#mod jace
Why do dogs howl/squeal in response to violin playing? Do they hate the high frequency or are they singing along?
Dogs, similarly to their ancestors, have a sense of pitch. As we all know, they can hear things we can't, but they also respond to a variety of things we can hear perfectly fine--even things we create!
In the wild, wolves howl as a bonding exercise, adding in their own unique pitch to the song. Whether your dog knows this or is acting on instinct, what's happening is that they are howling along to your song! If a dog doesn't like a noise, they will hide or cover their head. Howling is, in this instance, a positive response to the unique sounds of music, such as violin. It may even be your dog attempting to bond with you!
Here is an excellent article by the AKC on the subject
-Mod Jace
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aceticcopacetic · 2 years
learning how to draw so i can make a silly little ask blog, my skills are currently limited to among us beans with hair
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ladyhindsight · 1 month
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We are doing this again. Unlike with City of Bones, the revisions in City of Ashes deal more with narrative mistakes being corrected and some utterly incomprehensible changes rather than the world-building being so blatantly unprepared that it needed to undergo full-on metamorphosis.
Here I've compared three different e-book versions of City of Ashes, one of which I presume is the original 2008 text, one that is the 2015 edition, and one I quite frankly have no idea which it is but most likely somewhere in-between the other two. This, I figured out so smartly, is because some things have remained unchanged as in the 2008 edition, but it also includes later changes that have been made in the 2015 edition which are not present in the original text.
I was looking for a nicely formatted file and then noticed by chance that these three are all different. While I understand and know that it is perfectly normal for a book to undergo changes and corrections throughout different editions, I am no less confused by some most of these.
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And here we have one of the many boomerangs because what. Why. The second one was the best because now you've just repeated the word 'floor' unnecessarily, so it sounds just dumb:
→ he strode across the floor, his boots echoing against the floor
The prose has truly peaked.
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Here's a good example of how some changes made after the original release are also in the 2015 edition but not in the original text, which places the 2010? release in-between the two. In some cases the 2008/2010? are the same but 2015 one different.
→ Daniel was first Maia's twin brother but was then changed to an older one. It's a minor change but also inane. Because what does it matter, why couldn't Daniel be Maia's twin?
→ Maia's character being introduced with her full name is better.
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→ Where did the mahogany go?
It's gone as it should. In City of Bones it is said that "in the center of the room sat a magnificent desk. It was carved from a single slab of wood, a great, heavy piece of oak that gleamed with the dull shine of years."
It was oak. So you just couldn't replace 'mahogany' with 'oak' then? So you just deleted it altogether? Okay.
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Another boomerang. Let's go with 'body'. No, let's change it to 'form'. No, let's go with 'body' again.
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I am left with the impression that Clare didn't know what to do with this interaction/scene or what she wanted from it, neither did she think how it would fit the structure of the part I of the book, because how are all these so different. Sorry, it's early. No, sorry, it's late. No, I'll tell you what, sorry for waking you up at all, really.
TIME. The scene before this is Luke, Clary, and Simon having dinner at Luke's some time after the episode caused by Jace in Hunter's Moon (Chapter 2 "Hunter's Moon"). It's the same day the book began. This part of the chapter that begins with Jace being woken up and then meeting the Inquisitor in the Institute Library intercepts that scene. The Inquisitor accosts Jace and then decides to take in to the Silent City as a prisoner. Then we get back to Luke, Clary, and Simon. Clary is helping Luke "clean up the remains of dinner" when Maia comes over. Simon and Maia talk and once Simon returns to the kitchen, it is said that "The smell of cold night air came in with him." It's the same day as the book began. It is night. Simon and Clary talk about tomorrow and prepare for bed. Then in the next chapter begins with Jace's held in a cell in the Silent City. Then we cut to Simon and Clary making out as they haven't gone to sleep yet. The narrative structure doesn't give any reason to think these scenes aren't happening somewhat concurrently. Especially when Clary then receives a message from Isabelle which reveals Jace has been taken away. When Clary, Isabelle, and Alec go rescue Jace, and the Conclave meet them outside, it is still night. ("The sun couldn't have risen yet--could it?" / "despite the witchlight illuminating the night.")
→ Jace couldn't have woken up 5 a.m. because he would've slept through the night and it would've been the next day, meaning the scenes with Clary happened previous evening/night, which doesn't make sense to write them in such order. Also it would've been morning already once Jace was rescued from the Silent City. This was corrected tooo..
→ Midnight, which makes more sense narrative-wise and structurally, because why insert scenes with Jace that take place in the small hours of the next, if the scenes with Clary are still the previous day and the events cross when Clary gets the message from Isabelle? So instead here Jace has merely taken an evening nap.
→ Eventually removing any indication of time propably gave more flexibility to the interpretation as to how long all of this took to happen. Which was still the one and the same night but whatever.
ALEC'S EXCUSES. There are three and they all mean different things.
→ First Alec has stayed up all night, not even trying to go to sleep. He looks tired, which by the following conversation they have could be also interpreted as him being worried about the situtation surrounding Jace.
→ Alec tried to sleep, and the rest is the same. Not that different, so I don't get why change it at all. Maybe Alec not getting sleep despite trying underlines his worrying.
→ Alec straight up says he went out. The 2015 edition removes all of the previous indications because how dare anyone else have dark shadows under their eyes but Jace. How dare Alec look like he might have something to worry about. Nay! He was with Magnus.
Also, Clary trying to rewrite history by having Jace seek out Alec? Also, "friend"? How about brother or, better yet, parabatai?
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→ "They came" and "they explained" were erraneous to begin with since Maryse tells Isabelle (Jace and Alec as well) in the first chapter that Robert was "unfortunately [...] still in Alicante."
→ I don't know whatever that mess in between is, but in the 2015 version Clare seems to have sorted it out.
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Boomerang. At this point in the story, the only Downworlders drained of their blood was the warlock Elias, who appears in the prologue. The werewolf cub that was killed in the allie was never drained. ("It seems whoever murdered the werewolf was intercepted before the blood could be taken..." -Maryse to Luke in chapter 3 "The Inquisitor")
→ As a side comment: It was a wild goose chase in the sense that this mission did not need the whole Conclave attending to it and leave the Institute utterly unmanned especially if someone needed to contact them.
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I don't understand why.
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Added badassery.
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Added a nice explanation and rules to the creation of vampires.
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This was also an error to begin with, because just couple paragraphs before it is literally said that "Clary yanked the blade back" in each version. She already did it, which it is only reasonable the sentence was eventually removed.
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Simon's love for Clary watered down, which I think is for the better. This is also relevant in a later part here...
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Another thing I don't understand why.
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This was also an error (depending on the interpretation). In this scene, before this part, Jace already closes his eyes once but opens them up. Without shutting his eyes again, him not seeing Valentine rather reads like he's so far away in his thoughts that he doesn't "see" him. But as this was corrected by adding the sentence about Jace shutting his eyes again, it probably was just an error.
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→ 2008: Magnus was healing Maia, because Luke was outside being attacked by the demons that Jace and Clary went to investigate and then dispatched. Luke was brought in after the attack and Magnus healed him then. I can't help but wonder how Clare (or her editor for that matter) couldn't keep up with what was happening in the story.
Clary couldn't have been worse off because Magnus didn't have a chance to go help them while he was supposedly healing Luke inside the house while Luke was lying outside on a riverbank. So that was reasonably removed.
→ 2010?: Luke was corrected to Maia because that's who Magnus was actually healing. Only problem here is that only one of the lines were changed, and the "you would have died" is still inaccurate since Magnus couldn't have helped Luke before the demons were killed and he was brought inside to be healed.
→ 2015 is finally correct.
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→ the person you love/someone I love were all corrected accordingly.
→ the blue part, however, was wrong in the same book, because if we return back to that part, Simon actually says you know what the worst feeling I can imagine is. Not the worst feeling you can have is.
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This was also an error because Jace had given Clary his jacket and he only had the shirt on. It was also made a point since the demon shit had burned down his shirt sleeve pm his shoulder enough for Imogen to see his Herondale scar.
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→ 2008 version never happened. The scene in City of Bones is the following:
Clary stepped back, but Jace stood very still as the glass rained around him, staring at the empty frame of the mirror. Clary had expected him to swear, to shout or curse at his father, but instead he only waited for the shards to stop falling. When they did, he knelt down silently and carefully in the welter of broken glass and picked up one of the larger pieces, turning it over in his hands.
and then, after no rocking back and forth in between (either in the original or revised version):
He said nothing, only whispered something under his breath. She couldn’t quite hear the words, but she reached out and took the bit of glass out of his hand. He was bleeding where he’d held it, from two fine and narrow gashes. She put the shard down and took his hand, closing his fingers over the injured palm. “Honestly, Jace,” she said, as gently as she’d touched him, “don’t you know better than to play with broken glass?” He made a sound like a choked laugh before he reached out and pulled her into his arms. She was aware of Luke watching them from the window, but she shut her eyes resolutely and buried her face against Jace’s shoulder.
It's like Clare imagined a whole other scene in City of Bones, recalled it while writing City of Ashes and kind of forgot that it wasn't how the scene even went.
Anyhoo. These are the ones I managed to catch. Ta ta.
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jacenotjason · 4 months
hehehe im also a mod in the discord hello uuuhh i dobt know what hints to give because i feel like everything i say will make it obvious 1. i joined on day one 2. there are 2 colors that represent me 3. :3
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pinned post
hi im jace and i give directions. my main is @sneakygreenbean and the reason i made this blog is because when my friend was sending me screenshots of her very first morrowind playthrough, we were both surprised when i accurately told her the approximate location of every single screenshot taken. so you can say that i like morrowind.
I operate by reblogging a screenshot from Morrowind, and sharing my guess for exactly where it was taken. Usually mentioning the city, region/district, building, or other notable landmarks to reference it. you can send me asks, but i might not get to them all. but i can promise you i will give it my best shot!
if im unsure, i will just boot up Morrowind and try to figure it out in game, so my main resource is simply playing the game. Usually i dont need to resort to this, however.
I want this blog to be a safe and positive space for everyone :3 but if you are mean, or identify with an ideology that opposes my existence (such as if you are a nazi, terf, etc) or behave like an asshole on my blog (racism antisemitism islamophobia transphobia homophobia) you are NOT welcome here, and I will block you.
as of right now submissions are closed, but that may change.
three blessings !!!
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I get the sense you play mtg...who are your fav characters?
I'll be real, most of my faves are just cause they look cool lmao. I only just recently started getting into the lore and story. However! My list is as follows...
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THEM THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JACE AND VRASKA MY BELOVEDS I'm broke but a store near me has the Jace nendoroid and I NEED IT
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Genuinely my ideal gender. Green phyrexians in general but Vorinclex is my boy and got disrespected so hard in MotM...
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He's a staple in my decks and I cherish him
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I didn't forget to reload queue you did
I will do that later rn we are uh dorment
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silver-crowned-riders · 5 months
Delibird Delivery..? Well, really, it's more a Banette dressed as a Delibird that Teleports in- how the hell did she get all the way out here?- with wrapped gifts. Before vanishing back off again, she begs to meet the baby Skornaling, and then poofs off like one of Santa's oddly spooky helpers. In the package is a small daily calendar that boasts a Daily Evil Team Affirmation Note. Along with it is a black baby blanket with an embroidered skull-and-bones pattern, and a neatly folded gay pride flag.
Along with it is a seemingly homemade three-pack of decent-to-comically-bad horror films. The first is called DIYA YARU, which is a wildly inaccurate take on the ancient Sinnohian holiday of Diya no Yaru; the film itself is about Giratina actively hunting people down. The second is called Plasmatic, a post-apocalyptic story about what would happen if Team Plasma lost... it was produced in 2011. The third is called Run You Down, about a bloodthirsty Rotom that possessed a motorcycle. The package isn't signed and there's no card in sight, but hopefully the Santa should be obvious.
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Ya didn't have to do this for us, we don't even celebrate Delibird Day! But eh... thanks, a lot, either way.
GHAHHH THESE MOVIES. Ohhh I've heard of the first two they sound AWFUL I'm so excited. And that third one sounds so ridiculous and great at the same time.
Oh, and don't worry mysterious messenger~ Jupetta and Girlgoop get along really well ^_^
We really gotta come up with another name for em. Like Girlgoop is good but as like a middle name y'know. By the way, she likes the blanket! Looks good with her.
He's just embarrassed about having to say Girlgoop with a straight face when he was mad at me ^_^
Ain't confirming or denying.
...This does make me feel... more comfortable, though. Thank you a lot. I'll go put up the flag.
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
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An aesthetic with comforting family themes for a non canon Shadowhunter (Mortal Instruments) who is Seraphina Morgenstern and Valentine's daughter, and who was raised and trained alongside of Sebastian Morgenstern and Jace Lightwood.
Mod Haze (AC: Merusi)
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Alec: Jace, I know you're in there.. It's okay. I forgive you. It wasn't you.. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
Alec struggling to save Jace. Jace internally begging the Owl to stop as he breaks Alec's arm and stabs him. Alec's scream and struggling to breathe in pain.
The guilt all over Jace after everything is fixed. Alec's Reassuring it wasn't you.
I'm such a sucker for this trope. The whole "loved one is possessed and A tries to get through to them and ends up being hurt by them" ITS THE BEST!
Now I wanna go rewatch it lol.
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
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Moodboard for Jake English AR Jace
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hi there! I've been seeing a lot of stuff on wolf-dogs lately. I've never heard of them, I dont know much about them. Do you think they're like? Okay? Is this an okay thing to be doing, breeding wolves and dogs for a big pet dog???
Wolfdogs exist for a variety of reasons, in a variety of ways, so I'm going to try and break things down as best I can. Luckily for you, it's a special interest of mine!
Wolfdogs come in three "categories": high content, mid content, and low content. This indicates how much wolf is in them, based on their behavior, appearance, and how much wolf was in their parents. High content wolfdogs look like wolves, whereas low content wolfdogs look more like dogs with wolfy traits. These descriptions are pretty basic, because the ratio of wolf-to-dog in any given crossbreed canid can vary wildly. Here is a good, basic article on wolfdogs.
To answer your question, breeding wolfdogs is not okay. They are a result of human manipulation more often than not, and often embody the worst traits in both wolves and dogs, leading to a destructive and wild animal who isn't afraid of humans. According to W.O.L.F. Sanctuary, up to 95% of "pet" wolves and wolfdogs are put down before the age of 2. The basic truth is that humans are not equipped to handle wolves, nor wolfdogs; they are wild animals, and are very, very much not like our domesticated pet dogs. The people who successfully own these animals run their homes more like sanctuaries, have experience in the field of wild dog handling, and know that at any moment something can go wrong. These animals deserve to live their lives, and it's good that rescuers are out there, but intentionally breeding a wolfdog is unethical.
In addition to behavioral problems and the general trials of being an owner to such an animal, wolfdogs--and, as an extension, pet wolves--have not had a rabies vaccine approved for them. If your wolfdog bites somebody, and it gets reported, they will be put down. In fact, somebody can simply claim your pet bit them and get them put down; look no further than the story of Vader the domestic fox.
There are some breeds of dog bred to look remarkably like wolves, but this is also ill-advised; a purebred dog who looks like a wolf is at risk of being killed by someone who sees them and doesn't know them personally. There exist horror stories of dogs that don't even look like wolves, such as huskies and malamutes, being shot by hunters because they thought the dog was a wolf. Here is a story of a dog who survived. Not all of them are so lucky.
For further reading, here are a few articles on wolfdogs and wolfdog ownership: "Owning" a Wolf or Wolfdog 8 Differences Between Dogs and Wolves Ownership Challenges Do Wolfdogs Make Good Pets?
-Mod Jace
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
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Over the course of reading the books, it has become apparent that different editions have gone under several revisions. The original City of Bones, when reflected against the changes that have been made over the years to the manuscript, highlights how poor and haphazard the world-building in what would eventually become The Shadowhunter Chronicles was. 
I’ve compared two different e-book versions of City of Bones, one of which appears to be the original text and one that I frankly have no idea which exact edition it is since my physical 2015 repackaged copy also varies from its contents. The left one is the supposedly original and the right one is the newer edition. Tap/click for bigger images since the text is pretty small for being compared side by side. There’s quite a few.
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Magnus’ skin color.
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Revamping the rune business. The unnamed permanent rune placed on dominant hand that lends extra skill with weapons is turned into the Voyance rune that aids their Sight.
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For which the part highlighted with blue is deleted completely. Additionally Jace explaining his hunch about Clary’s Sight has become more rational. This underlines how little the concept of the Sighted was developed in the beginning.
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In the long run it wouldn’t have made sense that no mundane in a century was Sighted.
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All the stories are true is added.
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Added punctuation and Isabelle’s Voyance rune. The original did not make sense either not to highlight any unnamed permanent runes that Isabelle might have/has.
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Clary asks Isabelle did Jace bring her to the Institute. In the original, Hodge comes off as furious over Clary messing up the carpet with ichor and blood. This is missing in the newer edition.
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Don’t know what is wrong with the “hedge-witch.” Also additional explanation on differences between warlocks and witches.
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In the 2007 version the Gray Book is mentioned when Magnus shows a copy of one to Clary in order to jog her memory. In the newer edition, the Covenant Marks are replaced by Marks from the Gray Book.
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Corrected probably because the timeline did not originally match.
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This is a pretty big one. The original thought was that some random warlock summoned the Angel. Jonathan Shadowhunter as a concept most likely didn’t exist yet.
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Added explanation on the Clave.
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Relying on my memory and a quick search of the document, Iron Sisters were also not mentioned in the original text. Also the seraph blades were already named, which later on wouldn’t make sense as they just call a random name to activate the blade anyway (though Jace does use Sanvi and Sansanvi later on in both editions).
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Changes made to the drawing of runes.
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Jace explains to Clary how the Forsaken are made by placing a lot powerful runes on people who don’t have Shadowhunter blood. He also tells that one rune will only burn, which will be later proven wrong since the Starkweather changeling dies from one rune in TID. Hence the change, that even one rune might end up killing an ordinary human.
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Concept of the Forsaken revamped in the sense that why the hell would any Downworlder be able to even use Nephilim runes??
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Part of Jace and Madame Dorothea’s conversation deleted.
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The concept of a “Control” being trashed. Wards added.
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We’ve gone over this before. Pangborn and Blackwell were never meant to be warlocks, but it is confusing that Blackwell is purple. This part of the description was deleted, though his later appearance (in the newer edition) still describes him becoming “darker purple” which would mean he was purple in the first place.
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I don’t know why this was deleted. Shadowhunters don’t have dental so I guess they don’t sharpen their teeth either.
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Earlier in the book Jace tells Alec: “When I found her, she was lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a dying demon practically on top of her. I watched as it vanished. If she didn’t kill it, who did?” The original includes this, so it is strange that there would even be “a dead Ravener” when they leave no bodies behind. 
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Simon’s dislike of cats is deleted because he has a cat called Yossarian. Clary bumps into it in City of Ashes.
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Basically this whole scene which didn’t make much sense to begin with. Mentioned earlier here and here.
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The whole “Mortal Cup mostly working on children” angle is omitted and the concept of Ascension revamped. Also the concept of Ascension by that name did not exist.
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Same continues here.
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In the original text, Jace’s ring is first mentioned in the third chapter when Jace waves at Clary in Java Jones:
“She stared at Jace as she thought it, and he raised his left hand to wave at her. A ring glittered on a slim finger. He got to his feet and began walking, unhurriedly, toward the door. Clary’s lips parted in surprise. He was leaving, just like that.”
The next time it is mention in chapter 10:
“Jace looked down at his hands. They were slim and careful hands, the hands of an artist, not a warrior. The ring she had noticed earlier flashed on his finger. She would have thought there  would have  been  something feminine about  a  boy wearing a ring, but there wasn’t. The ring itself was solid and heavy-looking, made of a dark burned-looking silver with a pattern of stars around the band. The letter W was carved in to it.”
In the revised edition, the ring is first mentioned in the chapter 9, the part that is highlighted with blue. Unlike in the original text, Jace’s ring is not mentioned in the third chapter:
“She stared at Jace as she thought it, and he raised his left hand to wave at her. He got to his feet and began walking, unhurriedly, toward the door. Clary’s lips parted in surprise. He was leaving, just like that.”
Like. Why? The whole sentence is deleted.
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Isabelle corrected to Alec because it was Alec who said it, so it was an error in the original version.
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Vampire drinking habits revised. Yet human subjugates remain illegal, they only get to drink once and not keep them around.
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Magnus’ description changed.
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This part of the dialogue deleted.
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My 2015 physical copy also includes Gregor’s ashes, but the e-book has changed this scene so that vampires do not have the habit of turning into bats and dust.
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My copy also includes Clary’s musings about ugly vampires which are deleted from the revised version.
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This part made me question which version the newer revision is because my 2015 physical copy has the same line as here the original one and lacks the added line of Alec looking horribly ashamed.
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Probably changed because why would Clary be expected to travel in any other world than theirs? Especially since Jace has told her only demons are capable of interdimensional travel. Also added attraction to Clary.
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Again the “Control” being trashed.
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This part of Jace’s words deleted.
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And so this as well.
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Added greater demon poison so it’s not just any demon poison as the original text led you to believe.
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The explanation about Jace’s Wayland/Morgenstern ring is completely changed to cover up the plot hole it created in the original version.
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This has also been discussed already.
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Rather reflective of the mindset at the time of writing this. Girls be gossiping, indeed.
These are the ones I noticed. I’m still pretty unsure how many revisions the writing has actually gone through and whether my e-book is the latest version of City of Bones. But quite a lot has been changed.
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jacenotjason · 4 months
Mod guessing game? I wanna try
I found and liked your tumblr from almost the beginning
One of your server spouses (not directly)
Shadowbanned twice for jokes
(might give it away) Was DMed by the first ‘problem’ in the server
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iamnotasimblr · 11 months
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Just some cute (really bad) Grandma Jaz screenshots. She took all the kids to the Rec center to walk around and play in the water park. The big kids did not (or more accurately could not) get wet because playing in the water is not a group activity. Jace had a lot of fun and was beat up when he got home so Jazmin gave him some pampering.
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nefarrilou · 1 month
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Dynamic: Mentor / Mentee Genre: Southern Gothic
@tricoufamily's duo challenge!
-ˋˏ✄  ━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊱⚱️⊰ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆˚ ‧
⌞ When Heather Charm, the sole non-magical member of her sorcerous family, seeks acceptance from her mother, she forms a pact with a mysterious spirit, who promises to teach her the secrets of magic. ⌝
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Amidst the vast halls of the Charm family, where magic infused every corner with its presence, Heather Charm stood as the peculiar exception. Niece to the esteemed Minerva Charm and cousin to the gifted Darrel and Gemma Charm, Heather bore the weight of her lineage with a heavy heart. Branded as the family's black sheep for her lack of magical prowess, she harbored a fervent desire to redeem her honor. With determination ablaze within her, Heather delved into realms beyond conventional magic. Venturing into the enigmatic world of psychic phenomena, she sought solace and strength amidst the whispers of her family's disappointment.
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In a moment of audacious resolve, Heather forged an alliance with a potent spirit, binding it to her very essence. In this pact, woven from threads of desperation and ambition, the spirit pledged to guide her along the path less trodden, promising to unearth the latent power that lay dormant within her ancient bloodline. — But in the shadows of uncertainty, whispers lingered. ···································· ➺ using the psychic mod !
(@itsmariejanel I always imagined Heather as also being Jace's cousin as I played her a while back 🤭 However, it's time for her to inhabit her own universe 👋🤧)
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