#michael b jordan gif pack
kaxbrekker · 2 years
michael b. jordan in without remorse !
in the source link you can find #360 gifs of michael b. jordan in his role as john clark in without remorse (2021). please don’t repost or claim as your own but feel free to edit in any way as long as you give credit by @’ing me in the post if posting publicly!  please like/reblog if using! enjoy!
trigger warnings: military, guns, violence, blood, kissing, pregnancy, injuries, hospital, flashing (gunfire), body image, fire, prison
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noirsfantasy · 6 months
On the seventh day of Christmas...
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𝔄 𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔬 ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔭𝔱. 𝟑
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Actor!Michael B Jordan x OC!Naomi Samuels
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Fluff, angst
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛ 5.8K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ Naomi and Ashanti get into it and things go downhill. Thankfully, Michael is there to save the day and cheer Naomi up. They end up getting a bit closer than expected. Later on, Naomi learns why Ashanti is the way she is.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Listen, I know y'all have your opinions about Ashanti, but all I'm gonna say is, never judge a book by its cover. Also I literally had to stop myself from melting while writing this chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
Part 2 Here
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"Wow! Okay, I think it's obvious that's the winner right there." James says in surprise.
"What can I say? We've just got that creative touch." I say, putting my elbow on the snowman. Unfortunately, it wasn't packed together sturdy enough and my added weight caused it to crumble and me to fall on top of it.
"Naomi!" Ashanti shouts, annoyed that I ruined the snowman. Michael rushes over to help me up as Dan, Teresa, and James all laugh at the sight. Michael is laughing a bit too, but he makes sure I'm okay and pulls me to my feet. I brush snow off my bottom and chuckle at my clumsiness.
"Oh shit, I didn't mean for that to happen." I rub my neck sheepishly and look over at Ashanti, who looks livid. "You okay, Ashanti?"
"No! I'm not okay! You always ruin everything!" She shouts angrily. We all look at her in confusion, wondering where this all came from.
"What do you mean? I thought we were having fun." I respond, attempting to diffuse the tension.
"No, you're always stealing the spotlight!" She retorts, her voice sharp.
"Whoa, calm down, Ashanti. She didn't mean to ruin the snowman." Michael intervenes, trying to ease the escalating situation. But Ashanti, fueled by jealousy and frustration, continues her tirade.
"No, Michael! She's always stealing the spotlight! Trying to be the center of attention with her stupid ideas," Ashanti crosses her arms as I stare at her, taken aback by the sudden outburst.
"Stupid ideas? This was supposed to be a fun activity. Why are you so upset?" I question, trying to understand.
"Because you always have to be the special one, don't you? You can't stand anyone else getting attention," She accuses, her eyes narrowing. "Always pretending to be all cute and clumsy, always trying to be the one everyone likes. It's pathetic, really." Her words cut deeper than expected. The atmosphere grows tense, and I feel a mixture of hurt and anger welling up inside me. Michael and Dan exchange uneasy glances, unsure what to do. Teresa tries to calm the situation.
"Come on, guys, let's not do this here. Let's just go back to having fun." She says, trying to hype us up again, but to no avail.
"No, she needs to hear this, Teresa. You can act innocent all you want, Naomi, but you're not fooling me. Everyone falls for your act, but I see right through it. You're manipulative, Naomi. Always trying to make people sorry for you." I glance at Daniel, hoping for support, but he seems caught in the middle, unsure of how to navigate this awkward conversation.
"Enough, both of you." James interjects, trying to diffuse. "You're ruining this for all of us with this unnecessary drama."
"It's not unnecessary, James. She needs to hear the truth," Ashanti retorts, her anger only growing.
"The truth? You're making baseless accusations and I'm just supposed to sit back and take it? Hell no." I fire back, my frustration boiling over.
"Baseless? Look at you, falling around like a toddler, trying to make Michael feel sorry for you. You're always playing the victim. And he's been falling for it all day," She sneers, gesturing towards Michael.
"That's not fair, Ashanti. Naomi hasn't done anything wrong," Michael finally speaks up, unable to stand her bashing me. Ashanti looks offended.
"Of course, you'd defend her. You always seem to prefer her over me," She accuses, her jealousy showing.
"I'm not choosing anyone. But I won't stand here while you attack her for things that obviously make you insecure."
"Michael, can't you see she doesn't care about anyone but herself? She's only pretending to be this interesting, edgy girl because that's the only way people can notice her. Quite frankly, it's disappointing you can't see how she's trying to manipulate you to not like me."
"That's enough!" I snap, unable to contain my anger any longer. "If I make you so miserable and you can't stand to be around me so much, why don't you just leave?" The silence is loud as she glares at me, before huffing.
"Fine! Maybe I will!" She turns and stomps off angrily, leaving the group in an awkward silence. I grunt in frustration as I watch her leave.
"Naomi, maybe you should go after her." James suggests, trying to be a voice of reason.
"No, I'm done playing her games. She wants to walk away? Fine," I reply, my tone strong. "Maybe she'll finally realize everything isn't about her."
"I'll go after her." Teresa says, leaving to follow her cousin. Dan puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"You didn't deserve that, Naomi. She's just... I don't know what her deal is." He says with a sigh.
"I don't know, maybe there's something else going on that we don't know about." James suggests, shrugging his shoulders.
"The audacity she has to accuse me of all that stuff, when I've had to put up with that from her since we were kids!" I frown angrily, my hands clenching again.
"Let's just take our minds off that for now. We can't let it ruin our whole day. How about we explore the market a bit more?" Dan suggests and James and Michael nod in agreement. Reluctantly, I agree, realizing that dwelling on negativity won't do me any good.
As we start to walk through the market, the vibrant lights and festive atmosphere fail to fully lift my spirits. The encounter with Ashanti keeps replaying in my mind, leaving me feeling a mix of frustration and hurt. I trail behind the boys and Michael slows down until he's walking beside me.
"Don't believe any of what she said, Naomi. She's just projecting onto you and that's not fair." He speaks softly. I sigh and glance up at him.
"I know, but it's still frustrating," I admit. His presence offers me some comfort, a reminder that not everyone interprets situations like how Ashanti did.
Meanwhile, Teresa catches up with Ashanti, finding a quieter section of the market where the snowfall adds a serene touch to the surroundings.
"What do you want, T?" Ashanti snaps, her frustration still evident.
"Just checking on you. What happened back there?" Teresa inquires, genuinely concerned.
"I don't wanna talk about it," Ashanti mutters, avoiding eye contact.
"Look, I get that something upset you, but taking it out on Naomi like that wasn't fair. She's our cousin, and she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment," She asserts, her protective instincts kicking in.
"You always take her side!" Ashanti shouts, turning away.
"I'm not on anyone's side, but I won't stand by when you're treating people unfairly. Sort out whatever's bothering you, Ashanti, before it ruins more than just today," Teresa advises before leaving Ashanti to her thoughts.
Back at the market, I'm walking with Michael as we've split up from Daniel and James. The sun has begun to set and it starts to get a bit colder. Michael smiles at me and places his arm around my shoulder as we walk, providing me a sense of warmth. He tries to get my mind off of the earlier confrontation and cheer me up.
"You know something else that's irritating?" He starts, his tone suggesting he has something to say.
"What's that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as we walk. He takes a moment to reply.
"I haven't gotten to buy you a drink yet. A real one," He gestures to the market ahead. "We've been walking all day, so this is my chance." He grins and my eyes light up at the suggestion. I think for a moment, before cracking a small smile.
"I guess one drink can't hurt." I give in and Michael squeezes my shoulder, gently.
"Glad to see I haven't lost my charm." He says playfully, causing me to chuckle softly. "Just, this time, it's not gonna be hot chocolate. Let's change it up." I grin and nod in response. "I've got the perfect idea." Michael takes his arm from around my shoulder and grabs my hand, leading me into the market. His hand is warm against mine and he links our fingers, causing me to smile.
"It's just over here." He tugs my hand as he leads me through the crowd.
"What kind of drink did you have in mind?" I ask him. "Nothing too strong, please." I joke.
"Relax, I don't want to see you passed out on the floor." He answers before laughing. I roll my eyes and playfully slap the back of his hand in response.
"Okay, so what's this perfect idea?" I inquire with a smirk. Michael grins as we reach a small stand selling Christmas treats, hot cocoa, and other seasonal beverages before stopping and pointing towards the menu.
"Mulled apple cider." He says and I raise my eyebrows.
"I actually love that idea. They're nice and warm, but with a little bit of a kick. Love it." I nod in approval and we order two hot mulled ciders from the vendor.
"Here you go." The vendor smiles as he hands us our drinks. We all take them and move to find a spot to sit. After a few seconds of searching, we settle on a park bench away from the crowds. I take a seat and cradle the drink in my hands.
The mulled cider has a strong cinnamon smell, the heat warming the air around us. Michael sits down beside me, his own cider in one hand and the other placed on the back of the bench. We smile at each other as we take the first sips of our drinks.
"Mmmm, it's so good." I say, enjoying the warmth of the winter beverage. Our eyes meet but we go on drinking in silence. It's not awkward. We both know that we could talk if we wanted to but the peace is nice. Finally, after about a minute, Michael breaks the silence.
"Naomi..." He starts and I tilt my head in his direction.
"About what happened earlier. I just want you to know that I don't think those things about you. Not at all." He pauses for a moment as I listen intently. "And honestly, I don't think Ashanti does either. She just feels insecure about her image, and my arrival didn't make things any easier for her. But, whether she meant it or not, she's wrong about you." I didn't even realize how much I needed to hear that tonight, but his words seem to bring me some peace.
"Thank you, Michael. Really. I really appreciate it." I respond with a smile of my own. Our gaze lingers for a few more seconds, but I realize there's still something bothering me. Suddenly I turn to face him on the bench so we're sitting face to face.
"Can I admit something?" I hesitate. He nods and looks at me intently. I take a deep breath before speaking.
"I'm just as insecure as Ashanti," I confess, looking down into my mug. "I'm always trying to be cool and impressive, but I'm scared of looking dumb. It's like I'm not truly special to anyone." I glance over at Michael and I know he's listening carefully.
"My family is the most judgmental. Nothing seems to please them. I became a real estate agent, but it wasn't as good as Teresa's nursing job. I quit to be a full-time artist, and they say I'm throwing away all their hard work. Broke up with my cheating ex, and they say I should've paid more attention to him. Now that I'm almost thirty, they're nagging me about marriage and kids. What about what makes me happy?" I take a deep breath, feeling my eyes well up with tears.
Michael nods and I spill more, feeling vulnerable. "Their expectations are exhausting. I second guess every choice I make. Even if they're right, I don't want to live worrying about what people think. I want to live for me." I look up at Michael, his eyes still trained on me. I blush, realizing I've dumped a lot on him. He places a reassuring hand on my thigh.
"You know, I get it, Naomi. There's a lot of pressure on you to be perfect. But you don't have to be that. I see you for you. You're not perfect, but you're real. Don't be so hard on yourself." He smiles and takes my hand. I give him a small smile in return, grateful for his encouragement. His words resonate deep within me, creating a sense of warmth that goes beyond the heat radiating from the mulled cider. For a moment, I forget the chaos that unfolded earlier, and it's just Michael and me, sharing a connection.
"Thanks, Michael," I say, my voice a mix of gratitude and relief. "I really needed to hear that." He squeezes my hand gently.
"Anytime, Nao." He winks as he uses the nickname he gave me. "I'm happy to help." We share a cuddle on the bench, finishing our ciders. Michael breaks the silence again with a mischievous grin.
"You know," he starts, his eyes sparkling with playful intent, "as much as the scavenger hunt was a bust, there's still one thing I really wanted to check off our list."
"What is it?" I ask, my curiosity piqued. Michael smirks.
"Close your eyes and trust me." Raising an eyebrow, I decide to play along. Closing my eyes, I feel Michael taking my hand, lacing his fingers with mine once more and guiding me through the bustling market. He takes care to keep me from bumping into anyone or stumbling. As we walk, with my eyes closed, all I can focus on is the warmth and softness of his hands, making me feel at ease.
"Almost there." He whispers, excitement in his voice. A flutter of anticipation builds. The market sounds far and I realize we've steered away from it. Snow crunches under our feet as we come to a stop. "Now, open." Gasping, I find a beautifully adorned horse-drawn carriage before us, illuminated by twinkling Christmas lights in the trees. The festive carriage driver welcomes us with a warm smile.
"Surprise," Michael says, grinning that gorgeous smile as he gestures toward the carriage. Speechless, I take a moment to react.
"Michael, this is amazing. How did you...?" He chuckles, pulling me into his side.
"I saw them doing rides earlier today and I figured, if anything, this might somewhat salvage the evening." He glances over at me. "I hope you like it."
"Of course, I love it." I respond, still in shock at the gesture as I take in the magic of the moment.
"So, you wanna hop in? Or just stand out in the cold?" He asks teasingly, offering me his hand. I roll my eyes and grab his hand as he helps me into the carriage. As we get settled into the seats, the carriage lurches forward and the ride starts. As we're pulled down the snowy road, I look up and see the beautiful Christmas lights above us.
"Wow," I whisper in awe and smile brightly. "It's so beautiful." Michael smiles back and looks up as well.
"Yeah, it really is." He agrees. As the gentle rocking of the carriage and the peaceful night setting work in harmony, I feel my body relax more and more with each second.
I look over at Michael and his eyes are trained on me. I gaze back at him, noticing, once again, how striking his features are. He's handsome in such a unique way, with his deep, chocolate-brown eyes, his strong jawline, and his playful, almost cheeky dimpled grin that makes me want to melt every time I see it. He doesn't look away from me and I can't make myself look away either.
It seems like he's about to say something, but the sound of the horse whinnying as it trots on the snowy gravel draws our attention back to the moment. When we glance at each other again and I'm surprised by the intense way he's looking at me. His eyes study me carefully, as if he's trying to memorize every single detail about me; my skin, my expression, the way my lips move when I speak.
Out of nowhere, I begin to feel a bit shy, a warmth rising within me as I realize how close we are. I look back up at the lights, my cheeks turning red and out of the corner of my eye, I see Michael do the same. We sit there for a few moments, silently looking up at the lights, our bodies inching ever so slightly closer. Suddenly, I feel Michael's lips peck my cheek. I look over at him, pressing my hand to my cheek in surprise. He looks back at me, his gaze still focused intently on mine. He watches me, studying my reaction before bringing his fingers to rest underneath my chin.
"Come here..." His words send electricity through my body as he pulls me forward a few inches and presses his plump lips against my own in a gentle kiss. My eyes flutter shut as my breath grows shallow. His lips feel soft on mine and I can taste the sweetness of the mulled cider from before. Every nerve in my body sparks with heat as the world around us becomes muffled. He's tender and gentle, kissing me in a way that says he truly cares about me.
Michael pulls away for a moment, his thumb caressing my skin softly as it grazes across my bottom lip. He wets his lips slightly before pulling me back in for another kiss. This time, his touch is firmer, his tongue slipping its way into my mouth. I find my hands resting on either side of his neck, pulling him in deeper. He sets his hands on my hips, pulling me closer so that our bodies fit neatly together.
The kiss continues for a few more seconds before he finally breaks it, breathing heavily. He pulls his head back slightly as he looks at me. I'm completely speechless. I've never felt anything like this before. My heart is fluttering, my arms are weak, and my body feels like it's on fire.
Our moment is interrupted by the sound of the driver clearing his throat awkwardly. Michael turns to him and smiles apologetically.
"Sorry, my lovebirds. We're almost there, don't worry." I look up at the driver and give him a sheepish smile, my expression growing even redder if that's even possible. Before I can say anything, Michael cuts in.
"Heh. Lovebirds." He mocks the driver's words jokingly, his tone light and playful. He turns back to me and kisses my hand. "He knows what's up." I smile, feeling like I'm in a dream. We pull back to the place where we started and the carriage comes to a halt. The driver climbs down from his seat and opens the gate so we can leave. Michael gets out first and puts his hands on my waist, helping me down from the carriage. He tips the driver before pulling me by the hand to his side, wrapping his arm back around me.
"Did you enjoy the ride?" He asks, smiling down at me.
"The physical one or the emotional one?" I reply teasingly, causing Michael to laugh. "I did enjoy the ride," I admit, giving a bit of a shy grin.
"Good," he replies, his tone shifting to something more sincere.
"It's getting late." I sigh as I look at the time. Michael glances at his watch and nods in agreement.
"Yeah, we should probably get back before they start to worry." He replies, giving me a warm smile. I return the smile, turning to face him.
"Today was a lot... but you really turned it around for me. Thank you for that." Michael pulls me into a hug, his body engulfing me.
"Don't mention it. I didn't like seeing a frown on your face." He says as he lets go of me. "You look way prettier when you smile." I blush at his compliment, looking down at my feet as he takes my hand in his. He looks ahead as we make our way back to the family house, the festive lights and decorations still illuminating the winter night.
As we near the house, I can't help but to feel a mix of emotions. Today had unexpected turns, but it all worked out in the end. Mostly. As we step inside, we're met with the warmth of the home and all of the lights are off. It seems like everyone's gone to sleep. Michael and I slip off our shoes before quietly making our way up the stairs.
"Looks like everyone's down for the night," He says, peering into the hallway and seeing no lights.
"Hopefully we didn't keep them up." I whisper, trying not to make too much noise on the creaky floor. Michael turns to me, leaning against the wall as he gazes at me through the darkness.
"Hey, Nao," He starts and I look at him in curiosity.
"Yeah?" He looks off to the side for a moment, as if contemplating his next words.
"I know today wasn't perfect, but I really enjoyed spending time with you." He takes my hand in his again. "I know I've only been here for a day, but I already feel so close to you. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, but I know exactly how I feel when I'm with you." He leans in and speaks softly, causing me to shiver. His smile grows brighter as I look up at him with affection. "And I gotta say, I'm pretty excited for tomorrow."
"I really can't tell you how much this means to me. I feel like I don't have to try with you. Everything just flows so naturally. I can't wait to spend more time with you." I reply, biting my lip slightly.
"You sleep well, Nao. Goodnight." He tells me, planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Goodnight to you too, Michael." I say back and he gives me that small, flirty nod he gave me when we first met as he turns and begins walking down the hall towards his room. I watch Michael leave, his warmth lingering as he disappears into the guest room. I stand there for a moment, absorbing the sincerity in his voice and the unexpected connection we've formed. As I enter my room, the quiet of the night surrounds me, and the events of the day play like a movie in my mind.
I take a deep breath and decide to capture the essence of the day on paper. I grab the cheap sketchbook Ashanti gave me yesterday, along with a few coloring pencils. The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of the streetlamps outside, casting a gentle ambiance.
I begin sketching, letting my hand move freely across the paper. The pencil captures the laughter, the awkwardness, the joy, and the unexpected intimacy that all came with today. The lines on the paper become a visual narrative, each stroke expressing the emotions that I experienced throughout the day. I feel a sense of regret as I recall how Ashanti and I acted towards each other. I feel grateful for the comfort I was given today.
As I continue to sketch, I am reminded just how much art has a way of helping me process my feelings. The notepad becomes a canvas for both the highs and lows of the day, a tangible representation of the emotional rollercoaster I've been on.
On another page, I capture the moment I had with Michael. The mulled ciders, the carriage ride, even our time by the fireplace this morning. I smile as I reminisce on this eventful day, feeling lucky to be where I am. I glance at the clock and realize how much later it has gotten. The exhaustion of the day catches up with me and I decide it's time to put the pencil down. I change into my pajamas and slide under the cozy covers of the bed.
With a contented sigh, I close my eyes, waiting for sleep to take me. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, who knows what surprises it might hold. The room is filled with a quiet peace, and as I drift off to sleep, the events of the day soften into dreams, leaving behind the anticipation of what tomorrow might bring.
When I wake up the next morning, I feel sense of anticipation, eager to make the most of today. As I get ready, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the day ahead. There's still a lingering tension in the air, especially with Ashanti, but I'm determined to make Christmas Eve memorable for everyone.
I head downstairs to find the family gathering in the living room, watching a movie. I say good morning to everyone and head into the kitchen to see if I can help. I get there to find just my aunts Tina and Pat preparing the Christmas Eve feast. I find a place to help out and smile to myself, chopping up some vegetables.
As I move around the kitchen, Ashanti enters, her eyes meeting mine briefly. There's a flicker of guilt in Ashanti's expression, a silent tension between us that, at some point, needs to be addressed. Although, I am not planning on being the one to start that conversation. She goes and sits at the kitchen table, scrolling on her phone. My aunt Tina looks over her shoulder and smiles.
"Oh, I loved that photoshoot you did, sweetie. You looked so fierce and powerful!" She compliments, putting her hand on Ashanti's shoulder.
"Yeah..." She replies, not looking up from her phone. Aunt Tina smirks and glances over at me.
"You know, Naomi, I want to apologize for the other day." She starts and I look up from my task with a raised eyebrow.
"You do?" I question and she nods.
"Maybe you're onto something with your art. At least it's better than jumping from job to job." She says, causing Aunt Pat to snicker a bit. I look over at Ashanti, who doesn't look up from her cellphone. "Ugh, the things I would do to be able to get paid to just doodle all day. Must be a dream." I sigh deeply, looking over at her.
"Aunt Tina, do you really think that art is just about sitting around and drawing whatever I want?" I ask her calmly.
"Well, honey-"
"No." I cut her off. "My job isn't that simple. It takes years to learn the skills I have. Art is a form of expression. It's like telling a story and it isn't always your own. It has a way of connecting people and cementing memories for years to come. I'm not some toddler with a crayon. To me, art is everything. Why can't any of you respect that?" I ask, gesturing to everyone in the room. My aunt Pat looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Mimi," She starts with a sigh, "you know we want nothing but the best for you." I clench my fist as I stare at her.
"See, that's another thing. If I'm being honest, a lot of my insecurities come from others telling me what they think I should be. I think it's time I start listening to what I want for a change."
"We're just trying to look out for you, sweetie. You're a bit reckless is all." Aunt Tina says, rolling her eyes.
"No, the problem is that you guys don't respect my choices or ambitions," I reply. "Thank you for the concern, but at the end of the day, it's my life." I say with a bit of sass.
"Whatever." Aunt Tina says, throwing her hands up. "Just do what you want. You always do anyway." Ashanti slams her hand down on the table and stands up.
"Will you stop, Mom?" She raises her voice, shocking us all. Ashanti takes a deep breath and points a finger at Aunt Tina. "It's one thing if you want to judge me and treat me like a child because I'm your daughter," She continues firmly. "But keep Naomi out of it! What she's doing is amazing and, I've got to admit, I'm jealous that she actually has the courage to do what she wants."
"I'm not finished!" She cuts her mom off. "All my life, you've had a plan for who I was gonna be and what I was gonna do, but did you once ask me what I wanted to do? I just went along with it because I figured mother knows best. But I hate my life and I'm starting to hate the person I've become." I start seeing Ashanti in a new light, having heard this new bit of information. I'd always thought that she just didn't like me and that we were always at odds, but now I know why.
"Naomi and I used to be best friends, but because of how you raised me, I grew to despise her, when really I should've despised you. I've stood by my whole life and let you dictate my decisions, but I won't let you do that to my cousin. You have no right!" I stare at Ashanti, stunned by her outburst. I'm also a little relieved that someone finally stood up for me. Aunt Tina and Pat don't know what to say.
"If you guys are my real family, then you won't just want me to be a carbon copy of you." She says, a bit calmer. "And if you care about us and what's good for us, you'll respect our choices."
My aunts are silent, their smug expressions completely washed away. Aunt Tina sighs again, not wanting to admit that we're correct. Before she can say a word, my mom comes downstairs, wearing her best Christmas sweater. She immediately senses the tension in the room and steps in. "What's going on down here?" She asks, her tone firm and direct.
"Nothing, Mom. Ashanti and I were just leaving." I say, before heading out of the kitchen. Ashanti follows behind me and we make our way to the study.
The room is dark and quiet, Ashanti flipping on a light to see the room. The two of us share a look, the mood of the moment taking a sharp turn. Ashanti sits down on the couch, burying her face in her hands. I hesitate for a second before sitting down beside her.
"Ashanti, I'm so sorry." I offer, reaching my hand out to her. She doesn't respond right away, but she finally takes my hand in hers.
"No, I should be the one apologizing. I have been so unfair to you and I'm sorry for all I've put you through." The look she gives is one of guilt and regret. I give her a soft smile and she continues. "I've just been so angry for so long and I took it out on you. My mother would always pressure me to do exactly what she wanted me to do and I was jealous that you could do anything you wanted when we were growing up."
"Ashanti..." I say softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I never knew you felt this way. I always thought your life was perfect and I felt like I would never amount to all the things you've accomplished." I admit.
"No ones life is perfect, Naomi. All those accomplishments, they weren't mine. They were my mother's. I just went along with everything, in hopes that I would make them proud. But nothing is ever enough." She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. "And I want to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean any of those things I said. Honestly, I'm not doing as well as everyone says."
"What do you mean?" I question. There's a long pause as Ashanti considers her words, trying to get them right.
"You know how everyone's been talking about how successful I am?" She begins, seeming unsure of herself. I nod, listening intently. "Well, I'm struggling. A lot. My mother doesn't know this, but I lost my modeling job. My boyfriend and I broke up a few months and I'm about to be evicted!" She confesses, a tear running down her face. "That's why I've been so mean lately. I've been trying to keep up appearances but it's stressful as hell and it's even worse because Michael's here." My eyes widen as she tells me this, the words catching me off guard.
"You don't like that Michael's here?"
"I like Michael," She says, shaking her head. "I mean hello! He's Michael B Jordan, who wouldn't like him? But ever since he arrived, Mom has been pressuring me to seduce him. I hate it, I feel like some shallow bitch who annoys everyone. I just wanted to make my mother happy, but at what cost? I'm just making a fool out of myself and it's obvious that he likes you. I'm so tired of being fake. I can tell that no one likes me." She looks down at her lap, avoiding my eyes.
"That's not true," I defend. "Yeah, you get on our nerves sometimes and sometimes you make Michael a bit uncomfortable..." She gives a wry laugh as I speak. "But we all love to have you around. You may see yourself as fake, but we all know the real you. And we love being around you. Ashanti, even when you started being mean to me when we were kids, I still was excited to see you. And I'm glad to have you as my cousin. If I'm honest, your teasing made me want to do better. And your mom may have pushed you to be perfect, but every accomplishment is yours. You earned each of them. And I'm so proud of you, Ashanti." She looks up at me in disbelief.
"Really?" She asks, a shocked expression on her face. Her eyes are filled with tears and her shoulders are slumped. "But how can you say that when I've made things so difficult for you? I've been nothing but nasty to you."
"Because you're still my cousin." I reply with a gentle smile on my face. "It's true that you can sometimes be a bit much, but I still love you. Like you said, we both got on each others nerves when we were kids, but no one's perfect, especially when it comes to our family."
Ashanti wipes away her tears. "I appreciate that, Naomi. Honestly, I really think that you're such an amazing person. I'm just really bad at saying it." She says with a faint smile. "I'm really sorry for everything I put you through before and after Michael got here. I really do love you. Please forgive me?"
"Of course, I forgive you, Ashanti." I pull her into a hug, a real one. She hesitates for a second, before hugging me back. I give her a little squeeze as I missed this feeling with my cousin. She doesn't let go for a moment, before finally speaking again.
"Hey... can I ask you a favor?" She asks, her voice soft.
"Yeah, what is it?" I reply, prepared for whatever she might ask of me.
To be continued...
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cinamun · 1 year
Ok mama I’m not gonna front between you and another story blogger added to this new pack I might start up a lil story👀 it’s supernatural horse ranch (don’t come for me y’all I saw Michael B Jordan fine ass on a horse and it gave me inspiration🤣🤣)
Listen friend, I'm ready for ALLLLLL the Black cowboys!! And supernaturals too??? BRING IT!!
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fortunaegloria · 1 year
Mission Impossible X Jack Ryan: The Ultimate Collaboration*
So, I joined the ChatGPT fad and the first thing I did after creating my account there was asking the artificial intelligence to create a movie plot with the utopian crossover of Mission: Impossible and Jack Ryan.
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According to the AI, the movie could be “an action-packed thriller with high-stakes espionage and intense drama” counting, besides Tom Cruise and John Krasinski, with James Spader (as Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist) and Michael B. Jordan (as John Clark from Without Remorse) in the cast – and of course, with the presence of James Greer and the IMF team.
Without further ado, here's the storyline according to AI.
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The movie opens with Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his team on a mission to stop a terrorist organization from acquiring a deadly biological weapon. During the mission, they discover that the terrorists are being funded by a wealthy businessman named Raymond Reddington (James Spader). Meanwhile, Jack Ryan (John Krasinski) is working for the CIA and has been tracking Reddington for years, suspecting him of being involved in various criminal activities. Ryan and Hunt's paths cross when Ryan provides Hunt with intelligence on Reddington's activities, and the two teams decide to work together to take him down. As they delve deeper into the conspiracy, they discover that Reddington has ties to a rogue faction within the CIA, led by a former agent named John Clark (Michael B. Jordan). Clark's group has been operating outside of the law, and Reddington has been supplying them with weapons and funding. Hunt and Ryan must race against time to stop Reddington and Clark's group from carrying out their plan to unleash the deadly biological weapon. The mission takes them all over the world, from the Middle East to Europe to Washington D.C., and involves high-speed chases, intense shootouts, and thrilling spy gadgets. In the end, Hunt and Ryan's combined efforts lead to the capture of Reddington and the dismantling of Clark's group, preventing a catastrophic attack on the world.
Did you like it? Let me know what you think 😉
*this is one of the titles that ChatGPT generated for the crossover movie, and it was the one I liked the most.
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fcsources · 11 months
hello! could I please get some alt fc suggestions for michael b. jordan that have a similar vibe/look and can pass as 35 - nothing wrong with him, but I'm struggling with his resources as there are way less gif hunts/packs of him than I realized and if you could please suggest someone that maybe has a wider/larger gif selection that would be such a huge help! thank you in advance!
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absolutely! all of these guys have at least 400+ gifs in the tags, so please feel free to reach out if you're struggling to find resources for any of them. obviously it's always ideal to swap out faces as closely as possible, but since your primary concern here is lack of resources, i'll give the little disclaimer that you should remember to make any and all appropriate changes to your character if your fc changes age or ethnicity. that being said, here are my suggestions for you, angel! i hope it helps 🫀
Aaron Johnson ( 1990, actor, white/Jewish )
Chace Crawford ( 1985, actor, white )
Jesus Castro ( 1993, actor, half Romani )
John Boyega ( 1992, actor, Black )
Michael Trevino ( 1985, actor, Mexican )
Oliver Jackson-Cohen ( 1986, actor, half Tunisian-Egyptian/Jewish )
Phil Dunster ( 1992, actor, white )
Ryan Guzman ( 1987, actor, half Mexican )
Stephan James ( 1993, actor, Black )
Tanner Novlan ( 1986, actor, half(?) Cree )
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II ( 1986, actor, Black )
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senatushq · 9 months
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NAME. Tripp Blais AGE & BIRTH DATE. 35 & 4th November, 1987 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/him SPECIES. Lycan PACK. Ivy OCCUPATION. Unemployed FACE CLAIM. Michael B Jordan
The Ivy coven had boasted powerful witches from the moment of its inception in Ancient Italy, as it grew and stretched across the world to adapt and evolve into what it now was within a modern society. Though scorned for the magic that flowed through their veins, the Ivy coven adapted with the changing of times, as mortals with little to no magic in their blood saw them as nothing more than abominations in their midsts. Always resilient, always versatile, the Ivy coven persevered through any of the troubles that had come their way, even when that came in the shape of a lycan bite that infected a member of the coven. The bite had not been mortal, but it had been effective, altering a singular branch of the Ivy coven’s expansive family tree.
It had been within this new branch that a baby boy was born, seemingly with a violence that flowed through his blood unlike anything before. Born a lycan, it had been expected of the small boy to have quick mood swings, to have a certain level of being territorial and all the feelings that would ultimately come with that. Except when it came to Tripp, those mood swings were plentiful and the level of being territorial had reached a high degree. It had been concerning in his youth, and would have been more so had it not been for the seemingly silver collar that had wrapped around his neck in the form of an ivy mark that curled around his left arm.
While the nights of the full moon had never been a problem for a young lycan, it hadn’t controlled the ferocity that found him on the playground or the courts, nor when another boy of an older age attempted to bully him when they thought they had found an opportunity, an easy prey. It had been that seemingly uncontrollable violence that had the young boy expelled from several schools in a short amount of time, and despite his parents having only ever wanted the best for him, it had not seemed to get better over the years that housed his adolescence. It had not been something that his parents had wanted, but it was something that the Ivy coven could eventually use to their advantage.
And use him they did, for the ferocity that seemed to thrive within the young lycan became a tool for the Ivy coven, a means to ensure that their enemies knew their places. A vampire that took to feeding upon the innocent, that took to not cleaning up their messes, and it would be he that was released upon them. Another coven that had begun to chant curses into the night air, that toed the line towards blood magic, and it was Tripp that circled them under the shine of a full moon. That pressed upon them until they were driven into the waiting hands of the Ivy coven. For that was the seemingly sole purpose of the lycan, and what he could do for the coven he had once been destined to be a witch within.
While such a fate may have deterred many of the other lycans within the coven, it had only ever mattered when that leash in the shape of an ivy mark was pulled taut, when Tripp was reigned in from the velocity that propelled him towards his next victim. There was the want to bite back, to strike those who thought they could control him, but there was a saying about not biting the hand that feeds one. It was a sentiment that held some truth, but Tripp would only stand it for the simple fact that the Ivy coven was family. Which was precisely the thought when he was called to Rome, when he was instructed to play nice until the need to unleash a feral wolf was deemed necessary.
+ Efficient, skillful, dutiful – Brutal, predatory, unstable
played by c. cst. she/her.
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damnitglenn · 1 year
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4 starter animes
Recently Michael b Jordan released a starter anime list…which some said were bad. So here are my picks to get started
1. FLCL Fooly cooly: This show is just fun. The animation style the dubbing it allows a first timer to see why you should pick up anime
2. Hajime No Ippo: An action packed sports anime where you constantly root for the underdog. The beauty with this anime is there is a movie, ova and second season through rising.
3.Death Note: A more mystery styled anime keeps you guessing and wondering what the protagonist will do next.
4. My love story: cute, simple, slice of life anime. Only one season but it can help others explore other comedy/ romance anime’s.
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harlivycommissions · 2 years
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PUBLIC COMMISSION!     MICHAEL B. JORDAN     ,     CREED, CREED II     ━━     [ #400 ]     /     click on the source link below to be redirected to the gifs.     all the gifs were created from scratch by us.     respect our work, do not claim as your own, do not edit, do not redistribute.     lastly, please like and reblog if you find these helpful or have intention on using in the future.
[ ! ] content warning: blood, drinking, eating, flashing lights, injuries, kissing, nudity.
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keetika · 3 years
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   —   ⁺  𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐁. 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍  ,  1987  [ #430 GIFS ]  ETC  /  michael b. jordan is of african descent, please cast accordingly and use appropriately. all of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. to access the gifs please click the source link. do not edit, claim as your own or add into your own hunts! time and effort were spent into making these gifs, a like or a reblog would be much appreciated!
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osvaldrps-archived · 4 years
michael b. jordan in creed 2  //  by clicking the link  [ HERE ]  you will find #87 gifs, all made by me from scratch. you can use/edit them to your liking, just credit me where credit's due. and please reblog the post if you find these helpful.
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fakehelper · 6 years
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On my gif pack server, you can access #256 gifs of the actor Michael B. Jordan as Erik Stevens / N'Jadaka / Killmonger in the movie Black Panther. Michael is of African-American descent, please cast him accordingly. All gifs were made by me and are only intended for roleplaying purposes. Do not repost, remove my watermark, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. Please like this post if using or saving any gifs and reblog only if you’re an rp resource blog.
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valmccoy · 2 years
task 04, part 02.
“oh my gosh i’m going to butcher this,” val mused, trying to think of everything she knew about the beautiful sunbather. there wasn’t much she could recall, her first day had her frazzled and she had been way too distracted by the woman’s body, she was embarrassed to admit. still, she’d do her best. “celeste, if i don’t get all of these right, that just means we have to get more familiar with each other.” @penned-cbarbosa​
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Who is your celebrity crush? michael b jordan, maybe?? i can tell you from experience babe, you would thoroughly enjoy that man.
What is your favorite color? hmm... blue
What are 2 of your favorite hobbies? didn’t i hear you mention something about writing?? so probably writing, and with writing comes reading, right?
What do you do for a living/what is your occupation? oh lord. are you a model? you could be...
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s best ____” i’m sticking with this writing thing. you’re one of the world’s best writers.
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s worst ____”  worst... at making people feel rejected. you turned me down and i was happy about it, hehehe.
It’s your night to pick a movie. Will you pick something action-packed, laugh out loud funny, or something in the family-feelgood genre? i think you would like a good laugh.
About what range is the number of shoe pairs you own: around 10, 20-30, 40-50, or 60+? 40-50, maybe?
When it comes to fashion, are you more about wearing what looks good or wearing what feels comfortable? the only thing i ever saw you wear was a bikini, so... what looks good ;)
About how long does it usually take you to get ready to go out: 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or >1 hour? 1 hour. i know that gorgeous hair takes some care.
What cuisine is your favorite? i have to guess... japanese. i feel like you’re a sushi gal, don’t ask me why.
Are you almost always early, late, or on time to events? on time!
What is your favorite season in the year? summer??
Which metal do you prefer: gold, silver or rose gold? silver...
Are you more of a homebody or are you full of wanderlust? you seem full of wanderlust to me, judging by how comfortable you seem on a beach.
Where do you rank on the competitive scale: not at all, only for fun things, or competitive about most things? not competitive at all.
Are you more logical and methodical (left brained) or creative and artistic (right brained)? definitely right brained!
When sleeping, do you consider yourself a bed and blanket hog? do you hog all the blankets?? yes. do you consider yourself a bed and blanket hog?? no.
If you could have a private music performance, what 1 band or artist would you have perform? beyonce, i’d bet!! if she’s not available though, i am ;)
Which version of shower singer are you: I don’t, I might if a song’s stuck in my head, or just about every shower is my own private concert. if a song is stuck in your head i bet you’d belt it out.
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kxiackerman · 3 years
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I saw [KAI ACKERMAN] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. I forgot how much [HE/HIM] looks like [MICHAEL B. JORDAN]. They are a [THIRTY SIX] year old [PROFESSIONAL BOXER] who’s been in NYC for [THIRTY TWO YEARS] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [RESPONSIBLE & COURAGEOUS] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [WITHDRAWN & EVASIVE]. [COVERED IN CHROME - VIOLENT SOHO] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio. 
its ya girl chris back with her third child.
cancer, death, mental illness trigger warning
- kai was born in lansing, michigan. he is the eldest child of three, with two twin sisters three years younger than him. his mother mother lanelle was a high school english teacher, loving mother, and devoted church goer. everyone in their local neighbourhood knew her for her selfless heart, providing food and friendship for those she knew were doing it rough. kai’s father was the famous boxer shaun ackerman, the man who kai would eventually follow in the steps of. shaun was a heavyweight fighter who reached the heights of his career in the 1980′s. kai’s earliest memories involve the local boxing ring where his dad would train, and kai would run around giving towels to the various members of the ring. 
- it was a happy and fulfilling early childhood until shaun’s scheduled health check pre-match came up with a concerning lump on his shoulder. after seeing a specialist, it was determined that shaun had hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer in the lymphatic system. it was a blow to the entire family, and to shaun’s career. the ackerman’s promptly made the decision to pack their bags and move to new york to get the best possible treatment at the time. kai was four at this point, he didn’t quite understand what was going on, but he knew the situation was serious.
- the ackerman’s spared no option to fight for their patriach’s life. shaun endured chemotherapy, radiation therapy, a bone marrow transplant, and various drugs that were experimental at the time. kai often remembered watching his mother pray over his bed, as his father would come in and out of hospital over a period of four years. shaun slowly deteriorated, and finally came the acceptance his career was over. shaun experienced an metastatic growth on his left lung which ultimately killed him on the 3rd of september 1997. kai was eight.
- the ackerman’s decided to make the choice to stay in new york state after shaun’s passing, to stay his burial site. plus, kai had been enrolled into boxing classes in his attempt to keep his father’s spirit alive. he didn’t tell anyone the famous shaun ackerman was his father, but when his trainers finally realised who he was, they weren’t surprised why this young skinny boy had so much talent and potential. lanelle always worried for him, remembering the injuries her late-husband experienced in the ring, but knew it was an outlet for the young boys sadness, kai was not the same child he once was after shaun passed.
- spending the rest of his childhood in brooklyn, kai was a quite kid. with a small group of loyal friends, he didn’t have much interest in being the popular kid. any bully’s who tried to put him down for his introverted personality, were promptly aquatinted with kai’s fist. with his training, kai was a strong kid, and stood up for the other kids targeted by the bullies. he found himself in the principles office often for beating up the meaner kids on the playground who targeted the smaller ones. he became a somewhat of a hero to the underdogs of the neighbourhood, as the bullies never seemed to come back for round two after they squared up with kai ackerman.
- lanelle realised once her son was in highschool kai’s personality began to change. he was always a quite and respectful kid, but he began to experience sudden bouts of agitation, and anger, often coming out in the ring, getting him into more trouble with his coach. then he’d suddenly swing into bouts of depression. it took effort on lanelle’s behalf, but she managed to get her son to see a psychologist, who diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. regardless, kai’s relationship with his mother never changed. always adoring her, he’s confident that no matter what happens she’d always accept him for who he was — and he would be right.
- nowerdays, kai is working to achieve the greatness of his father, and fill his shoes. a professional super middleweight, kai has made a name for himself in the sport. he’s become a little bit better at the whole social thing, but he is still an immensely private person. most of his girlfriends in the past always seemed to struggle to tap past the solid walls he built around himself, afraid of people seeing him at either extremes he experiences. kai will be a loyal friend to those he likes, but keeps most at an arms length from himself. 
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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In celebration of June being Caribbean American Heritage Month, there’s a masterlist below compiled of over 80+ Kittitian and/or Nevisian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Cicely Tyson (1924) Afro-Nevisian - actress and model. 
Susan L. Taylor (1946) Afro-Trinidianian / Afro-Kittitian - editor and writer. 
Joan Armatrading (1950) Afro-Kittitian - singer and guitarist. 
Ellen Cleghorne (1965) African-American, Afro-Kittitian - actress and comedian. 
Michelle Gayle (1971) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - singer, actress and author.
Alison Hammond (1975) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - presenter. 
Angela Griffin (1975) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian / English - actress and presenter. 
Corinne Bailey Rae (1979) Afro-Kittitian / English - singer.
Rhea Bailey (1983) Afro-Kittitian / English - actress. 
Melanie Liburd (1987) Afro-Kittitian / English - actress. 
Laura Mvula (1987) Afro-Kittitian / Afro-Jamaican - singer. 
Keisha White (1988) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - singer. 
Pippa Bennett-Warner (1988) Afro-Jamaican, Afro-Kittitian - actress. 
Lady Leshurr (1989) Afro-Kittitian - rapper.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Afro-Kittitian - model.
Wendy St. Kitts (?) Afro-Kittitian - singer. 
Ngozi Paul (?) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian / Dominica - actress, writer and director.
F - Athletes:
Nicola Adams (1982) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian, French, British - boxer. 
Virgil Hodge (1983) Afro-Kittitan or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Tiandra Ponteen (1984) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Phoenetia Browne (1994) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Brittney Lawrence (1995) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Dakota Mills (1997) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Quinn Josiah (2000) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Carley Uddenberg (2000) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer.
Leon Herbert (1955) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - actor, director, writer and producer.
Robbie Gee (1964) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - actor.
Michael Boatman (1964) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - actor.
Simon Webbe (1978) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - singer. 
Devon Anderson (1987) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - actor. 
Leeon Jones (1993) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - actor. 
Burt Caesar (?) Afro-Kittitian - actor, broadcaster and director. 
Tevin Wallace (?) Afro-Kittitian, Afro-Trinidadian - actor and model.
E-Carter / Eric Carter (?) Afro-Kittitian - rapper.
Santoy / Santoy Barrett (?) Afro-Kittitian - singer.
Louis Hanley (?) Afro-Kittitian - singer.
Tifferny Cyanne (?) Afro-Nevisian, Montserratian, Irish - model (Instagram: tiffernynco).
M - Athletes:
Ces Podd (1952) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Elquemedo Willett (1953) Afro-Nevisian - cricketer. 
Bert Bowery (1954) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Derick Parry (1954) Afro-Nevisian - cricketer. 
Victor Eddy (1955) Afro-Kittitian - cricketer. 
Desai Williams (1959) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Livingstone Bramble (1960) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - boxer.
Derek Redmond (1965) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Keith Arthurton (1965) Afro-Nevisian - cricketer. 
Gary Smith (1966) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Des Hazel (1967) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Dean Walling (1969) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Stuart Williams (1969) Afro-Kittitian - cricketer. 
Carl Tuckett (1970) Afro-Nevisian - cricketer. 
Bobby Bowry (1971) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Keith Gumbs (1972) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Lutel James (1972) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Sagi Burton (1977) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Brian Quailey (1978) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Adam Newton (1980) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Calum Willock (1981) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Erasmus James (1982) Afro-Kittitian - American footballer. 
Tesfa Robinson (1985) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Atiba Harris (1985) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Jason St Juste (1985) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Matthew Berkeley (1987) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Patrece Liburd (1988) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Ryan Robbins (1988) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Micah Richards (1988) Afro-Kittitian / Unknown - footballer. 
Antoine Adams (1988) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Febian Brandy (1989) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Brijesh Lawrence (1989) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Zephaniah Thomas (1989) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Michael Nottingham (1989) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Aaron Moses-Garvey (1989) Afro-Kittitianor Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Kieran Powell (1990) Afro-Nevisian - cricketer. 
Jordan Bowery (1991) Afro-Kittitianor Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Jason Rogers (1991) Afro-Kittitian - sprinter. 
Romaine Sawyers (1991) Afro-Kittitian / Unknown - footballer. 
Rowan Liburd (1992) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Omari Sterling-James (1993) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Raheem Hanley (1994) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Theo Wharton (1994) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer.
Jacob Hazel (1994) Afro-Kittitian- footballer. 
Harry Panayiotou (1994) Afro-Kittitian / Greek Cypriot - footballer.  
Alain Sargeant (1995) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Jerry St. Juste (1996) Afro-Kittitian / Dutch - footballer. 
Warren Hazel (1996) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - sprinter. 
Jeremiah Louis (1996) Afro-Kittitian - cricketer. 
Marcus Rashford (1997) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Raheem Somersall (1997) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Daniel Bowry (1998) Afro-Kittitian or Afro-Nevisian - footballer. 
Romario Martin (1999) Afro-Kittitian - footballer. 
Mikyle Louis (2000) Afro-Kittitian - cricketer. 
Kareem Queeley (2001) Afro-Kittitian - basketball player.
Bertil Fox (1951) Afro-Kittitian - convicted murderer.
Neil deGrasse Tyson (1958) African-American, Puerto Rican, Afro-Nevisian - sexual assault allegations. 
Mel B (1975) Afro-Kittitian or Nevisian / British  - said in an interview that she slept with a co-star, named them but didn’t get their permission.
Akil Grier (1992) Afro-Kittitian or Nevisian - charged with rape.
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
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Species: Lycan
Affiliation: The Liberation; leecher.
Age: 50+
Suggested FCs: Lucy Liu, Richard Madden, Chungha, Lily Collins, Jack Falahee, Oscar Isaac, Laith Ashley, Chella Man, Hunter Schafer, Zendaya Coleman, Aja Naomi King, Ryan Destiny, Michael B. Jordan, Mena Massoud, Rami Malek
You’ve always been as steady as a boulder, a unifying force amongst your peers. There is a calm that envelops you, a sense of security that seems to rest in your lap regardless of where you go. Your dedication to the Liberation has earned you your title as a reliable protector. You know how to fight, know how to use your claws and your jagged teeth to kill if need be -- but you often take on a defensive role if it is possible. Your sense of calm and your calculative mind makes you an incredible asset -- and though the years have passed you by in great number, you cannot help but feel as if your sturdy protection isn’t enough. You used to be merciless, full of rage and fury. Your hands are still stained with the blood of old enemies -- and you continue to try and scrub yourself clean, but you’re not sure if you’ll ever fully succeed.
𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐓. Their wild energy exhausts you -- and at times, you wonder if turning them had been nothing but a moment of your weakness. They are loud, obnoxious, and known to instigate -- and no matter how many times you reprimand them for their behavior, you find that they run amok regardless. You feel responsible for them, like it’s your duty to make sure they stay safe. Unharmed. Untouched -- like protecting them will absolve you from the sins that continue to weigh heavily upon your shoulders. They don’t realize this, though, for all they see in you is a droll stick in the mud with no time for fun. You think to yourself... maybe it’s best that they think this. Better that than them realizing how far from perfect you really are.
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐓. Your pack views them as the next threat lingering on the horizon -- but there’s something about their hesitance that speaks to you differently. You hate to admit that you see fractions of yourself within their hollow eyes, in the way their gait holds trepidation, and in the disconcerted curve of their frown. They will be the next leader, the one sworn to tear down everything you have fought so tirelessly for -- but you cannot help but wonder... can they be the key to your victory? You strategize that perhaps you may be able to win them over to the right side of history eventually.
𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐂. Every time you look into their eyes, you feel guilt; it hands heavily above your head and forces your shoulders to sag. You recoil from the pain in their expression because it reminds you of what you had done to them. You never meant to hurt them but no matter how many times you plead and beg them for forgiveness, they turn their back on you yet again. You want to make things right, but it seems impossible. It hurts you, but you know better than to forgive yourself. Some sins aren’t meant to be alleviated.
                                                    JASPER IS CURRENTLY OPEN.  
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laurencespvkcs · 5 years
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(michael b jordan, 36, male, he/him ) Was that LAURENCE HASGARD? I heard a rumor they work for the THE O'SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? they can be a bit EXPLOSIVE  &  CRUEL, but I also heard they can be INTELLIGENT & LOYAL. you’ll usually find them at SKY FALL BAR in their spare time, when they’re not being an BONEBREAKERS. you may want to keep an eye on that one ! ( billie, her/she, 24, gmt+1, none )
Triggers: Drug, Domestic Abuse, Murder & Death
Laurence’s beginning to life was anything the unexpected from living in Chicago. Feeding your own drug addicted parents was never easy, being the talk of the town wasn’t any easier. From the moment he could remember his life had been this way with what could only be seen as a trailer trash family. People in the neighbourhood would turn the other way when his family walked down the street, tattered clothes & scruffy looking. People would whisper in the streets and call Laurence the boy from the crazy house because of his parents. It was like it haunted him everywhere he went, being a young boy had never been an option for him growing up having to do the cooking, the cleaning and every thing you’d never expect of a child.
It was unknown if he ever smiled because it was never seen. Out of both of his parents he’d always been slightly closer to his mother, remembering the days she’d sing him lullabies before bed and stroke his hair. Although that would only last a short while before fists would fly and a cover up would be some how created for when he went to school. But nobody ever questioned it and to this day he’s never been able to understand how nobody could see the pain he was going through.
October ninth was a day that Laurence had never forgotten when he arrived home from school and his mother’s bags were packed with nothing left but a note that said she was sorry. His own mother had left him with his drunken abusive father. She had saved herself but left her son to deal with everything she had gone through. And now that his father had less people to take his anger out on; Laurence became the main target for everything.
The beating’s became more intense and Laurence eventually stopped going to school so he could do what ever his father told him to do. But one night things changed after yet another slap to the face, drunken beer bottles trashed around the house and a confused boy sat on the floor crying.
Something snapped in side of him; something that he’s never been able to explain since. It was like the whole world was gone from under his own feet as he stared out into the dark sky, a Monday evening around 9:45pm and the only sounds were his erratic breathing and the tweets of the birds in the distance. While his father slept he dosed the whole house in gasoline and without a second thought set it alight and watched as it burnt to the ground— well or so he thought. He took off before he could finish watching.
Laurence took off for a number of years, returning only to see a reminiscence of a house that used to be there. Laurence had killed his own father and nobody had ever questioned it. It had been ruled that the father in his stricken grief of his wife leaving him had killed himself and his son and the family were completely forgotten about. Laurence was never sure about why he came back, he knew he needed to see what he had done to come to terms with it.
But it had made him cold, angry and he’d never been the same since. He wasn’t sure when he started working as a hit man. At first it had been for a couple hundred bucks to get him out of debt, and then it started to pile up.
His release had always been dealing armed goods, something he was extremely talented at, nothing more than fun. But when he realised he could make money out of it, things changed in his life. Laurence began to race cars all the time, short change then changed to what some would consider lots of money. Profit was made after he’d began to upgrade his cars, and before he knew it Laurence had a following, practically living for the fame that had seemingly taken over him.
Upon that time he knew it was time to return too Chicago, a long awaited feeling.
Although only a small town fame, alongside that he met The O’shea’s; people who could make him worthy --- or so he took it. Laurence had the connections and the mentality for the criminal life style — and just like that he was in.
He’d obtained the nickname the Beast for a reason. Or a psychopath— which ever suited better at the time dependent on mood. But now aged 36; Laurence stood for The O’shea’s. He tried to  keep an iron fist throughout to make sure nobody double crossed them. known for his brutal personality and almost psychopathic tenancies. He was one to be feared. Making even the most normal of people shake in their boots. Well known to the authorities for his short time he’d spent behind bars years previous, but his people depended on him. Laurence is a brutal kind of man that does not fear killing or people. All he cares about is making sure him, and his Team have what they need to survive. If you get in the way of that, there will be hell to pay, because no one fucks with The O’shea’s.
Although seen as psychopathic and dangerous underneath there is something to be loved with Laurence because he is caring about those around him. He is just not scared to protect what he believes to be rightfully his. He has a great worth ethic, he can be thoughtful when it comes to planning and is always fair when it comes to calls within his group. Beside that he is a very violent individual who should be watched and feared, even if he likes you there is a switch inside of him that is easily flipped and he can be very temperamental.
+ Fair, Dynamic & Focused - Violent, Controlling & Sarcastic
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