#minecraft ender oc ask blog
asktotallyhuman · 1 year
From nowhere, a mysterious white vex hurls a potion at Nyzak's head!
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Nyzak is temporarily only able to communicate by screaming!
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“This...may be a problem.”
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Nathan how would you react to finding a lost illager child?
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Nathan: a little nervous about that crazy pillager, but he's a wounded illager child
and I will take him to my house to cure him
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asktheblondeenderman · 3 months
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A Enderdragon as beautiful as the stars 💜
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Idrk what to say, but wanna get your story rolling again so where are Sec and Green now? (main)
[Trigger Warning: Panic Attacks]
Green and Second arrive at the monster school, jumping out of the portal and landing on the roof of the building. they both look around and start descending to continue looking for Red. They didn't know the students of this place, as far as they know, the mobs are very aggressive towards strangers.
The two of them headed towards an open place which was between the trees behind the school. The two walk to this aria but Second pauses midway facing the ground, ther hands were shaking, They were nervous and afraid. Green walks up to sec and tries to take his hand but Second pulls back a little bit surprised, Green stares at them worriedly.
Green:"Sec... Everything will be fine... I'm already close to him! Let's find him and go back home to where the others are..." He approaches second and gently cups their face with a comfortable and kind smile. Second hesitates to look at his friend but his trembling eyes come up to look into Green's eyes. Both look at each other and Green smiles more kissing Second's cheek and affectionately smoothing ther face, leaving a small green blush on their cheeks. Both separate their hands with Second forcing a calmer smile even with the blush on his face, Green laughs and the two continue towards the open aria. Second can't forget that kiss, stroking ther cheek with a smile on ther face.
The two arrive at the aria and see that it looked like some kind of open field, several trees seemed destroyed with several marks of struggle around. The two worry and run towards the aria until a flash of light and what sounds like an explosion lands in the middle of the field. The two look more closely as the smoke clears.
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Both widen their eyes, in complete shock that it was Red, some bruises and apparently having difficulty getting up, holding his arm that looked injured. They both look in the direction from which Red was thrown, seeing a pair of glowing white eyes in the air. Second goes into complete shock. Ther hands were shaking again and ther breathing was getting heavy. The memory of when that thing possessed Red, of when it attacked them filled them with fear and panic. Green looks at them and tries to calm them down, but Second was hyperventilating non-stop, leaning against a tree trying to catch his breath without much success. Green holds their hand trying to calm them down.
???:"What are you doing here??" Green looks back, he is shocked to see familiar faces.
Green:"Skely!? Ender?? Spider??" He looks at the three mobs all staring at them in utter confusion and concern. A small "yonk" is sweaty and a small pig runs towards Green rubbing its head against his leg, "Ruben!!" Green bends down, still holding Second's hand, to pet River who was happy to see them, but when he looks at Second, the pig goes into an alert state and starts rubbing his head in the their leg too. Green helps Second to sit in the tree and Ruben starts asking for affection by touching his head on ther arm without success. Second had his chest heaving from hyperventilating to the point where it started to hurt.His eyes were watering and he was staring into space with wide eyes. They ware in a trance, being forced back to that day they'd played with the game's icon for the first time. Green looks at the mobs who were worried when they hear something behind them.
Red:"Guys, what happened??" Green, hearing Red's voice, stood up, seeing his friend behind the mobs that just moved out of the way. Red's eyes widened as he saw his friend, him over his arm with one hand pulling his hood up to hide his injuries. He takes a step forward ready to smile at his friend, But his eyes are drawn to Second who was sitting on the tree panting and in a panic attack. "SEC!!!" He screams in horror at their state and rushes to their side putting his hand on Second's shoulder, Ruben cries as he slowly lays his head on Second's chest. Slowly they opened their eyes seeing their blurry vision and breathing slowly getting controlled. They move their hand slowly to position it over Ruben's head, patting the piggy who accepts just wanting them to stay calm.
Second takes a deep breath trying to form a better view and looks at Red who was in front of them with a very worried expression almost in tears. Not just out of worry, but out of happiness that he was finally seeing Second after so long.
Second:"R-red... Is that really you..?" They lift a trembling hand to touch Red's face with little success, but Red takes his hand and puts it over his face crying with happiness to have his beloved friend back. Second breathed harder when he realized that he was himself, the two hug each other tightly, not wanting to let go.
Red:"Sec! I was so scared of losing you!! You don't know how much I thought about you!! You don't know how much effort I'm trying for you!!!" He says almost in sobs as he hugs Second. Green watched the two relieved, he puts a hand on Red's back smoothing it in a circle. Red separates himself from sec and looks at Green, "What... What are you doing here?? What about the others??" He gets up with Sec who was having difficulty standing up, Ruben is his support to help Second to to get up.
Green:"Those people on the server..." He looks down clenching his fists in rage just remembering that horrible woman. "they tried to control Second's mind..." Red and the mobs were in shock, and Red went from shocked to angry in seconds.
Red:"They tried WHAT!!??" This makes Red's eyes glow white for a few seconds which leaves Green surprised by this, he's never seen Red get this angry. "If they did something to Sec... I WILL—" Ender puts a hand on Red's shoulder signaling him to calm down. Red looks at the mob and takes a deep breath and looks at Second who was still wiping their tears. "Sec... Are you okay...?" Red goes to Second and puts one over their shoulder.
Second:"I-I.... H-he... Y-you..." He starts to pant again and Ruben tries to destroy him a little.
Red:"Who..?" They look to the side. There was Herobrine just watching them in silence, "oh.... No, I'm fine! He's been training me to get stronger to help you..." He says this with a smile trying to comfort Second, but it seems to only make them more uncomfortable. "I was so scared when you were taken... I didn't want to lose you... I had to come not only to help Ender but also to find help!" He puts his hand on Second's face which makes them blush a little. "I want to stay stronger to help you..." He says looking deep into Second's eyes. Sec Hiccups and hugs tightly.
Second:"You are already very strong! Please... Let's go home Red..." They say in a tearful tone. Red hugs them back trying not to cry again, Green smiles and laughs the two too and Ruben shoves himself between the three making them laugh and they bent down to hug the little pig. The three laughed happily that they were reunited.
Hunter:"Woooon, how cute! Makes me want to puke!" A deep and soundingly cruel voice draws the attention of everyone in the aria who look up, seeing a dark gray stick figure who is staring at them with a smirk.
Green:"You! Where's the Warden?? What you do with him??" Second looks at him in shock and then at this stranger with hatred, what did they do to Warden??
Hunter:"Wah, don't worry about him!" He withdraws the foul from behind his back, leaving Second in complete shock. "He's in good hands...." And with an evil smile, he plays the flute in a high tune. The ground starts to shake, the three mobs Panic, Spider uses her webs to get off the ground and go to a tree and Ender takes Skely in his arms and teleports away from the ground. Herobrine teleports behind Red and the others and teleports them away as well in time for the Warden to get out of the ground and reveal himself to everyone else.Herobrine teleport to where the other three mobs were dropping the three friends.
Second look to where the Warden was, he could see his blind friend looking around for them as Hunter walked on and on. Herobrine claps his hands, teleporting each of them to several different places, separating them again against their will.
Hunter:"Oh, I love a good hunt...." He smiles to himself laughing once more, and with a crooked smile he holds the foul close to his face, "let's start the hunt..."
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Have any costume for this Halloween?
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A Visit to Audri
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Brine: “I’ve never mentioned it, but the Ender Dragon of our server is my friend. She’s not a pet to me, even though I raised her from an egg. She’s more than that to me, because she’s been there for me so many times. I love her, and we caught up after some time of not seeing each other.”
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[It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn Audri. Brine went to go visit her. :) I’m very proud of how Audri came out since I haven’t drawn a lot of dragons before!]
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ask-geo · 1 year
Wings! You forgot to count them. Dragons have wings! What is a dragon without those poweful webbed limbs but mere drakes! Puny lizards!
". . ."
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doodlesshitposts · 7 months
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Head over heals for Royal AU Enderous
She a princess 🥺
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techno-toister · 10 months
[Ask for EndNon] How exactly do other enders treat you? Do they treat you like one of them, or can they sense something is up?
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"they tend to be vary weary of me"
(i say askblog in the tags even tho this isn't exactly an ask blog)
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asktotallyhuman · 1 year
Hold on, how can you drink milk? you're an enderman, you can't even touch water without freaking out and milk's still a liquid. Is it ONLY water that you can't touch?
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"Without it, liquids burn us to touch, let alone to drink. I wonder what's in it..."
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Mod: drawing practice: stupid doodles
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his name is jack
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Mod: Finally. I finished it! Not like it took me 7 months……
Last & Next
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AvM Minecraft server AU season 2
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Synopsis — with Second Coming being controlled by the server intruders, Green takes the lead to save them. Each member will have their own challenge to protect their home and find their friends. Red will have to go to the world of ender and his mobs friends in search of greater help. Blue and Yellow follow in search of MT and Jacob as they think about their relationship. Green? He tries to keep himself serious about this situation, but at the same time, he still has his doubts about his feelings, especially having to keep Purple around. The strangers plan something bigger, and Second is just a pawn. Will the Color gang be able to stop them? Or will they need outside help?
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Send your questions and be part of this story!
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askmayirmc · 1 year
Throws an ender eye into the water and it floats down to you
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"What is this?"
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Brine, why did you have to bring an eye of ender to activate the portal? You've been there before evidently and visit occasionally as seems.
Why wasn't the portal active then? Do you take the eye of ender away once you are done to close the portal again? Why?
If we are especially nit-picky, how do you get out of the end without killing your bestie the enderdragon? A way back to the overworld only appears when there's no dragon there after all.
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Brine lets out a small huff after his explanation, seeming to be a tiny bit fed up with the anon before him.
Brine: "I do hope that answers your question. I'm going to ask you leave me be now. I've not been in a good mood today and I'm trying to sleep to help it."
Brine then lies back on the couch, hoping no one else would disturb his rest as his eyes closed.
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[-@ Anon
This was interesting to ask, anon! I've been enjoying these questions you guys have been sending in about the kingdom and Brine and such! :D
Brine's just a little grumpy from lack of sleep. :0]
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