in their respective departments. The least visible faces, but the hardest workers in the company. Aemond hand-picked them each year and paid for their entire trip to the conference, where they would work, of course, but also enjoy whatever the sundown had to offer. As they waited for Meg's last suitcase, a young photographer picked up his last bag. This looked like a telephoto lens, and it caught Alys's eye. Normally, photographers attending the conference from all parts of Westeros just brought their cameras. Not such an extremely large telephoto lens. The boy threw it behind his back, without a doubt he would work as much or more than them, given the number of great personalities that came together in that place. But, Alys didn't give it any more importance after so many hours of flight and when Meg's suitcase finally appeared on the tape, she didn't think of anything other than getting to the hotel with the rest of her colleges and taking a shower. Although this year he would share a room with Meg, who smiled sincerely at him as they took the suitcase from the carousel together once Robert and Rickon had run to catch a taxi to get to the hotel, or at least to try to.
"I'm sorry you're sleeping with me this year, but you can shower first when we get there." Meg had almost read her thoughts. Actually, they all seemed quite afraid of Alys. She was with the boss or at least the boss's last known lover. Everyone at Targaryen Industries respected her, even if she was no longer pictured arm in arm with Aemond or traveled or slept with him anymore.
"For me it's like we showered together, but let's get to the hotel" she joked tiredly and Meg laughed with her. They dragged their suitcases tired and starting to feel the high temperatures of Sunspear. They finally got a taxi and just when Alys was going to enter the last one, she recognized you in the crowd, getting into the limousine that was waiting for Aemond and in which she always she had gone until that year. But, she did not feel jealous. For the first time in her life, Alys wanted to help another woman. She greeted you without saying a single word and you did the same with a sweet smile. Just then Aemond came in right behind you and Alys watched as the limo pulled away. You were too sweet and too well tamed by Aemond. And this new girl was about to pay the price, even if Alys tried to make that never happen.
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15-lizards · 6 months
I love your genderbent series, what would characters in the dance of the dragons be like genderbent? Eg. Rhaenyra, Daemon, Velaryon brothers (Jacerys, Lucerys, Joffrey) the Green siblings (Aegon II, Helaena etc) the DoTD would probably never happen if Rhaenyra was a man, but I’m still interested in this AU.
Honestly you can still flip it to make the dance happen, it would just be that male Alicent would try to push fem Aegon over male Rhae by convincing fem Viserys that there should be another queen instead of a king, so that female succession is strengthened after the shenanigans of the Great Council
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Queen Visenya, who was named so by a slim margin during the Great Council, instead of her cousin Rhaeon, and set the precedent of firstborn succession, no matter the gender. Had only one child, her son and heir Rhaenar, before her husband Aemon died. Took a liking to the young son of her Hand, Alren Hightower, who was then forced to marry the much older queen. To everyone’s surprise, Visenya then had four more children despite her advancing age. Alren, wanting to secure his children’s futures, tried to convince Visenya of naming their eldest daughter Aegora as heir, to strengthen the idea that a daughter can succeed. He was close to Rhaenar in their youth, but the years drove them apart and made him paranoid that his children would not be safe if Rhaenar succeeded his mother.
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Rhaenar, who had been groomed for the throne ever since he was born, is of course still The Realms Delight. Confident and proud but a bit indulgent at times, there are some rumors surrounding the mysterious circumstances of his daughters’ births, mainly the fact that every time his lady wife Laenara is said to be pregnant, she disappears to Dragonstone for the duration, and Rhaenar’s sworn shield, Harla Strong, always accompanies her. For his second wife, he wastes no time in choosing Daemona, the Princess of Flea Bottom. Visenya’s wild and reckless younger sister, she enjoyed starting conflicts and ending them (with her sword of course). And she always got what she wanted. Not even her queenly sister could stop her, and once Daemona’s Royce husband dies mysteriously, she goes right back to chasing her spoiled little nephew.
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And ofc Alren’s darling mentally ill children: Aegora, Haelen, and Aemona. Usurper Queen Aegora who didn’t even want to be here, much less be on the throne. Lazy and indulgent with no desire to rule, she was more than happy to let Rhaenar have the throne, until her father put her there instead. However, she doesn’t give it up, letting her father convince her that Rhaenar will kill her, given the chance. Haelen, Aegora’s poor sad husband whose mind constantly seems to be elsewhere. He’s a strange boy, preferring to read the works of mystics instead of riding his dragon, but he’s still a sweet boy who loves his children dearly. And then Aemona (just pretend Anya has an eyepatch) my favorite insane second son-daughter. Sharper and more ambitious than her siblings, her father’s favorite child and constantly seeking his approval. Leads most of the war effort herself.
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And then of course Crown Princess Jaecera, Lucera, and Johanna. Big sister Jaecera already trying to model herself in a queenly fashion, but has quite a bit of both her mother and fathers temper and headstrong tendencies. Always means the best though. Literally so eager to go to war just to avenge her little sister. Daddy’s girl Lucera just the sweetest and kindest baby ever except that one time she jumped Aemona with a rock when they were younger. Refuses to let an insult against her family slide so hard that she walks into Storms End knowing Vhagars old ass is there. And then Johanna whose kinda Rickon coded to me (aka she doesn’t do much)
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Fanfic Idea! (Modern, sort of, Lucemond, Aemond is a painter)
Lucerys truly didn't mean to ruin it. He swears up and down he didn't see the uncapped paint on the floor. He really, really, really was sorry.
He knew how important that painting was to him, it was that of Alys, his ex-wife, though he wasn't sure why they divorced. He knew he loved that painting of her, draped in blue robes that are a bit translucent, with jewelry and embroidery, how he saw it as a challenge to paint an exquisitely detailed painting of her that took days to finish before giving it to her on her name day. She returned it after the final proceedings, saying she didn't want it anymore.
And now it had a splatter of black paint on it, covering the extremely detailed painting of jewelry and lace, some small parts even landed on her face. He did try wiping it off with tissue paper in a panic, hoping to wipe it off before the paint sets in, but the paint just spread, the details were skewed, and parts of the tissue paper where on the canvas. He then tried wet cotton balls, but it somehow managed to also take parts of the original paint off.
By the time Aemond returned, the lower half of the painting was unrecognizable, and Lucerys was damn well close to tears.
They were just getting better. They were finally in speaking terms again, Aemond even offered to help him learn how to paint, the very reason he was even allowed in Aemond's private painting room, something that, according to step-grandmother Alice, was a rare offer from Aemond. And now his mistake might have caused their entire fragile relationship to break into shambles again.
His started to cry when he saw Aemond looking at his ruined work, mumbling a mixture of sorry's, and I didn't mean to's. He continues to stare at his painting, with an expression Lucerys can't pinpoint, and that made him turn back to the anxious little boy he once was, afraid of rejection, afraid to be hated by his favorite uncle once again.
He didn't expect Aemond to cup his crying face so gently, nor did he expect him to wipe his tears with his thumb. He expected many things, but he didn't expect his uncle to comfort him.
"It's just a painting, what are you crying for?"
That just made it worse, curse his over reactive tear ducts. He tried calming himself, and cursed himself again when more tears were produced instead.
"I...I'm sorry.." He whispered, fearing that if he spoke any more louder, his voice would crack. "I ruined it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to..."
Damn these tears!
If it had been before, he was certain Aemond would call him a cry baby, a man of nine and ten, crying over spilt paint. In fact, he was so sure, so certain that that was what he would do now, besides angrily shouting at him for ruining his work. He heard of him shouting at Alys, his model and then wife, for moving, because he felt it ruined his vision. He didn't, though. Surprisingly. Really surprisingly. He was calm. Or he acted calm. Lucerys is in too much of a mess to notice the small details of Aemond.
"Yes, that you did."
Lucerys really, really should stop crying. Stop it. Stop it for gods' sake!
"That's alright. You can just help me recreate it."
Lucerys looked at him, trying to stop his hiccups, confused. He didn't even know how to paint, and that was Aemond's greatest work so far. How in the seven hells was he supposed to help him recreate the painting?!
"I'm afraid you might be mistaking me for a genius, uncle." He sniffed. "I barely know how to paint an alright flower."
"Oh, not in painting. No, I think you've shown just how disasterous that can be."
Lucerys fought to keep the pout off of his mouth, the hiccups subsiding a bit. Now that wasn't fair. It was an accident. Just because he didn't notice the uncapped paint on the floor before stepping on it, doesn't mean he would be horrible with a brush.
"I'm thinking more of...modeling."
It took a few seconds before Lucerys connected the dots, face burning as soon as he understood the implication. He glanced at the painting, at the slightly translucent robe. Surely his uncle wasn't thinking of putting him in that thing. Surely.
He glanced at Aemond, hoping to see a rare expression akin to an "I'm joking" face. He wasn't. He was serious.
"Uncle, I'm..I'm alright with modeling, but perhaps I can model something else? I'm sure you'd like to paint something different from-"
"Lucerys, you don't seem to understand. I don't mean to fully copy my original, I mean to expand, to better the old. And I do like challenging myself to make a better version of my masterpiece."
He felt himself relaxing a bit. So it wouldn't be like the original? He wouldn't need to wear that type of clothing?
"So, what exactly would you change, uncle?"
"Come tomorrow, and you'll find out."
Lucerys couldn't even look at himself in the mirror, too embarrassed, as Aemond fixed the jewelry wrapped around him. He thought it would be embarrassing to wear Alys' slightly translucent robe. He would actually be glad to wear it now rather than the sheer monstrosity of the robe and everything else he was made to wear.
What his uncle brought out was fully transparent, (though it was rather soft, nice to the touch), and that wasn't even the worst of it. He was even made to wear bejeweled underwear, for the extra challenge of detail, his uncle said. By the time his uncle fixed the rest of the outer jewelry to exactly as he wished it to be, he headed to the sofa, where Alys posed, but was stopped by Aemond.
He leads him to the bedroom instead.
Aemond had already set things up, and only asked Lucerys to lay on the bed, fixing his pose. Though a bit uncomfortable, being in Aemond's bedroom and all that, he followed his uncle's orders.
"Place your hand a little higher...that's it. Beautiful, nephew."
He blushed a bit, not wanting to admit how much he enjoyed the praise.
"Now, don't move. If you're feeling tired, tell me, and we'll take a short break."
"Yes, uncle."
So he laid there, determined not to move, as he felt his uncle's eye roaming around his body. It was quiet, save for the sound of their breathing and Aemond painting.
When the first session was done, Lucerys sat up, careful not to accidentally move the jewels around as much. Aemond helped him up to his feet.
"Well done, Lucerys."
This continued on for days, with Lucerys slowly becoming more and more comfortable with the transparent robe, with Aemond's eye on him, taking in every detail, the way an artist would.
During his final session, he was a bit sad to part with the robe. He built up a bit of courage to ask for it, and his uncle looked up him funny.
"This is the first time I've ever modelled, and I'd like to have it as a remembrance of sorts, please qybor?"
".... Alright."
When Lucerys was meant to leave, Aemond stopped him. "Lucerys, what do you think of modelling for my next painting?"
Lucerys was surprised with this. But, thinking about it, it was rather enjoyable. It made him feel...pretty, though he has yet to see the painting, (his uncle insists he would show it once it was ready) he liked the feeling of being treated like a piece of art. So he agreed.
When it was time for Aemond to reveal his new masterpiece, he only called for Lucerys. This made Lucerys both excited and nervous. It was his first time modelling, and he was also curious. How did the painting look like? Would it match up to the one with Alys? Would it be better? Or did he make it worse? Is that why he only called for him?
When Aemond revealed the painting, Lucerys gasped. It was beautiful. It was detailed. He can see now, why he only called Lucerys to see it. Had he called the entire family today, Lucerys would have exploded. His step-father would have tried to kill Aemond. His mother would have called him beautiful, while simultaneously cursing her half-brother to the ground. Aemond's mother almost fainted when Aemond showed her the original work with Alys, she might start chanting prayers if she saw this one.
"Quite a beautiful model you are, nephew." Aemond whispered in his ear. "Such a provocative body, with such an innocent face."
"I look forward to having you as my new muse."
I reposted this because I forgot to add tags last time. 😅
If anyone was wondering, this photo from Twitter inspired me.
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And I have to admit, it's a bit rushed😅
So, thoughts? Violent reactions?
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ Oh my god you guys are a little family! Well, not so little... even though Rhaenyra is married to Laenor, she is still in a secret relationship with you and Harwin. 
⭑ Her sons are like your own, and you treat them with so much love and respect. 
⭑ But they probably see you as an Aunty/Uncle (I guess the same as Harwin)
⭑ You’re probably legally married to Harwin? And he fell in love with Rhaenyra, and so did you. If you present as male, then I think you would be their guard.  
⭑ Rhaenyra calls you ‘my love,’ 
⭑ And Harwin calls you ‘my heart.’
⭑ If you’re quick to anger, Rhaenyra will be by your side, stroking your arm:
        “It’s okay, my love,” she’ll coo. 
⭑ Harwin is like a rock for both you and Rhae. He’s always ready to pick you up when you’re down.
⭑ And he loves making you smile. He would degrade himself in all ways, just to see the side of your lips quirk up. 
⭑ You love to tuck the boys into bed and tell them bedtime stories. Their favourites are ones with dragons and knights (of course-)
⭑ Alicent would be outrageously jealous - I think the big thing with her is that she wants the same freedom. But because of her standing, and her family, she feels as if she cannot do what Rhaenyra does. Alicent firmly believes that actions have consequences. 
⭑ You can usually find Rhaenyra with her sons - she watches on as Jacaerys and Lucerys train. 
⭑ Harwin is with them training, and you’re either helping or watching on as well. 
⭑ Viserys really likes you; it’s because you take the time to look at his model of the city. He does love his family, and although he might not be the greatest king, he is a great father and grandfather. 
⭑ Harwin likes to steal kisses when no one is watching 9if you’re not married) but if you are, then his lips aren’t far from your own
⭑ Rhaenyra isn’t jealous - she understands, but you try not to do it in front of her
⭑ You and Rhaenyra are like best friends with benefits; you love talking with each other and find that you understand each other on a deeper level 
⭑ You and Laenor get on well too - you don’t care about his preferences and sometimes wonder if Harwin could be attracted to him? 
⭑ Harwin always does this sneak-attack thing where he’ll creep up behind you and jump on you, or pick you up
⭑ And you’ve gotten so used to it, that you know exactly when he’s about to pounce
⭑ Rhaenyra always listens intently whenever you have something to say 
⭑ And you love reading to her. She finds your voice very calming 
⭑ All three of you are very sarcastic and witty. Humour is a big part of your relationship!
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Dumbass (Harwin) x Dumbass In Training (You) x Oh Fck I Guess They’re My Dumbasses (Rhaenyra)
  ✧ Tall (Harwin) x Smol (Rhaenyra) x Slightly Taller Than Smol (You)
  ✧ The Adventurous (Harwin) x The Hyperactive (You) x The Unheeded Voice of Reason (Rhaenyra)
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Rhaenyra likes to watch you and Harwin. When she’s alone, she’ll imagine your hands untying Harwin’s pants, pulling them down and freeing his hard cock. 
⭑ Harwin loves the cowgirl position, and the other behind the rider, kissing and nipping at their breasts. 
⭑ Harwin is a switch, but mostly a sub
⭑ Rhaenyra is mostly a dom, but will gladly give the reigns to anyone 
⭑ If you want the princess to be putty in your hands, then nibble on her ear
⭑ And Harwin loves to take advantage of an empty corridor
⭑ He also adores face-sitting, especially when Rhaenyra is bouncing on his cock and you’re on top of his face. 
⭑ But Harwin’s favourite sexual act is bondage; 
⭑ You’ve tried mutual masturbation but it doesn’t last for long. Harwin usually gives up and wants to touch you both. 
⭑ Harwin is very thick, veiny, and in length - around 9.5 inches when fully erect. 
⭑ If you’re able to have children, then you would have a tonic that prevents pregnancy. But if you and Harwin do wish to have children - then that’s a different case. 
⭑ I do think Harwin has a breeding kink ... and he loves stuffing himself deep inside you, his cum filling up your cunt. 
⭑ Rhaenyra likes anal, but likes to eat your ass especially 
⭑ And she adores her hair being pulled 
⭑ You would have a drawer full of toys; dildos, strap-ons (GoT versions of course, maybe out of a special material in King’s Landing?) paddles (for spanking), ropes, cloths for tying around one’s eyes etc,.
⭑ The aftercare is especially lovely - sometimes all three of you are too tired so you cuddle in each other’s arms until someone has to leave. 
⭑ Or when you do feel especially dirty, you and Rhaenyra will hop into a warm bath while Harwin cleans the both of you. 
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coeluvr · 2 months
I feel bad for Luceris the child. The things he had to weather. The adults he had to as models in his life. The actions he must have had to resort to in order not to completely break down and give up. No child should have to go through the what he did.
But I still hold no sympathy for Luceris the adult. The past can shape you, but there's still a choice to be better. But with all that power, Luceris has chosen to be the very adult that scarred his own childhood and he can't even see it or at worse pretends he doesn't. I hope he one day does see it and that the reflection that stares back at him horrifies him as the weight of all he's done finally crashes down.
I don't think his childhood excuses his actions so I hope people don't think that's what I'm trying to do!
I really like writing characters from the ground up and seeing how their life shaped them. 🥰
There are so many different choices and paths that you can lead despite being in a bad situation, it's really cool to me! Probably why I write parallels so much lol.
I think the most fun part of all of this is that Luceris is kind of like a warning sign for MC like "take this path and you already know where you're heading" and it's just so fun to me lmao.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Aegon III and Jaehaera “healing together” would be like:
Jaehaera: I miss my father.
Aegon III: Nothing would have happened if your grandmother didn’t usurped my mother and your uncle didn’t ruthlessly murdered my brother.
Their marriage would have been SOOO INCREDIBLY UGLY, BITTER, MISERABLE AND HOPELESS. That union never stood a chance. Aegon III spent about 3 years married to her and never made any attempt to befriend her and had more interactions with Unwin Peake’s daughter than her. They wouldn’t have any children, he’d abdicate in favor of Viserys if he didn’t marry Daenaera and then locked himself in a tower.
Yeah, I agree. I understand that the real English War of the Roses that war/sub-battles ended with a happier and successful marriage between the two warring houses of York and Lancaster so it seems that Aegon III and Jaehaera could have also had a great marriage--or at least a civil one with a lot of kids/heirs. However, though yes we had the structure of "one child of the two warring families marry for peace" of the War of Roses, the Dance was modeled and takes inspiration from the Anarchy, where Empress Matilda fought against her male cousin, Stephen of Blois, for the English throne. Where the conflict was strictly about who deserves the throne: the female declared heir or the eldest male relative? And who will obtain it, who fights for them, who suffers, etc.
Plus Henry VII of the Plantagenet branch of Tudor (through Jon of Gaunt) & Elizabeth of the house of York--the people who married each other while from the opposing houses after the Battle of Bosworth Field--were both relatively healthy adults AND Henry actually won the throne through his own leadership in battle after killing Richard II (her paternal uncle). The same uncle whose mainly held responsible for Elizabeth's younger brothers' disappearances. So Henry & Elizabeth had a way better beginning than Aegon III & Jaehaera.
Even with the Anarchy, GRRM doesn't transfer all of the events or major ones/results into his fiction. The conclusion of the anarchy was still a woman being passed over: Stephen won and got to rule but Empress Matilda's son--Henry Plantagenet-- was designated as the next to rule in the Treaty of Wallingford. But she wasn't brutally murdered in front of said son like Rhaenyra; yet despite Stephen's efforts his own sons never sat the throne like Aegon; yet the war ravaged England as the Dance did Westeros enough that in both the lords/barons sought peace above all AND Matilda lost the throne.
GRRM seemed to want to capture the sense of futility of the war's destruction (not its cause though, not absolutely) with how it should have never happened to begin with from a place of usurping a woman. There was no happy-dappy marriage or even an attempt at one in the real thing.
Jaehaera was made totally disadvantaged for a reason:
a) making her and Aegon both children in the aftermath of the war, controlled by ambitious adults still who do not have their best interests at heart makes to highlight theie vulnerability and the cause being misogyny and classism leading those in power to declare such wars
b) their parents fighting and destroying each other to the bitter end instead of what occurred in the actual Anarchy
c) the greens pushed for war under the principle of "men only" at the cost of its female members' mental and physical health or putting those in danger (mainly Helaena and Jaehaera) for the sake of power. Jaehaera could have grown up happier and for longer if her own father hadn't decided to calm down and not try to go after several of Rhaenyra's supporters in the way that he was planning to, nor should he have usurped his older sister. He shouldn't have celebrated Lucerys' murder at the feast he threw that was almost certainly part of the inspiration for Blood & Cheese whereby his oldest male heir was killed. His other male heir was put into danger when he, again, usurped Rhaenyra and led armies against her when she had been already declared and ACCEPTED as Viserys heir for years. All he had left was his daughter, but bc the whole point of his claim was "males only" AND he was himself an asshole, he decided to marry again to get another male heir. It was also Alicent who tried to intimidate or persuade her granddaughter to kill Aegon as if the child wasn't already scarred from war and mentally fragile from her disabilities so that she, Alicent, could get revenge against the already dead Rhaenyra. The greens, not the blacks or Rhaenyra, are the main ones at fault for Jaehaera's demise--her death is on their hands since every which way, they chose power over her.
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Ok, so, this is probably ridiculous, and I can't believe I have a House of the Dragon theory before it even airs (I can barely believe I have a HOTD theory at all), but...
Since the release of The Princess and the Queen in 2013, and through everything published about the Dance of the Dragons since then (TRP, TWOIAF, F&B), it's known that Daemon and Aemond Targaryen have a lot of parallels. Besides the most obvious point of their names (just move the D, lol), they're both hotheaded, vengeful, kinslayers, brutal and ruthless, excellent swordsmen, more martial and physically active than their kingly older brother who they were nevertheless devoted to... culminating in their final showdown in the Battle Over the Gods Eye, the aging older model vs the would-be "new hotness". Though a major difference is that fandom tends to treat Aemond as far more of a pretentious wannabe, a bad Xerox copy with his marysueish sapphire eye and ooh so hardcore dialogue, generally disliked while Daemon is beloved (or at least opinions are far more split), the Darkstar to his Oberyn.
As for HOTD -- though we have yet to see how normie fandom and newbies will react to these two characters once they both start doing their thing, one thing I've noticed from the trailers is that most new people just cannot tell them apart. I have a friend (with no interest in ASOIAF but who's seen the ads multiple times during his shows) who thought Aemond was Matt Smith in an eyepatch. And Matt and Ewan Mitchell do look remarkably and surprisingly alike.
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That same flat square jaw from the front but cut cheekbones from the side, similar noses and lips, even when in costume the same lack of eyebrows for goodness sake... Well, maybe this is just highly similar Targaryen wigs and makeup, maybe it's just good casting, following the evident show-Targaryen family look. Maybe the showrunners just chose a young actor who looks a bit like Matt Smith and costumed him similarly as a way to hammer home the parallels between the characters. But. What if this casting and costuming means something... more?
We know that one of the in-world text sources of the Dance is the scurrilous Testimony of Mushroom, which claimed that Alicent was no virgin when married, having previously slept with Viserys and even senile King Jaehaerys (which I most thoroughly doubt, that's just Mushroom's typical slander). We know that Otto Hightower detested Daemon, all the sources concurring, if no reason given except perhaps "Lord Flea Bottom"'s known behavior. We know that per interviews etc, in the show Daemon is said to have a complex relationship with his brother Viserys, loving yet jealous. We know that, well, HBO is HBO, as bad as Mushroom, and loves to add sexy scandalous scenes for water-cooler and social media buzz, even if they're claiming it won't be so bad and blatant as GOT with HOTD. So... what if, in the show, there's some kind of... incident, between Daemon and Alicent, a seduction or maybe, um, not the greatest level of consent, and then a little bit of time and Alicent tells Viserys she's pregnant again? Perhaps there won't be anything overt, nothing ever said, just implied via nasty looks and snatches of dialogue... but what if? There's no Maury Povich or DNA testing in Westeros...
Mind you, a big flaw in this theory is that in the books, Daemon was absent from court from late 105 to 111 AC, either on Dragonstone or in the Stepstones, and Aemond was born in 110 AC. But we already know that HOTD's adaptation is playing a bit with timelines, making Alicent and Rhaenyra about the same age whereas Alicent was 9 years older in the books. We don't yet know how they might tweak the ages of their children -- though from the trailers and behind-the-scenes videos, Aemond seems to be far closer to the ages of Jacaerys and Lucerys (in the Vhagar incident scenes they all look 10-12-ish, rather than 10, 6, and 5, and the actors are 12, 13, and 8). And imagine-- the parallels (not just between Daemon and Aemond, but Alicent and Rhaenyra), the greek tragedy levels of irony... it would be amazing.
So. I suppose we'll see. This could be completely crack, based on nothing more than the somewhat similar appearances of actors cast as uncle and nephew. But if it does go down that way, if show-Daemon has a son he could never ever acknowledge... don't say I didn't warn you.
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farity · 1 year
The Choice, part 2
Part 1
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Baratheon OFC
Summary:  Lucerys didn’t go to Storm’s End, Aemond ends up marrying one of the daughters.
Warnings: Smut, violence.
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Aemond looked around the library.  He’d looked for his new wife in their chambers, in Helaena’s rooms, in his mother’s rooms, decided she wasn’t likely to be in Aegon’s rooms, and then looked here.  She was nowhere to be found.
He very briefly considered the possibility she’d run back to Storm’s End but immediately dismissed it.  
He heard steps approaching but recognized them as his older brother’s.
“I understand there were three other Baratheon girls you could have chosen?”
Aemond stared at Aegon.
“Why, then, would you choose the one that is corrupting my wife into entertaining our children herself?”
“I do not understand.”
“Come, I shall enlighten you, brother.”
Aegon led him down the corridors of the Red Keep, down the steps, and out to one of the courtyards, where Helaena stood with her hands covering her eyes.  “ . . . nine, ten!  I am coming to find you!”  She opened her eyes, her smile vanishing as she caught sight of Aegon.  “Oh.  You’re here.”
“You see?” he said quietly to Aemond.  “She is playing the fool running around while the rest of them hide.”
“I am sorry, I have to find the children,” Helaena announced, looking around.  There was a small giggle followed by a shushing sound somewhere behind a flower bush and she started walking that way.  “Was that a big, scary wasp I just heard?” she asked dramatically, and there were more giggles.
Aegon sighed, exasperated.  “Helaena, it’s clearly Jaehaerys, you can see his feet behind that bush.  And Jaehaera is behind that vase over there.”
Both kids jumped out of their hiding spot, their little faces full of disappointment.  
“Aegon,” Helaena said quietly.  “It was a game.”
“What is wrong with you?”
Aemond watched as his wife emerged from behind Jaehaerys, patting the little boy’s head. 
“Why would you do that?”
“You will watch the tone of your voice when you address me,” Aegon warned.
Jaehaera ran off crying, and Helaena took her son’s hand and followed the little girl.
“I praise you, oh mighty King Aegon, Second of his Name, for succeeding in ruining your children’s fun.  Long may you reign,” Carys said sweetly, sinking into a deep curtsey before Aegon.  He looked from her to Aemond before walking away.
She rose slowly, staring up at Aemond.  “Are you going to chastise me as well?  Please go ahead, you will be the third person who is unhappy with me today.”
He reached over to pluck a twig out of her hair.
“Ah, thank you.”
“Who was the first?”
He offered his arm, and she took it as they walked back towards the doors.  “You said I would be the third person to be unhappy with you.  Aegon was the second, so who was the first?”
She looked away and her hand tightened on his arm.  
“The dowager queen was less than impressed with my needlework this morning.”
“A most grievous offense.  I do not know how the realm can continue like this.”
She gave him a look, but he saw the small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.  “Ser Otto might finally have cause to send me back.”
Instinctively, Aemond pulled his arm, and her hand with it, closer.  “No.”
She said nothing, but something stirred inside her.
* * * * * 
“Why you?  Why can’t Aegon go?”
“Because he is the King,” Aemond replied, keeping his tone light.  “And I am not.”
He heard a clanging sound and turned to see the fire poker swinging in its stand.  Carys stood facing the fireplace, hands on her hips, clearly just having kicked the stand.
It warmed him to know she didn’t wish him to go.  
“Try not to get arrested for treason while I am gone.”
“Then do not be gone too long,” she said quietly.  “You never know what I might do.”
He walked up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder.  When she turned, he pulled her to him and kissed her.  Their marriage might be new, but at least in this they aligned well.  She could be as much a model of propriety as he when they were with others, but in the privacy of their marriage bed she was fire and light.  While he had plenty of fire of his own, he had found himself in darkness for so much of his life that he’d almost forgotten what it was to feel the light, and she’d brought that to him.
He lifted her easily, her arms winding around his neck as he walked to their bed.  She was already kicking off her slippers by the time he placed her back down, eager hands now pulling at the ties on his breeches while he dealt with the fastenings of her gown.  “These damned things are interminable,” he muttered, and she laughed.  
He’d never have guessed there would be joy in his marriage, he’d never seen it in anyone else’s, 
The gown fell to the floor and she sat on the edge of the bed in her shift, pulling Aemond’s tunic off him.  “Princess, I must protest,” he said as he climbed onto the bed, “why are you still wearing that?”
“I am quite sure,” she said as she kissed him, “that a dragon can make short work of a thin piece of fabric.”
Aemond smirked at her, then grabbed the top of her shift and ripped it in half easily.  He kissed her neck, feeling her pulse pick up as his tongue traced a line down to her collarbone.  Carys arched against him, fisting one hand in his hair to bring him back up.  “I want your mouth on mine,” she murmured.
“I distinctly remember you telling me you always got your way.”  He kissed her, while she grabbed his hips, wrapping her legs around him.  
“When it matters,” she replied, sighing when she felt him begin to push inside her.  
Aemond grabbed her calf, bringing her foot up to his shoulder and she moaned, collapsing back onto the bed.  He wanted to savor this, the sight of her, skin flushed , lips parted, while he took his time, hips moving lazily.  
“Come back to me, Aemond,” she whispered.  She reached up to brush the back of her fingers along his cheek, and he leaned his head over to kiss her palm.
“I will,” he said, leaning down to kiss her.  She rolled her hips and he thrust hard again.  
“More,” she murmured against his lips. “Everything.”
* * * * * 
“My prince, the rebels have been defeated, House Rosby is most grateful for your aid.”
“A raven!” one of the servants ran into the hall, waving a rolled up paper in his hand.  “For Prince Aemond.”
Aemond reached out a hand to take the message, nodding at the servant.  He opened it and the words inside left him frozen.  For a moment, he could almost feel the pool of despair that was threatening to swallow him whole, and then rage took over.
“Not all the rebels,” he muttered, stalking out of the hall.
It had been a distraction, he realized now.  He had taken the ease with which they had captured the small fort on the hill for a complete lack of planning on the rebels’ part.  
It had been anything but.
He took three others with him, sending the rest to go past the meeting site to flank him for a two-pronged approach.  Once he caught sight of the building, his group left their horses tied to a tree and began to approach.
He signaled to the smallest man in his group, the one who was the stealthiest, and he did a quick survey of the building before coming back.
“Five of them, my prince.”
Aemond watched him.
“And Princess Carys.”
* * * * * 
The bump on her forehead was the worst of it, she kept telling herself.
So far.
One of them would definitely try to rape her if it weren’t for the leader, who kept a tight rein on the other four.  She kept quiet, tried to listen as much as she could, and vowed never again to leave the Red Keep without some sort of weapon on her.  She hoped her maid was alive.  Last time she’d seen the poor girl, she was sprawled out on the road after getting backhanded by one of the thugs.  They’d set upon Carys as she walked around the market, enjoying the good weather of the day.
And now she sat surrounded by five rebels who were congratulating themselves on the “distraction” they had set up in order to take her.
She hoped, she prayed, she told herself she would see him again.  
The leader turned suddenly, motioned to one of the others to go.  The man walked outside.
“Are you in pup?”
Carys turned to the man who’d asked the question.
“Am I what?”
“With child, pregnant, in pup!”
“No,” she replied.  Truth was, she didn’t know, she’d lain with Aemond every day except for when her blood had come two weeks ago, they’d lain together after it was over.  She thought of the last time, before he’d left, and told herself there would be more.  More desperate couplings, more tender moments, just . . . more.
The leader kept looking toward the door and Carys realized the man had not returned.  There had been no sounds, no screams, nothing.
She caught the briefest shadow passing by the sliver of light that came through the door frame.
Still, the man did not come back.
The door opened, and something was rolled in.  
Carys saw the expression of surprise on the severed head.  And then Aemond walked in, followed by two others.
One of the ruffians grabbed her, and she wanted to laugh, to scream at them that their lives were forfeit and they should make peace with their maker, but forced herself to school her features into an expressionless mask.
Aemond didn’t look at her, and she kept her eyes on the ground.
“I’ll cut her throat before you can take another step.”  The man held up a dagger a few inches in front of her neck, and she stayed still.
“You could have slit her throat when you took her,” Aemond said casually.  “But you wanted to speak with me.”
“You know what we want,” the leader said, holding out his blade.
“I do not negotiate,” Aemond replied, sounding bored.  
Carys ventured a glance at him.  His expression gave nothing away as he sighed while surveying the group.  
“Then we’ll kill her.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow, looking at Carys with disdain.
“Do you think he cares?”
The leader turned to her.
“Was this your plan?  To threaten to kill me?  He married me to get my father’s support.”
The leader looked at Aemond, who merely nodded.  “She has three sisters,” he said quietly.  “Or I can marry someone from yet another house and add to my army.”
A muscle twitched in the leader’s jaw.  
“Do with her as you will,” Aemond said.  “But remember this,” he said, and brought his right hand up to his cheek, as if brushing off some dirt with the back of his fingers
Carys watched, and saw his other hand wrap around the hilt of his dagger.
“The fury will come to you with fire and blood.”
She remembered the gesture.  The way he’d turned his head and leaned over when she’d caressed his cheek, and immediately moved to the right.  A moment later she heard a thud, and then the meaty hand that had been holding onto her went slack.  
She turned to see the man falling to the ground, Aemond’s dagger in the center of the man’s neck.  Blood was spurting everywhere and the other two men Aemond had brought with him made quick work of dispatching the two other ruffians while Aemond pulled out his sword and knocked the leader’s weapon out of his hand.
“You dared take my wife.  I will ensure you never take anything else.”
Two quick sweeps of his sword and the man’s hands fell to the floor while he roared in pain.
“Take him back.  I want him interrogated before I gut him from nose to navel.”
Carys took Aemond’s dagger, wiped it on the dead man’s shirt, and calmly walked to her husband, presenting the dagger to him.  “I believe this is yours.”  He sheathed his sword, took the dagger from her.
“Are you hurt?”
“I’m covered in dirt and blood.”
“It will wash off,” she said simply, and wrapped her arms around him.  He enveloped her, and she clung to him as he walked out of the building.
* * * * * 
Aemond sent his men ahead to take the prisoner to be interrogated, let Carys try to slap his hands away while he checked out the bump on her forehead. felt around the back of her head to check for other injuries.. Cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her, the taste of her a welcome reassurance that she was not harmed, that she was whole and she was his.
He felt her hands on the fastenings of his breeches, her delicate fingers brushing against the skin of his stomach as she worked, and all his concern turned to need.  He pulled her down to the ground, amidst the overgrown grasses, pushed his breeches down while she raised her skirts, spreading her legs for him.
Reaching up, she fisted her hand in his hair, pulling him close to brush her lips against his.  “Now, now,” she demanded and when he drove inside her, she moaned.  Her legs clamped around him, hips pumping in time with his.  It was going to be quick, brutal, he thought, and reached between them to touch her, to make her come before he did.  She whimpered, clinging to him desperately, her body taut as she buried her face in his neck.  He felt the pleasure tearing through her, her muscles milking him as he found his own release.
He managed to hold his weight on one arm, finally collapsing onto his side and taking her with him.  Only after his own heartbeat stopped pounding in his ears did he realize she was crying.  “What is wrong, did I hurt you, sweet?”  She shook her head, still clinging to him.
He pulled her face to his, brushing the stray locks that had come loose from her braid.  “Carys, what is it?”
She smiled at him through her tears.  “It’s been a day, Aemond.”
He let out the breath he’d been holding.  Gods, yes, it had been a day.  “Once I get the feeling back in my legs, we shall go home.”
Carys laughed, wiping her eyes.  She rested her head on his chest, letting him wrap his arms around her.  She was tired, dirty, and there was blood spattered on her.  She closed her eyes, savoring the steady sound of her husband’s heartbeat beneath her ear.
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dany-is-my-queen · 1 year
A Question of Loyalty VI
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
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A weary sigh escaped your lungs as the sun set, the remnants of the reddish orange sun fading sublimely.
If Daemon hadn't killed your uncle, you have known what he was talking about. But he took it to his grave, he was in a rage that surely would have been that and not something serious.
You prayed for his soul in the Godswood for he was a member of your family despite his eagerness to bury your father.
“My lady.” A familiar voice came from behind, it was hoarse. “I wanted to thank you for your support back in the Throne Room. I knew you would root for my cause.”
“I didn’t do it for you, Rhaenyra. I did it for Lucerys.” You coldly replied.
“Right, yeah. I still very much appreciate your vote of confidence towards us.” You gave her a once-over.
Rhaenyra had a look of burden all over her, years ago you would ask her what was wrong, then help her to ease her turmoil but now, you just let the silence settle in.
“I want to name her like you.” She spoke, massaging her belly.
“I do not know if I’m worthy of such honor.”
“You are, Y/N.”
“Are you certain she’ll be a girl?”
“I’m counting on it.” You smiled faintly, it didn’t reach your eyes. You tried damn hard to disguise your hurt, the princess read your unreadable thoughts and aimed to grab your hands, out of instinct you recoiled before she could, she jerked back.
“My father is dying. But I noticed that his model city was immaculate. I don't think Alicent cared so much about cleaning it, or sending someone to do it. I thank your for it.”
“It is a sad thing, that the King is in such condition. But Queen Alicent has been seeing to the Realm’s interests. She’s doing her duty to the Kingdoms by ruling them wisely.” Rhaenyra sneered.
“Has she now? She meant to set aside Luke, your brother’s son… how is that doing a good job?”
“My brother’s son…” You mimicked, her gaze piercing as a dagger. “Laenor is dead. Cuckolded, you married your uncle, Rhaenyra. Why?”
“Y/N…—“ Tremendous amount of guilt invaded Rhaenyra, oh how she wished she could come clean about the truth of him.
“He was a far better man than Daemon will ever be. Even Harwin was. How could you?”
“Would you have wedded me?”
“You’ve heard me. Would you’ve let me take you as my wife after Laenor’s demise?”
“That’s nonsense…”
“To me it never was, Y/N. With your brother gone, I had to strengthen my line. I had to—“
“You needn’t have to if you hadn’t mothered bastards!” She had no right to be offended, and you didn’t mean ill will towards the lads, she winced angrily for a second before she went softer. You still cared for her, she knew.
“We never tried, Y/N. We could never. I needed heirs, you can’t hold that against me forever.”
“Your line is stronger than ever. You are to be the Queen. I do hope Daemon suffices. I hope he’s gentle to you and treats you right.” You stepped to leave the Godswood, the starry night already hanging on your heads. Rhaenyra’s eyes were narrowed as you walked past her, she nigh stopped you, but she chose not to.
In the morrow, Helaena randomly chatted about “trivial” stuff while the twins were playing on the other side of the room. You were trying to gain the Her Grace’s attention, hopefully she would walk in and you’d take the chance.
“The old High Septon told my father that king’s laws are one thing and the laws of the gods another, the boy said stubbornly. Children are made in a marriage bed and blessed by the Father and the Mother, but others are born of lust and weakness, he said. The grey-haired man claimed that some are born of love and devotion. Blessed with wisdom and kindness, a rare type. But a type nonetheless.” A queer, uncomfortable perplexity began to invade you as Helaena finished speaking.
“Helaena, do you mind elaborating? Where did you hear this? Or rather, read it. Is it about your sister’s children?” You started interrogating her with dread. She squinted at you with a calm countenance, as calm as midnight waves. “Sweet Helaena…” Clearly with no intention of further elaboration. You wouldn’t want to overstep her boundaries or make her uneasy, as you knew she would get.
You were nonplussed. It was rude of you to decline the invitation made by the King himself, but you couldn't bear to be at the same table with the two women, you couldn't bear the deadly looks, the comments. You couldn't deal with it now that this was unveiled to you.
Your mother Rhaenys was secluded in her chambers to wash the image of Vaemond's head split in two. You couldn't face her, not yet.
You had a hundred questions swirling around, you were bewildered, stupefied. It made sense now, it was clear. Your uncle was about to say that you were born of your father's affair with another woman, Helaena spoke in riddles on the same subject. You've been lied to all your life, you were not a legitimate child... It was too much.
You poured glass after glass, until you emptied the flagon thrice in a row, your head spinning and your movements unfocused. The young princess meant well, she thought you deserved to know the truth. She loved you, why would she made this up?
You were a bastard. You were a fucking bastard. Your father’s been keeping this from you since forever, did your mother.., no, did Rhaenys pretended to love you? No, she did love you. It did make sense now why you didn’t have a resemblance to her, or to any Targaryen, but… you didn’t look like Corlys either.
Who the hell was your real mother? Was she a whore, a noble lady? Did she care? Was she still alive? How did you bond with Silverwing if you were just a simple bastard? Endless questions plagued your mind as you kept on drinking them away, your vision blurred, your heart staggered.
You slurred your way around the Keep, not with a precise destination, barely able to stand on your feet. A pair of vigorous arms caught you.
“Y/N? What happened, why are you like this?” The Princess worriedly examined you. “How much did you drink?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, maybe it was the booze in your system, or your inability to maintain eye contact with the culprit of your many heartaches.
“You skipped dinner with us, so you could get ridiculously hammered?” She nigh yelled at you, seldom did she act like the big woman, but given your state she could not talk softly to you.
“Leaving…— leaving without saying goodbye?” You managed to say.
“We are used to that.” Rhaenyra said back, your legs wobbly, her grip still stable in your waist, she pulled you closer to her.
“Ao gaomagon naejot fuck around rūsīr Harwin no isse these halls, sir rūsīr Daemon. Jāhor ziry mirre mōris?” (You used to fuck around in these halls with Harwin, and now with Daemon. Will it ever end?) You clumsy garbled in Valyrian. Rhaenyra bitterly sniggered.
“Hae lo ao weren't fucking se dāria pār, sepār raqagon ao issi sir.” (As if you weren't fucking the Queen then, just like you are now) She spat. You were wasted, and to be honest had no more vitality to keep on crossing swords with her.
“Let go of me, Rhaenyra.”
She hesitated, fearing that you would fall to the ground as soon as she loosened her grip, but you did not, you steadied your step and walked away from her as quickly as possible. The princess was puzzled, she should have accompanied you to your quarters, she should have, instead she turned to her children and her husband, determined to leave the city at once.
You ended up in front of a familiar wooden door, you thumped dramatically wishing the Queen could spare you some of her time. She did, she was still in her green gown, her locks were messy. She flinched at the sight of you.
“You stink of wine.” She uttered.
You’ve been here before, you remember being here under the same circumstances, and yet you couldn’t stop.
You pushed Alicent back to her bed, in your drunkenness you managed to be careful not to act so rudely.
She gasped, and did no more than contemplate the face of the woman she’s always been in love with. She’s always desired you, yearning to be yours again… she bit her lip rougher to halt herself to devour your inviting, redden lips.
You tucked yourself into the side of her neck, your breathing overflowing with craving. You were still intoxicated, but it was wearing off in a quick pace.
The noise you moaned next came from the depths of you. “Rhaenyra”
Alicent stiffened and fought with all her might to stop her hand from slapping you. Aware of the terrible blunder you had made, you buried even deeper into her, pressing tightly your body to hers.
“Go to her. I wager she’s still here.” She tried to shove you away, she could already feel the tears materializing.
Seeing the hurt written in her sobered you up in a blink of an eye. You finally spoke up, chests colliding.
"I wish I had long silver hair, striking blue eyes. I wish I had a free spirit, breaking all the damn rules no matter what the consequences. I wish I had a freaking dragon" Alicent shouted.
"I adore your chestnut locks, your deep brown eyes. I love how exquisitely you carry yourself when it comes to rules. And Silverwing took to you so well, why would you need a dragon?"
“So you would love me as much.”
“Ali…— Alicent.” She quivered under you at the way you pronounced her name. “I’m tired of this sickening game. I want us. I want you. It’s always been you. To me you're perfect just the way you are.” You weren't going to force her on you, so you stood up and rubbed your temples. "I am definitely not worthy of you now, Your Grace, but I will work on myself to give you a version that is, I vow to you." Alicent interlaced your fingers, preventing you from leaving the room.
“I’d ask you to stay the night, but I must look after the King.”
“I know, duty comes first.” She hummed.
“And I wouldn’t want my sheets to reek of you, bathe yourself. Have some rest. We can talk in the morrow.” A profound hopefulness made its way to you. You tittered, Alicent gave you a quick peck on the corner of the mouth, as you watched her fade into the castle halls.
Will love ever be the end of duty?
Tagging: @loveislove4 @evattude @lethal-minds @sophiexoxsblog @sunshove @tired-ninfa @rxscpctals @glorioushamsterqueen @lesbicentism @newcaptainofsquad9
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