#milgram asks
thetempestechoes · 17 days
Milgram ask meme
General questions:
Which Milgram character is your favourite, and why?
Which character do you think is underrated by the fandom?
What's your favourite headcanon?
What's your favourite Minigram?
Which song is your favourite and why? (Including covers!)
Which MV is your favourite and why?
Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the most if you met them in person, and why?
Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why?
Which prisoner's signature colour do you like the most?
Which trial's sprite art do you prefer the most, and why?
Trial questions:
Which trial (number) verdict do you agree with the most?
Which trial (number) verdict do you disagree with the most?
Which (number) trial song do you enjoy the most, and why?
Which (number) trial cover do you enjoy the most, and why?
Which (number) trial MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
Prisoner questions:
What do you think of (name) and why?
What are your headcanons about (name)?
What do you think of (name)'s verdict/s?
What do you wish more people understood about (name)?
What do you think of (name)'s song/s?
Make sure you specify which category your question is in if you're just sending the number code! And make sure you fill in (number) and (name) with the trial number or prisoner name you're asking about.
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kani-miso · 16 days
general questions number 3!! :D :D
thank you for the question oomf.
general questions
3. what's your favorite headcanon?
this is so easy to answer, mikoto and es are related. thank you for coming to my tedtalk
i do have some that i also like, such as:
es is a sweet tooth.
john likes strawberry flavored stuff.
yuno is really good at languages.
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waivyjellyfish · 7 days
1, 4, 7 and 8 for the general Milgram questions if you want :D
Hi Beans, sorry for late.
1.Which Milgram character is your favourite, and why? Es. Their look. Their character. But most of all I fell for them because of the voice.(Amami Yrina is slaying) I heard their Mahiru's song cover and just.
'This is my child now!'
And now my interpretation of Es has almost nothing same with the canon, but that is the fate of my favorite characters. I mean, of course I always try to fit Dokuro’s features into the canon so it doesn’t skew character or the world completely, but it doesn’t always work.
4.What’s your favourite Minigram? It’s all with Es, but if I need to choose, it’s 2nd with Es in apron. And 9th with claw cutting.
7.Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the most if you met them in person, and why? Probably Mahiru and Mikoto, they’re quite chill and in the same age category as me, so.
8.Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why? Kotoko 100%. I spend my life swimming with the flow. So most likely I'll be considered as weak. Besides, I don't know how to argue. If I had to argue with her, I’d just be overwhelmed with her confidence.
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yuri-practitioner · 8 days
For the general questions: 1, 7, 8, and 9
For the trial questions: 3, 4, and 5 for both trials
For the prisoner questions: 1, 3, 4, and 5 for Haruka
Alrighty gen q's:
1) Haruka, he's just funny and sweet and so real. Two of us should watch Bocchi together frfr
7) Like above, Haruka. I'm not big on talking to people, and neither is he, so I think it'd work out. Otherwise maybe Yuno? She seems pretty chill.
8) Besides Amane since I hate little children, probably Mahiru. Had someone irl eerily similar to her and if I knew that person now, it'd be a trainwreck
9) Amane's probably
Trial 1 q's:
3) Right now probably Throwdown, because none of the others are too impressive to me and Half makes me cry cause they're making Kazui's VA since in his break, and they're destroying Mappi's VA in whatever the acronym is. Throwdown isn't impressive but it's catchy imo and Shidou's tone is nice
4) I don't really listen to all the covers😭 fake fan spotted idk I'm not a fan of Deco's songs overall
5) Haruka's because of the mixed-media aesthetic, but the flower theming in Shidou's is very pretty
Trial 2 q's:
3) Probably Double, since it's most similar to what I usually listen to. But Cat sounds pretty good since they let Kazui's VA sing in his range lol
4) Again :/ But I liked all the fanart for the Fuuta cover
5) Toss up between Mahiru's and Mikoto's. Mahiru's gave me a huge "wtf" moment while I was sick and jetlagged at my friend's house, but Mikoto's was just a vibe for me.
Prisoner q's for Haru:
1) I think Haruka is super awesome and needs a big sis (me). Bro just needs someone to be there for him and actually listen and understand him, which I can do as a Professional Haruka Understander™
3) I disagree with t2😠 But I feel like his are always the hardest since he's first. But I always feel bad when the kids get guilty cause they're literal children lol
4) That he's 17. He's not 12😭 He'd be a grade younger than Yuno. People sorta treat him like he's a little kid when he's not lol like yeah he's a child but just as much of a child as Yuno is
5) Eh I'm indifferent. I like Weakness better than AKAA. I think the VA's voice could be better utilized but it's not as bad as some VA's got
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xxri · 2 months
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prsk requests and one milgram
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cherryhaunting · 4 months
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third interrogation.
couldn’t get this magnus line out of my head lol
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good-beans · 4 months
Could you post the map of everyone's locations on Tumblr, if its not too much trouble? I would ask you personally but I think others would appreciate it as well.
Ah, yeah! I got the info from maristelina's post here, and made myself a super quick reference with a pic I grabbed online
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Haruka, Mahiru, Kazui, and Amane are all outside of Tokyo -- I can make a bigger map at some point to include them as well!
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beside Shidou wife who else are you friends with🕊️
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I've befriended a lot of the others. Some are a little standoff-ish and it might take a bit of time to get them to warm up to us, but I've made some progress. I am the oldest here so I feel like it's my responsibility to take care of everyone. I don't want anyone to feel excluded or left alone for too long.
I noticed that some of the younger ones have been depending on me like I am a mother, alongside Mrs. Kirisaki... I've been learning a lot about parenting from her. I never had kids of my own but it's such a special feeling to be able to care for them. Even though I'm no longer alive, I'm still experiencing and learning about things that I hadn't before, and I'm so grateful for that. It feels like a second chance, in a way. Without the others’ company, I don't know where I'd be!
Here is the full picture of us but please be aware that our hearts imply how we died. I understand that it might be disturbing to some people so I thought that I'd do this just in case. Please take care of yourselves, everyone. 💙
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laniemae · 6 months
Made a compilation of every time mikoto says nande (I think) tell me if there’s anything I missed
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thetempestechoes · 17 days
5: what's your favourite song? For the milgram asks thing :D
It changes depending on my mood, honestly. I've probably listened to Bring It On (both Fuuta's original and Es's cover) and After Pain the most, though, probably closely followed by some of Amane's and Mikoto's songs, so those ones are definitely up there.
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kani-miso · 15 days
prisoner question!
hc for t1 guilties :3
prisoner questions
2. what are your headcanons about t1 guilties? (3 hcs)
fuuta: always stays up late for games, sometimes tries makeup because of his sister, and likes pop or rock songs.
mahiru: very good at hairdressing, has a whole drawer filled with only romance books, and still believes in the traditional gender roles but doesn't mind if others doesn't.
amane: has a cat plushie, likes dancing, and actually pretty good at all subjects except math.
mikoto: has tried atleast one of those 'which character are you in (insert media)' quizs, almost fell into a sewer while cycling, and usually talks with mahiru and es only because the others avoid him.
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waivyjellyfish · 7 days
Hiii!! Are you still doing the Milgram ask game?:D no pressure if not!
Which 1st trial MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
What do you think of Mikoto and why?
Hi, hi. sorry for the belated answer.
Which 1st trial MV do you enjoy the most, and why? It’s a complicated question. None of them has a real "wow" effect on me, I can be pretty inconsiderate. But looking on it as the person who knows most parts of the story I admire how much detail authors and artists scattered around the video. And it's amazing how much work people did to pull out all of these details.
I think my favorite is gonna be Undercover because it's Es' song and This Is How To Be In Love With You because this is the first Milgram MV I saw. (Even though I came to Milgram after hearing Fuuta’s second VD)
What do you think of Mikoto and why?In the beginning, before I started watching dramas and mvs, I thought Mikoto would be one of my favorite characters after or alongside Fuuta. But sadly it didn’t work out. To me, he feels like that kind of character that I would be interested in as the protagonist, but not as the person from whose point of view we’re not looking all the time.
Maybe it’s because he’s the most popular character in the fandom.(Fuuta is actually the same, but Fuuta is a ginger tsundere and this type tasty for me no matter where the story goes) Alas, I am mostly allergic to the popularity and fandom interpretation.
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polarmary · 4 months
So my friend started playing John Doe out of nowhere and we got too silly I guess......
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No Johns were harmed in the making of this post
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blueepink07 · 7 months
The battery percentage of Mikoto's phone is 29!
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2 as in Double -> 9 (Mikoto and John - the only ones shown directly in the MV)
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Combining these two numbers together -> 2 (double) 9 (suffering) = double suffering
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Also, an another interesting thing!
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Mikoto's favourite food is Horse meat sashimi!
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iqmmir · 3 months
can you perhaps please doodle a yuno? the her ever ..
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She's very babygirl... Sopping wet pathetic....
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good-beans · 2 months
this is so stupid but i always have fun imagining the milgram characters watching their own/others mvs and seeing their reactions, especially for MeMe
That’s not stupid at all, thank you so much for the ask!! It’s sooo interesting to think about! I planned on just posting this drabble, but the more I thought about it, the more I started jotting down headcanons for everyone 👀 Of course there’s the initial disbelief and shock that Milgram can really do what it claims, but once they accept that, they’d have a lot of interesting reactions…
Es gets to watch the video first, then the prisoners are free to watch their own in the privacy of the courtroom/extraction room/wherever. Other prisoners can watch them only with explicit permission from the video’s singer. No one is allowed to watch Undercover except for Es. At first they spend hours looking at those final frames of themself flinching from the camera, hoping to jog any sort of memories, but eventually they give up on it. While actually watching it, they don’t mind the murder silhouettes. While sleeping, however, it has triggered more than one nightmare.
Haruka: He thinks Weakness is very pretty – he’s amazed seeing himself on the screen and hearing his voice, knowing he’s not that good of a singer. Even before his innocent verdict, it gives him a huge surge of confidence. Once he gets to know the others better, he gives them mv permissions, then stares intently at their faces to see their reactions as they watch it. AKAA scares him a bit, seeing his own intense emotions on screen, and he only gives Muu permission to see it. When he’s alone, Haruka pauses the shots of his mother, just to stare for a while.
Yuno: Laughs at the symbolism her mind used in Umbilical. She’s never shied away from sexual words/thoughts, so it's funny the video was as tame as it was. She thinks the song is fun, and isn’t afraid to show the others and sing snippets of it around the prison. Some days it’s too emotional for her to get into it, but most of the time she tries to display a confident attitude about it. After Tear Drop, she’s satisfied with her anger and more overtly sexual images. If anything, she feels too exposed by the shots of herself looking more vulnerable/sad. 
Fuuta: He experiences a solid mix of embarrassment at the gaming theme in Bring it On and feeling a surge of pride that he looks badass in the knight’s armor. He’s worried the warden won’t take him seriously with the video game obsession, but he absolutely loves the song and thinks it portrays his toughness and ideals well. He’s less thrilled with Backdraft, everything about it unsettles and embarasses him. He’s thrown by the shot of crossing out his own silhouette – he’d had self-harming thoughts, but wasn’t quite ready to confront them so blatantly yet. Like Haruka, he can be caught pausing the arcade shot just for a moment before turning the whole thing off and storming away.
Muu: She has mixed emotions towards After Pain. She hates seeing herself look so weak and pathetic, but it gives her a lot of hope that her story will be understood. She misses her friends, and seeing them again is bittersweet. She closes her eyes at the moment of the stabbing – she’s only gotten the courage to watch it through her fingers once. She watches INMF once, then refuses to look at it again from shame/horror. Despite Haruka’s begging, she doesn’t let him watch it, either. 
Shidou: He asks Es what they saw in Throw Down. Upon finding out his family wasn’t in it, he chooses not to watch it. He believes he already knows all about his emotions and crime, so there’s no need to go through that pain again. He’s tempted to watch it when he’s confused about Es’ verdict, but still holds off. He does watch Triage when informed his family is in it. He spends hours in front of the screen by himself. Only after seeing that one does he watch Throw Down, though he’s still left confused about Es’ decisions.
Mahiru: Absolutely loves TIHTBILWY. She thinks it perfectly describes her situation, and that the song is very cute. She lets others watch it, and unlike Yuno, feels like singing it 24/7. It reminds her of her bf, and she thinks that’s very romantic. Similar to Shidou, she spends a lot of time watching I Love You just to look at her boyfriend. She shows it to everyone, just to show him off and talk about him, even if she does skip over the beginning and end each time.
Kazui: He is very similar to Shidou; he refuses to watch his videos until T2, assuming it would be too painful to watch something he already knows and wishes to avoid. Unlike Shidou, seeing Hinako is far too painful, and he regrets watching it and seeing her so happy on their wedding day. Though maybe he’s still waiting, and hasn’t seen any of the videos yet…
Amane: Magic makes her worry more than anything. She fears she’s poisoned by unnecessary vainness since so much of her video involves cute things, colors, outfits, animals, and is set up like a tv show. She’s also worried that Es and the others will really see her as a child because of how cute the whole thing is. She prevents herself from watching it too many times, but buried under all her fears, it gives her a surge of pride seeing herself so talented and pretty and the star of the show. Purge March only reaffirms her confidence in her crime – the video brings up some awful memories, but it shows her as a leader, a warrior, a hero! It brings her comfort and confidence more than anything.
Mikoto/John: The videos are distressing to both of them, and they spend all their time studying the others’ screentime. Mikoto watches in horror as John does things that line up with his spotty memories, and John panics seeing that his actions distress Mikoto more than they’ve reassured/saved him. John does end up watching his own scenes a few times – it feels incredibly good to appear in a way that Mikoto may finally notice him. He feels seen. Now, logically I think that MeMe would be the final tipping point in which Mikoto finally accepts the situation and his DID, but if I must stick to his canon denial, then I’d say he goes on a whole rant about movie magic andt the crazy things you can do with editing nowadays. He doesn’t have a good explanation on how Milgram found his home and knew so much about him, but he explains everything away as cgi or camera effects. Double manages to sway him a bit more, as he hears John speak so plainly to him. Just as the audience had some debate on who was apologizing at the end of Double, Mikoto and John wonder who is apologizing to whom. Though they both come to the conclusion it’s their own apology, they decide that if it was the others’, they’d accept it and forgive them.
Kotoko: She’s very pleased with Harrow, and is unashamed to show it to the others. Though she’d been able to watch a few of the previous prisoners’ videos, it still shakes her a bit when she realizes that Milgram really does have the tech to look deep inside her. She watches it just a few times – not obsessing over it, but not afraid either. Deep Cover, however, is a once-and-done sort of deal. She claims she’s not letting the others watch it because “they couldn’t handle such harsh but true criticisms about themselves,” but she doesn’t end up watching it anymore herself, either.
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