#mikey way x yn
Away From Preying Eyes - Mikey Way x Reader
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: angst to fluff/hurt comfort Word Count: 2 851 Warnings: loooots of kissing; lack of communication, use of y/n Summary: The way Mikey keeps hiding your relationship causes doubts for his feelings to rise A/N: As per popular demand… I wrote this some two years ago I think. There are a few more stories, that I should proofread and publish… someday. Also i just realised i haven't published anything since the last chapter of Killjoys... oops. sorry.
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Mikey’s lips were soft on yours, kissing you sweetly. It had been literally weeks since he had last kissed you like this, all the times in between having been hurried, squeezing as much passion into a short kiss as possible.
But now you could tell he was taking his time, his hands on your waist as you were leaning against the side of the bus, his tongue swiping over your lips lazily. One of your hands was buried in his back pocket, and you almost smiled into the kiss as you remembered the look he had given you, when you had done so: surprised at your boldness, intrigued and definitely a little turned on.
It really was unfortunate that you had to sneak around like this, holding hands and sharing kisses and whispered compliments only when nobody was around who could have witnessed it. It had all started out at the beginning of tour, when after the set, which had been weirdly emotional for all of you, Mikey had pulled you aside, into the narrow space between two curtains, and kissed you for the first time. That’s how it had started, the sneaking around.
You had been more than thrilled at this development, after all you had liked Mikey for a long time, and it was exciting to have a secret the others didn’t know about. It felt like a game of hide and seek, and until about two weeks ago you had not minded the secrecy at all. But then Frank’s girlfriend Jamia had come to visit.
The two of them were definitely not the over the top, love-dovey couple, but you couldn’t help but notice the way Frank would kiss her hair absentmindedly while listening to someone else talk, or how she would hook her thumb in one of his trousers’ belt loops while they were walking or standing next to one another. It made you wonder what it would be like to have this with Mikey, and slowly doubts began raising, doubts you really didn’t want to have.
What was this to Mikey? Did he even see this as a relationship, or was it just a fun thing at the side?
Until then you had always assumed you were a couple, as valid as Frank and Jamia, even if nobody knew. But maybe that was the problem. Nobody knew. Even if Mikey wanted to be with you, properly, more than just a quick make-out session in the long, empty corridors of an arena, or deserted hotel hallways, why were you telling nobody? Was he… was he ashamed of you? You hated when these thoughts started pressing in, especially when it happened in moments like right now, when his kisses were so sweet and caring, that they left no doubt that this was so much more to him than just fun.
You tried shooing the thoughts away, but before you had truly succeeded, Mikey had pulled away.
“Is something wrong,” he asked, his eyes carefully scanning your face, searching for the smallest hint of discomfort.
“Nothing,” you smiled, hoping it was convincing enough. “Everything’s good.”
“Hey, something’s off, I can tell,” Mikey insisted, and gently nudged his nose against your cheek, an affectionate gesture you had quickly learnt to love. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”
You sighed. At the moment you really would have preferred continuing to kiss him than to talk about the stupid thoughts that had swarmed your mind. And they were stupid, you knew that. Every time Mikey touched you, or looked at you when you were alone, you knew that he cared deeply for you.
Maybe it was just the fear of giving your heart away and being left again. It had happened before.
Mikey cared for you, yes, but how could you know he cared for your as much as you cared for him? Well, you didn’t even expect him to love you the way you loved him. You just couldn’t help but wonder if this was something he wanted to pursue in the long run. And no matter how little you wanted to hear him tell you that it was just something that would last for the duration of this tour, he still deserved to hear your thought on the matter. So, you sighed again, and tilted your head, making space for Mikey as he trailed small kisses along your jaw towards your neck.
“It’s just- I can’t help but wonder-”
You were interrupted by the door to the bus jumping open, no six feet away from you.
Mikey’s reaction was immediate. Quicker than you were able to register, he had clamped one of his hands over your mouth, and – being taller than you – brought himself between the door and you, so you wouldn’t be spotted as easily. Even though the door blocked the view to whoever had opened it.
Those were the moments that really made you feel weird. The moments when Mikey was so quick to cover any and all interaction with you, never letting the others even get the faintest clue as to what was going on between the two of you. And for some reason, this time it stung more than before. If you only knew why he did that, why he was so keen on keeping your relationship, if it even was one to him, secret, then you absolutely wouldn’t have minded it but this way…
“(Y/N), Mikey!”
It was Frank, who had opened the door of the bus, but seemed to make no attempt at stepping outside. “(Y/N), Mikey! We’re gonna watch Dawn of the Dead!”
He waited a moment before he spoke something else, more muffled, and probably directed at the others inside the bus, before the door got pulled closed again.
“Let’s talk another time, alright,” Mikey suggested, still tense, but slightly more relaxed now, and you nodded. “You’ll go first?”
Again you nodded, quickly tucking at your shirt to make sure everything was in order, before you slipped past Mikey and headed towards the door of the bus. It had been stupid to think that Mikey and you might actually have a little time this once. You knew the others were waiting for you to come back from the drug store and for Mikey from saying hi to another band who had parked their bus not too far away on the festival grounds.
But maybe Frank had sort of saved you there. Otherwise, you would’ve had to tell Mikey how you felt about him, and especially after his reaction to almost having been found out just now, that felt even worse than confessing to your best friend.
With a last glance at Mikey, you pulled open the bus door, and climbed inside. Ray and Frank had already settled on the sofa, while Gerard was fumbling around with the TV.
“There you are,” Ray noticed and patted the empty seat next to him. “We already wondered what took you so long.”
“Couldn’t find the damn store,” you whined, dropping down next to Ray.
“Did you at least get what you were looking for,” Frank asked, before telling Gerard to try another button.
“Nope, they didn’t have my brand,” you lied. Of course the truth was that you had never looked for a drug store in the first place, and instead spent the past thirty minutes kissing Mikey. But now you could reuse the drug store excuse for the next time.
“Ugh, that sucks,” Frank rolled his eyes. “Oh, and have you seen Mikey? He’s been MIA since this morning.”
“No clue,” you shrugged, giving your best to sound indifferent. As if you didn’t know he was waiting outside just a little longer before coming in.
Indeed, just as Gerard had found the correct button on the old TV, Mikey opened the door, and with an apologizing hand gesture settled down between his brother and Frank.
While the others were focusing on the movie, you did your best not to look over at Mikey. You knew he had sensed something was up and would not stop asking about it before you told him the truth, and you were not sure you liked that prospect.
For two days you managed to escape Mikey. Two days in which you always managed to not get out of a situation with others, even though you knew he was waiting for you. You were evading him. Mikey knew that as well as you did. You knew eventually you’d have to talk to him, eventually you would have to ask him what this thing between you meant to him. Two days. And then your luck ran out in a dimly lit hotel corridor.
Mikey had waited in the open door to his room until you tried passing it on the way to yours, when he grabbed your wrist, and dragged you down the corridor and around the next corner. No rooms were here, only the small door to a broom closet. Nobody would look for you back here. And a huge potted plant gave you additional privacy.
You had let out a surprised squeal at him dragging you along all of a sudden, but you got quickly shut up by Mikey’s lips on yours. He was kissing you feverishly, as if it were the last time he ever would get to do it. You couldn’t blame him, after all, god knew what he had to think after you had evaded him for two days, not even allowing him his by now traditional post-show-kiss.
His hands were cradling your face, while he used the length of his body to keep you trapped against the wall, his lips desperately chasing yours. You kissed him back, suddenly not sure anymore how you had managed to deprive yourself of him for the past days.
Only when he was out of breath, did he pull away, leaning his forehead to yours with closed eyes.
“Talk to me,” he begged, his hands falling from your face to your waist, gently holding you there. Not forcefully, never forcefully. Rather the kind of touch that made it clear that he wanted to feel you, wanted you to stay, but would easily allow you to slip away, should you wish to do so. “What happened? What did I do?”
You swallowed thickly, opening your eyes to look at Mikey. His face was so close that you couldn’t focus on him properly, but you could make out his long dark lashes against his smooth skin, the slight stubble that grew on his cheeks. He looked troubled, even with eyes closed and as out of focus as he was right now, you could tell he looked troubled and worried.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, making him shake his head slightly.
“No, no. Don’t apologise,” Mikey disagreed. “You pulled away and there has to be a good reason for that. And I know it has to do with me, so don’t apologise, alright? I just- I want to fix it… if you’ll let me. I want to make things okay again. With us.”
“Is that really what you want,” you asked, finally pulling back a little.
Mikey’s eyes opened, and confused he looked at you.
“Do you really want us?”
You could see the fraction of an inch that his eyes widened, the shock, the panic setting in, and almost instantly you felt bad for it. But this exact question had been plaguing you for too long now, so you had to ask it eventually.
“Yes, yes of course,” Mikey bubbled out. “Of course I want us. What- why would you think I didn’t?”
Ashamed you looked away. How the hell should you put all those thoughts and feelings into words, this fear of rejection, of just being a side-gig, the fear that he might be ashamed for you. How could you possibly put it into words without making it sound like you thought he was the bad guy in all of this?
A warm hand came up to your chin, and Mikey tilted your head up to look at him again.
“Why would you think I don’t love you?”
His words were like a knife through the heart, and you could feel tears rising.
“I just- you were so insistent on keeping everything a secret, it felt like-”
The moment the words had left your lips, realization hit Mikey and he groaned, and squeezed his eyes together, before he dropped his head backwards into his neck.
“Shit,” he swore quietly, “I knew I should’ve talked to you about it.” He took a deep breath and looked back at you; his brown eyes full of sorrow as they took you in. “It has absolutely nothing to do with you, it’s just- For as long as I can remember I was always Gerard’s little brother. Or My Chem’s bassist. Or Pete’s friend. And I love being these things. I love my brother, and I love the band and I love Pete, even though all three can really get on my nerves sometimes.
“But to other people I’m never more. I’m never Mikey. I’ve had girls want to date me just because then they’d get closer to my brother. As if he’d ever even think about doing something with a girl I was interested in at some point. Or interviewers ask me about everyone in the band but me. And whenever someone shows interest in me, it’s either because of Gee or because of the band.
“But with you I can just be myself, you know? I can just be Mikey. And- fuck, at first, I wasn’t sure if maybe I’m wrong this time too, that you’re just letting me kiss you because we’re in the same band, and maybe this doesn’t actually mean anything to you. But then we were in that studio, and you kissed my hand and I just knew that it you were actually looking at me-”
You remembered that interaction. A radio station had invited the band to record a song with them, and while everyone else had been busy setting up, you had snuck over to Mikey. It had been quick, the way you had taken his hand and pressed your lips to his knuckles.
You had been scared he’d be mad at you, since anybody could have seen, but the urge to show him some sort of appreciation had been overwhelming, and instead of getting mad, his cheeks had been dusted over a slight pink, so that a minute later Ray had asked if Mikey was feeling alright, or if he might be getting a fever.
“I’ve always been looking at you,” you interrupted Mikey quickly, making him smile sadly.
“I knew that then. I knew that, and it was, is, the most precious thing in my life. And I didn’t want to share it. We, the band, we spend so much time on such narrow space. We know literally everything about each other. But this – that you were looking at me for me – this was my secret, and I wanted to protect it so badly from preying eyes… And I completely forgot that to you it had to seem like I didn’t care enough or-”
Mikey broke off, unable to phrase the words both of you were thinking.
“It’s okay-”
“No, it’s not. Because I made you feel like you weren’t desired, and trust me, that’s as far away from the truth as it gets.”
“I made you feel awful too, not telling you what I was thinking and avoiding you for two days.”
“At least now I know why. So, if you want to tell the others, then I’m fine with that. I don’t feel quite ready for the rest of the world to know, but if that’s what you want, I’ll learn to-”
“It’s not,” you interrupted him. “It’s not what I want. We don’t even have to tell the others, not now at least. I wanted to know why we were keeping it a secret, and now I do. Hell, I can even understand how you feel, parts of it at least. And it’s okay for me to do it at your pace, as long as you promise it won’t last just for this tour.”
“I never meant for it to just last for this tour,” Mikey shook his head in disbelief. “Not with you. I love you too much for that.”
That was the second time now that he had said he loved you. Trying to keep your smile in check, you bit your lip before answering.
“I love you too, Mikey.”
He smiled then, brighter than you had ever seen him smile before, and leant in again, kissing you once more, slower, calmer this time, but with unguarded love, and still smiling, both of you finally certain that your feelings for one another were reciprocated.
A few meters away, Frank silently closed the door to his hotel room, giving a thumbs up to his band mates, letting them know Mikey and you had made up. They’d continue playing the oblivious fools for as long as Mikey and you needed them to.
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@alexstyx​​​ @jayloverthe3rd @robinruns @lookalivefrosty
@omgsuperstarg​​​ @fivelegance​​​ @deadlovers​​​ @casmustdiee
can't really tag you fore some reason, sorry if this didn't work: @butterflycore @cmtryghoul
you got tagged bc you made the mistake of interacting with the announcement:
@imkindofajacketslut @ittybittybassist @jacket-slut99
@theoreoenthusiast @victoriavic @stupendousthingsweets
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
I THINK THIS IS WHERE I REQUEST SO IVE JUST HAD AN AMAZING IDEA. So, Gerard x reader. This could go two ways. Way number 1- reader and Gerard hate each other, or way number 2- reader and Gerard are dating. So the reader is messing around with Gerard or he’s annoyed at the reader and he gets really close to the reader and the reader just moans. Like on accident they moan at him. And they’re both in shock and reader locks themselves in their room and one of the other band members comes in somehow and are like ‘it’s okay, also Gerard wants to see you’ for way number 1- Reader comes to see gerard and makes out with reader or for way 2- gerard is like ‘it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed’ and they’re just in love cutely. I hope this wasn’t confusing (but i know it was).
Summary: Gerard hates (y/n) who is Ray Toro’s sibling, after a while, they get annoyed with the constant insults and the rest so they decide to hate him back. They annoy Gerard afterwards for months, back and forth bickering until Gerard accidentally makes them moan leading to confessions from the both of them.
Enemies to lovers, Gerard Way x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: making out, smoking (cigarettes), swearing, alcohol, no smut but kinda heated
Word count: 1.9K
Long car rides are boring but not today, today I’m sat next to Gerard. One of my favourite things is to annoy him and get him riled up, it’s quite entertaining to watch. He hates me, I don’t know why because I never did anything to make him hate me. 
When they were looking for a drummer I turned up for the audition and joined the band a week later. We started rehearsals and I was nervous as shit, what if they only let me join because Ray’s my brother? I did everything I could to make the others like me, I was polite, early and did my best in rehearsals but for some reason the frontman just didn’t like me. Everytime I tried to talk to him or be his friend he’d brush me off or be rude and after a while it started to affect me because even though I didn’t want to admit it, I had developed a crush on him.
I asked the rest of the guys if they knew why he didn’t like me but none of them came up with any good ideas, a few joking ‘what if he has a crush on you’s came up from Frank. I felt my heart flutter at the thought but I tried not to get my hopes up.
So once I’d been in the band for a while and had attempted multiple times to be Gerard’s friend I decided that I wouldn’t let him keep making me feel like shit. Instead of trying to be his friend I started answering back and matching his energy. If he doesn’t want to be my friend then I don’t want to be his. It also might have been me overcompensating for liking him but we don’t talk about that part.
So on this car ride, we’re using a five seater car but there’s five of us so we’re all cramped together except from the guys in the front, Mikey’s driving and Frank’s next to him sorting out the GPS and maps. Obviously I was put next to Ray (in the middle) because we’re siblings and best friends and that leaves Gerard who was put on the other side of me.
The whole car ride was full of us bickering and arguing, I would prod his shoulder and do stupid things like that which annoy him. Everytime I saw him nodding off I would ask him if he was asleep therefore waking him up and annoying him.
“Hey, hey Gerard.” I whisper to him but he doesn’t reply. “Hey, I know you’re awake.” I say starting to prod his shoulder. 
“(y/n) leave me alone.” He says surprisingly calm. “You’ve been bothering me the entire time.”
“Yeah, well it’s not my fault you smoke in the car and are a bitch about everything.” I say talking about when I took his cigarette and threw it out the window because it smelled bad.
“I’m not a bitch.”
“Oh, you so are.” I counter him, smirking. “You’re such a bitch that you can’t even admit it.” I say laughing.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” He asks rolling his eyes
“Only for you, baby.” I say blowing him a mocking kiss. 
Silence fills the car and I turn around to see everyone but Mikey (who’s driving) looking at us.
“What?” I ask with a chuckle then turn to look at Gerard. His arms are crossed and he’s starring out the window in silence.
“First time I’ve seen him silent in a while.” Frank jokes from the front.
“Shut up, Frankie.” Gerard says sounding very pissed off.
“Okay, everyone, there’s not long left, just leave each other alone.” Ray says trying to calm everyone down. 
I turn around to Ray and we just talk quietly for the rest of the ride. He wasn’t wrong and there was only thirty minutes till the next tour stop. 
This show is one of the biggest shows on the tour so the place we’re staying is slightly bigger and nicer. We grab our night bags, basically the bags with our pajamas. The rest of the bags will be unpacked tomorrow when either we can be bothered to do it or someone will bring them in. 
I grab mine and yawn as I walk towards the hotel we’re staying in.
Someone signs us in and we make our way up the stairs to our rooms. We each have our own room and beds but there’s a communal room attached to a kitchen.
Once everyone’s thrown their bags in their rooms they all regrouped in the lounge area. I walk in afterwards walking into the kitchen and I check the fridge for some beer. Grabbing one I walk over to where everyone’s sat and slouch on the sofa.
“Why do they keep giving us kitchens, we never use them.” I say opening the can. 
“Why don’t you invest in a cook book and cook us all some food then.” Frank says jokingly.
“Nah, not worth it.” I say resting my arm on the arm rest.
Gerard finally walks in and has to sit next to me because there are no other spaces. He pulls out a cigarette pack and lighter and starts clicking the lighter. 
“Smoke outside!” I say not wanting to inhale the smoke.
“Fine! Calm down.” He says jabbing me with his elbow and I…moan.
My eyes go wide and my hand flies to my mouth. Frank looks shocked but amused. Ray’s head is in his hand and Mikey’s already laughing. Gerard, I don’t even want to look at him.
I stand up quickly and hurry out the room heading towards my room. I lock my door behind me and stand not moving a muscle still in shock.
“What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh my god!” I mutter to myself quietly now pacing around the room, head in hands. 
I drag my hand through my hair, cringing at the memory of a few minutes ago. I feel my cheeks warming as I wonder what’s going to happen next. 
Is Gerard going to mock me? I know Frank and Mikey will. Is he gonna ignore me? Am I gonna get kicked out the band? I think that might be a bit too far but who knows.
A knock on the door disrupts my racing thoughts.
“Go away.” I say not knowing who it is.
“(y/n), it’s me, Ray, can you let me in?” He says and I groan before standing up and unlocking the door. 
I sit on the bed and cover my face with my hands.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He says sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my shoulders.
“No, it’s not! It’s so embarrassing!” I whisper shout still covering my face.
“It happens to the best of us.” Ray tries to reassure me.
“No, no it doesn’t, has that ever happened to you before?” He stays quiet. “Or anyone you know?” He stays silent. “See, it’s weird and embarrassing!”
“It’s not. Frank and Mikey aren’t even talking about it, they’ve moved on. And Gerard, he wants to see you.”
“Tell him I don’t want to.” I say finally looking at Ray.
“Just talk to him, it’ll be fine, and if it’s not we can kick Gerard out the band.” He says jokingly.
“Ugh, fine. Where is he? I’m not meeting him in the communal room.” I say scoffing at the thought of talking to him in front of the others.
“He was in his room last time I saw him.”
“Okay, I’ll go when you leave, I need to mentally prepare myself for rejection and humiliation.” I say with a sarcastic smile and thumbs up. 
He shakes his head before leaving, closing the door. I lay back on the bed and take a few deep breaths before leaving my room. The walk to his room feels like the walk to a slaughterhouse. Finally, I end up outside his door, I knock.
“It’s unlocked.” I hear him say from within so I push open the door and walk in finally looking him in the face. I shut the door behind me and wait for him to speak but he doesn’t.
“Can we just get on with the rejection and humiliation please? I have things to do.” I ask him as he stands a few steps away from me.
He leans forward quickly, pouncing on my lips. He kisses me harshly and I stand in shock before pushing him off.
“Nope, you can’t do that!” I say annoyed. “You can’t hate me and ignore me then kiss me!” He steps back away from me.
“I don’t hate you.” He says quietly.
“Yes, you do, when I joined the band I tried to talk to you and befriend you many, many times and you either ignored me or were straight up insulting! You’re just rude to me and you brush me off all the time!”
“You’re the same to me.” 
“Yeah, because I decided to not let you make me feel shitty anymore and match your energy. You’re shitty to me so I am back to you.” I say like it’s obvious, sadness and anger dripping from my voice.
“I’m sorry.” He says with a sigh. “I-I just, I knew that if I was friends with you I wouldn’t be able to stay away. I knew that I would catch feelings for you.” He pauses. “But I guess it wouldn’t have mattered because I did anyway.” He explains. “I thought you hated me aswell.” 
Silence fills the room at the unexpected confession I was definitely not ready for.
“I could never.” A small smile plays on my lips.
I grab his collar pulling him towards me. He stumbles but doesn’t fall as our lips crash together. I feel my back pressed up against the wall as his arms pin me to it, my stomach is tied in knots as I thread my hands in his hair. The bleached strands frame his face and I tug on them experimentally and Gerard moans into my mouth. Separting, I pull apart from him and smirk.
“Pay back for earlier.” I say and observe him. His cheeks are flushed red, his mouth open slightly releasing quick breaths, his eyes dreamy and loving. But he turns it on me quickly.
“I can’t believe you moaned because I elbowed you-” He says mockingly.
I interrupt him, pulling him back in and kissing him. He pulls me forward slightly, pressing our bodies against each other, warmth spreading between us. Shivers run up my spine as my head is pushed against the wall. His confidence overwhelms mine as he pushes his tongue into my mouth, swirling it around mine, my eyes flutter close and I feel my stomach jump. He tastes of coffee and cigarette smoke. I hate cigarettes but he pulls it off so well, the remnants of smoke play on my taste buds as the kiss deepens. 
He moves to stand inbetween my legs, pushing them apart, I moan at the sudden movement in between my thighs. Excitement overwhelms me and I feel my legs become weak.
“Hey guys, I came to check on how things are going.” Ray says pushing the door open. We jump apart as soon as we hear him but it’s too late anyway. He covers his eyes quickly and backs out the door. “Sorry, should’ve knocked, umm, well done though.” He says the last part in a weaker voice. He must’ve realised I liked him at some point.
I stand next to the wall still looking at Gerard. “Do you think we broke him?” Gerard asks and I just shrug before pulling him back in by his shirt.
AN: Thanks for the request, I hope you liked this @heaveaux!
Feel free to send in any requests you have, I'll make a post with all the people/shows/bands I'll write for.
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quiet-onset · 7 months
fever pitch
pairing: michael berzatto x reader
wc: 12.1k+, somebody sedate me
summary: an assortment of your time with michael berzatto
warnings: no use of yn, smut, so minors dni!!!, unprotected sex, sex under the influence, by ext. dubcon since reader is unaware at the time, oral (f receiving), drug use and addiction (character and reader), canonical character death/suicide mention, pregnancy mention (sorry not sorry), please do not read if any of this is triggering for you!!
a/n: beta’d by @brattylyricist bc she has no other choice than to put up with my bs!! also bc the content matter here is triggering and i have personal experience seeing the damage that addiction can do to someone you love, I’m including national hotline phone numbers here. please don’t be afraid to seek help if you need it: national suicide prevention hotline: dial/text 988, substance abuse and mental health services administration: 1-800-662-HELP. again, please do not read this if any of the warnings are triggering for you!!!
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The day went by in a blur. You got up, showered, did your hair and makeup. You ate the little breakfast you could stomach. You put on an acceptable black dress and matching high heels.
You drove to the church — tried to sit in the back, but Sugar pulled you to the front pew, right next to her. You stood behind the lectern and said kind, loving words. You drove to the cemetery and watched as his casket was lowered into the cold. And you went to the repass, doing your best to stay out of Donna’s way, knowing how she gets when she’s both sad and under pressure. 
But you hadn’t cried.
You sat on the stairs with your wine glass filled with water as everyone mingled, exchanging condolences about your dearly departed. You let your heart ache as you downed the glass, stories of him being told by this person and that.
But you still hadn’t cried.
Donna burst out of the kitchen, her hair a bit disheveled and eyes red from crying. “Have you seen Carmy?”
You couldn’t help but let out a sigh. It must have been the seventh time she had asked. “No, Donna, I have not seen Carmy.”
“What a fuckin’ help you are.” She snapped, pulling a box of cigarettes from her apron. With her other hand, she snatched your empty wine glass and turned on her heel. “I do all this work, and I can’t even go outside to smoke.”
You followed close behind, huffing as you stood. “I thought Sugar was with you.”
“Sugar is with her.” The middle child interrupted. She gave you a weak, empathetic smile when you entered the kitchen behind Donna. A wine glass of her own in hand as she sat on the kitchen counter, she sipped on red wine. “But Sugar can’t cook.”
“Not like Carmy, you can’t. Get your ass off my fuckin’ counter, shoo!” Donna swatted at her daughter’s thigh until she hopped off the counter, snatching her half full wine glass as well. She downed the wine in a couple seconds, and you and Sugar shot each other a look. It was passing, but you both understood the meaning — Donna needed a break.
“She doesn’t have to cook, Donna. Just watch everything. Keep an eye on it, y’know?” You tried to intervene but she was having none of it.
“I don’t need an eye. I need hands! I need someone who can cook!” Donna threw the glasses into the sink, and you flinched when they shattered against the metal. “Fuck!”
“I’ll do it, Donna.” From the shakiness in her hands, you know she’s so close to losing it. To taking everything in the kitchen and throwing it on the ground, at the wall, at whoever she deemed worthy of having something thrown at them. “I know I’m not Carmy, but I’m better than Sug.”
“Hey!” Sugar sounded defensive, but you and Donna barely paid her any mind.
“You can’t fuckin’ cook, Sugar, get over it.” Her mother snapped. “I’d normally have Mikey do it, but he—”
“Ma.” You gently placed your hands on Donna’s shoulders, and a bit of the tension fell from them. You hadn’t called her that in a long time — it no longer felt right — but doing so made her recall happier times. You looked her in the eye, reassured her. “You go outside and smoke. I’ll take over for a few minutes, okay?”
Her eye twitched ever so slightly, and she was still shaking, but you could tell it grounded her a bit. “If everything else goes to shit, make sure the fish is good, alright?”
“Save the fish. Got it.”
Donna nodded, pulling a cigarette out of the box. Then she finally walked toward the exit of  the kitchen, twirling it in her hand. Just before she left, she glanced at you again, her voice shaky. “You.. you would’ve been good for him. If he’d let you.”
When Donna left, there were tears in your eyes. Sugar watched to see if you’d need comfort, especially after one of those tears fell from your eye. But you were quick to wipe it away, taking a deep, shuddering breath. You turned to Sugar, gesturing toward the sink filled with broken glass. “Could you…?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” She was quick to do so, grabbing a paper bag to put shards in. You both worked in a comfortable silence. The only sound was the clinking of glass against each other. Sugar battled over whether she wanted to speak, but she figured if she needed kind words, then you definitely did. “Ma’s right, y’know. Michael lo—”
“Sug. Please.”
There was a pause as you stirred a pot of stew, then you sighed. “I know he did. As much as he could anyway.”
Michael met you on a sober streak. He’d been clean for three weeks, the longest stint thus far. When Richie found out about his addiction, he dragged Michael to Narcotics Anonymous. You’re gonna die cooking at the restaurant or doing something cool, not fuckin’ OD, Richie had sneered in the car.
He sat in a chair, his arms crossed over his chest, grumbling like a child. Despite being sober for three weeks, he maintained that he didn’t need to come to these meetings. To Michael, this was just proof that he could quit whenever he wanted to. Regardless, Richie drove him to every meeting and planned to do so until he seemed ready to go on his own.
The host of the meeting, Brayden, greeted Michael with a kind smile, but he responded with a grunt. For three weeks, Michael sat silently in that circle and said absolutely nothing. He wondered what it took to get the man to speak, but of course, he’d never pressure anyone to share before they were ready.
Then you walked in. You seemed a bit more put together than others in the room, but still a bit shy. An oversized sweater wrapped around your frame, and you pulled it even closer, eyes glancing around the room. You nodded a greeting to Brayden before sitting in the circle across from Michael. When you noticed him glancing your way, you offered a friendly smile, and he returned it.
He knew then that he’d return to his weekly NA meetings.
The session started shortly after, but Michael was only half listening. He was mostly glancing back and forth from whoever was speaking to you. He liked the way you gave your full attention to every person who spoke, even when they said things you didn’t agree with — he could tell when you didn’t, a little crease would form for the briefest moment between your brows. But it always disappeared, and your attentive expression returned. 
“Alright, would anyone else like to speak? Someone new maybe?” Brayden asked, quickly glancing at Michael.
He’d never admit it, but his heart was pounding at the idea of airing out his dirty laundry to a group of strangers. He took a deep, nervous breath, but then another voice spoke up.
“I’ll go.” You said, watching the relief wash over Michael’s face. You cleared your throat, pulling your sweater closer as you introduced yourself. “I was in a car accident two years ago. It, uh, it killed my son… That plus divorce plus prescribed oxy apparently equals addiction.”
The slightly playful lilt in your tone made Michael chuckle quietly, though you both knew nothing was funny. Your eyes met his, and for a moment, your heart skipped a beat. Still, you continued, “I’ve been sober for two months, but my son’s birthday is coming up in a few months, so I, uh, needed a meeting. But yeah, that’s my story.”
After the meeting, you stood by the snack table, nursing a cup of coffee. Michael approached cautiously as he poured his own coffee. “Can I ask what his name was?”
You looked up from your paper cup into warm brown eyes. “Sorry?”
“Your son?”
“Oh.” You paused, and your heart sank at the reminder that your baby was gone. “His name was Benson.”
He snorted into his coffee cup, trying to hide his quiet laugh by clearing his throat. You noticed the light in his eyes, and it inexplicably made a smile pull at your lips too. “Sorry.” He said. “Benson’s a great name.”
“It’s a dorky name. Dorky first name, anyways. It’s what his father wanted.” You confirmed with a chuckle. “But it was my son’s name. So I liked it.”
“Course.” He smiled at you kindly. He was charming, and you liked it. “I’m Michael, by the way.”
You gave him your name and shook his hand. You went against your better judgment and invited him to your place. You both spent all night wrapped in your sheets, in each other’s embrace. He left for work the next morning but not before getting your phone number. 
You texted Michael and arranged to meet up again that night. Then, you called your sponsor. 
That was the beginning of the end.
“Cousin, your girlfriend’s here!”
“Not his girlfriend, Richie.”
“Not yet.”
“Send her back!” Michael’s voice floated in from the back of the kitchen.
You sidestepped Richie and walked through the kitchen, saying your hellos to everyone. “Where’s he at?” You asked.
“The office.” Tina answered, lightly nudging you in his direction. “He’s not having the best day.”
You nodded your understanding and proceeded to the small office where Michael was leaning back in his chair, hand over his face as he spoke into his cell phone. “No, I just don’t understand why we keep talking about the same shit.”
You leaned against the doorframe, giving him a small smile. He gave you the tiniest acknowledgment, a small wave, before spinning around in the chair to face the wall. You scoffed jokingly, closing the door behind you, “Well, fuck me, I guess.”
“Carmy, you’re a big shot in some fancy, five-star, European restaurant, what the fuck do you wanna be here for?” He asked exasperatedly. There’s a short pause, mumbling from the other side of the phone before Mikey throws a hand in the air. “Five star, three star, who gives a shit? Look, Carmen, you’re doing big things, good things. Stay in Europe. I gotta go.”
When Michael hung up, a long, tired sigh racked his body. “This would be a perfect time for—”
“One month.” You interrupted. You knew all too well where his mind was headed. He was spiraling into that dark, secluded state of mind you’d found him in just a few weeks after you met. He’d relapsed after a particularly hard day at the restaurant, something about finances and paying back a loan that he refused to tell you more about. But you’d helped him then. Picked him up, dusted him off, and called his sponsor — Started him back on the path of sobriety again. If you could help it, he’d never reach that lonely place again. 
“One month.” He repeated to himself. Then, he spun around. “Hey.”
“Hey.” You walked over to him, standing between his spread legs. He immediately rested his forehead on your belly, groaning when you carded a hand through his hair. Your other hand rubbed circles into his back, the tense muscles a sharp contrast to his soft black locks. “I take it that was your brother?”
He grunted affirmatively. “Keeps askin’ to work here.”
“At The Beef?”
“Well, isn’t he a professional chef? Why don’t you let him?”
“C’mon, sweetheart, you’re supposed to be on my side.” He grumbled, pulling you down to sit on his thigh. 
“I am on your side.” You chuckled. You took your thumb and rubbed gently at the spot between his eyes until the frustrated crease disappeared. “‘M just saying, he’s a trained chef, this is a restaurant. I don’t get what’s not adding up for you, baby.”
Michael sighed, looking up at you. He brushed a stray hair from your face and smiled up at you. You smiled back encouragingly, patiently waiting until he found the right words. “Carm doesn’t know.” He admitted.
“Carm doesn’t know…?”
“About the painkillers. And I don’t know if I’m ready to tell him.” His brow furrowed once more, making you frown. “I mean, he’s got three Michelin stars. The kid’s a fuckin’ genius in the kitchen — he doesn’t need to be around all this shit, all my shit.”
You let his words sink in, deep in thought as you stroked his hair. Your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you thought about all the stories Mikey and Richie told you about the youngest Berzatto. How he could be quiet and unassuming, but, with a little encouragement, always came out of his shell around family and friends. Maybe, for Carmen, it wasn’t about the restaurant.
“Maybe he just wants to see you.” You said pensively. “I mean it’s been how long since he’s been home?”
A scoff passed Michael’s lips. “A long fuckin’ time.”
“Maybe the restaurant is a pretense. I mean, he would come work at The Beef and stuff, but maybe he just wants to see you again. Hang out with his big brother like he used to.”
His thumb stroked your thigh as he looked at you, silently admired the way you seem to come in and make all his problems melt away with a single thought, a word, a smile. “What about the whole bein’ an addict part?” He asked.
“You don’t have to tell him right away.” You suggested. “Baby steps.”
“You are too fuckin’ good to me, y’know that?” He grinned back at you. When you rolled your eyes playfully, he pinched your side, making you jolt and laugh. 
You pulled his arm around your waist, settling your hands at the nape of his neck. “So, you’re letting your brother work at the restaurant?”
“How ‘bout we just start with a visit, hm? I’ll tell him to come home for a week or somethin’, stay at mine.” He compromised. “Baby steps.”
“Oh, I’m so proud of you.” You cooed playfully, pinching his stubbly cheeks. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He swatted your hands away, leaning forward to press wet kisses to the column of your neck. He smirked as you suddenly ceased your pinching, bracing your hands on his shoulders. “You should let me return the favor, sweetheart.”
“Not in your office!” You gasped when he bit down on the juncture between your neck and shoulder before soothing it with his tongue. 
“Why not?” He chuckled, lifting you onto his desk. He probably should have been a little more worried about his records and papers getting folded under the swell of your ass, but all he could focus on was the small strip of fabric covering the part of you he wanted to devour. “Wouldn’t you prefer I be addicted to my girl than painkillers?”
“That’s not, ah,” You jolted above him, the sensation of his thumb pressing into your sensitive clit knocking you back to your elbows, “That’s not funny, Mikey.”
“What’s Brayden say?” He muttered, pulling your panties to the side. His fingers expertly tugs your lips apart, and he pressed a soft teasing kiss to your hood-covered button. “Humor’s my coping mechanic.”
“M-mechanism.” The correction came out in a soft moan. Just then, his words hit you — his girl. He’d never said that before. All the times you’d kissed, made out, had sex, he’d never called you his girl. You liked the way it sounded, the way it rolled off his tongue effortlessly. “Your girl?”
“Yeah.” He pulled away, his hands finding your calves as he looked at you. His brown irises held the tiniest bit of vulnerability in them, an emotion reserved for you and you only. “I mean, if you wanna be. Do you?”
You smiled and encircled his wrists, tenderly stroking his skin with your thumbs. It was a simple touch, but it made the hairs on his arm stand at attention. Strange how you always managed to do that. “Of course I do.”
“Good.” He exhaled. His large hands slid up your inner thighs, pausing at your core. With a gentle touch, he tugged your folds apart, watching the way your entrance fluttered. His mouth dropped open, and he let his saliva drip down onto your pussy, rubbing it into your clit with the pad of his thumb. “Now, get comfy, sweetheart, ‘cause I missed this pretty little pussy.”
“Where is it? Where is it? Where the fuck is it?”
You’d torn your apartment apart. Old storage boxes that gathered dust were now open and emptied. Your clothes were thrown all over the place. You managed to push the couch and check the floor, but you found nothing but crumbs and linty hair ties. 
Tears started to blur your vision, and your chest felt heavy, like the entire world sat directly on your lungs. Your breath was just as shaky as your hands that tugged at the roots of your hair. You ran to your mess of a kitchen and scrambled for your phone, typing the familiar number from memory.
Your ex-husband answered on the third ring. “Hello?”
“Where’s Eli?” You heard him call your name, but his confusion was the last thing on your mind. “Benson’s stuffed cow, Eli. Where is it? I can’t find it.”
He sighed, his voice lower and more scratchy than you remembered. He must’ve been crying, too, you thought. “How am I supposed to know?”
“You helped me move out. Did you take it? I swear to god—”
“I didn’t take the damn cow.” He snapped. “Do you think I’m that selfish that I would keep it from you?”
“I didn’t call to rehash our marriage, alright? I need Eli, okay? I need him.”
The line went silent. You both knew you weren’t talking about the stuffed animal anymore. He let out a deep breath. “Have you tried therapy?”
“I don’t need to pay a bunch of money to have someone tell me I need to get over the death of our child.” You hissed, scrunching your nose at the suggestion. 
“Have you been to his grave?”
You wiped your tears away, thinking about the cold, unfeeling stone that solidified your son’s death. You hadn’t seen it since the funeral. You took a shaky breath, “Do you have Eli or not?”
“I don’t.”
He tried to speak once more, but you already hung up. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe without this one piece of your son. Tears dropped onto your phone screen as you scrolled and scrolled through your contacts, finding the name you were looking for. The line rang three times before a deep voice greeted you. “What’s up?”
“I need to see you. Where can we meet?”
Hours later, Michael was walking toward his apartment building with Carmy. He’d been purposefully avoiding bringing up The Beef, and luckily Carmy didn’t push. Instead, his little brother decided to bring up the little stuffed animal that Michael had pushed into his jacket pocket. “So,” Carmy started quietly, “You startin’ a collection with that thing or…?”
“Shut the fuck up.” Michael laughed. He pulled the stuffed cow out of his pocket. “It’s my girl’s. Remember I told you about her son?”
“Sometimes she likes to talk to me about him. She brought this over to my place a few weeks ago to show me. Apparently, the kid was obsessed with cows.”
“No shit. Look at you, bein’ vulnerable.” Carmy chuckled in amazement, admiring his brother’s new relationship.
“Yeah, whatever. The, uh, anniversary of his death is coming up, and she’ll probably be wanting this, so you can meet her while you’re here if she’s feeling up to it. Sound good?”
“‘F course.”
When Michael unlocked the front door, he was met with chaos. The front door banged into the coat closet door, somehow left open with coats strewn across the floor. The rug in his living room was flipped over, and the couch was now far from the wall. Michael was only brought back to reality by the stunned woah that passed through Carmy’s lips.
Somehow, Michael knew. He wasn’t a mind reader, but he remembered that feeling. A feeling that bubbled in the pit of his stomach, traveling throughout his body until it pounded at his head. It was dread, hopelessness, not knowing how he’d find the strength to take another breath. He knew, and he needed to help you.
“Di-Did someone break into your house or something?” Carmy asked, closing the door behind him.
“Just stay here for a second, little brother, okay?” Michael’s voice was dismissive, preoccupied, as he followed the trail of despair into the kitchen.
And there you sat. Red eyes, swollen from crying. Head lulling from side to side and your heart almost numb enough to keep the darkness from creeping in and making a home, uninvited,  in the hole of your chest. Your arms circled around your knees that you’d drawn up to your chest, hugging them close. Maybe, if you squeezed hard enough, you could stop grieving and move on.
Michael approached slowly, like you were a wounded animal. “Baby?”
“I couldn’t stop myself.”
“We don’t have to—”
“Please don’t hate me.”
He crouched down in front of you, steadied your head with a firm hand on your cheek. His warm, calloused skin helped to ground the thoughts in your fuzzy head. He looked you in the eyes, bold and sincere, just as you had when he relapsed. “I could never hate you. Never, you hear me?”
You paused for a moment before trying to explain. “I couldn’t find Eli, and I just- I started going fucking crazy—”
“Eli?” He asked, pulling the stuffed cow from his pocket. “Sweetheart, I have Eli. You left him the time you came over a couple weeks ago, and I was gonna take him back to yours.”
Michael thought the knowledge would console you, warm your heart enough to give him just the tiniest hint of a smile. But you just threw your head back frustratedly, the impact against the wall causing a dull pain to crash through the back of your skull. “Fuck.”
“Baby, why—”
“I’m so stupid.”
“You’re no—”
Tears gathered once more. “If I had just called you… I’m an idiot.”
“Hey,” He regained your attention, this time with both hands holding your face steady. “You’re not stupid. You’re not an idiot. You just made a mistake, ‘s all.”
“I fucking relapsed, Michael.”
“I’ve relapsed, and look at me, huh? Picture of a healthy, law-abiding citizen.”
“You’ll start over. Just like I did. Here, give me your phone.” You dug around in your pocket and pulled out your phone, handing it to him. He turned the screen toward you so you could watch as he scrolled through your contacts until he found your dealer’s name. Then, with zero hesitation, he blocked the number. “See? Good as new, yeah?”
If tears could show your appreciation, you’d have cried an ocean’s worth. But the most you could do was throw your heavy arms around his shoulders and press a chaste kiss to the base of his neck. To you, nothing you could ever do or say would be enough, but to Mikey? If he could take your burdens and make them his own, carry the weight of your world on his back, he’d do it without a second thought. Your appreciation wasn’t needed — only your love. And he knew he had that.
“Uh, Mikey?” Carmen’s voice called from the living room. “What the fuck is this?”
Michael reluctantly untangled himself from you for a moment, signaling for you to stay quiet. But you knew what was in there — you’d left the needle on his coffee table. Immediately, you could hear Mikey try to calm his brother down. “Carmen, it’s not what you think.”
“You sure? ‘Cause that looks like a fuckin’ needle. Jesus Christ, are you—”
“I’m not high, Carm, just listen for a second.”
“Listen to what?” His voice got louder, more angry. “Michael, are you fuckin’ serious? You know this family has… issues and this is what you do? Fucking shit!”
“Hey, relax, alright? You’re making a big deal out of nothin’.”
“Nothing? If you’re getting high, it is a big deal. A huge fuckin’ deal.” Carm pushed his brother on the chest, hoping it’ll knock some sense into him. And Michael, he just curled his fists, restraining himself. The last thing he wanted was to lose control on his own brother. Carmen took a step toward, pointing one accusatory finger.
But before he could get a word out, a small voice, your voice, stopped him. “It’s not his.”
Icy blue eyes met yours as he took in your disheveled frame. You stood in the entrance of the living room, leaning against the threshold to hold yourself up. The high was starting to wear off a little, but you still felt the lingering effects. You tried to give him a smile, but a weary sigh passed through your lips. “Hi Carmen. I’m sorry, this isn’t how I wanted to meet you.”
Carmen looked back and forth from you to Michael. His eyes narrowed as his breath started to even out, confusion replacing anger. “You’re the girlfriend, yeah?” He finally asked, confirming your name.
You nodded, gauging his reaction as he let it all sink in. “I had been sober for a while, so I asked your brother not to say anything. But today was- today was hard.”
“Right,” The younger brother nodded, finally taking a step back and pushing his hands deep into his pockets. “Uh, sorry for your loss, by the way.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“So, Michael isn’t… he’s not using…?” He knew the words, knew the question he wanted to ask. But he was so afraid, so terrified of what the answer might be.
You knew the answer. It would have been less than savory, admitting that Michael was also an addict and had relapsed more than once since you met. The truth was potentially earth-shattering for Carmen and Michael alike. You glanced over at Michael, at how he hid the fear from his eyes. Still, you see it. In the way his hand flexed at his side, and how he refused to look in your direction. It’s almost like he knew what was coming if you told the truth, that he might have lost his brother for good. 
That fear broke your heart. So, you lied. Took your blame and a little on the side. “No. No, just me.”
You excused yourself back to the kitchen to hide your tears. You hugged Eli close, burying the stuffed animal under your nose.
It smelled like Michael.
That fucking fork. 
Fuck forks. Fuck Christmas dinner. Fuck all seven fishes. Fuck Pete’s eighth fish. And, above all, fuck Michael.
Chaos ensued after Michael gave in to his self-destructive tendencies. He all but flipped the table over in an effort to fight. Fak was making sure Sugar and Pete got out unscathed. Carmy practically begged his mother to stay out of it, and she only relented when her eldest son started making taunting braying noises — she retreated to the kitchen with a cigarette and the bottle of merlot in hand.
You gave up trying to help Michael calm down when he wretched himself from your grip, nearly knocking you into a wall in the process. Richie rushed over to help steady you, and Carmy, over all the chaos, called your name, “Yo, are you alright?”
“Peachy.” You called back sarcastically, rubbing your sore arm.
Carmen then turned his attention to his brother. “Michael, shut the fuck up for two seconds, for fuck’s sake! If you don’t calm down, you’re gonna hurt someone!”
“Kinda the point, little brother.” Michael’s eye twitched as he glared at Lee. He tried once more to push past Jimmy to no avail.
“Yeah? Was hurting your girl part of the point, smartass?”
Michael turned to you, the anger in his eyes slowly overtaken with concern. He hadn’t meant to push you; he didn’t even know you were one of the people trying to hold him back. But that didn’t take back his actions. Your gaze went cold as you pulled away from Richie, pushing Michael hard on the chest. “I’m not his fucking girl anymore.”
Then, you hightailed it out of the house. Everyone went silent as you peeled out of the driveway, rubber squealing against pavement.
Richie watched Michael carefully, noticing how his brow furrowed and his chest heaved. He took a step toward him and dropped a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Mikey,” Richie warned, “Don’t do anything stupid.” Michael pulled away and stomped his way up the stairs, leaving Richie to call after his best friend from the dining room. 
Over Richie’s voice, Carmen could hear his mother sobbing in the kitchen followed by the soft glug of wine as she turned the bottle up. And immediately, he followed after his older brother. Richie tried to stop him, “Cousin, he just needs a minute.”
“Yeah, just a minute?” Carmen replied dismissively. “Fuck off, cousin, he’s not a baby.”
He pushed open every door looking for Mikey. Finally, he came upon one door that wouldn’t budge, locked from the inside. Carmy pounded on the bathroom door. “Yo, what the fuck was that?”
“Go away, Carmen.” Mikey paced the bathroom floor, hands pulling at the roots of his hair. He wished he had an answer for his brother, but he came up short. Maybe it was pride, or ego, or his innate tendency to self-destruct, he couldn’t choose. So he just paced the floor, avoiding the sight of his own reflection.
“Mikey, you need to go downstairs and fix this shit, alright?” Carmy continued. “Ma’s drinking herself stupid, Sug’s a mess, your girl just fuckin’ left, c’mon man.”
“Hey, you think I don’t know that?” The older brother hissed.
He braced himself on the sink, finally looking up into the mirror. He looked disheveled, angry. His hair was messy from pulling at it, and the whites of his eyes had a red tint to them. One prominent vein pulsed in his forehead, and suddenly, the need set in. 
His head is fuzzy, brain pounding at his skull. So many thoughts, too many, clouding his head. He lifted his hand to push away a few strands of his hair, limp with sweat, and he realized that his hand was shaking. Even as he closed his fingers into a fist, it trembled like an earthquake. He blinked hard, eyes scrambling as he tried to think of a quick solution, a way to gather himself before he faced his little brother again.
Carmy was quiet as he started to think maybe he should have listened to Richie. “Mikey?”
No answer.
“Mikey, look, I’m sorry—”
The door flung open, and Carmy studied him. His hair was pushed back. His eyes were red, but Carmy assumed Mikey must’ve been crying. Everything seemed right, but there was something he couldn’t place. Something about his big brother that was very wrong. “Nothing to be sorry for, Carm.” Michael told him, one big hand on his shoulder. “I gotta go.”
When Michael started booking it downstairs, Carmy was quick on his trail. “Wait, go? Go where?”
Michael responded with a call of your name, “Gotta make sure she’s good.”
Carmy ran a hand through his golden brown locks as he followed his older brother out the front door. Their sister noticed the argument and followed them out the door, “Whoa, hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, Sug, go back inside.” Michael stopped for the briefest moment to turn around and place a kiss on his sister’s forehead.
“He’s leavin’.” Carmy sighed frustratedly.
“He’s leaving?” Sugar turned to Michael. “You’re leaving?”
“Fuckin’ snitch.” Michael mumbled under his breath. He squeezed Sug’s arm with a tight smile, “I’m just goin’ to find my girl, okay? I’ll be back, I promise.”
“How are you even going to find her?” Carm scoffed.
“You know her password, right?” Sug asked her eldest brother. “I wouldn’t normally say this, but you could track her phone. Here, give me yours.”
“What about Ma?” Carmy threw his arms up in defeat. Michael was the one who started all that mess, and now that it was time to pick up the pieces, where did he go? Chasing you. Like always, Carm thought to himself. “You’re the only one who can get through to her when she’s all…” He waved his hands around as if the devastating words he was looking for would magically appear.
“Well, you’re home, ain’t you? She missed you — just sit with her till I get back, alright? I gotta go.”
And just as quickly Mikey was off too, running toward the closest train station.
If there were ever a time for oxy, that would’ve been it. But instead, you drove and drove and drove until the tank was damn near empty. You pulled into a parking lot and called your sponsor. She talked you down, persuading you to delete your dealer’s contact information in your phone. When the long conversation was over, you were still angry, furious even, but you’d at least lost interest in relapsing.
Knock knock knock.
You jumped in the driver’s seat when calloused knuckles tapped on the car window. Michael wasted no time in starting an argument. “What the hell were you thinkin’, leavin’ like that?” He yelled, voice only slightly muffled by the barrier.
“How did you even find me?”
“Sugar showed me how to track your phone.”
“You tracked my phone?”
“Open the fuckin’ door.”
You pushed the door open and got out of the car, deciding your best course of action would be to walk away from him. “Leave me alone, Michael.”
“Where are you goin’?” He was quick to follow you as you walked down the street, just a few strides behind.
“Leave me alone.”
“What’s the plan here, huh?” He asked. “You just gonna keep walkin’ till your feet fall off?”
“No, just till I’m away from you, Michael.” You retorted coldly.
“Hey, stop calling me that.”
“That’s your name!”
“Not to you! To you it’s Mikey, or baby, or my love, not fuckin’ Michael!”
“Fuck you, Michael!” You caught him off guard when you spun around, poking your index finger into his chest. “You couldn’t just let it be. You had to ruin Christmas for the whole fucking family!”
“Why do you care so much, huh?”
“Why do I— Jesus, do you even hear yourself? You do nothing but ruin shit for yourself for no goddamn reason! No one forced you to throw that fork!”
Michael scoffed and ran his hand over his lips, his warm breath evaporating into the cold air as he raised his voice again. “So we’re gonna pretend that’s why you’re upset? Because of the fork?”
“I’m upset because you ruined any chance at having a good Christmas with our family!”
“They’re not our fuckin’ family.” He laughed, though no traces of humor could be found in his eyes. “They’re mine! Okay? I’m the fuckin’ Berzatto, not you.”
Your eyes widened at his words. You parted your lips to retort, but he just kept going, slicing your heart in two with expert precision.
“You wanna act like the- the chaos bothers you, but you thrive on that shit — You’re just in a shitty mood because you miss your own family, and now that you can’t replace them with mine, you want some fuckin’ oxy to ease the pain, ain’t that right?”
You’d never hit Michael before, never wanted to. Like any couple, you had your share of fights and passive aggressive comments. One thing you two never did, though, was weaponize your addictions against each other. It was an unsaid invisible line that had never been crossed until now. Michael Berzatto, the man you loved more than life itself, had never been so mean. At least not to you. 
It happened faster than you expected, your small hand reaching up and slapping across his stubbly cheek. He just stood there, eyes dark and slightly angry, but you weren’t afraid. You were furious, hot tears filling your eyes. “Fuck you.”
You slapped him again. And again. Then, you beat on his chest with your fists. Michael started trying to swat your hands away, but when that proved ineffective, he caught your wrists in his hands, yanking you into a nearby alley, away from the night’s few prying eyes. 
“Stop, stop.” He grunted when you landed another smack to his head, finally pinning you up against the nearby brick wall by your wrists. “Stop.”
“I hate you.” You spat.
“No, you don’t.”
You continued to fight against his grip, but he was strong and steady, keeping you in place as you continued to tell him how much you despise him. He knew he was wrong, but he refused to say it. After all the shit that went down that night with his family, with you, he felt like he was going crazy. It was like he was abandoned in the middle of the ocean in a boat with a tiny hole. And even though the hole was small, it was so methodically cut that water was pouring in like a faucet, and the boat was sinking. So he grabbed onto the only lifeline he was certain would be there: you.
You, with the most beautiful eyes that were now filled with angry tears. You, the hero of all his dreams and the victim in all his nightmares. You, whose heart was so broken, so crumbled when he met you, yet still managed to love him with all your being.
He loved you. 
It all hit him at once, and he gently pressed his lips to yours. You turned your head away from him, rasping out your hatred once more. “I hate you.”
“You don’t.” His voice was deep and rough, but the tone was soft. Was he even talking to you?
“Yes, I fucking do.”
His lips trailed across your jawline, wet kisses placed on his path. “No, you don’t.”
You hated how easily he was able to do this to you, like pushing a button. You were supposed to be angry with him. You were angry with him. But your body didn’t care about the argument. Your body slowly gave up the fight against his grip, wanting the heat that his touch produced, your emotions be damned. A few tears fell from your eyes just as a soft moan slipped past your lips, an instinctive response to the way Michael’s body pressed yours against the wall, his growing length pressed into your hip. 
He slipped a leg between yours, pushing his denim-covered thigh into your pussy. You could feel a wave of arousal soaking your panties. “You’re mean, Michael.”
“I know, baby. I know.” He admitted quietly.
He used his grip on your wrists to gently pull your hands to your breasts. He pressed your hands in before covering them with his own, helping you knead the sensitive flesh. Even beneath your layers, you could feel his touch, and it made you whimper. His deft thumb ran over your hardening nipples, and a soft groan tumbled from his lips. “Just let me make you feel good.”
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you noted his acknowledgement. And his lack of apology.
He kept up his movements, moving your hands to squeeze your breasts, pressing his thigh into your weeping pussy. Somewhere along the way, your hips began to rock back and forth on him. His brown eyes never left yours, even as you cried. It was strange, how your heart hurt so badly that tears fell freely down your face, but your body was pushed closer and closer to the edge.
Still, you gasped for breath as the pleasure began to creep out of your core. “Mi- Mikey,” You moaned. “Please!”
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, baby. Let it all out.”
And it all came out at once, sobs pushing past your lips as euphoria crashed over your body in waves. You clenched around nothing, head tipping back to hit the brick wall. But you never felt the cold brick — one of Michael’s hands left your breast to cup the back of your head, the protective gesture juxtaposing the unending push of his thigh into your pussy to help ride out your orgasm.
Even as your orgasm faded away, your hips continued to buck against him. Your hands found a new home on his broad chest, trailing down, down, down until you felt the leather of his brown  belt. You wasted no time in unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans, sliding the zipper down so you could easily reach into his briefs and pull his cock out. He moaned at your firm grasp, hips bucking into your touch.
Everything moved much quicker now, more desperate than before. You stroked his cock, spreading his precum along the shaft. His forehead pressed against yours as he stared at the way your smaller hand worked him over, twisting over the head on every downward stroke. “Fuck, that’s good.” He groaned.
“Help me.” You whined needily as you thrust your hips against his thigh once more, hoping he’d get the message.
He nodded quickly, kneeling down in front of you. His big hands slide up your thighs under your jean skirt, flipping the rough fabric up over your belly. Your legs were covered by sheer black stockings, a layer of protection from the cold winter chill. But neither of you could bear to wait, to take them off properly. He tore a large hole in the crotch and pushed your panties to the side, muttering curses at how your arousal shone in the moonlight. 
“Perfect fuckin’ cunt, sweetheart.” He pushed his index finger through your swollen lips, collecting your juices before slipping into your twitching hole. “Can you take two for me?”
He didn’t bother to wait for an answer. He pushed his middle finger in on the second thrust, curving them to press on that spongy spot on your upper wall that you can never reach yourself. You cried out his name, and your back arched off the wall. His fingers were bigger than yours, thicker too, but they still didn’t fill you the way that you needed.
You whimpered when he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking firm and hard. “Want your cock, Mikey. Want- oh shit!”
Your orgasm was hard and unexpected, pulling you under before you could even tell him to fuck you. Your legs buckled, and you buried your hands in his thick, black hair to ground yourself. A muffled moan came from between your legs when you tugged on the roots, trying to pull him off your sensitive clit.
He finally relented, pulling away from you and pushing his fingers, soaked in you, into his mouth. He licked them clean without hesitation, only stopping when you tugged on his wrist. You pulled him in by his shirt, kissing him. It was deep and passionate, proving what you both knew to be true.
You didn’t hate him. Maybe you wanted to, but you didn’t. Or maybe couldn’t is the better word.
He cupped your face with both his large hands, wiping away any remnants of tears from your earlier sobs. His tongue licked into your mouth as you moaned, tasting the sweet tang of your juices in his saliva. You reached down to stroke his cock again, and he crowded you closer to the wall. “Want you inside.” You whispered.
“I know, baby.”
His open jeans impeded his efforts to get closer to you, buttons, zipper, and belt now in the way. His hands hurried to push the waistband of his open jeans down and out, ignoring how the frosty air raised goosebumps on his skin. His belt buckle jingled loudly, and something clattered to the pavement, but you could only focus on getting him inside you. His hands returned to your face, making you keep your gaze on his.
You pushed his cock through your pussy lips, let your arousal messily coat his shaft until it was all over your inner thighs. Both your panting was the only thing you could hear over the wet sounds of his length sliding between your swollen lips. You whined when the head of his dick bumped against your clit. 
“Guide me in, sweetheart.” He told you, eyes locked on yours. “Take what you want.”
His head, already weeping with precum, nudged at your entrance, and you canted your hips up until the first few inches sunk inside. You lifted your leg around his hip in an attempt to take more of him, but it wasn’t enough on your own. Finally, he pressed forward, fully sheathing his cock within your soft walls. All the while, Michael held your face between his hands, gazing deep into your eyes as you whimpered. “There you are.” He groaned softly. “My girl.”
Your heart twisted at his words. How could he even say that? After saying the most vile things to you, what made him believe that you’d still be his? He nudged his hips forward a bit, and the tip just barely kissed your cervix, shooting a strange blend of pain and pleasure up your spine. You shook your head, hands grasping at his arms to steady yourself. “No, I… I- fuck, Mikey, I hate you so much.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s true.” You moaned pathetically, still seething, angry enough to lie through your teeth just to give him a glimpse of the pain he caused you. Your nails dug into the thick fabric of his coat as he began to move, thrusting in and out of your cunt. The alley practically echoed with squelching sounds, and anyone walking by would know what was going on in those shadows. But neither of you could bring yourselves to care, lips falling apart as your sensitive walls clamped down on his length.
“You don’t fuckin’ say that to me.” He repeated with a grunt, leaving the tiniest pat on your cheek to regain the attention of your eyes rolling in pleasure. “You love me. Know you do. ‘S — shit, you’re so tight — ‘s the only thing I’m goddamn sure of, you hear me?”
One hand left your cheek to wrap around your thigh, pulling your leg higher around his hip. He thrusted again with renewed strength before looking down to where you both connected. The sight made the pit of his stomach flip deliciously: the slightly tanned base of his cock coated with a creamy white ring, little strands of your wetness dangling between you both when he dared to pull his hips away. “Fuckin’ takin’ my dick so well, baby.” He bit his lip, his voice sounding almost entranced. “Squeezin’ like you don’t want me to leave.”
“Good thing I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He continued, groaning when your hands slid up his back and into his hair. You pulled hard, and his thrusts faltered ever so slightly. His other hand left your cheek to brace himself against the wall, and his head fell into the crook of your neck, puffs of his hot breath warming your skin.
“You can’t keep doing this shit, M-Mikey. Can’t take your shit out on me.” You mewled as he adjusted his grip on you, pushing you closer to the wall. He left you no space to squirm when his hips started to move faster, his cock bullying its way in and out of your soft, puffy folds to nudge against the spongy spot on your upper wall. You cried out as that unique sensation shot pleasure to every nerve ending in your body, “Fuck, right there!”
“I got you, sweetheart, that’s it.” He responded in kind, adjusting his stance just right so he could drag the notch of his cockhead along your G-spot with every thrust. “Right there, yeah?”
“Oh my god, don’t stop. You’re gonna make me come!”
Michael lifted his head from your neck, meeting your eyes again. They were dark, glazed over, as he slowed his hips, still moving but not enough to finish you off. You felt his cock twitch inside you, and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he flooded your insides with his release, but he wanted to hear you say it: he wanted you to take back your words. “Say you don’t mean it.”
Your pussy fluttered around him in tandem with the whine spilling past your lips. “Mikey—”
“You don’t hate me. You love me. Say it.” He punctuated each sentence with a nudge against your G-spot, soft and tempting.
“N-no, you,” You heaved out a shuddering breath when his fingertips met your swollen clit, rubbing in tight, slow, torturous circles. “You’re being unfair. You- oh my god, yes - you can’t be n-nasty to me and—” 
“Just say it for me, baby.” He mumbled against your lips. He was practically begging you to take it back, but, of course, Michael Berzatto would never stoop to such lengths. So, he kept rubbing your clit and nudging your G-spot, punching the breath out of you with his thick cock. “Promise I’ll make you come. I’ll make it so fuckin’ good for you. Just need to hear it.”
And, of course, as you always did, you gave in. “I didn’t mean it.” You admitted breathlessly. “I love you.”
The tension visibly rolled off his shoulders as his head dropped to your breasts, pounding your cunt as you moaned beneath him. “Fuck, I love you, too, baby. Love you so fuckin’ much, it hurts.” He groaned into your skin.
“Mikey, ‘m close!” You gasped, the assault on your cunt and clit too much to bear. 
“Wanna feel you squeeze my cock, sweetheart.” He huffed, nails digging into your thighs, your stockings providing no refuge from the dull pain. “Show me how much you love me, c’mon.”
And then, white-hot, earth-shattering pleasure. You nearly blacked out as you clenched around him, stars burning into supernovas behind your eyelids. Your fluttering walls begged him to stay buried deep inside you. Back arched against the wall, your breasts pushed closer to his face, and he didn’t bother lifting up, resting his cheek on the soft fabric that covered your warm flesh as he fell over the edge with you. He groaned out your name as he shot thick spurts of his warm, sticky come inside you. He knew he’d never come so much in his life, only lifting his head when he heard louder squelching noises from where you both connected. 
As he thrusted, slow and deep, the white creamy juices that once only circled the base of his cock dribbled out of your pussy, around the sides of his length. A bit slid down your thigh, and his eyes rolled back, reveling in how his balls pulsed with pleasure at the sight.
His whole body relaxed as you both rode out the waves of pleasure. As you came down from your orgasm, your head lolled to the side. Your eyes fluttered closed as you cherished his weight on top of you. When your eyes opened, your vision was still a tad blurry, but you blinked through the fog. 
There was something bright on the ground. It was small, cylindrical, and… red? No — it was orange.
“What’s that?”
Michael hummed in response, his speech a bit slurred. “What’s what?”
He lifted his head from your breasts, following your gaze. And he froze, eyes stuck on the tiny bottle of painkillers he’d swiped from his mother’s medicine cabinet after you left. It must have fallen from his pocket when he opened his jeans.
“Are you high right now?”
Michael almost cringed at your whisper. It was different from all your yelling and slapping and arguing before. You were just mad then, and he knew that he could win you over like he had a million times before. This time, it was sad. Cold. Disappointed. 
He wasn’t sure if he could come back from that.
You wriggled beneath him until you could push him away, watching him stumble a bit. He was no longer standing tall, a bit slouched, and he swayed aimlessly from side to side. With the way he was fucking you, his blood was pumping, so they must just now be kicking in at full force. You knew — you were certain of the answer, but you wanted to hear it from him.
“Michael. Are you high?”
He had just enough of his wits left to take a step toward you with remorse in his voice, “Baby, I—”
You held up a hand, taking a step away from him. “I… I’ll call Richie. You can stay with him tonight. Or your mother, I don’t….” He called your name again as you fixed your panties and pulled your skirt back down over your ass. “I can’t do this with you right now, Michael.”
You waited for a moment. For what, you weren’t sure. An apology? An explanation? An unremorseful tirade? Part of you would have even been okay with a fight.
But he just leaned against the brick wall, unable to support himself on his own any longer. He clumsily tucked his softening length back into his pants and mumbled his short reply, a correction. “‘S Mikey.”
Snow began to fall in time with your tears. You drew your coat closer, and turned your back to him. “I’m going home.”
“Besides work, how’ve you been feeling?”
“I don’t know, just extremely tired all the time. But what else is new, y’know?”
“And how’s your love life?”
“This is your way of asking if I’m still sleeping with Michael.”
“Well, are you?”
You let out a scoff as you adjusted your position on the couch. Your therapist, Deborah, watched you with knowing eyes as you sat against the arm of the couch, offhandedly pulling a throw pillow into your lap. Your index finger wrapped endlessly around the fringe as you carefully mulled over your words. “Well, I haven’t relapsed in almost a year and a half.”
“That’s good.” She smiled. “Also not what I asked.”
“Okay, I’m still seeing him. Or, sleeping with him.”
“So, it’s not a relationship?”
“Do you want it to be?”
You paused. You thought about the possibilities of what could have been — of what once had been. Dates, family dinners, shared apartment. Maybe you’d have gotten married and had kids. You’d have brought them up to be better, to break the cycle of whatever crazy shit made you both the way you were. But you also had to accept who he was. 
You replied, “No.” It was a lie, and Deborah knew that, but you played it off anyway.
She leaned forward, setting her notepad down and resting her elbows on her knees. “Is he still using?”
You nodded reluctantly, “He says he’s not. And he hasn't been high around me since the, uh, Christmas dinner thing last year. But I’ve seen it… pill bottles lying around. Prescriptions that aren’t his.”
You trail off, once again running through what might have been. Would Michael still be sober if you stayed with him? Were you the only thing keeping him from losing his mind? Were you to blame? Your finger slowed around the fringe, heart aching in your chest. 
Deborah gave you a cautionary look, like she could read your mind. “Stop it.”
You sighed, “But what if—”
“Michael is a grown man. His sobriety is his responsibility, and his alone. Just like yours.” She repeated the same words that she did almost every session, reminding you that you were not at fault. “I know it hurts, and it’s okay to let it, but you cannot blame yourself for his decisions.”
“I just- I miss him. How he used to be. But if this is all I can get…” You feel pathetic for even admitting it, but it was the truth.
Deborah watched you carefully, knowing that there wasn’t much she could do but advise you. You were going to see Michael whether it was a good idea or not. So she figured you should know what you’re really getting into. She leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. “Do you know what codependency is?”
Your brow furrowed, “No, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”
“It’s when two people depend on each other in an unhealthy way. Usually, one person learns to placate the other, keep them calm, while the other person continues unhealthy behaviors because they know their partner will be there to help them when it gets too bad.”
“Okay, I see where you’re going here. It’s not healthy for me—”
“It’s not healthy for either of you.” She clarified. “I know you love Michael. And I’m sure he loves you as much as he can. But I think the best way for you to help him and yourself — if that’s what you want to do — is to stop enabling him.”
Stop enabling him. 
That’s all you could think about for the rest of the session. Those three words terrified you. How would he react if you put your foot down, if you said this needed to stop? What if he never spoke to you again? You loved him, the man that put your heart back together when it was in a million shattered pieces. You were lost, unsure of how to handle the situation.
Twenty minutes later, when you left your therapist’s office, your phone dinged with a text. It was Michael, as usual;
u busy tonight? wanna see u. 
And of course, you gave in. But not without thinking up a plan. You took a deep breath and typed out your reply:
meet me in the parking lot off fourth street at 7:30. wanna take u somewhere.
And you tried to hold out, you really did. But no sooner than you arrived, Michael’s lips were on your neck, sucking and licking, making it hard to think. Before you could even remember Deborah’s warning, you were in the backseat of his car, fogging up the windows as you bounced up and down on his cock. “‘M gonna come!” You warned him.
“Go on, sweetheart.” He encouraged with a groan, strong hands plastered flat against your sweaty back. “Tight cunt’s gonna pull the come right outta me.”
“Fuck, ‘m coming, Mikey!” You whimpered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. His hands gripped your hips, grinding you down on his cock to ride out your orgasm. Your clit bumped deliciously against his pubic bone, and your walls clamped down even tighter, throwing Michael headfirst into his own orgasm.
“Holy- oh my god, don’t fuckin’ stop, baby.” He moaned, throwing his head back. His hips pushed up of their own accord, his thick cock twitching inside you as he shot his come as deep as he could go. He brought one hand down on your ass as you thrusted weakly against him. “That’s it, sweetheart, get every drop.”
You rested your weight on him, your sweaty forehead against the leather headrest. You both took a silent moment to catch your breath, regroup after the explosive sex you always seem to have. Turns out, even with all your disagreements, the attraction never stopped. His hands rubbed up and down your back, almost lulling you to sleep until he pressed his fingertips a little harder, and a moan passed through your lips, eyes shooting open. Michael chuckled deeply and kneaded at that spot, “What was that?”
“Fuck, I don’t know.” You admitted, tension rolling away as he worked at the knot. “My back has been killing me lately.”
“Maybe, but ‘m not sure. Just hurts sometimes.”
“Lucky for you, you got your own personal masseuse.”
You snorted, “My hero.”
His hand smacked against your backside playfully, making you jolt on his lap with a giggle. He laughed along with you, “Watch that tone, sweetheart.”
You shook your head, laughter dying down as your eyes haphazardly scanned the ledge of the back window. And next to an empty cup, you saw a piece of paper. A prescription made for Natalie Berzatto.
And it hit you like a train. You couldn’t keep doing this. It wasn’t fair to either of you. You couldn’t keep taking the best parts of him and ignoring the fact that he needed help. And he couldn’t expect you to be around at his beck and call forever. The time for playing pretend was over — you needed to take a real step for the both of you. 
You swung your leg over his lap and sat next to him, scanning the car floor for your panties. “Get dressed. I still have somewhere to take you.”
“You kidnappin’ me, baby?”
“It’s only kidnapping if you don’t go willingly.”
Minutes later, you were walking into a nearby building. The entire walk, he asked and asked where you were taking him, but you never answered, merely saying it was a surprise. When he walked in, and his eyes fell on the folded chairs set in a circle, his smile dropped. Without another word, he turned around and walked out.
“Michael, wait!” You were close behind, following him back outside into the hot, sticky summer night. “Just listen to me, okay?”
“So- so you think ‘cause you’re sober now you can do whatever the fuck you want, is that it?” He asked, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
“I’m just trying to help—”
“I told you I wasn’t fuckin’ using anymore!” He yelled at you.
“And I know that you are!” You snapped back. “I’ve seen the empty pill bottles, Michael. All the prescriptions that are never in your own fucking name. I’m not stupid!”
“Stupid enough to keep comin’ back!” He spat at you. “W-what changed, huh? Is it the therapist? ‘Cause before her, you were happy to just fuck me and leave, pills be damned.”
“Oh, fuck that, Michael.” You laughed humorlessly, pushing at his chest. “You are not doing that anymore, being a dick to me because you can’t accept the truth.”
“Oh yeah?”
“And what would the truth be, sweetheart? Fuckin’ enlighten me.”
“That you’re gonna fucking destroy yourself if you don’t get help!” You shouted. Tears were filling your eyes at the thought, and you realized you weren’t even angry. You were desperate — desperate for him to do something, anything to help himself. “You- you push everyone that loves you away! Me, Richie, Carm—”
“You leave Carmen outta this.” He grumbled, looking away to avoid seeing the tears that fell down your face.
“Everyone that cares, everyone that tries to help, you just treat them like complete and utter shit because you don’t know how to ask for help! But you don’t have to fucking ask, Mikey — we’re offering! You just have to take it and do something before it’s too late!”
Michael was quiet, eerily so. There was a time when you would’ve been able to read him like a book, to say exactly what he needed to hear. But you couldn’t anymore. And that scared you.
You stepped forward with a sniffle, placing your hands on his biceps. You rubbed up and down in a way that you hoped was comforting. “Just one meeting. That’s all I’m asking.”
When he finally looked back at you, his chest tightened at the sight. Your beautiful eyes, filled with tears and a shimmer of hope that he might agree. And part of him wanted to. Some inkling deep down inside of him wanted to wipe your tears, take your hand, and march into that meeting determined to stay sober for the rest of his life. If only to settle down and make a life with you, one that he could be proud of.
But, as always, something stopped him. A small doubt creeping in, telling him he couldn’t do it. That he wasn’t capable of normality, that it wasn’t in his blood. He was drowning in sorrow and pity, and he was willing to accept that darkness — welcomed it, even. But what kind of man would he be if he dragged you under with him? He cupped your face in his hands, shaking his head. Your hands slid up his forearms and stopped on his wrists with a desperate iron grip. His voice was barely a whisper, “I’m not going to that meeting, baby.”
“Mikey, please.” You begged. “I love you.”
“You can’t fix me.” He hoped you heard what he meant to say: I love you, too.
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and responded in kind. It was gentle, melancholic, but it was his way of saying goodbye. His way of expressing the love that he could never quite show you in the way you deserved. But the love was there nonetheless, tearing at his heart until his chest was hollow, nothing left but the memory of you.
When he pulled away, he had to pry your hands off him and take a step back. He gave you a sad smile, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Enjoy your meeting, sweetheart.”
He turned around and walked away. A few tears escaped his eyes when he heard a heart-wrenching sob pass through your lips. He wiped them away quickly and tried to walk faster. 
He was gone the next month.
“We’re closed!”
“Maybe you should lock the door then.”
You were still in your black dress and heels when you arrived at The Beef. No one knew where Carmy was, but you’d had an idea in the back of your head. You weren’t sure if you were right, but it only made sense that he’d be at his brother’s restaurant. 
Well, at the restaurant his brother left him. 
When Carmy emerged from the back, he stared, his eyes red from crying. “How’d you know I was here?”
You shrugged, “This is usually where I’d find him too.”
“Yo, please, please don’t come in here with that sentimental bullshit, alright?” He said, his tone sharp and mean. “If I wanted to hear about how great he was, I would’ve gone to the funeral.”
“You should’ve been there anyway. He was your brother.” 
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you, Carmen, I didn’t come here to pick a fight.”
He turned on his heel, stomping back to the kitchen, and you followed close behind. “What did you come for then?”
“We’re going to a meeting.”
Carmy kneeled on the floor, next to a bucket of soapy water and a wet rag. He picked it up and wrung it out with a grunt. “What are you talking about?”
“Would you prefer NA or AA?”
He was scrubbing at the same dirty spot that he had for the last hour and a half, but your question made him pause. He looked up at you in disbelief, letting out a scoff. “Excuse me?”
“There are two NA groups I know of, but only one AA, and it starts soon so—”
“Y’know, you’re the addict here, not me.”
“Which is exactly how I know you need to go to a meeting.”
He was seething, an angry red steadily creeping from his neck to his face, one prominent vein bulging in his forehead as he shouted at you. “Goddamnit, I don’t need to go to a fuckin’ Al-Anon meeting! I’m just grieving, alright?!”
“No, fuck that. The whole reason I didn’t go to the funeral is so I wouldn’t be around that bullshit! You know how Ma gets, and without Mikey here to fix it…”
“Michael was never gonna fix your mother.”
“Right, ‘cause he was too busy trying to fix you.” Carmen let out a harsh chuckle. “‘I’ll call you back, my girl needs me. Hold on, my girl is on the other line.’ Instead of fixing his restaurant, or-or helping his mother, he was making sure you were on the right track. Making sure you don’t relapse.”
Your heart stopped. Your blood burned. You wanted to let loose on him then and there. Yell and shout and cry about how Michael could barely fix himself, let alone you. You wanted to tell Carmen that it was you who desperately tried to fix Michael, make him sober, turn him into the man you knew he could be. Or at least, the one you believed he could be. The man Carm thought he was.
It baffled you how the entire family managed to hide the fact that Michael was an addict from Carmy. But it was a group effort, a last ditch effort to give him the big brother he’d always wanted, the one he remembered from his childhood. He was truly blind to Michael’s true nature, but you knew it was partially because Carmy had his own thing going on. You could see it behind his eyes — it was the same look Michael got before he did something self-destructive. 
Instead of yelling or screaming like you wanted to, tears filled your eyes. You knew from experience the Berzatto men could be mean, especially under pressure, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Unlike earlier in the day, you couldn’t hold them back. Tears fell freely down your cheeks. 
But unlike when his older brother spat unkind words your way, Carmy didn’t try to distract you from it or talk his way out of it. No, his face dropped when he realized the severity of his words. He watched as your knees buckled beneath you, moving across the floor to catch you once an ugly sob wretched its way past your lips. He held you as your body shook with the emotions that you’d been ignoring all day. One of his hands rested on the back of your head, stroking your hair with his thumb. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, okay?”
You don’t know how long you cried. You just sobbed and sobbed until there was nothing left, until you felt completely and utterly empty. Luckily, Carmy helped you sit on the floor. He sat next to you, both your backs against the dishwasher. It creaked loudly under your combined weight, and you sat up. “Sorry,” You croaked out. “Should I not lean on that?”
Carmy chuckled quietly and drew his knees up, resting his forearms atop them. “Piece of shit doesn’t work, don’t worry about it.”
The tiniest smile tugged at your lips as you leaned back and wiped away your tears. “Good. For me, I mean. Sucks for business though.”
His smile faded away as he watched you wipe your tears. His stomach turned uncomfortably at the fact that he’d been so mean, that he’d made you cry. He knew, of course, that he wasn’t the only reason you broke down, but he didn’t like that he piled on. He called your name softly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you.”
“Carm, it’s ok—”
“It’s not.” He shook his head, blue eyes piercing into yours. “You were right. Michael couldn’t fix Ma’s problems. And you didn’t need him to fix yours. He was lucky to have you.”
A sigh passed through your lips, and for the first time in a long time, tension rolled off your shoulders. “He loved you, Carmen.”
He fought back a sad smile, “He loved you, too.”
You paused, tears of grief filling your eyes before you remembered what you came for. You took a deep breath and wiped at your cheeks. “I need to show you something.”
His brow furrowed, turning a bit to face you, resting one leg on the ground. “What?”
You grabbed your phone from your pocket and pulled off the case. You lifted the strip of film from your rubber case, handing it to him. “This is why I need to go to an NA meeting tonight. Figured you could go with me.”
A hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes, Carmy let out a single quiet sob as he stared at the two black and white ultrasounds. “Is it…?”
You nodded, “They are.”
“Turns out, you can’t forget to take birth control for even one day. I thought taking two the next day might help, but here we are.” Chuckling quietly, you wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall once more. “I’m not… I’m not asking you to replace Mikey or be their dad or anything. It would… y’know, just be nice not to do this by my—”
“Woah, hey,” He stopped you with a shake of his head, not even wanting you to think like that. “You’re family, period. Have been since Michael brought you home. And always will be. Alright?”
Finally, a sliver of hope. You smiled, “Yeah.”
“Good.” He handed the photos back to you gently, as if one wrong move would ruin them. Then, he stood on his feet, wiping a hand over his face and taking a deep breath. He offered his hand. “Now, come on. I’m taking you to your meeting.”
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kakujis · 7 months
happy birthday, keisuke!
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synopsis: you celebrate keisuke's day with toman.
warnings: gn!reader, swearing, this is fluffy and gross, yn can't bake for shit (me), not proofread, and that should be it!
ft: baji keisuke x reader, 1.2k
network: @enchantedforest-network
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOML!!!!!!! i set aside my hw and all to get this finished hehe. it's still the 2nd in my area, but ik it's the 3rd elsewhere! i tried to keep it short and simple this time!! i won't get sappy or anything but i truly love baji so much!! happy birthday, kei, hope its a good one. ♡
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with the amount of staring you’ve been doing, you must as well be losing your vision, the words on the screen blurred and hazy. you’ve scrolled through the ingredient and instruction list an obscene amount of times, and yet… things seem to always turn out like this. 
“i’ve got no fucking clue what i’m doing!” you huff, but the silver haired man besides you simply laughs in reply. “mitsuya, why does my cake look like one of y’all rolled it over with your motorbikes?” 
“to be honest,” he starts, snickering as he inspects it, “i have no idea. i mean, you followed the recipe and all didn’t you?” 
you nod, sadly staring at another failed attempt. he decides to take a piece and taste it, throwing it into his mouth, chewing with an unreadable expression.
“it’s not like it’s inedible, it’s miles better than your first attempt. it’s just a little dry and crumbly…” mitsuya says, brow furrowing, “alright, honestly, it’s pretty bad.” 
you sigh loudly, picking it up and throwing it into the trash, “i told you we should’ve gotten him a cake from the store!” all your attempts have been moot. instead of a fluffy and moist cake, it’s always flat and dry even with mitsuya’s help. 
kazutora pops his head into the kitchen at that moment, “i can run really fast if you want me to.” 
you shake your head, “...no. don’t… do that.” you point to your forehead, signaling him of the decorations stuck on his. 
he shrugs, pulling off a stray streamer, and walking in before he’s jumping up to sit on the counter.“how are we gonna have a birthday party with no cake?” 
you frown, whining, “man, i don’t know. mitsuya, what do we do?” 
he glances over at the clock, mouth pressed in a line, before he answers. “you could always stick a candle into his soba noodles, we've got tons of those.” 
“we are doomed.” you state, sighing as you slump against the counter. “sorry kei…” 
even though you know, deep down, that keisuke baji could give less than two shits about a cake, you really wanted to surprise him. you did the same for him on white day, all those years back in highschool when you finally confessed. he accepted it, shitty chocolate and all, as you hid your burnt bandaged fingers behind your back. he never mentioned it, but you assume he knew, when instead of kissing your lips, he dragged your hands out from behind you and kissed your them while your heart almost sprang out of your chest. 
“who’s doomed?” you hear a loud yet comforting voice coming from the hallway. you look up to see draken, smiling ear to ear as he holds a cake box. 
“draken!” the three of you giddily call in unison and he smiles wider. 
mikey isn’t far behind him, peeking out to say, “there’s no way you guys thought we were gonna eat a cake they made right? it’s literally y/n, we would’ve died. i think baji almost did when he ate your confession chocolate.” 
“i’m going to ignore that for now.♡︎” you chime, keeping the strained smile on your face. 
“you guys are so mean to my protégé.” mitsuya chides, giving you a pat on the back. “anyway, we’re running out of time before he gets home, let’s finish this up.” 
you all nod and run off to your places, with you cleaning up the kitchen, and yourself, as best you can before you head out to the living room. the decorations are strung up nicely, courtesy of emma and hina, although takemichi, chifuyu, and pah definitely tried their best. you’re a little nervous, heart fluttering, as the lights dim and everyone crouches in place. 
you wait a few moments, eyes adjusting to the now darkened room as you catch a wave from chifuyu right before the front door slams open. equally as loud as the slam shut, baji talks to his mom on the phone. 
“yeah ma, i just got home. thanks for hangin’ with me today. huh? oh yeah, i’ve got plans with the guys tonight…” he mutters, phone pressed up against one shoulder as he kicks his shoes off. “unfortunately, its just the guys, said they couldn’t get off work early enough..” he trails off, a solemn expression on his face and you bite back the urge to laugh. 
“alright, love you ma, talk to you later.” he says as he hangs up, placing his book bag onto the floor. as he hits the lights, you all pop up out of place. 
“happy birthday, baji!” you cheer out in unison. it’s an explosion of streamers, confetti, and colors with some of you using party poppers and some of you using the blowers. 
he jumps while breaking out in a shit-eating grin, his pearly canine teeth in full view. his eyes scan the room til they fall onto you, the excitement sparked behind them clear as he immediately makes his way over to you. 
“no fuckin’ way,” he laughs, throwing his arms around you, before peppering kisses on your cheeks. “should’ve known you were a liar.” 
you hug him back, but pull off slightly, when you suddenly feel the heavy eyes of everyone around you. “o-okay keisuke, that’s enough.”
he presses a final kiss to your forehead before turns and glares, “huh? you guys got a problem with this?” 
mikey glares back, “yeah. i do.”
baji releases you, walking over to “square up” with mikey. the two of them bickering about the importance of everyone showing up, but also, a significant other is important too, and besides, “i was about to greet everyone, it’s not my fault you can’t find a date.”  
“here we go,” draken sighs, before sliding onto the couch. “emma, can you get me something to drink?” 
you shrug, settling in next to kazutora who’s excitedly bringing out the games for the night. the rest of the party goes well, the laughter bouncing off the walls of your shared apartment. it’s a nice little life you’ve got with baji so far. while he studies his ass off in school, your work is good enough to support the both of you. it’s cozy, it’s everything you’ve wanted. 
as the night winds down and everyone clears out, you find yourself cleaning up. you tell keisuke not to worry about it, “it’s your night, i’ll finish up here.” but he tsks you away, shoving littered plastic forks and plates into a bag anyway. he finds you in the kitchen later on, washing a few trays that were used to set the food out. 
he snakes his arms around your waist, breath tickling your ear as he asks, “so where’s my cake?” 
“huh?” you giggle, turning off the sink. “what are you talking about? we ate it all earlier?” 
“no, not that one.” he grins, his pretty hair falling over your shoulder. “the one mikey told me you made.” 
you freeze, that little shit. “uh… honestly, we threw them away. even with mitsu’s help, i couldn’t make you anythin’ good.” 
“well, that’s no good.” he hums for a bit, before spinning you around, a devious smile on his face. 
“kei?” you ask, but you’re interrupted by his lips on yours. 
“guess i gotta settle for somethin’ even sweeter.” he murmurs, before his hands are cupping your cheeks as he kisses you again and again.
“you’re so fucking cheesy.” you giggle in between kisses, hands naturally coming around his waist. “happy birthday, keisuke.♡︎” 
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cock-ainee · 6 months
"..Kimi wa dekinai ko" pt. II
Word count: 2700
Category: smut
• fingering • drunk sex • cumming inside kinda without consent • non-established relationship (yet) •
Characters: Michael Afton x afab reader + William Afton
Plus, I wanted to tag @emotionalflamingo since he/she was waiting for it!!
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Trough the years, YN and Michael became best friends. Bestest of friends. Each of them thought of the other as absolutely irreplaceable, they always sticked together, trough good and bad times.
And that stayed even trough the hardships of high school - if anything, their bond grew even stronger. Everyone, at some point, thought they were a couple.
And honestly.. that would be completely fine with Michael, considering how much he fell for YN, even if he didn't seem to really understand it. He always saw the stolen glances and lingering stares as something completely.. normal and platonic. He never really considered that he fell in love. Probably because the poor baby boy has never been in love before.
But there was someone else who noticed.. And it was no one other than William Afton, Michael's father.
The first time Michael invited YN over was when they still were in elementary school, and it was because they were working on a project together.
It somehow happened that YN stayed overnight, and William found her sleeping on the floor, on a matress, in the morning.
He didn't have the problem with them sleeping over, he had a problem with Michael letting his guest sleep on the floor.
Despite some of Michael's complains, she found "mr. Afton" to be a very kind and polite man.
YN quickly got used to William's company, and she became a regular guest at Aftons' household.
Though as time passed by, William started noticing Michael's odd behavior. How he stared at her, how he fixed his hair whenever he was about to open the door for YN, and how nervous he was getting sometimes!
Well, about the 'staring'..
It was evident that trough the few years that passed YN has.. developed, as every young woman her age. Though, what William found quite pleasing, she didn't seem to feel the need to show off as some girls did. Her casual behavior and way of being made William appreciate the girl as his guest.
Also Michael changed quite a bit. And, as his father put it, he didn't sound like a "dying seagull" anymore.
He also changed his hairstyle a little, which quite pleased YN. Because.. he didn't look so silly anymore.
Their high school life was going completely fine, except.. there was one thing that was keeping them a little.. parted.
It wasn't about the lack of time, because of the amount of studying they must've gone trough to put the ends together and get trough each year somehow. This was a little more.. complicated.
It was about the way they've been spending their free time.
- You sure you really don't wanna go? -
YN asked Michael, as she put lip gloss on her rosy lips.
Michael stole a glance at her figure, hugged by an irritably short, black dress, with a cut leading to the half of her thigh. He swore the only thing he could think about seeing her, was how he just wanted to slam her on the cupboard and..
- Michael..? -
The man jumped out of his thoughts, and looked over at YN's eyes, looking at him with concern.
- Yeah, I don't wanna. You know, i understand you're 18 already, and all, but are YOU sure you wanna go out again..? That place you're going to with those friends of yours seems.. sketchy. -
YN wore on a sweet smile, and Michael knew he wouldn't be able to deny her anyways.
- Aww Mikey.. it's just that one time, i promise -
- Yeah, of course -
- Well.. I'll be back by midnight, okay? See ya! -
And there, she was gone. And even though she promised it would be the last time, she said that 3 times this week already.
It was half past midnight when Michael woke up to the sound of something tripping down in their shared apartment. And when he scrambled out of his bed and room, he noted that this so called "something" was in fact YN.
- Hey, easy there -
He mumbled as he walked over to her, to help her stand back on her feet. Michael clearly could feel the smell of alcohol from her breath.
- Mikeeeyy~ -
She giggled, trailing a finger down his shirt-covered chest, making butterflies fly all over it. He held her hand in place, but she just took it as an excuse to rest her weight over him entirely, making the man's heart tremble and pump the blood all the way down his body, so somewhere he didn't really desire for it to go.
YN trailed her hand even lower, smirking and letting out a chuckle as she got acknowled of his arousal.
- Always so straight forward, aren't we, Mikey? -
She got so bold, to the point where she slid her warm hand into his boxers, palming him softly, but with firm movements.
Michael whined, his knees almost giving up under him. He has never been touched by a woman before. Partly because he kinda hoped for a situation like this to occur. But he was extremely unsure now. YN was drunk after all. But the way her hand felt around him.. it was heavenly. The girl smiled up at him slyly. She knew how she was making him feel.
- Aw Mikey.. You've wanted to fuck me for so long, haven't you? -
She sped up the movements of her hand, making the poor boy moan in pleasure.
But then her ministrstions halted.
- Use your words please, Mikey.. -
- Yes..! Oh fuck, wanted to fuck you so bad.. -
He was embarrassed by how much power she held over him. But, it was also arousing.
- Want you to fuck me too, Michael.. -
The girl whispered, before pulling him in for a kiss, their tongues dancing together, as YN's hand left Michael's boxers. She led him into his bedroom, and dropped on his own bed with him. They kissed for what felt like a long, lingering while, before they broke apart so Michael could spread needy kisses down the girl's body. She whined prettily for him as he removed her dress, revealing that she had no underwear underneath.
- And to think my father says you're such a good, nice girl.. Where are your panties, huh? "Princess"? -
His voice was sharp, but not as much as the push of his fingers inside the girl's core. Though it didn't hurt, completely the opposite - his fingers slid in with ease, as there was enough lube provided by the girl's evident arousal.
YN let out a pleased moan, bucking her hips forward, and fucking herself on his fingers. He pushed her down with his free hand, stopping her movements.
- What's that, huh, honey..? Stay still, let me take care of you -
He muttered, as his touch moved up her body to her torso, squeezing the plushy flesh of her breasts, as his lips pressed over her neck, feeling like molten lava. Then, Michael latched onto one of her nipples, sucking on it leisurely as his fingers pumped deep inside her silky wetness.
YN was squirming around, sweet noises escaping her sinful lips with each detailed push of Michael's digits. He moved them apart, scissoring her open, as the girl let out a symphony of moans. Michael then retracted his fingers from YN, licking them clean right in front of her eyes. He then pulled his shirt off over his shoulder, showing off the plates of his chest. He wasn't extremely muscular, but their shape was promising, and the gentle valley of his stomach - very enticing. Also, the bulge in his boxers was obvious now.
- M-Michael.. -
YN whimpered at the sight, not believing how lucky she was to belong to someone like him. Even if only for the night.
- I know. It's okay. I'll give you what you want -
He then slid off the last garment he had on, letting his cock free of the confinements. It stood up proudly, the leaking precum a sure evidence of his excitement.
The girl marveled at the view, saliva gathering in her mouth. She'd need to give him head, she thought, even if not tonight. For sure there'd be a chance some other day. Just imagining the taste, the size of it spreading her jaw wide open..
If heaven existed, YN was sure it was just that.
She was so lost in the lustful thoughts she didn't even realise that Michael was already waiting, pressed up onto her slick entrance and looking at her like a puppy who was denied a treat. All because he wanted to be 100% sure of her consent - even if she was drunk and didn't really know what she was up for.
Feeling the responding roll of her hips Michael stilled her, planting two hands firmly on either side of her waist. He swiftly pushed in, chunk by chunk, watching his girth slowly disappear inside her sleek heaven.
Her pussy really had a mind of it's own. Every move of each muscle, every contract, he could feel it in the depths of his soul. It was like an alluring paradise, sucking him in like it was meant to lure him in and never let go.
Slowly, Michael started moving his hips, savoring the way YN's inner walls felt, pressing against his cock and dragging along it. For YN, every, even slower move, felt like literal heaven. She felt the tip kissing her cervix, pressing deeply in the best way possible, in a way that had her seeing stars. She arched her back, willing to take more of him in, even though he was buried to the hilt inside.
Michael continued to move swiftly, the skin slapping noise becoming more and more audible, bouncing off the walls.
As well as both of their moans, needy, whiny, desperate.
YN pulled Michael into a silly kiss, their tongues entangling together as Michael's ministrations stuttered. He reached between the girl's thighs to gently stroke her clit, as his nirvana hit him.
He spilled inside of her, mewling out praises about how amazing she was, as he slowly moved his hips again, despite her clenching on his cock because of the orgasm that ripped trough her too.
They both were panting, completely spent after such a vigorous activity. Michael fell on top of YN, taking her into his arms and hugging her tightly, as he fell into a deep slumber.
Last thing YN heard before everything faded to black was Michael's peaceful heartbeat.
After the events of their night together, everything between Michael and YN seemed to become.. awkward. Michael avoided the girl as much as he could, as if he was ashamed or regretted what they did.
YN was disappointed by his behavior - she figured out what happened after she woke up after the night in Michael's bed - and apparently Michael wasn't there. She thought that he felt something towards her, so after he avoided her like that.. she was a little disheartened.
Winter holidays were quick to come, and both Michael and YN got back to their homes for Christmas.
William noticed his son's odd behavior - he didn't mention YN anymore in their conversations, he didn't mention a thing about buying her a christmas gift like he always did.. exactly, nothing. This worried William, so he decided to "discretely" check on Michael's situation.
- Hey, kid.. did something happen? Why are ya so off all of a sudden? -
William asked one evening, when they were sitting down, eating supper.
- Me? Why? Everything's alright -
Michael answered, playing with the food miserably laying on the plate. William sighed, looking at his son with disapproval.
- What happened with YN? Why aren't you talking about her at all? And why haven't she visited yet? -
The man asked directly, looking at the boy with intense pressure set on him.
Michael knew there was no use hiding the truth anymore.
- I fucked up. Alright? I just.. did something I shouldn't have. And I regret it now. There's no way I can look her in the eyes after what happened. -
William abruptly raised an eyebrow. He didn't except his son's first step with YN would be.. that.
- So you two- nevermind. I understand. I think you should talk with her. If you don't want to come off as rude and disrespectful. I can imagine what she feels after doing this with you and being completely avoided. I'll be direct, son, you're making yourself look like an asshole. -
Seeing that Michael was processing the thought in his head, William continued.
- As soon as you get back, you should talk. And apologize for your behavior -
He advised, taking a sip of his tea. He pat the boy's shoulder and set his cup down.
Michael only nodded, too lost in his thoughts to answer.
But either way, knowing his son, William knew he'd make a good decision.
After New Year's Eve, it was time to get back to the apartment, and school, of course. Michael was getting nervous as hell, knowing he had a big, serious talk to go trough.
As he got on the bus to the town, he immediately spotted YN, sitting alone. He walked up and sat next to her, after setting his things on a shelf above the seats.
- Hey.. -
He spoke softly, entwining his hands and fidgeting his fingers - something he always did when being stressed.
- Yeah, hey -
YN answered politely, looking to the side at Michael. And oh if her heart didn't start racing at the exact same moment, cheeks tinting pink.
- Listen.. I'm really, really sorry about what happened. I know you probably like me too much to admit to my face that i'm a piece of shit, we've been friends for so long.. I know that you probably see me as some kind of a monster now. But I swear, I didn't, by any means, want to make it seem like I used you. I would never do such thing, I-- -
Michael got so lost in speaking that he didn't notice that YN's hand crept up his arm and rested on top of his hand.
- ..And when have I ever complained about what happened? Have I ever accused you of taking advantage of me? I never said I didn't like what happened between us -
Michael's eyes opened wide and his mouth hung open for a moment before he composed himself.
- So you're not mad at me-? I'm glad -
He smiled and sighed with relief. A deep groan came out of YN's mouth.
- God damn it, Michael! Don't you even understand why I'm saying this!? Are you really this stupid?? -
The boy blinked in confusion, a little clueless to why she was mad all of a sudden.
- I see I have to be the one to speak up, because you never will. I have FEELINGS for you, Michael. I'm IN LOVE. And that's why I let that entire thing happen! -
Michael stared at her in shock, forgetting how to speak and think for a solid moment.
- I'm.. I'm sorry, YN.. I'm really sorry for being an idiot like that.. You really should have planted your feelings on someone else -
He chuckled softly, as he took her hand in both of his.
- I'll make sure to take you out on a nice date when we're back in town. And when there's time -
He smiled at her, and looked at her face, that was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen - her soft features basked in the soft sunlight.
- Do I need to explain that I love you too? -
He asked ironically, laughing as she nudged his side with her elbow. He exhaled happily as YN settled her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. He looked at her for a moment, before closing his own.
The last thing he heard before he fell asleep was YN's soft, steady breath.
Goddamn it took me long to finished. I think it all doesn't make sense but i'm happy for making it this long 😔
Stay tuned for next parts!
(though i think I'll be taking care of the request first)
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jinkiezzsstuff · 6 months
Mike Schmidt x reader one shot (short)
Summary: You’re Mikes neighbour and friend who babysits Abby and offers up Mike legal advice thanks to your father being a lawyer. You’ve been friends for a year and finally after a stressful talk you get somewhere you’ve only fantasized about.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; no she/her but female anatomy, needy Mike, cumming in boxers, male orgasm only, dry humping, praise, talking through orgasm, reader comforts Mike, no verbal consent, begging from Mikey moo and my first time writing. Lmk how to improve, if I made mistakes, or missed any warnings.
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You turned your head away from the pan to him with a cheeky smile. “Breakfast.” You state simply, Mike rolled his eyes but came in peparing himself a coffee beside you. Mike hated when you cooked, he felt he wasn’t doing his part for the house and his sister, even though you’ve told him plenty of times it wasn’t a big deal.
“Some people broke into the the pizzaria last night, Vanessa came to warn me about it.” You raised your eyebrows in shock, taking the pancake off the pan and plating it for him. “Did you know who did it?” Mike shook his head, taking the plate for you. “I’m gonna keep Abby’s in the oven, okay?” You say referring to her pancakes, he gave you a tight smile, picked up his plate and coffee and took it to the table.
You sat across from him watching him eat, you could easily tell there was something wrong, something beyond you disrespecting his wishes to not cook, or clean. “What’s up man, you seem off.” Looking up and back to his plate a few times, he seemed to be a little lost in thought. “My aunt, she just keeps,” He sighed pulling his free hand down his face, before looking to the side, refusing to meet his eyes.
“I’m starting to think I should let her take custody of Abby, she’s right I’m not fit.” You scoff crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. Mike knew you hated this conversation, you’ve had it several times this month and you always have had unpleasant things to say about what his aunt defines as good care.
“Hun, no offence, but plain and simple your aunts a bitch. You giving her Abby would only prove to her that you think you’re unfit. You’re not.”Mike sat up straighter now eyes staring straight through you with a firey intensity that made you tingle in shameful places. “Abby has no friends, she doesn’t talk to anyone, barely even me, she has imaginary ghost friends YN, ghosts!” He exclaimed hands jesturing in front of him rapidly.
“That’s okay! It’s healthy when a child’s lonely to make up fake friends to fill a void y’know? They do the same with toys too, giving them sentients it builds… empathy, y’know?” You reassured, but you could tell by the tired look in Mike’s eyes it wasn’t doing anything for him. “Listen, you’re working your ass off for her, to give that all up is more of a fuck you to Abby than anything else. If you have to give custody over to Jane let it be legally proven. It’ll drain her bank, and stress her just as much as you. Whatever paperwork you need fax it to my fathers law firm I’ll get him to write up the papers.” You rant watching as Mike finished up his food and listened.
For a moment you two were silent, Mike was looking down at his hands in his lap as he picked his hang nails. He glanced up at you, your face just as tired as his. You’d been here nearly everyday, sleeping on the couch, cooking Abby and him breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Cleaning up, doing laundry. He felt like a failure in more ways then one, a failure and a liar for not telling you about the pizzaria or his attempts to dream about Garret.
“I don’t want you to clean or cook.” Mike stood, purposefully starting a new argument seeing as the last one he lost. You followed in persuit crossing your arms and attempting to keep calm. Little did Mike know, you loved him too much to be unnecessarily cruel to him, you know what kind of situation he’s in. “Mike you buy the food I cook it, it’s an exchange. You can make up for it later.”
Mike flopped on the couch and urged you over with a wave. The two of you sat on the couch, your pillow and blanket still there begging for the two of you to lay and rest your tired heads. “Look at me?” Stern yet quiet his voice softly rang through your ears. You loved his voice so much, sometimes you wondered if he notice the effect it had on you when he was trying to act strong, manly, brave. It always had you swooning. In times like this when he uses that tone, on just you privately you wonder, was it purposeful.
“You can’t do this for us forever, alright? You need a job too, money. You can’t stay here twenty four seven.” You bit your lip, he was serious about this it was obvious he wouldn’t let it go.
“Mike, I don’t want to leave. I want to be here, the best part of my day is waking up Abby, and seeing you after work.” Looking at you again, you looking back, the two of you shared a moment of silence. Then without warning he speedily snaked his hand behind you neck and pulled you toward him, launching up to meet your lips. You gasped but that’s about all you did completely at his mercy as he roped you in.
You kissed back in a haste, gripping his hoodie and pulling him closer into you. Mike opened his mouth slightly, and you missed no beats joining him, slipping your tongue into his mouth as he did the same to you. Grabbing your hips he pulled you forward slightly, understanding the message you tossed your leg over his and sat yourself on his lap, feeling the bulge against you. He whimpered softly into your mouth as you grinded softly against him, testing the waters.
As you did he snuck his hands beneath your shirt, feeling up your back and around to your breasts, grabbing handfuls of your flesh and needing them. Whining you backed away from the kiss, looking down at his red lips swollen and wet, face red and eyes glossed. You could’ve came just at the sight of him. “You’re gonna fuck me.” You ordered raspily, he looked dazed up at you nodding.
You nodded back at him in confirmation and pecked his lips again, moving down his neck as you undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. He squirmed under you, chest heaving as he attempting to control his state. “Shuffle these down.” You say tugging his pants, and without a hesitation he pushed his hips up cause you to slip down against erection. He groaned wasting no time shimmying his pants down to his knees while you smiled down at him, loving the effect you had on him.
“Mike you have no idea how much I love taking care of you, will you please just let me take care of you?” You hum caressing his clothed chest, still pushing your legging covered clit against his dick. You could feel him twitching under you, he had your hips in a tight grip bound to leave bruises. “God, please, please I’ll do anything just to have you around me.” He moaned out head thrown back eyes closed as he started humping you.
You smiled angling yourself so he ever time he humped up into you, the head of his cock nudged at you swollen clit. “You like that Mikey, hm? Gonna release that tension for me, yeah?” You whispered getting more confident. He moanedsilently looking through his lashes at you, as if you were an angel. “Yeah, I needa cum, please.” He begged wrapping his arms around your torso, burrying his head your neck kissing and biting it.
“C’mon then, we can’t leave so needy, give me what I need, give yourself what you need.” You whisper into his hair grinding down on him harder. He started humping up into you faster, panting into your neck as you racked your fingers through his hair gripping and pulling occasionally. Suddenly he bit down on your shoulder, letting out a breathy whine as he came in his boxers below you.
You smiled kissing his head, sure you may have not gotten to the sex, but having him at your mercy begging you, was more than enough for one day. He stayed there a few moment breathing in your scent as you played with his hair, just soaking each other in. Leaning back he looked up at your face as you smiled pridefully. “I owe you the world.”
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alicedash2 · 1 year
What if the different pirates crew had a den!teen!reader with dark impulses like Mikey from Tokyo revengers? Like it’s so bad they all gotta pull her off cause the body is unrecognizable? But they help through it when she’s feeling from time to time.
(I didn't understand the ask very well, so I'm going to do the white beard and the straw hats) I hope you like it ♥️🌹
Ps: I'm going to do the characters separately, so consider this one as a bonus and obviously, I don't know which characters and which crew, so I'm going to do the white beard and the straw hats :)
Strawhat x y/n with dark impulses
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YN was someone so sweet and kind, always helping her crewmates, of course, she was just any teenager, that's what people thought!
It was just a few steps for her to become unrecognizable.
Once the WhiteBeard crew anchored on an island, YN was already kind of different, kind of reclusive and quiet, she decided to explore the island alone, they thought YN just wanted some time alone, because everyone needs some time alone, but, Newgate knew something was wrong, and sent Ace to follow YN
- There's something wrong...- the captain said seeing YN his daughter disappearing from his vision
- what is it, oyaji? - Ace asks, approaching the captain
- Ace, go follow YN, there's something wrong, very wrong - Newgate's instincts are never wrong, Ace didn't contradict and went to follow SN, even without knowing the reason, maybe for YN's safety? But YN was very strong, he could protect himself
YN left just wandering, until he got close to a bar, outside, there was a group of pirates outside, and nearby there was an alley
- what a beautiful thing we have here - one of these pirates approaches
-she looks very young, do you want to come with us? - the other follows behind, YN doesn't say anything
- You know little girl, I have a reward of 45,000 berries, I think you'd better not say anything and just follow us- he raises a gun in front of YN, who doesn't react, just enters the dark alley nearby, Ace follows, knowing that how someone responsible, must protect those he loves, he keeps running, but before he gets there, he stops at the sound of screams
-YN? Incredible, you killed everyone, let's get out of here, I'm hungry- Ace said
- knew she could protect herself, what's the problem? -Ace wondered as he approached
But YN wouldn't stop, even though she already had the losers, YN wouldn't stop
- you already defeated, why continue? Come on- Ace approached, who followed hitting and breaking bones of each one, kicking the wall in the most brutal way.
- YN, enough! Let's get out of here! - Ace starts to say something, the peak is when SN starts to dismember the pirate group, without listening to Ace's commands
Ace is worried and runs towards YN, YN never did something so brutal, so really the captain was right about following YN
Ace grabs her by the arm and pulls her away, but YN breaks free and starts attacking Ace.
- What are you doing?! Stop this! - Said Ace while trying to arrest YN, who was no longer following any orders at that moment, YN looks into Ace's eyes, Ace clearly sees that YN was no longer the kind person and sweet at that moment
- calms down - Ace crouches down together with YN in a hug, maybe it would get better?
good, a little
Ace manages to bring YN back to the ship, which was still the captain.
- oyaji, there's something very wrong with YN! She didn't obey my orders and acted brutally, she never did anything like that! - Ace said with YN in his arms, preventing her from leaving
- I knew something was going to happen, what happened?- Captain Whitebeard asked with a serious face
- YN always fought calmly, never hurting beyond the limit beyond what was necessary, but YN practically killed a bunch of rookie pirates! Oyaji, she's out of her mind- - YN manages to break free, however, ends up hurting Ace, kicking him in the head and making him fall face down on the ground, before anything could happen, other stronger crew members grab YN to immobilize her, but he also manages to go out fighting them, in a brutal way
-YN! - Newgate screams, making YN come back to reality
-What does she think what is she doing? Fighting each other is prohibited on this ship! - Whitebeard says with an annoyed look
- What? But I didn't-- Ace! Thatch! Vista! Oh my God, what did I do? I'm sorry! - YN said
As she went to them worried
-oyaji! I did not do it! I can't believe I did this- YN had tears in her eyes, YN would never raise a hand against the crew
- YN-yoi - Marco approaches
-Marco, sorry, I would never do that!-YN said, as if she was trying to convince
- I know, let's try to solve this, go to the infirmary - March said leaving close
- try to apologize to them later - Marco said
- Ah, ok... - YN follows Marco to the infirmary, there, YN says he has it when he feels very shaken, in a fight or even at random times, it's something that YN can't control, after explaining, Marco says that YN better get some sleep while he goes to talk to the captain
- Pops, what should we do? - Marco asked the captain
- I've never seen anything like that in someone so small - Newgate spoke while thinking
- that's right, I think it would be someone to stay with her, I know she can try to fight, but, she just stopped when I suddenly screamed, maybe, screaming something that reminds her of herself, the right thing would be to immobilize her there and bring her her back to the ship- Newgate would say, Marco, having no other idea, nods
- try to make her not remember the traumatic past, this could be one of the main triggers - Newgate gave the last warning
- and when is it suddenly? - Marco asked
- someone will have to stay close, following her, maybe, knowing that YN is being followed makes her how to hold that dark impulse, and fight against this impulse so that it doesn't give problems- Newgate says while sitting in his armchair
- just don't let her feel alone, she's suffered enough - Newgate spoke
The days went by, YN was back to who she was, the crew helped her not to have that dark impulse, however uncertain it was, they tried to follow the captain's advice, at least they managed to immobilize and bring YN back to the sea. ship when it happens, or try to bring YN back depending on the situation, rare moments it crosses the line.
ps: YN apologized to vista and Ace
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YN was from the Straw Hats and the youngest among them, not that that was a problem, she was very strong, but recently, YN was acting strange and more violent, which was strange, Chopper, Nami and Robin realized that, Chopper thought it was some disorder that YN had and decided to research it, Nami warned Luffy and the rest of the crew to keep watch over YN
Once, on an island they were on, everyone got separated, the Navy was after the crew because of Luffy's rampage, but no one was around YN, and anything that irritated YN could make her unrecognizable.
YN was in a square, just sitting, trying to come to her senses, when a group of navy men found her.
- YN from the straw hat crew, we finally found you, get up and come with us- before anything, in a slight moment, YN defeats him by pinning him to the ground, the sailors are scared, but they start shooting at YN, only she dodges so easily and defeats them in less than 20 seconds
Zoro, who was lost and didn't even know there were marines, spots YN
- What happened? Why is the Navy here? - Zoro asks YN, who doesn't answer
- Do what you want, let's look for Luffy, he got lost again - said Zoro as he walked in front, but YN attacks him from behind, in a short moment, Zoro manages to get rid of YN's hands
- I will kill you - said YN with a lifeless and dark look
- what do you mean?! What are you doing?! Idiot!- Zoro prepared to fight if necessary
YN was unrecognizable, covered in blood and with an insane look on Zoro's face.
a voice is heard getting louder, before they could reason, Zoro and YN feel something hitting them, due to the impact, YN manages to regain some sanity
- we need to run, the Navy is after me! - Luffy said taking YN and Zoro, Zoro on his back and YN being held in his arms
- Luffy, be careful with YN, that maniac tried to fight me! - Zoro tried to speak
- What did YN do? - Luffy asked
- she attacked me from behind, there were many marines lying on the ground because of her - Zoro said with an angry look
Luffy stretches his free arm and hangs from a building.
- Awesome, YN! You almost fought Zoro! HAHA - Luffy laughed as the rubber man climbed the building, causing him to break most of the top of the building
-THIS IS NOT SURPRISING-Zoro yelled at Luffy as he was also taken along.
-I knew this would happen- Nami said
-happend what?- Luffy asked.
-but you're slow, huh? That impulse from YN, makes her violent!- Nami said
- I thought it was an explosive disorder, but it seems that it is much more tense and serious - Chopper said with a worried look.
- What should we do, Nami? - Usopp asked
- I don't know, we should think while she sleeps, she'll recover her sanity as soon as she wakes up - said Nami sitting on the couch
"Maybe someone should keep her, if it happens again, bring her back to the ship," Brook said.
"But we won't always be able to get her back on the ship," said Robin.
- Luffy, you who are the captain stay with her - said Nami
-Why?"- Luffy pouted
- she can help you too, so just bring her back, making her fight will spend a lot of her energy and make her recover sanity -
Nami said
-What if it happens inside the ship? - Chopper said
- Brook can try to sing one of YN's favorite songs, maybe it will help?- Robin asked
- how shall we do? We have to somehow make her calm down, maybe Luffy can, we can see if there's a trigger for that to happen- Sanji said, with his cigarette in his mouth
- Why me?!- Luffy complains
- because you are the captain!- Nami said irritated
-aah! Nami!- Luffy complained more
-YN! You better fight those urges! - Luffy said angry
- as if it were easy!- YN shouted back
-Looks like YN woke up- Robin said with a smile.
- even I don't know for sure how to control it! - YN said angry
- perhaps with another boost or hit? She only recovered after Luffy hit her hard - Robin spoke, they looked at each other
- maybe it's possible? - Nami spoke
-Let's try-Robin answered back.
- AHW! THIS IS SUPEEEER problematic.- said Franky
They tried various ways to help with YN's dark impulse, however uncertain it was, they tried, getting little results, but sometimes, also helping you to control the dark impulse, it's hard to know if there's a way to reverse the situation, so just helping to control it is already a big step!
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
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Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows
Warnings: Swearing, alot of swearing. Mentions of Mikey's death.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
WC: 2900
Gifs & Photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @emziess 2nd gif @sarcasmcloud 3rd gif @grantaere
Summary: Carmy got drunk & texted his girl something that he knew wasn't right. He finds out some secrets along the way & finally they get to talk.
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto POV:
".... Carmen." Came out of her mouth quietly. She was looking down at the floor as she spoke and I didn't hear her properly.
"What?" I snapped back at her, trying to deal with the influx of orders that were heading my way.
"Fuck you."
I almost cut myself, not expecting her to snap back at me like that. I turned to look at YN, not believing what the hell I just heard.
I placed my knife gently on the countertop, wanting to slam it down, but I didn't. I turned to look at Sweets, fully this time, ignoring the stares from everyone else in the kitchen. She wasn't looking at the ground anymore. She was looking right at me, with a look, I never knew she could even muster.
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A look I never expected to ever see from her, even more so in my direction. "Get back to work Sweets and we will talk later." I couldn't fold, not with everyone looking at me. Not when it was dinner service and we need this to run smoothly. Not like it ever did, but I can wish.
She let out a laugh and shook her head no at me. She wiped at her eyes and I could see that she had angry tears that were threatening to fall.
"How dare you, Carmen. How fucking dare you blame me for what happened to Mikey," I heard the gasps from around the kitchen and Tina covered her mouth, not believing what the hell she is watching.
I took a step towards her and she took a step back. I was hurt but I didn't let it show. Syd and Tina were standing beside one another, between her and me, off to the side, looking back and forth, waiting for one of us to do or say something.
The whole room was quiet, except for the sounds from the front room and Richie's big mouth, which sounded like it was getting closer and closer to us.
"What the fuck is going on? We got people waiting for their goddamn food Cousin."
I looked up at him and Sweets took that opportunity to walk out the back door, throwing her apron on the ground.
Every single one of us was looking at the door, not believing what the hell just happened. I cleared my throat and told everyone to get back to work.
No one moved, as they too were stunned about what just happened.
"I said get back to work!"
"Yes, Chef," was mumbled throughout the kitchen and even Richie went back to the front of the house. I turned back to chopping the peppers when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tina bend down to pick up the discarded apron. She folded it neatly in her arms and looked at me and shook her head.
"Got something to say, Chef?"
"You messed up Jeff," and she walked away from me.
I tried to forget what the hell even happened between Sweets and me. Ever since I came back here, she has been nothing but there for me.
She was the one who didn't back away when I lost it on everyone. She helped to stay around and clean up when everyone left. She covered for me when I went to the AA meetings, which I thought were helping me, but I messed up badly last night.
I decided to have a drink, thinking that I could do just one, but one turned into four, which had me do something I would have never done or said to her in the first place.
'It is all your fault he is gone.'
When I saw that message I sent, I felt sick to my stomach. Hoping that Sweets forgot to charge her phone, which she does quite a bit. I threw up the contents of my stomach and headed in early to start on prep.
I kept checking my phone, waiting for her to reply, but nothing came. I was hoping that the message somehow didn't go through, but I never had luck on my side.
So as the day went on and everyone started to trickle in for their shifts, I waited for Sweets to come in, angry and upset. Ready to slap me in the face, but she came in, smiling like always. Laughing at something that Marcus said.
"Hey, I tried to see if you wanted to grab some breakfast before work, but you weren't answering any messages," Syd said to her.
"My charger stopped working and I had to get another one. I am going to charge my phone now and by the time my break starts, it should be good, but rain check on the breakfast?"
I breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing I had time to go into her phone and delete the message that I sent.
But I got distracted as the day went on. I felt like I was being pulled in all sorts of directions and never got a chance to do the one thing I needed to do.
And that is how I now find myself, leaning against the wall, with a smoke between my lips and my head in my hand.
"You are one dumb motherfucker Cousin."
"Not now Cousin," I said to the tall man.
"No, I think now is a perfect time Carmy,"
He lit a cigarette and took one long drag as he looked at me. "I don't have all night Richie," I said, impatiently, I might add.
"You do, but what you need to do is go and apologise to Sweets before she walks away from you and the rest of us."
"I know, fuck, I know I do, but she won't answer her phone."
"Well, no fucking shit. You blamed her for your brother's death. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I fucked up alright! I got drinking and I woke up to this mess I caused."
"She did everything she could when she found out what the hell Mikey was doing, but it was too late Cousin. She called Sugar and me as she was racing to his place, to try and talk to him. To get help for him," He stepped closer to me and leaned down. "She was the one who found him on the State Street Bridge. She heard the gunshot and ran to him, Cousin."
"I had no idea."
He stood up straighter as he said, "of course, you didn't. Your head is so far up your ass, you never once thought to ever ask any of us how we are doing, but that is just how the Berzatto family is."
Richie was right of course.
"But listen here Cousin, Sweets found the hidden stash that he kept in his desk a few days before and she casually brought it up to him."
"She told me that she did try to talk to him about it and that was it."
"Mikey, knowing Mikey, probably just said some words to appease her and it worked for a few days until he just didn't show up to work. Didn't call out or anything. Sweets became concerned and came here, found his goodbye letter to her in his office and she knew he was going to try something."
I started to tune him out as he was just basically repeating what he said, trying to get it through my thick skull.
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I cried myself to sleep when I got home, after walking all the way home. Not caring at that moment that I left my car at The Beef.
I woke up with a pounding headache from how much I cried and decided to take a nice, hot bath to try and relax, but all I kept seeing when I closed my eyes was the one sentence that I never thought I would ever see.
'It is all your fault he is gone.'
I read it a couple of times when I first saw it, not believing what the hell I was staring at. I couldn't keep the tears at bay when I saw him just standing there, slicing the peppers.
I felt like I was going to throw up when he took a step towards me, as it finally dawned on him that I saw the message.
When Richie distracted his attention, I was gone out the back door. Ignoring Tina and Ebraheim as they called out for me.
I thought about calling out sick today, but I can't just be alone. I needed to be around people, but I also didn't want to be around him.
So I decided to take a nice walk before I headed to work. I was just going to go in, do my job and leave and not hang out with Carmy like I normally would on a Friday night.
But as I was about to head outside, it started to rain. I groaned to myself knowing that nothing was in the cards for me today.
I picked up my phone and called the restaurant back line, which only we and a few vendors know of, hoping that he wouldn't pick up, but just like rain, I wasn't going to get what I wanted.
"Hello," his tired voice answered. I gulped, feeling all the emotions I thought I pushed aside from last night, came rushing back to me.
"Carmen," I didn't get to finish what I was going to say.
"Sweets, I am sorry. Please you have to know I am."
I closed my eyes and willed myself not to cry.
"I am not coming in tonight, I don't feel we-we-well," I stuttered out the last bit, just trying to end this conversation.
"Please come in Sweets, I need to talk to you. We can work this out." His voice was going soft. I shook my head, trying not to give in.
"You hurt me Carmy. You blamed me for his death,"
"I know Sweets and I know it wasn't your fault. I just got drunk and,"
This time I didn't let him finish, "you got drunk? You know when people drink, their true feelings start to come out? I say this from the bottom of my heart, fuck you Carmen Berzatto," and before he could even respond, I hung up the phone and just turned it off. Not wanting to deal with anyone from The Beef today.
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Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto POV:
"Fuck you Carmen Berzatto," was the last thing she said before she hung up on me. I stood up from my chair and kicked it back from me.
I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it against the wall. When I heard the item fall apart, I realised that it was my phone.
"FUCK!" I shouted as I bent over the desk, trying to catch my breath.
"Bear are you okay?" I groaned when I heard my Sister's voice.
"I am just fine Sugar,"
"I can see you are not," She stepped into my office and closed the door behind her. I turned around and just fell to the ground, not wanting to talk to her about it. She took my discarded chair and sat on it.
"Cousin called me and told me what happened."
"Fuckin' Richie," I muttered.
"No, he used his head and called the one person besides Sweets, that you listen to. Now tell me your side, and we are not leaving this room until you do."
I knew my sister was being serious, but I also knew I could get past her if I needed to, but why cause more shit.
"I got drunk and then texted Sweets, blaming her for Mikey's death. She told me she knew he was taking the pills and I just, I fucked up Sugar and now she isn't talking to me."
"For good reason. You know her Bear. You know her better than any of us. She loved Mikey like he was her brother. He was too far gone and there was no one to help him. I have had to come to terms with that and you should too."
"I know, I don't know what I was thinking. I fucked up, just like I always do."
"Well fix it," I rolled my eyes at my sister.
"I am serious Bear. She is the best thing that has ever happened to you." My big eyes seemed to get even bigger if possible.
"Wait, how did you know?"
"That you two are seeing each other? I am your sister and I see everything."
I narrowed my eyes at her as I could see the smirk on her face.
"I saw you two at the farmers market, you pulling her into your arms and kissing her and looking at her with so much love, that I didn't know you could look at someone like that."
"I have already lost her and I deserve to be alone."
"What you need to do is apologise and don't wait much longer."
I waited until it was almost closing time and told Syd and Marcus I was heading out. "We will make sure this place is all set for tomorrow Chef," Marcus said as I was putting on my jacket.
I reached into my pocket for my smokes when I felt my keys, and it dawned on me that I have her spare car key. I drove the short distance to her apartment and parked in her spot.
I stood outside, contemplating what the hell I can even say to her when she stepped out onto her balcony.
Her favourite blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and she was on the phone with someone, I couldn't hear what she was saying, even though I wish I could.
She must felt me looking at her. She was always good at telling when I was near. Her sad look became angry and she said something on the phone and then put the phone on her table.
"Go away, Carmen."
"I just want to talk, please."
"Just say it through text. Then I will know how you feel," I called after as she went back into her apartment, wanting to punch the brick wall when suddenly the door opened and it was another tenant coming out to walk their dog.
They held the door open for me as I have seen them previously and ran to the elevator, which seemed to take a lifetime. The door was barely open and I was pushing my way through, hitting her floor number.
Her apartment was three doors down, on the right and I waited outside her door, contemplating what the hell I will even say, so I just knocked. Not using my spare key like I normally would.
"Go away, Carmen."
"I just want to talk, Sweets."
No answer and I waited, so I tried knocking again. I got louder and louder until she flung open the door with an annoyed look on her face.
"You have five minutes Berzatto, make them count."
The moment the door was closed and locked behind me, I didn't know what to say. Well, I knew I should apologise, but that isn't good enough.
I sat on the couch next to her, and she was waiting for me to speak. I cleared my throat and for once in my life, I didn't think as I spoke.
"I didn't mean it, Sweets, you know that. I don't know why I even thought that at that moment. I was drunk and missing him. It was his birthday and I got to thinking about him."
I saw her start to show some emotion besides anger, like almost sadness, but I continued.
"Cousin told me that you were trying to help Mikey. That you found him. I am sorry, why didn't you tell me?"
"I have tried to forget it. At first, I thought I could do something to help him with his addiction and well, we know what happened. I blamed myself and got depressed. Sugar came and found me, curled up in my bed days after his funeral and told me that you were coming home to take over the restaurant."
"I didn't want to come home."
"I know you didn't Carmy," at least she is calling me Carmy instead of Carmen now. Must be making progress.
"But you did and I know it has been tough for you and every single one of us, but God, I am glad you are home, but you really hurt my Carmy."
I grabbed her hand that was in her lap and I kissed her knuckles. "And I will do whatever I can to make up for it. I love you Sweets and you know that."
It was the first time I said it to her and I needed her to know how much I love her and I can lose her.
"I love you too Carmy."
I gripped her chin in my hand and brought my head close to hers and gently kissed her lips. "Let me make it up to you," I muttered against her lips as we deepened the kiss.
"You owe me Mr Berzatto." Sweets said as she stood up and took my hand in hers. I followed her to her small bedroom and I made a silent promise to myself that I will forever try to make it up to her.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Mikey x yn?!? Yn falls out of love with Mikey and Mikey was REAL heartbroken and he doesn't know why
a/n : listen anon i love that you see angst is a need and i agree totally with 100% thankyou for requesting tehee 🫶🏻
: angst no comfort, manga spoilers, mikey doesn't show that he's suffering nyehe
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you've changed. the younger sano just realized that. he just realized that when you've already broken up with him, saying that this is the best for you two. no one predicted that you two, the most inseparable duo in toman would break up. the other always see you two giggling with each other, going on daily dates. everyone thought you two were doing fine.
mikey thought your two were doing fine.
mikey was more than happy to spend his days with you, after fights spent with you instead with his members. mornings spent at your home instead of his home dojo. hanging out with you instead of with his family. was he not enough? was he the problem? he must be problem since he didn't noticed how you have stopped caring for him, way long ago right?
it was only then he realized that he has became a fool, blinded by love, deaf by desire. he only wished to become happy with you, not seeing that you weren't happy anymore.
"y/n! there's a new dorayaki store opened let's go and eat there"
"didn't you just ate manjiro?"
"there's always space for dessert!"
how he never noticed that you're face have become paler, the shine in your eyes now gone.
"y/n, let's go to this gang fight i think they're gonna be so fun!"
"well, okay mikey if you really want to"
how he never noticed you were never eating enough anymore, not enthusiast anymore. the fights didn't excited you, no matter how many people you have injured the guilt not fading away.
"mikey can we tal-?"
"wait here y/n we need to think about this black dragon stuff first. they're bugging me"
"oh yeah sure"
he never realized that you never talked to him the way you used to, your eyes full with love and clarity but now there's only hesitation and doubts. not until then he realized that you have fell out of love with him. and he never realized it.
"im sorry mikey, but i think this is for the best for both of us"
"but y/n at least let me know what's the reason?"
"i tried telling you manjiro but you never listened. you never noticed, why would i even bother telling you why?"
"i dont understand?"
"it's okay mikey, i'll be out from you life from now on. you won't be needing me anymore, not like you ever need me. goodbye manjiro. im sorry"
he was stupid wasn't he? how he is so blind?
"oi mikey, you told me you need the motorcycle fixed?" shinichiro asked the boy who was deep in thought, not noticing the tears streaming down his cheek. upon hearing his big brother's voice, he quickly snapped from his daydream and wiped his tears.
"are you crying mikey? what's wrong?" the older brother rushed to his side while kneeling beside him. "me crying? fix your eyes shin you might need glasses soon old man. oh yeah the motorcycle need fixing, it's might be the engine i don't know"
yeah, mikey was a fool. and he only realized that.
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orchid3a · 2 years
🍙 88) "Your sugar daddy/mama know you come to me for a good fuck? Be nice if they did, maybe they could pay me to be your toy." SANZU pls <3
ask game!!
✦ pairing ↷ Bonten!Sanzu Haruchiyo x sugar baby!f!reader
✦ tws ↷ NSFW, fingering, edging, daddy kink, public sex, cheating (yn "cheats" her sugar daddy), pet names, a bit of degradation towards the end (sanzu's thoughts), poor beta-reading
✦ note ↷ sanzu screams 'fucking in the bathroom while mikey is doing business', obvs koko will then scold him so yep. here again to demostrate that both akashis love calling their s/o 'sweetcheeks'
reblogs and comments are appreciated!!
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If someone told you two hours before, that you would find yourself bent over the bathroom sink, in a club owned by Bonten, and fucked by said number two, you would have laughed at them. 
Sanzu Haruchiyo, Bonten’s number two and “Mad Dog”, as some call him, had caught your attention the moment he and his boss entered the room. You were seated next to your new sugar daddy, an old man who couldn’t satisfy your lust, but at least he had money. When you saw him, your eyes shifted to his cyan hues, such bright and dangerous eyes attracted you like a moth to a flame. 
His entire aura screamed danger, but you have always been the careless girl, the rule-breaker and the girl seeking for adrenaline. 
A few sweet promises murmured in your sugar daddy’s ear, whose name was now a blurry whisper in the back of your mind, and you left him and went to the bathroom. Before leaving the room, you bat your eye-lashes to the pink-haired man, making sure he would understand the message.
When you heard a few minutes later, the bathroom’s door closing and a presence behind, you knew you succeeded.
“Ya know, pretty girl, that playing with fire is dangerous, right?” He asks smirking, you giggle wrapping your arms around his neck, bending him closer to your height.
“I’m a bad girl, so what will you do, pinkie?” You tease him, your hands going down, playfully tugging his belt.
“Pinkie? Want to see what this ‘pinkie’ can do?” He chuckles before pulling you in a heated kiss. You close your eyes, letting him have control over you, and your fingers tug his pink strands. 
Haruchiyo places you on top of the sink, his fingers find their way under your skirt, quickly pushing aside your panties. You moan loudly when you feel two fingers, knuckles deep inside you, trying to not lose your balance, you grip onto his shirt, nails digging in his arm. Moans and swearing leave your mouth, as his fingers scissor and curl, touching your deepest parts. 
You feel overwhelmed, in all those months your sugar daddy never once touched you like this! He wasn’t capable of making you lose your control, and he couldn’t make you sing like Haruchiyo does.
You could feel it, your so wanted orgasm was near, but before you can notice, he already removed his fingers.
Your eyes water at your ruined orgasm, so you try to persuade him using your puppy eyes, but his grin shows he will not succumb.
He tilts your chin to pull you in another kiss, biting and nibbling your soft lips, and you moan again.
“Your sugar daddy know you come to me for a good fuck? Be nice if he did, maybe he could pay me to be your toy.”
“I would prefer changing sugar daddy… He bored me to death. And now I found a new good daddy who will spoil me.”
His eyes shine with lust “Turn around, sweetcheeks, I’m gonna spoil ya, for good.”
Thighs trembling in excitement, you turn around, bending over the sink and spreading your legs for him.
You feel his chest on your back, as his hands swiftly remove your skirt, and something hard is poking against your entrance.
“Gonna fill you up so good, that you will only babble my name, clear?” He whispers in your ear, and you can only whimper.
“P-Please daddy, make me yours!”
Haruchiyo smirks as he enters in you, his cock stretching your walls and filling you up, your eyes roll back from the pleasure. He can’t wait to ruin you and turn you into his personal little cocksleeve~
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✦ tagging ↷ @haitaniapologist @rnht @aftermxxn @momoewn @qiqi-tutu @giyuu23 @nalyana @savagemickey03
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"not a dog" gorou x reader
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Enemies to lovers ending up with nsfw <3
Tw :curses,oral (f receiving),"public"sex, almost getting caught. enjoy ;)
°after a battle in wich you almost died ,our little general is screaming at you for risking your life jumping onto the enemies without thinking °
Yn "ugh...Stop barking at me general doggo "
Gorou "First of all I'm not barking I'm trying to ask you not to run into the enemies troups when we're fighting because you're gonna get killed.Second of all for fu- *sigh* i.am.NOT. a dog "
"...yeah and i got a dick " all the soldiers started laughing ,making you smirk
"Aren't you tired of being humiliated everytime you try to argue with me ?or maybe you like it " you said getting up of your chair and getting a bit closer to him.
"I'm not the one who look stupid almost dying every time when I'm on the front" he said pinching the bridge of his nose.
" Well you're the one every one was laughing at 5 minutes ago"
The room became silent.
You were always mocking gorou for being a dog but ...you were not even a human yourself
Half wolf to be precise ,but you've never liked dogs they were so weak always shaking their tails when they're happy and only good at fetching .
You just had ears ,your tails was hidden most of the time
You were about to leave when you heard a little growl coming from him
Not a growl of frustration ,More like an insult
"I beg your pardon?" You turned around,the people around you started to leave ,they probably went to hide or maybe get the princess.
"Don't you forget who you are and who I am ,i am your general not your friend.The next time something like this happened we will fix this with the princess herself,copy?"
You just growled in response while he was leaving ,you were angry really
angry but oh...how hot he was when he was getting sassy.You hated yourself for thinking that but you couldn't help yourself,on your last heat period he was on your mind the whole time ...you were lost in your thoughts walking when you met one of your friend ,mike ,mike was a good guy ,always offering you a drink.
"Hello there "
"Hi yn ,I've heard you got hurt so I came to check on you"
"Thank you ,i appreciate that but it was a loss of time I'm just fine ...wanna get fucked up?"
"Your hurt so no ,sorry luv"
"MIKEY please " you were doing the puppy eyes it always work...you thought it did until he just looked away
"Bitch " you mumbled
"Coming from you I'll take it as a compliment"
"Fuck off if i don't drink then I'm going to sleep "
"See ?that's much better, goodnight " he said kissing your hair ,he was like your big brother you really liked him
You woke up to someone screaming your name
You've always been pretty... grumpy in the morning but when you woke up and saw your general trying to wake you up ,you felt...weird your whole body started to feel hot and your stomach started doing flips
"...n ?yn? You look completely red i think you got sick " he said with a huge mocking smile on his face
"...shut it "
"No ,get up now training is starting soon ,your hurt so you will just help place everything"
"I'm fine it doesn't even hu-"
"I don't care."
"No but" you started lifting your body up reveling your bra and chest to your very cute general...did you just thought cute general?ugh anyway.You saw his eyes going wide before looking away and stuttering something like "put some clothes on and join us" his embrassement make you chuckle.
"Yes sir " you said mockingly getting up to put some clothes on ,he looked at you and left without saying anything.
He's so obvious you thought, putting on your very light armor since you were not training you got on your way to join your comrade.
Arriving to the training spot you felt someone looking at you with insistance,you turned around to see your general talking with a soldier while looking at you ,when all of sudden you had this...heat coming to your face and down here making you squint.You knew what was coming ,it couldn't be the summer weather making you that hot,your heat period was approaching.
you said turning away from him
On his side your general could smell your pheromones growing every minute you spent with him ,he understood and was hesitating between three option
Number one : using it to mock you
Number two : ignore it
And number three : help you with it
He knew which one he was gonna pick but he was so shy about it and lord did he knew how cocky you will get about your general having a crush on you .
"Soldier get in line ,you two stay on the side "
he said pointing at you and the soldier beside you ,and then he started explaining on what exactly we were gonna train today ,i mean,they since you were not allowed to fight.
When he was done with them he started walking to you ,the world beside you disappeared it was like it was just the two of you ,you were checking his abs,his face and his hair You breath started to get heavier and your cheeks redder , completely lost in your lustful thought you didn't even noticed gorou talking to you until he shook his hands in front of your face .
"Teyvat to yn?"
"What ?"
"Are you sure you didn't hide any injuries from the nurse?you look like you have a fever " he was smiling at you ,not a caring or mocking smile ...a yae miko mocking smile,oh my archon...your eyes widened.
He knows.Of course he knows he's a dog.
"No no I'm fine." You didn't know what else to reply ,you started thinking everyone was gonna notice you were acting different so you had to add a little bit of poison in your sentence ,ending it with
"just say it if you wanna check me out "
chuckling at his decomposing face.he just sighed and got closer to your ears and whispered
" You should shut up and stop being so confident about it ,you were the one looking at my whole body 5mn ago with so much insistance that i thought you were gonna jump on me and eat me uncooked,so if you don't want everyone to know what game your actually playing with me shut it and work"
Your eyes widened.what happened to the shy and cute little puppy?It was like he took all your confidence in one sentence.You looked at the ground breathing heavy ,you were so embarrassed, embarrassed to be turned on and embarrassed by the fact that he knew what was on your mind
"I-i absolutely don't see what you talking about " you placed your hand on his chest to push him a bit "who do you think you are huh"
"Stop trying to deny it ,i can literally smell it ,feel it and see it ,just look at you ,you're literally sweating like you just ran a marathon and you're shaking like a cold puppy " he tilted his head on the side and lowered himself a bit to look at your eyes
"Don't you fucking dare call me a puppy" he just laughed slightly.
"Now stop annoying me and do what i asked you too " you were so mad you couldn't even reply ,the soldier on your side had left when he arrived to go and help , thanks archon he did.
Gorou left leaving you alone and boiling,your ears were completely down you never wanted to disappear so much.
After spending your morning placing new target for the bow training.Lunch time came pretty fast , everyone started to leave ,you almost ran to your tent and closed it ,you sat on the ground,you didn't felt like eating.You really needed to mate your genitals felt like they were gonna explode you whined and laid down the ground
"What did i so to deserve that"
" A lot of things actually" another voice replied
You got up a bit to look at your interlocutor just to let yourself fall on your back right after
"What do you want from me just leave me alone "
" You've been rude to me for the past year ,why would I do that"
"Just go bark at other soldiers i swear it's not the moment right now." He laughed and brushed what you just said with his hand , walking to sit on your chair ,he looked at you and stopped smiling
"What could I do to help?"you shot up to look at him and arch your right brow
" What?"
"I don't know there's many way to calm
your heat down ,very cold water ,maybe a week off?"
" A week?my heat last two not one ,and I'll be fine i think"
"Your pheromones are too strong it's
annoying you know"
"Are you saying that i turn you on?" You chuckled
"That's exactly what I'm saying seargant"
The silent was loud ,you both wanted it but he was too shy to do anything and you had too much pride
"Well where did all that confidence is coming from?you're not even denying it anymore" you said smiling,your horniness making you forget your embarrassment
You looked at him in the eyes ,all you saw was lust ,his tail was moving slowly,he was sitting their panting looking a little too fine.
You got up and stood in front of him ,took his chin to make him look up
"Well do whatever you want general doggo"
You didn't had to say it twice ,he wanted you for so long ,he placed his hands on your hips ,got up and guided you to your bed pushing you on it
"You look so pretty yn..." His eyes were full of love and lust ,his look was making you feel shy but also good ,you felt like a diamond in his eyes ,he always took care of you even tho he could be annoying sometime
"Gorou please stop making me wait" you got on your knees to grab his face and kiss him ,it was agressive at first but got slower and sloppier ,his hand traveling your hair to get down your back and yours starting to take off his top
"Let me do it for you milady"you chuckled
"Why didn't we did this earlier" you started taking his pants off
"Hey that's not fair " he got on the bed ,on you and started struggling with your clothes
You helped him and in less than 5minutes you both were naked ,he kissed you again and looked at you
"I don't deserve such a beautiful woman"
"Shut up and kiss me "
"As you wish" he started going down
Kissing your neck , between your breast leaving hickeys on both of them, sucking on your nipples making you squirm under him
"Yn?" He laughed,he couldn't help but think about how cute you looked. He licked his lips and went down your slit giving you a last look to make sure you were okay with it ,you lifted your head nodding at him and he started sucking on your slit ,each breathes echoing trough your core making it hotter.You Didnt even thought it was possible,you were boiling hot.
"Oh fuck !" Gorou inserted a finger into you and started sucking harder
"Holy....fuck damit if i knew your tongue could do that i would've done that before"
he moaned in reply making your body shake more.You were close you thought he'd stop but he putted a second finger into you.
"Baby i-im gonna"
you couldn't even finish your sentence that you came undone screaming his name ,he got up and caressed your thigh while looking at you when all of the sudden you both heard a voice calling your name
"Yn?" It was mike
"Oh shit" you whispered to gorou
"Are you sleeping?" Gorou eyes were wide he covered both of you and putted a finger on his lips to ask you not to reply ,so you did
And thanks archon it worked ,he left
You looked at each other and laughed
"Well holy shit."
"Baby huh?"
"Huh?" You looked at him confused
"I heard you calling me that."
"I did not"
he laughed and laid down
"Stop denying it love " you clicked your tongue getting on him ,he raised a brow at you
"What?did you really thought we were done ?"
He smiled and you two ended up covered in sweat and the whole camps knew about what happened between you too...the tents are thin you know?
it was my first time writing hope y'all liked it if yes leave a comment and i take request<3
Words count: 2170
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seilahscopium · 9 months
♡➶= nsfw/smut mention ❀༉= hurt w/ comfort if there's no symbol then its automatically normal. like just fluffy feel good things ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tokyo Revengers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rindou Haitani rindou and stuffies romantic journey with rindou ~~ Takashi Mitsuya Just a cut ~~ Multiple soft headcanons w/ tr yn who has big breasts (Manjiro, Rindou, Ran) ♡➶ their soulmate au (Mikey, Kazutora, Takashi, Chifuyu)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jujustu Kaisen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gojo Satoru
best friends imagine He isnt just Gojo Satoru he is also Satoru ♡➶, ❀༉ Dating headcannons ~~ Megumi Fushiguro
Protected in the rain
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Genshing Impact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Backstage tour ♡➶ musical chairs hopelessly invested his personal break room ❀༉ ~~ Tighnari Anything? ♡➶ ~~ Scaramouche/Wanderer/Kunikuzushi New Beginnings ❀༉ Jealousy of Mine ~~ Freminet Aquarium date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Honkai Star Rail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kafka Indirect kiss imagine ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Lock ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bachira Meguru dating headcannons ~~ Multiple
Reo's gf helps out virgin Nagi ♡➶ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Demon Slayer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Muichiro Tokito Copying you in ways he shouldnt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bungo Stray Dogs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dazai Osamu Please dont look at me like that... ~~~~~~ How To Eat Life (eve) ~~~~~~
Tobi Otogiri
Headcannons part 1 Headcannons part 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if we lived together... (Xiao. Diluc. Megumi. Blade. Dan Heng. Rindou. Levi. Cloud. Rin.)
secret tattoos (Kokomi x Sara) leon taking care of sick s/o (leon kennedy)
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Sibling quarrels.
Summary: Kobra and (y/n) are sent out to get resources from a so-called abandoned stronghold. They return to camp and Party bandages (y/n)'s head. Throughout the day soft moments are exchanged between the siblings and (y/n) amidst the chaotic world. (Kobra Kid x (y/n) x Party Poison).
Warnings: Kissing? fighting, guns, weapons, blood.
Word count: 1.8K
Ducking down I narrowly miss a bullet fired at me. I feel my helmet slide down my head so I push it back up before pulling out my second blaster, killing a few of the Draculoids surrounding Kobra. He finishes the rest of them off and follows closely behind me as I approach the abandoned stronghold, or at least it was meant to be abandoned. I crouch down behind some rocks looking as a few Draculoids are packing away supplies.
“We need those.” I point out to Kobra in a hushed voice. 
I flip up my visor and watch as they pile the resources into trucks.
“What do we do?” He replies flipping his visor up aswell. I stay silent, thinking of a plan.
“Follow my lead.” I say before flipping my visor back down.
I hold out my gun in front of me as I walk slowly still crouched getting closer. I run to the wall of the stronghold and signal for Kobra to go the other way. He nods before going the other way. I watch him, craning my neck around to see if he’s okay. Turning back around I’m met with the butt of a gun hitting me in the head. I fall to the ground but the impact is lessened by my helmet. Shuffling backwards I shoot the masked man and try to shake off the feeling of dizziness from the head injury. The Draculoid falls to the ground and I hear gunshots from across the compound. Getting up, I nearly fall back down but manage to steady myself and continue the mission.
Kobra’s taken out a lot of them but he’s a bit caught up. Shooting the two in front of me I jump behind one of the trucks as they open fire on me. I flinch, ducking my head, hearing the bullets collide with the metal of the truck. Once the bullets halt I stand back up, looking over the truck I shoot the two that are reloading their guns. Kobra takes out the other three as they stand, unaware that there were two of us.
“Some plan that was.” Kobra says as he jogs over to me.
I look down at all the bodies and hear the silence that now surrounds us. “Well, it seems to have worked.” I say with a small smirk. 
“It was meant to be abandoned.” He says looking at the very much not abandoned stronghold. 
“Yeah, we should grab all the supplies quickly in case they send back up.” He nods grabbing a couple of crates packed with food.
Hopping onto the back of the truck I pass down the boxes filled with ammunition and guns. I open one of the boxes and it reveals a trunk full of bottles of water, I assume it’s water. I take one out and remove the cap.
“Don’t drink that.” Kobra warns but I ignore him and lift the bottle to my mouth anyway. “You don’t know what that is! It could be poison.”
“Only one way to find out.” I say tipping it into my mouth. 
Kobra throws his head back, pacing around, hands on hips as I drink the water.
“You’re stressing over nothing.” I assure him hopping down from the truck. “It’s just water.” I place my hand on his shoulder. “Want some?” I ask, offering the water.
“No, let’s just go back, we’ve got everything now anyway. Someone should probably look at your head aswell” He says glancing over at the cut on my head.
“Okay.” I say grabbing the box full of water bottles, I chuck it on the backseat and sit next to Kobra in the front.
He sits in the driver’s seat and I sit in the passenger seat admiring our score from the stronghold. I turn to Kobra and he doesn’t seem so happy. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask him as he drives us back to the caravans we call home.
“Nothing’s wrong.” He replies emotionless.
“You haven’t convinced me of that.” I say. He sighs before replying.
“It’s just, just that no one was meant to be at the stronghold, why were there Draculoids?” He asks and I chuckle quietly.
“Oh come on, is that what’s got you down?” He nods slowly. “Well, don’t worry about it, someone probably just got something wrong, you know with the information and all that.” I lean over and kiss him on the side of his lips. “Don’t worry about it.” I say with a smile. “Let’s just get home and we can tell the others all about our marvelous adventure.” I say mostly sarcastically.
I pat him on the shoulder and I could’ve sworn his cheeks had a slight pink glow to them but it’s most likely the light. The sunset colours reflecting onto him or something. The rest of the ride is spent in silence but not an awkward one, a calm, relaxing silence.
We pull up to the caravans, the glow of the fire illuminating the camp as the guys jog up to us. Party pulls open my door before I can even undo my seatbelt. 
“What took you guys so long?” Party asks as I exit the car.
“Turns out the abandoned stronghold was not so abandoned.” I say stepping out of the car. 
I step into the light and Party’s face is filled with concern.
“What happened to your face?” He says hands holding onto my face, one finger swiping against the wound. I hiss as he presses down to hard and he makes an apologetic face and whispers out a ‘sorry’.
“A Draculoid hit me with their gun.” I say sounding quite indifferent. “You know, the usual.” I joke. 
“Come on, let me clean it and bandage it.” He says, Kobra, Fun and Jet have already left, gathering around the fireplace about to cook some of the food me and Kobra retrieved.
“Fine.” I say begrudgingly as he drags me into our makeshift medical room. It’s not much more than a closet but it’s stuffed full of bandages and all of that.
I lean against the side as Party sorts through the stuff. He turns around, a damp cloth in one hand and some bandages in the other. 
“This might hurt a little.” He says before dabbing my head wound with the cloth.
“Shit.” I mutter quietly, flinching away slightly. 
“Sorry.” He says but continues to clean it.
Once it’s cleaned he moves onto the bandaging.
“Is a bandage really necessary? Can’t I have a plaster or something?”
“No, you need a bandage.” I huff but accept it as he starts wrapping it around my head. I watch in silence as he wraps the bandage around me.
“You look so pretty.” I say looking up at him, his face illuminated by both the glow of the fire and the shadows that carve the canals of his face. He looks a bit shocked before he smiles.
“You look pretty too.” He says and I lean forward to peck him on the lips.
“Alright,” I start seeing Party looking quite flustered by my actions. “Can I go now, doc?” I say jokingly.
“Yeah, umm, tell the guys I’ll be out in a minute.” He says before hurrying away.
“Okay.” I say trailing off as he leaves the room. Weird, I think before heading out to the firepit.
I get wolf whistled by Frank jokingly as he sees my bandage.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too excited.” I joke and don’t miss the way Kobra’s face creases as I do. “I think I might just wear my helmet for a while to cover it.” I say placing my helmet on my head but flipping the visor up. “Much better. Also Party said he’d be out in a minute, don’t know where he's gone.”
“Oh?” Jet asks genuinely.
“Think you scared him off.” Frank says.
“Oh yeah? I’m sure that’s why.” I say nodding my head. “I’m gonna get a drink, anyone want one?”
“Can you grab me a beer?” Jet asks and I nod.
“Anyone else?” They both shake their heads. “Okay.” 
I walk off, the conversation becoming a distant sound as I enter the ‘kitchen’. I head to the fridge and grab two beers but before returning to the campfire I decide to look for Party. I poke my head into the rooms, I look most places but he’s nowhere to be found. I head back out towards the fire and see Party talking with Kobra. It looks like they’re arguing, what about? I wonder.
I start to head over when I hear Kobra say my name.
“What are you doing with (y/n)?” Kobra asks with no response. “Leave them alone.”
“What are you talking about? Why would I leave (y/n) alone?” He sounds just as confused. I decide to hang back and listen for a while.
“They don’t want you.” He replies.
“How would you know what (y/n) wants?” He says scoffing.
“Well, they kissed me.” Kobra says and I feel bad for him, Party, if anything will feel angry about the interaction but Kobra will shrink away and become miserable. I decide to intervene and fain obliviousness. 
I walk over, into the light and sit down.
“Hey guys. Jet, here’s your beer.” I pass it to him and he mutters a quick ‘thanks’ before silence overwhelms us. “What’s got everyone so quiet?” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey Jet, can you, umm help me something real quick?” Fun says obviously trying to remove them both from the situation.
“Yeah, I’ll come help you.” They both get up and leave.
Kobra’s eyes are fixed on the floor as Party stares at him.
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” I say and they both turn to look at me.
“Well, it seems like we both like you.” Party says.
“Well, I’d hope so.” I chuckle. “We’ve been friends for a while now, it would be kind of awkward if you didn’t.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“He meant like, more than a friend.” Kobra fills in the gaps.
“Oh.” I say, realising what’s going on. “Wow.”
“I’m guessing you like us too, seeing as you’ve kissed both of us?” Party says with a small smirk.
“Yeah, you could say that.” I say with a slightly nervous smile.
“Okay, now. What to do with this situation?” Party ponders with a smile. “Now obviously, if this situation ends up in dating I’d like (y/n) all to myself but seeing as you’re my dear old brother I might make an exception.”
“Get on with it then, what do you propose?” Kobra asks getting impatient with Party beating around the bush.
“I propose we share (y/n), if of course, if (y/n) would like to have both of us.”
“I am certainly not opposed to this idea but I don’t want to drive a wedge between your guys’ relationship.”
“If it doesn’t work out then we can establish a new ‘deal’” Party says with air speech marks. “You alright with that Kobra?” He nods his head in response.
“This is gonna be fun,” I say looking at the two extremely attractive men who are now both mine.
AN: 100 follower special!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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souyasbabyy · 2 years
pairing: baji x fem!reader, mitsuya x fem!reader, mikey x fem!reader, draken x fem!reader, kazutora x fem!reader
request by anon: Hiii so i saw you're request is open so can i request toman founders where in the past they used to say'hah?! Yn huh i will never fall for her' only for years later to them carresing you're pregnant belly and you being married to them. Just fluff all the way:')
genre: fluff and pregnancy stuff
note: that was so cool and funny to write, thank you so uch for your request anon <3
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you're a friend of emma, he always said he didn't liked you and he was always either ignoring you or saying others how annoying he thought you were
and here you are now, waiting for your second ultrasound appointment
mikey is all excited, his leg bouncing because he wasn't there for the first appointment and he can't wait to meet his baby for the first time
he met you by accident one time and he bump into you and you were being all mad at him and the first thing he thought was "good luck to the guy who's gonna marry her"
the second time he met you was a little after he met takemichi, how surprised he was when he recognize the annoying girl he saw two days ago calling his friend "brother", and after this you would come with hina to spend time with emma, waiting for takemichi
and now he wakes up every night so you can rest, to go see your newborn daughter when she cries
he could remember having a conversation with hakkai about you, he was saying that you weren't his type and that he couldn't imagine himself with you while they were doing his sisters hair
and now he was looking at you, walking toward him, your wedding dress making you even more beautiful a tear escaping his eyes because he loves so much
he never liked you, you were always with mikey and draken which was annoying him
whenever someone bringed you up in a conversation he was getting mad and leaving
yet now he was running throught the hospital hallways, trying to find the room the nurse told him
barging into the room he thought he was getting blessed by angels
here you were, looking at him with your son in your arms "come meet your son" you smiles
you're chifuyu's twin and you were the one hating when he was coming over, he was always loud and you always thought he was bad for your brother
but one day he came when chifuyu wasn't there and you were crying, you told him to leave but he sat beside you asking you what was wrong and trying to comfort you and for the first time you realised how kind he was and why chifuyu liked him
now, many years later you were calling for him "Kei! The baby is kicking!" you call, he come running to you "Stop it, you're gonna hurt mama" he says looking at your belly, you smile as he put his hand on your belly
his eyes suddenly widden when he felt the baby your son kicking again "he highfived me" he says making you laugh "he's excited to meet daddy huh?" he says
and you were as happy as ever with him
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myakkun · 3 years
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character(s): bonten x gn!reader
notes: tbh i’m not sure how i like this & it’s kinda all over the place but we are gonna roll w it :’) + this isn’t rlly a romantic relationship between them all but could be implied !!
warnings: boys jus being their normal semi-aggressive selves, reader is kinda a “daddy’s baby” (not spoiled tho) just for the sake of the plot pls jus let me have this
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having the bonten boys as your bodyguards means three things. constant observation, twenty four hour protection, and most importantly: never having to open a door for yourself.
it doesn’t take long from the moment they’re hired that you make sure to blur that professional line, just a little. after all, if they’re going to be on your ass constantly the least they can do is address you by your first name.
eventually, as all things do, one thing leads to another and it doesn’t even really feel like you’re their boss anymore. you’re friends, close, depend on each other more than just an employee employer type thing.
having them around makes you feel safe all the time, not just when they’re on duty. you decide that blurring the line is a great decision when it comes to your relationship with certain bodyguards of yours.
others... maybe not so much.
not that they’re bad! but you quickly learn that if you give sanzu an inch he’ll take a mile and if you offer ran a bite he steals the whole meal. they mean well, they just need to watch it sometimes.
like when they won’t stop making cheeky remarks to you in front of your father. (seriously, it’s almost like the two of them have a death wish or something).
you still remember when you went to your father to ask his permission to go out with some friends, sanzu and ran in tow. because you figured they’d be the best to accompany you on your night out, right? they’d fit in at a club well, you thought.
your father was a little hesitant to say yes, eyeing the two sharply dressed men behind you before finally sighing with a nod. it was good, it had went smooth.
and then the dumbasses decided to open their mouths.
“don’t worry sir, we’ll take very good care of them,” ran said, lips tilting up a little too devilishly.
sanzu hummed in agreement, gaze flicking over to you, “we’ll have our eyes on them all night long.”
your cheeks flushed with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment and you’re pretty sure you saw the words “murder alert!!” hang over your father’s head for a few seconds before he huffed out a “right” and left the room with clenched fists.
now you’re used to it, your father is used to it, everyone else is used to it. but it doesn’t stop the icy glares your father throws or the way the two idiots’ smirks grow wider in the moment.
if they weren’t some of the best in the business you’re sure they’d be fired by now, but luckily for them you put in a good word to daddy, so they get to stay.
your nights out with them really are fun, but they always try to butt in to steal you away from your friends way too early into the evening.
“c’mon, yn. dance with me too,” ran smiles, lips curved upwards in a way the club lights illuminate. he pulls on your hand, trying to nonchalantly tug you away from your friends.
“have a drink with me,” sanzu offers, pulling your other arm in an attempt to drag you away to the bar. he’s not supposed to be drinking on the job, but one glass won’t hurt.
you were foolish for thinking the two of them would be good choices to accompany you during club nights because it always ends with them bickering, making off handed comments, and throwing punches that get the three of you thrown out.
they make it up to you by stopping for your favorite fast food before you go home though, so it’s sort of a win.
another menace in your little boyband is none other than the leader himself.
mikey’s a great bodyguard, one of the best you’ve ever met really (which is why he was the obvious choice to be captain) but he has these moments about him that are just a little… careless?
like how he scored you both a lecture from your father because he didn’t put a helmet on you before taking you out on his bike.
you weren’t even going far! just a few corner turns and mikey hadn’t really thought about grabbing your helmet off the shelf in the garage. and you didn’t worry about it either, you were just going right down the street.
by the time the two of you got back from your little joyride—laughing and joking, you holding onto mikey’s arm as you walked into the house—your father was already waiting for you.
after your father’s lecture, mikey was rewarded one from you too for getting you in trouble in the first place. but he was pouting and looking at you through his lashes with his hair falling in his eyes and..
well you’re strong willed but you’re not that strong willed, so you can’t help but cut your lecture short to go get mr. leader a snack to cheer him up.
(he doesn’t forget your helmet anymore after that. but his memory still doesn’t serve him well when he keeps losing his walkie talkie).
he sneaks into your bedroom a lot too, always scares the hell out of you when you walk in to see him there, to borrow—read steal—your hair ties. because, guess what, he’s lost his.
it’s a miracle he hasn’t lost you yet.
it becomes rather obvious rather quickly that there are certain boys you should bring with you and have tag along for specific events or outings.
and certain boys you should not.
(mostly because the first time you brought takeomi to the animal shelter and learned he was allergic to dogs but didn’t want to say anything, you learned your lesson. poor guy didn’t stop sneezing for days).
(or that one time you took mocchi with you to your little cousin’s birthday party and he accidentally scared all of the kids when he was just trying to ask where the drinks table was at).
(then there was that instance with kakucho where he accompanied you to a haunted house and you learned the hard way—which was by him punching one of the poor workers in costume in the jaw—that he does not do well with jump scares at all).
needless to say, you’re a little more picky now with who you choose to bring with you so as to not run into any problems.
rindou is your go to when you’re wanting to disappear for a few hours. like, literally disappear.
you don’t tell anyone where you’re going because that obviously defeats the purpose of alone time, but rindou always tags along. someone has to be with you constantly and he’s just the best option for this sort of thing.
the two of you don’t even leave your family’s estate, you’re just insanely good at hiding. it’s become like a game to you two, watching all the others frantically search as you sit out in the garden.
it’s always hard to stifle your laughs as their panicked voices call over the pager on rindou’s hip.
(have you seen them? / they aren’t in the house i’ve searched a million times / oh god their father’s gonna kill us).
the two of you duck behind bushes as kakucho runs past and clasp your hands over your mouths when ran calls out your names from somewhere across the property.
rindou always whispers at you, hisses little “shh, you’re gonna get us caught”s even when he’s doing his best to stifle his laughter too.
“me? you’re the one that keeps rustling around!” you retort, voice just as low as you knock your shoulder into his from where you’re crouched beside him.
maybe the whole thing is just a tad bit evil, but it’s fun. and you always show back up before they make the worried call to your father anyways. so what’s the harm in it?
(the rest of the guys always give rindou a hard time after, though. chewing him out and shoving him around. but he just smirks at you as he tries not to laugh again).
they fall for it every time, it’s never not funny.
sometimes, you have to attend these stupid, huffy, boring galas. you hate them, so much, they make you want to scream.
and kokonoi elects himself to be the one to escort you to these things—nights like this he doubles as your bodyguard as well as your date.
“stop fidgeting, yn, you’re going to wrinkle it,” he hisses at you, prying your hands away from where you’re toying with your outfit as you step out of the car.
you pout as he loops his arms with yours and walks you up the stairs. then an elbow is in your ribs that has you plastering on a smile as cameras flash and snap pictures until the two of you enter.
you’re bombarded most of the night. kokonoi tends to keep his distance a little during these things—scoping out the room, remaining a few feet away as you chat with friend’s of your fathers and suitors who you have no interest for.
he swoops in when he needs to though. like when one of said suitors tries to slip you another glass of champagne when koko has already cut you off for the night.
he’s smooth as he slips up beside you, sliding an arm around your waist to tug you closer to him and farther away from the guy and using his free hand to snatch the drink away from you before it even has a chance to reach your lips.
he’s smiling as he turns his attention back to the douche—i mean dude—but his eyes don’t reflect that faked kindness.
“i believe i told you that they wouldn’t be having anymore tonight,” he grins, though his voice is icy. “run along before i shove this champagne glass down your throat.”
you always huff at him, try to make a feeble attempt to reach for the drink again in an adorable way that has him chuckling at you as he sets it on a passing waiter’s tray and starts leading you towards the exit.
on the car ride home he lets you lay your legs across his lap as you pull the fancy jewelry off of you and toss it to him to hold.
(the other guards always grumble at him about how he has the “easy” job out of them. he just simpers because he knows they’re right).
grocery shopping seems like a mundane sort of thing—and takeomi tells you that you should just have them delivered—but you love doing it.
it’s domestic! fun! you get to throw random things in your cart as you pass them just because they look good in the moment!
takeomi hates going for groceries with you, so he’s not really sure how he’s the guard that gets looped into it. every. damn. time.
he’s begged and pleaded the other guards to take his place, he’ll do anything, he swears! just no more supermarket trips.
but no, fate is not aligned with him and your sweet smile is too hard to say no to. which is how he always ends up right here without fail: pushing the shopping cart as you walk in front of him and toss random items into it.
he leans his elbows against it, slouched as he pushes it along after you, sighing dramatically every now and then. it feels like he’s been there for hours.
(in reality it’s only been fifteen minutes).
takeomi also hates getting groceries for another reason: men see you in the cereal aisle and start making half-assed attempts at hitting on you, using cereal as a pickup line of all things.
now, your father gave the boys three rules when he hired them.
one: no getting handsy with his precious little baby (which some of them fail, accidentally of course).
two: protect his precious little baby at all costs, no matter what (which they all do religiously, without a doubt).
and three: keep men away from them at all times (and that is something that all of them can most definitely agree to).
rule number three gives a little ‘ding ding ding!’ in his head as he watches some guy chat you up, his eyes a little too daring as he looks you up and down. and it would be wrong to not uphold your father’s wishes, wouldn’t it?
“oi,” takeomi clicks his tongue, jerking his head as you look over to him. because you’re oblivious to it, you wouldn’t know if someone was flirting with you if it smacked you in the face. “nuh uh.”
and you know what that means, so with a sigh and a roll of your eyes you trudge back over to the cart and slot yourself beside takeomi as he resumes his pushing it down the aisle.
“we were just talking,” you mumble, leaning your head on his shoulder as the two of you walk.
he scoffs at you, shaking his head. “you were just talking. that fucker was undressing you with his eyes. sick bastard. y’know what? maybe i should just go back there and teach him some manners.”
you aren’t sure why you pick takeomi to go get groceries with you either, because it always ends up with you having to restrain him from beating up some poor innocent civilian who didn’t mean any harm.
as part of learning to take over your father’s business, you have to attend business meetings alone, run them yourself.
which is scary, and honestly you can forget to be serious at times, which is why kakucho comes with you to help keep you in check.
in the nicest way possible, of course.
he stands to your right as you sit at the head of the long table, the business’ board seated all the way down. you’re nervous, who wouldn’t be?
you’re trying to explain the numbers, but honestly you’re about a third of the way through this meeting and you’re tired of it. “so, like, if we don’t step things up then this is all gonna start to suck.”
a throat quietly clears from beside you and you look up to see kakucho raising a brow, a signal that you’re letting your professionalism slip.
“what i mean is, if we don’t work hard and focus to get back on track, then profits are going to start declining before we can stop them,” you correct yourself, immediately, fingers fiddling while straightening out the papers in front of you.
you feel giddy as you glance back up for a sense of approval and catch the ghost of a grin twitching the edges of kakucho’s mouth.
but he isn’t just there to stand beside you and remind you to speak and act correctly. sometimes these meetings get heated, board members step out of line, and if you were your father then it would be fine.
but you aren’t.
when one of them stands up, pointing an accusing finger at you and raising their voice til it booms throughout the room, kakucho’s real job begins.
instantly, he leaves your side, taking swift and rhythmic steps up to the shouting employee, and clamps a hand on their outstretched arm in a way you know has to hurt from how strong he is.
“speak to them that way again, and i’ll kill you,” he states, calm and steady, tone just as serious as ever, “they deserve your respect. apologize.”
and it really isn’t necessary—your father has told you countless times that people getting fumed during meetings is rather normal—but when the board member hesitates, for just a split second, kakucho is tightening his grip until they immediately blurt out sorrys.
he takes his spot next to you again once the member sits back down, and this time his grin isn’t so hidden as he holds his position smugly.
needless to say with kakucho around, outbursts during meetings you hold happen a whole lot less.
your absolute favorite times with your bodyguards though are the times when they technically aren’t your bodyguards at all—off duty days.
it’s such a stereotypical thing, but mall days are like your tradition during off duty days now. they’re fun, relaxing, and not to mention you get to see the boys in their normal clothes and not just their suits.
(though their suits and dress shirts are absolutely nothing to complain about).
you all drift through the mall, stopping in stores and trying on clothes or shoes or looking at new dvds that you guys could watch for a movie night sometime.
it’s funny, though, how even when they’re off duty like this—without their holster and guns, not signed on right now—they still act like they’re working.
like when a random guy starts to approach you in the food court and ran walks up to sling an arm around your shoulder to pull you away instantly.
or when that one worker in the fragrance shop leans in too close to you, in mikey’s eyes anyways, so he takes a step between the two of you to block them.
or when sanzu notices someone checking you out while you look through sunglasses and steps behind you to block their view with a snarky sneer.
or when rindou and takeomi walk on each side of you with mocchi trailing right behind as if they’re preparing for someone to run up and attack.
or when kakucho stares down the person behind the register ringing you up, analyzing their every move, just to make sure they don’t make a wrong one.
or when kokonoi keeps a hand pressed to the small of your back as he guides you through a crowded store because he needs to make sure you’re right there with him.
they’re always looking out for you, on and off the clock, even in ways you don’t see or don’t particularly pick up on. and it’s in the moments that you realize that when you’re hit with the reality that they’re so much more than just your bodyguards.
along the way they’ve really become your best friends—something much closer than even family—and created a bond that is so natural and sweet you don’t think it could ever break.
you aren’t sure what to call them, but guardian angels seems a bit too sappy and a whole lot too pure of a term, so for now you’ll just settle for bodyguards.
and they’re really, really good at their jobs.
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reblogs appreciated !
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
well, I've been following you for a few months and I really adore your hcs, tokrev x reader stories, and I know that you are currently with requests closed but I had to write it down before I forgot lmao, I wanted to know how the characters of tokyo revengers would react (preference in mikey, chifuyu, baji maybe mitsuya) having a s / o fem that is very popular among boys AND GIRLS, I mean that girls confess to her, some prepare bentos for them or on Valentine's Day he has many letters and chocolates / cookies, sometimes even more than them, and as it would be if they ever hear when a girl is confessing to her or find letters in her bag from girls, obviously the reader is a bit used to it but they do not know if reader would agree to go out with a person of the same gender and they are worried , you can ignore this request is just ago that has appeared in my mind and I think you have similar jobs but they are just boys and the truth is I WANT TO DRAMA WITH A BISEXUAL FEM READER LMAO, I needed to write it and ask u! have a nice day / night <33
oh to be yn😔 i liked this request a lot so thank u so much for sending it in!! sorry if this took long but have a lovely day too ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ) ♡ thank u so much for loving my work!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ also it was mentioned that reader could be bi so( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) also ily babe thanks for decluttering my head again @strawberiya
PAIRINGS: Mikey, Baji, Chifuyu, & Mitsuya x fem! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 has his head slanted when a shy group of girls were murmuring with pink tinted cheeks on his way with Valentine decorated bags and before he can confidently stand to reject them, those same girls walked pass him, letting out a few squeals when they meet the one they've been waiting for which leads the blonde to blink, as well as Draken.
He turns around to see what was the chaos about and that's where he saw his lover being smothered in praises and gifts while you were politely bowing to thank them which makes them even more flustered. To his side, Draken lets out a cackle at the misinterpreted situation as Mikey huffs.
"Well if that isn't funny." His best friend mocks.
- He doesn't mind at first because it's what you deserved anyway. With all that mounts of love, if he was in your place, he'd feel pretty good about it but he scratches that imagination off because he's too comfortable in trusting you.
- Though, he is pretty irritated when you're carrying bucket loads of gifts and it sucks that they weren't given to you by him. He wanted to be the one to be able to give that all to you—not some mere classmates he doesn't even know.
"I could buy you all of that." He huffs, crossing his arms to his chest while you kissed his cheek.
"And you know I'm fine with whatever, Mikey."
- He would sometimes think it's actually a good deal because he gets to eat almost all the chocolates, munching on it when class is ongoing, opening your backpack just to steal some. "Babe, I don't think I need to bring money for school again." He says, nudging you, still a chip in his mouth. "How come?" You asked.
"Your fans have us covered for breakfast and lunch."
- Speaking of your backpack, he can't help but notice how there were stacks of envelopes on a certain corner with different designs on each of them. He knew it wasn't his business to pay attention to but it sure makes him pout at how you were being admired by lots of people but it doesn't faze him for the mean time because whatever was written there, he can agree since he too was a fool for you.
- Back to food, you were a walking magnet for it. When you're out in PE, thirsty and panting, there's at least three people offering you their water bottles and Mikey was left with none of that. You decline their kindness because you had a bottle of your own and everyone else awes when you let the blonde drink from yours as he pokes his tongue out to the audience because he knew he won.
- Some girls would approach Mikey, handing him folded paper while he points to himself as they nod and he was sure that it felt like a fever dream. "Are you.. confessing to me?" He questions and when they began to shake their heads, he sarcastically smiles at them, gently grabbing the envelope now that he got the message. "Yeah yeah I'll take this to Y/N."
- On his way, he encounters a few shared words coming from a girl and your nervous chuckle makes known of your existence to him. He peaks through the corner, his ears growing at the sound of gossip but when he heard he nothing but compliments to you and the genuine feelings of the girl, he realizes how you get this on daily. "I'm gonna say no." You kindly answered her as she nods and gave you a bento instead.
"That looks so good." Mikey suddenly says, looking at the food in your hands and the two of you turn to him while he waves awkwardly.
- The next time someone confesses to you and said person was a male, he will jump into the situation when he spots you two. Slinging an arm over your shoulder, a subtle glare with a squint to his eyes as he uses it as an intimidation mechanism.
"Uh.. Mikey-san-"
"No continue." He urges him, while you pursed your lips to hold back that smile of yours when you felt how he was trying to prove a point. The classmate of yours clears his throat, actually obeying Mikey's words and continuing to shower you in compliments but abruptly stops when he hears a hum from your boyfriend. "Yes, I know Y/N is pretty." He adds, agreeing to the younger boy.
"Can we be friends, Y/N-san? I want to know you more!"
"No." Mikey answered for you before you could even say the same thing. Both eyes traveled to him while you can only bid a glance knowing it was the right answer. "But can we-"
"No. Y/N-" he points to you. " 'S Mine. So back off, bye bye."
- He feels like he's walking beside a superstar. You were greeted by everyone you passed by and Mikey wonders if his purpose was to be a bodyguard. "Y/N, come with me. They might rob us." It was similar to when he'd start a Toman meeting, walking in the middle as the others bow down to him.
- He adjusts himself to get used to it because it was a craze—something that wouldn't go away even if he existed and besides, you weren't interested in any of them, quickly turning them down and returning the letters with your response but it does make him wonder about the possibilities that if you two broke up, could you possibly date those same people who liked you?
"Oi." He calls out to you, a stubborn pout to his lips while you turned to him. "Yeah?"
"Would you.. date them if we..break up?"
"Date who, Mikey?"
"Those girls and those boys who confess to you." He mutters, as if he was ashamed to ever ask such a question. You let your hand rest on his shoulder while the other was to his hair, running it through since he removed his updo. "Mikey, I wouldn't date them even if we did separate. Although I don't prefer much, I'm always going to pick you." With your words, he does give in—relieved at the thought of your loyalty.
"So that's it huh? You're really gonna let me break up with you?" He argues, crossing his arms to his chest with a scowl, marching away from you while you laugh.
"Mikey come back!"
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 didn't pay much attention to the stares that you'd get together but when you were just strutting down the hallways, skimming through your notes to get pass a quiz you fell asleep to study on, that's where he notices a shit ton of hearts forming in their pupils, pushing each other to greet you while you look up and smile at them in return.
But even if the halls were scattered in admirers, your path led right to Baji who was awestruck as you embraced him. "Morning, hun!" You brightly greet him and there were tense eyes drawn to him from the front, glowing in envy how he was the winner. He pulls away, a smirk, happily kissing your temple, letting his arm drop to your waist then he looks back to the audience, a grin to showcase how it sucks for their situation.
- He can see through their intention and that gives him an advantage and an angel on his shoulder to tell him he shouldn't beat them up. He can't even argue with himself—the knuckles weren't mean for silly crushes but again, the counterargument was that it was you being confessed to.
- He trusts you a shit lot but it doesn't mean he worries less. It wasn't that clear at first because he belittled just how these people were in terms of their admiration to you but when he sees how there's a line, resembling a fan event, just to talk to you—he silently loses his mind.
- He will make them jealous since that was his only tactic to give a response to what he thinks with all of this going on. "Look at me, please." Baji says, tapping ur head while you followed through as he uses his thumb to wipe away the smudge of food on the corner of your lips and like he expected, there's a chorus of groans and comments saying "I wish that was me."
Which makes him pull away with a smile. "Got it, babe!"
- He would definitely question why you're not eating from the food of the cafeteria. "Well—someone made this for me... I just didn't want to waste their efforts." You excused, biting on the onigiri that a girl cooked for you. Baji scoffs. "That's probably not even as good to my meal! Can I have a try?" You nodded, handing it to him while you and Chifuyu eye his reaction.
The minute he took a plunge in it, his eyes drop to the table at how it tasted, a smile threatening to paint his lips and you and the blonde let out a loud cackle before your boyfriend returns it to you, trying to look unimpressed. "So—was it that good, babe?" You teased him, holding onto his shoulders with a few chuckles slipping through you.
"Definitely not... but can I.. eat that when you don't like it anymore-"
- When somebody confeses to you, Chifuyu would hold him back sometimes. It would be at spontaneous moments where you're just on your desk, fresh from a nap while someone sits on his chair, trying to let their feelings be acknowledged by you but when they had the guts to reach for your hand since you were still trying to shake up your senses, that's where his best friend lets go of your boyfriend.
"Oi, oi! Y/N just woke up, quit making moves on my girl."
"Hm? Kei? Oh—sorry, I didn't hear you, what was it?" You yawned, rubbing your eyes at the person in front of you but from your blurry view, you can only picture out Baji being bowed at multiple times.
- Another instance is when he usually creeps up on you when you're being handed a letter along with a few hints that they wanted to initiate something. His head is peaking through the wall, making sure he hears every word being shared but he realizes he looked like a maniac so he comes out from where he stood.
"Y/N-san you're kindness is—is—"
"What about it? Is it cool? That's Y/N for you." Baji says, entering the scene with hands to his pockets while you smiled. "I appreciate you for being honest but I have a boyfriend." You answered the boy as he sighs out of disappointment but takes the answer.
"Y'know I can confess to you right here, right now—even better than he did." Baji taunts.
- Now, if someone stepped the fuck up and there's balloons, heart shaped chocolates, literally a galore just to tell you how they feel, the three of you are dumbfounded—mind flying to space at how he prepared it all for you. "Y/N! Please take the chocolates even if you reject me!" The boy begs, while the social pressure was surrounding you. Baji notices this and walks right up to the other person, taking the box from his hands, giving it to you before he's patting your back.
"I know you don't like those stuff so don't worry. "
-Due to how many of them are there, it can't be helped that their envy for your boyfriend was flooding their minds to the point they talk bad about him, more so when they tell it to you straight. "Baji-kun won't treat you right."
"Excuse me? You don't get to say shit about him when he's the best that there is." You defended him and an interested Baji shows up from behind you. "But-"
"If you think telling me you're gonna do better than Keisuke then you can leave. What good is a confession when you're disrespecting my boyfriend?" And without a word, he turns his heel, walking away to escape your gaze while you let out a sigh and you were faced with a grinning Baji.
"I'm the best? I think that's you, Y/N."
- Returning back to how much he trusts you, the worry does die down when each of their gifts were received with no feedback that you'd pick them over him but he'd still be curious when it comes to you dating someone else. "Babe? I have something to ask you."
"Sure, Kei."
"Do you ever think about dating other people?" You leaned your head to his shoulder, clinging to his arm as you hummed, thinking about your response. "I'm fine with dating anyone but it won't matter if I'm not gonna end up with you."
"And as if I'd let you go." Baji comments, pressing a kiss to your forehead with a smile.
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♡ 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐘𝐔 has always known about it but he tends to be caught in a mess between being proud of you or being cautious because he's seen it in action too many times. "It's Valentines and you're getting more letters than I do." He pouts while you held his hand. "Oh hush, y'know your letter to me back then is still the superior one here but I gotta go to the bathroom first." You teased, remembering the day you said yes to him before letting go of him to leave as he chuckled until there's a tap to his shoulder.
".. yes?" He lets out when he sees a shy girl handing him a letter with flustered cheeks. He's looking left and right just to make sure this was reality. "I-well-I have Y/N." He stutters, new to the whole gesture while the girl nods, raising an eyebrow. "I know you have Y/N-san, that's the point." She answered which gave off a very bad impression to him so he reaches for his tie, using it to to clear his nervousness at how serious she was.
"Please—Y/N! Please accept this letter of my confession!" She suddenly shouted when you came out of the bathroom while both pairs of eyes widen. You shyly take it in your hand while Chifuyu is amazed and at shock so he mutters,
"... Huh?"
- Since then, he's keeping a scoreboard. He only has one point because you were the only one that was giving him sweet gifts for the day but when it came to you, you're up to 15—give or take.
- He feels intimidated. How come you're so... Bright? You were like a light that was attracting all sorts of people and even as you walk by, you're being stared or greeted by lower and upper classmen combined. Though, when he looks at you, you're not bothered and it adds to his curiosity.
- He tries to be comfortable with it but when he goes through the hallways, he can sense that there are hands waiting to grab you but what surprises him is that you'd always walk with him, hands intertwined and a smile to your lips because you were with him and nobody else so that eases him for the mean time.
- On the other half of what he thinks, he does find it cute. While the others were struggling to catch your attention, he was merely sitting down and you're already beside him in a snap. He won't lie and say he doesn't claim some sort of power from it. It was also the fact that they were throwing compliments to you here and there—that's the part where he agrees the most knowing you deserved everything.
- Occasionally, he will show off his privileges. When it's raining and some people were waiting for the opportunity to offer you their umbrellas, Chifuyu is already smirking at how perfect it is. "Crap, I forgot mine." You cussed after looking into your bag. Your boyfriend has a coy smile on as he grabs his own umbrella before a group could even step up to talk.
Pulling you by the waist as he opens it, just by the sight of your smile—he knew no one else could do it like him. You sling your arm to wrap around his stomach. "Thanks, Chifuyu." You bid him while he looks at all the slumped faces of the others. "You wish that was you, huh?"
"What was that, Chi?"
"Nothing, babe!"
- He'd even get Baji to join in, which was miraculous that he even agreed. These two were up to no good anyway so when their walking to their classrooms, they're going by a script. "I heard you were gonna take Y/N to a picnic today." Baji says, emphasizing on the picnic while Chifuyu has on a smug smile.
"Yes, yes, indeed. We're gonna have soo much fun."
- He will steal your food but he's sending a tiny glare to the people at the cafeteria when he finds an exact favorite chocolate of yours. "How come they got all of them? Hmp." He huffs but he still threw one into his mouth while you chuckled.
- He, along with Baji, would scout the corners of the school when you're out to get something because he knew someone would be hot on your trail so when the two of them find you with a boy, standing oddly calm, they feel like they nailed their search. "I've been admiring you for a while and I'd really like to know you more." The boy said, which still was a bit surprising to you knowing he was also popular.
"I have a boyfriend so I will say no." You answered. He lets out a defeated sigh but before he could leave, you know those butterflies made from paper that can fly around and shit, he gives you one of those which unfortunately made you smile at how cool it was. Chifuyu scoffs in the background, even Baji was amazed, which leads your boyfriend to come out.
"Unoriginal." He argued just for you to hear. "Y/N likes it simple." He added while you held onto his shoulder.
"That is true."
- He would question if he should step up his own game. Everyone who likes you seems to outdo him and its weirdly pressuring him so the next time you have a date after school, he's switching from his uniform to a way fancier get up than his usual taste. So when you walk out of the stall from changing your own clothes, your eyes went straight to him.
"Chi, you look so good. Are we going to a restaurant?"
"No, just to movies, cutie."
"Hm, you sure you're comfortable in that?" You asked him, noticing how awkward his arms fit into the tight turtleneck and how fidgety he was at the neck, adjusting it so he doesn't choke. You shake your head, coming his way, handing him a jacket you used earlier. "Just wear this. Don't get me wrong—you're as handsome as always but I know you wouldn't want to sit two hours in that."
"You're right. Thanks, babe." Chifuyu says giving in with a kiss to your cheek.
- He wouldn't ask you if you were willing to date other people—that's gonna make him overthink the entire day so he settles for subtle signs of your possible answer. He also doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by how he thought of such a question so he'll stay low for now.
- Somehow, he does get the answer he's looking for when you're looking at the letters in your room, sighing at how many they are. "They sure are nice with all of these." You ranted but you leaned your head on his chest, smiling when he wraps his arms around you.
"But you're always the one, Chifuyu."
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐘𝐀 finds it adorable but he belittles just how your beauty was impacting onto his classmates. One time, he was simply leading the sewing club, checking everything they asked him to do, observing like usual but that was until a certain row of seats were lightly nudging each other when he walked pass them, endless chorus of mutters he can't comprehend since he was focused on helping someone. Much to their anxiousness, they actually stand behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.
He turns around, eyeing the envelope decorated in hearts in their hands as he sighs, realizing what was it about. "That's cute but-"
"Can you please give to this Y/N-san! We admire her so much!" They shout, bowing at him, shyness coming through their systems at how they asked your boyfriend. He stood frozen for three seconds, trying to register what happened but in the end, he smiles when he sees you open the door to their room, eyes intent on searching for his.
"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Mitsuya suddenly suggested, pointing to the door where you stood, waving at him as he ushers the two girls to go to you.
- He doesn't find it annoying or worth spending his jealousy on it. He finds himself in some of your admirers, looking like an absolute tool to be that in love with you and he definitely understands why they're all flustered to approach because he was the same.
- Because of the girls that were in his class that'd talk about you when he's with them, he feels like the sewing club began to be a fandom just for some of the members there. He's chuckling at every question they ask about you as if he was the president of your simp group. "Really? I bet Y/N-san looked amazing on your first date, Mitsuya-kun!"
"She was more than amazing. I even had my first kiss with her." He boasts while there was a mix of awes and envious sighs.
- He's going to encourage them to speak up to you. He finds it funny how they were hesitant to be around you so before you could leave him to go to your own club, he insists that you stay for some fan service. "Love, come here, I wanna show you something." Mitsuya says pulling you in the room as they take notice of your appearance, they're ushering to surround you two which makes him chuckle.
"This is so well done, Mitsu! Did you do this?" You asked, feeling through the fabric of the dress. He shakes his head, grabbing Kai from the audience to introduce you to her. "She's the designer."
"Oh I know you! Your work is amazing." You said, smiling at her while there are stars in her eyes as she holds your hand. "T-thank you!"
And no you didn't get to go to your club because you were caught up in the room with them.
- He's used to it by now. The girls weren't a problem to him seeing how they look up to you and all that but it even seems that his on their side. "Y/N's favorites? You wanna know?" He teases while they nod. "Fine fine, I'll tell but don't go stealing her and leaving me out."
- When it comes to guys confessing to you, he doesn't find it troublesome unless they're really pushy. He's spotted many letters in your locker, in your bag, even on your desk so if they settle for something like that, he won't have a problem with it.
- That is when someone gets too cocky to the point they're making too many moves and your uncomfortableness is invisible to their eye but it could never be like that for Mitsuya. When he sees you walking away but they insist that you pay attention to them, he's already pulling the guy off of you.
"I get that you like my girlfriend but pay some respect while you're at it." He comments with you behind him. "You okay, darling?" He whispers, turning to you when the boy left.
"Thank you, Takashi."
- He'd be the type to edge the boys that'd confess in front of you. He's in a corner, arms crossed while he eats a snack and it looks as if he was judging the boys performance. "You told her she looked beautiful twice. Don't you have any other compliment? Talk about her eyes then." He comments, pointing out a mistake while the other boy was dumbfounded.
- Everyone does take note of you having a boyfriend so it does shock him when suddenly they're giving him gifts too, especially when he thought they were meant to be given to you but was actually for him. You're just leaning on the door with a smile while he carries a paper bag from one of them. "Well aren't you famous?" You joked as he kisses your nose.
"You're one to talk, princess."
- He doesn't worry about you two breaking up or will he ever think about it because if he did, he can already feel the heartache that would consume him so he doesn't need to ask you for your preference from the number of possible suitors but he will make sure you're his regardless of what happens.
"Y/N, love, you dropped a letter. That's the last of your mail from your locker, you should give it a read." He says, pointing to the envelope to the floor so you pick it up, familiar at the handwriting as you read it, and every now and then—a smile tugs on your lips while he watches.
"Well, some guy named Mitsuya Takashi from TLE asked me to be his girlfriend." You commented, slinging your arms to his neck while he looks over the empty classroom. In return, he wraps his own to your waist, pulling you closer. "So what's your answer, Y/N?"
"I think he'd be an amazing boyfriend. Don't you think?"
"Oh absolutely."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999 @beezebub @l-luci @bekky06 @keiisukebaji @manjiroarchiviste @smileysmileysmiley @tendo-shairdye @toshiswifey @thispenguinrocks @kleesboom
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee @crapimahuman @meguroshi @floydenai @dai-tsukki-desu
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