#miraculous ladybug kwami buster
blogbugaboo · 10 months
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𝖬𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂 𝖬𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗂𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌 !! By me!!
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
After watching Kwami Buster clips for my edit it's sending me that Marinette wanted to adjust every transformation to fit every miraculous and how to make her costume look good while she wears all her miraculouses like she put so much effort into it and then Gabriel was like "I quit" and just made them all look the same and stuck to that purple condom costume cuz he didn't want to bother making it look good anymore
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silentmagi · 1 year
Hi! I'm back!
Pairing: Kwami Buster & or x Zombizou
Title: The hunt for the Spirit of love
Welcome back!
It was time to teach their darling students a lesson they would never forget. The true spirit of love had to be around, after all, Cupid's Arrow had to be the reason for the changes in the students.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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fluffyposting · 2 years
I doubt this will happen but I think it would be super cool & exciting if for the season finale Gabriel finds a way to akumatize Marinette (similar to Chat Blanc) and actually succeeds. Marinette realizes she’s not strong enough to fight the pain she’s feeling so she takes her earrings out and has Tikki take them to Cat Noir because she trusts that he’ll handle it.
maybe Marinette would find a way to break through Monarch’s control and find a way to save the Kwami’s while still being akumatized? She might find out who Monarch really is? Idk I just think it would be a cool idea.
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rivianaaa · 1 year
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glockenzspiel · 2 years
Important question:
If the holder of a miraculous doesn't have their ears pierced, is the miraculous' camo mode CLIP-ONS????
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mcheang · 8 months
Spot the difference
When Zoe and Alya become replacement heroes, Marinette could have told the kwamis to pass on the message to avoid wearing the rings! Except she was kinda depressed and their decision had been a shock to her.
However as she went to visit Alya to congratulate her, she also had a list of things to beware and avoid, among which was the alliance ring.
Alya dismisses Marinette’s concern, reluctant to give up the latest technical fad and unable to think of an explanation for even doing that. Besides, does Marinette know how much these things cost?
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After the events of Deflagration, Marinette, Alya, Tikki and Plagg are curious how Monarch discovered their secret identities so quickly.
What is the difference between Marinette and Alya? Could it really be the alliance ring?
Plagg: actually, now that you mention it, Chat Noir doesn’t wear an alliance ring, but Kitty does.
Everyone is stunned.
Alya hesitantly says, “And Kouki wore 5 alliance rings on his hands, Nora was complaining to me about him being such a spendthrift. That was the only time we faced an akuma with the powers of 5 miraculous. Did the other akumas wear multiple alliance rings?”
Marinette: no.
Alya said what everyone must be thinking. “So the alliance rings are how Monarch transfers the powers of the kwami.”
Tikki: you think Gabriel might be Monarch after all?
Marinette: i don’t want to think it could be true, but we can’t discount the possibility. I know he was the Collector before but the arrival of Mayura means he has at least one ally who could akumatize him on his behalf.
Alya: it is too much of a coincidence that Gabriel should be akumatized right after he loses the grimoire, the most incriminating clue that would lead to Hawkmoth.
Plagg: if Gabriel really is Monarch, there’s only one way to know for sure. He’ll have my mark on him after the wax museum.
Alya: right…how are we going to see Gabriel’s arm? A vaccine?
Marinette: not to mention, i am certain that Monarch would want to hide such a clue with makeup.
Plagg: there’s only one way to know for sure. A spy mission. Send me Marinette, no offense but out of all of you, I blend in the most easily.
Alya: right, then how do you explain kwami buster?
Tikki, who knows Plagg knows the Agreste mansion best of them all, speaks up. “No, he’s right. We need to send in Plagg.”
Marinette twiddled her fingers. “Especially since the Resistance’s last plan with Gabriel epically failed.”
Plagg avoids meeting Adrien, knowing he won’t take kindly to his father being accused again. But he really goes all out in exploring the house. He does more than sneak into Gabriel and Nathalie’s rooms, he searches for hidden lairs and vaults. He finds Monarch’s lair easily enough, and his captured friends!
Plagg reports this to Marinette. Grimly, she starts planning. “Gabriel must be hiding the rings under his gloves.”
Alya: what are you going to do now?
Marinette: I’m going to arrest Monarch in the last place he expects. When do you think Gabriel is making his next public appearance?
Alya: uh…no clue. I’m still surprised he went to the parent teacher conference.
Marinette: we need more heads. Plagg, you can go to Chat and-
Plagg: actually, it might be better if you leave Chat out of this.
Marinette: why?
Plagg: I can’t say.
A pause before they move on.
Alya: what if Adrien has his friends over, is that enough of a public setting for you?
Marinette nodded. It will do, but I have to ambush him easily.
Alya: you can count on the resistance.
Sure enough, Alya knocks Gabriel unconscious and lets Ladybug in through the window. Adrien is stunned when Ladybug exposes his father as the villain.
As the resistance stands watch over the bound villain, Ladybug summons her lucky charm to find his lair.
She frees the kwamis. Gabriel is arrested but there is still the question of who Mayura is, either Tomoe or Nathalie. Anyway, they are both taken into custody where Nooroo happily outs them.
Adrien then has to move away to Paris after the public backlash and stay with his aunt. Plagg offers the miraculous again but Adrien politely declines, instead promising to help recover the Peacock from his cousin should he show his face again.
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Honestly I'm genuinely convinced Marinette just wanted an excuse to kick Chloe off the team and was just trying to save face by making it be about her identity.
Like kwami Buster made it clear that she was aware for some time prior to the episode that wearing a different miraculous would conceal her identity
Yeah like I just. I've said it before but
If Marinette had said "while Chloé is making progress and has been good at doing the job of Hero, her past actions make it hard for me to trust her with no hesitation. While I logically know she has the Team's best interests at heart in the middle of battle, it is hard to ignore the instinctual reaction to distrust her and I cannot risk having her as a major teammate when that moment of hesitation could spell disaster for us. So I will explain this as best as I can without revealing my identity, and bench her from the Team."
This would have been good in many ways. Showing maturity from Marinette and setting boundaries. A good example of how you can acknowledge someone has changed for the better without having to immediately forgive them and trust them blindly. It's better for Chloé as well because she has a solid answer for how Ladybug feels about her and encouragement to still work to be better but can't be as easily manipulated into thinking Ladybug used her and tossed her aside.
But no. The getting benched for your identity rule only applies to Chloé.
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almadesarrollo · 2 months
PART 3 : THE BALLS AND color symbology
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3 THE CHAIR: LET'S TALK about the chair or lounger that Marinette always has on her balcony, it has undergone changes, so let's go in parts. Let's talk first about its use both in the first seasons and in the last ones and then about its design
use SEASON 1-5
A lounge chair is a place to lie down and rest, relax, however, if we see in detail all the Miraculous seasons from 1 to 5 including all the specials and others MARINETTE HAS NEVER USED IT, and there are no excuses, she has He occasionally uses the wooden stools he has where the tea is, the little table, even the balls are on when it's night, but he has never used the lounger, does this mean something? Well, it clearly means that at no point in the series has Marinette felt calm, and this is a fact, right? As the chapters progress, we can see how she was increasingly pressured and stressed, this is mainly due to her role as a guardian.
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So is there anyone who has used it? AJA plagg in the kwami ​​buster chapter.
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And why is this chapter characterized? Because of two things in particular, the danger of identities and the role as guardian, we can see how in this chapter, the identity of the two is in danger to such an extent that two neurons function. And if you wonder if Marinette is Ladybug, so she does everything to create an alibi and thus divert attention.
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This shows that she clearly lives stressed 24/7 due to the danger of her secret identity (which will lead to her ruin) but also in this chapter she proves to be a guardian and carrier with a lot of potential, to the point of holding a lot of miraculous and endure the enormous power, thus demonstrating that she has a lot of talent and potential but that it exhausts her in her civilian life due to all the responsibilities that it entails.
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So, these are clues between now and season 6 that she will burst, and will need support (something we discuss a lot in these analyses, right?) What support? Félix as chatnoir, Where's the Clue? In it she said that PLAGG IS THE ONE WHO RESTS ON THAT CHAIR, COME ON, THE SOLUTION TO THIS IS GOING TO BE FOR FÉLIX TO HAVE THE MIRACULOUS AND NOT ADRIEN.
use SEASON 6.7 ETC..
Here things change and the first thing we see in the sequence is Marinette lying down, with the book on her face, resting, sleeping? The point is that here you can see that she uses it and she is relaxed, let's look at the pose.
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It is the same pose as the one FU IN SANDBOY had, this indicates that in S6 onwards, she will experience certain events that, as we have already said in a previous post, will make her mature, and of course she will become wiser, she will end up finding balance in his life, and also peace, he will know how to organize himself and will grow, he will be a great guardian. We remember that FU had a great trauma that weighed on him because of what he did in the temple, however he knew how to find peace in his life and balance, and move forward protecting the box with all her knowledge, she will overcome it.
but of course in this process she will not be alone, Félix will help her on an emotional level, remember that if you read my posts, THROUGH FU THEY TALK TO US ABOUT FELIX
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so there is the clue, but also, Marinette is asleep with a book, this element is represented by Felix, since he loves reading.
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Marinette will, let's say, be able to rest in Félix from her duties as guardian, he will be her assistant and will help her in various tasks, which will make her suffer less.
Let's talk about the design, those pink and white lines are references to the character ROSE.
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THROUGH ROSE THEY TELL US ABOUT ADULT MARINETTE, what do we know about her? Well, she is a girl of pure goodness and is seriously ill.
here we have SEVERAL big clues about the future of MARINETTE S9 onwards, if 9 not S6, TO START, THIS WILL POSSIBLY BE THE DESIGN THAT MARINETTE WILL HAVE WHEN SHE IS AN ADULT, NOTE THAT ROSE PHYSICALLY LOOKS LIKE MARINETTE EXCEPT FOR THE HAIR, WHAT DID WE DO? SAID PREVIOUS POST? that she would dye you blonde, it is possible that in the future she would even cut it, because in THOMAS' conceptual art we saw a ladybug with very short hair,
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Now, as for her way of being, it goes without saying that she sees goodness in everything, she sees life in pink, which would not speak of Marinette's maturity, of seeing love in everything, of her complete healing as it was given to her. understand in the inverse special.
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This is a spoiler for the final result of the evolution that Marinette will have, she will heal and see love in everything, it will be pure love (like Rose and her way of seeing life)
Now for that she will give herself her place, as we have said, she will focus on herself, self-love and goals, which is why the sunbed is also pink and white, its colors, which are in all her clothing design and sewing and drawing objects. Now look at the order of shades of pink, it goes from the lightest to the darkest or strongest as if the presence were powerful, for me that tells us about its process and evolution, that is, as we see the chapters and seasons the urgency By focusing on herself she will be more POWERFUL, there will come a time when she will have to change.
The chair is SKY BLUE. Who does this color belong to? aha to bunnix,
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(looks dark due to poor quality)
Bunnix is a vital piece in the series, she makes sure that all events happen as they should, she protects the future, and returns to the past if something does not happen as it should, but THIS COLOR ALSO TALKS TO US ABOUT FÉLIX , and it does it through bunnix.
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What do you want to tell us? that in the future, Marinette will look more rested, thanks to Félix.
It will be like a burrow where she can go and Félix will be the tender bunny who will make that burrow and will protect it and take care of it.
Felinette would be confirming to us in the future, that would justify why Bunnix doesn't like Chatnoir, because he knows that Chatnoir is Adrien, and the damage he will do to MARINETTE in all aspects, because of how crazy he is.
IT IS POSSIBLE THAT IN S6 bunnix will appear again and give us clues that in the future the felinette will be insured.
thank you for all your likes and reblogs and support you give me
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teawinx · 2 years
Can i ask why marinette has 2 identities as the mouse miraculous holder?(toppo and multimouse)?she is once using it as marinette and once as ladybug?(like she tells someone that "hey its me ladybug with the mouse miraculous?")
Essentially yes!
In the reboot, Kwami Buster remains intact, but instead of Mylène getting the mouse, Ladybug keeps it as her secondary Miraculous (Since both she and Chat Noir can purify akumas, and sometimes the Luckycharm won't be as useful)
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Since Toppo is exclusive to Kwami Buster, with the intent of being revealed as Marinette, she goes HAM on making it super cute and Marinette's style.
Then as Multimouse she sticks to a sporty and practical look to make a clear distinction.
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heidi891 · 11 months
Rewatching ML Season 3
Chameleon: Adrien pulls away from Lila. He’s very nice to her, but tells her not to lie to him. Akumatised Lila pretends to be mean Adrien. Chat Noir yet again sacrifices himself for Ladybug. Only Marinette and Adrien don’t fall for Lila’s lies. Adrien sit next to Marinette, but the whole class ends up sitting as they used to.
Animaestro: “Ladybug PV” as in-universe film. Marinette, why are you stupid enough to work with Chloé.
Bakerix: —
Backwarder: Alix says Adrien hates lies. Marinette giving Adrien the prescription is hilarious. So is Gabriel having a temporary villain lair in the train toilet.
Reflekdoll: Poor Juleka. So now Gabriel doesn’t care about Nathalie risking her life. Marinette and Adrien look cool as Lady Noire and Mister Bug. I think the episode is a little too critical of Chat Noir.
Weredad: Gabriel Akumatised a baby again. Marichat scenes. Have Adrien got only twenty peas to eat? His meal is ridiculous. Maybe he is forced to diet, because apparently he eats far too much cheese. Chat Noir says loneliness and isolation are the worst.
Silencer: —
Onichan: Calm down, Marinette, Adrien is kind and a little naive, but he isn’t stupid. Gabriel also thinks Adrien’s too naive. Adrien is fed up with girls fighting over him, but is touched by Kagami’s love for him.
Miraculer: Ladybug should listen to Chat Noir’s advice about talking to Chloé. Ladybug is too focused on defeating the villain, ignoring the emotional aspect. Chloé resists the Akuma. Chat Noir is hit with the Cataclism twice. Chloé is Queen Bee again.
Amnesio: Ladybug and Chat Noir lose their memory, detransform in front of each other and quickly assume they’re a couple, and they kiss. Adrien says he wouldn’t hide his identity from his girlfriend.
Desperada: Ladrien scenes. Adrien, where has your hair gone? Ladybug laughs at Adrien/Aspik’s jokes, but not Chat Noir’s. Adrien, what do you mean you’ve been trying for MONTHS.
Startrain: In the train Marinette sleeps on Adrien’s shoulder.
Kwami Buster: Adrien suspects that Marinette is Ladybug. Master Fu says using too many Miraculouses at once makes you mad (I see you, Monarch). Marinette as Mouse is cute, Adrien as Mr Banana is funny. Marinette tricks Chat Noir into believing that she can’t be Ladybug.
Feast: Master Fu’s backstory. Adrien’s worried about Nathalie.
Gamer 2.0: Chat Noir sacrifices himself.
Stormy Weather 2: There’re a lot of scenes from previous episodes. Marinette admits Adrien is her friend now. Nathalie admits she’s fallen in love with Gabriel and started caring about Adrien. Adrien recalls good moments with his father, but one of the memories is based on a lie (his father giving him the scarf). Plagg says Gabriel in the inside is either soft or rotten and while Adrien wants to believe the former, the latter is likely true. The second Christmas episode must have been before this episode.
Ikari Gozen: Kagami seems autistic. Chat Noir seems impressed with Kagami using the Dragon Miraculous. Adrien told Kagami that Marinette is his friend.
Timetagger: Ladybug and Chat Noir are bored and fed up with fighting Mr Pigeon for the 24th time. I wonder if Timetagger comes from their timeline or alternate timeline. Frankly speaking, I don’t treat those revelations about the future seriously. (#NoorooDeservesBetter) What’s more, Chat Noir and Nathalie say that future isn’t set in stone. From Cat Blanc we know that Bunnyx can travel to the future moments that ultimately become an alternate, non-existent timeline, so this is how I see the future that Timetagger comes from.
Party Crusher: Marinette, why are you so stupid. Adrien is surprised to see Marinette, but smiles when she still pretends to be Marino. Gabriel: ‘Joy? What’s going on in my house?!’ 
The Puppeteer 2: It’s both funny and sad that Adrien starts to believe that Marinette doesn’t like him at all. Adrien is just as silly as Marinette. Marinette kisses Adrien. Short Ladrien moment. Adrien tells Marinette that the girl he loves doesn’t like his jokes either.
Cat Blanc: The problem stems from the relationship between Adrien and his father. Adrien still loves him, but Gabriel is ready to use him to achieve his goal. This episode also shows that though Adrien is very nice and as Chat Noir he’s a carefree joker, he also has a lot of pain and anger inside. Additionally, reveals full of angst only weakens our superheroes.
Félix: Félix is fun to watch, he’s smart but emotionally unstable. He must be very lonely. Nathalie: Let’s Akumatise some teenagers.
Ladybug: Adrien says Marinette is fantastic. He stands up for Marinette when Lila accuses her of cheating. Marinette would’ve been Akumatised, if Nathalie hadn’t felt bad. Gabriel tells Nathalie not to use the Peacock Miraculous, but she does it behind his back. The Senti-Ladybug plot is a bit creepy in the context of season 5. Adrien forces Lila to withdraw the accusation.
Heart Hunter: Adrien likes Marinette with her hair down. She leaves him and Kagami alone after they’ve gone for ice-cream. She’s too distracted and makes a mistake that will result in loosing Master Fu. Chat Noir flirts with Ryuko. Chloé is jealous and joins Hawk Moth. Adrien and Kagami kiss.
Miracle Queen: Adrien says he wasn’t ready for the kiss and Kagami is hurt. Ladybug becomes the guardian of the Miraculouses. Will she forget everything in the future too?
Chris Master: I can’t stand that terrible old man in a red suit.
Miraculous World: New York: It looks like fanfiction a bit? Like everything’s a little over the top. The worst thing is Chat Noir accidentally killing a girl, it’s just so unnecessarily traumatic. It looks like this is his punishment for being dishonest with Ladybug. And with him sacrificing himself every other week and having some experience in being hit with the Cataclysm (Miraculer), I think he’d rather Cataclysm himself than an innocent girl.
Previous: Rewatching ML Season 2
Next: Rewatching ML Season 4
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weirdgirl92 · 4 months
Looking back, I might have been a bit too harsh on Season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug. Sure, it’s not the “best” season and Miracle Queen is still a terrible finale, but it also has some genuinely good episodes that fans tend to overlook (Backwarder, Weredad, Silencer, Oblivio, Miraculer, Desperada, Startrain, Kwami Buster, Gamer 2.0).
Chameleon, Feast, Timetagger, Party Crasher and Ikari Gozen are just mid at best, while the rest are all duds. You could say that Season 3 is the mixed bag season. Again, not the best season of Miraculous, but it’s still leagues better than seasons 4 and 5.
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theafrochick · 11 months
Y'know that part from kwami buster just popped into my head where 'marinette' gave back the mouse miraculous and she said 'dont you tell cat noir everything's and ladybug was all 'lmfao absolutely fucking not' and I think that's actually where cat noir constantly getting shit on started.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I don't get how people calls Marinette a Mary-Sue cause "she wasn't hurt or in danger by wearing all the miraculous like Gabriel is"
That's because she didn't activate ALL OF THEM at the same time.
The ones she actually activitied and used in Kwami Buster were the mouse, fox, black cat, and ladybug.
I agree. Also she felt dizzy, if she wore more miraculous she probably would've had bigger consequences, or am I the only one who noticed that Marinette isn't all sane now? It could be trauma but she isn't coming out of this without any consequence. And I looked up in the Wiki to make sure and
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Master Fu said "so many", he never said "all" and Gabriel is wearing AND using them ALL. It's not the same.
Luckily I didn't see that salt take yet, but if any other character did the same thing they would've been praised for being "the best", not hated for "plot armour". Main Six in My Little Pony always defeat every villain with the power of friendship (literally) and Marinette isn't allowed to win in a regular episode because she's trying too hard? Win, Marinette, and look good doing it.
Haters gonna hate.
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multimouseofficial · 11 months
Hey, I've never heard of you before, when did you even get a miraculous?
Well.... I helped Ladybug and Chat Noir a while ago to stop Kwami Buster, when she stole their Kwamis. I haven't been back, but working with them was an honor even if it was only one time.
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Who do you think is the best miraculous holder in the series?
Ooh, I like this question.
I was at a tie between Master Fu, Marinette, and Félix for a while but I think I that Marinette is the best.
I think the best episode that illustrates how she's the best Miraculous holder is Kwami Buster. Marinette was able to wear practically all the Miraculouses in the Miracle Box without fainting once (unlike Gabriel). She was also the first to use her powers uniquely (when she made the Charms and on her first try).
She also does a good job of hiding her identity. I think it was very clever how she was able use the Fox and Mouse Miraculous to make it seem as if Multimouse and Ladybug are different people.
Félix was a close second. He's had far less training and time spent with Miraculouses and yet he's very skilled with it already. Hell, he almost beat Ladybug in just one episode and the only reason why he didn't win is because Marinette is Ladybug.
I think that Fu is a good Miraculous holder considering that he never finished his training and is nearly 200 years old.
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