#merman nico
yonemurishiroku · 1 year
The Little Mermaid AU in which Bianca is Ariel who has left her brother to see the land, falls in love with someone up there, and dies trying to get his love.
And now Nico, with his sister gone, resents the land and the humans living on it - hides away in the trench, his tears ripples across the currents, creating numerous disasters in the sea, drowning many sailors alike in his own loneliness.
And Percy just happens to be a pirate obsessed with conquering dangerous seas.
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elvenpixiex · 14 days
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And here he is! Another take on Merman Nico 🧜‍♀️🫧
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blancherries-art · 1 month
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It feels good to be back.
(A more risque version under the cut)
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g0thnico · 6 months
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Day 2: mermaid/merman
Day 1: vampire
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happyk44 · 1 year
The cabin door was locked. Nico stiffly knocked on Percy's door, but no response. He wasn't sure why Percy had called him. He'd loudly yelled for Nico to come to his cabin and then hung up. Didn't even have the decency to unlock the door first.
Nico sighed, finding a dark spot behind the cabin to slip into. The inside of the Poseidon cabin was always homey. Maybe it was Percy - an instinctive creature comfort to Nico. Or maybe it was the water motifs, the bubbling fountain and soft blues, that reminded Nico of Venice and sitting in his mother's lap while they sailed down the canal on a gondola.
The cabon itself was empty, but rhedoor to the batjroom was creaked open just a smidge. Nico eyed ir warily. "Percy?" he called out.
"In here!" Percy called back.
"You better be decent," Nico grumbled as he pushed open the bathroom door.
Percy was, in fact, decent. Well, as decent as one could be when they were a mermaid. The first thing that Nico noticed was the dark blue tail. It was squished awkwardly in the bathtub. The end fins, whatever they were called, stuck out over the end of the tub.
Percy, himself, was sitting hunched over, looking absolutely miserable. His spine had a series of spiked fins, more rigid than the near translucent tail fins but just as floppy. They were a grayish blue, and trailed down his back into his new tail. Nico couldn't see much below the water but he had a sense that if he followed that trail, it would lead him right to the end of Percy's tail.
A small series of shimmery dark blue scales spotted up from the tail and over Percy's stomach before fading out by the time it reached his chest. His fingers were webbed.
Brows furrowed, Nico stepped closer. "How..."
"I don't know!" Percy wailed.
It was sharp and deep guttaral sound, that vibrated through Nico's core and rattled his bones. Percy groaned and hunched over even more. The fins on his back fluttered angrily.
This time, when he spoke, it was quieter. "I was visiting my dad yesterday because he asked, and I wanted to see Tyson." He flicked at the still water pooled around him. "And maybe.. got into it with Triton."
"About what?" Nico sat, criss-crossed, beside the tub.
Percy scowled. "Tyson wanted to make me a shield for my birthday, he told him not to deviate because they're still restocking Dad's armory I told him to lay off Tyson, he can do what he wants, we started arguing and..." His eyes darted away as he trailed off.
Nico stared pointedly at his cheek. "And?" Percy tilted even further away. Nico stared harder. "And?"
Percy caved, wincing from his shoulders all the way down to the flip of his tail fins. "I kind of... Punched him."
"He was being a dick!" Percy protested. He covered his face and groaned. The water churned dangerously beneath him, going frothy. "He's always such a fucking asshole when I'm around. I get it - I'm Dad's illegitimate whatever but like fuck off, I don't want your shitty throne, I just want to live to see tomorrow, you jackass."
Nico twisted his ring as he considered what he knew about Triton. "He doesn't like most of his demigod siblings, Percy. It's not the illegitimate aspect - he just thinks if you're going to be associated with Poseidon, you should be under his rule." Nico shrugged. "You're human, so you won't be. And you're his son, the untameable, uncontained ocean. So living under someone's rule isn't really for you."
"So Triton's the fuck-up?"
Nico rolled his eyes. "Triton is Triton. You are you." He prodded Percy's tail. "So why the tail?"
"I don't fucking know." The water began to boil. "But I do know once this shit wears off, I'm kicking his fucking merman ass."
"Because that's not gonna exacerbate the problem?" Percy shot him a dirty look. Nico grinned wickedly.
He flicked Nico's forehead. "Just help me get to the beach so I can swim down there and kill him."
Nico snorted. "I'm not doing that. I will, however, get you breakfast since..." He gestured loosely to Percy's... everything.
Percy's tail flipped in a huff, but he sighed dramatically. "Fine."
Pushing off the ground, Nico headed for the door. A thought blistered by him. He smiled quietly and pushed through the doorway, peeking back in. "Also I'm taking a picture."
A sprout of water hurtled for him just as he slammed the door shut. Behind it, Percy shouted, "No, the fuck you're not!"
Nico giggled to him as he slipped into a nearby shadow. Yes, the fuck he was.
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swemtpotamtam · 3 months
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Beast of the Deep
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xijura · 2 years
Prince Nico sneaked out to visit his secret merman boyfriend against his father's wishes 🐳. Hope he doesn't get caught 👀😨...
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rybkart · 2 years
Merman nico 'cause why not .
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pjohoo-reclists · 7 days
hi! do you have any percico fic recommendations? i’m sure you do but i couldn’t find them, lol
Actually I dont have any posted yet!! Here you go. Thanks for the request. Enjoy!!
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo Fic Recs
A list of fics featuring the romantic relationship between Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo.
Dog Sled Racing by robindrake93
T | 600 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Puppies, Fluff, Short One Shot
Percy and Nico try to train Mrs. O'Leary's puppies.
To Give Yourself To Someone by cabin13 (friendlypeach) 
T | 1.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Wedding Fluff, Speeches, Married Couple
Percy laughs, watching one of his closest friends stand up, almost bringing the tablecloth with him. “You’re being ridiculous!” Nico yells as Grover runs to the centre of the room. Eyes alight, slightly shadowed by black curls, a smile pushing insistently at his lips even as he tries to tamp it down – Nico is glowing with happiness. They’ve come a long way. And there's longer to go, still. Percy grabs his husband’s hand, warmth blooming in his chest.
a well-known fact about feelings by nlieco (madin456)
G | 1.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Internalized Homophobia
The thing about being a boy and liking another boy is: it’s not supposed to happen.
A Happy Ending by HK44
G | 1.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, Happy Ending, Domesticity
People make jokes that Percy would never handle domesticity. That he attracts danger like Hazel attracts cursed metals. He laughs along because they’re not wrong.
Something Bitter by sulucandles
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, One sided, Coming Out
Percy's not as oblivious as everyone thinks he is. Or an examination into Nico and Percy's relationship through PJO and HoO
It's a Seal! by Takara_Phoenix
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
AU - No gods, Merman Percy, Selkie Percy
Nico loves the aquarium, especially the turles and one marine biologist in particular.
My College Boyfriend by Takara_Phoenix
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Good boyfriend Percy Jackson, Fluff, Age Difference
Nico is seventeen and the best damn thing that has ever happened to him is his five years older boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Now if only Nico's friends would believe him that gloomy, anti-social Nico could land a gorgeous college student... Something always came up when Nico wanted to introduce them and at this point, Percy is known as Nico's imaginary boyfriend. Good thing Percy is awesome and knows how to change that though.
Pass the Eggs by DancingInTheSliverGlow
G | 3.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Canon Compliant, Protective Percy Jackson, Gay disaster Nico di Angelo
“Yes.” Percy says. “You don’t have to befriend everyone in Camp Half Blood. I just want you to have somewhere you feel safe and welcome. Okay?” A lump forms in his throat, and Nico looks away. It’s been a long time since anyone has looked out for him, the way Percy is doing now. He nods. “Great!” Percy grins, ear to ear, and Nico thinks that it’s a bit like looking in the sun. Beautiful in small quantities, but overwhelming and blinding in too much. Percy speeds off to his room to get changed and to get his skateboards, and Nico leans back against the wall in the hallway, head in his hands. He’s so, so far in over his head. Aka. Post BotL Nico visits Percy. They talk about how Nico's powers are perceived, and about how camp half blood treats children of the big three.
Perspective by chiiyo86
T | 6.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Outsider POV
Sally knows her son, knows that something isn't right. She just isn't sure what he could be hiding from her.
A Bat in the Hand by Takara_Phoenix 
G | 8.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Fluff, AU - Supernatural Elements, Vet Percy
Percy is a hard-working student, on his way to become a vet, because he loves animals. And then a cute, little bat crash-lands on his balcony. Of course he has to take the little guy in and nurse him back to health. Nico is a dangerous and powerful vampire lord. And then he has a run-in with vampire hunters and, in his bat-form, loses conscience and crashes on a balcony.
Some of Them by betsib
M | 11k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Abuse
Percy haven't seen Nico di Angelo in five years, then he suddenly turns up in Percy's living room in the middle of the night, injured and asking for help. At first Percy thinks it's a fight gone wrong, but he soon realizes the truth is far worse than that.
you're never lost at sea by kat777
M | 20k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Acceptance, Suicidal Thoughts
The second time he tries to kill himself, Percy doesn’t talk his ear off, just gives him an ultimatum—he can either come live with Percy and Annabeth in their apartment in New Rome, or Percy will tell Hazel what he’s done. Nico pictures the devastated look on her face, the tears welling up in her eyes, her lips trembling and pressed in a thin line. Percy says he has a choice, and it makes Nico laugh for the first time since the battle at the House of Hades, because it’s no choice at all. OR, Nico attempts suicide, Percy saves him, and years pass before either of them are even remotely all right.
Kiss a Boy in Tokyo Town by antistar_e (kaikamahine)
T | 57k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Novella, Infidelity
You know what they say, Percy Jackson. If you can't stand the heat, get out of hell.
Enriched By Envy by HK44
M | 63k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Magic, Protectiveness, Dark Percy Jackson
Waking up at the bottom of the ocean was not on Nico's bucket list. Trying to figure out why Percy was suddenly so clingy and possessive of him wasn't on there either.
The Case of the Dying Flower by chiiyo86
E | 72k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Murder Mystery, Slow burn, Soul Bond
It's not that Nico has been avoiding Percy for the past two years, of course not. It's just that he doesn't like to be reminded of the stupid crush he had on him when he was younger. So when Percy seeks him out with the message that the goddess Aphrodite wants to see both of them, Nico is less than enthusiastic. Before he knows it, he finds himself forcibly bonded to Percy and they're sent on a strange quest: solving a murder that happened thousands of years ago and whose primary suspects are gods.
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askthelovenest · 2 months
OC F/O Takeover!
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For the month of April, my OC F/Os will be taking over my blog!
This isn't a community wide event. I'm doing this all on my own, but anyone else is free to participate too!
The rules are the same as usual.
Here are the lucky sons of guns that'll be open for asks!
Nico: Raven Harpy
Enzo: Werewolf
Angus: Shire Draft Centaur
Florence: Slime Monster
Baahir: Snake Monster
Jedrick: Shark Merman
Philip: Spider Monster
Kazimierz: Plant Monster
Cieszmir: Magical Suit of Armor
Gateau de Velours Rouge: Demon
Octavius: Mothman
Orville: Zombie
Gilen: Gargoyle
Lexington: Ghost
Camilio Cross: Human
Panther: Yautja (Predator)
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
Merman Nico but like. The universe is a sea. The cosmos is a sea. Time flows like water. Space fills the corner. It's dark and it's endless. Nico hides the universe in his eyes and swims across the sky. His scales are the stars, and his hair is the night frozen over.
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drunkenlionwrites · 10 months
Then may we have mer!Woowoo's first time with reader? 👀
One more mer!drabble. I literally got them one by one 🫣 Some love for Nico now!
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You’ve been now gently tucked into the seaweed bedding inside an underwater cave, where you’ve been taken by a certain merman that stole your heart. You could’ve never imagine you’d meet one, even though there’s been murmurs among your family and the whole village in general that they exist and sometimes steal humans.
Though you were sure that was not the case. This man has been nothing but gentle and sweet to you so far. He’s been bringing you cute trinkets and gifts, consisting of shells and pieces of corals, sometimes big fish or even ocean mammals he caught himself. Your family knew this and your grandma has always accepted his gifts graciously, bowing to him politely and nudging you to go closer into the water to thank him, which always made him puff his chest proudly and flash you with big grins.
What your family didn’t know, however, that when the sky became dark, you’d slip from the house and go to visit your favourite merman without prying eyes around you. You two couldn’t properly communicate verbally, but his gentle caresses and big fascinated eyes were enough for you. You let him tress his fingers along your sides and hips, let him press his chilly puffy lips to yours, let him nuzzle into your chest and neck. You let him do anything to you, cause you looked at him with the same fascination.
So that’s how you found yourself in this cave. During one of the nights, your mermay lover just took you in his arms and swam away from the beach shore, later diving underwater, trying to reach the destination as quickly as he could. As water started filling your lungs, you’ve thought that it was your end for sure, but it all ended in several seconds, as you’ve felt that he pushed you out of the water onto the rocky surface and then plopped onto beside you himself. He looked guilty now, and was gently rubbing your back and shoulders to calm you down.
You coughed some water out and looked around — the place looked unbelievably…homey? The walls were decorated with pretty shells and dead starfishes (you hoped they were dead), the faraway corner of the cave was all covered in a thick layer of dried up and soft seaweed, which you walked to. You’ve been angry at your him, but your curiosity won over as you’ve started exploring the cave. “Is it your home?” you asked the merman, to which he shook his head. “Then what is it?” At that he chirped loudly and pointed at you, moving his body closer to you into the cave. “Me? But…why? What for?” You asked in confusion. He chirped more, trying to explain, but it wasn’t like you could’ve understood him. “Will you bring me back?” you hesitantly asked, fearing the worst, and he enthusiastically nodded, now holding your shoulders with both hands.
He looked at you once again with those big grey eyes, looking mesmerised and still a bit guilty, as he swiped off the strands of wet hair out of your face. You exhaled and moved closer to press a tender kiss onto his lips. It was impossible to stay mad at him for long, and now you weren’t even feeling afraid, comforted by his happy smiles and a promise to bring you back up. You actually felt safe here.
As he kissed you back, his embrace became tighter and the movements of his lips more demanding. He pushed his tongue onto your lips to make you open your mouth and once you did that, he deepened the kiss, pushing your shoulders gently to lay you on the seaweed blanket. You’ve felt his hand roaming over your body, the weight of his body pleasantly pressing into you, as he still held the most of it up with one arm.
He’s been panting already once you broke the kiss. He looked into your eyes once again, as one of his hands trailed down your body and touched your puffiness in between your legs as if asking permission. You looked at him and so enamoured with his soft gaze you nodded at him, instantly feeling his hand cupping your pussy as he roared slightly and rushed back to press open-mouthed kisses on your neck and shoulders.
You giggled and held him close to you, as he hoisted up your sleeping dress and began sliding his fingers in between your folds. From adrenaline rush and then from his hot kisses you’ve already have been very desperate and wet for him, so he slid inside of you without any resistance, soon establishing a slow and pleasurable pace that earned him your sweet mewls and arching back. You put your hand on his and carefully guided his fingers into your clit, making him repeat the gentle circular movements around it. As soon as he felt you twitching and moaning louder, he grinned and repeatedly stoked it again and again, watching as you writhed under him. He continued abusing your newfound weakness until you pulsed around his fingers and brought him back to your lips to kiss him hungrily, moaning into his mouth.
He laid down and put his head onto your chest, hugging you tightly with one arm as you came down from your high. By the way his fingers were still inside of you, you knew this was only the beginning.
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pagenne · 6 days
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Mental Health, Cussing
Genre: Fluff and slight angst
Part 1
I got you sister...
After the war with Gaia and getting out of Tartarus alive whilst forming new friendships with camp jupiter— Percy's days has been pleasantly peaceful, which he believed was too good to be true considering the Gods.
While hanging out with his girlfriend, Annabeth. A young camper suddenly went up to them and told them that Chiron was looking for both of them.
The lovers shared questioning glances at each other, both of them worrying about the same thing if another prophecy had revealed itself, and if it's talking about them.
They went to the big house and was surprised to see Nico waiting outside by the doorframe.
"Nico, what's going on?" Nico didn't say anything for a moment before turning his head and staring at both Percy and Annabeth. "You should go see it for yourselves."
Percy held Annabeth's hand for support as they both went inside and was even more surprised to hear an object being thrown to a wall by the clinic and hurriedly went over there to see what was going on.
"Will!" They saw the young Apollo boy with his hands held in front of him as if in surrender as he tries to calm someone in one of the rooms he was in.
"Shh..." Chiron was inside the room. Shushing the lovers and requesting them to shut their mouths. Percy looked over his girlfriend's shoulder— only to see a little girl hiding behind the beds.
He could hear her sobbing. Her eyes red and puffy as tears continue to drop from her sea green eyes.... 'Wait, Sea green eyes...?' Percy pondered.
"It's okay... Don't be scared... We'll help you..." Will said in a soothing voice, trying to calm the panicked child. After a few minutes, they could see she was slowly calming down and Will took this chance to take a few steps closer to her.
"There, There," Percy watched as how Will gently tries comfort her trembling form and carries her to the bed. He saw dribbles of red blood on her hand, explaining the broken glass and vases inside the room.
Soon after that, Chiron explained to them that a merman that showed up by the coast near the camp, visited him last night with a sleeping girl in his arms. The merman told him that she was a daughter of Poseidon, who had suffered from heavy abuse by her own mother and step-father, together with her other step-siblings. The merman warned him to take good care of her, or else the God of seas will take drastic measures himself.
Percy was confused for a moment. Who was this merman? And did his father really say that? Whatever the case, after hearing what his new little sister had suffered, he didn't really care what his father might do. All he knows is that he needs to let his little sister know that she's safe now.
After an hour, Will got out of the room and informed them that she was sleeping. However, he brought terrible news. Currently, the girl was mute and is suffering from PTSD due to the amount of trauma she carries at such a young age. Furthermore, he had found out last night that she had so many bruises and scars from constant abuse.
Percy's blood almost evaporated like a volcano. Constant abuse? TO A CHILD NOT OLDER THAT 10 YEARS OLD?!
Percy thought that those people with her in that terrible house were fucking insane. They were monsters, each and every one of them.
Chiron told Percy to wait for his little sister until she heals and has the strength to take a step outside the clinic. So for now, he had to prepare his cabin that might not frighten and threaten the little girl's mental health.
Percy immediately jumped into action with the help of Annabeth and his friends. (Grover, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Will.) They decorated the cabin a little bit, making it a bit more outgoing and radiating a positive aura.
Percy even asked his mom, Sally, if she could bake some cookies for his new little sister, and Sally happily agreed.
When the day has finally come where you get to step out of the clinic and go to your cabin. Your older half-brother was already waiting for you with open arms.
He greeted you with a gentle smile, but you didn't say anything back. You founded it difficult to even utter out a word, and was still scared to say anything regardless. Percy was very understanding with you. Taking his time to understand the things you find comfortable with and the things you dislike.
He noticed that you felt pressured when you were out on public during the camp tour as almost every camper had their eyes on you.
You started sweating and tears were gradually building up in your eyes. Percy noticed it quickly and carried you back to your cabin with his eyes glaring at the people who were staring at you.
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flower1622 · 2 months
Male characters as creatures
. Nico (Zombie):
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. Will (Fairy):
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. Leo (Elf):
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. Jason (Ghost):
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. Frank (Werewolf):
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. Luke (Vampire):
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. Percy (Merman):
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Also random but Jenson being a fisherman who used to bump into nico sometimes when he was fishing in nico's territory and loved to annoy him <3
He is quite concerned when rhe pretty, sulky merman disappears but then one day, a storm tips his boat and he washes ashore in the cove, where Nico finds him and even though he almost drowned he still makes a cheeky joke and nico threatens to throw him back in the water lmao
(Also jenson being so relieved maxy is okay cos maybe nico told him how stressed he was?)
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swemtpotamtam · 4 months
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some more doodles of the merm au! mermNico went for a swim but the weather was too freezing so he came back to Niners' place all covered in icicles thankfully there were enough blankets and towels to help the merm be all warm and cozy again
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