vivendocomvontade · 1 month
Descubra quais são as datas e feriados do mês de maio e sinta-se a vontade para compartilhar
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whetstonefires · 4 months
Okay so, got here from a book on animal behavior but: Vulcan stand-up comedy as a competitive activity.
Because most Vulcans don't actually pretend they don't have emotions, it's all about self-regulation, right? And good comedy usually hinges on manipulating the relationship between our faculties of recognition and surprise in various ways, you can get pretty scientific with it.
So Vulcans go to the comedy act, and the idea is the comedian is trying to make you crack up, and the audience is trying to not even crack a smile, and if you do laugh, you lose. Like all in good fun, but Vulcans are both really competitive and really aware of how dangerous that urge can be to a society, so this could actually be classified as highly orthodox Surakian practice.
So of course the comedian has to actually be funny, or there's no challenge and the game is boring.
Which means the really good Vulcan comedians (most of whom tend to extremely dry delivery of their bits) are going to go around playing to packed houses, which mostly sit staring stonily back at them, with occasional breaks when someone loses it and reacts.
And after a show you'll have Vulcans walking out discussing with great approval how very humorous that was, with varying degrees of muted smugness or chagrin depending on if they won or lost.
I bet there are human comedians whose grandest fantasy is being good enough to do a set in Vulcana Regatta and have people going around bragging about not laughing at them.
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carlosdreik · 2 years
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Eu acho bárbaro a nossa vida ter fases. Fases boas, fases ruins, fases de intolerância, fases de falta de paciência, fases de extremo torpor, fase da adrenalina, e etc. Eu já passei por muitas delas, ainda vem muitas por aí. Tô pronto! Pode mandar a próxima. Eu aprendi com essas fases, pessoas aprenderam de mim com essas fases e eu aprendi com as pessoas por causa dessas fases. Não há nada na vida melhor do que aprender! Informação não ocupa espaço. Quero agradecer a todos que não só hoje mas durante meus 34 anos me fizeram aprender e aprenderam comigo. Que me fazem sorrir a cada detalhe dessa vida louca e maravilhosa que vivemos JUNTOS! E assim vamos indo! Eu amo vcs, a minha vida certamente seria uma besta se faltasse qqr pessoa que eu conheço hoje #dreikfaz35 #thirtyfive #trintaecinco #aniversário #maisumpraconta #amor #gay #lgbt #pride #meudia #canceriano #câncer #meumes #riodejaneiro #família #amigos #amores #fizerammeudia #teamo https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf2t5OTuI2L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suchawrathfullamb · 6 months
hannibal smelling people:
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hannibal smelling will:
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discipleofhekate · 4 months
Witches, learn to take breaks. ❤️‍🩹
I’m not talking about self-care in life, like resting when you’re tired or taking days off- although those are important, lol.
I mean to take breaks from your craft from time to time.
I did an impromptu break recently and when I did, I felt like the words that left my lips praising Hekate were more genuine, from the heart. No longer routine. I felt like my actions were meaningful, not a part of another thing I just had to do.
She was no longer just an obligation; I had time to reevaluate my connection to her. Through a break I felt like my bond to her was stronger after it. 🖤❤️🤍
If you’re feeling kind of tired of witchcraft, if you’re wanting to focus on other things- that’s okay. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience, after all. Answer that and come back when you’re ready. ❤️‍🔥
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letras-esculpidas · 21 days
Ando fingindo que estou bem há tanto tempo Que passei a acreditar na minha mentira Mas ela é fraca, frágil, volúvel Como minha alma quebradiça E assim que a realidade me atinge Desmorono como uma monção Sem conseguir me conter, Pelos olhos, lágrimas Gritos me cortam a garganta, Meus cortes sangram Não consigo comedir nenhuma emoção É no escuro que liberto meu coração Finjo naturalidade quando há Sol E assim os dias passarão Reprimindo e matando minha alma, Com desespero e com calma Correndo de volta para a linha de partida Achando que assim se chega mais rápido à chegada Mas vai ser só uma linha Sem vitória e sem troféu
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how. did. isreal. get. through. to. the. final. WHO voted for them?? WHY wasn't there more boo-ing??? why were they included at all???? is this real life
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hemlockdrunk · 8 months
sorry to break it to you but horace and maecenas fucked. like full on epicurean mos maiorum abiding augustean policy aligned gay sex
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darkmoon-tsword · 1 year
So...hear yall like hands?
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endawn · 27 days
feeling in such a shippy mood rn
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gone-is-the-earth · 6 months
“While thinking of her
A sweet sleep came over me
I am your master
Here is your heart
And on this burning heart
Your heart
(she) obediently fed
Then I saw him leaving in tears
Joy became bitterest lament
I am in peace
My heart
I am in peace
See my heart”
English translation of the passage from Vita Nova by Dante Alighieri.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
I do have a piece of writing advice, actually.
See, the first time I grew parsnips, I fucked it up good. I hadn't seen parsnips sprouting before, right, and in my eagerness I was keeping a close eye on the row. And every time I saw some intruding grass coming up, I twitched it right out, and went back to anticipating the germination of my parsnips.
But it turns out parsnips take a bit longer than anything else I'd ever grown to distinguish themselves visually. It's just the two little split leaves, almost identical to a newly seeded bit of kentucky bluegrass when they first come up, and they take a good bit to establish themselves and spread out flat before the main stem with its first distinctive scallopy leaf gets going.
I didn't get any parsnips, not that year, because I'd weeded them all out as soon as they showed their faces, with my 'ugh no that's grass' twitchy horticulture finger.
The next year, having in retrospect come to suspect what had happened, I left the row alone and didn't weed anything until all the sprouts coming up had all had a bit to set in and show their colors, and I've grown lots of parsnips since. They're kind of a slow crop, not a huge return, but I like them and watching them grow and digging them up, and their papery little seeds in the second year, if you don't harvest one either on purpose or because you misjudged the frost, so it's worth it.
Anyway, whenever I see someone stuck and struggling with their writing who's gotten into that frustration loop of typing a few words, rejecting them, backspacing, and starting again, I find myself thinking, you gotta stop weeding your parsnips, man.
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futue lingua latina omnes amicii odiunt linguae latinae
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sounwise · 2 years
“Paul’s always been a workaholic. I think even now he goes regularly to his studio every day and there’s nothing wrong with that. Paul was the most organised of the quartet in terms of music and I think that Paul would have made a great arranger if he’d really set himself to it. But I guess he didn’t need to do it. I wish he had done. I mean he was always frightened of learning music properly in case it took away something. He was frightened of losing that spark of originality. But he’s got such good understanding music, he’s a profoundly good musician and he has a great understanding of orchestral colour, so that now I think that he is a fine composer in a classical sense—I think he’s got that quality. But out of all the people I’ve worked with, he was the most articulate in terms of what he wanted.”
[—George Martin interviewed sometime around 2004(?), quoted in Paul McCartney: Now & Then, Tony Barrow and Robin Bextor]
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discipleofhekate · 2 months
🌒 Eclipse Energy 2024 🌘
Whenever I want to perform spells or rituals, for some inspiration I always search up some key words: metaphysical, spiritual, meaning, witchcraft etc. What I usually end up doing is taking someone’s spell or ritual they share online and make it my own. In my eyes, that’s how we continue to make this craft that’s become widespread a community- through our shared experiences through the medium of magic. 🌙
That being said, here’s some overall things I found in regards to the solar eclipse 2024:
The Solar Eclipse falls on the day of a new moon. New moons traditionally mark new beginnings. On these days they’re reserved for cleansing, reflection and spending time to recharge. For a Solar Eclipse this magnifies that kind of energy: I’m taking the day to do a deep clean of the home, to meditate and to reset my energy going forward.
As I said, the Solar Eclipse means new beginnings. Next month I’m getting married. I’m going to tie my handfasting cords together on this day, marking the new beginning for my partner & I. 💞
Rituals and spells are always welcome, though not required. I’m going to use candle magic to welcome in the newfound energy. Black is a good one and is used to dispel negative energy among other things. White promotes cleansing and in general is a good basic color used to manifest any sort of spell you’re wanting to bring about. If you’re setting intentions for a new path, this is a good color to choose.
Whatever you may choose, it’s still a magical, thrilling day to watch an astrological phenomenon occur in our sky. Unfortunately where I live it’s cloudy in the city and if you travel both north and south it stays that way, so I’ll be enjoying the energy from afar.
May you all have a blessed and wonderful Solar Eclipse 🌒🌕🌘
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letras-esculpidas · 2 years
de ponta cabeça, o mar vira céu
Tem um motivo pelo qual o presente se chama presente, mas eu não quero abrir esse aqui
Um futuro sem ti, presente não pode ser
O passado se tornou meu presente maior
Pois só assim para eu conseguir te ver e para eu sorrir
Aquela música já fazia sentido naquele época,
mas eu cantava sem perceber
Hoje ela me faz chorar porque eu queria muito poder ser como Brown e McFly e ir para o passado outra vez
Só para poder fazer o tempo engatinhar do jeito que eu sempre quis
Só para eu poder ficar mais tempo com você
Poder gastar um pouco mais de tempo guardando nossos momentos mais idiotas
Nossas risadas mais escandalosas
Para que quando chegasse a saudade eu ter a memória tão bem gravada que por entre lágrimas
Um filme de nós passaria diante dos meus olhos
Um filme sobre eu e você
Sobre como tinha tanta coisa pra fazer
Mas sempre dava tempo pra se ver
Sobre as risadas com coisas bobas
Sobre as longas conversas olhando pro azul do céu
De cabeça para baixo, fingindo que estávamos acima dos pássaros
Sobre as longas caminhadas dando voltas no mesmo lugar, só para desabafar
Sobre como eu sou você e você sou eu
E como eu morro um pouquinho
Todo dia
De tanta saudade
Da minha alma gêmea
Minha pessoa favorita
A minha melhor amiga
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