crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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AI prompt: I wish all railroad workers a very strike that destroys capitalism ✊🏾
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grey-sorcery · 8 months
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Title: Sigilcraft Mechanics: Metasigils, Hypersigils, & Knot Magic
Suggested Reading
Sigilcraft: How-to Conceptualization Vs. VisualizationAnchorsEnergetic ConstructsIntermediate Energy WorkIntro to GnosisVisualization: Effective PracticeCorrespondencesThreshold Theory Basics of Spellcasting Spell Design
CW: This article discusses | || || |_. iykyk
Sigilcraft, Metasigils, & Hypersigils
When first getting into sigilwork, you may stumble into the practices of meta/hyper sigils. Metasigils are things like sigil-chains and spell circles, or multiple sigils that are connected or combined in order to create a more specific purpose. Hypersigils are nebulous connections made between concepts and intent that are embedded into the media. Hypersigils operate off the exact same mechanics as regular sigils but they are carried through a different, more expansive, vehicle. Rather than using lines and symbols to carry their purpose, their purpose is programmed through imagery, theme, composition, color theory, mathematics/numerology, and/or energy work. Sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils represent intriguing aspects of contemporary occult practices, drawing upon psychological frameworks and symbol manipulation. Sigilcraft involves the creation and activation of sigils, which are abstract symbols charged with personal meaning and intention. These sigils serve as condensed representations of desired outcomes or transformative states. Rather than relying on explicit intentions, practitioners engage in a process of symbolic encoding to tap into the subconscious and evoke change.
Metasigils take sigilcraft a step further by incorporating multiple sigils into a larger, interconnected system. This system aims to capture a complex web of desires, beliefs, and archetypal influences. Metasigils serve as composite symbols that harmonize various facets of the practitioner's psyche, creating a unified expression of personal goals and aspirations. Through the interplay of multiple sigils within a Metasigil construct, practitioners seek to engage with deeper layers of their consciousness and facilitate transformative shifts.
Hypersigils push the boundaries of sigilcraft by expanding beyond static symbols into dynamic narrative frameworks. Hypersigils encompass a multidimensional approach, incorporating elements of storytelling, art, and personal mythology. They function as immersive vehicles that transport practitioners into a narrative world where their desires and intentions unfold. Hypersigils intertwine the symbolic power of sigils with immersive narratives, fostering a heightened level of engagement and identification. Through the ongoing interaction with the narrative construct, practitioners immerse themselves in a self-created reality that facilitates profound personal transformations.
The underlying psychological mechanisms behind sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils are rooted in the power of symbolism and the subconscious mind. By engaging in symbol manipulation and focusing attention on the sigils or narrative constructs, practitioners tap into the reservoir of the subconscious, which is receptive to symbolic language and imagery. This process operates on the principle that the subconscious mind is more receptive to indirect communication, bypassing conscious filters and allowing for greater potential for change and manifestation.
Within this psychological framework, sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils can be seen as tools that interface with cognitive processes, including attention, belief formation, and intentionality. The process of creating, activating, and interacting with these symbolic constructs involves a deliberate manipulation of cognitive processes to influence perceptions, motivations, and behaviors. By engaging with sigils, Metasigils, and Hypersigils, practitioners harness the power of suggestion, amplifying the psychological impact and aligning their subconscious processes towards desired outcomes.
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Historical Contributions
The contributions of Paracelsus (1493-1541), Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956), Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (787-886), and Zhang Guo Lao (c. 8th century) to the practice and use of sigils, talismans, and amulets were instrumental in shaping the understanding and application of these symbolic tools.
Paracelsus, a pioneering 16th century physician and alchemist, explored sigils, talismans, and amulets within his holistic approach to medicine and metaphysical philosophy. His seminal works, such as "The Book of Seven Seals" and "Philosophia Occulta," elucidated the intricate connections between the natural and spiritual realms. Paracelsus emphasized the utilization of symbols and objects to harness and channel the innate healing powers of nature, promoting the idea that the physical and spiritual aspects of existence were intimately entwined.
Austin Osman Spare, an artist and occultist, brought a unique perspective to sigils, talismans, and amulets in the early 20th century. In his influential work, "The Book of Pleasure," Spare developed a method known as "The Alphabet of Desire." This system involved the creation of personalized sigils as a means of manifesting one's desires. Spare's approach emphasized the integration of sigils into individualistic practices, wherein practitioners could tap into their subconscious and project their intentions into the symbol, without relying on external correspondences or established magical systems.
Marsilio Ficino, a 15th century Italian philosopher and astrologer, made significant contributions to the understanding and application of talismans. In his notable work, "De Vita Coelitus Comparanda," Ficino explored the concept of celestial correspondences and the use of talismans to align oneself with the cosmic forces. He believed that talismans, charged with celestial energies, could serve as conduits to bring about specific effects or virtues. Ficino's emphasis on the inherent connections between the celestial and human realms paved the way for further developments in talismanic practices.
Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi, an 8th century Persian astrologer and astronomer, explored talismans and their relationship with celestial influences. In his extensive writings, including "The Book of the Thousands" and "The Great Introduction," al-Balkhi explored the creation and application of talismans based on astrological principles. He believed that the proper alignment of planetary influences and the selection of auspicious times were crucial factors in the efficacy of talismans. His works provided a structured approach to the utilization of talismans in magical and astrological practices.
The fangshi (Occultist or Alchemist) Zhang Guo Lao, a legendary figure in Chinese Taoism during the Tang Dynasty (7th century), is associated with the creation and use of talismans. Though historical details of his life are uncertain, his role in Chinese folklore and Taoist practices is noteworthy. Zhang Guo Lao was believed to possess the ability to create and utilize magical charms and talismans. He was associated with the tradition of Taoist magical arts and was considered a master of talismanic practices.
These individuals, each with their unique perspectives and contributions, shaped the understanding and practice of sigils, talismans, and amulets. Paracelsus's holistic approach, Spare's individualistic methods, Ficino's celestial correspondences, al-Balkhi's astrological insights, and Zhang Guo Lao's mythical influence all played a significant role in the development and evolution of these symbolic tools. By exploring the interplay between natural and spiritual elements, these historical figures expanded our understanding of how sigils, talismans, and amulets can be utilized as practical and symbolic aids in various metaphysical, mystical, and magical practices.
The concept of hypersigils emerged in the field of chaos magic, and it was popularized by the occultist and writer Grant Morrison. Grant Morrison is often credited with introducing and developing the idea of hypersigils in his comic book series "The Invisibles," which was published from 1994 to 2000. Morrison expanded on this idea and proposed the concept of hypersigils, which extended the creation and activation of sigils to more complex and immersive forms of media. In "The Invisibles," Morrison incorporated his personal beliefs, desires, and intentions into the storyline, characters, and themes of the comic series. By doing so, he believed that he was effectively creating a hypersigil that would have a profound impact on his own life and the world around him. Morrison is quoted: “"The 'hypersigil' or 'supersigil' develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama, and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking"
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Uses and Applications in Witchcraft
The applications of Sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils within the models of psychological, spiritual, energetic, and informational witchcraft encompass a diverse range of practices and techniques, each with its distinct focus and approach. Sigilcraft, the creation and utilization of sigils as symbolic tools, finds relevance and applicability in these different models.
In the psychological model of witchcraft, sigils serve as potent vehicles for self-exploration, introspection, and personal transformation. Through the process of crafting and activating sigils, practitioners engage in a form of self-directed psychological programming. Sigils become encoded representations of desires, goals, or affirmations, and their activation acts as a catalyst for subconscious shifts, empowering individuals to manifest desired psychological states or changes within their own psyche.
In the spiritual model of witchcraft, sigils hold significance as sacred symbols that establish connections between the individual and the divine or spiritual realms. Through the process of crafting and consecrating sigils, practitioners forge a connection with spiritual forces or deities, invoking their guidance, protection, or blessings. Sigils become conduits for spiritual energy and serve as focal points for devotion, meditation, or ritual practices, facilitating communion with the sacred and the cultivation of spiritual growth. May also incorporate astrology to aid in constructing this connection.
Within the energetic model of witchcraft, sigils function as energetic constructs that interact with subtle forces and channels of energy. By infusing sigils with a specific energetic signature, practitioners direct and manipulate energetic currents to influence specific outcomes or to affect the energetic balance within themselves or their environment. Sigils become energetic engrams, harnessing, transmuting, and directing the flow of subtle energies to bring about desired energetic fluctuations. Due to the pervasiveness of energy within all practices, any media or symbol can be created as, or made into, a sigil.
The informational model of witchcraft recognizes sigils as symbolic codes that communicate and transmit information beyond the conscious realm. In this model, sigils serve as gateways to accessing or altering information within the collective unconscious or the larger informational field. Practitioners employ sigils to tap into the reservoir of universal knowledge, to enhance intuition, or to encode information for purposes of communication, divination, or influencing informational flows.
Metasigils, an extension of sigilcraft, further expand the possibilities within these models of witchcraft. Metasigils operate on a meta-level, encompassing multiple sigils within a unified framework. They represent complex intentions, archetypal patterns, or overarching principles, serving as beacons for desired outcomes or as catalysts for profound shifts on various levels of existence.
Hypersigils transcend the individual sigil and encompass an entire narrative or artistic creation. Hypersigils are multifaceted expressions of intention and passion, woven into a larger creative endeavor such as a novel, artwork, or performance. Through immersion in the hypersigil's narrative or experience, practitioners engage with the intention on a deeper level, blurring the boundaries between the symbolic and the lived reality, thus manifesting desired outcomes or transformations.
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Sigilwork As A Concept
The conceptual foundation of sigil magic is functionally the same as non-sigil spellwork. Both  are forms of esoteric manipulation, exhibit striking similarities when examined through a purely theoretical lens. Both rely heavily on the deliberate and purposeful application of intent, passion, and gnosis, hinged on the belief that human will, when focused, can incite change in the experienced reality.
Sigil magic operates on the premise that a practitioner, through concentrated trinity of spellwork, invests a symbol, or sigil, with a specific directive or objective. This directive, often personally significant and meticulously crafted, is embedded into the sigil during its creation. This procedure leverages the potent forces of subconscious cognition, energy work, and potentially spirit work to effectuate desired outcomes. The sigil, in this case, serves as an anchor for the working of the practitioner.
On the other hand, non-sigil spell work also hinges on the utilization of the trinity, albeit  sometimes without the symbolic component. Such spells, which can incorporate verbal utterances, physical actions, or the use of specific artifacts, aim to manifest a certain outcome by directly channeling the practitioner's will. In non-sigil spell work, it is the act or process of spell-casting that provides the energy which is typically anchored in a physical object or organism rather than a symbolic representation.
This dichotomy between the symbolic (sigil) and the action-oriented (non-sigil) methodologies offers an intriguing insight into the functional versatility of focused willpower in esoteric practices. While sigil magic employs symbols as the praxis for the working, non-sigil spell work instead often utilizes action or ritual which may not utilize this method of symbology. Despite these differences in methodology, both practices exhibit a common underlying principle: the harnessing of will (intention, passion, & gnosis) to effect desired changes. Energizing a sigil, akin to the preparatory stages of a non-sigil spell, involves focusing one's psychological, spiritual, and emotional energy on the emblematic object. This concentration of energy can be analogized to potential energy in the physical sciences - energy that is stored and ready to be transformed or released.
In the final stage of the sigil operation, commonly referred to as activation, the practitioner catalyzes the stored energy, analogous to the casting stage of non-sigil magic. Like a potential energy converted into kinetic energy when a physical object is set into motion, the activation process of an active sigil (see Sigil guide) transmutes the potential 'energy' concentrated in the sigil into a force aimed at manifesting the initial objective. The release of energy in this manner parallels the manner in which a spell is cast in non-sigil magic - a directional release of prepared energy to achieve a desired outcome. They also invariably utilize energy work, subconsciously or otherwise, to program the work towards a specific direction; move the work towards its target; and cause manifestation to a certain degree.
Furthermore, through the Spare method a meme, like the well-known "Loss", starts as an explicitly narrative unit. The original comic strip, that gave birth to the "Loss" meme, encapsulates a specific narrative—a poignant moment in a larger story. When this meme gets abstracted into a series of connected lines (| || || |_), it undergoes a transformative process akin to the creation of a Spare sigil, where an idea or goal is reduced to an abstract symbol.
The process of abstraction is central to this model, severing the explicit link between the signifier (the meme or sigil) and the signified (the original narrative or goal), thereby enabling the meme or sigil to be loaded with new meanings. Through the principle of intertextuality, each subsequent iteration of the meme or sigil can carry additional layers of meaning based on its relationship with other texts or cultural artifacts, further augmenting its power or ability.
When a meme is shared, engaged with, and re-contextualized by numerous individuals across the digital landscape, it can accumulate a form of energy. This propagation, engagement, and subsequent energy accumulation parallel the charging phase in sigil work.
The final aspect of this model concerns the activation of the sigil or the triggering of the meme's energy. When the meme is encountered in a context that aligns with its charged energy—whether that's humor, shock, or another emotional reaction—it discharges this energy, catalyzing a change in the perceiver's consciousness. This change is the operative goal in both meme propagation and sigil magic, making memes an intriguing tool for modern magical practitioners.
This concept is relatively mirrored by spellwork and spiritual practices found in pop-culture magic. Where a spell or being is used in real life. Pop-culture spellwork operates on similar principles to traditional spellwork, with pop culture entities taking the place of classical magical symbols or archetypes. For instance, a practitioner might call upon a character from a popular film or book, seeing in that character a symbolic representation of the qualities they wish to evoke or the changes they aspire to make. This is akin to how a sigil operates: an abstracted symbol carrying potentially accumulated meanings, invoked to initiate a desired change. Spirits conceptualized this way can become what is referred to as an egregore, or a thoughtform, which is forged in the idea of “the collective consciousness”. These entities, much like memes, are imbued with a certain collective energy derived from the shared cultural understanding and emotional investment of their audience. Intertextuality and abstraction play significant roles in both practices. In pop-culture spellwork, the entities used are intertextual, their meanings and energies derived from their relationships with other cultural artifacts. In pop-culture spiritwork, the practitioner often abstracts the entity from its original context, enabling it to carry new or additional meanings.
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Applications of Sigil Conceptualization via Gnosis
The application of sigil conceptualization via gnosis demonstrates its efficacy and adaptability in various magical practices, such as knot magic, candle magic, rune magic, and kitchen magic. Gnosis, referring to a state of deep intuitive insight or focus (typically propagated through the cultivation of a conducive headspace), serves as a powerful catalyst for sigil work. The process involves the practitioner entering a heightened state, transcending ordinary awareness to connect with their intention and passion.
Knot magic, a practice found in diverse cultural traditions, involves the tying of knots to manifest desired outcomes. Through the use of knots, imbued with symbolic significance, practitioners harness the power of intention and gnosis to weave their desires into the fibers. By tying and untying knots with purposeful focus, the practitioner establishes a tangible representation of their intention through abstraction, activating the energetic potential of the work. This is nearly a 1:1 correlation to sigilwork.
Candle magic, another commonly employed practice, utilizes the element of fire as a transformative agent. The practitioner chooses a specific colored candle that corresponds with their intention, and through passion and gnosis, infuses the candle with their energy. As the flame flickers and dances, it serves as a medium for the manifestation of the spell’s purpose, releasing the intent into the universe.
Rune magic, outside of divination, is derived from ancient Germanic and Norse traditions, involves the use of runic symbols as conduits for magical workings. The practitioner, with deep gnosis, selects specific runes that resonate with their intention. By inscribing or projecting the chosen runes, they infuse them with their energy and connect with the inherent energies represented by the symbols. The runic sigils act as channels through which the practitioner channels their will and taps into the primal forces of creation. 
Kitchen magic, rooted in the practical aspects of everyday life, utilizes the preparation and consumption of food as a magical act. With a focused mind and gnosis, practitioners infuse ingredients and dishes with their will. By combining culinary techniques, herbs, spices, and energetic and maybe even ritualistic preparation, they create edible hypersigils that carry their encoded purpose. As the food is consumed, it serves as a vehicle for the manifestation of the magical intent, bringing transformative energies into the practitioner's life through their physical body.
The applications of sigil conceptualization via gnosis in knot magic, candle magic, rune magic, and kitchen magic highlight the versatility and potency of this approach. By bypassing the psychological model and eschewing specific religious or ceremonial frameworks, these practices provide a pragmatic and accessible avenue for magical workings. Through the fusion of focused intention, symbolism, and intuitive insight, practitioners unlock the transformative potential of sigils and harness the universal forces at play in the world.
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Ideas to Consider When Using Sigils in Spellwork
Since sigil magic can be considered a spell within itself and its core concepts permeate such a large area of magical practice, it would be wise to consider just how it is used as a component in spell work. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if your sigil would interact with your working in a hindering way:
Does my sigil’s meaning align exactly with the purpose of my spell? 
Yes: Beyond using it as a correspondence, or a physical representation of the threshold you’re creating, it will not help or harm the spell itself. If you want or need such representation or reminder it may be helpful for casting.
No: Next question 
Does my sigil avoid all concepts that are in my spell?
Yes: Will the sigil still work towards the purpose of the spell?
Yes: This sigil will aid the spell, as a spell itself rather than as a correspondence, but it won't necessarily help the caster.
No: Why are you using it? Perhaps omit it or find another to use.
No: Next question
Does my sigil represent my target?
Yes: This will work effectively so long as the sigil is energetically activated and/or can evoke solid memories, imagery, voices, and characteristics of the target.
No: Next question
Is my sigil used purely for correspondence?
Yes: Next question
No: Does the sigil imply some verbage or means of manifestation?
Yes: Next question
No: This sigil may potentially interact, though without more specific information it is difficult to tell.
Did I activate my sigil, or plan to?
Yes: Correspondence or manifestation?
Correspondence: If you plan to activate it, it would be wise to reconsider. If it is already activated, it would be wise to recreate an inactive version.
Manifestation: This sigil will work well for your purposes, so long as the means of manifestation are the same as the means defined by the spell.
No: This sigil will work for your purposes.
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Patron Shoutouts!
Megan Kipp Jinsu Ing Mar Cosmicaquamarie Ash Elizabeth T.
Thank you for your continued support! My patrons help me maintain the drive to create content and help me keep food in my pantry. 
Support me! Here's a Masterpost of all my planned and published content! This post was reviewed and edited by ChatGPT.
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cecillias-garden · 3 years
Sigil Sunday
Today I bring you not one, but three sigils of my own design. They are intended to protect, keep the caster safe from bigotry and hatred in all of it's forms. Each comes with a Core of Pride, a message that the caster is unapologetically who they are, and that no one can take that from them. The First Version is devoted to the Asexual Community. While many of you struggle with exclusion and misunderstanding from all sides, know that I support you unconditionally. The Sigil's Core contains a Metasigil for Asexual Pride - which members of the community are welcome to adapt to whatever purposes they find.
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The Remaining Two come as a pair, devoted to the Trans and Genderqueer Communities. The Core remains the same, my sigil for Genderqueer Pride, but the message around the inner circle is altered to reflect a more specific form of that pride. May you find acceptance of who you are, and thrive in the essence of thine self.
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With these sigils, I pledge my support to the queer community, and offer kindness in the face of our unique struggles. You are worthy of love and support.
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foxcoloredcat · 6 years
Planeswalker Profile: Isolde
Name: Isolde Solstice
Age: 24
Color identity: WGU
Race: Angel (Amesha)
Pronouns: She/her
Appearance: Isolde is 6’10” with broad white wings and a toned physique. Her skin is a warm brown and loose ginger curls frame her face.
Plane of origin: Bant (Pre-Conflux)
First planeswalk: Shandalar
Magic powers: Isolde’s magic is mostly supportive in nature, granting boons to those who fight with her or healing them. As an angel of Bant many of her spells are cast through hymns although those she has learned on other planes are not. She also has learned binding and evasion magic from her planeswalker tutor as well as some counterspelling. Isolde also possesses the ability to magically produce sigils.
Proficiencies: Isolde’s preferred method of combat is with her blade and shield. She’s adept at fighting both in the air and on the ground. By virtue of being an angel she is exceptionally strong and hardy.
Backstory: Long before there was an Isolde there was a young mortar woman on Bant named Elaine. She was short in stature and slight of build, but she was determined to become a sigiled knight or perhaps even a Blessed noble. From a young age she would train with any knight errant who would give a young farmer the time of day. Eventually one recognized her valorous spirit and took her as his squire. For years she trained, earning sigils and fighting in Bant’s wars until she became a knight of great renown. She married into a noble family of Valeron and became the matriarch of a sprawling network of children and grandchildren, training each generation to fight just as she had up until she was too feeble to do so any longer.
Very old and frail the time of Elaine’s death grew close. Surrounded by family members and angels, who were there should her soul ascended into a new sister, she passed away at the age of 93. As expected Elaine’s soul mixed with Bant’s metasigils to create a new angel, but suddenly the light of the forming angel vanished from the room.
Elaine had possessed the spark of a planeswalker, but in all her years never had she experienced any emotion strong enough to awaken it. But being remade into a new being? That was enough to trigger the power of her planeswalker spark and the newly formed angel Isolde found herself very alone and confused on Shandalar.
All angels come into being knowing and Isolde was no different. She knew her name was Isolde. She knew her purpose was to serve as an Amesha of Valor. She knew her home was Bant. But she didn’t know where that was or how to get there. The angels of Thune discovered her and accepted her as one of their own and she lived among them for several years until she met a strange mystic named Shuna.
Shuna and Isolde became fast friends as they worked to repel slivers from towns in the countryside and eventually Isolde found herself confiding her secret knowledge to Shuna. In return the mystic confided in her as well; she was a planeswalker and she suspected that Isolde was also from another world as she was.
It took some time, but they traveled the planes together, seeking out Bant. The welcome Isolde received was not the one she sought, however. It had been a decade since she had vanished completely from their sight and her sudden reappearance raised some suspicions about the strange angel. It didn’t help matters that for some reason, possibly her spark, Isolde was more willful than her peers, willing to break tradition to help those in need.
For a few years she traveled Bant, serving as a simple knight errant rather than a prestigious amesha, but eventually she had to come to terms with the fact that though she had hoped for it for so long her destiny was not to serve on the plane of her origin. She took her skills elsewhere, moving from plane to plane and helping those she could.
One day she found herself on a new plane called Ravnica and found herself entangled in the life of a handsome young wojek who was in the middle of being assassinated...
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horselover93 · 6 years
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sigildaily · 9 years
“I will be creatively bountiful, financially independent, intellectually stimulated and emotionally fulfilled.”
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A brush and ink remake of one of our metasigils.
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bluereverend · 9 years
(Remastered) I toss the bones I hold In my left hand Into the air, And watch their paths As well as their arrangement Both as an individuals In the microcosm And the whole of the macrocosm. The moment the bones hit the ground The earth begins to tremble In ripples That flow outward From where my feet touch the earth In all directions As buildings fall. I look down again To where the bones had lain Where now only lies the fallen bodies Of my enemies. No ripples emanate outward, Now only blood so crimson and sour smelling I turn away Lest I wretch, My anger swells at the sight Like a devil wave Because it was all so Avoidable To the very moment I cast the lot. But no one stepped forward To catch my hand Or intervene, And a single tear Runs down my face From the corner of my left eye Because I realize Since no one stopped me The action was justified. Music by Grant Holden
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wolvensnothere · 10 years
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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Golden sun heralds the coming age
Watchful of the weirding ways...
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
Sigil Commissions: OPEN
To submit a commission, DM me for payment options and after that we will discuss the sigil’s purpose. I will only be working on 3 commissions at a time. I will provide a waiting list to each commissioner that will be updated daily.
One sigil: $5
Sigil chain (Metasigil): $15
Spell Circle: $25 (Sigil chain included)
Animated sigil: $80
Hypersigil (artwork): $125
All commissions will include the sigil name, correspondences, and incantation.*
Examples of my sigils
Examples of my sigil chains & spell circles
Examples of my animated sigils
Examples of my artwork
If you’d like to know more about me and my blog, request content, or ask a question, click here.
To see a list of my current and planned content, click here.
Other Services:
Divination: ◊♃◊
Script Making: ◉≑◉
*For legal purposes, these commissions are considered art commissions for entertainment purposes only. Commissions are non-refundable. Commissions may not be used for public, publishing, or business uses without paying for their usage ($60) and this blog (Grey-Sorcery.tumblr.com) MUST be credited for its creation in each implementation of its usage. Any replication or un sanctioned usage of my work will be met with a lawsuit unless the aforementioned conditions are met. By requesting a commission, you are declaring your awareness to the aforementioned disclaimers and conditions. These conditions apply to any Sigils published on this blog or given for free through raffle events.
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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*Attracting Companionable*
[Programed Psionic Engine (Hypervisual)]
Harmonizer patterned field to attract sympathetic vibrations to your own
Eloptic energy wave manipulator programmed to cancel out conflicting energies that seek to bring discord
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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Pathway Within
Inside of you vines reach
tendrils unfurling
curling around the stem of your mind
Moss creeps
holding hands with fungus
fingers intertwined between your ribs
Lichen sparkles behind your eyes
While lotus rises from
the wet dark depth of your guts
into the sunlight of your throat
Algae bubbles through your teeth
Fruits are budding in the long grasses
of your arms and legs
Now when the wind touches you
a rustling of a thousand marshes calls out
Sings a song of lush and fecund
•°• ✾ •°•°• ✾ •°•| ⊱✿⊰ |•°• ✾ •°•°• ✾ •°•
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crazyskirtlady · 9 months
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Altar💗 of 💗Sweetness
Endear yourself to others💗
Increase connections🌐
Protection from harm🛡️
♥️to activate the sugar 🔄to cast protection
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