#mision complete
doble-d-2 · 11 months
No lo quiero terminar, pero tampoco lo quiero borrar. Espero que al menos se entienda...
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pov sobrevivieron un episodio con flippy
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ctitan98official · 3 months
Anonymous: OK OK HEAR ME OUT; What if in your most recent post of Alcina lost child Au, both Alcina and Miranda encounter Y/N again but... plot twist they where adopted by a corporation that experimented in childs to become them in the perfect soldier, completely loyal and emotionless, they are in the village for a mision to see if the residents in there are dangerous to the outside world and in case of so, they have the order to kill them all. Imagine the guility and heartbroken they might feel since their little child became just another weapon...
Alright, so this was requested a loooong time ago. I finally got around to it XD This was inspired by my Alcina’s long lost child AU.
You were taken and experimented on relentlessly by Umbrella as a baby. The corporation had found your file and knew your origin. The product of two powerful bioweapons… It was too good of an opportunity for them to pass up.
You didn’t even know who your parents were and yet… You hated them. It was their fault that you were being tortured. Your every waking moment for the first few years of your life was excruciating. Needles, imaging, testing. Was this truly all you were meant to be? Some… Lab rat?
You grew up with no affection. Just sterile and generic questions. “How have you felt since we did the last test? Any symptoms?”
You tried to reach out to other people. To talk to them and ask them questions. To build some semblance of a human connection… But it was useless.
Nobody gave a shit.
So… You started shutting down.
No tears, no smiles. What was the point? People didn’t care. You learned to shut off that part of yourself fairly quickly.
Thankfully, once it was clear that you did not possess the powers that your parents did (Or any, for that matter), The experiments began to lessen and eventually stopped.
Shortly before Umbrella began to crumble from the inside out, the B.S.A.A. liberated you and put you into protective custody within the confines of their organization. You knew a lot about the inner machinations of Umbrella and were a vital source of information for them.
While the people with B.S.A.A. were largely nicer than the scientists at Umbrella, it was soon clear that they also wanted to use you.
Thankfully, a kind agent decided to take you under his wing. His name was Chris Redfield. He was appalled at everything you had been through and made a silent vow to protect you from then on.
While you were still closely monitored by B.S.A.A., Chris raised you at his house alongside his little sister, Claire. She was a few years older than you, but she always tried to include you in whatever she was doing. She was sweet.
However… It was too late to save you from the psychological damage you sustained.
You have no compassion, no empathy. Your brain just doesn’t work like that anymore. It’s been programmed to survive that way.
You actually hate being around other people. They’re weak. Their self-centered and petty little lives are a joke. They pretend that their existence has some higher meaning. That they are worthy of respect, admiration… Love.
It’s ridiculous.
Other people may have been fed bullshit their entire lives, but not you. For as sucky as your childhood was, it opened your eyes to the truth. You understand firsthand that greed is how the world actually works. Everyone is in it for themselves.
Money. Power. Influence. That’s what people secretly desire. However, nobody seems to have the balls to come out and say it so plainly. They want to hide behind their beliefs and “Morals”.
That’s okay. You couldn’t give less of a shit. Let them delude themselves.
Your only true loyalty lies with Chris and Claire. Even though you are unable to form any real attachment to them, they are the only people you would even consider helping if they needed it. Chris got you out of the shitty situation you were living in and you would spend the rest of your life trying to repay that favor.
Chris knew that you wanted to do what he did for a living. He would have much preferred to protect you from the horrors of bioterrorism, but… Well, you’re pretty much the embodiment of it. So, he reluctantly agreed. If you wanted something this badly, then he was going to do his best to make it happen. He started training you in marksmanship.
You became skilled. Very skilled. You devoted all of your time to it. Only taking necessary breaks to eat or sleep. Then, it was back to training.
Chris pretty much molded you into the perfect agent… And now, here you are. On your first mission together.
You and Chris are being flown to a rural area in Romania. There is intel suggesting the possible presence of B.O.W.s and it’s on you to determine if they are a threat… Or might become one.
Hound Wolf Squad were flown in a few hours earlier and are currently in a holding position, waiting for you and Chris.
Chris, never one to bullshit you, sits down next to you on the helicopter. “Looks like there might be some big action, kid. Rolando’s been scoping out the area and… It’s pretty hot with B.O.W.s,” He says quietly. “I just want you to know that it’s… Okay to be worried, Y/N. Many experienced agents still have jitters before a mission.”
You’re currently cleaning one of your guns. “Obliterate the target or die trying. It’s all the same to me, Redfield,” You tell him, not even turning to look at him.
Chris breathes out a laugh at this. You’re truly one of a kind. He pats your arm before standing up again. “Good talk, Y/N,” He says.
It’s true, though. So what if you die? It can’t be much different than living. You finish up before the pilot announces that you’ve arrived.
The helicopter lands in an abandoned field and you and Chris hop out.
“Alright, you and me will head into the village and Hound Wolf Squad will be tailing us,” Chris instructs.
You nod silently at this.
“We want to be able to get information out of them, so we’ll try the, uh, non-violent path first,” He says. “Who knows… Maybe it’ll be as simple as sitting down and having some coffee with them?” He smiles.
You almost feel a small fondness tugging your heart at Chris’s statement. After all he’s been through, he always tries to see the good in people.
You two make the trek into the village and Chris is able to get in contact with Hound Wolf Squad. They’ll be here to offer backup if you need it. All seems to be going according to plan.
However… The closer you both get to the center of the village… The more you get this weird… Sensation. It’s like your very being is thrumming.
Something about this place… Is drawing you in. Wanting you to be here.
For the first time in years you feel… A stab of panic. What is happening to you? This isn’t normal.
But… You don’t say anything. Whatever this feeling is, it’s your problem to deal with. You’re not going to drag Chris down with you.
You two look around at the ramshackle buildings in town.
Chris whistles. “What a shit hole,” He murmurs.
You try to shake off the warm pulse that is flowing through you. “It looks completely deserted,” You remark.
Chris nods in agreement. “You’re right,” He says. He looks off in the distance and spots the castle. A gentle light is emanating from the windows and smoke is billowing out of its chimney. “I think that may be our best bet, kid. Let’s go check it out,” He says, pointing at the ornate building.
You nod silently and the two of you begin the journey up the side of the mountain. It’s rather uneventful, and that’s a welcome change. This place is kind of freaking you out, a feat you didn’t even know was possible.
But… What awaits you is about to change your life forever. You’re about to learn the story of where you came from.
Whether you want to or not.
Note: Cliffhanger! Let me know what you thought and thanks for reading!
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inspiredwriter · 3 months
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Stefany 2018 :*se lava el cabello espuma* Oh cielos que frescura de agua 😊😁🚿*frota agua en los onbros* tengo que limpiarme bien para que llegue mi tortuguita de goma 🥰😄🧼✨💗💞❣️💘
Leo 2018 :*entra el apartamento por la ventana* hola mi gatita de azúcar he regresado de la mision para pasar tiempo contigo 😏😁💕💖💗❣️
Stefany 2018 :*grita del baño* ¡me alegra que vinieras amor!😄🥰💖💞💝* se hecha agua en la cabeza*pero por qué no te sientas a esperar un poco ya casi termino de ducharme😊😉🚿🧼💕💗✨ tengo una sorpresa especial para ti ☺️😘💝💘❣️💞
Leo 2018 : Oh como quieras pero no tardes nena 😈🥰💖💘💕💝*se desnuda y se acuesta en la cama*(pensamientos💭) Yo también tengo un regalo muy especial para esta noche 😈😏🌌💞💗❣️💓
Stefany 2018 :*sale de la ducha y agarra la poción*(pensamientos💭) gracias a Donnie por darme la poción mutante y el antídoto para esta noche 😊😁🧪*bebe la poción y se transforma en una gatita mutante* Si, funcionó soy gata mutante de nuevo😃☺️🐈✨*se pone la tualla*León Se volverá loco de la emoción para la noche romántica de pasión😈😏💞💝❣️💘
Leo 2018 :*se acaricia su pierna* Oh Stefany te estoy esperando para darte abrazos y muchos besos 😁😘💝❣️💗💖💕
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Stefany 2018 :*sale del baño* aquí estoy mi guapa tortuguita 🥰😉💞💘❣️*mueve sus orejas y cola*Lee,¿extrañaste tu gatita mutante? 😏😘🐈💝💓❣️💖¡Grrr~😽☺️💕💝❣️ Miau! ~😸🥰💘💞💗
Leo 2018: *Blushes* Oh god, my little beloved kitty has returned to me!😃😍🐈💗💘💖💕 Well, then come here quickly and let this turtle unwrap the packaging of your candy wrapper, my strawberry sweetie~😏😈🍬💝❣️💓💞
Stefany 2018: Haha, okay, as you say, my azure leader🤭🥰💗💓💝💕 *Walks up to Leo and lies down next to the him on the bed*
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Leo 2018: *Takes off the towel from Stefany* Oh yeah, I can finally kiss this fluffy belly and adorable breast🤤😍💖🩷💝💞 *Kisses Stefany on the breast, neck and tummy* Mmmua~😚💓💗💖💞 mua~🩷💕 mmmua~💝💘💗 mmua~💗💘🩷💖 muah~💝❣️💞 Achoo!🤧 mmmmua~😚💗💘💕 muah~💗💖💓💞
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Stefany 2018: Hahaha, Leo, I'm ticklish😍😄💓💝💗💕 You are the most adorable turtle in the world🤗🥰💖💘💓💞 *Kisses Leo on the lips* Mmmmua~😚💋💗❣️💖💕 By the way, Donnie has improved his potion, so now my hair falls out less often and Master Splinter won’t sneeze😅
Leo 2018: *Caresses Stefany's booty and tail* I'm extremely happy to know this🥰💝💗💘💞 *Takes a condom out from under the shell* But now I want to completely immerse myself in your warm world of furry bliss😍😈💓❣️��
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infinitetesimally · 2 months
"Mision complete," the titanic robot girl smugly says as the coastline of an entire continent is obliterated beneath her toe, her eyes trailing towards the curvature of the planet and what other civilizations lay beyond. "Moving to next objective."
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realspooks · 1 year
Okay! Here's what my brain came up with.
All QSMP members are agents or big criminals of some sort, who have been called upon by the federation for their skills and experience.
They are given some simple missions at the beginning, big robberies, spy investigations, research, hit man type missions. Until one day when the federation paired them with other members, with the excuse that they would be more efficient with the skills of their respective partners.
And right after that, the federation introduces a new tool for complete and total efficiency of its agents. Each of them having their specialty in which they excel. And each team will have their own!
Each team finds itself face to face with a child. A child soldier, born and bred specifically to be the best at what they do. Some have high intelligence and cognitive ability, some are extremely capable in combat, weapons, hacking, and most of all, they follow your every command.
Todos los miembros de QSMP son agentes o grandes delincuentes de algún tipo, que han sido llamados por la federación por sus habilidades y experiencia.
Se les asignan algunas misiones simples al principio, grandes robos, investigaciones de espionaje, investigación, misiones de tipo asesino a sueldo. Hasta que un día la federación los emparejó con otros miembros, con la excusa de que serían más eficientes con las habilidades de sus respectivos socios. Y justo después de eso, la federación presenta una nueva herramienta para la eficiencia total y completa de sus agentes. Cada uno de ellos teniendo su especialidad en la que se destacan. ¡Y cada equipo tendrá el suyo! Cada equipo se encuentra cara a cara con un niño. Un niño soldado, nacido y criado específicamente para ser el mejor en lo que hace. Algunos tienen una gran inteligencia y capacidad cognitiva, otros son extremadamente capaces en el combate, las armas, la piratería y, sobre todo, siguen todas tus órdenes.
Todos os membros do QSMP são agentes ou grandes criminosos de algum tipo, que foram convocados pela federação por suas habilidades e experiência. Eles recebem algumas missões simples no início, grandes roubos, investigações de espionagem, pesquisas, missões do tipo assassino. Até que um dia a federação os emparelhou com outros membros, com a desculpa de que seriam mais eficientes com as habilidades de seus respectivos parceiros. E logo em seguida, a federação apresenta uma nova ferramenta para total e total eficiência de seus agentes. Cada um deles tendo sua especialidade na qual se destacam. E cada equipe terá a sua! Cada equipe se encontra frente a frente com uma criança. Uma criança-soldado, nascida e criada especificamente para ser a melhor no que faz. Alguns têm alta inteligência e capacidade cognitiva, alguns são extremamente capazes em combate, armas, hacking e, acima de tudo, seguem todos os seus comandos.
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lucy6544 · 1 year
I just wake up from a nap and i dreamed about tang xuan and li ling where they just finished a mision and raven called tang xuan on the phone and told him to get something important that was in li ling's house (i dont remember what) because li ling would forget that thing and to bring that thing tomorrow to the union because they Will need It for an investigation, on the way to li ling's house there was a mud puddle where tang xuan fall in because It was like 1am and tang xuan was tired as hell and didn't notice It, li ling who was walking ahead was like 🧍for a moment because he was tired to and then he sleepily laughed and help him up, they eventually arrived to the house and when they entered li ling didn't bother to turn in the lights he just went straight to his bedroom and entered the bathroom and he undressed not caring that tang xuan has follow him and he just got in the shower and closet the curtain (the bathroom lights were also off the only light that illuminated the bathroom came from a small window where the moonlight peeked out, in the dream that light gave a relaxing vibe to the environment) and tang xuan who was in front to the bathroom's door (li ling obviously didn't close the door) did not flinch and just asked if he could stay the night because it was to late and he didn't want to walk all the way to his house and li ling told him that yes he could stay that he could lend him one of his shirts (there were all over the bed on his bedroom) so he could sleep more comfortable and that tomorrow they could go to the laundry to clean their clothes, tang xuan (who was still full of mud) agreed and he undid his braid and begun to undress and when he was completely naked he entered in the shower with li ling still bathing and li ling was not bothered at all like they've done this a couple of times alredy and he began to support xuan against him and holding him close because tang xuan was falling down from exhaustion
( It looked so cute in the dream to be honest.
I just realized that they forgot to grab towels in the dream.
Sorry if the writing Is bad english Is not my first language.)
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Transcription to english:
Toxik:do i gave him the flower a-and the hand or the other way around?
Saeri:look,do as you like but if i were you ill do it now
Range:what beautiful eyes and both the same also
Sucess! I finaly did animate something or at least i did an meme animatic,im so happy i could explote.
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Anyways this was just made with comedical intencions and if toxik is here is for my cursed idea of a crack ship in between him and mis.
The other two characters are saeri mis best friend and self adopted cousin and the other one is range an rebel xeltrian mis fighted with during the time he was on earth.
Also curious fact about xeltrians,they don't care about having partners unless a "click" happens wich is an ultra burst of affection towards other sentient being normally other xeltrian.
Also due to the warrior nature and survival of the strongest filosofy of xeltrians the stronger you are or better battle skills you have the more interested they will be for you since a good partner is equal to a good warrior in their eyes.
Also range is a male,and the kinda obvious that mis is gay
Toxik is @stingerking 's oc
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abyssdeity · 7 months
Are you ready for Halloween too?
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Young witch Selena
Hope you like it!
MGL Mision: What if other heroes had a halloween skin Completed!
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hjasjhasj I can't believe I actually finished a fic again xD I'll just see this as an early birthday present to myself, even if it's by a week lmao But yeah, here's the next part for the rivaling agencies AU :D Still not quite sure how to feel about it but at this point it just is what it is. So imma just yeet it onto the dashboard and disappear for a while again probably xD
Vanderwood x OC Talia
Another year, another birthday spent all alone. Usually Talia tried to snatch whatever mision she could get her hands on to keep her mind occupied, distracted from that day. But for whatever reason life really had it out for her and somehow there was nothing to do. So she found herself in a corner of a bar. Back to a wall where she was able to keep an eye on everything. Just because she had a day off it didn't mean she'd let her guard down. At least not completely. Besides, old habits died hard. "Can't believe I'm still alive with all my limbs attached", she muttered into her glass before taking a sip of the cocktail in it. Usually she went for straight stuff but that night she felt like trying something different. And the mixture of fruity and sweet was not all too bad. For a while she was able to just sit back, people watch a little and occasionally be torn between being happy for the people around her having fun with their friends and/or partners and a stinging feeling of jealousy. Which was about to get so much worse...
As the agent let her gaze wander, she spotted an all too familiar brunette over at the counter. The fact that he was wearing a leaopard print button up making her smile involuntarily. Typical... Though her expression fell as soon as a woman with long, red hair approached him. Getting all up in his personal space but even though she couldn't see Vanderwood's expression, it had to mean a lot when he let it happen. Meaning they were probably very close. Talia could feel her heart squeeze painfully, a sensation she hadn't had to deal with in so long that it was nearly overwhelming in that moment. Not to mention that the woman was gorgeous. Bright golden eyes that seemed to gleam in the dim light, shiny hair cascading down her back...
After quickly downing the rest of her drink, she slammed probably way more money than her drinks had cost on the table. She needed to get out, get away before he could spot her and how miserable she probably looked. Just disappear into the shadows. She'd done it a million times before, she was good at disappearing. Only that karma, or whoever else apparently wanted to play a sick joke on her, had a different plan. Because as she glanced back despite her better judgment, Vanderwood met her gaze, expression going from surprised to confused. The woman next to him seemed to notice that he was momentarily distracted and followed his line of sight, her head tilted to the side as she spotted Talia.
Fuck, was all she could think of as she finally, hastily left the bar, feet carrying her back home on autopilot as her brain went completely blank. Only when the door of her apartment closed behind her did she let out a shaky breath. Eyes burning from the tears she was trying her hardest to hold back. "For fucks sake you killed and survived getting killed for years! You're not gonna start crying over some guy you shouldn't have gotten close to in the first place! You're not that weak and pathetic!" Maybe reverting to anger would help. Getting angry at herself, angry at her stupidity for indulging in something she damn well knew would end up hurting her in the end, one way or another. Yet here she was. On her stupid birthday, sinking to the ground as she cried over some stupid man from another stupid agency. What did she think would happen? There wasn't even any guarantee that their friendship had been real. Maybe it was just all to get information from her. So why did the thought of him being with someone else still hurt so much? Oh, right. Because she was an idiot who let herself catch feelings for someone who was technically an enemy.
She was so lost in her thoughts that the ringing of her phone actually startled her and when she saw the name on the screen another wave of tears rolled down her cheeks. One missed called followed another. Only for Vanderwood to then send her a couple messages. Asking why she didn't pick up, if something happened to her, if she got injured... It was tempting to throw her phone full force against the next wall in hopes of smashing it into little pieces. Thankfully there was still a tiny part in her left that was able to think somewhat rationally, so instead she turned it off. At the same time shuffling over to her bedroom, falling face first on the mattress. She didn't even bother to get changed, only kicking her shoes off. It was like all the energy in her body had suddenly been drained and all she could do was bury her face in the pillow, crying herself to sleep as her heart continued to break further and futher until she eventually passed out from exhaustion.
A couple days had went by ever since that night. And all those days Talia was basically drowning herself in work. Taking on everything she could, no matter what kind of mission it was. Anything was better than being left alone and the heartbreak she still tried her hardest to forget about. Why did he still had to act like he cared? Why make it even harder on her by pretending to be worried about her and her well-being? Why couldn't he just act like the enemy he actually was "Maybe I should've listened to grandma. Men are nothing but trouble", the brunette huffed under her breath, all while tightening the grip of her thighs around a guy's throat until he passed out and went limp.
"There are certainly worse ways to go." Why? Why and how was it possible that she always bumped into Vanderwood on missions? It couldn't have been a coincidence anymore at that rate. At least the past days gave her some time to work on her pokerface, which she immediately put on as she got up, barely looking at him before she already turned her back on him. If she didn't look at him, she couldn't falter... right? "Can we talk? Please?" "I'm kind of busy right now, if you couldn't tell", she huffed.
Just as she was about to leave, because getting away as quickly as possible was much preferred, a hand wrapped around her wrist. Not tightly but it was enough to make her stop dead in her tracks. She hated how familiar the leather of his glove felt on her skin. How her heart involuntarily skipped a beat from the close proximity. "Talia-" "Don't. I have a job to do and I assume so do you. Besides, we shouldn't be like this anyway. Not only because we are working for different agencies but... God, I can't believe I let you play me for so long. A humorless laugh escaped her as she pulled her hand away, at the same time taking a couple steps back. Maybe she could trick her mind into distancing itself when she did so physically as well. And Vanderwood? He looked even more confused than he had that night at the bar. It nearly made her feel bad. Only nearly though.
"Playing you? What are you talking about?" "Don't pretend like I'm fucking stupid, Vanderwood. I saw how close you were with that woman. So why spend so much time with me when you obviously have someone in your life already, hm? Was it just to get information out of me? To make me feel safe enough to spill some secrets? Like the other night when I told you that-" "Kali." Even if he only said her name, her real name, it was enough to shut her up and all she could do was look at him with glassy, blue eyes. Though the last thing she expected was for him to pull her into a hug. Arms wrapped around her so tightly, it nearly felt like he was afraid of her falling apart if he let go. And maybe that would've actually been the case. Sadly it also made her walls crumble down way to easily, a quiet sob escaping her throat when she buried her face on his chest. Fingers digging into the back of his coat.
"Shh, shh. It's okay... Is that why you kept ignoring me?" The only thing she could do was nod. And Talia half expected him to make fun of her. Hell, she couldn't even have blamed him. Instead one of his hands moved up to cup the nape of her neck, pulling her even closer to himself. "Do you remember the hacker brat I told you about?", she nodded again, which was enough to make him continue, "The woman you saw was him. That idiot always takes it too far when he gets sent on undercover missions with me." She could pretty much hear in his voice that he rolled his eyes, although once her brain caught up to what she had just been told, she pulled back in order to look up at him. Face in a frown. "Wait... So that means-" "It means you worried about nothing and things could've been resolved much sooner if you'd have just picked up one of my calls."
Even now he didn't sound upset or condescending in any way. If anything, he looked so understanding which only confused her more. "I'd rather chew off my own arm than ever let you think I'm dating another woman. Especially when that woman in question is actually the hacker brat", he muttered, even shuddering. It was enough to draw a quiet chuckle out of her and she got on tiptoes, arms now snaking around his neck. "Soooo does it mean that if I was thinking about-" "Less talking..."
With that Vanderwood already crossed the small distance between them, lips pressed to hers in a nearly desperate kiss. All those emotions both had been trying to supress for way too long spilling into the open. Making it near impossible for her not to smile into the kiss. Her heart feeling much lighter than it had since her birthday. "You okay now?", Vanderwood's voice was barely above a whisper, the loving glint in his eyes robbing her of all coherent thoughts. Thumbs tenderly brushing some remaining tears from her cheeks. "Mhm~" "Want me to help with your mission?" "Nah, I'm good. But! You can meet me here again in... let's say 10 minutes. Then take me to your place and we could cook together", Talia suggested in-between little pecks. It was just too tempting to do now that she was officially allowed to kiss him. "Why my place?" "Because I know for a fact that your kitchen is way better stocked than mine is." "... Fair enough."
It was obvious that neither of them wanted to part, especially not now. But work still had to get done. No matter how badly she wanted to just stay in his arms. Though the sooner she'd get the mission done, the sooner they could leave. Vanderwood was the one who pulled her in for another proper kiss. And oh was it tempting to prolong it... If she was completely honest, Talia had absolutely no idea how she did it, but she managed to eventually take a step back, cheeks ever so slightly flushed. "See you in a bit, handsome", she hummed, fingertips touching her lips as soon as she had her back turned on him and a big smile refused to leave her face. There were no words to describe how glad she was about everything getting resolved and that things were nothing but a stupid misunderstanding. Sure, there were many more challenges for them still, but for now she'd allow herself to enjoy her night with the man who was supposed to be an enemy but turned out to become her lover in the end. Funny how life can go, sometimes...
Vanderwood x Talia Masterlist
Taglist: @just-a-key @amborii @cass-who @otomaticallyobsessedessed @mixed-bag-of-tricks @brighteststar707 @currentlyprocrastinating @violetrei @kumaronoa
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melodystark · 1 year
If Capitan America Civil War end like this
Red Skull,Madame Hydra or wherever Hydra - well done miss maximoff you complet the mision destroy the avengers
Wendy - thanks i was easy
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And me like so suportive of Evil,Scarlet Witch
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lgcmanager · 10 months
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( this is a special reward for the requirements’ 100% completion rate, which is a first in the roleplay for a drama ! congratulations and thank you to all the participants ! )
while legacy entertainement never doubted that NOVA's debut would be a success, the mini-drama CHAPTER 1: AMARE, has reached a level of success unexpected by the company. indeed, with 3 episodes out so far, it has become viral with the 12 to 35 years old. as such, legacy has decided to capitalize on this opportunity.
as the girls will already be busy promoting their debut mini-album, the members of nova will not receive additional requirements in this post. however, they are rewarded 12 NOTORIETY and can use this post on points sheet as proof.
just like the NOVA girls, the male actors in CHAPTER 1: AMARE, are receiving love calls. firstly, the boys will be filming a REACTION series for NAVER, during which they will be watching the mini-drama, sharing their thoughts and behind the scenes stories concerning the episode they are reacting to. these videos will be filmed during the week of JULY 3.
on JULY 11, the FIVE boys will then have a photohoot and interview for the AUGUST issue of ESQUIRE magazine. since the buzz words associated them are YOUNG LOVE, this will be the theme of their issue. they will be ask questions that they will have to answer in front of the camera. example of questions asked:
share a recent tmi
favorite color
favorite food
personal talent
personal fashion style
What do they want to achieve
what they do to relax
how do they differ from their character in the mini-drama
how do they ressemble their character in the mini-drama
last but not least, all the boys will reunite on screen in AN EPISODE OF BANANA DIVISION (temporary title). please keep an eye on the drama's official mision for more information.
REACTION: with your assigned partner, either write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread reacting to the episode OR continue a nova iuventa thread (additional 4 replies between now and SEPTEMBER 23) from the previous trimester for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! ** can be done twice by CHO MINKYU, LEE HYUNSOO and ZHENG LEO since they have 2 partners **
INTERVIEW: write a 300+ word solo where your muse does the interview for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:novaiuventa  for everything pertaining to this mission. you have until SEPTEMBER 23, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog:
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ NOVA IUVENTA 002 - REACTION: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be claimed twice by CHO MINKYU, LEE HYUNSOO and ZHENG LEO** - INTERVIEW: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ]
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
Battle Pass completed !!
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I still have a few quests left to claim some free rewards, but the important is done.
ESP: Aun me faltan algunas misiones para reclamar algunas recompensas gratuitas, pero lo importante ya quedo.
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FNF Mod idea- Motorcity
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As the tittle says, i've been thinking lately about a mod of one of the forgotten series  from Disney XD: Motorcity
i don't have any kind of sprites or anything because of too much work, but i have the story for it and i will make some edits soon for showing a concept more or less, about the style, i will combine my own fnf style and of the series as well, for the icons, as the characters for interacting afar had their own kind of emojis, the health icons will look like that.
Week one- Texas and Jacob
Cutscene 1:
Bf and Gf end up because of Daddy dearest in a mysterious futuristic city, they explore around for a while and end up lost in the Burners home, Texas and Jacob were waiting for the rest of the team as they went on a small mision, they were talking until these too called their attention
Jacob: -what's the matter kiddo, you both are lost?-
He asked in a curious tone, Bf and Gf looked at them and nodded, Texas got up his chair and went to them examining up and down and then chuckled
Texas: because of your looks, i can tell you both are new in here aren't ya?
Gf talked in a soft voice
GF: yes we are sir, my dad used a spell to bring us here
Texas: hmm magic? not truly a fan or believer of it , but i guess it sounds logical.
Jacob: but don't you two worry, you can stay here until you find a solution.
Bf then looked at texas with a challenging look
Bf: are you  into rap battles?
Gf: sorry sir, he really likes them, he can't sleep if he doesn't have one
Texas: *chuckle* no problem dude, i accept your challenge, i didn't introduced myself, my name is Texas and this is Jacob
Jacob: nice to meet you too
Texas: alright kid, i don't go easy on challenges, so don't expect me to go slow on this
bf: bring it on!
Cutscene 2:
Texas: wow little dude, you really got some moves, that was AMAZING!
*Jacob was watching the duel from his place then he recieves a call from Mike*
Mike: hey Jacob, we have completed the mission, we're heading back
Jacob: that's really good to hear, guess what, we have new people in town and one of them is
a rapper,Texas accepted a challenge and now the're having a duel
Julie: sounds really fun,we hope to arrive fast, don't wanna miss anything
Chuck: just please don't let them fight literally please
Jacob: they won't on my watch
Texas: alright little dude, let's see if you can handle a bit more of speed on this one
Cutscene 2:
*the team arrives at the end of the song, Texas was catching a breath *
Texas: seriosly....how is it possible ...im out of breath?....what was just  two songs...and that high note!
Duch: you pushed yourself too hard, it could have damaged your vocal chords
Mike: you did your best, that's all that matters
Chuck: i know you lost but please, y-you don't need to be angry
Texas: no! Texas never surrenders!
Jacob: take a little breath, i can take it from here
Julie: are you sure Jacob?
Jacob: do not worry, i was so inspired , so i will give it a shot
Mike: wish you both luck
Cutscene 3
Jacob: you did good little man, that was great!
Mike: wow dude, you got some skills!
Duch: the speed of your voice is amazing!
Texas: im so much better now, i apologize for getting angry earlier, but do you think you can accept one last song?
BF: Yeah!
Texas: alright little man, get ready for this!
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Guardian of the New York Sanctum, I'm taking notes on The Masters of the Mystic arts resources, please inform the data of the New York Sanctum active fighters , completed misions this month and recovered artifacts
The recovered artifacts include 38 books, 12 rings infused with magic, 4 enchanted swords and some potions. I've completed 17 missions this month. New York Sanctum active combatants...me.
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fishing-croagunk · 1 year
Game Clearing 2022: A Retrospective
It's that time of the year again, so let's look at all the games I beat.
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As you can see, I played a lot more than last year, so I'm going to talk about them after the cut.
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge: Jan 16 - Jan 16
If you've read my 2021 list, you know how much I loathed Frogger. Well, the sequel is thankfully a lot easier. Of course, without it being as frustrating, it's a lot shorter, but I'd say it's a more enjoyable experience.
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition: Feb 4 - Feb 4
I said I would cover Murfy's Touch and Back to Origins here, so I will. Murfy's Touch was a neat set of levels with a surprisingly decent AI you have to guide through the levels. The only real drag was having no way to go back other than restarting the level. Back to Origins was pretty fun, though. A bit challenging and the Mosquito levels were a good change of pace. This convinced me to get Origins, which you'll see later.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Mar 27 - Apr 13
Kirby makes his transition to true 3D (not counting spin-offs), and I think he did it really well. The controls feel good, and the Mouthful Mode felt like a natural extension of the gameplay. I really hope they make another game like this!
Yoshi Touch & Go: Apr 27 - Apr 27
After all the tilting of Topsy-Turvy that got me tilted, I was a bit worried about this one. Thankfully, the touch and drawing controls are miles better than turning the system. One thing I dislike about this game is that it's a highscore challenge instead of a series of levels in worlds. If they had done that, I probably would have liked it a bit more.
Rayman Revolution: May 1 - May 8
There are plentiful ways to play Rayman 2, so I went with the PlayStation 2 version. I quite liked the platforming, and enjoyed some of the exploration. I didn't feel compelled to collect all the Lums, though. Maybe I should check out Hoodlum Havoc next year.
Star Fox 64 3D: May 13 - May 14
I must say, I really liked Star Fox 64 3D. I did play on 3DS mode, and with Gyro Controls off. I also decided it would make sense to complete both paths and every mision at least once. Flying the Arwing felt really nice, and I even managed to get a few medals and the warp in Sector X. Maybe I should try to get the rest of the medals sometime…
Bomberman Generation: May 14 - May 18
I really like the Super Bomberman series, but I've never played 64 or The Second Attack, so I was looking forward to it. I thought the unique bombs and the Charabombs were a unique idea, giving the bombing a puzzle-platformer aspect. I really didn't like the fact that some bosses where part of levels and others weren't. Near the end of the game, I got through what was basically a maze and then I died the boss, having to do it all over again. The Crush Bombers were fine to fight though.
Rayman Origins: May 19 - May 24
Oh boy, here's a game I really enjoyed! The platforming felt a bit tighter than Legends, and it had a pretty good amount of challenge to it, including the Tricky Treasure stages and The Land of the Livid Dead. I'm unsure which is better, this or Legends, but I'd say Origins is better for a single-player experience.
BAD END THEATER: May 30 - May 31
Here's something unique for this list, a visual novel! Like most VNs, I'm not going to talk too much about it, because I'd think you should go into this as blind as possible. All I'll say is, it was excellent from beginning to end, and I really want to check out more games made by this person, and more virtual novels in general.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge: Jun 16 - Jun 17
I love the TMNT Beat 'Em Ups, so I was hyped when this was announced. I even got a friend to join me. We did play on the hardest difficulty, which lead to us getting our shells kicked in the early game, but it evened out quickly. Part me wished I could have played with more people, but I had fun whacking Foot Soilders.
Viewitiful Joe: Jul 2 - Jul 4
This game is stunning to look at. I'd say the graphics still look great today. I enjoyed the combat, and it was fun learning how to properly use the Slow-Mo and Speed-Up. The story was also fun, and it truly felt like a cheesy superhero movie. I will definitely try to get the sequel.
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (NSO): Jul 4 - Jul 5
I remember playing this game on Wii Virtual Console, but I don't remember finishing it. So I played through it again! It was fun figuring out all the unique combinations. My favorites would be Fire-Bomb, Ice-Stone, and Spark-Stone. Outside the shards that require abilites from a different level, it was pretty enjoyable getting them. It's also funny the re-release got a Teen rating.
Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series: Jul 20 - Aug 8
I have not played any of the games in the Klonoa series, until now. And man, this was a great entrypoint for the series! I liked the platforming, the story, the characters, the music..! I realize this is essentially two games in one, but both of them are amazing. I am definitely going to play more games in the series!
Cult of the Lamb: Sep 3 - Sep 12
I really like this game. The Roguelike part was pretty fun, and the management part was great as well. I ended up doing the four areas out of order, but it wasn't a serious problem. The final boss was pretty awesome. Perhaps I should play more Rougelikes, as I really enjoyed my time playing this.
Splatoon 3: Sep 16 - Sept 17
New Splatoon game means a new campaign. While the campaign is usually a good way to re-familiarize yourself with the controls, I liked the gimmick in the hub worlds as well. Makes me wish I could use Little Buddy in the Turf Wars.
Pokemon: Fool's Gold: Sep 25 - Sept 27
There are a ton of Pokemon ROMhacks out there. But this one takes everything you know about the Johto games and turns it on its head by changing the types of every Pokemon! It even adds some new areas to explore! Also, the Sevii islands are included, but that's when the game starts using mon at the level cap, so I stopped playing there.
Slap City: Oct 1 - Oct 2
I've played Slap City basically since release, but now Ludosity has added Story Mode for almost all of their characters. It was pretty decent to run through, although like Melee's Adventure Mode, every character plays the same series of levels. At least you can unlock cool new colors to use in the online play! I'm a Jenny main.
Luigi's Mansion 3: Oct 21 - Oct 24
I feel like this game really combines the good aspects of both of the games before it. It's all one big location, but you also have the collectibles. Gooigi also provided some new elements to the puzzle aspects. Part of me wishes I got my brother to play through the story with me.
Earthworm Jim (NSO): Oct 22 - Oct 22
I've played both EWJ 1 and 2 before, on ZNES (remember that?), but I genuinely don't remember if I've beaten either of them. I did use Save States (or restore points as NSO calls them), but I used them at checkpoints and after every level. I liked the game overall, but screw Tube Race. This was also the first time I played the Genesis-only level, Intestinal Distress, which was neat.
Earthworm Jim 2 (NSO): Oct 22 - Oct 22
Now this was a tricky one. I'd like to say that I think I like EWJ2 more than 1, but I wouldn't say by a lot. The graphics and platforming gameplay is better here, however the levels that don't use the platforming are kinda hit and miss. I did not like The Frying King, and Puppy Love is vastly inferior to Andy Asteroids. The actual platforming levels are great though. And before you ask, I am not going to play 3D nor Menace 2 the Galaxy.
Pokemon Snap (NSO): Oct 29 - Oct 29
I've heard a lot of good things about Snap, and it's not that bad of a game. Seeing Pokemon coexist like real animals is still neat. My only real gripe is that it's very short. I did snap a photo of all 63 mon though! Perhaps I should check out New Pokemon Snap sometime in the future.
Pokemon Blue: Oct 29 - Oct 30
I'm going to be real, I have never properly beaten a Gen 1 game before. I have played FireRed and LeafGreen many of times, but never the original games. And I have technically beaten it before, but that was through the glitch that warps you to the Hall of Fame. Playing through it, I did have a lot of moments where I realize how the later gens have spoiled me with a much larger bag and the physical/special split. Still it was kinda fun, but I'd rather play FireRed and LeafGreen.
Pokemon Stadium: Oct 30 - Oct 31
When Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 were annouced for NSO, I was reminded of the fact that the Transfer Pack wouldn't be possible. So, with the power of emulation, I simulated the add-on, and brought the team I used in Blue into the N64 game. I did use PKHex to edit my team, but all I did was remove HMs (something you can't do in Gen 1), evolve my Haunter, and set all my mon to same level. And I can safely say that even with a proper team, Gym Leader Castle is unfair. It really felt like when the enemy needed a move to crit or status, it did. Combined with trapping moves with Wrap and Fire Spin, it's just not a good time. And you know what got for beating Lance? An Omanyte, which I already had in my Blue save.
Pokemon: Emerald Rouge: Nov 8 - Nov 13
Another ROMhack, and this one's quite good. It takes the Gen 3 games and turns it into a Rougelike. It's such a neat concept, and it preforms it really well. I also played on the EX version, which adds things from the later games. The thing is that I am not truly done, as after you beat it for the first time, a lot of cool things are unlocked, which I won't spoil for you. I totally recommend checking this one out!
Pokemon Stadium 2: Nov 18 - Nov 19
After conquering the first Pokemon Stadium, I knew I would have to do Pokemon Stadium 2. So applied the same strategy. I played through Crystal (which I've done numerous times) and assembled a team. Then I had to play a bit of Gold, because the Mareep line isn't in Crystal. Traded it over, added it to my team, and began the Gym Leader Castle. It's already a bit easier since you don't need to worry about things like Wrap. The AI still cheats though, and they'll use strategies like Toxic Stall on you. The Kanto side much easier than the Johto side, since you just have to fight the Gym Leaders themselves. And Red, whom is normally a formidable foe, I beat him first try! It's probably because he didn't try to status me, but it was an actual fight. Now, you might be wondering, am I going to play the Colosseum games? Probably not!
Also, a new thing I'm doing this year is a ranking. I feel like it'll better explain my experiences with each of them.
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I made one for 2021, as well.
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gmanwhore · 2 months
Listen up y'all this shit is 8conic
I am making 8eats so don't steal my thunder
Vriskalicious definition mak8s Rose Lalonde loco
She 8e seeing the light that she can't see in her visions
If 8reath is you flavor
Of Page i will do you no favors
No reason why i'm mean i'm just completing my mision
No i don't do kismesis
And if your name is Eridan then that shit is atrocious
I 8low kisses
Mostly reserved for just my girls
Terezi 8e resetting timelines just to 8e with me 8ack again
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