#mickey milkovich is a fucking MOOD
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An exchange between me and my husband when he asked "when did we start buying 2% milk instead of 1%?"
After I had been awake for 15 minutes and on 5 hours of sleep
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crestfallercanyon · 7 months
I think Ian would love when Mickey takes long showers.
The rest of the Gallaghers try to complain, and Ian would shut that shit down immediately. Mickey rarely does something so self-indulgent that isn't, y'know, a violent impulse. This is something that no one else gets to see, this isn't Mickey putting on a toughness show, this isn't anything but Mickey taking care of Mickey and Ian loves that for him. Wants him to have that for as long as he can.
Because here's the thing -- Ian remembers the filthy dirty boy he used to fuck in the Kash and Grab.
While Ian never judged Mickey for it (hell, who hasn't experienced a water shut off or heater shortage in Southside?) he knew that Mickey experienced it worst than most. Half the neighborhood called Mickey smelly for fuck's sake, it was well known that Mickey was not clean.
I also imagine Mickey had to fake-it-til-you-make-it in feeling okay with being that dirty. He stopped taking frequent showers or bothering with any hygiene products because he knew the Milkoviches only had so much hot water (or water in general). Terry got first dibs because if he didn't get what he wanted then his piss-poor mood would dictate how everyone's day's went.
Then, Mickey gave next priority to Mandy. Mandy's a girl, which when he was younger didn't really mean anything to him, until she came home wildly upset about being dirty, about how all the girls wouldn't stop pointing out how awful she smelled, how she got her period and the bloodstains were still in her clothes and she didn't have enough water to clean them out but she didn't have any more clean clothes, and fuck, Mickey realized girls were fucking mean when it came to shit like that, and Mickey never wanted her to deal with that ever again. After that, Mickey made sure Mandy had enough water to stay clean, to be orderly, because Mandy cared and Mandy deserved to feel good about herself.
If his brothers were home, they'd get it next, because they somehow always smelled worse than Mickey did. However, that was rarely a problem, and a lot of the time after Terry and Mandy they didn't really have much left in the tank anyway.
So Mickey learned to not care. Not care about being gross and disgusting and feeling itchy at times. To smell clothes and while it was sharp to his nose it was whatever. So something gave him a rash once, he can fucking live. Everyone seems to look at him like he's even more dangerous when he's filthy, so it comes with its own perks, right? Who cares if some nights he couldn't really sleep. He's a kid, and who fucking cares, he's probably not living that long anyway.
But as Mickey starts having more people care about him (and care more about himself in turn) things change in his head. Even when he comes back in season 7, he is nowhere near as covered in dirt as he was when he was young. And while some of this can be chalked up to not being a kid anymore, that's certainly not most of it. The self-loathing he had no longer manifests so outwardly, he's no longer living in a burn out and die young mindset, and he's got people who he gives a shit what they think about him. He wants to try to like himself the way other people (Ian) likes him. Which means being fucking clean.
So he starts to take long showers. And he realizes that, yeah, he likes the feel of having hot water on him, melting the day away. Likes having the assurance that he can have this without being covered in blood and needing to medically clean out the wound (if he'd even do it then). He likes... taking showers. Being clean. Having clean clothes. And Ian, of course, notices.
So, when Ian can hear Mickey taking a shower, and taking his fucking time and actually taking care of himself, Ian freaking loves it. Doesn't let anyone bother Mickey about the water, doesn't let anyone tell him what soaps to use or not use. It's all for his disposal.
And when Mickey's done, Ian will open the door and join Mickey in with the steamy bathroom. Before Mickey can utter a single word about it (most days he'll try to crack something self-deprecating, not quite broaching sorry but as close as he usually gets; on particularly vulnerable days he will try to genuinely apologize) Ian kisses him. Tells him he smells good. Tells him he looks good. Ian's a big fan of positive reinforcement. He's also a big fan of the smile on Mickey's face when he's feeling good about himself.
Ian of course wishes he could get Mickey to feel good about himself every day, but, it's a work in progress just like everything else. Mickey's got to unlearn a childhood built on the belief that he was barely worth garbage. That takes time. Ian gets it.
An easy place to start, though? Enjoying when his man takes his long hot showers.
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kandyzee · 3 months
So gonna be ranting about this mf on twitter
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Major Ian gallagher defence coming.
OKAH FIRST Ian 100% deserves mickey the same way mickey deserves Ian. When mickey is first introduced he is a homophobic closet case with no support system by the end of the show he is happily married to his fucking high-school sweetheart with his own apartment in a nice area and he has his own business. HE HAS ALL OF THAT BECAUSE OF IAN. Ian became mickeys support system and was always pushing him to become a better person. He shows mickey that he's not 'fucked for life' and he trys his hardest to protect him. Even if the way Ian did it , he got mickey to come out. Mickey needed that push. U think he would have come out if he didn't have someone he loves telling him to?
Now the cheating. The only time Ian cheats on mickey is during his manic episode in s4/5 AND HE GOT HELP AFTER. It's crazy to me that people don't think Ian regrets that and seriously use it as a reason to hate Ian. U better hate fiona and Debbie and Lip too. Yk what better hate mickey too cause he did have a wife and boyfriend (this is a joke don't kill me)
Ian not signing the marriage papers is upsetting but it's not hard to understand why he did it. Ian grew up around frank and Monica , his main representation of marriage is an absolute shit show. He's scared of turning his relationship with the man he loves into that. This is an expected fear from Ian given his worries about being like his mum. He doesn't want to complicate things. And he talks to mickey about this. Ian not signing isn't him being horrible it's his way of trying to protect mickey from himself because he loves mick.
And Ian is always trying to protect mickey, he backs him up in fights, when mickey breaks out of prison he doesn't go to the cops, he breaks up with mickey when he thinks their relationship is hurting him, he tells lip "hit my husband again and I'll fucking kill you". CLEARLY PROTECTIVE.
I don't have ss but mf was also like "Ian laughs at mickey being raped" so talking about that now.
The first time Ian "laughs at him" is in s3 when he tries to talk to mickey right after it happens. I don't think it takes a genius to know that Ian was trying to lighten the mood, not laugh AT mickey. He was also traumatised when Terry catching them happened. He laughs nervously because he has no clue how to navigate a situation like that at such a young age. He's a child making a badly timed, uncomfortable joke because he watched something terrible happen.
The second time Ian does this is with Caleb. During his relationship with caleb, Ian tries to convince himself that mickey was bad for him a few times. Making yourself hate someone is a lot easier than accepting the fact that they are gone. He shouldn't be telling someone he basically just met about that, but in his defence, he's talking about something he probably feels happened to him as well. Ian is affected by all that happened with mickey, and it makes sense that he tells people. In the same way, it would make sense for svetlana to tell people about the day it does for Ian too. All 3 are victims of Terry. Ian also has people telling him how bad mickey is all the time (mainly fiona tbh what if her problem with the milkovichs ) so he's trying to believe that, a easy way to do that is get validation from someone who hasn't been been around mickey. Caleb has never met mick, he has no reason to try defend him. I also don't really think what Ian was saying was making fun of mickey, it's not nice but yk?
This is getting long omg
On him being ugly
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Cameron monaghan is GORGEOUS. He is the definition of cutie pie AND fine as fuck.
When mickey punches Ian because he didn't sign the marriage papers, HE DID NOT HAVE IT COMING. No one deserves to be hit by their partner. I mean, Jesus crist mickey literally broke his leg. His is probably the worst aspect of their relationship by that I mean the violence. A lot of it is playful, but it's not always healthy. Mickey was understandably upset but he shouldn't have hit Ian.
Okayyy now the hall of shame stuff. To me, that shit doesn't count cause Ian and mickey both act kinda out of character. I really don't like Ian saying that, and he shouldn't, but it's hardly a reason for Ian not to deserve mick. 87% is still the majority of his heart, and Ian wasn't saying he doesn't love mickey. Also acting like mickey hasn't said worst things.
"Ur nothing but a warm mouth to me"
"better than going off and having another bipolar episode"
LAST THING. Yes, mickey sacrifices a lot for Ian, like when he goes to prison for him, but not everyone shows love through large reckless actions. You shouldn't expect Ian to give things up to prove he loves mickey. Sacrifice isn't the only way to show affection. U can do it through words or gifts or quality time. Ian shows his love a lot through words, like when he tells mickey, "we have nothing to be ashamed of" early as s2. He makes him feel better when mickey is scared he would be a bad dad.
Ian gallagher haters are DUMB . Some people shouldn't be allowed to watch shameless cause how can u be so small-minded. People who say 1 of them doesn't deserve the other are just aggravating. Gallavich has a lot of ups and downs, and its part of what makes them so appealing. Despite all the bad things they go through, they always love and fight for each other.
Rant over
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moonschocolate · 3 days
Frank's past - we got to see how he is right now, so basically a degenerate father who doesn't do nothing, or at least not if there's any money or alcohol involved, but before meeting monica he was so much more than that, and honestly i want to see young frank and then his encounter with monica, and maybe something about his family too becaue we also know about how terrible his mom was to him, and how his dad made him wear dresses because he wanted him to. He did a lot of shitty things, but I still can't say I hate him, he still has some (0.00001% of him) good in him.
Gallavich years later - We've got a lot of Gallavich content (NOT ENOUGH) but what about Gallavich adobting a baby. What about Mickey being an INCREDIBLE father to the baby (not that Ian wouldn't cause we've seen him with Yevgeni but MICKEY??!!? He'd be a great father if he'd care about the baby, he didn't like yevgeni because of the way he was born), and yeah. Just gallavich as 30 y/o men raising a boy. i need this + them when they find out he has a girlfriend like- "we raised you better than that" HWHDHHHQHQAHHSHAHAHAH
Whatever the fuck was up with Mandy - WE. DIDN'T. SEE. HER. ENOUGH. We should've known more about Mandy and that BITCH she "was with". How he treated her. Why he treated her that way. How it affected her. NOTHING. Just some frames of her injured with Ian worrying about her. NADA.
Milkovich past - We get many hints about how shitty Terry was but what about seeing little happy Mickey and Mandy having their mood ruined by Terry. What about how they reacted. If they've never tried to talk back or if they were always silent recieving "what he had to give." Especially Terry r*ping Mandy. (yes I love angst) (yes i want even more reasons to be mad at terry)
Fiona in the future - Where is she? Does she have a boyfriend? Is she married? Has life being going okay? Has anyone been visiting her? is she still talking regularly with V? I know that Emmy left, but it still makes me mad how she was barely mentioned in two whole seasons.
Monica's past - Has she been like that since her teens? What was her relationship with herself being bipolar when she first found out? Was her family shitty like all the people's families in the show? Did she love Frank too? I need answers.
Thank you for listening to my yapping session. :)
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jademickian · 9 months
Galladrabbles: Sworn Enemy
This week’s @galladrabbles prompt is sponsored by @sickness-health-all-that-shit! Here’s some highschool gallavich.
Mr. Gomez had just let him out of the disciplinary office pouting, hands in pockets, and stomping away. Ian’s been waiting behind the lockers, bag slung on one shoulder, intrigued about which menacing event Milkovich caused this time. Ian trots to him and
“Hey, Mickey!”
“Fuck off, Gallagher,” the boy replied almost immediately, not chancing a look at the instigator.
“What’s it this time?”
“None of your damn business.”
“I heard there was chair breaking in the 8A room.”
“If you don’t shut up, I’ll be in a neck-breaking mood next.”
“Chairs your sworn enemy or something?”
This guy’s unbelievable. “Yeah, and I’ll add you to the fucking list.”
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
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caught in the act by gallawitch | rated: M | 2K
Mickey's had a shitty day. The cure? A beer at home with his husband and their teenage kid. But he never expected that his daughter would have a house guest...
a sweet anon popped into my inbox asking "if [i] could write something about if maybe mick and ian had a daughter and one day they left her home alone and came back to her fooling around on the couch with a boy? or a girl." why they think i'm the person to write galladads, i'll never know... but i tried anon! i really tried! especially because my sweet precious goblin king nosho's (@creepkinginc) birthday prompts were: fluff with slice of life. SO. here are some fluffy dads! i love you nosho! i love you anon! xx
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It's been a fucking shitty day.
Mickey throws open the front door with all of the force he can muster, ignoring the flare of pain in his bad shoulder. Stupid thing’s been acting up again since the weather’s turned cold. 
The metal of the doorknob cracks against the plaster of the wall in their entryway, and Ian winces. “Mick—“
“Not now, Ian,” Mickey barks. 
[ read the rest below the cut or here on ao3]
What he wants to say is, Fuck off, Gallagher, but they’ve spent over two decades together, and can at least be on a first name basis. Plus, he’s been trying to work on his reactions to things. Be less hot-headed and more thoughtful, or whatever the fuck. But he’s almost at the end of his rope, his fuse already lit and rapidly burning down thanks to a frustrating combination of idiot clients and useless new hires. 
It’s days like today that have him wondering why exactly he thought he wanted to run a business. Be somebody’s boss. Be responsible for keeping the lights on and the customers happy. Even though he's been doing this for years, he can't help but think that it was a lot easier when he was running drugs and whores.
Louder, though, and he's become accustomed to the quiet.
He needs a fucking beer. 
Two maybe, he thinks as he toes off his boots. Shoves them in his designated cubby in the hall closet like the little domestic bitch he is. Even steps out of the way so that Ian can come up beside him and drop his own shoes off. 
Mickey’s not mad at him. No reason to be, they don't even work together anymore. Haven't in years. But Ian'd offered to pick him up after his shift at the new hospital downtown, and he'd stepped right into the crosshairs of an already terrible mood. Mickey just needs a minute to unwind.
Before either of them can say anything further, a slight whimper, of all things, wafts towards them.
Mickey cranes his neck to see further into the house, his rage quickly finding a new target. He feels Ian’s chest close to his back, and lifts a finger to his lips.
Other sounds follow—a hitched breath, the shifting of bodies against the soft, leather of their new couch (a splurge purchase made when all kids and dogs had been sufficiently trained up and housebroken), a small, wet pop that makes Mickey's spine curl.
He catches Ian’s curious stare, their shoulders raising as they make their way to the living room. It all feels familiar, yet odd. Been a while since either of them had their shackles up. The Southside even feels somewhat safe these days, thanks to a new generation of kids and a bunch of gentrifying motherfuckers. 
So it comes as a surprise to see someone strange in their house, making slick noises on their furniture, sticking their tongue down their daughter’s—
“Oh, hell no! You gotta be shitting me!” Mickey yells, Ian right at his heels.
The kid leaps to his feet, his shoulder-length hair as disheveled as his button-down; his eyes and his boner bulging in tandem. He looks to Mickey, horror-stricken, then glances at Ian before looking down towards the girl on the couch: sixteen-year-old Josephine Gallagher-Milkovich, bright red hair sprawled out beneath her wide, green eyes.
“Hey Dad…” she says, shrugging just slightly.
Mickey’s blood boils. “Hey Dad?! Jo, what the fuck?”
She scrambles to sit up, grabbing the blanket at the end of the couch to cover herself, despite being fully clothed. 
Thank Christ.
“I think you should probably leave,” Ian chimes in, pulling Mickey’s attention back to the kid wilting silently to his left. “Door’s just that way.”
“That’s a good fucking idea,” Mickey yells. He takes a step forward and crosses his arms, settling into a wide stance. “Better yet, let’s make sure I never see you again. Got it, Pimple Puss?”
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir,” the kid mumbles, shoving on his shoes at lightening speed. He stands, looking at them both. “Uh, Sirs.”
“Yeah, yeah, get the fuck outta here!” Mickey reiterates as the kid runs past him. Mickey swings back around towards his daughter, who has dared to stand up while his back was turned. “Not so fast! You better stay right where you are.”
She freezes, her eyes wandering to Ian. The door slams shut behind them, and he jumps a bit. Shrugs. Shakes off her stare. He wants to be the one to come through for her, soften the blow of what’s about to happen, but he can’t. His hands are tied. Instead, he reaches for Mickey’s wrist, turning him slightly. 
Warm green eyes catch his ice-cold stare.
“Mickey, think about this,” he whispers. His gaze is sweet, and he rubs a little circle with his thumb across Mickey’s pulse-point. It’s soothing, and it brings Mickey back into his body for a moment. Back to the present. Back from another day, in another house, when it was them getting caught. 
Fuck, he hadn’t visited that memory in a while. Didn’t even realize he’d slipped there now until Ian’s breath ghosted his temple, his words evoking yet another day with the same captor. The gun in his hand that time. His eyes wild. Mick, pause.
Mickey sniffs. Gives Ian a curt nod, sucking his lip between his teeth, and preparing to face his dumbass daughter again. “Give us a minute?”
Ian squeezes his wrist, “Course.”
Jo opens her mouth in protest, but closes it again off of Ian’s look. She’s sure he’ll have his own shit to say about the state she’s been discovered in—the rules, and the trust that she knows she’s broken—but that’s sure to be a calmer conversation. Less at stake, and everybody knows it.
“Gonna order us a pizza, I’m starving,” Ian calls behind him as he leaves his two most cherished people to hash it out.
It’s instantly uncomfortable. 
Jo picks at the skin on her lip, her ticks always more Mickey than Ian. Nurture kicking nature’s ass. But Mickey’s never been able to hold steady around a Gallagher pout, so when he finally exhales and meets her eyes, he knows he’s full of nothing but hot air.
"I ain't mad," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger–a move that absolutely doesn't say everything's cool.
"You're not?" Jo asks, her eyebrows crinkling.
He drops his hands and takes in her expression, now dancing between terrified and confused. Shakes his head and says, ”Course not. I was banging your pops all over this neighborhood way younger than you are now.”
"Ugh, Dad.”
Mickey chuckles, briefly lost again in different, more pleasant memories; of stock rooms and refrigerators. ”Got caught a lot, too.”
Jo’s shocked. ”You did?”
“‘Course we did. We were dumb fucking kids! Got caught by his pervert boss, by fucking Frank... Another time, too…” He shifts his weight, and thumbs at his nose. “Let's just say that if you're gonna follow in our footsteps and fuck around in the open, you're goddamn lucky that it's us walking in that door.”
Jo nods. She doesn’t know the ins and outs of her fathers’s lives before her. Neither of them have spilled all of their secrets, and some things might never be relayed. But she knows enough to know it was way different from how she's grown up, and she knows that she can always ask. They’ll be honest with her. They’ve made a point to share what’s important, and tell it to her straight. 
She’s a good kid. 
They raised her up pretty damn well, despite all of the fear, and the doubts.
Mickey clicks his teeth, making his way to sit beside her on the couch."A guy though? Really? I mean, I get it.” He pops her one on the shoulder, playfully. “But I was always kinda hoping you'd be smarter than me.”
Jo goes beet red, her arms folding cross her chest. "Uh, yeah, about that..." She takes a deep breath and says, “I’m… queer. I think. I like, uh, both. All? People. I like people.”
“Oh,” Mickey says, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
She squints at him. “Cool?”
"Never really liked anyone 'sides that alien-lookin' motherfucker listening in from the kitchen" – there's a rustling from the room in question as Ian backs away from the doorway – "But yeah, that's cool. Thanks for telling me.”
She nods. "Thanks for listening.”
"Look, I may not be the easiest to talk to or the most in touch with my feelings or whatever, but I'm always gonna listen." He puts a tattooed hand on her knee. "I love you, kid.”
"I love you too, Dad.”
He pulls her in, tight to his chest. Her hands ball into little fists against his back as she wraps around him, and he remembers those same fists grabbing tight to his pointer finger the day she came home from the hospital.
A new surge of possessiveness swoops through him. 
"You being safe?”
He can hear the eye roll, so he pulls back, taking her by the shoulders trying to catch it in action. Knows she’s embarrassed, but he ain’t done yet. Even as a dad, he can be a little shit. 
"I can tell ya about condoms and lube, though that might not be such a thing for you? I don't know fuck all about a woman's body. Already seen way more than I ever wanted to… And it seems like you're past whatever I woulda told you before…"
She shudders at the outpouring of information, but she’s intrigued. "What would you have told me before?”
He settles back on the couch, spreading his legs just slightly, a mischievous smirk on his face. 
"Aight, I got yer cheap birth control right here. Only costs a penny. You put the penny on the inside of your knee—doesn’t matter which—and then you hold it in place with the other knee.”
He demonstrates, closing his knees together and holding it tight, his hands now raised high in the air.
Jo groans, “Oh my god.” 
Ian plops down on the couch next to Mickey, tired of being relegated to the kitchen. ”You’re a dumbass.”
"'Ey, I think it's a great option,” Mickey balks. “Affordable, ya know?”
"You heard?” Jo asks Ian, her cheeks pinking up.
"I heard,” he confirms, his arm stretching past Mickey to tenderly touch her cheek. “We love you.”
“Love you too,” she says. “And I'm being safe… Haven't really done much yet.”
"Take your time,” Ian says simply. “There’s no rush.”
“He’s right,” Mickey adds, “especially because you’ll be grounded for the next month.”
“A month?! For kissing? That’s not fair!” Jo complains.
“But you said it yourself I’m not doing anything you two weren’t doing!”
“Fine, two weeks,” Ian says, earning him a “yes!” from Jo, and a scowl from his husband.
“Did you even order dinner in there or were you just listening in the whole time?"
Ian flushes. Grumbles something as he pulls out his phone.
“Fucking figures,” Mickey says. Turns back to Jo. “And we’re your parents, kid. Thing’s ain’t always going to be fair. So, fine, two weeks because your old man’s a pushover, but I better not catch you hooking up on my couch again, capisce?”
“Capisce,” she smiles.
Young, bare knuckles bump against older, inked ones.
“Now, I’ve had a crap day. Make yourself useful and get me a beer, would you?”
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scurvgirl · 9 months
I'll give you 2 drabble words!
Okie dokie!
“This is a partner assignment! Using the paints in front of you, you are going to paint a picture of your partner - it can be their face, it could be their hands, it could be abstract! The idea is to capture some essence of your partner!”
“Do we get to pick our partners?”
“No! I’ve learned my lesson and have already assigned partners. First up - Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich.”
Ian heard a barely concealed fucking hell behind him. He turned around to see the dark haired Milkovich. Blue eyes looked Ian up and down, stopping at his red hair.
2. Headache
Pain. Pain that Mickey was growing increasingly familiar with as he got older. He pulled his glasses off, rubbed his brow and closed his eyes to give him some sort of reprieve. 
“Another headache?” Ian asked. They sat at the small table in the kitchen, seeing no need to set the bigger table for dinner when it was just the two of them.
“Yeah, think I’m gonna crash early.”
Ian’s graying brow furrowed behind his own glasses.
“How about I call the doctor in the morning?”
“No different than you calling for me, baby.”
Mickey sighed but conceded, “Alright.”
Feel free to send me random words! I'm in a drabble-y mood :)
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Hi. I was just wondering if there's any really sad angsty fics. I know that's like really broad but I just want to bawl my eyes out. I don't even mind if it has a depressing ending. Just something VERY sad. Thank you so much. :)
Hi! We answered an ask about the saddest fics we could think of before. I have some additions:
Soul To Squeeze - Mickey gives up his freedom and his new life in Mexico to reunite with Ian, and look after him in prison, only to end up paying the ultimate price... his life. But luckily it isn’t the end for them, it's only the beginning.
Icarus Is Online - Post canon. Ian doesn’t feel like he can open up to anyone, so he starts a new app called  AnonMate. 
Furlough - 24 hours of Mickey Milkovich getting some of the things he deserves. The fic itself might not be too angsty, but the ending is heart-wrenching.
Life, or Something - Ian has worked hard on stabilizing after a long period of illness. As he approaches the two year mark, Fiona suggests he get a job. He doesn't expect it to be a funeral home.
i had a dream (i got everything i wanted) - Post 5x12/6x01. mickey milkovich hasn’t seen ian gallagher in over 9 years. the last place he expects to bump into him is new york fucking city. (Again, angst is not the only mood in this fic, but there are some very angsty parts that I remember crying over.)
And of course, go through our angst tag.
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thepupperino · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
What's this? Am I...logging in to tumblr dot com??? And participating in a tag game? It's a miracle!
Thank you to @michellemisfit for tagging me this week, and a retroactive thank you to everyone who has tagged me in weeks past! I've been pretty MIA from tumblr for a while, so it means a lot that people have still thought of me! 🥰
THIS OR THAT - The rules are simple: two things, you must choose one.
Iced coffee or hot coffee? ICED. Once or twice a year I do get a hot hazelnut truffle mocha from Dutch Bros (my love), but you can pry my iced coffee from my frozen hands.
Iced tea or hot tea? Ironically (because I'm so passionate about iced coffee lol) hot. I think of hot tea as like a little comfort thing.
Lemonade or sweet tea? Lemonade (but I've only had American lemonade and I hear it's different in other countries).
Minty gum or fruity gum? I'm not really a gum girly--thanks TMJ problems--but mint if I have to choose? But sometimes a watermelon gum hits different. And juicy fruit isn't bad...and fruit stripes are in the hall of fame. But nonetheless, mint.
Pasta or potatoes? Shut the fuck up, who wrote this question?? It's diabolical. I'll choose potatoes.
Olives or pickles? Slightly less diabolical...but pickles.
Rrice or bread? Bread, thanks!
Cookies or brownies? A brookie 😏
Hand written reminders or phone reminders? Both lmao. I love my little passion planner and use her regularly, but sometimes I gotta have the digital reminder too.
Pull-over hoodie or zippy hoodie? Hot take: I prefer crewnecks. I don't like the way hoods feel on my neck. But between the two I'll take pullover.
Jeans or sweatpants? SWEAT👏🏻PANTS👏🏻
Flip-flops/thongs or slides? Slides.
Paperback book or ebook? Paperback.
enemies to lovers or fwb to lovers? AH it depends what I'm in the mood for! Right now I've got a hankering for fwb to lovers (send any recs my way 👀)
Only one bed or fake dating? Again, I will take anything I am given, but today I am choosing only one bed.
Hurt/comfort or whump?
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Mutual pining or amnesia? Mutual pining.
Canon compliant or alternate universe? Both? 🥺 But I'll say AU because Michelle is right, the sky is the limit.
Soulmate AU or sports AU? I love a good soulmate AU.
Celebrity AU or coffee shop AU? Coffee shop
One-shot or longfic? Both are spectacular but I'll choose longfic.
Milkovich or Gallagher? As a whole family, Gallagher (but you all know how I feel about Mickey).
Call me lame or whatever but I'm skipping out on tags this week so that I'll actually post this. BUT I commit to do this again next week and to be more present and next time I'll tag people.
So if you see this and want to play, please consider yourself tagged! 🩷
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mcrcki · 1 month
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"keep staring bud." vesta stared down the other, having caught his eye a few moments ago, but like fuck was vesta in the mood to deal with anyone else's attitude today. "can i fucking help you?"
@hiddenpxpercuts for mickey milkovich
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
I got you
This started of with a prompt about uniform kink and somehow became very fluffy.
Or, Mickey is feeling submissive and wants his husband.
The moment Ian walked in the door, Mickey's mouth started salivating.
He just came from work, doing some of today's pickups with the new guy they hired. He's all polished and official in those uniforms. The sight of him in his camo uniform never failed to make him want to sink to his knees. He looks so authoritative, so powerful, a force of fucking nature.
"Hey, baby." Ian said to his husband, tossed his keys on the table and untied his shoes.
"Hey, red, how did it go?" Mickey asked without taking his eyes off of Ian's uniform.
His stomach tightened in anticipation. He's about to change his clothes. And Mickey wasn't quite ready for that.
Before Ian was able to undo the first button of his jacket, Mickey's hand reached out and stops him. He froze, his eyes narrowed. "Hmm...What are you up to, Mr. Gallagher?" Ian asked teasingly.
"Nothing, Mr. Milkovich, just enjoying the view." Mickey replied.
He took his time, taking it all in. Ian's straight and broad posture, his legs apart and firmly planted on the ground, his eyes fix on Mickey.
Ian lifts his hand to grab Mickey's neck lightly.
"Yeah, definitely sounds like something my good innocent husband would do." Ian said as he increased the pressure on Mickey's neck. A shiver spreads from the point of pressure down his chest.
That's their code word. Innocent. Anyone who knows Mickey would probably never chose innocent to describe him.
"Don't know what yo-" Mickey started.
"Come on, Mick, I've got you."
And with that, Mickey was at his mercy. Well, Mickey is always at his mercy.
Ian continues, "You are my innocent husband, aren't you?"
"Y-yes." Mickey said slowly.
Ian pushed him against the wall, a soft moan escaped his throat.
"I've missed you." Mickey said softly.
"I can tell." Ian said, and Mickey's breath quickened. "You should have waited for me naked. Ready for your husband." he teased.
Mickey was too busy staring at Ian's lips to listen.
"Strip." Ian's stern voice snapped him back into reality.
"What?" Mickey force myself to focus.
"Strip for me, Mickey." Ian said, "and don't make me repeat myself, yeah?"
Mickey felt weak at his knees. He loves it when Ian is stern with him but he loves it even more when he's stern and gentle at the same time.
And at that moment he really wanted his soft Dom Ian. He knew he had to act quickly or else he would seem like a brat and get punished. He could feel his chest tighten in fear just thinking about it. Being a brat is fun, but not what he needs right now.
Mickey wrapped his arms around his husband’s neck. A hint of blush on his cheeks as he looked up at him. It was a rare moment when Ian saw Mickey get embarrassed or nervous during sex. But he knew his husband would see what he needs.
So he tried, "Can you... Ahmm... Can you do it for me?"
Ian's expression stayed strong but Mickey could see something in his eyes soften.
Ian was always sweet to Mickey. Ian loved taking care of Mickey, even when he stubbornly pretended not to want it. Mickey didn't always let him show it during sex, but from day one Ian wanted him to feel loved, safe, and cared for. So when he actually asks for it, there's no way Ian would ever refuse him.
"Yes, baby." Ian said as he moved to take Mickey's shirt off. He noticed something in Mickey's expression so he asked, "You need something, sweetheart?"
"Just need you." He whispered and hid his face in Ian’s neck.
Ian was more than happy to comply. "You got me." He took Mickey's shirt off gently.
Mickey's soft smile made Ian's chest warm. Ian continued, "What else do you want?"
Slowly Mickey replied, "I wanna be good." Ian was so turned on, he loves it when his husband get in this mood. Soft, pliant, dedicated.
"Mmmm... You're already so so good." Mickey needed this reassurance. He needed to hear that Ian sees him, sees the mood he is in.
Ian slid his hand down and teases Mickey’s zipper, soaking up the whine he lets out. “I'm gonna open your jeans, yeah?”
Mickey hummed in approval. Once the jeans were gone, Ian’s hand slides over his clothed cock.
"Want me to help you cum?" Mickey swallowed and nodded. Ian squeezed him, making Mickey moan.
"You're very sensitive today, huh?"
“I-Ian, please…” he whimpered, gritting his teeth when Ian palmed his cock gently. His breath stuttered.
"Breathe, Mickey." He took a deep, yet a bit shaky, breath. "Good boy." Ian praised.
“Want me to eat you out, baby?" Mickey whined once more, breathy and low. "Use your words.”
"Wanna do whatever you want, E."
"Fuck, I want to eat you out. You're so good for me, sweetheart." Ian kissed him and continued, "Going to make you feel so fucking good. Fuck."
He groaned as his hands pushed his boxers and ran down to grab Mickeys' bare ass.
Mickey pushed back into Ian's hands. Ian pressed soft kisses against Mickey's neck, while the shorter man moved his head to give him better access. He used to be so scared Ian would leave physical marks on him, now he hoped he does.
"Ian," Mickey panted, "Want to feel you."
Ian smiled and ran his tongue up Mickeys neck before pulling back, "Let's move this to our bed, yeah?" and as he said the words, he pulled Mickey to their bedroom, one hand still on his ass.
Ian pulled Mickey in for a kiss before gesturing for him to get onto their bed.
In that moment, all Mickey could think about was having his husband touching him, kissing him, fucking him.
"On your hands and knees, yeah? Arch your pretty back for me."
Mickey did as he was told. He sneaked on look back, making sure Ian hasn't taken his clothes off yet.
"Ian?" Mickey initiated.
Ian replied, "Yes Mick? You good like this?"
"Can you keep it on?" He hoped he wouldn't have to explain. "Of course. Want me to keep it when I fuck you too?"
Of course his husband would understand. Ian knew him, knew what he meant.
"No, no. Just for now." He wanted to feel Ian's body later. Skin on skin. But for now, he wanted him in his uniform.
Ian flipped him on his back, "Gotta make sure you can see it then." He got between Mickey's thighs, his head right in front of his ass. He ran his hands up the back of Mickeys thighs, licking his lips.
Ian moved closer and bit down Mickey's thigh.
"Please, Ian." Mickey begged.
Ian pressed his tongue flat in between Mickeys cheeks, his hands were gripping Mickeys ass tight as he licked.
Mickey moaned, slowly grinding his hips back against Ian's face.
Ian lifted his head, "Be good. Stay still for me." Mickey nodded quickly.
Ian started licking and sucking like his life depended on it, making the man under him a whimpering mess. Mickey could feel his legs shaking as the pleasure flowed through his body.
"Fuck gonna... Gonna-", Those words had Ian pull off and look at Mickey. "Not yet, okay? Want me to be inside you, right?"
The short man nodded, his eyes closed and breath sharp.
Ian crawled up to kiss Mickey, "I'm going to fuck you so good, Mickey." he whispered.
"Don’t come until I tell you. You’ve got to be good for me and wait until I say so. Yeah?”
Mickey managed another nod.
"I'm gonna prep you now. Open your sweet mouth for me." Ian held two fingers up and then pushed them into his mouth. Mickey knew this was more for show than anything, soon Ian would add lube to his fingers. Getting to suck on Ian's fingers helped him sink deeper into his submission.
Ian pulled his hand away and Mickey could hear him getting lube. He felt his hole twitch at the contact with Ian's fingers. Ian’s gonna get his fingers in him, get him ready, take care of him. So he lets himself relax, laying soft in his submissive state.
As Ian's movement increased, Mickey's mouth fell open, letting his moans to fall out.
"Love hearing you. Love it when you let me hear you."
A minute of twisting and gentle scissoring, the fingers are slowly pulled out.
Mickey whimpered. "I got you." Ian got him.
"I'm gonna take my clothes off, okay sweetheart?" the redhead asked, always making sure his husband got what he needed. Mickey wanted to feel Ian's skin on his now, so he mumbled "Yes, yes, yes, yes."
Ian stripped quickly, he had better things to get on to.
Ian lifted Mickey's legs to his shoulders, gave a little squeeze to his ankles and lowered his hands to the sides of Mickey's head. Feeling him so close made Mickey's hands hold on to Ian's wrists.
They were touching but it wasn't enough. They needed to be closer. Mickey whined, "Please..."
Ian positioned his lubed up cock at Mickey’s entrance, and pushed himself inside. Mickey nearly passed out. All of the anticipation that led to this moment built such an intense feeling in Mickey's gut.
"I- I love you." Mickey whispered all of a sudden.
It punched a groan out of Ian, and he dived down and buried his face in Mickey's neck, pressing himself against his husband.
He kissed his favorite spot on my mickey's neck, taking in his smell.
Mickey moved his hands from Ian's wrists to the sides of Ian's face, signaling that he wanted to see his face.
Ian lifted his head and pressed a hot, deep kiss into him.
"Love you so much, babe. You feel so good. Want to make you feel good." Ian babbled while he kissed down his face and neck. Mickey closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.
Ian fucked him so good. He fucked him deep and hard, just how he likes it, but there was also some softness to it. Eventually, Ian lowered himself onto him again, wrapped him up tight. He felt Mickey's leg shake.
"Fuck, Mick. Let go for me." Ian’s whispered against him. Mickey's legs squeezing his husband, begging him to stay inside him. He felt Ian's hot breath on his neck, his cock fucking deep inside him.
"Come in me," Mickey said rapidly, "I need you to."
"Yes, baby, gonna come in you, make you full." Mickey began shuddering uncontrollably, "Come for me and I will."
That set off Mickey’s orgasm. He's chanting Ian's name, his whole body is tingling as he felt Ian spilling in him.
As the aftershocks pulse through Mickey, Ian lowered his lover's legs carefully, and kissed each ankle before setting it on the bed. Ian gently pulled out. Come spilled from Mickey's ass to the sheets under him.
Ian kissed his closed eyes, his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, his open lips. He moved slow, as to not change the calm energy in the room.
“You were amazing, Mick." Kiss. "The most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on." Kiss. "Love you so much.” Kiss. "Only I get to fuck you like this." Kiss. "My best friend forever." Kiss. "The best husband." Kiss. "The love of my life." kiss.
Ian was really milking the situation. Only when Mickey is in the right mood he'd let him praise him like that.
"Mmmm..." Mickey opened his eyes and kissed Ian softly, "Thank you." Mickey said.
He's so fucking thankful.
For the longest time he didn't know he needed this, but Ian always knew. He knew that Mickey needed it, that they needed it.
Ian laid on his back, pulling Mickey to his chest, he held him close as he said, “I love you."
"Love you so much, Ian."
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suttonli · 2 years
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“Look at this stupid shit.” Mickey called from the living room. Ian grabbed his cup of Hot chocolate and brought it into the living room with him. He stopped to grab Mickey a beer out of the fridge. The last thing he expected to see was his husband in his boxers, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor surrounded by photos. There was a big Christmas tree in the corner of the room with a bunch of presents under it.
They had presents for their siblings and each other. Of course, Ian had made them decorate for the Holidays. Lights were twisted around the mantle and the handrails. Mickey pretended he didn’t like it, saying, “It looks like fucking Santa Claus shitted all over the place,” but Ian knew he enjoyed it and now he’d made him do it every Christmas time.
Ian chuckled to himself, “What’s you got there?” He went and plopped down on the couch, handing the beer to Mickey. He leaned over and kissed his head. It didn’t go unnoticed to him that before Mickey would’ve recoiled from this but now he actually fell into Ian’s head kisses.
“Us.” And it was. It was an old photograph of Mickey and Ian. They looked to be 15 or close to it. They were both shirtless and had messy bedhead hair. Ian had one arm lazily thrown over Mickey’s shoulders. Ian remembered that day perfectly , “We look like fucking gay.” Mickey handed the photo to Ian.
“You took that picture right after I fucked you in the ass, dumbass.” Ian shot back in which Mickey just replied “Yeah, yeah” and sipped. It was the day that he knew that he loved Mickey Milkovich. That boy that literally tried to murder him two months prior. Ian noticed a silver mental box full of more pictures beside him. “Oh, that’s where you got the pictures.” Ian thought out loud, “I forgot I bought that over from the old house.” He recalled that one early Christmas, Fiona bought him a used canon camera and he put it to a lot of use. He wondered what else was in the box.
“Look, here's one of just me.” Mickey laughed. The brunette stared down at the picture of his teen self. He was wrapped tight in a black jacket, scarf, and a matching hat. His hair was messier than it was now, his left cheek was stained red and purple. His laugh slowly turned quiet.
Ian grabbed it and analyzed his face, “What? You lose a fight or something?” He poked Mickey.
“Yeah, I think so…” He trailed off, “Maybe one of the fucking Lockhart brothers. Those motherfuckers could fight Satan.” He faked a laugh. Mickey knew exactly who gave him that bruise to his face…Terry. They moved into a comfortable silence. Ian could feel Mickey’s mood dampen but didn’t know why. He just curiously watched his husband.
Mickey’s head was filled with many thoughts. His eyes scanned the photos at his feet. There were so many pictures of smiling Gallaghers with a lot of him and Mandy mixed in. It was like he was made to be a part of this family. They way they accepted Ian so easily. How they accepted the “fuck ups Milkovichs”, Mickey and Mandy. His thoughts wandered from his shitty ass father to his runaway of a mother. His brothers and sister who had to fend for themselves like savages. Suddenly he felt lucky. His eyes shot around his living room. His and Ian’s living room. That they shared. In an apartment that they shared. With a kitchen that they shared. And a bed that they shared. His belly grew warm.
He turned and faced his husband. Ian, still confused, gave him a goofy looking smile. His happy husband, who was the light in life when it was so dark he didn’t think he’d ever make it. Mickey leaned his hand up and gently into Ian’s orange hair. He pulled his husband down into a kiss. The beer on his lips and the coffee on Ian’s made for a unique taste that both of them feel strange for liking. Beer and hot chocolate. I guess everyone has a song but they have a taste.
They shared a few sloppy kisses before pulling apart.
“What was that for?” Ian said breathlessly. His cheeks were slowly turning the color of his hair. Mickey wasn’t one to show random affections, that was usually Ian’s expertise.
“I just love you.” Mickey matched his breathlessness and he pulled Ian into another beer and hot chocolate kiss.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 6 months
Ahhhh! Thanks for the tag @m4ndysk4nkovich
tag game wednesday
name: Barbie
age: 18
location: midwest
do you own a robe? Describe it: dark blue 💙
do you have a favorite mug? Describe it: It's huge and looks like and Octopus. I got it from Earthbound. :D
Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it: My grandma got it for me for Christmas last year. It has a 2010-era Barbie on it in black and white with the words CRUSHING LIMITS with a hot pink border.
Coffee or tea? Coffee. (It should be tea because I'm a singer but I just can't do it 😭)
Fuzzy socks or wool socks? Fuzzy.
Gloves or mittens? Gloves.
Fireplace or Campfire? Campfire in summer but fireplace in winter.
Sun or Moon? Moon, because why is the sun always blinding us? 🌕
Chocolate candy or sugar candy? Chocolate!
Sweet or Savory pastry? Depending on my mood, I love a good pasty but also a donut.
Peppermint of Pumpkin Spice? PUMPKIN SPICE 💯
Go to bed early or wake up early? Go to bed early
Cold cereal in milk or hot oatmeal? Hot oatmeal for the win.
Potatoes or Bread? Bread, but only high-quality bread
Gallagher or Milkovich? Fuck. Well, I almost always write AU's or Fics from Mickey's POV, but I love the Gallaghers to pieces. Hmmmmmmmmm, I'll say Milkoviches, probably because knowing so little about their history makes them more interesting to me. (And the way Mickey's character got specifically flanderized makes me mad)
(hey girlies! 🩷 @insiriusneedoftherapy @ianandmickeygallavich1 @astaraels @ace-moon-dog @svetlanayevgenivna @gallawitchxx @lyricailove @lovekenney @lipslover @n
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
So for my mood board I put on some chewlery, because I will chew on anything and everything to stim. So (because neurodivergent Mickey is my favorite thing ever) how do you think Mickey stims?? I feel like he definitely rocks (same bro) and Ian probably gets him one of those stretchy balls that Mickey can pinch/squeeze/throw. I also can see Mickey being a person who cleans when anxious!! Something something methodical motions + never getting to do it when he was younger. Also 100% this man waves his hands around when he's excited Ian loves seeing him happy stim
Hey Alicia my love💗💗💗 Yes! neurodivergent Mickey is real! I am sorry in advance for rambling!!!
Speaking of chewing, Mickey bites Ian when love overwhelms him and he can't express it with words. (projecting much? yes. I am.)
I think joints cracking is a big one too. And I bet it annoyed the fuck out of Ian in prison,  "Chronic knuckle-cracking can lead to reduced grip strength, Mickey." so he switched to that pen clicking, which as we know, drives Ian crazy.
When they're alone, Mickey likes to play with Ian's hands, it relaxes him while watching tv or when they're cuddling. Oh and playing with Ian's hair when it's long enough or running his fingers on his stubble.
I totally agree with the stress cleaning! I think Terry / other Milkovichs made fun of him for that so he stopped but in the west side apartment (where he went to doing laundry straight away) he gets to do it as a stress reliever. Interestingly enough, Ian has that tendency when he's manic... (Manic cleaning at the Milkovich house)
I can't see Mickey taking a stim ball everywhere with him, but Ian definitely got him one for home and one for the ambulance. BUT I can see Ian buying him a ring that has a spinny part like this-
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He waves his hands a lot when he's excited and blinks a lot when he's has a lot to process.
Okay one last thing because this went completely out of control- Sometime he asks Ian to lay on top of him, Ian's weight helps him feel grounded. If they're in public, a hand on the back of his neck or a firm hand on his thigh.
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jomilky · 2 years
Got tagged by @imikhailotakeyouian for this fanfics writer interview 😈 Thank you Elisa! 😸😸😸
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
They Should Know
That’s So Gay
Less is More
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do even though sometimes it takes me forever before I do. I’m thankful for the kudos and comments readers leave and I wanna communicate with them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hardly ever write angst so none.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
All of my fics have happy endings but the fluffiest one might be That’s So Gay.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written.
No, not yet. If I did it one day it’d probably be a Shameless X Supernatural crossover.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Basically all I write is smut sksnxhdhdbdhd. I dunno what kind, maybe usually the hot and heavy with lots of dirty talk kind.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen.
I don’t think so.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Fucking Love This Man is translated into Russian by dear n.v.k. on this link
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Emmm I vaguely remember doing smth like co-writing in my first fandom when I was 13? It was written for a Chinese series novel named Dragon Raja.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Gallavich. Wincest. And Arthur/Eames from Inception.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ummmmm honestly it’s a little!Mickey fic but I kinda struggle to keep it in-character, also I figure few ppl are into this so i might as well keep it to myself.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I dunno lmao. Do I have any? Shouldn’t this question be directed to ppl other than myself? I feel pretty vanilla tbh. Just a pal who loves reading and writing smut. Maybe my strength is my insane obsession towards smut then. I’ve seen many crazy shit so I don’t judge.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Lack of vocabularies and more local expressions.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If the writers feels it’s the right thing to do, it’s the right thing to do.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
As a kid, like I mentioned before, Dragon Raja.
As an adult, Gallavich.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
None atm. I might write more wincest fic when I’m in the mood. I’m that kind of ppl with a very low level of enthusiasm in life so it gotta hit me really hard to make me wanna create things on my own. (Yes you did it Mickey Milkovich 🫵🏻, you did it. Also you Dean Winchester 🫵🏻. We can’t leave you out.)
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
9/10 for smutty Gallavich cuz I’m obsessed with hole spanking lately.
This can’t be true for fluffy Gallavich cuz of Mickey’s birthday gift idea.
Come with Me for wincest cuz I just love it very much.
Tagging @depressedstressedlemonzest @flamingbluepanda @shameless-notashamed @xninetiestrendx @y0itsbri @traenawrites and anyone who wants to join 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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mikhailoisbaby · 1 year
Hi!! So, I'm. I'm in a really good mood today!!! I love you like a lot a lot a lot!!!
Also! Consider; Mickey Milkovich just. Really wanting to be himself. He wants to dance and sing and be happy and be goofy and wear stuff he wants!!! I love him so much, I want good things for himm I hope he's out there living his best life
Anwhwhwhwhahhehee Alicia !!!!!! My little heart , wow I’m blushing you little cutie !!!!
Mickey living his best life is needed like he fucking deserve it so much !!
Just imagine him in a fun button up shirt at a bar drinking fruity drinks and dancing silly ! Awhwhw I can’t I’m getting emotional
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