dragonmarquise · 11 months
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Thanks to @scenegraph I managed to get one of those FireMan figure kits!! Yesss!!
It was a bit hard to put together at some points, but I got through it! Also ended up being a lot more fun than I expected. :>
Explanation for last photo: I had to use some tools for "gentle persuasion" to get some of the parts to stay together. Only one of the tools is actually gentle. :P
At first I was worried I would break something if I used the hammer. But after having to deal with my fingers hurting from trying to stick some of the pieces together, I figured said pieces were probably sturdy enough to survive the hammer if they were giving me this much trouble.
And they are! I am genuinely impressed how sturdy a lot of these parts are, lol
(One last thing, I really hope they make more figures with more of the World Three Navis. Especially ColorMan, even though I'm pretty sure it'd probably be hell to trying and translate his noodle arms into a figure, but I can dream dang it!! ;o; )
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marquisegallery · 10 months
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A silly little chapter with an obvious but fun premise: Navi swapping for a day! Read the new chapter of my Maddy and Match fic over on AO3. :>
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camotherogue · 2 years
I feel like I have probably asked this before? But uh, LGBT+ headcanons for MegaMan NT Warrior characters, go go go! At least for World Three characters and/or your fav characters from the series. :D
ill do the main characters and then ofc world 3 bc ive thought so much more about them than the main cast fr. Putting it under a cut bc its gonna get rlly long
Lan - Aims my trans beam at him. He/they.
Maylu - Demigirl type beat. She/her.
Dex - Cis guy but questioning bigender. He/him
Megaman - Also trans. Bi. He/him
Roll - Transhet girl! She/fae
Gutsman - Not sure but tbh vibes as a closeted pan cis guy. Might hit him w the they/he beam too.
Mr. Match - Bisexual trans man, has he/spark vibes to me. Mistah neopronouns
Maddy - Clowngender girl, bi/pan ace for sure. Uses she/it/bang pronouns and will stab anyone who misgenders her co-workers.
Count Zap - Do I need to say it. He's trans aight you can't be a character i fixate on and not be cisn't somehow. No-op by preference, also he's a gay man he doesnt know it yet. Grayromantic acespike. He/zap/⚡
Maha - This guy radiates huge agender energy. Gender, whos she? Never heard of it. Oriented aroace. Mirrored pronouns.
Torchman.EXE - He/him gay man, Wackoman introduced him to gender hoarding and he now collects xenogenders and neogenders related to fire.
Wackoman.EXE - PROJECTION TIME. GNC genderfluid and pronounfluid genderhoarder, collects whatever suits his fancy and loves to experiment with their presentation as well. Also definitely pan. He/they/she + many many neopronouns.
Elecman.EXE - Nonbinary icon, electrogender and sparklexic. Unlabeled attraction, often called themselves just queer as a whole. They/shock/he/she
Magicman.EXE - Also nonbinary, wizard edition. Wizardgender supreme, collects genders to do with magic (calls his collection his Grimoire). Confused about his orientation but knows for sure he's polyamorous and poly-attracted. He/nicht/au/vey
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
all from mega man battle network. little nervous since ive never sent in this many at once
colorman.exe is genderfluid and pansexual, torchman.exe is a bisexual trans man, magicman.exe is bigender and uses they/them pronouns, elecman.exe is a transfeminine gay man with bpd, plantman.exe is juxera agender and uses any pronouns, beastman.exe is genderqueer with adhd, and flashman.exe is autistic and bisexual
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #246:
Fireman.EXE’s Fire Sword Weapon Activation Design Sheet [Fireman.EXE Flame Sword]
Notations include:
- Color transparency for the flame effect around the sword
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/x5JQikYS
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ministar100 · 4 years
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Remember!! XD 
Created on The Death Generator (https://deathgenerator.com/#smb)
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badfuturemetal · 5 years
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- blazing internet -
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theblueskyphoenix · 5 years
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“Let’s turn up the heat!”
And now something completely different, one of the first redesigns for an antagonist. Good ol’ Torchman! Causing fire problems wherever he goes with his netop, Mr. Match.
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binariicodice · 5 years
(( Tag drop (14/?) ))
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marquisegallery · 1 year
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This particular art was already posted to Tumblr here. Back then this was a chapter included with my overall Maddy and Match fic on DeviantArt. But now in the year of 2023 this chapter is in fact its own one-shot now on AO3! Read it right here!! Once more, let's hear it for the gay Navis!! :D
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camotherogue · 3 years
📂 (Also another extra ask for a random Battle Network/NT Warrior headcanon, if you don't mind :> )
Oooo, yes! Hows about some good ol language headcanons
(For reference i watch the eng dub, so ill be using those names/characterizations)
Torchman is bilingual, English and Spanish! He tried to teach Match once but Match stopped learning because he didnt like how it sounded with his accent. Match knows a little Gaelic but not much, and he's nowhere near conversational with it (he's getting there though!)
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #252:
Fireman.EXE/Torchman.EXE Full Body Character Design Sheet [Fireman.EXE]
Notations include:
- Close-up detail of his eye
- Flames poking through the side vent holes of his buster hands
- Detail of the duct/vent on his back
- Something about the flame on his head. I’m tired. Translate no worky, because it says something about ‘flame to 24 (equal children)’...^^;
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/4JIftMwL
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fanboyofallthings · 9 years
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binariicodice · 5 years
(( Tag drop (18) ))
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marquisegallery · 2 years
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SO HEY, DISCLAIMER! This is all very old art from like 2019!! The reason I’m reposting these is because, if you’ve seen my last post, I’m in the process of moving from DeviantArt to InkBlot. And I realized a few of my older drawings were only posted to here as thumbnails... why did I ever thinks that was a good idea. :u
Anyways, now posting the full art for at least some of those thumbnail pics, mainly to keep as a backup here on Tumblr. These are old and wonky enough that I don’t really feel like keeping them on InkBlot too. But I still want to keep them for reference for my Maddy and Match fan kids of course. So yeah! :P
And bonus drawing of figuring out alternate outfits for Maddy, and a silly pic with TorchMan and ColorMan, because why not, I got room here.
Also including the descriptions from their original DeviantArt uploads under the cut here for reference as well.
(Pic 1, the family photo)
Behold as I draw something super self-indulgent and silly! Match and Maddy with children! Admittedly this is the first time in a long while that I've tried to draw children, and I'm not sure if the proportions really look right...? Ah well, at least that's something I can keep in mind to practice. :P A friend mentioned that Maddy's outfit on another pic I did (the alternate outfits one) seemed kinda like a mom outfit, so that's Maddy's designated mom outfit now. And I guess Match's outfit here can be his designated dad outfit! Not sure what it is about button down shirts that exude dadness, but I'll roll with it. Anyways, the kids! From left to right, Akihoshi, Eilionoir, and Cináed (who goes by Kentaro because no one can pronounce his real name xD ). I will be doing pics of them as adults/with their Navis and explaining them a bit more there. For now I hope this kinda gives an idea of each of their personalities! (Also, fun fact, Akihoshi is obviously the youngest, but Eilionoir is the actual oldest of the three. Kentaro just ends up growing up to be much taller than everyone else, ha ha)
(Pic 2, Eilinoir, the oldest child and only daughter)
So continuing from my last pic of a fanmade set of kids for Maddy and Match, a pic of their eldest as an adult! And with her Navi! Basically inheriting HeatMan from her dad (who exists separately from TorchMan due to Reasons that I will hopefully get into with the comics I'm planning to do, I promise ^^; ) Starting with her name, Maddy insisted that Match pick out Scottish names for them because she thought it'd be really cool. With Match not actually being Scottish in my story set up (this will hopefully come up at some point, but basically my headcanon is that his family has at least one Scottish ancestor somewhere down the line due to the red hair and all, but his family is basically Japanese people faking a Scottish accent at this point :P ), he just looked up some names and picked what looked good. On that note, neither Maddy nor Match know how "Eilionoir" is supposed to be pronounced anyways, but since it's a Scottish form of Eleanor, they just pronounce it the same as Eleanor. Ellie herself eventually insists it's pronounced "Ellie-noir" (like the French word for black) to make it sound fancier! :D Anyways, basically, all of Maddy and Match's quirkness/weirdness as afterschool cartoon villains went into Ellie. She's very wild and can also be creepy at times, but overall is still a good person (at the least, she doesn't get tempted to be a villain like most people would have expected). Especially when it comes to her family, you better not mess with them! She loves fire, knives, and masks (and has a collection of the latter two), and works as an intern Net Agent before eventually becoming a chef. Also she gets along great with HeatMan, especially when it comes to burning up losers! ... I am still iffy about how HeatMan's right hand turned out, but then again, with his robotic/unusual shapes, it's hard to tell how some things could look at a certain angle. @_@; I did my best! And at the least I can say I love how Ellie's pose turned out. :D EDIT: I forgot to mention when I first posted this, Ellie's gloves are specifically meant to be what's called "weighted-knuckle glove", which is more or less a combination of gloves and brass knuckles. Extra punching power!! 
(Pic 3, Kentaro, the middle child and oldest son)
And now the middle child! Kentaro, with FlameMan as his Navi! (Who also exists separately from TorchMan and HeatMan in my little story thing, so yeah :P ) His real name is Cináed (pronounced kinda like "Ken-Ahj") and is another case of Maddy making Match find a Scottish name for their kid. In this case, the name ends up so confusing for other people to pronounce, that the kid himself just ends up changing it to Kentaro. Plus he went by Kentaro and Ken as nicknames anyways (based on how his original name was pronounced), so it worked out in the end. Kentaro is much more calm and 'normal' compared to Ellie. He's quiet, though not in a shy sense, just more "Doesn't like talking if he doesn't need/want to". He's also the tallest, taller than his parents, and even compared to someone like Count Zap (who is listed as being around 6'1" in the BN Complete Works book, fun fact  ). Maddy and Match aren't sure how that happened, but they love their son just the same. He eventually becomes a fantasy novelist (his own mom ends up being one of Kentaro's biggest fans. xD ), and had FlameMan modified/reprogrammed to be able to act as his editor and proofreader (with a vast knowledge of grammar rules, cliches to avoid/be aware of, etc). This comes in exchange for some attack power, but FlameMan doesn't mind much, since Kentaro himself isn't much for Netbattling, while FlameMan himself has kinda-sorta 'retired' from battling after going through the Battle Network 3 stuff. That doesn't mean he's not strong and can certainly put up a fight if he has too, he's just not at the same level of fire power (haha) he was back then! ... now onto the drawing itself, man, FlameMan is yet another one of those Navis that you can't quite figure out how the hell he's supposed to look from different angles. His legs and the fire sockets in his body really don't help either!! You can tell I got lazy with said fire sockets, but at the least I think I did well on getting his legs to look right. :u Also still kinda iffy about how Kentaro's hands turned out. Should they be a bit bigger for someone his size? I kept debating on that while drawing this, but I didn't want to end up giving him hands that were too big at the same time. And a bonus, the colors of Kentaro's shirt and pants are based off of the outfit Match wears in BN2! Slightly changed the colors a bit though. Also, his hoodie is based off of one I have myself! Just with different colors and rings on it. :D Edit: Oops, forgot to put in the characters Kentaro picks for his name. Strong/healthy (健, 'ken'), big (太, 'ta'), and son (郎, 'ro'). Kinda straightforward and literal, though that makes it easier for people to remember his name.  xD Also, I think the "ro" character can also be written as "rou", though I am not sure if that makes too big of a difference in pronunciation? 
(Pic 4, Akihoshi, the youngest child and youngest son)
Okay, I have a bunch to explain here (and even then I can't go into too much detail with spoiling a story I wanna draw :P ) but let's get started with Akihoshi himself. The last and youngest of Maddy and Match's kids, Akihoshi! Match insisted that they give this kid a Japanese name this time, compared to the other two. xD Akihoshi's name is spelled with the characters for autumn (���, 'aki') and star (星, hoshi). He's naturally anxiety prone and in general tends to worry more than most people do. Not because of any terrible event, he just ended up unluckily having anxiety problems (he gets better eventually though, mainly thanks to his parents (after making it clear they aren't mad at him for it and just want to help) and making sure he gets therapy and medication). Once he gets a handle on that, he goes on to be a teacher like his parents! In my little story timeline they're both teachers. :P Also, his Navi is... NovaMan! Who is basically a reprogrammed (kinda) StarMan. Much more cheery and carefree than Akihoshi, and is fairly essential in making sure his operator got through the day during his earlier years (while Akihoshi was learning how to handle his anxiety problems), and generally helps Akihoshi look on the bright side of things! And can also be very scary if anyone dares to give Akihoshi a hard time... So with NovaMan, getting into too much specifics would be spoilers for his origin story chapter. But basically, in my story-set-up-thing, StarMen are generic Navis used for satellite control/maintenance. NovaMan was originally a regular StarMan who got his memory and personality wiped due to Reasons, but eventually gets better thanks to Maddy and Match and their Navis saving him, in a way. Also he's basically ColorMan and TorchMan's son, and refers to them as Pa and Dad respectively. They were kinda weirded out by the idea of being parents at first (especially since, really, it was NovaMan who decided they were his parents :P ) but they got used to it. They're proud dads now! :D For the art itself, ahh, this was so much easier to draw than the other two! You can probably tell by how quickly this is being submitted since Kentaro's pic. Then again, it helps that NovaMan was SO much easier to draw compared to FlameMan and HeatMan. :P Anyways, overall pleased with how this turned out, yay! :>
(Pic 5, Maddy outfits)
This is for the comic idea I'm planning for, but this is admittedly like... something that probably won't appear in the comic for a looong time.  :P But anyways, I'm trying to decide on a new outfit for Maddy, something more casual/civilian? Well, her main outfit is kinda like that already but ehh. So the basics I decided on are: shirt-with-puffy-sleeves, capri pants, and... how would you describe these kinds of shoes? I don't know much shoe terminology, I just wanted to make shoes that look comfortable to wear and walk in. Oh, also the glasses are a constant here. There's some concept art of Maddy where she's wearing glasses, so I imagine she does need glasses to see but otherwise normally wear contacts! Well, I guess that's more of a headcanon, huh? The shirt in the middle is cute, but at the same time I feel like it's almost too-cutesy for Maddy? And admittedly the colors for the capris in the left outfit were based on the colors for her normal pants anyways, so maybe that's too derivative. Or maybe I'm just overthinking things. :P I might just mix and match with different combos of the outfit-pieces here, I don't know. Well, I'm not in too much of a hurry to decide on a main-new outfit for Maddy, since like I said, it'll still be a while before I start the comic anyways. So I've got a while to think about it! At the least I wanted to share this now for a bit of feedback/suggestions (If anyone doesn't mind!) Edit: Also! Her pose here is kinda-sorta based on her pose in her official art! Her left hand still looks... a little wonky, but eh, I tried at least!
(Pic 6, TorchMan and ColorMan dealing with pop-ups)
Fun fact, Rush from the anime is based off of viruses called Moles in the games (in the English version of the games at least, they're actually still called Rush in the originals  :P ). The battle chip you can get from them is called PopUp, which made me think that they probably act like pop-up ads. xD As advanced as the Battle Network world is, they still have viruses to deal with, so they probably have plenty of other computer-related issues too (pop-up ads, spyware, lag, etc).
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marquisegallery · 2 years
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Time for a chapter that should probably be its own oneshot fic, but I’m a combination of stubborn and lazy right now, so it’s staying as a chapter in my overall Maddy and Match story lol
Anyways, time for gay Navis!!
(Well, by my headcanons one is pan and the other is gay, but you get the idea :P )
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