#midlife unravelling
After two decades of research on shame, authenticity, and belonging, I'm convinced that loving ourselves is the most difficult and courageous thing we'll ever do.
Brene Brown, The Midlife Unraveling
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rainbow-0bsidian · 2 years
(From The Midlife Unraveling, by Brené Brown) What bubbles up from this internal turmoil is fantasy. We might glance over at a cheap motel while we’re driving down the highway and think, I’ll just check in and stay there until they come looking for me. Then they’ll know I’m losing my mind. Or maybe we’re standing in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when we suddenly find ourselves holding up a glass and wondering, Would my family take this struggle more seriously if I just started hurling all this shit through the window?...
...Many scholars have proposed that the struggle at midlife is about the fear that comes with our first true glimpse of mortality. Again, wishful thinking. Midlife is not about the fear of death. Midlife is death. Tearing down the walls that we spent our entire life building is death. Like it or not, at some point during midlife, you’re going down, and after that there are only two choices: staying down or enduring rebirth.
Here's the link to the full post! [x]
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
Web weave on shame ♡
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@fuckingwhateverdude \\ safia elhillo girls that never die: poems: "geneva" (via @feral-ballad) \\ cynthia cruz hotel oblivion: "fragment: verwüstung" (via @virginiewoolf) \\ nelly arcan burqa of skin (via @virginiewoolf) \\ leila chatti deluge: "questions directed toward the idea of mary" \\ bene brown the midlife unravelling
buy me a chai latte
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ser-estinien · 3 months
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The Stone Heart
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Persona 5 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist, Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira, Akechi Goro/Amamiya Ren Characters: Akechi Goro, Kurusu Akira, Original Child Character(s), Sakura Futaba (Persona Series), Takamaki Ann, Sakamoto Ryuji, Niijima Makoto, Sakura Sojiro, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Married Life, Domestic, Post-Canon, Future Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Frottage, Anxiety Attacks, Possessive Akechi Goro, Jealous Akechi Goro, Protective Akechi Goro, Choking, (The good kind), Jealousy, Possessive Sex, Emotional Sex, cw disneyland, Emotional Spiraling, Emotional Hurt, marriage issues, Hand Jobs, choking and introspection, Midlife Crisis, Car Sex, Edging, Tension, Arguing, Drunkenness, Non-Consensual Touching, Dubious Consent, Disparaging Comments, Trust Issues, anger issues, Mood Swings, Controlling Behavior, Physical Abuse, False Accusations, Ignored Safeword, Rape, Attempted Murder, things get worse before they get better, But they get better I promise, cognitive distortion, Mementos (Persona 5), Guilt, Forgiveness, Suicidal Thoughts, Breaking Up & Making Up, figuring out priorities in life, Dating, Falling In Love, (all over again), I'd like to reiterate:, Happy Ending Series: Part 2 of Buy my love, steal my heart Summary:
Akira is a husband to the love of his life - Goro Akechi -, a father to two beautiful daughters, and a successful chef and restaurant owner. Life is grand. It's better than he could have ever dreamed of when he was young. So why does it only take one night for him to feel like his happiness is seconds away from unraveling? What could possibly be lurking on the horizon, waiting to tear his entire life apart, and how can he possibly begin to pick the pieces up once it's in shreds?
 Sequel to The Nicest Touch.
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radical-revolution · 1 year
People may call what happens at midlife “a crisis,” but it’s not. It’s an unraveling—a time when you feel a desperate pull to live the life you want to live, not the one you’re “supposed” to live. The unraveling is a time when you are challenged by the universe to let go of who you think you are supposed to be and to embrace who you are.
—Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
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shhhsoftnwet · 4 months
Evilive gang rivalry AU
I really wished I can write but I can’t be good at everything now can I? All I can offer are short bulletpoint ideas I’m sorry 😔
Premise: What’ll happen if DYDS never broke up after getting rid of Moon Sangguk? Well, a decade later Doyoung became a business tycoon and Dongsoo became the new Minister of Justice of course. Eventually they managed to shed away their criminal lives behind, but not without a few painful sacrifices of course. Upon finding out what Dongsoo has done to achieve his goals, his family completely disappeared from his life and it took Doyoung 2 years waiting patiently for Dongsoo to get over the loss and reciprocate his feelings.
Life is very good for Seo Doyoung. He’s been running the Shinnam Ferry and Marine Casino well, his wealth in abundance, got his trophy husband of his dreams, even opened a baseball club for the youth…… yet everything feels so stagnant. Achieving his goals has given Doyoung midlife crisis. During dinner, they reminisced their past and how far they’ve become. Doyoung sorta missed the thrill and violence…
He decided to rebuild his criminal empire in secret, concealing his true identity as the boss to protect his current reputation, as well as to not worry Dongsoo and risk losing him. A decade hiatus is long enough for a new predator to rule over the underbelly of Shinnam. Feeling extremely competitive, Doyoung is determined to create havoc and overthrow his rival.
Doyoung’s new gang quickly gains notoriety and a violent turf war and sabotaging soon began. Doyoung learns that his rival’s modus operandi is very structured and their boss’ identity is also closely guarded, but after much spying and digging, he found out that most of the members used to be the now disbanded Family gang and Bae Jongha is their leader.
Doyoung and a few of his trusted men cornered Bae Jongha. Surprised by this unfavourable yet funny turn of events, Bae Jongha resentfully revealed that he’s just a puppet and refused to reveal his boss’ true identity to Doyoung out of spite. Feeling extremely irritated that he couldn’t get an answer from Bae Jongha, he rid him off.
It’s later revealed that…. /dramatic drumrolls/…. HAN DONGSOO IS THE TRUE BOSS OF THE RIVAL GANG!!! (I want it to be dramatic ok like Doyoung trying to vent under the pretence that he’s concerned about the rising turf wars in the news, and then Dongsoo tried to assure Doyoung that he’ll do something about it. Then after that he got a phone call informing him that they found Bae Jongha dead in a ditch!!)
At this point, the audience are left questioning whether Dongsoo knew that Doyoung is his rival and if he has any ulterior motives/grudges. However it is later revealed that he truly doesn’t know that his husband is his opp.
Bae Jongha’s death became a catalyst for both gangs to start hunting for the bosses’ true identities. Lotsa spy cams and trackers going on. At some point Doyoung got the scare of his life thinking his rival found his identity and tried to infiltrate his house and harm Dongsoo. He warned Dongsoo of the intruders, but Dongsoo managed to bluff his way out (apparently he’s not supposed to be home at the time), thinking that his rival gang ALSO found out about his true identity. (TLDR: they both thought their identities are uncovered while still unaware that they’re each other’s opps. Bae Jongha cry laughing in his grave at this comedy)
At some point however, Doyoung slowly realised that Dongsoo is the boss based on a tiny slip up/minor injury(?). Doyoung unravels his complicated feelings during their sexy time (with Dongsoo being dominant and choking him 👹👹) A part of him is thrilled of this diabolical and corrupted side of Dongsoo, a side of him that he sorely missed a decade ago. Yet a part of him is also extremely sick with paranoia, unsure of who is this man before him and wondered if this is Dongsoo’s plan to get rid of him after all.
Doyoung decided to hold an emergency meeting with his gang to plan their next move, only to receive a surprise ambush from Dongsoo’s gang. A lot of bloodshed happened, Doyoung solo fights a bunch of guys. Dongsoo is shocked to see his husband is his enemy, but Doyoung is too enraged by the entire situation to think properly.
They had an emotional one on one knife + fist fight and somehow managed to clear up their misunderstandings. They shed some tears, they makeout, maaaayyybbee being freaky while covered in blood idk, it’s gross and unhinged but beautifully poetic in a blood pact way. Now that the couple has come clean with each other of their wants and worries, their love is renewed with fiery passion. And maybe soon they’ll rebuild their criminal empire once more, together this time.
Yeah this is all I have…. If you wanna adopt it, go ahead like I can’t write proper sentences beautifully for shit. Just lemme know so I can read it 😭😭🙏
Anyways some things to elaborate on character motivations and why they choose to conceal their actions from their partners:
HDS: Dongsoo have always wanted to rule the criminal empire ever since they got rid of Moon Sangguk. However, upon spending some time listening to Doyoung’s experiences and understanding why he wanted to leave the criminal life behind him, as well as feeling grateful of Doyoung’s support during his difficult time accepting that his family had left him and paving a way for his current career, he decided to lead a double life to protect their peace and reputation.
SDY: Doyoung realises that achieving his goals is never going to fill the void and hunger in his heart. Doyoung missed the good old days, but he doesn’t want to bring anymore pain to Dongsoo’s life, not after seeing how broken he was after losing his family. The last thing Doyoung wanted is to lose him too. But Seo Doyoung is a selfish man, he will get the best of both worlds no matter what.
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simplysurviving89 · 9 months
first post explanation.
hey, so if you made it here .. congrats? turn around while you can? i guess i should explain a little more on why i created this account. So in the summer of 2022 two family members came to me and said they think somethings going on with my daughter and i should take her to the GP for an ASD referal, i got them to make lists of what theyd seen in her and i observed her and did the same, we took this to the GP who agreed, then contacted us a week later to say the referal was declined as it has to be school that do it. So off i went to make an appointment with school to talk it through, they had no SENCO teacher at this point and all i got from the headteacher was 'we havnt seen this in school, we havnt seen that in school, we wont see these traits because of this reason ...' .. basically felt like i was being fobbed off. He told me i could do a self referral to CAHMS as all the issues seemed to be at home. I tried this and they rejected me, stating the referral had to be through school. I messaged the headteacher this information and he didnt seem bothered. So i decied to wait until they did appoint a new SENCO, which was after christmas. At the next parents evening i raised my concerns with her school teacher (who was fab!), he straight away got me a meeting with the new SENCO, i talked over my concerns with her who listened to everything i had to say, agreed with parts and said a referral for an ASD assessment seems like the best route to take, from there they had to complete 2 terms worth of in school assessments, her teacher started noticing some of her anxieties, social queues, food issues etc, so now i have to wait until closer to christmas until their assessments are done, update my own referral pack and hand it in to them and then all this can be sent off to CAHMS. Then its onto the waiting list. While all this is going on i had my sister tell me she thinks i might be autistic too, and one of my close friends (whos husband is autistic) tells me she also sees traits in me. Well all this led my overactive brain into melting down over the last 6 months, i now feel like im going through a midlife crisis of who am i? do i even understand myself? has half my life been a lie? have i been masking all this time? how do i unravel all this and find the real me, how do i get back to a place where i feel content with myself. so here i am. if you made it this far you deserve a medal! all future posts will be updates on my thoughts, feelings, info dumping, a safe place to be myself and put the worries somewhere other than in my head.
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Goodbye, Hello.
2022 wasn’t my worst year, but it wasn’t a great year either. I’m calling it the beginning of what I imagine will be a decades-long midlife crisis. I felt like I was unraveling at the seams, drifting through space and time, with only that one small tether holding me in place. I was mentally absent, going through the motions, and not really knowing who I was or what I wanted to be. 2022 was the year I decided to give up on nursing. I gave up on bullet journaling. I gave up on art. I wasted a lot of time lying in bed. I felt so lost this year, and so listless. Nothing really made my heart sing. Everything kept slipping through the cracks.  
There were moments of genuine fun. I started camping, and hiking. I renovated my basement (sort of). I spent time playing video games with my fiancé. I found my wedding dress. I got two puppies. I read a lot of books. I wrote a little bit too.
I really focused on my nails as a hobby. So much so that I enrolled in an Advanced Manicuring course to be a licensed nail technician. That was until yesterday, however, when I quit abruptly. You see, everything is slipping through the cracks. I keep finding reasons to give up on everything. I can’t determine if those reasons are valid or not.
I applied for at least 100 jobs. I worked one job for a month and realized I hated it. The jury is still out for me on whether or not I am just lazy and can’t keep a job or if that job was really as bad as it seemed to me. I found a job I think I like. I enjoy being there, I like management. I feel like a big fish in a small pond, which is good for my mental health right now when I feel so small. My salary is great. I feel like there was no reason to try to be a nail technician, because they make so little money, and I wasn’t feeling good about what I was being taught.
The problem is, I have never given up on anything. I’ve given up on three things this year (nursing, the old but new job, and the “schooling”). I am trying to remind myself it’s not that I couldn’t hack it, but that I decided I deserved better. It’s just hard to tell myself that when my first thought is that there is always something wrong with me.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to find the words, and I want to be eloquent and philosophical, but my brain doesn’t work with me. I miss reading philosophy and ethics in college. I miss trying to understand all the reasoning. I miss learning things and feeling smart. Now I feel like a failure.
How can people say that I’m good at everything, when I feel like a failure at everything? Objectively, it’s true. My brain is a sponge. I pick up anything I want, and I figure it out, and I’m decent at it with little direction and experience. I have taught myself to paint, to draw, to sing, to play piano, to do makeup and hair and nails better than a cosmetologist.
This year, I taught myself acrylic nails, polygel nails, gel nails, and advanced nail art. I taught myself how to produce an entire song and it’s great. I taught myself how to paint a German smear wall, and how to lay flooring. I taught myself procreate so I could make my own wedding invitations.
I was blessed this year. Blessed that I barely worked, and we were able to live a good life. I was able to get everything I needed and more. I was able to have my midlife crisis without losing everything. I have an amazing fiancé who is so supportive and so loving and so kind. He understands me better than I understand myself. He is more supportive of my depression than I am. He doesn’t ever get tired or annoyed at me for having these problems. He is behind me 100% no matter what stupid thing I decide to do. He loves me more than I could ever love myself.   
This year, as uncomfortable as it made me, I really stood up for myself. I have become more assertive and I have become more demanding in the respect and time and dignity I deserve. I have tried my very best to figure out what it is I want, and how I will get there. I’m still working on that.
And now it’s 2023. I will be 29 this year, and maybe it will be the end of the world. Nevertheless, I wish this year for peace and tranquility. I wish for a subtle and gentle life. I wish for myself that I won’t worry about whether or not I am “good enough” or “successful enough” or if people think I am wasting my potential. I wish for myself that I will be able to spend more days out of bed. That I will spend more time with my family. That I will spend more time on enjoying my hobbies without feeling guilty for wasting time. I wish for myself that I don’t have to have “something to show” for everything I do. Sometimes, I can just do.
Maybe I don’t have to prove anything to anyone or even myself this year. Maybe I can just enjoy this life I have been given, and be thankful for everything God has done for me over the years to get me to where I am. Maybe I can let go of all the things I’ve done, or had done to me in my past, and I can just be present in the moment.
This year, I get married. Maybe I can just enjoy the fun that comes with planning the wedding. Maybe I can spend more time loving my fiancé and showing him how much he means to me. Maybe I can finally write that song for him.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Happy STS!! Tell me more about Eddie and Fred's sibling dynamic :D
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
Fred is 8 years older than Eddie (~the same amount older as my sister is than me). Dido, their mother is [redacted, read: unfit] from before Eddie's birth, and [redacted, read: absent] from when Fred is 14 and Eddie is 6. Angel, their father begins disappearing when Fred is 12 and Eddie is 4. Gradually, he disappears more and more frequently and for longer periods of time, until he disappears seemingly for good when Fred is 19 and Eddie is 11 (that is ~12½ years before CTM takes place). Because of this, Fred is - functionally speaking - basically Eddie's parent.
Fred is obviously pretty fucked up about this. Being a parent at 19 is bad enough, but 14? 12? Yikes. For a very long time, xe fully suppressed any thought or emotion that was not what was the most pragmatic thing for xem to think or feel. Now that Eddie is an adult and should be able to take care of herself, Fred is kind of unraveling and... basically having what amounts to a midlife crisis at the tender age of 31. Xe is at a stage where xe is sort of breaking out of that repression, but hasn't yet got to a healthy balance - and isn't really changing on purpose either. So, xe will go out and be incredibly reckless and wild with near strangers, and then immediately go home to Eddie and try to embody the Mother-AND-Father person xe's been in the past.
On the other hand, Eddie has severe Depression and is heavily dependent on alcohol. So yes, she is an adult, and yes she could conceivably take care of herself. However, she's not quite able to actually do it. Fred still gets her out of bed most days, feeds her, reminds her to change her sheets, etc. And Eddie is quite self-centered as well, and has no concept of the fact that Fred has xyr own struggles and xyr positive attitude is put-on for her benefit.
They also run their detective business together. Fred mostly deals with the clients because xe is personable, comforting, etc. Eddie deals with the books because she's logical, analytic, etc. Because of the cases they tend to get, usually Fred uses xyr gift of Scrying purposefully for the job. Sometimes them being Clairvoyant isn't really relevant at all (like, say, in a case of infidelity where you mostly just follow somebody and take pictures of them). Generally speaking, before CTM they don't use Eddie's gift of Seeing for their work - at least not intentionally. Until CTM, they don't really have any work-related disagreements, except for Eddie's general ennui with... uh, everything.
They own a two-family house, with one half being their workplace and one half the home in which they live together. As Latinos it's pretty normal to live with family indefinitely, and neither of them has any intention or desire to move out.
Part of Eddie's character development is recognizing other people's suffering and that hers is not necessarily greater, particularly concerning Fred. Part of Fred's development is to give Eddie a little more room to fail and grow.
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txemrn · 2 years
Guess who!! I'm ready for some tna analysis from you!!!! What did you think of the chapter ?? I think it's weird we don't have an explanation yet. Hello?? Dead woman walking. Anyone else freaked out??
Hey, anon! I'm so excited! One of my TNA Askers! Welcome home! I'm so glad you're back with book 3! And omg ... I am still unraveling from that first chapter... shall we discuss? 😁
I love that you bring up that we don't have an explanation yet of Addison's reappearance. If the love of my life died and came back REGARDLESS if she's a heartless bitch and abandoned the family or if she was taken captive or ... whatever... why are we not trying to figure this out? Why are we playing in the snow like it's nothing? Is this a normal thing for Sam? Women claiming to be his dead wife?
I could be wrong, but this DNA testing is such bullshit. No offense to those who think this, but I think the plot of it being a body double, a twin or someone who had plastic surgery is so lazy and ridiculous. If that happens, then okay... but I'll be pissed. LOL
But then again, Sammy claims he saw her in the morgue... I'm assuming they also did tests then (or did they get a payout from Daddy Dalton too)? OR... Does Sam know (this would be SO RICH, y'all... it's not gonna happen, but can you imagine!?)?
Also, if it's his lawyers doing the testing, why are they giving her the results?
I'm sure we all picked up on this: The Daltons told homegirl where Sammy was! Survey says THEY'RE IN ON IT!
Random thought: I think Sammy was Sam Dalton's persona before his wife "died" (remember: in the previous books, his dad was concerned about him being a little too wild; he was a risk taker; and now: workaholic).
Of course, MC knows how to fix everything. She has all the answers, including how to talk to the twins about their not-so-dead mother. Don't get me wrong: these are difficult discussions, and I am glad that the twins have SOMEONE to talk to about it. I feel like the only thing Sam knows about children is how to make them... but hey, wouldn't that be a fun plot twist (and by fun, I mean dumpster fire)? The twins aren't even his.
Red Flag #1763 for Sam Dalton: I want to preface this with I AM NOT DEFENDING ADDISON. We don't know her story; it's not looking so good.
But what the hell? MC comes to Sam during their cabin getaway to talk about Addison... they are literally on a getaway. Nothing else to do. Winter break. Vacay.
"...I know this must be awful for you, and haven't had much time to talk about directly." WHY NOT? WHY AREN'T WE TALKING!? DISMOUNT, GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF HIS ASS AND TALK!
"...something in my gut is telling me it's really Addison." SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GREAT LOVE... have they even talked to her? Don't you think if they had a conversation together, he'd be able to tell? 5 years is nothing ...
And then... this entire exchange... *eye twitches*
MC: "Addison was your wife. I know you loved her once, and now that she's back..." (MC gets it; they were all still feeling the grief of Addison's loss 6 months ago when when MC took the nanny job...)
Sam: You are the one I want by my side... I mourned Addison and moved on. Her coming back, if it really is her, doesn't change.
Y'all... this makes me so sick. They weren't broken up. They hadn't divorced. She had "died"... imagine the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE dying and now they are back. Obviously, we have a TON of questions (and it's looking like Addison abandoned the family with maybe a rich payout). I don't expect Sam to be like... "Gee, I don't know MC, I guess I don't love you anymore." But, I'm not impressed.
Also, (I was asked this on FB) I don't fault Addison for not smiling at MC. LOL She probably sees MC as her husband's midlife crisis (which... *ahem*)
Of course, MC is gonna condone more pranks and now fibbing.
And one. last. thought (if you've made it this far)... those precious babies. UGH... just... my heart. Is she Mom or is she Addison? Do they want to see her or do they not? This has got to be so friggin confusing and my heart just breaks for them... this is so ugly for them.
Whew... talk about a ramble. I know there are PLENTY of people who disagree with me, and that is 100% okay.
Thank you so, so much for the Ask! I'm so happy you're back! And as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
*big ol hugs* 💜
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wisteriashq · 5 days
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The Ice Queen (inspired by Bree Van De Kamp) || Age: mid to late 30s || FC: UTP || Open
“When is your midlife crisis going to end, because it's really starting to tick me off!”
Meet The Ice Queen, age 35, the epitome of perfection in every aspect of her life. With fiery red hair flawlessly styled in either a sleek bob or an elegant updo, her piercing blue eyes miss nothing in their sharp observations. Standing tall at 5’7” with a slim, toned figure that exudes poise, Her tailored wardrobe of elegant dresses, blouses, pencil skirts, and pearls presents a polished facade, belying the storm of emotions swirling within.
Outwardly, she exudes control and precision, priding herself on flawlessly managing her household and appearance. Every aspect of her life reflects discipline and propriety as she upholds traditional values with unwavering dedication. Yet, beneath the surface of perfection lies a hidden world of pressure and fear of failure, where she battles her inner demons, sheltering her vulnerabilities behind a meticulously crafted mask.
Married to the successful surgeon The Tormented Husband, with two children, her marriage is a delicate dance of control and resentment. Raised in a strict environment that ingrained in her the importance of discipline, she now struggles to balance her desire for perfection with the chaos of family life. Despite her culinary expertise and impeccable hosting skills, the battle with her laid-back husband and rebellious children rages on, fueled by her relentless quest for flawlessness.
In her pursuit of balance between control and imperfection, her dreams of a harmonious family life and recognition beyond her domestic talents. As she navigates the complexities of her relationships and strives to break free from the shackles of her self-imposed standards, she faces a gripping internal turmoil that threatens to unravel the carefully constructed facade of perfection.
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ser-estinien · 5 days
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The Stone Heart
Chapters: 8/10 Fandom: Persona 5 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist, Akechi Goro/Kurusu Akira, Akechi Goro/Amamiya Ren Characters: Akechi Goro, Kurusu Akira, Original Child Character(s), Sakura Futaba (Persona Series), Takamaki Ann, Sakamoto Ryuji, Niijima Makoto, Sakura Sojiro, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Married Life, Domestic, Post-Canon, Future Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Frottage, Anxiety Attacks, Possessive Akechi Goro, Jealous Akechi Goro, Protective Akechi Goro, Choking, (The good kind), Jealousy, Possessive Sex, Emotional Sex, cw disneyland, Emotional Spiraling, Emotional Hurt, marriage issues, Hand Jobs, choking and introspection, Midlife Crisis, Car Sex, Edging, Tension, Arguing, Drunkenness, Non-Consensual Touching, Dubious Consent, Disparaging Comments, Trust Issues, anger issues, Mood Swings, Controlling Behavior, Physical Abuse, False Accusations, Ignored Safeword, Rape, Attempted Murder, things get worse before they get better, But they get better I promise, cognitive distortion, Mementos (Persona 5), Guilt, Forgiveness, Suicidal Thoughts, Breaking Up & Making Up, figuring out priorities in life, Dating, Falling In Love, (all over again), I'd like to reiterate:, Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Blood and Injury, violent imagery Series: Part 2 of Buy my love, steal my heart Summary:
Akira is a husband to the love of his life - Goro Akechi -, a father to two beautiful daughters, and a successful chef and restaurant owner. Life is grand. It's better than he could have ever dreamed of when he was young. So why does it only take one night for him to feel like his happiness is seconds away from unraveling? What could possibly be lurking on the horizon, waiting to tear his entire life apart, and how can he possibly begin to pick the pieces up once it's in shreds?
 Sequel to The Nicest Touch.
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kmp78 · 24 days
Vk posts about her birthday for about a week so she would hav five ceremonies if she could.
Well she's turning the big 3-0 in a couple of weeks so unless she's completely unraveling with a midlife crisis, she's gonna be spewing out posts left and right... 🥳
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 3 months
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Head's up PWF fans: there's a new witch in town...New Witch in Town by Brenda Trim and Tia Didmon is now live!! Universal: https://geni.us/NewWitch
Read it #free with your #KindleUnlimited subscription!
A vicious attack. A heartbreaking choice. A new beginning.
When my husband is attacked by a vampire, and the only way to save him is to turn him into a creature of the night, I embark on a mission to find his killer.
With the help of my new friends, I unravel a conspiracy within the Shrouded Nation and am forced to turn to my ancestral power. But that connection has eternal consequences for both me and my daughter and I make a promise, I'm not sure I can keep.
Will I be able to accept the changes in my husband before it's too late, or have I simply postponed the inevitable?
Find out what lurks in the shadows of Ravenholde by reading New Witch in Town the new Paranormal Women's Fiction series readers are comparing to Shannon Mayer, K.F. Breene, and Victoria Dannan.
One click to continue this Magical Midlife adventure now!
About The Authors
A USA Today bestselling author, Brenda loves everything paranormal. She has co-authored over twenty-five books in the best-selling Dark Warrior Alliance series, as well as the Hollow Rock Shifters series. She also has best-selling solo titles readers are raving about. Brenda created worlds that feature dangerously handsome heroes and feisty heroines. With the help of popcorn and candy, she takes dragons, fairies, witches, vampires, and so much more and brings them to life. She lives in Texas with her husband and three kids who fuel not only her heart but her life. If she's not writing, she's reading, traveling, or knee-deep in projects with her husband and five sisters. She encourages readers to Dream Big. If your dreams don't terrify and electrify you then they aren't big enough!  
Tia Didmon is a USA Today bestselling author of provocative paranormal romance. When Tia isn't busy writing about sexy shifters and dreamy demons, she spends her time binge watching The Order and reruns of The Vampire Diaries, cooking with her daughter, and serving her cat. Her love of writing stems from a self-diagnosed book addiction.  Subscribe to Tia's newsletter at tiadidmon.com for a free book and start your journey through Tia's supernatural world today!  Find Them Both Online! https://www.brendatrim.com https://tiadidmon.com
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louishawkins671 · 5 months
Navigating the Lifespan: A Visual Guide to Term Life Insurance Rates by Age
Life insurance is a crucial component of financial planning, providing a safety net for loved ones in the event of an individual's passing. Among the various types of life insurance, term life insurance stands out as a popular and straightforward option. However, term life insurance rates vary significantly based on age, making it essential for individuals to navigate this dynamic landscape effectively. This exploration serves as a visual guide to term life insurance rates by age, unraveling the nuances and offering insights to help individuals make informed decisions at different stages of life.
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The Youth Advantage: Affordable Rates for the Young
In the early stages of adulthood, individuals often enjoy the advantage of more affordable term life insurance rates. Insurance providers consider younger age groups, typically those in their 20s and 30s, as lower risk due to factors such as good health and a longer life expectancy. Consequently, term life insurance rates during this period tend to be relatively low compared to later stages in life.
A visual representation of term life insurance rates by age during the youth phase would depict a downward curve, reflecting the favorable pricing for younger policyholders. This is an opportune time for individuals to secure coverage at a cost-effective rate, providing financial protection without straining their budget.
Midlife Considerations: Balancing Cost and Coverage
As individuals progress into their 40s and 50s, term life insurance rates undergo a subtle shift. While still within a reasonable range, premiums tend to increase compared to the lower rates offered to the younger demographic. This midlife phase becomes a critical juncture for individuals to assess their insurance needs and strike a balance between cost and coverage.
The visual representation of term life insurance rates during the midlife stage might depict a gentle incline, indicating the gradual increase in premiums. This period prompts individuals to consider factors such as family responsibilities, financial obligations, and long-term goals when determining the appropriate coverage amount. While rates are higher than in the youth phase, they remain relatively manageable for many individuals in their 40s and 50s.
The Golden Years: Navigating Higher Premiums
As individuals enter their golden years, typically beyond the age of 60, term life insurance rates can experience a more noticeable increase. The visual depiction of term life insurance rates during this stage might reveal a steeper upward curve, signaling the higher premiums associated with age-related risk factors.
Insurance providers, acknowledging the increased likelihood of health issues and mortality as individuals age, adjust rates accordingly. While term life insurance may still be available, the cost becomes a more significant consideration. During this stage, individuals might explore alternative insurance options or reassess their coverage needs based on evolving circumstances.
Factors Influencing Age-Related Rate Changes
Several factors contribute to the age-related changes in term life insurance rates. Understanding these factors is crucial for individuals navigating the lifespan and making informed decisions about coverage. The key influences include:
Health Status: As individuals age, the likelihood of developing health issues increases. Insurance providers assess an individual's health status and medical history to determine the level of risk, impacting the cost of term life insurance.
Mortality Risk: The statistical probability of mortality rises with age. Insurance rates reflect this increased risk, with higher premiums for older individuals.
Life Expectancy: Term life insurance rates are influenced by life expectancy calculations. Younger individuals, with a longer life expectancy, are considered lower risk, leading to more favorable rates.
Industry Trends: Changes in industry trends, economic conditions, and advancements in medical technology can also influence term life insurance rates by age.
Strategies for Navigating Age-Related Rate Changes
While age is a significant factor in term life insurance rates, individuals can employ strategies to navigate age-related changes effectively:
Early Planning: Securing term life insurance at a younger age allows individuals to lock in more affordable rates. Early planning provides a financial advantage and ensures coverage is in place during the early stages of life.
Regular Policy Reviews: Periodic reviews of term life insurance policies enable individuals to reassess coverage needs and explore options that align with their current stage in life.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine health check-ups, can positively impact insurability and help mitigate the impact of age-related rate increases.
Exploring Alternative Options: As individuals enter their golden years, exploring alternative insurance options such as guaranteed issue or final expense insurance can provide viable alternatives to traditional term life insurance.
Conclusion: Navigating the Lifespan with Informed Choices
A visual guide to "term life insurance rates by age chart" illuminates the trajectory of premiums throughout the lifespan. From the advantageous pricing for the young to the considerations in midlife and the challenges of the golden years, individuals can navigate this dynamic landscape with informed choices.
Understanding the age-related factors influencing term life insurance rates empowers individuals to plan strategically, securing coverage that aligns with their needs and budget. As individuals embark on this journey, armed with insights into the visual representation of rates at different life stages, they can make decisions that provide financial security and peace of mind throughout the various phases of life.
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thombyxbe · 9 months
Unraveling the Myth: Is Midlife Crisis Real?
In a world perpetually spinning on its axis of expectations and societal norms, the concept of a midlife crisis emerges as a vivid disruption, an undeniable storm in the calm of adulthood. Yet, before we dive headlong into this tumultuous sea of change, let’s lay bare the truths that simmer beneath the surface. Midlife crisis, that enigmatic tempest that’s often dismissed as a modern conundrum,…
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