#mitsuba headcanon
thenanbakacorner · 10 months
Hi, can I request the reaction of the four supervisors after waking up from a dream lived where they had a family and their dream life with the (female) reader? I melt when imagining the baffled and shy reaction that one of them could take
Daww, yisss, this is an adorable idea!!
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
The second he wakes up and registers what he just dreamt about, he's blinking in shock and slowly getting a bit red in the face
He slowly sits up after a few minutes of silence pass and he pinches his nosebridge, eyes closing as he huffs and murmurs under his breath in embarrassment
"Fuckin' hell.."
Key moments from his dream replay back in his head, like you and him getting married, settling down in a small house, and your firstborn coming into the world
He's never had a dream quite like that, let alone one so vivid
It takes him close to a half hour before he's able to stop thinking about it (Mostly, at least), get out of bed and get ready for work, just barely not being late to clock in
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🐒 Samon🐒
The dream of you and him living together, happily married with two small children felt so real
When he wakes up, he is first confused at the sudden change of atmosphere, then when he registers that it was just a dream, he's quickly getting bright red
He can't believe he just had a dream like that!
His hands find their way to his face and he lets out a drawn out groan, rubbing his fingers against his temples
He whispers, trying desperately to cool the heat in his cheeks enough to get himself out of bed and ready for work
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🐕 Kenshirou 🐕
Out of the rest of the supervisors, Kenshirou is the most red-faced when he wakes up from the dream of you two living your best lives together
"Oh my god."
Is the first thing he mutters when reality sets in, sitting up and gripping the blankets on his lap in a death grip as he stares off into space, wide eyed
He can't help but think about the key points of the dream, like your wedding, your first child, and your second a few years after
Hands fly to his face, embarrassed steam practically billowing off of him
He ends up thinking about it for so long that he's late for work, and has to blame his late arrival on traffic
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🦚 Kiji 🦚
When he wakes up, he takes a second to blink and just register what he had just dreamt of
A glamorous, over-the-top wedding, a fancy three story house, and three children coming over the years afterward..
He soon gets the biggest, stupidest grin of his life along with faintly red cheeks and puts a hand to his face, chuckling to himself
"Goodness me.."
While he felt a smidge of embarrassment, he couldn't lie that the dream was rather wonderful.
Now he wonders when and how exactly he could make this dream a reality.. the sooner the better, at that!
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veliamore · 1 year
what he likes most about you
with hanako , kou , mitsuba , teru
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; hanako :
your hands ; it doesn't matter if they're soft or rough , he will hold your hands at any chance. He loves to take your hands into his own , feeling the warmth that transmit against his own cold , lifeless body
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; kou :
your smile : he lives to see you smile at least one time a day. That smile of yours that lights up his day , he's too shy to say it out loud but he wants to be the only reason your cheeks warm up , your eyes close and your teeth show up in a big smile.
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; mitsuba :
the way you listen to him everytime : he loves the fact that he can be his self with you and you'll never ignore him , you will always hear what he has to say , even if it's some insults towards you ; because of his ego he will never admit that he's thankful for everything you do for him.
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; teru :
the way he can tease you easily ; everytime he does some remarks on how pretty / handsome you look today , how good you did in a test , or just flirt with you , you always blush not being able to contain the embarrassment and he loves it. Even if you're on the verge of dying to the amount of compliments he gives you , he'll still call you cute (sadistic ass).
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isimpxiaoooooo · 1 year
Cute pictures of tbhk characters!
Spoilers! ( Manga, etc.)
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dochvada · 11 months
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I just love this au from aidairo because mitsukou has paired costumes, and the puppy Kou literally sometimes wants to eat a mitsuba- bone and it's so damn cute that I'm going to suffocate.. I like to think about how it would be. Well, like..Kou holds back for a very long time and then walks and bites Mitsuba because he smells delicious and he has a very beautiful bone on his head. my hedcanon on the fact that Kou wants to bite/eat what he likes, literally becomes true in this au 😭😭 I wish someone would draw this omg
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I finished reading your fic to my request and it was really fun!! Although what I had in mind was different, it was still fun! I really like how it really matches the vibe :DD
But I'm here to explain the nanbaka reverse au: so basically there's like this one picture I found of cell 13 wearing different guards' outfit so I went like "Oh my god what if the guards and prisoners had a reverse role" like it would be so cool
That's my whole thought process :]
- 🍰nom
Naaaw, now I wanna see that pic too... Anyways, my precious 🍰nom, I'll start with headcannons and then I will just recreate one of the scenes if that's alright with you, okay?
Warnings: Nanbaka on crack, hopefully funny scenes, swearing
Don't let your guard down!
To be honest, Hajime didn't even deserve to be here
He was just minding his business when all of a sudden, some drunk guy came to him and punched him
And that's how he somehow ended up here, in Nanba
Nanba as itself was nice, but the inmates as well as the guards there were a bit stupid
For example there was one building, where apparently two "handsome" guards, aka Trois and Honey, went to events for who was the most pretty person, along with their "handsome" inmate, Kiji Mitsuba
why were there even events for handsome prisoners and guards??
Or when he saw a blue haired woman who glared at him?
Hajime always shuddered when he thought about her glare.
Then there was his old friend, Mitsuru Hitokoe who was way too loud, and even though Hajime held him somwhat dear to him, he was glad he didn't have to share a cell with him.
but when looking at his own guards?
No thanks
Hajime didn't like this. One. Bit.
Why couldn't he just chill in his own cell? He could've been more productive. He'd even share a cell with the monkey inmate, Samon Gokuu. At least he could fight against him...
But here? In cell 13?
Nah, everything was shit.
He had to share his precious cell with the crybaby Seitaro Tanabata, who got bullied by the four guards who were supervising this building. The other cellmate was Yamato Godai, who was eerily fond of training his body and tormented his it with a sunshine face.
Yeah, Hajime didn't get why or how these two guys could end up doing a crime that they'd end up here in Nanba, but oh well.
"Hajime~!", Uno's voice echoed, and Hajime 'Tsk!'ed only at the approaching footsteps of the young guard. "Did ya miss us~?"
"Hell no. Now leave me alone.", he only grumbled, facing the door with his back.
Uno only chuckled before he started speaking again. "A special inmate would like to speak to youuuuu!"
Hajime only had a vague idea of who it might be.
Samon? Maybe. Or that dog like guy...what was his name?
Yakuza...yokai...Ah! Yozakura Kenshirou!
"Who is it?", he only asked impatiently before he got dragged out. Uno was humming happily ahead while Hajime was thinking of a way to escape or at least go back to his cell, but Uno's grip was terrifyingly strong.
"Say...where's the rest of you? You know, Jyugo, Nico and Rock?"
"They are speaking to her. That's why I'm dragging you there as well, you know? To be honest, it should've been one of the others to take you there. She was so pretty!"
All Hajime heard was Uno's annoyingly high pitched voice as the guard described the girl to him. Hajime had a feeling that he knew that girl all too well.
When they finally arrived the cell, tick marks appeared on Hajime's temple and neck.
"What the hell are you doing here?!", the inmate yelled, but got hit by Rock.
"Hello Hajime!", the person on the other end of the visiting room greeted.
The guards looked back and forth between the blonde and the bald one.
"So what gives? You said you didn't have a girlfriend Haji-"
"Don't change the subject!", the inmate yelled.
"That's his girl? Ah, there's no way.", Rock said.
"Out of his league.", Uno stated.
"You catch her at a low point?", Nico asked.
"You freaking punks-", Hajime started, but got interrupted by the blonde.
"Big brother, who are all these boys?", the relative asked, and the guards repeated the words "big brother" in an asking manner.
"Oh so are these your friends?"
"Like hell they are!"
The blonde haired person then looked at the guards with a smile. "Everyone, please take care of my brother."
and they answered with blushing faces. "Sure~!"
However, Jyugo had a question. "What's the deal Hajime? You never told us you had a sister."
Undo chimed in, again with his high pitched voice. "It's also kinda rude that you haven't untroduced us yet!"
"Her dress is adorable!", Nico complimented the blonde.
"Almost as cute as her.", Rock said while averting his eyes.
"He's my brother.", Hajime only said.
"This is my little bro-ther.", Hajime pronounced.
His brother smiled. "Hitoshi Sugoroku."
And then the guards lost it. They all screamed and Uno asked Jyugo something weird. "You said you liked boys too, right, Jyugo?!"
And he just nodded. "Yep, I did."
Hajime just couldn't with these idiot guards.
Hello again! I hope this was okay, I didn't really know what else to write, so this is it for now! Tbh it was kinda short in my opinion...
Please write in the comments how you found it, and yeah!
Read you in the next post!
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zombie-ghost · 9 days
Pride month starts tmr, so here's my lgbtq+ headcanons for the tbhk cast!!
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I'd LOVE to hear you guys lgbtq headcanons (or like headcanons in general) for them + other characters
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redrage71890 · 5 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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mxshr0mz · 5 months
What i personally think the tbhk characters sexualites are :3
hanako: either bi or pan
nene: defientally bi
kou: bi too 💀
aoi (the girl): god i cant tell if shes a lesbian or straight or bi 😭
akane(the boy): the straightest straight to ever straight
teru: either straight or bi (leaning to straight)
mistuba: gay. easy.
tsukasa: ace tbh!?!?!? (i dont actually know ....)
tsuchigomori: straight
yako: straight
lemon: tbh bi or gay
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rosekiller-addict · 9 months
here are some of my tbhk Headcanons bc I was bored (I used the rainbow flag as unlabeled)
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ninjagrace · 7 months
mitsukou hc?????
oh MAN let’s do this
mitsuba is a lady gaga fan and kou is a cavetown fan and you can’t convince me otherwise and so they listen to the other’s favorite artists when they’re sad
occasionally they have karaoke battles in mitsuba’s boundary- they both suck but neither will admit it
kou brought a hoodie to school at one point during the winter and forgot it in his homeroom, then came back for it at the end of the day but couldn’t find it. on that same day, mitsuba happened to acquire a new hoodie. he never wears it around kou, though.
whenever there are leftovers that kou makes, after setting some aside for his family he will sometimes bring the extra to school and, during lunch, set it by a nearby mirror, then walk away. not long after, mitsuba snags the food. neither of them say anything about this.
a strange amount of pink stuff has started appearing in kou’s room. if anyone asks about it, kou just brushes it off, saying it’s his new favorite color. mitsuba, on the other hand, occasionally asks shijima for little things, like a bottle of nail polish or a pretty picture or a flower or something, all in a specific shade of light blue.
i can go on and on about this omg
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oh and I almost drowned on the beach and the first thing I thinked of was that it's so kou and mitsuba...
mitsuba quiet on the sand and his stupid boyfriend on the water
and he almost drowned too
(He's certifying if kou is alright at the same time)
((They get ice cream afterwards))
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thenanbakacorner · 4 days
Here again, sorry if I'm annoying but I love your blog and your content. Can I request Kenshirou, Kiji, Hajime and Samon's reaction to seeing their little partner (who is a prisoner) take control of their respective blocks during their absence? As if even the guards followed their orders and the block was in even better control and order than when they left. I love the concept of little people being admired and respected as leaders.
Ouu, same here! (⌒▽⌒)☆ Respect the littles!!
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🐕 Kenshirou 🐕
Kenshirou took take a week long leave while he worked on looking into the Man with the Scar, seeing if he could learn anything about his whereabouts
He assumed another guard that was higher up in the pecking order would take over for him while he was gone, and things should go undisturbed
However, when he came back, he was surprised to find the building doing much better than he could have expected
Everyone doing their jobs exceedingly well, no reported incidents.. all in all, it was doing even better than it had been before he left
When he inquired about who had taken his role, you can imagine his shock to learn it was none other than his little prisoner partner
Needless to say, he gained a newfound respect for them that day, and would take it upon himself to make sure they are the ones filling in for him from then on out
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🦚 Kiji 🦚
After getting a scratch on the job, Kiji took a- as he called it- mandatory recovery leave. At least until he was presentable again
It took a bit longer than he'd of liked, and was a bit worried about how the state of his building would be with his gorgeous self MIA
Yet, his expectations were blown out of water upon his return
He was thoroughly impressed by how greatly things were running, and was quick to look into finding out just what brilliant mind had filled his role
Absolutely stunned to learn it was his little prisoner partner, wondering just how a prisoner could do so amazingly at running a prison block
Gives his partner all the praise and congratulations for a job well done
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
Hajime was given a three day suspension for acting a "bit" too aggressively toward his "favorite" prisoners, resulting in Jyugo getting a fractured rib bone
Seems he didn't learn his lesson from the tournament incident!
He figured the other supervisors would take over for him like last time, and since things worked well while he was gone then, he knew there wouldn't be a problem now
Upon coming back, however, and seeing the building running even better than it was a mere three days ago, and even when he was suspended before, he realized someone else took over
Thoroughly floored to learn that his little jailbird of a partner was to thank for it all
Maybe not all the prisoners in this place are idiots after all..
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🐒 Samon 🐒
Not long after Enki's passing, Samon decided to take a few days off to mentally recover
At first he thought Hajime would end up filling his shoes and the though annoyed him, but eh.. as long as he doesn't mess anything up
What he returned to was far from what he was expecting, and he was certain even Hajime wouldn't have caused the building to work this well in his absence
He was quick to ask the first guard he saw about just who was responsible for this change of operation
He's at a loss for words when they explain it was his little partner, a prisoner at that, to thank for it
Hmm.. maybe once they serve their sentence, they'd make a damn good deputy.
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veliamore · 1 year
Can I request hanako, tsukasa, sakura, kou and mitsuba x reader who is calm and can handle things by herself and strong enough to defeat supernaturals
Hope you can do it and take care!!
!! : in this reader is wrote with she / her pronouns but yall can see them with they / them or he /him pronouns as always
a s / o who can handle things by herself
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; hanako :
he's impressed by how calm you are ; there's always something chaotic going on in the school and your calm personality really helps him to relax a bit , though he will try to fluster you just to see your calm act drop off
also the fact that you can handle supernaturals by yourself does really help him , he knows you'll be just fine and doesn't have much to worry about , though at the end he will always check you for some injuries. When he sends Yashiro to destroy the yorishiros he asks you to cover her back
Sometimes he tries to save you and kill off the supernatural before you do and take you in his arms so it can seem like the prince saving the princess kind of scenario ( we all know you'll be the prince and him the princess )
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; kou :
you're like the opposite of him and he adores it ; he loves you and your calm attitude and how it contrasts with his energetic one , you always help him to calm himself down and it works !! Even Teru adores you and always asks you to keep an eye on his brother so that he doesn't get himself in some troubles.
The fact that you can handle supernaturals even if you're not an exorcist amazes him more , he's always shocked to see you fighting bad spirits and looking cool while you do it , though even if he knows that you can handle yourself he tries to protect you anyway
You being this strong makes him overthink about you thinking of him like a weak exorcist , that one day you'll leave for someone better and that can actually protect you without letting you risk ; please give him a kiss and reassure him :((
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; mitsuba :
at first he joked about you " not having feelings " because how can you be so calm ??? When in reality he loves you personality and being around you ; being the third mistery of school and dealing with the broadcasting room members can be quite exhaustive , so when he feels overwhelmed he comes to you for a bit of peace
he wants you to protect him from the supernaturals even if he's literally a school mistery ... but the anxiety of you getting hurt because of him makes his " skill " ( ? ) protect you ; he will start to say how much strong he was for protecting you and such when he was just shitting his pants tbh
Tho of course he doesn't want you to be in danger and will stop you if the enemy looks too much for you
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; mitsuba :
he " lives " to try to piss you off , just like his brother but worse ; sure he loves your behavior but at the end its not really funny for him to see you always calm and collected ; its in his nature to piss off people after all
He wants to see you fighting supernaturals so bad , he'll watch your moves with sparkles in his eyes and when you win he'll hug you and compliment you. Though if he sees you are in difficulty he'll slay the supernatural with a single move and act like nothing happened
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; sakura :
Trust me she loves and adores you so much because of your personality , finally someone who doesn't scream every day and just causes troubles here and there. You're the one she talks to you most , not just because you're her s / o , but because she really loves your company in general
She's not really happy when you fight off supernaturals , you're good and all , and your skills are impressive of course , but she can't help to be a little anxious for you when you come back ; you always have to do a spin in front of her just to see if you you're injured or something
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minimotosworld · 1 year
i know what theyre aida i get it
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dochvada · 11 months
-which idols are you stan?
Bro.. Yootou and Mitsukou are the best idols.
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Mitsuba and Kou definitely watch the "this will make you feel like you're floating" optical illusion videos together
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