#mmbn mr match
camotherogue · 2 years
I feel like I have probably asked this before? But uh, LGBT+ headcanons for MegaMan NT Warrior characters, go go go! At least for World Three characters and/or your fav characters from the series. :D
ill do the main characters and then ofc world 3 bc ive thought so much more about them than the main cast fr. Putting it under a cut bc its gonna get rlly long
Lan - Aims my trans beam at him. He/they.
Maylu - Demigirl type beat. She/her.
Dex - Cis guy but questioning bigender. He/him
Megaman - Also trans. Bi. He/him
Roll - Transhet girl! She/fae
Gutsman - Not sure but tbh vibes as a closeted pan cis guy. Might hit him w the they/he beam too.
Mr. Match - Bisexual trans man, has he/spark vibes to me. Mistah neopronouns
Maddy - Clowngender girl, bi/pan ace for sure. Uses she/it/bang pronouns and will stab anyone who misgenders her co-workers.
Count Zap - Do I need to say it. He's trans aight you can't be a character i fixate on and not be cisn't somehow. No-op by preference, also he's a gay man he doesnt know it yet. Grayromantic acespike. He/zap/⚡
Maha - This guy radiates huge agender energy. Gender, whos she? Never heard of it. Oriented aroace. Mirrored pronouns.
Torchman.EXE - He/him gay man, Wackoman introduced him to gender hoarding and he now collects xenogenders and neogenders related to fire.
Wackoman.EXE - PROJECTION TIME. GNC genderfluid and pronounfluid genderhoarder, collects whatever suits his fancy and loves to experiment with their presentation as well. Also definitely pan. He/they/she + many many neopronouns.
Elecman.EXE - Nonbinary icon, electrogender and sparklexic. Unlabeled attraction, often called themselves just queer as a whole. They/shock/he/she
Magicman.EXE - Also nonbinary, wizard edition. Wizardgender supreme, collects genders to do with magic (calls his collection his Grimoire). Confused about his orientation but knows for sure he's polyamorous and poly-attracted. He/nicht/au/vey
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crop-pop · 1 year
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primroselegends · 2 years
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You made it this far, but now it's war!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
[Ex-WWW members Mr. Match, Ms. Madd, Count Zap and Yahoot are crouched beneath a bush, waiting to spring the classic trap of putting a bowl of curry underneath a box propped up by a stick.]
Madd: There's no way this is going to work.
Madd: Dr. Hikari's kid is dumb, but not THIS dumb!
Match: Just goes to show that you do not know the kid.
Match: Now shush, here he comes.
[Lan walks up to the box and notices the curry underneath.]
Lan: Now, who could leave a perfectly good bowl of curry under a box propped up by a stick like that?
Lan: [looks around]
Lan: [shrugs] Welp, don't mind if I do. [tucks himself underneath the box and starts helping himself to the curry]
Lan, As Everything Goes Dark: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
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seer918 · 2 years
Comparing MegaMan Robot Masters to their NetNavi counterparts; a thread in...probably a lot of parts
Because I’m hyped for the Battle Network collection’s anouncement I figured I’d shamelessly rip off a video by BumblesMcFumbles. Also it’s like way too fucking hot and I need something to hyperfixate over before I combust
Now just to note, I AM more of a fan of the Battle Network series compared to original MegaMan, hell my introduction to Megaman was the Battle Network anime so expect some bias.
(and once I’ve got the collection in hand and actually play more than just a version of 4 and 5, I’ll probably do a thread just talking about every named net navi)
Going in Robot Master Order (even if it will mean the quality of the net navi designs will go up and down as they got more used to the new design theme)
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Cut Man and CutMan.EXE
Out of all the old designs that BN’s ocasional ‘chibi’ look touched, CutMan is probably the best. Never been too sure on the ‘ears’/handles on his head but the more sentai/super hero vibe I get from the BN design is rather cute. It’s a simple base design and they did all they could to it while still keeping the overal original vibe.
Though honestly I think it’s a tie because they’re just too similar and I’d have to start nitpicking to find differences. 1-all
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Guts Man vs GutsMan.EXE
A complete overhaul of the original design, putting more of an emphasis on the construction equipment envoking yellows and greys than the original’s red and black.
The over pronounced chin and squaring of the head also invokes a loader. Not too sure on the backpack on EXE but I like how they turned the power crystal on the base design into the ‘emblem’ of EXE’s. The addition of green is also nice, just enough to pop but not enough to distract.
GM-EXE takes it, 1-2 in favour of Battle Network
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Next is a pair I’d love to have right now to deal with the heat, Ice Man and IceMan.EXE
This one...did not take the chibification too well. And granted this picture isn’t...great for EXE’s head shape, I’m doing my best to ignore it....it’s like a ham chunk stuck in a glove...
Er, sorry. The shades of dark green and mint green aren’t really doing it for me, and are just making me wish for mint choc chip ice cream...The face swirls are...there, I guess...I like the contrast between the boots and gloves vs the rest of the design...
Yeah, classic takes it with a less is more approch. 2-2, tied up again
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Bomb Man vs BombMan.EXE
...man, this was the coolest villain grunt from the show growing up, him and StoneMan.EXE introducing the concept of userless navi and how their looks are sometimes vastly different from ‘tame’ navi.
I like the overal, vaguely grenade like design for his armour decals, even if it cribs a bit from Grenade Man.
And I much prefer a ‘visable’ hammer space for pulling bombs out of-his shoulders-compared to them just appearing even though it’d make more sense for the virtual being to pull them out of thin air.
Obvious winner, 2-3 back into BN’s court
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Fire Man vs FireMan.EXE
Doing my best to just let the designs do the talking instead of my love for .EXE’s user Mr Match, who was Scottish in the dubbed anime.
I really enjoy the colour inversion between the armour vs main body, with the splashes of blue and gold-y yellow adding more to the simple base design.
I can see why some wouldn’t like the head of EXE but since the clasic doesn’t have a mouth anyways, might as well go whole hog and create an imposing, slightly off-humanoid design
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And last of the first game’s robot masters, Elec Man vs ElecMan.EXE
Deffinitely my favourite change, and not just because I prefer the purple to the 4th robot master with red and/or black as their design
This took the concept of the digitized beings going more form over function (since so long as the code was good they COULD function) and ran with it. The tesla coil back spikes, the helmet mimicking the shape of the original’s...why does EM have a domino-mask, anyways?
Point being, a very imposing design and a superior one to the original
And so for this round, we end with a somewhat noticible gap of 2-5, and it would have been worse for MMC if I didn’t count draws as points for both sides. As we get further into the classic series it might even out a bit more
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just-absolutely-super · 7 months
Trying to find a creative way to introduce www to the OP au
I kinda want to go with before Lan and Hub started their adventure Mr. Match payed a visit to their island and home in a disguise looking for Yuichiro
Kinda similar to the mmbn you know
But somehow he got found out, and the boys chased him off.
I also wanna give Mr. Match a devil fruit, and I kinda want him to have something like very high heat resistant or something.
All his Navis are his close subordinates with different type fire type devil fruit powers
It's still a work in progress
It’s a work in progress for me too Anon
My general idea is Wily is an Emperor of the Sea and the og WWW members are division captains who are part of his fleet
So the entire first saga of the OP AU is Lan and Hub fighting off the “WWW Pirates”
As for Match, initially I was planning to make him powerless. He would have armament haki where he makes his bodied armored or “heat resistant” but that may be too advanced for this section of the story
Match is a reoccurring villain though and then eventually becomes an ally just like the games
Don’t ask about Fireman, Heatman, and Flameman’s df powers because I’m waiting to see if there’s going to be any more fire-related df other than flame, magma, and (I guess???) phoenix before I make final decisions
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
Speaking of Mega Man Battle Network, I was surprised is that Megaman.EXE voice actor (Andrew Francis) in both English dub of MMBN anime and MMBN Collection also voiced character in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" as Twilight's brother.
Huh, don't think I knew that. Surfer Dude Megaman at least doesn't bother me as much as Lan's dub voice did, that just really didn't seem fitting to me for such a young kid. Also I still headcanon Mr. Match as having a cajun accent rather than BLESS ME BAGPIPES CART FULLA KILTS scottish.
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ntwarriors · 3 years
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why is this something we should even care about? the little twerp always comes back
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suranet · 5 years
Mr. Match?
Why I like them
in the anime, it’s because he’s a part of the wacky team rocket squad and therefore highly amusing to watch. in the games, it’s because he’s so breathtakingly AWFUL. like, in a series with some pretty nasty customers in the ranks of the villains, game!Hinoken is just a supreme shitlord to the ninth degree and only somewhat cleans up his act in the last two games. but he also respects and treats his Navi well, and they’re good partners whether they’re currently setting peoples’ houses on fire or delivering curry. His sincere concern for Fireman is an admirable trait.
Why I don’t
(ಠ_ಠ) he sure tricked Netto into setting Scilabs on fire to further WWW’s goals and gloated about it to the kid’s face. what a jerk.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
the subplot of Fireman getting deleted by Freezeman and Hinoken reacting with grief to his death, before teaming up with Heatman to avenge his deletion by killing Freezeman. probably one of the most well-done emotional moments for the anime in my opinion.
i also loved the Fireman vs. Roll episode in S1.
Favorite season/movie
i liked him best in S1 and S2 of the anime. of course, that’s he got the most focus so maybe that’s why.
Favorite line
the monologue he gives when he sits alone at Fireman’s deathbed in the anime and talks about their time together.
Favorite outfit
Hinoken has the dubious honor of being one of the MMBN characters with the absolute worst fashion sense around. even worse than Wily, god forbid. who let this man dress himself in the morning?? Fireman?? Fireman, control your Operator and stop letting him pick his own wardrobe. travesty to the eyes. i’d go… MMBN4 outfit? suits his aesthetic.
i have no serious romantic ships for this guy.
him and the rest of the original WWW squad (Maddy, Maha, Court Zap) are partners-in-inept-crime with each other and live in the same house and spend a lot of time yelling at each other and that’s what beautiful friendship is. Hinoken, and all of his three Navis too.
Head Canon
if he wasn’t a criminal, he could easily make a living as a custom Navi programmer and live well off it. (if his clients didn’t mind he would 100% refuse to program anything but fire-typed Navis, that is.) all of his Navis are well-coded custom jobs he hand-programmed himself and he prefers non-standard configurations that require him do a fair amount of the coding from scratch (see Heatman and Flameman.) Fireman is the most humanoid one he ever made just because he’s the first Navi Hinoken ever made.
Unpopular opinion
what are the popular opinions about him? i forget. ( ̄。 ̄)~
A wish
that hopefully a Pokemon-expy game franchise exists in the EXEverse timeline so Hinoken can build strictly fire-type pokemon teams, swear at every water-type gym he encounters, and beat all the Elite Fours using only fire-types for bragging rights.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
may Hinoken never gain a respectful fashion sense. he needs to dress like somebody who’s never heard about the concept of ‘taste’ forever.
5 words to best describe them
cocky, self-centered, intelligent, hotheaded, jerk.
My nickname for them
ain’t got one for him. (◠﹏◠)
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camotherogue · 2 years
Okay okay, so! For the eye shadow pallet thing, I am picking Mr. Match, Maddy, and good ol' WackoMan! :D
FIRST UP, Mr Match! My scrungly! I feel like he keeps to warmer and neutral tones, with bright red to accentuate his fiery personality! And he definitely would rock a good sparkle lid or fire-toned smokey eye imo.
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Maddy was actually the hardest to shop for! But I think these two palettes SCREAM glam and she would deffo be the glam makeup type. The left one is for the color pops in her looks and the right one is to help accentuate it more, but sometimes she feels like doing something a touch less explosive than usual so theres that!
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And lastly, drumroll for my beloved!! Wackoman!! He DEFINITELY goes ham with makeip, loves playing with colors and the like- and I thought these two palettes from BH Cosmetics' Sweet Shoppe collection (unfortunately discontinued 😔) fit him perfectly! The left is Cotton Candy which is very thematic, and the right is Cherry On Top which contrasts and compliments his color scheme very nicely! He's also for sure a glitter enjoyer.
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camotherogue · 3 years
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i thought mr match would look very nice in a corset and holy hell i was right! boys in pretty clothes give me life!
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